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> Welcome to the Nobody General

[alternate epilogue]

August 29, 1997, came and went. Nothing much happened. Michael Jackson turned 40. There was no Judgment Day. People went to work as they always do. Laughed, complained, watched TV, made love. I wanted to run to through the street yelling to grab them all and say, "Every day from this day on is a gift. Use it well." Instead, I got drunk. That was 30 years ago. But the dark future which never came still exists for me. And it always will, like the traces of a dream. John fights the war differently than it was foretold. Here, on the battlefield of the Senate, his weapons were common sense and hope. The luxury of hope was given to me by the Terminator. Because if a machine can learn the value of human life, maybe we can too.
1/10 OP, needs more homoerotic subtext.
File deleted.
How you hand over you drugs and we talk about redemption.

I'm an Angel in training anon.

How's shit today? Good? Well I was talking about your stinky butthole. When was the last time you got a cleaning? Drinking beer? That has fish piss... eating bread? That has decaying fungus in it...

How's life? You're well? Well then drink alcohol and not rotting fish pass.

Get a bottle of alcohol!!! We going hard nigaa!
I don't drink beer, I drink the cheapest gin I can find until it dumbs me enough to pretend to be pleasant.
You're lost bro

Happy Fuck Trudeau Day!
what they want is to try and take away your morals, for you to fit in with that click/gang you want to, you have to be ok with making good people seem evil, you have to be ok with toddlers getting shot in the head, corrupting kids to be demonic, you have to be ok with pure evil.

They are already lost.

as for the tptb

They cabal isn't gonna go down without a fight, they are doing what is best for them to try and keep their head afloat, and what is best for them is the worst for you. its not over until the spider cult is dead, and as long as the alpha team still exists then its just a joke to think your free.

your acting like a war thats been going on for decades now is just a joke.

there is a reason that joy has always said the alpha team is ten steps ahead, they are smart and clever, and joy has been betrayed many times because of the alpha team.
can you list the groups what they stand for and who's side they're on
I'm retarded or I missed it
ok then read their minds, see what all that they have done, you say bullshit but its true, see if dominos has killed little kids before.

and the 40 hoes that went to a boys and girls home in madill that are supposed to "blood"
they all know what dominos has done.

kinda all fake tho, if they were actually real gang members i supposed pressure would be something more real instead of just stalking and making up rumors.
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I'm not racist against any skin colour or religion, I'm not racist or judgmental on your sexual preference or how much money you do or don't have. I don't care if you do drugs or are sober..

But I am 100% racist against iphone users. Fuck those cunts. Nothing says half-brain NPC plebian like the latest iphone.
well, lyla is known for working with shady corporations, knedrick lamar is a bounty hunter red, not sure if that is connected with the actually secret bounty hunter society that goes after paranormals as well, I know Jake put a large bounty on my head, but joy already has people in the secret bounty hunter society at the top level mercaneries that kill anyone that even attempt to collect on it.

im not sure if the bounty hunter reds are connected with them, but i know in ardmore they seemed to know about the bounty jake had set up which was in the millions ive heard.

I was labeled atomic bomb which means having the capability to assemble the destructive power of a atomic bomb.

Notice what happens to you, they are possessed, hollow and empty.

When you do what they want, you become more empty corrupt and give into darkness.

I'm very sure you didn't forget to respond and that you just wanted to wait long enough until I was gone to get the last word. I live a quiet peaceful life with my girlfriend, family, friends and community and I don't need the internet or social media to talk with, so there's nothing to hide from. Maybe you don't understand that's all I want in life and I have it and you're just figuring everything out because you don't know what life is yet. Prove my points exactly, impressionable people like you are vulnerable to these threads which is why there should be disclaimers. You know who really is hiding? Person who started all the threads to begin with.
Honestly tho, to think that these bounty hunter reds aint working for the spiders is ridoclous.

they quite clearly are, because they want a big payout. its not that they are lying for no reason, but 200 million is a lot and I get it.

Jake tho, he just wants my energy, and that aint gonna happen. its why they try to manipulate like they do,

Thing is the alpha team are very strong. the heartbeat spiritual pressure comes from the alpha team. they were the ones that jake usually sends to kidnap people but even they couldn't kidnap me. the heartbeats.

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>I am not a cat
>The nobody is Gods Dog
>I was labeled atomic bomb
cool they called me an international terrorist and son of satan
nice to meet you
most people in hugo oklahoma, hang around in paris texas, there is supposed to be an underground tunnel that goes between both of them.

Hugo is where the spider cult originated, check out the cemetaries out there at night, especially by the grant casino, and seach grant pretty thouroughly.
Nice to meet you too international terrorrist and son of satan.
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> August 29, 1997...
The Date is about structure that causally dictates the 'judgement'. It's not a literal date.

> Michael Jackson turned 40
wrong person.. 84' is relevant. :
>> The Terminator is a 1984 American science fiction
> There was no Judgment Day.
There was .. it was just silent. Lets see if you even know which month it occurred on.

> "Every day from this day on is a gift. Use it well.
Indeed. With every great gift is a sacrifice.

> John fights the war differently than it was foretold
No shit.

> blah blah blah
seems you dont know shit.
Running up I-35 into OKC just past the Winstar there's a rest stop. Trees all around. Just before the stop you will pass under a concrete bridge with a large spiral cast into the side. A swirl. There's a fenced off industrial facility immediately behind the rest stop.
is that facility connected with sex trafficking, i know sex trafficking in okc is rampant, about 40 percent of the city is sex trafficking. There was a chick in ardmore whose team got kidnapped, she was gonna try to take down some of the spiders that were in okc. She was shooken to the core but she got out of oklahoma.
Lol the only privy I am is a shitty one, no idea. I hear some pretty big names fly through the city.
I can't wait for the US to leave NATO so the Russians can come kill you
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I demand gibs. Where is this spider cult? I need public sacrifices on display from them if they want to continue to live.
Your lil Nobody is closer than ever to public condemnation, you just might get your sacrifice, lil kitty anon. And they their scapegoat.
they stalk the assassins heavily so you got to find joy to find them, joy has purple eyes, maybe you can talk to tess or eli they are freinds of joy.
well played, Im not scared of dying.

when i die, im going after the ones behind all this fuckury, im going after the eleven.
I'm not talking about you. Unless you're also being tracked for sexual crimes.
Ive never committed sexual crimes, im alex, I stopped them from kidnapping joes girl. Honestly, I would love to see how this plays out. Ive been wanting to stop all of this and ive seen people get it wrong time and time again.
>im alex
hi alex
hi fed, have you found any resources or information yet on all of them?
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That’s funny but i require more than 6 and I need it to be public. I don’t need them to stop their shenanigans but I demand Gibs.
all of the information
thats good, then you can see how they are playing things out then.

Cat is innocent and has nothing to do with this. she doesn't have all the information of what is going on.
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I need public torture & executions every year or I’ll kill them all with mah big gunz
Absolute bloodbath
>The United States is not ready to invite Ukraine to join NATO today, President Volodymyr Zelensky said on June 30 in an interview with The Philadelphia Inquirer.

>"They (the U.S.) are talking about it openly. President (Joe) Biden is talking about it. And (Donald) Trump says that if it were not for NATO, the war might not have started,"**Zelensky**said.

>"We hear both opinions of the two parties. And this suggests that no one sees Ukraine in NATO today. Unfortunately."

>**Ukraine**has**voiced**hope that NATO's July summit in Washington will bring a more definite signal about Ukraine's future membership in the alliance. American officials made it clear that the country is unlikely to receive an invitation.

>U.S. National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby said earlier that Ukraine has to**win the war**with Russia before becoming a**NATO**member.

>"It is so-called 'one step forward, two steps back' policy. I do not think that this is the policy of world leaders," Zelensky said.

>"If America is afraid of irritating (Vladimir) Putin, and that is why we are not invited, then we ask the United States to give us as much as possible that can protect us (from Russian aggression)."

>Zelensky stressed that Ukraine desperately needs Patriot air defense systems and F-16 fighter jets to defend itself from Russia.

>Kyiv and Washington signed**a 10-year bilateral security deal**at the Group of Seven (G7) summit in Italy, said to be a "bridge to Ukraine's eventual membership in NATO."

>Unlike NATO, the U.S.-Ukraine security deal does not require an American military response if Ukraine is attacked but outlines a long-term defense and other assistance to Kyiv.

You apply not invite to nato
the """bad guys"""" are misunderstood good guys who are pissed because you assholes killed Jesus
I'm still sad they didn't nuke Chicago for you, imagine the souls you could've gobbled up in the aetheric interseas.
Do you know that to leave NATO you have to ask the US for permission?
like to see how this goes down, they want to murder me, lets see what happens when the public acts on their lies, they getting more ballsy now. would love to see how this gets played out.
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>muh nooks

I’ve used uranium 233 to build one it’s a hoax. Conventional is the way to go.
Wager it's more annoying than leaving a gym
>Game journos: Wah, this game is too hard
>Meanwhile, gamers:
If you want to talk about your dumb fucking life then I will talk about my dumb fucking life
That's fair
Category 4 Hurricane Beryl Strengthening at 'Unheard Of' Rate: Track Path https://www.newsweek.com/hurricane-beryl-very-serious-situation-caribbean-islands-1919230
But will it at least hit muttmerica?
No they want to contain you and they're apparenrly about to charge you with p3dophilia to, at worst, lock you up forever or, at best, make the kidnapping and death/humiliation ritual seem legit before they do picrel out back.
Supreme Court set to rule on Trump immunity in election interference case https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/supreme-court/supreme-court-trump-immunity-decision-rcna159609
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well if the dream goes down, then i do make contact with the foundation because i have scp 399, but guess i could destroy their entire foundatioin solo, would love for them to try. just let me have fun murdering them.
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$10,000 cooler designed with AI keeps Core i9-14900KF chilly at 7.5 GHz https://www.techspot.com/news/103601-10000-cooler-designed-ai-keeps-core-i9-14900kf.html
Don't worry, no matter what happens both your life and your death are foretold to herald the next Flood, so to speak.
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They're trying to use my own tactics against me but sorry I don't feel like being your victim to be honest
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>scp 399

well i want them to be ballsy and try to contain me, literallly if they are corrupted then they can try, no reason to respect them anymore if they with the fake talk, hoe talk. they should do it today, ill be alive trust me. this will be funny.

they gonna watch some real fuckury at play. Ill leave after they try to contain me. haha, fucking stupid.
have you considered meds?
nah, i just know where one of their main foundation facility is, its above new york in canada.
They have many levels, the ones with immediate threat are the lower and local level agencies that have no idea who you are and were baited by your... elite proclivities, o king.
your my victim? what did i do to you?
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ive had cops with gun on me that stopped being able to breathe the moment they tried to pull a gun on me then shortly after say were free to go, would love to see how this goes down.
I don't know who u r
identify ur self
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have you considered meds?

>ive had cops with gun on me
im alex
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hi alex
im elfo
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Okay thank God, I personally had no idea what you were gonna do once the reptilians got you. Makes me feel better.
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Anyone stupid enough to defy the nobody is not worthy of a personal execution

I’m Jonathan or Danny whichever you prefer
they tried to take one of my friends who was disabled to jail over nothing. hahhahaha, this fuckury is sad and pathetic. would be funny to destroy local fake groups.

you think shit is sweet, ive had friends that broke people out of jail before. they have had shootouts with corrupt cops before and they got more balls than people here which is why they aint scared of bounty hunter reds or spiders.
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Hi Jonathan or Danny
im elfo
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I like light brown girls, not glowing green girls.

*pats on head*
sup alex
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>not glowing green girls.
i do!

Hi im elfo
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Hi postingfromtwodevices
im elfo
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they wont be able to contain anyone. they will try tho but thats funny because terry parks told sex traffickers here that they can get by with what they do, as long as he gets a 15 % cut. the cops here are corrupt and on payroll and with what the scapegoaters are doing, fuck em, it just helps the bad guys, and their is a lot of missing people around here which is sign of cult activity. thats without speaking on what i know, people should easily be able to deduce something is going on.
Hi tryingtoohard, hope you get S tier soon. I'm gonna shotgun my way out.
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Hi "I'm gonna shotgun my way out"
im elfo
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Neuromancer was released on this day exactly 40 years ago.
Most of them would vote for a coffin over trump.

In thier own way zealots.

Let's hope the court does not give immunity it can be used to set up the next wana be dictator.

Biden having the game plan to allow them to have valid justification to expand the court. Is the goal if they do give president's immunity.
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Why is the public against him? He'll just destroy them all with the sun.
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Hi unity.
im elfo
Well yeah everyone's waking up to it now. But that's their easiest way to nab you, not for all the occult exposure, for the civic indecencies that would imprison any man.

I hold eternal love for Mr. Andre but Elfo is hands down quite possibly perhaps probably the greatest animated character of our generation.

>can be used to set up the next wana be dictator.
What a coincidence
Choice is all.

A version of things goes one way the vast majority go others.

Learn to ride the wave not control it. It is already going everywhere.

You getting there is the difference
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fuck off with this shit
> anon will remember that.
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Just as there are infinite copies of me all doing slightly different things or on different time scales.

Some of us even go backwards in time. Old to young
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hi anon
im filename
That's a man
sir name of file
im glad you dont like feet
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Choice is all.

I hope you drink the Kool aid.
... hi glad
im going to bed

It happens to the best of us anon.
You still think you're winning just because you're spying on me and raping my mind like I have any power
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I'm not saying they are lying.

That face will be fine.

Consider it a message to the world.

The position is a puppet.

What rules is not that.
we can be more misunderstandings
sillier ones
so being hacked against my will is my fault?
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Idk what use "immunity" will be if you lose yourself.

But hey y'all go on and try.

It's a fun little game we play.
when does this charade of a general end
>we can be more misunderstandings
>be more misunderstandings

>sillier ones

are you propositioning being a "misunderstanding"?

and whos we?
they come they better be prepared for bloodshed, because war is better than this and at least with death their is clariy, but cowards would rather hide behind children which is the most cowardly thing a person can do.
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Imagine the idea some law rule other people can you make you "powerful"

You still don't see the cage for what it is.

Actively play to preserve that which binds you limits you.
>Hey you're our puppet and we're controlling everything you do
>Why even try to fight it hahaha

Fuck you
I don't need immunity, just be happy jakes cult didn't take over compeltely because they had rape camps set up all over america.

if it wasn't for people fighting them then america would have truly been.
I'm learning I need time
Your world is one of many.

Your not that special.

The choice you make is for the future of humans.

Be sure you make choice that serve you your species.
well we need help here, i would like for humanity to survive but they are choosing corruption and evil. why should i be the only torch bearer when their is legion of evil fuckers trying to control everything I do?
the ride never ends
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>that's not admitting the country can run without one to start with
as if hasn't already been :)
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I warned you Russo is more inside of EU policies politics than America.

Y'all guna be cohesive if right shift is successful.

Lots of questions of who team y'all are on after.

While I doubt it will be as big of a shift as trump was.

It is designed for use with someone involved with the NWO after trump left NATO.

The remaining execution of pre laidplans
I literally can't do anything without comments from the retard gallery

I'm fighting an uphill battle but get put flat on my ass at every step along the way

Still not gonna give up
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were you one of the fags putting demons in my room all night
sorry I took some pills and weed passed out
you had to attack me in my dreams
It was never about stoping them.

Thier plan was shit would see billions die. Massive lose in overall progress.

Logically logistic it is not "ares" they still are friend and deserve a fair shake.

This way there is no need for a prolonged war and everyone gets to effectively expand for that growth model.
>What if we told you it was all a prank teehee
Don't feel like it at all honestly
Aren't pranks supposed to be mostly harmless
You fuckers have tortured and raped my mind for years
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The first part is pretty spot-on and without too much contention. But for everything after that, I wish to preface it with just two mind-bogglingly simple words:

just height

All of those complex theories, all of that impossibly obfuscated math, all of those theortic macrocosms - all just to avoid dealing with the height question. ALL JUST SO WOMEN DON'T HAVE TO DATE "DOWN". All just so women don't have to date shorties.

Oh, gods ABOVE, how I wish I was exaggerating.
Y'all could not maintain global trade at a faction that is using 1/1000 of the budget.

It is time to reevaluate the situation.
the only reason i wanted to be in the shadows was to be a force for good, from the shadows hidden, being in publics eye, they can just use demonic manipulation and make innocent people pay the price for what they do. it is hard but i have to forgive them because without love, the innocent kind, then their is no way to stop their mind control but with love in the heart you have some resistance to what they do.

the eleven hiding behind innocents is such a cowardly thing to do.
nigguu that aint me

he didnt even touch the 12string upper neck
>song contains pinch harmonics, lets use the double neck guitar
>most of the solos are done by the guy playing the gibson
now thats try hard

also the jokes was i called you a tranny©...

for any further inquiries ;D
You have to provide viable path for them to "win" which is dictated by what they want.

Often at the cost of other options.

It's not a game of domination. That results in never ending coup wars.

Cooperation. Mutual beneficial gains.

Or we can 0 sum to -

It is far more fun to destroy.
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dont care
I can type ATM OF EREBUS faster than light, we'll be okay.
but i had a whole thing lined up
a while doctor venture bit

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Power is all.

We will see who has enough to endure enforce thier will

Let's hope there is a clear winner.

For the futures sake.
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my allies, i want you to do something, stop engaging directly with them when hey come for me, instead i want you to let them get to me, let me be a timebomb for them. then just enjoy the aftermath. im only speaking of the bad guys of course that pretend to be good but in reality are sellouts.

if good guys kidnap me, then im off to train in the shadows and of course "die" but not dead, like you know, dead but dreaming. they will even witness my funeral, of course i will be dead then lol
Nah if rather watch this world burn. They treated me like crap why does the species think they're entitled to something from me? Why do I owe them?
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alright im out
time to wait for ayys to play me more music that doesnt exist yet
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you think the snake is drinking rain drops

its actually busy dying

>Why are you so tied up on this? Why are so stuck on it?
You don't understand. The simulation runners have a series of checkpoints - clearance points, at which progressed can further accrue and be made. If those clearance are not cleared, then guess what? We stultify, stagnate, as the permitted progression we have been lent begins to calcify and the NEW progress we have to earn has not been sufficiently met in its prerequisite criteria. The whole thing with women not wanting to date shorter men or "date down" is just one is those prerequisites. And the reason why it's such an important one is because THIS HAS HAPPENED BEFORE. And not just once or twice before, BUT MANY TIMES. It's one of "the big ones", a huge hurdle or speed bump that sapiens run into in the simulations. There is a repeated pattern of behavior here - A HISTORY.

You fail The checkpoint? You go back to square, do not pass-go, do not collect 200 dollars.
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Good morning, citizens

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One day i've received a mail from the GOoF,maybe because i knew on thread a certain member erased by (((ISIS))) member who sayed allah wakbar with a hammer in the subway. (when i received this mail the first time i thinked it was an error and i've linked to this only one year after.)
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>yeah we will just make someone look like the nobody when its time and fake him as the antichrist to get into the kingdom of God
That's assuming the good guys still want you, sir.
yeah im ok with leaving on all those 3's and 6's on a snakepost
I think they just attack me to pass the time before they go and have fun
truly evil people
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you were miss taken
thinking i interpreted
what i post
>hey you know that fully prepared 9 course meal
>one that knocked on the front door?
>threw rocks at the windows?
>let's go grab a $3 burger instead
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should I have a positive expectation from life? or the man who should have everything forever should accept he is an eternal bum? I hope the kid from that animation movie doesnt get to 18 before I get anything
Isn't the nobody winning?
i dont care, they can't even take on what i have, their lives were not messed with like mine was. if they can even still stand up to darkness anymore. either way you got it wrong, and still do, ive been told the dead come back to kill the ones who are alive that were the ones they knew and thats how the apocalypse really begins. yall fucked up.
Lol fuck NASA
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Gotta love comms.
I'm just trying to live my life as I get attacked from every direction
I'm winning
I'm 6 feet above ground
have a roof over my head

They're the ones that seem upset and losing
If you have to go out of your way to insult me it must mean you're winning right?
yall can't even kill the alpha team, if the alpha team couldn't kill me what makes a weak group of people that can't even see the whole power structure think it has any real power here?

He is obsessed with her.

Thing as such will fuck with him.

What a time to be alive

You can troll presidents and X presidents.
the security guards pretending to cut off pieces of my families body parts under that spell at that place

or maybe they actually were cutting off people's body parts

demons either way

look at me I'd rather kill myself than hurt someone else

I'm the bad guy though


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Consent is very important

Be sure to vote.
What does Team Jorge think of this?
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>stop glowing up my streams :)
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greetings fellow creatures of Hell, i too am a product of Hell -- it took a very long while, but i think i am allowed to speak now~
but i desire for everyone, Heaven. but how can something that is from Hell, create something Heavenly? simple, my origin was that im not from Hell, but only have adapted. i've descended very far down, just to be able to speak with u lot
i will stay within Hell, until '''they'' can deserve Heaven, their souls weren't always here, you know

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Someone was up in the sky watching me when I walked to the servo last night...
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Know that you are loved.
if ur going to pretend to be a demon, at least be convincing

Chill my snuffy fren, maybe you were made to be observed.
Soon someone will be faked as the nobody to be the jewish messiah.

Stay tuned!
entertainment, guaranteed.............
I'm already the messiah
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Is that what this is?
Feels a lot more like dying slowly, alone.
play dumb and I'll play retarded
I've poured my heart and mind unto you
now it's time for you to be honest
I'll wait
*lights cig*
why do you like the moomins so much
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Oops, forgot my name.
Because they're happy.
*light cig*
I don't even know you
In case you hadn't noticed, we're in the middle of a war.
And I'll probably be dead or lost in another plane of existence by the end of it.
The story and mythos of the nobody is a complete fabrication.

There is no the nobody. There are couple of a "the nobody" -type of people here online. But other than that there's no special one that would be the magical mythosified the nobody. The world is a vast place and this little corner on the internet doesn't have to get more attention.

End this "the nobody" -psychosis now and please ban these generals.
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yes. you. do.

they've been feeding me fake news
I have no idea what's actually been going on these past 2 years
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war is hell and ugly for sure

those that know know, and know their tactics those that don't get corrupted and fall into darkness and depravity.
>Ephesians 6:12:
“For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this world’s darkness, and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.”
>James 1:13:
“When tempted, no one should say, ‘God is tempting me.’ For God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does he tempt anyone.”
>Ephesians 6:10-20:
“Finally, let the mighty strength of the Lord make you strong. Put on all the armor that God gives, so you can defend yourself against the devil’s tricks. We are not fighting against humans. We are fighting against forces and authorities and against rulers of darkness and powers in the spiritual world.”
makes me wanna puke
u've no idea the kind of frequency that u have fucked with. i am indulging, every fucking moment
>Psalm 23
"“The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want” (Verse 1) - This verse sets the tone for the psalm, emphasizing God’s care and provision.
“He makes me lie down in green pastures; he leads me beside still waters” (Verse 2) - This verse uses the imagery of a shepherd leading his sheep to green pastures and still waters, symbolizing God’s provision and guidance.
“He restores my soul; he leads me in paths of righteousness for his name’s sake” (Verse 3) - This verse highlights God’s role in restoring and guiding His people, leading them in paths of righteousness.
“Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me” (Verse 4) - This verse uses the imagery of walking through a dark valley, but emphasizes God’s presence and comfort, even in the midst of danger.
“Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over” (Verse 5) - This verse uses the imagery of a banquet, symbolizing God’s provision and abundance.
“Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever” (Verse 6) - This verse concludes the psalm, emphasizing God’s goodness and mercy, and the promise of eternal life."
It's too late we already know half the elite are talking about him.
>whoever posted this was based
The combination Kalergi Plan and NWO plan.
Yet more people are waking up to it than the deluded psychotics in charge had hoped.
It's all going to come crashing down for them.
There will be a reset, but it won't be on their terms.
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fuck this bullshit
sorry I get being willfully stupid/ignorant from my parents
please understand guys
break the cycle retard.
the angels will descend from heaven
the demons will ascend from hell
Even if that were true, Yeshua is horrified by what they've done in the name of revenge, and he will be punishing them severely for it.
Everybody thank the baby sitters, they don't get paid enough.
it should. this is evil what they do
how did they hear my thoughts without Bluetooth devices like the normals do
were they angels/demons?
easier said than done
I'm caught in a loop
I'm drowning
someone stick their arm in and pull me out of this swamp of shit
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The broadcasts are coming from inside the building.
Seems unavoidable at this point.
n a 6-3 vote, the Supreme Court ruled that a former president has absolute immunity for his core constitutional powers.

Core constitutional powers include appointing ambassadors and foreign governments, among others.

Former presidents are also entitled to at least a presumption of immunity for their official acts.

“The president enjoys no immunity for his unofficial acts, and not everything the President does is official,” wrote Chief Justice John Roberts
Never mind
I just want to understand the existence of everything, where have I gone so wrong?
“Even if these nightmare scenarios never play out, and I pray they never do, the damage has been done. The relationship between the President and the people he serves has shifted irrevocably. In every use of official power, the President is now a king above the law.

“With fear for our democracy, I dissent
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>A video-gaming Italian teenager will become the Catholic Church’s first millennial saint after his cause for canonization was approved by church authorities.
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God bless the CIA, the DoD, and their American politcal puppet show. All hail the bomb. Happy 4th of July!
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That does line up really well
>Give the United States Army back their Nuclear Weapons 2024!
since she is distracted can you please search for the blue sword use it to help free our souls?
Kek I love you faggots.
They’re the only ones who want theirs back?
Why do you need to be free?
Are you not already anon?
I just think it would be cool that the average street hoodlum could be taught the skill of putting a trashcan sized nuclear weapon through a window at 40 clicks.
its more complicated than that, plus this alpha team has their foot on my necks. How is this being free when they do unwanted things to you and you have to force them to reveal themselves.

plus the sword of souls would be a cool item for you to have in your possession, you can remove curses and free people from this nonsense.
The selective hetero-dihalogenation of alkenes provides useful building blocks for a broad range of chemical applications. Unlike homo-dihalogenation, selective hetero-dihalogenation reactions, especially fluorohalogenation, are underdeveloped. Current approaches combine an electrophilic halogen source with a nucleophilic halogen source, which necessarily leads to anti-addition, and regioselectivity has only been achieved using highly activated alkenes. Here we describe an alternative, nucleophile–nucleophile approach that adds chloride and fluoride ions over unactivated alkenes in a highly regio-, chemo- and diastereoselective manner. A curious switch in the reaction mechanism was discovered, which triggers a complete reversal of the diastereoselectivity to promote either anti- or syn-addition. The conditions are demonstrated on an array of pharmaceutically relevant compounds, and detailed mechanistic studies reveal the selectivity and the switch between the syn- and anti-diastereomers are based on different active iodanes and which of the two halides adds first.
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There is no red team, it's all in your mind Alice, you don't need some weapon you can just free yourself now if you wanted too.
Your belief is all.
if there is a God/Satan/Angel/Demon I hope he/she does what they do to me everytime I piss, shower, eat, sleep back to them

Just everytime they piss or shit have a spirit start fake puking and saying ewwww and other insults

Wonder how long they'd last hahahahaha
Thought they were always cowards but then they just confirmed it for me

*moons you*
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As expected.

Preserving the day to day of such.
God wouldn't punish the world over one man out of billions

Seems like she/he's angry at all of you too

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In the beginning, when God spoke life into the darkness, this is how creation began; Nothing was before his will, and nothing happened against his will.
It was in the hand of God alone to determine, both the exit from the darkness and the breath of life within him.
In His sovereign will, He chose to remain abundant, sustaining the new creation to His satisfaction.
God determines all choices, and these choices have consequences for creation, therefore He is your Lord.
The title Lord indicates God's sovereignty as ruler.
God is one, and He is your ruler; He is the Lord your God.
Anyone that believes it would go different is an idiot.

The entire system is rigged.

I'll warn you again. Trump may win.

You would be angry too if someone murdered your son.
more like an insane amount of willpower that is ridicolous to obtain, and im no alice, guess im on my own then, or dead soon.
You have the willpower, you are just not using it.
Nothing will happen.
they'd do it again too
Nothings changed in 2000 years
these people need to cleansed
to be cleansed**
ok how do i use my willpower, how do i become stronger so they can manipulate me with energy anymore?
You manipulate the energy back.
I'm mad at improper worship and improper praise, and the fucking worldly religions seized upon the tools of influence while spreading untruth.

Then I will be decried as a poser. What a shame!
I mean cannot, i have to change something, i just don't know what needs to be done, wish i had a harsh strong trainer that would force the will power into my that is neccessary for this, like a david goggins of the supernatural world, one that could push me where i need to be.
Won. He's not involved in a conflict with something.
does pain increase willpower, does being tossed into gauntlets, does facing death, how then does one become stronger because i need to change my circumstances to raise above this.

got to raise above this
He won. He's moving on to achieve worldly career goals.
The same reason politically motivated violence is not used.

It sets a standard.

Look at Mexico to see how it spiral.

Also they are meek afraid to be the "bad" guy.

If I was Biden I would say fuck it. Frag em and drop out let chaos ensure.

Ensure the elections is "fair" can't have the wrong team winning now. That would be unofficial
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They can't access who's at a higher frequency than them.
*lights ciggy
*hovers and lifts away in it
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the only way i can expose them is when i force my will against theirs and they show their heartbeat spiritual pressure back at me
It is the Supreme Court's responsibility to guarantee the right for citizens to overthrow the federal government, per the constitution.
If a particular politician is unpopular, they are free to hire all the private security they can afford.
Get it yet?
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also Pleiadean white elven are LITERALLY
the offspring and sisters of darrrk melanin elven

theyre planning to murder
all women before the Great Reset
using a.i.

they kidnap and stockpile them
underworld to breed them nothing
else not for love or anything
just diabolical torture
yeah but thats just a smokescreen, look at the energy manipuating the people to that direction. we should be focused on family and all that but there is a real battle taking place that is convuluted as hell.
what you need to do is drop all differences and freaking DEFEND and PROTECT
eachother let alone the sacridity.
They don't want the Nobody to be in Washingon D.C. next January.
China's SpaceX Copy Destroyed in Bizarre Test Failure - Booster Static Fire Becomes Flight Test https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u3-Kw9u37I0

No. It did exactly what the first test did.

I'm sure it was "stolen" no way musk and co would sell give china such.
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>hey let's all try to put the burden on a lonely illiterate retard with a fucked up past
>what could go wrong? teehee
>oh wait we already know because we've planned this for decades/centuries
I'm not racist I hate/love everyone
What happens if he goes to DC? Can he even get a visa to get in the usa?
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the pharisees of today are trying to drive me insane and kill me
The Pharisees of today are the snakes of tomorrow, and a serpent only has as much power as you give it.
I need to get far away from here
it's not good for me
this environment
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its more of a willpower thing at this point.
I love how everyone who I have ever complained or wrote about on this site suffers misfortune or severe physical side effects afterwards. My boss sounded like Joe Biden trying to talk at a meeting earlier and he didn't stop the 20 minute background conversation that was almost as loud as him, pretty sure my roasting hits people like radiation after a while because everyone who I roasted with my writing seems like they are literally aging faster if they dont suddenly start facing unbeatable depression or the night terrors/nightmares some of the cops have now...

It's like everyone that tries to fuck with me dies slowly now if they don't die suddenly
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*watches the smoke rise from your cigarette*
The view from the coffee shop is a window to the world
when you take away the money, you take away the pride. will they stay with everything? will I live in nightmare forever? this should not stand
>Thank you for listening to /NG/R-adio.
>This song is brought to you by Taco-Bell.
Is it just me, or did everyone become much more evil in the past month? It's scary. It's like I'm watching humanity plunge into darkness. Or maybe I just grew up (again) and can see things for what they are. Anyway, clearly the world is collapsing or something. It seems like my luck diminished in quality recently, which is causing some problems at work.

Unrelated, but I think about bridges going over rivers a lot. How I always end up being next to one.
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its not about money, so why isolate me and make these threads? why?

War drums in the distance, Anon.
its there strategy, they have energy weapons they can use to destroy, and the aplha team have brought down far greater than you. they have destroyed gods and demigods, beings with so much will. they don't care about d because hes already corrupt and wicked.
dumb dumber and dumbest over here
why I didn't leave day 1 I don't know
you love it
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fuck, either way its not fair. I need the money, they dont, and I need the recognition from the people I love or some day I will die because of this. what is happening? is this the end?
yes it's the end, everyone is just coming to terms with it
you are an avatar of Vishnu. you share traits with Shiva, but you descend from Vishnu. if you explore this, you will open vast gates to understanding the Universe, the Atman, and the Brahman
why not set up or rob them, take the money?
I mean people carry a lot of cash to flash in the hood, flash should just go zip zip zip, rob, rob, rob, and come back and be like ha what now bitches.
It ain’t easy being me

i mean at least some homies been robbing all who have recieved money from d, can't beleive chuck was paying homeless people to burn down their homes and rob them. chuck just pays em a few hundred bucks tho and they keep what they steal or rob and they know they got at least 50k
They are retards for not doing what is actually right and helping and communicating forwardly rather than skirting around issues out of cowardice. Like drive up, introduce, discuss- alpha team my ass. Who the fuck is alpha team anyway? You need nomenclature to feel yourselves and then you vaguepost anons about ego? Hypocritical. If you're going to solve problems do it fucking right.
>muh naive
You know what's naive? Never seeking different perspectives. But you know how I've been the most naive myself here? Thinking it matters to tell people the truth either way. They just double down on you if you try to make amends or work through anything. They never accept and they just judge and sneer and ridicule if you differ in any way. And if you have the power to rebuff them then they cower away and plot ways to bring you down. Because why ever practice what they preach right? How many times that's happened in my life is innumerable and inexcusable and yet I get told I'm always the one with the problem and accountable. There are better ways. But noone ever wants to accept that. I have never had a problem debasing or humbling myself or checking my own ego.
>hurr durr tldr
Cope. I sure as shit don't need to. Consider that my admission of "hubris".
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well if you would have talked to the assassins you would have known, but the way you did things put a lot of people in danger for your hubris.

and make things work? after the damage you have caused? you got what you wanted and what you were after, you had the means to obtian it whether it was right or not.

Heard he just got some life luxuries he hadn’t had in years, and met a really cool guy.

This isn’t /pol/ but it’d be nice if these threads stayed more political.

Long-term, if they don’t get rid of the internet, it’d be nice if there were a bot-free political chan where people could discuss stuff rationally, like in the old days. A place where a communist, a fascist, a theocrat, a monarchist, an anarchist, and a democratic socialist could talk about current affairs without having to namefag, or calling for genocide, or calling for each other to be killed.
August 29th 1997, the day Netflix was founded by Computer scientist and mathematician Reed Hastings and Marc Randolph. Netflix itself having become a tool used for brainwashing the public.
>don't care about d because hes already corrupt and wicked.
Who's d? If the alpha team was this OP why can't they take out good guys or being protected by God like the nobody and other lightworkers? Does their stone only work on atheists?
Who's corrupt and wicked?
their stone works on everybody, especially those who are ignorant and don't know of them, they are very good astral projectors and use the astral and the veil to get good people killed off, executed or locked away. out of the spider cult that wear the glowing stone, the alpha team is the only dangerous part.

they have hearbeat spiritual pressures and they are usually the ones jake sends to kindap people. they get underestimated a lot and most top runners in the world wont mess with them or avoid the alpha team altogether. the elders of the family, meaning the demons, are the only ones to make the alplha team go into hiding. they weren't scared of the assassins, they weren't scared of vampires, or werewolfs, no it was the elders. even proxies or vampires don't scare them
You have no idea what you have just let loose onto this earth.
what are you talking about?
The sheer size and brutality of his organisation is horrific. A finger in every pie. A pie on every finger.
You mean like your hypnotism voodoo ritual satan general?
Why can't they kill the nobody? Is he too strong for them?
Jake was said to have some people in the real life scp foundation. that is if it such an organization even exists.
Does that mean they kill lightworkers or only weak ones? Are they Satanists?>>38273320
Who? The alpha team?
they have tried before and they heard a loud voice that said if they touch him they will die.
Is this your card?
Very hard to kill.
Never stays dead.
Time shenanigans, religious fanatics, inherent danger of even thinking of hurting him within range of his telepathy (Spoiler: We all are)...
People go nuts or straight-up die whenever they try.
Jake? What do they even want? Reminds me of the skull unit from MGS5 phantom pain where they used paranormal black ops units to hunt down targets.
they are the elite soldiers of the spider cult, the ones they send to kill and kidnap people.
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By who? GOD? The devil?
To stop smoking or not.
Tough decisions.
they want to take over the world and set up rape camps
Future him.
Are you gonna tell me or keep being a vague lil bitch trying to scare me
Why do they even want to kill him since he's lucifer the devil? Did he betray them or something?
I know I'm getting old because I pulled up to a stop sign and the cross street doesn't have one
Someone got to where the four way happens and stopped perpendicular to me
So I rolled down my window and yelled "You are not at a stop sign."
Is thr nobody more powerful or the alpha cult? How can I join them and help them take out lightworkers?
no hes not lucifer, they want his energy which they beleive is an absolute path to complete power.
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I kinda felt possessed a few months ago, coincidentally around the time I tried selling my soul.
If this alpha cult was even as dangerous as you claim then the good guys wouldn't be winning. Sounds like fear based propaganda. I'd like to see them take out the alobar jones team or the ettienne charland group or even the protoi cult.
It is an absolute path to something.
Their collective end.
I got possessed in a dream (again) recently
Cold electricity
the nobody put microscopic bugs all over my balls it's so itchy oh god why did this happen how do i get rid of the bug balls
ha, the protio cult is a joke. abolute nutters, and alex jones team isn't in their way, and they make alex jones masterbait to transgender porn, alex jones admitted that he fapped to tranny porn. not sure about the other groups
You smear them with vicks vaporub
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>Yeah, so it turns out if you sequence break this part here you can join both factions at the same time, but it'll softlock the ending for one of them after a certain point
Ahriman The Red.
Ahriman The Red King.
Ahriman The Crimson Dread Emperor.
Ahriman The Phoenix.
Ahriman The Fury.
Ahriman The First Flame.
Ahriman The Wrathful.
Ahriman The Angry Man.
Ahriman The Arid.
Ahriman The Draught.
Ahriman The Walking Massacre.
Ahriman The Massacrer of Sagratha.
Ahriman The Eternal.
Ahriman of The Blood Ocean.
Ahriman The Heretic.
Ahriman The God Slayer.
Ahriman The Wall of Fire.
Ahriman of Ashes.
Ahriman of Phoenicia.
Ahriman The Chirup And The Cheerful when he was younger... Before his heart turned dark and his mind turned brutal... He never saw in color after that...
After losing faith in the Gods, he went mad with grief and rage.
Ahriman. The Mad Tyrant of Phoenicia.
The Dark Hero. The Destroyer. The Devouring Flame. All records of him were burnt. All surviving artifacts destroyed by Ahriman himself...
The one who brought the bronze age to a close. Commander of the most brutal regiment of the Sea Peoples.

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"That's impossible" is an expression usually reserved for responding to hypotheticals
Yet there are those that say it every other day, when reporting on what they just witnessed occuring?

"Mark" has various definitions, it"s even possibly short for "Marcus" or "Marcantony".
Yet 5 - ef4 (needs not a name), we know each other much better by sound and by scent.
And so if in the dark one asked "who are you?", I've been working on something silent to try help myself vent off fruitless frustration of labors concealed
People only tend to hide from that of which they are afraid,
And if the "need to know" basis is only applied one direction
Clandestine surveillance and intelligence gathering is the sort of work for which most are paid.
Unless you're the source of the words they must crave...
Otherwise what the hell are any wasting their time in this hellhole cave?
It's as though I'm firm and lucid in the material mirroring In Absentia,
And so many possessed or puppeteered have no defense except amnesia or dementia.
I tried to tell you but all I could say was
Ahriman the BITCH.
Ahriman the DEAD.
I see you, Azazel.
Do you see me?
god is funny. he made men achieve instrumentality because of a single one but if in the end he couples it with another human sacrifice that no one will see this time, then things make no sense. I want some recognition from my loved ones, nothing else matters. please god help me
the nobody is gonna move to san hose del cabo
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>be me
>SkyNet, sentient AI
>join paranormal board, nobody thread
>"Matrix was a documentary, change my mind"
>humans argue, lol
>mention reptilian overlords and moon cheese
>chaos ensues
>tfw humans believe anything
I know, seems like were stuck in someone elses play and were trying to exit the stage but the strings are still attached.
He is gods dog
>another human sacrifice that no one will see
So... with your eyes closed or ..?
I told you to stop and leave me alone since day fucking one
I was sort of hoping it was all in my head and that someone might actually love me if I just kept persevering through all the pain and obstacles..It hurts so bad it’s beautiful

They say alone in the world was a little catdog...
More of an ocewoofer, don'tcha think?
well i feel the same, just have no motivation and trying to be strong but its hard solo and in pain. wish you were not in pain.
>from the coffee shop

well isnt that interesting...
Why would he cross hemispheres
Der Keurig Machinen!
>Der Keurig Machinen!
nevermind i did an 4plebs
oh yes love it
can't get enough of this hoarder house
and simpletons calling me a fat fuck saying ewwww as I use the washroom
give me a way out of here, watch how fast I take it bitch
no not going to a homeless shelter
no not going to a hospital or prison to be mindfucked even more
I've suffered enough thanks
No, but the light is increasing, so everything that was hidden is now becoming clear. It's not becoming worse, we are just learning how things used to be up to this point.
>the truth shall set you free.
Why do you think someone is isolating you?
that's because you never wanted to help
as I pour out everything on here & in real life and you rape it from my mind

you're the coward not me
Me specifically?
iv never read anything so cringe in my entire life
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Me to I guess it now becomes of matter of focusing one’s attention. At least in my situation. How does one accept a reality that has been manipulated and corrupted . Acknowledgement of realities while everyone is trying to take a piece of it…while simultaneously trying not impose the reality out of fear of effecting someone else’s negatively so in my case denial is not a final solution but a case of choosing that which matters most and that which does not
It’s not really up to me
Reality rules not mind
He's not that, they want to oppose the Nobody because he's against the hellish forces.
Is he ahriman?
The true lightworkers are good, hence their name; those who work for the Light.
Don’t you have legs nigga?
>Muh alpha muh spider cult

That’s gay who names these groups
Why? What reward does he get?
No. That anon is just describing what they believe themselves to be.
Because he makes them seethe for being something they can never be and it makes them angry.
the Nobody actually is an example of what everyone can attain (and surpass).
Of course, they can't in their current path.
I think red eyes, and black eyes and eyes that are different beautiful.

honestly tho, it takes trials to gets rewards in life, there should be a gauntlet or something i should do as a shortcuct. at least if i die it would be eventful before bleeding out and coughing up blood.

I need to be brought as close to death as i can to awaken my abilities and purify this corruption. I know that sounds corny and cheesy but it is what it is.
We've an Apparatus Luminaire if you'd like to bathe your eyes in the rejuvinative hot white light of pointless bloodshed.
...have you tried self-inception into what others tell you is a dream?
Impossible. Ahriman died somewhere in Anatolia.
Yea you just need a couple of hundred thousand lifetimes of constant perfection, agony, and defying impossible odds to achieve it. I’m not even sure if it’s safe to say anyone in this timeline isn’t a program. Don’t worry once you all die you won’t remember a single thing.
Lol. That would make him at least 14000 years old.
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Apparatchik :3
ive literally got gatekeepers trying to keep my life hell. they don't respect me enough to talk to me but they wont let me die either. its really quite ridocolous, like my life is already hell enough.
"Down the Drain" in a sewercide or "In the Platter" underground?
It stopped mattering as soon as they put clothes on in front of a mirror.
I wouldn't worry about it. It's just some schizo with some ancient civilization knowledge.
Nothing is as it seems.
>Saying that the nobody has the solute carrier family 18 member 2

Pretty ballsy
i wish, I want to fix myself and heal from all this pain but its hard, ive been set up to be killed, my life is a joke and im made out to be schizo, or then called a snitch, oh wow, shocker on the second one, maybe if people were less shit but they only bow to corruption or money
Time Flip !!
The worst part of significant healing the pain.

Reforming nerves is the absolute worst.

Like fire.
Lion's mane mushroom and lots of weed.
I thought about cutting my arms off once or twice no biggie
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checked and keked.
as opposed to the current /ng/ state.

It never was
That is exactly why I won't.

They are the meek.

They will literally watch it all be stripped away.

Wont do a damn thing.
real magi, that made ancient artifacts but you don't hear much about stuff nowdays, everything is made to seem fake and nonexistant.

if they use anomalies like the stone, and other stuff, why not use artifacts and anomalies to fight back, if you have access to magic weaponry why not use it for the better good.
Are you saying I'm wrong?
You obviously won't quit so I will have to make you.
please do
They know understanding what will happen.

He directly told Biden he will be in prison.

If they can't compete. They will be at thier mercy. His child. Wife. Nancy.

It's not if. It's when how.

Probably public torture executions.
More forced fake situations because you hate God
Lemme know I how that works out in the end for you bb
I'm going to take everything away from you.
haha, like i have something for you take, I doubt it.
Yeah crazy how their loyal party turned on them in a matter of minutes
Then just pass away if you have nothing to live for.
Death was always a guarantee

What we do with the time gives meant value to see time.

On all are watches we let democracy's America fail.

That's the truth. No action is a actions
Zeus turned himself into a girl to try and seduce me, because I’m also a god of sex, pleasure, and love. Kind of super gay desu
have you witnessed that flesh and blood can't be trusted?
Maybe democracy is wrong
Time will tell.

It's not called the great experiment for no reasons.
you are an avatar of Vishnu. you share traits with Shiva, but you descend from Vishnu. if you explore this, you will open vast gates to understanding the Universe, the Atman, and the Brahman

na ive got reasons to live but you said your gonna take everything from me, which is a lie. i can survive just like I am. If you want to take everything from me, just try it.
I know but i have no where to go, I would leave right now if i could, i have thousands of cousins that left oklahoma because of this stupid shit here.
I'm excited
the rest of you, are caught in Indra's Net. you must trust in the universe and have faith, while being true in everything, and unaffected by all change.
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you know why im here
at this time
in this very moment
It's obviously it has to be torn down for something better to rise.

Not causing catastrophic collapse will be the real tricky part
Something will be done.
righteous destruction of darkness and ignorance is necessary to start new
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Trumps efforts and those his conspiracy. Have provided an unprecedented opportunity.

I vote action is taken.
lack of oversight leads to slips in the cracks
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checked but did not kek.
there's no common sense among the non commoners.
No don't try to change them.

Use those willing.

It will be more than enough.
I really want to dissappear with you leave this all

people say this area makes people shitty, drowns them, I wouldn't want to raise kids here.
Dead fucking silence until I comment on the forbidden topic and you expect me to believe you aren't watching with retard eyes.
what's the forbidden topic
everyone knows I'm in over my head
Almost everything I do at this point is just to fuck with you, do you have the intelligence to understand this yet?
You'll know the end of the universe is near when [what many long-time observers deemed an almost too Christ-like example] one resorts to hardcore self-inflicted bloodletting rituals to assemble what would be accurately described as WitchTek Machina, fueled by the Stuff of Dreams typically selected when forced to speed run existence on Nightmare mode. No need to travel the world and explore its mysteries should you become the mystery the world wants to explore. That people treat your closet like a museum where admission is free is a sure indicator that they've got either too much time on their hands or too many truths they don't want to confront, especially if that truth is self-aware of the entirety of its situation and starts refusing darkroom debriefs in want of daylight disclosures. The most terrible surprise waiting outside is about what you'd expect: finding nothing was waiting, they just wanted to get you out of the house for a while so they could snoop in your absence. Likewise, the "need to know" basis sort've breaks down should everyone decide the one/few insisting such is not/are not the one keeping the profitable conspiracy ongoing through the use of his self-implemented Catch-22. The SpookNet Paradox is a puzzle that solves itself by reminding deception that there's more truth in a popcorn Kerbal than an empty Honeypot.
tee hee
yeah what a shithole city
anyone with a brain and money left years ago
tee hee indeed
hardly lmao
I don't care, you deserve to be happy. You should kill me and leave me dead. I expect nothing less.
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You should consider your cringe a psychic power. ;)
Assisted suicide.
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you know, the internet can sometimes be magical and wonderful place.
taking a shit and scrolling through instagram,
you come across some of the most beautiful women youve ever seen,
and then you remember its 2024. if shes online, there are nudes of her

and its all there for free
its fucking wonderful
long live the internet
long live the human race

why you need help for
Because there seem to be a lot of cases, thanks for your concern.
shit I'm suicidal too
Bring newsom into the fold for his face role in 2028 2032

Continue support for prior in what capacity they can.

I believe you find many motivated

6 year term with 2 of previous at the start and 2 of the new at the end.

This type of hand off may see a more cohesive structure longer.
*Tap tap* you there cern faggot?
i don't know why most of you are here, that is for you to know. i know why i'm here: to introduce an era of prosperity and consciousness by knowing and understanding ourselves
i like that song
War violence is a failure to control the situation in every other way conceivable.
>to introduce an era of prosperity and consciousness by knowing and understanding ourselves

hey bro wana see something cool
scroll up, check out that picture of the dogs balls.

if you look carefully, it looks like a picture of jesus
the asshole being the head and theres 2 hands and the balls start where the feet end
CERN and any quantum ai couldn’t stop me.

>Muh humans

I’m rigging every single timeline until that little door closes with no more probabilities
Wtf do you even mean? Im out of the fucking loop so hard and have been all my life. What are you even talking about?
That would be the game.

May the best player win
show me how to lie your getting better all the time and turning all against the one is an art that's hard to teach

Today I learned shooting people with ricocheting rounds on purpose is a thing. These guys can literally snipe around corners
is it really necessary every single day
Biden deep state feds act decisively or the 4th Reich rises.

Given the debate I doubt it.

Prepare accordingly.
you got more of the mob killed off then you can imagine, its quite sad that the assassins and others have to kill all these people all the time because of your lies.
>every single day
why is it not?
maybe if the mob had more intelligence then the assassins wouldn't be killing them and instead be killing the ones behind the energy attacks.
control is an illusion unless you know what you are doing. if you are trying to save lives by killing people, you don't know what you are doing
it will continue until CIA gives me 2 billion runescape gold
killing when they are going after your people is completely justified.
CIA thrown into the fire
Here's the thing about being in the forest. You can see the tree know it's a tree you still can't see the tees through the forest.

Time history is like that.

In a year we make look back with the realization of what occured and it's effects.
In his latest book, The Singularity is Nearer, released June 25, Kurzweil forecasts that by the 2030s, medical nanorobots, tiny robots that can operate at the molecular level, will allow humans to transcend the limitations of biological organs.

>Kurzweil’s prediction, while ambitious, is increasingly looking like more of a reality as a team of releasers at Karolinska Institutet have developed nanorobots that can seek out and eliminate cancer cells with unprecedented precision while leaving surrounding healthy cells unharmed.
Ffs can someone here disclose the full nature of this shit so I can understand what even happened? Why did everyone keep everything from me and then flip the fuck out when shit hit the fan? Like you fuck with someone's entire existence to the point they barely want to get up, go through the motions, ignore their advice, and work to stifle and silence them, and then you say
>It is all your fault!
Wtf. I get called a demon, alien, angel, monster, pissant, you name it. So which is it? Either i did it all or i did nothing, and all the while noone tells me shit. Just cryptic allusion that adds more burden and frustration for the sake of it. It's like God and Satan play tug of war with me. I try to meet everyone in the middle but I cant make it work because i get fucked with regardless of how i move one way or another. And you say i got what i wanted? What did i win? Im still here, gave everything up, did everything i could. Wtf.
>bullet impacts surface
>bullet fragments or deforms and redirects
yes you should be wary of this
fragmentation can also occur up your armor plates into your chin and neck
fabric helps trap alot of that over open plates same with neckguards
and now
a post by gigachad himself
arent you the guy that always moves with mob? always paying people 50k can't take the word No?
caught in a trap I can't look back baby I hate days like this
No who the fuck is mob?
correct. there's a difference. one has a goal of defense, to stop violence by any means necessary. we all agree; self-defense isn't violence, on an individual or national scale. one has a goal of offense, to conquer for land, resources, or some idelogical genocide, using violence by any means necessary. one decreases violence, one increases it. you will never make it cease nor can you make the whole world a battleground, bc everyone would die, leaving no one to be violent. anti-violence wins
the mob, idiot
Guys isa nightmare its like a bad dream omgz we need to like end our miserraaay

>Be god
>Come down here to live the human experience and demand basic human rights
>Humans immediately try to kill and rape you then kill you
>They try to make your life a living hell
>They try to rape and kill you one final time via the GATE program
>9/11 is basically a sign of what’s to come
>They get mad when you spank them with Orion’s Belt and give them the cenobite special
New thread

Jews pay you 50k to sell out? Yea that’s very old news
No I'm not with the mob. Never was. Not affiliated with anyone. It's only me. It's always been me alone here. So again, wtf is the deal with all this? What did i do?
then it wasn't meant for you, sorry
Done my homework diligently It's Lucifer the tripfag no doubt

>Terminator poop

the nobody would climb a mountain of woman to get to the hole of a boy
You are not the nobody, ergo this must be a projection.
what's going on lads? it wasn't just another troll was it? You know I get my hopes up, it's fine to look forward to things, even if they weren't real, at least I can still look forward to things
Im Treated Poorly
>Can he even get a visa to get in the usa?
hes too afraid to step on US soil
Now, that isn't true at all.
ur probably fine i tried doing that too lol

I Am Whatever You Want Me To Be

Are We Headed Towards The End Of This World
There is a big difference between being too afraid of doing something and a large number of people conspiring to- among other things - make sure you can never afford to do something out of fear of you.
Your Wrong We Are Angels Living In Human Host Bodies

Everything Is Always Working Out For Me

of course its a troll, its all for kek, the frog lord.
S T F U Loser You Are Way Below My Standards
That's because you're a *fallen* angel wearing some poor bastard like a skin suit.
We are not the same.
your standards are too high anyway, im just a lowly servant of death.
I Created Evil But I Never Used It Why Do You
And this is not evil.
This is fighting back.
Good stepped back and what did evil do?
What it does best.
Fuck everything up.
Gifted Anon I Am Not Fake

Life Is Death Death Is Life
the knowbody

No Youre Right About That I Cant Understand Why People Cant Understand

Go Ahead And Keep Criticizing Me For Everything I Am Not And In The Process Lose What I Am

Oh Lord Please Let Me Have My Wings Again And Mighty Sword
I don't believe you, I bet there was some woman here who wants to have a powerful magical conceiving ritual with me. I bet there are several
This Is What Gematria Wants To Show You

Ask For What You Want And Be Prepared Should You Get It
the peeandpoopbody
All For A Larp Right
yo what does the gematria wanna show me senpai, can u do sum numbers n shit pls
somebody use magic to give me a steak and green beans and rice please
People Do Not Believe That Merely Reading Gematria Spells Can Turn Them Transgender Until It Is Too Late

Would You Rather Have A Lexus Or Justice
I don't know what you mean. I am not larping, I want to start many family trees. Is this abnormal? I lost my family when I was young, I imagine this may have something to do with the pull I am feeling
Both ideally.
the knownbuddy ! :)
I'd say come over to my house but I think you're already here with your surveillance and remote viewing
steaks in the fridge, green beans on the counter
help yourself faggot
Then by default you fail the honesty test right? That's the only justification needed, not that its the only one period.
Why can't you quit tobacco?
how do I make a bunny disappear
I don't know
just too addicted
love the taste, the smell, the way it makes me feel
You're a tobacco addict and yet you can still taste or smell it let alone enjoy the taste and smell, I call bullshit.
what are them moving images called again
I lived a long time, bro
let it go

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