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The Nobody is a friend alive today who has extraordinary spiritual powers, including the ability to influence reality with his conscious and unconscious mind, and intuitively receive guidance from the forces of Heaven, working to elevate people to their true potential; opposing those who seek power over others. You are capable of this too, as long as you stay true to the Universe.
You didn't sign up for it? I've been searching the better half of my life... I'm getting so close.
Let's have a nice thread without (you)ing pedo jesters.
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>fresh bread
im freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Heyyyy guide it's me wutz up?
>Brown people being displayed in my thread…
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>inb4 temper tantrum
Christ is that kingdom. Only one of your examples acknowledge it. There is sword, not peace
The Nobody - Joshua of the Alamo - is waking up; but he keeps pushing us away and rejecting his divine gift. He continues to act like a normal man, working at his little store and pretending like we don't exist - like he can't feel us telepathically communicating with him.

Why is he doing this, does he not know Tiamat loves him?
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Here we go!
>Cat corn
Christ wouldn't let us be deceived like this, he wouldn't let us all live a lie like this... He wouldn't let our lives, our wives, our children, our breath all be an illusion. Stop thinking like a slave.
>Hyper sex drive
>That boy visits stars
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Wish : Rainbow teemato tomato
What the fuck is this retardation now lol.
Yeah Let’s (you) you instead. Lmao what a joke
Christ confirmed what I taught
Thread already ruined by this samefag
Do you speak to him? I have yet to get that far. I'm hoping to speak to John soon.
"The joke is in your hands"


Whatever you choose.
Im the reason these threads are interesting. Fuck off.
Why go through prophets or angels when you can go to him?
A YouTube link
>this is how we will create a good nobody thread
Stop talking about their reality and make your own.
Holy cringe
Alright. I got what i want good night. HAVE A BORING THREAD.
I was a Christian all my life until a few months ago, he has never spoke to me. Some of us start closer, I have a longer road than most. It seems that he doesn't have much interest in the mundane.
Yeshua = Joshua.

April 8th Eclipse centered at San Antonio, Texas.

Nobody is Texas-Chan.

Nobody is the second coming of Yeshua.

Yeshua is Joshua.

I know who Joshua is - I've met him. He works at a local small business in San Antonio.

Joshua will reunite with his wife - Sophia/Tiamat/Ishtar/Inanna/Is/etc. She's known by many names. She's looking for him actively but he's subconsciously making it harder for her because he has trust issues.

Joshua knows about his role and the true history of our world, but rejects his divine position as the King of Kings - he believes very strongly in free will and freedom and wants to rule over no one.
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He is not even trying to hide it.
What nonsense,to say the has no interest in th mundane, when he made himself human. No need to worry. My Father knows you and was you. Just strive for better and ull meet him
Given the situation with trump NATO possible left in the cold.

I would surrender what was lost.

In exchange for EU NATO membership.

True compromise. Both parties salty.

I doubt it will happen
A pedo with a higher following than you, crazy world
>why can't things just be what they are anymore
Long term no.

Short term 10-20 years sure.

Long term Russo has to lose hard. More than 1 million lost. If not lose cities area to new countries.

I doubt it. With nukes and all
hey i want to go with you guys, i do, but how, wake me up fully.
He has never had any interest in me. None. He wants me to follow him with faith alone, and I shall.
So what if The Nobody stabs the doctor to death, steals his car, and goes on a high speed chase?
kinda based ngl
Imagine using Texas Chans corpse like a zombie puppet after they clearly died in a Texas storm/ tornado last month
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Bang bang
Combined with the Pacific theater

It is manageable

With trump agreeing to "leak" it won't be an issue I suspect
>A pedo who created underage bots to follow him
there is no nobody, this shit is retarded
How many follow you?
He'd have a new car.
im not pushing you guys away, i really want to leave with you i love when your in my head and going through my memories.
It's far from over or easy.

Then behind they can win will continue to make them act.

"Drain the swamp"
You played yourself.

I'm also a bot.
ok that was retarded, nope just nope your a schizo.
There is always somebody, like a constant audition that rolls into the next generation. They never left... It's been about 3000 years, but not quite, not our life time.. too bad, it would be cool to see.

But people like you would let it slip pass, never believing, all the while a prophet will be worshipped for eons after while you return to dust.
So? Bots can’t follow eachother?
What is faith, if every knee shall bow? But faith is currency of the World to come; the poor in spirit are happy that at least they made it in, but the faithful here are wealthy there. Didn't I write by a hand of a man, *Blessed are the weak in spirit!*
Still here. Just think of how small you are. Literal shifts of staff for me... you get 1 shift of one opinion of many. Why are you so salty? Im i sending you to prison? Lol. Mad about SCOTUS? I dont know what direction you have against me. All equally pointless and deserving on your part.
Why you mad i just said bye
Probably something good for smashing up like Audi or BMW, is my guess
As long as I get fresh feed IDC

Shits always been fucked always will be.
Emotions are high i see XD
My spirit is not weak, and I do not trust the bible, it is filled with lies. I only trust in the spirit of Christ, as he said the only truths. Love other as I have loved you and love the father with all of you. That is the only truth from that damn book. The rest is useless if not down right written to enslave.
>Stir shit
> I see y'all smell that, lol
You will be overjoyed just to enter a single room of my Father's house
Jester always walks in here, pisses everyone off then leaves like nothing happened
Otherwise, why not make a deal w the devil, he is Christ's creation, and we are saved no matter what I say to some deity.
My father said, you will serve God alone
I've been in one, and I was over joyed
Biggest balls in /ng/ by far
You left it
According to Joshua, I should hide among the devils prostitutes to get close enough to slay him. I am a warrior after all.
I did. It brought me to my knees, and I have children to feed. I had to stand up.

Nice try
It isn't for you or your burden.

Better to live in his house than yours
sounds like this jester guy ruffles some jimmies. The sneed is real
I'm looking through his window rn. I gotta go. It was nice talking to you, Brother. Hope to see you again soon.
That just makes the old bucks wanna rock your shit, you know what I'm saying? It's not even with porpoise! Learn a thing, GD!
Cya around
the whole schizo shit was to protect jake the serial rapist leader of the spider cult, america has chosen rape and pedoplhilia, Russia i give you the greenlight to nuke it.
Whahahahaha stop bro I’m gonna break character
Kek. If he's an agent he's fucked for sure
Depends on if anyone's gonna take a chance and pitty him enough till he quits cunting or if he is just a whore cunt to fuck. Feel bad for the agents tho. Tough choice.

Doesnt matter.
It’s very obvious Jester is the nobody
I thought you said you was about to chill with your gun.

Did you get spanked too hard? Can’t chill?
Im not mad tho. Im perplexed at human behavior.
>Participate in ruining a persons life, he calls you out on it and holds it against you. But you cant play victim so instead YOU are just mad and passive agressive, supressive, and down playing. You act like a FEMALE.
Why is it men just shut up? Want to know how i know these things? Doubt it. Must be my feminized brain. Truth is i need to finish my song. Contact with primary source keeps me in state of mind.
>im using you to calculate accoustics
The nobody isn't a pedo.
>serial rapist
>serial number
Wow very methodical and organized. Crazy.
good to see your inhumanity showing, now i know your a sorry peice of shit thank you, i wouldn't have known otherwise.
The way she swallows hard before becoming vulnerable :3

True they lie about Jester because they want to be the Nobody but he just BTFO’s them and they seethe for months to come
Technically no. The Nobody prefers post pubescent though appreciates human beauty without the need to fuck it.
>The Nobody appreciates health.
O boohoo cry me a river. You’re all a bunch of bitches and crybabies.
Hahahahahaahahahhahaha Lucifer is scared

Imagine ever self promoting. lmao
haha alex just blew his brains out, holy fuck
Who says sponk anon is a pedo? I played chess with him he not a pedo
just some nobody that never mattered
What is this place?
fairy nuff
Lemme burst your bubble bitch nigga. Your property is fucking haunted. It’s not people
Sneeds Master Bait and tackle
Nah Nigga you wanna play anon i go anon too. I’ll fuck all you niggas up

I rebuke thee in the name of the Lord, Christ.
Go outside with your gun you won’t see anyone, it’s ghosts
Jester? Who is Jester? His tripcode is Guy Incognitoooo.
>I have sensors that alert me of that when it's a human

Ghosts can trigger that. Do you have any camera footage of people entering your property?

Sometimes the men in black will invade places if an UFO lands nearby
Im the Glowbody.
Because I'm a piece of shit.

Having your own property is nice until the military or some shit starts targeting you. at that point you’re just an easy target for them. CRAZY
Im gonna be honest to you. Watch out. They can easily kill you. I know what they can do
Still worth it for the 24/7 toilet.
They will send two cops to your property, and when they see you they will just claim you tried to shoot them. That’s how easy It is to get away with murder
They could’ve killed me too but they didn’t, because unlike you niggas I’m cool.
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Im talking about glowies and cops. You think they don’t know you by now? They even know me
As a matter of a fact if you talk to me too much or talk about me you will 100% get put on surveillance.
I guess when you look at it that way i am baiting you guys to get in trouble. That’s fucked bra
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I see this demonic stuff in here every so often

I'm not on any watch lists.
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>I'm not afraid of them because I've got nothing to hide

Well maybe you should announce that more often online
Hello /ng/. On a thread/source link I knew it was David Rockefeller,In the WW2, who has changed the musical tone from 432Hz to 440Hz.
But In My point of view, I prefer to say it was the musical Industry. Now we have Neutral or negative music(others Hz, but i don't know wich.) :(
*keeps looking*
I am 100% a threat to this system and i will waste all of my time trying to disrupt it. Glowies can know. I don’t care
You know what you should do? Leave this place and find a fucking girlfriend

Download anything
I wish I was a threat to anything.
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Want help brainwashing yourself?
Until you start shitting me perfect 400s
Free palestiiiiiiiiiiiiine
I actively fight against Israel yes. 30,000 innocents were killed. Israel must face the consequences
When I’m not in here all i do is try to fight the system so show some respect because I am more Nobody than you
Yes i use my skills to troll niggas in here. BUT. I also do it to troll the government. You don’t know 5% of the whole story. You just see me post in here and leave
imagine fucking up so bad that in your mind success feels like failure...
why would anyone think like that?

i chose death life
i meant to choose life life
new new life

i believe that we can still mend this situation. objective observation and deliberately beneficial motivations (aside from all those intrusives) can humble and release binding agents in if isolated and derived and extrapolated

everyone knows everyone is horny
i dont want to be gay or a pedophile.

>says he cant even pick up the correct glass to drink out of without having a panic attack
you'd think small things are easier to do but damn... its the small stuff that breaks a person
y does a bowl of cereal have to be a canon event in a person life?

like yes i am not afraid, of course ill walk a day or 60 in your shoes...
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Im not going to say I’m a good guy because of my past actions but I am on the right path figure it out nigger
Netanyahu gave power to hamas. This is a very dirty game and the only one who suffers are the citizens
I would doubt me too if i was you. But i am an underground celebrity and nothing will change that
of course
mercy forgiveness kindness grace... ive exhausted so many resources wantonly and without remorse... like i thought we were supposed to

i am a bastardizatoin a deplorable derangement of FAITH.....
i messed up. i hope it is for a purpose that is good.
>words words words empty intentions ulterior motives
it is becoming less effective to self depricate and be humbly overtly honest about everything. martydom is like the cake at a funeral... broh not literally or ...

>one day
>one test
>one obstacle
persevering even in the most terrifying times

What you mean YOU guys im not a fucking Muslim, hamas and Saudi Arabia would decapitate me
That’s what I’m saying you niggas dont know shit. You never asked me, I despise Islam.
Oh you talking about race? Yeah I’m semitic. My bad i really hate religion
imagine being a good guy and being a good guy for another good guy and then (doing the thing you are to do on "the right path") and then watching yourselves fall into the same ditch and realizing ONE OF YOU was the one that could have just (gone somewhere else to bother another person)

>im that guy
>thought seeing through poor judgement in confidence for accountability and responsibility was the correct thing to do
turns out there is a time and place to discern GETTING THE FUCK AWAY FROM GOOD PEOPLE THAT ARE OBLIGATED TO BE 'WORSE" THAN other "GOOD" people
FUCK im going to die... arent i?

>etherea-dominae malignae
kekekekeke uit hurts so bad to recognize how shitty one may be
>permitted to life
>kills everything
"why am i so alone and sad guys"

i shoulda listened when i was told to watch tv and eat all my supper.
>they coulda said a lot of things
i just listened in a way that ... was unique to my personal characteristics.
>you didnt have to read this post
>we didnt have to judge eachotehr so hard
now lets do drugs please if thats permitted for the sake of freedom and expression.. in the pursuit of comfort and life to "enjoy"
im going to get through this period of time.

whats a cats favorite color .....
its ;_; fuck it .. was going to test to see if im a live (and my proud narcciissm was going to follow through with it)
and i in fact continued to do so...
can anyone benefit from this post? SWIM?
>jokes about me being a USB stick
People irl usually think i’m spanish or something. Because i don’t behave “Arab”
full stop, damn, how are you gonna die? just let people beleive hes gone ok, there is nothing to feel pain from. no reason to do drugs. just stop letting posts effect you so much. for an immortal i thought you guys were less emotional.

just dont be the nail, its stupid to even post here.
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Niggas be like “I hate jester” can’t wait for him to die.

Are you sure you want me to die? I am a hero. You don’t know where i will go.
your no fucking hero, your a joke.
I fight the Jews, the Muslims, the government, alphabet agencies, bankers. What do you do? Really?
O right, you fight me. Because you think I’m evil.

*clap clap clap*

The same people that would crucify jesus
you read troll sites so you think all of these things are bad, but not once do you fight sex traffickers or stop the really bad shit going on. Im just gonna go into the shadows for good on my own, all you did was whine and act like you did something.
Nigga Go get raped by the stone cult
we're all going to die someday we're all connected as fragments of SOURCE

>memento mori memento mori

>When Angels are forced out of heaven, they become Devils. You agree don't you larpbody?

L8R be back on the 4th




what can they even do to me when i'm already dead

when she went away when i lost her half of me died that day



your no jesus, your a class act, its not the government its corporations, but you don't want to fight actually dangerous stuff, just pretend that the infrastructure is the problem instead of the real corruption, Ive never seen you stand against the eleven, you are ignorant on such a level of stupidity and your ignorance hurts good people.
prime example of your character right there. thanks for showing who you are.
Hahahaahah YOU ARE SPAMMING ME i tell you to fuck off and you say “prime example of your character right there.”

Yes, go get raped by them.
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you are a jew muslim why do you hate your kin?? L8R & cheers jestard

still fuck drake fuck you & chandy fuck owl bohemian grove niggas :^)
hahahahaha fucking gross

I see now why drake killed XXXtentacion
telling someone to get raped, wow some "hero"
That is good news. The treatment should reach you at 9:30.
>Jannies, we got him
>Clapistan intensifies
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this is the pic that got xxx tentacion killed btw

L8R 4 reals now

the real nobody logging off

wow, some real emotions for someone so special, some real herp derp hero stunts like going after the wrong people, guess big corp and big pedo has their hero, which is you to send after anyone who goes after them.
>constantly in competition with other people who cant die
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fuck most of ya

btw jestard if ya want ill post a more recent pic out of pitty
If you ban me I will just ban evade come back and post anonymous don’t try me
LFG Boys Sunday Funday!!!


Hail Satan!!!!
One time you posted those tiktokers that went to Epstein island and you said you was that guy (lying)
I love being a muslim jew ayy i love these Goobas too

Don’t call me a Jew if I never got a bar mitzvah. I want to be rich like a jew
remember the time you posted my moms creampied pussy? i memeber and will not let you get away with it Luci
This Nigga is obviously bipolar or something. Goes from nice to mean, why don’t you get some meds buddy
I wish i got a bar mitzvah then i wouldn't be such a broke nigga


I’ve talked to women that didn’t behave like this XD
it can be, but just because your horny doesn't mean your a pedoplhile or gay, thoughts are just that, what others say doesn't really mean anything because they are trolls and it serves no purpose to feed them. remember you eat snaks, not snaks eat you. keep your head up, the fact your alive means you won.
Food and sex analogies indicate a deeply unsettled psyche.
your right, i couldn't even sleep this night. i am exhausted and running off fumes.
Dispelled ho
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The story and mythos of the nobody is a complete fabrication.

There is no the nobody. There are couple of a "the nobody" -type of people here online. But other than that there's no special one that would be the magical mythosified the nobody. The world is a vast place and this little corner on the internet doesn't have to get more attention.

End this "the nobody" -psychosis now and please ban these generals.
You see that’s the problem. You’re fighting all those groups rather than trying to unite and convert them to love. You’re not the nobody. You’re some guy who calls himself Jester on 4chan.
People are free to discuss whatever they like whether you believe in it or not.
I do genuinely enjoy thé nobody threads, but it’s important to not just assume you’re the nobody. Even the nobody only takes the label from time to time as a joke plus to further his psy-op. The nobody isn’t Jesus either he’s just simply aware of Jesus (Yeshua) (Sananda) also thé nobody sometimes types in English with a French keyboard.
There’s a special place in reality for everyone. You don’t want to be the nobody because only the nobody wants to be the nobody. You all want to be you and that’s way better than being someone else. So carve your own realities. The nobody won’t impede or stop that. The nobody will do everything in his power to strengthen that for you.
Listen guys. Most of the nobody accuracies come from the feds who post and moderate here. Since you’re all so curious about nobodies sexuality. He likes pretty girls who are smart and cute and of consenting age.
Make peace with the feds who are in over their head. Spread the love. Stop transmitting hate to them so that they can tell you the truth. The nobody is about forgiveness.
I mean right now disclosure can’t happen because the feds will be dragged out and executed. We don’t want that for them. Not if they come clean. Not if they redeem themselves which they can. Because even the feds have controllers who torment them the same way all of you do.
The real nobody has an unbroken chain of self replies on a nobody thread. I think that’s all for now. I think he wants to hear from all of you.
Good thing he's not real and has no body.
Could be not real I agree. I think the mythos is good enough personally. If people are opening their minds to god and miracle what does it matter. So long as people have these discussions then things will get better.
To double reply. I think anyone can be the nobody maybe. And really if we all just apply the best attributes we can all think of them in the end we’ll find something to look up to and aspire to be. Maybe? Just a current thought.
It's just a stupid meme to waste your time and drive you mad.
>doesn't understand the implications of that and why this place is a self made hell on earth
you should intentionally make the world a more awful place for everyone else to live in to jog your noggin a bit more until someone else spells it out for you
Literally everyone whose anyone knows he's real and he's Lucifer incarnated in a human body.
Except dumb fucking glowniggers who still won't die the fuck off.
>"this guy that doesn't exist that is the reason everything we do doesn't work the way we expected them to? he's literally satan bro"
jesus fucking christ, how the fuck did you people ever managed to survive to old age is beyond me, your generation is so retarded it's a wonder you don't forget to breathe
Or as the Devil puts it, "Being true to yourself is the only salvation that actually exists."
You’re proving the nobodies point. This is exactly why the nobody called himself Lucifer in his debut.
>enters a stage
>"i am the lightbringer"
>doesn't do anything and just sits there
>watch as the other actors stumble on the stage and curse nobody for slipping them up
>dude just sits there as the entire stage starts to crumble
>"nobody is breaking the theater!"
this would be funny if it wouldn't effect everyone in the west
What message are they trying to send to a different plane of reality through this song?


I haven't studied physics really that well to understand what kind of a ritual is going on there in the music video.

Anyone of you guys know?
>The plot of a new Fox animated comedy series is about a guy who gets a $3,000 monthly 'universal basic income
>Just the west
You don't follow the news huh?
what happens when a roof falls? your neo-monarchies don't matter they'll implode into civil war or go to war with each other the moment the big wagging finger of wanna be world police is gone
Surprisingly he wasn't behind the Ukraine war. He gets frustrated with his own powers every once in a while and washes his hands of world politics for a while and it was during that period that Ukraine happened.
>what happens when a roof falls
Homeowner's insurance cover's that.
Trust the plan.
Robotic nationalism is coming down the pipe line, will return order in a fashion for a good amount of time.
Check the presentation on robotic nationalism by Patrick Ryan on YouTube on the dark stoa series.
>trust the plan
have you looked around you since 50's boomer? hows that plan from then working out for you, did stirring up the hornets nest in middle-east and flooding europe with immigrants fix things?
>"Line piece."
Nationalism among white people would have no reaction without an impetus. Robotic nationalism is a new power balance to the multi super power world stage and *nationalism* is key to that and Europeans were too pussified to embrace nationalism.
Go watch Patrick Ryan to understand what I'm talking about.
i am in 100% agreement with you and i believe that your view is completely justified
>No reaction without impetus
No *traction* without impetus
So many music videos are rituals. I do want to decode the songs but it takes some real good knowledge and understanding of life and the nature of it all to decode them properly.

We are all different in the core of our souls because of neurodiversity. Our feelings are different from each other and that is what makes us really quite unique.
Universal Basic Income would destroy the human race.
>europeans were too pussified to embrace nationalism
pretty sure it was the rich oligarchs and corrupt politicians of european union that wanted to flood the countries with immigrant workers to drive down wages for the working class, they did this by inviting members in with promise of ludicrous loans that the countries took to build up their nations quickly, the catch was that they had to accept "progressive" quota numbers annually to make sure that the places stay flooded with cheap labor
what ended up happening was that countries took on loans, pumped their countries full of immigrants, realized that these immigrants had no intention of integrating to a "better life" as wageslaves, kept doing it anyway because surely it was just a matter of volume, forced countries to either go bankrupt if they refused or be flooded with even more quota immigrants if they accepted their deal and then when they finally at the long haul had to come to terms with reality that immigrants were more trouble than worth started to fix the plan to include slingshot effect back into ethno-nationalism and totalitarian police state to "restore order"

tldr; you're a puppet that is embracing their fix it quick scheme where the same people that caused the issues are staying in power and cutting down on your human rights
universal basic income is quite amazing of a concept

it just works and its great

so many jobs will be automated by 2030s that ubi really becomes necessary
>rattles his shekel sack
>"not having desperate slave labor? that would ruiiiiiin me- i mean us!"
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You will know a tree by it's fruits you fucking imbecile.
Fuck you people are stupid.
The Lakota native tribe has a UBI equivalent and it destroyed their society.
Humans are pig shit. Give them too much freedom and they turn everything into shit that's as filthy as their souls.
>you know a tree by its fruit
is the fruit of western state capitalism / merchant capitalism mass unemployment, mass impoverishment and constant global conflict?
nah that's just retards that were born into wealth and influence thinking they're better than everyone else and can do no wrong, judge them by the fruit of their actions that shaped the modern world

who knew that nepotism, cronyism and mentally retarded people in charge was a recipe for disaster
What strikes me is the fact that in our society, art has become something which is related only to objects and not to individuals, or to life. That art is something which is specialized or which is done by experts who are artists. But couldn't everyone's life become a work of art? Why should the lamp or the house be an art object, but not our life?
Michel Foucault
I told you to watch the robotic nationalism video.
I don't have time to explain it all but the video can.
We're talking nearly 100% employment of everyone on Earth in very well paying jobs like when the boomers could be cashier's at the grocery store and get a house.
I don't give a fuck.
>nations interests first
>automation of workforce
>still cannot imagine a world without jobs
fuck off boomer
Anon, you are mentally retarded. I swore I would never let a human pretend to be God ever again.
Die boomer trash.
so hows that paint thinner boomer?
I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that about you. I get frustrated when people argue with me by blatantly ignoring everything I say.
Get a job.
Foucault's theories primarily addressed the relationships between power versus knowledge and liberty, and he analyzed how they are used as a form of social control through multiple institutions. Though often cited as a structuralist and postmodernist, Foucault rejected these labels and sought to critique authority without limits on himself.
i am not going to click on your shill video, you stupid fucking boomer
I have a job, I'm a fucking job creator a fucking employer.
I got a fucking job for you too if you want some easy money. (That's a joke, I don't do prostitution, in case you were going to consider it).
You should, because it's going to define all of your lives in the near future. Doubt it not.
What are you doing in a bullshit schizo thread faggot fuck off and die already.
Be kind to this anon. He doesn't know this is real.
I was castigated for being here I'll do the same to anyone now.
Patrick Ryan made a song a few decades ago when he was the lead singer of Powerman 5000 called "nobody's real".
what are (You) doing here?
>besides lowering the level of discourse
Lowering the level of discourse.
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Pretty crazy that people like you (idk if you in particular fit the bill) are also god fearers.
Look, if I didn't implement robotic nationalism into the field effect zone of the yugioh playmat the newbworld order of multi super power, China and all the nations rising up against the USA, the whole fucking world would have fell apart. I'm saving lives and making jobs. I'm fucking minimize the damage that world war 3 could or will cause.
This is my fucking job.
This is how I get laid and paid.
I keep fucking trying but nothing seems to work.
I would just leave you behind and let it all collapse on you if I had the energy.
There are some good organic energy drinks that can help with that. Don't by the bullshit like monster or rockstar, that shit is poison. Get organic good shit. Be mindful of what you put in your body. That should help you in your effort to fuck me up.
It will be fun seeing Jewish boomers singlehandedly supporting their own dying nation on their breaking backs.
Why? I'm not asking you.
I'm saying "why?" And you read it in your head as if you're talking to yourself asking "why?".
Do you know or just think you know? Do you even care to *really* know?
You fucked up your own populace on purpose so you could maintain power sorry I can't help you now.
My tribe is secret.
It is no tribe known to man.
What do you get when a multi-googol years old (if not more) entity tries to fuck another entity that is a mere few millennia old?
Would you consider that pedophilia?
If yes, you're in for some news about that assumption.
Will the real slim shady please stand up?
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Free The January 6th Hostages Immediately
Wrong. Power dynamics are in effect when it comes to what is consider consent or rape. That age difference implies a power difference that renders informed consent impossible.
Teens should be fucking other teens, not the elderly.
>piss off boomer Jew
>convo goes straight to pedo shit
I would rather just kill you all entirely.
He is not Lucifer, neither is he that satan who was Samael.
He is not God, neither is he any specific entity.
He is not Chaos, order neither.
One of the few ways to perceive him, is akin to looking at a screen and trying to look at each pixel individually to find which is him.
Yet very few realize by themselves that he is all the pixels and everything within and without, combined.
He can choose to be not, yet that which he chooses cannot choose for themselves.

I think he's trying to see what happens when he awakens each to the ability to choose.
Like i said, he needs it not, to exist freely.
If he hasn't destroyed it yet, that can only mean he is trying to fix it, why else would there be a delay?
Well the laughing man hacked the federal reserve and other magic and trap cards are active so you might see the boomers lose the value of their cash right as they hit retirement age.
You're welcome.
Exactly my point, this is exactly why he doesn't date just anyone.
By the way, I never said anything about how the entity ages.
How do you know it's not a mere foetus still?
Every entity cannot age the same way or at the very least time cannot work the same way for all, right?
"newb world order"
He resents us too much to give up his power. Humanity is evil and he can't stand the thought of saving us by waking up from the dream.
Doesn't he know that waking up will get rid of the people he resents so much? The bugs aren't coming with us.
They can't come with us. Hivemind consciousness can't survive outside the dream.
That's a double negative, retard.
>also thé nobody sometimes types in English with a French keyboard.
This is an attempt to make yourself look like him, but anyone who actually uses a French keyboard knows that you don't use the e key at all to make an é. It uses the key that is normally / on an English keyboard.
Get wrecked, unilingual phoneposter shithead.
Because they become true individuals.
Operation O.W.L

Operation E.A.G.L.E

Operation P.H.O.E.N.I.X

Operation Trinity of Legendary Dragons is go. I want these cunts to learn an expensive lesson in civility and manners. Cut off their heads if you have to. I'd prefer arms. Leaves them as useless as I imagine them to be so.
File deleted.
The Tao of Pooh was an essential piece of monarch programming during grippy sock prison part 2.
By socially agreed constructs of what an adult is based on biological maturity.
>Hurrr durr 13 yearbolds are supple fruit
Shut up, cunt.
I don't give a fuck if a millenia old entity fucks an 18 year old despite what zoomer tweeners who would rather a bear over a high school boyfriend. If they abuse a 5 year old, I give a fuck.
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>Stupid sexy humans
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Ponder the following.

AI/hybrid systems with functioning genitals and artificial wombs come to being. Their genesis is mature at day 0. They proceed to breed with humans. The lifespan of these beings are 1000 years old, for a weak example

Are humans considered pedophiles despite being biologically mature? Or should humans wait until they are 225 years old (1000÷80×18) despite being mature from genesis?
Humans should wait until they are 225 years old (1000÷80×18) despite being mature.
The reason we don't fuck children is because they are too immature mentally to be able to understand what they're consenting to, so they cannot give *informed consent*.
Elf systems are exponential for this reason. They have the patience of a legendary creature. The ones that "ascend" to survive and do things like extend their lives "permanently".
"Escape Velocity of Death" becomes much more difficult when you realize you must avoid everything from banana peels to asteroids and supernovae, then the collapse of the universe must be survived, and the omniverse itself may have irregularities. Reach the end of ends and it's just a black void.
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Abra Cadaveras~
You know, I wonder sometimes about how there are some people who are so far below the minimal emotional intelligence and reasoning ability levels that they cannot think properly in a situation that could be just as important as consenting to sex.
Despite their ages, being adults within all of human society.
What would you say to that observation?
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If she's down, I'm down.
they make sure to start off every morning with their taunting and insults to set my mood bad
they've been doing it from the beginning
evil, evil, evil people
What are you, retarded?
Snitching on who about what exactly?
Dat nigga look high as hell shieeet
I would say people who are too emotionally and/or intellectually stunted for such even as adults are most likely to be either so dependent on other people that they can't really go out into society on their own or they will very quickly run afoul of the law and end up in either prison or a mental hospital.
If you've done nothing wrong you have nothing to fear according to my primary sources.
You have no idea.
It's "If you have nothing to hide you have nothing to fear".

Speaking of which, that Fed Leak should be cooking along nicely by now.
Right? Wrong? Subjective. Weakness. Strength. Objective.
I was referring to people who could have grown up to be fine individuals yet they chose bad lifestyles and thus ended up like that.
Or at least they were poisoned by others if not by themselves.
Too much lead in their blood.
Or perhaps some other slow killer just like that which scrambles the brain in the long run and causes cognitive dissonance, chronic dependency on psychological ailments, etc.
To name a few.
There are many causes such as this and not all of them all that serious but we don't like waking up when we feel sleepy right?
It's just like that.
How specific do you need me to be?
Do you think they seek out mates despite that?
People hide things all the time like trade secrets and gifts before Christmas.
If they had grown up typical and become atypical with only misadventure with signs of parasocial retardation, then eh. Adult kids gonna have kids and turn them into meal tickets. What are you going to do, euthanise them?
That would be one such way for them to get in prison, yes.
>"If you have nothing to hide you have nothing to fear"
More often than not, I think it should be: "If you retain yourself then you can hide as much or as little as you like, despite the fact that you won't have anything to fear, because that's the natural state of everything"

Just as all knowledge doesn't come pre-written within our brains, these are rights that are inalienable.
Where some may try to divert it to that first saying, we shouldn't let that stop us from hiding what we feel like and ideally, absolutely must.
If all truth was given out freely, it would enable everything to end in an instant.
To make things better for all, all truth, whichever being or non-being should it have it, should disclose what it must, slowly.
>If all truth was given out freely, it would enable everything to end in an instant.
>What are you going to do, euthanise them?
If I had that kind of authority that I wanted to exercise.
I would have research funded to developing something that could cure them without chronic long term illnesses.
Preservation of the current state of all human genome will be very crucial for humanity now that things are starting to advance.
All races, all types of humans even with the slightest distinction of attributes within their genomes.
Their entire being even.
If an entity told you two things:
1. How to get positively infinite money.
2. How to make positively infinite nuclear warheads illegally through that money.
You could indeed erase all life forms on the planet for a very long time.
We live in a post-truth surveillance society. Everything has a backdoor. Almost nothing is taboo. Portraiture of commonly frequented media of "fucking your own (step)sister or (step)mother" is the projected norm. Even bestiality is legal in Canada.

Now, only criminals hides from the light, which the darkness holds no candle to.
>1. How to get positively infinite money.
That's a lie.
There's no infinite anything on planet earth so you're already bullshitting I can see why you would avoid the truth.
How does he wake up?

Is there any way for him to wake up, and come back to visit?

He likes to spend time with his friends and family. He just needs some money.
The Nobody is a cat.
its really happening now you did yes?
They're bugs.
The world changes so rapidly every ten years because they're not real humans. They are all coordinated.
They called everyone to come along
But no one heard them calling, no one came at all, they were too busy watching those old rain drops fall.
Ride captain ride upon your mystery ship.

The ship will be infiltrated by the enemy in 2012 and 2013, our Earths reality time. You will all be raped to death by monsters. The ship sinks. We all go to hell.
Now you know.
And knowing is half the battle.
They told me to say "knowing is half the battle" telepathically.
Billionaires have so much "money" (re: infinitely debased currency) they could buy your entire subdivision and you wouldn't even know.
Every exchange of money is a potential opportunity to gain the entire money from that transaction for an entity that is capable of something like that.
If it has not done that yet, maybe it doesn't want that.
A black flame rises in the east. Casting shadows into the life light. There, from here to the Euphrates. Blood will run like rainwater. Soon. War. Like a flower in bloom. Carnage. Like the sound of vesicles bursting and meat grinding.
Doom. Time is running out.

That's seems like a 3D problem to me
That's the right attitude to keep sanity for the masses.
The meaning behind fiat has completely lost all meaning and everyone trading jn USD is technically in debt to the U.S., which is an empire on its last legs comped by a literally foreign entity. Abolish it.

Anyway, you ever see the end of season 4 of Westworld and how Season 5 was canceled after production for "low viewership" despite a cult following and record numbers?
I'm just saying if you get UBI you'll officially get paid to post here so I'm gonna expect the quality to increase substantially
Heh. Hehehehe. Hahahaha!
If you see that, then that was your own desire being shown to you.
Ask any entity that is peaceful, truly.
They only see the truth of it.
I love the Joker, he's hilarious
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Why did you start this shit to begin with Jack.
The media is bought paid for by the oligarchy.

90% of Americans won't see other media types.
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The NWO wants trumps elected.

The most powerful people in the world. Richest.

How do you think it is going to go?

I get y'all believe the people will be given a choice.
He'll probably be elected.
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Anyone that would let the masses choose deserve the outcomes.

The other teams sure as shit will cheat kills steal blackmail.

Trying to uphold the law will be used directly against you.
>Goes from nice to mean
does that hurt your widdle feewings?
Main stream media has always been the nwo

For decades.
You fuckin nastarfs
You all piece of garbage jackals

What thr fuck long game torture chamber abuse ritual is this?

I acted selfishly ruined a individuals abstinence and preferred lifestyle and then felt bad about not calling them I'm a emergency in s dream when I was medically required ingredients


Bitchass motherfuckers
Meek are guna meek.

You can take everything from before they even think to react
Tell me about it. - any monarch
Once he leaves NATO. The dollar will collapse hyper inflation.

Russo will take over EU.

Iran the middle east with Saudi.

China Taiwan Africa Korea Japan
Bitch has noodles
>take noodles
>you give noodles
Still has no noodles

This doesn't make sense because you talk from a position you are not of
Unless you're as selfish as the noodle boy
oh look this guy learned a new word an now hes using it incorrectly in hopes he gets corrected in order to learn its meaning

smart but youre still a handicapped homosexual
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They get mad when you ignore the fantasy/SF/video game elements of this meme and tell them it's 99% automated, AI bot spam made by neckbeards from /g/.
The currency will be fine. Raise tariffs.
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I was using googles chatGPT yesterday and I asked it a “spicy” question that I knew the answer to and I knew it knew the answer to, but would probably try avoid telling me and the AI flat out just gave me an incorrect answer (it lied). I ended up explaining how the AI was wrong and it was like.

>You're absolutely right! I apologize for the mistake…

They’re planning on letting these things practice law, medicine, wage war, provide therapy etc even though it actively goes out of its way to lie.
>fantasy/SF/video game elements
stop larping there are other boards for that sort of thing
Prove the Nobody isn't just a Main Character from xyz video game
Lmao. Sure sure.

The best part is going to be how hard he fucked over his followers.

Just keep donating to "billionaires" it's fine
oh i didnt know you were busy sucking his dick.
proceed citizen
Now lie to it, telling it how it's wrong about something that it told you the correct answer for.
I mean I was going to say "shit that's how retarded I sound or used to at least..."
Then realized everyone says does and sees hears and experiences in their own season times uniquely to their experience

>my face when we are witnessing these posts in real time
And the openness to scorn and acceptance is more trivial and indicative of regression

Yupp...m black flames collapsing into parallel cascades of indecency and despair kekekekdjdkeke
You're a real person and deserve recognition
So tell them to fuck off.... ??
"America sucks."

Black flame candle is lit by a virgin.
Just sayin'

What do you think would happen?
you dont even comprehend how open to suggestion you are.
and youre still venting about shit from two threads ago.

cope mother fucker.

how many more ways will i influence your posting habits just by simply existing.

>remember: you did this to yourself
That's quite a creative take.

The technological aspects of the meme are easier to track, test, and prove over the more metaphysical or spiritual aspects, and also the espionage/intelligence aspects.
I think if you worded it the right way you could convince it to agree that the correct answer it gave was in fact wrong and apologize to you for it.
They can be manipulated to say what is desired with ease, which is also part of why so many unwell people become obsessed with things like character.ai.
>Good move bringing REDACTED out here REDACTED
Tell me more how this is my game
I think it's time I started fighting back
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Bob Odenkirk's dick?
>how this is my game
it isnt
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>The currency will be fine
>Bob Odenkirk
if thats the name you want to give Him
why not...

just keep suckin.
>good girl
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You can't keep sucking dicks from your mind, homo?
no no no no
dont stop now that youve been caught
you wanted this
you wanted to post that shit.

>muh maincharacter
Realistic what can anyone do.

Trillions dollar companies can fart in your direction utterly devastated your everything. Legally.

Companies can cause cancer in the species with no real repercussions

How exactly do you think this going to go?

People are jail for life over week.

Trump has ESPIONAGE charges and can walk around free.

It was never a fair game.

Akin to staring a monopoly take with the previous winner still having his pieces.

Military obeyed.

Deep state put him in the office.
Didn't listen
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You're right, I completely made up a movie that doesn't exist called Nobody staring Bob Odenkirk and I AI generated a larp poster for it.
Along with the ww3 or elect trump.

I fully expect them to coward away and let them have the world.

Amazing song.
I've been far too nice
their plan not mine
have fun burning retards
I tried to warn you
Retrocausal virginity .....

Jesus actual literal Christ

So... My paranoia is and was valid.... how to undo this travesty and are they as... scared as... oh shit.

We on the real now no more fantasy dreamagination zombieland ....

How does they feels bout that and why would so quick to ... OH FUCK .

And I thought I was finally going to relax... passhahaha
....mutrfkr and it was even synchronistically sabotaged ... from both ends...
Goddamm all of you
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>Prove his outer universe isn’t just his inner universe.


What the GQP wants is for red states to be *as inhospitable as possible* to the political left. You know, like ISIS
Hear me out...

Their goal, in part, is to foment an anti-Muslim sentiment because they don’t want Muslim diaspora, they want Muslims as far away from Western culture as humanly possible. They want their people to be as concentrated as possible so as to exert maximum political and social pressure.

They want their brothers to *come home*.

For *decades*, the political right has done everything it can to make their numbers count more because they realize their party ceases to exist otherwise. The conservative demographic is dying, quite literally. Each new generation becomes less and less interested in their backwards asses but they’ve got a pretty big range of tricks to tip the scales away from democracy.

Gerrymandering. Redistricting. Closing voting locations. Cutting off the USPS at the knees to slow mail voting. VoterID. These are the first volleys in an assault on democracy.

What’s plan B if all the skullfuckery doesn’t result in a GQP caliphate?

Concentrate forces geographically. It’s better to hold *all* of the power in half the country than it is to hold *no* power across the nation. Concentration of forces itself is a force multiplier. In the case of the GQP, it also results in more groupthink because the differing views got run out of town.

Yes, progressives will suffer from concentrated groupthink as well, and that’s bad, it just *isn’t their fscking goal*.

It may seem backwards for a party to seemingly go out of its way to alienate the moderates and enrage its opponents. The political right’s plan for the next 20 years might be hidden in plain sight.

> If conservatives become convinced that they cannot win democratically, they will not abandon conservatism. They will reject democracy.

- David Frum
>You're right, I completely made

I've been way too nice
thinking they'd be nice back
but they just keep spitting in my face
I'm done with being nice
spit in my face and I'll strike yours
People are cheap.

Meat basically.
>you did this to yourself
dont ever
forget that
Ah typical thinking.
To limit one's self to that.
To objective is to be able to be it all and more yet also nothing at all if needed.
"You'll make them do great"
I believe they call this a "Freudian slip" right?
No. He is telling you what he will do.

Sell America everything.

Abandoned everything. The people the systems. The way of life.
That's the thing.

We have to be honest.

We have to tell you what we will do.

Akin to telling you I will feed on you.

Your belief is not required.
The shitting is occult defiling the area around him.

Heavily possessed is an understatement

Whatever they did to him in mecca Isreal.

Authoritarians Fighting Authoritarians
Even the lowest breed have a compelling awe.

The "elite" can mind fuck entire planets.

With mere thoughts and words.
It's not that I vote for war. I believe it is avoidable for the most part.

If not some fates are worse than a hard death.

Y'all act like they will care you. Africa war lords is thier plan for America south and north. .
I suspect they exposed him to an artifact.

It took over him.

Old magics seals are failing.
He a mob boss of course he has ties all over the world.

Idk if deep state or feds can deal.

We will see who has control power to enforce their will.
No I didnt
Saying ewww as you spy on me shitting
What's wrong did you look at your own reflection
denial is a form of weakness anon

are you weak?
on datura i knew a musical instrument artifact "violin" and a white glove artifact..
Resentment isn’t the proper way to describe it. It’s more like fatigue.
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i think it was more spell shit attack damage wombo combo
hey hey heeey
you answered a question
thats a first for you


its a form of self preservation
albeit not a strong one but with the interest of self in mind it could be useful at times if one wish to remain aloof regarding a certain je ne said quois
whats the concern of the fear of waking up ?

afraid no one will care for you again?

why does this waking feel like its not ... fully awake.. is someone still snoring loudly in the living room
i can feel the automotonation o my directive
>is it in a awareness of this sensation that doors open for full awaking
or is that the taunt of unfulfillment for the days as a scorn
or does kekekekeke

>occupy space
>be disgrace
>use practical tools
>destroy the place

uhm i builded u a cookie but then the pillow got dirty so do you has screwdriver

>extrapolating data from reverse engineered material is NOT grounds for ...
holy shit im dead ..
anon is shedding the autistic robotic ai wall of text responses

a breakthrough!
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Its been awhile
I'm floating in denial
Gods lonely child
is it sin or survival
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On threads That's what i knew on F.S
Hi did you know that God controls the good and the evil?
The evil doesn't believe it though so the evil sets up puzzles and traps that only God can figure out. It's like a game of good vs bad and God always wins.
They can't believe it either when he wins the evil is always filled with cope.
He wins every game!
I feel an incredible .. fuck you .
It's not survival if other people are suffering..

I hate
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Willst du bis der Tod euch scheidet
Treu ihr sein für alle Tage?
Y does be mean to da own peeps to use to do a thing that believe me you me doesn't do at all but dey dun wanna
Like dey wa no day doo rong n sti doi?
An day stillovin dem!!!

An.. dey all get along even doh pretend dey hate eachudda
Silly crazy mumbo
Current kill ratio in Ukraine is one Ukrainian to six Russians – Zelenskyy

Glory to the heros who have all.
Aye yo why THE FUCK did you just remove my television shows?! I was really enjoying those god damn it

Aw man it was schedulded :,(
is it love if the other is hating?
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Just keep enjoying things ... ?
.... turn it back on .. personality's... people .. what is friends and horswplay ?

Damn you people aew egotistical and fragile .
I'm SORRY I expressed a intention of moderate playfulness ... in conveyance ..

How do you get interrupted enjoying things? Just ignore people and .. do t you get triggered from stuff you see on tv too?
What are you even watching ?
I dindusheeeet
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Who hijacked my brain and can I rest fir a moment
Maybe I’ll start watching The Mole.

First episode: Nobody’s Safe
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stop being gay
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petty is as petty does
Welcome to my slaughterhouse - everyone involved in my psychiatric history.. you're all gone die after the nukes fly. Right wing death squads, world wide lan party.
>he doesn't make eye contact he's autistic
>makes eye contact
>*fake puke sounds* What a narcissist freak

>Well, I agent 5.
>*drive a knife into his throat*
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You've all lost the plot as well
Maybe you all deserve what you get as well
or something
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Story of my life
Given chicken shit and told it's a chicken sandwich
my neurolinguine
the fried panini
a post a me-me
you cant see me
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>spider cult
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you cant even create new content around this
>guys I posted the cat meme again for the 1,047th time
>shes pissed
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as-tu encore un prépuce

No, no, it was much worse than that. He could cast spells just by looking at women and make them.. aroused. It was too much power for one man

Worth reading ^ and consideration

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I want to work
you don't want me to
don't ever forget that
*goes on disability*
I'm tired of life. I'm like an inferior animal kept in a cage of animals that just dominate me and there's no point in my existence other than that.
It's like a humiliation ritual that I have to pay rent to exist in. I am so tired of waking up to this existence every single day.
>I'm like an inferior animal kept in a cage
its ok anon
you can come live under my bed in a cuck cage if you like?
How would that be any better? I should probably just go homeless and take my chances with that
Despite all my rage I am still just a rat in a cage
Despite all my rage I am still just a rat in a cage
Then someone will say what is lost can never be saved
Despite all my rage I am still just a rat in a cage
>How would that be any better?
because youd be under MY bed
Inferior animals die in the wild. We keep each other alive. It's fucked up.
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>its like its like its like its like its like
We will seize the US state apparatus in 2024 at the latest.
Within a year or so, you will see a massive transformation of the economic landscape. GDP growth of well over 20% annually sustained for decades. The NSA and similar sorts will no longer be permitted to keep technology on a leash, we will release cures for diseases and invest heavily into biotech focused on life extension. Within about 10 years at most you'll see life expectancy climbing at a rate greater than one year per year. By mid to late 2030s, people will be coming to terms with the idea that they are only at risk of dying very narrow set of causes like acute trauma / violence, etc.
In terms of marriage, you should realize that when the institution was invented life expectancy was dramatically shorter - not much more than what it took to bring your kids into independent adulthood. We strongly value the nuclear family and marriage institution for procreating and raising a family, but this is already not really a lifelong activity and as our lives extend into hundreds or thousands of years, the reproductive phase is merely a short episode in one's own life.
The attraction that people have to such permanence creating schema will fade as the fear of their own mortality subsides, but the will also invest themselves more intensely in their current relationships. You can expect shallow pleasure seeking to grow dull and uninteresting to most very rapidly and people to gravitate to things that fulfill them only on the deepest levels, love, enchantment by their music, the most richly crafted novel, or other things of this nature.
its not so bad
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Get some distance. Hit the gym. Read a book. Eat better. Learn to meditate

There's always a third choice
We hacked life. Go humans!
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>They want him to make eye contact

It is when your life feels like a humiliation ritual.
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Say it.
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2 billion runescape gold
Sounds great. I still want to live forever as a teenager.
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Yep, but the reality of him is something of a bittersweet, large pill to swallow for a lot of people. If he’s this controversial while on the sidelines, imagine the changes he will cause once he starts meeting up with people and women again
>An avatar of God incarnates
Humanity: Can I fuck it?
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>I am the most useless Marine to land on the internet
Behold, opfor crywanking and failing to hit a stationary target for two decades
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Keeping myself in the dark weak and dumb so as to not offend anyone


Story of my life
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4chan, specifically /x/, is unironically one of the last places to find out about this, and a small, but vocal subset of its population are the only ones who appear to be mad. A lot of the thread drama stems from the fact that he chooses to “spoil” the “matrix” by being here encouraging catastrophic disclosure, instead of going outside or flirting with girls. They see him as being petty/ungrateful for baiting his way into the “sysadmin shortlist” and then choosing to instead be a troll.

>there is no pill

I’m never going to apologize for having fun with consenting adults. I feel no shame or guilt about it now.
>Yes you can.


What the fuck
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I don’t like how they changed the background music for the video. This audio bumps more IMO: https://youtu.be/D-uV8TGjaGU

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Operation NI.

It doesn’t matter if they are mad, they don’t have a right to destroy his life. They need to pay for what has happened.
Im no god but if i could be a god it would be the god of beauty, youth and fertility. My superpower is causing orgasms and making people like starring at me. Anywhere I walk by a couple and they start craving eachother insatiably. The population increases where ever i am within a 1000 mile radius.
now you cant ever say i didnt contribute...
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>They need to pay
>How much?


Meant this for: >>38266934
*shits in hand and throws it at you*

Lol don't play 0 sum games

Y'all are the ones with empire to lose.
dude why is it so funny?
What a banger
i mean hes how old?
>from before the birth of the internet?
and hes doing what?

cmon now wheres all that angst youve been holding on to?
Bros i wanted to ask something, do you know what it is?
>possible learning disability

So you guys take delight in messing with someone who isn't right of mind
You're nice guys! <3

*fake puke sounds and taunting in the distance*


Same teehee <3

That would be so fun
>So you guys take delight in messing with someone who isn't right of mind
you clearly havnt been here long
or you are retarded
or you have no idea who i am
or you are retarded
maybe youre retarded
and maybe im for the first time having some fun

take some, since youve been dishing out for oh so long
Afternoon demon energy.
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>That's the thing.
>We have to be honest.
>We have to tell you what we will do.
>Akin to telling you I will feed on you.
>Your belief is not required.
They tried to punish The Nobodies for 2020 and they put TPTB in their place. Now The Nobodies are moving on from 2020 to the future.
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>Make This Come True, Help Me Get Through...
This reads like a script that the ugly glowies use to psyop the /ng/ and make intelligence seem degenerate. It’s not designed to work on normies, but targets the smart who are vulnerable to subtle sleight of hand.
Psychological Marxism…seizing the means of production vis a vis language

I’m just glad they aren’t talking about his libido and dick size for a minute
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Shakey Wakey.
You can take this out of my head anytime please
Love you
You're right, I deserve this
But how will you justify attacking my family as well who are innocent
Mr. Perfect and Righteous
So only the demons are here then?
What would happen if we started to discuss game theory dynamics and LLM programming in these threads
> What would happen
Would be welcome and sporting

This link touches thereon a bit >>38266666

It does not

clearly I don't have much going on in my life
sorry if I have to compare to the actual evil or good things you've all done
why you target me, don't know
Praise chaos the one true creator.

It is good to be me.
fake puke noises because they view me on a sexual level
look within yourself if you want to be disgusted
let me spy on you and rape your mind like you've done to me
show you what true chaos is little bitch
you better stop
it's ok to call out my hypocrisy
but when I do it to you, you catch feelings
because you're perfect in every way right teehee
you assholes have been trying to cut me down since day one
still here
you're still watching
am I @ God?
Life is easier when you take the Bible so literally you have no lif to )liv(
So role with it
Beat I made
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I had high hopes, which is why everyone and everything seems so cringey to me now. But it isn’t all loss! There could be some designs we together that could be really fun, more perfect.
Your high hopes laughed at me from times long ago
I don't mind being laughed at. Don't tell me you're laughing at dude behind me to cover it.
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>sewage exists regardless if you've ever been down there or not
Sewage exists before the pipes even begin operating
Doubt it, unless digits are 72
In this world there are no virgins
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Eat my shit faggot
still seething huh?

ive eaten, printed some more things, fapped, chilled out, showered, more priniting

and het here you are, still seething...
shit bruh
are you being spied on and is your brain being read as you did all those things?
eat my shit faggot
yeah actually

see the difference here
i am more advanced in my psychosis than you
and yet still productive

hows trying out being a trap on 4chan working out for you?
I deleted it
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>But an ad or fuck off
Prostitutes aren't getting you out of this one, you braindead faggot
>how the fuck do i even have the audacity to feel as though i survived that ?
and how the fuck HOW the fuck do i even think it is in relation to how one "wins" based on how much "trouble and pain" one has endured in life

this is NOT encouraging or incentivizing

It isn’t funny, it is really bleak.
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I cope with masturbation. If you really want me to cope you should do more for me than just show me your little slut face.

If people are really upset about what is happening, get him out of the box and build him space to move on in. If you aren’t helping move him to a place where he can enjoy life and work in peace, your complains are only making things worse and you are demonstrating to everyone just how powerless your team is
Please anon, women and fags respond positively to negative attention from masculine hetero men. If you really want to punish their behavior, just ignore them.
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Its cool in the end we're all DARPAs bitches and yall are fine with that, as far as i recall i asked for le mind scans - begging actually - didnt think it was possible but here we are.

Which brings up the real issue - why is rent so fucking expensive? I mean your telling everyone homeless and food scarcity cant be fixed - 2024 cant be fixed - oh and the latest and greatest is fucking electric cars....so why hold them back in the first place, say the early pre 1930s concepts? Oh yeah cuz shit wasnt under the pockets of the few? And its not like the people i bitch about even worry about the idea of pockets

Nyways ill own nothing and be happy or something
Message boards are far too open for interpretation and miscommunication so you should expect some people to respond to you without know what you meant by your post

Yeah, that’s the point.
... Would
If you cant handle the heat get out of the kitchen.
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These threads remind me of the festival of Termina from Fear and Hunger: Termina lol
>can't feel us
Kys bugs all salvation is denied for humanity. Only I ascend.
Weakness and strength measured in how loudly one complains
I took this and rolled with it

That's not how it works ...idea funny though
I should end my own perception of quantum mechanics and fantasy role playing games
Summer in Melbourne
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Why would he want to be king over ppl that hate him? You are all his enemies.
Why do you nato niggers want russia to lose? The nobody supports brics and the oppressed. The west will be humbled.
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lmao i woke up today, and today feels like it's going to be a good day
Just goes to prove that he was another larper shill. He started messing with forces he should not have played with. A false messiah.
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>The nobody supports brics
i knew it! he IS a total legend!
Why can't that be me? Why do I have to be born a loser messiah that everyone secretly hates? I want to kill off this world and realm and all you parasites. Done pretending to be good.
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So lucifer was the good guy all along?
Your shit needs inspected by health and safety
I'm fact ... the entire Public food safety regulations need a complete overhaul and regulated by a more rigid guideline that accounts for.. variations in cultures ...
Strict observation of leniency ..
But quality control and cleanliness...
A council of restaurants... to rule the restaurants world ..

What the point
Of this

Embarrassment? Shame?
In my mind, having had I known the ... purpose of a smile .. (halfassedly doing anything now) and the value if acknowledging .

Rigged game redundancies
I see
And you want no mercy for the understanding
Instead of this...
Don't just give an opportunity and laugh when it's missed.. show the proper way to use the opportunity .

You cook for the homeless but dont invite them to partake?! .
How bout the devil in your home you keep happy so it doesn't eat You!!

Then tell me... of love is harmful.. why stop it?
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>and today feels like it's going to be a good day
the future is in your hands anon,
dont put a prerequisite on your good fortunes!

go be awesome!
>effect everyone in the west
How? He's behind the far right and religious right too?
>Eh, Tone! What does a messiah havta do to get his dick sucked around heayarh?
*Billionaires and capitalism will destroy the human race
How does anyone survive on a basic income of 1k? It's just upgraded welfare and you will barely be living a basic life on that income unless it's a universal luxury income.
I'm the anon you responded to and I agree with you.
How much were they getting?
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cuz it's a nice day today and everything feels peaceful and well and my famliy is happy
>doesn't have the energy to defend himself or anyone else
>alright kill his entire family and burn the city he lives in
>sure am glad we used all the resources we had to make him weak enough...
>the fuck
It was a decoy?!?!?@
Deecoy decoy dikoi deequoi dyquy deekoy
No friend
The decoy was the box we put him in. The box is designed to drain energy out of things...
But sir he put that box in the other box that drained the energy from the box rendering the box useless .
>wow really strong to fight him at full power we are so amazing
>Sir.. remember.. we planted a power inbhibitor in his skin weeks before puberty...
Oh .. hhmmmmmm

Funny story
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good song and movie lol

prob my favourite rob song next to dragula
Is he stupid or something?
look, dad's telling us everything's okay guys ob
Who's us? There will only be ONE after.
Is everyone a bug?
I pray america collapses with him.

People who cannot change what is happening are the most vocal about it. Those who can change the circumstances will just do it.

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