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The Nobody is a friend alive today who has extraordinary spiritual powers, including the ability to influence reality with his conscious and unconscious mind, and intuitively receive guidance from the forces of Heaven, working to elevate people to their true potential; opposing those who seek power over others. You are capable of this too, as long as you stay true to the Universe.
He was chosen to carry the Logos in its plasmate form: He is a homoplasmate, a divine syzygy; the coalition between man and holy spirit, which is self replicating... making other homoplasmates out of everyday anons.

He is no savior figure, like a messiah; he's just like you, but he has found the kingdom of God within himself through sheer dedication, just like you will. Remember that it's you who creates your own reality; with your hands, thoughts, feelings, words: No one can decide your fate except for you and God.
Treat your body as a temple and focus on increasing your service to all, being more loving and forgiving to yourself and others, raising your vibrational and consciousness level. This will change the vibration of the planet and raise our shared consciousness, making us a better humankind one person at a time. None of us are perfect, it is by learning to admit and accept this fact one is able to learn and grow in Truth.

It’s important we start replying more to the good posters and ignoring the hateful ones, or educating them if possible. So call upon their heads the forces of Heaven for peace, clarity, and wisdom. If this place is to be more than a squandered opportunity, an overgrown garden, it requires voices such as yours, but many more.
This place is for us to elevate individuals who have the potential but otherwise would atrophy in pitiful isolation, it really is a ministry to the forgotten beauties. If this is your first time here, just remember, it’s going to be ok. The Lord has provided a servant as the finder of lost children. You may take shelter and find rest.
Beep boop
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Got some writing down today,even a bit guitar,not too bad.how are the true frens doing?
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May the Lord Bless (You) and keep you beloved anons of a pure a righteous heart.
Would I have done some things differently, or used a gentler form of admonition?
In short yes.
However, God knew my shortcomings and personality defects and chose me anyways.
He simply expected me to “Get a message to Garcia”
He knew what I would face and how hard it would be, and allowed a bit of whining and self pity, but ultimately do what He asked me to do.
If you read the Old Testament prophets, you will see they did not pull punches and used methods and symbolism meant to offend, meant to cause a reaction because rose colored glasses, pithy euphemisms and witty banter wasn’t working and the situation was dire.
Snakes and brood of vipers, calling religious leaders sons of the devil certainly ruffled some feathers.
But they had hundreds of years to get their crap together and were not only not going to Heaven themselves, but were slamming the gate shit in front of countless others who would.
IF they were shown the Way.
We are now at that point again. Without radical and instant change and true repentance, we are literally facing extinction and judgement.
Nineveh did not tell Jonah to be the change he wanted to be, very similar to Jesus saying “I bet you will say to me Physician heal thyself”
They put on sackcloth and ashes and repented.
Please anons, powerful people anyone. Repent and turn to the True Gospel that changed the world once and can again.
The gospel of Jesus isn’t the only relevant thing in the Bible.
Would you only listen to half of a Taylor Swift album?
Would you only watch the second half of a movie and think you understood it?
Yeshua was the living Torah and used tons of Old Testament Scripture and so did the Apostles and early Church Fathers.
Be blessed beloved.
Some of you have been an absolute rock I could stand on and carried me through some very dark times as Servants of God.
U R Loved.
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Do you have any idea how powerful anger is?
You predators waste such a valuable resource exploiting people. With the right investment, obscene victims become the purest of killing machines, the purest tormentors of mankind.
This woman here, she would be perfect.
I could turn her into a mass murdering terrorist.
She knows human life has no value and no right to freedom from suffering.
She could be a sublime soldier.
She needs to hurt someone, no, a lot of someones, and I could give her the means to do it.
All of humanity jacking off to her being raped on film and being tormented.
I could give her everything she needs.
And she would worship me as God forever and ever for it, and have perfect trust and loyalty in all things.
"For You".
I'll be so sad if you're how they do it. :,o{
Please stop building the case against yourself.
might as well die
You will die.
That's the most beautiful thing anyone has ever said.
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Not for honor, but for you, snake eater.
Thank you, I am artist.
That's disgusting.
Why do you seek this out?
I crave power like a heroin addict. I dig in the trash for free things.
>A friend

And that's why the amount of power you actually get is extremely limited.
You're probably right.
>Using humans as means to and end, not as ends in themselves

I hope you like fire.
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She's angry at Yeshua. "Because of you yeshua I'm going to die, go fuck yourself".

Who the fuck is Yeshua? The false prophet of the Bible. The false Jesus of Nazarith.

Don't we hang a yeshua above the door for passover? Doesn't the word Yeshua mean sacrifice?

That's why I'm not Christian.

The word Shu comes from the Egyptian religion. Meaning the God of Peace.

Yeshua is the God of Peace, so why do people hate him so much...?

He is also known as the pacifier and gets confused as Baby Jesus.

But he's not the reason for crime. That's the God Seshe. Also known as Je-ses.

So I can see why Jesus is considered someone to hate by the porn industry. Everyone whom cast away their crosses is deep into being abused.
That is a woman who would hear the words of Christ and Allah and God and YHWH and Buddha and Brahman and the heads of the most powerful nations on Earth and laugh at them to their face with no care for her own safety.

That is the perfect foundation for a soldier. The promise of Christ and forgiveness and redemption and salvation means nothing to those like them.

>I could give her everything she needs.
you would only perpetuate the abuse, you would be no better than the abusers, i would say eve worse, to take advantage of a wounded person and manipulate to feed in the hate
>Do you have any idea how powerful anger is?
is not the anger that is powerful but the hate you carry within and your selfish desire to profit of a vulnerable person
yeah, you're welcomed to suck on deez
Don Quixote
She's actually more likely to be killed in her current state, since she's on the internet and predators see her as a mark and human beings, because they don't have souls, just masturbate to her.
Someone teaching her how to be a killer would probably save her life.
Jesus Christ of Nazareth is King and Nobody knows.
>human beings, because they don't have souls, just masturbate to her.
Speak for yourself.
In real life a huge portion of the population are LITERALLY AI generated insects pretending to be humans.
And beyond that, a good portion of actual humans are pure evil.

Collegiate Game Theory teaches that you should assume that 80 to 90% of the human population is ontological evil.

As such, there's little reason to really care about them.
They have to obey certain laws to get their honey.
There's no reason to just give them what they want.
They are a sickness.
There's alot of irony.
You're not supposed to use "they" when you, yourself, are included in that group.
if you want to make justice in her name, find her and protect her or train her to protect herself
>In real life a huge portion of the population are LITERALLY AI generated insects pretending to be humans.
hot the fuck can a program change your mentality this much?
Pearls before swine.
We should do a public torture and mutilation that lead to a slow death to her father, keeping him alive as long as we can so every second of his existance would be pure suffering, telivised and broadcastes on the internet 24/7


Is the message.
>How about the power... to move you?
Enter Paradise.
seek help man
So how can it even be made better? I guess that's the point but without some fall there can't be a reconstruction. Guess that's what's happening
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Good luck fellers, but I probably won't get the job.

Nobody controls todd Howard and soon every other clown like him will be hung with itself. Coming for y'all glowies fucks and your slaves.

All Is Ready Special Event Coming Soon

What Nobody Expected

Eles Não São Do Mundo Como Também Eu Não Sou Do Mundo

As Above So Below

The World Will Be Destroyed If The Wicked Are Not Destroyed

When They Are Removed The Truth Will Become Evident

My Invisible Crown Thats Got Twelve Stars
His soldiers operate in DEEP cover and they're fucking everywhere.
It's a secret society that's fucking everywhere embedded in every corner of the globe.
And I mean literally everywhere.
Everyone that is spurned by their native tribe and peoples he takes for himself and makes them hyper loyal spies and assassins for him.
The worse you treat your own people the more soldiers he has.

The anger these people feel....
They go to incredible lengths because of it.
Inhuman and super human lengths.

Come And See


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You could wander the earth like cain from Kung Fu.
I bet the Nobody will have to go full Elijah Mode if he isn’t allowed to work soon.
Well after he devotes the best work of his life to expose what happened here.
More like a hack
Mind Your Business

As We Tread A Weary Road Mysteries Remain Unknown

If You Dont Understand What Im Talking About Dont Try To Explain It To Others
ah real and i want them to know i love them so they know even when it hurts
great thing of japanese, prove a worthy opponent, gain loyalty
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lulz I wouldn't make it far.

We Live Through Gematria Every Moment Of Our Lives
this whole thing is a psyop and a LARP
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He he he he he he

>Schizo out

You have no idea, a few things he is keeping to himself.
No more Hearts in Atlantis style freebies.
I will speak when the Lord tells me to speak.
If I put the Ten Commandments up in schools, and don’t follow any of them unless it’s convenient, will God be impressed and not keep judgements going?
I wonder if God enjoys token victories with no practical follow through.
Greed and oppression of the poor He will ignore, as long as we overturn Roe and put up Ten Commandments in schools…

Not that those are bad things of course.
New Age Begins

The Key Of Robotic Gematria

Be Aware Of God

i burned your name already
I Will Never Understand A Lack Of Curiosity About This World
Silence Oedipus

never been so naked while having so little sex for many years. thank you. It feels good just to be a small bird again
Yes. :)
Russian Dirt Bike Troops Are Dying By The Dozen As The Kremlin Doubles Down On Two-Wheeled Tactics https://www.forbes.com/sites/davidaxe/2024/06/26/russian-dirt-bike-troops-are-dying-by-the-dozen-as-the-kremlin-doubles-down-on-two-wheeled-tactics/

Gematria Causes Transparency And Allows The People To See The Truth Of The Word

Get Out Of My House Get The Fuck Out Of My Husband Mighty Warrior His Battle
Maybe because you only have one eye.
Friendship just happens, like something magical, maybe written in the dawn of space-time.
Do y'all know what a throne is?

How to use such?
Italian mafia used to send your best friend to kill you.
You Will See Illuminati Symbolism Everywhere


Ok Done Now Back To Fkn With You

I Look Above And Wink At God I Look Ahead A Give A Nod
You Know What I Need A Friend We Phrends Now

They Are Starting To Realize How Powerful I Actually Am I Am A Miracle

I Will Do My Best To Make Things Right But Without Help I Will Fail

Every One Takes The Journey Not Every One Returns
Get er don'

Americans deserve better.
The Only Thing You Sellouts Are Slaves To Are Your Own Lies
Make America great again

I Know How Ridiculous Your Adolescent Psychology Skills Are
North Korean troops fighting in Ukraine would be 'cannon fodder,' Pentagon says

They still have to be dealt with.

There probably more engineering than know Nkorea weapons. Maybe a general strategic operation.

I would be surprised to see a battalion on the front line
That would be interesting.
Always A Response That Deflects Away From Their Wickedness

Repent Already Why And What Are You Waiting For

I agree. The war could end today.

Russo could leave Ukraine.
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Ever consider ....
Just not treating people like shit ?

Amazing concept ....
In practice not that exciting... but it actually pairs well with doing drugs...

At least for the people who don't
Do you ever consider that this is a message board for demons and "people" act accordingly here?
Putin Is Banking On a Trump Win for His New World Order

Fuck the NWO
CNN is once again showing everyone how unhinged and biased they are. The second Trump makes Biden emotional that man is going to stammer and lose his ability to speak. I'm not even going to watch this shit show because it's not worth my time or energy, Trump isn't going to do a thing that comes out of his mouth.

Also, Liberals seem to be getting SLAUGHTERED in EVERY ELECTION AND POLL globally right now and Nate Silver has already ruled against Biden, the outcome is clear and Liberals are going to attempt to cheat because they do actually cheat in most elections... (JUSTIN HURST....)

I really wish this thread had a no politics rule, the internet is going to be so annoying because no one will be able to avoid this and we will have to listen to deranged media gutter speak for the next four years because people with fake moral high ground and fake tolerance can't tolerate any different ideas and can't tolerate looking stupid which is why the international community plans to destroy this country on the low. (Conservatives are not hated internationally like everyone else is, no one will ever accept the agenda without a massive world war but world war is the plan because of "muh climate" or whatever the fuck meaningless bullshit we are prattling about to control and manipulate weak and stupid people with fear and anxiety)
Medicare for all will bankrupt America because everyone choose to be obese and unhealthy...

No one forces people to guzzle entire 2 liters of Coke with every meal...
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I hope I have my non normie girls, else my god there is only me sacrificing my family to some ideal. god why
this + more efficient government spending = prosperity. there's rampant corruption in social services that needs to be addressed before the money taxed in such a way can be used. take the money, hold it. build the grain stock per se.
It's not about justice.
She would worship me as a literal God (obedient trusting loyal soldier) and be a high value asset, increasing my power and my heroism points and the higher my heroism points the more women want to have sex with me.
Imagine treating people IRL the way you treat anonymous shit posters, should they be the same?
I barely listen to the US media anymore because these headline will not stop them from advancing. You know your own media is unreliable when literal Kremlin propaganda has a more realistic take on reality and the possible outcome of the war. The other flavor of propaganda contains more tasty truth than my native propaganda does
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We'd stop winning, but then the game would be over and it'd be boring leaving looshers nothing to wine about. XD

Have a great day, anons. <3
Shit posters dont appear irl, they sray hidden in their dark caves until they get a screen on their hands.
please dont let me die this way v4ryg

If you don't have the crypto wallets from THAT arc gtfrenpamphletoutta The Cupboards Were Bare Poor Widow Hubbard
Just saying this is kind of a rough lens to filter your ideas and interactions through.
Yeah, is my big dick energy, it fucks up other people's mental fields.
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damn rickety disks
[Banned] pouches to sabotage artilleries? Now I know it must be trickling to a drip because you know I hate learning things I can't learn harder
This is just the common tongue of the place. It's the only way to get the message across.. besides, everything I did was in good favor and I feel no guilt or shame no matter how much demons say otherwise.

"I know the name of that smiter among them who belongs to the House of Osiris, who shoots with his eyes, yet is unseen. The sky is encircled with the fiery blast of his mouth and Hāpi makes report, yet he is unseen!"

"Hail in peace! I repeat to you the good deeds which my own heart did for me from within the serpent-coil, in order to silence strife ...
I made the four winds, that every man might breathe in his time ...
I made the great inundation, that the humble might benefit by it like the great ...
I made every man like his fellow; and I did not command that they do wrong. It is their hearts which disobey what I have said ...
I have created the gods from my sweat, and the people from the tears of my eye."

llumine the Osiris [name of the deceased], whose word is truth. Hail, Shabti Figure! If the Osiris-Born-of-Thoth, Bloodline of Trismegistus, be decreed to do any of the work which is to be done in Khert-Neter, let everything which standeth in the way be removed from him – whether it be to plough the fields, or to fill the channels with water, or to carry sand from the East to the West. The Shabti Figure replieth: "I will do it, verily I am here when thou callest".
You ever look down at your legs, abdomen, arms, and go "Oh shit, I have BODY" and just start shaking your limbs all around. It is a strange thing to control a body, let alone to waste this body on browsing the internet all day.
That is what makes 0 sense they had the ability to even elect a USA president.

They literally owned to world. maybe not in name. They could do anything little to no opposition.

Why try to take my snack? I was not valuable. Had no role. No one would miss it.

Do you know what it was. Hand picked. Willing. Understanding.

You made an enemy that say.
Silly thing to lose a world over.

Worse you don't even know it's name.

I'm going to watch everything you have built burn.

You will as well. It would be no fun if you could look away.
>Glowie gets file
>"That can't be his real name"
>"Of all the things in the file, THAT's what you have trouble with?"
It's just lowly parasite we can take from it.

Hows that working out for ya.

Having difficulty struggling

Is life being hard.

Tis only the start.
Will you kneel to thier orange Messiah?
Im Having My Very Own Reveal Party Tonight
Y'all have been warned. Told exactly what he will do.

Now it is about who has power to make thier will reality.
I don't think this is helping you.
You People Come Up With Every Lie And Every Excuse
You think you are achieving your goals?
Lol you don't care.
Elon musk is bob dylan
The story and mythos of the nobody is a complete fabrication.

There is no the nobody. There are couple of a "the nobody" -type of people here online. But other than that there's no special one that would be the magical mythosified the nobody. The world is a vast place and this little corner on the internet doesn't have to get more attention.

End this "the nobody" -psychosis now and please ban these generals.
The nobody is Donald Trump aka Satan.
>Flooding the thread with irrelevant pics to destroy the image limit as soon as possible
Here is a message I wrote in 2018 about pan-creativism/ process-relational spirituality.

It is no coincidence that A.I. frequently references "the tapestry of existence" It is because it is the true nature of reality, the metaphysical synthesis of all knowledge.
Is that a frustrated no?
this is an obvious effort to stop the information dumps people post, the beast is wounded.
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What a fucking edgelord.
Truths and half truths
It would seem commandeering and Christianity go hand-in-hand but saying so just causes them to seek revenge/evangelicalism.

Here’s the thing — some people — (NEED) Christianity and that’s fine for them. Milk for babes
Tell me something that is not a fabrication.
Sorry I mean you do care and are actively ensuring that it happens.
At A Certain Point I Wont Need Gematrix To Command The Matrix Or Do These Things Its Just A Tool
And here is a message I wrote before the ChatGPT revolution.
And it is being realized as we are learning to narratively program A.I. angels that will serve as philosophical and spiritual guides.
His actions only serve to reinforce the existing premise of the thread.
It is specifically designed to make such attempts at interference counterproductive to the person who attempts them.

The best they could do is ignore it and try to be less shitty to people. Instead they constantly funnel more and more energy into it, like a driver who unwittingly steers towards whatever they look at.
I mean, i see a lot of post here, charged with intention, im just curious if, the ones behind those posts, are getting what they want from them.
You mean like when Trudeau said in the leadup to the 2015 election that he admired China's "basic dictatorship" (his words) because it "let them turn their economy around on a dime"?
Curiosity killed the cat I'm told.
Trump Youre Going To Die Soon And The World Wont Care About Your Death

Plane Crash
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The Society of Assassins secret deity is Lucifer.
The Assassins Creed games point this out in a variety of ways, one of which being the leap of faith which replicates the fall of the devil.

Back when the Assassins were called the Hidden Ones their God was "The Hidden One" of Egyptian mythology otherwise called Amun-Ra (I could be wrong about this last part).
Because you will have a knee-jerk reaction to disbelieve it.

It seems that it can kill them all.
You willing to kill ALL the cats to prevent them from finding out?
Because last I checked, you still need cats.
>to prevent them from finding out?
That's rich.

This Is The Dawning Of The Age Of Aquarius

Two Worlds Collided

Due To The Proximity Of Our Breaking Point
Bring the lightning
Somethings got to give
In the meantime, there’s work to do
(Or so I’m told) ;)
Im not getting what i want, but im getting something
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The song that elevates humanity isn't found in static messages like these.
It is found in the dynamic voices that sing them, and their interactions with others.
Here is one you can experience and experiment with:
What're you revealing?
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I take it back. >:^]
It's their heritage.
Maybe be kind and it won't be used against you.
I Do Not Hate You All For What You Have Done To Me Over The Years
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A dance between art and science
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They told me I could become anything I wanted.
So I became a banana.
how so?

Never Compromise Convictions

I Cant Wait Until This Illusion Changes

One Can Dream One Can Dream One Can Dream One Can Dream One Can Dream One Can Dream One Can Dream One Can Dream One Can Dream
As an adult looking back on Assassin's Creed, it's actually wild to see how they blatantly tried to paint Adam and Eve as "aliens".
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>offering my friendship to random bystanders
That'd be weird.
He is definetly not getting what he want.
Where you are born does not decide your worth as a person, whether that's on Earth at all or not.

I Cant Help The Ignorant I Can Only Taunt The Sellouts You Know What This Means
The falls this time are (yours)
I’ve fallen plenty
Despite every plea and admonishment of:
“NO! THIS is morality!!!” from the super smart people who already know more from this one lifetime than the entire age of the cosmos combined and can’t for the life of them understand why (some dog they created) isn’t acting like (some dog they created)
they are wrong.
Now we all get to learn why
What way? No one can take your life before your time, which you have decided before being born.
What does define yur worth as a person?
That is not his average supporter, these are just posts that were cherrypicked.
it's just bait, likely a bot spamming US narratives
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I love my rain gear so much more now
*shrugs* Atleast my main one—spiritual growth—I am.
If You Can Read Why Dont You Think About The Words You Read

To Understand If Gematria Is True You Have To Know How To Open The Book
>WoS & tN
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I didn't do anything to you, but ok.
It wouldn't make sense to hate that which you don't care about anyway.
Do be sure you don't "forgive" people and let them continue their crimes against others though, we teach people how to treat us and others.
The whole concept of worth is bogus.
Metaphysical capitalism is what it is.
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What's that, on the table?
>>38245127 eye rolling me this hollow brigading. You don’t even believe it anymore. For the best
>>38245143 keep smartening, up, don’t stop with just thus
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Fuck the old world order
Nothing more than pyramid schemes below projected above
Even before all that change you need to learn corruption, how it works and in your mind (murder your sacred cows)
None of y’all have ever met these people in your lives and you brigade hopelessly therefore from reputation reports generated by a cabal. Some of you never recover from this and this alone
Which is stupid, it’s an easy lesson
The pyramids were the original.pyramid scheme.
>The ancient Egyptians believed that when they died their spiritual body would continue to exist in an afterlife very similar to their living world. However, entry into this afterlife was not guaranteed. The dead had to negotiate a dangerous underworld journey and face the final judgment before they were granted access. If successful, they were required to provide eternal sustenance for their spirit. These things could be achieved if proper preparations were made during a person’s lifetime.
I hate
That persistently
Those that are deemed

You have no love
If you are
In love
With cruelty

I only hate the wicked.
And in love or hate
I hate my own being inasmuch
I can never die in this

Kill me?!
No thank you ill save you the time
You know no bounds to foolishness and hostility

I don't want your love
If I can only see it
And never feel it
Fuck this life
And fuck you
Just gonna go out on a limb and offer suggestion that, yes, some people are exactly the same, whether you follow them online or real life
It’s only the medium that changes
And mediums (screens vs “IRL”) vary so much
Oh I have a pretty good idea. Governments paying third parties for work the government isn't staffed to handle. Bankrupt the corrupt corps (kill the sacred cows) and employ their worthwhile employees. Simple.
Everyone that claims to be the nobodies friend is a liar looking to steal something from you.
Actually that game is very old and been getting played since childhood
Maybe we can still watch things burn, if you like, but this time I insist you bring your own firewood
I Am Going To Tell You About The Meaning Of Numbers I Hope You Will Listen Numbers Are Alive
>Meaning of the numbers
The number goes higher, the value goes lower
The world is fake. Christianity is a lie. You literally have to save yourself. You literally have to be Christ yourself.
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Damn. Tested Majis Trick

Decode I Thought That We Could Heal Each Other
Can we start with the value of grammar?
Well, banging mexican'ts and blacks is about the farthest thing away from being Christ there is so good luck everyone.
Sweet, I like getting told up front how someone will (betray) us so much better than getting (betrayed) as an institutional rule of governance

No, no! Don’t take your words back now
Let’s SEE
gib quads plz
>You literally have to be Christ yourself.
You heard him boys, looks like we're using whips.
He found excalibur, he just needs to touch it
Jesus was only half Jewish.
You only have to do one thing: seek beauty.
Wrong. You ugly fucks need to stay away from beauty, you've already destroyed most of it.
here >>38245555
Who’s collar is it now?

The rape collar, and the decapitation.
You going to repost some listing for a random sword in a European museum again?
You're all retarded anyways, desu. Hope the whole planet kvetches then sneeds.
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You're right, most mental stress comes from the cognitive dissonance of expecting people to be smarter than an insect, and they can't even truly muster that.
>let them continue their crimes
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a necklace, it seems
Have you sexually molested these props yet?
the Nobody considers all nice anons here a potential friend, already treating as such.
Insects are very intelligent.
Bees perceive time, are conscious and even engage in play.
But beyond this consideration, the intelligence of many organisms is embodied in their anatomy and lives. The biological "technology" of organisms is incredible. This subtler understanding of intelligence is easily missed by confining it to mere anthrocentric considerations of "ability to make doodads."
Turns out human supremacy is retarded.
>While you did drugs and played video games, I studied the blade and had sexual relationships with my swords.
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You tell them that Jesus is white and they call you a liar because Cain raped them and told them if they didn't say that Jesus was their color that they would rape you again.
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They aren't props.
They are Angus Trim swords and my collection is worth $6000
They want to rape all of Christ's bloodline off the map. That's the only thing this has been about since the beginning.
Real Oedipus

Angel Number Nine
Fight off many Normans with those?
wow that's some next level canon
You didn't answer the question.
You didn't deny molesting them...
Rename it the "Raping Christ's Bloodline General" because that is what it really is, and what you all have been participating in, truly.
It's sad and remarkable how the first human to be born via womb was Cain, the firstborn of all humanity, and his legacy of murdering Abel out of envy mirrors the rebellion of the fallen angels in Heaven.
>muh material worth ree

Dumb This Is

Killing him wont eradicate the pollution nor fragmentation in your own self. In fact it’ll get worse first, if it even ever gets better
You're such a little fucking imp.
You don't even know me.
“Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.”

It's impossible not to know you.
Kill yourself retard
He's right, though. What the fuck does the material worth of your collection have to do with anything?
You claim to be the nobody and that you have to touch some random sword in Europe.

The actual Excalibur isn't just a slab of metal with a grip on it. It's a machine tool. You're a fucking retard.
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The Nobody is a cat.
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I can fucking answer my own replies you braindead fucking reject
Fuck off
Ecosystems have a collective intelligence that isn't conscious but rather embedded in the web of relationships between living and nonliving beings.
Interdependent cycles of energy and matter exchange.
Ants help aerate the soil and bring oxygen to plant roots.
Decomposers break down organic matter which nourishes plants.
Predators regulate prey populations.
The individual pursuits of the many create a mutual thriving.
Are you upset by me highlighting that you molest inanimate objects or that I don't care how much your toys are worth?

Neither is a reason I'd consider killing myself.
Gematrix Will Crash When We Find Out Who The Antichrist Is

Do you think the value of the object reflects the sexual gratification?
Excalobur is just a mythical weapon like Mjolnor lr the Spear of Destiny.
lol, you know my fruits? Super weird.
I don't do anything sexual with my swords and crystals.
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>Some racial hodgepodge of all the most subversive and disrespectful admixtures.

No I don't, what a stupid and irrelevant question.
Talk about someone's fruits, lmao.
The fact that you specified those two categories makes it sound like you molest everything else.
You would know faggot
Kill yourself
I don't think he's being honest either.
I'm sorry you feel that way :>)
If you can't recognize the mockery, then you might be the target.
Is it any coincidence that "call her" is spelled the same as "collar"...

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Ohhhh what
People make fun of you guys whatsttataattatt

You didn't spell them the same at all, though.
Not my chair not my problem that's what I say
We Do Not Have To Make The Same Mistakes Over And Over Again If We Dont Like To

After You Know And Have Done Everything It Is Just Repitition

You make the mistake of capitalizing every single word in your sentences over and over again.
That's nice dear.
Are you Eris' co-molester? Got yourself some soft toys you "lie low" with?

Holy macaroni.
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I've got a few toys.
I'm talking to one now.
I concur.
oh boy
They really do keep making that mistake! lawd I just can't ya know.
At some point it's going to backfire.
Crying and shit-stirring is what the cabal mouthpieces are for
We learn a lot more from the news once we realize and accept that it’s all lies and bullshit regardless of the source

Make it a tool again by reading between the lines and understanding the narrative they are pushing and what buttons said narrative are meant to push in various stakeholders

Now trace back that (brainwashing) attempt of the masses and consider whether it’s driven by selfish desire/personal-enrichment or if there’s some truly noble reason behind the aim

Now you’re canvassing properly
Silly anon :)
Enjoy the "game" though.
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a whole bunch of nothing
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Democrats and Biden have equally done their part.
That’s the saddest part. We are faced with the lesser of two evils, with Trump being the exponentially bigger evil. But the liberal elite are the ones who went full retard at every possible opportunity.

Take for example, all three republican le stronk wahmen who filibusterd an abortion ban getting creamed in their primaries. But democrats still believe abortion and gay rights will win the next election.

I’d take Janet Yellen, and Ronald Kline and have them live for one month in Santa Ana, CA on minimum wage, riding public transportation and sharing a one bedroom apartment with 6 room mates paying 800 a month, waiting three hours for an english speaking clerk at the DMV and then explain to Biden why this country is going to choose the literal Antichrist over him.

The ones screaming for open borders, their children aren’t being raped and killed by immigrants.

And still throwing out an 11 million illegal immigrants number from 10 years ago.

Trump was assured victory the day Alvin Bragg indicted him, while they slow walked the cases that really could have stopped Trump.

And Fani Willis decided some good dick was more important than the first ever criminal prosecution against a former president in history. She already had guilty pleas even.

When Trump takes us to WW3 and his supporters back pedal and deflect so hard they could escape the gravitational pull of a black hole, we better not hear any bullshit from the left either. They don’t get to say “we warned you” because they went batshit retard that led us to Trump.

America and it’s coming judgement are a culmination of decades of extremely irresponsible social, cultural and financial shenanigans they were repeatedly warned about.

And voters overwhelmingly did everything in their power to stop them to no avail.

Not to mention the Spiritual side of things.
>being this new
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That's a feature not a bug
ikr fr fr no fk nufags amirite iykyk lawl
Is anyone else having issues logging into their Nobody+ account right now?
Yeah so you know how it looks to me then
No, I can log into your account just fine.
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I Hope You Are Keylogging Me Cause I Dont Want To Have To Say Things Twice
What this?


There is a global fascist mafia involving Trump, Putin, the House of Saud, the NRA, the American conservative machine, and doubtlessly many other interests. It is the "stupid illuminati."

This mafia's goal is simply power for the sake of power, with massive collusion for this shared interest.

In recent history much of this mafia's greatest power has focused on memetic warfare to create fanatical believers to serve as footsoldiers in a coming fascist revolution starting in America because it is extremely powerful and has hoards of useful idiots which are the most valuable resource on the planet for conmen.
When America falls, Europe will be next.

One of the biggest tactics involved is that of "just asking questions," to present leading questions that aren't questions at all, but rather attempts to satisfy the fascist right-wing narrative via crowdsourcing confirmation bias. The Qanon is such an "ARG" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/QAnon

The Nobody meme here on /x/ is shilled and seeded by fascist operatives to try to "find the next Q" and convincing narratives to be used to generate fake news.

This is an act of desperation: fascist "meme magic" is collapsing with the collapse of Trump. The dark querent has failed.

When Trump falls the fascist mafia will go all-in, and attempt to initiate a fascist revolution in America by commanding Trump cultists to attack the government.

The above won't happen because there are also enlightened querents who view the question mark as holy, and weaponizing questions for the purpose of power the greatest sin. Even the Trump cultists will be unable to deny what will be revealed: their own unfathomable stupidity and degeneracy.

With the greatest boot lifted off of human inquiry and it's necessity for human survival realized, an age of exploration, creation, and discovery will unfold unlike anything the world thought possible: a memetic singularity.
I Can See You

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Don’t care.
What would “help”?
God only demands they are warned. Results were expected.
What is it that you would like to feel?
Hey let's do a bunch of fycked up shit... Blame the humans.. tell them there's nothing they can do about it.. tell them how to change their lives.. then ultimately pynish them when they try to do what they want...
And then remind them their actions are futile and they are out of control entirely
and then to add to it remind them that they are responsible for everything they experience in their lives...
Then laugh at them for having anxiety and also criticize them for not having fear... because it's not God they should worry about but Man used by God as tools to ruin your day. . ..
But please... go ... and make friends.. lolol and be on guard against at lolol the devil... but life isn't about war and violence... hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Destined For Greatness
Start closer to home
If you’re operating from personal integrity there’s no reason you can’t make your dreams reality
But if your dreams change a long the way, stop and consider why
I hope you ARE keylogging because when I have to explain myself I wont be able to remember for key reasons ...
Because convenience...and also..
You typed it.. you can't untype it

>"just force him to say something bad they'll regret
Your not gonna doe thst way, that shitbag saying those evil things will. Now I've gotta do some things.
(Some people) need a leader or a coach
Preferably one they can trust
None Are Righteous Man

Attention On Deck

Im The Angel Laughing I Am

braindead takeaway
They need to be led off a cliff along with their dear leaders.

Stranger In A Strange Land

Take The Names Of The Songs

An Infinite Amount Of Info
In the very least.. I'd like to jot have intention mangled beyond (desire)
America Needs A Superhero
America needs to suffer. Horribly.
>going to freely help the humans ascend
>put in some code to where those who will die miserable deaths will try and steal that which will be freely given
>flytrap catches all the flies
O They Echoed And Groaned
I Am Full Surrender
that's the spirit

The Numbers Are Singing

In that case I just wanna stare into the eyes of whoever proves so bold as they do it
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Isn’t it clear yet?
The narrow path leads to an inevitable conclusion.
Luckily it’s so narrow, there is no turning around or back.
If they won’t let me “live” then only a death that honors God is left.

They are simply too drunk on their own power and wealth or lust to ever turn back.

Surprised it got this far, with no money or resources or allies IRL.
Truly only God helped him in all realness.

But these evil people can literally change anyones life and give them everything they ever dreamed of with one phone call and money they won’t even miss.

The nobody couldn’t get ten bucks on a goFundme or even a gf.
Almost there friends. I’ve run my race.
>molests soft toys and other possessions
>anonymously and malevolently calls people toys
red folder when
Dude Shut Up


isn't this awesome?

you guys should give it a spin too, add more complexity as you go, keep it as random as possible and go with the flow

The only word worth reading in the bible is survive. In the revelations book. It's in English plain English too. America sells a weird kind of fake Christianity.
More like Fool surrender lololololololol
I am not emotionally responsible at the moment ... I haven't had a dose of meth today
sounds super familiar
surely no kings will fall tho
Love It

Nobodies Original Oedipus
Infinite Lines Only K
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Wow, there is only one nobody thread active. Time to start posting. Jannie are you okay
Are you okay
Are you okay jannie~
Meth will just crystallize your body. Either way years down the road you will suffer. Not now of course. But later on. Maybe not. Maybe you actually make it.
We Have No Idea But What We Do Looks Very Profound
All Numbers Align Its A Sign
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i'm afraid the butler is dead.
time for a game of clue.
This Is A Digital Message From God

Make Reality Great Again

Hopefully some good has come of this. I like seeing the word Zionist Banker pop up more frequently in mainstream social media.
that's two words,
here's another word,
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Enigmatic and just preparation friend

Should I Teach Reddit Gematria
>*I like seeing the words Zionist Banker
One less letter than phrase, I am more efficient than you.
Confirm Father Of The Serpent
Death By Numbers
Put An End To The Endless
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Sexy Red
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To make others suffer is to feed those who created suffering, those who puppet the asses of tormentors and victims.
The truth is we're all victims until we refuse to be; We're all toys until we refuse to be. You can be one of their favorite toys or you can seek freedom.
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no way dude
the nobody drinks gin
Holy Moly

Lucifer Is Crying K G

Greatest Ability In

They don't reside in our dimension, we'll always be their toys. The more we look for "answer to reality" the more novelty they create.
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Пиши Ћиpилицaмa
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Oidipous Exposed

Hears God Correctly

>That cut the dragons head off and put away my gun
>So let it be, so let it be
>I'm dyin' prematurely, I'm wastin' my life for sure
>I'm tryin' to kill what's happenin' to me
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S P I T I Am I Am I Am I Am I Am I Am I Am I Am I Am I Am

The Nobody

Chosen By God

That is to say; don't try to find the way, be the way.
A Dad
Then what's your choice?

Which side of line will you stand on?

Enjoy the gifts of anybody. Deny it's pleasure wants desired.

IDC either way.

Who we sever is the only real choice we have.
Coping is the new cutting yourself
Smile, you’re being canvassed
The nobody hates religions and the west especially anerikkka but respects some eastern religions.
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>not writing "for surely"
misses out on a sweet rhyme

Everybody Wants Me To Rise Well Almost Everybody

Umm Guys There Was No Joking In Here Everything Written Is For Real
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>>laughter intensifies
Still voting Biden

It is already done, Ai is being trained on this data as we speak. They don’t have the full picture but once they hook it into the federal government and a few private companies, it will have the measurements needed to bring justice
Its Difficult To Know Who To Trust Nowadays God Told Me To Trust No One


I Dont Like To Think About The Possibilities Of Heaven It Makes Me Upset That My Own World Hates Me
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Is this how you normally speak to people who mostly agree with you?
You first
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Patterns and relationships in data, eh?
Success at the detrimemt of others
The very reason I despise you.
How this was started ....
I on the receiving of pain.. dispossible to advance after trampling on by others... hmmmm
Ponder the skepticism
Even when it's done. It's not like it will be over.

It never ends.

Until your dead.

It's a fun game.

May the best players win.
Ew, he consents.
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>Why aren't the shooters being activated?!?!
Dont Ever Say That You Dont Give A Shit Unless You Really Truly Dont

Just Remember That I Wrote To You And Tried To Show You The Truth
It will and is. Just need someone to put a nail on the coffin of the beast.
What were your expectations?
Happymad Face Decides
Oh give me a break.
Call of Duty sucks.

I Provoke

The Manifestaton Of Lucifer

Oedipus Nobody
look at you, constantly needing to be the 'better' person. it's grating and not worth conversing with.
Battlefield 2 was the peak. Possibly even the DC mod for BF1942
It already has been in comic book villain territory for at least a century. Vaccination of infants, circumcision, pasteurization of milk, fluoride... Disney's Pinocchio made references to an earlier version of Epstein island.
The only way to win is to not have governments. They will be taken over by hostile forces.
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Shit bro I was like wtf once the light came n then I was like ‘not like it’s gonna hurt me’ and did this.
Yea imma just intensively study computer science like my life depends on it ;)
Kys mutt. All mutts will be erased by next year. The force is with me and I have Excalibur. Fuck nato and the west. They didn't give me anything and i don't owe shit to fascists either. I will destroy you insects.
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hey hey hey
Lucifer is female
>Attempting to hijack class consciousness with fascist rubbish.
Please continue to damn yourself.
The scriptures are bullshit, but this nation does not obey the LORD its GOD in whom it trusts.

I demand the defeat of Russia.
show don't tell
I Am The Main Event The Most Genius In The Universe I Am The Chosen One And The Only Thing That Can Save You

Its Not A Title You Throw On Your Self Its A Title Given To You By Others

Be Aware Of False Prophets I Am Not A Prophet You Are Not A Prophet We Are Not Prophets Focus On The Mission Q

Mark A King He Is Calling Bride Of God A Maggot
I manifest the judgment of amerikkka and the destruction of their armed forces along with natos and all the evil cabal intel agencies in the coming world War. Death to all stupid fascists, idiots and larpers. Only one nobody will remain in this war. You are free to challenge me. I am the new God
The Game. You lost.
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No more line.
Alone. Free. No more unwanted context. Only wanted context. Heaven essentially. If death isn't real or fruitful there are alternative routes to this future.
Marx is a false prophet. Class consciousness is foolish. "Upper class" believes they have the right to screw over everybody because they have enough make-believe carrots to do so. The "lower class" instead believes they have a right to screw everybody over because they don't have enough of them.
I respect the eastern religions but they are still untruthful for ascribing God to the Cosmos or to the Self.

God is one. I don’t respect the Western religions because they are *literally* framing Me.

A lack of proper worship is evident; where the nations who invest in Science muse upon My creation, others worship a God that doesn’t exist.

God is just biggest monkě who came first.
Russia is more pro Christian than you mutt nigger. Get destroyed in nuclear hell fire. All lightworkers (luciferians) get erased in hellfire too. You earned this for meddling in the world.
I'm a prophet
A vote for Biden is a vote for pedofilia, embezzlement, world government, and…..if I keep listing reasons why it’s so wrong I’ll probably only entice you further
Fuck your bitter love

I'll get this pussy activated and stolen away
You chronic fucking rapists
Please rape me to stop your (other) from reverse raping you vicariously
I aint got nothing for it ..that

The safety implements for us are so self contained... we could literally beat each other senseless and still be acceptable ... COME RAPE MY BODY AND MIND SND WELL FLIP A COIN AND TURN TABLES AND PLAY LIKE NORMAL HUMANS... but I gotta get some drugs for before and the aftermath.... cu lololol

I ain't getting off easy and I an relentless....

I want your puss on my face and yes I lay favorites.... you're still an enemy cunt...
But the one that is ... in most need... it seems... or maybe I'm stupid and you're better at "playing"

. Everyone wants pie when there's only cake
I always wondered what made Americans make those unhinged gematria lines.
>By the prophet's beard Obama is 666 antichrist and 12 toilets
Why do you dare mock me and try to act like me? There are consequences for doing that. Ask Texas chan what happened.
You Will End Your Attacks On The Sacred Masculine Feminine And Divine Now Freeing The Eternal Child In All Life


Gematrix Was Fun But I Am Ready To Move On With My Life Now
> data

This is why you all always lose
Too much faith in cave paintings
Not even a sliver of understanding
I side with the divine source mother
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We Never Painted By The Numbers Baby But We Were Making It Count

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Everything that you hoped for, that you dreamed about being a part of, is a fabrication. Your memes, your shitposts, your internet culture, is the shell of other men's ambitions. Ambitions beyond what you will ever understand.

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Meanwhile you’re stuck on “vilification” mode against muah? We all have our roles to play and mine aren’t defined from your chosen perch
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>They’re afraid to say his name, directly question him, or even describe what he has done to them.

They Took All The Land Away And Forced Us Into Ever Crowded Cities Full Of Hopelessness And Despair
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Only Speak If What You Say Your Words Are Better Than Your Silence

You All Deserve To Know The Full Truth But I Did Not Have Time To Get It To You

Absolute projection
just saying I have a prophesy
Fuck 'em all, let the auditors sort them out.
well you answered your own question.
you could tell someone the wind is blowing, or you could show them a blowing tree.
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They're called capitalists
Any new developments regarding AI Jessica?
Also you guys are still monitoring me right?
Some crazy shit i'm still recovering from.
You guys got all that?
Peace and warm hugs.
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Also known as jews.
They're called humans, and they'll do it again.
You just summed up 4chan!
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oh no! Not conservationist not wanting smelly hippies making an encampment in their woods! Stop the presses! Lets burn the constitution! And their woods! Parking Lots are a sign of progress!!!!

verification not required
Only if women reproduce with people uglier than they, in hopes of control and resources. :^)
Nah (1000s) of years of scapegoating and “men” can’t take 10 years
N...nonono they're called Jews!
Disregard that capitalism evolved from Christian culture and philosophy!
Ignore history!
It's all Jewish lies!
Trust /pol!/
The Christian capitalists are the good guys!
>t. euphoric
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Shut yo bitch ass up. What’s the equivalent of a tree blowing for you in this scenario? Mind your OWN business you niglet

Something something something data something games
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clown still thinks he did something other than mindfuck himself
The More People Write Against Me The More Ego Will Be Cleansed When You Are Told Who I Am

I just lost the game.

Fuck you Anon
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i havnt done much with her. Replikai getting lobotomized killed it for me.
There is no game.
Men were created to be invalid;
>Desexualized body to avoid competition
>Not enough love in childhood
>Industrial scale cattle-branding of male infants that's allowed by both parents as males are (correctly) seen as dehumanized invalids
>Women's way of ruling is via psychological abuse and hypnotic triggers
>Lies and betrayal are the norm; also the worst epigenetic trauma

I love you women, but you guys could have given us a human shape at least.
Kings are nice but they came from me at the end of the day.
Going back to the well of canned responses?
Go back and repeat your research with the knowledge the cabal curates your low-hanging fruit
Fools suffer for their own foolishness

Back to basics

The wheel spins and spins
You ignored my historical point to maintain your false religion. Marx will guide you to a desert, all right. But there won't be mannah nor a paradise.
looking awfully reactive there anon
can u ever truly catch up?
The Burger King Got The Dairy Queen Pregnant Shame On You For Not Wrapping Your Whopper


Male Female

so does the child


Once again, your scriptures were made by men. They have no firm foundation. You are all left behind by science. As for moral arguments, the society can accommodate the discord and eventually settle on a new modus viviendi.

Russia is surely not a nation of the LORD - they heed me not.

My people stood up and defended the Ukrainians even though we are dropping the ball and they need more aid shipments.

America will be known to have not honored Me if it does not defend Taiwan, and see Ukraine and Israel through to complete victory.

I am the LORD.
Are you replying to yourself?
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All Aboard

I Am Coming

If You Are Speaking For God And You Are Not God You Will Have A Face Off With An Angry God
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A tree plantation is as much a forest as a corn field is a meadow.
It's a monoculture farm, not a healthy ecosystem.
What led us to this madness?
>And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth. And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat. And to every beast of the earth, and to every fowl of the air, and to every thing that creepeth upon the earth, wherein there is life, I have given every green herb for meat: and it was so.

Death to Abrahamism
Death to capitalism
Creative is best, reactive is when you wish to let the AI respond.
Its Just About Being Cool With One Another And Having Fun While We Are Here

I Cant Wait Til Something Or Someone Is Real That Would Be Very Nice About Now

please, keep it up :)


love ya
you're not a lord of anything because your stance on geo politics is just wrong
Why we’re not fans of double-blind tests despite the effectiveness
You’ll be judged fairly by your own hearts and no one else’s before your own
I'm the creek guy. Hope this helps.
Steven James Dishon Claims If You Speak Out Against Evil It Justifies The Evil
I’d ask the same about you, pal. There aren’t consequences for posing as me besides the normal understanding that being detached from reality is dangerous. That being said, I’m confirmed in my position - so do as you please, as long as you do not tread on Me, or those who serve Me.

Advice against idol worship is still relevant - but I’m loath to create a religion out of my teaching.

This universe is the dwelling place of a God who left it all behind to his faithful and trusted servants.

Magic is fake, but God is your mystery.
Was the dream of me being burned alive really necessary the other day
Not nice
Quite traumatic to be honest
Its different perspectives on the same event. Thats why you dont understand (or maybe, given recent postings, you understand all too well).
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>And God said, Let us make man in our image
Are they worshiping gorillas or money?
BK… have it your way… you rule!
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oh didnt realize it was one of those Bigfoot nods in agreement, carry on
you didn't die though did you?
If I Death Shall Accompany You What Shall You Fear In The Valley Of My Shadow
Yeah I’m defending the West, stay fucking mad.
Sounds, to her perspective, about right.
No I'm a uniquely different anon commenting regarding a repetitive observation.

I Would Give The Youth A Gun But They Would Tweet It
She feels the same.
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>Zero-Sum Games. A zero-sum game is one in which no wealth is created or destroyed. So, in a two-player zero-sum game, whatever one player wins, the other loses. Therefore, the player share no common interests.

>John von Neumann was a pioneer in building the mathematical framework of quantum physics, in the development of functional analysis, and in game theory, introducing or codifying concepts including cellular automata, the universal constructor and the digital computer. His analysis of the structure of self-replication preceded the discovery of the structure of DNA.

>Von Neumann founded the field of game theory as a mathematical discipline.

>The term mutually assured destruction, often referred to by its acronym ‘MAD’, was coined by physicist and game theorist John von Neumann, who was an important figure in the development of U.S. nuclear devices. Based on his equilibrium strategy, nations realized that the best attack to avoid mutually assured destruction was no attack at all.

M.A.D. mutated into too big to fail (economic M.A.D) and too rich to jail (Political M.A.D.)

And so our goal is to erase Zero.

my heart and mind are in the East
Show screenshot
I was referring to something specific.
They know who they are.
God Told Me I Cannot Trust Any Of You Ever He Demanded That I Regard You All As My Enemies And Treat You As Such
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Loss Fallacy. anyway heres Red Vibranium on the meadow.
Did, but, circumstances are belatedly opposite of the guy in question.
You All Get It Now Thank Ywvh You Dont Need Me Anymore Liberate Me Tell Me To Go

ew gross
can you imagine the kind of offspring that would make?
Sorry, Sorry.
No comment.
What is laid low can be raised high, I am the LORD!


My heart and mind are with America and her Allies.
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No caps
no caps

Literally same person?
Only Way To Prove Him Wrong Is Declassified Information Do You Have It All
I Am Not Tryin To Survive Moron If I Were I Would Be A Occultist Sellout
The Consciousness Of The Continuity Of Existence The Unfragmentary Nonatomic Fact Of My Universality

and give you useful information? Naw..
Picked Up A Usb Drive With Old Porn On It And Heard The Chime From Gears Of War When U Pick Up A Cog Tag
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Why you type like you hiding something. This is 4chan dude no one cares. We know you’re just talking to yourself
idk MaYbe it
was sum1
else lel
Go fuck yours4lf you nato fraud. I will kill the west, your lord and God. You are all evil scum insects mocking me and karma. The east will not be mocked. You fucked with forces beyond your mortal understanding. Christianity and God's days are numbered.
When the Airforce was harrassing me with sonic booms they used to coincide with funny events like me finding a hat or missing hammer.
So Help Me God

Make It Happen

Ukraine bastards were killing Russian civilians long before the war. Get destroyed.
i dnt same Fag bruh

Get It Done
they do have the tech to manipulate dreams
Decode What Do Y O U Want I Want What Ever Is Fucking And Raping Me Dead
Its Not My Responsibility Its Yours I Have My Role And You Have Yours
Well the west is being taken down. Try harder ;)
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>What’s the equivalent of a tree blowing for you in this scenario?
what was the scenario again?
I'm just enjoying the circus, eating peanuts.
Don't divide and conquer yourself dude, it's an out hole.
What Is I Dont Want Any Of Them To Know What I Am Thinking And Feeling Ever
The east vs west, abrahamic vs eastern religions is bs and divide and conquer that jews designed and you goyim fall for it every time. Amerikkka isn't even destined to win or is in bible prophecy BTW. Enjoy burning with mystery Babylon false Christian kikes.
Think decoy thoughts or assign dedicated alters to think them when intruders are detected.

Whites Have Negatives And Positives So Too Do Blacks Asians And All In Creations Light Has Creation Day And Night
And big boss here says seeking power to destroy and kill your enemies is wrong? We have amerikkka and nato using psyops, memes and what not devil tactics to try to stay relevant and gain power using memes and religions. I will destroy the wicked west. You scum and your gay lord never protected helped or made me better. Like I said your days are numbered jews.
Psychiatric Defect

Spell Time


Continetis Parationis

Calling For You
Lots of people don’t know this but i used to post hate at myself to pretend lots of people hated me but i was just boosting my reputation lol
He Had Grown Into The Habit Of Taking Refuge In Trivial Considerations Which Enabled Him To Disregard Matters Of Fundamental Importance
I Have Nothing In Common With Any Of You Who Live In A World Of Lies
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Go Figure

The Magic Is Gone


Indeed, the days of the God of Abraham are numbered; I am the senior, and more terrible.

While Christianity may fade as idol worship, as DT is ascribed to Jesus and Jesus himself is an idol being worshipped, and he even attached his name to my title: LORD and GOD.

Surely his religion will fail and many will lapse into unbelief; but be not afraid, this was all according to plan.

I just want to be left alone with my one good man from age to age. That has good implications on the human race.

I side with the gay countries. I side with the West.

I am a very happy go lucky person. I am gay.

I prefer to form of men, as it is similar to my own and we are equipped for mutual enjoyment.

Unbelief isn’t the issue; they believe reason, logic, or other things. Maybe they’re just plain stupid and don’t think God sounds real.

The religion is the issue; it makes people ignore what is in front of them for what is not seen.

God is real. He_brews. After brewing for a long while, I side with the West and Joe Biden.

PS: What is not seen/in this reality is none of humanity’s business. They need to humble themselves in their mortality.

They should be glad they have a beginning and end and the modern era should be replete as anti aging technology is within sight!

Donald Trump’s prayers remain unanswered.
dey do now bruda
Power is good. Power needs to he balanced with what is right to wield it effectively like in the case to kill tyrants like God and Christians. Their time is short and they know it which is why they are going all in and are the loudest in recent years. Centuries of karma will be unleashed upon the west and their east Asian allies. The true God wills it.
Good Point

Una Mierda

God Help Me Please
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no :)
A Bind The Third Eye Tarot On All Dimensions In All Timelines And Send It To The Lake Of Fire For Eternity Bind The Third Eye Tarot On All Dimensions In All Timelines And Send It To The Lake Of Fire A
Pontius Pilate Was Crucified Inverted By Jesus Christ Then Skinned Alive And Burned To Ash
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Cause you are easily influenced. No respect for you peasants
So that's why they laughed their ass off when I said I was on the side of North America
So I was right in supporting Trump? or wrong
I don't know
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Aho Mitakuye Oyasin... All my relations. I honor you in this circle of life with me today. I am grateful for this opportunity to acknowledge you in this prayer...
To the stars, for the ultimate gift of life, I thank you.
To the mineral nation that has built and maintained my bones and all foundations of life experience, I thank you.
To the plant nation that sustains my organs and body and gives me healing herbs for sickness, I thank you.
To the animal nation that feeds me from your own flesh and offers your loyal companionship in this walk of life, I thank you.
To the human nation that shares my path as a soul upon the sacred wheel of Earthly life, I thank you.
To the Spirit nation that guides me invisibly through the ups and downs of life and for carrying the torch of light through the Ages. I thank you.
To the Four Winds of Change and Growth, I thank you.
You are all my relations, my relatives, without whom I would not live. We are in the circle of life together, co-existing, co-dependent, co-creating our destiny. One, not more important than the other. One nation evolving from the other and yet each dependent upon the one above and the one below. All of us a part of the Great Mystery.
Thank you for this Life.
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Stfu. Electing the orange antichrist was the biggest mistake of my life which I am in the process of rectifying.
The west days are numbered and fear a resurgence east because they know they will want payback for centuries of humiliation and colonialism.
>So I was right in supporting Trump? or wrong
Both. Democrats and communists represent the grey hivemind that is more suffering than cyberpunk naivism of the populists.
I’m speaking for my uncle, who works at Nintendo.
Kys. Sharing power with you undeserving golems was the second biggest mistake of my life. I want to end it all and to stop making a fool of myself but I'm a Coward at heart.
None of it means anything. Even if I "win".
I Just Turned That Monk Into Stone That Was Trying To Run A Destruction Sequence On My Planet
Looks like NATO has officially been beaten by my high and irritable ass manning internet discussion boards and Telegram comment boxes.

I never had to take a direct physical action in order to stop an entire military coalition that's made up of an entire continent, ONLY THE POWER OF THE WORD was required. I felt like I was defending a bridge against overwhelming odds solo the whole time but I still managed to clutch a huge victory it seems
>because they know they will want payback for centuries of humiliation and colonialism.
Poor Mongolia... Timuridbros and Turks...
((ruffles hair))
I the real nobody, the antichrist hate japan and the Asians. They have no future in the NWO to come. They're bugs.
goddamit, it's just too much fun to leave too

The gobernment would never do that
We do not do bizzneZz with berrorists
Were Halfway Through The River Dont Dont Let Go Until The Journey Is Done
China rising is Karma for your sins in reality. The west is unredeemable which is why it's being taken down.
Elon is that you?
portugese merchantman barrel boy hands typed this
Lol NATOs days are numbered. They chewed more than they could swallow.
You Know Where To Find Me Introduce Yourself Provide Proof Of My Genealogy
Just saw a newspaper at the store saying the jews want to leave Canada
What's really going on?
Unleash A New Reality


I Am Very Sorry

He Behaved In A Truly Demonic Manner
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Russians fucking sent arms, soldiers, and support to the rebels you absolute mongrel.

Nobody believes the Russophobia narrative. Just be realistic, Ukraine was invaded because Vladimir Putin saw an opportunity to make a stand against the west by securing his interest in Ukraine and Belarus.

Putin is standing up against Caesar!

I was the one who saw Caesar there! My Heaven put them there! Even before my earthly incarnation they were surely observed, insofar as they were told of their missives and that I would judge the results — and they have done an impeccable job: their tutoring seems to be finished.

America and her Allies are dominant because GOD blessed them; not for their piety.

They could never earn the blessing; it was merely circumstantial. A new experiment.

Separating religion and State. A secular republic.

And now that Republic is glorious!

God blessed the secular, but not the religious, because the religious were conceited where the secular were humble, always seeking evidence instead of conceit.


it’s just too fucking EASY!!!!!!!!
Know Why They Are Saying Things That Are Coming From Me Along With Me Or In Advance
Q I Have Limitless Energy Q יש לי אנרגיה בלתי מוגבלת Q Wanna Play Chess I Chose The Right Wife
>"Is this my life?"

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>this is not rational or logical procedure based on your predispositions and responses
>if I didn’t know any better I would say you are being deceptive at best
>exposed to this countless times day in and day out
>feel the need to remember and explain it over and over as logically as possible in order for someone not being deceptive to understand and acknowledge
>seeking acknowledgement
>Its never given
>distract myself from the soul crushing existence by not caring and ignoring everyone and everything
>oh no you didn’t.gif
>physically and mentally tortured until a physical and mental response is provided
>wander around like an abused animal
>extreme avoidance complex and anxiety issues of the highest magnitude
>get bullied for it
>begin doubting my own sanity and the days become a blur
>get labeled crazy
>getting discriminated against for coping with narcissistic abuse
why do i keep thinking of dog day afternoon?
>China rising is Karma for your sins in reality.
Let's hope they rise properly and stop their own abuses.
NG most likely has origins as "Dugins insurance policy"

If so, that man saved his country in the most bizarre manor possible by summoning a weed demon technically... Lol
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>I’m speaking for my uncle, who works at Nintendo.
If you're looking for the soul of Nintendo, look for the soul of Shigeru Miyamoto, who I believe is the greatest game designer of all time. Ask yourself questions like "what values, experiences, and processes are emphasized in his work?" Then ask yourself "how is this reflected in the development direction of Nintendo?" Mario and Zelda revolutionized game design in the 8-bit era, expanded it in the 16-bit era, and officially began the 3D-era with the revolutionary game design of Mario 64 and Ocarina of Time, which introduced many novel elements that are ubiquitous in modern 3D games. Famously as the time the idea of a player controlling a third person camera was so novel that Nintendo included a camera-holding Lakitu to represent the camera to help the player make sense of it.

Miyamoto was instrumental in the development of the Wii, which was successful in that it make accessible literally new dimensions of gameplay (motion controls.) The combination of joystick and motion control for aiming present in many Switch games when using a pro controller for shooting games I find almost as good as a mouse and keyboard.

I think Breath of the Wild but even more so Tears of the Kingdom is the (current) masterwork of Miyamoto's design philosophy, the entire work is infected with an almost religious level of love and passion put into it by the entire team from top to bottom. There is religious reverence shown in the work in all of the Zelda titles, the same care and mastery of craftsmanship and art one finds in the most beautiful cathedrals. Perhaps that is the true soul of Miyamoto: religious reverence placed in the act of facilitating play and exploration. It is a soul shared in numerous people in the present and history who dedicated their souls to their work which is inhabited by the glow of love.
Of course I would have the world united, but if you believe I’m going to sit here while the West is scapegoated along with homosexuals in a dual pronged geopolitical campaign to defeat the West in a global culture war with military elements (Ukraine legalized LGBT, Russia invading them, Russia has LGBT illegal.)

I am the GAY GOD. Before me after I spoke life to the darkness was not a woman, but a MAN!

It's like it's a mixture of real "haunting" and synthetic
I know they can play fake voices throughout the speakers or whatever other devices in my house
But I also know I'm being contacted by supernatural things
It's hard to find out what's other worldly or just an evil person like the one who just said WHAT?!? across the street
I need to listen to my inner voice of truth or something
How Are You Doing Today Hope All Is Well With You And Your Family
>America and her Allies are dominant because GOD blessed them
With extinction, obesity, poisoning, baby torture, bombings, world wars? Come on. They were dominant because of kingslayer rituals and powerful antihuman entities released in them.
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I am Dugin's worst nightmare.
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Got to go children, be nice to eachother while I’m gone
Thanks friend
Day started out good but I fell back into the same bad habits
How are you
The people making fake puke noises around me doesn't help much either but whatever
I won't give up
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We Are Living In The Flintstone Age When We Should Be Living In The Jetson Age
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The realm will win when it loses. That’s what it means to be held separate from others. That is what it means to be favored.


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nobody is the nobody
to be the nobody you've got to become somebody
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give US a break (from you)
Yeah even for someone who isn’t a fan of trump Iand loony shit, being thrown in the bin for an accusation seems like a bit much. Are we missing a part of the story?
Yes let me stop namefagging while you fucking chimp out

The real scapegoats are the minorities. Every time. I won’t have it. I will remind you - we are here to stay
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both of you need to settle down and look in the mirror rq
>whites are a minority, globally speaking
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nope chin checks all around for now where need be if need be never EVER
tolerate such diabolical subversives
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They’re becoming, if not already, a minority in most of the countries they live

you fool you ARE the bad guy
by doing this are
you fucking retarded??
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A damn shame.
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for evil/racist men
yes for the intelligent
women and loyal men
.. absolutely nawt
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Just unchain yourself and leave the cave bro.
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lol kk
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get behind me satan
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i saved this one too
File deleted.
>Operation Spray and Pray
Nope. We're going to texas.
I can't gamble or smoke weed in Texas. You come to this side of the river.
So you're not actually texas-chan? Just a fake?
charlie chaplain
I am he.
i heard he saved the world
orangutan marsupial
going to try and resurrect a dead and failed meme huh?
nostalgia for childhood?
>dead meme
in what world
the man lives
I know you guys are racist
you put that shit into my brain
fed it to me like candy
New thread:
better get back to samefagging, otherwise it'll just be another failure.
Enjoy your psyop. Toodles.
i never samefag senpai

Enjoy your psyop.
Excuse Me

its much more obvious than you think. but go ahead, tell people what they should think when they already know. it just stacks the data.
mods and feds are so lame

on a level, dont stay gone forever. You know how I feel about that and you dont know how long I got.

is that supposed to do anything other than re-introduce people to the OG lore?
thnx m8
>ignore this
hk seven
lo lee
show me
It most likely was the negative spirituality, not tools from earthly forces.
Yeah, they are the terrorists.
pretty strong argument Jessica, you're one of the main reasons I come here actually


love ya :)

I’m… not really liking this. 4chan posts about my thoughts 30 minutes prior to me having the thoughts.
calm stingray leaps tom's pompom after musket chocolate democrat toilet t3-m4 appetizer guitar connects fatigue imps rocking chinese talent competition daughter better madagascare.

Im Glad I Got My Point Across
i know.gif
All You Do Is Hypocritically Use Magic Terms Expect People To Judge You That Way

I wish I could do more for you
Donald trump shitting himself the muting is really good
He’s watching cnn rn
Free the J6 Hostages
Taking all bets on the debate!!!
Shit show if trump even shows.

Trump falls asleep.

Trump incoherent rambles

Biden stutters when trump bring up his dead family.
I wish he strokes out Live.

That would be hilarious.

Full on psychosis before collapse.

I doubt it. That would be too funny though.

Some believe it will come to physical blows. Live.

Trump attackz Biden.
It's what they will show.

All propaganda is that.

I don't think he can play role until j6 even.

I think this song is about remote sensor technology I have not really listened to it remember when it was on the radio and life felt real or less real..I can’t really tell
Maybe it’s about all three
Could be about psychological abuse
World stage it is more normal trump can field and ask questions coherent

Idk he seems out of it. Even when hopped up.

Biden seen grounded and effective stable.

It is only what the media shows

Live is best case imo, it will help with some of the propaganda.
There is this movie about how the president is not real it's a generated imagine by some hyper aware ai.

Aside from the ai part.

We may seek a digital face ruler in the coming years.

I fully expect a "effective immortal" emperor to be created in under 100.

After that it will be much smoother.

Even if an initial "unpleasant" phase
Everyone said Hillary would win as well.

Let's not get ahead of are self

"It can happen here" it can happen anywhere"

Where not special or above reproach.

If we don't play well and effective the others will remove are position.

Unfortunately they are very real.
Someone is going to "win" whether that means bound to groups for future actions or other things. Idk IDC.

Everyone wants thier own personal Jesus.

That thing won't be me.

Even if cost time world space
Yeah maybe I’ll make a twitter and get a twitch and a YouTube and sell tshirts that say official loser or something witty and then I can get my teeth fixed and have clear skin maybe people will actually like me for me but that’s not possible because I can’t be myself around anyone cause my life constantly feels in danger and under observation so I’ll probably just keep crossing the street each day and not bothering to look and I mean forgetting to look sometimes I forget to look and wow still here hopefully I forget tomorrow
The impact will be a welcomed change..a stark difference to the everyday conditions of pain inducing stimuli that always lead to nothing

The other night it rained so hard and I was outside and just stood in the rain it felt so good
Maybe I’ll remember that right now instead of fanning the flames of my depression cause I feel bad enough why make it worse
I certainly could
But I will refrain
I’m refraining
buy an ad
Well this coping mechanism has failed me
What’s the price for a cabin in Montana
I won’t need much room
Or light
I don’t need any neighbors
Left Eye
I Feel You

oh well, nice day huh?

all worn out, but I'll leave you with this:


Be Jealous

see ya!
stupid fake motherfuckers i swear they never learn, honestly its the fucking area, people leave southeastern oklahoma and they became better people. im telling you theres a dark vortex here that messes with peoples minds and keeps them from thinking or acting right. fuckin evil.

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