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Let us all kneel before our overlord, destroyer of threads!

>Book Recommendations

>Load your Chart [Exact Birth Time]

>Additional Resources:
https://sevenstarsastrology.com/ - methods
https://astrologyking.com/ - aspects
https://www.skyscript.co.uk/ - general

Previous thread: >>38208927
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Schizo catlady. I DOUBLE TRIPLE DARE YOU to start namefagging and tripfagging, forever. The trip, of course, must be "Cat Lady" and nothing else than that.
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The schizo cat lady is the LilAnon from /astro/.

Same essence, different faggots.
>Let us all kneel before our overlord
Fucking hell, you are one obsessed simp. You wont be satisfied until she's yours huh?
It's not even me, the anon who regularly discusses with this bitch, who made this thread, dumdum.

Also, this is a damned weaving basket forum. I don't give a shit about people who could perfectly be a tranny.
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Nice try. I post a screenshot just to corroborate that is not me.
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Posting the chart of the supreme gentleman as a curiosity of public interest. It's funny, if he had just waited for his Saturn return he would've probably gotten a decent woman despite being a retarded weirdo.
Someone fill me in on who Cat Lady is, pls
>Venus-Mars conjunction in Virgo
>Sun-Chiron conjunction
That's self-explanatory.
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Would any anon be so kind as to provide a reading for this chart? Your time and effort would be much appreciated.
I think the Saturn opposition to his Sun also helped tip him over the age towards being a callous blackpiller.
What do you want read my friend?
the edge*, not the age
Also relevant is that the Sun is in Leo, in the first house.
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<3 anyone that will do a read, ahead of time.
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Feeling lost in life. Stuck in a rut. What should i do as a career? Applying for jobs rn and its slowly driving me insane
Also, why am I hopeless with women? The women who like me im not into, and i want a girl with a deep connection but never meet anyone like that, whos interested in me. Also cannot make the move too.
Are you a girl? You seethe and boil so quickly that you can be considered a neurotic person. I'm too lazy to read your chart, but you have daddy issues and struggle to form healthy relationships. You can fall in love but eventually led to deception and sadness. Even though you're gonna meet a partner this year if not the next one after struggling a lot.

Possibly interrupted higher education, poverty in your early childhood and having to work and help your family. That's the story your chart is telling me, someone who has a trauma with money/resources, lack of affection, anger outbursts and interrupted education.
Did you get a romantic partner in the past couple of years?
Your father has an authoritarian and domineering influence over you. Kinda the tough guy.
No, its exactly the opposite
It's your mother then and you also seethe a lot.
Where did you get this from?
Ty for quick read. Some corrections:
>not a woman
>relationship with both parents is good
>never had material/monetary struggles
>family affection has always been good
>seethe/boil quickly, but only for real bullshitters
>interrupted higher education (but did finish later)

And thx to you too.
>Did you get a romantic partner in the past couple of years?
Nope, not a fan of romantic relationships, women are strictly physical in my eyes.
Unless you're counting that too, then yes.
Again no. Astrology isnt for you, im afraid
You casted the wrong chart. Packed 10th house usually relates to the father. As the moon is in the 10th your mother should be involved in your career or else be sort of ambitious/emotionally distant.
The chart is fine
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fellas, i've been in here before and it was dire, but i have a feeling things are gonna be ok now, or at least by next year. am i reading it wrong?
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>Nope, not a fan of romantic relationships
Well, you might get one in the next couple of years.
>Packed 10th house usually relates to the father.
I'm new here, let me try

You are a person who's used to routine and don't like sudden changes, but at same time you feel that a complete change is necessary in your life

Your thoughts and desires are often about things far away from your reach, and that motivates you for a new beginning, but at the same time this conflicts with your grounded and steady personality

Besides dreaming about the future, you are not enough creative about it, and conflicts with the fact you wants things to be exactly how you want them to be

I think you should try new things and be more open to change overall, doing things in a less systematical way
>Well, you might get one in the next couple of years.
Oh no, sounds like a death sentence for free time. What particular combination of things gave you this read anon? Is it something I can mostly avoid, or likely to be fate'd in?
You are having your Saturn return right now, and Saturn rules the 7th and 6th houses, so these themes are more prominent. So something to do with:
- Romance
- Pets
- Work
- Illness
I think it is very probable for you to get some romance oriented event because your Saturn is enclosed by Jupiter and Venus, which is a very powerful condition for making a planet behave better. So Saturn is more likely to bestow something good. In your case, it's likely to be a romance. Though, since Saturn is in the 8th house, it could also have something to do with finances, debt, shared wealth, investments etc.
Would love a reading on my chart please. Especially interested in the projection of my finances/success. I feel like I’m doing so many different things, but I’m not sure what I should stick to.
Interesting insight. On the topic of Saturn returns, I actually felt a significant personal meta shift almost right around the calculated return (which I checked a few months later, being unaware). Though it had little to do with those topics, and more with spirituality and third eye awakening from a previously unaware state.

Do you think there are any other possible meanings beyond the themes you mentioned? Maybe slightly more subtle or hidden within the symbolism.

But if it has to be those, probably romance like you mentioned, because the rest are fine/not an issue.
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Most of my chart is in Capricorn. Is that a bad sign? It looks so boring.

I’m currently trying to switch from a career in STEM to law, hopefully I’m making a good choice.
capriniggers gtfo
I don't see it. Best I can do is maybe the Saturn return activated your Saturn-Moon opposition, and by activating your Moon it also activated Mars who is conjunct the Moon and rules your 9th house. But that seems like a bit of a stretch to me.
It's a pretty good chart, actually. Law would probably be okay too for a career for you. Not without difficulties. But seems like a solid choice.
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I live therefore, I seethe.
t. Mars in Cancer
capGODs stay
VirGODs stay*
They're so boring though.
So are the Capricorns.
What do you think of my chart? What's in store for me in the near future?
Hello, I really need help with a natal chart.

Is an "unexpected inheritance" in the 8th House necessarily economical? Could it be something occult? I've the strong feeling that, for some reason, that phrase is talking about some sort of otherwordly matter.

Thanks in advance :')
I’m addicted to huffing Capricorn farts
everything pisses me off
t. mars in aries
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I'm mostly interested in addressing personal weaknesses.

Is there anything in this chart that indicates potential struggle?

Any inherent challenges to look out for? Thanks
wtf? Virgos are the same as Capricorns?
i implore all of you to get a life or a job and stop obsessing over me.

Watching you fail time and time again scratches a part of my brain. Never gets old

So funny. Even the most basic of astrology tells you that a 10th house moon means an absent mother. Either is totally emotionally vacant from your life or works too much or too focused on her love life to be worried about you. You'd know that if you'd study [actually practice astrology and not rely on a book to be your bible]
There are countless stereotypes that valens, brennan, basic astro books and podcasts, get wrong because they don't actually use astrology in utility and see it in action.

Frankly, the internet has been a blessing for astrology, because you have access to not only hundreds of thousands of charts, but forums and chat rooms etc to actually communicate with people and explore their charts in real time, to take note of how astrology actually works.

Even then tho, personal astrology is so cringe. Fake and gay if you will
mona mentioned
>gets everything wrong
>tries again
>still wrong
>tells you that you casted the wrong chart then
>chiron and jupiter in the 12th in leo
>leo ascendant

Ah yes, it's all starting to make sense now.
>Watching you fail time and time again scratches a part of my brain. Never gets old
Well, he was either casting a wrong chart to troll me or is genuinely a dumbass. He never told anything about his life and reduced his arguments to "no, ur wrong" and "me is right!!!"
These people don't age well. They bring up their anti-astrology agenda to diminish the validity of the system and derail the thread. It used to happen a lot the past year.

Also, you assume I didn't belong to astro-seek and similar mediocre forums. Forum-goers are mediocre at best, no substance in their readings and only sugarcoating. Avoid those places like the plague. They have nothing of substance, only shit like this.
>will I be famous???
>my natal jupiter is transiting the 7th house am I gonna meet my soulmate?????

>Even then tho, personal astrology is so cringe. Fake and gay if you will
It's cringe because people hypervictimize themselves to expect a positive answer or some sort of hidden formula/knowledge that will save their lives from a mundane and dull existence. It's product of the modern world. In the ancient times, personal astrology was used to predict bad omens and be aware of the true nature of this world.
yeah, its that he cast the wrong chart, impossible that you could just be wrong, right?
you'll never learn if you don't take accountability. i've literally never seen someone get things wrong in a reading and immediately blame the native and not themselves for being ill-informed. i suggest you spend more time asking the native questions rather than bossing them around telling them that they're wrong.

also, i've never once used astro-seek. i would grant about 60% of my studies on questioning the native and hundreds of others, placement by placement. using what i know [stereotypes] first to frame the question, and then altering conclusions based on the majority shared experience related to that placement. i've learned more about astrology this way than i ever could have from a podcast, book, or baseline course. and thats only for personal astrology. mundane astrology is way more exciting in this regard.
Why is Capricorn almost always the sign that makes everyone seethe?
me personally i love capricorns
troons, onions boys, and weak men hate a capricorn chad
what word is it that i'm saying that 4chan is autocorrecting to ONION

s o i
it's a word filter
thanks brudder was so confused
newfag, ya gotta go
Also, I don't blame others to dodge my own mistakes. When a reading doesn't match up, it's logical to consider whether the native gave me the whole picture. Ignoring that possibility would be pretty dumb.
My practice is based on solid data and detailed analysis, not on outdated stereotypes and guesswork.

You're excited about mundane astrology, which is great. But guess what? The depth needed for mundane astrology is built on the same rigorous approach used for personal readings.
not who you're talking to but I want to lean your side because I've always got basic information correct on surface level readings as an intermediate knower of astro. but there are always people that will immediately deny things to prove you wrong, like childishly so. like they don't want to believe you can understand them besides from what you tell them. and then I find out some things and I find out they're lying. it's happened a few times to me before
I'm not a newfag, at all. I've simply managed not to say S O Y B O Y for years on end but that means i'm new? k LOL

oh its you!
You must not go into a reading after being wrong, assuming the chart/birth time is wrong. You must first ask yourself if you didn't consider the entirety of the aspect. And frankly, i constantly am the one who mentions the authoritarian father of the 10th house. Sorry aqua anon, but there are many factors that play into why i say this. Again, sincerely, if you need a mentor, i'll help you. But you have to let your ego and defensiveness go. Please ask these people questions in order to learn, you have a platform at your ready and instead of learning, you speak matter-of-fact, You have so much room to grow.
Victim mentality is certainly a plague among people who post their chart. But something like an authoritarian or abusive father/mother isn't something that you just deny just for shits and gigs. Typically, normal human behavior especially in astrology, if someone guesses it, they're quick to be like "how did you know!" or "yes!!"

Something like "you grew up poor" causes defenses to someone who grew up middle class. There is a basic level of median psychology thats necessary when reading a birth chart.
You gotta start somewhere. Ain't nobody born ol' other than Benjamin Button.
This is intellectual dishonesty. What makes you think people cannot lie or give wrong/vague descriptions of their lives? Ignoring the grand picture and relying on the moment, the present. That's a very common tactic amongst these shitters.
They have a notion which may be far from their reality. Like, some people say their lives are shit because they broke up with their partner, had a discussion with their mother or were fired from the job, when in reality, their life is okay. That's the true victim mentality in this thread.

I take into account all the factors, I shut off my ego when reading charts, but you eventually notice whether someone is trolling or is ignoring all the details because their emotions don't let their memory flow. Honestly, I don't want to assume stuff, and I can learn from other people and my own mistakes. But questioning is always good, some people just give surface level information of their life and expect you to send a whole essay, head to toe about their childhood, youth, adulthood, romantic life, career and so on...
I agree with you. Some people hate the truth, unconsciously knowing these detrimental aspects of their life but consciously rejecting them.
I've seen many of these fuckers. And I've give a lot of birth chart readings and 90% of people tell me I did great and that I can read them between lines. The ones who do not are usually skeptics or have any kind of dogmatic belief. Once did a read for someone who practiced Vedic astrology and called me a fraud because their system is correct and mine is wrong.
>western astrology doesn't measure the actual position of stars in the sky!!!
I've given*
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I’m moving to Sweden this August for my stay abroad but I’m getting the feeling I might end up living there permanently, at least that’s what my therapist implied. Any advice or tips on how to figure that out?
you should look into astrocartography
I didn’t even know that’s a thing. Thanks! But if there’s anything I should look out for, based on my chart, or the type of professional environment I’d end up working in, that’d be great. For some reason, my astrological endeavors have all promised I’d meet a woman abroad. I’m currently not looking to date but what about that?
cat lady sign: Pisces.
I'm a Male pisces, who should I seek romantically and how should I attract/recognize them?
he should've gone out more, maybe learned an instrument and learned to talk and get over being bitter he could've easily gotten a woman that was interested in him.

Stereotypical chud who thinks only money and flashing money makes women wet when you look like a twerp with no sense of humor.
I bet its more Capricorn moon, sixth house has things that bring a lot of trouble to you, he's a control freak obviously because of this placement.
His problem wasn't his mentality so much as his mentality was a symptom of his problem. He never properly dealt with the trauma that made him so emotionally unstable.
He internalized a lot of emotional damage as a small child from his dad being an unloving fuck, and his mother compensated by smothering him.
Im not a pro reader sorry, what immediately jumped out though is jupiter pisces 12H which is very fortunate, having a jupiter 12h is like having an angel watching over you
>Verification not required.
It does feel like that at times. I appreciate it.
february aquarius
How do I attract them?
There's no difference between january and february aquarius, get this pop astrology shit out of here dumb bitch.
yes there is, it's called decans. so actually 3 types for each sign
So, January vs February is dumb bitch pop astrology. Glad you agree.
Whether it's Catholics debating Protestants or eastern vs western occult or various flavors of astrology, there's nothing quite like watching two schizos go at it with each other on my favorite Mongolian kite flying image board.
He was a fucking sociopath. Cap moon 6H, all that Leo in 1H typical narc placements, and that 7H saturn too.
Anyway pretty sure he got MK ULTRAed but that's another story.
Do you think the CIA uses astrology to pick their victims?
Most likely they pic how they mess with their victims in that manner.
Is Trump's Leo Mars in 12th house or 1st house? Both seem to make sense.
Has anyone here actually had success using zodiacal releasing?
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hi, any advice you can give me based on my chart? i am also curious what does it say about my personality and negative traits. personally i kind of dislike being aqua sun.
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I don't 'speak' matter-of-fact. In fact, I do birth chart readings for people because I genuinely like to help others and they tell me I'm good at this.
I wouldn't mind you being my mentor. You're great. However, I just want to corroborate I'm not that bad at birth chart readings. Some anons are either too technical or come here to troll.

Posting this is sort of autistic either. Embracing my individuality is great, I don't care though. But I did exactly what you suggested me to do, read charts for other people.
Your sun is just in the cusp, so you could have been born as a Capricorn if you were born like four or five hours before.
Can other’s negative manifestations effect your life the same way you can manifest? Like if you’re awkward and often perceived a certain way like clueless/weird type of person that’s easy blame? I try to always be thoughtful but I feel like a frequent scapegoat.
Here's a horoscope: you will always loathe niggers.
True. Very accurate. Didn't even post my chart and you guessed my personality patterns. I have to clap my hands.
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Say something nice about me mum.
Average wagecuck. That's literally her chart. No life besides job.
i’m a libra. nice try tho
Fortunately, that's not entirely true. She only spent 13 or years out of her 64 total being a cog in the machine. Unless you count being a stay-at-home mom wagecucking.
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my life is very uneventful but i had religious psychotic episodes where it felt like i was stuck in hell, i cant live without meds
just wonder if anythings gonna happen like maybe with relation ship
im on 2 antipsychotics and a mood stablizer all high dose and i smoke lots of weed
practising semen retention right now but i keep failing at it, longest streak was 3 months and i noticed that helped me then
my saturn return this year was hell like psychosis when i tried to quit meds religious psychosis, like i was in a hell realm where everyone could read my thouhts and i was possessed
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Should I become a geologist?
Yeah. Mostly for the charts of celebrities. Partly for my own chart.
That's actually a super cool chart, except for the ascendant ruler. She's got Venus on the MC and Jupiter in the 10th. Those are great for success. She might also have some spicy political opinions.
Thankfully both the Moon and Saturn are mitigated by Jupiter, so there's less likely to be confusion and health problems than there would be otherwise.
Did you have these psychological problems before you started weed, or did they only emerge after you started?
Relationships are probable at some point but they'll in all likelihood be a sort of difficulty as well.

Here's my Astrology Chart in 10 images:
weed has little to do with it i believe, my first psychosis was when i was 21 or 22 from lsd. havent been able to live without meds since.
i am 29 now and i am stable with 2 antipsychotic and mood stabalizier while also smoking weed
Ain't that the truth.
So it's all drug related, even if not necessarily weed. Your ascendant ruler being in the 6th whole sign house may have something to do with that. But it's got good aspects, so I think you'll be able to get a hold on these issues. Have parents and religion, education or travel been helpful for you in this respect?
i have a virgo AND 8th house stellium with a PISCES MARS IN RETROGRADE its so over
love virgos
dont say that then there actually might be hope
Post chart, I have exactly these placements you described.
It's the Virgo Mercury-Moon conjunction anon. Calling it now.
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here u go anon
Not really bad. All your planets fall in the 9th house if you use WSH which is the most legitimate system, at least my favorite. It could have been worse.

My condolences for having a 7th house Saturn in aspect to Venus in Virgo. It's ogre.
Wow this actually kind of sucks. It's not the worst but it kind of sucks. I imagine there are probably difficulties with romance as well?
Although I do think that you have the capacity to be a very technically educated man. Like there's the capacity to be a philosopher or an expert computer scientist or some other 9th house thing.
His Saturn is actually not all bad because it is in tight aspect with the Moon, in a sextile. So it has reception. And Venus actually helps Saturn be more constructive with a sextile.
But Venus is in really bad condition - cadent, in fall, combust, opposed by Mars.
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>cartoon woman
>pink hair

OP is a dude pretending to be a woman.
yeah my ex picked up on my autism and tried to use me for sex. right now ive gone complete schizo as it runs in my family.

i was born female thats the only good thing I got going
I have Saturn in Cancer (diurnal chart) in sextile to the Moon in Virgo too, so my Saturn is in reception) Saturn is at 12 degrees and the Moon 13 degrees (I'm the Mercury-Moon conjunction anon).

It kind of sucks to have a Saturn square Venus, which is a benefic aspecting Saturn so it could be helpful too.
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We have a similar birth chart combo. But I got a direct 8th house stellium.

The detachment of Aquarius Rising and perfectionism of Virgo stellium seems to be a very mortal combo. I'm literally a giga-autist.
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I dare you to read mine, niggers. Personality-wise, please. Childhood wasn't particularly easy.
Two Mercury-Moon conjunction charts.
>Individuals who are born with strong Moon-Mercury conjunction are blessed with high analytical intelligence with fine thought process, a soft voice, good communication skills with smiling and witty armor that can melt others heart which enables them to manifest favours for their own benefit. They are intelligent and have a keen eye for every detail as they are very good observers and reading the thoughts of others with a realistic approach towards all situations.
>Childhood wasn't particularly easy.
cancer 4th house so we look to the moon. it's squared saturn and mars. violence, perhaps, or maybe even loss or no home stability
> Virgos: Dom Men, Sub Women. Capricorns: Sub Men, Dom Women.

Both are control freak OCDs, yandere sign is Virgo whereas the Grey type is Capricorn.
Why is Capricorn a feminine sign? It's ruled by Saturn, a masculine planet. Women beaters are usually Capricorns.
They are internally seething and won't really act out their inner mental disease until they are in a top position so it seems "acceptable" for them to boss people around otherwise they'll just take the abuse. They are also materialists so that explains a lot, they care about making money and moving up in the world.
Spot on.
Taurus are worse than capriniggers.
>i was born female thats the only good thing I got going
I should've realised from the twinkjo pics.
Sorry to hear this about your ex though.
Yeah a tight Venus-Saturn square will help out Saturn but it does "pollute" relationship themes.
>Yeah a tight Venus-Saturn square will help out Saturn but it does "pollute" relationship themes.
What about finances? Venus rules finances too.
only because they are openly abrasive about themselves towards others, they are basically the american footballer or a little miss model princess.
Cap male here. Its a misnomer to call it beating. We just want to physically excite girls and make them feel. Modern women think they are soooo great, but suddenly when they're pressed and can't move, they're not so tough.
Earth is feminine element
Wait, that doesn't sound right. You have Aquarius Rising, so Pisces should be the 2nd house, no?
Venus rules not only Libra, but also Taurus. Taurus is the 2nd house, finances, money. That's my point.
No but there's no way Taurus is the second house with Aquarius Rising, and if you have Virgo 8th house you must have Pisces as the second?
Taurus traditionally represents the 2nd house. Yeah, my 2nd house is in Pisces and ruled by Jupiter, but my point is that Venus rules material resources and finances too.
I mean, Venus rules finances [Taurus, 2nd house] as well as love. You're misunderstanding my statement. My 2nd house is in Pisces, I already know it. But under that logic love would ruled by the Sun in my chart too which is my 7th house ruler.

I'm talking about the planet, not the rulers.
>But under that logic love would ruled by the Sun in my chart too which is my 7th house ruler.
That would be true, too.
I don't know that Venus alone rules wealth. Jupiter is just as often described as a ruler of wealth. Both of the benefics have these natural significations, but the 2nd house ruler is much more relevant here.
We'd probably look to your Venus if we want to know more about shit like jewellery etc. That's a natural signification of Venus. Fashion also. Stuff like that.
Thanks guys, really appreciate it.
Almost every person who has read my chart has freaked themselves out.
Here's my chart tell me what you guys think
Freaking about what? A virgo? LMAOOOOOOOO
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>mfw the stars align my dick with her ass
I feel a lot of cringe when you post these wojaks.
Like, go outside and take a bit of sun in your flesh.
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tfw your mouth is conjunct with dem titties
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Xtards are filthy-smelling worms, even more cringe than redittors. People who use wojaks, boxes like "chad "chud" "virgin" and wojaks have nothing of substance to sentient people.

Just to clarify, I'm not a woman but you will eventually look back and rope yourself after remembering how much essence of cringe you displayed in /astro/. Time to rope yourself.
kek get over yourself
Get a job outside 4chan, millennial rat.
The real Aqua anon I know would have talked about my sign being superior to niggers and why we should implement the ideology of astrological uber aryanism and strive to become cheerleaders of ancient Gods.
This larp never gets old I swear. The amount of clueless egotistical dorks that say this is unreal
>skin on your flesh
You’re doing it again anon. Be original
>t. projection

Hi, my favorite anonnette.
God I fucking hate Capricorns so much it's unreal... but know what? Taurus deserve a burning place in the farthest corners of the world. Fuck all these materialist stubborn pretentious faggots.
Is Virgo the best earth sign by default?
Yeah, because the planet of intellect (Mercury) is exalted and dignified in Virgo. It's solely the best placement in a natal chart.
Yeah but Virgos are boring.
You're not wrong. But ideally the rest of our natal makes up for it.
Nope, because cap is the only earth sign that understands and appreciates comedy.
I’ve never met a boring virgo. Not a sun, moon or rising boring virgo. Have you ever considered that you could be the problem?
Let me guess, you’re water heavy? Like how many people are you factoring in for these opinions on sun signs? One girl that didn’t like you now you blame her sun sign for why she didn’t want you? Classic
adam sandler
amy whinehouse
tim burton
charlie sheen
paul walker
tom hardy
freddie mercury

ugh sooooo boring amirite fellas
Let me guess, you're virgo?
>how many people are you factoring in for these opinions
One, just me.
My soul wants to fight with my flesh, to escape from this samsara's cycle called material world. This world is an unfulfilling and chaotic cage. In that sense, a Virgo is enlightened to see beyond the layers of this hideous realm.
Meet the essence, decentralize the ego and embrace your spiritual nature. Virgo was considered a mystical, illuminated signs by ancients. So that's why Mercury in Virgo is one of my favorite placements in my chart.

Knowing I'm a mere observer, seeing the patterns of this world paves the pathway to enlightement and resting the soul. Even pain is pretty when you make it, indeed.

Those who say Virgo is a boring sign, either lack an actual understanding of astrology or are just haters. These anons are just bullshitters, the sensitivity of a Virgo is holier than thousands of Capricorns.
>t. aqua anon
Under the cage, below the cameras, there's a soul. Virgos have a holy soul and spirit. Capricorns are soulless and materialists.

Virgo chads always win.
No, Im not a problem. Its just a boring sign.
>t. caprinigger
Absolutely. The dullness of a virgo is like a perfect sphere.
We are mere observers in this world. Virgo is an analytical and critical sign. Such a shame you got a low-tier sign that cannot see through the layers of reality.
Shut up, cap gods are talking.
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>We are mere observers in this world. Virgo is an analytical and critical sign. Such a shame you got a low-tier sign that cannot see through the layers of reality.
Cappy, your only and sole purpose on this world are masks and facades. To a greater scale. Besides climbing the ladder and contributing something to the world, all you want is success and money. The shallowest of the signs along with Taurus.

Virgos observe the environment and world surrounding them. In that sense, they're superior. It's more abstract, analytical, serviceable. This world is a hideous cage, why would I want to own many properties and vehicles? With a basic life I have enough.
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Cope, caprichud.
I can't be asked to read all that, I'd die of boredom.
Capricorns haven't never read a single book because they're all day long busy in McDonalds. Who cares though. Understandable you cannot read a single piece of text.
You're cute lil' virgo, let's say we call it quits for now before the thread gets even more derailed.
Imagine being confined following the patterns and desires of this world. Materialism is a distraction for the soul. We are destined for higher things. Spiritual things.
Virgos, in that sense, are prophets who have apprehend the higher layer of spiritual aspect of this reality overlaying the mundane dull world. Philosophy and understanding is what colours the bleakness of human condition.
Arguing about sun signs is retard behavior
It's fun.
In an attempt to re-rail this thread: What's your favorite planet on your natal?

For me, it's Scorpio Pluto at home in the 8th house. Comfy.
My mum got a Vedic guy to look at my chart and jeet predicted I’ll have an small affair when I’m married. How accurate is this?
My 12th house Venus in Sagittarius. I love that inclination to the unknown.
Also the exact septile between Uranus and Chiron. Helps me get out of bad situations faster.

Also, asking for general advice on Saturn transiting my Moon. I’ve been in a relationship that I’ve been questioning on breaking off because I feel quite disconnected from this person, although it didn’t start out like that. It sucks because I know they’re great and supportive but every time I try to embrace them I get this anxious feeling in my chest. I pretty bad trying to keep them at arms length away. Saturn will start losing its effect over my moon over the next 6 months.
I just can’t tell if it’s Saturns influence that’s making me question this relationship or not.
> Doesn't understand ironic shitposting.
> You guys are fucking worst!!!

lmao, women/trannies ITT btfo.
I also have that but it's square my sun, ew. I like having jupiter on my ascendant but it's square saturn, but whatev
I can't really speak on astrological interpretations, but I can tell you, influences of Saturn or not, there is a reason why you're feeling this way, and it could be from reasons deep seeded in your relationship to begin with, that are now being brought to light from your subconscious (perhaps influenced by Saturn's transit). So, Saturn might be challenging these feelings of yours, calling into question your feelings with you woman overall. This should be an opportunity for you to grow, but you need to face this challenge head-on and talk with your woman. Speak open and candidly about your feelings in regards to them. And, regardless of whether the outcome is a breakup or not, I hope you take away with it a better understanding of yourself.
You're a fattie.
Thank you for the insight.
I appreciate that interpretation, Saturn as a teacher challenging me to work through this regardless of outcome.
Someone who enjoys being center of attention, plotting and argumentative, basically a virgo drama queen.
>Saturn as a teacher challenging me to work through this regardless of outcome.
That's the way I view him, at least. I do wish you well in figuring your relationship; I had a very similar situation a couple years ago, when I was 27, where I felt exactly as you do, and of course I had to speak with her about how I felt. The relationship ended, but I felt like I had a deeper understanding of myself, and what I want in life-- especially in the two years since, and I've had the time to live and reflect.
You are once again repeating shit you don’t understand. They said it’s in a square to saturn. Stop regurgitating implications and do some actual studying
Is vedic astrology more accurate or fake? In what aspects is it different? Can someone explain it to me?
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Ok, so Saturn went retrograde and right as it did, he left with a parting kiss to my south node.
So what I would like some help on is how to interpret Saturn conjunct south node transit, specifically in the first house. I can’t find any articles on google so I’m branching out.

Does this transit mean I’ll be single until he passes by my south node in the future? Some context is that I was in a brutal relationship with a Saturn-ruled chick for a year. We broke up at the end of March. So, I’m guessing either Saturn is trying to teach me to foster more independence (1st H) with my newfound singledom, or that since south node rules the past life, does that mean that the Saturn chick will be back? Any other interpretations are more than welcome pl0x, this has been on my head for quite a while now
i'm skinny fat but that's because of beer. I walk about 5 miles every other day
correct, I'd be obese as shit otherwise
Can I transcend astrological boundaries?

These fixations are deeply rooted and shape a person's reality. Planets can imprison the soul, limiting its potential. We as individuals are bound by perceptions. I think that self-awareness and philosophical introspection can liberate the soul from the chains. Each person may have a predisposition towards certain patterns due to their temperament, but these are shaped and reinforced by life experiences and environment. For example, a child who faces excessive criticism might develop a fixation on perfection to gain approval.

I can say this as someone who has a vast amount of Virgo concentration in his chart. My ideal purpose is striving to overcome the boundaries and become my best version. After all, this world is nothing but a cage.
Excuse me, my cat love. I just said the obvious.
Past, present and future exist simultaneously and this persistent illusion of not transcending the current reality is the only thing blinding my future. Old things must pass before the news come.
In order to become the best version of yourself, you need to rekindle the awareness of the self, emotions, intellect and awake your inner child. My inner child's flame is out. Wish I could just release all these fixations and boundaries so I can thrive in this lifetime. That's all I just want.

I cultivate my values, honor and sense of purpose through spiritualism and self-development. These are my favorite topics. The spiraling starway of human evolution might wind all the way to the heart of eternity, and then pass to the absolute darkness. I fear technological revolution might not be the apotheosis of human condition. AIs are already replacing us and we are becoming more useless, plastic and recyclable as time passes on...

You argued with me one day about this not being true about jupiter/asc and now you mention is every time you see it. Curious!
People here volunteer their time so if you want to be sarcastic maybe cough up a hundred bucks for a natal consultation first and if you don't like it, then you can bitch and whine as much as you want.
Not even Mussolini tier.
Would be nicer if you were born like an hour later so you can have the Moon in Taurus.
They're full of shit t b h. Maybe you'll have an affair, maybe you won't. As an astrologer, I still wouldn't predict it, because it's DUMB to do so. I can tell if someone's the type of person to have an affair, but I can't say that they actually will have an affair.
IMO Jyotish is really bad for the most part. Not even necessarily because of the system, but because of the people who practice it.
Jyotish differs from Western because it uses the sidereal zodiac and has completely different aspects and timing techniques.
It doesn't matter dude. That's why you can't find articles on it.
Read the Corpus Hermeticum.
I honestly dont like any of my planets in my natal chart. Its either decent sign but terrible house or vice versa.
I wouldn’t see planets as chains. They say astrology is like having cheat codes to life. You’re supposed to use it as a tool, not see it as a prison or even “fate” / “destiny”

There are positives and negatives to every placement. The benefit of knowing astrology is you can identify your predispositions and basically have endless amounts of advice, introspection, consideration to every short coming.

But this is just personality.
A malefic 4th house is almost always a sign of childhood trauma. Had the natives mother known astrology been able to prevent this? In a way, but for example saving the child from trauma and being over protective & overly strict, ~still~ induced trauma/troubles in childhood. In a way i guess you could see this as destiny, but the realm of probably varies. And even then, personal astrology exists as a tool to overcome and grow.
>Read the Corpus Hermeticum.
Thank you. I feel I can liberate my soul through spirituality and philosophy. Since I got into astrology, felt a massive growth and evolution in every aspect of my life, that's why I want to dedicate my life to spiritualism and philosophy in its entirety, my 9th ruler is connected to Saturn which is a benefic and I feel that reading about these topics heals the afflictions in exchange of isolating from people. It's a fair payment though. Love is pretty useless and a lowkey aspect of my life.

Philosophy and spirituality are more burn my inner flame and push me forward. So, who cares about the affliction of Venus? It's in domicile in Libra, so I channel that energy solely in reading books than connecting with other people.
these burn my inner flame*

I was so absorbed by my mind that didn't notice that grammatical mistake. My perfectionism triggered again.
I don't think my biological mother would have been able to prevent this. She's a bad person, an idler and beggar. Fortunately I was adopted by my grandparents, so who cares.
No, obviously this saturn transit doesn’t mean you’ll be single until the next?

Saturn transiting your South Node revolves around tying up loose ends, restriction on things you’re comfortable with [an elderly pet dying, moving out of your childhood home, your first car finally breaking down after 10 years, etc] basically extended/long term things that are well integrated into your life have a graceful exit.

Yours is in your first house so the variables are even larger, but things like cutting your hair you’ve been growing for x years, going bald, pisces so things like quitting cigarettes, getting off meds,

So yes, in a way this can be attributed to saturn, opposite nn 7th. But his retrograde motion doesn’t matter, he’s already been around your south node for awhile.
What? I’ve never even seen your chart. This was supposed to be an example… was that not obvious?
I have a very demanding, critical and analytical aunt. They passed away already, and she was always present too. So that's how I developed this vast amount of Virgo energy, emotionally detached family and all about being an structured and perfectionist person.
I've posted my chart countless times in /astro/. It's in this same thread too.
Are you the Virgo-Aquarius anon?
Good examples of boring people, yes
And i’m supposed to know that how? The 4th house thing was literally just an example. Just really confused how you concluded that was somehow about you personallu
It's enough to switch a bit my writing patterns and I go unnoticed.
Which one? Arent there two of them?
Aries Moon anon, the one who missed a chance with a girl the past year.
>one time do not lurk in thread
>immediately blew it
It wasnt meant to be after all.
wtf are you talking about??? i do not know or care who you are and i wasn’t describing your personal placements i literally do not know or care what they even are
I can identify you by your writing patterns. In fact, I saved your chart in my personal folder.
>t. libra anon
Ok, cat lady.
Damn, Im that predictable huh.
>saved your chart
just a waste of storage. Do you have the placidus or whole house one?
>Do you have the placidus or whole house one?
The whole house one. Post your Placidus chart so I can add it to the collection.
Placidus one is ugly, also dumb.
Most of your 8th house stellium shifts to the seventh house in the Placidus one. The differences are fine.
Does anyone have an interpretation of a chart with a kite where the tail on the North Node? It seems kinda contradictory to have the apex of the kite on the South Node. This is a chart of a psychic with said configuration.
>8th house mercury
imagine that
Fortuna in the 12th
i have Uranus in that exact placement, that's why i am here
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i like having my Moon in Pisces 12th house, not ez but worth it, also my Aries rising helps
Yall think its a good idea for me to be a geologist
R8/H8? Elabor8?
Carpe diem brother, enjoy that life, take pleasure in beautiful moments and live your sigma dream too.
Pisces bros how do we keep on going with knowing how it all ends the same?
Well my senior dogs pretty close to doing here so that lines up.
I’m really trying to understand the themes associated with 1st house antics. That’s what I could use some help with. I’m kinda guessing that I have to tie up some loose ends on my person i.e. get my life a little more stable in a practical sense before I can find a partner.
I’ve just been hoping for a second chance with that Saturnian ex of mine to give me a second chance, though idk if thatll pan out. I need to get a reading done to see if her or somebody else will be my next love.
Def gonna try to quite smoking these next few months.

I think a major theme at least is me letting go of my way of identifying myself with relationships, at least with the past relationships I’ve had thus far and gotta make way for a more mature stable grownup kinda love.
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>Saturn is entering Aries soon
Saturn or Neptune?
>4 planets end up in 7th house
That does seems like a completely radical shift
Both, actually.
Is it true that you're supposed to match your clothes to your venus sign? Mine is cancer
You ignore red flags with that Neptune-Venus configuration, right?
Red flags regarding what? Aspects?
>Is it true that you're supposed to match your clothes to your venus sign?
Ill intended or malicious people. Hypocrites, liars... these people.
So does astrology not affect fashion at all?
It kinda does but it's more likely that your placements will influence your choices, rather than you having to choose according to your placements.
Generally if you have tons of stuff in Libra or Taurus you'll probably be more fashion savvy.
Yes, theres still quite a bit of dellusion regarding other people as better than they actually are. Isnt that square more about unrealistic love?
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why I am unlucky? my life has been tragic event after tragic event. I never have people who truly like me. it's as if I was not made for this existence
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>life going good
>feel on top of the world
>still having issues with girl
I am just cursed?
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Already gave up on chasing women, Isaac newton volcel maxxing , How do I get any money whatsoever t. degenerate lazy soundcloud rapper
>How do I get any money whatsoever t. degenerate lazy soundcloud rapper
use my beats, they're killer
Will do, playboy. Thanks for the input
cardinal t square involving saturn and jupiter with mercury in the 12th. pluto in the 8th, chiron on top of your midheaven and conjuct fuckin mars..
just woke up but yeah, not really feeling this chart. makes it worse that you're a pisces. not meant for this world: the person. btw what's going on with your mom?
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pluto in aquarius
Venus is not only about love, also friendships and people. It's about trusting other people blindly and falling in overidealization. That's the meaning of your square.
>It's about trusting other people blindly and falling in overidealization
True. Im guilty of doing it. Too many people hurt me in the end and I just keep my distance
You’re very young so simply consider getting a normal job and that’s it. Not sure why zoomers make their lives harder than it needs to be.
Chiron conjunct Midheaven.
North Node in the 12th.
Again, another person who is very, very young.

You have a long road ahead of you of having to learn lessons the hard way. This will shape you into a better and stronger person soon enough.

Lilith and the Moon in the 3rd suggest some kind of learning inabilities, I don’t want to say outright mental incognance but they are in a square to mercury so…

You’ll have to accept a different type of life than your peers. Constant comparison is only going to make you depressed.
4 out of 10

Nothing exciting or too difficult. Spiciest placement you have is moon/pluto
Absolutely as in he is correct in saying no? Or Absolutely is the correct answer to the original question?
What's good in your chart is that Saturn helps you to have a realistic approach of relationships and counter-act the deceit of Neptune. Saturn is stronger than the delusions of Neptune.
He has Saturn in the 7th house in opposition to Venus. It's understandable.
dang this is just like my crush's chart (except her mars/jupiter/saturn are in leo)
i don't even know what being a geologist entails but u have mercury in gemini so i'd say go for it
psycho ass cap moon
DEATH to all earth moons
with a girl or girls in general?
Well currently I'm making interesting progress with solving long standing issues of anhedonia and a inhability of taking impactful decisions. Vaguely I have in front of me the challenge of reinventing myself while also keeping alive my artistic interests (writting in my native language mostly), so yeah would anybody be so kind to provide a reading in base of the little info I provided?
BASED bull hater
they genuinely care about NOTHING but luxury and pleasure
>I have an 8th house stellium.
>/astro/larpers: become a market analyst or invest in cryptocoins.
He was asking about money not love
Absolutely yes dressing according to your venus sign can benefit you, you should already naturally feel drawn to that style in some way.
Yeah it’s definitely the earth moon, that you personally hate, and not his large leo stellium in the 12th house that made him insane and entitled.
Can Saturn (the malefic) actually help? It seems like you'd want to believe but end up massively depressed due to reality of things.
Sort of. Saturn is stronger in my chart, it's in square and Venus in trine (both tight orbs) and I take a realistic approach when I see evil people. That's why my friendships are ephemeral and disappointing. It's only deceit and overidealization. Saturn pulls my ear to the ground. Kind of a mortal combo for social involvement.
>It's in square to Saturn and trine to Neptune.
>mortal combo for social involvement.
I feel the same, even positive interaction is fake as it doesnt mean anything in the long run.
>saturn square venus
unironicallty, have you tried therapy?
Yes but no avail.
I don't mean to come across as insensitive, as the aspect you're describing sounds truly painful, but it also seems like the issue stems a lot from your emotional involvement in relationships--as in, it's nonexistent. This isn't an issue that going to therapy for a few months or even a year will fix, unless you're receptive to actually challenging yourself. Which is what Saturn is there to do right? The whole point of therapy is one of emotion--be it regulating, balancing, consoling, or even just finding the emotions involved--but also, critically, of guidance. A therapist (unless they're a psychological savant) isn't going to instantly find and fix where you're broken-- that's your job-- they're their to guide you to where you need to apply effort. But that's just it, you need to apply the effort, or the way you feel will continue to persist, and things will not improve.
talk to her about your dream house
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>pic rel
Moon's in bad condition though so you'll probably be feeling depressive. But outlook is good for life more broadly.
Pic rel applies to you too, actually.
Earth moons are based as fuck, actually.
Not sure what you're looking for.
Seems to me like it's especially important for someone like you to put himself out there and to connect with other people. Unfortunately you have a 12th house stellium which may make this difficult.
It's the basic "good end" for 8th housers homeboy, or do you want me to tell you to become a street beggar instead?
I am not telling you any of the cool esoteric 8th house significations. Those are my intellectual property. Not gonna dump them here anonymously.
Thanks, pal. Just wish I knew when
Let me try and take a look at that for you. Give me a few minutes.
From the 3rd of April 2025 to the 3rd of April 2026 you have a 7th house profection year, so I think you should put more effort into getting a partner then. I think it's probable that you'll have good fortune to attain that during that year.
4th-6th of November 2025 may be especially important. 1st-4th of January 2026 is even more important. I'd be especially mindful of the 3rd of January. I recommend you put a bunch of effort into pursuing romantic relationships a few weeks around these ranges, in order to create conditions where the good fortune can operate more effectively.
> Unfortunately you have a 12th house stellium which may make this difficult.

jeje The story of my life. But you basically wrote what I have in my mind. In relatively short term I desire to move to a more fulfilling job and give more exposure to my artistic work.. In long term, idk my mind went blank about the far future some years ago. Thanks for the reading m8.
Bro, holy shit. That's like, the most detail I've ever gotten from these threads. Thank you, friend. I hope this means the good times stick around. Been having a stellar year apart from girls.

God bless, friend <3
You're welcome.
You are welcome. I wish you good luck!
Therapy is only a waste of resources and money. Which is pointless in the long-track. Merely a temporary vent.
>It's the basic "good end" for 8th housers homeboy
Yes, there are different endings. I've met people with 8th house stelliums which ended up involved in psychology, coaching and 'taboo' jobs.

As an 8th houser I don't feel related to cryptocurrency and finances, or who knows in a future in get interested in those. Astrology is celestial jackspot.
You seem to be conflating temporary with bad. Which is a bit of a problem when all of life is temporary. Even the long-track that you hold in high esteem is just temporary as the sociality you eschew.
I think he's trying to hint at the fact that therapy, like medication doesn't actually address the root cause of your discomfort.
uhmmmm.... whats like my purpose in life? where will i eventually find my "calling" or whatever? thx in advance im sorry if the chart is bad :((
Astrology is good for self-knowledge. The reason it appeals to women is because it is easy to absolve yourself of responsibility and promotes an external locus of control.
The whole point of your chart is to transcend it. Particularly the moon, which should just be ignored. Focus on rising, as rising rules over your causal body, and north node. This combined is your destiny in life.
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Kendra would like to know why my chart folder has not been read.

Last chance or else.

i don't want to hurt you or your frens and families.

If not then its ok, or is it...be very vigilant...
>pluto in virgo
is this your grandma's chart?
All human relationships are temporary, some shorter than others. Therapy is about funding someone else's pocket and living the same miserable life with vague and heartless advices.
I don't find any solace in giving money in exchange of psychological help. Psychology is a capitalist mafia. Feels forced, fake and half-hearted. I'd rather live a solitary life instead.
Look, all I'm saying is that if you have issues in your life, that you want to be addressed, and you are either struggling to identify or fix said issues by yourself, then maybe consider therapy? And I'm not just suggesting you only seek out the paid variety. Any kind of earnest conversation with someone can be therapeutic. But if you don't mind your affliction, then be as you are.
No conversation is therapeutic. I have had thousand of them and they are meaningless.
What you don't understand is that I cannot form a genuine bound to someone else and feel emotionally dead, detached, isolated and separate from others. It's like friendships are non-existent in my life.

My family gives a shit about me, they're not emotionally intelligent in the slightest. I've gone to therapy, diagnosed as schizoid, and none of the advices worked for me. My mind is already fucked. Not a single interactions fills this inner void, dead landscape. I can drain the world of life and bring it back again, but it never truly amount to anything regardless.
Okay, and are you fine existing as a schizoid, or is this something that you want to fix?
Not sure whether it's fine or not. I long for connections but at same time couldn't care less about people.
It's a hole-dwelling state where you cannot simply choose options. Delete the "long-run" from the friends vocabulary or add 'ephemeral' interactions and it's done.
Aright, last question before I stop prodding. How old are you?
....no, why do you ask?
Impossible to tell without an actual birth time.
Oki kewl
Unfortunately, I remember when I was your age. A miserable time (as was the previous 12 years) in my life, where I had no real friends, but was constantly surrounded by thousands of affable, young people in school--all of whom felt impossible to be able to connect with; but I still yearned for it all the same. Truthfully, I was intimidated. I have been most of my life. The notion of making a connection with someone on a personal level outside of just useless niceties had always made me want to vomit in terror; getting rejected for trying made me want to cry. I believe it came from a place of 0 self-esteem, and feeling like I just simply wasn't an enjoyable person to be around--that I was beneath everyone that I wanted to connect with.

That resentment against myself was easily projected upon all those people, and their notions that emotional connections meant something. Classic Fox and the Grapes. Thus, I was above them, and secluded myself to doing isolated activities, and pretending to better understand the world by browsing philosophy, history, or other arcane articles on Wikipedia like a true midwit. Of course that social yearning was still there, so where do I turn? Forums (4chan)--the perfect place to be social without personal involvement. I can imagine that's why you're here, too, entertaining those questions.

I was lucky and was eventually saved by a woman, who for whatever reason liked me, and taught me how to not be afraid to be intimate with a stranger's soul. I just wish someone had told me how much on life I was foregoing, simply because I was too caught up in my own brain years before this. It's made me value the stupid, small, and otherwise forgettable moments with people. I want to give those interactions meaning, because I truly value people and the influence they have on my life. Whether you value other people or not ultimately comes down to you and time.

I don't know why I typed all this out, but it's too late to not submit now.
>I was lucky and was eventually saved by a woman, who for whatever reason liked me, and taught me how to not be afraid to be intimate with a stranger's soul.
NTA but predictable given how gay your post is
NTA, but give life time to work it's magic. It defies probability.
Cannot we just cut that part of ourselves that longs for social involvement? My notion of people is strongly weakened and I see them as nothing but a collection of interests and traits.
Normies are in aversion to my passions as individual. Nerds are midwits and crush my boundaries. I prefer to be surrounded of spiritual, emotional people, rather than emotionless predictable robots. Yet these 'spiritual' people tick all the normie boxes, they're either leftists or crazy women.

It's like floating in the middle of the void. The notion of people is already so fucked you cannot take the first step or even motivate to push these weak connections forward. Pretty loose bonds. Being a wolf in sheep's clothing is more enjoyable for some, being authentic is the true calling of my soul. Only exceptional people thrive in life, normies and regular people are damned to be brainless robots following orders.

This is purely rambling. My perception defeats the concept of self-awareness. But reading books that transcend the perception has made a significant change in my life. Like I don't feel like a regular human, but apart from the average sheep. Talk about astrology, tarot, spiritual stuff, people will call you a weirdo, crazy or will isolate you from the crowd. They're afraid of the ethereal reality of this massive universe.

Every time I see my chart I find more answers and explanations to all my limitations and restrictions. It's like infinite potential from which I can learn more and more as time passes on, and when I think I already realized most of my afflictions, I eventually find a new connection relating a new story.

By the way, post your chart if you want to. Merely curiosity.
it is the earth moon. cope
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>no worries earth moons are okay
>average earth Moon: ‘On one occasion, an old woman chatting outside his door made him so angry that he pushed her down the stairs. She was injured, and a court ordered Schopenhauer to pay compensation to her for the rest of her life. When she died some years later, Schopenhauer showed no compassion: instead he scribble the joke-rhyme ‘obit anus, abit onus‘ (Latin for ‘the old woman dies, the burden goes’) on her death certificate.’
new >>38249468

Here is my chart.
>btw what's going on with your mom?

interesting question, she died when I was a kid

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