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Welcome to Divination General!
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Previous thread: >>38259336
have a nice day, /div/
Have a nice week
AQ: Will B be my next gf?
6 of wands. yes
Air Query

Chances of winning over the girl in the general I hang out in?
the sun. very high chances. smile and be cheerful and you'll win her over
big yes

Kight of Rods rx
don't even make a move.
just do it, even if you dont get to go out with her at least you tried
OMG, that's wonderful, thanks, guys
>>38262075 #
Knight of pents rev
Ace of pents, 3 of swords, Emperor rev
Moon rev and 5 of wands at the bottom of the deck
I would say this is a no, or not in a long while.

They feel like they're in the right and it's your work to make up to them and figure how to sort things out betwee you two.

Feels little entitled NGL

>Sorry for the late reply again
I usually don't care, but there's just something about her. The pieces seem to fit, but I don't think she'll ever give me a real shot. I think we could make each other happy.
combing the cards, its like yeah you will probably flatter her and she'll be proud but you don't know the half of what youd be getting into and don't have a man's passion but a young mans. work away at it harder. I drew a third card it was um8 of Pent study her ask her questions really get to know her. DON'T put any pressure on her just let her know you like her a lot.
I think the main problem is her walls are up too damn high. I get why, but that's my biggest obstacle. I'm a bit of a meathead and she's going to misinterpret it.

Thank you, friend <3
God bless
Hello, I’ll read one or two OCCULT queries. Please provide relevant genders and clarify whether a given party is corporeal/human or incorporeal/spirit/entity. I’m working off some rust on readings, so no guarantees of accuracy, please only ask if you will give feedback. Please be patient, I sometimes have trouble with the captchas on this site.
too much water drowns
too much food weights
too much warm burns
too much meth deprives you of needed processing of truth to get on with life ie sleep

try epherdra tea it should have the taste and effect with less terrible life ruining side effects and the pipe like once a month and let her know its that same drug but hyped up in a big hit but its like yeah just don't stay awake for a week the viel will kill you because you'll be reaching phschoctic apthosticy

chances of sipping meth tea with her
- High Priestess
good chances and she'll love it

chances of getting her on the pipe #div tips
- Magician
she'll do it , With You and not alone

let her know how dangerous the drug is and not to make a game of it especially who she gets it from if she gets addicted to it. I will not digress but it is like a gun can be used for right or wrong and powerfully so.
that anon said meathead, not meth head
>too much meth deprives you of needed processing of truth to get on with life ie sleep
my sides!


This is why I love this site. You guys are amazing
of o7 does it mean less two nine or another group entirely need clarity

my gender is female
o7 is supposed to be entities seven of them

the "leader" of them or at least the strongest one in resisting my daughter Ditara's (you know it as Fate or Atropos/Clotho/Lachesis, she's a hydra, entity) he resisted her attempt to control his mind (how I know him), but I don't know if o7 includes Jack (male) don't know if the so called Leader is male or non gendered its not female as I know it.

in shoert is Jack (m Entity) part of Szaraka's (m Entity) o7?
sorry I'm a meth head go try ephrda tea kids! all readis bias
Hello. Been a while :)

Doing a handful of readings until I get bored. No love/relationship queries.

Wishing you all a great weekend! :)
I’m sorry, I read this post 10 times and still have no clue what you’re trying to ask. There is something that feels very off about this. Depending on your perspective, my assessment of how you feel energetically may or may not be a reading, but I would like to suggest the following:
Please do a deep deep detox. Get out of the city for a week or so, abstaining from all substances, as well as internet. Just food and water. You will find that many of those things subside and cease to harass you. If you really demand an /x/-tier explanation for this, your energy is pulsing in the way wounds do when they’re in the early stage of infection. Please, go sort yourself out.
you wanted occult shit!

this is the hardest thing for me to read for myself!
where will my next work be?
I’ve been reading occult shit for 9 years, and it was my niche during the time I read for money. In that time, I’ve encountered many people who thought that there were occult things affecting them but just really needed a break. I don’t know you, so I won’t stand by any of my own claims, but it feels like you need a break and some fresh air.

If you know how to read tarot yourself, you may feel free to rely on my sortilege and interpret it yourself:
KgW, supported by Strength rev and KgP, leading to 4P and AoP rev

Because I don’t understand your query, I’m not entirely sure how to interpret this, but I hope it helps you in some way.
I dont know if this count as a love nor relationship Q, but id like to know who Will be the next person i Will have sex with
Male, straight
will i be able to pull off a summer job thats better than the current one im at? things arent looking so good at this one
this is for next summer btw
What Will be a good way of making money for myself? Should i sell content? Im not really ashamed of It, what should i do?
ah I see thank you makes sense

Szarka (wands strength) says Jack (pent) control leads to lack of oppurtunity he was part of it but is kicked thank you well by Szarka he don't acknowledge him so wether the others do is irrelevant. cause Szarka is refusing to work with him cause of what Jack done with the veil its don't offer to him what the others of the seven get.
Can you tell me about my next job?
but yes he is counted as part of its order if it was a thing which it won't be when I'm done.
Steak dinner soon?
Will i go camping with my friend again?
>Knight of Cups, reversed
>9 of Wands, reversed
>The Sun

Your previous/current job went sour because of interpersonal relationships. Did you have a fight with your boss? Was someone that you felt was a friend hurt you, or did you hurt them?

Whatever it was, it left you bitter and defensive. You're questioning yourself, but I feel you're also quite stubborn. There's a type of job, perhaps a pay range or a specific field, that you're holding out for. Some aspect of your identity is holding you back.

If instead you allow yourself to see this as an opportunity to experience something new, you'll find a fulfilling and rewarding job, even if it's not what you expected.

Best of luck in your job search! :)
Can i have a general for the rest of the year?
Male, J

Physically abusive gf when?
AQ: Are her feelings for me getting more intense? Have I been her dream man the entire time?
i could be this, but i would cry after hitting you
Well, I hope it helps you in some way, good for you.

I’ll give you a reading if you want, readers often need readings. Even if it’s not occult, I can do it, refer to the rest of my instructions:
I won't cry
You expect me to fall for bait that easy?

Gaslighting too? I can only get so erect!

the duality of women
Trading! Will read anything
no and no.
Hey there, could you tell where I’m being led by spirit? How I’m energetically changing is important to me.
>Did you have a fight with your boss? Was someone that you felt was a friend hurt you, or did you hurt them?
no, not at all. I'm friendly towards everyone and they are the same with me. now i'm scared whatever this fight is will happen...i just want to find a better job and leave my current one on good terms
Sorry, not really the type of question I feel comfortable with.

>4 of Pentacles, reversed
>The Hermit
>2 of Wands

As you said already, things are feeling insecure at your current summer job and you're looking for something more reliable.

You're already in the process of reflecting on this. Is this job something you'd want to continue anyways, even if they turned around? You have a full year ahead of you, and that's plenty of time to discern what is important to you. Take some time to reflect

Felt there was more to this.
>7 of Pentacles, reversed
>Judgement, reversed
More reinforcement that you have to believe in yourself. If you can make good use of this time ahead of you, believe in yourself, and plan accordingly, you can secure something that makes you happy.

You can do it! :)
Your mom
Sorry, forgot to mention that I’m female BTW >>38262962
just because of all the meme responses, this is a genuine query
how will the year end for me?
Will he find someone his own age or is he coming back?
Dont worry, its okay
that 7 of pents rx and judgement rx says its ogre
He is coming back but he is an asshole. you mostly like him for his security read money and without it you wouldn't be asking this. the higher path is separating yourself from this and thinking what it is you really want and need beyond being able to provide for children.
any attempts to get to his emotions will be met with uncovering his doubts about his love as soon as you take away money you don't need him. you'd be better off working the streets.
>Past: Temperance
>Present: King of Cups
>Future: Death
>Seek: 7 of Cups
>Avoid: The Lovers, reversed

The search for work isn't an urgent one. Maybe you're living with family or friends, but there are people around you that either already are supporting you or would help support you in your search for work. But it feels like just "getting by" and not growth. Don't "sell content", as that's going to keep you in the state of just getting by, in the sense that you won't grow from it as a person. You want to search for opportunities, maybe presented by those around you soon, in order to satisfy this new desire. Good luck! :)

The "fight" feeling was definitely in the past. Maybe an internal conflict, and not a personal one? A conflict of identity? Jealousy? Whatever it was, it already happened/affected you, so no need to worry :)

This is the very thing I am insisting against! This response to those reversed cards just proves to me that your self-esteem and self-love are lacking. It takes effort to build, but it is far from beyond your capabilities. Don't doubt yourself. You can do it! :)

Captcha: HAPP :)
E's feelings towards me?
oh that makes more sense yeah. it's a workplace with a loooooot of gossip. Like, a lot. Some people don't like me or my friends, it happens.
thank you for the read btw <3 i think whatever i have that is holding me back is my anxiety for sure
buy N tomorrow or save up for P?
maybe if I drop this absolute banger I'll get a reading for this
A lot of job queries in a row! I gave the deck a thorough wash to prevent muddling.

>Page of Pentacles
>Knight of Wands
>The Emperor, reversed

Your next job will be one in a bit of a creative field. I get the feeling of "artist" but something like a writer or a designer fits the bill as well. It's going to take effort on your part to build up the skill and discipline to do it, and the discipline will require sacrifice from time to time, but working in a field you have passion for will be worth it.
Is HB going to pull me back in?
Okay, my query is what was C (F) first impression of me (M) to be acting like that and looking at me like that - what’s she think of me?
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I damn near told you to fuck off (in a friendly manner) for failure to read my instructions. But you’re good. Anyway, see the screenshot

Okay, it seems clear that you have no idea what you’re doing right now, and you’re riding excitement. No worried, I’ve done this plenty over the years. The issue here is that you’re excited over the prospect of something new happening, not so much the prospect of something good happening. We see this in the 2P rev to Star pattern, you’re just wanting something interesting and promising to happen, because things have been chaotic, and you just want something to bring you out of the chaotic state of confusion. Yeah, that makes sense with the KnC in the immediate future: you are being led by something that seems emotionally exciting. Well, you will be soon. See, the KgW reins over you unconsciously (that's why it’s below) and pounds against the license you feel you will gain from KnC.

That’s a false sign, and you should know better. You are represented as KgP, so you really should know better. You are tied to material things and want to see proof of what you’re promised? Awesome and good for you, but he hates it. He wants the emotional appeal: KnC connects with 6C on the outer influence. You are going to be attacked emotionally and drawn into resisting your logic.

Anyway, your advice card is Temperance rev. Literally just don’t become embroiled with what it’s doing and don’t trust what it’s promising. Yes yes, I know that a novice reader would interpret this as “don’t reject becoming one with the entity, don’t rely on Temperance.” Cool, but your previous positions suggest several sketchy methods of undermining your logic. Be very very careful about this one.

Oh yeah, and cool material things if you avoid falling prey to its tricks, especially those where it calls into effect events that occurred 10-12 years ago.
Justice rx

thinks you are unfair try considering circumstance
Seems pretty fun thx
no, youre not a kid
Ace of Pentacles, Hanged Man, Knight of Cups Rx
Mixed feelings, they thought you were physically attractive but also that you were a mess as a person, I guess their weird behavior was due to them dissecting you on the fly and seeing what was it that they liked and disliked about you
Looking over this again, this is one of the worst reading I've done in years. Please ask me again the next time you see me, and I’ll do better. I need some sleep, until next time.
Rough card
He's just really hot I don't think we would get married or anything big age difference

Whos Will be the next person im gonna have sex with? Who Is my next romantic partner over all
Male, J
True love’s kiss when?
does anyone at work know me and my old boss are lovers?
Weird. Don't know what thats about.
>10 of Swords, reversed
>King of Cups
>3 of Cups, reversed

Eating a steak is inevitable, but not happening in the manner you suggested (dinner with someone else). This might even simply be a matter of schedules not aligning or the other person not being in the mood for a steak. Find time to treat yourself regardless :)

>5 of Swords
>The Chariot
>6 of Swords, reversed

You and your friend have different feelings when it comes to camping. I feel like you may enjoy it a lot more than them. This conflict is going to make it difficult. If you want to go camping with them again, when asking, be sure to understand this difference and negotiate something that works for everyone. They might be resistant to the idea but if you're accommodating and understanding you should be able to convince them. Have fun! :)
Im not after his money at all he has a really nice cock
am i going to get married one day
What will be happening in my life when I finally start making money for myself? Have a nice weekend as well!
First one!
I planned on steak just for me...
Air Query

How do I best deal with my emotional trauma from childhood?
Am I getting the job i interview for on monday?
>Past: The Chariot
>Present: 8 of Swords
>Future: The Tower
>Seek: Temperance
>Avoid: 4 of Swords

The year so far has been good! Steady would be a good word for it, I suppose. Maybe it bothers you because you aren't used to it? Be careful not to think about it too deeply and grow uneasy, or you'll make a rash decision that will leave you in a worse-off place. Keep it steady, don't overthink, and enjoy the calm ride :)

A steak by yourself is still great! The cards definitely said you'd be having it alone. Enjoy! I'm jealous and will be copying you soon :)

I appreciate the offer but I think I'm okay for now. Thanks! :)
Does H want B to get a different car?
will i get to build my new computer this year still?
hi will i get my wishes? tysm
This is a very accurate reading. I’m quite materialistic and there’s a new obsession in particular that could quickly turn into a draining of funds if I leave myself unchecked. In terms of how much I’ve actually spent on such so far, it’s been under $100 because I can control impulses. I pretty much never make spur of the moment decisions despite having extremely strong cravings. Making decisions once the excitement fades is pretty much what I do because distinguishing between items that are desired, either out of lust or love, is easiest to be determined with a quiet mind. My husband and I are also broke right now, giving all the more reason right now to be careful with finances.

>Oh yeah, and cool material things if you avoid falling prey to its tricks, especially those where it calls into effect events that occurred 10-12 years ago
There’s traumas from that long ago that replay in my head all the time. It’s like I’m stuck in a mental loops and feel urges to grasp at anything to pull myself out of those mental spirals. Could I ask exactly what you mean by these past events being called into effect?

Thank you very much. I really appreciate your input. It’s really a reminder to continue to be strict with myself despite the rollercoaster emotions I feel.
I saw it for a second its like he is rich so he thinks he can get away not commiting

even though you are worth more than you think beauty is wild and your beauty extends to further than your skin stop letting him get away with this bullshit. cards for great sex yes but if it leaves you anxious you can do better.
Don’t worry! I just take a while with feedback because I like to be thorough. You were totally on point. Have a good night.
will the sex be better next time with him? i felt nothing last time
what’ll happen to me after i die?
Aww, ty :)
He is younger I think he has a decent job rn but I don't expect any money from him cause he's just starting out. I won't get into anything too abusive though ;)
What is L up to these days? It’s about an old coworker.
your friends. you don't have to DO anything just accept that it is what it is and it doesn't define you youre reaction is what defines you how you see it and how you would act now defines you how you choos to go about letting go or letting in remember not to let go of who you are or in who you never were. your reasons are your own.
ask yourself why you fucked him if you didn't feel the urge is sex an expression or a ritual to you?
is ANY THING real?
>5 of Swords, reversed
>7 of Wands, reversed
>9 of Swords, reversed
An ominous spread, unfortunately :/

You'll have difficulty letting go of something. An event where you lost and someone else won. You'll feel mentally exhausted and have this looming over you.

I flipped the deck to see what it was talking about.
>Ace of Pentacles, reversed

Perhaps a job lost (replaced) or a new job opportunity doesn't work out (they go with someone else).

I hope I'm wrong, but if I'm not, keep your head up. Best of luck :)
aq will it come back one day?
Where is the guy with the blue shirt and glasses on the missing poster in town?
B wants you to fuck off. Source: I am a reader too.
you could not ask your question if it were not.

Ace of Cups rx
just doesnt feel like it to you right now.
when will it arrive?
Does B
Knight of Rods
she wants you to if you want to

Do You H?
2 of Rods
Yes you think it is part of the plan.

the car
King of Cups

pretty cool car safe and study loyal beast. have fun driving.
well he wanted it and tried really hard to please me lmao but i guess it was more of a ritual yeah
yes because you seek it.
AQ will plan b work for sure?
Will I get along with my future coworkers?
Trading rizz q
crushed dreams, over seas.

Justice gone to justice maybe America I guess NY
how he got there - page cups rx threw up his lunch and couldn't handle the situation emotionally because he's a baby
how to find him - 4 wand rx, queen cups rx, king pent, offer him money to return.
do it when you want to more it will be better. if its not him its not him.

Will the thing I’m wondering about come back? Thanks.
Is my next sex with him good for me and him?
Thank you.
oracle could you do this one
Black listed readers:
Another one bites the dust
>The Tower, reversed
>2 of Cups
>6 of Swords

The changes will come quick when they start to come, but they'll be good! This is what you've been working towards, right? You'll meet someone significant to you. Maybe a lover, but it feels more like a very good friend? The usual rites of passage associated with being an adult will come. Perhaps moving out on your own. Graduating college if that's what you're currently working on.

Now, for something a bit weird. I had an alternative reading occur to me in these cards but it was brief and I don't know if it's really what you'd expect. I'll post it anyways.

Is there any chance you're going to come out of the closet? Perhaps meeting the right person will trigger this transformation in you. In this case, the 6 of wands could be a negative ominous thing, where you continue with a life that family might disagree with.

Hopefully it's a good outcome for you either way. :)

I'm getting a bit tired and I think this will be the last reading for me. See you all around! Maybe I'll read you next time :)
his and her thread, I asked you "how do I get to live my fear and loathing road trip druggy fantasy" and she said "stop thinking in terms of friends or groups, stand up for yourself."
can I get clarification? I want to do night life in vegas just not alone out of the fear of danger. and it's be cool to find a new friend or lover to drive up with me. there's not a lot of ppl in my inner circle.
i killed him :/
What is it that I don't want to see and scares me so much? Thank you in advance.

Who will my next important relationship be with?

When pp?
Will I still be cute at 40?
maggots are going to consume your flesh
those are the best readers the fuck are you on?
Other party believed to be human.
Can you tell me who cursed me?
Thank god I don't want to live too long
I see you like the taste of bullshit in your mouth
boo hoo, you probably got a negative reading over and over and over again and are blaming the readers womp womp.
you dont even know about runebear
If you can't recognize bullshit from miles away you got a serious case of delusional going
Will I get the job!?
Will I get sexy with anyone at the job?
which read was wrong? let me try do it
Your life is bullshit
Any read can be right if you believe it… Afterall it only reads what ur energy is now and that can change in 1 mood swing or hex
I was never read by the other ones but Oracle is GOATed idk what you're on
can ask me a yes or no question to test if im right Pls
Trading will read anything
q? mine is personality and appearance of next gf and all that jazz about my relationship with her. Tell me yours and I will make it detailed if you want
Am I wearing socks right now?
no one does, everybody loves you. Go to bed
Will I get job on monday I can let u know this week
Are u wearing only one sock?
>the star
Will he cut his hair?
>6 of swords rx
maybe not because of obstacles, but u can take action to change this
No socks
sorry forget my read..
i got the lovers so ya?
tarot is fake confirmed
Does he love me? i can answer
If you’re still here, mine is about K (F) what does she want with me and what was that tension I felt? I will start yours soon
>6 of pentacles rx
no atleast not in a genuine way
Yes that’s correct
Am i going to eat that today?
do i have a black plastic cup sitting on top of my drawer?
>the magician
yes u will hope it yumy
yeah I'm here anon I'll start on yours right away
Will any future coworker think I'm cute?
>3 of pentacles
likely yea
Will I still be cute at 40?
Where am I right now?
ahhh u dumb ass nigga, i have a WHITE plastic cup (with embellishments of course) on top of my drawer

tarot is fake, ive been set free
Did he eat pork yesterday?
probably but current gf is too much work and too much work looking into next love connection you can do better.

shuffle jumps were assertive partnerships and um oppurtunities for practicle sustainability.

no lies tell your current gf its done is the whole future and I can't see beyond that right now trying again.

the future is way too open can you define in three words why you want this one or and another three for what is missing heck it I'll ask the cards but the future is stuck to past right now I can't read beyond this until you realise the current relationship is not enough.
little sister.
wait im a single female, shieet
okk well that explains why u got the 3 of pentacles for such a weird question since there was a cup but it wasnt actually black. 3 of pentacles means u gotta pay attention to detail to determine wether u really had a black cup or
Does anyone love or hate me?
oracle I got cucked could u do mine
king of wands yes
He can't hold his heart in his chest.

You won't seek.

Money Money Cashola Queen of Pentacle. (through patience)
Can do it with or without him.
by then your evil hot chicka
read if i have a can of regular pepsi on top of my shelf
Will I be able to find him?
can't move on from ex need to move on from ex
>7 of cups
It will depend on personal perceptions, wether u be cute or not depends on how u carry urself and how u are percieved
Haha ty
what's yours?
Did u rearrange what was on ur shelf? POSSIBLY
is there a cute plushie on my bed?
Nope he did not.
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i didnt move an inch since i asked that q, think of out the box
Did he ejaculate today?
Lovers reversed

She will be beautiful in your standards and have an elegant maturity about her. She is more than likely your senior by a little bit and has a very womanly feel, long dark hair, possibly glasses, olive skinned. She will be very healing to be around and a spiritual partner so to speak. She will be intelligent and disciplined, whatever she does she is a very hard worker - big Capricorn esque vibes. She will be concerned and help you get on the right path in life. However, she has had either a very bad break up or maybe even a divorce that still lingers on her consciousness. This will be hard to deal with for her in meeting a new person. She also doesn’t have a good relationship with her dad but is far from being a daddy issues attention whore
Will grandma live for at least 10 more years?
Lol nvm mine are all wrong
? this one?

this one is;
you probably I think from the energy read so

don't work with them at all your family? dont work with them replan around that you can do this yourself. if you meant the abortion drug yes it works? but I read it as a scheme
Does he wanna do it again?
look is the star is she naked?
is she wearing socks some times you need to read the picture and what the things mean innocence hope not something warm like strength or a pentalce though pentacle could be walking on the earth barefoot if you see it as that and depending on your decks tempermant.

Tarot cards are used to guide the psychee to truth through association. >>38263838
this doesnt hold true to me, but i resonate w diff aspects of your read. thank you
my bad, my Q was wether I should buy N tomorrow or save up for P
deeply your brother. older. by two years or two places. is working to change you.
mom loves you.
you love you but you don't realize it
asked again got the same answers as for romance; no
don;t let your ex make your heart numb tho ok good luck

I am way more attracted to N than P here I say N has more energy in it
I don't have a brother...
Thanks and you got it right btw
I got the number two with a night of swords but he aint a king of cups so you got a like on your hands that has been working away at you. your mom defo loves you. sory for the misread readying each card as a separate person the two represents partnership beauty knowledge and love. he is a hard worker and wants to know you can not hold his heart.
trading I got cucked
I can not or I can hold his heart?
i think tarot is inaccurate if youre baptized
It's been both correct and incorrect for me
Hi Oracle!! You might have already forgotten, but I'm the guy you said was the boss of a bunch of spirits a few days ago.

I did what you told me to do in order to talk to them (I.E. lie down in the dark and wait for them to talk to me), but nothing happened. If you're available, can you tell me what I should do now? Thanks in advance!
If the reader is baptized, maybe but otherwise it doesn't work that way.
when you communicate openly if you communicate honestly
Who is it d?
hiking spiris don't do what told and the veil gets thick was give me a week to work on rituals I'm working on starfall 2024
ok i cleansed my deck
queen of pents

Thx oracle
guy you're attracted to? King wands good card he probably makes you laugh too yeah that guy. good energy surrounding this. yeah ok um talk to him!
My Q is >>38263733
Thank you so much he is very funny
I would be glad to know if a business/deal with a really old antiquity would be profitable to me and, if it's possible, in what degree would be, thanks to the reader that could help me
7ow rx
Pls someone will I get money soon?
Do i cut myself?
YES!! congrats
i don’t understand cutters who dont intend on going deeper and anheroing
make a move tell him how you feel ! greatenergy around the whole thing he's been doing his absolute best for you. great. that eight of pent it was like a defo love or hate and I didn't ask which but the knight of swords, learning how to communicate it to you worried about messing up and then who he is your eyes a King, I went to seek it and I could hear joy in the aether it was so beautiful good luck.
do i have an outie (belly button)
Thank you!
if you stop supporting your friends so much you will have more money be wise they can support themselves too or at least pull their weight don't let them hold you back.
I'm sorry I don't take care of my friends financially at all .
nope… i have a perfect innie
two wives?
its a three of cups, wheel rx, judgement.
What am I currently manifesting?
No , just me...
why the switch fren

im going to be up doing work all night and we will form an intimate bond as anonymous strangers by sunrise
you're really bad at this
My card told me yes but my heart sid NO
lol jk i could see an innie
He did.
Your readings are all opposite, I wonder what's going on.
i think your tarot is wack or something

okay one more, do i have a white hair towel?
Will he do it next time?
How can I start being truly independent?
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Aq should i cut this string
three of cups is your past I guess you lost your friends and can't get over it anyway you have judgement in your future so if they are HARD in the PAST then leave them there.
That wasn't me that's just someone else
Maybe I'll get money through friends?
What does j want to do to me next time we're alone?
what will the nect 3 months look like for me?
yeah but you might need to ask
Can you do a read on what M.S thinks of me
they come here>>38264119
to test us on lies its good practice I guess.
I will try to keep manifesting
Do you think he will see me very soon?
I'm getting reluctance and resentment a lot of red and some silver.

so rage but its hidden just under the surface though M.S this at the position of north east to the right with north being infront so they are more he says he thinks you don't like him I guess I keep getting
"its not that she ___" "its that she won't ____"

think they need you to be patient with him.
like he doesn't know how to handle his emotions except brewing and hiding them beneath snide bullshit its that yuo don't get his intent for you I suppose? I would say you need to understand what it is he wants from you and he doesn't even know so good luck there a lot of confusion on his part

I'm sometimes wrong about genders but I do try assign them for hits excuse me if I am wrong.
any accurate websites for tarot reads
readmycards is accurate but you need to pay
"two weeks" ie atm he's trying not to see you avoiding you but because he's so excited its not even nervous its like its gonna be good so I have to be ready probably realistially more like three days but if he has some money and your close if you're far away three months at the most and I'll put a timer on that he definitely is looking forward to seeing you.

start demanding. stop asking. ask when appropirtae ofc but assert your demands with reasons why you deserve what it is you want.
we're right here jeez take the free reads where you can fucking get them shit.
Can u pls tell me what will happen after i die
Capatcha: g0y0p
Thank you!
This is not what tarot reading is for. Dumb query
how many days left until they arrive
oracle isnt using tarot cards they are psychicq
your mind gets eaten by the veil and you forget us. you become a slave that doesn't know it ever had freedomg strive for immortality through joy and love. it is possible share your heart make a tribe stronger.
I'm doing both depending on how much energy is obvious my daughter spirit helps me and yeah its telepathy and seeing the past to tell the future but dont for get future proves past a powerful Q motto

I also yell for "god'/GOD on my days off you don't want to hear my logic on what makes it god its a dualism of the void and a time beast. Anyone can do it you just let void tell you the truth and yell it and some times it wisphers sometimes it yells I don't control it its god and when you speak for it you are it anyway that's all you need to know about that.
What's my next job like?
"3 days"

in as soon as possible they are working on it! idk what's realistic but I got three days in a work. so realistically give it a week and at the most three days.
YEPPP that accurate i also got that
what he wants to do or what he's going to do ?

he disiplined into working for it.

bend you over and twist you so he's fucking you from behind while holding you up to kiss him if that makes sense.
will c ever love me
thank you for the confirmation!

entry level position with a lot of potential.
Are these audios going to get me what i wish?
already does but you don't fight for her and won't return her feelings in her head.
He did say he wants to try from the back
Hot thank you
hell I should be asking that of my damn audios damn with an I

sometimes seeing aint' enough sometimes you need the earth beneath you

self sustanacne yes they will get you your aim but there's a lot of fear around it don't be afriad they will prove the point and you will not lack for you will be full of your own potenial and sustainance it is a good sign
air query
Is moving with A in my best interest?
he got king of wants with hiding the work he's done to get yousuposed to look like nature but its study and interest which just part of nature so its cool but its something he has wanted a lot and long time
its me, send questions
yeah the thing I saw was a thing my partner does with me the spirits were like this is his private so keep it private and i'm like well its his girl asking and they showed me that. but the kiss had the most life in it.
AQ Will C receive the large inheritance?
hi tarot noob 3000- would you mind giving me some love advice? thank you!

Am I on the right path career wise?
guessing C is your wife and...

yes she will be wealthy

they won't pass a good while don't look forward to it.
When money? Don't say job. I work for myself
Will i get my desires?
No he’s my Fiancé. Any timeframe at all?
Thank you I look forward to it
Is it a good idea to meet E (HS friend) from 20 years ago)
I had a bad feeling in my gut with an urge to vomit when I thought of him today. What gives?
Sorry can I ask if we have children in the future?
does he watch my X?
Hi will I get the job on monday?
Tell me anything about my future husband
You're not wrong, kinda works that way for me as well
Does H want B to get a new car?
Did I wear socks today?
Will I get any acting roles?
is the marriage in four months?

it said four of staffs
paid out in nine months whether they live or die its not tied to their death it keeps saying stop looking to the death. it will be a gift.
a boy!
upside down ace of swords, upside down the hanged man, upside down the wheel of fortune

heres the stuff you apparently have to work on, you have to be more expressive with what you feel, truly. Something that probably fucks your relationships is either communication or pussying out of important things.

hanged man upside down giving u also signs of telling u the time to wait is over. you should get out there if u havent given it shot, and if ur in a relationship, whatever topic or thing u were considering but postponing has to happen.

also ensure everything's genuine in your approach.
Ty :)
"I still love you but I can't do every question I know you need me but I don't need you and its boring but I can't tell you that it will break your heart. please be practicle about my time"

or just

"do not ask twice"
she has a very tender spot for you.
ace of rods upside down, nine of swords, ten of cups upside down

it seems you're not, it seems its not truly in sync with what you really want your life to be. By that i mean your life outside of your job...

it seems youre not in where you have to be personally, i dont know if career path is the answer but truly something about the opportunity youre at has you feeling like something is lacking.

Maybe your connections in your job or just the minor details like the commute and where you interact arent actually in the right direction? i feel that it may just be a bad JOB not a bad career yk?

Extra pull: knight of pentacles

its just a bad opportunity by what im getting, id say dont contemplate changing your whole career just yet, try and see where else you might fit.
What is a thing that will happen soon?

jk lets pull..

nine of rods, eight of pentacles, and nine of pentacles

so, in all honesty i would've said job with this, by the eight of pentacles, but i can see with the others that ou at least have something somewhat going for you with your independent career, it seems soon youll get success coming your way.

if you're freelancing something related to art, i would say focus on your networking and posting some of your passion projects. Make sure they're seen and people are going to reach out methinks

if its some other type of endeavor and you've had connections before, try and keep the strongest close by, find that contact that will be your asset to getting a steady flow of work.

additional pull just in case: the chariot

quite literally on my angle, something you have previous knowledge of or have cooking up is gonna connect you to higher yields or more constant opportunities.
Hello I think most of you are full of shit. I know that divination is real but alot of you just like fucking around.
If anyone is just practicing their skills and wants to do a reading with only the necessary details I ask for a reading on this number.
If I get a response that's even in the ballpark of what this actually means id love to talk. I cannot give anything else at first I have accurate readers I trust but I always like to get a eighth opinion from the open net on matters of great importance.
Thank you for your time and be blessed with love and light. I wish you all the best on your journey.
Wedding doesn’t have a date yet but the gift and time frame resonates deeply- thank you!
bit confusing considering I’m Self-employed, working from home and that aspect of it I love. Also very content with life outside of career. That’s a thinker
the world, knight of rods, seven of swords

it seems so, but not yet. theres something you havent given in order for things to move towards you.

King of Rods
whatever youre looking to get in life, you have to improve the way you move people to do what is needed. or at least how you present yourself as someone to follow.
Im seeing investments, potentially in a metropolitan area. Getting images of a the top of a skyscraper overlooking buildings- commercial real estate? Whatever the endeavour it’s an overall positive opportunity with some potential issues with local government laws and or people related but not involved with said opportunity.
Money is always in use it's common.
This building you see is not related to this number yet but it might be.
I have another set of words for you then cause this is probably the building you're seeing.
>Albion at the Gulch.
If your reading is taking you there please tell me what it is pulling on you at. I love having stuff I am more certain of read by students it is something that shows the people that steward for me confidence in their own abilities as well as assures me that we are doing the creators work. Thank you for your time I am sorry to ask more of you but I see it more as two friends exploring so I guess it is okay. I digress please continue it you wish
I saw an hotel room with that number on the door. But I guess that's just my imagination pulling the curtain and tying the strings.
Interesting reading, thank you. It's just that it seemed like they were giving me the hint to do that even though there isn't anything urgent in regard to the car needing to be replaced.
I hope so, I'm her servant.
Not a hotel appreciate the honesty.
No apologies necessary this is fun. The view I saw was as if I was in the building looking out. That is the main pull the blue sky with slow moving clouds. A decision will be made there.
Come backk for my read pretty please i was next
10 of pentacles, knight of cups, temperance, 9 of cups, hermit
she wants a happy successful life with you, your charm and romance and love being at the center of it. She would like to test the waters with you to see if she's satisfied with your contents and she has to look deeper within you to find out so that's her intention.
Take it further what's across the street and what's under that. Why do the people on top of the building look down and why did they chose that place. I know you can't help me but I appreciate you trying and I always love to help someone else along on their journey too. It sucks I'm busy with this shit it will be more fun when I can chill with people like you again. What you have read in your reading is related to something from a few weeks ago and that will come back in the future but it is not the key subject to what I am looking into those numbers for.
For the sake of it cause we are just being students in the school of life I will give you another thing to read.
2112 Golfview
Harbor Springs
This is very far removed from the first prompt I have given in this post view them as separate things and only connect them when the lines are clear.
They are related but not immediately and this is something that goes back hundreds if not thousands of years anon. I tend not to post much on these forums anymore cause I have out grown them but I am anxious anon there's a great change as you have already said I have made many decisions already and that one on the tower is something that will effect everyone in the world as you know long term but you're putting the cart before the horse I'm just playing right now I just need to know what's what. Thank you so much once again I expect nothing but am grateful for the opportunity
I’m eager to learn more and appreciate your consideration.

Across the street looking down a man in a suit with his hands around his mouth yelling something up to the top of the the building. He’s beside some sort of red and yellow cart. It’s a symbol for something else because it doesn’t fit the scene.

I see a boat speeding down a lake but the viewpoint is from the forest or hedges. The boat needs to relay a message hence it’s speed but the scenery is too perfect otherwise. There should be nature sounds but it’s too silent.
the hanged man, five of swords upside down, five of cups

it seems you may have something to settle from the past, maybe its not that serious, but something between you to has to be discussed or at least concerned before going to meet them.

hm, i did another pull and got the tower upside down

idk this kinda just has a vibe to just avoid altogether,,,
Thanks dear ill keep in mind
Any good Samaritan's doing reads (I'd trade but I've been really out of practice)
? idk what u mean

six of cups
if u want more context to what u asked before then id say what you want is clearly possible, it just depends on your image or attitude, apparently.
i can do a read

my query
-will my next partner be as FREAKY as i am?

funny thing about this question, i literally typed it up, and the wind blew a card out of my deck, an upside down ace of cups, so interpret that too ig,,,
Thank you!! Can i bug you with a love gen?
queen / king of cups upside down, the chariot

is this him a current partner or something else? it just sounds like theyre dragging you down with their problems or just their essence is draining?

if its an ex, rent free, gotta get a grip

if its a new partner or a crush, wrong person, trust that gut

idk what else to guess from this, id gladly pull again for further context.
four of swords, the empress, three of rods

take time to build on your confidence, its not the time to go out just yet, its the time to fix whatever's getting you out of the game to begin with.
Thank you!! Have a great day
>idk what else to guess from this, id gladly pull again for further context.
Its someone I used to talk to online.
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Is this pic a real grey
ace of swords
>Will my partner be as freaky as I am
As I said I'm really out of practice, but pendulum swings are mostly a safe bet because this seems like a yes or no, so thats what I did.
>Answer: A kinda weak No, so I'm guessing they're gonna be freaky, but not as freaky.

>My query:
How do I get back on track and get it right this time?
What is that bitch doing?
well wel well well well wel wel well well wlel well well
four of rods upside down, four of pentacles, six of rods upside down

it seems you may want to reach out? theres probably something going on in his personal life or he just took a pretty big hit on his life, probably nothing grave, but still something's bothering them and you might be of help.
you mentioned pendulum swings, im into hypnosis, coincidence?

ace of pentacles upside down, justice upside down, knight of rods upside down

seems like you got a lot of stuff to deal with, but sounds cheesy as fuck , you just gotta keep going. Just being more careful and focusing on what you know might be what you need to get your shit together.

from the cards i think you have to sort out any pending finantial or professional stuff first, then work on the personal situations you'd like to correct.
Thanks bro, have fun with the not so prude prude. I'll get my shit straight
nine of pentacles
seems like a yes
did an extra and got a seven of cups, upside down
i think it may be a yes, but im not sure if it means what you want it to mean
Lemme ask if things will play out how I want with g instead
three of cups, seven o swords, upside down justice

seems very likely friend
be careful of the people in the work tho, some got weird intentions

in general id double check if that place is any good to begin with, but hey in this economy id take anything so i dont judge
I knew I'd be too late
Pay is supposed to be pretty good
lol just answered you and saw the message but lets go

ace of pentacles upside down, queen of rods, the world upside down

seems pretty unlikely it will turn out well, but you might work stuff in your favor if you highlight more of the person and let them feel appreciated for who they are instead of showing them who you are.

im taking this is a date or something similar?
just kinda gives me icky vibes that theres some upside down justice present in that reading, just give it another look before selling your soul friend
Yeah situationship I'm in
I'm crushing hard I'll take this advice ty :)
Ty i will
ten of rods upside down, the moon, nine of swords

he might have some stuff yet to resolve (baggage methinks). he will be something new to process, by that i mean he might be different from the type youd visualize, but it would most probably be attractive to you because it has that level of novelty. also i think the person might be anxious or... this is a dumb reach and i hate myself for even saying it, hes gonna snore.
six of cups, king of pentacles, ace of cups

i think the person does want it to happen, but its not truly a rush

the answer is certainly a yes but theres something else yk

i think it might just be that its a topic for a later time
queen of cups upside down
i think not, send pics
wheel of fortune, the lovers upside down, four of cups upside down

seems like you will, but its probably gonna be in a different direction that you really dont picture yourself in, but it seems its gonna be the only solid opportunity in a while, so i would say give it a shot and see where that connects you
nine of rods upside down
i think youre gonna crash out friend, take a breather before you overwork yourself or fumble something bc of pressure.
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Not a query as such, I suppose looking for confirmation of my interpretation?/2nd opinion.
Only my 3rd true interaction with this (I do feel like I'm interacting/conversing/dealing with something/someone... obviously), and it has all been over the last 72 hours.
Q was, what should I be aware of/am I doing it right?
3 cards, chariot, 7 wands reversed, wheel of fortune reversed.
Overall I think it is positive, I'm going to have doubt about things, and there's things I can't control, but as long as I don't give in, things will work out for the better. I also realise I am being given an opportunity here, that I will not waste. It's not going to be easy, but doesn't that make it have more meaning?
Also, not asking for a trade or anything, as I don't feel I could interpret something for somebody, as I'm just learning how ro do it for myself, not selfiashly, I just mean I'm learning how to read things, so can't even do it for myself yet alone others, if that makes sense?.
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I forgot to add please and thank you.
I get there is nothing for anybody (trade), so it would be done out of kindness.
I keep thinking WOW, then feel happy. I realised yesterday, that I want to believe in something. And here we are, and this is real, which leaves me no option but to believe in something.
WOW. Life changing things are happening, and even though I go into this blind, my eyes are open to the fact that I have the ability to mess this up, so need to pay attention, and enjoy the ride.
If somebody does want to have a look, THANK YOU, if not, MUCH LOVE.
I usually draw a daily Tarot card but forgot to do so before leaving the house this morning? Can someone pull one for me? Thanks
The world.
Thanks, I appreciate it
No worries, hope it was helpful.
I'm a horse?is there a horse within me? How strong is he?
>its me
Mario? Have a good day, fren

Does S loves me?
I pulled the cards for you, but don't understand the meaning. Sorry.
Am I a horse?
9 of pentacles
Is there a horse within me?
King of pentacles
How strong is he? (I asked how strong is this horse?)
3 of pentacles reversed (upside down)
Me again, I just looked at this https://biddytarot.com/tarot-card-meanings/minor-arcana/suit-of-pentacles/
and I think there is some reality in this. Pentacles are about physical things and material things (I think). Maybe you are, or are like that? What horse do you see yourself as? I see a wild horse, galloping freely.

I did not wear socks and haven't for some days now.

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