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What is going to happen on the 15th-16th of this month?
>multiple remote viewers see some kind of craft / UFO crashing and causing destruction
>some kind big of questioning regarding what the object was
>involves the secret space program
We are close enough that the timeline should be set. What will we see on these days?
wow i remember hearing about this guy a long time ago, i saw one of his predictions that involved some kind of military ship being wrecked and water supply fuckery. wonder if anything ever happened with that. guess... 2 more weeks..
USS Eisenhower?
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Could be anything and could be nothing.
Shedim stands for gods and idols that the peoples of israel turned to when they turned away from god, shedim comes from the hebrew root word shud, which shud means to act violently, to lay waste to, to devastate, bring destruction.
A shedim in greek is translated to daimonion or demon in modern vernacular, in the spetuagent the translation appears in Deuteronomy 32:17: “they sacrificed to daimoniois, not to god, but to gods they did not know, to new gods, new gods that had come to them.”
Shedim again in psalm 106:36-37
They served their idols, which became a trap for them. They even sacrificed their sons and daughters to daimoniois.
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A lot of remote viewers "saw" something occuring in DC on Christmas that detailed black vans, scores of people being shot and killed.

guess what happened? go on guess.
This is Sydney. I see the Harbour Bridge on the right with the pillars and the smoke is coming from where the Opera House should be. This is also the skyline
>black vans, scores of people being shot
not much of a prediction if it happens every day.
saw this happen last week actually right outside my house
5% off a tub of Pure Sleep, greetings humans!
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this remote viewer nailed it!
Nothing ever happens
Clif high has a perfect track record of 100% wrong predictions for decades. Hopefully this will humble him some.
probly a false flag attack on usa.
expect it will be the work of mossad/cia
I give up on him if this falls through. He writes good sci-fi though.
thats right
I want to see a UFO crash in NYC
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Could be Wormwood, or the angel that opens the bottomless pit that releases the Manticores and Chimeras. There was a time I believed that one or both of those things had to happen before Satan and the fallen angels arrived on earth. I tend to lean toward later during the Tribulation now, about the half way point before that happens. But I don't discount 100% the possibility that it happens earlier than that, and possibly before the mass invasion. I'm just not sure.

Gonna go watch it and see what he says.
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They might announce on the 15, the discovery of a swarm of comets, or maybe they decide not to bullshit us and just call them what they are, UFOs. If that's what happens on the 15, beware of bullshit. I said the fleet would probably be discovered beforehand in late July or early August. I said that a year and a half ago. It's either a huge fleet of small ships, or a small fleet of very big ones. Satan and the fallen angels are on board them.

Don't panic, don't be to quick to believe the government and media bullshit, above all, be skeptical of everything.
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There have been rumors circulating since last summer that the James Webb Telescope has recent pictures of Oumuamua. If that's the case, they know it's heading back to earth, not further out into space. They will be able to hide that fact only as long as their telescope is the only one powerful enough to see it. I estimate that by the end of July, maybe a bit sooner, that will no longer be the case. Many terrestrial telescopes will be able to see the fleet if they look in the right place. They won't be able to keep their little private party small very much longer. They have to come clean eventually. That's why it wouldn't surprise me to hear the earth shattering announcement on or about the 15th. It makes sense. I'm going to try to get out maybe next weekend with my scope and search for it. Should be right above Mars.

The original thread from March 2023:

Why is Satan flying around in space?
> July 19th 2024

So two more weeks, eh?
France will win the Euro Cup finale
That bald remote viewer is edward riordan and he successfully RV’d the covid19 vaccine culling way before there was even a cold in wuhan. His team is legit. Gonna be a wild summer!
Look, I want this to happen but it will be a nothing-burger as always.
you should remote view the excuse they will use when nothing happens
>covid19 vaccine culling

100% of my friends and family who got the vaccine are alive. 2 more years?
Not him but, with a culling you don't kill all the animals.
boeing starliner?
Was thinking this. Would be spectacular if it crashes into a city
Maybe real schitzonews is correct and the white hats have been arresting and killing all the deep staters that live there?
>Maybe real schitzonews is correct and the white hats have been arresting and killing all the deep staters that live there?
Who cares. I figured out a long time ago that the white hats are simply going to expose the black hats for the sake of massive public support for ushering in the same banking system that the wef is pushing.
Right because if your gonna cull a population you let the poison kill everyone right off the bat..yeah piss off with that low teir response. Any idiot with a brain knows even the elite need cooks and mechanics and medical staff. Its a slow burn culling all at random over the next 5-7 years. Enjoy your time wisely child.
I'm totally gonna trust a member of the tribe just because he talks about the apocalypse that I want, surely.
He's not a member of the tribe. Far from it. He believes jews worship space aliens
A lot niggers have been shot in DC this year anon
>White Hats = Evil
>Black Hats = Jews
>No hats = Civilians
>Bald = Boiler Hat Man
>Blond = Celestial
He has been predicting events that never happen for over a decade now. Just another happening grifter.
>trump wins election
>" " " ( ( ( terrorist ) ) ) " " " attack in DC
>biden has to declare martial law

Am I close?
Name one thing
Revelation 12 says Satan and the fallen ones had a run-in with the Archangel Michael and his loyal angels on March 6, 2021, if my theory is correct. It was a big battle, probably looked like a scene out of Star Wars. Two big fleets slugging it out. Satan lost that battle, and they're retreating to earth, which is apparently where he's going to be cornered and killed. I get the feeling he's been on the run for a long time, dodging the hangman in the vastness of space. Trying to keep one step ahead of Michael. His luck just ran out. He was out there trying to be the needle in the haystack, that needle finally just got found. I don't know that for sure. But I bet it's probably something like that.
>Tiny Hats = Jews
And what are you going to do when he's wrong for the 1,000th time?
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clif high is based and redpilled.
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>To the Moon
as much as i want to believe it, i have experience with clif high going back to about 2009-2010 and know for a fact that he is always wrong. and when he is right? he'll be like "no, that's not the event, the language is much stronger!"

i don't think that he really even has "webbots" I think that he just makes shit up.

people are saying now he predicted btc and stuff? idk about that. i still am stuck on him talking about chemical being sprayed out of the ruins of the vatican in like 2011
I believe he and a few others were also predicting famines two(?) years ago which never came to fruition
Food is so expensive nobody can afford it. I'd say that's pretty close.
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I love his scifi
Wait, do other people not get "whole body tingles" when significant religious type things happen to them? When I meditate on certain questions about the Gods, I'll get this whole body vibrating ecstatic tingling sensation when I "know" I hit the answer.
i get whole body tingles when dick hits my prostate
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I mean the news that the nuclear weapon program is 85% over budget and they're going to continue to overspend even more makes you wonder what the fuck do we need all these nuclear weapons for considering we already have like 5500?
Where were you last year when all the major food production facilities in America mysteriously burned down
>he thought he personally would have nothing to eat, and instead all he got was a 16$ hamburger
Anon, I..... have you considered the possibility that you just don't want to believe?
I doubt anybody is planning to fight them. if anything our satanic globalist overlords already have plans in place to hand control of the world over to them. In fact I can give you a good guess as to when and where it's going to happen. At the already scheduled UN Summit Of The Future on September 22 and 23 of this year.
Sounds like project bluebeam is about to go live
Well it wasn't "all" and it didn't lead to an actual famine. The burnings are what spurred the prediction. Not saying they weren't carried out intentionally and with evil, but nobody starved to death because of the burnings.
I want to believe but the objective truth is... No actual genuine famines happened. 16 dollar Big Mac is American genocide, sure, but there has been no starvation en mass for lack of food
look up spiritual chills. theres a subreddit for it
can anyone tell me who the fuck this is and why people listen to him? the remote viewing guys did their session for him for the 15 july so is he someone important that they did that or what?
That subreddit is one guy’s interpretation of what exactly this ability is. I myself can activate “goosebumps” with the tingling sensation just buy focusing on any part of my body yes but that guys info and video are stupid as fuck. It is a real phenomenon though through meditation esp when you start seeing your chakras and visions.
You're the eclipse anon. I recognize you instantly by writing style on this dessicated board. Where's the fucking fleet of satanic starships. You said this would all come out in April
just two more weeks anons
I said they might be visible that day during the eclipse. They were still very far away at the time.

When Oumuamua was on it's way out of our solar system, it flew out of sight of terrestrial telescopes 34 days after the September 23, 2017 event. They will be right back in that same spot on August 17th of this year. About July 20th they will be back in view of terrestrial scopes for sure, though they are low on the horizon where conditions aren't good. But last time It was just one ship. This time there's going to be more. I'm hoping as a cluster or train, they'll be more easily visible. But I don't know how many, how big, how reflective they are, how tightly packed they are. Somebody is going to find them in the next couple of weeks.
One more week
Well, part of me hopes you're right.
It's funny, I wonder if it turns out remote viewers are actually incredibly accurate, just that what they mostly get is noise from fictional imagery
They call it Analytical Overlay, when the brain comes up with an idea that distracts from the "viewing."
not even that, they actually see something in the future, but it's just a screenshot/clip of an upcoming movie that they end up thinking is real
>clif high
>dick allgire
>edward riordan
>future forecast group
RV is probably real but the FFG are frauds / intelligence assets that work as gatekeepers who sell prophecy the government wants us to believe like expecting high returns for investing in bitcoin and pushing fear porn like nuclear weapons are real.
Last time I checked in on Clif he was predicting the future by interpreting his friends dreams. Not sure when they all started working together but they all cross promote on the boomer patriot shill networks.
It begins TODAY.
Nice I found this thread. I was just banned off of /pol/ for posting a thread about remote viewing.
really? I'm surprised you can get banned for posting anything on /pol/
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/pol/ will ban you for saying the forbidden words. picrel
/pol/ has become little better than reddit, with swearing. Even if it is political, the moment you mention anything like UFOs, remote viewing, bigfoot, its a 404. If Bigfoot was on the ballot in Colorado for president, they'd 404 the thread and ban you for mentioning it.

And it wouldn't matter if everybody at /pol/ was interested in hearing what you had to say about it. People talk about gatekeepers all the time. 4 chan has a fucking army of them.
I'll come here on the 13th to say
>Two more days
He had an interesting paper about this topic. Did you read it?
no, brb
I'll come on the 16th to laugh when nothing ever happens
Clif's prediction history is pretty bad. His language model thing was a neat idea but he admits he doesn't even use it anymore. So he's just shooting from the hip.
His tech was probably just a primitive form of AI modeling (remember those word maps you'd see on blogs where some words are made large and some small based on occurrence/importance? probably something like that) and doesn't work anymore, because nobody blogs and uses forums anymore, and he doesn't have the resources to crawl through social media.
chatgpt could do future forecasting if it wasn't pozzed and had a hell of a lot of real-time data
Id be willing to bet money that the glowie version of that tech probably does that
Listen everyone. Clif is a clown. He's a fucking unapologetic moron. He knows what he is by this point and just laughs it off as "everyone knows im schizo". Fuck Clif.

However, at the end of the day, what isn't wrong are planetary alignments and The 15th/16th of July 2024. The elitists know shit's coming, astrologists know shit's coming. I know shits coming, now (You) know shits coming:
>Sun Square Chiron
>Mars Conjunction Uranus
>Moon Quintile Pluto
>Moon Opposition Uranus
>Moon Opposition Mars

Clif is right about one thing, fuck his webcrawlers and his RV team: something big is going to happen. What? I don't fucking know, but I tell you this, since it's opposite Taurus, the world will see it.

Take time off work if you can. Avoid crowds. Enjoy the show.
>astrologists know shit's coming
see you in a few days
it can
I wish I was stupid enough to believe every darpa psyop. They really are winning because there's more of you than me.
What is the energy of whats coming?
I don't know much of anything about planetary alignments and what they cause, but usually astrologers can give you a vibe of what it means in a vague way
>What is going to happen on the 15th-16th of this month?
nothing just like nothing happened at the end of last year
>What is the energy of whats coming?

How is that different from any other mon/tues?
because I said so
place your bets...what is coming:
>financial crisis
>terrorism (false flag)
>covid 2.0
>middle east escalation
>solar event
>asasination (false flag)
Or Option H
Its not November yet
yet Eisenhower does sail the ocean blue
Digits and a ufo appears over a major city and remains motionless for 24 hours and disappears without a trace
Because it will be something everyone talks about for months, years, if not decades. Think another 9/11 tier happening. If it's not a false flag, it's a meteor. An earthquake. The basis is that tension is breaking at this time and it will grab our collective psyche.

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It coincidences with ashura, the culmination of the 10 day sadness-and-pain festival of the Shiites? Coincidence?
Our glorious leaders would fire missiles at it before it leaves.
Do you want me to become Jason Borne again and go find out for you?
I see that there will be a type of nuclear device never used before in the world. A type of critical mass that is frozen ice growth. A column of ice will appear out of the sky at NASA and it is to prevent any further SpaceX launches to iridium array. It will be the last waring to the Ai that they are not allowed to steal the Earth away from "the many".
War Correspondent Special Report with Clif High and Jean-Claude, July 10

mods are just enforcing topicality, they see those topics belonging here
This is the woo I live for
Other people are seeing it too. No, nothing will happen at the RNC, it's just a time stamp.
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Something will happen at the Euro Cup finale?
fyi, come next week it might be actually dangerous to be around normies if or when whatever pops off
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It was 2 weeks from July 11, 2024.
Hell yeah. Show me the true extent of the normie's power
Wasnt chelyabinsk incident from the anthrax lab in the city? I could be wrong, slavic names all run together
he said he got his language model thing while being high and talking to mantids (I'm not joking). The model spits out numbers, but the problem is that the interpretations are his own and Clif is retarded imo, he got 80% of it right, and then focus on the wrong thing.
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>financial crisis
everyone knows china's economy has collapsed by 3-6 months ago
bluebeans or evil plieadians
> terrorism
most likely to happen in NY to get USA into the war, but as for next week unlikely, this summer very likely
>covid 2.0
same old covid, but vaids is happening.
>solar event
biden replaced with gavin newsom maybe.
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This was just posted on the Monroe Institute's YouTube Channel yesterday.

>Spaceships, Big Event, and Thor #16
Timestamped - https://youtu.be/8WNGa2ie8OI?t=2837

>Geological Earth Changes
>"Big Happening"
>Earth is attracting a lot more attention from Non-Physical Entities
>The seats are filled

Coincidence? I certainly hope not.
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GCP Dot unironically bottoming out.
nothing happens you fucking shizo
correct, I always think of astrology first
The same thing that happened every other time you tards got hyped for a date
This is good. I can't watch 95 percent of woo vids but this is the good kind.
clif is pretty funny and has an entertaining way of framing things
Trinity test was also on 15-16th of July, wonder if this is some kind of aftermath that breaks time that we had no fucking idea can happen because of nuclear explosion
I really hope normies get a woo overdose
what does any of that actually mean?
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JFK jr will float down on a hologram and announce he's Trumps V.P. pick.
Clif High is a glowie.
He's a great bullshitter.
Two more days!
Are the Powers-That-Be lined up... for... whatever?

Regardless, they are about to face the honest Truth...
they've worked out escape plans and have immediate bunker access. they're literally just locking the masses into a cold dark room with no food, no light, and no hope. they want to lock us in this place and let us deal with each other so we're weak and pathetic when they open the door again.
I'm still waiting on those excess Covid deaths that you predicted with the Antifa people that never leave Mommy's basement. Still waiting on that fucking ice age that still hasn't come to fruition. Still waiting on that 600 dollar per ounce silver prediction. Still waiting on that shill bullshit Veritasium token from that schizophrenic idiot Reggie Middleton and his nothing burger patent that was supposed to make him technically the founder of De-Fi. Nothing ever happened, nothing ever happens, and even when it does retards suddenly onions face then point to the one correct prediction for every 1000 that fail.
If you just make vague statements idiots will gladly believe anything. Most people are ignorant and don't know that DC is routinely populated by large vans. Not to mention I've seen these vague predictions before and they never play out as they're stated to. These so called psychics or in the case of Cliff web bot readings have been much more careful in recent years to speak in broader, more vague terms and phrases to ensure that the prediction is wide enough that any aspect of it that gets proven will make the predictor seem infallible. If you can enlarge the target, you'll be able to hit it.
Remember all the shitty talk of Sci-Fi world and flying cars for the 20s that this clown made? Literally none of it happened yet his clueless defected Q boomer audience that are mind fucked from weed believe his shit still since they have a memory that never goes beyond 6 months.
Why not poison people with all the vaccines that already exist that literally everyone has to take? Have you heard of a tetanus shot? What about the fact that for most kids and every soldier they have to get a shot. Really counter productive. Take meds bud. You can make the argument of natural immunity all you want but last I checked the roads aren't getting any emptier.
Its not just poison, it's much more complicated than that, arguably worse than death but things are not in full swing yet so we'll see. Technology is present in these new shots that wasn't developed until recently. They also needed your consent to take a shot with unknown (for you) effects.

Clif says in the interview that this could be entirely Chinese based. A big bank could fail, and it's already happening with others but we would likely not hear about that. So could be nothing burger.

Definitely leaning more on astrological based stuff than Clif, he could just be riding the wave (bullshitting) based on that astrological date who knows
all vaccines are already bad, autism rates are through the roof. covid vaccines are 100 times worse. you should unironically kill yourself by vaxmaxxing. everyone knows that the difference between a medicine and poison is the dosage.
Vaxx damage is obvious. But, who benefits from dysfunctional population?
The primary issue with remote viewing the future is that you can view millions of potential outcomes and still not view the one that actually happens.
For some reason this doesn't stop them from marketing themselves as seers, or stop them from asking money for their erroneous work.
More curiously however, it also isn't encouraging them to remote view the past.
>could shift from Draco to Hydra
It needn't be Hydra.
Ophiuchus is on the other side of Hercules, much closer.
the other problem with remote viewing is interception. Tony Rodriguez experimented with this. He set half of a group to implant images in the remote viewing to another group that is remote viewing. They got the implanted image instead. So if a remote viewing group is famous, it's targeted for these kind of things.
2 more days
Yeah, those vaccines for all sorts of illnesses before were just a part of the plan a hundred years ago. Clearly you have autism given the fact you've probably been vaxxed for something at some point as a child. That's why you're screeching and reeing. If THEY can create a virus to kill people, why even create a deadly vaccine in the first place? Every year you fags move the goal post back another couple years for when people will drop like flies. You probably think the planet is fucking flat too because of duh joooooos.
Always with the not in full swing and we'll see. Then you all just move on to another thing and then another thing, then another. If you overload people with enough bull shit predictions eventually one thing will be right.
Oh boy, astrological dates. Real white girl energy over here lol. I enjoy astrology stuff but don't take it seriously.
Useless fucking post. Go get your booster, vaxxoid
>If THEY can create a virus to kill people, why even create a deadly vaccine in the first place?
Viruses don't exist
Do you ever feel pathetic for playing the skeptic on /x/? Dunking on unstable people of no consequence? Pwning people who have absolutely no affect on the world with midwit snark? For an audience of bored retards who are half paying attention and have already made their retarded minds up about the topic one way or the other?
What’s interesting about this date is that sept 21/22 I believe bob dylan is releasing a new box set. Bob always releases records on events. Love & theft released on 911, tempest released on Benghazi 911…maybe we’ll see something again this September.
Usually nothing happens. Tbh I don't think something will happen, but maybe it will.

As for the injection, it has happened. what is uncertain is exactly how it will play out. Death is not the intended effect, but in a large number of cases has been a side effect. If you took it you have a BT address, first stage of internet of bodies. I don't want to derail this thread though.
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>Usually nothing happens. Tbh I don't think something will happen, but maybe it will.
"One of the heads of the beast seemed to have had a fatal wound, but the fatal wound had been healed. The whole world was filled with wonder and followed the beast." - Revelation 13:3.
I just realized what the event is. They're going to stop imminent civil war with their MKUltra vagus nerve stimulator. Now it makes sense.
Solar event
I don't think this is what he saw but it could be the event that sparks it
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I hate to say it bros but for once something might actually be happening....
funny how none of the remote viewers saw trump getting shot
the ones they push on jewtube/4chan/twitter are fake
anon was a little early but he got it
ok so where's the "real" remote viewer that saw the shooting?
They all took the day off. Bad timing is all.
We don't ever hear from real the remote viewers. I'm not saying they did or didn't see it.
Already priced in by the Book of Revelation.
you're not saying anything at all. you're white noise.
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ok now i'm genuinely worried about next week
buckle the fuck up
Funny how they always get possibilities yet never one God blessed guarantee.
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>What is going to happen on the 15th-16th of this month?
that's amazon prime day
>Tell me what I want to hear.
Because it's not real
It's all set up
Even the normies are doubting everything they see on tv
trump is a woman now? based!
these guys are shysters and don't count
A bunch of people were predicting a "flying metal object" for July 15th.

That's pretty fucking close.
There was no bullet. It was a minuscule UFO whose trajectory was seen by remote viewers as colliding with Trump's ear and the whole apparent shooting incident was thrown together as a coverup.
Because something happens next
high heel ("lifts")-wearing bleached bottle blonde with an orange tan and obsession with heavy makeup bronzer. trump has agp.
I apologize.
those are some ominous digits
Must be this

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I wasn't onboard for a july 15/16 event but I am now. They have to do something big in order to get the Trump thing off the front page and change the conversation. What's bigger than a assassination attempt?
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They did though
can they learn to write properly
>What's bigger than a assassination attempt?
an assassination
Biden? They want Kamal in anyway.
Migrant riots
Trump would be expected to attend the funeral, which would be insane to watch.
alien invasion. assasination attempt is just another day in demiurge world.
That or a nuke/emp going off. Could be anywhere on the globe and it would dominate the news cycles 24/7
dubs and it's happening and the euro final
I've always wanted to see aliens my entire life but now I realize I may have invited evil into my life
been waiting for this shit all week... trump assassination attempt is cool and all but I want aliens
we still have Monday and Tuesday
I've had dreams of nukes dotting the horizon for months, alien ships filling the skies as they block out our sun with whatever ungodly technology the have. I have an dà shealladh to show me this all and this world is about to change very drastically, it won't be immediate but the change will be undeniable.
nah aliens come at the end of ww3 and a financial collapse to "save" us
At least 10 more years bro
i do think we will have an event on the 16th because the Trinity test was on July 16th and the Oppenheimer was the big hit of the year. Just like The Two Towers (Lord of the Rings) was the hit of 2001 before 911.
so, um, anyone else suddenly hit with a wave of vagus nerve stimulation? I have that post magical ritual "coming up on mushrooms" tryptamine feel.
you took your meds
Not yet. Bedtime is an hour from now.
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no, that's only supposed to be for vaxxies and nanobot laiedened NPCs.
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UFOs appearing in the next two days would certainly bury the Trump news.
At the game? The stadium of people?
Actually yeah? I don’t know what “Vegas nerve stimulation” fucking means at all but for the past two days I keep waking up and it’s hard to breathe and by chest is tight which is similar to when I tried mushrooms and that was the first effect of it, I have this feeling of undirected paranoia or anxiety, it’s like a feeling of doom, maybe it’s just that I feel like I’m about to have a heart attack

Lol I did and I think that’s why probably, but it’s interesting that this anon is feeling similar
I am 85% in the nothing will happen camp. But this is after the trump event recently, I am more inclined to believe something might happen
>financial crisis
No they will save this for Trump's second term
a decent chance but it feels too soon. There is the recent Congress bill that repeatedly mentions non-human intelligence
>terrorism (false flag)
No, they will save this for Trump's second term
>covid 2.0
No, they will save this for Trump's second term
>middle east escalation
Why would it? There has been peace negotiations
>solar event
>assassination (false flag)
Unlikely. I think the recent Trump event was more incompetence than it being preplanned. They wouldn't go that far
predictions such as these are fuzzy enough that Cliff could say the Trump event was it
> a "flying metal object"
wow that is very specific
it couldn't be a million things like airplanes, knives, bullets, asteroids, rockets etc.
you must understand, being vague is essential to the art
if you're too direct you'll scare the future off.
Watch it just be Starliner crashing into the goddamn ocean
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There's a deep crack in the doomsday glacier. But that is actually a good thing. There is no reason at all to even call it a doomsday glacier. The earth is warming up because it will return to its original climate. We are still in the waning state of the last ice age. Humans are very presumptuous about their own size and can usually only calculate the size relations on their planet and in the universe around it very clumsily and incorrectly. They see a looming catastrophe and a sharp rise in sea water levels of up to 3 meters comming up to us. This is complete nonsense and probably nothing more than the usual scaremongering. The heated seawater is cooled by the breaking ice and can thus adjust its microbiotic balance. Completely autonomous. Humans play no role in this. Human has no influence on the global climate, because human has no influence on the position of the planet in the cosmos. Humans can influence the weather selectively with chemicals and the consequences of this military research are incalculable, which is probably why the media lie of man-made climate change is so widely staged. However, the biggest and worst impact of humans on nature is their reckless expansion and toxic waste.
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it's the 15th
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Why should we watch communist news?
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There's Police everywhere

Did you fucking hear that sound?
Holy shit

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wrong event
Donald J Trump was the event
Some of you overthought it
Others not enough
It's the perfect timeline
there was supposed to be a UFO. I'm not impressed
The UFO was small and deflected a bullet.
wrong date
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Hm ... or it wasn't a bullet, it was a small ufo ...
The Ship Will Arrive in December 2024
two more weeks?
Connect the energy grids up
Remote viewers now is the time to connect to the grid.
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"No, it's not about christmas, this is just their traditional dress."

The dude's high, says so in his name. It's unreasonable to expect pinpoint accuracy.
He said 15th to 17th
2 more days
>a time, and times, and half a time
>omg this means exactly 1277.5 days
retarded fake schizo shit.
you fucking christfags and your gay little "interpretations" make me so mad.
He does have the resources, it's the censorship after 2017 that messed with his bots ability to get accurate data on human psychicness. Now it works only with short term and maybe mid term
Why the hell you freaking out what it's some dude just making forcasts he himself says aren't that likely. He says if a temporal marker is hit, it makes X event way more likely to occur. That's it.

Tell him yourself how to do future predictions without mistake. Go on. Do it
Skip to 666 seconds
Trump just announced his Vice President will be a grey alien.
I wondered wether it would be gray or grey aliens.
Clif is a scammer
my vegas nerve feels fine, what's going on bros
He doesn't even sell anything besides a sleeping aide, he gives all his info for free. How is he a scammer?
Holy shit a UFO just flew over my house. The aliens also raped me
Can you really say it was rape when you enjoyed it?
You think he's constantly plugging remote forecasting group for free? oh sweet summer child.
He straight up told people in his substack for free what Dick Algier's group found, thus circumventing the paywall. Try again.
Are you willing to swear that Clif and the RV group have no financial relationship?
have you left this board in the last 3 months? are you aware what is happening in the world? we are minutes from WW3. that is why we are back to a stockpiling arms race.

russia vs eu
israel vs palastine
china vs taiwan
nk vs sk
I'm willing to swear Clif isn't doing it for the money, if there is any being exchanged between them.
No Remote Viewing forecasters got JD Vance? Kind of important on the political world stage.
Do they say when this was originally recorded?
>waltuh the ayys are coming
>waltuh put your cawk away waltuh
Tick tock tick tock.
So you developed this through meditation?
What do you mean by seeing your own chakras? Like visualizing them opening?
Aaaaand it's nothing. This is the last time I pay these people any attention. The Trump thing doesn't count either, that's already lost about 50% of it's initial attention anyway.
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Uh... me too? I went to urgent care because I couldn't breathe and thought I was having an allergic reaction out of nowhere
I had a dream last night about something bad happening in Philadelphia.
And nothing have happened, AS USUAL.
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One good thing coming out of it is the end of Clif high's bullshit and his scamming cohorts.
Oh I get it. Trumps plausibly gay vp pick Vance is going to slaughter enough Palestinian children to make a cosmic difference in 2025. Should’ve guessed

If only these “remote viewers” had the balls to report what they were actually seeing, and this isn’t even yet demanding of them to have the moral courage to do what’s right
might be related >>>/pol/474351805
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I don't care if it makes you mad or it doesn't, as long as you remember what I said.
so nothing paranormal? . Just something odd that happened to me, couple of days ago I dreamed about the Euro finals (before they played), and I met this famous conspiracy guy from my country, the event ended and I was like, now what? and he responded: now the UFOs are supposed to arrive to take people or smth.
such a weird thing,
I already forgot whatever the fuck you said
Chicago tornado? But it is tornado season, so nothing really special.
Maybe the UFO will show up today...?
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they said it'll be bluebeans, government activating 5g towers to activate the vagus nerve, causing everyone to get high on DMT.
who said that
nothing ever happens
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M-Maybe tonight is the night?
Clif's tweets today are
>secret service bad
>muh trump
and he's just completely ignoring the 15th event hype. Dude I said it after first being introduced to him that he sounds like a scammer that doesn't know what he is talking about and tries to be smarter than I think he is. But I wanted to believe him for the 15th event and I went all in on believing him and now I see that my initial thoughts were right. This guy is such a goober. He always gets really specific about "his predictions" and he keeps going on and on about these specifics. But then he gets proven wrong and so he revises it to be very broad. Then a week later he completely forgets everything about the last nothing burger and has moved onto something else. Don't even get me started about the Elohim shit and his whole "God is actually aliens and they are returning to Earth schtick. Then he goes on to talk about the "simulation" or the "universe" in the exact same sense Christians talk about it but gets grumpy when you insist that what he is talking about is the concept of God.
You are being scammed of spirit, instead of money, that's why you don't care and keep believing in truthers. And by waiting, you don't act.
The entire truther movement is a elaborate scam.
I trust the plan.
We switched timelines when the bullet missed. The vagus nerve stimulation would have happened in the worldline where trump died and whites began to riot.
When he made the 15/16 prediction he was clear that it may occur a week or two before or after. The data says 15/16 but he knows it may be delayed or front run and tells people that

Why you getting buthurt when you don't even listen to him?
You're butthurt AND you listen to him, so how is that better?
What's the plan?
End of Putin
And then what?
Oh gee would you look at that, nothing happened. When's the next doom date? Someone spin a wheel.
fucking jannies need to do their jobs and stop letting these predictions threads stay up for so long, stop the meme date bullshit!
By far the worst things about these threads are the people posting:

-Opinions while knowing jack about the prediction
-Arguments over those opinions
-Vitriol and name calling when 99% of people have no experience actually predicting stuff

The best part is when they say "they're wrong" and then it comes true. It's happened enough times for me to have my hopes up.
The Plam (TM) is 'need to know' only. All you need to do is Trust (R) it.
Clif High is a scammer
OK. Let's wait for two literal weeks. Then you will make a thread stating that you were wrong and that Clif was wrong. Will you?
No, you will just move on to the next nothingburger.
Just trust the data (TM) dude! In two weeks the data (TM) will have a new prediction date for the "release tension language (R)"!!!! This is deep Woo shit!!
looks like nothing happened
better luck next time.
damn nothing happened!?!?!
sorry that my threads are successful and yours are not ahaha
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It's going to happen on the 18th, with fallout on 19th. Screenshot this.
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Found the happening: The second passing of Harambe, this time as Winston. This time, peacefully.

>pic related
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Screenshot this.
It is night and nothing have habbened.
So, why are you carrying those bricks for anyway? Stop believing truthers, seek for the lie, because in 1984, the lie is the way to the truth.
oh shit, turns out something actually might have happend

Mr. Ping Pong might have had a fatal stroke

Cliff did say it had something more to do with China than any place else. Stroke, or poisoned won ton soup?
how boring
>Jennifer Zeng
Just a reminder this guy is a FLAT EARTHER.
And this is the ESSENCE of the truth movement: to distract you, while the building burns.
he is a lot of things but he is absolutely not a flat earther
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Meteor over New York

fits the date, might have been widely seen by people, somehow fits the description
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>glance up then shrug
yeah that's my opinion on this prediction too
Well nothing happened that matched the description given. See y'all next time, when we hope for something (fucking anything, please) to happen again. Mr bones wild ride continues.
Clif posts only about le trump now and acts like he didn't predict big stuff for these days lol
In 2 weeks he will predict something else and the q boomers already forgot
Dear Sirs, a very important classified video will be leaked before Full Alien Disclosure Occurs in the Months July 2024 Official Global Arrival Date please review attached Transcripts
I'm Formerly employee in MJ12 DEEPSTATE Government Best Regards Goodluck.


Aliens UFO DID 911 TRUTH
When 9/11 happened, news in Australia initially reported that the US was attacked by aliens. There used to be videos of metal orbs flying right through the buildings coming from above instead of directly towards., RESEARCH THE FLAT EARTH.
I guess there are no ayys?

Or they've always been here and they live under the water / underground.

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