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Welcome to Divination General!
Come here for readings and discussions of theory/practice.
Every method is welcome: Tarot, Runes, Cartomancy, Scrying, Pendulum, Cleromancy, I-Ching, Digital, Oracles, Tasseomancy, Necromancy, etc.

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•A compiled Rider Waite card explanation

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•Some readers will refuse to do certain readings - respect that choice. Don't harass readers if your query is refused/skipped. We do our best to maintain chill and good vibes.
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•You can make an AQ (air query) by not addressing a reader in particular, but it doesn't guarantee an answer.
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•Provide feedback when applicable and be considerate to the reader. We're a growing community, many readers are beginners and need feedback to know what they are doing right or wrong.

Previous thread: >>38262639
have a nice week, /div/

mine: is my anxiety warranted or is everything fine and I need to relax?
tarot noob 3000
Coincidentally, some bad stuff happened after your read so I wasn't able to respond. I think you're accurate so ty
Why do I crave humane connection
Because during your evolutionary history your ancestors depended on connections to survive harsh conditions. Cooperation is a human necessity.
Will I find a partner by the end of this year?
No sex, no love and no companionship does horrible things to a mothafuka.

You can look around to the lonely incels and crazy catlady femcels in here but they're not the worse examples of what loneliness does to a human.

Get a pet and don't stay alone in your room for too long. If you got no job get a hobby where you can socialize.
>Also bcuz u tosh urself at nig ayy lmao
Am i pregnant?
will I ever find, or be found by, the partner I seek?
If you're not, I can fix that.
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Will I even have any sort of romantic interest any time soon?
Seemingly quite hopeless from all prospects and approaches.
Air Query

Physically abusive gf when?
this is the 5th or 6th time you've asked this, are you okay? do you need to talk to a professional?
Have you tried hanging around the psych ward yet?
I'm just gonna toss coins and clear the queue
>Hex 9: restraint
You need to relax. Surrender and let it be, and be willing to learn from it.

Also hex 9, becoming hex 13
Restraint becomes fellowship
Probably, if you don't force it to be.

>Hex 59: penetration
Shit probably
Get a test

>Hex 39: the Well
You're asking the wrong question. I can't tell you what the right question is, but the answer is that you need to understand what you can't change before you get any change.

>Hex 16 becomes 35: enthusiasm becomes progress
You just need to try harder.
If you weren't putting in effort you need to change that, and if you are then you need to fix your approach.
>5th or 6th
Calm down, it's maybe the 4th
>are you okay?
obligatory MCR song joke here
>talk to a professional
I've been to a number of them and they never really do much.

>psych ward yet
No, but when that trope comes up in movies and TV shows I do consider it
Answering questions by Channeling messages as my good deed for today. A description of your situation is helpful but not necessary.
Single f. Would like to know about my future spouse (m) if possible: traits, personality, etc. thank you so much
Entrepreneur trying to find innovative ways of marketing. Am I going to find an effective way of bringing clients?
will i find a new job in the next few months? i've been trying to find something that pays a little better. thank you
H's feelings about buying from GMP?
Query about wanting to hire someone.

Outcome of hiring A to work for me?
I see someone with slight, almost pretty features but a husky build. I’m seeing him with wavy brown hair, gray tank top, big headphones on and he’s working out in a gym. Personality is hard to read at first but very genuine and warms more easily with physical touch. Hard worker but never rich although your needs will always be met
Not with your current knowledge level. You either need to do a lot of research or a bit of magick to catch the stroke of luck you need
Male wondering if there is any romantic future with C
Yes but for the love of all that’s good have some confidence in yourself and your abilities!
Indifferent they have a million things on their list and that’s not at the top but it’s still possible just expect delays
heh easier said than done, but thank you! i'll try my best
Any old flame gonna contact me soon?
How will I be doing in the month of July with my small business? I do art, have tens of thousands of followers and am trying to make it work.
Strange, I can’t give you the answer because you already know it- listen to your intuition.
Can I have a general for rest of year?
My situation in general is like walking on thin ice, seems good for now but could go wrong at any given moment
You’re attracting it currently but you will have to reach out to the specific person you’re thinking about if you want contact
Could you tell me something to soothe my anxious brain from the situation from a while ago? A bunch of people dogpiling me basically. I keep feeling scared they’ll come back. I don’t think a basic “it’ll be ok” will cut it to stop the anxiety
Her feelings about LA?
Well, you seem legit crazy so might as well give it a try.

Taking the meds is optional tho.
Yes but I see it fizzling out
It's less crazy more damage. Yes there's a difference.
You may get a few sales but not the rocket of success just yet but hang in there I do believe it will come with time and perseverance. What art do you do? I see sunset colors
How urgent is it to replace the timing belt and water pump?
Your feet will fall through the ice but you will not sink. I feel compelled to tell you to stop with the bullshit spending and get your priorities in order
It’s not urgent but I see it causing potential serious injury if left untended to
Sounds about right. Thank you.
you're not wrong on the latter part. thx
Will I be helping them get Solar PV for that building?
Thank you, i draw digital anime artwork, I’m trying really hard and my bf is paying for the both of us rn and he seems fine with it and even insistent on it but it still bothers me and I want to pull my weight more
Intuition says I have no fucking idea. I know this man but I don't know if he'll be able to work for me nor whether or not he will want to work for me.
I'm doing lenormand method and you can do whatever method you prefer. If you want to trade just tell me your gender and Q

I wanna know If I will find new job on second half of this year. Also I would like to know how's going to be for me.
Will M contact me?
Does H want B to have an EV?
Thanks magick
It does make sense
Outcome of buying L and holding for 5 years?
Thanks G
Am I going to be satisfied with my career very soon?
Is their a future with j?
When am i going to find love please
No and it’d be better for you if you forgot them
is there any curse upon me?
Would you do mine please :)
Good outlook but make sure not to put all your eggs in one basket
No sorry
Hmm yes if he chooses you is there a 3rd person involved?
3 years or less likely during travel
Single M. I have to choose between my most recent ex-girlfriend and a potential romantic relationship with a friend. Could you give me some insight onn my situation?
Your ex will love you more than the friend can but she’s not your karmic not soulmate
thank you
I get it. But can you tell me when it's going to change?
Thanks in advance
I don't think so , but we're not talking rn.
Will I get bakery job or foodtruck job?
* she IS your karmic not soulmate
What are H's feelings about me buying L and holding for 5 years?
Thank you so much!
>King of Pents Rx
>Justice Rx, Hierophant, Hermit
Nah, not really. You're just messed up from your daily life. Too much work maybe?

Or were you asking because you want to be? I can hex you if you want but I really suck at it tho, I'm more of a cleanser and cursebreaker kind.
Is my man coaching my friend's guy?
Will I be able to get my academic achievements this year?
WIll I ever meet my long-lost sister if I start looking for her?
Is d planning anything involving me?
How does he feels about me? Is he not attracted to me anymore ?
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3 readings. I pick them.
what did my dream mean last night
When I'll find new job? I need to find new better paid job
I promise it's a genuine q >>38266044
Was H trying to get T to buy that house?
Will he be extra slutty with me?
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Stregnth, Devil, High priestess rev
Was this lewd or were you just floating around?

Nothing too out of the ordinary though. Frankly this looks more like horniness and tiredness mixed together rather than a spiritual message.

But if we were bound to put it that way, take more time to consider your next steps.

2 of swords
8 of swords, Queen of pents rev, Empress rev
Ooof. Sorry but this is no. If you're a grill you need to recharge and seek a new beginning somewhere else. If you're a man you gotta take distance from a female draining your energy, read possible energy vampire.

Regardless of your gender a deep cleansing is adviced.
What’s my life like this December?
Could you take this one?
Reached a point I sometimes feel my only escape from the bad feelings is suicide
King of cups rev, Page of swords rev, Wheel of fortune
It would be advisable and recomended not to seek this kind of relationship, but if it's something you really want then you already know a local place to find them.

Magiccian rev
8 of cups rev, Star, 2 of pents
They weren't forcing them but in H's opinion it would be a great idea. Does this answer your question?
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Bonus, I'll do 3 readings to whoever answer me why Chefs and cooks scrub the "Virgin" part of their 'Virgin olive oil'.

All answers are welcomed but keep it civilized.
Buy N today or save up for P?
>Why scrub the virgin out of the olive oil
The experienced palette of the Chef much prefers the bittersweet aged taste of gilf olive oil than the too sweet unexperienced virgin olive oil, also virgin olive gets too clingy
Cause they deflowered the olive oil?
I dunno lol
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Ace of pents
King of swords, Hanged man, King of wands
Oh yeah, I'm getting BDSM vibes from this hanged man too. You'll be his bitch and you're gonna love it.

Protip; find out if he has allergies to seafood and see if you can feed him shrimps or oysters.

Suicide is never a solution. Still, I don't know what you're asking there.

I'll do a reading on anything else on your mind but I can't tell you how to live your life or what to do with your problems. Sometimes we just need to walk away and that's it.
Cause eveyone is getting fucked in a commercial kitchen
Food service ain’t for the weak
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Yeah but how? Almost there, remember to post all your questions.
Femdom obsessed bf when
Once the cap is popped the oil will never be pure again.
>already know a local place
That.. doesn't make sense, okay. Thank you for finally giving me a read on this. I'll stop asking now.
Hoooot ty also gunna take this as a sign to do the 369 method
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Come the hell on. Ok so for those who haven't worked or gone out with cooks.

Some people "finger" the bottle and scratch the virgin out because it's no longer so. It's cool joke for perverts and a lame inside joke for everyone else.
yes I was very horny I fucked that old bald man!!!
I was thinking this but I was like nah thats dumb lol
I just started watching the bear too and working in kitchens in the past its so unrealistic cause they don't have nearly as much crude humor and sexual innuendos as real life
if I become a police officer will I be able to punish my abusive family members and make their life a living hell?
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>sexual innuendos as real life
Only if you're brave enough.
Will I get the upward mobility to move out of this abusive situation?
Will D get karma for being evil?
Do I have the potential to be a mail-order bride?
do we get reads or nah
Ofc it’s not, I’m not going to, i have too much to live for now but it’s just how badly this is affecting me.

I’m not sure what else to ask for a reading on. I could ask about my business but I don’t want a negative outcome to psych out my efforts. Thx for the offer though
Nope. Nobody hit the mark.

Also it was a 3 readings for a single anon deal.
No theres sneaking around going on
He feels love but boredom only he knows which will override the other. The spirits say it’s time to move on
buy N today or save up for P?
will I find my soulmate or have I found them already?
hey anon got your read, let me know when you're done
Thanks, I think you're on the right track there, seems more like a fun time thing. But hell, she's gorgeous so I don't mind.
for N: 3 of pentacles, justice
for P: 10 of pentacles, knight of wands

N will work and be okay for the most part, but P is so much better that you should most likely go for that. 10 of pentacles and knight of wands are pretty good cards.
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Am i picrel yet?
King of Wands
Knight of Swords Rx with 8 of Cups and Hanged Man
Spread tells me theres nothing wrong with you as a person, you're perfectly fine and well adjusted but are going through a situation beyond your control that's preventing you from finding the connection you're looking from, you havent found your soulmate yet and likely won't find them anytime soon but its to do with powers beyond your control, it's almost like you're meant to go through this difficult patch for now
Would I be into bitchy girls if I tried dating them?
Fyi a soulmate doesn't mean that they will be the one or your long loved one. You can even have multiple soulmates in 1 life
oh, im sorry to hear something bad happened, what was my read?
Bitchy for you is code for “women that can smell the poor desperate and lack of social skills” but are attractive
also im available if anyone wants a read
There's a lot of elements to a bitchy girl. What you described is just a side effect
F here, just wanna know how does he feels about me?
Hey, I'd appreciate a read on >>38266581
What is happening for me in july work and love related?
What are my chances with the Polish girl?
Will I be free of the abuse or should I kill myself?
I'll take a general read on my romantic future, thanks.
Trading occult
two of swords upside down, six of swords, page of cups

im getting the feeling the person either sees that you have some things he is avoiding for himself or he himself is dealing with his own baggage that pulls him away from being someone who is compatible with you, i think you might still mean a lot to him, or at leasts he fw you, just not in the realm of a relationship

extra pull: the fool upside down
i think overall he wont start anything towards you, if you truly feel you want him, youre gonna have to do the approaching.

my two cents: look for someone whos seeking you desu
Is it a good idea to do tarot while stoned or not
Outcome if I messege my dad ZW?
We've only met once
I'm male
Hey you gave a 3 days general for me.
You were right.

Can you tell me if I find love next month?
What do people think of me from my looks alone?
outcome of using occult means to get what I want from M?
Agreed minus the attractive bit. Fatties and landwhales can be bitches too.

Cqn't talk from experience but readings playing cards it's a fun hobby that gets muggles mesmerized.
Thank you!!!
Should I go for A or wait until another woman shows up who i'll like better?
six of pentacles, five of rods, ace of swords

seems like if anything will be going on inside of your circle and not outside. either someone will be added to your social circle soon, and become a regular. or someone you already know might be looking at you differently or you at them.

i should note the relationship you might gain recently would be something more casual, if "the one" is what ur looking for, i think its best to stick with enjoying your time with the people you care about for now.

not discouraging you from doing it either, maybe youll gain some insight from whatever happens

extra pull: knight of pentacles upside down
nope, stay put. scratch what i just wrote lol, apparently its best you just focus on other things for now
will I get unconditional love by occult means?
Will the devil accept a deal if I ask to be freed from my family's abuse?
Thanks this makes a lot of sense !
Eh, probably true. How long will I need to keep "focussing on other things?" Is there any change coming down the pike or is this just my life now?
queen of cups, wheel of fortune, four of cups

not AS likely, but it seems its best to try it, maybe just looking for her might lead you in a better direction. im not saying it wont happen, im just saying maybe youll find more to what you intially looked for

extra pull: upside down the lovers
seems its probably not likely it will lead to meeting her, but i really get the feeling trying wont hurt, and will move you to somewhere better, be it literally or mentally
NTA but that's really hard if you don't know what you're doing.

If you wish to be better at talking, socializing, improve your self image while grooming yourself better, and to meet more people who get along with you and could "love" you naturally then yeah. Go ahead.

Stay away from lovespells and anything that promises "Love" with a specific person. They just don't work, or not forever if they ever do.
Will Baphomet answer, if I reach out?
If you pester any spirit long enough they all do.
upside down empress, upside down judgement, upside down ace of rods

low season, lay low, avoid confrontations at work and do your best to make whoever pays you, look good. i dont know how higher up u are in the food chain but if you have the option to hand over your credit to the person, i think its best to take that hit to ensure some safety

love wise, seems messy, possibly regrettable encounters coming your way, preferably just dont accept advances that seem too good to be true, oh and also dont decide anything if ur not sober

extra pull: the hanged man upside down
hm, kind of the opposite meaning tempo wise.. i feel its pushing you to act, you wanna quit?
Thanks, I appreciate it!
Will my life ever start moving in the right direction? Every time it seems to be starting to turn, something gets in the way outside of my control.
How much effort will it take for me to become somewhat attractive?
listen to list by hey
ok lets pull

ten of swords, four of pentacles, six of rods upside down

seems really leaning to some bad luck there :/
i think its best you let her set the tempo, i think shes got bad experiences and has some walls shes putting.

extra pull: four of rods upside down
friend i think its not the right time, maybe it was the right person but im not sure if youre in the correct moment to meet.

listen to list by hey <---
Is he mad at me?
Will he forgive me?
Well, Yahweh never answered. That shithead.
Im looking for a job rn
the devil upside down
i think its best you dont go there for your sake, if its a priority and you feel you HAVE to then, go but its more of a learning experience than a new beginning imo

seven of rods
again, doesnt seem like something to pursue or that hes that person you need to meet.if you feel you lack something, he's not gonna make that click in your brain (i say it like i interpret it, maybe hes a good guy, trust ur gut)

king of swords upside down
be more objective when taking that decision, i think you should be true to yourself and consider what it means for you, if theres been effort from both parties and what it could mean for both of you ( or even your family )
Well he's not meant to as there are 72 letters to dial to when you need something.

If you wanna be edgy you can even go Goetic since God created evil and the 72 spirits of the Goetic Arts also work under YHWH. Go figure.
six of rods, four of rods upside down, four of pentacles

interesting to see some cards repeated (hope i shuffled right lol)

i think you will, but like i said before to someone else its probably not the one, be wise with that information. read their intentions and see if its still potentially somethkng you feel will be good for the both of you. be wise with the relationships you start.
three of rods upside down, four of cups upside down, the sun upside down

you are not standing out. im not saying this to be mean, its a call to action. you have to rework your image bc theres something that people recognize from you that you are probably not exploiting.

you have to experiment and see whats making you blend into your group, you are not the center of attention (you shouldnt always be, but you should strive to be)

as i said, try different stuff and youll notice results

my advice is try and ask yourself who you want to be ideally and emulate them

if you see success in people around you, look at what they have and you admire and try and find that pattern in yourself

"damn they got pretty eyes, they dress up to highlight just that.. do i have pretty eyes? no? ok so i have a wider range of colors probably"
What stuff should i really focus and work towards that can truly transform my life in every way possible(as close to it)¿
seven of rods, king of swords, two of pentacles upside down

so its a little conflicting from the getgo
because for most of my reading im getting the vibe you should stick with A but that last one mighr just be saying youre potentially too invested in her.

it could just mean YOURE too invested in her and need to chill out and let shit flow, but still invest ur time in her. but also could mesn youre focusing too much energy on someone who isnt returning

extra pull for safety: page of swords upside down
i guess this means you should be open to see if something comes your way, but dont jump to the next thing you see and leave something potentially good(if there have been signs of progress with A).
Did A ask any qs about me on here?
It's not even about being edgy, it's about acknowledging that Yahweh the foreskin eater is a liar god. Not the demiurge. And like you said ironically more evil than actual demons.
so in general my advice from a previous reading might help, but lets see the cards:

page of swords upside down, six of swords upside down, the chariot

i think you might want to change that style too, seems youre stuck on something thats long passed its expiration date. also id say theres a chance someone you know might be of help in that process. ask for brutally honest advice or idk go to /fa/ and get roasted, you need guidance and cleaning up some old shit u keep using be it literally or personality wise

maybe its social, your dynamics are potentially looking for a rework, maybe more mature. being more level headed and being a leading figure in the group does way better than whatevers going on
Next gf? Haha thx
Can we trade?
What are H's feelings towards Gardenias as an offering?
Thank you.
I have two girls in my mind.
One is feels like impossible E.
Other one is plausable but she is a bit unstable, going through off times in every couple of weeks.
E is beutiful conventionally.
F is rough around the edges but has its own lure, but not much.
E is conventionally decent girl but probably boring to talk.
F is more fun to talk.

I don't know what to do.
I am also afraid of if I choose to go with F and regret after, it would be very hard on her when/if I let her go.

I don't know if I ask too much.
But is these the options you are talking about or there will be someone else?
Can you help me?
temperance, queen of rods upside down, three of rods upside down

being a more healthy social person does wonders. im not calling you a freak im just saying try and focus on how to make healthier decisions and finding meaningful connections out there, make small talk purely for the experience.

seek less pleasure and more wizzum, thats what im rocking w your pull

extra pull: the sun upside down
youre not in your best phase just yet, focus on finding what makes you feel complete
its happening eventually, dont sweat it
I have your reads.
Thanks. I think your reading is accurate and applies to two different girls btw: one I kind of know entering the circle, the other being one from my past seeing me in a new light. I think something temporary with the former may happen as you alluded to but probably a bad idea and not "the one," but who knows?
none of them seem to be the one bc in one youre attracted but she seems like a hazard, and in the other you know you dont find her stimulating enough.

E had an eight of swords upside down
feels like youd be putting her in a bad place eventually and youll also then feel the guilt trip of knowing you dont want her around too long

F is wheel of fortune backwards so id say shes not a good option, probably a loose cannon, if shes uncommited, then go for something no strings attatched but i dont really recommend

your card is a four of cups, be wiser, pick outside, it seems from my previous reading that something might also pop up

i want a love general
Will my book be successful? How is the launch going to go generally? Thanks.
ok so that sounds wildly unlikely from the getgo friend..

lets pull:
the lovers upside down, queen of cups, nine of rods upside down

i think A is not focused on that, friend. they have other shit to think about, but i dont know the extent of ur relationship so idk how much that would mean either. theyre just not on 4chan lol

extra pull: six of cups
seems you have something good, so dont worry focus on real life methinks
Will I get fired next week/tommorow?
Is he mad at me rn and will he forgive me?
did a pull, long list of cards.. getting lazy and want to focus on others so trust me ig

go for the latter,
the first one will start great but end hard.

while this other one you mentioned seems potentially solid. just keep an eye out
Will the power I desire come my way?
>it seems from my previous reading that something might also pop up
I hope so then.
Ok, I should be wise.
Thank you.
seven of swords
knight of swords upside down
two of rods

she might not be the one, but she might lead you to somewhere interesting

its more of a situationship, please make your intentions clear, and enjoy the messy ride
gardenias, como las flores?

if H is a deity, research
but lets go, i dont get this question, dont feel qualified lolol:

seems like a solid pull

ace of pentacles, ten of rods, upside down four of cups

seems to work, dont overdo it, dont ask too much.

i have 0 clue if this one sticks
>5 of wands rev, 9 of swords rev
>9 of cups
>lovers rev, devil
What I see here is a case of one sided affection. I'm unsure if you're in a relationship or not but you gotta work for love. As the saying goes, all is fair in love and war yet you seem to want to detach from this dynamic entirely, to avoid the stress of dealing with competitors to have love come your way while you wait. You mightve experienced one sided affection too often, or been used by people you thought were your lovers, maybe that's why you're so avoidant. You have to take the blindfold off and dish out your own justice and seek what you want, but most importantly fight.
nine of cups, three of cups upside down, upside down five of rods

work on that marketing friend, seems it might stick but you need to work on the image. youll get a shot to prove that worth and you have to ensure its a good first impression

i suggest peer review w friends and blind reads from the street?

i remember seeing an author once print out a chapter from his book, handing it out in the street. maybe that could work. maybe just a barcode, u choose
Thank you
Yes I could research it but I figure why not just use divination to get the answer as that's how the ancients did it in the first place.
ace of swords, four of rods, six of swords upside down with four of pentacles as an extra pull

it seems he is, itll pass, but you have to prove to him you understand his limits or whatever he trusted you with, you have to honor. potentially go above and beyond to show him a genuine sign of compromise.

thats all he probably needs
i understand, im just not your guy, ask around sorry
Hey, I posted ur read here>>38267436
I'm waiting for mine which is here>>38267394
Thank you so much
I've been editing it with my publisher for about a year, and tons of friends and family have read and given feedback. Could just mean it will be controversial?
thanks for the read btw
two of swords, justice, high priestess

truly depends on your actions i believe.
i think this is a case of knowing if you fucked up bad, or is it more that you feel theyre moving on without you

extra pull: king of rods
i think you might start to notice where youre lacking but i dont see it ending w getting fired, worl on improvement and externalizing it and i think ur solid
How will I be doing over the next two months?
controversy is not bad. use it effectively. its still the same thing work on how u present it.

if you think its good to go as is leave it that way, just be wise to use the reactions to your advantage
Idk if I fucked up that bad. I just keep getting told in the work GC that maybe I should quit and stuff like that. I guess I'm underperforming
rereading it, it means a lot, and thank you

just have to learn how to trust people like that again i think
Does C’s group still gossip about me at all?
for starters thats wild theyre even saying that, but use that knowledge to your gain, do you have clearer examples in where youre lacking?
I can feel someone's energy around me A LOT lately and it's driving me insane. Could I get a read on what I should do about it? Thanks
Will I finally get a job, and then move?
Whats next love relationship like?
king of pentacles, queen of pentacles, wheel of fortune, i put an extra card on wheel of fortune showing a nine of rods

i mean surely it comes up, i dont know if its as meaningful as you think but surely my suggestion would be to leave it all behind. who gives a fuck what people gossip about you.

extra pull for support idk: nine of swords
i dont know how long stuff with C passed but its time to stop letting it affect your wellbeing
nine of cups, page of rods, four of swords

seems like a good two months, new changes coming your way, just focus on what you truly want for yourself and dont let opportunity compromise that
Thank you
I just feel scared they’re gonna come back to try and fuck with me is all
It’s been almost a year it’s really pathetic of me. I want them gone from my head.

You can say no I don’t mind and don’t want to be greedy, but can you ask your deck for a pull on something about the situation thatll help me stop worrying so much? I don’t want to be scared but it’s easier said than done.
Would like a general for the next month
What is j's next move towards me?
ten of cups upside down, queen of swords upside down, page of pentacles upside down

seems youre on someones mind, maybe an old friend or partner. in general it just seems its best not to engage, seems like it will do more harm than good.
will I get unconditional love by occult means?
Hey! Is my old friend J having a good situation?
Thank you so much. I knew I wasn't crazy. Or maybe I am.
I get the feeling I know who it is. I won't reach out because things ended badly but I'm also encouraging them a bit to come towards me, if that makes sense. Hoping it's just a timing thing and we can resolve things.
But you're probably right about it going wrong
knight of pentacles
seems the person might have their own stuff to deal with, its not impossible just know ur dealing with someone who might be more in the stubborn side.

six of pentacles
you might learn from eachother, potentially you might improve on some underlying issues. youll probably share some wisdom together

eight of cups upside down
just know therell come a time of serious doubt from one of you, focus on being clear with how you communicate and learn how they express their feelings
Starting,but i'm kinda iffy on occult Q
You can read it as outcome of action and ignore the actual method, as anon isn't asking for an analysis of the method.

t. experienced occult reader
ten of pentacles, five of pentacles, eight of rods upside down

seems hes gaining some stability, but still has his own issues troubling them and probably keeping them in the same place and not really seeing growth

in short, they seem to be doing well, just not progressing for the time being, probably hit a speed bump
two of cups upside down, the emperor upside down, ace of rods upside down

you feel guilt? is it justified?
if you truly feel youre in the wrong, and you know the person is willing to set things aside, fix your shit privately.

please be wiser moving forward, and be truly sure if you are willing to potentially expose yourself to that group.
Am I skipped?
It's okay if yes
>3 swords rv, kn cups , 9 cups rv
even if you do get love by occult means a part of you will know that it's kind of deranged,and very soon it won't be enough,it would be like getting the first place trophy but not the prize,just a bit of gloat.
Thanks :)
July general please
sorry no, just lots of readings haha

three of swords upside down, the hanged man, knight of rods upside down

seems J is looking to fix things if they went wrong before. if things are going well, they might be more open for positive experiences, they seem to be willing to share more, theyre also probably more receptive and willing to compromise. this may be a good period, but dont become too comfortable and try and get more than what you should.
What does N feel for me?
magician, 2 of pentacles, 10 of cups, king of sword, 10 of pentacles, world
pretty good month, you will feel fulfilled in most aspects of your life, you'll have balance between work and free time. Lots of happiness with family.
Thank you
I do feel guilt but they refused to talk to me further and all blocked me without question while all talking mad shit about me. I just want to move on but I still feel on high alert for some reason.
Thank you! Have a good day!
interesting month
queen of cups, six of cups, the lovers reversed

overall positive month, seems like youll be getting what you want from the most part, though this success streak might steer you away from your true path so be careful if you get carried away and find yourself somewhere you dont want to be after the dust settles
Seems to be minor things that add up. Like not enough sales, something small that shouldve been done a certain way being done in a different way. I'm not doing it on purpose btw, it's just that I'm inattentive. Maybe my adhd has something to do here.
Eight of pentacles, the fool reversed, the sun reversed

seems N is overall preocuppied in making something with themselves and not looking for something new, so you might not be in their mind

extra pull: queen of rods put below the sun reversed

if you do want to be something significant in their life you should show your worth in how your input turns into results. the person wants security, offer that
Trading love
Damn,been a while since i got a that positive read,thanks anon.
I can trade runes. What would be your q?
Where will my next job be at?
If you're not too tired, I'd be grateful for a July general. Either way, thank you for your service and time, anon.
not the original anon but willing to trade.

Will she have a change of heart and try to hang out with me soon?

ur q?
thank you for the experience, im trying to make something out of this and need practice

four of swords, page of pentacles reversed, and ten of cups reversed

seems its a nothing month lol, focus on recharging from finantial stuff and love stuff, i think you already got stuff on your plate so its time to just so whats necessary

extra pull: queen of swords reversed
youre lacking some self control in terms of picking a battle yk dont rush into things, and deal with what you can before tackling more problems
I just wanna know how he feels now that I'm past my fears and feel comfy together.

Starting yours!
sounds good! starting
>5 of cups, knight of swords, wheel

Well it seems like whatever it was kinda made him feel like something was lost but he's still here for you and gonna keep trying to push forward regardless of what it is.

I think it will turn out well with wheel being on the end here.
Gibu, Laukr, Hagal
Looks like it. A disruptive event makes her be all up in her feels soon and she'll yearn for the connection.
Thank you! Iit was definitely a struggle
>seems its a nothing month
Neet summer, here I come.

Thank you, anon. All the best on your journey.
trade? biggest thing for me in the next two weeks?
Thank for the read. Had another read done that said she was gonna be going through some stress and have a hard time soon and i'll be a good "comic relief" but idk i've known this girl for years and love her so i hope i can make something more out of this with her when whatever happens; happens.
Do I have to escape my mother or is she genuine on helping me out?
Alrighty! same q for me. Starting yours

You're welcome! yeah some cheering up will help you both for sure :)
ten of rods reversed, ace of pentacles reversed, four of pentacles reversed

seems she might not know what you really need, its tough but for now focus on you because whatever shes suggesting is just making you go backwards and feel less fulfilled. shes also not respecting your autonomy methinks, so yea go your own way
first one, starting
Thank you, excellent insight
taking a break, see you soon losers :P
Thank yiu
Whom do I need to appeal to leave my abuse?
how do I meet my next gf?
Thanks for the reads
Have fun
Ingwar, Laukr, Berkana
Have you been ruminating in sadness lately? There's something that brewed in a period of disruption but that is coming to an end.
A project granted, or the culmination of something you couldn't finish in the past. Feeling refreshed and happy, for once.

Thurs, Sowelu, Naudir - your needs finally being fulfilled.
fuck, I'm dealing with a bitch mother too. Except mine has a moral compass problem.
what kind of project ? And no I haven't been ruminating in sadness I feel pretty good these days
Ace of Wands Rx Five of Wands Rx Ten of Cups
Trouble in love or issues in relationships? they'll be coming to an end and you'll find renewed love and romantic joy in your life.
I pulled my tarot deck because I'm not getting much for the details.
2 of swords, 9 of swords, 6 of swords
It's more of a mental change then. A transformation of the self, the transitory period before entering a new phase of life.

I'd reinterpret then the runes as, you're brewing something subconsciously and it will show up soon. What is the need you're not satisified with rn? It's gonna cover it.
Sorry for the vagueness, I couldn't connect that well -_-
Also thank you, yeah I've been having a lot of personal issues that have been affecting my connection. Glad to see them over.
My love life is quiet and I could use a better job
N-no u!
She's super confusing. Thanks and will do
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Guess what mofos?

I'll do 3 more readings until dinner is ready.
Can you tell me about my next girlfriend?
Are their spiritual implications to my family being abusive and evil in deed?
How do I stay sane and good while living with her?
U here anon? I'm the og trader. Had something come up. I do tarot if that's OK with u
Will i get into uni next year?
Sure!!! what's your q?

For me, just get me whatever romantic advice pops up, please
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Just a heads up, this may not even be your girlfriend but someone who introduces you and you a tower and hermit on the first go so I redrawed to further see what's the deal.
King of pents rev, Knight of swords rev, Wheel of fortune rev, 2 of cups rev
Not a single straight card. From the get-go I got the image of a small, slightly overweight and small nose girl who wears a hoody, can't make out finer details or character.

Something whithin you is muddying the reading, the cards consider more urgent to warn you not to dive into a new relationship until you have sorted your emotional baggage first. Even then you seem to be troubled over some other stuff, could be work or family stress building up.

Don't let any of this pent up or you may do or say hurtful things to your next partner. Get yourself sorted out and then you can look around.

Well yeah, you don't need a reading for that.

Hatred, envy, jealousy, insults and inmorality are all manifestations of low vibrational people. At some point these people will change your energy for the worse.

The other thing to consider is how deep into the filth they may be as some low vibrational entities could be parasitic, read energy vampiric (and I mention entities because sometimes this is what's latches onto people and what's actually behind the whole negativity and toxicity in somebody).

At some point you have to leave your home and make a life of your own without all the low vibrational junk and filth your family had to go through. Either that or learn to shield yourself.
My Q is...well, do I still love her? I've not seen her for years
I'm male
>listen to list by hey
For a second there I thought you were talking about Liszt. lol
Thanks, pal
>From the get-go I got the image of a small, slightly overweight and small nose girl who wears a hoody, can't make out finer details or character.
Yeap, I know who you are talking about.
Things are complicated with her. She used to have a crush on me. Maybe still.
>Something whithin you is muddying the reading
Because I don't know what to do.
Even if I choose her that would be out of optionlessness.
Thank you.
Bjarkan, Ansur, Raido
The idea of her. The reality though, yearns for you to change how you think about this, it will hold you back when another comes. It's illusion.
Should I purchase this high quality, knock off perfume or the original. There’s qualities I like in both and have tested them, but I can’t decide.
>5 of swords, hanged man, Page of pents rev
Stop shooting yourself in the foot. If your aproach to love so far hasn't worked you need to change your tactics. Maybe you're flaky or unwilling to put in the work to get the love you want. Try to be more proactive
Trade again?
Who is this other one?
Sometimes I feel cursed to not be able to leave home. So many hiring freezes. I am applying to anything and everything that hires people without much luck. I've been praying for some sort of lead, and change.

I feel like they are changing me for the worse, right now. I wonder if they are possessed or the energy vampires themselves. How would someone determine that? Or go about researching more information?

I am learning how to ground myself outside, and I need to practice daily shielding.

Thank you for your time.
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You can't and you won't.
>t. Married
Hiero, 8 of swords, Strength, Knight of wands rev, Sun
You gotta hold fast like a sailor through a monsoon.

And that's it, that's the only message I could get. You get used to it or you separate/divorce, worse case scenario you end up in couple/marriage counseling.

Knigth of swors rev
Queen of cups, Queen of wands, Justice rev
If you play your cards right yes. If you go without studying and putting your brain muscles to use no.

Study young lass, you can't expect a miracle from thin air... or at least not all the time.
What will the outcome be between me and N.R?
You did great, what are you complaining about?
Does H like any flowers I like?
Are their any messages from odin for me?

Mine is what is going to be the cause of PT's stress that the cards keep talking about.
Aq Will I get a better job soon?
Can I ask you if they are energy vampires or possessed?
Will I find a new job in July? I need a fresh start.
I'm male

Will post after you fyi
They I have your read anon. You there?
You here anon?
>Empress, page of swords, knight of pentacles

Yes. The cards are in you're favor but hint at the fact you have to put in the steady consistent effort to get it done and make it happen. You are quick witted and more than capable of getting it done.
>lovers, queen ofnpents, Page of swords rev
A woman, or a lover regardless of gender. PT might be into someone and are really willing to go far. Their person might appear to reciprocate their interest but they're either using PT or just spewing hot air with no real intentions to commit
7 day work gen?
I'm male
Care to trade again?
Yea I know who it is then. Seems like it'll always be that way and they'll catch onto it.

Sure I'll trade again. Will PT reach out to me in that time to hang out?

Reading about me and semi-local girl?
Will he like my new hair?
the lovers. yes
Will she come to my house in next week?
So any romance for me in June?
Starting will post after you.
Ty :)
>2 of cups, 8 of pentacles, fool rev
Yeah, they will. They'll have something prepared yet maybe their plans are not to your liking or not well thought out.
You there? I have your spread
Nigga you got 4 hours left to find it if there is any…
Just want a general reading, if someone can help me interpret a lucid dream I had too I'd appreciate it
It's here>>38268668
It ain't much but tell you what you asked about.
>>38268675 I meant July :')
>Devil, 2of cups, 9 of wands

Well it does seem like you'll meet someone but it's going to be very casual and not be very long-term building. More so friends with benefits if anything. If you wanna fight for more it'll be an uphill battle with them
Thanks I also always get 2 of cups when asking about PT and they get lover in regards to the other person.

Care to trade one more time? I would like to have an idea of what it is that'll put me off.
Is he missing me yet?
Can I ask for a 7 day gen?
Yep starting now
Can I get one 7day gen too?
What will put you off?
>temperence, Page of cups, 8 of pentacles
In retrospect. Its not about getting annoyed. Its more so that their plan to spend with you will be a bit reckless, like you might do stuff you're not fully confident in or are sure about.

Worst case, if my initial intuition was right, PT might use this outing as their time and you'll just sort of be along for the ride, not really feeling you're there as a pair and more as a witness to PTs daily antics, with litte regard for your wants.
Will he still like me after my nose job?
That seems about right honestly.

>9 of pents,magician, 5 of wands, 8 of cups

Well the start of the week will start off strong. But it looks like there will be a conflict or a conversation or argument that you have with someone that'll start to bring a damper to your spirits and that you'll have to step away from with feelings of loss. My best advice is to not push any conflicts or entertain them for it will only be at your detriment emotionally.

In regards to my read I guess me spending time with them is better than nothing guess
>nose job
stahp it
will I buy japanese or american for my first bike? ur q?
Do u know me?
Don't have to. Unless it was disfigured in an accident, people need to stop doing shit like that. Fucking immoral and won't bring you happiness.
Who is the queen of cups for me?
I'm male
Air Query

Has she asked here about me?
Could you answer 1 more q for me before we call it quits?

I just wanted to know GTs true feelings for PT if possible able to give you another read if you want
here?? I'm waiting on you to post
Who will this conflict be with? Someone from work or from my private life/family?
>queen of swords, 7 of pentacles, moon
>6 of cups rev, strenght rev, queen of pentacles
Buy a Zimbabwean bike.
Both options seem rather lackluster. Too many unknown factors in the Japanese option. Purchase might be delayed, yet you might prefer it stats wise.
In the case of the American you might just not like it that much even if the purchase is easier in some way or that it provides more comfort, maybe parts are more available here.
To conclude. Go american
Can anyone help me interpret a spread? I need a little help understanding.

Willing to give a read In return.
Hello, I’m not sure if there’s interest for this, but I will help you interpret readings you’ve done and/or critique them. I used to teach tarot, and I can help you gain additional details. If you’re interested, please link a reading you’ve done. I’m not sure how many I’ll do. Please be patient, I sometimes have trouble with the captchas on this site.

If you’re around, thanks for the feedback. I was less concerned about the accuracy and more about how I explained it. The tldr is that the spirit will be using emotional manipulation, initially to gain and keep your excitement, then to keep you invested. The goal is to get you to act irrationally. In a sense, it’s playing on your near-past chaotic situation in two ways: it simultaneously suggests a stable conclusion to it and plays off the excitement that you’ve been accustomed to by the lack of stability, promising more such excitement.

>Could I ask exactly what you mean by these past events being called into effect?
I’m going to be perfectly honest, I have no clue how I came up with 10-12 years. I was half asleep and just blurted it out. That being said, I think that you’ll experience subtle reminders of whatever traumatic experiences you had, and they will feel like syncs, like you’ll be thinking about them and suddenly you see something that reinforces it or reminds you of it. The spirit will cause this to happen for the sake of emotional manipulation.

Sure, post the spread and query, and whatever relevant information.
Impregnating /div/ girl when?
High Preistess Five of Wands Rx Nine of Cups
She's someone who will help you greatly in your life and they will help bring an end to conflict in your life, giving you success.
Hey this is me. So I asked "will me and her ever get back together and be in a relationship?"

I got

>10 of swords reversed, 10 of pentacles, lovers, 6 of wands rx

There's food and bad in there so it was hard for me to decipher
Will I get the job tomorrow?
Good and bad*
>6 of wands
>page of swords
>knight of cups
I think GT likes them in a romantic way. If not romantic they're close emotionally. They enjoy the banter/vibe between them conversation wise. GT likely feels more confident with PT around and if this is jn fact romance then they likely flirt with PT, if PT reciprocated, well that's a whole different mater. They like em, a lot
>Page of sword, queen of pentacles, knight of swords

Well it seems like someone that plays a somewhat motherly role in your life thats also smart and quick witted and sharp tongue. Looks like the fight is also gonna be over something not really thought out and impulsive to begin with.
You here anon?
When will I see him again?
My first piece of advice is to avoid yes/no queries unless you’ve trained a specific system for them. For a query like this, you want to ask something like “what would need to happen in order for us to get back together,” and you use your reason to assess how realistic that is. The other thing you can do is ask how your current trajectory is looking, and that’s how I’ll interpret this spread.
>Disclaimer: I am assuming you pulled the right cards for this kind of phrasing

Your first two cards are both 10s, read them together. You need to overcome what defeated you before. Because you are overcoming defeat and are more stable, this suggests that your breakup was due to a lack of having your shit together. Reasonable, and you probably agree, and it seems that you will be getting it together soon. In fact, you’re probably already making initial steps towards “adulting.” She may be the catalyst, but you are benefiting from it. The Lovers card is Major Arcana, suggesting something outside of the direct question. In this case, it’s part of your life. The direct meaning suggests that you will probably attract her with your changes, impress her, maybe renew a brief romance or sexual encounter. But, your goal is to get back together, and that’s simply not going to happen: 6W is reversed. You’ll make positive changes that will attract her, making it seem like you have changed in a way that overcomes what she originally disliked about you. Limited success, no long-term success.
Yes, hey again. I’ve recently entered the thread to see if you were around and will provide a bit more feedback. There’s almost a fantasy created around my interests as in people within the communities paint you a mental picture of what different items convey. The spirit behind that could easily be one of emotional manipulation when the reality distortion is over exaggerated, especially when sponsorships and PR are involved. As for what happened 10-12 years ago, my parents were going through a nasty divorce, would have police at our house, poverty, multiple bad health declines, grades plummeted, first heartbreak, etc. I’d rather die than relive those years without the knowledge that I have now. With all these reminders that spirit sends me, is it best to try to divert my attention or are these at all pointing at emotional turmoil I still have to work through? It’s difficult to know which thoughts to ignore versus ponder on.
Trading! Will read anything

Will I see him soon?
Hey anon I asked the cards "what do I do to what do I do to get her to choose me instead of the other suitor/romance in her life and I got

>Chariot, knight of pents, 6 of swords, ace of cups, 6 of wands.
What does C (F) want with me (M) and why was she looking at me like that? Starting yours soon
Sorry on my phone and double typed.
now taking queries
if you had feedback you wanted me to respond to I can do it today
Yep that's spot on thank you

But yea that fucking sucks man I wanted her to be the one. We go way back.
Will i get what i want?
2 of cups king of cups three of wands

Aww she really likes you, thinks you are a good man and thinks being with you would be a good opportunity
what type of vibe do i give off to people? i’ve been told twice i look like i study french (and i do LMAO)
How does K feel about R?
D's feelings for me next time we are together?
will j love me?
How does U feel about me
any advice for me?
Who is sysetryx
Why does p act so distant towards me?
When will you let me put a baby in you?
Hey anon you here? Was hoping you could help me with some clarification on this spread I had
What should I be doing right now?
When will a girl appear to fill my physical need?
Thank you for the additional feedback. I have to admit that I’m completely unfamiliar with the cultures surrounding purchasing collectible items. One of my fiancee’s childhood friends collects toys of some sort, and we’re both entirely confused by the whole thing. I didn’t connect this together initially, but it’s rather interesting to see the court cards in conflict with each other: wands and cups vs pentacles. As far as the past trauma, the indication was 6C: this spirit is going to use this wound against you, so be careful. Thanks again, and good luck.

Chariot is Major Arcana, so we have the indication that you need to do something beyond the scope of this question. KnP is the clue: disregard this female and acquire currency. You literally have to go off and do your own thing for a while: 6S tells you to go away. You basically need to go off on a money quest and be gone for a while, likely longer than you think. I have no way to prove this, but my intuition says like 6 months. Then you come back and AoC that thing (ie, seduce her as if you’re meeting her for the first time), and that’s what would work. 6W indicates victory, and it ties with 6S, suggesting that leaving for a while is non-optional.

I won’t share my story, but I’ve been there, and it worked out well for me in the end. Do the 10P for yourself, best of luck.

Most likely last one. What’s up?

I appreciate you a lot man. Have a good evening

Also the cards are basically telling me fuck dem bitches and get money instead.
Will I start getting bookings any time soon? I am a comedian
I almost forgot to mention, you are likely to hear something along the lines of “I can make everything feel good again, like it was before your family fell apart; I can make you feel that warmth again.” If/when you hear something like this, run outside and get as much fresh air as you can: you are about to be mindfucked so hard that prostitutes would blush.

Ultimately yes, but you actually do have a chance with this girl. The thing is that you need to be absent for a while and present yourself as someone new, or at least inspire those emotions in her. Currently, you’re on her “no” list, so you need a fresh start, wherein you will present yourself as a dude with good prospects. If she sees your gradual process, it won’t work; she needs to see a whole new you suddenly and out of nowhere. Mind you, it’s none of my business whether or not you should pursue her, this is just what your spread says would be necessary to make it work.
Why am I so angry lately?
Am I pregnant? Lol
Would you like to be? ;)
Do i have any chances in a future with M or N?
Thank you again. I’ll be careful with escapism temptations. The voices I hear often destabilize me when I give in to them despite feeling good initially and this extends past my hobbies, I fantasize a lot in general. There’s overindulgence as well as healthy dosages as possibilities.
You coming back baby?
Don’t do this, just go get a pregnancy test. Several years ago, an ex texted me to tell me she’s pregnant, and her rationale was that she pulled cards saying she is. She took a test, and she wasn’t pregnant. I never slept with her again after that. Don’t do this.
Shame. I could've helped you out there :P

tarot is fake
Children ? In this economy?
I don't think so
Yeah, because having kids in the middle of the bubonic plague was so much better. Toughen up, coward
I'm just kidding I would have like as many as possible but I know who I want them with
Then get to it, girl. Time's-a-wastin!
I have plenty of time
Like my brother, who was unmarried, told my sister, who had been married for like 5 years, there is no "right time"
There's a right time for everything if you listen
Aq - single card
Is it Asmodus who calls in disguise as Baphomet?
Air Query

Why does it seem this girl likes all the things I like?
Will I eat a steak tomorrow?
Nigga what kinda aq is this
Im tryna see if I'll eat a steak duh
How does she feel about me after the conversation we had/are having?

Your q
Trade cucker I curse you to not get laid in 5 years
you should cursed him to get cucked by a woman he liked
He will get no pussy for years
He played himself by fucking with a div wizard.

Can you bless me to get love
Has he done it yet?
I think most lads who post here regularly will not be getting pussy anytime soon.
I'll read for your q if you want anon.
No you're sus
Rip it was worth a shot
Okay :3
Will I be with my crush soon? Ty
best thing to happen for me in the next eight days? starting
Honestly if you practice or actually dabble in the occult I'd like a blessing instead of a read if that's possible!

But starting yours now
Okay I will what is it you want for the blessing?
>Sun, tower, 6 of pents

Well I'll say yes but I don't think it's gonna be as good as you'd hope for. I see a lot of generosity and giving on their part but you probably won't get what you wanted or were expecting out of this meet up.

It'll likely change the concept you have of them honestly.
Interesting I wonder what the tower is about . Ty!
I've been having a real hard time with the person I love and things have been distant.

I'm trying to do what I can to fix things buts it's been hard.

Feelings are there on both ends but it's in. A weird spot right now. I was gonna ask if you could do something to heal and bring us back together for a brighter future between us.

They're T and I'm E

They were Gemini and I'm cancer

Just asking for some comforting words
This person is just not ready at this time you would have to be patient and in the end lose out on other opportunities. Do you really want that?
I don't mind on being patient for them. I can wait as long as needed. Been with them on and off for a few years now and they do genuinely mean a lot.
Okay I will do what I can for you guys to be together
Thank you.
I appreciate the effort and generousness to help with something that a stress for both me and them. Could you let me know what happens or what to expect?
Will he find someone else when he leaves on his trip?
He'll be attracted to her, but nothing will happen. She's brunette and has brown eyes, a bit of a tan.
So he wants to stay with me?
this one >>38269832
last reader tradecucked me
Okay on it
Trading will read anything
I didn't read that, just scried whom he'll see. She has friendlier and nicer energy than you, by the way. If I were you, I'd be more concerned with preventing threats than with dealing with them.
I've been pretty nice but I'm not a pushover. Does he see me in his future?
Knight of Swords R
Eight of Swords
Eight of Cups
He'll try but he'll fail miserably and ref turn to you feeling like a loser.
Okay I have your reading
I delivered>>38270083
the full
You here anon?
don't tell me you're a tradecucking faggot too
3 of pentacles knight of wands the chariot

You're going to get the ball rolling on some kind of project You're working on or will start something finally and it will be very successful

Lol is this recent cause we actually are separated rn desu we are not together and decided not to keep dating but we're both on dating apps rn
No i got tradecucked too and probably by the same guy
Will g still like me if I shave my head?
I can trade above query if someone is trading as well
what query
Tell me if I get a new job next month. Starting
Yes, you have to be able to remain calm at this time and really consider your options. An older male may be helpful in this endeavor. You may also consider something more traditional to you.
Have a good night anon. I'm logging off for the night
No she won't, sorry.
Lol okay ty
G is a male
either way, no
Yeah no i figured
how blood thirsty are you exactly lol

"And your nose is bleeding
And your nose is bleeding
You've been lying to me"

you have a European ennui, youre tired of the roles you have to be in life and youre tired of shaving your legs. something tells me ur more like the girl in the song than the narrator

totally in love, even tho it's hard

she has a lot to say about these lyrics
would love to hear more abt D

yes, over protectively

Will I have kids with j?
which one were you anon!!
D is a situationship I'm in
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Who is reading
not me, only trades muggle
aq will it come today?
Trading occult
"I'll only hurt you if you let me"
it'll be bittersweet, you need to calmly talk about boundaries and speak honestly, not under jokes and sarcasm
who's the one who leaves the most in the situationship btw

7os - The Ballad of Mr. Steak

Hanged man - not yet

Queen oc
"Please disregard my endless hope, it just paved the way for the end of our road - The legends we set out to be"

Keep going, fren. You're doing well and I send my love to you. You're so precious

Hanged man rx - the wait is nearly up senpai

just heard my boyfriend get a snapchat notification. i asked who it was and he immediately claims he didn’t get one and i made it up.

Should I be concerned or should I let it go?
Thanks div

Is there a connection between me and Lorena? Should I try something with her?
Oof sounds fishy. Honestly talk to him about it openly - if he's not willing to hear your concern out it's a lil sussy. A good relationship has good honest open communication no matter how smoll the problem is. <3
Pls be a yes
will they happen?
He just keeps repeating that he’s not lying and didn’t get a notification. Snapchat is out of my realm because i’m older than him. So here i am turning to div for a second opinion
will KJ love me?
how does M feel about R?
am i going get what i want ?
Trading occult
Well I pulled a card for ya - wheel of rx
Seems like a nah. but meh, if he gives you no reason to doubt him then I would leave it alone unless he has lied about stuff like this before. Trust your gut tho. I'm just a weeb with a deck of cards desu
If i PTGTSF1HSTKMSWIGT? yes or no pls

Is M (F) waiting for me to make a move?



send pics


when you can appreciate her and tell her and be ok with not touching her, and just enjoying her dancing with you

seems slow like you need to make it happen
" good weather for an air strike "

>"No wonder why I wait for thee"

"And I hope like a child
Widow of the sea
I hold these arms around you
All's around me"
no clue anon srry

not the best idea?
Advice for July??
Something called me here. I'll be doing reads until I see the purpose or I get too tired.
Trading occult
My query is why did they show me they world under the eyelids? If you can't find that, I'll ask if the Tiamat I met was the correct one benevolent toward me.

What's your query?
What to look for in July ? Specially in the love and spiritual aspects of my life
Having one of those moods tonight. Can you read for something I need to hear/know?
I think half of the female readers here are actually men.
I see a fey woman who looks like a talker Celebi mixed with Astral from Yugioh (Astral's an alien but so are some fairies). Both the malicious and loving fey watch you. They may also lead you to love but every vow you make must be serious and upheld. Follow the rules of their games and win.
My instincts suddenly went wild and I felt intense anxiety a while ago as I was trying to sort through some occult related thoughts. I tried banishing and cleansing in case there was anything negative directed towards me, and while I've calmed down for the most part, I still feel a sense of anxiety.

Is there anything I need to worry about right now occult wise (as in, anything related to the initial panic), or was this whole thing just a misunderstanding/overreaction?

starting yours.
What do I need to hear atm Lucario?
Is there love looming nearby
My fate with him? (K)
How do I rise above my nicotine addiction?
Anything I should know ?
Whats up with the new guy I just met?
I was having trouble getting a grasp on your first Q, so I went with the other one.
>if the Tiamat I met was the correct one benevolent toward me.

six of pentacles, king of wands, two of cups rx, page of cups rx

Yes, it was the correct one. You should continue to interact/work with them, but you might have some issues getting off the ground with them in the sense that it might take some time or effort for things to really click with this Tiamat.
Will I manifest the kind of relationship I’ve always wanted?
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Were you doing something related to knowledge, violence and looking beyond the current time period? I got an image similar to pic and pic is Glasya-Labolas.

I'd not deal much with goetic demons unless youknow both yourself and them.
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air query for anyone willing, and I greatly appreciate it in advance. Met a girl at work and I sense chemistry between us, however I know and accept nothing will come of this as she is already involved with someone else. My AQ is does she also feel any chemistry or am I simply wishing so because I enjoy her company? Pic unrelated
No. I've also never even heard of this entity before now. The thoughts I were dealing with were more so intrusive/unintentional thoughts, and me trying to ensure that they don't get out of control, and attract anything negative when it happened. The intrusive thoughts weren't really related to those things.

Before the intrusive thoughts though, I was thinking of potential plans for the future, but only in passing, and they weren't entirely occult related, and not thought of in a serious way. Based on that, and what you saw, would you say I have anything to worry about, or did I just momentarily attract something's attention for a minute?
go to that guys house or no
I dunno man, the cat picture itself seems like more of an unconscious sigil one created. It's made my vision go weird and this whole situation seems wrong.
It likes to teach, but teachers observe to do some learning themselves. No immediate danger but be on your guard. Things aren't guaranteed to go bad but there's not room for the wider and more careless mistakes.
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No worries I'm not going to immorally pursue this person just wanted some potential input into the situation out of curiosity. Thanks for replying!
What will her feelings be driving that coupe?
When will I find a man like pic
im scared about my safety so id rlly appreciate a read ty lucario
Who is the guy in the picture? Feel like I've seen it posted here before.
AQ How the hell am I going to make money?
Whatever you were thinking about as a third alternative to the two options you were considering, do it. For a yes/no read the yes and no options were oddly contradictory.
Its from a nsfw artist on twitter
Want the sauce?
Another one bites the dust... Keep showing yourselves! :DDD
Does it matter?
Who was that tall woman I saw in my dream today? What did she signify?
That was me I'm sending my dream self to visit all of you
It's Twitter so I can't see it unless it's uploaded somewhere else.

Anyway, your read: Check the gate by the cemetery. That's the only hint I'm allowed to give, aside from beware bald people.
Oh bummer it's by hamlet machine
They are a lgbt artist
Guess I'll be visiting a lot of cemeteries....
Ty lucario
One of her forms is a centaur. She calls for you to expand your knowledge but what you find by going with what you first see will leave you lost in the wilds. She'll help you even if you're lost though.
Will that guy come to me again and pay the price I asked?
Gold Yes. Dark Red No. If you are coordial with him it will be a great success. If you aren't things will get bloody.
Are the things that Lilith told me true?
I just want him to cut his hair and then I'll do what he says
I'm not at your level but if you don't mind that, what do I need to know about july?
Which Lilith did you call to, dear anon? Call her with weakness in your heart and she could mold you like primordial clay. The mother goddess is not quite the demon but they certainly seem to show up in close vicinity of each other often.
is that j?
Look for green gourd-like peppers. You will need them to cleanse yourself.

I'll ask you the same question about July for my query. Or if that's too broad at least if I will somehow get new clothes in July despite everything.
Ah peppers I see
Ace of cups king of cups page of pentacles
You will definitely get new clothes
Will we make love again?
A general, if you please.

When I started, I didn't have any particular aspect of Lilith in mind, I just felt called by her in a "it just feels right" type of way since childhood. So I set up the appropriate space to get in touch with her in the most "purest" form possible and just went went from there. It's difficult for me to precisely tell you which Lilith is with me (she's very dynamic, as if she was molding(or adapting?) herself to the situation). But the underlying pattern of behaviour would closely resemble the warrior-mother archetype.
Cine se revede
Ace of wands temperance ten of pents

Take action on that idea you have been pondering about whether it be a creative project or vacation and if you hold out and keep going you will have very prosperous results.

Not really good at generals tbf, really this could apply to anything as long as you do things just and fair.
aq if i did this ls spell love it work
>Hermit, 4 of Wands, 3 of Wands Rx, 7 of Swords, Page of Swords Rx, Empress Rx

'I'm into having sex, I ain't into making love.' Would be better put here. Well, maybe there will be feelings if you two get down to it again, but if you expect things to blossom thereafter or maybe going to long con with this person, that might not be happening. The connection you two had is severed for the time being.
But onto your original query: yes, it's likely that you will have some intimacy with this person at some point in the future, but things will need to change a bit. First you will need to have some time for yourself and better asses the situation in hand - accept a few things. Once you have a clear idea in mind of what you can expect from they/things and what's delulu, it's going to be much easier to 'have' something. As in, make sure that despite being hurt ad beaten down you're not going to cause conflicts which can lead to your opportunity being taken away from you.
As for the act itself maybe you will need to be a bit sly and reckless to make it happen - trick or treat. The only problem is that maybe you will be too focused on making it happen att all cost that you will put to little thought on 'how' it will happen causing it to be underwhelming.
Thank you
I didn't want to phrase it too crudely. I'm already getting kind of bored of this one we got along very well at first but maybe in this case it's best I move on. Thank you very much.
aq is my a Good??
Trading next sexual partner
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Sure I can trade that, do you want physical traits, location you'd meet, or general personality? Also give me your inital

Should I ask out CC to get dinner after work next time I see her?

I'll post after you
Initial: D
More so physical traits and how/where I'd meet her especially
>page of pents rev, 7 of cups
>chariot, 3 of wands
>4 of cups rev
You could ask CC out and they're likely to say yes, they might not be able to commit to the dinner date tho. They might have other things in their life and the dinner won't be their top priority. They might wish to reschedule with you in the future instead but again they're flaky. I feel they'll be taking your offer for granted a little
He won't worry will he?
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>how/where I'd meet her especially

Scythe Anchor Heart

Interesting, the Scythe and Heart tells me it'd be of a sudden love at first sight, like you'd know for sure you'd want them. And the Anchor as the center stage references either somewhere near the ocean, on a boat, or even in a place that is sea themed or even has a physical anchor as a backdrop.

The feel I get is that the symbolism of the anchor is something you'd realize then right after you'd see your person

Also your read sounds pretty dead on, she was telling me today she works full time and is still trying to find another job to work for even more cash so I was wondering if she'd even have free time for it

If you'd be down we could trade again
How soon do you see this meeting between is taking place?
What's your Q?
I can try to do that, not sure how accurate I would be considering I rarely do timeframes as a warning

My Q is what would happen if I did commit and try to get with CC?
>3 of cups
>Judgement, 6 of wands

You might start off as friends yet if you trust the process and your own judgement you will be able to make CC yours and feel really good about it. All it takes is for you to just enjoy the time with them and to be willing to go into this blindly and let things take their natural course

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