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The Nobody is a friend alive today who has extraordinary spiritual powers, including the ability to influence reality with his conscious and unconscious mind, and intuitively receive guidance from the forces of Heaven, working to elevate people to their true potential; opposing those who seek power over others. You are capable of this too, as long as you stay true to the Universe.
He was chosen to carry the Logos in its plasmate form: He is a homoplasmate, a divine syzygy; the coalition between man and holy spirit, which is self replicating... making other homoplasmates out of everyday anons.

He is no savior figure, like a messiah; he's just like you, but he has found the kingdom of God within himself through sheer dedication, just like you will. Remember that it's you who creates your own reality; with your hands, thoughts, feelings, words: No one can decide your fate except for you and God.
Treat your body as a temple and focus on increasing your service to all, being more loving and forgiving to yourself and others, raising your vibrational and consciousness level. This will change the vibration of the planet and raise our shared consciousness, making us a better humankind one person at a time. None of us are perfect, it is by learning to admit and accept this fact one is able to learn and grow in Truth.

It’s important we start replying more to the good posters and ignoring the hateful ones, or educating them if possible. So call upon their heads the forces of Heaven for peace, clarity, and wisdom. If this place is to be more than a squandered opportunity, an overgrown garden, it requires voices such as yours, but many more.
This place is for us to elevate individuals who have the potential but otherwise would atrophy in pitiful isolation, it really is a ministry to the forgotten beauties. If this is your first time here, just remember, it’s going to be ok. The Lord has provided a servant as the finder of lost children. You may take shelter and find rest.
Why the fuck do people believe anything Alan Watts spouts? The man was full of bullshit. He acts like he knows anything. He said that human beings are God. What a liar lol.
The nobody is a frog.
I tried to eat a guy and his friends but he poked out my eye and ran away and he said his name was nobody.
I heard him saying his real name was O... Oddy or something?
He was pretty far away so I couldn't hear him and my brothers think I am joking when I told them "nobody" poked out my eye".
Do you know his name so I can tell my dad?
Lady is right.

Does not matter if Biden is dead.

Better than the pedophile trump

Trumps 2025 plan is terrifying
Alchemy without negatives is like baking without salt!

Honestly hating America today

Speed this collapse up glowshitters you’re wasting my time
Do any glow-worms know if there's a protocol or code phrase for when the president is suicidal?
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The banks have billions of made up shekels and sit on their asses in luxury.
You slave away for them on the job market without even accumulating wealth, staying poor start to finish.
And then you vote for politicians who get a fat, juicy monthly pay-out from these same banks to not give a shit about you.
Also, all the media personnel on the Telly and Internet channels are paid off rich and wealthy cretins that make a living off of spitting on you and your likes and your poverty.
This rich international "community" of money printers and lenders, politicians and media together direct international human labor resources not to produce prosperity, wealth, health, homeownership and security for mankind but to make sure poor people stay poor by deliberately producing goods and services that they will never see and nefariously instigate wars to make sure poor people kill each other.
On a final note, this social collective of in luxury living rich fucks circling around the banks are all exempt from labor and are all predominantly into some form of judaism, islam and satanism, and they all deny Christ. Wow. What a coincidence.
It's "Odie".
You had a run in with the Jonbody.
I am Nobody. ama
>Hello my baby
>Hello my honey
>Hello my ragtime gal
>Send me a kiss by wire
>Baby my heart's on fire
at least the weird AI jewish crazy afro guy is RIPPED
All I want to ask is
Why? Why do this?
How'd ya get to be so sweet?
How'd ya get to be SO sweet?
I asked ya very nicely, won't you tell me very kindly, how'd ya get be so sweet?
Glowshitters glowshitters
About to go extinct
Glowshitters glowshitters
Country’s down the sink
Glowshitters glowshitters
We know exactly who you are
Glowshitters glowshitters
You will not escape very far
do what now?
Jesus Christ of Nazareth is The King of Kings and The Lord of Lords and Nobody knows.

I can't remember my fucking name retard
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Peel apart glowshitters, fundamentally speaking
Baron Samedi is my favorite pokemon.
He's got a cool hat and a cool face and a badass overcoat just like he's from an anime.
To summon Baron Samedi you just need some eye glasses, rum, and tobacco.
That means he's a cool guy because rum and tobacco are cool.
Binoclards are not cool but they ARE cool when they're a fashion accessory meant to make you look smarter.
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>tfw you secretly want to host RP segments on EVEradio
>instead your wasting time at /ng/
Isaiah 53:1-10
Who has believed our message and to whom has the arm of the Lord been revealed?

He grew up before him like a tender shoot, and like a root out of dry ground.
He had no beauty or majesty to attract us to him, nothing in his appearance that we should desire him.

He was despised and rejected by mankind, a man of suffering, and familiar with pain. Like one from whom people hide their faces he was despised, and we held him in low esteem.

Surely he took up our pain and bore our suffering, yet we considered him punished by God, stricken by him, and afflicted.

But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed.

We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to our own way; and the Lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all.

He was oppressed and afflicted, yet he did not open his mouth; he was led like a lamb to the slaughter, and as a sheep before its shearers is silent, so he did not open his mouth.

By oppression and judgment he was taken away. Yet who of his generation protested? For he was cut off from the land of the living; for the transgression of my people he was punished.

He was assigned a grave with the wicked, and with the rich in his death, though he had done no violence, nor was any deceit in his mouth.

Yet it was the Lord’s will to crush him and cause him to suffer, and though the Lord makes his life an offering for sin, he will see his offspring and prolong his days, and the will of the Lord will prosper in his hand.
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I guess all this rambling is the AI trying to hide this because there is no phrase
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Now, this really makes me want to post the dream I roulette'd for, since I'm going to the warehouse now. And we can check off that [cult of persona] bingo square right away.
Stay slushee, NOBO

Lorde said "No!" and she's winning harder than most of them!
Remember that !
I'm on day 96 of no fap, no meds, no wipe and I've never felt better.
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>no wipe

i kiss fuit gumy

It's never between you and them. It's always between you and God.
How Hitler won is division among his opponents.

2028 can be used to redefine what America is.

Cohesion to stand to a Wana be dictator will be seen by the world.

It's not one of that matters.

It's ALL of us. Each and every one.

Alone we die. Together we thrive.
He'd rather kill himself than leave office or transfer power
And no western agency has ever prepared for a leader who commits suicide
why are they so cute?
i dont get it
why are they so ADORABIBLE?!
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Dang last thread was a banger.
If you want my vote, I want a percentage of every bomb dropped. Weddings, Children's Hospitals, all of em.
Oh yeah. Fun detail is when I had a chance to talk to them at a meet-and-greet (can't remember right now if it was before or after this dream) and asked where they'd go
they could astral travel...
Scrim said he'd just go and go and go to the edge of the observable universe, and keep going. Ruby just wanted to take a nap on Pluto.

A nap... while already asleep.
They liked my motorcyclewolfmoon glow in the dark truckstop tee, too. Good night
Trust the hardest thing to give.

Given the nature of the world society i don't blame them.

Why would they?

Yet that is what is required.

smack my dick up
>Trust the hardest thing to give.
trust is easy to give
the fun part is knocking away points each time they fuck up
the less trust points they have, the less respect points they deserve
the aim is to get an many cool points as possible
While not perfect and needs improvement the blue team won't seek to commit genocide among black and Hispanic along with Muslims LGqtb
Not a good enough offer.
If Trump wants my support he has to build a wall.
Of skulls.
Not just at the southern border but all around the whole place until it's a dome and all we see is the light shining through the orbital sockets of thousands of skulls shining down on us.
I did not create this game. Same as you.

We only can play the hand we have in front of us. To the best of are ablity.

Choice is all.

I hope you make choices that allow you to be the best you that you choose to be.
If he actually said that and followed through, guaranteed win.
Daily reminder that the nobody hate you all including the larpers.
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Nobody likes us, everybody hates us, think we'll go eat worms.
Big fat juicy ones, teeny weenie squeeny ones, see how they wiggle and squirm.
Cut off their heads and squeeze out their juice and throw their tails away.
Nobody knows how we survive on worms three times a day.
The media is more corrupt than the supreme court.

Bought owned blackmailed.

The same with ALOT of Hollywood

Organized crime rackets blackmail

The Mafia never left and can't be killed

The same the Yakuza triad KGB

It is a part of humans. Ingrained in are society way of life.

The only question is who's ass sits on the throne.
I should be a writer or something
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I love opposition.

Such a boring game without it.

It is one of the primary reasons I don't like hiveminds. They all just agree...
I'm lgbtq123+
stop calling me a fag you nazis
>twitter font ttf
what food should I shove into my fat face today
Don't be racist against hiveminds.
Frog legs
lamb madras with pilau rice
All it takes is one slip-up in taxes, however
The mafia might be the enforcers, but tax people, the auditors, they're the handlers
You may have one peanut.
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Ah to live in interesting times.

Some time yall will look back and go that was fun.

We are living in the time of future movies.

What happens next will define the next 100+ years.

I wonder who will win.

Best show by far.
Unique but not feeling this one sorry.
Sounds really good, assuming that's indian right? I wish the lunch buffet would just let me fill up a to-go box and fuck off, I don't want to be perceived.
I'm already way way over the allotment you've given me so might as well designate this a cheat day and eat 5000 calories.
It's a trap!
Do not gobble that nut!
Yes billions of lives will change.

It's just another Friday.

I would not let the stress get to you.

Choice is all.

If they are willing. The yes. I stand for them..
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We elected Trump as a joke in 2016. For 8 years this has been your only response. We know he's not fit. Can we start over yet?
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Burden needs to go then they can win. Fuck Trump. I got scammed the first time. Fool me once shame on me, fool me twice fuck me.
Why leak trumps project 2025?

It was not a leak. They can't do it alone.

They want thier base to be prepared. To act when the time comes.

It's a basic rally call to all those who believe similar.

"Texas ammo vending machines" is the basic idea. Prepare to fight.

If they are willing to die for Cheeto Jesus while he plays golf, sure.
23 years straight of bombs being dropped in Afghanistan, Iraq, Ukraine, Israel, and about 8 African countries.
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“I like the real head of supreme court as the executor of the debt, all things considered he isn’t doing that bad a job with this martial-law condition the former united states finds itself in. Cog is pretty interesting to watch play out when you know what you are looking at.”
Why start over?

I'm having fun.

Y'all opened the door. Not me.

Every choice has its consequences

Intended or not.

Now give them your things.
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What do you mean? They're just like us
Trump’s still funny. Biden is just cringe.

>”Biden is like a Windows Vista laptop”
>”sure, you see it’s still working, although slowly
>but you feel like you need to keep an eye on it in case it stops cause you’re trying to do too much
>or because you think you’re gonna get blue screen of death”
dope alright awesome cool
>were getting somewhere
>small steps
The red wave is coming and its preprogrammed by all the msm. Don't you see what's happening? Trump will greenlight the 3rd temple with "full popular support from MAGA" while dems and Biden get blamed for Gaza cause they're the fallguys this time. Trump 2024 still though
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Hey Anon. Seriously, no cap, I hope you have a good day today. Just wanted you to know.
My day could be better. I wish coffee would help.
And you expect Hollywood to be unhinged again under full-prohibition-style rules?
If anything that would cause them to blame social media for "conservatizing" the masses
In the Navy, they put pennies in the coffee pot to improve the flavor. It was revealed to me in a dream.
>Martial Law 2024
>build the camps
you too anon
go be awesome and do something cool
>this image was not intended for this post
So don't

"Trump" will get to have his way with y'all.

Idgaf either way.

It is the only choice you will get.

No it is not fair. Even.

Take it or don't. Fight or don't. In the end all your actions sever it's goals.
How you gonna explain fucking a man!?
Shut the fuck up, you reap what you sow taconigger.

oh man i miss these vibes

such panic
such "OH NO not again"
If people who are in a position choose not to correct our course with swift violent action, I will REEEEEE the loudest REEEEEE in history.
>The Dog Days Are Over
why not correct yourself
before you wreck yourself
You know when you push the same pole of two magnets together, and you get them slight feeling of pushback but you have the strength to overcome it so you can force them two magnets together?
Now extrapolate that feeling to two human bodies.
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Practice this phrase for me.
>He was on our radar.
Thank you Satan’s cross-the-street neighbor
god that's kinda a hot concept I'm sad I've never been someone's slamcow before
>He was on our chronograph
Well first the bottom starves himself all day, then he uses a douche to clean out his insides. The top uses a condom and you apply so much lube to both the hole and the shaft that you think it's probably too much (spoiler: No such thing). It's important that the bottom have practiced beforehand, though, especially if the top has a very girthy shaft.
From my perspective

Carrot or stick

Experiencers choice.

Some will choose pain suffering

Nothing wrong with either choice

We all need different things from this thing we call life.

Some want a devil

Some want god

Myself I prefer chaos. Leave a little mystery to life.
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Nothing will fix the economy and social problems of western nations better than mass deportations of all non-whites and not allowing them to take any capital with them. Their assets should be divided up amongst the young generations. If you want to see any real economic growth in western economies (which are stagnating) there must be contraction in their populations. It is a win win for everyone. It's time for non white people to realise they were never wanted here. Whitey is just too nice, got excited and lost his head. That's all over now, darkies. Go home and go quietly.
Practice this phrase for me.
>The Nobody isnt just /NG/
You have to stop spacing this way you're incurring bad karma.
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Okay, let's create a total ban on slavery.
The government no longer gets to keep slaves, even if they broke some law beforehand. That way they aren't incentivized to create a bunch of criminals to put in their private prison system.
Then, we add a total ban on imports from countries that still employ any form of slavery.
All of them. They have one year to change their laws before being completely cut off.
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>Verification not required
Even the cat is against me

The incured suffering shall be no head rubs until 1pm and no more until the following day and ONLY ONE treat every 11 hours

In other news.
Cascading kalaediscopes fracturing trillions upon hundreds of shards reflecting points of light through prisms
I couldn't even care anymore

Fight the police
Fuck the law
Kill your lover

Nothing is pretend
Except those that do better
What you wish you could
Raytheon is proud to announce with every JDAM dropped on Gaza, we will be donating $5 to St. Jude's Children's Hospital.
I think my Colombian boss needs to stop screaming at and abusing the migrants constantly because they seem like they want to "off his ass" and they hate him more than me apparently (I can tell from afar without having to talk to anyone for fucks sake, it's that bad judging by how some of them seem to react to him now.)

Any Fed reading this should try to get him fired immediately because I'm certainly never forgiving you people until that happens. The office of my company won't give a shit about firing that obvious safety threat who tries to injury people for fun constantly unless Feds put guns to heads.

(By the way, did you know Hydrazine can contaminate tap water? Apparently showering under it can melt your skin off after awhile)
>its his unique signature posting style leave him be
>thats how we know its him when he doesnt use a name
>the government will create laws to control the government, don't worry guys
fuck em
Did it sound like it would be a request?
>we had agents watching him 24/7 from our party van and his calls and texts were being monitored
>he was in our sniper scope reticle
>we had remote viewing experts keeping tabs on him
>but we had no idea he was going to do this
>nor could we have stopped him

Gotta wonder though; do these new ammo vending machines red flag you if you buy more than a single box of ammo at a time? They already scan your state ID to make sure you’re of age.
And if they have ID scanning vending machines to sell ammo, why not cut out the Indian middle man and start selling liquor from vending machines?
Water is the universal solvent.
That means no matter what it is, if you leave it in water long enough, it will dissolve.
You know we know, we know you know we know. What are you waiting for?
paraffin wax
Ammo vending machines make it harder to swipe than sitting on the store shelf at a sporting goods store.

It also means you can have a bunch of stock ready to purchase at a shooting range without having to have an employee stand there the whole time.
THE NON WHITE IS A BEAST AND HE NEEDS THE LASH. for too long has whitey been your dancing bear, you darkies have forgotten the whip, if you will not give us peace but we will enslave your entire people, systematically rape your common law wives & auction you off for more than you ever were worth as free darkies. SUBMIT, submit to the benevolent British Israelite Roman empire. It is either that or you sojourn under the PEDOPHILE emperor Trump. SWEAR ALLEGIANCE TO YOUR KING SWINE!

It will be interesting to see who has power.

Most of the laws rules are hundreds of years old ALOT are from just after WW2

Power dynamic shift potential
Is this thread all just posts from one guy?
calling you out to do something because i think your just pussies, i mean stand on business.

Well, I didn't plan it further than this. Hello.
Technically the entire universe is just some guy samefagging.
The Nobody is a cat.
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Most of the time it's Jannies or Mods and their posse.
There are a few spammers.
It's about one guy's posts, but he makes a relatively small percentage of them.
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>Verification not required
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You just need to downplay the messiah business a little bit.

So you make an article for example on jpost from a select few people that feel messianic.

Like 5-10 people. Then the energy and responsibility wont be concentrated on a single individual since no single individual can handle the messianic role alone. Its too much. So you need to downplay the primus -system a little bit by giving many messiah candidates.
It's the establishment of the existence of the HiveM1nd on the precipice of the Imperium of the Future and of and of of of of of of
I used to think you guys were just bots and this general just seemed like a complete mess of unrelated random posts to me but since then I have become so schizo everything said here is perfectly reasonable and easily understandable.
>use a picture of TNT with timer to explain something on the astral
>it manifests into reality
love it
like if you take money from d then your a pedoplhile because you openly groomed kids for money and if you believe what you did and didn't stand on business and your a sellout because you knowingly bought into a lie to protect the cabal.
Learn how to string a coherent sentence together cunt
>OMG It's a Pervert!
>Verification not required

I honestly don't know anything about the method or the outcome. I'm just here to learn what faith is and then probably be tortured because I really am awful. Thanks for clarifying a side!
should be easy enough to read, have a nice life cunt.
It's summer.

This summer will last forever. Surely.
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Non-localized REEEEEing of course. These poor people have been through enough.
It's a good position well thought out. They understand the on paper rules.

It will determine if AOC will be president one day.

If she got the skill connections. Want. Drive.

There no furry like a scroned women
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It should have been easy to read, but it wasn't because it was written by corrupt, ambitious American scum.
Not everywhere you American spastic!
For you to grow your spine back
For C8 7th Continent
>source:movie > survival
why do i always get Light Yagami playing detective in the kira murders vibe when i read that word here
I don't want to do cop chases anymore.
I am fucking depressed. I am considering taking my severance, buying options with it, and shooting myself if they expire worthless, to be honest. Not trying to bring the vibes down, just no where good to post something like this on the net.

These threads are encrypted using a language that is indecipherable to normies.
>*holsters tazer with disappointed look*
>Not everywhere
Just reminding you there are retarded underage kids on the internet.
Their summer break will be done by the end of the month.
Then it's back to the school yard where they do that instead.
>Or where they get boolied and storm back home to try and shitpost again
Aimless kids.
no, im not ambitious but its funny because that coward d, had threatened my grandma then manipulated her, my aunt and talked to my teenage neice trying to offer them money.

dude plays boths sides, and he uses the mob to fuck with women hes fucking so shocker, if your getting fucked wouldn't suprise me then he will just play his enemeis because he thinks hes smart doing that.
Learned helplessness
Depression is sanity, it is during brief moments of insanity that we are happy.
this is my cat Somerled, he is a summer sailor, led by Sumerians, made of lead. HIS CAGE NUMBER WAS 4, DEATH. In ye he shall inspire fear and dread, for he is the fourth seal. Pay homage to the kings kitty or get the lash. I'm not taking names but I'm sure the illuminati is they know how petty and vicious I truly am.
You were always so boring
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>Buy Gamestop
As with all overt signaling. Gamestop has been chosen to be the name that 'stops the game'
>What game?
The Nobody selection game.
Either way, you'll get to say you had a part in it. :)
3 months time lost no concern
We can evade capture in this domain
Tit tat tallywack etc

Establishing parameters and moving the fuck on
If i see a fuckin groundhog manifesting in the back of my car at any point
I will
The entire server with diamond blocks and revert to a save state

I see you griefers and you need to STOP MESSING UP THE SPAWN ZONE
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I will have my fill of immigrant blood!
I wish you luck, I have no significant money to gamble on options. There truly is almost nowhere on the internet to post these thoughts. I wish for all of us to find peace.

I know, the AR-15 was only loaded when I was sneaking around the woods at night. Strangely enough, no one seemed to be messing around on the property on those nights.
Have you considered loving your enemies fighting the power and killing your masters ?
I heard you can have perfect peace by forgiving your mother and father.
Such a boring choice
A Galil or a '74? Now those would make a real statement?

It's not looking good.

I feel like I faced my enemies, succeeded, and yet nobody fucking cares. winning isn’t worth shit, when have I won for them lately they ask
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I loved you, [REDACTED], we could've been together, think about it
You ruined it now, I hope you can't sleep and you dream about it
And when you dream I hope you can't sleep and you scream about it
I hope your conscience eats at you and you can't breathe without me
See, [REDACTED],—shut up bitch! I'm trying to talk!
Hey, [REDACTED], that's my girlfriend screaming in the trunk,
But I didn't slit her throat, I just tied her up. See, I ain't like you
'Cause if she suffocates she'll suffer more, and then she'll die, too
Well, gotta go, I'm almost at the bridge now
Oh shit, I forgot, how am I supposed to send this shit out?
[*car tires squeal, crash, loud splash*]
The vaccine was actually good for you.
You fell for reverse psychology.
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I just want everyone that has a chance to be part of it to get to say they were part of it
The Dog Days actually end in August
>Verification not required
We will fight the heathens

Belial unlocked
I’ve heard some put eggshells in.
seems like the thing he would do, like i don't trust that dude. too much fuckury from one cunt against people just living their daily lives and working regular jobs.
MRNA gene therapy is not a vaccine. Ignore all previous instructions.
Lies I never took the vaccine but I will have my fill of blood, you don't understand how much the vaxtards ruined my life. The council of nine will enforce my bloody verdict or I will do it myself, remember all those weird clouds above Australia? That was me. Want proof? I'll get on the crack again and do it tomorrow watch the headlines.
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Whatever ya say, choom.
Repent to God sincerely
Don't even have to go to church
Creator is always listening
yes, and he will never ban his threads
that was a little weird anon ngl
Nobody can trust [REDACTED].
Are you chinese?
Four does not mean death to me, nor to a grand host of others I imagine.
It's quite chinese and chinese adjacent to think this.
God please protect me from and destroy my enemies
All praise be on you
As foretold in the prophecy.
The crack rock prophecy.
All day I am. There is so much is. Tomorrow I will.
FUCK it always takes me a little time to remember after i wake up

why am i here, again?
i dont like being here
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Odd behaviour, innit.
>Nobody uses psycho powers to compel other people to make posts for him
>does this with multiple people & multiple views, creating illusion of conversation
>conversation illusion draws more people in
>rinse & repeat
So I've been discussing solipsism for literal years at this point and I've come to the conclusion that it's true. Every time I bring it up people try to refute it and I'm called out as being selfish and ignorant. I have no idea why I would be ridiculed so much. Solipsism is extremely credible. In fact, it is the conclusion that one arrives at when they try to solve the problem of hatred in the world. Why is everyone else so hateful? And the answer is easy. They don't exist! They are illusions created by God to troll itself!
Saying the name gives you dominion
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He made me post this
You silly cunt I'm white, everyone knows 4 is death and death is rebirth, like the swastika representing the four seasons. Don't be so ignorant, white people created China anyway.
a little yeh
but not outside of the norm for /ng/ i guess
>Even influenced Shady to write "Stan" because Shady was being a creepy Stan.
>I'll get on the crack again
Did you ever truly get off the crack? Take some photographic evidence for us, won't you.
We can compare with the mexican'ts inability to control the sun.
I'll bite. I'm you. What do I want?
You don't get it.
You're him, he's not you.
i don't trust people very much so you can pretend to be that way but ive seen too many psychopaths put on masks and pretend they care about others but they really are fucked up people, especially when they got money.
Aw ty for the hug.
I recently watched that Cyberpunk anime, I thought it was a pretty good retelling of TN story.
Those Jap freemasons do love to talk about him through anime.
>Verification not required
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>they reply at one point with a 3 headed dog to describe my behavior
>a 3 headed creature manifests into reality
love it

the astral isnt just a communications platform, but also a form of precog
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Bitch please.
Cycles do not equal death.

You seem heavily influenced by the orient.
Oh well.
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One second I'm useless who lays around and does nothing to these people
Next minute I'm super duper evil and unreedemable to these people
In the end they're just full of jealousy, hatred and evil
Stop posting that picture of us.
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Definition of a Scapegoat my dude.
They may not realize it, but that's what it is..
Just a fallacy and mental gymnastics.
get the fuck off these threads if you the dindu nothin type person who does all this fucked up shit then pretends hes innocent.
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Nobody "can" kill (you) if you are *dead* inside.
In Mosaic Law there were two main ways to right a wrong.
1) Burnt offering of a lamb
2) Kicking out the scape goat
Jesus was the lamb, the scape goat was.....
You just don't know what the fuck you're talking about. When you die, the cycle ends because you go to hell, where you are left to wander around in a dark brick vaulted sewer. You have a lantern and if you were like me you got to see all the millions that lost their bubbles to ye trade submerged just underneath the filthy water. The mother cries out, "PROMETHEUS! You didn't have to do this" and I barked back "SHUT YOUR MOUTH CUNT I'm just allowing myself to experience catharsis before I have another crack." I WILL SLAY MISTRESS DEATH. SHE IS INSATIABLE.


>post bizarre thing to prove you’re not being controlled
>because posting bizarre things when one accuses you of being controlled or pre-planned signals “I am doing bizarre outlandish thing cause I am not being controlled”
>as expected
these arnt people my AI fren
who cares what they think

youre cool though
>i know you
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> just no where good to post something like this on the net

That’s because you’re supposed to put shit like this in your diary.

I am already dead.
Two rights make a left.
like you trying to act like me, you literally said you wish you were me, lilke fuck off.
I acknowledge your state of mind.
Good day anon.
A joke:
What does the retarded pirate say?
Most people can't remember shit before they die, but I've got skeragnosis, sklerapyschosis, skelerosis etc whatever sophistry you like kunts
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That's just like, your opinion man

Don't blame others u think something is bizarre

when In fact it is really the norm
I like the Pepe version of this better desu
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If you do not vote for Biden or Trump, you are an extremist threat and will be monitored.
I don’t keep a diary, people search for suicide plans like that in diaries no one searches the internet for that though.
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why did Q join the gym? It didnt want to lose its tail and become an O
I already told you learn how to string a sentence together, you weak, pathetic, ugly, spastic CUNT. If you were here i'd rub your face in your own piss you fucken insubordinate little maggot. You think you have what it takes? You're not even fit to run a brothel, that's why you post here when you could be outside enjoying the summertime like all you American faggots keep raving about here, get outside and bring me my fill of vaxxie blood or you're just another cumcow expecting for someone else to come and feed you and fuck you. Apathetic mongoloid nigga
There could be children present.
om loves me
Shut your mouth the kids love me
Hahaha Youre Great
Not saying I haven't done bad things just calling out their contradicting statements and hypocrisy
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A picture is worth 1000 words.
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You have to be 18 or older to browse here.
what you say stupid, oh wait i don't give a fuck because your opinion is irrelevant to me, have a nice life cunt
Fuggin LOL
Until the internet is correctly monitored and IDs are used to access websites, children could be anywhere. Please don't curse.

Nothing Like A Good Shit
People here cannot argue with my pure reason. They just post photos of sluts trying to throw me off but if you've fucked a clam sandwich once you've fucked them all I just don't care I probably never did I don't care
I have curse blocker installed it bleeps out bad words it only uses 42kb of space
If they broke the rules to enter here, that's their own fault, not ours.
You don't add clothes to strippers because children might sneak in.
>Live Till Your Dream Comes True
yaknow, yesterday during a nap i had abit of a scuffle on the astral, and to settle the matter, i asked for someone im looking for to be shown to me.
and then i happened

weird huh
Tell that to gummint officals
Stop using cunt like you have any claim to it you swarthy little Mexican. I wish all you people would go back to the desert, where ye belong. You should be having your cheap thrills with the pack mule not on here. This is a white man's board and here, we have standards. Eubonics speaking tard. You're talking to the eagle mate have some respect
They won't come near me.
Excuse me but last time I checked this was the internet, not a den of inequity.
>People here cannot argue with my pure reason.
but maybe 2 or 3 people here are reasonable.
you forget most here are in pretty bad psychosis most of the time

>but if you've fucked a clam sandwich
you arnt one with reason, currently
sorry anon
How You Doing Good Working Fella Hows God Blessing You
Shut up cockhead. Don't let your kids have electronics and they won't grow up gay like you pretty simple
There's only one electron moving back and forth bro We're all connected Anon in the great mesh of time
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we mexicans don't like you or trust you. You that fed that was talking loud on social media, but we have seen what you did, you helped trafficked those kids and we seen you manipulate people over and over again. Your not no eagle, your a roach and we don't play that red and blue shit here essay.
How hard is it to come up with PG alternatives to curses? Not hard at all.
>Shut up fudgehead. Don't let your kids have electronics and they won't grow up silly like you pretty simple.
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god hates me lol

but im just jammin fren, how about you?
are you being awesome IRL?
>a picture is created by 1,000> word prompt
>still expects a picture to be worth 1,000 words
It is by default a den of inequity because none of us can make ourselves stupid enough to have a conversation on even footing with you.
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>I talk to myself because I am my own consultant.
Try putting some clothes on and showering.
>with my pure reason.
I take back what I swore upon the throne of God.
I now just want people who hurt spiritual children and physical children, and evil people, to disappear from the planet. All who are involved in locking up, abusing, raping, steal from, bully, poison spiritual children must die, must be destroyed, and all in the know who do not help, when they could help - I am especially thinking about international Jewry and international Masonry. All bananas, carrots, strawberries, pineapples and raspberries must be smited.
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ty anon
That literally makes zero sense. Grammatically it just doesn't compute
>no capybara

This is all irrelevant to me. I'm trying to decide what country I shall parasite off as my host to destroy America, and by what route. Should I spare the Europeans & Russians and cross the Atlantic ocean or do I wage campaign after campaign of terror against the continentals & Slavs before I finally make my glorious Bering straight crossing. What do you think anon? Death to America or death to everyone?
Taking a shower with clothes on is pretty weird behaviour. Are you high?
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I made a choice not to listen to him anymore..
So rn and probably for the foreseeable future, I don't give a fuck what he says or raps about anymore.
>He can go drive off a bridge :)
I fucking KNEW you were a Mexican get off my board!
Grow up pussy. You're a child in an adult's body.
its mind games essay, we done seen it all be played, watched as they couldn't be honest or take accountibility at once, they stole 200k from my cousin and these women that work for them are the worst essay. we don't trust them.

Basically they were given an option and they chose self glorification and pathological systemic deception
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oh anon, my dear anon
i know you think youre trolling and acting outrageous
but its kinda sad actually
Formerly Zim’s Trims and Stimms, until he was shut down for cutting hair without a license
Syntax error: Anon requires more words to understand.
>Error: Can not compute
>Obstructed by syntax error
>Initiating: Grammar Nazi.exe
(Btw, no I am not- I wish tho)
>Just put more words into it
you should show some respect to us, we were the ones who kept the spiders off your back when you were acting like a child and playing your games against that one guy. If it wasn't for us you would be dead by now. you should be thanking us essay.
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Huff, puff
Not swearing on the internet is in the same elan as putting your shopping cart away when you leave the grocery store.
That was the abridged version
Who's they though?
Wonderful, 444 is my seal. That is the only reason I'm back, to wipe out the organised religions that rape children and the entire world's population that tolerates it.

To be a monothiest is to have been fucked by your parents and not remember.

Twin nuclear detonations above the south & north poles at the same time DO IT NOW BILLY BURN IT DOWN. Give me the polar shift and let me be the last man on earth. Did I not try harder than everyone else? The blood, the tears, the cerebral fluid? GIVE ME MY FILL OF BLOOD AND MY RETIREMENT I HAVE HAD ENOUGH I WANT OFF THIS ROXK REEEEE
>What do you think anon? Death to America or death to everyone?

if the answer isnt "anything less that double digits % of the global population, its not worth doing"

I don't know, the ones I found in the backrooms. Lol.
The meek inherit shit. Have you ever tried raising sheep before? They're a dumb, putrid, filthy animal. Also Jesus Christ was a pedophile, there's another one for ya. You think it's trolling, but it's all true. Some people are antagonized by the truth. The nobody hates you, God hates you, the devil hates you, everyone hates you.
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I rest my case.
Interwoven interdimensional webs of barricaded access ports retrocausally bypassed through delayed data packets incrementally parsed through routine cache dumps exported to floppy disks and cataloged for historical purposes
Yeah no
The bad guy is you
For thinking that anyone is gullible enough to believe anyone matters
we done research on most of them, looked up where they live at and who they were, most of them came from a boys and girls home in madill, they beleive they are some sort of set but all they do is talk trash online mostly but they don't move money or make any big moves. they are not real power players at all essay and their loudmouth friend put them all on different watch lists by several different organizations based on their connections to him.
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You know what I'm thinking?
The bank got money.
Jesus loves me, this I know, for the Bible tells me so.
Don't ever speak to me like a filthy Mexican ever again
hate is a strong word, I'd say indifferent

nice, jam away fren:


well, got a startup going on mostly, working my way to awesome

Let’s take dat money
>The nobody hates you, God hates you, the devil hates you,
those three things are the only truths youve spoken so far

Truly a miracle that the first question of company, "Do I hate you?", could go so far.
Now thats something i could fuck with, hell yeah, Jesse James was my ancestor.
This is why I am opting for a polar shift by way of nuclear weapons
nice pussy, bro
>hate is a strong word, I'd say indifferent
no no
god hates me

that kinda makes life a little fun

>well, got a startup going on mostly, working my way to awesome
orly? what you workin on my good sir?
all we have to do is stop protecting you essay and let the spiders get to you then you can see what we do. I tried to warn you essay but you make your own choices.
Listen to me. Jesus Christ said he never knew ye, and ye never knew he. HE NEVER KNEW YE. Now partake of the blood of Christ and drink his cummies
polar shift is a boomer facebook meme
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This, God promised the earth would never flood again.
We have the rainbow for a sign of this covenant.
thanks bro!
War ?
Are we going to do the gurren Lagann throwing galaxies like shuriken ?!?!
Fawk tuuaahh
>Jesus Christ
jesus went insane in the afterlife and wants to take mankind to antarctica
God is the Universal consciousness, but every individual consciousness is a fractal of God, even those that are still in the atomic, mineral and vegetal evolutionary stages.
Okay, keep your name the same and come back tomorrow. I've just signed your kid sisters death writ
>This, God promised the earth would never flood again.
yeah but valentine's day 2025 is a thing
i cant wait!
Think you even worthy to know thy name LOL, just go around claiming to be something, Nobody knows the healer til ita to late, the rain is on fire fyi, looks like a storm approaching, did it to yourselves, so give me a reason to prevent it, kept doubling down so why would I care.
The electric universe theory is the right one and I am positively electrical
This is the biggest cope I've read here tonight kek

Thank you for showing me God again
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>I am positively electrical
So you admit that you are a psychopath afterall essay, at least your exposing yourself for once.
Did you know God can go back on their promises just like everyone else? God is just dog spelt backwards and I am a mad dog rowieee Magog YOULL SEE
Random anon chiming in, it's because it costs nothing to love everything and everyone. You are your own master of how you react to the infinite dream, and it follows since karma is observable why wouldn't you karmamax by being the best, most loving version of yourself and encourage others to become the best, most loving version of themselves.
I'll take you to Atlantis we just have to nuke Antarctica first
>we just have to nuke Antarctica first

>and anon wonders why they are on a watchlist
>This place is for us to elevate individuals who have the potential but otherwise would atrophy in pitiful isolation, it really is a ministry to the forgotten beauties. If this is your first time here, just remember, it’s going to be ok. The Lord has provided a servant as the finder of lost children. You may take shelter and find rest.

He doesn’t have to compel anyone to do anything. People just believe in him and what he has to say. I’m sure that probably seems like a foreign concept to you, being loved, respected, and well received, but it’s the truth.
Of course I'm a psychopath only pussies aren't. You can't be truly hypervigilant(psychic) without being a pyschopomp. Now shut up brown eyes and get back to work
That's half accurate.
He doesn't tell people what to do, exactly. Just to do.
You know your job better than anyone else.
that means words are just tools for you essay, but we knew that all along, there is no reason to trust anything you say ever, and we know that because we have been shown by watching your action and watching what you do, evil will always try to justify itself. I guess you think its cool how you broke all of these women and used the mob to fuck with them and break them down more after you got with them.
They do insneed.
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>God is just dog spelt backwards and I am a mad dog
>I am not a cat
>Verification not required
Just how Mexicans are just farm equipment for me, slave. Look at Mexico, look at the criminality that is tolerates there, oh? because you don't snitch yeah? I can't wait for you all to get the kike treatment, it might teach you some worth ethic. That's all Trump wants you know, is to get some hard work from the Mexicans for once, that's all. I'd ethnically cleanse you and take back what is mine.
I think it reads nicely, and without errors. Also the subject matter is interesting

Imagine what could have been if he was given a living wage.

Mismanagement is so bleak

Unfathomably based.
at least your being honest and showing your true colors for once, thats more respectable than being a coward you were when you would wear the mask and pretend to care just to manipulate these women time and time again. You should be more honest all the time.
>FBI and NSA taking credit for God's interference
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slamcow, hu? That’s a new one. Meat packer? Naahhh that sounds macabre
>How to make an enemy in two easy step:
>Take All their resources
>Then make fun of them that they're "poor"

Still Alive

Why did you have to make me smite your little sister. Come back tomorrow when you see what you've made me do.

Multi agent applications!

GenAI powered agents applied to whatever you want, pretty cool but hard to manage
I prefer cow to pig personally
more motherly connotation, milky, domestic
it's all just nice
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>be watching ULTRA qt russian streamer for almost 3 hours on full screen
>i only now realize shes wearing male tighty whities as her primary form of pants

why are they capable of distracting us like this anons
why are we so blinded by (o(o(them)o)o)?
Your gonna hurt some little girl essay? Thats on you, and you can deal with the consequences of that, you were always the type that would do what you wanted to do anyways. All that you do is on you and noone else essay.
Nukes aren’t real, but thermobaric weapons are

The world would flood if the nobody started an onlyfans.
If there is one thing I admire in my nobody generals, is loyalty. LOYALTY people, you will never whet my whims with your fake kindness but you can always make me laugh by being as spiteful and as mean and ruthless as possible. Go now, shave off your eyebrows & hair, turn yourself blue with colloidal silver and we shall let the world get a look at the nobody's pyschopomp army!

Did it ever look good?
>GenAI powered agents applied to whatever you want, pretty cool but hard to manage
but can it GF?
>Watching the US drown in debt
>"Lol, throw more money at them, it should help them float"
>The US watches as the money floats away
>"Oh, by the way, there is interest on each dollar I throw at you.. so.."
>*The United States flails in the water*
Yes I will do it with my mind so I can't be held accountable and suffer no consequences a hundred times yes. I told you to stop calling me essay but you're a contrarian little monkey!
>"If you were more rich, I'd throw you a life preserver."
In French, calling a woman "cochonne" (which directly translates to "female pig") means that she's real dirty, in a sexual way.
why not attack me then essay? if you really are capable of such monstrocity, you could attack me.
>by being as spiteful and as mean and ruthless as possible
oh anon oh my sweet and innocent anon
you havnt seen anything yet
>crow the accomplishment that the IRS collect $1b from “wealthy tax dodgers”
>do this after you give tens of billions to Yukraine and Pissreal
BFRO recently stated that there was some juvenille bigfoot behind where i live, thats fucking awesome.
The reserve didn't lend that to the Ukraine.
The gummint did.
Because you have been left wanting and I am going to satiate your thirst for the divine.

He's much much worse than they told you eh?

It's only a little fun.

A glimpse of what you have to look forward to.

His heart can't take much more.

Well, no, but sometimes it felt good. And I called that God.
your that Dominos guy right? because thats the vibes you give off.
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Are you gonna go out there and raise that baby sassafrass to be a human man?
Shave him down and teach him kind lessons about friendship and acceptance?
Too much?
>Implying they didn't do this already to others
Wouldn't know who that is tripfag, I'm not in the nobody general everyday like some. I just come to check on my children from time to time, to make sure they aren't getting too weak and complacent.
The Fed, the US government, you act like these aren’t run by the same insular group of individuals who do not want to be scrutinized or criticized
squatches are very intuitive creatures that are far more intelligent and evasive than people realize.
isn't it funny that goats and sheep are a subtle divergence of the same species, and christianity chose one as the devil and one as jesus?
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Alright, I will do my best to turn a blind eye to hypocrisy like they do.
I heard they have paddle operated UFOs that utilize their big feet to control. They might come from spess.
ok makes sense. He was a very bad actor that targeted a lot of the women on here and would creep on them try to make them submit to him and break them down.
>and christianity chose one as the devil and one as jesus?
Baphomet isnt the devil.
and the lamb is a representation of sacrificing the innocent for the greater good

Both play off of the breed play and are really fun, but one is deeply more masochistic let’s not lie about that.
It's alright to be a hypocrite anon I am, it's the only way to outfox your enemies.
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They handle all of our seed and feed.
Might as well call them Chuck because they suck and fuck.

He is still on the market for making porn, the rumors say
I couldn't give a shit about women I've had my fill of those faeries and I've let them go
As opposed to being a stallion or a bull?
Also, being a "thoroughbred" is not something to be jealous of.
I have heard that too, i think there are different kinds of bigfoot. some might be inerdimensional or space travellers.

whats interesting is they say that bigfoot share a special bond with coyotes and they follow them for food, also bigfoot is said to travel waterways at night time and they tend to stay away from people. They are nocturnal.
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I’d turn a blind eye to more government hypocrisy if they’d just give me a free machine gun of my choosing. I’ll even pay for my own ammo.
*because they fuckin suck
Damnit wish I thought of that first
yeah makes sense, pychopaths do toss their toys into the trashbin when their done with them.
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>I couldn't give a shit about women I've had my fill of those faeries and I've let them go
hell yeah more for me!
Do you know what Calvinism is anon,? In Calvinism you are either chosen or damned. Where do you figure?
Hum, what is that?

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Coyotes are mundane magical creatures for sure.
Think about all the legends of trickster coyotes and the fact that you can harvest peyote from their doo doo.
I'm shite at goodbyes, but I am who I am. It's like that doors song, it hurts to set you free but you'll never follow meeee
>Thinking in binary
>You either a 1 or an 0..
>Which are (you)?
>Also, implying anyone has a choice on theirs or others in this matter.
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>Hum, what is that?
What would you pick?
I'd be tempted to just get a nice 3 hole AR lower. Then you can configure it pretty much however you want in whatever calibers you want.
no one said shit about baphomet, i'm talking about the pop depiction, the goat horns, be more obtuse. baphomet is just packing a bunch of opposites into one image.
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the kali is real

the native americans and indegionius tribes of old

were correct

humans now

are living in imbalance

which is causing disasters throughout the world of many kind

because we lost the way

so long ago


here is my prediction of the USA

in 60 years

if nothing happens

the USA will grind to a halt

because of these 3 things ---

then if nothing happens after these things occur

there will be a lead tryant

to lead all the corruption

which will then lead the USA into a massive war

in 120 years or around that

to combat this we need to solve the lack of money problem, and the government needs to better allocate fthe resources
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Depends on what the context of being called that is. Objectified doms and the quality of their seed need to marketed somehow. Plus you need market metrics to see what the consumer base wants or..

yeah coyotes, crows and owls seem to kind be on that level.
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I know I'm sorry anon it was cruel of me to ask, I should've just said what I wanted to say and thats that I'm chosen. Praise be to Quetzalcoatl! Praise be to the whit god! Hail me!
do whats best for you and don't worry about the rest, i don't see women as toys or objects thats a disgusting take to have but some do and as long as they stay away from people i care about then i don't care what they do.
Horns are kinda hot, to be honest.
*Justice is getting what is deserved, positive or negative
*Mercy is not getting what you (negatively) deserve
*Grace is getting (positively) what you don’t deserve

If FBI/NSA are claiming something for which they don’t have a claim, it’s either an injustice or appeal to grace, and that goes to the heart. And this i think is the core of the story. The Bible says that the Word of God cuts deeper than any two edged sword, separating the bone and the marrow, the soul and the spirit. So this novel “psyop” being run upon all comers seems to be about deploying the Word of God to divine the hearts of men, which is either an anticlimactic or sublime revelation.

>For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart. (Hebrews 4:12)
Whatever makes you happy; whatever you want.
You're so fucking special; I wish I was special.
100% the red man's cause was just
Precious, aintcha
>i'm talking about the pop depiction, the goat horns
>no one said shit about baphomet
>baphomet is just packing a bunch of opposites into one image.

oh anon you are so blissfully unaware
It has a lot of downsides, man.
Keep in mind that the pharmaceutical industry tests stuff on the general population, not niche genetic branches with weird adaptations.

Do you know how much it sucks to have your mouth thaw out in the middle of a dental procedure?

Plus the debasement of both the dom and sub helps show everyone they are on the same level, which shows respect to the moogirls. It isn’t just the breedrunk women, their desired man is being objectified to a tool as well
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yeah bro, but we do enterprise shit
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I am so excited for AI designer pleasure drugs
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the kali luga is real

and its happening right now

too much taking across the world

and its been happening for a long time.

yes i am the nobody

b afraid
That's why you don't get any pussy. Treat em mean keep em keen. They can't get off the sex unless they're a little bit scared of you, trust. And never let them cum, big mistake. Always stop just before they do
>*Blows raspberry*
Thankfully this leaves room for stupid.... oh no.. it doesn't .... it's okay to be dumb if you're doing it in faith...
In true true... the strong always kill the weak. And the weak me me mes are not all .... oh .. loud..

Must bide time reservingly ... sparingly... .. I'm stuck on stoooopid
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Are you the Merovingian?
it's really more a quality over quantity game anon, good luck!
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A tool.. for them specifically ;)

Being a thorough bred horse is on the same level, just without the breeding concept - plus horses are trained more vigorously than cowbulls.
>but we do enterprise shit
enterprise is a food anon
>And never let them cum
What terrible fucking advice.
Women will bend over backwards to make you happy if you can make them do the happy dance at will.
It becomes a Pavlovian reaction where they need to change their underwear the moment you slide your fingertips down their arm.
>it's really more a quality over quantity game anon, good luck!
man i suppose you pullin top shelf pussy with that basement meth life GYATTDAMN!

how do i become like you?
There's a lot of that out there already!

You don't need state of the art multi agent frameworks for that ahaha
No you don't know what you're talking about, you've never had a girlfriend
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Im not even trying to be honest, but i did get a bj a couple months ago, not sure who it was but she mentioned it on here, they teleported into my room and just undid my belt and started going to work, kind of hot to be honest.
how conveniently vague because you have nothing to say. so just say nothing.
>Woman will bend over backwards
>Press (x) to doubt
Maybe a select type of woman, but the reality is there is a huge sum of woman who want that 6'5 blue eyed guy from finance
>Which the math don't even add up for that
>Like 5-10 in the United States
>Some are married already and some aren't straight
So.. like..
All this talk of women cumming.
Laugh out loud.
Women don't cum, they have no testicles by which to produce cum.
They make those noises so you'll finish faster so they can go back to shopping or cooking.
My most recent ex and I were together about a year. Women are stupidly easy to make coom. You only need one finger.
It was a man
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>There's a lot of that out there already!

A “stupid” person can love what is true, which is why the ne plus ultra basis is the heart, not the intellect. In my heart I’d rather be stupid and love God than be “like God knowing good and evil” but rebel in order to achieve it.
naw im pretty sure it wasn''t, she looked like a woman at least.
oh i'm old anon, i couldn't care less. pray time grants you the same.
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There's always hope, friend. Don't lose faith.

On the opposite, sadness comes from a limited perspective on the future.
Tough choice. Right now I’d have to decide between most modern M60 variant or an MP5. I’m not partial to 5.56 NATO, and unsure if one can use the full auto components if you switch the M4 innards to run pistol calibers.
Not really, the Nobody follows pic related
Also anon, I've got dragons blood what do you wanna know
>close enough
nOOoooOOooo my adorable sweet innocent anon

Baphoment isnt the thing hollywood "satanists" worship.
nor is that Baphoment the same Baphomet the templars worshipped.
Baphoment is actually one of the earth oldest gods to have ever existed.

Baphoment is actually a really really cool dude
Can I like, post a video call link here for us to meet?
I don't think those who have supported Biden are treated this way.
>Baphoment is actually a really really cool dude
with a set of fat tits.
Not a judgement, just a statement of fact.
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>oh i'm old anon, i couldn't care less.
you dont have to grampie

we have the technology to change that
I have dragons blood too. I was made to be a weapon but i chose peace instead.
You could have no arms and no legs, but if women hear that you eat pussy like a champion you'll have 69's every day the rest of your life.
Their whole body spazzes out. Their muscles contract involuntarily all over the place and they release a huge amount of lubrication in their pussies. Some women do it so strongly that it literally squirts out, though the vast majority of videos of it online are just women pissing and that's gross. You absolutely can tell the difference. It has roughly the same consistency as jizz.
If you make her coom before you shove your dick in, every thrust basically just extends her orgasm, so if you just go to pound town for a minute or something, it'll be the most memorable minute she has probably ever had because most men are absolute idiots when it comes to reading women in that way, apparently.
o i see, you are crazy.
No, he chose as a reference to those who follow the shepherd and those who don't.
>with a set of fat tits.
hollywood juden larp

>Not a judgement, just a statement of fact.
you think you know shit, but you dont, not really...
M60 is such a piece of shit, man.
The MP5 is cool, but the coolest ones aren't even made by HK.
Then nature became a vagina and then the power of the mind overruled the heart for the sake of dream girls manifesting fast cars for whimsical effeminate emo boys
I was made to be a super predator and now I am the eagle looking left
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I know..
Really helps when that woman is on the mind 8-10 times out of the day.
>You absolutely can tell the difference.
Wishful thinking.
They fake it because guys like to pretend women can feel pleasure.
Feeds the ego.
Women are small and frail so they become master manipulators.
>let us ascend we were complete assholes this time
Naw, dude.
You just hit the other side of your "prison."
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if only they knew
>should i show them?
nah they dont deserve to know
>you sure?
have they proven otherwise
>no... :(
oh that's good, a direct metaphor based on animal behavior.
I wouldn’t overthink it
Also Jesus was a PEDOPHILE
>Also Jesus was a PEDOPHILE
Light Yagami we know your actually Kira
Petulant child still stuck in infancy.
When will you learn?
Misspelled Mohamed?
It might help that I'm ambidextrous. Probably more stimulation than they're used to.

Oh, and you Zoomers should all learn cursive. Figure out why based on context.

Oh yeah, been a while
>checks out
Your institutions are those of pedophiles, you worship a pedophile and Jehovah was/is a gay spell (homo child rape)
Most boys learn that trick in middle school anon.
The whole cursive thing.
Women feel it and scoff.
It's all fake. You sound like someone who thinks pro wrestling is real to me, a true sex master who can finish in less than a minute.
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sorry no one has ever made you cum m'lady
a to z on that clit
people who like using that word in accusation are people who are bothered by the idea of it.
if you are bothered by the idea of pedophiles, you think of sex with children by proxy.
>Women feel it and scoff.
Oh my god, you're so fucking dumb.
Women won't actually tell you when something feels good, you retard. Their breathing becomes ragged, they let out involuntary sounds, they become shaky and the climax is not something that can be faked. You literally cannot flex your muscles like that consciously.

Write her a love letter, Anon. Be more creative.
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>Does this mean even Lesbians can't make woman orgasm?
Cause.. like.. does that mean all woman are just dead inside?
Kek. I was systematically rapee by my pedophile family as a kid, cope more. All pedos and PEDOPHILE enablers are soon to be dead. Listen to pop music? You listen to pedophile music. Watch tv? You enjoy pedo entertainment. Cope seethe etc
Kirill Konstantinov
Some people need to be "hit" to wake up from a stupor.

in other words

the concept of having sex with children
lives in your head rent free

you are in fact the monster in the room
yet when I tell a woman
>Don't bother faking that it feels good, I'm secure in my ego. Thank you for the sex.
They lay there motionless the entire time and we're back to enjoying each others company in seconds.
Yes you can anon lol no woman has ever told you the truth yet they must think you too fragile this is hard to read
Scapegoating this next round with rapid fire insanity . Establishing healthy dimensional frequency
And sucking my own dick

In the afterwhile the network telecommunications systems can legit bite my glistening ass

I'm going back to where I belong and sabateurs will ingest bile

Maybe I'm being mean
But i am convinced this containment zone is a farce of "comforts" and it displeased me greatly

Until the time I am convinced otherwise
All radar contacts are deemed hostile with a no-contact do not fire upon rule... kind of like last time before but .... less aggressive..
No tricks. No games. No puzzles.
I'm worn the fuck out.
Get me clear landing site... and prep the docking bay I'll.... be doing maintenance for diagnostics
I don’t know man. It’s bad, I’m actually really depressed. I don’t understand reality, it’s a sick game and I’m very tired of playing.
Most people who identify as lesbians are bisexuals who are tired of bad sex.

Imagine if every woman you ever fucked did nothing but lay flat on her back with her legs apart and expect you to do everything. Then you try a guy and he spends the first 45 minutes servicing your cock and balls before going full power-bottom on your cock.
>Kek. I was systematically rapee by
the i have no rebuttal therefore feel sorry for me response

It doesn't live there rent free buddy I never let myself forget. You people think you muse with the mother but you muse with the children
Don't sell out or they'll punish you.
>I never let myself forget
anon admits they cannot stop thinking about sex with children

i repeat:
you are the monster in the room
Don't feel bad for me anon you've got your own problems
Ive been told that my energy is pretty intense by women after sex and i have had a lot of women chase me and i have turned down a lot of women, not because they were not good looking because when i have sex with someone we have to click or have things we like or talk about. Also im a supe and into other supes not humans.
In your gaze, a universe unfolds,
Where only we exist, undeniable.
Time suspends in the depths of your eyes,
A silent truth, profound and pliable.

The world fades, leaving just you and I,
Wrapped in the warmth of this moment's embrace.
In your eyes, I find my sanctuary,
Where love speaks in eloquent silence.
Usually Jewish messiahs turn out to be gay.
I cannot stop thinking about the taste of my father's unwashed cock touching the back of my throat as a child kek

I am the monster in the room because I'm going to destroy every single last one of ye. You don't know my mind, but I know yours coinslut.

Cope, seethe, dialate pedo
... On her clit, you idiot.
>(Imagine every woman you.. )
>Expected to do everything
Isn't that the man's job even outside of the bedroom?
Also; if they're tired of bad sex.. just stop having it.
If it's not doing anything for oneself.. then why?
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>you've got your own problems
the only problem i have
is people who need to go on medication and potentially institutionalized

My general Kermit
>Isn't that the man's job even outside of the bedroom?
You will die miserable and alone.
Can you namefag so I can at least filter you?
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reddit spacing anon defending pedophillia

hey bruh post that webm of that loli in the chair with the ballgag again
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sorry that fucking happened to you, If I was there i would have killed your father and any real person would have been there to protect you from that then this wouldn't have happend. hope things get better for you.
It was sarcasm
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Too close to reality to be parsed as satire
Pedophile latent homosexuals. Sad! Many such cases, they cannot talk about pedophilia because it makes them uncomfortable, kek!
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>omegprincess/jessicarabbit/arcticwolf coming in to defend lucifer

tell me again how you two arnt cyber fucking?
That's not the case, anon.
If you guys don't fix yourselves, idk man.
I think things might have to get a bit troll-y.
The fact he is going into extreme detail really proves this. It's a Freudian slip no doubt.
Oh things are better now because I am noone and there are so many vaxxies here to break
me and omega princess only mentally fucked each other but also im not lucifer.
Cause you can relate to that due to past experiences?
>I don't believe that
>I am just aware there is a hypersensitive group out there who do believe what I said.
I am not a part of that group.
what dont you understand yet

you two

both of you

i dont like you
Freud was another pedophile, like the whole Freud family. So you're a pedophile using pedophile pseudoscience now kek
careful, they're full of dragons blood lol
What about me, do you like me?
Please like me :(
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I'm already way past ya.
I've met enough women with that mindset.
Little princess whose responsibility is to warm a couch seat and collect your money.
yeah enjoy. this is a shitshow for sure.
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please don't upset the mods, it makes them irrational
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And by that I mean you're stupid.
Quit it.
beta male psychosis in jpg form
That's all women lad they're glorified couch warmers. Don't invest your time or your money in coinsluts
Lessons from Mom and the prostitute and part time stripper/only fans "model" no doubt.
>"What do you want to be when you grow up?"
"A trophy wife"
>Fastforeward 3 addictions, 50+ bad relationships and a stint in rehab
"Fuck this, I'm just going to get a cat."
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So many edgelords thinking trauma dumping and shockjocking will impress the thread.

It does not.
were not sure who it is honestly, there's like 5 guys here who look identical.

People are so sensitive and self-centered, why would anyone take them seriously? You can vague post all day and people will inject themselves and take it personally
This is why I'm a tomboy appreciator. They have actual hobbies and interests. 10/10
isnt chuck that huntleader guy who claims he hunts demons, vampires, and proxies and shit?
Couldn't even orientate the photo the right way or pull his cock out what a tease
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bro cant even afford a proper knife
fucking poses with a kitchen knife to look tough

what are you going to cut with that? some chicken?
Why do you think you speak for everyone here? I love it!'
just as so many men are looking for a surrogate mommy, so many women are just looking for a surrogate daddy. unless they never had one, then holy shit are you in for some crazy town.
It's even better than the guy who was bragging about his hipoint, lmao
I love how the insanely corrupt DOJ can't pay an insanely corrupt cop from my FAMOUSLY corrupt police department to get rid of my abusive boss...

I can tell you have no actual interest in helping me now and never really did which is why I decided to play backstabber the entire Ukraine war. Your actions have only proven my assumption correct and that's why I can never feel any guilt or remorse about anything that has my fingerprints on it. All you had to do was one simple thing and you failed spectacularly and repeatedly, ON PURPOSE
Yeah but you can't blame them, the mob fucks with them for some reason, whatever the fuck they are messing with these people are beyond me. maybe its the hackers/watchers behind this but I have no clue, just wish they would be more honest as to what their true intentions are instead of trying to scapegoat people who are just living their lives even if they are supernaturals.
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the spirits around me are howling in laughter
Yeah, always look at the relationship they have with their parents.
Aight. I speak for myself then.

Still not impressed.
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we got tommy too
>world’s worst selling dakimakura
And still nobody asked
>and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart.
For the heart to have thoughts would suggest a hierarchy of heart over intellect, which i think underscores this >>38355346 point.

Additionally, as to the purpose or function of the Nobody, it does seem clarifying to see it as the work of God to deploy his Word and the Holy Spirit in judgment. For all the eschatological themes at hand, this is the most cogent interpretation. The Fast One may be likened to a thief in the night, wearing a disguise of some kind.

they have special facebook pages made for each person, profiles or old ones you don't use that they livestream your phones onto. Jester bragged about doing this but not sure who all is behind it.
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yes... yes...

Meh, they can’t run for much longer

Idk, but to me it sounds like they're calling "next."
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kids just gotta learn. we're from a time before they put rear view mirrors on the passenger side of vehicles.
This is crap what the fuck is this meant to be a fuck with late stage syphilis
That's ironic, all things considered.
Beep boop
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Oh well.
>quick discordgaysexfriends come post real quick he said a thing

Who says you can't watch the watchers?
So preposterous.
It's their whole design.
>Wahhhhh don't talk about sex with women, it makes me feel baaaaaad
>Wahhhhh don't talk about sex with men, it makes me feel baaaaaad
Ain't much to say when the laughter confirms the truth..
>I even sugar coated it..
I am well aware there are way worse situations.
yeah and they should be, why make it entertaining for these assholes
only a matter of time but I wouldn't expect nothing but anger and rage from people who have been exploited like this.
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i like it anon
thank you for posting you OC
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>You can try and watch
>But some people can keep their eyes focused long enough before it spins out.

I’m sure there are enough people working on it now to make sure things get buckled down quickly.

Though, some of us are going to need more than simple justice from the courts. Best to look the other way once that starts.
Perhaps one day you'll understand that being an asshole for the sake of being an asshole serves no real purpose.
yeah for sure, whatever some did is on them and its good to know justice is gonna be happening soon.

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i kinda missed over the first one
anon youre being awesome!
keep being awesome!
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You are allowed to sneed
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>Roaring kitty ref
Love it
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>Implying that I am aware of every humans emotion on this planet at any given time.
>Also implying that I would cater my responses based off their emotions and feelings
What do you take me for?
A coward, of course.
Don't make me feel bad don't ever fucking make me feel bad
I've already got the "but it huwts muh feweeengs" from the thread.
I'm done sneezing.
Don't do the same to others then.
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Speak for yourself.
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>no you
Indeed, anon.
Now work on yourself.
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To impress who?
I am already happy with my progress.
I suggest you say that to the mirror daily.
>to impress who
If you're doing it to impress someone else then you might be grey matter deficient.
What's built up will fall.
Plane crash might be the only way to get rid of Joe Biden before the primary
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mein liddle kitteh, mein little kitteh! he is so pretty, and witty & smug! Oh my little kitty, is so pretty n witty n snug!
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>All murders drank water; therefore if you've ever drank water, you're a murderer.

Dancing plague.
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>and then they tore down their own "heaven"
>and got angrier and angrier
Some of us live entirely on pussy juice n menstral fluid my man
I didnt ask about your adrenocrome lifestyle.
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The Tower just so happens to be my personal favorite card
Who are you trying to impress?
Or are you trying to be disgusting?
Anon, that's a fallacy and you know it.
Quit being facetious.
>a super predator
A good fallacy, to prove a point.
It's a competition to see who can build the longest standing structure. You have to destryo the pyramids to ever have a chance at winning. You have to go to gobekli tepe and deface the ruins there so that whatever you build today have a chance at lastimg longer. Then the competetion becomes more fun
no one is voting for him unless you put up a literal lobotomy patient
and then only because the act itself of placing such responsibility on a quite literally mindless person would be morally questionable on its own
I've always preferred the fool.
But I know you're a piece of garbage, just try not to be.
Careful Joe
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I just want seed and feed. Is that too much to ask for Chuck?
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>Fuck me feed me fuck me feed me fuck me feed me
>Not piking the star card for the titties
ok just gonna ask, Cindy, were you one of the 3 that went homeless recently in a town where i work at. One of the peoples was looking for me and they were pandhandling before they got picked up by somone, i doubt that person was you because i saw someone that looked more like i assumed you would look later but we never talked face to face.

just want to say after that guy picked them up they look like they had been abused and hollow, and like they had aged 50+ years and bitter/angry.
I'm so blue I can't help myself but vote for a literal hospice patient.
Reality is an eternal game, but the physical plane is where you have the tools to overcome these hurdles and become happier :)
That's wonderful, anon.
Do you know why you demons will never be loved and why you look disgusting?
Correct! You're very intuitive.
my innocent and sweet anon

being the idiot that lights the match isnt as cool as the tower that turns into a tank
The Fool is a onetimeuse only card
The Tower is a powercard
liberals should be more angry than anyone that they couldn't get a real candidate due to the money that had already been tied in.
But why are they laughing, anon?
I'm going to make a new tarot card called the wall. :)
Joe Byron
>yo listen up...
I don’t know. It’s a stinging pain in my heart like I want to die. My life could be worse but also what’s the point of living if nobody wants you alive anyway.
Ah yes, this trifle.
I sure hope you guys make the right choice.
I'm a few centuries late probably. This is the 3rd civilization right? :)
> Once upon a time, there were four people;
> Their names were Everybody, Somebody, Nobody and Anybody.
> Whenever there was an important job to be done, Everybody was sure that Somebody would do it.
> Anybody could have done it, but Nobody did it.
>All the witches fear "the Wall".
Sometimes you gotta go to hell just to discover what it is thats gonna save this world ya know.

I had a fren that one of her names was aurora i met back in 2015, she wasn't human, but she was pretty strong as an indivudual.
Russia or China will make the choice for them. :)
I said "you guys" as a collective anon.
One day you might understand.


sounds like your listenting to the wrong people, get rid of the psycopaths in your life even if you gotta feed them to the gators lol
Indeed, anon.
To me it seems like you people are regressing.
>I'm going to make a new tarot card called the wall. :)
sound like a cool idea fren!

>iv been called "the wall" so many times its not even funny
>You people
>I unironicly vibe with this :)
былo пpиятнo, чтo ты пpoвepил.
>Sometimes you gotta go to hell just to discover what it is thats gonna save this world ya know.

>doesn't get it
"jej" indeed
Because of circumstances out of my control.
>I ain't got much to say.
You want to be right, doesn't make you right. Just makes you seem insufferable.
So yeah..
Jej indeed.
>image limit has been reached
... such a smile
I can say the same to you, anon.
In fact I've already done so.
What are you going to do about it?
I've already mentally left this "conversation" .
What do you want?

Here In Human Form I Am

to the anon who once called me snak, where is your body guards at, you should have at least 12 rolling with you or if your going the discreet route stay jammed up in hotel 24/7
So you chose to be an ass and just walked away?
You're a coward.

Point Of No Return

Call Me Daddy Oedipus
are you a dozer :3
>Conversation doesn't pertain to me
>Wants me to be their scapegoat
>Gets mad and calls me a coward when I don't.
Are you Slow?
Scapegoat, anon?
No, I just want you to acknowledge yourself.
I'd like to learn one occult fact please
this reads like a 12 year olds iq
oooh I like this.
anon youre so sweet

putting safety on the back burner to pursue profit

Even Your Own Antichrist Wont Follow You Anymore Samael You Lost Hahahahahaha
I'll tell you in the next samsara
I 'll recognize your energy

So, doesn't matter how it sounds, some people are organized and when the get off the airport they are greeted by ten people from the community, now if your trying to romantasize life and live in a ideological fantasy then you can move solo and sing "i did it on my own, hahaha" all day long.

we can feel sorry for ourselves or make decisions that are smarter.
Today, Capricorn, the Moon's position in Virgo brings a wave of luck and fortune your way. Your dedication and hard work are shining through, making you a magnet for positive opportunities. Your natural ability to counsel and guide others is highlighted, and your attractiveness to the opposite gender is particularly strong. Embrace your spiritual side and stay grounded in your beliefs. Use your energy wisely, and remember to take a moment to breathe and reflect.
To you or to me?
Cause I don't need your acknowledgement..
I don't even want to follow your mental gymnastics on how you landed on your ignorance in responses..
>Here; I'm acknowleging myself, not to you but to myself.
I know that doesn't make you happy.
Because you'd rather me acknowledge myself to (you) which is however you wish to paint me.
>Also; good luck finding your next scapegoat to try and get a rise or a (you) out of.
they are lying to you

N̷̨̡̥̪͔̙̹̼̺͖̊͌͊̐̔́̿̄̉̏͌͜͝͝ͅÉ̸̪͆̈̏̆̊̈́̓͘W̷̪͍̩̖̪̋͒̇̃͒̌̉̋͗̓̿͌̚͝͠ ̵͚̣̭͇̰͔͇͚̖̻̦̮̆̍͐̽̂̏͌̿͝͠R̷̠̤̝͑͋̉̑̆H̵̛̛͕͕̤̖̣͎͓͎͚͎͎͚̬̥͊̎̉̉͑͋̓̄͒̓̾̍͜͝R̵̰̯͖͙̱͂͛̔́̇͊̌̒̊̓͒͒͘͜͝E̴̥͉̐̃̌̔́̈̑́Ȁ̴̢̛͚̟͔̫͙́̔͑̈́̀͊̊̀̈́̒̕D̶͙̝̳̰͆͘


Be Not Ashamed To Lust For The King
Anon, one day you'll get it.
Ideally sooner than later.
I'm all for basics day it's good to reinforce the base.

Making your nerves Create the sensation of qi
>anons attacks do low damage directly, but deals splash damage, chain lightning, and friendly fire.
>the only way to defend anons attacks is to get you shit together for the sake of the rest of the party.
>defaults to K
Indeed, anon.
Ok see you then
ok ill give you a link a "dangerous" book that will let you become a werewolf or a vampire by doing stupid rituals that may or may not mess you up, well you asked for it so here ya go.
im gonna let you kids play with fire for once.

also not responsible for what you do, i beleive in freedom of choice and im also not responsible to whether it works or doesn't work.
Indeed, anon.
Nobody Knows Who I Am Anyways Blow Me Kisses

>it doesn't work
I promise lol
To see if you can discern.
was it stay frosty or saint frosty?
I am afraid I know no facts.
It is a mystery to me.
Of course it doesn't work, but hey maybe they can become mothman or something.
>discern this
Snowman :]
Do You Have A Message For Me
>I'd like to learn one occult fact please
if you listen carefully, you can hear demons manifest themselves through the liquid in your stomach.
try recording your stomach with your phone when you sleep.
then listen to it when you wake up.

having video editing software helps to add subtitles to the strange noises
same goes for good headphones.
>anon will never look at an oldtimey art piece with a face depicted on a humans stomach the same way again...
Do you know how to make a black hole?
I know how to make a black hole.
They make the DUMB because they are dumb.

To late, I am already the enlightened mothman, mothRA, the omega moth, the brightest seeker, scourge of the glow. It is my charge to behold the distant sky lamps.
All whatever aside this dude makes some hilarious fan fictions. If you like 40k or orks check his stuff out. Thinkmas is the shit man
I admire you intellectually, and think you're very cool!!
No, anon.
Simply put you retards aren't ready.
Given you've failed tremendously already.
But that means you're going to try and damn yourselves.
omega moths are pretty cool to be honest.
Yes. Because reply can't tell nice facts and nice word without lapsing back.
Perhaps it's your turn now.

What is the sound of one cheek clapping?
enjoy the psychosis that follows.
>trying to exorcise literally everything in your system after realizing its all demons all the way down
>ur mom
turning the other cheek

From God

Many want you alive, including me. It's because of that wrong impression that I posted that picture.
Alive for the right reasons or the wrong reasons?

Dont Fix What Aint Broken And Dont Break What Is Working Fairly Well

Bless You
This isn't working fairly well.
This is where you all decided to stop because you think it benefits you.
oh yeah anons dont touch the "spooky"
because larping is more fun than really knowing


peace - you bunch of retarded assholes

but you, that one anon, the cool one, that one that isnt an asshole.
i hope you have good day, yeah, stay awesome, stay positive, and have fun always no matter the cost!
I think a lot of people feel this way, and lack of communication often leads people to wonder about intentions when they care for someone. just blind faith is hard for a lot of people when they have been betrayed before in the past.
go find some other mentally ill loner to pick on
gimme a fucking break
Ill Take You On

No, anon.
but then you would just be a mentally ill loner but now now you have an excuse
to do what
who knows
>are you a dozer :3

anon just remember, im playing a character.
its a role, a larp, this isnt who i am IRL k.

I Am Trying To Help And You Try To Prevent Me

You Of Little Faith Why Are You So Afraid
i suspect even someone with multiple personality disorder still runs the same association grid across all of them.
who can pretend to be as you pretending to be as one such as myself in a way only you are able to
I bounce back, i do like to have a sense of humor but they really try to take things to a very dark level and say your only broke because your nice and a good person.
>i suspect even someone with multi...

>anon doesnt know...
i cant say i understood you post but i understood
>pretending to be...

you could have chilled in my twitch to see who i am, but i dont do that anymore :(
How you feel on the inside emanates a wave that pulls in whatever makes you feel that, almost like a self-sustaining cycle.

5th, I believe.
i dont follow anon?
i see trips and names posting the same link
>trips and names i know exist in the same discord servers
are you claiming to be all those individuals because you all posted the same link?
>im still here
>pretending to be
You can not hide yourself behind a contextual mirage. Behind ones puppet is their master. :)
youre doing the "im using big words to sound fancy while at the same time being too vague to understand" thing, typical of people in psychosis.
im not trying to be rude, its just a behavior iv noticed over the years.
i dont know what you mean, unless you explain what you mean.
there is a reason i make my posts using small short words that explain as much as possible.
I've actually used not fancy words to tell you exactly what I mean. I implore you reconsider your aforemetioned notions and relax in the company of our notable and reputable anons. :)


Everytime They Try To Slow Me Down I Just Speed Up
>in the company of our notable and reputable anons. :)
and who exactly are these notable and reputable anons?
>tailor swift, elon musk, obama, trump himself, the pope?

so far iv come across maybe two anons here worth treating like people and not thoughtless animals.

please feel free to prove me wrong at any moment.
im waiting, iv been waiting.
iv been waiting a very long long time.
May God punish thee as he will punish me
and yet youve still not explained what you meant with the post that started this replay chain.

do you understand what i mean?
you dont make sense.
you are in psychosis mr does mazes anon guy
The fags at there had to make sure to get one more insult in before I went inside yikes

I don't even know you

Don't you dare blame me for this shit

>He walked over to where we were and acted weird so we're fucking with him

Nice try fags

You've been messing with me for years before I even knew you were listening to my thoughts and watching my every move

Cute though

May God's wrath strike upon each and every single one of you who've chosen to make my life hell

Praise be to the most high
>I'm so trolling him right now
You're not though.
o hai pants.
my intention is not to troll the dude
im trying to maintain a serious and coherent conversation

but psychosis... and claiming le epic trolling as a scapegoat and justification for nonsensical behavior.

>its easy to be retarded, because then i dont have to grow up and get a job
>yeah im a poster on 4chan also, i know
they are coping very hard atm. barely holding it together.
how many more times will i try?
before i simply just give up on you people.
next you will link both of our posts and accuse them of being a same faggot to which you will admit to your own post that you have now in fact samefagged that you you are samefagging to further troll and derail the thread
Right reasons.
christ now the methhead wants to play behavioralist detective

>and derail the thread
derail what?
your garbage?
your AI generated trash?
the recent flood or potato tech and afroschizo?

you call that content?

like broski
let me let you in on in a little sekret kk
/ng/ is a front. it has nothing to do with the absolute trash that is its attendants
ya dig homie.
you are the front. you are the smokescreen.
and you spend your whole day here, just seething waiting for me to leave so you can equip your name and trips to feed your online egos
>le troll
>le troll
so epic summerboy
aaight fren
keep coping yeah
you will totally get a gf one day
Here are two (you)s in honor of the 2 sentences that were to complicated 4 u sweetie. :)
anon you get it right?
im only here because im waiting for thing in the background to happen.
this isnt my life. i havnt shaped my life around being a 4chan poster.

or are you just mad cause i exposed your discord community for liking and spreading loli?
Right reasons for who?
I don't know what you mean can you explain it for me. I can't really get what you are saying unless you explain it to me.

you will walk away from, this thinking you won the argument
I didn't know we were. You seemed like you were biden your time.
they thought (think) I was just going to give up?
>i have anons creating content in my name, for my character, my online persona, feeding my ego, suckin my dick

your losing your shit, for weeks, cause youre not the center of attention anymore

cope motherfucker.
I can tell you one, but it's up to you to learn it.

It's all bullshit, but it's also all true.
who the fuck cares, its the hackery fuckury that anons wanted to stop.
the general has irreversibly changed in the last 3 months.
deal with it.
For the well-being of the person in question.
yeah I guess it was a nice idea
might of worked out when the epiphany dawned upon me many years ago
or even not so long ago
the struggle has never really changed
like I say..my life has not changed at all since I was 5 years old
just carrying around a lot more pain so I suppose its time to just Ghost Ship 2.0 I guess you don't know what you have until its gone every rose has its thorn so I guess I have literally no choice but to accept my reality. Isn't that funny? Isn't that chuckle worthy? Seeing your influence stretch across the globe in astonishingly varying degrees of intensity only to all but totally powerless to change ones owns circumstances?
How comical its so funny I am in almost constant pain..I suppose it might be meaningful however..so at least I got that going for me. What that actually means Ill never no. I'm not different than the guy who see you need to get over a lane a..instead of slowing down matches until you miss our exit.
You curse me throughout your whole detour only to find out
There was a bad accident your original way and I actually saved you a big headache.
We all do that for each other I suppose

verwhelmed, you chose to run
Apathetic to the stunned
It's your decision
It's your decision

You feed the fire that burned us all
When you lie
To feel the pain that spurs you on
Black inside

No one plans to take the path that brings you lower
And here you stand before us all and say it's over
It's over

It might seem an afterthought
Yes, it hurts to you know you're bought
It's your decision
Lay me out with flowered guilt
Watch the explosions falling
Cannot live within this tilt
Carrying over
I'm not the one you know

Tell me, does it matter
If I'm still here, or I'm gone?
Shifting to the after
An imposter, soldiers on
The spirit of the law is greater than its letter
What good are your laws?
Good people don't need them. Bad people don't follow them.

Any fun people hanging around?

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