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/x/ - Paranormal

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I just took some mushrooms. Any tips on how to connect to specific deities?
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fuck you faggot, that is mean on purpose for no reason.
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dw I wasn't being serious :3
I'll protect ya....
I’ve never been aware of being visited by anything in particular. How can I manage such a feat?
anyway, if you have the aid of something like psychadelics, there isn't really anything you specifically have to -do- necessarily, just (politely) call upon an entity of your choice via, asking for their presence, -repeatedly- (remember, it may take some repetition)
I remember calling for the buddha while in a state of great need (I was about to die) and even then it took a little bit.
So, remember to be a bit tenacious
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I annul rebuke and cancel this image and words on the name of the highest. The highest now turns this image of negativity into positivity for the one who made this thread.

Physically exhaust yourself and draw some blood
Thanks. I have been sitting here envisioning him calling upon him. I am trying to recall the dream and the feelings of the dream.

I was visited in a dream by a god see this thread >>38233315, so I am hoping to make connection again.
I recommend stating your intention out-loud to what you wish to have revealed to you. Insights etc. if you want to connect with a deity just say its name and ask it. Be careful tho if you contact demons they will not leave your body automatically you must cast them out before the end of your trip or they will stay inside your being
Seems like a great starting point. I think verbalization is something I neglect too much. Thanks anon
Call out to the half-Man Olympian, Lord Dionysus AllJoy
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Youre welcome anon
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I don't mean to intrude upon your personal experience, but for the sake of science, I'm really curious to know what happens when this vid is viewed while high
here's the science of it; https://journals.plos.org/plosbiology/article?id=10.1371/journal.pbio.3002035
I'll also teach you a lil bit of energy work if you want, to play with while you're up there
Actually I have been reading "God of the Witches" that discusses the Horned God, and Dionysus came up, I never knew this, but apparently he is sometimes depicted with horns of a bull or a full bull head, like a minotaur, at least according to the book.

I'm not fully high, but I can feel my consciousness opening up. The effect is very 3D. After watching the video it causes my vision to discord and warp in odd ways. similar to how it feels to stop moving after being in a car for a long time, (where everything looks like it's still moving even after you've stopped moving)

Also I'm getting weird bad vibes from the video as if it's trying to program something into people's heads. I'd be careful with that video anon.
the video was made by mundane people, I got it from sci /:I I use it myself and it heals cognitive damage I have sustained.
There are pulses light pulses which are not random. Lots of interested parties monitor use 4chan for their own ends. The feds thing is not just a meme. 4chan is ripe for creating and distributing hyperstitional fictions and simulacra of all kinds.
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Alright anon, I'll keep a lookout from hereon. Thank you for helping me :3
You are a kind soul

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I'm not going to keep doing gay vacaroos with you. I know my voice sounds gay, but I'm not gay.

Also I just threw up, chinese food was a bad idea. Okay, I'm going to go focus on the horned god again.
If it sounds gay it is gay
checked. but sorry bro I only fuck women. Is this how you pick up dudes? you wait until they are high then try to gay rape them? that's kind of fucked up
Is this you >>38264053

Or is this>>38264092

If youre the former then youre gay. If youre the later, hence OP, you are chilling bro.
Contact the God Eaters
I am OP and I am >>38264092 and I do be chillin'. /x/ is a comfy place to get high as it turns out.
nigga I'm trying to focus on my diety. I do not have 7 minutes to listen to you read a star trek episode.
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Agree comfy thread
It's your choice. Have fun contacting your soul parasites and doing your gay neopagan larp
https://youtu.be/f3djVsLBBZ4 check this out good trippy vibes!
It's kind of crazy how effective this is at attacking my vibes. I had to shut it off. I'll come back to it later. Seems like a cool short video though
>neopagan larp
>soul parasites
Why are you like this?
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connect to Hermes, God of Thieves

go steal sum shit nigga lmao
Watch this to understand what is happening

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lmao based
bad trips are the best trips. face the inner demons and vanquish them! I HATE DEMONS! I FUCKING HATE INNER DEMONS!!!! AAAAAAA
Wtf is going on with this thread. I feel like I get high on mushrooms and I get christcucks trying to save me, a gay dude trying to seduce me. People trying to shill me their audio books on the matrix. I feel like I am being beset by internet demons. Is /x/ normally like this? I am having difficulty remembering
I don't feel like I have any more internal demons, maybe that is my problem lately. That is a nice drawing of Shiva, but her titties are too far apart and it looks weird
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personally, you shouldnt be here. I never spend any time online during a trip. tf you doin here nigga? you should be outside. you wanna meet a God; you wont meet one here, not any good ones at least. spending a trip anywhere near an electronic device (other than maybe an mp3 player) is for faggots. smash your phone into splinters. SMASH IT
Lord Shiva is male not female and yea my titties need some work. mostly do abstract shit
>you should be outside.
It's almost midnight and it's dark. Last time I almost got hit by a car

>spending a trip anywhere near an electronic device (other than maybe an mp3 player) is for faggots
I am trying something new. Last trip I did I spent it alone listening to music and it wasn't very helpful. It just kind of felt nice then was over.

I need to get out more, but I struggle to. I don't have any friends or anything to do them with. so it's hard to go up into the woods by myself and do them without feeling like it's a bad idea. So I can only do them in my apartment alone. I wish I had /x/ bros irl, but sadly it is not the case

>Lord Shiva is male not female and yea my titties need some work
so you're saying this drawing has a dick?
so what pussy? maybe you shouldnt walk in the middle of the road
my Lord Hermes shall protect you, God of Thieves, Watcher in the Night, a Friend of Dark, I send him to you for tonight as protection. Now go and commit crimes in His Holy name
>I don't have any friends or anything to do them with.
go find some. the night is full of friends, both great and small, both seen and unseen. just remember to bring a weapon lmao

really, what were you expecting? tripping and finding a god on /x/ at 2 am? you really do need to get out more. the world is full of darkness and danger and nothing ventured is nothing earned. get away from these spirit siphon/surveillance devices called computers. you know these things emit radiation? youre frying your balls just sitting next to the thing while worrying about what might happen to you during a nightwalk. just dont walk into niggerdom and youll be fine. youre just gonna get cancer eventually anyways. these are the kinda things I realized a long time ago on acid
I wasn't going to listen to you, then I read the filename and realized that you are a shitposter of the highest order. This, despite seeming otherwise increases my trust of you. I wish I could update you from the walk, but my phone carrier is ranebanned

If I'm not back in ~45 minutes I am dead and it is your fault.
Testing my phone
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I hear the baying of dogs, I am nervous but I venture forth to see what the night brings
Good luck and dont die
spooky trips
youre neighborhood doesnt even look that dangerous
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It’s not. I kept hearing false footsteps behind me though and it spooked me really bad. I almost turned back until I remember he said “nothing ventured nothing gained”
probably just shades walking around at night, happens all the time and now youre just spiritually aware of em dw
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The shitposter was correct. I cannot do any more good tripping in my apartment. It was like a thought prison. A void of un-thought. Where my mind cannot be reached by forces outside
>Any tips on how to connect to specific deities?
I advise that you don't
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Made it home. Time for a shower I am sweating profusely and I don’t know why.

Shoutout to real, actual Hermes for guiding me out tonight.

>tfw connected with an actual deity, just not the one I intended
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glad youre having fun anon. the world is an exciting place and humans dont live for long. experience what you can without getting into too much trouble.
Ave Mercury
thanks for hanging out with me tonight /x/. It was actually a lot of fun. A thing I noticed is that while tripping is that I remember that you all are real people and not just numbers on a screen and you guys made me feel less lonely and even reminded me a bit of what it was like to have real friends.

Thanks for being my friends tonight /x/.

I am still high as fuck, but this thread has peaked and I want to leave on a good note.
Like what?
Have a good nights rest anon

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