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Welcome to the Semen Retention General!
Oh, here I am! Edition!

>What is Semen Retention?
Semen retention is the practice of completely abstaining from masturbation and ejaculation, often with the intention of preserving and redirecting vital and sexual energy to oneself.

>Why do it?
Reported benefits include: increased vitality, mental clarity, reduced stress, increased motivation, increased energy, improved focus, healthier hair/skin/eyes, deeper meditation, improved AP/Lucid Dreams, deeper voice, improved mood, greatly improved testosterone, improved physical strength and many more.

>Wet Dreams?
They happen because you had a sexual dream and you coomed. Learn to be conscious on your dreams and stop the succubus.

>What causes wet dreams?
The causes are many: Illnesses, telepathic bad actors fucking with your dreams, excess energy build up, watching too much sexually-inducing stuff, lusting during the day, lack of an adequate transmutation activity, eating too late at night, excess nutrients overall, stimulants like maca, ginseng, ginger, excess protein, excess carbs, tight clothes (pajamas) for bedtime, bad sleeping posture (this varies, find the one that suits you best), going to bed with full bladder, exposure to hormonal disruptors via food (pesticides...) or body care products (soap, deodorant etc)...

Previous thread: >>38366748
>In case of urges:
- https://imgur.com/gallery/g4eGH
- Don't peek and Hold your breath for as long as you possibly can. The urge usually pass after that. If not, repeat.
- Horse stance or chair pose: Do it while clenching the abdomen and all legs' muscles, raise arms for extra blood flow redirection. Works both for killing erections or urges.
- Any physical activity.

On long clean streaks many report benefits that transcend current science like a sort of "magnetism" or higher "vibration/aura" that attracts/appeals to other living beings, a higher perception, a stronger and intimidating "aura/presence", a deeper connection with nature, an attractive BO (people usually report it as "pheromones") and more.

- Mental Purity 1.1: Semen Retention acts as a bio-electromagnetic amplifier. Watch the quality of your thoughts because your inner state will get amplified and manifested. Lust is the Ojas killer. Do not engage with Lust.
- Mental Purity 1.2: Keep a journal as a tool for introspection.
- NEVER watch porn of any kind.
- Remove triggers from your life. Masturbation is a bad habit. Break that bad habit.
- Focus on achieving a goal. An art, a craft, competing, etc.
- Meditate and/or Pray Daily. Try a minimum of 5 minutes to start off.
- Exercise/Gym/Sports/Martial Arts. If it is something social even better.
- Good habits like healthy eating, water fasting, dry fasting, sun exposure and cold showers do seem to speed up the process.
- Sublimation: literally using the energy.
- Transmutation: changing the quality of energy to something different. (Surya Namaskara, 8 brocades, Tibetan rites)
Keep in mind that the efferent nerves attached to your testes necessarily means that any lustful thought, image, or sound is necessarily a command to your junk to produce sexual fluids and this is the reason why celibacy is first and foremost of the mind
The root of this entire matter is the mind - without conquering the mind, celibacy is a futile effort
The signals from the brain happen on the subconscious autonomic level
This is why any lustful thought, image, or sound is necessarily a command to the sexual organs to produce sexual fluids (the more intently you look, the higher amplitude of a signal gets sent: body > afferent nerves > brain > efferent nerves > body)
Therefore "Conversion of sexual energy to something" is necessarily a HORRIBLY inefficient process (Not to confuse with Sexual Transmutation)
Fluids will be reabsorbed, but the energy and materials cost to make it vs how much is "taken back" via reabsorption is SEVERELY unbalanced and super net negative
Sexual fluids are made from the cream of the crop of the body's resources - constantly generating them means that you are constantly draining away the cream of the crop of your resources.
Taoist writings said that the sexual organs will even take primacy over nourishing your other internal organs at some point. (Thus, doing a spiritual practice as a coomer is a surefire way to die faster).

>/SRG/ interesting reads
Scientific evidence:

Periodic changes in serum testosterone levels after ejaculation in men

Influence of abstinence and ejaculation-to-analysis delay on semen analysis parameters of suspected infertile men

Improved sperm kinematics in semen samples collected after 2 h versus 4-7 days of ejaculation abstinence

Influence of a short or long abstinence period on semen parameters in the ejaculate of patients with nonobstructive azoospermia

Seasonal changes in breeding activity, testicular size, testosterone concentration and seminal characteristics in rams with long or short breeding season

Shorter abstinence decreases sperm deoxyribonucleic acid fragmentation in ejaculate

Endocrine response to masturbation-induced orgasm in healthy men following a 3-week sexual abstinence

Relationship between sexual satiety and brain androgen receptors

A research on the relationship between ejaculation and serum testosterone level in men
It’s always good to remember why /x/ is the most accurate place for this topic: semen retention is one of the clearest paranormal inducing thing of all the other topics discussed on /x/. It’s a sacred practice that has been the one of the main focuses in every major religion or spiritual practices. The mystical side of it is what we try to focus on in here.

Semen retention can be political issue too and it would then belong to /pol/. The porn industry is a tool made by the jews to deterioate the societies and corrupt the people. The porn works in ways that program new sets of behaviour in its audience and the audience is hooked to it because of its strong addictive qualities. The most important goal for porn’s male audience was and is the releasing of their semen. As we now know, the disadvantages of cooming are heavy: a man becomes less of a man, he gets sick and weak, his mind numbed, he will have impotence issues etc. Also his spirit almost dies.

Semen retention is beneficial to make one healthier and stronger, more fit, if you will. So the topic could be discussed on /fit/. Anyone looking for more ways to get fitness gains would benefit hugely from the SR.

Also the SR has so many other benefits that it could be discussed in the /adv/ board. These would be topics how it improves one’s social life, mental state, makes more time to be more productive etc.

But I think the biggest benefits of SR are something mystical in nature and the whole practice is fundamentally something very close to spiritual side of things. All the other topics in here /x/ are left far behind and SR actually makes this board of any relevancy. This is also known by the enemy and they make strong efforts to suppress, hijack, twist and end this discussion.

Starve the shillery.
No attention for them.
No replies.

(Pro tip > Hide shill posts: Click on the arrow next to the post number, click 'Hide', Comfy.)
I wasted my 20s gooning in my bedroom
I'm 18 and i've been jacking off semi-regularly since at least 13. How much brain power have I lost?
(I'm not actually OP. Wrong name)
Has anyone else used the 12 step method to overcome sexual and porn addiction?
I found it helped me greatly.
If you are one if those people who cant succeed at retaining by the use of will power no matter how hard you try, then it might work for you too.
Cooming is raping your internal image of your childbearing wife, your “Anima” as jung calls it.

Evo psych created us to use all of our energy to provide for our childbearing wife and child. When you cum it rapes that image into nihil.

When you direct your sexual energy towards production, you provide for your internal image. All of our systems energy are directed towards one purpose: to procreate. But as higher beings we can redirect it.

I doubt SR’s benefits are much chemical. It is all about redirecting your archetypal neuro forces from sex towards a production.

SR without production is incel cope. SR with production is healing your Anima.

Reply “I love you Anima” to redirect your sexual energy towards production.
I love you Anima.
produce deez nutz
I love you, Anima
>Cooming is raping your internal image of your childbearing wife, etc.
Was that Jung's view, or is that yours?
15 days in, happened yesterday
>wake up, look in the mirror, I look handsome as hell. Hair is perfect (idk why cooming has such a bad effect on hair), eyes full of life, great skin
>go to work early
>secretary greets me with a big smile, almost like she ignores the room and everyone else just talking to me. Complete eye contact as we talk.
>incredibly focused on work, get a lot of shit done, work 10 hours straight no meal
>asked why I'm in such a good mood and smiling in a meeting, "did you sleep very well anon?"
>hit the gym great workout, law of attraction in place, eye contact with a lot of chicks, talk the coaches actually interested in what they have to say, actually small talk with strangers just cuz, never usually start conversations
>get home, instead of porn read a bit hit the bed by 10pm
I just feel so energized and full of life, have I really been nerfing myself the last 12 years cooming?
I was larping the redbook when I had this imagery. Anima is his concept, the rape of anima is my imagination. Its probably an emalgamation of jung and some other psychomancy stuff.
You didn't have a better pic OP?
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Here you go nigga
Mostly, yeah. You can heal. Just don't touch your pp. It's that simple.
Cooming is unironically living life on hard mode
Hi bros. Relapsed after 10 weeks. Like, completely self destructed. Obliterated all the hard work I’ve done in the last couple of months.
Feels fucking awful. Mentally shattered. No time to blog post and explain but I’ll update on the weekend, nearly a week back into it.
Don't beat yourself up anon. Some days you fall, but many days you have conquered.
What is your advice on treating porn addiction?
I am reading pic related rn.
Are there any supplements that can help me with this? Maybe supplements that help with ADHD like fish oil or ginkgo will help?
I doubt you destroyed all of your progress. You made a ton of progress over the last 10 weeks but you just took a few steps back during your relapse. You are better off now than before you started you 10 week sobriety.
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>Are there any supplements that can help me with this?
>Sunflower Lecithin directly affects the male hormone.
>The body needs time to absorb every substance.
>They felt their consciousness expand
>Desire for sex decreased by 80% in individuals with increased lecithin levels. Sexual desire depends on the pituitary atrafosine. The smaller the pituitary and pineal glands (both half of them are lecithin), the more intense the sexual impulses.

There's a lie somewhere that you're believing, which is why you're addicted. Your eyes are the windows to your heart, so it's important to guard them at all times. You might be attempting to satisfy your self-love, if you're being deprived of praise, affection, and consideration. Which will only make you disturbed and uneasy, searching for empty pleasures which can only leave you void.
I've been trying to break down porn recently, and not just for the reasons of "Porn B A D !!! Underage ! Drugs ! Trafficking !" Most of the time my brain is trying to play it up like porn is better than it really is.
Porn steals your time. You could've used that time reading, and doing something productive, heck even gaming, or doom scrolling might be better than porn. Instead you're left feeling guilty, or frustrated.
If you're trying to get a hit of dopamine, find something better. There was one night I was praying for a dopamine replacement to God because I had been removed from vidya games, and currently removing PMO in my life. The next few days I'm craving spicy foods out of nowhere, which was odd because I wasn't a fan.
I've recently started to train myself to feel guilty every time I open incognito for porn.
Begin to keep a journal of how you feel before, during, and after consuming porn. It'll be a great motivator to remove it if you keep the recollection of it in your mind.
But I don’t want kids or a wife.
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Porn does nothing to me, it seems like caricature, something innately inferior to the actual thing.

All these scenes, circus level sex positions and fetishes are creation of sodomites, these people have issues, they really do. In the end the lovely carress remains triumphant. Having sex with someone you love is the perfected state and any irrationality akin to BDSM, cuckoldry or anal is just cope for when true love isnt there.
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I'm still looking for the meme where this guy is taking your balls away.
It's an interesting thought . I was just curious.
Cool shirt.
Would wear that shirt
Cooming is a choice though, difficulty is determined at the start of the game. Hard mode is having insomnia and autism. Insomnia makes retaining really difficult, autism makes anything social difficult. Wanna talk to that girl over there? Too bad spaghetti falls out of pockets instead. Wanna make a good impression at your new job? Too bad you only had 1 hour of sleep haha, and good luck trying to smooth it over with your spaghetti bitch.

I have found a solution for the insomnia though, stole a bunch of sleeping pills from my mom, I got quetiapine, I got trazodone, I got zolpidem. I'm just gonna cheat my insomnia, no more little streaks for me because of sleepless nights, from now on big streaks.
I just fapped like a madman to my succubi harem and applied mula bhanda in order to have a dry orgasm, it do be good to indulge in the pleasures of life.

Are you guys like, closet homosexuals?
Day 73, had another fucking wet dream. God I hate them

However I keep seeing repeating numbers constantly almost everyday, are these really synchronicities? is some unknown force telling me to keep following this path? or am I just becoming a schizo?
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Relax, WDs are the 2nd step in SR after overcoming masturbation and porn. Coomers don't experience WDs, because they don't have the ammo for it. Now that you do, they will come after you as much as possible. Don't let it get to you. Improvise, adapt, overcome.

It's a test of dedication.
>is some unknown force telling me to keep following this path?
Yes, I always get them.
Whenever I get an urge I put this on and it goes away immediately. Sometimes I gotta get up and dance a bit. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lyi2tT3tiPU

Is Tekken good for the spirit?
Thanks, I'll check that out.
The book I posted talks a lot abut finding out the lies you believe that lead you to relapse ex. this is my last time, I'll stop tomorrow.
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>However I keep seeing repeating numbers constantly almost everyday, are these really synchronicities?

Ye. I haven't noticed any new series of threes once I started my fast. Funnily enough when I check out fasting vidyas on youtubes, they almost immediately start off with talking about a 21 day fast.
>The number 3 often carries significant symbolic meaning and is associated with completeness, perfection, and divine wholeness.
I love you Anima
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About 2 months in. Stopped smoking and joined a boxing gym.
Good energy, Will and really a lot more attention by women.

But now it feels like I'm in a hole. Feel constantly stressed, on edge, but also tired. Like my body can't handle the energy.

Thought of cooming to "reset" "relax"
Started to touch it sometimes
Now scared to go boxing

I think this is a test. it will pass. The bigger the urge the bigger the reward.
Breathing techniques.
17 hours of no fap. 2 more days and my dopamine receprots will start healing
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Having done a bit of research into more natural ways of lowering libido, one of them is called chasteberry. Having "chaste" in the name, and being taken by monks or other members of various religious orders in Asia and the Mediterranean, it can decrease libido in both men and women. That being said, to do it you have to slightly lower overall testosterone levels (up to you whether or not you view it as a trade-off between having to fight urges or having lower T levels), but the lowered T is not as much when in comparison to constantly using pornography. As far as I am aware, there are no other side-effects for taking chasteberry though, unlike over-the-counter medication.

Supplements should almost always be used rather than more "hard" pharmaceuticals when possible.
On chasteberry:
>lowering libido
Troon “ack” level understanding of SR

The point is to sublimate the libido and transmute it into pure energy and focus to achieve the goals that pave the way to your dreams.

Instead look it right in the face every time and grab the devil by the throat, use whatever faith you need to give yourself the authority to do this.
this is good
I will try nofap for first time in a while.
i'm a 1 month and 2 weeks in. I feel you, man.
I wish I could go out more to socialize but I don't know were the fuck to go. All the circles I have are family or sausage parties, and it sucks because I feel the confidence to speak with women normally IRL but it isn't enough confidence to go and talk to a random girl in the street or wtv. I don't want to go inside the modern date death end (social media) for obvious reasons.

>But now it feels like I'm in a hole. Feel constantly stressed, on edge, but also tired. Like my body can't handle the energy.

I mean, if you are doing stuff it's normal to feel tired. The breathing techniques are awesome, but they are a more sophisticated way of REST. We must learn how to properly rest. No games, no youtube or netflix, no distractions, absolutely no porn. It's simple really, you just need to focus entirely on REST.

>The bigger the urge the bigger the reward.
I really dislike this way of thinking. If you can't enjoy the whole process you are doing something wrong now, which means you can improve in some way. Willingly chosing not to improve the way you live sucks.
This recommendation was for anons who absolutely could not control themselves, especially those just getting out of the addiction and are in the first few days in recovery suffering from cravings. After 2 weeks to a month in recovery, I would personally not recommend using testosterone lowering supplements anymore, since you got over the hardest part of the initial recovery phase, and instead use the extra energy to work out, read, or socialize with others. High levels of T is good, don't get me wrong.
I've got some intel relating to Semen Retention that I want to share. Am I able to post compressed files on 4chan or do I have to use a file sharing platform?
File share.
Ah ok thanks pal. I'll pop in occasionally with my findings that other anons here can share & add to this topic.
True, forgot about those who need even more high doses of redemption than I.

Apologies, and godspeed to those who are truly so far gone. No soul is barred from salvation if they can truly climb out of the depths of their sins. And if troonberries can help a half-demon climb up towards heaven, then so be it. Carry on
Definitely recommend it. The boost in confidence is well worth it, plus the ambition that comes with not wasting your energy cooming all day. The first few days are the hardest, as with any addiction, but after 2 weeks it is mostly smooth sailing from there.
Thank you.
I truly believe that the reason why technological and cultural stagnation has occurred (think the jump in technology from 1945 and the first computer to 1965 with the first lithium-ion battery, or culture from 1940s Hollywood up until the 80s with action/horror movies) and compare that to the proliferation of easily obtainable pornography. In the past 20 years, how has technology improved? How have movies, books, or paintings gotten better? Most of human history has been driven by the urges of great men to create art and architecture, to explore new continents, to impress women with tales of victories in battles. All of that disappears when you sap a man's ambition, his testosterone, through easily accessible online pornography starting in the 2000s.
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I love you Anima
And make no mistake no matter how far out you get the desire to wank is still only as good as your ability to fight those urges. Always be vigilant.
Take supplements that increase your focus and will power. This will help you fight the urges and put your energy towards more productive things.
It is actually more complex and more metaphysical then that, following the Spenglerian route, a cultural complex is born with a number of prime symbols, that is expresses through it's evolution, most cultural groups usually have a very well defined path of cultural evolution that, ends a few decades after a great world war, in the ancient world these where the Macedonian conquests, in our culture these where the world wars, what he call Hellenism in the Greek world and Modernity, or Modernism in our Western world, the path we are going to take is simple, we will see the development of innovative technology until about 2080, art, philosophy and culture ended a few decades ago, exhausted itself academically in postmodernism, and popular culture died due to irony, from the 2080's onward society will grow more religious and more centralized, becoming and empire
Electrical Properties Of Semen:

Gold In Semen:

These 2 links will be available for 3 days only so check them out whilst you can.
For those who ask why I go against Spengler and make the turning point the World Wars and not Napoleon like Spengler, I just have to honestly say, there is such a large gap between the 19th century and the 21th century in both a cultural and a scientific sense, that I trouble seriously thinking the beginning of the Western Hellenistic lies in the early 19th century and not the post-war boomer world.
how do I do this when my gf wants to fuck me silly
op pic is exactly how i feel

im so tired of being a man and having to do such bs as holding my semen wtf
all the while im bomarded with near nude women everywhere

the longer the streak goes the more i miss looking at nice pair of tits and i would honestly even like fapping to some stripping girls etc
im just super tired of being a monk, im frustrated that i am not allowed any fun yet im taunted everywhere tits and ass are put in my face and other people having sex etc

and i even want to have sex etc but i mostly just cant get it. honestly i dont get my life anymore im not happy like this, i know fapping all the time is no solution but im not happy either way
Thanks bros wagmi
its over kys coomer
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>Gold was first detected in human semen in 1981. The entry of gold into semen was hypothesized through food items. Earlier reports identified gold in semen as important for good quality of semen.

And now our semen is full of plastics... How far we've fallen...
Thanks anon finna read some of this eventually.
>repeating numbers
I have been seeing this like crazy.
I am being bombarded with asian qts all day on 4chan. Can't barely last one day. No asian qts in the area.
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I thought gold could only be created in stars? Is there a star in our balls?
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Does this mean I have to drink me some Goldstrike or scrape some flakes off my jewelry and use as additional spice for food?
Yeah it's crazy how gold was found in semen as well as acting as a marker for good fertility. I don't know about the other anons here but I can say that whenever I relapsed on a long streak (40-60 days), my semen was yellowish in colour. That isn't to encourage anyone here to relapse on long streaks. Just something interesting I noticed.
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I don't know but I'll tell you something. There is something called gold ash that you can use as a supplement. Haven't tried it myself but that's one way you can ingest gold.
>scrape some flakes off my jewelry and use as additional spice for food?
You'd be the first to try it that's for sure.
Patròn Tequila Gold
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I guess they don't make Tequila Gold anymore but all of those drinks have 24K gold flakes in them.

Some of my best memories in life is started with a transatlantic duty free bottle of Tequila Gold.
>normie retardation
alcohol is spiritual poison
>You'd be the first to try it that's for sure.
I was joking. I don't see any reason for humans to consume gold. The sole reason, so I've heard, Goldstrike contains the flakes is to cut the throat or stomach upon ingestion, allowing the alcohol to directly enter the bloodstream for quicker intoxication.
Also, the impurity of jewelry is most likely too toxic for ingestion. Another thing worth noting is that our digestive system doesn't have the means to break it down.
Too late I just made tequila with gold flakes is /x/'s drink of choice.

I only drink twice a year but damn I'm going to the liquor store tonight after work.
Yeah I had a look & the drinks I found didn't mention gold being an ingredient. I'd say to keep away from alcohol altogether however 1 drink occasionally isn't that much harm. Others would disagree though.
Alcohol, tobacco and sugar are for sure the normiest of the normiest drugs ever.
Also the most damaging to both physical health and the etheric body.
No wonder they're legal.
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>my name is ADIS HOT IVANKOVIC. I'm a muslim balkan turkroach yugoslave rapebaby immigrant invader and I MUST rape german children bestial and sadistically to death and I NEVER got caught with it. I let my victims eat my poop on public streets and much worse. I rape my victims, the children, over years. I destroy lives of my victims family and I even would never think bad about it, if I would. It is the exact opposite, I feel very strong for that and I like it. I also like homosexuality, and incest, if the others are the ones who suffering their whole life until death. I do also like to torture pets alive (or dead) and torturing them with a passion to death.

>my criminal turkroach "father" was also in prison for many many years, but he is a good goy and dindu nuffin, just like me! I've learned sooo much from him, masallah! my "mother" knows what I'am doing and is also proud of me, of a multiple child rapist and murderer of german children. she supports me, loves me and my money from the germans.

>all of my turkroach yugoslave friends are criminals aswell of course, and we go further; we wont stop it! ("say, how could you tell?") I'am a criminal millionaire and proud muslim because of all that and it's my business!

>we dont like niggers, gypsys or jews in our countries because we are the good guys. we are not like "those" subhumans.

pic related.
What would /pol/, you, do, if this "object" did this to your children multiple times ?
I suppose that the proliferation of pornography is due to, in some way, the metaphysical patterns of reality that determine the rise and fall of nations and empires. "Hard times make strong men, strong men make good times, good times make weak men, weak men make hard times" and all that. Although, why 2080 if I may ask, as opposed to something like 2050-2060, seeing as when Gen Z begins to ascend to positions of power (and how broken Gen Alpha is) the ideas and thoughts of Gen Z being dissatisfied with the status quo might lead to a more stable, and therefore, more traditionalist views of thinking as opposed to Gen X+Millennials chasing of "novelty".
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>I don't see any reason for humans to consume gold.
second link does not work, but the first link seems interesting
Gold is found in trace amounts in many foods. You don't "supplement" gold by scraping your jewelry nor with retarded gold-littered party drinks.
You simply accumulate it via trace amounts present in normal food.
Your body re-directs it to your sexual organs (semen production) and other key areas.
You lost me there anon.
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So no star in my balls then?
Oh, that's strange. Link seems to work with >>38391745
You are the star, fren.
My jokes fall flat sometimes. Don't sweat it.
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Not my problem.
Week 18
I'm uglier than ever. Women still don't acknowledge me. The magnetism is repellent. I have minimal sexual desires now. I hate this.
Your inner is shit. Fix your inner. As within so without.
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Get up, fren. I'm sure you'll make me laugh next time.
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"You will laugh at my next joke."
Hmm.. I don't believe you.
Reminder to eat a high fat diet
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Kek! I got this one.
I agree but I'm also a loser pothead so....
Guess I'll have to repost that again
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Gold In Semen:

Link available for 3 days.
virus link
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I downloaded and read that without AV. FW did nothing. Maybe it's my retained semen that protected my PC.
not fucking possible; thats genetics of IQ+mental illness+dominant personality traits
your personalitys fixed as an adult, its like trying to change height lmao
Yes, that date may not be correct, I had the files on my computer, now in back-up, essentially:

358 to 323 / 35 years corresponds with

1914 to 1953 / 39 years, so Alexander's death happened around 1950 and Stalin died in 1953.

From that point on, we could compare a quote that's on the wiki that classical sculpture "declined" after 293 bc, which puts it around the 1980's, usually called the end of painting, after which all painting styles where just revivals.

Now, most of the great scientific thinkers died around the 190 BC mark or earlier, so that would means that the 2080's will be roughly the period that serious scientific development will end.

Them we will enter a period of stagnation that will last about 200 years, until whatever faction that is the strongest creates an empire, most like the Americans, after this time the stock of scientific ideas can finally be used to set up permanent space colonies,

This will literally be people using technology developed during the 20th and 21th century to get people in the 23th century into space.
Yes, I am comparing Alexander the Great and his father to Lenin and Stalin, they fit, essentially tyrants from an outsider group, that conquered the old heartlands of civilization and created a system that spanned most of the know world.
I haven't cummed in over 100 days and I'm still depressed what gives?
The man just needs some new perspectives to understand his current views better. I've done it, I've seen others do it, why can't he?
Almost 8 months here and still depressed as well, but that's because of different issues. I was depressed as a coomer as well, but I'm able to deal with it better on SR. Whoever told you it cures depression magically is retarded. Think about it, would it really make sense to cure it? You know the cause of your depression, don't you?
This isnt a magic fix for all your problems. You thought it was all that easy?
this only results in improved well being if you have chad genes and can use your newfound energy to get laid
I seem to be having a hard time understanding your thought process. Are you saying that after 2 generations of people (depends on the average age where a culture has children) (17 years for Alexander's time, 20 years for Stalin's time) worth of time after a man who defined the century as a military leader, art will start to decline. And that around a century after the death of art, there is the death of science? I don't necessarily disagree, I am just wondering how you are tying that into the natural law of succession, where younger generations replace the older generations, and if the younger generations are of worse quality than the prior older generation, the society as a whole declines.
You are depressed because you don't have a creative hobby or don't exercise. That, and also things are pretty rough right now with the global economy and the degeneration of societal connections and culture.
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If you live in the state of gratitude you cannot have anxiety because they share the same neuron path. Obviously anxiety and depression aren't the same thing, but it is a good reminder that our mental is a battlefield that we can control.
Which lie are you believing ?
That you're unloved ? Look around you, and see that you truly are, even if it's not from your own family, but possibly friends.
Are you alone ? If you cannot be content by yourself, figure out why. Make yourself your own best friend; Treat yourself as if you're helping someone get better. Afterall, you do have to spend the next ~80 years with yourself, so you might as well start talking to yourself kindly.
Do you think you don't have value or purpose ? Well you just haven't figured that out yet. This season may not look the greatest, but your next seasons will be amazing. Take this current trial as going through the furnace to come out better in the end.
Thanks you're right
But I already know all this shit, I already had a gratitude practice and been all super spiritual, I've had periods where just thinking about life made me burst out in tears of joy, and I was actually happy to be alive, and I thanked the universe every day and actually meant it, but it never lasts, I still end up back where I started just wishing for death, and I'm sure I'll go back to being all high vibrational and thankful eventually, but what's the point when that's just inevitably going to be followed by more apathy and depression?
I'm >>38392447.
Not unloved, not alone, not without value, not without purpose. Either society has imprisoned itself or we live in a prisonworld. Either way, the depression won't leave and I have come to accept that. Death will cure me, eventually. I have the patience and willpower to let it come whenever my creator/warden wishes it's time for it, as the time for my creation.
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This brand does.
try depression overriding
you're looking for a material solution to a spiritual problem
the mind follows from the matter. spiritual problems are material problems.
What's that?
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Sup' baker. Hope you are doing well.
I see. If only there was a non-alcoholic option.
I'm new to SR and am still dealing with urges.
I need a place to go during the day where I can't give in to the urges. I can go to a park when its not too hot, or a library when its open. Any other ideas?
Try and shut your phone off and put it in your back pocket, along with not looking at lustful imagery and averting your eyes. Any hindrance to masturbation is one more step towards overcoming it.
Do you go to the gym
life is so good when there are no urges it's unreal
My job is extremely time consuming at the moment and it has been a huge factor in my current 79 day streak.
So I would say work.
If you have transportation, consider volunteering or go flip items at a thrift store, Craigslist, etc
Hell, you could even take a walk with gloves and a garbage bag to collect litter around where you live. It would be a good exercise in mindfulness
"10 grams of lecithin can be a source for the body to produce about the same amount of choline (342mg) as can be produced by the body from 2 egg yolks."
Can I just eat eggs and get all the Lecithin I need?
No, but I usually spend 1-2 hours hiking / riding my bicycle
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Only going off of that thread, eggs don't go passed the blood brain barrier supposedly. Don't know if that's true thoughever.
Don't buy from the NOW brand.
>Don't buy from the NOW brand.
I only need the Lecithin to pass the blood brain barrier
Funny thread on /fit/ a few days ago. But you do you.

Ye the lecithin from eggs will not cross the blood brain barrier, again I'm only going off this comment. However it seems split between eggs working or not. You can try.
You might like this comment here: https://www.reddit.com/r/cumbiggerloads/comments/15vb5bt/observations_with_lecithin/jwyqmpw/
It’s kind of depressing to read that this generation has so many people unable to not touch their dick/browse porn. I can’t imagine the lack of control to be in that position. Makes me wonder. How close are you guys to raping a woman? I really start to think that gap is not as big as I initially thought.

You can’t control your mind to not knowingly open your browser/folders to look at porn. You can’t control your body to not get comfortable to jack it. Seriously, what is holding you back, aside from the legal aspects?

Do you even consider yourself human or are you merely beasts that need a leash?
Are you a woman?
doesn't this mean you're castrated? If I dont' rub it out my dick get very erected when I see hot sexy women and it kinda get in the way of my jeans and it hurts.
>Do you even consider yourself human or are you merely beasts that need a leash?
>"Depressed" but ends with a proud statement

It's like people struggle throughout all generations with: Gluttony, lusts (that's us), alcohol, poisonous lips that cause anger, jealousy, strife, and enmity between people, and whoredom.
You are no better. Congrats on not touching your pee pee.
Did you see me post tits?
Okay, well i got terrible news. Your lack of self awareness means out of everyone here, its you who's most likely to rape a woman.
People look for all kinds of excuses to continue their lifestyle. Criticism and confrontation is beyond your control, just like your mind and body. If you can’t take care of these things, then who are you to call yourself human? You want others to call you human. You have no respect for your mind, body and soul. Pathetic slaves.
It is a supposed way to allow cooming ...this is a cult for the sub mind
being castrated would mean no benefits
What about raw egg yolk
I love you, Anima. I think I've met you while meditating, you go by Christy. You're helping me heal from the rape of the self, one I self-inflict through the indulgence of temptation. I hope to meet you more personally, when I learn how to AP, or create a tulpa.
You don’t know why I said that, right?
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>are you merely beasts that need a leash?
It's called "integrating one's shadow". You should read up on Jung some time you pansy
relapsed last night
did it for 7 days, was highest this year
Try sobriety, frem.
>your personalitys fixed as an adult
False. It's only more comfortable to stay that way. Inertia. Still can be changed. Epigenetics. Reality is moar bendy than you think.
>Verification not required.
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I remember when 7 was my highest, you'l get better and better and it will get easier. My highest this year was 18, came without even touching my peepee, that 3rd week be hard this way. This time though I'm determined to reach 40, only on day 3 now, long way to go.
Any uncommon advice?
I often like to repeat the tip that disabling images with 4chan x can be a big help, but it's a double edged sword and can make the accidental viewing of women very risky in week 3, this time I'm gonna experiment with limited exposure in week 2 then back to zero in week 3 so I don't jizz my pants again at the sight of women.
>I am just wondering how you are tying that into the natural law of succession
I am not. It's comparative history based on Oswald Spenglers model, basically he suggest that there are civilization-groups that experience the same rhythms, so for example the poetic codifications of Homer in the Greek world are contemporary with Luthers Bible translation in the Western world, while
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>tfw tempted to buy another dildo

i have too much energy and some days only to myself , trying hobbies alone is demoralizing, might try to go outside instead and meet people

any help?
its a nice song
practice dry orgasm by clenching muscles, like holding pee while singing favorite song (optional).
best thing in that shit game
If you're in the colonies, I wouldn't. Unless you can find unwashed eggs, probably from a farmer. Just buy Sunflower Lecithin anon... The bottle I posted is the one I bought when I was on the coom stack for a year.
What was it about your day that caused you to relapse?
Write down how you feel right now after your relapse, during, and before.
Don't do secret stuffs. Try to be the same person that you are behind closed doors, as you are out and about.
If you have to get off, try a coregasm - which is just exhausting your abs from flexing them then you coom without ever touching yourself. After a while I can normally talk myself out of it.
Why aren't you content with sitting and doing things by yourself?
I genuinely can't discern whether this is a placebo. People engage with me more when I don't masturbate. I can tell a difference over just a couple days. I get more interactions with people with more depth, good and bad. In terms of energy, I'm still insanely depleted, years of daily masturbation multiple times a day since I was a kid. I'm painfully lacking in ambition and motivation. I don't know how much is just my personality and how much is connected to semen retention, like I try to make connections just because I think of the possibility that retaining what the semen is made of is beneficial for my body in some way, then it becomes true. I'm too coomer brainrotted to form complete sentences and ideas. A lot of times I'll have solo porn, usually cam girls playing muted in the corner of my screen while I listen to music and do other shit, just intentionally not masturbating, allowing erections to come and go. I used to worry about strong and weak erections and what that meant if anything, I lean more towards it meaning nothing. When I do orgasm I immediately feel tremendously weak, like my legs could fold in just standing up.
i feel automatically something, like there could be way more to life than just this. A desire about sharing the enthusiasm and joy privately sparked alone, with someone else that isnt there. makes it depressing at times
>I genuinely can't discern whether this is a placebo.
>When I do orgasm I immediately feel tremendously weak, like my legs could fold in just standing up.
Anon. You answered your own question.
Learn to love yourself anon. Talk and share excitedly with yourself. Wait for conversations where people ask you for your hobbies then you can begin to word vomit all about it to them with passion. There are always smol communities to share with too, and even the opportunity to make new friends within them.
Thoughever I do get it, I'm sort of like this with watching shows and movies.
You can literally meet autistic girls. I’m autistic and the best girlfriend I had in my life was autistic too :)
>What was it about your day that caused you to relapse?
I just couldn't sleep due to an hour-long erection and had the urge to be naked, eventually, i watched porn and masturbated
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Where do I meet them?
noo why did it had to endd?? so cruel even the autistic ones leave like perched birds, now its ghost and longing remain little autism bird

watch this video bros.

you think its because i dont enjoy my company?, perhaps. sounds worthy to try to be your own friend, maybe itll bleed over to the outside too
Wavered today and looked at porn for 10 minutes, but thank god didn't touch myself and got myself together. 8 days in

Fuck you, demons.
I've been retaining since the start of the year, so around 7 months, but I would look at porn pretty regularly for the first couple months, just out habit

I think I may have dissociated looking at porn and masturbation, and eventually lost interest in it because it wasn't tied to any physical "reward"

Not saying you should copy what I did but not going 100% clean straight off the bat worked for me
Yeah, clean streak as a newbie is far too ambitious. Every time I'm getting weak I try to recall the sense of disgust I felt after losing a two week streak, which helps quite a bit
>I've been retaining since the start of the year, so around 7 months
do you feel any better?
Anyone here astral projects?
Yes, SR is addictive in it's own way I guess, to the point that I now resent the fact that if I get a girlfriend she will probably want to me to release when we have sex
I don't know how to fully build my rainbow body, I saw it in a vision after a Kundalini awakening, but don't know how to activate. I should do some reading, it seems within reach for me
how did you achieve kundalini awakening? isnt this like a final step?
maybe im wrong, dont shit on me, just explain the process you went through please.
I don't know much about this shit, I did it entirely by accident. I was edging and was in this stance some guy posted here Maha Bandha or something, it turned into a full body orgasm and I started tripping. Have as many questions as you do.
Also I should mention I had a dry orgasm before the Kundalini thing, it was like my body was in perfect relaxation and I felt a strong push of energy going up my spine
Hej that's my current path it seems. I just get bored looking at porn eventually. It's also a stealer of time.
>SR is addictive in it's own way
Even after weeks of failed attempts and knowing the incremental benefits throughout the weeks, it's so hard to want to redo the first few days, feeling the exhaustion, and brain fog. Currently going on day 10, and I think I found my formula to prevent most relapses.
It could be not treating yourself correctly, it could be anxiety, or it could be not wanting to face your loneliness, or even yourself. I've been reading a lot about sitting in silence, and chasing after humility, those are common themes constantly repeated at least:
All the unhappiness of men arises from one single fact, that they cannot stay quietly in their own chamber.
I have the sense that modern man does not know how to stop the uninterrupted flood of sententious, falsely moralising speech and the bulimic need for corrupt icons.
Sounds and emotions detach us from ourselves, whereas silence always forces man to reflect upon his own life.
I have. Around 10 years ago, when I studied psychology. Concluded that he’s a faggot. What do you even expect from a psychologist that was friends with Freud nonetheless? You’re pathetic if you have faith in psychologists. Think outside the box on what they really do.
Inb4 you’re a shill. Almost 8 months without breaking a sweat.
I was on a streak getting attention as others have mentioned and I relapsed one day looking at porn for about a couple hours before jerking off to get rid of the built up tension. The next day I went for a swim at the beach to clear my head and start fresh and I still had people randomly starting conversation with me. My guess is that since I had been on a streak with only a single relapse my micro expressions were still more or less open and receptive which leans more towards us being like batteries where a single discharge doesn’t deplete us entirely. That said I am going for a full charge no PMO lifestyle.

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How much oja did I lose by clicking on a link and closing the window after 0.5 seconds?
you checked yourself right away, so you're slowly making it
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In 1919 they had it right for a while...
are you happy being a wagecuck? i had a job for 6 month after my stem degree and i just hated my life, it was just wake up go job get home eat sleep wake up go job literal npc tier
as if you never fapped, your old gen is what brought all this porn in the first place etc
most rapists are also immigrants let more niggers in your countr to rape your daughter boomer be a proud dad with a blacked baby
I’m a millenial. You’re desperately making assumptions to prove your own point.
>most rapists are also immigrants
Why do you even think I would disagree with this? Any sane man would notice this.
Read this, as it fits with the rest.
im a very late millenial, i would say im the first year basically who grew up with hd porn (1994)
seeing 10/10 stripping in front of you as a 13 yo does a thing to your brain. and it feeling really good obviously leads you to continue doing it. and youre not being told its wrong more like people saying its normal. so after you do it for years you re into a hole you dont get out easily
i think its worst for white people bc as always they are bombarded first its why you see lots of niggers here getting white gfs bc many white boys are just in terrible state from all the porn junk food over decades etc

did you never fap? if yes i straight assume you lived in a relgious family or were very ugly aka not getting attention in your youth bc its very easy to see naked boobs etc
its easy to say these kind of things but its different in life. you cannot fap for months and still fall back into it very easily. its literally always right there,
im a young man i want sex if i dont get sex fapping to porn becomes obviously a very good outlet and becomes more attractive the longer your streak goes
peope dont want to be sexless monks for months
ive had months long streaks and still fell back into it
So I should add gold to my diet?
What are you even saying?
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I have fapped, because I'm not a saint nor a retard that believes anything people tell me. I love to experiment and learn from the results. I don't think I'm ugly either, because I'm not a virgin and have had several girlfriends when I was younger. I was raised Christian, but guess what, I hate people that call themselves Christians more than Jews. That line is very thin though.
I agree that white people have it worse than any other group, but once again, any sane person would be able to see that.

Back to the topic of this general. Why do you think a man/boy makes sure he's not being watched when browsing porn? Each and every one of us knows the shame in being spotted. Sure there are exceptions, but those type of degenerates should be hanged on sight. The feeling that it's wrong comes from within, you don't need anyone to tell you. Unless you let others tell you otherwise. The only way to combat the feeling that it's wrong is actively looking for excuses and engaging in the lifestyle that comes with it.
That's because you're pathetic and doing it for the wrong reasons.
>im a young man i want sex if i dont get sex fapping to porn becomes obviously a very good outlet
You could just fap without the porn, but noooo had to just erase all progress and become a degenerate once more. Fuck outta here with your excuses. You're not a man.
>becomes more attractive the longer your streak goes
Then why is it easier for me the longer the streak goes? Almost 8 months and I could stare at porn for 5 hours easy without touching my dick, because guess what? I am the one controlling my hands. You're the one making up excuses to convince yourself otherwise, that's the difference.

I'll say this once more, for all of you that can't quit porn/fap: You have NO respect for yourself. No respect for your body, mind and soul. (GIF related)
In ancient religion gold is associated with divinity.
> I could stare at porn for 5 hours easy without touching my dick
Proof or gtfo.
honestly i think bc of your religious upbringing it saved you from much more harm, im the same person you replied to btw. i was raised atheist being told its completely normal, so obviously i saw no harm in doing it, it felt pretty good mostly for the most part
>You could just fap without the porn
at this point i dont think it matters that much, from what i read here i honestly think this is your longest streak right now and youve simply become arrogant and angry, its typical signs of someone who is on longer streak
its probably your first big streak yet you act so big here calm down faggot
did you have sex or fap without porn in these 8 months or a complete 8 month streak?
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>be walking normally in street
>two girls on a bus, seen trough the window . one of them looks at me. Giggles\ trips spaghetti
>tells her friend to look at me
>she also giggles\blushes
at long last...attraction benefit was real all along! I didn't DO anything, myself, in regards to them or any other women. Also so far female cashiers have accidentally (??) charged me less than the written fee for my meal or coffee.
And I randomly found some bills when I needed them for chum money. Maybe it all boils down to simple Good Luck?
Fine, tell me how to prove it without doxxing myself.
I fapped way too early, even before my balls were producing anything or being forced to practice Christianity. Nobody told me it's normal or it was bad, but I knew it was a shameful act and had to hide it from anyone to see. Kind of like peeing I guess, taking a shit or vomiting I guess. Even if you were sick and had to vomit, you'd want to cover yourself or hide while doing so. Being forced to practice Christianity actually made it worse. As you've noticed I am very stubborn. Tell me what to do and I'll try the opposite. Fully trusting anyone in life is retarded.
>i was raised atheist being told its completely normal
2 completely different things. Being atheist doesn't mean it's normal to fap. Whoever told you it's completely normal is retarded. You buying it is also retarded. Why do you believe what anyone tells you? What was the reasoning that they used? As a boy it's normal to be stubborn and still try and figure stuff out for yourself.
>its probably your first big streak yet you act so big here calm down faggot
Again with these fucking retarded assumptions. Complete (almost) 8 month streak. I have done this before, multiple times, longer and shorter, depending on my state of mind. Life has not been easy, let's put it at that. The only reason I have fapped was because of my addiction to weed. It helped me creating excuses and stay delusional that it's not a big deal or "I can't control myself". Whenever I quit weed and sobered up I couldn't fap, because it looked gay/retarded/weak. I was too conscious to not see the impact. At this point my life still isn't easy, but I dedicated to quit weed 8 months ago and erased all the weak fucks in my life that talk like you and that other anon. Now, it's as easy as breathing.
>omg a girl looked at me once in 2 years its working bros

youre just someone who talks big and is in his biggest streak babys first walk
>I can't stop touching my dick and watch porn, pls god helppp
I bet you need your mommy to clip your toenails.
you are talking big for someone who took weed, like weed is way more retarded than fapping
everyone knows drugs are bad no matter if religious atheist or whatever. fapping is way more devious you literally compared it to shitting and pissing... its always there and its not so clear its bad, you wont stop pissing and shitting either or are you also on noshit and nopiss?
for weed you literally had to go to some dubious vendor and literally buy all the while you knew its bad thats the real stupidity

t never took drugs but fapped, bc obviously i knew drugs are bad
youre on your first streak and literally stupidly angry as you feel the need to literally randomly insult into the vault... you dont even know who youre insulting
i wonder how much of semen retention or whatever is true when it turn people into angry faggots all the time
you will fap again i can practically guarantee it
>like weed is way more retarded than fapping
I think it's equally retarded, but that's not the point here is it?
>you wont stop pissing and shitting either or are you also on noshit and nopiss?
I can't believe you asked this retarded question. There's a shitton more wrong with you than not being able to stop fapping/watching porn and it's obvious.
>t never took drugs but fapped, bc obviously i knew drugs are bad
I don't even want to know at what point you realized fapping is bad and how many years later you're here struggling to keep your hands off your dick.
>youre on your first streak
Already wrong, because you didn't read the next.... let's see, wow, 5 words?!!! Must be amazing to be this retarded.
>you will fap again i can practically guarantee it
Mid cope.

If anything, you two are angrier than I am. Unable to process criticism and confrontation. Get on my level, fucking slaves.
Livestream it with a naruto headband on and blur your eyes.
Kek! Love the idea, but it's still risky. Plus it's very easy to fool you guys even in that setting.
if you were so great you wouldnt rage so hard, literally babs first streak
>working around girls all day
>not a glance
It's just your genes. Being sex starved made you pay more attention
>if you were so great
There's no greatness in not touching your dick or watching porn. It's degenerate if you do and NORMAL if you don't.
its your first streak you touched your dick all the time you big fag
So isn't there some snake oil health product with gold flakes in them somewhere?

But before even asking for that question, How does the human body get gold in the first place?
If there was an inexpensive, edible way of doing it then yeah. Bearing in mind, those studies are over a decade old & I haven't found anything recent regarding gold in semen.
No wonder you become connected more with the divine when retaining.
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You guys know you can just buy edible gold flakes online, right?
5 days in and I'm having some pretty bad urges today but I am telling myself no and making it through. Hoping I see some more benefits soon, I am a lot more energetic and less nervous around strangers.
Well gold is not toxic to consume. I guess you could buy some of the swarna bhasma mentioned in the study and look up in what dosages it's used. Poos use incinerated gold as medicine literally apparently, but yeah, it's expensive.
Oh I was just telling this to the other anon. We should do this, and also cut out carbs. We'll become earthly gods.
Also checked.
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I've tried cutting carbs, but it often leaves me tired throughout the day. An apple/orange or two a day is sufficient from my experience. Also great for vitamins (A/D/E/K, not sure which one of these).
Though I must admit the gold theory is interesting. If any of you are going to try it and feel any different, I'd love to read the results. Apparently there's little research on the consumption of gold. (assuming it's not deliberately hidden from the public). Also, if it's not absorbed, I wonder if it exits the body through urine or poop.
Yeah it's going to make you feel tired until your body adapts to using something else for energy. Usually people go for a high fat diet when they cut out carbs, otherwise your body will start burning muscle for energy. But you'll still be tired until your body adapts to using fat instead of carbs.
And yeah I'm going to try both things soon.
Deleted post number by mistake
Do you have an idea how long it will take for the average body to adapt? I remember trying it for a week. Also, what about the vitamins you allegedly miss out on?
Swear you fucks aint even dithering air with drugs and holding it inside.
Why would you do that?
Because I'm a retarded faggot
A week or two, it's different for each person, but not that long. Look it up, what I'm describing is basically keto, but people usually use it for weight loss (people who have excess fat burn that fat, obviously). What I'm interested in is that people report more clarity of thinking when they cut out fat. No brain fog, as it goes.
I don't know bro, why would the Reptilians come to Earth looking for gold as if they were Tolkien dwarves. Why does the Jew covet the gold? Is it a low innate nature in them?
Anyway, a quick search of the Swarna Bhasma medicine mentioned in the studies posted by the other anon tells me: helps with immunity, fertility (as the study says), it's a rejuvenator, aphrodisiac, it increases longevity and helps with a lot of health conditions. If it's not toxic to consume gold, why not?
Prejudice aslikely bad as racism.
Bealtongue person.
I have to look more into this before I give it a shot, I don't know what to tell you there. I know you also have a loss of electrolytes, so you'll have to replenish those.
It was her though. Internet police told myself.
Aint makeing 50 posts about suicidality each minute though.
She just ashamed about predictability.
Aint afraid of your lyings responsibility.
Stay strong, brother. Fighting off the urges and the thoughts is definitely a skill unto itself, that can be improved over time with practice.
I'm just a retarded faggot, don't be mad, guise.
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I eat at least half kg of meat every day. I can't imagine eating meat without fat. You'd have to get your energy from somewhere and the only option left would be carbs. I like to compare fat/carbs to diesel/gasoline.
Also, there's this idea of looking at and smelling your stool/piss, thus "listening" to your body. I must admit I tried it and the difference is remarkable. Whenever I eat fatty meat my farts smell divine and my stool feels solid/natural. Whereas a lot of greens/fruit made it smell rotten and leave it soft/messy. Trips to the bathroom are short as well with meat, but long and sometimes even painful with the latter.

I think I'll replace the fruit with more meat and give it another try for 2 (more) weeks.
Not sure if I got the first part of what you said but just because you already eat fat doesn't mean your body is using it for energy while it has an easier more abundant source in carbs, that's why you have to cut them out as much as possible (which yeah will leave you with low energy for a while).
You can get low carb/high fat foods beyond meat too (obviously you need a lot of meat for protein, also eggs and so on). For example cheese, butter, bacon, oils (like for dressing), nuts and olives are all high fat/low carb foods.
start fasting regularly
I love you my dear anima. Im sorry for everything. I wont ever have to apologize again for this. I love you my wife
Completely stopped cooming to porn and watching porn. Ejaculation is now only through sex. Tracker app now only tracks sex. 20 days since last time.

Been seeing this girl at the strip club the past month. It was an instant connection when we met we have the same birth sign among other things as well. We both know what we want here and we can't date each other so that is not relevant to this post. During the dance the energy exchange feels better than sex. I can feel it in my entire body and time itself seems to stop. This is a basically a full contact place too so it's basically tantric sex. Shes also acts extremely comfortable around me and the feeling I have for her is familiar like I've known her for my whole life.

I don't even want regular sex anymore really after this experience the past few weeks. I've been to clubs for years and this is the first time this has happened.

Feel like I'm entering the next stage of retention. That it's somehow opened doors so others can receive now that I have something to give. Allowing only the right password/combination of energy or magnetism to be received/delivered. IE connecting with the people you are supposed to connect with. Soulmates in a sense
>Tracker app
what is this precious
you sure you thinking straight?
Her greater ones help more desu. Just my type you knowing.

I rather stay away from cheese, because of the salt and the manner of process. Only dairy I consume is milk. Nuts, eggs and olive oil when I feel like it. Bacon is a given, even though I’d rather eat less pork. Beef and lamb all the way. I think my body is already used to the lard, but who knows the effects might differ greatly if I take fruit out of the pattern.
This has to be a troll. No one is this broken.
shut the fuck up bro, normies can come here and learn too
>>Tracker app
Rewire Companion on the Android app

>>you sure you thinking straight?

lol I know what you're thinking and I don't disagree.
This one is genuine and I think it stands out in a very ungenuine place. Might just be a combo of retention in that environment. It's a room of coomers except you.
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Man, I laughed for several minutes straight and I actually feel kind of bad. This is equivalent to see a downy trying to fit in. Epic if real, this guy is doing SR on Legendary mode. What a man!
Checked and really good video with very good basics. Thank you for sharing.
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Hey Romeo I found a pic of you and the stripper LOL ya fucking dickhead!!
>next level of retention is to attend strip clubs
Kek. Can't make this shit up.
I once went something like 40 days without cooming. I didn't notice any improvements though so I don't have any reason to do it again.
>I just feel so energized and full of life, have I really been nerfing myself the last 12 years cooming?
Yes. When on streaks past thr 9 day or so mark I literally have feelings of being more alive, and in my body. It's actually insane. Women seek to make eye contact with me instinctively. It's just weird af. Only gets weirder the longer I go.
ah good for you have a nice day then
Are you referring to OP's posts? if so which one
what about impossible fantasy fetishes, will they just go away? I had mine ingrained since childhood, and its only getting stronger now. The fact that it's only achievable via coom fantasies amplifies the need to coom.
i'm talking about [spoiler]vore[/spoiler]
Dude, I'm at a point where just reading the p word triggers my neurons.
>having sex with a stripper
Nigger, are you serious? The point of semen retention is to retain semen. The only thing you should be doing with semen is ejaculating in a wife, your wife. If you want to marry a girlfriend and coom inside her, that's great. But this just reads as you coping that you fucked a stripper and are masking it in esoteric mumbo jumbo.
Temptations like that don't disappear entirely, but you have the strength to fight it. Don't give in, never surrender to the demons of your mind and embrace degeneracy.
I relapse last night and came three times. I now have a headache and feel drained. How do you explain this?
I love you Anima.
I just had a string erection lasting 20 mins just by looking at the those stupid OF ads. Getting it to go fully soft took another 10. Strongest hard on I had in years.

Stay strong brothers.
Grammar mistakes. I really should proof read my shit.
I love Anime
I no longer have erections. Thanks SRbros
Relapsed after 42 days.

Not even feeling bad, my last streak was of 20 days, I feel like the benefits are lingering. Energy boost is gone tho.
I love you Anima.
Bros...I can't. I'm just too far gone. I hope you all make it.
Don't even want to be negative, but I constantly relapse. Had a long streak and then relapsed and since then beat my meat daily again. Instantly downloaded lots of h-games and fap hero and just went wild. It's like I am enchanted.
I was a NEET for 8 months, and they both have their downsides.
I can say I am in a better place at the moment despite some hardships. I cut the drinking that was killing me, my porn addiction that was draining my soul, and I have a direction again. I am trying to put God first for probably the first time in my life.
If I'm going to be a loser anyways, I might as well be one that is serving Him and not a burden on my poor mother
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You and other weak pathetic fucks that come up with these shit excuses how you don't have any self-control. Here's a clip from a famous movie on how pathetic you look to the average person. This is literally you without the loving wife and kid:


By all means tell me I'm wrong. Tell me it is complicated. Every man in your vicinity has no respect for you, as you don't respect yourself.
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You are not wrong, but very rude, which is honestly unnecessary. You know nothing about me, except that I struggle with a fap addiction.
I carry myself as well as I can in normie land, but this shitty addiction is weird. It's weirding me out, even if it's behind closed curtains.
Of course, it would be awesome if I wasn't a pathetic loser and could just stop all sexual drive, or at least transmute it into something better than masturbating to 2d hentai platformers or hmvs.
I know exactly if I had a girl, we would be banging a lot. But that's fairy tale stuff for me, so I have to deal with it differently.
The only thing that helped for a long time, my longest streak, was near maniacal focus on a hobby I have to completely forget about this shit.
I know I am fucking weak for not being able to just say "no fuck off" to the urge.
Doesn't help me to be very honest.
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how do instead of cooming to my succubus i make her my wife?
so instead of having wet dreams i have cuddly and kissing dreams?
Retain that seed Neo.
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Do you want me to lie to you and cuddle you like a fucking teddybear instead? Because I won't, I'm not your mother. You're living for physical pleasure and disrespect yourself in the process. How do you even expect respect from others if you don't even respect yourself?
I'm not here to help you, because there's one thing that's obvious: you can't help those that don't believe they want it. You clearly don't want it, because you stated "I'm just too far gone". Nobody is too far gone. You're just ignorant to the fact that you can recover. You ignore the signs, the help, the facts, the knowledge, the wisdom. EVERYTHING. Then come cry here like a bitch that you can't go on anymore. Disgusting.
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treating any addiction is like treating porn addiction. the cure is not in ceasing the addictive behavior, but in giving a damn about your own life and what's going on in it. How to give a damn? I can't tell you that. But you know. What is something you don't do because you've demotivated yourself into believing you can do it? Try to do it anyway. You'll gain self-respect and not even think about gratifying yourself. You may still think about sex occasionally, but if you're on your way to saving the world, you know your wife is next on the chopping block.
>8 months
you weren't a neet fren
that is "i was unemployed" territory
I've been prescriped bloodwork for total T. Should I wait before I'm days, weeks, or months into SR to maximize my chances of having ego boosting results?
science says 1 week, but the effects of a 10% increase in T won't really start to affect you until 1 month or even a year.
Thanks. I will keep postponing that test until I am ready
3 months seems like a nice benchmark.
I think PMO is just a symptom of other problems in my life. I think I just need to fix these problems and I won't need to PMO.
i edged my powerrod, my energywand, i stipulated my fleshy sword, i rerouted my addiction pathways, i greased zer waterslide of coom, i almost set off the third impact on my penids, i edged my monadic circle, i zapped my rock, i chinked my ricefields, awakening the goonsissytranny kaliyuga ichoric dark energy soultrapper, im stopping my yoinker goofy movie 3 goonfy tales, ive short circuited the mana tower, ive glanced in my icy tower , ive shed tears for children never born, ive pleaded for guidance while tightening my godzilla grip , ive stopped my godzilla from konging. we've shoot this atomic breath on a pedophile eye, ive stopped my sacred geometry session to watch ravaged sewerholes and horror at the eye of dark blood , ive stopped though
i'm done with day three
no during a long streak you will 100% go through really hard times, if you want to quit PMO you need a vision for the future/goal to work towards that you know SR will help with

also quitting porn and quitting masturbation are two separate beasts, choose one to quit first off
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I used to think the conversation on stimulants was a slide, but holy fuck, does coffee ever make me an uncontrollable horny bastard when I get past 4 days. Got danger close to a relapse there, and definitely will need to fast from coffee if I wanna go any further
Over a year streak this time. WDs happen less frequently as you purify yourself..kinda like taking a knife to scoop off the extra flour from a measuring cup - your body is accustomed to your habits, and now the regular output has been deleted. It will take time to course correct your physiology to prioritize nourishment to other parts of your body. There is also an obvious spiritual component to this, but that is for you to experience.

Use the creative energy. Physical exercise, creative endeavors like writing/reading/designing, and meditation/breath work will become necessary. Our ancestors did not sit inside and continually queue up games and jerk off lol.

The attention from women is real. At first it is awesome and you feel like a chad because most people feel your energy and calm confidence, but over time you will come to realize that the way we have been living life is wrong. I am ashamed I wasted years nutting because I thought it was normal and I was scared of prostate cancer.

While on this journey, you have the opportunity to grow into the man you want to be. There is no hesitation in your step, and you will always meet your challenge at the rim. Understand that conquering your animalistic desire will unlock your chains. The powers that be want you to be stuck in animal brain.

We are more than animals my brothers. We are all gonna make it. Spread good will to those around you. Light the candle for them.
Thinking about all the years and experiences I've lost to porn and false pleasures makes me want to kill myself desu. I know that that way of thinking is pointless and that I should just focus on what I can do now to change, but it is fucking rough to think about.
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You read my mind as I was thinking the exact same thing anon. The guilt is oppressive and the regret weighs on me heavily. You're not alone
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Hey we're day buddies, also done with day 3. Yesterday night, I did some meditation in Maha Bandha stance visualizing the energy going up my spine when I had urges, works like a charm, my head became all warm. Feeling really good about this streak, this will be the big one. WAGMI
Bro, you know what I realized? It really doesn't matter that you've "wasted" all those years, because really no matter how well anyone did they always feel like they could have done better and sit hours lamenting about the past, THAT right there is the real waste. Youth is ALWAYS wasted on the young, we all make mistakes and "waste" our time, the only thing you're supposed to do in youth is learn. Have you learned your lesson? If so it's not really a waste, stop looking in the past and live in the now and look towards the future.
I normally don't buy into this shit but Jung certainly had an idea of wtf he was talking about

I love you, anima
Has anyone had any success with finding love on this journey? Does the magnetism actually attract the right person?
>Looked at porn for about two hours or so yesterday
>Deepest and longest sleep I've had in awhile
>Woke up today balls hurting

While I didn't coom, I don't get why I slept so long. Even getting out of bed was difficult.

Look at those lost years and experiences as something that were to build you up to where you are today. Those years turned you into a warrio and man that you are today. They were not wasted.
You sound really gay lol.
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I love you, Anima.

>be me
>fell off SR wagon for the past 3 months
>decide to finally start reading Jung
>really into it
>get back into spiritual development and SR
>discover that I was affected by my childhood trauma and never really acknowledged it
>discover a lot of my dysfunction are defensive mechanisms from my shadow
>discover a good way to stop lustful thoughts is to shift focus to the ideal feminine and embrace your Anima, let her comfort your soul.
>come back to /srg/ for first time since May.
>10th reply on /srg/ is all about Jung and the Anima
Synchronicities are real.

Also, I have started a dream journal to record my dreams and hopefully interpret the messages from my unconscious. It seems like if a ejaculate at night before sleeping I tend to not dream or remember the dream. Is there something too this? Does ejaculation prevent dreams like weed does?
Rational solutions to non-rational problems don't work. It's better to know yourself than not, obviously, but trust me, you will always relapse whether you know why or not, because you don't do it for a logical reason you can rationalize away, that's why therapy is gay, it's pure rationalization.
Besides that, PMO gives you the same dopamine reward as sex, a lot of young people have rewired themselves to be basically pornosexuals, they get aroused by looking at other people fuck like cucks. That doesn't just go away, you have to face the monster.
Why did you butcher the bake, faggot?
Obviously suchway cauaing bmphour.
Why cant you becomw confidence?
Alwaya sowayno.
Motherfucker herewaya.
read "treating pornography addiction" and "the easy peasy way". you always need to rationalize PMO before you do it. ex. "this is my last time", "ill stop tomorrow", "it isn't that bad" etc
She just wants to get pregnant: Get her pregnant, become successful on SR, become good father
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Same. All those "missed" opportunities with girls. It hurts just thinking about it. So many years wasted.
theres a lot of anecdotal evidence for that yeah. a lot of lucid dreaming invested people claim that SR helps them lucid dream

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