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Welcome to the Creepypasta General. Feel free to discuss Creepypastas (video game-based and non-video game-based creepypastas are all welcome!). And most importantly, h̷̰̰̋̈́̆a̴̦͘v̸̧̳̦̔͐e̷̞̜̟̕͝ ̶͇͘f̶̨̓͘ú̴̦̰̓͐ñ̴̜̠̦

THREAD #013 - Bedtime Edition

>Official 4chan-Approved Creepypasta List

>Creepypastas (Non and Video Game-Based) & Gaming Urban Legends

>Creepypasta Games, Web Series/ARGs, SlenderARGs and Fearvlogs

>Pastas written.
>Thread Template
>Previous Thread
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Try to provide the OC this time (Please)
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Same goes
are people even still interested in creepypastas?
i like them but it has been a long while since ive seen anyone mention them
Yes, though the consumption of them has died down a lot more.
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does any other video game creepypasta/arg series have as much content as Ben drowned? like actually going so far as to mod the game? petscop is cool, but it's always vague and you don't know what's going on without someone walking you through it
Valle Verde is pretty good though it's more and inline with Petscop and it also is a bit of a hassle to watch as it's in spanish
Has there been any real innovation in video game creepypasta in the last 10 years?
Carl here, rolling.
If there is I would so check it out
It’s because no one publishes like they used to, they want writing credit and to talk about it on tiktok there’s no suspense of disbelief anymore
I liked them as a kid, they were popular in school too. Now I just like horror literature and you find interesting suff in the internet, some times, with some luck
Check this one out
night night
I’m glad this general exists. I want to start narrating creepypastas I have written. I need to write some first though.
I've been narrating my stories on YouTube and they get absolutely no traction. My other unrelated series gets a lot better viewership.
Yea as somebody who also does it, creepypastas on youtube are kinda a dead genre compared to a decade ago, but it's nice to do anyway
Where do people publish creepypastas these days? And do people still release them like ARGs/LARPs? I’ve got a story I kind of what to anonymously publish
I wasn’t expecting a lot of views, if any. I know the heyday of creepypastas was over ten years ago, and the only way I could get big is maybe true crime and scp articles.
Written this awhile back, plan to write another and want to know what people think.
So glad to see a creepypasta general again. I remember seeing one on /co/ before and have been waiting for another one but it never came. Anyway, hello from /uh/.
From someone who also does narrations, it's mostly to practice and get better at audio editing and sound design
Rate my creepypasta anons
Interesting story, but not well written at all. Are you ESL? There are some grammar mistakes, and it doesn't flow like how a native English speaker would write. You did well explaining making the concept itself believable and it came about naturally. The writing itself really kills it.
Writing: 3/10
Concept 5/10

I would suggest working on writing more varied sentences and keeping the tone the same. It sounded monotonous to me, especially in the beginning where the sentences were almost all simple. I would say to double check grammar and not to over use question marks either.
try not to die while im asleep
In a way yes. It’s just taken a different form. Analog horror for example is a similar vein but in my opinion lacks the soul of creepypastas.
That and analog horror just really fucking sucks and doesn't even try to be scary beyond just "Look at this WACKY face! Doesn't this emergency broadcast system sound just scare the piss out of you little Jimmy?"
It is the same shit every time
I have to agree. Analog horror seems too polished for what it is going for. It would be much better to just walk around an abandoned building or in the woods using an old phone for a camera than attempting to make edited pictures scary.

This is also awful. The stories can be as varied as they come, but if they only have wide mouth and blacked out eyes as scares none of them will seem unique enough to care about. Even well done series like the one Kane Pixel makes are just boring.
Also another problem they face yea, nothing ever really happens, just a series of spooky images
What's the scariest you guys could recommend? The scariest one for me is Lolita Slave Toy. I can't seem to find anything even close to this. I remember being scared by Normalpornfornormalpeople when I was younger. Basically I can tell when they bullshit or sound like 3 hear olds writing a horror story, but it's better when it's something realistic and actually could happen. Yeah I read the one about how to ransom a child, the writing style was pretty cringe in my opinion...
there's only so much room for creativity in short form horror stories. creepypastas nowadays are either a copycat of what has been written before or gay reddit bullshit where the "real monster" in the story is a metaphor for addiction or abuse or some other social justice bullshit.
Third Parent has genuinely made me uncomfortable on multiple reads
What are y'alls favourite stories from the list op provided? what are ones you think you might check out?

I read 'The New Fish' last night and thought it was pretty good the framing device of the black out was interesting and despite most of the narrative being a retelling of past events I still felt like the characters were developed well.

Most of the ones on the list are classics but 'My Wife has Been Peeking at me' is a recent one and one that I remember enjoying when I heard it sometime last year.

'Dogs Don't Talk' is another classic but that one definitely left some scars I remember thinking about it for weeks after I first heard it. I don't know if I can say I particularly liked the story as I never want to read it/hear it narrated again but on horror alone it takes the cake.

Now for ones I want to check out
I actually haven't read '1999' yet but I've definitely been meaning to and I think I remember reading the first part of 'Pen Pal' when it came out but haven't read the rest of it.
and 'Borrasca' I'm told is really good they even have an audio version with one of the Sprouse brothers that I'm excited to check out. I have read 'Betsy the Doll' by the same author and while the writing wasn't the best it is rare example of a genre of horror I like where the horror comes from a realization after the fact the recontextualizes a mundane seeming memory.

Starting from ops list seems like a good place to start but any stories you like would be nice to hear about
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Bump. This one is fairly creepy to me. Not exactly a creepypasta though.
Loaded Dice How Do They Work Miraxles
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This one is more of a classic creepypasta.
>be me
>grew up in a nowhere town in western kentucky
>papaw was a preacher, nana supported him
>their house sat on a hill between two empty fields
>there was only one (1) tree on their property, and it was obviously dead. it never had leaves or anything. it was an eyesore.
>I was playing outside one day when a neighbor from down the street stops by to shoot the shit
>she was just talking to papaw when she looks up at the tree and offers to have her boyfriend cut it down
>I remember papaw went real quiet, and quickly changed the subject. his demeanor was frosty though, and the neighbor fucked off. it sticks out in my mind; I'd never seen him so defensive.
>don't think much about it at the time because I'm a kid
>fast-forward several nights later, I'm staying over at their place surrounded by wood-paneled walls and shelves stuffed with porcelain dolls (nana's favored decor, but I was used to it)

>about to fall asleep, when this strange purple light floods in from outside
>I was a timid, bitch-ass kid, but for some reason I felt drawn on this night to investigate
>which was strange, because normally I'd go wake up nana and papaw because what the FUCK
>I walk outside in a trance, and the big, dead tree is on fire, but the flames are purple, and there is no heat
>the trunk was expanding and compressing like a human chest
>beyond the bizarre sight, I could only register the silence
>there weren't any crackling sounds from the fire, or any sounds of cars from the streets beyond the property
>just silence, and the burning, breathing tree
>I know I heard a voice, but I can't remember what it said. everything to that point was vivid, still is, but whatever the voice said is lost to me. it's frustrating.
>I don't remember going back inside. I just remember waking up on my palette on the couch, when nana was making breakfast the following morning
>I go sit at the table and am even quieter than usual
>nana asks what's up
>I tell her about my dream, or whatever it was

I'll never forget this; she got this distant look to her eyes and almost burned the eggs. Like I could smell the eggs burning, not pleasant. Then she said, "Yeah, the Moses Tree does that sometimes." No one ever mentioned it again. Not her, not Papaw, but that tree remains standing to this day, even after several tornadoes tore through the area.
ah fuck it, i'll do some rolling
Do you guys think there’s any real paranormal creepypastas?
small question for the thread, what's been your favourite creepypasta you've seen been made out of this general?
i wouldn't know about paranormal but Anomaly uses real photographs to tell the real stories behind them
let's see how this one is

>The Cleaner

>There’s a little secret inside County View Hospital.
>You learn about it as a part of training day.
>You get gathered into separate groups and then taken around an in-depth tour of the department your job is focused in.
>You’re then shown a brief tour for the rest of the hospital, given a slight mention then you’ll get used to the rest of the place the more you work here.
>And then when you’re taken to the morgue, that’s when you’ll be shown the secret.

>We don’t house any monsters here, in case you’re wondering.
>No ghouls or beasts that eat any corpses or workers that come their way, I can promise you that.
>But it is a dangerous thing.
>There’s a good reason that, even if you won’t work in the morgue, you’re given an in-depth explanation about it.

>The thing in question is an experimental machine that’s designed to emulsify corpses.
>The machine achieves this with an acid shower, melting the flesh and organs away into liquid while the bones are left intact.
>There’s no official name for the thing but I like to call it the Cleaner since at the end it gives the skeleton a bleach white look to it.
>The Cleaner looks like an iron coffin with some glass on its left and right side, to see how the emulsifying is coming along.
>Underneath the coffin are some polyethylene tubes that lead down into a large bucket for the mixture of liquids (which tends to come out as a sort of blackened sludge) to be thrown out.
>It sits inside the middle of the morgue, its sleek and dark gray look contrasting with the muddied whites of the walls, floors and ceiling.

>To ensure that any and all new trainees are extremely careful with the machine, we are told the story about about a guy called Stephen.
>Stephen was a morgue’s assistant, a young man who had just gotten the job as recently as we did.
>He was a smart and charming man, albeit one who was clumsy and forgetful.
>He did his best to make up for those flaws by following the routine related to the machine as closely as he possibly could.

>It was a night shift job and it’d all begin when examination of the body had ended and when permission had been granted by the relatives of the deceased.
>He’d carter the body inside the coffin and let it rest inside.
>He’d close the mini doors on the top and bottom sides of the coffin.
>Then he’d push the red button on the bottom side of the coffin and let it work its magic.
>While it melted the body, he’d prepare himself by dressing up in a protective suit, complete with gas mask and gloves.
>Once the machine was finished, he’d wheel the skeleton out from the coffin and bring it to one of the lockers.
>For the bucket, he’d carry it towards a specially made waste container before taking that to waste disposal.

>It wouldn’t take a genius to figure out that on one of these days, something went wrong.
>In actuality, a few things went wrong.
>Most of them were beyond Stephen’s control, aside from a couple key mistakes.
>The first mistake was the body that was to be melted.
>For a lack of a better way of putting this, it was a fat man’s corpse.
>Its weight exceeded what was generally recommended for the machine, yet the hospital had already signed off on the body being emulsified.
>To be on the safe side, Stephen opted to use a larger bucket to carry all of the mixture at once for when it needed to be moved.

>The second mistake was entirely on Stephen and his charms.
>As he had pushed the button and gotten the Cleaner to work, he received a call from a girlfriend of his.
>She was someone he had met at the hospital, the one in charge of the tour says that she was just leaving work and wanted to see how he was doing.
>He was in the middle of getting his protective gear on when the call came and Stephen couldn’t help himself in getting distracted.
>When he finished the call, the machine had finished its duty.

>The third mistake he made was zipping up his suit and heading towards the machine without his gas mask or gloves.
>He felt rushed, he didn’t want to fall behind schedule and risk getting reprimanded.
>He carefully brought the skeleton to its locker and then went to pick up the pocket.

>The first mistake that was made was starting to become realized as the mixture of liquid flesh and acid was a lot heavier than Stephen realized.
>It wasn’t impossible to lift, it only took more effort than Stephen used to.
>Since it was a night shift job, everyone else had gone home for the night.
>Not wanting to leave a job undone, he got to work carrying the bucket to the waste disposal container.

>The penultimate mistake was not noticing the bucket had overflowed.
>Some of the mixture had leaked onto the floor.
>Holding the bucket up to his chest, Stephen couldn’t see the mess on the floor.
>And he walked directly on top of it.
>With a quick slip onto his back, the mixture splashed on top of him.

>The last mistake was not even his fault but the hospital’s.
>The protective suit could only protect itself from low concentrations of acid.
>Even with the massive dilution of liquid flesh, it wasn’t enough to protect Stephen.

>He wasn’t found until hours later, when one of the janitors went to do his work there.
>The smell was already overpowering before the door was even opened, the janitor had to hold a cloth up to his mouth before he could go inside.
>Once the door was opened, he found Stephen lying on the floor.
>He had been trying to get to the sink, resting on his stomach with one of his arms outstretched a metre or so away from it.
>A river of pink and red blood followed him, with bits and pieces of internal organs mixed in that pooled towards the wall behind him.
>His back was dotted with large holes that showed Stephen’s skeleton, a thick and viscous sludge and the floor underneath him.

>When his body was turned over, his face was unrecognizable.
>A half melted eyeball, his teeth and his hair were the only clues that showed who he was.
>What was left of his face was turning into a sort of brownish sludge, mixed in with dark reds and blacks.
>A light shade of pink came through in the middle of his face, his brain matter leaking out through what remained of his nose.

>It took weeks for the smell to eventually pass.
>Months for both the janitor and Stephen’s girlfriend to start making progress on the road to mental recovery.
>All because of some little mistakes that piled up into the death of an innocent man.

>Moral of the story?
>Don’t fuck with the Cleaner and it won’t fuck with you.

and that's the end of the pasta! somewhat inspired by the kind of gore videos that are CCTV and take place at work.
got it all into a rentry doc as well for anyone who doesn't wanna read it as a greentext, lemme know what you think of it https://rentry.org/thecleanercreep
>more bumpbs than actual content
This isn't a creepypasta but an actual experience I had but I can't find a greentext thread right now so I'm gonna share here I hope you don't mind.

Hello /x/. I worked as a dispatcher for about four years.
I always wanted to do something involving emergency or rescue services and since my mom was a dispatcher years before I was born she convinced me to apply. You have to go through many tests to make sure you can mentally handle those types of calls. I definitely felt like I was capable of doing so and the fact that my mother encouraged it as
well gave me the confidence to go through with it really helped me. it's definitely not for everyone though and I did end up leaving as it wore on me with some of the calls you would get. It wasn’t just the build-up of calls though; I had one incredibly strange one that left me at breaking point. It was confusing and frightening and how it was handled and brushed off made me never want to go back. I will share a couple of my worst calls with you, but I need to start with the one that made me quit:
>Be me
>Be around 1am working a long overnight shift.
>Not scheduled to finish until around 8am.
>Receive a call like usual and I pick up.
>I begin the call like I usually would trying to collect as much information from the caller as I possibly can to ensure that we can do everything to help.
>I don’t get a response at all.
>I hear what sounds like heavy breathing, like really laboured like someone was running a 100m sprint while on the phone.
>I try my best to keep talking, thinking maybe the reception might be bad and the person can’t get through to me, but it doesn’t work.
>Along with the breathing, I hear running on what sounds like some kind of gravel surface and they are hauling ass.
>They sound like they are running with all of their might and combined with the heavy breathing it has me incredibly concerned.
>I just try my best to make myself heard so that they know I am hear if they can maybe somehow hear me so that they don’t hangup and we can track the location from the phone GPS and send help over immediately.
>The call ends abruptly though and that’s it.
>Around five minutes go by in total before we receive a call again and I pick up instantly.
>Now, in between the laboured breaths, I can hear deep and heavy sobs.
>Like when a child is inconsolable after they have been disciplined.
>I could hear their lip quivering and they physically could not stop themselves from sobbing.
>The sounds of running on gravel were not there anymore and I begin the call as usual again trying to find out whatever I can.
>I get maybe three words out in total before the woman is talking at light speed, mumbling whatever words she can out of her mouth as fast as possible only stopping for a second or two at a time to let out a large breath and to let out a slight sob.
>I try my best to calm her down, to reassure her that help will be on its way as fast as possible but that I need to take information from her and that she needs to help me to help her.
>She is still largely incoherent, but I am able to make out more words the second time around.
>Something about “underground” and “held captive” and “more people still there” but that was all I got.
>I tried to ask for her name, where she was, anything at all like that but she kept shutting me down.
>She told me she couldn’t tell me her name; she told me that “they were after her” and that “if I tell you my name then my family is dead they will know.”
>I’m trying not to freak out myself at this point and I am begging dispatch to get there as quickly as they possibly can.
>They told me that they were having serious trouble pinpointing her location, saying that it was something to do with the service and the cell towers that she was near but that they were working on it, and I just needed to keep her talking while they figured it out.
>I get her to take a breath which in turn gives me a chance to calm myself down.
>She tells me she is being followed and that she doesn’t know where to go.
>She tells me that if they find her and she goes back there then she is dead.
> (Just for reference, this call took place in the state of New York, but I won’t narrow it down any further than that just in case).
>I asked her for any details that she could give me, to just start from the top.
>I was trained to keep her talking and find out anything I could while help was on the way.
>I was told that they had tracked her approximate location and had sent out a car immediately and would try to track her from there.
>She told me something I could barely fucking believed but I encouraged her to talk no matter what.
>She finally calmed down enough for me to understand her, and I convinced her to finally tell me her name which I will not repeat here.
>All I will say is that when I checked after the fact, she had been reported missing by her family almost a year prior to this call but the case was closed as no further clues or evidence could be linked to the case.
>She started by telling me that she had been kept captive underground for the better part of the year.
>She told all sorts of horrible things.
>She told me that these were rich and powerful people that could do whatever they wanted and get away with it.
>I asked her if she was safe, and she told me she was hiding in some sort of alleyway, and no one had caught up to her yet.
>I asked why they had kept her underground and she told me that she wasn’t the only person that they were keeping down there.
>She told me that underneath New York; these rich and powerful people had some kind of human farm that they just kept adding to every so often just to fuck with.
>It started out quite small and she was one of the first that they made their move on.
>She had her family threatened and was told that horrible things would happen to them if she and the rest did not comply.
>She told me at first they would tie them up and torture them until their vocal chords were too fried and worn out to even beg for them to stop anymore.
>She told me that they would amputate limbs until some people were nothing more than just a torso and a head and couldn’t even function properly anymore.
>They were basically using them as lab rats for whatever sick and twisted experiments they could think of and were being used just for fun.
>I just kept giving mhms or yeses just so she knew that I was still paying attention and was taking her one hundred percent seriously.
>I took a look back at my supervisor multiple times throughout the call to give a look like “are you hearing this shit?” but they didn’t even look shocked.
>They looked nervous, panicked almost.
>We usually have two supervisors on shift, but it wasn’t long until most of the department higher ups were called in and hanging off of every word that this woman on the phone said.
>She said it started out small but that more and more people kept being thrown in until the place was crowded.
>It was became so crowded that you couldn’t even move, that all you could do was stand upright, squeezed tight against the bodies of people writhing in torment and moaning in pain.
>At first it was people who you wouldn’t notice: the homeless, addicts who had lost everything, chronic gamblers who people would expect to disappear because of their debts, that type of stuff.
>After a while they stopped caring and just took whoever they felt like.
>It was New York, anything could happen, and it wouldn’t look suspicious.
>It got so bad that it was becoming tough for the elites to perform their experiments thoroughly.
>They would have to toss in pieces of bread and other bits of food into the giant mass of people and then they would watch them fight.
>People would bite and rip and claw each other over tiny scraps of food and it got to the point where people would kill each other for those bits of food.
>Then the food got scarcer, and the amount of people kept growing.
>That’s when they started eating each other.
>They would fight over the food and then eat the loser.
>If anyone became too weak that they collapsed or died then they became more food for the slaughter.
>She told me that at first she thought that it was for testing experiments, some kind of viruses, but that after that it became entertainment before they just abandoned it altogether.
>She kept going and going, telling me about how when it was just a small amount of people, the elites would come in and inject people with weird looking concoctions in exchange for food and other treats.
>She mentioned how one time a man came in offering a big lavish meal and chocolate for anyone willing to be the next test subject.
>There was a young Asian man who had a really thick accent who she thought was maybe from India.
>He apparently jumped at the chance and shouted over all the others and pushed them aside to be the one to be tested on.
>He begged for them to let him eat just a little first, telling them that he was going to die but they promised him that as soon as the test was done that he could anything he liked.
>They wheeled in some type of gurney and strapped him down and prepared something that was in a vial.
>They did it right in front of everyone and didn’t care.
>The vial had some kind of liquid, except it was too thick to be a liquid and was tinted a sort of purplish brownish color but it was difficult to make out in the low light.
>They didn’t inject it anywhere into his arms, but instead injected it into the veins on his neck.
>You could instantly see the pain in his eyes as it hit, and he started screaming so loud that it echoed throughout the tunnel.
>He started scrambling and trying to break free, but he couldn’t get any of his straps off.
>All he could do was writhe and scream as the skin around his neck started to bubble and melt until almost all of his face was peeling off.
>One of the men undid the straps for his hands and arms and the young Asian man instantly started clawing at his own face.
>All this did was peel off more of his skin and face.
>It didn’t take long for him to die.
>He physically could not stop clawing and peeling away more and more of his face.
>They announced that it was a failure and threw the food to everyone else.
>She was about to tell me more, but she got really quiet all of a sudden and wouldn’t respond to anything I was saying.
>She started whispering down the phone, very slowly.
>She told me she could hear footsteps and asked me if it was the police.
>I looked towards my supervisor, and he nodded, and I told her that help was finally there.
>I told her that I was going to hangup the call once she confirmed that she was with one of our officers, but she begged me to stay on the line no matter what.
>She told me that there was one other guy and that he was the reason she got out but that she didn’t know what happened to him.
>After about another 30 seconds I heard screaming coming from the woman on the phone.
>All I could hear was something muffled coming from the phone speaker and it sounded like it was broken somehow.
>About a minute after that someone hung up the call.
>I tried calling out to her again and again, but she didn’t hear me or respond after the scream.
>I went on with my job as normal for the rest of the night.

I asked about what happened after my shift was over and the story I was told seemed suspicious in a way that I wouldn’t usually question. They told me that an officer found her in an alley like she said she was in but that she was clearly high on something and screamed when she saw an officer. She apparently started fighting back and screaming at them that they were evil and that she didn’t want to go back and was clearly either a druggie or a psychopath. My supervisor told me that the officers took her to the hospital to get her cleaned up and that she passed away in the hospital from an overdose of meth not long after they dropped her off. I kept trying to press for more details from different people, but my supervisor pulled me aside and basically told me to drop it. He told me that he understood that the case was horrible and emotionally scarring but that I was acting unprofessional and that I needed to be able to move on and put it to one side to be able to do my job properly or that I would be forced to go on leave to seek therapy for the “stress of my job”.

I dropped it, but I quit after another few weeks. Something about it just didn’t seem right or add up.
Something about it just didn’t seem right or add up. Why would the cops not announce themselves to a scared, defenceless woman who was possibly out of her mind? I would’ve heard it, but all I heard was a scream. No siren sounds, no sounds of a car at all. Just her scream and then some muffled sounds once she dropped her phone. I don’t know what happened and I don’t think I ever will know. I’m not sure I believe all of the things she was saying, but there was clearly something wrong with that woman, something that they aren’t telling anybody and the thought of it scares me.
Here's my latest
mario 64 classified is a good watch
i wanna have sex with evan myers
100% related to creepypasta btw
what do i get
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One day there was a cryptids, it was really scary and then I died.
Combining two.
Dr. Bosch.
Fuck it
Worthva tryni guess
goodnight don't die.
can anyone recommend some creepypastas about parallel worlds / other dimensions / etc?

the Elevator Game seems kind of stupid to me, but i do like the part where you supposedly get off in some other world if you do it right. i'd like to see a story where somebody goes there and writes about what they see.

i liked the Left/Right Game for this reason. also the one (i forget the name) where the guy starts to notice weirdos on the subway and then ends up riding subway trains back and forth in alternate worlds forever without being able to get back home.

anything like that?

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