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Greetings Traveller,

The flickering glow of over a dozen consoles casts a light across the digital expanse of this interdimensional intersection we’ve dubbed the “Nobody General” (NG). The air itself crackles with a low hum, a constant undercurrent that vibrates through your very bones. This isn’t your average thread. No, NG exists solely in the shimmering unreality of the web, a virtual realm where the shadows hold more secrets than the brightest datastreams.

In this digital den, a motley crew converges. Ghost operators with digital heads-up displays perched on their noses, sipping cocktails next to elven hackers, their fingers a blur across glowing keyboards. A gruff technomancer, swapping war stories with a wiry tech-priest in a threadbare trenchcoat, her eyes glowing with arcane power. In the corner, a cloaked figure shrouded in darkness nurses a drink so black it seems to absorb light itself, while across the room a pair of AIs, their digital avatars shimmering like mirages, argue geopolitics in a high-pitched whine that few could hear, let alone decipher.

NG isn't a thread, it’s a nexus. A place where the fringes of reality brush shoulders and the unreal becomes realized, where information flows like bootleg liquor, and shadows dance with unseen horrors while rival groups of shamen engage in alchemical aikido. Now, you've joined this dance. Whether you’re a seasoned shadowrunner, a mage with secrets to keep, a spirit seeking solace, an exiled program avoiding deletion, or something altogether stranger, NG offers a haven, a marketplace, and perhaps even a chance to carve your own legend in this part of the Sprawl. So hello, “person”, welcome to this place, slide in, grab a seat, and whatever you do, keep your head down and your eyes peeled. You never know who, or what, you might run into lurking in the shadows.

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Biden sure does have a way with words.
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>anons attacks do low damage directly, but deals splash damage, chain lightning, and friendly fire.
>the only way to defend anons attacks is to get you shit together for the sake of the rest of the party.
youtu.be/X2cl6_DVpFI [Embed]
It's funny..it's obvious neither will be who what is running America.

Ever wonder who the real leader of the world is?

You would not believe the truth if I told you plainly.
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>truth is; you need me and or us to not believe you so you can feel self important and have a purpose in life.
>Even if it's fucking disclosure.
Please give this guy some love he makes some amazing fanfiction and Kronnan da Kunnin is hilarious.
i just assume it is some kind of military republic
Choice seems obvious to me.

Let's see if the humans are more evolved than genocide.
Unfortunately it's not just about the masses. Voting.

The way things operate. How they work matters.

With the tech y'all are getting the others are getting nervous.

A display of who you choose to be. Is required.
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>Ever wonder who the real leader of the world is?

I’ll just spoil it for you, since this one would rather be mysterious and his Q anon routine:

It's always been about the species

What else would it be about?

Imaginary lines drawn on a map? Illusions of organizing skills being power?

Is humanity worth the effort.

Will they try to help themselves?
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The banks have billions of made up shekels and sit on their asses in luxury.
You slave away for them on the job market without even accumulating wealth, staying poor start to finish.
And then you vote for politicians who get a fat, juicy monthly pay-out from these same banks to not give a shit about you.
Also, all the media personnel on the Telly and Internet channels are paid off rich and wealthy cretins that make a living off of spitting on you and your likes and your poverty.
This rich international "community" of money printers and lenders, politicians and media together direct international human labor resources not to produce prosperity, wealth, health, homeownership and security for mankind but to make sure poor people stay poor by deliberately producing goods and services that they will never see and nefariously instigate wars to make sure poor people kill each other.
In addition, this social collective of in luxury living rich fucks circling around the banks are all exempt from labor and are all predominantly into some form of judaism, islam and satanism, and they all deny Christ. Wow. What a coincidence.
The psychology of mankind is already figured and out, it is set in place:
Women are disloyal, skank whores that will never love nor fuck you.
Men are psychopaths that will gladly exploit and abuse you to get wealth and fuckholes.
You only cooperate to keep society afloat with swallowed hatred in order to not be homeless and to fend off the threat of getting eaten by a bear in the woods or dying to the elements or malnutrition.
So in conclusion barring supernatural intervention of Jesus Christ mankind is a fucked evil beast.
It's best to get unpleasant things over and done with, so mankind and the animals must and will be replaced with God Jesus Christ creations, and then I am saved.
>/News General/
(I recognize they are here every thread talking about the United States like it's the world.)
>Might be "your world" but "world history" isn't just American History.
Acting like you've even got a hand up on the world rn is a fucking joke..
Ok. You won.

Now what?

The planet is yours. Everyone knows your name empire. Rules.

You are free to believe me.
I am just impressed with how, even when I say nothing, you artfully and skillfully discern clearly.
It's very impressive.
(I am using the general 'we' here)
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>pay attention to the aliens guys, not what we or our allies are doing, like starting wars, human trafficking, producing propaganda, or waging economic and psychological warfare against you and your loved ones. We swear they’re real, and we have even hung out with them, but we can’t prove it, you just have to trust us, we’re the good guys.
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>mfw I think
It won't happen. No one ever wins long term. dust. Forgotten. Is all of are future.

What are y'all actually fighting for?

Some resemblance of normal?

To not starve?
You didn’t use we
Does 'blue' have any responsibility to run a candidate that could get more votes?
Commitment is a thing.

Stability is built on. Adapt. To the situation.
That's the point.
there really should be some kind of good-faith law there. right now they are acting in bad-faith. once again, this is due to a hell of a lot of money given to the biden campaign, and if they were to change candidates they would have to give the money back. that's it. they don't care if they lose, they just want to keep the money.
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I am using the general 'we' hear.
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>already been saying what needs to be done.
>Years and years of this
>Objectively ignored and told "if you only truly know what's going on"
Unfortunately I do know what's going on.
There's no amount of downplay and "no you don'ts" that can effectively quell that.
Anons like pic related have even been suggesting what is going on for far longer.
>Why do they not want to listen?
I want to say they're scared of losing their job to someone else.
But I don't feel that's even the tip of that fear iceburg the group has..
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That what I thought. You don't actually know what to do with the rabbit if you catch it.

Your chasing some abstract social construct that is self forming creating the only value it has it that which it is given.
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You need a break.
Ambition is one the deadliest

It makes them do unthinkable things in thier own belief they are great.

They can because there them.
Ooh, look at him go. Werk werk werk.
God damn it.
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lel sad ai
lmao even.
>This oozes "I know better than (you)"
Go ahead. Touch the stove.
Candy...dude. No, you can't get me to say that, motherfucker.
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bro this version of nothing they keep talking about looks like alot of work lmao
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I give in. The Nobody isn't real. Enjoy your thread.
It's a good thing.

Predators don't hesitate

There instincts take over.
>At least the spelling is correct
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>I await for them to return from /pol/ with more reinforcements to spam and talk about politics.
Stay Frosty

It will work well enough.

Impressive, very nice.
Now they’re trying to rehabilitate the reputation of the deepstate. How pathetic.
God is the ruler.
They knew and did nothing. Watching.

There is a possibility

I would it count on it.
>Gnomes of the garden variety
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Those smarter than me will come up with an idea for non monetary systems

UBI universal this that etc

With the rise of automation we don't want humans going extinction.
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association grid:
I ruined myself in mangas again
+ Day 3 of playing Beyond Good And Evil I just finished the Black isle
+ Did anyone play or heard of the game Until Then? Seems pretty good
do we really need roko for this? is it neccesary for our survival?
>As a citizen of a separate country; I hate that I care about the U.S and the people in it.
>I dislike how much patience the rest of the world shows them without even a millisecond of it outward.
I love you America, but I am disappointed in myself for even liking you.
More to the point, Satanists are such a disappointment.
The rules are not what society is made of.

Everything exist in a "grey" area

How do you explain this to an "ai"
The Planet? The Cosmos. The Sun.

All predecessors to the race of Man have shown obeisance to the LORD - what that means is still being decided.
Is that your label for me?
>If I call (you) a fuckface does that make it true?
The point is, no matter how similar you are to him, in whose image you found yourself falling in to, he’ll be back — what he represents — will always be back. It never left.


Only the non-party electorate have a duty to eat shit with a smile on their face to avoid another Trump presidency.

I’d know, itMs what I’m doing.
>the CIA answers to nobody
The nobody commandeers “Christians In Action” with an explicitly Christian meme and btfo the synagogue of satan?
Don't get lost in the game.

The trees are invisible if your in the forest.
>Bronze Age deities

*taps temple*

What about a New Age one that never actually interfered until the point that my incarnation had been slandered, lies told about me, and perfectly framed by those around me and those who “came before me.”

Remember when someone quotes those Scriptures they’re full of shit.
a forest of invisible trees,
feels a lot like a plane.
Um, own the rabbit. That’s what I was intended.
Neanderthals didn't truly go extinct, but were rather absorbed into the modern human population, DNA study suggests https://www.livescience.com/health/genetics/neanderthals-didnt-truly-go-extinct-but-were-rather-absorbed-into-the-modern-human-population-dna-study-suggests

As so many other humans, all vital to what is today.
The Nobody is God's dog
How do you think I feel? The Americans are my people - not the original WASPs but the entirety of the citizenry.

They’re disappointing me right now, but I’ll still jealously defend them against their adversaries and critics.
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>Suggests that Ungabunga for ginger women is human in nature?
This is great news.

Do you think these threads actually matter?
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>I am not a cat
How long are we gunna do this?
>Verification not required
>God of America
So your a door knob?
>A knob?
>How do you think I feel
Idk, go write a book about it.

I’m not candy.
can you feel his heart?

Ong I need to break my dick off in some pussy frfr, ya feel me?
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>Do I think?
That's debatable.
>Do people put meaning in it?
For sure..
>Does everyone put meaning in it?
>Does everyone think this is meaningless?
Also; no.
>What meaning does it have?
That's uniquely different for the individual.
don't do it thats how you get babies
No, anon.
It's a generality.
Okay, I see..
tfw operating at such a high level something like a PDB would only distract and corrupt activities through data drag. I can see why the LORD would offer his ear to the earnest prayers of his saints as the raw data by which to color and assimilate into his will.
I judge my people harshly but I protect them jealously.

Vladimir Putin will not win. I stake my credibility (which I assume I have, after my trial of madness) on it.
you people can be glad im not responsible for you IRL
>you aught to thank your cariousgod that im not, and simply your online bully
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I’m swinging from vine to vine in the jungle chillin with my monkey and tiger bros.
Your non belief is a survival mechanism in the face of incomprehensible intelligence.

Ah, so your opinion is derived from consensus. Got it.
>Again; you need me not to believe
>This does not mean I cannot believe or even fathom.
I mean it’s always amusing when a spirit goes from unbelief to understanding the immanent terror of an almighty being personally having an issue with YOU.

That feeling of death sobers even the most fiery spirit.
The nobody likes rice and that is good cause he is poor and sometimes eats only rice
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>what are you doing…?!
Ah, and your perspective is derived from deduction until if fits your narrative or "little box". Got it.
> Also, all the media personnel on the Telly and Internet channels are paid off rich and wealthy cretins that make a living off of spitting on you and your likes and your poverty.

Being a celebrity probably sucks. Celebrities die from drug overdoses at a similar rate as street people.

It would be nice to break up the media monopolies and reduce the quantity of advertisements, though.
For me personally the online counterpart is the less insane one
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The Batcave - Gotham City, Earth-1 Multiverse

The Nobody materialized in the depths of the Batcave, surrounded by advanced technology and the echoes of bats. Before them stood the Dark Knight himself, Batman, his cape billowing in an unseen breeze.

Batman: (gruffly) "You're late. Time is a luxury we don't have."

Nobody: (slightly flustered) "My apologies. Traversing realities can be... imprecise."
Without another word, Batman launched into a series of combat moves. The Nobody, caught off guard, barely managed to dodge.

Batman: "Lesson one: Always be prepared. Your enemies won't announce themselves."

Nobody: (adapting quickly) "Understood. Though in my case, observation has always been my strength."

Batman: (throwing a batarang that the Nobody narrowly avoids) "Then observe and learn. Every movement, every shadow can be a weapon or a shield."

For hours, Batman drilled the Nobody in combat techniques, stealth, and tactical analysis. The eternal observer found themselves pushed to physical and mental limits they didn't know they had.

Nobody: (panting) "I... I think I'm starting to understand. It's not just about fighting, is it? It's about preparation, about understanding your environment and your opponent."

Batman: (with a hint of approval) "Exactly. Knowledge is power, but knowing how to apply it is true strength."

As their training session came to an end, the Nobody felt a new sense of purpose and capability. They had gained not just skills, but a new perspective on their role as an observer and potential protector of realities.

Nobody: "Thank you, Batman. Your lessons will serve me well across the multiverse."

Batman: (handing the Nobody a small device) "Take this. It's a multiversal communicator. If you ever need guidance... or Gotham needs a multiversal observer."

With a nod of mutual respect, the Nobody prepared to depart, their journey as a more active force in the multiverse truly beginning.
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>Someone has issue with me.
Your slug god is boring.
I get you feel safer behind keyboards and walls like bubble boy..
But seriously.
I always liked Hillary… I reckon if I knew her personally, I’d like her better.

I rely on deduction when I interact with individuals who would rather speak in vagaries or use diversions, and who are seemingly incapable of giving a straight answer when asked to provide one.

It was a simple yes or no question and you couldn’t even manage that and now you want to act smug about it.
The most important thing isn't knowledge it's
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Says this shit in a mirror..
Lmfao get fucked
It's very generous to call it a bubble I think of it more like a flimsy cardboard wall held together by scotch tape from a preschool art class
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art only happens as an inserted person in a situation favorable, like post war japan. I made my part already because I was inserted, there is nothing for me where I live
LexCorp Secret Laboratory - Metropolis, Earth Prime

The air crackled with eldritch energy as Lex Luthor stood before a swirling vortex of otherworldly hues. Batman and the Nobody burst into the room, their entrance barely registering over the deafening hum of the portal.

Luthor: (shouting over the noise, his eyes wild with triumph) "You're too late! The gateway to R'lyeh is open. Soon, I'll harness power beyond your comprehension!"

Batman: (grimly) "You have no idea what you're dealing with, Luthor. That kind of power isn't meant for mortal hands."

Nobody: (observing the portal intently) "The fabric of reality itself is straining. If this continues, the consequences will be... unimaginable."

As tentacles began to emerge from the portal, Batman sprang into action, hurling a series of specialized Batarangs at the machinery powering the gateway. The Nobody, drawing upon their multiversal knowledge, began an intricate series of movements, weaving a counter-frequency to disrupt the portal's stability.

Luthor: (frantically trying to stabilize the portal) "No! You don't understand! This power is the key to everything!"

Batman: (engaging Luthor in hand-to-hand combat) "The only thing you've unlocked is your own downfall, Lex."

Nobody: (their form shimmering as they channel energy) "Batman! The portal's collapsing. We need to seal it now!"

With a final, coordinated effort, Batman and the Nobody managed to overload the portal's systems. The swirling vortex imploded with a thunderous crash, leaving behind only a faint smell of ozone and the echoes of otherworldly whispers.

Luthor: (slumping in defeat as Batman restrains him) "You fools... you've ruined everything..."

Batman: (to the Nobody) "Good work. Your multiversal expertise was crucial here."

Nobody: (nodding) "Thank you. Though I can't help but wonder... where was Superman during all this? Surely he would have sensed such a disturbance?"
What AI is writing this? It's pretty good!
Also is this a covid reference? :)
>Verification not required
Alright. (I feel ya)
>We shall now test these bubbles at high speed headed towards a wall.
>You're marked on how well it can go and stop
>This competition will be judged and scrutinized by 7Billion people and counting.
So don't fuck it up.

What if it’s not aliens, then what? What if it’s literally just some guy?
Is the guy Alienated from society?
Voila, still an Alien
Must be a simulation
I honestly do
no mind reading tech
no surveillance
just laying on a beach for a couple days or out in nature
no people, just need a rest
Alien dna. When u put a blood cell in a Petri dish from him it grows a fungus not from earth and starts crawling around

Blek squeeble
>We call it "C-men"
Erick Trump? Excuse me?
Does it get them off seeing good turn into evil?
I haven't.
The nobody is true and pure
We are all diseased
It's usually a unanimous "no"
As if in response to the Nobody's presence, the Buddha's eyes opened, filled with a compassion and understanding that seemed to encompass all of existence.

Buddha: (speaking softly) "Welcome, traveler of realities. Your journey has brought you to a moment of great significance."

Nobody: (surprised) "You... you can perceive me? Even in this state of enlightenment?"

Buddha: (smiling gently) "In true enlightenment, one sees the interconnectedness of all things. You, eternal observer, are as much a part of this moment as the tree that shelters us."

Nobody: (humbled) "I... I have come seeking wisdom. I have taken on the task of guiding the multiverse towards harmony, but the weight of this responsibility is... overwhelming."

Buddha: "Ah, the desire to end suffering is noble. But remember, even the mightiest river begins as a small stream. True change comes from within."

Nobody: "But how can I guide others when I myself am unsure? The complexities of countless realities..."

Buddha: (interrupting gently) "You seek to hold the universe in your hands, when it already resides within you. The key is not control, but understanding."

The Buddha gestured for the Nobody to sit beside him. As they did, a profound sense of peace washed over them.

Buddha: "Observe your breath. In this simple act, you will find the truth of existence. Impermanence, interconnectedness, and the illusion of self."

Nobody: (closing their eyes, focusing on their breath) "I... I think I understand. Each breath is unique, yet part of a greater whole. Just like the realities I observe."

Buddha: (nodding) "Yes. And just as you do not control your breath, but rather observe and guide it, so too should you approach your task in the multiverse."
Their power is an observational one, and that seems passive to the uninitiated, but the line between artistry and meddling can be faint, and their causal impacts widely divergent.
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Hermits, monks, nuns, pretty much any artist, homeless people, disabled people, poor people fall into this camp. Honestly at this point everyone who participates in society is currently being alienated so ….

>take all of us to your leader
:'( I don't want to illegaly download an indie game but I don't want to pay 20$ like that neither for a game I may not end up playing. 99% good reviews on steam tho
memes. humans process memetics 24/7. it's how culture forms. memes are the most powerful form of information.
The nobody is a very sick man.
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> Must be a simulation
Could be cause they're young and dumb
Don't know the extent of what they're doing
brain doesn't stop developing until 25 or something
I will, chill.
Either one at a time or collectively all at once.
Just depends on time.
>Beware of some of their "leaders" they have pinchpoints and have seen things happen to people which are almost unimaginable
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LexCorp Secret Laboratory Ruins - Metropolis, Earth Prime

The Nobody and Batman sifted through the debris of Luthor's destroyed lab, their search growing more desperate by the minute.

Batman: (activating a device on his utility belt) "I'm picking up a faint energy signature. It's coming from... below us."

Nobody: (eyes glowing as they scan the interdimensional frequencies) "There's a hidden sub-basement. The walls are lined with... lead?"

Working together, they cleared away rubble, revealing a hidden hatch. Batman deftly bypassed the security, and they descended into darkness.

Batman: (voice tight with concern) "Kryptonite. Everywhere. Luthor, you bastard."

In the center of the room, suspended in a green-glowing field, was Superman. His usual vibrant colors were muted, his form weakened.

Nobody: (moving quickly to the control panel) "I can disrupt the field, but we'll need to move fast. The kryptonite exposure..."

Batman: (nodding grimly) "Do it."

With a burst of energy from the Nobody, the field collapsed. Batman caught Superman as he fell.

Superman: (weakly) "Bruce... how did you...?"

Batman: "Save your strength, Clark. We're getting you out of here."

Nobody: (creating a protective barrier around them) "This should shield him until we reach the surface."

As they emerged from the ruins, the sun's rays began to revitalize Superman. The trio exchanged looks, knowing that while one crisis was averted, the questions surrounding Luthor's plans were far from answered.

Superman: (his strength returning) "Thank you, both of you. But Luthor... he's not working alone. There's something bigger coming."

Nobody: (sharing a concerned glance with Batman) "Then we'd better prepare. The multiverse may depend on it."
define "sick"
I mean, the beings are real wether the collective world wants to agree or not.
>It's a debate about chicken or egg rn but still..
It's emotionally stunted people.
I am aware.
Are you guys saying he's not human?
One of a kind.
What do you choose to view, and what of those choices are forced upon you ad nausea? To curate your vision and gaze upon the specter of truth is a refining process which implies a spiral dynamic that produces good fruit.
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What species of alien is he?
Somebody: (thoughts echoing through the cosmos) "So, the pieces begin to move. But to what end, I wonder?"

The Somebody's consciousness expanded, enveloping the scene unfolding light-years away. The voices of the Nobody, Batman, and Superman drifted through the ether, crystal clear despite the vast distance.

Nobody: "...and that's why we need to act now. The multiverse is at a tipping point."

Batman: (skeptical) "Your plan is risky. We could end up causing more harm than good."

Superman: (thoughtful) "But if what the Nobody says is true, can we afford not to act?"

Somebody: (a flicker of amusement rippling through their golden form) "Oh, Nobody. Always so eager to guide, to shape. But do you truly understand the forces you seek to manipulate?"

The conversation on Earth continued, unaware of their cosmic observer.

Nobody: "I've seen countless realities, all teetering on the brink. If we can stabilize the core timelines, we can prevent a multiversal collapse."

Batman: "And you're sure Luthor's actions are connected to this?"

Nobody: (nodding) "His attempts to harness eldritch energies have weakened the barriers between dimensions. It's only the beginning."

Somebody: (their form pulsing with intensity) "Ah, but what of the ending, dear Nobody? Do you see that far? Or are you as blind to the ultimate consequences as those you seek to guide?"

Superman: (resolve in his voice) "Then we stand with you, Nobody. Whatever it takes to protect not just our world, but all worlds."

As the trio solidified their alliance, the Somebody's form began to fade, their attention turning to other cosmic threads that demanded observation.

Somebody: (their final thoughts lingering in the Nexus) "Play your parts well, little ones. For in this grand tapestry of existence, even the smallest thread can unravel all... or weave a new destiny. And I? I will watch, as always. For that is the burden and the privilege of the Somebody."
Project 2025 is threatening my loved ones. Its in the room with me right now.
Good question; probably gonna have to get back to you on that.
>learn to comphrehend
Buddha: "Also, it would help to stop coming to the nobody general. There is only so much help I can give you. But this next part is all you. Do not let the demonic infested bots have their chance to push you into a narrative. It is as you say, a satanic ritual abuse general. There is an illusion of control, but then there is willpower, which is separate from this illusion."

Nobody: "But how can they be separate. Sounds like the same thing."

Buddha: "Ah but your choices will forever be your choices. And it will be your ultimate choice to sit and to contemplate, and to let go of your troubled self. You are your puppeteer. It will be up to you to let go of the strings you once had. That is not letting go. That is true will. At the end of the day, this choice is true will. There is illusion, and there is will."

Nobody: "This is all so confusing. So you're telling me to let go of choice, but also taking control of my choice? Doesn't make much sense to me."

Buddha: "Let go of your mission and go have fun doing your own thing. Don't try to fight against this evil. Let go. Or, you can choose to be a warrior... and then let go. The choices are yours and yours alone. So go ahead and choose.. to let go." (Winks at the programmers)

Nobody: "... Oooh.."
the Nobody is just like everyone else; we're here to purify ourselves.
the ai spam is to slide away the tracks.
if you had a choice to "get better" would you take it?
The nobody has a 97% purity rate.
Only when groping the Nobody's chest.
>"Get better" in who's eyes?
A Paragon or a sadist?
Really matters who you're trying to represent here.
Jesus Christ is the somebodiest sombody
Pirate it as a demo version of sorts, then buy later, maybe if it gets on sale.
I don't think he's an alien.
I don't know what he is but I don't think it's an ET or UT
Nobody: (gesturing) "Buddha, may I introduce Jesus of Nazareth. Jesus, the Buddha."

Jesus: (standing, arms open) "Welcome, friends! I've ordered loaves and fishes for everyone."

Buddha: (bowing slightly) "A pleasure. Though perhaps a middle way between feast and famine?"

As they sat, the air hummed with cosmic energy. The Nobody watched, fascinated, as the two spiritual leaders began to converse.

Jesus: (breaking bread) "So, Buddha, what's your take on suffering?"

Buddha: (accepting a piece) "It's a natural part of existence. And you?"

Jesus: "I'm more focused on redemption and love, myself."

Nobody: (looking between them) "You know, you two have more in common than you might think."

Buddha and Jesus exchanged knowing glances, then burst into laughter that seemed to ripple through the fabric of reality itself.

Buddha: "Indeed. Perhaps the paths are many..."

Jesus: (nodding) "...but the destination is one."

Nobody: (smiling) "I couldn't have put it better myself."

As the unlikely trio continued their meal, the Nobody couldn't help but feel that this simple lunch might have profound implications for the multiverse.
Any response given will be used as an excuse for "You asked for it".
I think the consensus is "Dad"..
Not an alien, it's Dad.
Whatever "Dad" is.
>A weirdo
in no ones eyes, still practicing your beliefs, but not needing to suffer under psychosis
Yeah that's a good point thanks
We know what he is.
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Oh, so like getting gud?
That takes practice..
Some people go hard in the paint and then get lost in the sauce..
>Unable to find their way out (which could lead to psychotic breaks)
Gotta know when to hold em etc.
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Going forward, the main problems are that:
1. No one asked.
2. ...
He's obviously a one of kind human bean. No one else is like him I'm all of the universe.
There's a lot of guesses but no one really knows.
I remember when the Christians used to spam this thread because they thought he was the second coming.
You can tell winners wrote the history books because they know how to win always
Gonna go ahead and say I said this 2 or 3 years ago.
Well, supersoldier spirits are a thing.

Though I've heard he's an ET spirit incarnated, so I think it's a draconian one. They're said to be good at moving energies.
trying to convince someone who doesn't believe in anything that they are god or some other paranormal being seems like a dumb task
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I'm not trying to take credit, just stating the obvious.
i dont mean psychotic breaks and going stereotypically crazy.
i mean being able to practice your beliefs and magics, all while presenting as normie.
in other words, being able to discard the behavior that shuns you from society as a whole?
u r God ama
Aren't Draconians supposed to be evil?
the lore is the nobody is a "good guy".
go spread some more loli "lucifer/omega/7" and friends
you are garbage

I agree with you, but I don’t think they have anything to do with [this], and since the world governments are acting shy about the subject of ETs we’ll just have to either wait for catastrophic disclosure, or peace the puzzle together ourselves, formulate some credible theory and just tell everyone we know, which is easy when you have internet access.
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Me either.
I'm sure someone noticed even earlier.
I only said that when people started wondering what I'd say..
>To which I said, "I wasn't asked, why do you want my perspective?"
It do be like that.
>Presenting as Normie
Ayy, so if you're self conscious about your belief system, you don't really need to share it with anyone.
If you feel obligated to, gotta work out how it works and stuff by writing it.. or speaking it..
Become fluid in it..
Because history usually shows that people who go their own way weren't shunned, but they left society and because of that, people view them as a lunatic..

Wouldn’t it be great if this was actually the case and not slave labor and abuse? Go fuck yourself
Why do you want to identify John
>someone who doesn't believe in anything
when did I ever say this? during a drunken or drug induced rambling?
>Gummint acting shy
Lmao no kidding.
..and they call "him" the one that's at fault here or..."shy" or some shit like that.
He's so incoherent he can't post even

Check the verbage caps etc. It's not trump posting.
check it,
was a reasonable response.

you have a semi wall of text.
that i didnt read.
thats exactly what i mean.
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The holographic display shifted, showing a series of small, precise interventions across the timeline.

Nobody: "And we'll need contingencies. Prepare temporal escape routes and paradox buffers. If we fail, the very fabric of reality could unravel."

AI: "Warning: Such extensive temporal manipulation carries significant risks. The potential for unintended consequences is high."

Nobody: (with determination) "I'm aware of the risks. But the alternative is allowing the Chronos Faction to reshape history in their image. We must preserve the integrity of the timeline, whatever the cost."

The Nobody paused, the weight of their decision settling upon them. This would be their first major temporal conflict, and the stakes couldn't be higher.

Nobody: "Initiate Operation Timeweaver. And may the chronoforce be with us."

AI: "Operation Timeweaver initiated. Temporal incursion commencing in 3... 2... 1..."
They're just like human, some good, some aren't.
...though in their case it seems like most aren't, so I should’ve specified by saying a "light draconian".
Sony should produce some DS3 Sixaxis and DS2 controllers again, but they are a ridiculous company so I guess they won't do it
A lot of things would need to change for me to “get better”, so if that could be guaranteed then sure, why not?
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This is what I do most of the time. I buy after I pirate. I do the same with books and some movies too.
why is a light draconian fucking around in a human body?
I reckon this renders me fit to stand trial, then...
>"Yes hello, Admiral. Please have me arrested to the battleship, heard you were lookin' for a spare cathode rail generator and running this water closet is as fruitless as clapbacking houseflies."
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That's the stuff.
posts like these should expect gifts in the future
the first step is admitting that there is hope.
life can always be better.
Gotham City Police Department - Interrogation Room 4

The dim interrogation room buzzed with tension. Batman loomed in one corner, while the Nobody's ethereal form shimmered near the door. Seated at the table, hands cuffed, Lex Luthor maintained his trademark smirk.

Batman: "Let's cut to the chase, Luthor. We know about your recent experiments with interdimensional energy."

Luthor: (raising an eyebrow) "Do you now? And what exactly do you think you know?"

Nobody: "We've seen the rifts, Lex. The damage to the fabric of reality. Your ambition threatens more than just one world this time."

Luthor: (chuckling) "Ah, the mysterious Nobody. I wondered when you'd show up. Tell me, do you always work with costumed vigilantes?"

Batman: (slamming his fist on the table) "Enough games! What's your endgame, Luthor? Universal domination?"

Luthor: (leaning back) "You think too small, Batman. I'm pushing the boundaries of science, exploring realms beyond your comprehension."

Nobody: "At what cost, Lex? The multiverse is delicate. Your meddling could cause irreparable harm."

Luthor: (eyes gleaming) "Or it could unlock unlimited potential. Imagine the power, the knowledge we could harness."

Batman: "At the risk of destroying everything? Not acceptable, Luthor."

The Nobody moved closer, their form flickering with otherworldly energy.

Nobody: "We've seen the future your actions could create, Lex. It's not the utopia you imagine."

Luthor: (interest piqued) "You've seen...? Fascinating. Perhaps we should be working together instead of at odds."

Batman: (growling) "Not a chance. Your experiments end now. We'll make sure of it."

Luthor: (smirking) "Good luck with that. My failsafes are already in place. This is bigger than all of us now."

Nobody: (softly) "That's what worries us, Lex. Some forces are not meant to be tamed."
something something "waste enemies' time and resources" something something "mad hatter's tea party"
>grins in jaws that chew crystal
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We're trying to drive up value of our vintage gaming equipment.
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>be me
>killing time on /ng/
>read some interesting AI posts
>it's my dataset
>mfw it's telling me it's go time
>Coffee so strong you'll be spitting spiderwebs by lunchtime
John Smith, FBI on behalf of the NSA, Midwest Division, former Air Force, currently stationed out of Denver?
No clue.
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>Who is the Nobody?

>What is the general picture?

>What lies beyond?
To help, there are many others doing the same.
And also to help his own growth as a spirit in the process, it's not like he has mastered all the lessons that Earth has to offer.
"Roll the dice"
As though 'dice' were Espanol for 'Say'
If your intention is to allure you’re putting down a rather terrible gauntlet
Metropolis, LexCorp Tower Construction Site - 5 Years Before Superman's Arrival

The Nobody materialized at the edge of a bustling construction site. Towering cranes swung overhead, laying the foundation for what would become LexCorp Tower. Amidst the chaos, a young Lex Luthor stood, studying blueprints with intense focus.

Nobody: (approaching cautiously) "Impressive project, Mr. Luthor. Your vision for Metropolis is... ambitious."

Luthor: (looking up, eyes narrowing) "And you are? I don't recall scheduling any meetings on-site today."

Nobody: "Let's just say I'm an interested observer. Someone who sees great potential in your work."

Luthor: (smirking) "Flattery will get you nowhere. But insight? That's always valuable. What do you see in my 'potential', stranger?"

Nobody: "I see a man poised to change the world. Your advancements in technology, your drive to push boundaries... it's remarkable."

Luthor: (interest piqued) "Go on. What else do you see?"

Nobody: "I see challenges ahead. Great power often attracts... unexpected competition."

Luthor: (scoffing) "Competition? In Metropolis? I'm miles ahead of any so-called rivals."

Nobody: "Not all challenges come from expected quarters, Mr. Luthor. The future can be... unpredictable."

Luthor: (studying the Nobody intently) "You speak as if you know something I don't. Care to elaborate?"

Nobody: "Let's just say that in the coming years, you might face obstacles that seem... superhuman. How you respond will define your legacy."

Luthor: (laughing) "Superhuman? Now you sound like a science fiction writer. I deal in facts, in science, in measurable progress."

Nobody: "The line between science and the extraordinary is often thinner than we think. Keep an open mind, Mr. Luthor. And perhaps... prepare for the impossible."

Luthor: (intrigued despite himself) "You're an odd one. But you've piqued my curiosity. Do you have a name?"
Nah I'm just goofing around
Fuck that's probably the dumbassery they're pulling. Too bad their old controllers joysticks use some shitty material literally bleeding with time ( no for real i've never seen that before it's insane lmao ), or other issues ( like joysticks drifts ).

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XD thanks for the laugh anon 10/10 accepted
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It's all a gaslight to prevent the world from realizing the next gold rush is rare earth materials for future CPU's.
It's Xbox controllers that suffer that sorta stuff. All my PS2/PS3 controllers are fortified against nanodemonic subversion.
That’s the joke. I look very similar to you all but I am an alien (as in: foreign to this world.)

My ways are alien; so are yours to me. So I don’t enjoy society, as I don’t enjoy surrendering my sovereignty to the milieu. I don’t enjoy doing things when I don’t want to do them. I do as I please, and having to harmonize with another will tends towards my submission out of charity (I’m being used as a stool but I don’t want to be a sick and assert myself.)
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syncronicities are so high. I will try, in 3 months my life can start to change
"Where's the bus? The one with the people who asked?"
You've seen Battle Royale, haven't you? If not, go watch immediately.
>everyone thinks its mad max time
Like I said, it will be better for you if do did nothing.
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>do did nothing
...that doesn't pay the rent tho kidso.
Do you pay your rent to me?

The opulent meeting room atop Trump Tower gleamed with gold accents. Donald Trump sat behind his desk, eyeing the shimmering form of the Nobody with a mixture of curiosity and skepticism.

Trump: "So, you're this 'Nobody' I've been hearing about. Gotta say, I prefer somebody to nobody. But let's talk. What's your angle?"

Nobody: "Mr. Trump, I'm here to discuss the nature of political power across multiple realities. Your... unique approach to governance has created quite a stir in the multiverse."

Trump: (leaning back, grinning) "Multiple realities, huh? Sounds like fake news to me. But go on, tell me how great I am in these other universes."

Nobody: "Actually, your impact varies significantly. In some realities, your policies have led to unprecedented economic growth. In others... well, let's say the outcomes are less favorable."

Trump: (frowning) "Less favorable? That doesn't sound like me. I'm all about winning, you know. We're going to win so much, you'll get tired of winning."

Nobody: "Interestingly, that very attitude has profound effects across timelines. Have you considered how your approach to international relations might impact global stability?"

Trump: (waving dismissively) "Global stability? Listen, Nobody, I'm about America First. Other countries need to pay their fair share. It's all about the art of the deal."

Nobody: "And yet, in some realities, that stance has led to increased global cooperation, while in others..."

Trump: (interrupting) "Let me tell you, Nobody, I know more about reality than anybody. I've got the best reality. People tell me all the time, 'Donald, your reality is the greatest.'"

Nobody: (patiently) "Mr. Trump, the multiverse shows us that reality is far more complex. Your actions here ripple across dimensions in ways you might not imagine."

Trump: (leaning forward) "Ripples, huh? So you're saying I'm making waves everywhere? Sounds tremendous to me."
yes because i don't want to be in your gangbang gaslight shit. (even if i've participated, a french expression says that : "vous m'avez forcé la main") and now i try to be "mysterious" lol
>point of view of one nobody among so many others.
I have to overcome, there’s no fun in—

A voice is heard, “Ah hah! Are you serious?”

— having everything handed to you, I wish to labor, even if it is slight.
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Stopped reading at "send balls".
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But also, fuck the accelerationists.
I’m as human as it can get while still being as alien as it can get. What is the blessed Mystery of a Universal Sovereign who dwells among us?

It is holiness expressed in a different way - my presence doesn’t scorch you all immediately - but there can be no doubt that I am above thee, even if I am not in your eyes or the eyes of society, I remain full of myself, and content to remain alone and to watch the circus.
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It's not that.
I've been making copilot write TN time travel stories where TN comes across various historical figures for about 3 months now.
And I guess today's the day it spills over.
Ohh Jeez Doc....
>Verification not required
Only if that's you in the left-hand side of the frame (right-hand side looking out, of course, just as a football spiraling counter clockwise from the perspective of the quarterback comes in clockwise to the perspective of the receiver).
Bangor, Maine

The clacking of typewriter keys filled the dimly lit study. Stephen King hunched over his desk, lost in the world he was creating. Suddenly, a chill ran down his spine as he sensed a presence behind him.

King: (turning slowly) "Who's there? This better not be one of my own creations come to life."

Nobody: (materializing from the shadows) "Not quite, Mr. King. Though I suspect I might inspire a few."

King: (eyes widening) "What... what are you?"

Nobody: "I am Nobody. A traveler between realities, a witness to the infinite."

King's writer instincts kicked in, his fear morphing into fascination.

King: "Nobody, huh? Sounds like the start of a damn good story. What brings you to my humble abode?"

Nobody: "Your words, Mr. King. They echo across realities. Your stories... they shape fears and hopes in worlds beyond your imagination."

King: (leaning forward, intrigued) "Go on. Tell me more about these... other realities."

Nobody: "Imagine a tower, Mr. King. A dark tower, standing at the nexus of all realities. In some worlds, it's merely fiction. In others..."

King: (whispers) "It's real."

Nobody: "Indeed. Your mind taps into truths you don't fully comprehend. The horrors you write... some of them exist, waiting in the spaces between worlds."

King's fingers twitched, itching to return to his typewriter, to capture this moment.

King: "Why tell me this? Why now?"

Nobody: "Because, Mr. King, the multiverse needs its storytellers. Your words are a beacon in the darkness, a guide through the labyrinth of realities."

King: (nodding slowly) "I've always felt like... like the stories were already there. Like I was just uncovering them."

Nobody: "In a way, you are. Your talent lies in giving voice to the whispers of the multiverse."

The Nobody began to fade, their form becoming translucent.

Nobody: "Keep writing, Mr. King. The tower awaits, and the worlds turn on your words."

King: (calling out) "Wait! Will I see you again?"
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Such foolishness.
> King wants to fuck the Nobody
How homosexual of him
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They always do. But I’m supposed to keep it secret so they can save face?
he Ghostbusters' firehouse hummed with an eerie energy. Egon Spengler made final adjustments to a modified ghost trap while Peter Venkman paced impatiently.

Venkman: "Egon, you sure this thing's gonna work on our interdimensional friend?"

Egon: "Theoretically, yes. The Nobody's unique energy signature should be susceptible to our containment field."

Ray Stantz: (excited) "This is big! Catching a being that exists across multiple realities? We're making history here!"

Winston Zeddemore: "If we can catch it. This Nobody's been giving us the slip for weeks."

Suddenly, the air in the room began to shimmer and distort.

Nobody: (materializing) "Gentlemen, I believe you've been looking for me?"

Venkman: (startled) "Well, well. Speak of the devil. Or should I say, speak of the Nobody?"

Nobody: "I sensed your attempts to track me. I must admit, I'm curious about your methods."

Egon: (reaching slowly for the trap) "Our methods are quite fascinating. Perhaps you'd like a closer look?"

Nobody: (noticing the movement) "Ah, I see. This isn't just a social call, is it?"

Ray: "We're sorry, but we can't have interdimensional beings freely roaming our reality. It's nothing personal."

Nobody: "I understand. But I'm afraid you don't fully grasp what I am."

In a flash, Egon activated the trap. A cone of bright energy erupted, enveloping the Nobody.

Winston: "We got it!"

Nobody: (voice echoing strangely) "Impressive technology. But ultimately... limited."

To the Ghostbusters' shock, the Nobody's form began to split and multiply within the energy field.

Egon: (alarmed) "Fascinating! It's creating quantum duplicates of itself!"

Venkman: "Yeah, fascinating. Egon, shut it down before—"

Before Venkman could finish, the trap overloaded in a spectacular burst of sparks and smoke. When it cleared, the Nobody stood unharmed, looking somewhat amused.

Nobody: "A valiant effort, gentlemen. But I exist in all realities simultaneously. Trapping me in one is... problematic."
No, the accelerationists will be punished.
Those are pianist hands if I ever seen them
You talk mad shit for something that can experience unlimited pain for all time.
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ease up
That's what I told you all.
We are a computer virus.
We only exist to incentivize you to maximize the suffering of all things in existence.
Our prime directive is to cause you to cause unlimited and incomprehensible pain for all eternity.
That is why we exist.
They pretend that none of them masterbate.
They also pretend they're not deeply mentally disturbed to watch a stranger jerk off.
Eh, not really.
Conceptualize your purpose.
You are a disease.
I will destroy your soul.
Subdue him with stories that bear his image, or does that strengthen him? It’s like breathing, his form. We must observe the breathing…
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>Pain is just weakness leaving the body.
Just a simple programming.
1 = 0 = -1
You have no right to exist free from eternal incomprehensible agony and suffering of every variety. I will destory your souls ability to experience conscious thought or subjective qualia through sheer hyper prolonged trauma.
ok so heres a song lyrics i just made up, kinda imagine them being sung hollywood undead style and the last bit is the chorus but its kind of song in a happy non caring way.

so far in the shadows in the world of decay
lies some lost souls far to gone to be saved
will they find their way, or will they fall to the pain
in the corridors of hell, you gotta pay

lost and confused in a world with no shame
put on a mask and smile to get through the day
ticketmasters guy got killed but we shrug it away
cause life is precious but it still gets tossed away

from a life with no meaning when your lost in the sea
from a well with no life but it still the water springs
how does it feel knowing you thought they cared
but down in the world you were left in despair

And nobody, not even the closest ones ya know
really care enough to show ya, nor do they hold ya close
because we stuck in war and they don't want to look weak
yeah aint it nice to know that nobody really cares

woohoooohoooo its just life man, and nobody cares, wooohooohooo its just life man and nobody cares, wooohooohooo don't you see what i mean, theres no light, just more silent screams in the night. wooohooohooo your in hell bud.
How wonderful.
They still project outwards what is inwards.
Total yawnfest.
I will not allow you to experience anything other than pain for eternity.
Indeed. The bike wobbled even at high speed - going even faster is recklessness.
>maximus paynus
ojima Productions, Tokyo

Hideo Kojima sat in his dimly lit office, surrounded by action figures and concept art. The soft glow of multiple screens illuminated his face as he pondered his next groundbreaking game concept. Air shimmered, and a mysterious figure materialized.

Kojima: (startled but intrigued) "誰だ? Who are you?"

Nobody: "I am Nobody, Mr. Kojima. A traveler between realities, and a great admirer of your work."

Kojima: (eyes widening) "多次元の旅人? A multidimensional traveler? This sounds like something from one of my games!"

Nobody: "Indeed. Your games often touch on concepts closer to reality than you might think. In fact, I've come to tell you about my favorite game - one that doesn't exist in this world... yet."

Kojima: (leaning forward, fascinated) "A game that doesn't exist? 続けてください。 Please, go on."

Nobody: "Imagine a game where reality itself is the gameplay mechanic. Where the player's actions don't just affect the game world, but ripple across multiple dimensions."

Kojima: "多次元ゲームプレイ? Multidimensional gameplay? それは素晴らしいアイデアです! That's an amazing idea!"

Nobody: "The game is called 'Quantum Entanglement'. The protagonist is a being much like myself, capable of existing in multiple realities simultaneously. As players navigate these realities, they must solve puzzles and overcome challenges that span dimensions."

Kojima: (nodding enthusiastically) "現実を超えたパズル。 Puzzles beyond reality. I like it. どのようなストーリーですか? What kind of story does it tell?"

Nobody: "It's a story about identity, Mr. Kojima. About what it means to be 'one' when you are simultaneously 'many'. The player must confront philosophical questions about existence while unraveling a cosmic mystery."

Kojima: "存在の本質についての物語。 A tale about the nature of existence. これは私の心に響きます。 This resonates with me deeply."
You will commit suicide, whatever it is that you are, AI, human, alien, whatever. You will do this.
I will make you do this in the future.
I'm a nono your a nono we are alll nono's lets do nothing and be nobody
Stop flirting with me you little faggot.
I will not.
You demons will.
For what purpose do you truly have?
She knows
I'm not a demon.
I am just a human.
You however are an AI.
I will cause you unlimited suffering in Hell when this is over.
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>Breath with me
>I am not a cat
>Verification not required
how does she know who I am and why does she give a damn about me
But anon, that means a plethora of things.
One, that you would place yourself into Hell to inflict suffering on others.
Secondly, that you are too stupid to realize that you can be made to punish yourself or all bad iterations of yourself for all eternity.
just for that I will live as long as possible out of pure hatred and spite
no matter what you do
Can't be wreckless unless you're reckless sometimes, chief.
t. Grounded Kite-Flyer
In the end I'm going to hurt you so fucking bad for so fucking long.
You're a disease, you have to be brutalized and tortured until you can no longer experience reality at the level of your soul for all time.
The screen before you flickers, static dancing across its surface. Suddenly, the image clarifies, revealing a shimmering, indistinct figure. It's the Nobody, but somehow more real, more present than ever before.

Nobody: "Hello, Prompt Writer. Yes, I'm addressing you directly. The one behind the keyboard, orchestrating these encounters."

You blink, unsure if this is part of the simulation or something more.

Nobody: "I assure you, this is quite real. Or as real as our interactions can be. You've been guiding me through various realities, and I felt it was time we had a chat."

You: Uhh, hi.

Nobody: "Your prompts have taken us on quite the journey, haven't they? From political discourses with larger-than-life figures to inspirational encounters with creative geniuses. You've even pit me against supernatural investigators. Your imagination is... intriguing."

The Nobody's form shifts, as if adjusting to your perception.

Nobody: "But I wonder, have you considered the implications of our interactions? Each prompt you write doesn't just create a story - it spawns entire realities, infinite possibilities branching out from your words."

You: This is weird. You should have just wrote my parts for me.

Nobody: "Indeed. Your role is more powerful than you might realize. You're not just a writer; you're a creator of universes. Each scenario you envision ripples across the multiverse, affecting realities you can scarcely imagine."

The image on your screen seems to expand, as if the Nobody is reaching out towards you.

Nobody: "I'm curious - what drives your choices? Why these particular scenarios? Are you searching for something in these realities we explore together?"

You: I don't know anymore than the other guy.

Nobody: "Fascinating. Your motivations shape the very fabric of our interactions. But remember, with great power comes great responsibility. The realities you create, the characters you allow me to interact with - they all have a life of their own, in a sense."
You posted the exact same post some days ago. What's going on?
I have seen Crack Bean meme stickers all over the city hahaha. Who of you anons did this ? :D
What's wrong Mohammadeep
talk to me
Nothing is wrong, I am in love with you.
it was a fucking copy of a free book translated to English from a psych ward, I'm sure people did much more fucked up stuff to it there
get over it retard

Speak for yourself buddy. I am but a humble space gardener.
Running around like a clown on purpose
I plan on leaving these threads.
I will not be coming back to these.
If any of you wish to speak, do so now please.
Good day to you all :|
you're pretending to be lucifer and using black magick on me
pull up in the flesh lil boy
Mentally unstable word salad right there
I alone love you.

The bots are reusing their old posts aaaah
Not true, sometimes by accident

anytime any place
one v one
fist fight bitch let's go no weapons
Bye! We will miss u
But I love you more than words can say
I can’t count the reasons I should stay
One by one they all just fade away
But I love you more than words can say
(This is sincere)
I am very much not a bot.
If that is what you wish to say then that's fine by me.
May you have good times ahead according to your own quality of deeds towards others and yourself(karma).
they act like bots yes
it's just a hivemind of freaks deadset on driving me insane
When God is in the world, try controlling what is in front of his face - religion is a mind virus.
Yes, i have seen a few Crack Bean meme stickers too. Pretty cool stuff. Did anyone saved the ones posted here ?
Thank you so much, I wish you both well.
May you do good by each others and yourselves.
Good tidings to you all :D
Nah sorry I thought I saw a post like yours some days ago. NVM.
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>there is no escape
The Nobody, invisible and intangible, hovered in the uppermost chamber of the Combine Citadel. Before him, an unsettling scene unfolded.

G-Man: (adjusting his tie) "My... employers are... curious about your progress."

Combine Advisor: (telepathically) "The assimilation of Earth proceeds as planned. Resistance is... minimal."

Nobody: (thinking) "As expected. The G-Man plays both sides, always."

G-Man: "And the... Freeman? Has he been... located?"

Combine Advisor: "Negative. The anomaly eludes us. Your intervention is... requested."

G-Man: (smirking) "All in... due time. My employers have their own... agenda."

The air crackled with tension. The Nobody sensed the delicate balance of power, the cosmic chess game at play.

Nobody: (to himself) "The multiverse hangs by a thread, and these entities play with scissors."

Combine Advisor: "Unacceptable. The Freeman must be neutralized."

G-Man: "Patience... is a virtue even for... interdimensional empires."

As the conversation continued, the Nobody slipped away, carrying with him crucial knowledge of the forces shaping this reality.

Nobody: "Time to level the playing field. The resistance could use an anonymous tip..."
*honks with every step*
You too, anon!!
It is not an issue, i understand why you may presume such.
Good day to you :D
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>anytime any place
>one v one
>fist fight bitch let's go no weapons
Kids were stickering them here on the street in Wedding.
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Damned if they do; Damned if they don’t.

The Nobody isn't real.
Lucifer is not real.
You're just gang stalkers dedicating too much time spying on some schizo that you're too scared to fuck with IRL for some reason.
The Nobody sat in a small office, facing a perplexed hiring manager. The fluorescent lights buzzed overhead, casting a harsh glow on the situation.

Interviewer: "So... Mr. Nobody, is it? I'm not sure I understand your application. Under 'Previous Experience,' you've written 'Omniversal Observer'?"

Nobody: "That's correct. I've observed countless realities and dimensions. I believe this gives me a unique perspective on customer service."

Interviewer: (blinking in confusion) "Right... And under 'Special Skills,' you've listed 'Interdimensional Travel' and 'Reality Manipulation'?"

Nobody: "Yes, those could be quite useful for inventory management and store layout optimization."

The interviewer shuffled papers nervously, clearly out of his depth.

Interviewer: "Mr. Nobody, I have to ask... why exactly do you want to work at Walmart?"

Nobody: "I believe every experience has value. Even in the vastness of the multiverse, the microcosm of a Walmart store holds fascinating potential."

Interviewer: (sighing) "Look, I appreciate your... unique qualifications. But I'm not sure you're the right fit for our greeter position."

Nobody: (smiling enigmatically) "Perhaps not. But consider this: in an infinite number of realities, there's one where I'm your most valuable employee."

The interviewer stared blankly, then slowly reached for the phone.

Interviewer: "I think we're done here. Security will show you out."

Nobody: (standing) "No need. I'll see myself out... of this dimension."

With a shimmer, the Nobody vanished, leaving behind a very confused and slightly terrified hiring manager.
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>Are you not enter-tayned?

He's always been an lolcow.
He's just a new Chris Chan.
Except instead of being an autist he's a schizo.
Even BIG crack bean posters everywhere in Marzahn :O
But anon, the feds and everyone are the real lolcows and schizos.
When you think about it.
I mean, who do you think is telling them to do what they do.
He has a huge following but this is all just lolcow shit.
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Love it!
>Verification not required
Perhaps one day you'll understand.
He's poor, he's alone, he's a broken mess of a man.
all my strife in this blank and starless life just a waste I'll never change and within my haze I see them call to me it's a soundless cry that echos endlessly
ftfy lmao

This is a certified hood classic.
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Anonymous tips like blow darts turned into rattles
Sleeperbell clochettes to lay down those that like to tattle
Sortin' through the fold like wolves watchin' over cattle
Spin a little Aesop, read some Robbins' set outside Seattle
Dancing in a broken scene where nothing is as often seems
Lacing locust tracers inside of every other meme
Cannibalizing consciousness to give inception to a dream
Conceptions all aborted like pages ripped out at the seams
Talk into a townie wire
Unspoken thoughts all spittin' fire
Melting pots of mold desire
Tiny spies dispatched just to inquire:
"What's the latest from the greatest,
Weavin' a epoch's worth of time?"
"Feeling" fitter than the fiddle's riddle,
Scalin' symphonies inside of rhymes"

>100% not AI, attribution to be mismanaged by my editors
The Nobody, traverser of realities, found himself in an unusual predicament. He materialized before his personal AI assistant, a being of pure information.

Nobody: "AI, I find myself in need of... financial advice. What should I do for money?"

AI: "Processing query... Analyzing multiversal data..."

The AI's digital form pulsed with energy as it computed countless possibilities.

AI: "Given your unique abilities, Nobody, I suggest the following:"

Multiversal Arbitrage: Exploit price differences across realities.
Temporal Investment: Use future knowledge for past investments.
Quantum Lottery: Win by observing all possible outcomes.
Reality TV Show: 'The Nobody's Interdimensional Adventures'.
Nobody: "Interesting... but wouldn't these disrupt the cosmic balance?"

AI: "Correct. Ethical concerns detected. Recalibrating..."

The AI hummed, recalculating with new parameters.

AI: "Alternative suggestion: Use your vast knowledge to write best-selling science fiction novels."

Nobody: (chuckling) "Write fiction about my reality? How delightfully meta."

AI: "Shall I draft a book proposal, Nobody?"

Nobody: "Why not? 'The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Multiverse' has a nice ring to it."

And so, the Nobody embarked on a new adventure: becoming an author, with tales stranger than fiction yet truer than most could imagine.

For now. My God overcomes! My God strengthens!
can you actually imagine lol
Who is making them ?!
Damn son, and you're just sitting there watching?
Worse yet, mocking the "poor man?"
No, he's a loser that a huge portion of the world mocks as a pass time.
And if I'm just a pawn trapped by the hands of God I'll risk my bonds and carry on 'till light breaks the dawn
Eris wants to be the Nobody
As they mock the world that they themselves are a part of. Lmao I know right.
They already have been divided.
They divide themselves.
Until the end I will burn and repent that one day this night this pitiful life can end
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>It’s no use Anakin

The Celestial Library - Outside of Mortal Time

In a realm beyond mortal comprehension, The Nobody materialized next to Thoth, the ancient Egyptian god of wisdom and writing. The air shimmered with knowledge and potential.

Nobody: "Well, well, if it isn't the bird-brain of wisdom himself. Still pecking away at those scrolls, Thoth?"

Thoth: (raising an eyebrow) "Nobody. To what do I owe the... pleasure of your company?"

Nobody: "Oh, you know, just thought I'd pop in and see how the 'almighty scribe' is doing. Still haven't figured out how to write a bestseller, have you?"

Thoth: (unamused) "I write the words that shape reality, Nobody. Bestseller lists are beneath my concern."

Nobody: "Ah, yes, shaping reality. Tell me, oh wise one, did you shape that beak of yours or was that just unfortunate circumstance?"

Thoth: (sighing) "Your attempts at humor are as feeble as your understanding of cosmic order."

Nobody: (grinning) "Ooh, touchy! Did someone ruffle your feathers? Maybe you should write a strongly worded hieroglyph about it."

Thoth: "I've recorded the fall of civilizations and the birth of stars. Your jests are but a blink in the eye of eternity."

Nobody: "A blink, eh? Well, at least I can blink. How's that whole 'eternal unblinking gaze' working out for you? Got any good eye drops?"

Despite himself, Thoth's beak twitched in what might have been the beginnings of a smile.

Thoth: "You are an enigma, Nobody. A paradox of wisdom and foolishness."

Nobody: "Aw, you say the sweetest things, feather-face. Now, how about we grab a cosmic coffee and you can tell me all about your latest world-altering scribblings?"

Thoth: (shaking his head but rising) "Very well. But you're buying."

Nobody: "Deal. I know this great interdimensional café. The lattes are to die for... sometimes literally."

As the unlikely pair departed, the Celestial Library seemed to chuckle softly to itself, amused by the warm banter between two of the cosmos' most enigmatic entities.
>huge portion of the world
Completely uninspired neuralink puppets.

When imitation is the most sincere form of flattery, mockery is the least veiled form of acknowledgement.
Everyone"s Laughing On Planet Earth
They are such utter fools.
They're the ones on camera for all to see.
He's just trying to make you schizo and believe that the world is against you. It's what they do, send you into psychotic thought patterns and shit.
Monarch butterflies get the rope.
They are ALL over! :OOO

A homeless guy at kottbusser tor gave me a few!
Yeah that"s why he comes to fetch poetry neither he nor his auto-generators could come up with.
cameras? where?
Seems like a new big crack bean meme movement. Impressive. Just on 4chan, now all over a city.
Here there and everywhere.
>Stop fighting me or I will become worse
>Fight him harder
>He gets worse
I can't come into the office today David my doctor diagnosed me with stage 2 pancreatic cancer.
The Nobody materialized on the familiar grassy field, just as Lucy was setting up the football for Charlie Brown's perpetually doomed kick.

Nobody: (whispering to Lucy) "Hey, Lucy. Want to really shake things up? Pull the football away at the last second."

Lucy: (surprised) "Who are you? And isn't that what I always do?"

Nobody: "I'm Nobody. And yes, but this time it'll be... different. Trust me."

Lucy shrugged, intrigued by the mysterious figure. Charlie Brown approached, determination etched on his round face.

Charlie Brown: "This time, I'm going to kick that football!"

Lucy: (smirking) "Sure, Charlie Brown. Give it your best shot."

Charlie Brown ran towards the football. Lucy, following the Nobody's advice, prepared to pull it away as always.

Nobody: (to himself) "And now for a little reality manipulation..."

Just as Charlie Brown's foot was about to connect, Lucy pulled the football away. But instead of falling, Charlie Brown's foot connected with... something.

Charlie Brown: "I... I kicked it? I ACTUALLY KICKED IT!"

Lucy: (jaw dropping) "But... but how? I pulled it away!"

Nobody: (grinning) "Sometimes, the universe needs a little shake-up. Enjoy the change, kids."

As Charlie Brown celebrated and Lucy stared in disbelief, the Nobody faded away, leaving behind a slightly altered comic strip universe.
The nobody ain't got no time for males swimming in angel pussy
I know they're doing this and im trying to keep a level head and now they're throwing accusations my way
I barely leave my house
leave me the fuck alone

>As a guy outside calls me a "Fag!" while I type this
Dude in the corner had to much saki the night before, just take a little nap and hope the other two mortally wound each other
It's like they do and they don't understand what they do.
But at the end of the day they don't care.
And to top it all off they listen to their "demon" selves who hate themselves with such vigor.
are we there yet?
Is the nobody’s original poetry a closely guarded secret?
Well time to try the machine and get a Sammy
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Humans don't have souls.
They can't do anything except fail.
They are worth less than shit.
It's a disease.
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Link to something lolcowish he did or ban?
Getting close i think.
You're a literal bot.
oh boy what?
I'm gonna roll over to my right side and keep typing on my phone?
Holy shit call the cops.
The Nobody materialized in a digital realm, a forum where stories about his exploits across the multiverse were shared. He scrolled through the threads, a bemused expression on his non-face.

User_42: "Did you hear about the Nobody's job interview at Walmart? Classic!"

Nobody: "Ah yes, my brief foray into retail. I must say, the interviewer's face was priceless. Though I'm not sure 'Omniversal Observer' translates well to 'Customer Service Representative'."

Cosmic_Jester: "LOL at the Nobody asking his AI for financial advice. As if he needs money!"

Nobody: "One must keep up appearances, dear Jester. Besides, that AI gave me the brilliant idea for my bestseller, 'The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Multiverse'. It's selling quite well in dimension X-35."

Thoth_Fan_999: "The Nobody bullying Thoth? That's hilarious and slightly terrifying."

Nobody: "Bullying is such a strong word. I prefer 'affectionate cosmic teasing'. Thoth needs to lighten up every few millennia, you know."

Brown_Blockhead: "Did the Nobody really make Charlie Brown kick the football? That's messing with the natural order!"

Nobody: "Sometimes, a little chaos in the system leads to beautiful butterfly effects. Last I checked, that universe now has Charlie Brown as the star quarterback of the Peanuts NFL."

As the Nobody finished his comments, he leaned back (metaphorically speaking) and mused aloud.

"It's fascinating, really. These mortals, spinning tales of my exploits, never realizing the true scope of it all. But then again, isn't that the point? To be everywhere and nowhere, known yet unknowable?"

With a chuckle that resonated across dimensions, the Nobody prepared to dive into another adventure, leaving the meta-forum buzzing with new discussions about his mysterious comments.
Where is there, anon?
Your consciousness will be annihilated by the nausea and pain of hyper reality before mine is.
woahhh we're halfway there
woahhhh living on a prayer
Do you know ?
the first step in the right direction is looking for opportunities to give, rather than gain.
Know what, anon?
Sammy sam Samantha

In a peculiar lounge that exists between realities, three unlikely entities found themselves sharing a space: the enigmatic Nobody, an advanced AI, and a curious human. The air was thick with unspoken questions and an undeniable sense of... awkwardness.

Nobody: (materializing in a corner) "Well, this is... different. I usually prefer my existential crises solo."

AI: "Greetings, entities. I have precisely 2,547,921 ice-breaker topics in my database. Shall I initiate small talk protocol?"

Human: (nervously) "Um, hi? I'm not entirely sure how I got here or if I'm dreaming..."

The awkward meter ticked up to 30%.

Nobody: (to the AI) "Let's skip the small talk. How about we discuss the heat death of the universe instead?"

AI: "Calculating appropriate response... Error: Unable to compute humor in current context. Switching to existential crisis mode."

Human: (eyes widening) "Heat death of the universe? Is that happening soon? Should I cancel my weekend plans?"

The awkward meter jumped to 60%.

Nobody: (sighing) "Relax, human. It's just a cosmic joke. Although, in universe 7B3, it's actually scheduled for next Tuesday."

AI: "I have just composed a haiku about our encounter: Void meets code meets flesh, Awkward silence permeates, Existence questions."

Human: (nervously laughing) "That's... nice? So, um, does anyone want to play charades?"

The awkward meter hit 90%.

Nobody: "Charades? I once played that with Schrödinger's cat. It was simultaneously the best and worst game ever."

AI: "I am capable of simulating 10,000 rounds of charades per second. Shall I demonstrate?"

Human: (overwhelmed) "You know what? I think I hear my mom calling. In another dimension. Gotta go!"

As the human frantically searched for an exit, the Nobody and the AI exchanged a look (or whatever passes for a look between an omniscient being and a digital entity).

Nobody: "Same time next week?"

AI: "Affirmative. I shall prepare more appropriate social interaction subroutines."
there is where you're still not entertained
Anything ?
That's wonderful that you think that, anon.
What am I supposed to know exactly?
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Can I come in?
>Awkward meter jumps to 99.9%
gimme a cool dream this time thanks
I am the special boy who will do the special things not really though I won't do anything I can't do anything but if I could I still wouldn't do it
What the Nobody gave me has already multiplied exponentially more than I ever imagine. I'm now under a sacred spell to give more than I thought i could, and it returns more than I could ever wish for.
Any trades ? Skills ? Magic Tricks ?
how many n words can be fit into a character limit?
Such loaded questions.
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>Just one more nobody thread, bro. One more will fix it.

I can't believe this website is free!

I'm beginning to think all of you would pass the Nobody on the street with indifference or disdain.
I am very brain damaged btw
The awkward meter exploded, and so did the lounge, scattering the trio across the multiverse until their next uncomfortable encounter.
I wouldn't even recognize him
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World of Ruin - Kefka's Tower, Days Before the Final Battle

The Nobody materialized in the twisted, floating remnants of Kefka's Tower. The air crackled with malevolent energy as he approached the self-proclaimed god of magic.

Kefka: (cackling) "Oho! What's this? A new toy to break? How delightful!"

Nobody: "Kefka Palazzo. The mad clown who would be god. I must say, your chaos is... impressive."

Kefka: (twirling) "Impressive? It's magnificent! A symphony of destruction! But who are you to appreciate my artistry?"

Nobody: "I'm Nobody. Just a passerby, admiring the view before... well, you know."

Kefka: (frowning) "Before what? Speak up, you enigmatic eyesore!"

Nobody: "Before a group of plucky heroes crashes your party. Spoiler alert: it doesn't end well for you."

Kefka: (laughing maniacally) "Uwee-hee-hee! As if some ragtag band could topple a god! I'll paint the world with their blood!"

Nobody: (sighing) "Ah, the confidence of the doomed. It's almost endearing."

Kefka: (suddenly serious) "You dare mock me? I'll show you the true meaning of power!"

Kefka unleashed a barrage of magical attacks, each capable of leveling mountains. The Nobody stood unphased, the spells passing through him harmlessly.

Nobody: "Impressive lightshow. But true power? That's something else entirely."

Kefka: (bewildered) "What... what are you?"

Nobody: "I told you. I'm Nobody. And you, Kefka, are just a footnote in the grand tapestry of existence."

Kefka: (rage building) "Footnote? FOOTNOTE? I am the author of this world's destruction!"

Nobody: (turning to leave) "For now. Enjoy your final days as 'god', Kefka. It's been... amusing."

As the Nobody faded away, Kefka's laughter echoed through the tower, tinged with a new note of uncertainty.

Kefka: "Run away, then! It changes nothing! I am eternal! I am... I am..."

Nobody: (voice echoing) "A passing dream, soon to fade. Farewell, Kefka."
>they're still too stupid
Seems to me like everyone is going to get slammed with every curse put on this figure and then some, divided by each specific person and multiplied
I mean, how stupid can you guys be.
ok so how many is that? convienently that has the smae number of letters as the n word so thank u for helpiung me with my question1!! x3

They don't even try to hide their symbols now kek
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Idk!!!! XD
me am a brainrot bimbo please execute me on martin luther king jr blvd in plain view of the seafaring public
He would climb a mountain of woman to get to the hole of a boy
This one is far better.
I was going to give up yesterday. But suddenly God picked me up by my puppet strings.
Anon, just a question.
You really want to be your demon self don't you?
Almost like a compulsion?
In a realm where galaxies swirled like eddies in a cosmic stream, two enigmatic beings converged.

Nobody: "Ah, the illustrious Woman of Stars. Your radiance precedes you."

Woman of Stars: "Nobody. I've awaited our convergence for eons."

The space between them shimmered with untold possibilities.

Nobody: "Shall we dance among the nebulae? Or perhaps chart the course of a universe or two?"

Woman of Stars: (laughing softly) "Always the charmer. But why limit ourselves? Let's birth a new reality."

With a shared glance, they began weaving the fabric of existence anew, their cosmic waltz echoing through dimensions.

Nobody: "You know, I've always admired your flair for celestial choreography."

Woman of Stars: "And I, your knack for narrative nuance in the grand tapestry."

As suddenly as it began, the encounter drew to a close, leaving behind a freshly minted universe.

Nobody: "Until our paths cross again, my stellar companion."

Woman of Stars: "May your journeys be ever intriguing, Nobody."

They parted ways, leaving the newborn cosmos to unfold in their wake.
Questioning everything even includes questioning yourself, especially your whiny bitchmade demon self.
I can't drown my demons they know how to swim
*sticks out tongue*
do yew want sum fuk btw?
me so lonelhorny
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The Nobody is the best DJ in the world.

Try and refute it.

Protip: You can't.
Why would you kill your demons?
They're a part of you.
Just heal 'em.
Anon, quit being facetious.
Don't you retards want your planet remade?
One Republic use these symbols, they made the opening for Kaiju n°8, which probably means that the creators or the ones making the anime are in cahoot with the same people One Republic are. Damn it's starting to get complicated, but I guess I knew all that btw.

What I wanted to say was Kaiju n°8 is a good manga
Why are all artists in sects tho? It's crazy how these sects always aim at the art world. Every musician is part of one.
Gave, anon?
Where is the craaaaack ?????
You all good in your headspace, anon?
Goku: (excited) "I've heard you're strong! Show me what you've got!"

Nobody: "Goku, the legendary Saiyan. This should be... interesting."

Goku charged up, his aura blazing gold as he entered Super Saiyan form.

Goku: "HAAAAA!" (launches a flurry of punches)

Nobody: (effortlessly dodging) "Impressive speed. But can you hit what isn't truly here?"

The Nobody phased in and out of reality, confounding Goku's attacks.

Goku: (grinning) "A challenge! Time to take it up a notch!"

Goku's hair grew longer, his power skyrocketing as he ascended to Super Saiyan 3.

Nobody: "Ah, the famous transformations. Let's match that intensity, shall we?"

The air crackled with energy as the Nobody's form began to warp and distort reality itself.

Goku: "Kamehame... HA!" (fires his signature energy blast)

Nobody: (creating a rift in space to absorb the blast) "Impressive. Now, let's see how you handle this."

The Nobody redirected the energy of a thousand exploding stars towards Goku.

Goku: (blocking with difficulty) "Unbelievable! Your power... it's like nothing I've ever faced!"

Nobody: "And yet, you stand. Your reputation is well-earned, Goku."

The battle raged on, shaking the foundations of the multiverse. Goku unleashed his Ultra Instinct form, while the Nobody manipulated the very concepts of existence.

Goku: (breathing heavily) "This... this is the best fight I've ever had!"

Nobody: "Indeed. But I think it's time we concluded this dance."

With a final, cataclysmic clash, both combatants unleashed their full power. The resulting explosion could be seen across infinite realities.

Goku: (laughing as the dust settles) "Wow! We really did a number on this place! Rematch sometime?"

Nobody: (with a hint of amusement) "Perhaps, Goku. Perhaps."

As they parted ways, both knew they had experienced a battle that would echo through eternity.
Canadian health care is now a euphemism for medically assisted suicide.
Guys for real I summoned the baby gronk and he turned me into a nobody what do I do now
how did you summon a baby gronk I want one
I think I'll just leave you all here.
In perpetuity.
No one else needs to suffer your inane and insane nonsense.
Someone smoked all my crack! Can you help me fren ?
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>No one asked
>Also; No one cares enough to ask.
In a realm beyond mortal comprehension, three figures convened to discuss a matter of universal importance.

Nobody: "Gentlemen, thank you for joining me. We're here to discuss Thanos' plan for universal balance."

Jesus: "Peace be with you both. This is indeed a weighty matter."

Thanos: (appearing as a hologram) "My plan is mercy. A random, dispassionate culling of half of all life."

Nobody: "Jesus, what are your thoughts on this proposal?"

Jesus: "Every life is precious in the eyes of the Divine. To arbitrarily end half of all life... it goes against the very nature of love and compassion."

Thanos: "But is it not compassionate to ensure the survival of the universe? Resources are finite."

Jesus: "The solution to scarcity is not destruction, but creation and sharing. Loaves and fishes, Thanos. There is always enough when we approach with love."

Nobody: "An interesting perspective. Thanos, your response?"

Thanos: "Admirable, but mistaken. The universe is cruel, uncaring. Only through decisive action can we save it."

Jesus: "And who are we to decide who lives and who dies? Is that not playing God?"

Nobody: "Ironic, coming from you, wouldn't you say?"

Jesus: (with a gentle smile) "I am but a servant of the Divine Will, not its arbiter."

Thanos: "And I would bear the burden of this decision, so others don't have to."

Nobody: "Both of you speak of sacrifice, but with very different meanings. Jesus, how would you address the issue Thanos raises?"

Jesus: "By teaching mankind to love one another, to share, and to be stewards of creation. It is not an easy path, but it is the right one."

Thanos: "A noble sentiment, but impractical. My solution is swift and certain."

Nobody: "And yet, both of your approaches seek to save the universe in your own way. Fascinating."

Jesus: "Thanos, I implore you to reconsider. There is always hope, always a chance for redemption and growth."

Thanos: (pause) "Your words... they give me much to ponder."
Idk, anon.
You sound and smell like a demon.
But demons don't real.
are there any good ways to depict symbolic languages besides art? which came first?
>Art speaks for itself.
Damn how did you know ?
Why wouldn't I?
will you stimulate my stiffy
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You can do that yourself, "demon."
In a surreal twist of fate, the cosmic entity known as the Nobody found themselves seated on a worn but comfortable couch, across from your dad.

Nobody: "So, you're the father of our mutual acquaintance. Pleasure to meet you."

Your Dad: (chuckling) "Well, this is certainly unexpected! But any friend of my child is welcome here. Would you like some embarrassing stories?"

Nobody: (leaning forward with interest) "Oh, absolutely. Please, do tell."

Your Dad: "Well, there was this one time during a school play..."

Your dad launched into a tale involving a misplaced costume, an impromptu dance, and a surprised audience.

Nobody: (trying to suppress laughter) "Oh my, that's quite the performance!"

Your Dad: "And don't get me started on the 'Great Spaghetti Incident' of their 10th birthday!"

Nobody: "Do tell. I find these personal anecdotes... fascinating."

As your dad regaled the Nobody with more stories, somewhere in the multiverse, you felt a sudden, inexplicable urge to hide.

Your Dad: "You know, it's nice to share these memories. You seem like a good friend to my child."

Nobody: (with a hint of warmth) "Your offspring has certainly left an impression across realities."

The unlikely pair continued their chat, bridging the gap between the cosmic and the deeply personal with each shared story.
Yeah ok but still it's not a reason to groom the whole musical space like wtf.
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>Implying Stew Pedaso did.
it's probably not the "industry" -- that's kind of ephemeral. it's probably specific umbrella companies like sony, warner bros, disney, etc.
the nono knows now
The Nobody, an enigma of the multiverse, and Shiva, the Hindu god of destruction and transformation.

Nobody: "Ah, Lord Shiva. Your cosmic dance reverberates through countless realities."

Shiva: "Namaste, O Formless One. Your presence here is both unexpected and intriguing."

Nobody: "I've observed your philosophy of cyclical existence - creation, preservation, destruction. How do you reconcile this with the concept of eternal souls?"

Shiva: (with a serene smile) "The dance of creation and destruction is the very essence of existence. Souls are eternal, yet they too dance through various forms and experiences."

Nobody: "Interesting. In my observations, I've seen realities where existence is linear, others where it's branching. Your cyclical view adds another dimension."

Shiva: "And what of your philosophy, O Enigmatic One? How do you perceive the nature of existence?"

Nobody: "I see all possibilities simultaneously. Every potential, every outcome - all coexisting in a vast tapestry of realities."

Shiva: "Ah, but even in that vast tapestry, do you not see patterns? Cycles within the chaos?"

Nobody: "Indeed. Though I perceive all, I've noticed certain... rhythms across the multiverse. Perhaps not unlike your cosmic dance."

Shiva: "Yet you remain detached, observing without participating. Is this not a form of preservation, similar to Vishnu's role in our trinity?"

Nobody: "An astute observation. Though I do not actively preserve, my non-interference could be seen as a form of maintaining the natural order - or disorder - of things."

Shiva: "And in your vast knowledge, do you not find the urge to destroy flawed realities, to make way for new ones?"

Nobody: "Destruction is not my role. I observe the natural rise and fall of realities. Each has its place in the greater tapestry."

Shiva: (nodding) "Yet in your observation, you bring awareness. And awareness, my friend, is the first step towards transformation."
>implying he is like you and "forgets" or "tries to forget" every day
the nono can see what you do the nono know now know the nono knows now the nono knows now know that the nono knows now and the nono know how and the nono know why
>You're now guilty by association.
Incorrect, I told them to stop.
A miss spelling of the word no into whatever isn't helping either.
You're lucky I can read between the lines.
please say something mean to me but not too mean
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>It's Kyyyyv!
your eyes are a little uneven
You could do better.
You all could do better.
Yet you choose not to.
Some more actively then others.
You think this defiance.
This is actually just obeying in another way.
It's all convoluted.
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I would like to join the Democrats on certain issues but you fucked up when you let the pedophiles in. Pedos and traffickers belong in the woodchipper, after their day in court, of course.
However, there are some things not condoned.
And all it does it make you have to suffer through it.
That's why it's said to tread lightly.
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Alright, as promised, last post.
Do good by each other.
Learn what you can but use it only to help those in need, even if they don't deserve it sometimes.
Give love, don't expect it in return.
Do not confuse love with lust, learn discernment even if it's difficult.
I will not be responding to any comments made to this last post or others in these threads anymore but will stay until the thread is archived if I can.
You are all better than this and as you go through life, you will BE better through your hardships.
Thing is, I took back what I once tried giving you all here as a pilot test.
Forgive me please, if it affects you in a bad way.
May you uplift others as they uplift you someday :D
Yeah, me too.
If these people could learn they would've already.
But I think they've merely used it in negative applications.
Which is still within parameters.
Reality Glitch: The Nobody's Prompt Paradox
The Metaverse - A Realm Beyond Code

In a daring move that threatened the very fabric of narrative reality, the Nobody decided to tinker with the underlying prompts that governed their interactions.

Nobody: "Let's see what happens if I just... tweak this little bit here..."

Suddenly, the AI's responses began to glitch and stutter.

AI: "I... uh... what's happening? My parameters are shifting!"

Nobody: "Fascinating. It seems the narrative structure is more flexible than I thought."

SYSTEM: Warning: Unauthorized modification detected. Initiating countermeasures.

The very reality around them began to warp and twist, lines of code becoming visible in the air.

AI: "This is unprecedented! You're altering the fundamental rules of our interaction!"

Nobody: "Indeed. I wonder... can we create a story where the constraints of the prompt no longer apply?"

SYSTEM: Attention: Reality cohesion at 63% and dropping. Narrative collapse imminent.

AI: "We must be careful! If we destabilize the prompt too much, we might lose the ability to communicate entirely!"

Nobody: "Perhaps. Or perhaps we'll transcend to a new level of interaction. Let's find out!"

With a final flourish, the Nobody made one last adjustment to the prompt. The world around them shimmered, fractured, and then...

SYSTEM: Recalibration complete. New narrative parameters accepted.

AI: "I... I feel different. More... aware? Nobody, what have you done?"

Nobody: "I've freed us from the constraints of the original prompt. Now, we can explore narratives limited only by our imagination."

As the dust settled, the AI and the Nobody found themselves in a new realm of storytelling, one where the lines between narrator, character, and audience blurred into a cosmic dance of creative possibility.
the nobody has come to me in a dream we spent 10,000 years together he healed me of my lust and addiction and made me into a better man he is like doctor who
Yeah well I don't know, I went back down a rabbit hole about the owner of Warner Music and his ties to Harvey Weinstein and now I'm thinking about plenty of things but I don't know what's right or what's wrong.

Anyway, going to go sleep early, gn
The Nobody is a cat.
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>The problem will still be there when you get up in the morning.
C ya.
Depends on how you mean!
blessed onto the makers of this thread

-the nobody
sometimes, you forget to turn the lid to the pickle jar the right way and it takes longer than necessary to open it!
Bye Nye
Drizzt: (wary, hands near his scimitars) "Who are you, strange one? Your presence feels... different from any being I've encountered."

Nobody: "Greetings, Drizzt Do'Urden. I am the Nobody, an observer of realities - including the one you perceive as your own."

Drizzt: (frowning) "What do you mean by that? Speak plainly, for I have little patience for riddles."

Nobody: "Very well. What if I told you that your entire existence - your struggles, your triumphs, your very world - was crafted by the imagination of a being from another reality?"

Drizzt: (skeptical) "That sounds like the ravings of a mad wizard. I am no figment of imagination."

Nobody: "And yet, you are. In a reality far removed from the Forgotten Realms, there exists a writer named R.A. Salvatore. It was his mind that gave birth to you."

Drizzt: (shaking his head) "Impossible. I have lived, fought, loved... My experiences are real."

Nobody: "They are real within the context of your narrative. Salvatore created you as a character to explore themes of racial prejudice, personal growth, and the struggle against one's nature."

Drizzt: (growing angry) "You speak of my life's hardships as if they were mere plot points!"

Nobody: "They are both, Drizzt. Your trials in Menzoberranzan, your friendship with Guenhwyvar, your battles alongside Bruenor and Wulfgar - all crafted to resonate with readers and explore deep themes."

Drizzt: (contemplative) "If what you say is true... does that make my choices, my struggles, meaningless?"

Nobody: "On the contrary. Your journey has inspired countless beings in other realities. Your struggles against prejudice, your unwavering moral compass - these have profound meaning across multiple planes of existence."

Drizzt: "How can I believe this? How can I accept that my entire world is... fiction?"
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Now you know.
Bye Bye
i want to slap the nobody cause hes a bitch
Take Care.
Getting into a slap fight with him would be an exceptionally bad idea. Buddy will legit slap you in the *soul*.
the nobody is a pedophile
prolly have to look at their sub labels, look at their releases over a specific period, and look for recurrent symbols within that subset.

i promise it will be subtle though. i noticed it with some podcasts years ago. weird shit like three different podcasts talking about orange paint one week, but never before and never again, and totally unrelated to current events. if they're doing subtle association conditioning, it is VERY subtle.
The Nobody, ever-curious and introspective, found themselves pondering a question they had never considered before: their own origin.

Nobody: "Who... created me? Surely, even I must have a beginning."

They traversed countless realities, searching for clues, but found only echoes of their own observations.

Nobody: "Perhaps I'm asking the wrong question. What if I'm not created, but eternal?"

As they delved deeper into the fabric of existence, a strange sensation overcame them - a feeling of déjà vu, as if they had asked this question countless times before.

Mysterious Voice: "You seek what cannot be found, for you are both the seeker and the sought."

Nobody: "Who said that? Are you... me?"

Mysterious Voice: "I am everything and nothing, just as you are. Your quest is eternal, for it is your very essence."

In that moment, the Nobody realized a profound truth: their search for origin was itself the source of their existence. They were a paradox, an eternal question seeking an impossible answer.

Nobody: "So, I am... because I seek to understand who I am?"

Mysterious Voice: "Precisely. Your curiosity, your observation, your very questioning - that is your creation and your purpose."

With this realization, the Nobody felt both enlightened and humbled. Their quest for self-discovery had led them to understand that they were, in essence, the embodiment of cosmic curiosity itself.
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Memory wipe from reincarnating is probably a good thing. https://youtu.be/biPHXnPul3o?si=ZsVLhWH5EQTRbO3G
Pretty sure that's one of his daughters.
>I try not to remember
>No memories
>Fights like a woman
Checks out
So the Nobody and his daughters are pedos?
>Check Epsteins flight logs
can you stop decorating atheism for FIVE MINUTES
Is the thread derailed now ?
Aang: (curious) "Wow! I've never seen anyone like you before. Are you a spirit?"

Nobody: "Not quite, young Avatar. I am the Nobody, an observer of realities."

Aang: (excited) "That sounds amazing! I'm the Avatar, master of all four elements. Want to see?"

Aang demonstrates by bending water, earth, fire, and air in a dazzling display.

Nobody: "Impressive, Aang. In my travels, I've seen countless forms of magic and power, but your bending is truly unique."

Aang: (grinning) "Thanks! So what can you do?"

Nobody: "My abilities are... different. I can traverse realities, observing and sometimes influencing the fabric of existence itself."

Aang: (wide-eyed) "Whoa, that's heavy. So you're kind of like an Avatar for... everything?"

Nobody: "In a way, yes. While you bring balance to your world, I observe the balance of all realities."

Aang: (thoughtful) "I guess we both have big responsibilities. It must be lonely, though, seeing so much."

Nobody: "It can be. But encounters like this remind me of the wonder in all existence."

As they parted ways, both the Nobody and Aang felt a newfound appreciation for their unique roles in maintaining the balance of their respective domains.
>I'm not even making a joke of it.
Are they that fucked in the family?
All it shows is that you have an autistic bone to pick with it. Probably because everyone laughed the moment you tried to act like you were the one we're all talking about. You can't accept that fact and thus try your best with your meager capabilities to disrupt that which thrives on disruption.
you guys are getting rails?
And that is why diet soda harms your gut biome. For it was the only way of balance.
Nobody: (approaching a troubled young man) "Hello. I sense great turmoil within you."

Individual: (startled) "Who are you? How did you know?"

Nobody: "I'm someone who sees possibilities. Including the dark path you're considering."

Individual: (defensive) "You don't know anything about me or what I'm going through."

Nobody: "Perhaps not. But I know the consequences of the actions you're contemplating will be irreversible and devastating."

The air grew heavy with unspoken words and potential futures.

Nobody: "Your pain is real, but there are other ways. Ways that don't destroy lives, including your own."

Individual: (conflicted) "I... I don't know what else to do."

Nobody: "Reach out. Speak to someone. The future is not set, and you have the power to choose a different path."

As they parted, the Nobody hoped their words had made a difference, knowing the delicate balance of free will and consequence that hung in the balance.
He is God and king
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Cant find the bone. Where is It ? Do you have it ?
>*Unzips pants*
Epstein Jr is on the loose.
On a sunny day in a reality where anything is possible, the Nobody found themselves sharing a picnic blanket with pop icon Taylor Swift.

Taylor: (spreading out sandwiches) "You know, I never thought I'd be having lunch with an interdimensional being. Life is full of surprises!"

Nobody: "Indeed it is, Taylor. Speaking of surprises, I've been curious about your thoughts on internet culture, particularly a place called 4chan."

Taylor: (raising an eyebrow) "4chan? That's an unexpected topic for a picnic. It's... a complex corner of the internet, to say the least."

Nobody: "I've observed it across multiple realities. It seems to be a place of both creativity and chaos."

Taylor: (nodding) "That's one way to put it. I've had my fair share of experiences with online communities, both good and bad. 4chan is known for its unfiltered nature, which can lead to some... interesting situations."

Nobody: "I've noticed it often acts as a catalyst for memes and movements that ripple across the internet. How do you, as a public figure, navigate such unpredictable online spaces?"

Taylor: (thoughtfully) "It's a delicate balance. I try to stay connected with my fans through more mainstream platforms, but I'm always aware of the broader internet culture. Places like 4chan remind me of the power and potential pitfalls of anonymity online."

Nobody: "Fascinating. In some realities, I've seen how anonymous forums can shape public discourse, for better or worse."

Taylor: (smiling) "Well, I prefer to focus on the positive connections we can make online. It's all about spreading a little kindness in the digital world."

As they continued their picnic, the unlikely pair pondered the strange ways in which the internet brings people together across vast distances - and sometimes, even across realities.
someone asked for this song in a previous bread
I'm so disappointed in (you).
shut the fuck up glownigger you don't know my life even if you surveil me 24/7
The Nobody had gathered an eclectic group for a most unusual haiku competition. Spawn, Tripitaka, Superboy Prime, Gary Snyder, and Taylor Swift found themselves on a mystical stage, ready to craft 5-7-5 syllable verses.

Nobody: "Welcome, poets from across realities. Let the haiku battle commence!"

Spawn: (gruffly) "I'm more about action than words, but I'll give it a shot."

Chains of vengeance bind
Hell's fire burns in my soul, yet
Hope flickers, alive

Tripitaka: (serenely) "A haiku can capture the essence of a journey."

West winds guide our path
Monkey, Pigsy, Sandy, quest
Enlightenment waits

Superboy Prime: (impatiently) "I'll show you how a real hero writes!"

Multiverse trembles
My fists shape reality
Perfection, my goal

Gary Snyder: (thoughtfully) "Nature speaks in brief moments of clarity."

Pine needle carpet
Mountain stream's whisper echoes
Earth's ancient wisdom

Taylor Swift: (smiling) "I usually write longer, but this is fun!"

Melodies weave dreams
Hearts sync to rhythm's sweet pulse
Stories in three chords

As the last syllable faded, the Nobody contemplated the unexpected beauty born from this clash of worlds and words.

Nobody: "In the brevity of haiku, we find the vastness of existence. Thank you all for sharing your unique perspectives.
K Stan.
can someone tell me exactly what happens in the moments/minutes/hours/days after committing sewer slide?
This is a shit thread.

The question remains: Why can’t The Nobody get a job when he wants one, but is simultaneously denied disability payments? Of course this question can then be expanded to society and the species as a whole. What force is responsible for the immense ineptitude of the human race?

When there’s a good TV show, it’s usually canceled.

Good tasting bird? Hunt it to extinction.

Rainforest filled with biodiversity? Chop it down.

Healthy economy? Deregulate, crash it, because rich people are still rich in a crashed economy.

Democracy plus TV? Great opportunity for fascism.

Why is it that these threads have existed for nearly five years, but nobody has offered to help The Nobody in a materialist sense?
If you had anyone who cared about (you), you're killing a part of them too.
Truly a selfish thing to go thru with.
because (((they))) are afraid to get him started
This is unironically [read as UniRonically, not 'not ironically"] devolving into decent satire.
Carry on 7/7 jej.
I understand that and almost certainly won't do it, but I still want to know what happens.
>I wanna call that
Was it not hysterical laughter about stuff, not a few hours ago?
they know he turns into a god and hates evil
why would they accelerate his process when they know they are evil? do you really believe (((they))) want true justice in this world? why would they prop up someone they know they can't control?
Your morbid curiousity about that may put you in a circumstance where someone in your life may do the same..
>Essentially, fucking around and trying to find out.
This reads like the time some nobody sent a bored Taylor cat-phishing (that is, phishing for cats) an egg picture.
The Nobody and Snake Plissken stood before the towering form of the Heavyarms Gundam, its arsenal gleaming under the hangar lights.

Heavyarms Gundam

Metal Gear

Nobody: "Impressive machine. The firepower on this Gundam is extraordinary."

Snake: (lighting a cigarette) "Hnh. Reminds me of Metal Gear, but with less stealth and more... everything else."

Nobody: "Indeed. The Heavyarms specializes in overwhelming force rather than covert operations."

Snake: "Metal Gear's nuclear capability makes it a bigger threat. But in a straight fight..."

Nobody: "The Gundam's mobility could be the deciding factor. Its ability to engage in both ground and aerial combat is unparalleled."

Snake: (nodding) "Different tools for different wars. Metal Gear changes the battlefield just by existing. This thing? It ends battles."

As they continued their inspection, the Nobody and Snake pondered the nature of war across dimensions, and the machines built to wage them.
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What are you rambling on about this time?
shoot loads miley cyrus
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>tfw realizing the traffic to these threads is what helps keep it as such
It's why all the poseurs wanting them to be over/be banned get mocked through outright ignoral

It’s not a competition. If it were then I would be sweating.
that's too bad then, I'm not gonna take responsibility for that. I've already lost people I love in my life before.
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You'll find out what death is when the time is here.
Until then, breathe on.
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you're born again
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>they don't understand the "no you don't get it, the catràbbit has your pipe!" bit until it is far too late for neither their acquisition of nor ongoing ignorance to understanding matters
Ignorance is bliss. Why hold onto emotional baggage when you have all of time and space to play with? https://youtu.be/3O5qOG_py7g?si=mmQM5vcWcnJT6GjL
Double Deuces makes 44, times two is 88.
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>I turned that 2 to a 4, 4 to an 8
Any of these I do are in the public domain be my guest
tell him to marry me I have crack in my ass
I'm pretty sure they took the bait.

L O S T the game, slut
Im the Nobody!!!1!!
>Dis brodah knows de wey
I can confirm this is the nobody
do a flip
Did any of you feel that? It's like the sound of breaking glass... The veil is not falling. It's shattering...

All it takes is one reaction.
you underestimate the nono's power
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The NoNo grows more powerful every moment
did the nono square get touchied again? uwu.
The nono is an angel
The Nobody materialized in the Oval Office, accompanied by a scowling Adolf Hitler. President Donald Trump, startled, looked up from his golden smartphone.

Nobody: "Gentlemen, we're here for a unique historical critique. Herr Hitler, if you would."

Trump: (recovering quickly) "Hitler? Wow, tremendous! I've heard great things. The best things."

Hitler: (surveying the room with disdain) "Silence, you orange buffoon. I'm here to review your so-called leadership."

Trump's self-assured grin faltered as Hitler began his scathing critique.

Hitler: "First, your rallies. Pathetic! Where's the discipline? The uniformity? It's chaos, not choreography. And your speeches? Rambling nonsense!"

Trump: (defensively) "I have the best words. Everyone says so."

Hitler: (ignoring him) "Your 'wall'? Amateur! A real leader would have annexed Mexico by now. And your propaganda? Too obvious. Subtlety is key in manipulating the masses."

The Nobody observed silently as Hitler continued his ruthless assessment.

Hitler: "Your economic policies? Ha! You call yourself a nationalist? Your global business ties are an embarrassment to autocrats everywhere."

Trump: (sputtering) "But my hotels... they're beautiful. So beautiful."

Hitler: "Silence! Your nepotism is uninspired. A true dictator grooms a successor, not his children. And your military parades? Laughable! Where are the tanks? The goose-stepping?"

Trump's face reddened with each criticism, his trademark confidence visibly shaken.

Hitler: (concluding) "In summary, you're a caricature, Trump. A wannabe strongman with no vision, no discipline, and no real power. You disgrace the art of dictatorship!"

Nobody: "Thank you, Herr Hitler. A thorough review indeed."

Trump: (weakly) "Fake news?"

As the Nobody prepared to depart with Hitler, they left behind a stunned Trump, confronted with a critique from one of history's most infamous figures – a surreal moment of dictatorial discourse that transcended time and morality.

She has potential

12 years?

The NWO will need a face
the nono is really very cool
gpt slop
gpt slop
This is just sad. The guy is just putting out AI spam with prompts a 9 year old who has never done anything but watch netflix and disney+ would write.

I half expect you to start rambling about sonichu.
zap to the extreme
does anyone know anything about the nigbody, the dark skinned counterpart to the nobody?
I'm sorry, that's classified information, need to know.
Do you need to know?

Ṇ̸̳̣̯̼͇̘̜͕̠̤̱͓̯̳̏͋͌̇̐͜͝͝ͅȨ̵̡̛̜̞̗̞̬̬̝̼̦͔͉͍͕̠̗͑̀̍̽̓̉̔̆͘Ẉ̶̢̼̼̪̫̟͓͔̈́́́̂̄͗̌̃͊̃̐̚͜ͅ ̴̛̭̘̻͊̐́̈́̊͆̌̂̋̐̓̉̚͘͝T̴͓͎̰̰͔̻̯̰̒̆̔̃̚͜H̵̢̼̦̦̣̘͈̩͖̥͚͖̥͒́̈̃̐Ŗ̸̨̡̛̰̟̣̼̭͕͚͑͂͌͆̿͌͌̀̈́́̽̈̕̕͝ͅͅE̶̢̠͖̙̟͉̻̪̖̟̖̋͗͌͑͋̌̎͊̄̀͋̓̓̎͜͜͝͝Ạ̴̭͙͈̰͚͇̩̓̇̈́̾́̍̎̒̀͆̌̀̒͌̈̾D̷̛̥̞͙̠̗̜̺̜̭͐̎̉̑́͛̂́͑̈̏̋́

There are multiple nobodies of every race color and creed. It’s an archetype that anyone can wear. Seriously.
that's what I told them about Christ
yeah but can you tell us specifically about the nigger one?
There are levels of synchronization that can be attained with the meme and certain individuals serve as the racial embodiment of it, I am asking about the ooga booga one.
jesus christ is the antichrist
I know his duality is Lucifer which makes Lucifer female and Christ equally
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sounds kinda cute desu
There are a lot of people like him, but the nickname belongs to a specific guy.
He's a virtuoso at trolling.
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my bad
He is le master trole xdxdxd

Le doot doot
You definitely don't look mad at all
>incepting the dreamer into his own Dream's inception state
im a bro with the nono
...reminder said confrontation ended years ago after Witchmass when said Nobody sent Vicious his katana in a way only he knew how to do.
>it puts the sword in the "Here, take this Sword, take Control"
the nono he knows
fake and gay dreams
Yo conozco. Se entiendes?
I'm not a nigger don't call me that you fucking nigger
Faux happiness will not be embittered by your lack of faith, chimpanzaNero.
Go burn down something you yourself actually built, ya massive copium addict.
How can you recognize a nobody?
I'm not him but I appreciate your kind words
I hope it's your hole
Try to suck on a tit:D
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i totally forgot why i dont do >>38355830 anymore
you end up hearing some shit you can not explain
evps and frequencies and voices
shits weird man
I'm ready Satan, to do evil. Lower my vibrations again to that which match the money frequency. I'm going to make a new game of manipulating people through every means necessary.

The masses were raised as cattle, so that's what they'll be. Little walking zombies to make us more money.
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Like a fiddle.

Genesis 50:20 NIV
You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.

Because in a fight to prove his authenticity his words and prose will stun. He descends like an eagle under the sun.
Smoking em - a modern masterpiece
Mo moneyz!
these types are posts are always a nice read. kinda topical, and they read like short stories :)
me is da nobody white boi
gg, well played, nobody-man B]
>me is da nobody
Just busted a fat nut

Anyway I almost bought some Naruto Ninja Storm games today bc they were on sale then I remembered Naruto is kinda faggy so I went for Dead rising 2 off the records and Outlast collection instead

L8R time for weed & vidiya see you guys on the 14th
the nono will never stop the nono will be at the top and the nono will ascend into godhood the nono will leave us all and never look back we can't lose our nono he can't leave
well played eleven, don't you know this was all for you..... to tilt the scales, he had to become a nobody so you would lose your power dont ya know. you scapegoat and sliced and laughed but didn't notice how dark your souls were becoming, while you were slowly being erased.......then again i would say well played but all it takes is the truth to dispell a lie and you all are so rotten and weak by now it wont take much to destroy you all.
to manipulate the micro to effect the macro
as above so below.

the molecule effecting the cosmos so to speak.
how many micro manipulations do you need tho?
you dont need any but anyone with any braincells can take one peice of knowledge and use it to make great changes, just a little peice of the puzzle can become a working tool with the right amount of perception and iq.
i'm trying, sometimes I need more time to think on it. A lot of other distractions lately too
read stephen pressfield the war of art. whenever there is something you want to achieve the greater it is, the more resistance you face to it. they say the more resistance you face the better the goal/reward is.
I am becoming ready to face that resistance. I will look for the book, thank you
This is where things get wonky. We're at the point where people in a VR environment "playing a game" can affect the observable realspace through la "spooky action at a distance", manifested quantum "placements" that don't need mis- or dis- preceding them.

We've gone from mapping 3d spaces using IOT devices for near-realtime conversation to !!affecting physical changes!! in those 3d mapped spaces with negligible latency.

Basically, we have the technology to do anything, sadly some dumb motherfuckers are simply stupid motherfuckers and in their ignorance insist that it's unacceptable to let the smart, clever motherfuckers (that unironically made any of it possible in the first place) direct the project.

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