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Welcome to the Semen Retention General!
Secret Therapy With Frens Edition!

>What is Semen Retention?
Semen retention is the practice of completely abstaining from masturbation and ejaculation, often with the intention of preserving and redirecting vital and sexual energy to oneself.

>Why do it?
Reported benefits include: increased vitality, mental clarity, reduced stress, increased motivation, increased energy, improved focus, healthier hair/skin/eyes, deeper meditation, improved AP/Lucid Dreams, deeper voice, improved mood, greatly improved testosterone, improved physical strength and many more.

>Wet Dreams?
They happen because you had a sexual dream and you coomed. Learn to be conscious on your dreams and stop the succubus.

>What causes wet dreams?
The causes are many: Illnesses, telepathic bad actors fucking with your dreams, excess energy build up, watching too much sexually-inducing stuff, lusting during the day, lack of an adequate transmutation activity, eating too late at night, excess nutrients overall, stimulants like maca, ginseng, ginger, excess protein, excess carbs, tight clothes (pajamas) for bedtime, bad sleeping posture (this varies, find the one that suits you best), going to bed with full bladder, exposure to hormonal disruptors via food (pesticides...) or body care products (soap, deodorant etc)...

Previous thread: >>38337149
>In case of urges:
- https://imgur.com/gallery/g4eGH
- Don't peek and Hold your breath for as long as you possibly can. The urge usually pass after that. If not, repeat.
- Horse stance or chair pose: Do it while clenching the abdomen and all legs' muscles, raise arms for extra blood flow redirection. Works both for killing erections or urges.
- Any physical activity.

On long clean streaks many report benefits that transcend current science like a sort of "magnetism" or higher "vibration/aura" that attracts/appeals to other living beings, a higher perception, a stronger and intimidating "aura/presence", a deeper connection with nature, an attractive BO (people usually report it as "pheromones") and more.

- Mental Purity 1.1: Semen Retention acts as a bio-electromagnetic amplifier. Watch the quality of your thoughts because your inner state will get amplified and manifested. Lust is the Ojas killer. Do not engage with Lust.
- Mental Purity 1.2: Keep a journal as a tool for introspection.
- NEVER watch porn of any kind.
- Remove triggers from your life. Masturbation is a bad habit. Break that bad habit.
- Focus on achieving a goal. An art, a craft, competing, etc.
- Meditate and/or Pray Daily. Try a minimum of 5 minutes to start off.
- Exercise/Gym/Sports/Martial Arts. If it is something social even better.
- Good habits like healthy eating, water fasting, dry fasting, sun exposure and cold showers do seem to speed up the process.
- Sublimation: literally using the energy.
- Transmutation: changing the quality of energy to something different. (Surya Namaskara, 8 brocades, Tibetan rites)
Keep in mind that the efferent nerves attached to your testes necessarily means that any lustful thought, image, or sound is necessarily a command to your junk to produce sexual fluids and this is the reason why celibacy is first and foremost of the mind
The root of this entire matter is the mind - without conquering the mind, celibacy is a futile effort
The signals from the brain happen on the subconscious autonomic level
This is why any lustful thought, image, or sound is necessarily a command to the sexual organs to produce sexual fluids (the more intently you look, the higher amplitude of a signal gets sent: body > afferent nerves > brain > efferent nerves > body)
Therefore "Conversion of sexual energy to something" is necessarily a HORRIBLY inefficient process (Not to confuse with Sexual Transmutation)
Fluids will be reabsorbed, but the energy and materials cost to make it vs how much is "taken back" via reabsorption is SEVERELY unbalanced and super net negative
Sexual fluids are made from the cream of the crop of the body's resources - constantly generating them means that you are constantly draining away the cream of the crop of your resources.
Taoist writings said that the sexual organs will even take primacy over nourishing your other internal organs at some point. (Thus, doing a spiritual practice as a coomer is a surefire way to die faster).

>/SRG/ interesting reads
Scientific evidence:

Periodic changes in serum testosterone levels after ejaculation in men

Influence of abstinence and ejaculation-to-analysis delay on semen analysis parameters of suspected infertile men

Improved sperm kinematics in semen samples collected after 2 h versus 4-7 days of ejaculation abstinence

Influence of a short or long abstinence period on semen parameters in the ejaculate of patients with nonobstructive azoospermia

Seasonal changes in breeding activity, testicular size, testosterone concentration and seminal characteristics in rams with long or short breeding season

Shorter abstinence decreases sperm deoxyribonucleic acid fragmentation in ejaculate

Endocrine response to masturbation-induced orgasm in healthy men following a 3-week sexual abstinence

Relationship between sexual satiety and brain androgen receptors

A research on the relationship between ejaculation and serum testosterone level in men
It’s always good to remember why /x/ is the most accurate place for this topic: semen retention is one of the clearest paranormal inducing thing of all the other topics discussed on /x/. It’s a sacred practice that has been the one of the main focuses in every major religion or spiritual practices. The mystical side of it is what we try to focus on in here.

Semen retention can be political issue too and it would then belong to /pol/. The porn industry is a tool made by the jews to deterioate the societies and corrupt the people. The porn works in ways that program new sets of behaviour in its audience and the audience is hooked to it because of its strong addictive qualities. The most important goal for porn’s male audience was and is the releasing of their semen. As we now know, the disadvantages of cooming are heavy: a man becomes less of a man, he gets sick and weak, his mind numbed, he will have impotence issues etc. Also his spirit almost dies.

Semen retention is beneficial to make one healthier and stronger, more fit, if you will. So the topic could be discussed on /fit/. Anyone looking for more ways to get fitness gains would benefit hugely from the SR.

Also the SR has so many other benefits that it could be discussed in the /adv/ board. These would be topics how it improves one’s social life, mental state, makes more time to be more productive etc.

But I think the biggest benefits of SR are something mystical in nature and the whole practice is fundamentally something very close to spiritual side of things. All the other topics in here /x/ are left far behind and SR actually makes this board of any relevancy. This is also known by the enemy and they make strong efforts to suppress, hijack, twist and end this discussion.

Starve the shillery.
No attention for them.
No replies.

(Pro tip > Hide shill posts: Click on the arrow next to the post number, click 'Hide', Comfy.)
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>two jews arguing
I don't understand
fellow retainers,
how do you deal with (accidental) exposure to porn or any other stimuli for that matter?
i was on vacation recently and of course there are tons of exposed hotties everywhere.
i'm still a man, i dont want to cover my eyes like some fucking faggot.
i check the chick, say to myself would love to hit that and move on. there's no need to jerk off or anything like that.
i'm going in since new year so this probably helps dealing with urges. maybe im making it, slowly.
simple, cold showers
How do you deal with the loneliness on long streaks? I'm not sure what day I'm on but it must be around 3 months if I had to guess. I'm not in to casual hookups. I'm really just looking for love. But it seems like a wasteland out there for that. Feeling kind of lost atm.
i had a kinda similar dream? i met this cute girl from my high school in a park and we talked about nothing for a bit and then her "sister" came over (i've never seen her sister) and she was at least five inches taller and was pretty much a succubus. i vividly remember her grabbing my arm and trying to take me somewhere secluded but for the first time ever in a dream i decided to think with my mind instead of my dick and then i woke up
has anyone else been able to think better during their dreams? i'm only five days in but i had a dream a few days ago that i was in a food store and i corrected the cashier who didn't ring up my items properly. it wasn't anything difficult but i don't think i've ever had a dream with numbers real enough that i could do arithmetic with them
Is this legit AI?
'Talmud' ain't scrambled like other text.

>i check the chick, say to myself would love to hit that and move on. there's no need to jerk off or anything like that.
This what I do also, it's pretty much inevitable to see girls in revealing outfit where I live.
I was like this for a year. Only slutty and boring girls all around me.
Then one day my girl appeared and I knew it was her.
There's really nothing you can do but to keep working on yourself and maybe going to places where a girl you'd be interested be would be.
Is magnetism actually real or is it just placebo? I've done 2 weeks so far and while I feel more overall confident and energetic which I feel has a residual effect on my social life, I don't notice anything to indicate that people are more drawn to me or attracted to me in general. I think it's similar to people just feeling better when getting more sleep or exercising, but I'm not experiencing anything unusual that would be explained by SR alone.
Seems to be once you go for longer, like 1 month+. Look into franz mesmer. Everything is just energy, frequency, and vibration, and sr is all about allowing that energy/vibration/life force to build up over time.
Temptations are coming at me but the attempts are pathetic and in vain!
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>Temptations are coming at me but the attempts are pathetic and in vain!
baste and same senpai
Wait so I'm not even allowed to have boners?
I've gotten to the point of completely losing the impulse to masturbate (haven't jerked off in months) which is great but I always have horny thoughts and get aroused easily. So is it bad when you leak precum when you get a boner or is it ok?
Having random boners, without lusting after sexual images/random women, is fine. Leaking precum when you have one is a different thing. How does that even happen?
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To the anon who got prescribed ADHD meds recently, you still around? Sorry I had a crazy busy week. I'm the guy who had a successful streak and had my magnetism nullified/drained from amphetamines. I've had a recent string of events that just confirmed how shit stims are and how they literally metaphysically destroy your luck. Like, day and night difference

Anyways, I'm starting a 100% clean streak on Monday. No stimulants of any kind; amphs, caffeine, etc... No lust inducing videos, or thoughts. No video games or other cheap entertainment. I'm basically combining a dopamine fast with SR and seeing how it goes. Since I know the neurobiology quite well, I'm expecting the first week to be a bit rough, followed by a gradual incline. Looking forward to how SR juices up the self improvement stuff, because if caffeine/stims can wreck your magnetism, than the inverse must surely be true as well.
Then** oh and on that note, no phoneposting allowed as well kek
>Leaking precum when you have one is a different thing. How does that even happen?

It just happens, which is a cool, and not so fun phenomenon.

As far as I know, precum doesn't normally have semen in it, or it has very little. In my experience it is a small set back that needs a day to recover, I often find myself lashing out a little bit, but still able to keep my cool. Or it doesn't mess with the mental at all. There's almost no in between.
3 weeks in. People can literally feel me when I'm staring at them from the back and they always turn around. Literally happens all the time it's kinda funny
Am still early on my streak(not counting days atm), and I feel a lot more emotional/invested in my emotions. It's really weird after years of feeling dulled, even a bit overwhelming to control.
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I was doing good until yesterday. Then when I was driving home in the evening there was a very sexually explicit song on the radio and the lyrics stuck to my mind like glue. Almost failed today, gladly ended up just edging. Fucking sucks though.
>very sexually explicit song on the radio and the lyrics stuck to my mind like glue

This is a very good lesson on why you need to begin to make your own playlists, with songs that speak life instead of death over you. Or listen to classical music until you can begin to actually look into lyrics, and curate your own songs.
We shouldn't be listening to songs that speak about: Lust of [Fame / Sex / Drugs / Money], Depression, Sad songs, and the like. Unrequited Love, and Love to an extent because you do not know who they are singing about or to who.
Fun little read here, even if you may not submarine to the mindset - you at least now have a testimony of how music affects you: https://strivingforeternity.org/a-biblical-view-of-music/
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It's me. Luck has struck, I haven't logged on here or read the threads thoroughly in days so I'm glad I caught your post. I decided to stay on my low dose for a few weeks and my mood has stabilized greatly, same for my productivity at work, which is all in all superior. I also started training again last monday. However, I am nowhere near who I want to be. I've had a series of awful, night spanning relapses. I keep nearly arriving late at work. I uninstall steam out of sheer desperation and reinstall it a day later. My lethargy is in full swing. Any creative spark I once had is gone and my free time is spent playing souls games while listening to self help videos on my second screen. I cannot rest my mind for 10 second, I need stimulation to function. This week, I plan on using no caffeine, no diet soda and no lust. I will keep Elden Ring and Dark Souls on my computer for now, as starting everything at the same time has proven to be a failing strategy. It's also my only way to cope atm.
I also bought a pack of Century Sam cigars with my low vibration brother to smoke with him on Saturday nights. Needless to say that I'm not well
Whenever I abstain from porn/jerking off after about 2 days my dreams always become really vivid and archetypal and I'll even have lucid dreams without even meaning to. Does anyone else find this and does anyone have any theories on why this is?
Yeah I know what you mean, the thing with numbers is that I usually don't find a connection often, for me synchronicity is usually in the form of music, with some exceptions.
Dreams are spiritual in nature, this practice strengthens the spirit
For me it's dreams of mountain ascents, floods, trying to escape from underground ghettos, and fighting with demons. Whenever I abstain I always have the same dreams. I like to think of them as a sort of nod of approval from the unconscious that you're on the right path.
I usually dream about passed missed opportunities with women. The spiritual implications are that I'm a self-loathing degenerate.
My dreams normally have warnings in them that come to pass in the following day or clues on what I need to look into. I'm enjoying it because I've never dreamt so much before in my life.
At the start of last month, I forgot I wrote my dream down and I looked back at it the other day: "5/6 - Trials and tribulations constantly throughout my dream, me dying or hindered or scared but always making it through ???"
Well, that whole month was five relapses, two or three wet dreams and me getting back up. The Previous month I did 30 days with some edging maybe once a week or so.
This month now I've also have been doing things in "threes," without a reason I know of yet. I now just realised also that I'm water fasting for 3 weeks...
Do we have any material about canalization through the pubococcygeus muscle?
220 days of SR here. Not my first time doing, have xperienced supernatural shit, sacred stuff, milacurous stuff, fought demons in dreams, had nights with around 10 nightmares in a row, clarevoyance episodes, but I can't for my own sake materialize the stuff that I need.
got a bit drunk with friends yesterday and when I got home almost said "fuck it" but I've been staying strong with keeping my mind clean, not entertaining lustful thoughts and reminding myself "I can either jack off or get everything I want in life, but can't have both"
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got this close to relapsing because I felt lonely
tomorrow I gotta go to the lake and take a walk
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How to not say fuck it when bored and start edging?
to me, this is one of the great benefits of semenretention. seeing women like that out and about will give me butterflies. rather than being afraid, all i feel is the overwhelming motivation to strike up a conversation. maybe nothing happens, but at least semenretention is making me act more like my genes intended
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>he doesn't know or pray the Jesus prayer
ngmi x2
Almost done with the second week. I feel like I could make it to a month.
>canalization through the pubococcygeus muscle
Can you elaborate? Never heard of before.
Seriously anon, just don't be a fucking faggot bitch and do something else.
Plan ahead, get busy
>I was driving home in the evening there was a very sexually explicit song on the radio
Like a fucking normie. Learn to be in silence, faggot. Radio is for mind controlled retards.
Duuude.i was thinking of the same shit earlier. They want you to be stuck listening to the radio so you waste gas quicker, so you spend more money while being a brainwashed fucking npc.
I'm NTA but

Why are you trying so hard to fit in? Calm down and address the post rationally in future.
>but I can't for my own sake materialize the stuff that I need

Interesting.. Could you expand upon this?
What's your default vibration like?
Character development goes hand in hand with this practice IMO.
Unconscious digging, being honest and accepting your flaws, self reflection.
Working to transmute them.
These are the first steps to overcoming them.
Dudes I'm at my wits end. I've gone a couple months on retention, felt like a new man. My subconscious mingling with the conscious, it was great. But I keep relapsing and my addictions to blame

One fear (I think) is that this clean state of mind is so different than my normal, it definitely feels like there is more paranormal happenings. I'm not sure if I relapse out of fear of the unknown or what. Im usually disgusted with porn by this point. But every time I relapse I binge like it's no one's business.

How do I deal with this "fear of the unknown"? You would think one would welcome this new found cleanliness and conscious power but it scares me. I think it's because I'm too inundated with what's comfortable (which is my addiction). Fuck I want to scream and die
He was spot on, tho.
>How do I deal with this "fear of the unknown"?
You launch yourself and surrender to your Inner Self.
Practice self development and cultivating virtues and eradictating vices.
With spiritual practices you have to be careful because if you don't do the necessary preparation and purification you can attract negative vibrations.
true. I reckon the original is a troll tho
I reckon all that but any particular exercises?
Not trying to fit in, but I'm sorry and you're right. I'm often bitter and salty. Moreso when I see my own weaknesses reflected back at me.
Become too busy to goon? I am in a similar situation where I kicked pmo and other addictions for months but lately have found myself peeking and edging and it stems from boredom more than anything.
I found out about this technique "on my own" while working with a much younger girl that had extreme pheromones and would sexually trigger me by any action that she did. She used to work on the desk side by side with me.
I almost went nuts and got myself into serious trouble if you know what I meant. I gave up on canalizing/channeling the energy through mindfulness only and started to tap into a more "material"/muscular/bodily way. Then I remembed (or got hinted by superior forces) about kegel exercises and the pc muscle... and I noticed that I was able to ...lock? My sexual energy using the pc muscle through isometric and constant contraction of it. However, I believed that movements of contraction and release may also have an effect, I stand by the understanding now that isometric contraction is the way to go.

You hold it as much as you can when you are under sexual "attacks". Not with full strenght nor little, but just enough to have a isometric, similar to holding your breath.

I believe that it locks the lower chakras and allows us to stop leaking energy unwillingly. That allows for the energy to go upwards in your body and all the supernatural stuff gets 10 times stronger.

I once asked in plebbit about stuff related to this and someone mentioned Mantak' Chia's books about multiple orgasmic man and "microcosmos of the body" and yada yada but I didn't put faith on it because I'm very against Tantra Sex and ways to cheat on pure sexual continence. God himself told us to not engage into sexual imorality so thats what I try to do but the flesh is weak. (Maybe not that weak since maybe we can revert the energy through the pc muscle...)

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Anyways. I have been tapping into it while I also try to develop mindfullness and zeroing of the mid, breathing exercises and everything I can to channel the excessive energy. It has been a fun ride when I'm not overconjecturing and fighting what I believe is demonic/alien activity.

About me crying about not materializing the stuff I need, maybe i was being overdramatic DESU. I know God and angels help me when it is really needed. I got my fair share of dreams, miracles and blessings. But sometimes I really wish there were more. Specially on the "relationships matter".

If you have any questions let me know.

Also, forgot to mention a very important information:
The technique has to be used not only when you are under sexual attacks but also when anxiety (immediatism) forces kick in. Everything related to immediate pleasure or sucess I tend to associate now with sexual forces. So you do the isometric contraction of the pc muscle when you are under sexual influence but also when you are overreacting towards your problems and needs. That way you overcome whatever you are facing and starts to focus on the long term once again.
And don't forget to pray, reach God and practice mindfulness/contemplation as well. God bless.
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Good to see you fren.
>I uninstall steam out of sheer desperation and reinstall it a day later.
Honestly I get stunned reading your posts, because there's always some specific detail that I can relate to and your situation is nearly identical to my own. I also struggle with deleting steam and re downloading it numerous times, kek. That and playing vidya with self improvement shit playing in the background, same shit.
>I plan on using no caffeine, no diet soda and no lust. I will keep Elden Ring and Dark Souls on my computer for now, as starting everything at the same time has proven to be a failing strategy. It's also my only way to cope atm.
This might be something I'll follow as well, to not bite off more than I can chew. On the topic of our dextroamph meds, you'll probably notice that it's not during the active hours of the medication where relapse is high-risk and you get those awful night-long goon sessions, but when the meds begin to wear off. At least that's how it is for me - when I enter the "falling action" phase, my horniness spikes 1000x and all I wanna do is crank it. My hypothesis is that our brains start dumping the dopamine and look for ways to desperately get the excitement levels back up via the usual degenerate culprit activities. It's for this reason that I believe SR and ADHD meds are nearly impossible to blend together, because as I mentioned earlier, getting them prescribed in the middle of a sick SR streak was the precise moment everything went to shit. Even if you hold your nut, the lustful thoughts that torrent through your mind as the meds leave your system are like a vortex that drives you insane. It's my opinion (and mentioned thoroughly in these threads/books) that lustful thoughts alone damage the magnetism and benefits of SR, leading to wet dreams and feeling like shit. So for me, it's clean streak or bust (lol). Happy to hear your professional life is otherwise going well though
I agree that the wearing off of the medication is likely causing the state of mind that triggers the unwanted behavior. It makes sense. Good luck on this week brother
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I opted for an unflavored tub of whey to eliminate sugars and sweeteners as much as possible from my diet. It's still transformed food, but it's factually a step up.
Was he also on SR? Did it contribute to his supernatural powers? Or was it something else?
I believe so. He does strike me as an intense character. One wouldn't radiates that type of energy if they sexually abused themselves.
Recommitting to this after relapsing bad for weeks, it's so hard when you're completely alone
Do not give into temptation, never. You have to live an ascetic life. You're not alone, the ancestors are looking at you. Do not give them reason to turn away.
Day 76
My balls hurt really bad shortly after waking up today. I think it was blue balls but I didn't have a particularly sexual dream so idk if that was it. It felt like a poop cramp at first. I dodged a wet dream last week, so I should be good on that front for now.
Tips on alleviating blue balls if it comes back?
This is also something that perplexes me. We know that he took a pilgrimage to a monastery, and that his master there transformed his worldview and spirituality forever. Did he learn his technique at the monastery? From the Khlysts he was rumored to fraternize with? Either way, this man was as trained in magnetism as it gets, and SR was undoubtedly a part of that
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If you are doing SR you are on the right track, but simply storing the sperm is not the final goal. Stored sperm produces a lot of energy, and you should bring it upward, it does all kind of shit. Simply SR will show a lot of benefits, but the final goal is to NEVER ejaculate, transmute this energy (with specific exercsies, there is a SHIT TON that should be done daily).

How do you plan to have sex? You will ejaculate? SR and sex don't mix? That's what the jew wants you to think. With this mindset, the only way to do SR is to never have sex, which is okay, I have huge respect for such people of incredible discipline, but I speak for many when I say we like women and want to get married or whatever. And SR is possible even with an active sex life!

Well no, this is why you need to practice methods described in "Taoist Secrets of Love - Cultivating Male Sexual Energy"

With enough practice, the sperm will never leave the body, and you will actually use this energy (, and become a beast in sex.

Some of the techniques literally involve getting to a 90% of cumming and then dealing with the generated hot energy, implying even "edging" has it's use towards the final goal (which is again to have the sperm never leave the body, while being more than capable to have sex and to use the generated energy).

Anyway, the main takeaway is that just SR is not enough. By all means it is good, and required for a man of quality, but the huge amounts energy needs to be dealt with.

The techniques and exercsises do nothing if you are not retaining your seed.

Read the rest of the fucking book and educate yourself on this, while you already are doing SR, reap the fucking benefits. Peace out.

I only know what I've read in the book, I am not an expert of any kind, I just feel like it is important to share.

To the retards who might read the picture and rationalize that edging is productive, NO, he explains how masturbation is extremely bad, and this exercise has a purpose.
Some degenerate poster on another board tried to coerce me into relapsing. On the brink of succumbing, I watched the scene in LoTR where Aragorn refuses Frodo's offer to take the One Ring. I also read Corinthians 10:13 (NIV):

"No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it." I am proud of myself.
Transmutation can be done in other ways. Any spiritual path, really, that emphasises purification, and works with the internal energy system, can do this.
Mantak Chia is not the foremost authority on this. This is one path, there are others.
Any serious spiritual path can do
how long will it take to regain energy after relapsing a few times? i have a date set up with a girl in slightly less than a week and i'm scared my energy will be off and i'll be so burnt out from porn i'll find it hard to get turn on. is 6 days enough to recover? i'm scared i've fucked everything up
>just edge 10,000 times bro
I'm going to take longer than slightly less than a week thanks for damn sure.
i'm NOT going to jerk off or look at porn tonight
i'm NOT going to jerk off or look at porn tonight
i'm NOT going to jerk off or look at porn tonight
Is it true that the brain bypasses the words No, Don't and Not?
If so, are you taking advantage of that fact to psyop anons into actually jerking off or look at porn tonight?
it's a gambit, seeing my post the words will echo in their mind.
on a casual read the verbs "jerk off" and "porn" will stand out the most, which will light the fuse on their desires and weakness. this is the risk i'm willing to take, forcing them to confront these forces arisen naturally through the subliminal action of reading my post.
HOWEVER, if they are diligent and good knowing friends they will see the sincerity in my writing it three times. and they will then do likewise, saying internally with as much intention and engagement the same statement i did, and three times. having done this they will pass through.
it's sensual desire hot potato.
I just messed up with the cleanliness of the streak. I haven't edged or cum but I did watch more yt than I setted my up for the day and I feel like shit by doing so.
I studied, worked out, practice music to my limits and yet I feel like it's not enough. This dread I feel is just too much. I can't go anywhere, my friends just want to be at home and play games at home, my other friends drink and smoke pot outside, living another fantasy. I just wish I could do more with the time I have.
I'm 25. I'm sick of preparing myself for the moment my value will be tested, this isn't real life but it IS. It is and I'm wasting it and I don't know how to stop doing it.

I'll meditate now, I hope that helps me sleep peacefully.
why do i feel so fog headed when after i coom? when i was retaining i was full of confidence etc but after relapsing for a couple of days, i find it difficult to hold a conversation, not because of anxiety but because of this foggy feeling
how do i stop myself for continualy saying just one more time when i try to stop watch porn. when i relapse i try to get back on the right path but it probably only ends up being a few days before i binge again
Do you replace porn with other more unproductive things when you try to quit? Idle hands are the devil's workshop, anon
Get off the internet, or just stop visiting places that have lust-provoking imagery. Disassociate internet use with porn/fapping.

I got into weightlifting as a teen and frequented /fit/. Nowadays, not only is the board really shitty compared to what it was, but it is absolutely chock full of softcore porn. You can go to it right now, and there's just basically porn pics littering the whole front page.

I don't go on that board anymore, it's not going to benefit me in any way.
I member when /b/ wasn't full of porn, now it's only porn
>be me
>practice semen retention
>get gf
>end up cooming
>gf wants to meet up again
>paranoid shes going to feel some sort of coomer aura and i've fucked up my relationship
what should i do? how long will it take for me to recover from the relapse
Hi, guys. I've been gone a bit. Work and life and all. Just came to encourage you all to keep going. I hope you're finding the strength to hang on to your vision for a better version of yourselves and a better life.
I've been thinking about this more and more recently as I've come to frequent this board / thread and I wanted to get your guys input on it.

I was born with a condition called Chordee, or simply put my cock had an abnormal bend. This bend was so severe that my doctor said I would have been unable to have sex. About a year ago I had a surgery to get this condition fixed. The consequence of this surgery is that now I have constant pain relating to my penis. Erections hurt, cooming hurts, at times peeing hurts, and sometimes I just hurt.

Outside of this I have never really had much luck with women. I'm not exactly the social type. I've only ever had one girlfriend my whole life, but that was back in high school. In a sense I don't really desire to be with anyone.

Maybe I haven't gone into enough detail, please forgive me, but I have a question that fits this board. Was I meant for something greater? Was I never meant to be a husband or father? If not for modern medicine it would have been impossible for me to even have sex. Have I tempted some sort of fate? I'm more than willing to answer any questions for clarification, this has just been on my mind recently.
Almost had a wet dream today. I managed to hold back my urges in the end, because a married woman I know was tempting me. I don't think I've done this before bros. I feel like I'm getting stronger.
Spiritually speaking, how edging differs from cooming?
Only God can tell you that, but God can (and does) also heal. Yes, even today. Yes, even you.

In truth, we are all meant for something greater. Greater than what we are; greater than what we dream of being. The greater you're meant for is a secret God has for you.
Had a difficult night, I didn't make it. With the recent events I couldn't resist browsing the site with images turned on to save all relevant material and left myself wide open to attack from porn shills, also I've noticed if you do your best to avoid any lewd material and do things like look away and turn images off and then one day see too much the chance of failure is very high. Oh and I couldn't sleep on top, tried making the streak work for hours, finally gave in, and then I still couldn't sleep, shitty night. So anyway back to day 1.
Good job. Now, tell me about the driest dream you've ever had. Tell me about a dream so dry, you forgot what water was. Tell me about the time you were head postman during the great Chicago fire, and you were trapped and surrounded by a mountain of letters, all threatening to go up like a hell-wind, and every woman from the Atlantic to Newport had been abducted by advanced Navajos from another dimension who had also taken the memory of sex from every postman as a joke. Tell me about times like those!
Don't worry, friend. You fell of the horse, but you're back on now.
Take zinc in a bioavailable form every other day. Drink water. You will experience urges but accelerate the streak.
Also take with food not on empty stomach. I don't recommend this method normally but if it's for the date you will endure.
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that maek u hoeny? ;)
what abt this? ( . )( . )
hehe or this, perhaps? (/\) squirt~ squirt~
nao 4 teh biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig finish ehe~
( . )| |( . ) (/=============8
8====B===D~~~ ( . )( . )
wow, what a big thick load all over my tits ehe~ you bad boy ;)
Okay I did 30 days, where is my titcow gf?
Edging is probably a bit more tame, because you don't release a part of your soul while doing it, but each stroke still drains your spirit. If you're doing SR for a while, and start stroking it, you can literally feel the energy leave your body. This is what taught me the massive difference between a clean and dirty streak.
160 days here.
i think i've made it. for some time now there's not a single thought related to watching porn.
no desire to visit certain sites, no desire to watch, no desire to jerk off. even in the state of boredom, which usually always led me to failure.
may not sound like a big victory, but it is for me.

so what now?
>may not sound like a big victory
If you were a porn addict, it is a big victory. Proud of you, fren. Keep going. Now learn a transmutation technique.
>transmutation technique
from where
Do you mean you masturbated sfter having sex with your girlfriend? If not, then there’s nothing to worry about.
Your choice. There are many, and many IRL and online resources for them. 3 examples are mentioned in the OP. Research properly.
You aced the test and have become victorious, but don’t let it get it to your head. There will be more of these tests. Good luck!
You are playing with fire.
Edging burns ojas.
relapsed recently but have decided to get rid of all my temptations. threw away all my lube and tissues today, i think i just took a first good step
You got rid if a degenerate habit, now try to find something wholesome/beneficial to you. You don’t have to rush things. Take your time and think about it. Only you know what you really want to achieve deep down.
i hate myself for relapsing. i've stopped looking any further but i still regret it, i feel like a failure for some reason and that all my progress was for nothing
i coomed today and i don't feel good.
granted i also didn't feel good before doing it. so really i'm at the same baseline level.
have you heard of that napleon hill book, think and grow rich? is it true there's a section in that book about SR and transmutation of s*x energy?
ok i just searched for it and found the answer:
Did you try looking for one? Things don't just fall in your lap, SR helps, but lets not be silly
Your progress is never for nothing. Doing this for months I keep getting better and better even if I fail many times.
NTA but some months ago I had the best dream of my life, it was so good I had an anon on here analyze it for me
I was in a big ballroom full of elegantly-dressed couples; i was alone till I caught sight of a really cute blonde girl that was coming towards me and offered her hand to me to dance. I really didn't know how to slow dance but I figured it out looking around me and I remembered how sweet her smile looked and how much fun she seemed to be having.
I felt less lonely after that dream and started taking SR more seriously because every time I wanted to jack off I felt like I'd be raping that girl inside me
That's lovely, anon. Warms my heart to the core. It really is a dream of a dream, but dreams about women are soggy clouds over a swelling sea, for me. Ballrooms? Dancing? Sweet smiles? Gentle touches? Somebody, pass me my hanky! I'm starting to sweat!

(I'm just amusing myself insincerely, of course.)

I've had some dreams which, upon reflection of your attitude towards your own dream, I now realize I should probably have been using more consciously as motivation as well. I have in some ways, but I hadn't thought of them in relation to my SR living. That's probably a useful nugget.

Seriously—comfy dream.
Edging is a fail anon. Perhaps not the worst fail, but definitely a fail.
What do you want to do with your life anon?
Anyone notice they need more food when they relapse?
You are trying to build back all that sperm
Edging is probably worse than cooming. Unless you coom several times in a row.
no i mean i've relapsed during the relationship and now i'm scared my confidence etc will all go away now. basically i'm scared sr was the only reason she liked me
>Unless you coom several times in a row.
even then, with edging it's possible to jerk for hours at a time and that can have far more negative consequences than even gooning, heard a horror story of some guy developing medical issues
The natural state of man is to learn lessons and solve problems in his dreams. SR allows us to return to that natural state.
you fucking retard, god damn. you basically made it and fuck it all up.
forget about it, don't fap anymore and focus on her. next time you cum, do it inside her.
>Wet Dream Support General
I had 1 wet dream this whole year
All your ills come from pride and the lack of recollection.
In general, your soul is troubled when you are deprived of praise, affection, and consideration.
These ills also proceed from the fact that you seek the creature, not in order to be led to me [Jesus], but to satisfy your self-love.
And should you succeed you are disturbed and uneasy, searching for empty pleasures which can only leave a void in your heart.

Cool little quote I just came across as I was reading. There's more, but I think the first half is pretty on point for combating lust, and really any life's problems.
I’m pretty sure from personal experience edging is decently better than cumming
Does SR cure homosexuality?
Of course more paranormal stuff happens. You are resisting lust. When you were a coomer you weren't even on the demons radar, they already had you. Now you are fighting they have noticed you.
Stop calling it boredom, its fear. There's always more to do.

Its okay though, if you recognize its fear then its healthier to take a nap while feeling the fear than it is to escape. At least at the end of the nap you will have rested and retained, despite wasting some time.
What I did was watch horror movies until I stopped flinching, now I'm prepared to face real demons
Unironically yes - if you allow it to.

good ref anon, got sucked in to this reading pretty hard.
dude the point of any discipline is to become so used to failure that it is no longer emotionally relevant and just becomes data to strengthen your success.

Look at Elon's starship, failure is literally success if you do it correctly. Okay, so you failed SR. Why? Seriously ask that question with your eyes closed and don't stop asking it until you feel so confident that you know why. Then do it again, and perhaps you will fail a million more times. each time you will succeed.

There is no difference between great people and you, they are not always smarter, faster, stronger or better, they just didn't give up.
How does it work?
>raping that girl inside of me
I have a very similar reason for my strength in SR:

I had this terrible breakup recently, which caused me to look inward. There I had a vision of the gnostic sophia living inside of my heart. She had been raped millions of times by my porn and masterbation addiction. She could not care for herself, because she is not the source of intellect, but she is my "anima", the source of my sexual energy. She told me that she could not trust me with her energy because I was not using my intellect to provide for her, instead I was using it to coom and rape her.

I haven't watched porn since then, its been 3 months, SR has been a bit rocky, currently at 1 month. But even a glimpse of porn, say an overly liberal ad on a train, will make me feel like I am raping Sophia.

I love you so much Sophia, I will redirect my sexual energy to provide for you, please trust me with your energy.
>trips for sophia
reply "I love you Sophia" for infinite sexual energy redirected towards your intellect

I love you Sophia
Keep in mind a man who could've been just, honorable, brave and a father of several children with a loving wife wrote this
Best transmutation activity?
I've mainly been having dreams with sexual, and demonic undertones to them actually. In one of them I felt a strong demonic presence and said a prayer to myself so that I'd be fine.
I want to let you all know that today I am offering my work and day through Jesus Christ to God the Father for the strength of everyone on this thread trying to find the truth and overcome their flesh. We are together in this spiritual battle brothers
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I'm a prisoner of Jesus Christ so my experience and what's expected of me may be different. It also didn't help that I experienced sexual assault during childhood from another man.
If I'm PMOing, and in my lust I instantly go towards men. I would 100% say that there is a spirit of homosexuality, and more within porn that people open themselves up to. Homosexuality is a pride of lust, it's going against nature. With SR you're ultimately killing your lust, and should be humbling yourself, but many don't do the latter.
The more pure you allow your eyes and heart to be, the more you'll most likely go back to being attracted to women. At least that is what I'm experiencing within these last ~3 months of being on SR with quite a few falls in battle.
In general, it's easy to see everyones attractive qualities, but my eye will mainly go towards women, and not really men anymore. I also could never settle down with a man - men age like milk. Whereas women age like fine wine. It also doesn't help that I want at least 100 children.
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Friggin christcucks. All hours of the day with this babble, they're buzzwords at this point, stop talking like a kike you clown.
You're the kike, they all hate Christ like you do.
no u
I'm glad the constant search of Christ for your salvation bothers you...indifference is much worse. Maybe one day you will give him a chance and see what he has to say to his creatures
It's the SR thread, not the christcuck thread sorry go back to /his/
The Truth sets you free. To many including me Christ is our hope for overcoming our flesh and achieving SR. You should rejoice Christ is helping us, not get angry. There's something else happening within your spirit that propels you to anger.
Romans 8:13
For if you live according to the flesh you will die, but if by the Spirit you put to death the deeds of the body, you will live.
There's going to be a massive overlap between SR and the Christian men community. Don't understand the hate. Nobody is trying to force feed any ideology.
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Do the Tibetan Rites and/or the 8 brocades as mentioned in the OP. Also, learn the 3 yogic locks (bandhas) to open up your spine and allow you to send energy up your spine. Picrel.

The goal is to align your spine so that energy can flow freely. Most of us have muscle knots that keep energy trapped in certain parts of the body. Breathwork + stretching allows you to relax those knots and return your body to its proper alignment. Good luck.
so what are the benefits of doing this? what are the effects of doing these exercises?
will i be able to shoot hadoukens, astral travel, manifest anything?
or is it a general thing to improve every aspect of your life by some degree (health, mental clarity,...)
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Is it really this easy? Just to not touch my penis... Was it this easy all along? I'm tempted to do a Nofap/SR experiement where i go HARD mode until Halloween ( roughly 100+ days ) that see if my penis is more sensitive or if seeing softcore ellicits the reponse i used to get before high speed internet. once I see that i'm back to normal i would have less incentive to go back to porn, good idea?
Absolutely. Edging for a long time is extremely destructive. I'm speaking from experience. I've had severe pelvic floor issues from too much edging.
It doesn't more than a week or three to answer both of those questions, which is yes. Thoughever I still get images of porn in my vision for a quick second when my brain wants to send me them for whatever reason.
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Has anyone noticed any benefits to the pelvic floor from SR? I have edged/gooned for years and i'm worried i might have a tight pelvic floor, any advice?
Imagine the power of creating new life being redirected to your brain. What would you be capable of? Now imagine doing that repeatedly every time you get a sexual urge. Your intelligence and power will increase to points you can't even imagine.

If that isn't enough motivation, I can tell you from personal experience: doing the great lock (maha bandha) when you experience a sexual urge and your spine is relatively properly aligned leads to full body orgasm and clarity of mind.
i'll try bro, thanks.
how long did you need to get the basics down and actually starting to feel something
Shit I think I've done that by accident once, isn't that a Kundalini awakening or what's the relation there, and how come it gave me closed eye visions?
I believe that is kundalini awakening, yes
How long it takes depends on you. I did the Tibetan Rites (every day) and practiced the 3 locks (on-and-off) for about a year before I experienced this kundalini awakening. Read The Eye of Revelation: https://www.kapto.ru/download/the_eye_of_the_revelation.pdf
The Tibetan Rites are easy to pick up because you only start off with 3 reps of each exercise per day, and slowly increase week by week until you reach 21 reps. I do 21 reps of each Rite twice a day now. A year ago, I was struggling to do 3 bridges.

I have pretty bad misalignments in my right hip and right shoulder from years of neglect and poor diet that have taken me years to correct. I've made a lot of progress, but they're still not fully healed. You might be in a better position than I was. Only you know.

Several things can accelerate the process:
>Getting lots of sunlight, especially on your testicles
This increases testosterone and virility.
>Getting a lot of zinc in your diet
I can feel the difference when I eat a lot of oysters.
>Plenty of sleep and exercise
>Avoiding distractions as much as possible
This includes 4chan.

Also, the longer your current streak, the easier these exercises are. When I've just recently relapsed, I struggle to do the Rites and bandhas. When I'm on a several-week streak, they're almost effortless.
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i did it bros
that's 24 hours down

He most definitely was on retention

The Crone and Casket blog says “Some of Rasputin’s occult aura may have derived from his abuse of Tantra. Tantra is a sexual energy used to align with the divine which can be misused if combined with desire.”

>Was an animal whisperer who could comfort and calm down horses and other livestock

>Was noted as having "piercing eyes" that stared right into your soul

>Was extremely well endowed, which has a scientific basis in retention (Each 7 day cycle renders an increase in baseline testosterone)

>Was seemingly immune to cyanide and other poisons

I urge you to read his biography.
All religiousfags need to gtfo. You're not welcome. You faggots dont understand that your religion is personal, and your constant need to shove ur bs here is a sign of your own insecurity.
We dont care
Yes, SR does tend to attract sexually repressed indoctrinated freaks, but we are about going beyond that.
Go to a christian forum, and start an SR thread there if you like. Dont shit up this place with bible quotes that have nothing to do with the mystical aspect of sr
I pray for you to see the harm you are doing to yourself, and to feel shame for trying to tempt other men into self-destruction.
Most of sexual desire of both men and women is due to hormonal levels (also much of it is genetics, which in turn determine hormonal levels). A women of high testosterone will be strong in her desire of men, while a man high in testosterone will be strong in his desire for women. Generally, lesbianism is fake in women (usually just women who dislike men trying to LARP as attracted to other women, which always ends in Lesbian Bed Death, i.e. no sex with their partners). So in that regard, their is hetero men, hetero women, bisexual women, bisexual men, and gay men. Bisexual women have high T and are highly promiscuous. In the case of gay or bisexual men, you can easily spot one because of the "lisp" (due to a lack of testosterone, which would cause their voice to deepen). Since male orgasms release prolactin, a hormone which cancels out testosterone, coomers will enter the pipeline of straight-bisexual-gay. I have personally seen this happen with people I have known in my life for five separate men.
>or is it a general thing to improve every aspect of your life by some degree (health, mental clarity,...)
>astral travel, manifest anything?
These two, yes. Hadoukens, maybe you need something extra for that one.
Or we can all be men who are coming together to stop our porn and lust addictions. Again, what's with the divide ? We're all on different paths.
Posting about Christianity content is no different than... Posting buddhism, chakras, or astral projection, or wherever else you want to get spirituality from. So again, what's with the hate on Christians ?
Very likely, since the tale of Rasputin being in love with the Tzar's wife was actually created by Bolsheviks as propaganda, with both of them being HIGHLY zealous in their faith. A combination of SR plus his refusal to take any sort of baths (being as dirty as possible to force his body's immune system and other organs to step it up into overdrive to survive) is probably the reason why his body was just that strong enough to survive poisonings. That, or he was just naturally born resilient and his faith made him that much stronger.
Anyone else having a ridiculously hard time with wet dreams lately? 6 months and I had only one. I've had three in the last 2 weeks. It's massively draining.
Are you seriously asking the difference between talking about chakras and posting bible quotes? That, is exactly the problem. You have 0 mystical inclination, you are just a repressed weirdo who thinks this is a place for moralfagging. It's not. Fuck off.
Why dont you read the pastebin to understand what SR is about.
I will say, posting scripture without making it relatable isn't the right way to spread the gospel.
To say that there isn't any "mysticism" inside of Christianity also shows lack of knowledge, which is okay. Thoughever many people just don't want to look inside of spirituality, while some putting too much emphasis on "demons."
Christianity is filled with miracles, prophesying, healing... The Bible is filled with blessings, and curses... Would you not say that's "mystical ?" Obviously, a good majority of Christians don't want to practice these things because they're afraid it falls under witchcraft. But I say, if that dumb devil has a counterfeit, then the Holy Spirit has the real source.
>Why dont you read the pastebin to understand what SR is about.
>>What is Semen Retention?
>Semen retention is the practice of completely abstaining from masturbation and ejaculation, often with the intention of preserving and redirecting vital and sexual energy to oneself.
I again say, if we're all men coming here to purify our souls... Whether it be through Christianity, to Buddhism, to whatever, singling out one group isn't the way to go about things.
I know we won't agree with each other, I do question your misplaced hatred for the religion though.
>right way to spread the gospel
Again retard, this is not the place. Get that through your thick head
>I do question your misplaced hatred for the religion though
You are desperate to misrepresent me as "attacking christianity". My issue is with religiousfags, and on this place its primarily christians. You desperately need it like this, because for you, you're obsessed with "us vs them", and getting "them" to become "us". YOU are here to divide, by shoving your dogma into our throats.

I will get my sense of spirituality from all religions, doctrines, mystical traditions without any dogma. Be mad at that however much you want.
I fapped today.
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>because for you, you're obsessed with "us vs them", and getting "them" to become "us". YOU are here to divide, by shoving your dogma into our throats.
>I again say, if we're all men coming here to purify our souls...
>Or we can all be men who are coming together to stop our porn and lust addictions. Again, what's with the divide ? We're all on different paths.
>There's going to be a massive overlap between SR and the Christian men community

I'm for unity as men anon... You can practice whatever you may like... At the end of our lives, we all have consequences to face.
Sorry dude. you slipped up already, by explicitly saying you're here to spread the gospel. Dont go back on that now, you've accepted you're a shill, have the spine to back it up. You have 0 interest in SR, you are just here to entrap people into your prison. You are a wolf in sheeps clothing, and you'll get called out for it.
>muh jew on a stick
stupid fucking retards.
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Oh okay. I hope you have a good day at least, and that your journey to purifying yourself is an everlasting endeavour !
christians are the biggest shills on here. by far. the religious trauma is exactly why they seek out this space, yet they insist on spreading that poison here.
You're not fooling anyone buddy
holy shit. I've never seen it this way and it makes so much sense. The fact is, when I want to rest I really don't, do I? I take my phone, turn on the pc or something else.

It IS fear. And the power to be silent is the power to ovecome that fear.

fuck the shills
no point trying to talk reason into slaves who yield their free will, they can't perceive the contradiction of their slavish worship and pursuing higher aspirations
i would agree usually, but at this points they are an infestation here. they lower the quality of discourse here significantly. they need to be relentlessly mocked, mockery to them is like bug spray.
A religiontard is the complete antithesis of the /x/ board.
/x/ is about being inquisitive, engaging scrutiny and deep questioning, challenging the dogma.
Instead, these brainless retards think their comfortable pool of warm diarrhoea is the place to be, as a consequence of "appealing to the (perceived) majority" i.e. most often their families and closest social circle.
They're full on dogma, Zero questioning, zero scrutiny (even though their "god" advised them to be scrutinous), they go about life with their brains and reasoning capacity completely turned off.
There are also others who jump into the warm shit pool out of pure discomfort and fear, because the outside is colder and more uncomfortable than swimming in the retarded pool of warm shit and commonality.
Incapable to realize that they are psyopped victims of one of the greatest jeweries perpetrated by _ _ _ them _ _ _ . Controlled, conformist, mediocre, unthinking masses, motivated by trauma and resentment, always willing to put their whole lives in the hands of an invisible egregore, unwittingly stepping into perhaps the most dangerous karmic trap of them all.
Debating with a christcuck is like playing chess with a pigeon - He will peck the board, throw off the pieces, shit and piss on it all, and then strut around claiming he won.
Semen retention is a change of heart, removing the sin of lust from your life that has made you blind.

It is as such that the old adage of "masturbation makes you go blind" is true - spiritually blind.
I love you Sophia
I do not understand why they are on /x/. It's baffling. They are not wanted, and most of the stuff here would simply go over their head. But they insist on being loud.

Perhaps it all comes back to the old adage, that the mysteries protect themselves. Their purpose here, is to literally shit up the place to test the neophytes critical thinking abilities and discern the good stuff from their spiritual shit. Imagine that being your purpose.
A christcuck is so trapped inside his own dogma that he will forcefully try to fit anything he finds 'out there' into their twisted view by adjusting narratives here and there, in exactly the same manner they rationalize to justify the validity of their oh so cherished stale old babble book. Holes so big you could fit four double trucks through them, but their blindness is always bigger, ready to ignore and retort like a little child who got found out eating the jar cookies.
>it wasn't me it was the cookie monster
>you need to have faith bruh, just turn off your brain and accept "muh word of god" written here, look
One of the most important descriptions of God in the holly babble and many other religious texts, is that God is Omnipresent.
This is the first contradiction the christtard perpetrates: He affirms he needs a fictitious intermediary as an interface to communicate with an omnipresent entity.
He separates himself, like a satanist, ironically, from the Source and Fountain Of It All, by means of an incredibly sick and fucked up set of mental gymnastics, and never, ever, in a single moment of their niggercattled lives, stop to ponder about the incredibly damning yet liberating implications of an Omnipresent entity.
This single fact of Omnipresence, written in even their own fairytale book, is enough to obliterate, to completely destroy their so called "religion", and many other "religions" that walk along the same lines of volitionally accepted blindness.
Omnipresence: Complete, absolute obliteration of their retardation.
Holy shit. Beautifully put. You'll notice their obsessed with repentance.
>wahhh god please forgive me ive been a bad boy im sorry wahhhh
its a sick fucking kink for them. Perverts, all of them
>In him we live and move and have our being
He who has ears...
Sadly, the christcuck has mutilated his own spiritual ears in pro of cattle mentality, social and familial pressure, the desire for protection and "salvation" - in other words, out of fear.
The most coward type of "spiritual person".
>pray, repent, remove the sin
But the Kingdom of God isn't earned by actions. How can it be so, if God is truly Omnisapient and Omnipotent? Of course it can't, but the christcuck's mental gymnastics are always ready to overcome and misconstrue every single bit of contradiction that gets pointed out to them.
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>or body care products (soap, deodorant etc)...
You're nasty anon
A few years ago I went on an autistically driven hunt for the perfect soap, probably visited all the local stores and supermarkets around here.

After weeks of looking around I found the perfect soap, one of the cheapest, oldest brands in my town, and it contains only one ingredient: soap.

No perfumes, no additives, no aluminum, no hormonal disruptors... pure, clean, God-blessed soap.

I don't use deodorant, lotions, creams... Any of that. Cleaning up my diet has helped me tremendously, to the point I receive compliments on how good I smell and all that.
Genuine spiritual warfare can take place in dreams, in my experience. I've had a few pronounced instances. Three of them, that I recall, with regards to Lust occurred fairly early on in the change of my lifestyle as an early Christian.
You complain about us posting in this thread, but it is you with your incessant whining that has derailed it. If you want to argue religion to feel superior about yourself, make a thread for it. Many such threads exist. This thread is for SR.
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>streak effects start kicking in after a bunch of rough relapses
>start going into the starbucks near my home occasionally because there are usually cuties there and it's nice to be around beauty, even if for a few minutes
>walk in,, one completely average girl, and an 8/10 qt are sitting together
>I'm in my own world expecting nothing good to ever happen
>(good things only happen when I don't expect them and am unprepared, of course)
>as I'm in my own world realized I've locked eyes with the 8/10 qt for a couple of seconds
>she straightens her back still looking at me, tilts her head up,, and does the cutest smile, almost like an endearing smug pepe
>I was in the process of walking by, looking away as she does this, but I look back at her while blushing and give a quiet smile
>go to order my drink, having no idea how to approach the situation.
>feel dumb, go out to my car and make this post.
I unironically want to fucking die bros. I've had so many little opportunities in my life like this and I always fumble them. It's unfortunate I don't get cancer or something so i can die in a way that's not dishonorable. I am 30 and I'm going to be alone 5ever.
>guys name is literally christian shill
fuck off you donut
>can't discern between an observation and a complaint
Either pilpul or retardation. Many such cases.
>kike chimp out
Jesus of Nazareth is the Christ and the Son of God.
>kike on a stick is le based
Just listen to yourself, dude.
Razor sharp fucking based.
nah man, you'll learn. next time you see her say hi.
Checked, but this is a recurring theme fren, and like I said, I'm kind of old even though I look young for my age. I will keep trying but it always hurts when I'm too retarded to handle these things.
You need to follow the 5 second rule. approach straight away. Know that you're going to fuck up first few times. Do it anyway. Dont get in your head. theres no magic thought that's gonna cure it, just go for it. If you're feeling anxious, just tell yourself you're excited instead.
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Man, I love these Christian vs anti-Christian debates here. None of you win, only I do. I read and I laugh at both sides.

I bet all of you struggle retaining and thus can't focus on the prize, but focus on other matters like what the other person believes helps him through the struggle. By all means, shit up the thread as much as you like. I'm enjoying this more than faggots who come here to share 100 page documents on how to "do something else with your energy". Equally laughable, but really too much reading.

I am the ultimate creation. My ego has no bounds. You will never reach me with your inferior mentality. Entertain me faggots and I might hand out some (You)'s. (pic rel)
I also had this dream about a girl I knew from high school. It was dark and I was walking in some street, I ran into her and she asked me to go with her to her house because she was scared of the night. After that I found myself in the woods ,turns out her house is a cabin. Looking back I can see how much she looked like a witch. She offered me to come inside but for some reason I didn't, maybe I finally trained myself to resist these kind of dreams , they always ended my streaks.
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>Are you seriously asking the difference between talking about chakras and posting bible quotes?
>People talk about Hinduism (chakras)
>This is le fine
>People talk about Buddhist energy models
>This is le fine
>People talk about Taoist orbital theory
>This is le fine
>People talk about even the jewish Talmud
>This is also le fine
>Biblical connection to SR is brought up
lmao. Twerp.
>Biblical connection to SR is brought up
No its not kek. Just any old moralfag verse is posted here, all the time.
Like i said, you're all mystically illiterate. You lack any sense of the divine, it has to be mediated through the church, a book and a perverted televangelist. You are cattle
im 39 and oh boy, let me tell you how many chances i missed coz of my autistic responses.
i still often remember some from 20 years ago. makes me cringe.
but eventually i figured it out, i was 30 something, god have mercy.
it's easier on sr, you're more confident.

but at least you smiled back. if i think about my past self, i dont know if i would be able to do that.
NTA. Who told you a Christian has to go to church, read the Bible and need a televangelist (are you making up words?) ? What kind of fake Christian are you? Are you Jewish?
Can you read retard?
You know nothing about me pal. All you seem to have is belligerent and hostile namecalling. Very interesting for one sniffing his own farts about how more le enlightened you are than everyone else. You're just that guy who tries to pick your friends' friends and micro-corrects everything you slightly disagree with, while everyone of quality discards you from their lives.
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I "relapsed" after a 3 month streak. I met an egirl who could be gf material, after a month I started gooning with her and I can tell I can lift less weights now. Fucking with a woman increases testo, but sexting doesn't. The funniest thing is that the whore left me, it might be because my testo is lowered after fapping.
>You're just that guy who tries to pick your friends' friends and micro-corrects everything you slightly disagree with, while everyone of quality discards you from their lives.
no one cares about your life dude
Exactly, good. Now you can turn your autism radar down and stop being the faggy little hall monitor who gatekeeps which religions are /SRG/ or not.
Kek! Ofc he won’t l. His goal is hating Christians and not retaining semen. I’m willing to bet the aging seeds in my balls.
>one anon willing to bet his semen retention streak on another anon breaking his semen retention streak

Sounds like a fucking excuse to bust
>doesn’t deny it
Billions of seeds are currently cheering and shouting my name. I am blessed, just like my seed with my willpower and wisdom.
Keep all moralfag exoteric religious discussions out you rat.
You are nobody.
Nobody? That’s all? Kek! From this day forward I will post 3 verses from The Bible under the name “Super Christian” in this general. Starting now:

1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.

2 And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.

3 And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.

Imagine. All this effort you tried to turn Christians away from this thread, you managed to turn a non-Christian into a potential one. Who knows I might become one eventually after posting all the upcoming verses. Ngl, I would fee very retarded and powerless in your shoes.

>verification not required.
Is this a sign?
Go ahead. Please. Let everyone know how insufferable you religiousfags really are.
>to turn a non-Christian
kek he thinks we believe him
>, I would fee very retarded and powerless in your shoes.
These threads come and go like toilet paper. You are dancing to my tune. Keep dancing, monkey. Post, put your time and energy into deliberately winding people up. Do it.
You don’t have to beg. Is this the holy spirit inside you subconsciously doing so? First you tell Christians to go away with their verses and now you beg me to post them every day. You sound possessed, anon. Also, checked. The signs are everywhere.
>let a christfag talk enough and theyll reveal their demonic nature
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anyone else on sr to start needing less hours of sleep
No, I will keep quoting and mentioning all on-topic texts from the vedas, bible, eddas, eastern scriptures, etc... and there's absolutely nothing you can do about it
>posting verses
Kek! I can only imagine one group of people that would feel this way.
KEK retard copied me word for word >>38376637, i am the blueprint you're a fan lil bro
Surely this guy is baiting you’s here, right? Ain’t no way someone with the ability to browse and post to be this retarded.
You're the kike, that's why you hate him.
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>This is NOT the place to be talking about RELIGIOUS TEXTS
>I am VERY RELIGIOUS THOUGH, and am very open minded
>j... J... just stop posting any texts

You're incoherent and just arguing with yourself in circles. Here, take my little (you). You got the attention you wanted, now go into my filter trashbin.
>completely misrepresents everything ive said
theres no talking with the clinically stupid
Thanks fren, any advice?
It seems a lot of new /srg/ anons missed the thread hygiene post. Stop responding to retarded trolls. My goodness it's not that hard.
Bots are responding to each other to flood the thread and bring it to its bump limit. This happens in every single /srg/ thread. Just ignore anyone off-topic or blatantly promoting cooming.
White caucasian here. Try again, schlomo.
Nah I'm a devout Catholic and I can tell when it's a fellow Christian who is getting butthurt and can't help but respond. Just ignore the retards. He doesn't like Jesus? Okay, hopefully that works out for him.
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i have been jobless since a year.

Gonna go to a pseudo interview tomorrow. Lets hope the semen power helps me bros
Definitely will buddy. Good luck. It's a struggle.
Can relate. Been going through this for months now.
Good luck fren. I was at your position as well and experienced a lot less difficulties during interviews/conversations related to jobs after starting SR.
The opposite, I'm staying up too long because of the energy of SR+Fasting, and it's messing with my sleep schedule...

>a fellow Christian who is getting butthurt and can't help but respond
>He doesn't like Jesus? Okay, hopefully that works out for him.

If only people would humble themselves to not give their energy, peace and joy away so easily...
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hello, on my first day, i have wanted to actually attempt this before, i am hoping i can actually exercise the self-control and dedication, that i have for long completely lacked, to quit this habit. i kindof feel like i have wasted my adult life on depravity, and it has been even worse the last few years, i am 37. anyway i hope actually stating my intent will help me.
I feel really weak. It'd be really nice just to spend the night with a slutty plapjak type woman rn and coom and sink into her arms and just forget my troubles. I don't know if this doesn't count as nofap or not but it feels like weak behavior and I don't know if I want to do it or not. I just feel so lonely bros. I don't know how to be strong in a moment like this. Everythings going bad in life, I feel so empty, so unfulfilled.

Is it ok to do this? I don't know. I'm trying to save my v-card for someone special.
I do semen retention cuz gay stalkers watch u mastubate, and i don't want to encourage their gayness hehe. I'm a bad influence on them tehe.
Post-nut clarity doesn’t even come close to SR clarity. Try it as long as you can and you will start feeling better. It all depends on your willpower. Temptations will come from all sides, remember this.
Anon falling in love with a woman, marrying her, and then having sex is a completely normal wish. It is in man's nature to desire companionship alongside sexual desire. Unfortunately, the current state of society makes it hard to find fulfillment. Stay strong and have faith, we'll make it in the end.
That temporary escape/comfort you want from your current bad position in life will not save you. It will only leave you craving for more. You’re a man, you can do this. Be patient. Everyone has these moments. Perseverance is what differentiates the men from the boys. They can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Think, there is one, if not more.
What's wrong anon ? What are you truly running from ? What is it about your day right now, that's making you feel lonely and troubled ? Don't look for symptoms, find the root.
Before you can have a functional relationship in your life, you need to be content with just being by yourself, or you will ruin it.
That guy is a coom maxxer
Oh no it's an AIslop fag as well
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I had a nocturnal emission. I was going great for a month. I didn't even feel anything, I just woke up wet. Did I lose progress? How long before my powers come back? How can I prevent this in the future?
> I'm trying to save my v-card for someone special.
Gay cope. That disney bullshit is not real.Your first gf, she'll teach you a lot about women, then you date more, have more confidence, then you find women.
Dont become a repressed weirdo like many of the religiousfag incels here. Accept your desire to be good with women, and get to working to achieve that.
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Some of it is actually cool...

Wet dreams aren't relapses so don't count it as one. Wet dreams are like 1/4th of the amount of semen compared to masturbation or sex.
You will possibly experience "streak stacking." Whereby the SR process restarts while also enjoying the nerfed benefits from your current streak. So you will be on two streaks at the same time. Instead of having phases like usually when you just start a streak from a big relapse, you will enjoy all the phases simultaneously. However, these streaks have double the potency and are incredibly hard to maintain at the start.
The following day, and possibly the week is going to be rough if you give it attention.
>proves my point without realizing it
>hey if i hide my intentions in plain sight its okay
you tried
What? Lol.
>im gonna play dumb now even though ive confessed in previous threads ive shitted up
be better.
>t. day 5 nofap enthusiast
>continues to whine and post off topic while accusing others of derailing the thread
Typical. You need to grow up, kid. This is not your little club where only people who are just like you are allowed to be. It's time to stop your little tantrum.
>continues to hide in plain sight, actually being proud of derailing the thread
little guy mad his shilling is being called out
>We're going back in circles again
>Ballyhoos about Christianity but then has 400 posts in this general about it
>Doesn't see themself as a problem
>Must correct others for their wrong think instead of letting people live

Just let it rest...
>christianfags think its just one person calling them out
Holy Kek I just got back from work and this faggot has been here ALL. DAY. Fuck guys stop replying to shills, the christcuckery derailing the thread, shameful.
Semenbros, how do we retake this general away from christcucks and back into the hands of based mystics?
Fucking kek lmao both of you shut the fuck up lets be frens and discuss SR now.
not really, im not some pick up artist. i'm also not trying to close the deal on first contact.
i rarely connect with someone like that. well, here's my (still) autistic way.
it only works for me if im meeting with the woman continuously. bartenders, store workers and goers, semiregulars at the coffee place, neighbors, dog walkers, regular hikers at my path and so on.

i smile, not like fucking joker, just trying not to have a poker face, say hi, maybe try to small talk a bit. the stupid stuff, hows going, can it be hotter/colder today, nice dog, a lot/no people here today... i've seen SR helps here a lot, coz your approach is more confident and you're not spilling spaghetti all over the place.
maybe crack a joke to see if she understand humor and laughs at your jokes. maybe you do it next time you meet, depends on the situation.
at this point i quickly see if there's a chance. if she's not responding, i just stay at saying hi.
then start asking whats she's doing, talk about her work a bit, chicks like to gossip about that shit.
you come to some point of interest of her, like retarded coworkers, neighbors, ex husband, ... basically someone she doesn't like. if you're not a talker like me that's a jackpot. i listen what she has to say and see if she's crazy or retarded. if you see red flags, man, don't be desperate and move on. i know it's hard when you're starving, but believe an old guy like me, it's not fucking worth it.

on sr you'll definitely feel if she's interested, eye contact, change of tone, little gestures and body language like you noticed for your girl.
then just arrange a date of sorts, i dont know, grab a coffee after work, hike together, ... depends on what she likes.
after that i can't even tell, it usually just flows naturally if you two connect.
Esoteric fags are such hypocrites
Just about everyone would rather go to church than some esoteric mystic meetup. I cannot even fathom how weird some of you people are IRL. At least Christfags are normal people that you wouldn't feel embarrassed being around or going over to their house
>Just about everyone would rather go to church than some esoteric mystic meetup.
>muh clubz is better than your clubz you incelz
LMFAO Fucking kike pieces of shit. You're disgusting.
Unhinged response

But sure Christfags who read the bible and go to church and pray to God are the weird ones
Good morning fellas. Time for your next 3 verses:

4 God saw that the light was good, and he separated the light from the darkness. 5 God called the light “day,” and the darkness he called “night.” And there was evening, and there was morning—the first day.

6 And God said, “Let there be a vault between the waters to separate water from water.”
Man, I woke up from the most disgusting WD ever. There was this 1 fat negress and her 2 fat niglets living in her car (some pimped up coupé). Observing the disgusting situation it seemed like she was whoring herself out in the front seat while her 2 fat kids were lying in the back with their phones. As I was looking through the window I got assaulted by their fat mom and she tried to rape me. Luckily I got out without losing any semen, just a little precum. But damn, these succubi are starting to show their true colors. Disgusting looking creatures, holy shit. Kind of looked like that abomination called Lizzo.
>i kindof feel like i have wasted my adult life on depravity, and it has been even worse the last few years, i am 37

This is me but I'm on around a month of SR and I see the light. I also cut out alcohol and mindless scrolling.
There may be pain and thoughts of doubt, failures, along the way. But keep going and you too will reach the otherside and become a new worthy man. Stay in the present moment rather than look back with regret. It can paralyse you.
Having God or whatever your highest ideal or divinity in your mind helps immensely.

The greatest sinner can become the greatest Saint.
Don't even know how many days I'm on now. Easily over 100. I think the last time was like the 15th of March or thereabouts. I find myself not really wanting to either.
Zinc dreams, is the reason why coomers have bad skin.
Woops accidental namefag
Good job man , reward yourself with a little wank. You deserve it.
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>let me tell you how many chances i missed coz of my autistic responses.
Same. 30yr old boomer here, I remember every missed chance.
I had a funny dream this morning, I was dreaming about a videogame that looked like Starcraft but first person and you could pilot giant sci-fi vehicles and the skybox was so high you could go into orbit in a few seconds and see the curve of the planet. Everything felt so detailed and real but then turns out in my head it was being shown at an E3 (rip) with Phil Spencer wearing an huge cartoonishly sized beanie for some fucking reason with some other people on stage. Then a random guy in the crowd cosplaying as Dr Eggman was heckling but everyone in the audience and Phil started laughing and they gave the guy a mic and I can't remember what he said but it made everyone laugh even more.

Then I woke up wondering what the fuck was that about XD. I only ever get these weird vivid dreams when I do SR, hopefully I can get to the point of lucid dreaming and explore these weird worlds.
Manifest your wife
Go and read God-Man: The word made flesh in the pastebin, it goes into a lot of detail about The Bible being an allegory to the human body and especially promotes semen retention/conserving the christ oil to go up the spine and nourish the brain.
>the lord gifts you with a beautiful maiden right by your side
>sperg out and do some jeet gooch clenching exercises instead of takingbthe maiden as yours
Many such cases
You are a tard. You realise the error of lust. But the divert into occultic demonic bs. It's sad. Waste of a fast, no real spiritual gain. Wasted.
1 Corinthians 6:18–20: Flee from sexual immorality. Every other sin a person commits is outside the body, but the sexually immoral person sins against his own body. Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God?
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The whole purpose of purification is to become a vessel for the Holy Spirit.

The whole purpose of life is to become God.
Nah man you now have a straight penis and a great story to tell girls to get them thinking about your penis. Nevermind the pain, your mind will eventually get bored of the pain and it'll go away.
I've had similar but not as intense as that, just seeing a face and one time I was half asleep/awake and I heard a woman with a very familiar voice I did not know call out my name as if to try and wake me up but the voice was from far far far away, deep in my subconscious. It happened during a pretty hard time of my life where I needed to wake tf up and get on with solving my problems.
We all have weaknesses, anon. The first step to overcoming them is admitting them. Don't be too hard on yourself and forgive yourself.
If you keep being honest with yourself and wish to transmute your weakness into strength, then God will guide you.
Rasputin was a degenerate coomer that tricked women into sleeping with him.
These people who theorize about famous people practicing semen retention somehow assume they have sex without cooming, because of course they do.
What day are you?
Day 71 but I have had 6 wet dreams during those 71 days (last one was 8 days ago) and I look at photos of hot women but never masturbate so not a perfect streak. I barely do any transmutation but last night I decided to do basically a light version of the Wim Hof technique (quick sharp deep breaths in and out the nose) did that for about 5 minutes. Then I did the Dr Joe Dispenza technique of contracting the prostate and abdomen which pushes up the cerebrospinal fluid in the spine into the pineal gland while imagining the energy from my groin going upwards into my brain completely enveloping it, this practice could be linked to raising the "christ oil" to the brain.

So lads all you really need to do is some breathing exercises and use your imagination (with the help of contracting your prostate) moving the sexual energy up the spine and into the brain, I've noticed my skin looks a little nicer as well just by doing it once last night.
The point is to keep the seed in. If the seed leaves while you sleep, you still lost it, even though its not your fault.

There are exercsies that prevent nocturnal emissions. Read "Cultivating the male sexual energy"
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I won't fall for your trickery. I know who sent you here.
>Going on day 7 of a water fast
>Barely tempted by food even though I haven't eaten for almost a week
>Still look at food porn
>8 Days into SR
>Brain tries to masturbate every time I wake up
>Get thoughts of porn in my vision for a second throughout the day

Why is one willpower stronger than the other? Moreso, why does my body want to masturbate before eating food? Why isn't the devil tempting me with food but with sexual pleasure instead?
Faggotry is the deed of your fallen lord.
>People write things in an anon demon hoarding board
>I'am upset
stop being a faggot
kek ^ that faggot wrote a post for himself
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Dogma is a fancy word for experienced faith.
still going this asshole
every thread is like this now
New thread?
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>Day 2 of not giving in
>The urge... is strong
>Hour after hour, minute after minute drag on in an incessant march upon my will
>Dark gods assail my mind and cloud my judgement
>I must overcome
>For I am
>The Coon
Can someone tell me if I'm doing transmutation right? When I get horny, I lean forward, do the spine alignment (forgot the exact term for it), and breathe deeply and meditate until the horniness clears. Am I supposed to feel some kind of burst of energy afterwards or is it just for clearing away lust?
sounds like the worst blue balls of all time
You will never learn if you DON'T TRY. By your post, you are a good looking enough guy. But you have to TRY. You didn't 'fumble,' you DIDN'T TRY.
fmfrbn frbfnf faghahghahg!!
If the horniness dissipates, you're doing it right. Just keep practicing and eventually you'll feel the energy going up your spine and radiating outward into the rest of your body. Be patient.

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