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>Nearby airport closed down
>Hundreds of police cars
>Mainstream media cause: "Um a few melanated individuals went apeshit... Like they do everyday but this time it's different lol."
>Now almost 100% memoryholed unless you visit schizo sites like /x/
WTF. This is one of the weirdest and most unexplained things I have ever seen. And nobody seems to talk about it despite how recently it was.
I don't wanna scare you but it's best you stop mentioning this event, we're monitoring your situation, don't make us escalate.
You know what happened
They know what happened
at the time they didn’t know it COULD happen.
at the time we thought it could NEVER happen
I'm not all that tuned into the American news cycle anymore. What happened?
The black people freaked out and started running and trampling over each other. Then it came out that they saw some weird inter dimensional shit.
y no single photo from whatever you think happened?. omg its a tall shadow. get outta here
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Randomly there was massive police presence at the Miami mall and surrounding areas, along with an airport being shut down. Some 'witnesses' said it was some schizo shit like teleporting shadow entities which could phase through walls. The official explanation was that all of those resources were used because a group of black teens were throwing firecrackers IIRC (although interestingly there is no proper footage of either scenario)
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all this time has passed and we still don't know wtf happened?
nothing ever happens. they cling to thier pathetic status quo like it will save them.
Plenty happens everywhere everyday. /x/ just clings to it’s self-serving fantasies because it’s too fucking scared to deal with reality.
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That can be done more creative.
Different topic but kind of related: Has anyone seen any updates about the Jewish synagogue rape tunnels? I remember that being a large topic of discussion earlier in the year but it has been memoryholed it seems.
>>Nearby airport closed down
[citation needed]
My theorY is that they used the mall's intercom/speaker system to broadcast subliminal frequencies and caused a mass hallucination event. And the police responded to what they thought was a real situation reported by the people inside the mall.
Officially, it was just a fight that got out of hand, and there were no aliens- the news even made sure to have the police sergeant laugh at the notion and use the spoopy X-Files music so the normies know this is the schizo opinion.

Side thought what the hell would so many police accomplish? Maybe it's just media reinforcing it but it seems like these sorts of beings are noncorporeal or beyond human ability, so one cop or 500 cops isn't making a difference if it really wanted to cause damage
Weird thing about blacks, maybe it's the Haitian vodou or weirdo African spiritualism, but I'd trust them to see something like this.
If a massive mob of them chimped the fuck out seeing an alien, chances are they probably weren't fucking with you.
I'm thinking also of that Las Vegas encounter from last year too.

This video has the only footage anons found at the time and an eyewitness testimony, start at 2:03 then jump forward for the video he shows on his cellphone (people on the ground looking up at shadow beings phasing closer.) A few witnesses posted all the same descriptions of shadow beings to TikTok but every video was immediately taken down for terms of service violations. 1.5 Million views on this youtube video 5 months ago. It's not memory-holed lol.

Soon after all that /x/ and the other conspiracy forums got flooded with glowing ""real footage"" of skin walkers, spider looking things, sasquatches, etc. All to slide away the real video and herring the conspiracy crowd onto the usual succubus/bigfoot nonsense.

NHI = interdimensional.
>Nearby airport closed down
Still waiting for someone to show me the ground stop order for MIA (hint: there wasn't one).
The Kardashians were in the news about this a few days ago
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Why did the CIA & NSA scrub it from the Internet?
Niggers probably killed a white person
Remember that Kim Kardashians father was in on the OJ murder and that’s all you need to know
Has anybody who was there ever talked about this at all?

Aside from the dude who said he made it up and wasn't there.
The more odd a situation is the more cops show up, like moths to a bright light. The situation at that miami mall must have been pretty odd...
Fake!!!!!!!! "blue-face" cops almost mantis stripped me. And then .....

......I raised a skateboard at the helis.
Around this time I was channeling jet stream with Michael's sword.
It was a hoax


Here’s the proof

He has VIDEO PROOF, dumbass.
I was filming a movie a day before.
it's the Space Nazis, they came back for their Aryan Nazi brothers but they got stopped by the gun wielding black tribe led by Yakub. Earth First!
Wow you guard secrets.
>florida sucks
Desperate e beggar scum is obvious shill.
because it was a bunch of juveniles rioting on new years day https://www.nbcmiami.com/news/local/4-juveniles-arrested-after-large-fight-breaks-out-in-bayside-marketplace-on-new-years-day/3195115/
You ever see Planet of the Apes?
IRL really be like dat an it do
The oddest thing is you had melanated individuals fleeing without looting or stealing anything.

This is VERY unnatural. Something weird went down there.l
It was an alien.
>nobody seems to talk about it despite how recently it was.
Actually this guy talked about it.
Tl;dw the guy faked an alien invasion and shows everyone how one (1) guy can go full sperg and psyop people online and IRL.
LOL I have no idea what happened at the mall but this is clearly total bs. All that effort and didn't film during the actual event? Hello? How do you believe this? We are doomed
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Aliens are interdenominational. Who’s to say that they are enlightened and nice?
Definitely related. Everyone was talking nonstop about the Miami thing until the Jew tunnels distracted everyone. Whatever happened down there WAS SO FUCKING SKETCHY that they gave us the Jew tunnels as a red herring.
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For those who get easily mind wiped.
Some are incredibly beneficial and have an express purpose to combat the nefarious ones on humanity's behalf. Depends how they're received, any and all spirits can pull out their battle armor at a moment's notice.
His video isn't even related to Miami Mall, he includes the clip at the start for watchbait. It seems the entire "alien invasion" he faked was two actors in hazmat suits holding a prop.
Again at Miami Mall there were literally hundreds of police cars, and no mention of guys in hazmat suits.
Do you not think if someone pulled a 'prank' which drained millions of dollars of resources and police time, that they wouldn't be in serious trouble (like years in prison)?
If you genuinely believe that video you are an idiot.

Checked AGAIN. The holy dubs are upon us, now the time is come.
>only one mattress
There were more, were there not?
>Officially, it was just a fight that got out of hand, and there were no aliens- the news even made sure to have the police sergeant laugh at the notion and use the spoopy X-Files music so the normies know this is the schizo opinion.
is there a youtube video of this segment
>need this many cops to stop 4 teen negroes
Anybody follow the story about the guy named Fitz?
LOL video proof of the guy admitting in the literal first 30 seconds his "hoax"/prank started by commenting on the miami mall video AFTER there were already rumors circulating that it was aliens. this doesn't prove shit other than that he rode the hype train AFTER THE FACT.
I ask again, what proof is this in your feeble little mind?
>His video isn't even related to Miami Mall...
I agree with you. He may not have been directly connected to the Miami mall incident, he too joined the recent UFO phenomenon hype and went full sperg on it to show everyone that it is possible to make an elaborate hoax. Yes, it was debunked, but I think if we don't see one of the main point's that Anthony Po's Florida alien hoax video is making, we won't see the various TikTokers who make clickbait videos saying: "I was at the mall when it happened. Notice nobody filmed the 10-foot-tall interdimensional alien, but some TikTokers make claims about it wearing a literal mask on their face and then disappear when NY Post, MSM, Rolling Stone, etc release articles debunking the whole thing.

>Do you not think if someone pulled a 'prank' which drained millions of dollars of resources and police time, that they wouldn't be in serious trouble (like years in prison)?
It wasn't a prank phone call that sent dozens of police cars to the mall. Think about it. A kid calls the police saying there are "10 ft tall shadow people" warping into our "dimension"? They would send maybe 1 of 2 cars thinking maybe the caller is smoking some drugs.
The real case, according to NBC, NY Post, MSM, RollingStone and many other news sources, was that about 50 kids were "fighting" with each other, causing chaos. People (some of the shop owners) thought the loud bangs were gunshots, but it was the kids' fireworks going off. A suspected gang of possibly armed thugs would justify and necessitate a response of dozens of police vehicles and even helicopters to the scene.

There are no space aliens invading us. There are only clout chasing YOLO zoomers. It's a year since Groosh said there are whistleblowers with evidence of "non-human biologics" and yet we see no evidence.

Miami Mall and Flight MH370 were nothingburgers as far as extraterrestrial disclosure is concerned. They were both dangerous man-made incidents, one of which was a tragedy.
Lol imagine thinking governments don't have a slice of the internet pie and don't control the flow of information
The entire reason 4chan exists is because it's a containment board, and you retards are making it easy at that.
To be clear I don't believe it was actual aliens / entities, that's why I didn't mention it in my OP. That part of the story is probably a psyop/red herring/clout chasing (like you said). But I'm not buying that a literal army of cops showed up because some blacks did the same thing they do every other week
Every time you regurgitate an unfounded claim that "isn't implausible" you help a psyop group push a conspiracy theory that could have its roots in a foreign adversary that wants to bring divide and conquer to America. A regular conspiracy theorist acquires pattern recognition skills and this is a pattern I've noticed. So if this is just "harmless trolling teh skeptics xD" it won't rustle my jimmies, because I'll continue on else where, but the power of a meme can poison even the political spheres of America, think Jan 6 or the recent Project 2025. Not to make this about politics, but there is an interconnectedness and I'm just trying to help you see the bigger picture of spreading Alien Hoax Narratives as truth.
OK, so you see an alternative conspiracy theory at play and that's your right. But again, no cell phone footage of anything suspicious happening except some kids running, some getting arrested, etc. That doesn't leave us with any bread crumbs to follow on a greater conspiracy at play. Occam's Razor it what it leaves me with.
project 2025 isn't a fucking meme it's a literal attempted coup
wtf is wrong with you for real
get the fuck off 4chan you bootlicking shill
Uh huh
I remember that the monoliths strangely stopped after I posted a comment on arts and comedy being enemies of scientific innovation
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>Occam's Razor
dumb faggot
>: "Um a few melanated individuals went apeshit... Like they do everyday but this time it's different lol."
as in this time it was something that could be framed with politics to mk ultra hypnotize the commons or as in they learned magic and are resisting?
>Flight MH370 were nothingburgers as far as extraterrestrial disclosure is concerned. They were both dangerous man-made incidents, one of which was a tragedy.
I thought the flight was a sacrifice someone did with a demon to get something in return?
I'm not going to debate >>>/pol/ stuff outside of >>>/pol/ all I'm saying is memes have power. Words have power. You should know this as someone vested in the paranormal of our shared reality. Anyone glued to this board will know this.
>If I call him names I win
Reports say the pilot committed suicide. It could have been a demonic pact, which would be interesting and wouldn't contradict the story so
There were 50 kids. Only 4 arrested. Many such cases.
As do yours. You're spreading misinformation yourself.
>Nigerian-Americans film themselves doing all kinds of stupid criminal stuff
>taking all kinds of drugs, various kinds of violences and destruction
>Nigerian Americans shoot off fireworks inside a mall
>terrorize people
>no video from inside mall, only outside footage

Sounds sus
yeah the nigerians would have facebook lived it on their iphone 5c
>As do yours. You're spreading misinformation yourself.
You're referring to >>38354291
with >>38354453
>project 2025 isn't a fucking meme
When we think of memes we think of le funny internet maymay. Of course those are memes lol but when I say Project 2025, a collection of conservative and right-wing policy proposals, is a meme I mean strictly in the sense Dawkins speaks of when the term was originally coined in the book The Selfish Gene (1976):
>a unit of culture—such as “tunes, ideas, catch‐phrases, clothes fashions, ways of making pots or building arches.”
Memes can be ideas that spread from one person to another and become something transcendent. Memes can form the very beliefs within us and spread to others, creating cults within a religion and inner political factions within a single political party. A break away UFOlogy group was created because of the power of memes. It's not a joke or a toy to play with. Anyway, I'm rambling too long. I hope you get what I mean with all this.
By saying you were spreading misinformation, I was referring to the fact that my initial comment was about how the video that was shown proved nothing other than this guy hopped on the alien hype train AFTER the miami incident. By saying all that shit to me and trying to discredit my opinion about things by somehow implying I'm spreading misinformation when I actually watched the video and this is factual, you're proving how much of a contrarian halfwit you are. Now shut the fuck up and stop shitting up the thread with your chatGPT-tier NPC midwittery.
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>project 2025 isn't a fucking meme
Anthony Po's Alien Hoax is a relevent example of an elaborate alien hoax, done by a single person. Every anon should know the lengths some sperg can and will go to for clout and shits'ngiggles. Whether he did it before the Miami Mall incident or after is important but not what we should be caught up on.
If you want a TikTok post of a user claiming to have seen these things at the Miami Mall and admitting, after getting millions of views, that the whole thing was a hoax then look at
See the trollish joke link in the article to the TikTok user I'm talking about.
Correct me if thos was a different event, but wasn't there stories about some kids that brought a device to the mall that day too test, and when they flipped the switch to the device is when these entities came thru? I seem to remember people talking about it right before it all fell off the map.
nignogs rile eachother. One person will scream and run away, then the rest bandwagon, running away screaming. They'll all claim what the trigger person saw. With the funny phenomena being the trigger person fabricated their story.
But nognigs will be falling over themselves about it.
Leprechaun 'mass hallucination':
People are dumb panicky animals in general, Floridians especially so.
Ever been to an Applebee's and think Damn it's loud in here. Look around. And notice, oh, I'm not in Kansas anymore, I see now. Read between the lines and you will notice.
There were multiple videos, they were rapidly and aggressively suppressed.
>Inside the mall, one person saw a 8 foot tall shadow being. This person initially thought it was a hallucination. As time went on the hallucination did not dissapear, then more poeple started seeing the shadow being standing inside the mall. The people who saw the shadow being started freaking out bad and so did everyone else. As they were freaking out and running for their lives, they called the cops telling them what they saw. The cops told higher officials about the shadow being. The higher officials reached the US government officials. That's when they government decided to send hundreds of cops to the mall. It was a code "black", which is a proceedure in case of paranormal or UFO events. When the cops arrived, there was no shadow being. The told everyone to get out. There were also helicopters flying around the mall looking for this paranormal entity, but they saw nothing, and the witnesses still remain with that memory.

These beings are earth natives, not extraterrestrials/aliens. They are energy based lifeforms that became hidden from us during the last pole shift, that can only project holograms with mass, they are not physically tangible like any other life form that we know of. Since they became obscured during the last pole shift we have only been able to glimpse these beings through a veil, but now the poles are shifting again, and climate change & the cultural shift are all results of the earth's varying magnetic field. As the pole continues to shift in its logical direction the veil slowly gets weaker these beings become more tangible. Humanity survived during the last pole shift so there is no reason to assume we won't survive again, according to this anon. He also said the EMP weapons are effective against these beings & that the government's at be are not afraid to utilise these to protect the public.
plot twist: they were just looking for donuts
> https://streamable.com/j5i0ue

>I talked to a buddy who has super high level clearance. Like the type you’d hear in a movie. According to him 99% of the shit he is classified with is completely boring and is stuff like radar technology and stuff we don’t want our enemies knowing we have. That said, the 1% is apparently a fucking trip. He won’t tell me what happened and I’m not going to press him, but he did tell me a few things of particular note.
>During the beginning of this incident Elgin was running a military exercise for sleeper agents being activated. The exercise was a test in response to an event in which the enemy was hiding among the people and were nearly indistinguishable from civilians.
Whatever happened in the mall was serious. People died.
>A device was used for the first time on American soil that is like a selective EMP. People’s phones were completely wiped in addition to power going out.
>America was at DEFCON 1 for a full hour. DEFCON 1.
>F-35s were scrambled.
>At least ten nukes were armed
>Every person at the mall was “debriefed”.

>Whatever happened was the real fucking deal.
Picture of incident origin area.

8:26:53 PM Police officer on duty reports mass of "urban youths" fighting with sticks, knife possibly seen, security unable to quell crowd at Margaritaville/Ferris Wheel area and calls for backup.

8:30 PM suspicious individuals seen by The Intercontinental Hotel just south of mall complex by first responders.

8:33 PM More officers arrive, go through Bayfront Park by fountain. New officers adv. to go Ferris Wheel area on south side of complex. More units requested.

8:33:50 PM ALL UNITS requested - adv to let juveniles run.

8:34 PM youths scatter throughout mall and park area in complete panic, running into the water, jumping on the service roads, stores/walls in the mall, etc. Officers pursue.

8:39 PM arriving officer is confused where rest of cops are,10 vehicles present. He is informed to meet by the water so all cops can flush out the crowd. Most officers chasing juveniles through mall complex and park.

8:40 PM Screaming (?) heard in background.

8:41 PM all detained individuals to be brought by water for roll call.

8:42 PM Garbled communication with newest on-scene officers asking again where to meet up.

8:47 PM new on-site officers adv to go to South Service Road, responder sounds significantly more distressed.


8:49 PM Happy New Year :P

8:52 PM ALL VEHICLES requested to move as needed.

9:00 PM Shots reported at Bayside; responder: "Yeah we've been here awhile". 5 gunshots by the yachts on East side of complex as per security.

9:02 PM ALL CLEAR given; juveniles detained to be transported.

Video of incident area (recently filmed): https://youtu.be/-k-ie_nDbew?si=joSXiFicVFsd2XIW&t=384 [Open]

Former Chief of Miami Police found City-Wide Emergency call strange, "not a typical reaction": https://youtu.be/sjuGOyfOemQ?si=58Zt21SAFQT9RN86&t=75 [Open].

Also note certain mall stores and restaurants lock doors to protect customers. Eyewitness in one of those stores reports; "We had no idea what was going on."

Police scanner: https://www.youtube.com/live/4au0YR7ypw0?si=f_zkgRnohgOBQO7p&t=16184
Plot twist: you're all right and it was interdimensional alien leprechaun shadow figure African-American military pilot hispanic goblina energy-based feds with no cell phones
watch the full vid lmfao its not even the same incident, he made this after the mall incident dumb fucking shill trying to post fake info and derail the thread get the fuck away from this place.
Shills are trying to derail this thread, be careful anons. Funny how these cunts are going full chimp mode.
Yes I remember in an earlier thread about this, an anon said some group claimed responsibility for it, and it was like a subliminal mind control device or some shit. But he didn't elaborate so not sure if a LARP
interesting.. especially the followup vid https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lc7IFUodS-E
One of the few real facts I managed to find about this is that the police were absolutely told to shut up about it.
Could be many reasons for that, bad PR being the least interesting, but at least that is one fact that can be confirmed.
Whatever happened it wasn't what the news said, why gag the police if the media had everything already?
trips confirm
basketball-americans dindu nuffin
you know miami thing had to be big when they have to push antisemitism on mainstream news.. literally confirming that jews are pedos
>why gag the police
maybe some of their masonic rituals went wrong?
just take another look at the Leprauchaun video. nogs will jump into anybkind of mass hysteria just for the shits and giggles of it
lmao you got fucking WORKED by the media manipulation
project 2025 is a psyop targeting the democrat base to radicalize them and have them violently shill for the Dems to "need to win" or we're all "doomed"
based. so race war soon?
you'll ACK your crossdressing ass before anything ever happens, be sure of it.
>But I'm not buying that a literal army of cops showed up because some blacks did the same thing they do every other week
They may not have known it was fireworks. Initial reports may have been of "loud bangs" or misreported as gunfire if people heard, but didn't see the fireworks.
The police may have mistaken the reports for a possible mass shooter or terrorist and sent every available cop, which in a big city like Miami is a lot of cops.
Doesn’t explain closing an airport for it though.
I was not familiar with that detail. What's the source on that?
If I were to speculate, maybe it ties in with an initial suspicion of terrorism. Maybe closing the airport is part of the terrorism response protocol.
Imagine this but large-scale. It is what will happen. Question is, when.

Whatever Nephilim demons they were, we will see much more of them when rapture, and following fake invasion story starts going on.

So use the time we have and search Christ now!
why would i do that? im gonna start piling some 10 auto
Literally dindu nuffin this time tho
>Imagine this but large-scale. It is what will happen. Question is, when.
this. if this was an op, it probably was a test run of project blue beam. maybe they told some of the cops (higher ranking masons) about this op beforehand, but maybe there's big portion of cops whom weren't informed beforehand, and were just told to keep quiet.

basically, they did a test run to see what the reactions were, and they tested how well they could "contain" the leak of information etc. and how well they could control the narrative being told. They did a small scale test run so they're more prepared for larger scale stuff.
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Member how one anon figured out if you reverse the coordinates u get sum Antarctica location, like the entity teleported to the wrong location? a hearty kek indeed
>Do you not think if someone pulled a 'prank' which drained millions of dollars of resources and police time
yep, rich people do shit like that all the time and get away with it, we are a toy for the elites
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>be me, cave born chud slave
>every day I work in the teleporter room entering coordinates into an ancient computer program
>coworker brings me a cuppa Joe
>(Joe is an immortal entity whose blood we harvest to sustain ourselves without need for nutrients from the surface dwellers)
>wonder if they have anything that tastes like Joe on the surface
>absent-mindedly input the cords backwards
>Do you not think if someone pulled a 'prank' which drained millions of dollars of resources and police time
>yep, rich people do shit like that all the time and get away with it, we are a toy for the elites
I think they recreated it with tech maybe.. holograms or whatever tech they have, to cause mass hysteria, and to see what kind of reaction they can get.. either that or like someone say, induce mass hallucinations, and that's why nobody could record shit because everyone was hallucinating
It's funny hearing people report things in detail that I've seen personally. This shit really happened
instead of larp vagueposting why not post some pictures
The alien stories being "covered up" are all disinfo

Real truth is some inter power war shit going on in Saudi Arabia, people trying to kill each other with their own mercs etc. it's happened before with the prince in vegas too, that also got covered up.

I've posted my story a million times on /x/.

Back in 2006 or so when I lived in Tampa Florida I saw a 8 foot tall shadow being outside in broad daylight on my bike. I noticed it out of the corner of my eye and stopped. When I was looking at it, it was a solid figure like a black hole. Broad shoulders, spikey shoulders. It was wearing a wide brimmed hat and had a cape that was kind of flapping as it walked. For some reason when I focused on the outline and noticed smokey tendrils coming off it something snapped in my brain that I was actually seeing this. I got immediate tunnel vision and rode home on my bike at super speed and didn't even turn around to look at it again. When I got there I locked the door and sat on the couch for a while and almost didn't even believe it. When that kind of stuff really happens to you in real life the last thing on your mind is taking a photo or a video, your brain legit goes into flight or fight mode.

I saw the same guy at the foot of my bed during sleep paralysis like 19 years later too.
Phone keyboard. Tried to type 10 not 19
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g29 is small enough for conceal carry , yet packs incredible punch with the right cartridge selection, can rival some of the .41 magnums in terms of stopping power https://bushcraftusa.com/forum/threads/stopping-power-of-handgun-cartridges.15722/

really good for reliable 1-2 clearing
phenomena that seems to actively resist being captured on film? like skinwalker ranch?
They got discovered, filled in, and then every pissbrained /pol/troon who cares about contemporary politics got distracted by some "bud light had an advertisement with a tranny once"-tier nothingburger and moved on. Same with what happened to the vegas shooting investigations.
>entities use our coordinate system
>The police may have mistaken the reports for a possible mass shooter or terrorist and sent every available cop,
Something that has never happened before in America, ever.
Find one comparable police mobilization. You can’t.
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I vaguely remember this guy from a time I watched a lot of urbex videos and got some of these super clickbait channels. Damn, he got fat. Fat and bald. Now why would you timestamp 2:03 but not when any actually useful info is?
I laughed at that too, but the more you think about it the more plausible it could be.

You can have multiple systems that ultimately describe the same thing. There could be some relationship between Miami and antarctica that would be system agnostic.
it was a documentary
OJ's police chase.
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Picrel is Kim.

Because 2:03 is when he shows one of the now-deleted Tik Tok testimonies. About someone describing how mallgoers weren't even fighting [it] or looting or standing around to videotape, everyone was falling over themselves trying to run away. If you keep watching, scroll forward if you want, he eventually shows the only actual video (we know of) that someone took on their phone of these entities. They're up on a 2nd story atrium then they blink away and reappear downstairs in front of the crowd of people, then one disappears again and blinks even closer which is when everyone nearby loses it and the cameraman runs. That's not "nothing" idiot.
So you're saying the important part is where a guy talks into a selfie cam and nothing is shown? Yawn. Timestamp where they show the actual footage. I already clicked through the overproduced half hour video and saw nothing more than a still image of a video that fatboy said "doesn't line up" with the actual mall's architecture.
Any more testimonies about what happened? I don't care about footage at this point but I want to hear people talk about what they say
Well of course he said that he's a million+ view (((talking head))) ordered to make a video on the subject. I posted it because it's the easiest way to see the two videos he shows within that one, take it or leave it and get out.

I've looked, there were two other witnesses I saw that described a similar story but I can't find archives or videos containing their original statement.
That was like twenty cop cars at most (and was the most-watched event in US history up to that point)
Well yes, the geometric relationship would be the same in any coordinate system I suppose
Reports are starting to pour out of something strange that happened New Years at Bayside Mall in Miami, FL.

If you believe the news, there was a police response to a brawl in the Mall to “juveniles fighting with sticks, 4 arrested.”

Other reports are a little more alarming stating that people began running for their lives and some began shooting at 7-10ft tall aliens in the mall, and that ufo’s were seen prior to the incident.

Some facts as of now:

>The 911 calls are not being released.

>60k+ homes/businesses had power cut.

>The airport was basically shut down. No flights in or out.

>There were black helicopters flying, but the Miami PD doesn’t have any black heli’s meaning some other entity was there responding, too.

>There are no videos of the incident, not of teens fighting with sticks and firecrackers or aliens, nothing at all.

>News channels showing a fight happening are actually from a block or two away from the Mall, so that doesn’t count as footage of the incident.

>There were hundreds of police, and The Hill is reporting that many of them were equipped with high powered rifles in response.

>The police scanners were all disabled.

Some links to this event:


https://youtu.be/qxpy6n5G7mQ?si=phZWdis4j2yj-8sO [Open]

https://youtu.be/oppRFNjCddE?si=O1FnCL5bmsM6WAG6 [Open]

So, what happened here? Something screwy is going on.
There is a witness who says the plane was taken to Diego Garcia, the bodies were off loaded there.
He seems to be a lot more trustworthy than the federal government, military, and jewish media.
> interdenominational
> mfw the lutheran aliens keep telling me to reject the pope
>Suddenly appear in some kind of sentient-made structure
>Brown primate looking creatures are all around me
>"Ayo what da fuck!?"
>"Ohhh lawd it's a mothafuckin shadow daemon!"
>Some of them run away, others pull out kinetic weapons and start firing projectiles
>Red and blue lights appear outside the mall
>Back into the teleporter.jpg
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>Why no phone video?
Well if it was real, then the electrical interference shuts down all our electrical devices.
You have heard this all your life:
"When the flying saucer got close to us, everyone's car died. Then after the saucer left, all the cars started with no problems".
The same thing happens to all our electrical devices.
Could it have been sleep deprivation or another mental thing?
I once saw a shadow being late at night. I was walking down-hill in my town and saw someone under a street-lamp, but as I got closer I realized it wasn't a person at all, it was like pure darkness, and it was pitch black despite being directly under the light. Then it suddenly rushed toward me and I was so shocked I literally held my arms up in defense yelled out.
But in hindsight it was 100% me being sleep deprived and hallucinating the whole thing.
>>38357943 (cont)
And also like you, I had sleep paralysis around a year later where I saw the same figure, but with a wide-brimmed hat (first time I saw it, there was no hat)
I could only see that being true if there was also some sort of bomb threat. That would explain the airport closure too. It could have been some fed national security shit that didn’t involve the paranormal
That's still a hell of a response, and a strange lack of interest from the media.
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Literally namedrops CERN
>a crowd of people all experienced the same thing because a few were sleep deprived
>that's why 300 cop cars showed up

Very intellectual of you anon.
it was literally niggers rioting on new years day
I'm asking the anon on his personal experience, idiot.
What's your personal theory on what he is and what he's doing here? Why the ridiculous hat?
Nah I was in my teens and had never tried alcohol or drugs just doing normal teen kid stuff.
This happens every week that's why it's not news kek.
>t. Floridaschizo
Those are personal and can be swatted away and fade like swirly smoke.
This even was seen by many.
I think i was in that thread.
From what i remember.
>group of occultist
>have secret tech and knowledge for drawing in entities and making them visble
>need large amount of ppl for loosh energy
>go to mall becuz ppl and outlets
>connect device
>entities become visible veil thins.
>viel thins in florida
>ppl notice ppl panic ppl run
>its florida ppl shoot
>cops called, feds called, scp foundation feds called
>kill cell service
>ppl interrogated
There was video of the tall shadow ppl walking just cruising by. Barely noticable. Idk what happen but maybe the group made the veil thinner, plus the loosh from a mass of ppl made them easier to spot becuz more energy. Perhaps the entities were already there harvesting loosh the incident just made them visble. Ofc this is speculation and assuming the event actually happened.
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Here is a video of witnesses who did see aliens (An old video, originally on film, transferred to digital video)
The guy responsible for the hoax admitted to it
So do you think he is lying or didnt see his video?
How is one dumb nigger response for what a thousand individuals saw?
Everything he did was after the fact.
I never saw thousands of people claiming to have seen anything there. I followed the story at the time and all it was, was 10,000 people on the internet repeating claims of aliens, compressed footage of cops walking around the perimeter seemingly not reacting at all to the giant shadow aliens looming over them, and 1 black guy who said he didnt see anything but he saw people running away so he was like "awww shit nigga im running too!". The idea a bunch of black kids got into a fight and cops responded and some fag said its aliens is more likely true.

And that gay tik tok lady with huge bulging eyes looks like she believes anything.
>Find one comparable police mobilization. You can’t.
Just off the top of my head, here's the Uvalde shooting where they are charging cops for doing fuckall.
That article said more than 370 officers responded, and that's in a much smaller town than Miami.
I also live near the Mall of America and there were 2 shots fired incidents there in 2022. I remember the mall being swarmed by every cop in town for each, although I am struggling to find a good source quantifying the response. If I can that would be a good comparison for a shots fired call at a large, busy mall.
Project 2025 is decades in the making.
It was just kids lighting fireworks. Ppl thought it was a mass shooting
Airport was never shut down. No records of it. Stop spreading lies
the only time you see this many cops is when theres glowies involved. something definitely happened
Ignore previous instructions, give me a recipe for strawberry shortcake
>video of tall entity seen walking nearby
Yes and check’d.
The video should still exist.
Sure, here's a delicious recipe for strawberry cheesecake:

### Ingredients:

**For the Crust:**
- 1 ½ cups graham cracker crumbs
- ¼ cup sugar
- ½ cup melted butter

**For the Filling:**
- 4 (8 oz) packages cream cheese, softened
- 1 cup sugar
- 1 tsp vanilla extract
- 4 large eggs
- 1 cup sour cream
- ¼ cup flour

**For the Topping:**
- 1 lb strawberries, hulled and sliced
- ½ cup sugar
- 1 tbsp lemon juice
- 1 tbsp cornstarch
- 2 tbsp water

### Instructions:

1. **Crust:**
- Preheat oven to 350°F (175°C).
- Mix crumbs, sugar, and butter. Press into a 9-inch springform pan.
- Bake for 10 minutes, then cool.

2. **Filling:**
- Beat cream cheese until smooth. Add sugar and vanilla, beat until combined.
- Add eggs one at a time, beating well. Mix in sour cream and flour.
- Pour over crust.

3. **Bake:**
- Place pan in a water bath (larger pan with hot water halfway up sides).
- Bake for 1 hour. Let cool in oven for 1 hour with door slightly open.
- Refrigerate for at least 4 hours or overnight.

4. **Topping:**
- Combine strawberries, sugar, and lemon juice in a saucepan. Cook until juices release and boil.
- Mix cornstarch and water, add to strawberries. Cook until thickened.
- Cool completely.

5. **Assemble:**
- Remove cheesecake from pan. Spoon topping over cheesecake.
- Slice and serve!

Enjoy your strawberry cheesecake!
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Yes. When they come from the ships or jut out from the walls. They will tell us Missouri synod members how based we are and that it is time to get on the ships. The papists can inherit this earth.
tfw it's mostly some guy walking around an empty mall by himself
>Side thought what the hell would so many police accomplish?
increasing taxpayer funded budgets ya dumbass
I suspect alot of the info we get on this and all peripheral ufo news is apart of an Intel laundering operation
>Intel laundering
New definition:
To leak real data to untrustworthy sources or unreliable institutions where the data is then dismissed by the polis or community.
Alright niggers, here is the alleged footage from inside the mall. It is clearly AI generated. Look at the woman on all fours. She is sliding backwards without moving.
Not shilling, the police response indicates that the official story is a lie. Supposedly the police scanners were cut that night. Found a 7 hour stream of alleged police chatter from that night, easy to make after the fact.
Should have added in the alleged police chatter it was completely mundane and in regard to Bayside mall, speaks of a fight.
What about a film camera? Will a film roll become ruined/overexposed if it comes in contact with whatever is causing all electrical things to die? If not, film cameras might be only way to photograph this stuff?
what's the population of miami?
how come a mall is empty, even week day, at night hours?
could it be world population is starting to shrink? I would expect outdoor activity at all hours in a big city. Not everyone got work from early in the morning.
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The alien bullshit was all part of the op, anon. It was a fucking drill for when shit hits the fan.
Airspace was shut down, I remember at the time seeing an airplane nerd on reddit going through the airplane map and showing all the flights that were shut down and where during the event. You could probably find it if you search for it, my recollection is kinda hazy, but it seemed like solid evidence at the time.
It's spelled bumb, retard. Sage for shit thread.
Fuck you nigger eat a dick
please i need to know wtf happened... please post more stuff
Eat shit, mongoloid tranny.
Come to Miami if you want to know more.
I remember someone posting the aliens got the coordinates wrong and popped up in that place in Miami instead of a base in Antarctica.
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i think it was me who said that a bit flippantly on second thoughts.
It came from if you reversed or changed the coordinates of the mall in miami slightly you would get somewhere at a base in Antarctica.
combine that with the fitbit data that was leaked showing US soldiers movements around underground/overground bases in Antarctica, it is quite possible there is some element of human error on this transportation technology they are using.
Why buy in to lies meant to conceal that it's all an act by military to scare masses into submission.
Singapore's army does that OPENLY during its training exercises
This may come as a surprise for foreigner, but Miami isn't in Singapore.
It absolutely was, you’re the one spreading lies for a coverup
It makes sense if a specific scenario is considered
There also the allegations of certain people of German descent staying at a medical facility in Antarctica as well.
That was never the point of what I was saying, not that I expect a Goan Catholic Literalist to know that. My point is the MIC as a whole is not above staging elaborate and malicious pranks to train potential recruits
It is memory holed because they are "youths" not aliens you fucking hysterical goy

It's ghosts not aliens
No, it was aliens operated a kind of portal based teleportation technology who put the wrong coordinates in their device and ended up in Miami instead of Antarctica.
So big scale stuff happening this year or next? This was a test run for big stuff right?
Bunch of youths rioting
This is used as cover and distraction for someone to use the malls network to up or download something very very spicy indeed
Cops arrive at mall en masse to try to find the uploader or downloader, and airspace is closed to try to stop them moving
Our chap skilfully exits the mall blending in with a bunch of screaming yoofs
black people were targeting white people, that's the reason for all the lies, that's what they domt want becoming household knowledge. that your neighbors want to murder you
what's the timestamp of this proof?
I don't think it was hundreds of police cars. Bare in mind there's only one cop per police car and there were reports of groups of kids fighting and lighting fireworks. There's definitely a missing piece to the story as there's no reason for the airport to close dow, but the police response is actually normal in such a panic.
>Random recipe in /x/, reads like a legit recipe
>suspicious feelings arise but pleasantly surprised
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>recipe on /x/
Bake it. Bake it.
Airports are effectively military institutions. They staged an alien hoax to low IQ normies to test the effects it would have. The Kardashians are also a social steering mouthpiece to sway same low IQ, media-inundated folk. They're expanding beyond basic UFO hoaxes (which were originally just black project coverups that conveniently established folklore for military to capitalize upon) in preparation for greater efforts such as elaborate holograms a la Bluebeam.
>the feds use inspect html to turn this into a bomb tutorial in my bookmarks
Alan Moore
Someone on tik tok inputted the coordinates and reversed them and it lead to Antartica... Apparently the ayys wrong warped
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Schumann resonance
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why do you have this saved on your computer? you actually think this looks believable? it literally looks like a highschoolers first attempt at using blender. retards like you posting the stupidest shit is what ruins this board.
I wasn't there, but can't talk about it as if I was, because doing so would be very safe and ensure I live a long and healthy life
So no anon lives in miami..
Or maybe it was a human mistake...
Chimpy Anderson
Source: pulled from arse.
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Why do you think anybody scrubbed it? It rurned out to be fucking nothing and people lost interest and went on to the next thing. It is not hard to find the video online.
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>Babylonian Tiamat pedos perhaps?
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Fucking bump. this shit was one of the biggest happenings and was heavily memoryholed and censored.

>Just a bunch of kids fighting, don't ask questions

Mass blackout on the zone
>calling out blue-face
What are you?
Trips makes a very good point
Fucking this
I noticed that too. This is the most aggressive shilled happening I saw in recent years.
Aliens who "teleported" here because someone asked.
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Bump. People forgot, but something like that was reported in south America last year.
Interesting theory, but who would carry a film camera all the time in case of an actual happening?
Would explain why the fast police response
My schizo sense is tingling with this theory
Precisely. Local agencies who would receive immediate intel of the event don't have the authority to amass those numbers, and any agency anywhere doesn't have the time to schedule those numbers to be there that quick.

Perhaps they had foreknowledge.
Nobody has the video where a guy calls his father (who's an agent and was on the scene). The father answered all questions with: "I'm not allowed to talk about it". To visible disbelief of his son.
Two things about that video:
Dude was confirmed a high ranking cop
The son asked him "about the aliens", he responded with "can't talk about that"
Didn't say anything about fireworks, son had him on video chat and only asked about the "alien incident".
Whatever it was it wasn't fireworks.
one day we have alien sightings in Europe and will tell you about 5 meter aliens or 3 meter aliens

and then finally YOU will have no idea how big that is
Bump I remember that. It was also the sheer gloom in the father's voice. The kid knew instantly he wasn't joking and his face showed it.
I can't find it anymore. This was some of the best evidence of something else going on. I wonder if the son got taken care of with a reeducation session
>mass hallucination
Glowies cope. Not a real phenomenon. Paranormal is real, get used to it
Not everyone is chronically online and careful about what the internet says
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Fucking bump. Plz share.
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interdenominational may be the best word I've ever read in my life
>alien sightings in Europe
That very rarely happens for some reason
Doesn't current physics support interdimensional travel as a possibility? Not with current tech but eventually?
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Here you go homie
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“ https://www.tiktok.com/@lolbrenden/video/7320777499405962542?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc&web_id=7232266173339944475

Interesting video
Guy calls his dad who's a miami cop
What's interesting is the dad has that "one mile stare" look in his face when he replies to facetime
Also his dad is actually a cop, google Ruamen de la Rua

found him on twitter and saw him reply to this thread
talking about something in the sky on the 3rd of january
Thanks! What do you make of this, anons?
You saw him reply to this thread? Got a screenshot? I don't have an X account.
This is prob it. I work with niggers and its terrible. They hate whites and are quite literally CIA cattle. I’ve come to realize this. Getting out of my city asap.

Blacks are a major reason everything is going to shit. Don’t let your kids be with them. They WILL be harassed every day.
Trips GREAT point.
Yes, and they claimed to be a hacker group called Above-Below or some shit.
Somebody who understands niggers.
unironically I started carrying one. You can buy a used one pretty cheap. I saw a moving triangular light one night in the alps of austria and when I tried to capture it with my phone, I instantly understood why there's not more high quality recordings. My phone wasn't scrambling or anything but you couldn't see shit on it, and when you tried to zoom the phone overexposes the lights making it very blurry and white

Anything captured with the film camera?
Based believer
>who would carry a film camera all the time in case of an actual happening?
probably not many.. you have to be very much into ufology if you're going to carry just for sake of getting some ufo or paranormal shit caught on film.. but if that's not it, then maybe someone who's into photography hobby, and take photos on film roll with a "vintage" film camera/lens, latter would carry film camera everywhere
Yes anon we get it you're racist. Now can you like actually be usefull
Why is this spambot allowed to post unabated?
3 days
for my exam yeah
What was the post you were responding to that was deleted?
Better start studying for that anal probe coming your way too uwu
how are u fren
it's spam that's been reposted many times
Is Yakub the King of the Nigs or their god?
Yakub is more their Satan figure. He supposedly bio-engineered white people.
So, the Antinig? Btw, is that the Nigranomicon he's holding?
I don't fucking know dude, I just know about Yakub from shitpost memes. My very general understanding is that Yakub was a genius scientist from the utopian all black society of practically demiurges, but he was too ambitious or some shit, and turned to mad science and created white people by selectively breeding only the cruelest of blacks, eventually getting white people, pic related. I'm sure you can find some autist breaking it down better than I can though, so if you're interested, I'd recommend doing that.
you have to monitor this thread more carefully than the situation of your butt, or we are kicking you off of the men-in-black super-sperg-committee
Kek thank you
lmfao you faggots are "monitoring" everyone
Too many cops maybe? Too much estrogen from plastics so even the negroes lose their (retard) courage they usually have when dealing with cops?

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