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Infinity retards fighting edition.

>Book Recommendations

>Load your Chart [Exact Birth Time] [Whole Sign House]
https://horoscopes.astro-seek.com/birth-chart-horoscope-online [recommended site]

>Additional Resources:
https://sevenstarsastrology.com/ - methods
https://astrologyking.com/ - aspects
https://www.skyscript.co.uk/ - general

Previous thread: >>38302921
same charts incoming
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I genuinely wonder what's with all the schizo slapfights lately. Could it be that /div/ has been oversaturated with schizos so now they're leaking out into /astro/ as well, a fresh pasture of attention? But I do wish if that were the case, they would at least use a name and a trip.
Too true.
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It's over for me.
At least you're a Leo Ascendant.

t. Virgo Rising
How did you make this?
I was just wondering about my 5th house, I see alot of different things about what it rules over (Pleasure, Children, Luck, Ancient Texts etc). I'm not sure what my Virgo sun and mercury have to do with it. any info is helpful thanks
It’s literally one dude picking fights with every person that posts
That person is me
Be gone foul beast
No :3
so true king
Leo Rising, it's been so long. It's not over for you, your chart is okay. The only shit aspect is Mars-Moon conjunction in Scorpio.
This has been a thing since January 2024. It's not only one schizo. There are almost three or four or them. You can tell the difference because all of them have different writing patterns.
It’s one person. Aquarius Rising anon. I reported him for saying the n word yesterday so watch how calm the thread is for the next three days. The Leo Rising itt doesn’t pick fights he just starts schizo screaming so it’s obvious when it’s him. The rest are retards willing to argue back
Are you aware the Aquarius Rising is me? You're confusing anons. The one who you reported was a totally different anon.
Which anon are you? Usually id call you a faggot for reporting but im gonna say thank you instead.
Also idk why the hatred against me. I'm a lurker and my communication skills are not even so crafted. Not even a gringo to speak English willy-nilly.

As much I write short sentences to argue a point.
Reporting is faggotry, it defeats the concept of free speech. However, it's a double-standard to categorize anons for doing X things and yet you mention unrelated people to the problem.
Not falling for this. Leo Rising is a known larper. There is not a secret third psychopath.

If it were one or two threads destroyed i see no point in reporting. When its every thread for months on end, its necessary. Frankly i think we should all make a group effort to stop it. Reporting is necessary now. Its all so tiresome.
I'm not the Leo Rising and I'm from Spain. I'd call you in Discord to show you my accent but I don't trust 4chan people.
What does my chart reveal? I don't know any of this sort of stuff
The Leo Rising anon is the one constantly bringing up discord. You never realize how obvious you are and thats the sad part. Also, i hope you know that i have both of your charts and can delineate which time zone you were born in if i cared to bother.
I'm the Aquarius Rising so tell me where I was born.
Some kind of family wound. Could make you afraid, uncomfortable or scared to start your own family. There’s three layers of mercurial virgo contributions to this. This can either be verbal abuse, or sometimes it manifests more like an Asian family where they’re very strict about schooling, grades and life path — all logical realms of virgo and mercury.

Lilith in the 2nd is a controversial placement. It shows up in the charts of people that are willing to do shady things for money. You see it in the charts of strippers, sex workers, drug dealers, gamblers, thieves, cleptos. On a lighter note, this could just mean that you’re materialistic, like expensive things, or you could hoard objects due to some deep rooted fear of loss or poverty.
Thank you for reading it. I am not sure how accurate it is but still thank you
You don’t have issues with your dad or family?
No we have a really good relationship!
And I never stole anything or even had sex
I used to post my chart for a reading but no one ever bothered to do it, so now I don't bother to post it
What does your father do for a living
Are you asking questions? Or are you just posting your chart and hoping someone reads it? Also, unless there’s something spicy or an interesting aspect in your chart it probably won’t get read unless you’re asking something specific
Interesting. Well if you don’t resonate then you don’t resonate. But just for clarity why i listed those things,

Both Chiron in the 4th and Lilith in the 2nd signify fear of loss, of abandonment. Chiron can make you cling to your family or avoid the topic at all costs, the presence of the North Node suggests your upbringing is an uncomfortable area of your life. Saturn in the 10th is typically an authoritarian father, can work in a position of authority like the military, police, government, etc

These are four placements that you don’t resonate with so I’m curious, how sure are you of your birth time?
Specifically, I had asked, in various ways, for insights from the chart regarding personality and 'who I am'.
That’s not really a specific question, and open ended at that. Sometimes, charts suggest a very average and normal person. Telling you that you’re a caring person or can easily make friends isn’t exactly ground breaking territory. So i’m assuming it’s either the question itself or the chart itself which is causing you a lack of answers. You can post it again if you want and i’ll look at it but no promises
>fear of loss, of abandonment
when I was younger yes
>your upbringing is an uncomfortable area of your life
Not as much anymore
>how sure are you of your birth time
My mom has told me down to the minute several times
Dude, yesterday I saw a huge star brighter than any of the other stars move through the nightsky. Was it just a satelite or did we have any comets passing through the northeren hemisphere last night?
As I said, I've asked it in varying ways - it wasn't just "gimme personality insight"; my posts in reality were more specific - I've just simplified the requests here in this thread. And thank you for the offer, but no thanks.

But to the extent that it matters and whether you're curious, from memory:
>Sun: Cancer
>Moon: Libra
>Asc: Pisces
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Meteors are extremely common. Multiple every hour burning up. You can look it up by the color to see what it was made out of. I live fairly rural so I see them all the time, but maybe only two extremely large ones. One of those was in the middle of the day.
It was all white like the stars you see at night, it also had no tail. I wish I had taken a video
which placement is the most important in the chart? sun, moon, ascendant, ruler of the chart?
none of those. but if i had to choose from that selection probably the ascendant or chart ruler which are basically the same thing
Ascendant. That is your destiny in this life. Every other aspect of your chart you're supposed to transcend. They are useful for knowing your current self, but if you wish to become enlightened, the ascendant is where you look.
"Ascendant is just your persona, you grow out of it!" is a PSYOP
how can i use ascendant to ascend?
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Any astrological hypothesis on the great migration and degradation of all nations

I feel like it’s too easy to blame Pluto in Aquarius, Aquarius being the sign of singularity, the sign responsible for transvestites, merging man with woman, merging man with machine, and now trying to merge races and backgrounds. Will Pluto in Aquarius be responsible for destroying culture as well
it's probably literally a planet anon
planets don’t fly across the sky
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99% of xtards
>Am I An MK Ultra Victim
they do, actually, just very slowly. but if you saw a quick moving object it was probably a plane or a helicopter.
planets don’t fly across the sky
Sun sign is what you identify with, your identity.
Moon sign is what you feel and how you react to your environment, sensitivity to the world.
The ascendant is what you really are, how people perceive you. Your natural presence.

Birth charts are fragmented maps of the psyche. Every attribute has a meaning in your life. But the ascendant is you as individual, and the chart ruler the way you express or manifest the energy of your ascendant. The regular topics in your life.
I thought North Node was your destiny.
Look into esoteric astrology. I dont know too much about it myself desu, but basically each sign has a corresponding ray(s) which is the energy you must embody to fulfil your destiny
>they do, actually, just very slowly.
stop being annoying. you know damn well planets do not shoot across the sky which is literally what they said they saw and you’re still trying to say this. no. they do not fly across the sky
So... Gf? Marriage?
before you ask us this,
ask yourself
>Do you actively try to get a girlfriend?
>Do you have anything to offer or the capabilities of taking care of a woman?
>Do you have a job or a place to live?
>Are you clean and presentable?

At the very least I wish when you all ask this you would provide some kind of context for why you don’t have a partner or what you’ve already done in real life to try to get one, otherwise it’s like shooting blanks. We can’t tell you if you’ll ever get married or not. Even a 7th house venus isn’t a guarantee of marriage.
so we started with "move" ("literally what they said they saw") then you made it into "fly" and now you're turning that into "shoot" across the sky? damn bro you got some chutzpah.
Not him. I'm still learning so bear with me, sorry if this has been asked before, but if you can't predict a marriage/meeting a partner based on a chart alone, what can you predict exactly (if anything)? I know the more context the better. I think I read something from Dorotheus that says when Jupiter opposes the Lot of Marriage a marriage will occur (something like that). Do you just not think specific predictions like that are possible? I don't have enough experience or knowledge to really say if that's true.
I do have women approaching but they all tell me i am very distant. I have diffixulty expressing emotions i Guess.
Typically the only time you’ll see a marriage prediction is from pajeet astrology or scammers. You can predict things like luck in relationships or bad luck, delayed relationships later in life, but that’s about it. The same thing applies to things like children. You can suggest someone might have a lot of children, with say a jupiter in the 5th, but even then it doesn’t necessarily mean that person will have children at all. You can see things like high chance of infertility with a mars in the 5th of a woman or a pluto in the 5th. But you can’t predict specificities. You can do things like suggest a certain transit is good time for putting yourself out there, but it doesn’t guarantee you’ll meet your soul mate.

All in all, predictive astrologer is more useful for mundane [events, natural disasters, market movement, product recalls, etc]
>Sun: Pisces
>Ascendant: Aires
>Moon: Leo
alright bros tell me my fortune. why am I an incel?
Dead thread, maybe reddit? Nobody Here knows much it seems
what do you mean nobody knows much? nobody cares about your big 3 or you personally. the thread is about astrology not about me me me me me please tell me about myself
"I suck at x but my ego wont let me admit it" post

Ooooh astrologa Is woooo mysteriousssss oooo you jave seekrit knowledge!

Yeah naj im off to reddit
Big ego + victim complex.
>highest grades
>he studies the whole day
Mitch references the consequences of an baphometical touch. Aint even humanly posible.
where you belong
Try some blue lotus and you'll understand where the ancient egyptian aesthetic came from.
Nothing wrong with that tho, every reading can be unique in it's interpritation and focused on different aspects
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Can I get a personality reading?
You will never be a real woman.
Perfectionistic, structured and intense. You demand a lot of attention and have a solid routine.
You may be working in IT fields, writing, speech... something related to communication and your own practical intellect.
You're a beautiful, yet moody and explosive person. Very quiet inside until they drive you crazy.
Saturn in 10th house in fall. Your father might be authoritarian and rough with you, and your 4th house ruler (Venus) is in conjunction to Mars. It also indicates problem in your family, mother. So your 4th house Chiron makes sense.
Find an older, mature gf. I'd say Venus in the house of Saturn in conjunction to him is bad for love but it should have a positive nature as Venus is in reception.
You might meet her through finances, shared resources, transformative experiences... those experiences that promise a deeper connection at a soul level.
Gloom attitude to life, you may be overly responsible and have no room for mundane experiences. For you, feeling helpful is important.
This may create separation from others, living your own world, avoiding parties, social gatherings, etc...
Leo Rising, the most potential way you find a gf is in your job or hobbies. And you might like intense, spiritual, profound girls who can have a deeper connection at soul level with you.
You're not fond of mundane relationships. It's all or nothing.
thanks anon
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ok since you guys are so good at this
>what's mine say then?
were you an orphan or something?

your home life was unstable, some kind of disconnection. either moved around a lot, we abandoned or something else. however saturn in the 4th with neptune and uranus, you could have been responsible for your household in some way, maybe an elderly or just unreliable parent.

lilith conjunct ascendant, people find you intriguing, odd, weirdly sexually attractive.
you could say that. my parents divorced when i was a child. i caught my mother being unfaithful with the "stranger" who moved into the guest room.
>that guy later became my step father
my mother uprooted us after finishing the 3 stage rocket technique on my father,
>make the father act out ending in his arrest
>make false statements saying husband/kids father sexually abused the kids/physically dangerous to be around/safety of the kids in jeopardy
>divorce husband for maximum profit.
after she cleaned the house out of valuables, she and new bf moved us states away,
thats when the abuse started.
i never kept my mouth shut. id always try to stand up for my mother, it ended badly
they drink, every day, and have for as long as i can remember. thats 32 years and counting. i don't remember the first 3 years of my life.
maybe that was tmi?
>trip updates
I'm curious if anybody here is into hellenic astrology - as in one sign-one house and aphesis.
(Yes, Chris Brennan's book).

I find it (one sign one house) simplifies my work greatly at one hand and at another gives me a very dynamic and developing look into the birth chart. The aphesis gives a potential layout of life in time, whereas just the chart can give glimpses here and there that are general, broad, helpful - yes, but not concrete (or maybe I just lack experience and knowledge).

Aphesis retroactive predictive capability is almost eeire. I was surprised multiple times at how accuratly it pinpoints the time of certain events. Almost makes you a hardline determinist.

So yeah, what are your experiences with these two?
Yep I am into Hellenistic astrology but I have no idea what you mean by aphesis. Will have to use the English term for it if you want me to recognise it.
Transiting Saturn in Pisces has been sitting on my mutable stellium between 14 and 18 degrees since it decided to retrograde near it.

It's been absolute hell these last few months and its not even half way done with me.
Trips confirm. NN is your most important point - though you shouldn't ignore Sun, Moon, ASC, MC. ASC is the 2nd most important.
Why is 15 degrees in Aquarius bad? What about 20 degrees in Aquarius?
Isnt NN all about you needing to incorporate that sign energy into your daily life?
Chapter 18, page 553, "Zodiacal Releasing"

Ah yes, I use ZR. Unfortunately I can't quite apply it to my own chart because one of my lots is at a sign boundary. The timings to do with the other lot do line up very accurately, though. I think ZR is the kind of technique that is especially impressive when you're looking at the full career timeline of an older person.
I have a very basic knowledge of astrology but from reading up on it myself and talking to other people it seems I will excel at my professional life at the cost of my love life. This seems true. I am driven and ambitious but do not resonate romantically with others. Did I get the basic idea right?
I think you can do rectification with that to identify where specifically this lot is situated. Just by checking how many notable things happened in this or that configuration.
I use AstroVisor on android to calculate periods. Do you use it or something different?

Also one of the things that are not quite clear for me are other lots besides fortune and of good daimon. I think he mentions that they are constructed based off of fortune and daimon lots, but I do not understand their possible function.

I assume there's logic in how they're derived from those lots and thus are related, but still I have no idea how to use them.
(not an attack against you personally or anybody else)
I hate how it is a tradition in these threads to post screenshots of just one set up (with god awful amount of aspects with unknown values) instead of time, date and place of birth.

How is an astrologer supposed to know whether a poster just put random time there thinking it doesn't matter for example. It would be much more convenient to have time-place point so that an astrologer could use their specific tools instead of deciphering omnipresent placidus with epileptic inducing widest aspect orbs possible to every lilith and I touched your mom points.
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If you're a woman and you have this chart you will drown in cock. If you're a man and you have this chart you'll be attractive but lucky to get an unattractive woman's attention once every couple years.
At least I will likely be pretty solid financially, as my life gets on
>Be me
>25yo wizard on Discord, just trying to survive the wagecuck grind and shitpost my way through life
>One day, get DM from Stacy-tier profile pic
>Brain.exe can't handle, but whatever, roll with it
>Start talking, turns out she's into anime, gaming, and has actually read a book or two
>tfw she might be the one
>Weeks pass, we're getting close, talking every night, getting all the feels
>Decide it's time for voice chat
>First call, something seems off, but whatevs, maybe she's just shy
>Second call, voice is deeper than my existential crisis
>"Hmm, okay..."
>Third call, it hits me – this ain't a Stacy, it's a Chad in disguise
>Confront her about it, trying to keep it cool
>Turns out she's transgender and didn't bother to mention it
>My face when I've been catfished
>Try to have a civil convo, just want some honesty, bro
>She flips out, accuses me of being a bigot, her white knights start spamming me with hate DMs
>mfw I'm now the villain of my own story
>Server mods ban me, life in shambles
>Just wanted to find my qt3.14, ended up with a massive shitstorm
>Thanks, Discord. Never trusting an anime profile pic again
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Personality? Career? Possible future?
Social, outgoing, gregarious. Probably a "watery" physique - plump and succulent.
Career in social stuff, maybe law.
Bright, but financially stunted future.
>I think you can do rectification with that to identify where specifically this lot is situated.
If you have a long enough timeline, and a stable work history.
>I use AstroVisor on android to calculate periods.
I just use Astro-seek.
>Also one of the things that are not quite clear for me are other lots besides fortune and of good daimon.
Releasing from Eros works in the same way, just like releasing from Spirit does.
The other Hermetic lots are mostly unexplored.
Not necessarily? Maybe because of the Moon-Venus opposition? Since the Moon rules the 7th, and Venus the 10th. I feel like you shouldn't be without resources in love either, though.
Eh idk, I knew a girl with almost exactly the same chart, and to my understanding she mostly struggled to get attention from men. She was pretty aggressive about it though. She was a homewrecker. It just didn't work out for her most of the time.
LMAO bro what are you expecting on Discord? Furthermore, women never read good books. Only sloppa.
You seem like a man of contradictions. I can relate. Don't get too crazy with life anon.
I thought I found something real, someone who got me, but nah, just another catfish. Trying to keep it cool, but it all blows up in my face. Now I'm the villain, banned, and surrounded by white knights defending their queen. It's a circus, man, and I'm the sad clown trying to juggle my way through it.
Don’t worry, I won’t let it drive me totally insane. Just another massive shitball in this uphill battle.

This tranny was more like scrolling through endless larping and pretending to be cultured. I'm definitely a walking contradiction, just trying to navigate this mess of a life.
Imagine white knight from a tranny though. Those poor fellas have it worse than you do.
>tfw NN in Pisces 7th house
The ride never ends. Kill me.
based on what
Whats wrong with it?
t. avoidant but NN in 11th house Sagittarius
who said it was bad
Posting about your NN sign is funny because everyone your age has the exact same thing. Pretty sure one time I saw someone in here say they have a sagittarius pluto so that means they’re ngmi.

Side note, the 11th house is the most null, boring, uneventful of all the houses.
Post actual day, time and place of birth for further... (joking(no))

For appearance - ruler of the first house is in cancer conjunct with Luna.
They're both in 11th house of friends, same as Jupiter - ruler of 7th - of relationships.
Thus gregarious.
10th house has Saturn so hints at law or administrative work. But since 10th house is ruled by Jupiter in good place I assumed it is more social, thus law.

2nd house of finances is ruled by Venus that is fucked in 12th house - arrested, stopped. Money's not everything - you'll get your future bright through friends and work. She's also ruler of long journeys so no travelling to Thai for ladybugs for you.
>Side note, the 11th house is the most null, boring, uneventful of all the houses.

It's the best after 5th of bitches in heat and 8th of death and deep dives into (what bitches are reeeeeally about).

>Releasing from Eros works in the same way, just like releasing from Spirit does.
Can you elaborate, please? I still don't get it.
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why do i not relate to anything pisces? i’ve always been optimistic i don’t cry or get sad or upset easy. i’m not a home body or an introvert at all. i’m physically active in great shape i don’t do drugs or play video games or anything that the internet applies to pisces. can anyone explain or tell me anything else about myself thanks
Do you really feel that way or are you trying to make a joke? The 11th house is boring. It doesn’t matter which planet is placed there, nothing can give that house spice. Its a waste of placements. Do you have any reasoning behind your opinion other than you probably have 11th house placements?
Why'd you assume that the sign of "plenty and more than plenty", domicile of JUPITER is about being an introvert?
i just said that’s what the internet told me. i don’t know what domcile means or anything about astrology…..
Pisces, the ruler of the 12th house, is notoriously known for being introverted. What are you talking about? Don’t get me started on essential dignities either. You’re obviously the same person that just said the 11th house is the most interesting house after the 5th and 8th so I’m going to assume you’re just taking the piss.
I do have it. The way I think of it is 11th house is the house of good daimon (your guide and thing that saves you from fate, predetermination). Also it is the house of friends (your agathodaimon is your best friend), boons from nowhere, the most fun and laid back house. It's companion - the 5th house of pleasures and good fortune. So yeah.
To explain why they have that meaning I'd have to cover logic behind hellenistic houses meaning. It's a lot of explaining so I won't do that, you can read Chris Breannan's brick.
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what do you guys think
I'm sorry, but personally I'm not bying "sign houses". For me astrology already has a straightforward logic of signs having their own qualities. Mixing them with houses to then unmix them to do a reading just doesn't jive well with my feels for it. It is a bit like adding hours to the clock - it throws a wrench into a relatively fine tuned mechanism.
LOL chris brennan. Opinion completely disregarded.
Np man, whatever tickles your pickle. We're all here to have fun in our own ways.
Then you can’t properly do astrology. You don’t personally get to start changing the way it’s worked for millennia because you just don’t feel wike it’s right.
can someone please help me understand
My gf has Mars in scorpio in 5th house, being its ruler and conjunct Sun.

She's really restrained in her sexual desire. But I suspect there's a huge untapped beast lying there somewhere.
Unlikely to tell, but I’d assume she has a Virgo or Scorpio Mars. Maybe Virgo Ascendant.
You know what - you're right, so idk why'd you accept 1970s addition "sign = house" made by Zipporah Dobyns to a system that didn't have that for 2 thousand years prior.
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Barron Trumps birth chart.
Is he the chad everyone assumes he will be?
Sign doesn = house. Rulerships aren't exactly the same across the board. Shouldn't have to explain this.
I don't know because we can't see the fuckin degrees ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhdijoshgflkdjshls Sun at 29th degree would be a sign of ... something for sure
as a pisces dominant person myself you can't be chad with that chart, unless he channels the sag moon energy but I think he'll lead a life different from politics
He has a alot of interesting squares and a powerful 10th house Pluto. Which I would argue would be more important than his sun and moon signs. Who knows if he even wants to go into politics, that family is very business oriented.
>Posting about your NN sign is funny because everyone your age has the exact same thing.
True, but the house the NN sign is in can be different depending on birth time even if the age is around the same.
I searched for the possible influence of degrees and came across this thread
The first post has a lot of information, including
>15 Degrees of Leo is one of the worst degrees in the zodiac. Either natally or in prediction. Prominent in the charts of serial killers, felons serving life sentences, hard luck, etc. Helen Keller- blind/deaf had her chart co-ruler, Mars at 15 degrees of Leo, along with no air signs. (Air signs are communication).
>15 Degrees of Taurus, Scorpio and Aquarius are also unfortunate, but not to the extent as 15 degrees of Leo, one of the worst degrees in the Zodiac.
The original source is apparently "a random site".
>Can you elaborate, please? I still don't get it.
If you know how Spirit releasing does, it's the same for Eros, except it marks how much activity relationship topics get.
To be fair i checked the charts of basically every notorious american serial killer and none of them had anything at 15° Leo. Does this mean the theory isn’t true? No. But make sure to double check information you get from forums.
>Eh idk, I knew a girl with almost exactly the same chart, and to my understanding she mostly struggled to get attention from men. She was pretty aggressive about it though. She was a homewrecker. It just didn't work out for her most of the time.
Shit, well I'm pretty much the same then. I seem invisible to women but the desire preoccupies me
I have both 15 degrees of Leo and Aquarius. It is pretty bad out here.
>22 degrees rising
it's okay, I've mostly let go of degree theory
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Got a very funny silly and goofy chart fellas. Is it evident that its fucked up? And what is needed in order to not be so emotionally volatile while simultaneously extremely disconnected from a sense of 'self'.
Hes autistic
I think he might be more of a symbol or a thought leader rather than a leader. But you never know with rich people.
>posts sidereal
Take this to /paj/ pajeet general, please.
15 degree Aquarius: generally good character (as in good features) who finds success in unknown territories and journeys but can get easily be taken advantage of by business partners and there's a risk of swindles and violent death as the perpetrator or victim.
20 degree Aquarius: active, observant, optimistic. Can turn obstacles into assets. Has poor or impoverished parents in childhood. Successful career requires a lot of movement, traveling abroad for learning and putting gained knowledge in use in home country. Decent wealth potential if takes these kinds of jobs.
15 degree Leo: Lonely, self-centered, bad temper, stubborn, dissentious, wants to do forbidden things. Will not become very rich. May get unreliable employees or colleagues.
15 degree Taurus: refined, pleasant, thoughtful. Will be rich and happy especially early in life. May get unsuspected enemies or unexpected negative events.
15 degree Scorpio: independent, scheming, quarrelsome. Dangerous adventures bringing about failure and ruin.
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Kinda spooked about this upcoming Mars Uranus conj (26), as it will be pretty much right on my asc (28).

Any ideas as to what sort of themes I can expect?
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Not sure if it's you or multiple people that says this, but is there someone else you'd recommend?
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I stopped coming in here months ago and now find out someone is posting my chart. What the fuck is wrong with you?
At least I finally found out my birth certificate so its not really accurate.
It's this same person who is impersonating you. He also posted my chart and started to insult people out of nothing, they think I was the one fucking up these threads.
We should make a effort to report him. This schizo is insufferable. I'm not even banned and he was lying about my ban.
Within here, you described something that never happened. As such, you're a foul creature which appears to be harmless yet terrifying the more you delve into. You resemble an angel who echoes voices yet turns out to be a monster eventually. Lies crumble with time, your theater will not last long. I wish not to witness your existence again or I will report you for trolling and accusing me of having malicious intentions when in fact I've been lurking these days in the thread. Your post further proves you're troll because there's no way you can know whether someone is banned or not. You're a psychopath under a hero facade.
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Stop larping as me.
I dont post here anymore and I dont use discord.
Thats my chart youre replying to and I have given up on having a relationship. I've given up on it, never to want it again. Besides more into porn than real people anyways.
I don't care, I can tell it's you. Stop larping as me.
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It's not me. He's a totally different anon and he also posted my chart in a different thread to larp as me.
which planet should I focus the most time on?
I havent posted here in months. Found other astrology communities that are not this full of shitposting.

Someone has been posting my chart instead of me.
You have a weird way of writing, a typing style that's odd and uncanny. Stop pretending you're me.
Pisces ascendant and Sun with Sag Moon? Fear not, he's a dreamy, nerdy guy who's going to be super trad type of guy regardless of their parents, especially with Saturn in Leo, he's not going to be extremely good at public magnetism when it comes to speeches unless he manages to speak with very few words and explain himself simply to the audience, he's very into music or artistic things that let him express himself however but he has no time for that.

I could see him being a pretty good composer if something related to music.
I have issues and am weird. Can anyone explain why I am so messed up and if my chart has any signs or things it is telling me that I can't see?
Sun sign scorpio
Rising leo
moon in sag
No idea. Uranus is unpredictable. Expect the unexpected.
I'd pay even more attention to this if Mars is profected.
It's a regular schizo.
Are you on plebbit now?
Which further proves my point. I'd usually write uncanny and weird posts, too lazy to argue with random people here.
>Also, i hope you know that i have both of your charts and can delineate which time zone you were born in if i cared to bother
Here he claims to have saved both of our charts. And what a coincidence your chart is one of the former posts of this thread. I'd usually write short but concise and detailed posts. This schizo was fighting and sending whole paragraphs about Pluto and random stuff.
This person is not intelligent enough to lie. He first posts the chart, then claims to own both of our charts. However, I don't care. Quitting this thread too, it god filled of weird, pretentious people.

Time to move to Plebbit, astro-seek or another better place than this schizo-infested weaving basket forum.
Stop spamming. No one cares.
Literally they're derailing the thread with nasty rumors. You all have an unbalanced yardstick. A bunch of hypocrites clamoring order and making false allegations.
Please shut up and go away. Not a singular person cares what you’re rambling about.
They care, in fact. That's why OP made this thread, spread nasty rumors and posted charts. So I'm just reporting the responsible of this massive shitball that has been falling down the thread these days.
Have a nice day. You're boiling down despite having nothing to do with my claims. I won't assume anything but if you have nothing to do then why make such an unnecessary post? It just exposes the obvious.

You all act like wild beasts and have the double-standard of accusing others of "derailing" the thread. Which is why I debunked his allegations about me with solid arguments. Nice try next time, not gonna let you drive this narrative further.
oh my fucking god shut the fuck up you dirty leo rising NO ONE GIVES A FUCK STFU
Thats not me
Less schizo BS, more readings.
I'm at the point where I don't even pay attention to both of them and wish they'd jump in front of a bus. it's not even about who's right or wrong anymore, they should just fuck and get it over with and stop killing the threads (unless that's the point)
I didn't know they were that big of a problem, but idk, on 4chan you're bound to have some mentally ill folks on here. I'm one of them, just not posting other people's charts. I'm trying to get my own chart read
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on the topic of relationships, would my chart imply that I'd meet someone through my job/career path since the ruler of the 7th is in the 10th?
You spam my chart and then pretend to be right?
I havent posted here in months.
Theres always someone pretending to be me in other boards too
I'd like to see her chart.
No one really cares to get the most out of astrology.
No one has been able to figure out this chart yet
Shut up
?? what is there to figure out
>I reported him for saying le heckin bold racism word
Where do you think you are ?
It has nothing to do with the n word and everything to do with stopping derailing the threads. You’d understand that if you had more than a single digit IQ.
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Genuine question, but could there be something in one's chart that would give them a deep attraction towards chubby and fat women?
I've read certain signs can influence weight, but not much on what people are physically attracted to.
Uhhhh... Venus-Jupiter conjunction? Maybe?
Can someone see why Im never getting into a relationship in my chart
I cant
Any aspects that make me love a yapper?
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So is it true that I can't ever get into a romantic relationship or that I'll get that and sex and affection WHEN I AM FUCKING OLD?
Should I kill myself?
Can I become wealthy? How? How do I discipline myself? A general reading of my chart would be nice as well.
People have gone mad trying to interpret it
That’s one of the most average charts i’ve ever seen what are you talking about?
Maybe address the porn addiction or whatever’s going on and start there.
If I had that what do you think I would watch based off of my chart?
I don’t give a fuck
Why did you think I even had an addiction?
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Anyone have a clue how to understand this? My Jupiter is in Virgo in the 4th house and my husband is extremely virgo-like in its archetype. The servant, clean, compassionate, nurturing. But when you look at this chart his Venus is in Virgo and Moon in Libra, potentially representing his wife aka me. But I'm not libra or virgo-like at all. Where does the man's chart show what kind of wife he attracts? Why does my chart reflect him 100% but his chart doesn't reflect me? His time is accurate.
You have Saturn and the South Node conjunct in 4th house Aries. You could look at SN as being a karmic point like Saturn so there seems to be some karmic issues related to 4th house themes like parents, family, home. Aries is an independent sign that kind of wants to do its own thing quickly, but Saturn slows things down and adds limitation. I'd read that like there would have been issues in your household growing up. Maybe you had too much freedom growing up or maybe your parents were too interested in things going on in their lives to give you enough attention.

This Saturn being at your IC, thus opposite your MC, could cause problems with reputation, or at least make you work a little harder to be seen professionally. Your Mercury is at your MC people will see you related to themes involving speech, writing, intellect, maybe specifically diplomatic communication with mercury being in Libra.

Your North Node in the 10th Libra does indicate your soul is trying to learn lessons related to your career and public persona. Your Chiron being conjunct with your NN could indicate you can use your past traumas in some way with your career. Maybe talking about things that happened to you to help mediate communications between people.

You are a Sagittarius rising so your rising is ruled by your Jupiter in Capricorn. Could look at it like it's either in 1st house or 2nd whole sign. Jupiter indicates where you can achieve abundance. Persistence will be a major theme to your success. You will have to put in the work to achieve your goals, but you will be successful.

You have a Mars/Venus conjunction which can make you passionate. 8th house topics deal with what we receive from other people, or taxes, sex, power. Leo likes to show off. Be careful of finding too much comfort in others attention. You have a day chart so Mars will tend to bring out more of its malefic tendencies. Mars is in direct opposition to Uranus in 2nd. 2nd house can relate to finances.
Stop tucking and being scared of different math. Its all still astrology
You don’t know how to read charts
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How does my sun sign make you FEEL?
Soothing. Both my moon, and Mercury share your Sun's sign, and I can say I genuinely appreciate the effect they've had on my development.
Thank you. Can you or someone else comment on my personality? I feel like my identity as slippery. How should I act? What skills, such as becoming outgoing, are practically impossible for me to learn? How can I become confident?
too normie for me
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No, you just want to be special so bad but are also retarded, so you think coming in here and saying your chart “drives people mad” and “no one can figure it out” is somehow going to trick us into reading your boring chart. Some of you are so stupid i genuinely don’t know how you make it through the winter. Sorry that you have a boring chart i guess?
Am I supposed to use Placidus or whole sign house system when trying to read my own chart?
You'll have to try both and see what resonates more. Quadrant house systems like Placidus are useful for identifying which planets are prominent or "busy" in a chart. Have a look here:

You might need to use the wayback machine for the blog, looks like it's working now but it was down for me a little while back.
speaking of the way back machine, does anyone remember the glory days of Astro Codex. you aren't a real nigga otherwise. sorry to zoomercels.
Would this person (female)
Be compatible with this person (male)?
What was going on Late Wednesday into Thursday to make me say something incredibly stupid?
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any explanation?

trumps chart + assassination attempt

Its so funny to me how the curse of the saturn/jupiter conjunction hold weight over every president elected under it, to be assasinated or die in office. We all always thought biden would die in office because of this.But more and more im inclined to believe he was wrongfully elected.

this country is going to shit

if any of you voted for biden i hope you know theres a spot reserved for you in hell
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What should I go study after graduating? Is there something where I could excel at?
What do you think of my chart? What's in store for me in the near future?
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>any explanation?
Mars conjunct Uranus and Algol in his 10th house squaring his natal Mars on the Ascendant. That must be it right? It doesn't have to be exactly on the 15th does it? I'm still novice. Honestly couldn't have played out better for him, glad he's ok.
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astrology and weed has made my sister schizophrenic
what can i do
its like she just smokes weed all day and thinks reading charts do anything instead of taking real action
Depends on his height, face, dck size and income
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Not just in this 10th house, but closely conjunct to his MC. Also remember Trump has Regulus on his Ascendant.

>In astrology, these mythological connections inform how Regulus is interpreted. It’s associated with:
>Honor and fame: Reflective of its regal namesake, Regulus suggests a path to accolades and recognition.
>Power and wealth: Embodying the riches of the king of the jungle.
>Potential for downfall: As with many mythic narratives, a reminder that every rise could be met with a fall.
>Imbued with this storied past, Regulus’s placement in your chart can not only indicate potential success and power but also serves as a warning—a reminder to keep your hubris in check, lest your legacy become a cautionary tale.

Also interesting is the use of "bull's eye" by Biden a few days ago: “So, we’re done talking about the debate, it’s time to put Trump in a bull’s eye,”

Trump's MC is in the tropical sign of Taurus, and Aldebaran, in the constellation of Taurus, is known as the "bullseye".
That's wild. How do you think he'll fare come November? Looks like he has some positive Jupiter transits on election day. Didn't look at Biden's.
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Dunno, haven't looked at it until now...transits look favourable:
Transit Jupiter conjunct natal north node and trine natal Jupiter.
Transit conjunction Moon-Venus conjunct natal moon - in opposition to that transit Jupiter-natal node conjunction.
Transit Mars enters Leo 1st house.
Astrology is a spiritual science that can help one find themselves on a deeper level. Cannabis is also a tool to open up hidden parts of the self and helps bring to the forefront the meanings of past lives and it guides you to seek out your true purpose. So it's actually a good thing. You should suggest she learn vedic astrology because its more academic and she's more likely to not be trapped into following the wrong teachers who do it for vanity. You should ask her to read your chart and support her that way so you can keep an eye on it if she's going at it the wrong way.
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What does this say about myself?
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I’m so lonely.
Restricted to Jewish “shidduch” dating.

Also any insights on personality?
Is this a good description for Virgo Moon? I found it on some forum on Internet.

>The psychodynamics of withdrawal include a subtle but effective act of rebellion. Sometimes it is an act of revenge against the demands of that internalized, hypercritical and severe mother, with her perennial: "You don't finish anything you start!". The result of this conflict between internal demands and the rebellion of not doing is guilt and failure.

>A childhood full of demands and messages of undervaluation, and of feeling undeserving, is common:
>“Everything my mother gave me came with guilt. When she gave me a toy or clothes, she would say, "I stopped giving it to myself to give it to you!" These messages corroborated the feeling of poverty, scarcity and, above all, that of not being worthy of something positive in life. I perceive any change in my partner's mood as if it were against me, because of me. So, I react like a child or a teenager: I shut myself in and isolate myself, and I feel even more guilty about that estrangement.” – Alexandre V.
Additionally, this is the description of an Aquarius Rising with Virgo Moon. Seems to be very fitting.
newfag to this general here, chart is pic related

had the best month of my life in june, very lucky shit just happening left and right. feels like it has to be a lot from the jupiter transit into gemini, from what i can gather. ironically this may have saved trump's head from exploding on live TV too

ive only just learned this astrology shit in the last couple weeks but i think im picking it up pretty well

my malefic saturn in aquarius squaring my pluto feels like the most common thorn in my side desu, i literally cannot stop being almost comically stubborn in my belief that my way of doing shit will work out and make me wildly rich, largely with my style of how ive been trading crypto for the last 5+ years

my gemini stellium is also fucking annoying quite often with how unstable my mutable air brain is. it cant ever settle on one interpretation or prediction and my communication of my ideas is absurdly chaotic and constantly causes me to shift back and forth between some kind of conceptual duality

my aries rising/mars in first house really is what has always kept me going. every single day of my life feels like a tabula rasa where i wake up completely fresh feeling confident that i can will myself through any obstacle i encounter, regardless of how many times i fail. its like an abundance of unfounded confidence that i believe eventually will fake it until making it or something

anyway, looking forward to learning more cuz this shit def seems super accurate and real beyond what i ever believed possible. classic gemini curiosity has me super interested now
They're fags
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Life is pointless and absurd, all I want is sex and distractions. I won't "work" to "improve" myself, I don't have plans or desires beyond my urgent animal needs. I reclaim my right to be a disgrace, to be increasingly worse off, to be a walking contradiction, to be selfish and anxious, fixed and reckless. It doesn't matter. I will keep coming back and not improving, if this shit is real. I just want to suffer forever, and cum about it. I reclaim my right to be a disgusting goon and an hedonist for all eternity. I want to punch anything "sacred" and cum on it.
I need some advice from someone who’s better at astrology than me. I’m currently going thru an uranus transit (uranus opposite my natal sun in the 4th house) and I read that this can affect my relationship with my father. Like clock work my dad very surprisingly and suddenly revealed that he’s been having an affair for years and that my parents are getting a divorce. This has definitely drastically changed how I view him and I have been digesting this info for the past couple days. With all the general Uranus shit going on right now (Uranus is going to form conjunction with mars tomorrow?) and trump getting shot, I’ve been wondering if I should just hide this out for the moment. I’m invited to a big birthday party tomorrow but I’m kinda spooked now. A friend of mine who I’ve been having some issues with for a while is going to be there and I’m worried that shit might hit the fan
Anon, can you do something for me? Clear your head, close your eyes, and breathe. You can do it. Feel the blackness, feel the void. Now, imagine some picture which will be associated with the birthday tomorrow and attune your feelings towards center of the chest or solar plexus. Can you describe the feeling? Does it feel warm, cold, like cinnamon or like forest moss? Describe those feelings to me.
I'll preface this by saying I'm a novice and this is practice for me, so take what I say with a big hunk of salt.
I asked in the last thread if people think predicting marriage and children is too specific, but I've played around with my dad's chart using some methods from Dorotheus (Carmen Astrologicum) and they seemed to accurately predict the number of wives and children he's had (2 and 3 respectively). I need to test all the methods way further though, especially the timing of the marriage itself. Anyways, as for whether you'll be married and have kids: I say it seems likely, yes. Might be around or after you're 30 (again, big hunk of salt and this is just based on what I've read and not tested thoroughly).
>Also any insights on personality?
Your Ascendant is on the cusp of Taurus and Gemini, and the ruler of Taurus - Venus, is in Virgo along with Mercury who rules Gemini. So a lot of heavy Mercurial energy going on here. The fact you're Jewish makes it funnier because all that + other things like your moon in the 3rd house screams a kind of shy, nerdy guy that's really good at writing and or speaking. Like a lawyer or accountant. Some difficulties related to actually making use of those talents in reality maybe as well.
>all of that scorpio and sag energy
astrology has never been more real than somebody talking like this and having this chart lol. just glad you're honest, but try to keep out of trouble
>guy with insane amount of scorpio in his chart is a tortured poet and porn addict
fucking kek no one can tell me that astrology isnt real
Biden still has practically six months left in office. Anything can happen.
richard simmons died today
idk cause of death but assume more because he’s just old

>the nodes are almost always involved
he had skin cancer for awhile
ahhhh okok
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is it over for me bro's....
lol I hate entertaining pop astro stereotypical shit but you have to be... a fag, or at least considered queer stuff, right? or is this a woman's chart
No, they do not have to be neither fag or woman. Libra is a male sign, and Libra stellium does not make anyone homosexual or effeminate. Not the best example, but Putin has Libra stellium
Kek, thanks bro.

I truly am shy/nerdy but there is something in me that just steamrolls all that with insane (over)confidence sometimes. I can speak/write, but not publicly…
I’m a bum. Almost 30 and just a sly leech.
>there is something in me that just steamrolls all that with insane (over)confidence sometimes
Yeah, Mars in Leo there I reckon.
>I can speak/write, but not publicly
I know this is generic self-help shit and you've heard it before, but practice makes perfect. I'm similarly inclined and being in an office job forced to talk on the phone all day and to co-workers has improved things a lot. It's been a painful experience at times though. Of course you can also find a way to make use of your talents in a behind-the-scenes way (if you don't already).
i'm only a libra moon and it's already super tiring balancing everything. can't imagine a stellium like this
it's the sag moon that's making u an impulsive lowlife nigger
i don't trust descriptions that connect the natal moon with the mom as it contradicts synastry
also it doesn't describe the most common traits of virgo like anxiety and severe practicality. is this the whole thing or just an excerpt?
post her chart or at least birth date/place/hour
a birth chart doesn't predict anything and predictive astrology is a scam anyway
big NOPE
>leo libra leo vs virgo x3
that alone is a no no
doesn't mean u can't force it
but it's gonna be so torturous
carrington is that you?
no but you're a scorpio moon pisces venus u want love that is all consuming and that's heavy. still obtainable as long as u encounter the "right person" (that is, somebody whose chart is compatible with yours e.g. earth sun water moon water venus)
Sorry, I'm not that person.
I would appreciate any seer who could glean some insight from my chart
sag moon is a volatile placement
What makes someone compatible with me? I've never been in a relationship
What does my chart say about love? I mean, can I get people? Am I unfuckable?
>pisces sun and MERCURY, sag moon
he'll resign himself to mount athos
well like i said the most straightforward example would be another earth sun, water moon and water venus. earth is taurus virgo and cap, water is cancer scorpio and pisces
love wise you're actually in great shape bc your venus is in pisces. the downside tho u get infatuated rather quickly but u have lots of love to give
no fucking way they made it here kekkk
he's an aqua sun and she's a cap sun. she's got a whole onlyfans account of course shit gets nasty
sag moon
ur chart is akin to barron trump's
In great shape for love? But Ive never had a relationship
Still thanks, yeah I fall in love easily and with almost anyone I am into, I have literally no standards
Can you tell me about my love life?
no the fuck he isnt
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i was just in a /pol/ thread arguing that astrology isn't real and it died before i could post mine and laugh at peoples' guesses
give me your best shot schizos
Okay but what do you think of my chart though?
Should the "Big 3" signs be measured equally? Or is the Sun placement still the more significant over the moon and rising?
>t. Cap Sun, Aries Moon, Libra Ascendant
Generally, the Ascendant is the most important of the Big Three.
kek well just keep falling in love then you'll find somebody compatible eventually
oh hey another scorpio sun
leo moon tho that's a lot of pride. also conflicts with the scorpio sun
My nodal return will happen soon. Are there co-occurring patterns in deaths during nodal returns that I should pay special attention to? Please respond.
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Can any faggots with a big brain reply to my post >>38358918 and if not specifically to me how do you see the WIFE in a man's chart? What is she? Moon, Jupiter, Venus, Juno? Everyone says something else.
Wife is probably 7th house and its rulers.
What about the triple virgo with this person?
Any chance at success in life? Been reading the interpretations of the chart in the site and is gotten me a bit worried since I'm currently aiming to get a degree in history, but almost everything there says I should focus on economics or legislation (though I will say my plan from the beginning was to specialize in economic history, don't know If that helps anything)
The 27 club. Other than that you’re literally fine
What do you plan to legitimately do with a degree in history
Why do you describe your husband with Jupiter in 4th?
Do you have planets/parts of fortune, spirit or eros/ascendant in Libra or Virgo?
Wife is a sum of many variables and components in the birth chart. 7th house only represents the potential traits, qualities that she may have to complement the shadow side of your self (the ascendant-descendant axis).
On other hand, Venus, in a man's chart, indicates the kind of wife he will feel attracted to. Sometimes what generates passion for you isn't the same as the partner you actually need in your life. Which is why many partners spiral down into a descent of madness and breakdowns.

It's a passion birthed from chemistry and knowing whether you click with them or not. You know when you have chemistry with someone when you feel a soul connection at first sight - bounds are meant to be everlasting, transformative and fulfilling for both individuals. Not only one of them. That's what true love or agape is. Venus herself represents eros, but not the totality of love.

You may feel attracted to witches, cat ladies, normies, workaholic gfs. It doesn't matter. You should look into the mutual compatibility, so this way the relationship could be sustained by true and genuine love; no facades or bullshitting.
Nothing in a birth chart tells you what your spouse will be like or if you’ll even get married. At best, you can run a synastry chart and see potentially which planet you’re represented by but even then it’s frivolous. You are not represented in your husbands chart by venus or jupiter or whatever. His chart is his own chart, it has nothing to do with you.
Not even remotely close to true. If you personally aren’t good at predictive astrology that’s a you problem. I mean a recent example would be the thousands of astrologers who predicted the trump shooting. The madrid earthquake. Covid was another huge one. You mediocre enthusiasts are so funny when you fall short.
>arguing about astrology being real
>how can i make this about me, personally

Personal astrology has destroyed the validity and respectable nature of astrology as a whole. I think it’s hilarious how egotistical the vast majority of people are that they try to make this otherworldly tool about them.

Just think it’s hilarious that you thought a bunch of poltards were going to care about your chart like you matter and are the monolith of whether or not astrology is real
If predictive astrology is a celestial tool why aren't you investing in cryptocurrency to become millionaire? Astrotards always use the same excuse and 90% of them are wagecuck poorfags.
Have u tried Juno? It can shed some info on your spouse. I hope I'm not too late on this lol
>i think it's hilarious
>just think it's hilarious
something tells me you don't really find this hilarious
everyone itt are getting personal readings
Go back to Discord, whiteracesavior. This is not /pol/. Dismissing astrology is a funny ignorant take because you're letting authorities think for you rather than testing the system yourself and noticing how most humans are so retarded that they cannot see beyond the layers of the system.

The limits of the material world confine this view; you are bound by a disguise of objectivity. Yet, in the grand scheme, it is of little consequence. The cosmic software plants insights, patterns, tendencies, observable effects of celestial bodies in earthly events. People should stop trusting authorities and start developing individual thinking. It's getting tiresome to see astrology "debunkers" everywhere when in reality they don't know shit about the system, and just label it as "barnum bullshit"
i have tested it myself, it doesn't work
>inb4 not a real astrologer
The fact that you automatically thought i don’t invest is funny. Nice try though
Go ahead and describe how you tested it if you can’t even read your own birth chart
It’s also worth mentioning that most fags posting on here doing free readings are not actual astrologers that know enough to do financial or GANN astrology. They’re too busy fixating on things like essential dignities there’s no possible way they’re able to do financial astrology if the extent of their knowledge is just rattling off the position and condition of a planet.
Got birth chart read
Nothing applied to me
Standing up and defending the "universal truth" is meaningless and futile. Fighting for the truth is important, but bringing the truth to everyone is a futile effort. Not everyone wants, or deserve "freedom" (remember that lies are another kind of prison).

There are better ways of persuading people. This doesn't make you dishonest or evil. You can eventually make these people to accept a truth, but the point of debates is trying the counter-part to come to this truth through pure and harsh logical reasoning. That's why I stopped trying to convince skeptics to believe in astrology; it's a meaningless effort, and it's not our duty to free them from their ignorance.

After discussing with many anons on this thread, calling me a larper, "aqua dork" using nicknames or defaming me I noticed it's pretty useless to argue when you can't convince others through harsh and forceful reasoning. Said this, don't feed this troll and just make him feel unnoticed; he will eventually leave this thread.
By whom? Some random person on an internet forum? Some girl that’s larping for energetic upvotes? Consider the source. Do you know your exact birth time confirmed by a document and not your mothers guesstimate?
Huh? I’m not persuading anyone to anything I’m simply responding to comments on 4chan idgaf about universal truth or convincing anyone of anything
My point is just don't stoop down his level. He will eventually learn the basics of astrology, otherwise, his problem, not yours.
No one has ever called you aqua dork and you are quite literally the one who comes up with nicknames to “defame” people. Your hypocrisy and victim mentality knows no bounds.
Outside anon, but just wanted to share in case if you find this interesting. Unfortunately, I am not a pro in astrology, but for me it proved to be working once and for all with three searching horary charts.
1) I lost my travel card and I knew for 100% that it was in my room. In the chart the card was signified by Mercury in Taurus. Taurus in terms of places signifies "women" spots, vanity tables, places of jewelry and perfume. Soon enough I found my card in the box with essential oils.
2) Lost a silk scarf in my room. AGAIN. Did a chart, and since silk is signified by Sun (plus, the thing was rather exquisite and one of a kind, i.e. Solar) in Pisces. Pisces can signify spots hidden from sight, wet, dark, located at the feet level. Later I found the scarf in my bed, it got stuck between the back of the bed and the mattress (hidden spot in the place of the feet).
3) My sister lost a golden earring (thankfully not in my room) and in the chart I decided to look for the Sun (thing made out of gold) which turned out to be in Leo. Leo stands for places which are higher than the eye level, the place of the stove, the hot places, etc. In the end, she found this earring near the microwave which stood at the shelf located on the head height.
Although, unfortunately, for some reason I cannot recreate these results anymore. Probably need more practice.
I've been called like that, but that's for another day. I just hope you get my point.
I can say whatever I want it’s really not that deep. Not sure why you’re trying to tell me what to do or assuming my intentions or feelings.
It was a vent about skeptics. Idc whether you agree with me or not. I just let my post here and return to lurking.
> Do you know your exact birth time confirmed by a document and not your mothers guesstimate?
Yes, I have a copy of my birth certificate
>By whom? Some random person on an internet forum? Some girl that’s larping for energetic upvotes?
This is the problem I always face in astrology. Whenever I get results that are incorrect, it's never the system's fault. I've had my chart read ITT numerous times and it never sticks. That means that I'm just supposed to see different people until the dice finally roll correctly and someone makes a correct guess. If the system had merit, there would be at least some consistency.
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Not disagreeing with you but you’re applying rulerships and meanings that don’t fit, such as a scarf (Venus) claiming it’s represented by Leo. Horary still abides by the laws of the basic rulerships. Making the shoe fit is the biggest problem in the astro communities, which is also why you see a flood of interpretations AFTER an event happens rather than before.
And just another quick side note again no offense to you but another repetitive behavior for validity of astrology is always horary. It’s like somewhere in the ape brain of humans and beginners in astro, they just straight to horary and “lost items” to prove themselves.

Here’s a perfect example of someone trying to “prove” themselves and astrology being real…..by claiming they found the exact trash can the person threw the drugs away in. Regardless of the fact that they likely only came in contact with one trash can in the first place. You get what I mean? It’s always horary.
Might give this a try and see if it works
Thanks for the input, other anon
Expecting legitimate results from a bunch of larpers is your problem. You can’t go to a dental assistant and expect them to be able to pull your tooth with no issues. They may work in the environment or watch others pull teeth, but that doesn’t mean they can do it themselves.

It’s like people who watch one youtube video about how to grow tomatoes and then get confused when the plant dies.

You’re expecting non experts, novices even, to provide you a service, for free, and be accurate. Why is it the system that’s wrong and not the messengers? Another thing to be said is some people are truly completely unaware of themselves and their behaviors. Countless times i’ve seen someone claim the native has had a bad upbringing and issues with the mother and the response is “No issues with my mother. We grew up very poor and she used to hit me all the time but we’re fine now so that doesn’t really apply to me” some variation of that. There are a million factors at play. Another big one is people under the age of 25 are extremely difficult to read for because not only do they lack life experience and self awareness, but they also want to be told they’re either super awesome successful millionaire with 4 wives or that their chart is so super scary mysterious sex god. They don’t want to hear about their normal mundane lives, they want to be told greatness, be extraordinary, they can’t stand knowing their lives are simple and mundane.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts, but you misread a bit though.
I did not assign things to zodiac signs. Otherwise, I assigned PLANETS to things ,while zodiac signified PLACES. I.e. scarf was the Sun because it was made out of silk and it was an exquisite piece of work.
What is more, I validate my horary charts because it was thanks to them that I found scarf and card. I searched the places specifically signified by Taurus and Pisces, so it was not a post-event interpretation. Perhaps, back than I just channeles the info, I dunno.
I do wonder why you are so Gung-ho and triggered by something like essential dignities. It seems like an anon mentioned it before and you can't let go kek. You don't expect anons on here to be actual astrologers, do you? We all start somewhere and you complaining about it feels so juvenile and bitter as if nothing is better than the method you're using...Id ask for some credentials since you act like you're better than everyone but it's anonymous so you could be talking out of your ass for all I know.
You are welcome!:)
Here is a small brochure with guidelines for searching horaries https://www.skyscript.co.uk/wit.html
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here’s the other part of that just to expand on my point. confirmation bias is a road block between the validity of astrology and a legitimate example. horary can be completely made up stories. but something like prediction, or historical events with transits and multiple examples of the same event, are better examples of the validity of astrology. anything but horary. it’s always about a lost object too, it’s never about “should i take x transit thru x city” and the chart saying yes and you end up passing your astrogeographical line of venus and meeting the love of your life. it’s never “should i accept this job” and becoming a millionaire or the opposite the horary chart says no and you take it anyway and you end up in squalor and exhausted and unhappy like it said you would. it’s ALWAYS a lost item
Can you expand on why you think the sun rules silk??
I’m not complaining about it, if most of you are novices then you haven’t experienced the bell curve that comes with experience. Focusing on trivial non important things like dignities is a tell tale sign of a novice. Again, it comes with ego. They’re not describing dignities to elaborate and say how that attributes to reality. They’re bringing up dignities because they want to sound informed. That’s why I always tell them to give me a legitimate real world example of how a dignity changes the rulership of a planet or how a strong mars would have different rulerships or manifestations than a weak mars. This almost always causes a fight because they realize that they can’t actually give a real world manifestation of a weak planet vs a strong planet. Which again, bell curve, you should realize then that the dignities don’t actually matter when it comes to interpretation. Mentioning dignities is peacocking. The immediate rage that follows only proves my point.
I used traditional authors: Ibn Ezra ascribes silk to the Sun.
>The immediate rage that follows only proves my point.
Well your post was rage, I was just echoing that back, you get what you give it's quite simple actually. Nothing wrong with being a novice and you also have an ego as well if not even more than the readers in this thread. Again, no credentials, why should I listen to you?
There isn’t an ounce of rage in any of my comments. Nobody said there was anything wrong with being novice. The original question was why aren’t all astrologers millionaires and i said because they’re too focused on frivolous things like essential dignities. All i did was answer the question. You immediately got upset about it. Not sure what credentials you’d want from me as if I’d dox myself on 4chan. But I guess I’ll say that I have over a decade of experience and have serviced hundreds of clients with multiple years of hands on research before I started my business, which isn’t even personal astro based anymore. I’ve predicted countless world events, natural disasters, food recalls, political outcomes, etc. I also actively invest in crypto and other various terms of “betting” and it’s been a lot of trial and error and seeing how the planets actually operate beyond the stereotypical one off buzzwords like “jupiter brings luck” for example Mars is considered a malefic, a lot of people fail when trying to apply mundane rulerships of a planet to finances, because Mars is a strong positive indicator in financial astrology.

These are things you can only learn through experience and not relying solely on what ancient astrologers said. They didn’t live in the modern world, you have to adapt. Astrology is much bigger than our human brains can comprehend, it’s infinite knowledge, you are forever a student. It only makes sense that we learn more about astrology as our world changes. Ancient astrologers built the ground work for which we use it now, but to not continue to build and adapt on that through time and trial and effort, would be a mistake and fall short of this tool we have.
He's hated because he says the truth.
>Over a decade of experience with hundreds of clients
>Lurks on 4chan and fights with people on the astrology thread
Ntayrt, we are witnessing LARPING people, get better things to do in your free time.
She told me my dreams were sort of lovecraftian apocalypsis with a hundred of monsters, chaos, destruction and sorrow just because I have Neptune in the 12th house Placidus. When I told her she was wrong and that I had dreams touching the conventional, called me a larper and that I just wanted to derail the thread.
Your analogy is apples and oranges, a dental assistant, though unable to pull a tooth himself, would at least be able to accurately point at a cavity and identify it as a cavity, instead of clocking it as gum disease, then attributing the problem to all sorts of other possible dental issues until he finally got it right
My point is that if this system were falsifiable, there would be some consistency in what my natal chart means, even among novices, but I see none
Additionally, the other part of your post could just as easily go the other way, with people more inclined to believing in certain things about themselves seeing something in their chart that doesn't apply to them and counting it as such anyway
I don’t lurk on 4chan I do readings in my free time on here. Guess that means i’m lying. That’s how embedded this ego problem is here, that you truly sincerely think that I care enough to lie about my life to impress you. As if your opinion means even a grain to me. That’s really what you think. The only reason I even brought it up was because someone specifically asked. But no, I want the praise and acknowledgment from a bunch of no lifers on 4chan rather than just simply answering a question, that’s gotta be it!
I literally never said that. Nice try though

Exactly. You’re proving my point without even realizing it. They can look at a chart and identify that Mars is in Libra but they can’t accurately tell you what that means. Again, saying there’s a cavity but…it might be painful….maybe not, but i’ll try to pull it myself just in case. If you can’t understand analogies then why is that my problem.
What truth? Organizing historical writings of ancient astrologers and repeating them verbatim isn’t “truth”. He’s a historian. Celebrity worship is a sign of a dangerously low IQ I hope you know that. If you rely on someone else this deeply then I’m sorry to inform you that you don’t know astrology as well as you think you do. Also I’m fully aware that it’s the same person it always is trying to argue with me and have a meltdown, it’s the same old tiresome act.

You think I’m unaware that your three day ban is up and all of a sudden there’s 20 comments talking shit to me? What a coincidence!
>I literally never said that. Nice try though
Three days ban? I've never been banned. Literally I never broke the rules, besides pointing the obvious.
Neptune in the 12th is tied to intense dreams, yes. What’s your point again? That you don’t have crazy dreams? Not really sure what you think you’re accomplishing here. Is it the word lovecraft that upset you? Btw smoking weed and/or being on SSRI’s can prevent you from having dreams. If this is supposed to be some type of gotcha moment, I have to laugh.
my point is that (in my personal experience) they're roundly failing to identify the cavity at all, they see a black spot in your teeth but attribute it to a dozen different things
No you were reported for saying the n word and arguing with someone else and it was silent and smooth in here for three days and now that those three days has passed here you are shitting up the thread once again.
I don't smoke weed, nor consume any sort of drugs. You're wrong. You could say that about the hundred or even millions of people who have the same placement and it's still a wild generalization.
This is 4chan, not Reddit, where do you think are you posting now? This board is literally filled of people saying racial slurs, even worse things. Don't play a saint when you're the devil.
So you lurk 4chan on company time?
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That’s hilarious considering this was your response to my reading. Why link the comment and thread if you’re going to try to lie? We can all read it. Sometimes i’m truly amazed by the extent at which you go to act unstable and larp and lie.
Yo, guys, chill. Are we on astro thread or what?
Considering i work for myself? Not sure how you want me to answer that.

Who said anything about giving a fuck about being racist. You can’t be this retarded. They were reported for spamming and derailing and the comment said that’s what they reported them for. Why do you need a step by step explanation of absolutely everything? How do you survive the winter
Where's the claim of "lovecraftian" nightmares and having a total mental breakdown in dreams? I literally don't see any kind of statement validating your point.
new >>38377317
Racial slurs are meaningless in 4chan. Remember you're in an anonymous forum with hundred of schizos and people larping as white saviors, aryans, slavs and racially enlightened.
Your post is kinda hilarious.
Where did i ever say it would cause a mental breakdown? You’re making shit up. I said neptune in the 12th is connected to intense and chaotic dreams, i mentioned inclination toward drugs, i mentioned hallucinogenics, i mentioned the [very frequently reported] symbolism of eyeballs not only in dreams but in hallucinogenic states if the native does in fact do drugs. I’m done with this conversation because all you do is lie and twist absolutely everything just to fight. Again, the whole thread is there because you linked it where everyone can see your 7 comment response of spiraling and chimping the fuck out only to turn around and say you agree but it made you sad because it wasn’t what you wanted to hear. You also, in that very thread, chimp the fuck out on every single person that attempted to read it because it wasn’t what you wanted to hear. We’re done here.
Yeah i’m so sorry but i never said anything about racism! Not my fucking problem idgaf what anyone on 4chan says so you repeating this is just weird.
That's not a reasonable argument and has not any kind of valid study to validate your interpretations. I literally said you I don't have lovecraftian nightmares then you insist persistently. Typical of someone who wants to be right at any cost. Big ass ego.
You can keep me warm with your body anon-kun, it’s so cold here without you. Come home please and stop arguing on 4chan, our kids miss you. I miss your pointless arguments, please anon don’t make me sad it’s not worth it arguing with these morons…you know you have superior knowledge on astrology above all. Please come home darling.
Nope that’s not at all what happened lmao
Yeah, it is. I literally posted an archive of you claiming the effects of Neptune in the 12th without any kind of evidence. Nice try though.
Arguing with the Leo Anon is pointless. Everyone knows the kid is mentally retarded and lies to stir the pot. Please stop engaging with this bafoon.
It's not even the Leo Anon. You miss the details, a symptom and typical trait of low IQ people. It's funny to see all rats running out their hole when I claim her readings are wrong.
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For the record, I hate you both. The twelfth house is the house of the subconscious mind, dreaming and sleeping patterns. Neptune in this house is most stereotypical simplistic and straight forward representation of disorganized dreaming. The foid isn’t wrong.
I do have disorganized sleeping patterns and used to have weird dreams in my childhood. However, claiming that I have lovecraftian nightmares, that monsters and beast chase in my dreams is a wrong assumption.
My chart is me, I'm the one who a 12th house Neptune so who else can state its validity other than me? Some things click, others not. It's a normal thing to question what's wrong. That's called freedom of speech.
That’s not what was said. Lovecraftian was used as a descriptive word and you’re obsessing over it. You were not told that you were being chased by monsters or any of the other loud lies you keep saying. So you agree, you have strange dreams and sleeping patterns, like you were told in the first place. You literally agree to the interpretation and it shows here in the screenshot that you also agreed with the eye symbolism. But only now are you claiming that the interpretation was wrong because it has the word lovecraft in it. ffs
>Twelfth house placements suggest a highly sensitive person, and this doesn’t make life any easier for you. You can easily become overwhelmed when you are surrounded with bright lights, loud noises, strong smells, or when you spend a lot of time with other people.
This point of that article resonates a lot with me. But I don't have any kind of "lovecraftian nightmares". I did have some prophetic dreams before but they were pretty futile, like buying a new phone or fighting with someone two days later. I can agree in one point with you, and is that when I wake up after having a "prophetic" dream I just know it was not a normal dream and there's an underlying meaning behind the dream. After all they're a sequence of images produced by the brain and memories of your day, so what's wrong questioning you?
I don't have strange dreams. But I can connect to the deepest layers of my intuition through dreams and gather some hidden knowledge from them and bring them back to the real world. Things that I didn't notice in the waking world, but my dreams enlightened the path to reveal the answer that was lacking in my conscious state.
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No one cares about your retard fixation on the word lovecraftian. You resonate fully with the interpretations given to you and are too hung up on the word lovecraftian. Just so we’re clear, I’ve provided a screenshot and the quote you’re referencing literally says “ The nightmares and dream state of a 12th house neptune are truly horrifying. Think biblically accurate HP Lovecraftian nightmares.” Emphasis on the word THINK. This is why I don’t do readings in here, half of you aren’t worth a damn and debate things you already said you resonate with.
You hate me, every time I come here you shit on me just because it's me. However I'm gtg I will reply you later. But know an IMPORTANT part of your interpretations were wrong. I don't do drugs nor have traumatic dreams.
christ what is wrong with you

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