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Welcome. The purpose of this general is to show you how to use your own wonderful human imagination to achieve your every desire.

The world and all within it is man’s conditioned consciousness objectified. Consciousness is the cause as well as the substance of the entire world. So it is to consciousness that we must turn if we would discover the secret of creation. Knowledge of the law of consciousness and the method of operating this law will enable you to accomplish all you desire in life.

Your assumptions right now decide how long that will take for you.

The Main Concepts:
> Imagination creates Reality
> Assumptions harden into fact
> Consciousness is the only Reality
> Feeling is the Secret
> Prayer, Living in the End/In the Wish Fulfilled (remaining Faithful to your Idea)
> You are the Operant Power
> There is no one to change but Self (Self-Concept)
> Thinking Fourth-Dimensionally (Time is an Illusion)

> Can I manifest ___?
Yes! Creation is finished.

> Curious? Do the Ladder Experiment

> The Simple Technique

> Who is Neville Goddard?
Neville was a mystic who taught the Bible as a parable of the human psyche — a great psychological drama — and not a record of historical events.

Recommendations for beginners:
> How to manifest your desires (Core 5 Lessons & Radio Talks)

> Neville's Feeling is the Secret
>> Audiobook

> The Power of Awareness
>> Audiobook

—/ Extra resources /—
>Master Index

> Universal Line

> Library (Hemi-Sync included)

>Previous Thread
Praise Lilanon.
That’s all you need.
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Attention all newbies, lilanon cannot manifest.
If this is what you consider success you're going nowhere.
That’s impressive if true.
He summoned a woman who is apparently a Neville type. To me that’s unattractive but ok
He has gained exponential money every year. That means colossal money within a few years.
He is immune to death.
His manifests are perfect because he manifests perfect manifests.
Also time travel and reality alteration.
This is some hero stuff.
Incredible success.
Ok I have a list of 11 things I want and the top 2 are a beautiful loving wife and £25,000 income a month (what can I say I'm a simple man XD) despite me not having a job currently. Reading "the simple technique" in the OP correct me if I'm wrong but is it saying:

1. Know exactly what you want and make the scene as detailed as possible
2. Get into a drowsy state (alpha/theta brainwaves) before falling asleep
3. Repeat the scene over and over and over until it starts to feel real like "holy shit this feels so real!"
4. Fall asleep with that feeling and scene
5. Get the "wish fulfilled" or "it is done" feeling and go about your day like normal

However with SATS I tend to always half ass it then I forget about the scene and think about other random shit then I fall asleep forgetting the scene. I guess I just need to practice more.
Also I understand that self persuasion and belief in the process is the main thing that prevents most people from manifesting, I struggle with it to but can you get to the point like in number 3 where you repeat the scene so much and try to live in it that you go "holy fuck this feels real!?!" will that make it work?
Guys I think I potentially figured something out, why some people have difficulty with this. I was reading a book on the jungean perspective on narcissism. And that book mentioned how the jewish race has tons of it. So I thought, what kind of effects would that have, in our realm especially. Well I think one major thing of narcissism is not being able to comprehend the perspective of other people. So in other religions there are pre-requisites to get somewhere. There are certain guided paths, you are tested, wisdom is given appropriate to your level. And LOA just has the same, it has pre-requisites. The reason you get this "just do it, you already can" is a sort of language from a narcissist who does not understand your level and progress.

In a similar way people say "you yourself are to blame for everything". But practically speaking, most people cannot even feel the self, they cannot reach it or manipulate it to stop making bad choices. Or how the hippies go like "we are all one soul, one monad". But practically speaking it is useless to know that for our realm.

So loa, apart from a white man doing his work, that is Neville. Basically has content that is not suited for other people, because a narcissist wrote it. THAT IS THE REASON WHY YOU DONT HAVE SUCCESS. ITS A VERY SPECIFIC THING, FOR ONE PERSON. MAYBE NOT EVEN ONE RACE THAT IS THE JEW. WITH WHOM IT WORKS.
I believe i have inadvertently manifested in my past. I used to daydream vividly in my 20s. I used to create imaginary gf scenarios. I always wanted to date a cool actress. One night I actually met a girl who fit the bill perfectly but I fucked it up, my life just couldn't contain someone like that at the time, I was clueless.

I used to dream about a huge titted gf and I actually had one for a while which I can't believe now looking back.

I created an imaginary gf once, gave her a name including surname. Some years later I found myself sat in a classroom at an adult learning course next to a cute girl who had the same fucking surname. I didn't even remember until much later and was shocked. I didn't take action sadly and the opportunity was missed.

It seems that the "universe" will respond to your wishes, even if they don't manifest perfectly. But then it's up to you to take advantage, nothing is simply gifted. It seems you still have to hold up your end of the bargain once shit happens.

All this is supposedly the result of quantum physics? Similar concept to chaos magick?

I should add, all this stuff happened when I'd basically forgotten about my previous fantasies. There was a delay of years involved, how long exactly I can't say. One thing I've learned in life that is undeniable is that good things happen when you have zero expectations, even negative expectations. It seems the more you chase stuff, the worse things are. Very difficult to "try not to try" though.
Yeah, Neville still had to board the boat to Barbados.
I had a similar thing happened to me. I saw a girl in my dreams who looked a particular way, and I knew her name, I felt feelings of love for her in the dream. 20 days later I see the exact same girl irl. I knew she had the same name because she was wearing a nametag. I didn't talk to her though and never saw her again.
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>"bro, just like, go down several meta layers, just like that, something that mostly only long term buddhist meditators can do, bro just do it, like in one second"

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Thanks for baking!

>He summoned a woman who is apparently a Neville type. To me that’s unattractive but ok

Neville General Person manifestation is traits only, not a specific person. And no, not like Goddard :D
>I guess I just need to practice more
Practice your scene during the day, you should be able to bring it to mind as soon as you get deep enough in SATS. It doesn't hurt to do clearing your mind and mental relaxation exercises to quiet the mental noise.
>I believe i have inadvertently manifested in my past.
Yes, all of these count. Now, you know you can do it deliberately. Use these examples in your mind to bolster your faith- you did it before without even knowing. Just imagine what you can do now that you do.
>something that mostly only long term buddhist meditators...
Many of us in thread do that casually Anon. Quit putting people on pedestals as an excuse not to try. You may surprise yourself.
out of a total of a 100 people, barely 5 of them would be able to do that. The social stuff is littered with dead attempts and failures. Established religions have tests, trials, and intermediary steps to take to get to a higher understanding. The reason why there is so much failure here is because the jewish influence created a lot of this, except for neville who rounded up many loose points and turned the narcissistic culture into something the community can understand. But even so he was just one man. Your shit in not a fully fledged, well rounded religion that can provide a clear and stable path.

Its a complete mess of kikes and garbage and practically speaking it barely even works. On elevation to higher spirituality...even to goals like money and women, it ranks a D- tier.
I see /pol/ bait is back.
>Your shit in not a fully fledged, well rounded religion that can provide a clear and stable path.
...Wait, what?

This is not a religion. This is not a secret club. We are not missionaries. This is only incidentally a path of enlightenment.

This is something you come to when you are ready for it. Your statistics are meaningless, we have no target audience or recruiting functions. If a person gets it, great. If they are not ready that's fine too. Everyone gets here on their own time.

>Established religions have tests, trials, and intermediary steps to take to get to a higher understanding
That's called gatekeeping, and it's not done to identify the worthy- it's done to control who has access to the information. That is not worthy of admiration.

>The reason why there is so much failure here
Hellllloooo. Beginner support thread. Nothing wrong with making mistakes, you can't make progress without them.

Is that all you see in your life?

"You keep using that word...I do not think it means what you think it does..."
it has an extremely high failure rate, your post is moot. People want to know how they can succeed at these things and you offer no real advice apart from just "bro just beee yourself". Any religion or occultist groups offers advice and a clear path to the desired outcome, yours cannot. It really is trash, just jewish schizo garbage.
You must pursue the opportunities when they show themselves. You are an active participant in this world, not just an observer. I was a schizoid, antisocial depressed mess in high school that believed that I would be forever alone. I had fantasies of being with a loyal, virgin girl that would stick by me no matter what. Then suddenly, I get put into a group project with a girl that actually engaged with me and actively sought out to talk to me, an antisocial sperg. So, I put effort into pursuing to make her my girlfriend, we are now happily married. You imagine the door, life opens it for you, but you must make the choice to step through it.
>and you offer no real advice apart from just "bro just beee yourself
Then why do we have a graduate rate of 25-50%? That's higher than I would have expected it to be.
BS, I have seen the real numbers, its like 5% lmao. Religions and also real life occultist groups have far higher rates. And besides, what success there is, is thanks to neville, a white man who tried to make it into pliable methods. Not schizo jew kikes.
>I have seen the real numbers

>Religions and also real life occultist groups have far higher rates
Higher rates of what?

>And besides, what success there is, is thanks to neville, a white man who tried to make it into pliable methods. Not schizo jew kikes.
...Was that supposed to make sense?

Everyone manifests. Everything in their life is due to manifests. This is a thread for people who fucked up somewhere and are keeping themselves from things they want.

You've managed to turn yourself into a pretzel to build a worldview that serves no positive purpose to yourself or anyone else. You're failing because you choose to be this way.

Change your mind and you will change your world. It's easy.
far higher rates of coherence and success with whatever they offer. Your shit doesnt work lol, its like I said, besides neville, its mostly just written for one person, at exactly one mental level, probably with other elements that are also exactly alike. You can preach all you want your useless drivel but not even 5% will ever get a winning lottery ticket, probably below 0.02% lmao. Unlike, lets say buddhists, which promises some relief from material pains. Or the many great mental, benefits in relation to stress, well being and whatnot.

You do not have a fully functioning system of anything. Like I said, a D- for your esoteric/occultist thing.
Can i larp as Alexander the great in sats or will I get a personality disorder or sth
>Can i larp
As long as you know you are pretending, why would it be a problem?

Do you want to -be- Alexander the Great?
Nah I don't want to BE him but I was thinking seeing myself as a reincarnation of him in meditation would be more powerful but it sounds like I'd go crazy lol
You can’t be Alexander the Great.
He’s dead.
You can go crazy.
It’s easy.
0.02% success if you follow the "methods" lmao, the avatara living the aghori somewhat have, but some other schools also do. If you do it well enough and replicate it enough...well alexander the great is not a (demi) god, so its harder to actually replicate without turning into a schizo retard lol
>seeing myself as a reincarnation of him in meditation would be more powerful
More powerful than yourself? Keep in mind if you want to adopt traits and abilities from someone you admire you can certainly do that using LOA.

>but it sounds like I'd go crazy lol
Why would you go crazy as long as you know you are emulating? You can certainly get too deep into it, it happens to actors now and then. They're fine after they find their "self" position again after.
Yeah makes sense
Yeah but I'd have to identify with him to identify with the personality traits. I don't think I'd get results just emulating?
>I don't think I'd get results just emulating?
Of course you can- you probably don't even notice it but we are all natural copycats. We see something someone else is doing and try to be that way as well if we think it will give us an advantage. When you understand that from a LOA perspective it becomes even easier- we are what we believe ourselves to be. Can you believe you can become like Alex and perhaps surpass him?
These loa clowns with ill established methodology cant help you here man, in the aghora books (there are 3 of them) there is actually mention of getting a god to inhabit you through ritual, it may work. I believe the first phase of this, you create a thought form of the god, then with enough effort and intent, and probably some very specific things, an actual god starts to inhabit this thought form, it is similar to tulpa creation. First an energy body detached from you. Fuel it. Nourish it, then an actual god comes to inhabit it. But since its not a god but a person, the process is actually more difficult lol
>has never done this before
>has never done the ritual he is recommending
>thinks he knows how it works
>thinks it's more difficult when it's a person
...What kind of armchair poser are you?
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This method actually has some success rates, your barren school of modernity has what kind of rates lmao. You are reading some texts ONE person made for himself and treating it as gospel XD

I dont see any gods reincarnating in our bodies in any nation. Why dont you incarnate jesus in yourself and do a fish miracle faghertz. You cant cuz none of your shit works XD

*laughs in long lineages, with actual methods and reasonable success rates XD XD XD
Off topic LARP.
What you describe is several orders of magnitude higher in the unbelieveability scale than "advanced sollipsism" though.
None of your shit works retard, loa doesnt work, the whole thread is filled with "why doesnt it work" stuff, because its not a real system.
It has higher success rates than loa lol, crowley himself, though rituals like abramalin the mage rituals managed to do some shit. Loa never. Loa is barely even a thing. It just doesnt work, just admit to it that you picked a barren occult thing and that there is really no guidance, no standards, nothing really.
>This method actually has some success rates
Yes, I know- I've done it. I was an occultist for over 10 years before I was taught LOA by Lilith.

>Why dont you incarnate jesus in yourself and do a fish miracle
...You really don't have any talents, do you? That fish miracle is jr level.

Go back to your books and the easily converted and confused. You need a much smaller pond to seem large.
You are delusional and have no success, like the schizo kikes you worship. They didnt mean to make their methods for you, they even barely made it available to their own. Its just not a system. There is no logic or coherence. It "works" at a level that is very much random for most.
>You are delusional and have no success
Nice projection. If you don't want the power of Creation nobody is forcing you. Enjoy your limitations.
...Who is even Crowley?
Nta but works on my machine. Why are you here?
wishful thinking wont actually grant you power of the creation lol, I spit on your bullshit drivel
Skill issue
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>Yesterday manifesting hearing from friends, was feeling lonely
>feel content and happy that I have friends
>wake up to three separate friends all checking on me at the same time, the three friends I wanted to hear from most
Feels good bc I had been kind of doubting myself when it comes to manifesting
It is said that if we knew the truth about us (our origins) it would put 99% of us in hospitals.
Is it that bad?
So go post in a thread that is relevant to your off-topic shit or prove that LoA doesn’t work/
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can I manifest a gf?
This is not said.
No one said it.
Why do you make stuff up?
Why do you need four question marks?
>it’s a Lilanon can create infinite fish as a junior level manifestation
Sure does smell bad in here.
lol you guys are really lowly dregs, mental retards, I didnt claim it didnt work, it just not a real system. You aint getting all the steps in between. Because it was never meant for you lmao. The kaballah, in its first form was not so schizo jew like. Aryan maybe even. But the jew took a hold of it and thanks to his narcissist nature removed the guidance, wholesomeness and standardization. Thats why it doesnt work. Neville was ONE dude who just kinda tried to fix that. But seeing the extremely low success rates, he wasnt even barely enough. You are wasting your time. You would be better off doing meditative magic, where you try to visualize outcomes internally first. Removing raw rituals, that require tools and incantations.
>You aint getting all the steps in between
That's what you don't get. You don't need all of those made up steps.

2nd causes. Crap someone thought was necessary.

Go hang out with the occultists, but don't say too much or the ones that know their shit will know that you don't.
>That's what you don't get. You don't need all of those made up steps.

Yes you do need that, because most men dont just simple understand this, there is no spiritual development to grasp at it. Just as the lesson of "you yourself are to blame for all of your problems" falls on deaf ears because most normies cannot even feel the self, let alone access it. Again, the success rate is extremely low here.

You do not have a complete system. Its broken, missing and barren.
You claimed it didn’t work right here
>loa doesnt work
Your system is being fucking stupid and drinking alcohol while posting. Fuck off idiot.
>You claimed it didn’t work right here

to mess with you yea, for YOU it wont work, because you dont have the pre-requisites XD you dumb profane fuck
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Lmao he can’t do it
>there is no spiritual development to grasp at it
You still aren't getting it. You're thinking in terms of hierarchies and learning paths and other assorted bullshit. I did too because that was what I was taught from day 1.

LOA shows you that you are already everything. You have nothing to learn, for you are already the Creator, you just have amnesia.

There is nothing to learn, you already know it
There is nothing to fix, you are already whole
There is nothing to do, because you already created all of it
There is only your experience
Right now
Your choice on what that looks like
This shit doesnt make sense bro, there are actual clear lineages, paths in regular groups one could take that actually lead you to somewhere. It may takes years but this stuff goes nowhere lol, not until you did a path of another religion first and hope it is similar to loa.
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Nailed it
IT DOESNT MATTER IF YOU ARE THE CREATOR OR NOT. THERE ARE BILLIONS OF CREATORS. IN DIFFERENT STATES OF BEING. To get to a higher level you need to do somekind of work. Its not just some wishful thinking. There are real and tangible steps to take. There are a fuckton of realms and mechanisms that also are pretty much irrelevant to us (well egregores can be manipulated so not all of them). The free masons drink the triangle cool aid and make...bridges...thats about it lmao.

Your opinion of higher realms, of Monads, realms close to us DONT MATTER A FUCKING LICK. SINCE YOU CANNOT MANIPULATE THAT. To manipulate them you need to take other steps than just "wishful thinking"
I can’t believe you made it far enough to know what a monad is desu
Knowing of the Monad does not mean that it has practical value or that you can manipulate it retard.
Its a simple meta physical concept you are failing to understand
There are thousands of meta physical concepts, hundreds of thousands. Because you partake in this narcissism bullshit doctrine, you fail to actually see the bigger picture, that of success and failure, that of people in different states of advancement. That of there ACTUALLY EXISTING PRE-REQUISITES FOR LOA

There is only one creator
It’s because of his nature that he is able to be many and one simultaneously

You are One all person who is experienceing localized persons

You are trying to understand something meta physical with only your physical understanding

Everything is Just you that’s it
Because of the eternal state and its attributes you can now become “Lucid” and take your crown as king
I dont even read your posts, there are a billion posts like that. All claiming to do some shit. If one group of occultists or whatever claims something and it works, and they got lots of people claiming it did work, then I would rather listen to that. Plenty of occultists/esoterics like that around lol. Why dont you first use LOA to get a higher success rate instead of narcissistically propositioning some shit that is without framework, or history. Is that your fucking game? Turn people into ego obsessed mental retards and hope that it works lol?
Then why dont you fucking do it and balloon up to a buddha size. Or at least win something. The ladder experiments were of the more coherent things that loa ever did...also a white man thing by neville. But you aint talking about neville methods, but rather of schizo kike bullshit. It doesnt even work with all kikes lmao
Read what you wrote above. Carefully. Read it again.

Do you know how stupid that sounds?? You are I AM- the Creator of everything you see!

>"But....but...I have to do something..."
Yes, you do- you have to make a choice. That's all. What state do you chose to be in?

> There are a fuckton of realms and mechanisms that also are pretty much irrelevant to us
Yes, because they are only relevant to us if we want them to be. Want to go to the realm of infinite love and puppies? BE there.

See, this is why systemics and 2nd causes are bad for you- you are thinking in terms of controlling or being controlled. An infinite being gives no attention to control or ego- for it simply IS.

If you ARE the Creator, all of this is yours. Everything you desire, everything you choose not to partake of.

You are scared of this level of freedom. Don't worry, when you are ready all of this is waiting for you...but I think you are not ready to be happy. Too bad.
mental illness, you dont need loa, you need a shrink XD
So you came here to mess with people and post like an idiot?
Fuck off troll
I said that 80% of my own thinking was more eastern, but I did partake in some actual loa stuff, with COHERENT AND STANDARDIZED SYSTEMS. Like neville, or zeland. The people in this thread are LYING TO YOU. You do need pre-requisites. It may not even work then.
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lmao- oh, that's so genius and terrible! Love it!
I have never seen someone with so much mental shackles.
Im lmao
I love puppies
You mean logic and coherence, something 95% + of the people have? Besides, you yourself have zero success. Where are your riches of lottery winnings lol
I feel bad for him- I was almost as bad back in the day but I was at least doing the Plato's cave thing where I was feeling around for the hole in the wall leading out. He's sitting their chained talking about how great it is and why isn't everyone else doing it?
We were all him
That’s why it’s funny
Are you a bot? I am not beginner, I did other methods that have proven to be far more effective. LOA works mostly just in social settings where the social bullshit is so wild. I extended it from that into other matters to a point where the chaos I prefer more than standards, social, technical or etc.

But it does have pre-requisites. Its not a full proof or possible thing, and the self delusion that you guys have that is at the core of it, does not extend into lottery winnings, or even success with people like in this thread.

Its a powerful, but mostly barren system. Devoid of many safeguards, paths and standards.
You’ll get there

None shall be lost in my holy mountain
Yea I get there, but not the people in this thread. I kept track of success rates and most people who see loa could spend their time better on other esoteric/occultist or religious groups. This is a BAD system. With no rich traditions or proper guidance. If I knew what I knew now I would instead start with buddhist teachings. And probably skip loa entirely.


Better start now you gotta a lot of studying to do
>It’s a Lilanon is chained to a hole in the wall episode
The space will get filled. Aggressively.
I've read that too anon, mostly in the Qanon/Patriots sphere. Don't know what is means though but it seems frightening yeah.
Buddhism is escape from the material world
You know nothing and are a larper.
Your statistics are made up too.
Just manifest the meds and shut up.
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You said it
>Are you a bot?
No, I'm just a guy that's seen and done

>I am not beginner, I did other methods that have proven to be far more effective.
Great- do what works for you. It's all LOA in the end, nothing works without it.

>LOA works mostly just in social settings where the social bullshit is so wild
...You're so weird, are you trying to be some sort of /pol/ incel? If you've had -any- success with any of this you should have been able to move past all of that crap

>But it does have pre-requisites
I'm listening

>Its not a full proof or possible thing
Sure it is. You manifested your last meal. Your last shower. Your last sleep. You manifested this post.

It's not some magic trick- you literally built your life with it without realizing it.

>does not extend into lottery winnings
We have lottery winners and gamblers here. I prefer not, I prefer to have a constant income I don't need to think about.

>Its a powerful,

> but mostly barren system
I think you meant to say "simple, clean and efficient system"

>Devoid of (BS)
Yes, now you are getting it.

Yes, you do need to take personal responsibility. You always needed to.
>simple, clean and efficient system"

simple? Sure. Clean? Not very. Efficient? Oh god no. Being in this thread as I am in other places, cant you see that there is a very low success rate. I look at some people on telegram and they too have very low success rates. The religious group of mine in real life has higher rates than them. Higher rates of well being that they get per hour spend doing the religion than this lmao
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Fuck it we ball
Sham cultist larper.
there are millions of schizo bits everywhere that dont work, I dont see this crap working anywhere. The aghori, vedic and whatever I do see and it does work for them quite more consistently than this. Even the anti demonic stuff of the Catholics works quite well. But this? Incoherent and unstable nonsense that helps nobody. No one in this thread had won a lottery lol. At some point you should just stop posting.
None of your shit works on a large scale, grande scale, mostly just for tiny, and small things. You guys are mentally unwell.
Wanting sth ardently should be enough. It shouldnt be required to feel, believe, intent, etc. If your subc knows you and is your higher self it knows what you want already, no need to feel/believe/crap. All these shenanigans means it's a psyop to make you lazy and obedient, so (they) can have a population of good dogs.
Events just happen randomly in life, those who think they manifested them are just fools. It's just statistics.
This a new one? I haven't seen this in his discord.
NTA, but you're peak retarded. Where do you think the origin of this material is, it's vedic, just without all of the useless bullshit.
Nine if that idea anything and you would have no idea if it does. You going to pretend you’ve done a mass reliable examination of every modern Catholic trying to achieve a miracle? Let alone those other niche shit.
Stop larping kid.
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Even the buddhists fall pretty fast to beastly instincts because they do not have the godhead, or even the demi gods in mind. Without a deity what hope do you even have? With less rich traditions, less stability, less coherence, and less success rates lmao.

I hereby officially declare loa to be "teh ghey"
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from what materials I could read, a psych who worked with those people, there were reliable standards to determine possession, and also fairly reliable means to remove the spirits. Cant say the same for your shit tho. XD
>Guys I think I potentially figured something out, why some people have difficulty with this. I was reading a book on the jungean perspective on narcissism. And that book mentioned how the jewish race has tons of it. So I thought, what kind of effects would that have, in our realm especially. Well I think one major thing of narcissism is not being able to comprehend the perspective of other people. So in other religions there are pre-requisites to get somewhere. There are certain guided paths, you are tested, wisdom is given appropriate to your level. And LOA just has the same, it has pre-requisites. The reason you get this "just do it, you already can" is a sort of language from a narcissist who does not understand your level and progress.
>In a similar way people say "you yourself are to blame for everything". But practically speaking, most people cannot even feel the self, they cannot reach it or manipulate it to stop making bad choices. Or how the hippies go like "we are all one soul, one monad". But practically speaking it is useless to know that for our realm.
>So loa, apart from a white man doing his work, that is Neville. Basically has content that is not suited for other people, because a narcissist wrote it. THAT IS THE REASON WHY YOU DONT HAVE SUCCESS. ITS A VERY SPECIFIC THING, FOR ONE PERSON. MAYBE NOT EVEN ONE RACE THAT IS THE JEW. WITH WHOM IT WORKS.
Absolute babble.
This comes down to a misunderstanding of the resultant path and the accumulation, something in Buddhism that I think is VERY relevant for understanding LOA for people that have confusion.

Reposting an old post with slight fixes:

"In Buddhism, there is something that deals with this exact dilemma (no worries this will stay on-topic) that may help you. It's the "difference" between what is known as the resultant path and the accumulation path.

In the latter you work on building up merit, purification, and religious work to traverse on the stages of Buddhahood.

However, in the resultant vehicle, you realize you ALREADY are the final result, a perfect and sublime Buddha. In Buddhism, you use both paths simultaneously. But How?

Simple, there are two truths, one provisional, one ultimate. On the provisional level you do not have whatever it is you desire for your manifestations and you thus must do the work to achieve. But on the ultimate level, "you" (not real btw) ALREADY have whatever there is that you desire (Ya know, the whole "Creation is Finished" schtick) and there is nothing to change but your state of mind (Neville 101 btw) and everything is simply a magical display of Samsara (in Buddhism)"

LilAnon is taking the result as the vehicle whereas the Vedic-Hindu-Buddhist-Whatever anon is prioritizing the accumulation vehicle.
Anyone ever kill someone with this?
>calls us mentally ill
>Hysterically hitting the update button
are you supposed to feel it/visualize in your chest? or your head? ive gotten results from LOA in the past but idk how the fuck to get them consistently because i cant nail down the proper sats process
>beastly instincts
wtf is "beastly instincts"? Mundane cravings and desires? It seems like you know nothing of Buddhism, especially Vajrayana.
>demi gods
Unless they are Buddhas, why would any Buddhist care much for demi-gods whom are still in Samsara?
>Without a deity
Since when has Buddhism gone "without a deity"? Deity Yoga and Pujas are all things.

>With less rich traditions, less stability, less coherence, and less success rates lmao
And yet in Buddhism, you have the Dharma which has existed for countless eons, world-systems, and kalpas, lineages dating back to Shakyamuni (whom isn't even the "first" Buddhist), and a literary tradition (lam-rim) explaining everything you need to know, from 0-100 in a manner that is easily digestible, coherent, and cohesive.
Neville was a Jew you stupid kike
leave it to 4chan to sit here and argue about jews instead of working together to get stuff they want
On a worldly scale, the vedic system predates and is vastly larger than buddhism. And yet still both systems are superior to loa
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Are you a guenonist by any chance?
This is actually a very good question as:
1.) There doesn't seem to be a consensus on what SATS is or even how to enter it on this thread.
2.) The Process is very personal so what may work for one, may not work for another.
3.) A while back, there was actually someone (S3Anon) discussing this exact phenomenon where they would essentially visualize through the back of their skull (Skull Technique) and had incredible results.

Here's the link: https://archive.4plebs.org/x/thread/33875060/#q33877432
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We going all the way this time
>On a worldly scale
key words there
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I feel as you rn
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>english barbadan upper class
>last name is fucking Goddard
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you are the right number
I know (smiles)
Good to see Universal Line mogging this general

does anybody have an idea as to why my meditations/sats dont feel real? i always feel like im constantly in my body or wrestling with my senses while im visualizing
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So glad we have all these UL chads in this thread. Blessed thread.
ULgods be careful posting so fast don't want to anger the 'annies.
They are gonna help us
Keep making the namefags seethe fren. Their schizo delusions are even surpassing neville.

Feels good to not have to do any bothersome techniques, but just study a little bit and just be to get your desires

No more questions Is X possible, no need to question your ability anymore, or having blind faith
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I love me
What have you guys actually gotten with UL?
Thank you for your post, this is a very strong and succinct summary of some things I was curious about.
any advice on believing for pain to go away while feeling physical pain?
You are ONE ALL person
Who is and dose the universe
I don't think I have seen this one and I thought I'd seen most of them. Where is this one from? It is really good. And finally I understand what the diamond is supposed to symbolize.
why did paolucci remove the krishna branding and add a bunch of weird mythology in the newest edition?
For the same reason he picked a wooden mannequin.
He just keeps changing the things around but I feel like the message remains the same.
It's nice in a way, I've been reading the Achievement Through Wholeness of Awareness, it struck me a little better that the I am the Lord Krishna right here stuff.

It is one of the many prep resolve pics that were made around 2019-20, supplementary to YLOVEALK pdf, I believe you can find it on google drive of UL documents, titled "i know something.."

I personally use this one before my sessions because it keeps everything super simple.
>Sometimes you do need to take an action, but you will be prompted to do it(inspired action).
What happens if you miss a prompt? Why would you miss a prompt?
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Found it. Thank you.
Why do ULfags act like all the UL content isn't written in an incomprehensible way on purpose? It looks like a perpetual bad graphic design ramble that doesn't explain an actual method or anything.
they say it's supposed to be like that to "filter the plebs" or some shit
Seriously though, the only example I know of UL working for someone is 10kAnon. What have you guys gotten from doing the command sessions?
Can somebody please help me manifest a text back from ex? It worked last time. Thanks
Reading some of the older stuff really makes it a lot easier to grasp. Even the line in the bottom right corner "I'll keep backing up to the previous more complex knowing until I get what I need" wouldn't have made much sense to me but now it does. English is my second language and I find that Paolucci often uses unorthodox wording for things and I don't always understand why, it takes a lot of repeating and reading to properly get the point he tries to make but it's very rewarding when you finally see one of his pages and completely grasp the message.
There is a type of affirmation video in which many voices are saying different things at the same time and you can't focus on each. Do you know what I'm talking about?
What’s her name
She’s a lil busy rn lmao
The steps to manifestation are
>Choosing what you want to have
>Visualizing in careful detail, complete with feelings
>Letting go
Stop wasting time on figuring out the "perfect" way to do the second step, even daydreaming a bit for like 2 mins is enough. Everyone fucks up the third step because you don't get what it means to let go. Letting go means taking it for granted AND realizing there is no need for the manifestation at all, it's this contrast between the obsession that lead you to take the first step and the realization that you'll be okay letting go of this desire that will make the manifestation come to life. THIS is the reason why it's easier to manifest unlikely yet inconsequential things over likelier great changes.

Please stop obsessing over methodologies and meditative states to get better visualizations only to get angry at yourself when your manifestations fail to come to be. Think of manifesting like writing and sending a letter, you're never EVER going to get an answer if you don't mail it. I learned this the hard way, and I hope that this helps someone. As paradoxical as it sounds, to have something, you must give up your need for it.
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Try this
how would you manifest reality-breaking shit like being able to shapeshift?
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what happens after I die? as per lilanon, LKRN and Neville? It seems neville says I reboot the life and respawn as a 20 year old?
>do heaven and hell exist? must I refrain from being evil or -even more- actively sacrifice myself to do good?
>Do I just living and dying until I "get it right"?
>Failed at manifesting wealth
>Failed at manifesting love
>Failed at manifesting anything
I'm just gonna kms at this point, goodbye.
IMO it would take more discipline and more specifics than the usual stuff in this thread (SP, Money, Health). I think the steps could be
Being very specific about how you want to shape shift, because if you're not, you might visualize yourself as a dog and years later you'll have a very strange dejavu while playing a first person dog simulator game
Once you've sorted out the specifics, make your visualization accordingly.
Let go of your desire to shape shift and pay attention to something else in your life, take it for granted by forgetting about it.

Since this manifestation sounds a bit involved the real problem isn't about coming up with a visualization
>You can visualize yourself morphing into a cow or another person right after saying a magic word and imagine yourself being infront of your friends and one of them fainting of fright or something
No, the real issue is that you're asking for something so unlikely and impossible that the belief that it can be done itself borders on deranged obsession. I suggest (as I did last thread) to use the Bengston method, come up with 30 very different very unlikely wishes and do as Bengston says you should. Preferably make every wish as impossible as this one, so maybe climbing the everest barefoot, helping develop a cure for cancer, and being able to teleport objects on command should be on that list as well.
Do >>38319872, it's very likely that you have not failed, you're just not doing it right and neglecting one of the 3 steps.
Why do I attract so many attractive (trans) girls?
Why am I always getting hit on by cute (trans) chicks?
Why do hot (trans) girls always want to have sex with me?
Why am I such a hot mexican (trans) girl magnet?
because you're gay.
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wait..the wishes are supposed to be BARELY plausible and NOT very-likely possible? I did this shit wrong, I gotta re-write my list.
I made an effort to put normie-tier wishes which can happen in my everyday life with just a little luck and the right circumstances.
he's getting the text again
They have to be on the same caliber, but it's all the same desu, the point is letting go, that's why I recommended impossible wishes for him, so the skin walker shit didn't stick out like a sore thumb.
All my life i BELIEVED I would be rich at 40. I was sure of it. I regularly visualized myself with plenty of stuff since I was young.
Guess what, I'm 40 now and I'm living alone in a tiny house illegally on a piece of land. Gfy with your LoA scam.
>AND realizing there is no need for the manifestation at all,
Go explain this to someone needing to be cured urgently from a dead threatening disease.
It's difficult for me to feel my wish due to the everyday stress I feel. What do?
What are the moral\ethical rules for the 20 wishes? Don't think I want to rape or murder people, I just want to have a femdom-prostitute experience (just once, not a "long term" fetish shit) which is admittedly rathe inmoral but I won't hurt anyone, kill animals, deal (or even do) drugs, etc
Hello. I have vivid imagination. Can spin a 3D photorealistic apple in my head etc. But I am having some trouble finding the SATS. When I go to sleep, my brain is too active. I find it hard to stay in one scene. What can I do?
Also, how do I recognise the feeling of gratitude, that it is done? I don’t know what that feels like. Any input appreciated.
>What happens if you miss a prompt?
You won't miss a prompt. It's an urge that literally feels like it's not yours.

>Why would you miss a prompt?
The only reason I can think of for you missing a prompt is if you flat refused it, and I have before only for the prompt to become more insistent.

If you've done the ladder though, it will make you do it at some point. That's likely what happens here.
>I find that Paolucci often uses unorthodox wording for things
He does- I already know the concept so I can tell what he is trying to convey, but if I didn't I'd probably think he was insane rather than over the top ultra precise in his wording.
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im not grateful for anything
fuck you
fuck your larp
and fuck this gay world

that's all
I don't want my parents to die BUT...I realised all my major and even all minor life problems stem from me having to live with them...the caveat is I want to live in our current house (comfy, sturdy and well-made, vintage) and not move elsewhere...they're not rich enough to move and wouldn't move even if they were way rich enough to do it.
What's the proper Affirmation\wish to claim here? I don't want to accidentally kill them, or make some quantum shit evict them and move them to the other side the country.
I can add that I’ve prayed for others, given them energy and it has worked every time. But I’m stuck on how to apply this to myself.
nigga wish for a JOB and get your own shit
silence, wagecuck
>what happens after I die?
It's very personal, you manifest your death beforehand. The game does not end though- your awareness does not die when you do.

>do heaven and hell exist?
It's subjective. You end up where you deeply believe you should, but that is the same as right now. Where you are currently is where you believe you deserve to be. Want to change it? Change your beliefs.
>When I go to sleep, my brain is too active

>I find it hard to stay in one scene
You only need to do the scene for a minute or two, can you manage that?

>Also, how do I recognise the feeling of gratitude, that it is done?
You'll know it when you feel it. It's a certainty you feel, that you have completed your work.

Practice makes perfect: practice your scene during the day, practice relaxing as you fall asleep and practice actively believing in your desires.
I know how it sounds and I made a mistake by putting it that way. There is almost never an imperative need for anything in nature, hence there is no imperative need for the manifestation, but also no need for it to not happen anyway.
Letting go is not forceful, it's like taking a shit and flushing. That's why I've been mentioning the bengston method over and over again. Convincing yourself that you've done all you can and that it's gonna be alright implies forgetting about your worries, Bengston specifically tailored his thing so that you can let go of very difficult stuff to let go of, like what you mention.
This is not religion, there's no morals involved. Do what you want and deal with your conscience like a man.
Excitement alone isn't good enough. Again, at some point you should've let go.
thanks anon, I've been wanting to try Bengston but at the same time, I was afraid of looking up the cost of the stuff I wanted to manifest ( a mud bicycle, for example) ,afraid of the prohibitively high price destroying my hopes of getting the item\ holiday tour pack, dinner, etc
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>. Do what you want and deal with your conscience like a man.
The heavy lifting is now about how probable the event really is, it's about how probable (You) think it is. Just go with your gut, don't plan for failure, do the steps.
the heavy lifting is not**
reminder that if you overcomplicate this shit you're manifesting overcomplication. you attract what you think about anons so take care of your thoughts
Things are wonderful. My family easily helps everyone in need now and receives endless abundance in return. Things are better than ever and they continue to improve daily. Everyone who has ever helped me or my family is incredibly blessed and happy to see the immense wealth and endless happiness and success my family now enjoys
>It has higher success rates than loa lol
So fuck off and do that then. Why are you here?
The (non) understanding of a midwit materialist. Lol
K. Goodbye
Okay sometimes I meditate and imagine myself on one of those medieval stretchers, will this make me taller?
Just visualize having a good relationship with your parents and having your own money, retard.
count from 100 to 0
>how do I rscognise the feeling
when someone gives you something irl try to remember that feeling or do something that you wanted to do and remember that accomplishment feeling
When did the meaning of that change to you just spamming?
Can someone give me a rundown on the bengston method
Look into carlos Castaneda and the art of stalking.
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>do the wrong shit for 40 years
>the law is at fault
>I got scammed!!!!
Lmao at this retarded loser
Take this shit to the astrology thread dumbass
Gonna manifest becoming mute
Well. I should say when I'm visualising. It takes conscious effort. So I don't get sleepy. Hence I'm not sure on how to fall asleep whilst visualising my scene. When I do get tired, my visualisations drift and change. Things change for the worse. Things like a person walking out on me. Or a violent accident. When I correct them I stop being sleepy again. Due to the conscious effort it took.
>You only need to do the scene for a minute or two, can you manage that?
I'm not sure how long I can hold it for. Before it changes on its own I mean. And it takes longer than that for me to fall asleep.
>You'll know it when you feel it. It's a certainty you feel, that you have completed your work.
The realer I feel my scene, the stronger a feeling of exaltation and happiness burns in my chest. Like it's clenching with joy almost. Is this it? Or something else?
Thank you for your patience.
Manifest yourself out of this thread too
What is your take on check-explore-govern? What exactly is he talking about here? I only came across UL in 2022 so this terminology is before my time. My best guess is that it relates to checking wave for return - which only feeds the feedback loop even though once firmly entrenched in your OAP status you can do so - as you are the sole-rule maker and own infinite flexibility and therefore no mattter what you do - you are covered if you act with that knowledge.

I think he means if you don't have a return, just keep studying and commanding

For me, detachment works with this, I don't even care about my return at all, if it shows up, when it shows up, etc, this way I find it naturally prevents any opposing intentions

There's this thing with giving thumbs up when opposing intentions pop up (financial gain part 2), and similar practises but this feel like work to me
Because it's not about the method but the framework that make methods works. I definitely think the structure needs work to be more beginner-friendly and it's definitely possible, but the text as it is makes sense and isn't just schizo-babble even if it seems so. Giving UL to someone not introduced to non-duality is like dropping Nagarjuna on a beginner Buddhist, they'd just be confused!
it's like satisfaction mixed with being relieved, it's felt inside/on the back of your head, you just know same as when you try to "guess" something and you just know it's right before it's showed to you.
What if he is right?
I follow the Bible. Bible proves that this is true.

Mark 11:23-24
Mark 9:23
Visualize dwelling a more comfy, more sturdy, more well-made vintage house, and feel how it would feel.
You just disproved it though as that’s prayer to an external god which is not LOA.
If you reply I’ll continue to prove you wrong so maybe just a too as this argument happens every few threads.
Why come here is you just want to bible bash? I’m surprised the Buddhist larpers don’t attack you.
>Bengston specifically tailored his thing so that you can let go of very difficult stuff to let go of, like what you mention.
Thanks for replying to my sarcastic message.
I'll give Bengston a try. I've already started back when ThinkerAnon shared it. I cycled 20 wishes for a few days at one wish per second but then realized I couldn't go faster and abandoned. I got nothing if course. But I'll try again if you think it's a good method to let go. Thanks
>For me, detachment works with this, I don't even care about my return at all, if it shows up, when it shows up, etc, this way I find it naturally prevents any opposing intentions
When you are manifesting objects or people yeah it's easy to not give a f, but when you are ill and desperate to get better you can't stop caring unfortunately, you think of it from the second you wake up to the second you fall asleep, and sometimes dream about it too :(

What are your symptoms?
>What if he is right?
Right about what? Many beginners in thread claim they "believe 100%" in their goals. Even you know that's not true, if they did they would have it.

Instead they "think" they believe 100% and harbor all sorts of mental crap and poor beliefs they actually do believe in and end up screwed.

One of the common themes of of aspiring LOAnons that struggle here is commitment. Rather than going all in on things and persisting until they work, they seek shortcuts and constantly have outs planned and excuses ready.

Think it. Do it. Be it.
>I cycled 20 wishes for a few days at one wish per second but then realized I couldn't go faster and abandoned
This part of the operation is unnecessary so you don't need to go heavy into it. When this technique was shilled here my concern was the unnecessary added components would provide more places for Anons to get stuck at.

Letting go can come in many forms, but when you feel the change when a manifest sets you should have no trouble allowing it to happen. It's done, right?
Is commitment even viable? If someone has beliefs messing up their truths, trying to stay focused on that tarnished idea doesn't sound ideal.
Especially since you don't know you're fighting yourself in the first place.
>Is commitment even viable?

>If someone has beliefs messing up their truths...
...I'm not following. Your commitment is to your goal. You persist until you succeed.

>Especially since you don't know you're fighting yourself in the first place.
You do know. If you want something and don't have it, you are fighting yourself. How deep you want to get into that is up to you- SATS and other techniques are designed to lower and overcome your resistance without addressing it.
How do I persist in it without turning it into a want, a lack? How do I let it grow? I keep remembering and going back to it.
rumour has it that lilanon did literal superman shit like alter time or shift timelines.
is that true or thread folklore?
1st level exposure to paolucci
>wtf is this guy saying, why cant he use the same terms as others?
2nd exposure to paolucci
>oh hes teaching the same as other teachers free from previous connotations you might have.
Current understanding
>fuck it we ball
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We went from having low effort shit flinging trolls to fidora tipping religious experts. How sad. Kek.

If manifestation doesn't work for you it's because it's made up of a subset of techniques you need to master. You can get these techniques from other magical systems like choas magic or traditional magic. There's no need have a tradition or a support group because walking the magical path is a solo endeavor.

If anybody is here to win the lottery, cure a disease, cheat death, or find the love of their life, then they're in the wrong place. Manifestation isn't about popping shit out of the aether. It's about the skill sets you gain from manifestation practice and understanding the core components.

Desire, intent, will, imagination, persistence, practice, letting go, action steps, rituals, intuition etc.

These are just a few attributes you'll learn to get in touch with and master through manifestation practice.

If you're honestly having trouble manifesting and want free gibs from god then there are easier methods than Neville or bengston.


Start with those 3 then come back to Neville or bengston.

Hope that helps
Good luck anon.
The guy that persisted until his 40s didn't succeed though
>retarded redditor chimes in
Holy shit
>absolute retard makes a mega retarded claim
>another retard believes him
Lmao at these retards
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>external God
Really? Because throughout the whole Bible, Christ speaks that He is within you, as does Saul.
>Examine yourselves, whether ye be in the faith; prove your own selves. Know ye not your own selves, how that Jesus Christ is in you
For anybody that has no clue about prayer work then start here.

-Staying present: When stated in the present, as if the object of your focus were already true, your prayers have greater power.

-Praying from the heart: Prayers stated with emotional intensity provide the fuel that propels prayers and affirmations into reality. Sometimes the most powerful prayers are wordless

-Clear wording: When you pray with words, be clear. Prayers that are clear, unequivocal, concise, and focused produce the best results.

-Praying without doubt: When you choose to pray without giving any attention or energy to doubt, you are affirming your trust in Spirit, thereby sending affirmative energy to creating what your soul desires. A prayer or decree can leave no room for doubt.

-Praying with “I Am”: An effective prayer makes frequent use of the words “I Am” focusing on the source point in the heart.

-Praying with inspiration: Prayers that are inspirational, dramatic, and luminous are most powerful. Prayers that entrance us with rhyme, repetition, or rhythm have the deepest influence.

-Praying with intent and vision: When prayers are accompanied by firm intent and clear vision they magnetize the most powerful results.

-Listening: Prayers that end with quiet meditation, contemplation, or listening are highly effective. The listening part may result in a two-way conversation.

-Action: Prayers that are followed by some kind of action or application have the greatest possibility of bringing quick results.

You can Google how to pray the shamans way for more info. After this you can study Christian and Buddhist prayer systems.
How do I rid myself of doubt?
I have great intuitive powers, but nothing that I even desire to manifest. How do you figure out what to use your powers for exactly after you acquire them?
He is our king and he’ll tell you he did it.
Why are you upset about it? So what. Just ignore it.
Prayer is off topic. Go find a bible group.
True, and other Anons have posted greater successes here as well. Probably the most notable was the Anon who time traveled back to meet with a friend and came back to here.
Those quotes don’t work becuase they are cherry picked and all mean different things in religions that conflict with each other.
The Christianity one has the word (among) there too, which is totally different to within. Dubious translation.
Give up.
Well that's one of those things that falls out of manifestation work and is the reason why you should study magic. They explain energy work better.

The answer is you feel the negative energy in our body. You locate where it is. The shape of it, the color, how much space it takes up in your body.
Then you feel the negative energy (doubt) until it burns itself out of your system.

Most negative energies stay stuck in people's bodies because they fight it and never release it by letting it run its course. Feelings have a beginning, middle and an end.

All negative and positive emotions are stored in the body at a holographic level.

The other way to rid negative and positive emotions is to use the Sedona method. The Sedona method you locate the feeling and let it go with 3 question.
Could I let this go? Would I let this go? When?

You can youtube the Sedona method in YouTube for more info on using it to release positive and negative emotions. Heres an article that explains it.

Sometimes positive emotions stop manifestations, but that's more advanced than Neville so it's not talked about here. Retards think it's negative emotions that cause problems.

Welp I'm heading out on a vacation so I won't be posting for a while. Before I go I'll say this

You trolls are wasting your lives shitting up these threads. For the love of God do something with your lives instead of wasting it here. The people that frequent this place maybe schizos but you knuckleheads are just going to end up like them by virtue of being here. You're fucking yourselves up.

Lil anon has done a lot of good work here. You idiots don't know how much he keeps these threads intact. He's a king I tell you, a king.

Hope that helps.
Good luck anon.
>fresh new “method” to filter
Based. I will get rid of your negative energy right now.
>The guy that persisted until his 40s
Persisted in what? He hasn't known the law that long.

What he is actually saying is "if this is supposed to work by itself, why didn't it give me what I thought I wanted?"

He got what he believed and still believes he deserves.
>imagining effortlessly just for fun
>repeating the scene gorillion times until your mind is saturated
which approach is better?
>Theologians may quarrel, but the mystics of the world speak the same language.
Regardless. The Bible is full of parables and symbolism, and most of them entail going within yourself. The mount of the Most High, obviously being your mind. And of course, Golgotha being Aramaic for Skull, and Cranium in Greek, God crucified Himself as Christ and is entombed within the body. Resurrection is a completely isolated act that occurs individually. Religions and myths have shared these types of stories forever.

>The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light.

>And Jacob called the name of the place Peniel: for I have seen God face to face, and my life is preserved
You can check out this guy for more answers. Oh and as Blake said
>what seems to be is, to those to whom it seems to be.
What is the quintessential neville goddard book?

Having my friend do a few things before I give him tips so I don't accidentally glaze over the basics and he has holes in his knowledge.

1. Start mindfulness/being in the moment
2. An NG book
3. Edward art pdf.
4. Start with mental change goals before sorcery goals
Not LoA,
Random bullshit associations by you which require twsisting the Bible into clearly wrong interpretations. Just stop.
Feeling is the secret probably.
It goes beyond LoA.
>twsisting the Bible into clearly wrong interpretations
And what are the correct interpretations? What Christ Himself said, or what the self-proclaimed holy men of the world say? The Bible is a mystical library, clearly you are not capable of reading it in that light and take it literally.
If we co create reality, why things the majority believe does not always become true ? Why are vaccines are in fact dangerous, aliens existing and demons real when the population overwhelmingly thinks otherwise ?
If EIYPO, where are my daily orgies ? Where is my 20 hours work-week ?
Why is there racism ?

I feel like /loa/ is like influencing non human vessels around me to get what I need, but some parameters remained set in this environment like speed of light or the stronghold of the British families.

Thoughts ? I can manifest a pretty sweet life for myself, pink tennis balls and abundance of food, but the rest eludes me.
>The mount of the Most High, obviously being your mind.
That’s not obvious. You are wrong.
>What Christ himself said.
You have no idea what Christ said. The gospels differ. They were written down many, many decades after Christ died.
>self-proclaimed holy men of the world say?
Who are you referring to? It would seem you are one of them anyway.
Not LoA at any rate. Go find a schizo bible thread.
It is
Lilanon says you get what you deserve.
So you didn’t believe correctly and are being punished by yourself. You are the problem.
Schizo idiot. Useless for LoA or the bible.
>Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth.
>And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive

>uhh not LoA btw
just do it, you'll get it eventually with practice
Anyone tried the Mirror method yet?
>to Jesus
>who is not you
Not LOA.
There is only One
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Here is the guide and everything you need to know.
Thank you Highlander.
Good we’ve moved on to movies now.
Thank you
Anyone ever get results with curses or harming with the forbidden parapsychology?

I don't mean permanent curses just sth like them getting sick or getting robbed.

I think I gave someone a headache for a day just going with relief of them being gone the night before
>If we co create reality, why things the majority believe does not always become true ?
Because they believe in the 3d. The 3d is a package of rules. If you buy into the package you can overrule some of them with effort but that's still a bunch you are not even aware you are buying into.

>Why are vaccines are in fact dangerous
Because they have toxic substances in them

>aliens existing and demons real when the population overwhelmingly thinks otherwise ?
...Where are you getting that idea? Aliens and demons are practically mainstream.

>If EIYPO, where are my daily orgies ? Where is my 20 hours work-week ?
>Why is there racism ?
What are your beliefs on these?

>I feel like /loa/...
Why are you worrying about the hows here? Neville explicitly says it's not your business.

>Thoughts ? I can manifest a pretty sweet life for myself, pink tennis balls and abundance of food, but the rest eludes me.
What else are you looking for? Sweet life covers a lot of ground.
>to Jesus
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leak the secret channel chats
Thanks, with all due respect should I believe you my friend because I've seen you criticize Bengston in past threads :)
But you're probably right. I am not sure because I thought cycling all the images in one second was necessary to make your conscious mind step down to the profit of your subconscious mind, so it was required to cycle them extra fast to the point your conscious mind don't see them anymore (but your subconscious does)
Sorry for the stupid question incoming, and I'll explain why right after, but is it better to ask outloud or in your mind ?
Because if God gave you a mouth you are supposed to use it, even if you can't "see" your interlocutor. Maybe God wouldn't listen to you if you don't use the organ he gave you. Only mute people are probably allowed to ask in their mind... That's probably why prayers don't work for some mostly those who pray silently maybe, instead of outloud like in some eastern countries.
Sorry again for the stupid question lol
They did mention Buddha too previously. >>38326459 right in the last sentence.
I agree they should pray to you though.
Yeah, at least I'd have accepted to live in a modest house instead of being rich. But living in a tiny house hiding from being seen, c'mon.. that was not my expectation at all.
I don't mean I was imagining myself 24/7 being rich, but i was convinced I'd be. It was a feeling I always had before 40.
>I'd be
>not, I AM
Those are two different anons
>Thanks, with all due respect should I believe you my friend because I've seen you criticize Bengston in past threads :)
lol, I actually like the core component of it but the shilling of it as some sort of miracle method is uncalled for.

>But you're probably right. I am not sure because I thought cycling all the images in one second was necessary to make your conscious mind step down to the profit of your subconscious mind
It's a nice theory, but that step where you memorize your wishes and feel them real and then move on? That's all of the steps needed right there.

>your conscious mind don't see them anymore (but your subconscious does)
Your subconscious know what you want already, but it's your job to say what and when. If you are indecisive your subconscious won't do it- that's a safety mechanism to keep you out of trouble.
Where do you guys feel the abundance vibration in your body? Where does it resonate the most when you really feel you are on that path?
a partial success at least, i received less money for the cleaning products than i expected and even though i didn't get everything i wanted out of it i still got exactly what i needed.
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in Vedic religion, asceticism increases manifestation. Tapas (asceticism\ Heat) creates Ojas (a form of energy which climbs up the spinal column\ wakes up the serpent kundalini). Ojas is also and very much produced\ caused by celibacy (ojas-shakti) or Brahmacharya which is a more complex, whole-package system.
>2nd cause buffet
This guy does not understand the power of context and prerequisite skills. He spent 10 years achieving results with rituals. Meditation, navigating lust for results, properly targeting outcomes, dealing with external attacks that would fuck up his manifesting. As you progress in Magick you hit a point where it collapses into the "Just Decide/Believe" skill.

When he bashes the path he took he doesn't understand he's bashing skills he acquired to get to the method he currently uses. It's like a mathematician saying fuck using addition or subtraction you just need to use vertex operator algebra
>When he bashes the path he took he doesn't understand he's bashing skills he acquired to get to the method he currently uses
This tells me you don't actually understand LOA. LOA is as natural as breathing, occultism and rituals are as far from as possible. I had to do other things first because, like so many Anons here, I believed there was something more to it. And there isn't.

My friend tried to tell me decades ago how to do it more easily and I could have had I allowed it. Any Anons willing to take the plunge should be encouraged, not told to waste their time on things that actually get you further from the truth.
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preach lilanon
Your friend then is just as idiotic as you are now. Just becoming aware of a high tier concept is not enough to be able to do it. The post you quoted just made you aware that a mathematical process exists, but you have no idea how to do it.

When you properly achieve access to it, anything you do will be successful. You naturally realize the existence of the simplicity of it. But you (specifically you) required decades of skill growth to unlock it.

Conscious creation is not natural as breathing. Fuck off with that bs.

It's the equivalent of telling a person who's never played guitar to "just play music bro fuck learning chords."

Tldr if you want lilanons skills do what lilanon did. He's incapable of understanding the curse of knowledge bias
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>Conscious creation is not natural as breathing. Fuck off with that bs.
Then why are Anons doing it here with very little help?

>The post you quoted just made you aware that a mathematical process exists
Second cause

>but you have no idea how to do it
You only have 2 options here since I can manifest:

1. It's not necessary
2. I do know how to do it

Neither of which serve your argument well.

>But you (specifically you) required decades of skill growth to unlock it.
No. I had to get deep into the occult to find out that none of it was necessary. That's my own stubbornness in disbelieving that belief was all that was needed.

I manifested perfectly as a kid when I had no idea what I was doing. It took me getting deep into STEM and mysticism to lose my way until I found my way back.

You think you are helping here but you are just dragging your own limitations into the thread. Let the Anons who can do it soar.
Does anyone have the link to the YouTube channel where it was two dudes that the "universe" spoke through them and gave you guidance on how to pray and what not? It was something like "creator speaks" but I cannot seem to find it anymore. Yes it was LOA related and the videos themselves worked like a call in radio show.
>Buddhist larpers
NTA, Appreciate your posting.
>Then why are Anons doing it here with very little help?
This is disingenuous as you the first anon addresses difficulty and you only address raw success. The problem here, is that your response didn't account for:

Any Prior knowledge they may have had.
Any Experiences in any other esoteric "doctrine" or "system".
Any Experiences in Prayer or Meditation
Amount of time invested in their manifest (As in, Full on SATS the way Orion, S3, Neville described it, vs just deciding and believing)
Whether they went and got help from any other source without telling (Youtube, Reddit, Websites)

>I manifested perfectly as a kid
This is the case as any others and the "think back to when you were a kid" is occasionally brought up in these communities for a reason.

If anything this supports the Magick/Rituals crowd as when you are a child, you have zero skepticism, direct access to your subconscious, as well as dreams and ambitions that are grand enough to only fit in your imagination. The perfect state for "Magic/Spells/Manifesting/Whatever-you-call-this"

Rituals and Techniques, therefore, are simply a tool to get back to state (or progress even further) or to manifest in spite of a lack of such a state
>ladder experiment always works
>Fuck it I'll do it for money
>Imagine myself counting 100 dollar bills
>End up counting multiple hundred dollar bills at work
How do I specify that they're my dollar bills, not my slavedriver's?
>This is disingenuous as you the first anon addresses difficulty and you only address raw success.
In a way you are correct here, but perhaps not the way you are thinking.

Anons that come here without the intent to disrupt are usually mentally ready for what's here. Some get it immediately and don't post at all. Some get hung up in various places and need some support. Others are struggling because they are chasing their one thing.

Did they have:
>Any Prior knowledge
Surprisingly when I was busy here not a lot of them did- very "normal." And those Anons tended to do better because they were not roped to other systems that they had to untangle from. The big thing for them is usually "This isn't possible!" Once they get over that it's usually smooth sailing

>If anything this supports the Magick/Rituals crowd
No. The magick/ritual community is doing something surprisingly limiting and dangerous here- when I came to this thread and started relearning LOA, I realized and then tested the fact that we are manifesting everything all the time.

The magick/ritual crowd wants this to be "special" and exclusive because they want to be special and exclusive. That's why they make it complicated. The idea that magicians are simply people who manifest poorly and have to spend additional time and effort making it work the way they want to would kill egos by the thousands.

> you have zero skepticism, direct access to your subconscious, as well as dreams and ambitions that are grand enough to only fit in your imagination
When you put it that way, this should be the state of every occultist in the world. Why isn't it?
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Lil anon still winning I see
>When you put it that way, this should be the state of every occultist in the world. Why isn't it?
Reality is too convincing. Even if you know everything is happening internally (inside your skull, as it were) it's too easy to forget that it's all a lie. Everything that does not support your beliefs is a test of faith. It's something different to know this intellectually, and not to be in a state of enlightenment in every moment.
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You have no excuse though because you are alone so it’s all on you
I'd like to decrease the difficulty level of this game.
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>Reality is too convincing
That's BS. Your first few reality breaks should get you past that...except if you are indulging in second causes and think it's dependent on something outside of you causing the break.

I admit, I am the worst about this- I can fully fall back into the 3d at times but once you know, you know. Reality is never as solid after you've seen it bend or crack.
I think "2nd causes" should be managed and can be helpful especially when one is without realization that he's the source. If you're in a state of physical and mental degeneration, it'd be difficult to believe you're that powerful. Tantric instructions help reveal one's true nature depending on the tradition. Asceticism help sometimes clear the mind thus making this realization easier.

Things like sleep deprivation and other destructive practices interfere by puttiny yoh in a shitty state and making you forget who you are, in my experience. I realize midway, you're not talking about this, but still they should be managed properly when view is unstable.
so when we visualize we just have to feel that we have that thing?
i acknowledge several manifestations i make as i go but i cant seem to get it working consistently
That's correct. You don't even have to visualize if you have a good sense of what you want- that's why affirmations work. Believe you have it now or in the future and it's yours.
Thanks to LoA I finally can understand what this morherfucker is tryna say
Congrats you learned targeting matters. You feel like they are yours. Next you'll be counting money to pay someone. So not just yours but yours to keep and do with as you wish
Here is what frequently happens to me. Let's say I have a problem to solve, like a script I have to code, and I'm using chatgpt to do it. As you know sometimes it gives shitty results. So after some time trying to get what I want from it without success I say foock it I won't get it to work I will come back to it next time, and then give it a last chance before stopping, knowing it would fail again. But guess what, it works!! Conclusion it's not the belief which is important because i truly believed I won't succeed. What was important here was the fact i was ready to abandon. It's similar to detachment, but with the difference I was certain to fail.
So that's very strange.
If we have to detach + think we'll fail, to manifest something, then it's all messed up.
>>38327198 #
>When stated in the present, as if the object of your focus were already true, your prayers have greater power.
This is just gaslighting yourself
Please post while on vacationing you can, you're one of the few I appreciate reading messages from. Thanks !
>it better to ask outloud or in your mind ?
Depends on the belief you have about your voice. According to Neville and the LOA gurus everything is mind so speaking in your head is the best method.

If you believe that your voice has power, which it does, then it's best to speak out loud or in a soft voice.

It comes down to belief. The entire law of assumption or law of attraction methods depends on belief.
Your beliefs are the window by which you see the world.

When I do affirmations I say them out loud. before bed and after waking up. I'm stating them as facts to myself to create a belief. I keep saying them until I can hear them and believe the statements to be true.

When I pray get into a ritual pose and get into a 1 on 1 conversation with my higher power. I believe I'm talking with God, so I speak out loud.
Most people talk to God. The secret in prayer is you talk with God. As if he's real and listening to you. If you do this you'll get in touch with God and you'll get responses.

But that's just me and what I've learned from the books. If you like to talk in your head then there's no problem with that.

Hope that helps.
Good luck anon.
>This is just gaslighting yourself
Yes, it is. Exactly right! If you didn't have reading comprehension issues you would be a manifestation king by now. Keep trying anon, Persist!

>Please post while on vacationing
No can do anon, I'm heading down to Texas then into the ghettos of Mexico. I'm going to manifest some alcohol and some big booty Latinas for a week and a half.

This place has some good posters you just need to ask a question and ignore the trolls.

If you ever get stuck just go on YouTube and learn how to do candle magic. It's more powerful then Neville or bengston since it combines ritual + 2nd causes + desire + intent + letting go. It's all wrapped up into a nice little present.
Plus candles are super cheap.

If you're a dude you can also use oil lamps or cool candles like mushroom shaped ones or candles that look like skulls.

It gets a bad rap because it's what teenage girls use to learn magic. But it works. Those teen girls get results and switch over to advanced stuff for life. You can perform love spells and money spells. All sorts of fun stuff.

Hope that helps
Good luck anon.
So was there a change in the name from Law of Attraction to Law of Assumption? When did this happen?
law of attraction became associated with middle aged white women and hippie frutarians in Thailand. so it's no longer cool for chuds here.
Not sure when it happened, but assumption(belief) is better than attraction. Attraction requires you to maintain a certain energy, assumption can work when you are half(or more) dead.
I remember brute forcing a manifestation. I was really desperate and sad and wanted friends. It came true. But why is it that nothing else I'm sad and desperate about hasn't come true? What happened there?
desu there is imagining and then there is imagining I think that's what people have problems with you don't seem to need any mental gymnastics if you can just imagine the right way

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