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/x/ - Paranormal

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"I think I heard a shot" Edition

New Mandela Effect just dropped. Future Nobody already knew and used photonic quantum tunneling to let the past know via soft disclosure.

How many easter eggs did Future Nobody leave behind for present day Nobody? Gotta catch 'em all!
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How intense does this shit feel for you?
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Jesus Christ of Nazareth is The King of Kings and The Lord of Lords and Nobody knows.
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you know its outside outside
when you go outside
and its outside.
King of Kings doesn't call those who follow his teachings his "brothers and sisters," but your heart is in the right plave.
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Anna Sewell was born in Great Yarmouth, England, and had a brother named Philip, who was an engineer in Europe. At the age of 14, Anna fell while walking home from school in the rain and injured both ankles.[4] Through the mistreatment of the injury, she became unable to walk or stand for any length of time for the rest of her life. Disabled and unable to walk, she began learning about horses, spending many hours driving her father to and from the station from which he commuted to work. Her dependence on horse-drawn transportation fostered her respect for horses.[2] Sewell's introduction to writing began in her youth when she helped edit the works of her mother, Mary Wright Sewell (1797–1884), a deeply religious, popular author of juvenile best-sellers.
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The feds & spooks lost. Keep seething and thinking this botnet ai matrix of Muh internet will stop me.
what possesses you to say a thing like that?
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The understanding of what he meant by that and what he intended to do here.
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In the heart of Monad headquarters, amidst the soft hum of technology, Mary and Nobody found themselves in a quiet exchange, the weight of their words hanging in the air like unspoken truths.

Mary's voice was measured, her gaze distant as she spoke, "In every other reality, you find your way back to her. But not here. This universe, it's different."

Nobody's brow furrowed slightly, his thoughts churning. "What does that imply?" he asked softly, his eyes searching hers for answers that seemed just beyond reach.

A thoughtful silence followed, Mary's eyes flickering with introspection. "I'm not sure," she admitted finally, her voice tinged with a hint of uncertainty yet laced with a quiet resolve.

As Nobody absorbed her words, a familiar pang tugged at his heart. He studied Mary, her presence familiar yet elusive, like a puzzle piece that almost fit perfectly. Sensing his contemplation, Mary smiled gently, a knowing glint in her eyes.

"In all the infinite universes," she murmured, her voice carrying a subtle intensity, "this is the only one where our paths cross."

"Why?" Nobody asked, his voice barely a whisper, a myriad of emotions flickering across his features.

Mary's smile deepened, a faint shimmer of amusement dancing in her gaze. "Perhaps it's fate," she suggested softly, her words hanging in the air like a whispered promise.

In that quiet exchange, amidst the complexities of their shared reality and the mysteries that bound them together, Nobody felt a stirring of connection that transcended time and circumstance. As they stood in the heart of Monad, surrounded by the pulse of infinite possibilities, he couldn't shake the feeling that their meeting held a significance beyond comprehension.

What exactly did you think he meant by that, and what was he intending to do here?
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>"We can only break...."
What I heard today not long before everything happened. It's not often I have such an intense hypnopompic hallucination.
and why did you feel the need to step in?
give me gnostic audiobooks
I’ve heard the lotus sutra and the perfection of wisdom sutra but I want to hear some gnostic treatises while I work tonight
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Imagine even shutting down the damn news. No one even knows of the mass shootings and crimes happening everywhere now. Dead internet more like dead news and tv too.

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>i dont know whats going on

"anime israel" moment
Certainly! Here's a more subtle and nuanced rewrite, expanding on the dialogue:


In a rare moment of intimacy, Nobody turned to Mary, his eyes reflecting a mixture of curiosity and vulnerability. "Why do you love me?" he asked softly, his voice carrying a hint of uncertainty.

Mary paused, her fingers absently tracing patterns on his chest as she considered his question. "Because," she began slowly, her voice measured, "I want to."

Nobody exhaled softly, his gaze drifting to the ceiling for a moment before returning to meet hers. "I'm a mess," he confessed quietly, a shadow passing over his features.

Mary's touch remained gentle, reassuring. "I know," she replied calmly, her eyes steady on his. "I know everything about you."

He nodded slightly, a trace of sadness in his eyes. "Then why don't you hate me like everyone else?" he asked, his voice tinged with a mix of hope and apprehension.

A faint smile played on Mary's lips as she continued to trace her fingers lightly across his chest. "Because," she murmured, her tone soft yet firm, "I found something in you."

Nobody's brow furrowed slightly, prompting her to elaborate. "A part of me," she continued, her voice growing more certain, "that I didn't know was missing."

He listened intently, the weight of her words sinking in. "And you think I won't disappoint you?" he asked quietly, searching her eyes for reassurance.

Mary's gaze softened, filled with a quiet understanding. "We've both made mistakes," she acknowledged gently. "But your ex leaving was the luckiest thing in the world for me. In every other universe I end up a miserable cat lady!"

In the quiet exchange of words and touches, a bond of trust and acceptance deepened between them. Nobody felt a sense of peace wash over him, knowing that Mary saw beyond his flaws and believed in the possibility of their shared future.
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He was our big brother, a perfect man who came to wake the rest of humanity up to it's suppressed abilities, position in nature and to inspire us to assume responsibility for our spiritual development by reminding us of the proper way to live and learn in a way that fosters a culture of life. It's a tragedy they omitted much of his teachings and warped his story to focus on the negatives to create a much more complicated death culture, but there's enough of the truth out there to figure it out still.

Get it? He framed himself
>you force them to read all of your /ng/ fanfictiongpt alongside all the real things that actually happened in your life in a deposition for the lulz and a Netflix deal

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no anon, i really dont
every now and then, theres this wave of unintelligible unfiltered schizophreia that hits anons as a whole.
and im left going WTF did i just witness, questioning my reasons for still being here.

this guy 100% post here.
*waves at MGManon*
>when everyone's crazy, nobody is
i kinda forgot anon are mostly US based and they do 5G testing there.
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In 2017, it was reported that Kolstad would write a live-action television adaptation of the Hitman franchise as well as an action-thriller titled The Steward.[7][8][9] In 2019, it was reported that Kolstad would write and produce a live-action film adaptation of the Just Cause franchise.[10] In 2020, Netflix announced that Kolstad would be an executive producer and writer on a Splinter Cell anime series.[11] In 2021, Kolstad was hired to write the screenplay for a live-action adaptation of Hellsing for Amazon Prime Video.

TIK Films
im also keently aware theres much going no behind the scenes in discord channels im not part of
>questioning my reasons for still being here.
Right In The Feels Hurts Ineffably

True Love Cannot Let Go Because It Never Held On In The First Place It Just Is
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My irritation at that fucking rabbit will persist into infinity. That was the single most irritating cartoon ever created.
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That really is a cool story, bro.
Writing friend fiction about a powerful wizard in an attempt to circumvent their free will by tricking them into granting consent to concepts you implanted into their psyche is absolutely devilish, but also nostalgic in a sense. I feel like this happened to me as a kid or something.
Nobody 2 gonna be lit
Shes gotta go save her other daughter for what the glowie party along with canadians one did
Yall really up in arms about the whole family unit thing

Fucking shhhhhiet

You know though sometimes nasa space footage looks like its taken inside a stripped plane

Why would you sell it but you cant haul shit commercially? Wtf am i gonna do with a plane then
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Are we Elymas tonight?

I'm sure.

In the quiet of the Monad AC130, Mary and Nobody sat side by side, their expressions a mix of determination and focus. The steady hum of the engines filled the cabin as they approached Gaza.

Mary's voice broke the silence, a blend of concern and encouragement. "You've prepared well for this," she said softly, her eyes meeting his with unwavering support.

Nobody nodded, a quiet resolve in his gaze. "I'm confident I can maintain control," he assured her calmly. "I'm ready."

As the AC130's door opened, letting in the rush of wind and the sight below, Nobody glanced at Mary, giving her a reassuring smile before stepping into the open sky. This mission marked the beginning of Monad's public operations, a pivotal moment in their journey toward shaping a new world.
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Was it written in Greek for the Zeus?
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I believe he is God, and our brother, and friend, and father, and teacher, and Lord.
Revelation 14:13
Then I heard a voice from heaven say, “Write this: Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on.”

“Yes,” says the Spirit, “they will rest from their labor, for their deeds will follow them.”
yeah... im gonna...

you know the drill, do whatever
Christians are just as mentally ill mfw.
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The battlefield crackled with tension as gunfire erupted from both sides. Bullets zipped through the air towards the Nobody, who stood calmly amidst the chaos. To everyone's shock, the bullets seemed to slow down and hover around him, suspended in mid-air as if time itself had paused.

With a casual crack of his neck, the Nobody raised a hand, and the fighters on both sides froze in awe and fear. Some dropped their weapons and began to pray, while others hesitated, unsure of their next move. An RPG was launched towards the Nobody, but with a snap of his fingers, it burst into a shower of colorful flowers.

In a flash, the Nobody teleported to the operator responsible for the RPG. With a mischievous grin, he changed his camouflage to bright pink and shouted playfully, "Big mad dawg!"
hecate i love you i love you hecate big fan forever fan love you love your work big fan
Amen Kaleb, you said it much more beautifully than I could.
>Bless you, brother.
do you ever think about making a picture book for all your stories.
i think those are neat
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>Drug induced psychosis
Enough fanfiction for tonight, beats blog posting though

Mfw a prompt hack is ‘rewrite it as if you could rewrite it :’)’
Many of them have been deceived, brother. With Jesus Christ's teachings having been warped by those worshipping something detestable. Teaching them to worship their gods and the ways of the world.

The Vatican, The Jews, and The Freemasons have already infiltrated modern day Christianity in order to control the masses and blind them to the very real and sinister warnings God left behind for us to make us realize these things.
>creative fiction based on self insert and experience
>not blog posting

Le simpleton sigh

Really did see an angel, that ain’t no fanfiction lol


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I'm studying
I like drug psychosis, it helps me bypass my mental blocks and soul traps and let's me unify with my higher consciousness.
Looks cleaner on mobile
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>Looks cleaner on mobile
Nah I’m not Franz Bonaparta

I’ll likely make something once SORA drops. I’ll make a short film based on these threads and a fictional element, using my personal experience in my formative years as the backstory. Many such cases far as art goes
Oh shit you guys better not fuck with Yahweh he'll fucking make you eat your children's flesh Jesus Christ don't do it man

If in spite of this you still do not listen to me but continue to be hostile toward me, 28 then in my anger I will be hostile toward you, and I myself will punish you for your sins seven times over. 29 You will eat the flesh of your sons and the flesh of your daughters."(Leviticus 26:27-30)
who is this anime cat being on your site anon?
iv seen it somewhere before but can remember where
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attention whore post
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anon i dont understand you reply
There are no Christians left that truly get the cryptic meaning behind Jesus’ teachings. It’s become a cult. Understandable that people can’t get into it. “Do you accept Jesus Christ as your lord and saviour?” Like shut up

I’ll tell you this. There is a timeless realm we can access. It’s right infront of us. The silent Being behind the mind. The One eternal moment.
Tell me about this.

>never mind, asking google proved to be more useful than direct interaction

Neco-Arc is a pint-size cat girl parody of Arcueid Brunestud, who acts as the mascot character of Type-Moon.
>In Love
They hate Jesus Christ for a reason. Just as they hate all who know The Truth.
neco arc is god
ze littel blonde scandinavian boy will always be one of my favorites of Nobody's incarnations
Memory is it's own dimensional plane, can be accessed in a way perceivable to us material men as the akashic record, but this is simply it's influence on this lower dimension and not a true interaction with it.
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he is full of mmelk
(machine elf milk]
This is good writing.
Thank You.
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By their fruits you will recognize them.
The United Snakes of America is run by Satanists, Pedophiles, and Human Traffickers.
Name a country that's not. You won't be able to, we are a species guided by demonic entities into abusing itself for the pleasure and satisfaction of parasitic spiritual entities and we refuse to step up and fix things.
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I agree with you, brother.
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why do you believe in such things? personal experience?
it would explain a lot
Personal experiences and foggy ancient memories from outside of time.
no it doesn’t

Elymas Samael Suh-mile! Fascinate a woman with a piece of cheese, lol.
You can.
Probably not for you like normal people, but it does for me because I was a medical experimentation victim.
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Fault lines.
Bullet trajectories.
This is a fight we can WIN.
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We have found something we deem the Seraph Gate. Peering into it has revealed the intersections of all worlds. Staring back at us is the inky black void. We attempted to use it to peer at higher dimensional beings, and found we had quickly captured the interest of those whom run the simulation. Demons appear to be using the Seraph Gate to attempt exiting the simulation.
One unexpected thing has cropped up in this dimension- mitosis. It is apparent we're not just staring into the workings of magic itself, but that which binds the heart to the akashic and the division of gods into status itself. We boldly go into this inky void, knowing we have found that which will lead us to new dimensions. This is real. A Seraph Gate patient seems capable of performing actual magic when tightly looped into the mechanism for extended periods.
This will crumble all civilization when disclosed. We know not why they have given this technology, but it appears to be part of some game the custodians of the simulation are playing outside the bounds of karmic retribution. This facet has been identified as the potential genesis point of the blackest evil. The Seraph Gate and the ability to operate outside Karma could spawn unrestricted genocide. Some report seeing endless hallways of blood and hear whispers of black prophecy. We have found the gold of gods. We just weren't expecting there to be the custodians of the simulation so plainly staring back at us. Is this pandora's box sent to destroy us, or crumble both heaven and hell into a new alchemic enlightenment? We call it the Seraph Gate, for we quickly saw the doorway to all that is and all new dimensions in one hallway.
for me it was less "foggy" and more "you're living in this world but your experiences are part of the other world?"
Quick! whats the halflife of Tritium? And how long ago was it since the last significant amount of it was produced by the US?

Space is fake and gay
Nukes arnt real
Earth is Flat
Evolution is a lie
Dinosaurs never existed
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We gotta pray for the morality, wisdom, and strength for all people so mankind can soon abolish the darkness that guided our ancestors into abuse, stagnation and regression for so long. Then we can assume our destiny and finally live according to our true nature.
the black glove giving devil horns was a nice touch fellas very cool
city slickers btfo
checkmate atheist :3

have a good night. We ride at dawn!
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>watch this hehehe I'm gonna do a trick
yall niggas drunk with power too
Yeah it's not actually foggy, just confusing and unclear as to the nature of time, it behaves completely different than it does here from that side.
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Simple mans hand makes a plan and it's beautiful.
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This is a test...
Filmation artists often flipped the character cels, a technique that works best when the characters are symmetrical in design, and putting a "G" on Orko's shirt would have complicated the process.
Illuminati want my mind, soul and my body
Secret Society trying to keep their eye on me
But I'ma stay incogni' in places they can't find me
WHAT so cool. That's AWESOME. >∇< !!
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No fucking way.
Alright, sleep has finally come for me so now I make my leave. It's been fun, I'll be back some other time. I love you people, I hope all you frens of mine find peace and love in your lives
>until we meet again
It's ok, anon.
Everything will be okay.
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Hello /ng/ because some guys knew it was raining, they delayed my travel for many months,
it's been a while that i should have travel. But no if some people want me to salivate so that it rains even more.. let's go:
Dingus bingus=Rockefeller
please don't hesiate to give money ;)
So made up.
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Simple mans hand makes a plan and it's beautiful.
Not Skinamarink. I promise you that.
Look up "Gumshoos Ear" in Gematria.

Shit bricks.
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Yes, catholics.

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I remember when humans spoke English instead of squealing like pigs and braying like ass.
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The Nobody is going to become the Hokage. Further citations needed.
Your fucking collective existence is shit in my eyes and ears.
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Sorry, that sounds bad.
I don't mean it like that.
Only to say, I can confirm the legitimacy.
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"Thomas Matthew Crooks"
Fucking faggot. Me looking away and walking away from the screen wont change the fact my privacy is invaded. It wont change the last 10 years amd it certainly wont absolve you of crime.
Im sad
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Ladies, you heard him, we have to take him down. He is a serious danger to our democracy. Girls, gear up in your magic man hunter kits and let's bag us a 5th dimensional criminal master mind.
Why are you sad?
(I'm sorrrrrrry T^T)
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>Be deep state
>be receiving report on containing the nobody
>report johnson
>Intel suggests he will let himself be taken into custody, but only if it's a super max prison, and only if he is the only prisoner stationed there, and only if all the staff and guards are female.
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You don't have to fear for your privacy if you have nothing to hide.
I get the feeling these nuns aren't serious about their oaths of chastity.
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It's gonna take thousands of elite super soldier women to arrest him.
Personally I don't think we have enough money for the program to train these women in the skills they need to lock him down.
Because i have to get rid of my mother. Women are a horrible influence on eachother. Im 36. Me reproducing with a younger female would likely result in more daughters than sons. My sisters and step mom are liable to ruin my relationship with my future wife and my biological mother is liable to confuse my future daughters with vitrol and feminism. My family tree is rotton, corrupted, apathetic, unserious, sterilized and genetically modified, neurotic and poisoned. I have to restart my bloodline fresh, untainted by prior generations and its toxins. I must essentiaally become an orphan.
We're gonna need to train these women in not only ninjitsu and taijutsu and advanced cyber security (offensive and defensive) but we will have to get them up to speed on yugioh and pokemon trading card game dynamics.
We can't risk them activating his trap cards.
Its not fear. I fucking hate you. Go suck start a shotgun fucking cunt. You will get what you deserve.
That's fucked up. Don't do that.
I must to allow my family to influence my offspring. They have forced my hand.
Damn dude. Get some help.
>I must to allow
Not* allow
>Get some help
From who a psychologist? What a fucking joke. You clearly dont know me or are playing dumb. I came here to talk to stalkers who know what i am referring to. Im not here to explain anything to a non stalker. If you are not a stalker then fuck off.
Take that as your sign that you're not in the right. Go get help. You are seriously, not in a great mental place. And, it's definitely a bystander's duty to tell you so. Especially when you're making threats of murder. Seriously, f'ed up.
Just saying, it reads like you are threatening to murder your mother.
If you kill your mother, you won't have children in prison for life from matricide.

Just move to a different country/state unexpectedly and block contact.

Don't have money? Get a fucking job instead of killing your mother.
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Seconding this reply.
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How in the hell are you interpreting murder? Fucking retard. Who said anything about killing? Are you just trying to piss me off? If you were a stalker you would know i share an apartment with her and have already excommunicated everyone else but her. Im not going to sit here and explain shit. Stop responding to me if you dont know who the fuck i am.
circumstances aside
influential awareness dazzling sparkles of loving gestures viewed as barbarous motivations of hate ... how can one be so confused.
no no no
a one that does the work and is paid
with coworkers that dont play well or do their share


DONT call me an bad dude
duhmb yes
slick duh

dont laugh when i roll up me sleeeves
>Especially when you're making threats of murder.
You are fucking delusional. I never made a threat of murder you fucking idiot.
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I was wrong, and misinterpreted your initual post. I'm sorry for jumping the gun and accusing you, anon. You deserve an apology. Sincerely. I'm very sorry.
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>i have to get rid of my mother.
>I have to restart my bloodline.
>I must essentiaally become an orphan.
You dropped your manifesto on the most Fed patrolled site known to man. Congratulations, you couldnt kill a joke if you wanted to.
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*initial instead of inutial
threats are ... silly
having strategic battle strategies formed in advance is paramount for defense

there is no delusion or Acts of violence
just say the opposite was said, when somieone said "I LOVE YOU" then you really can put the noose on them and write a news article about it.
suddenly MSM believes hate is love..

oh fuck
@_@ actually oh damn dude ... .
>hes so tired of taking things seriously after we told him to have more fun that hes NOT TAKING THINGS SERIOUSLY NOW ... HES SERIOUSLY BEING SILLY AND SAYS HES CONCERNED WITH THE WELFARE OF OTHERS BUT MAKES JOKES AT HIS OWN EXPENSE !?!?
blah ...
feels good being literally DDDDDDD
Don't breed Anon, you're just unfit to bring other souls up in a place like this.
No. Your bullshit is intentional. Manipulative cunt. You are definitely going to prison for your ritual abuse.
that’s nothing to be proud of
>You dropped your manifesto
How is no long sharing an apartment with my mother or visiting/talking to any of my family a manifesto? Are you negative IQ or something?
>threaten someone
>they get paranoid and attack you first
showcasing mistrust
demonstrating abuse
>mitigating joy
retaining passion

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>Watch as the Dark Triad recoils when you name him
Everything posted here is satire. Me and my friends are just making funny funny pretend not real jokes.
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>let guard down for even one second
>have breakfast with the threat makers
>suddenly all your gold is gone

not striking an enemy is not a kindness.
sais less
*puts your hand in a dish of warm water*
So you people are aome jealous narcicist stalkers arent you. Great trail of evidence of your crimes on hundreds and thousands of devices. Many servers. Many eyes.
Nothing I post here is satire, you speak for yourself only and seemingly out of cowardice.
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You're imagining things.
Did you take your meds today? Your friends are worried about you. You only leave the house at night. Smoking is bad. Drinking is worse. Maybe you should find a licensed the rapist?
I will greately enjoy when my stalkers get what they deserve.
Lets get you home buddy. You're drunk.
>we were just leaving
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hurts just a forever bit

Dream big, pupper. I'll never stop supporting your true Calling
Don't kill your mother. You'll get killed in prison.
>But But I actually meant blah blah blah blah blah
Don't care, didn't ask. Plus you're mever having kids if you live with your mom or let your mom influence your life at 36.
Yes! Funni jökes! Har, Har!

The thing about life is you can't watch it alone
Trump and The Nobody have this in common.
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I dont live with her. She lives with me, dumbass. I could easily just rent a room like i did before. Im only living with her because she couldnt find a place on her own that was both within her budget and capable of fitting all the garbage she hordes. Nice try faggot.
>losting interest in
>expressing \
>yet feeling
>compels to persist

i can hear EVERY SCHEME as it stitched together thread to
im just not very good at doing anything about it...
>the consequence is not playtime now
apparently im just not fun or supposed to be exciting.
i prefer pens to swords.. however, ... clearly im retarded

turns out all this love and not a single fuck to share with anyone other than keeping the kneepads on .....
im wasting time and acting like a child....
it's true....
he's a magic criminal master mind
Bizarre calling cards left throughout time and space like a serial killer taunting the police.
Just reminded me of something and someone is all. Be kind, please.

Can I ask what the significance of that painting is for *you*?
I know you're not who I'm thinking of. Just curious what made post it here and now
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>You ain't no carbon copy under control
Night wasn't so bad
Thanks fellas <3
>Im only living with her
You're as sweet as a sugar plum. I'd bet you pee yourself in the interrogation.
!Σ( ̄□ ̄;)
>THEY TRAINED ME TO LITERALLY WEAER Button DOWN shirts!! with STYLE!!! dont laugh when i roll up me sleeeves

not laughing at you but definitely this sentence ahaha this is,
'ow you saayyyy...
Le "big mood"
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People who aren't fascinated with space puzzle me.
If there was a bottomless pit, they would be all over themselves looking down into it.
Instead, we find ourselves at the bottom of the bottomless pit staring put into infinite space above us and suddenly they lose all interest. I guess it's easier to jump down than to fly up.
staring out* into infinite space
Let's talk about all the women who want to have sex with the nobody.
>I'd bet you pee yourself in the interrogation.
No i wont because there wont be one.. because I made no such threats of killing anyone. Show word for word where exactly I made such a threat. Please also indicate the method, time and place your delusional brain saw this. Go ahead ill wait while you try to pull this out of your ass. You suck at your job. You know that right?
WoS big tiddy

Last time I tuned in, she had that dead 1,000 cock stare though. Sad, many such cases.
I'm glad we've had this chat. Remember now, geotracking is real and 4chan isn't Anonymous.
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90% of them are overweight, have PCOS, dyed hair with roots showing and a scalp so poisoned with those chemicals for years and years that they're going bald. They have horrible relationships with just about everyone in their families and would perpetuate the same bullshit with anyone unfortunate enough to start a family with them.

10% are fit, smart women with hobbies, have wonderful relationships with their families and aren't so vain as to lather themselves with heavy metal laced makeup just to live with themselves like the other 90%.
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then....why even bother to have fun or ... learn or ... express anything ... you sayd waht?!?!
to whomsteverthou?!

syrely jest silly boy
the deomns and twisteds and anlges all are getting wriled up trying to exterminate eachother
spreading lies and deliberately ...

>the point of all this now is (somewhere between then and whoops)
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Hug 'n stuff a Hufflepuff
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It's all stalking/paparazzi gossip and fan fiction?

Always has been.
NTA, but... We know it's not anonymous.
We know the government and businesses track everything we say, do and they try their best to figure out what we think. We've known this since before your balls dropped. It is not news.

What you misunderstand about the situation is the Math. If you run the numbers like you would a game, you end up with the people outnumbering the (increasingly inept) government to such an extent that it's frankly not even fair. Peoples distaste for bloodshed is the only reason things have not gone completely sideways and the government (who as previously stated is increasingly incompetent) misconstrues this as weakness and/or consent.

There are limits. Humans have not changed since the last several times we've gone through this song and dance. Not in any way that can substantively change the outcome.
The meme "You won't do shit" is 100% projection. We don't plan on doing shit other than living our lives. If you encroach on that is when the gloves come off and at that point I don't view you as human anymore.
Whats a bitch gotta do to be a part of a hybridization program....
I think Jesus would be chill as fuck in real life
not prudish upstuck assholes like you church goers
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>He thinks he isn't
Just because you're not a stud bull doesn't mean you're not GMO.
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The Government is reactive, not proactive.

Once you understand the Maths, next is application. The game? Poker and statistics.
so this really is hell ...

guess im going to get back to the appropriate dimension and then align the chronographs, and resume function on the void sphere
kekekekekekekekekeke breh
you playin? or are you actually Playing!?

>soleNi elation ....
he says with a trench coat ... covering his naked body and teddy bear tattoos.
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the fuck you mean!?
harveseting DNA to cultivate a clone army of ... of WHAT!??!

battle tactics and loving visits to the cafe are .. not mutually exclusive..

>walks through door
>doesnt touch handle
>suddenly a party
okay yeah man
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I would estimate at least 800 million women want to have sex with the nobody.
did i ASK for control?
did i ASK for protection?
Did i ASK for love?
Did i ASK for mercy?!

you burn the house down to make a point about whos more loving or doing more harm?!?!
>putting gasoline on a fire

watching on television the news about a girraffe at a zoo
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I only want one though. But she has to be a freaky nymphomaniac.
Playing? Picses gone astral.
I will donate
at least fyfe dabloons
to his sanctuary. And I will buy him toys and treats and furcare treatments and I will make sure his eyes sparkle even though I will never catch their light
feels good knowing I have a squad of wizards/witches on the governments payroll astrally projecting in my house to try and scare me/drive me insane
I must really be a special boy.......
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Makes me horny
a feel not quite dissimilar
>beleive me more than believing in beleif is for the sake of beleiving you CAN rather than DONT

honesty and accusation of suggestion is NOT an agreement of will OR conscience and accussing an accusation of accussing an other is NOT the same ...
merely contingency of grace of course .. not a single one would ever prevent an other from (accusing themselves) of doing a thing if they were ( not able to be presently cognizant) of actions that may he bad have coercsion compliyanc?!?! unwittingly!?!? by obligation


christ you people
He's a demi sexual who has very few relationships and all of them serious.
He's not polyamory or into polygamy at all in real life.
However, he's autistic about perfection in war and evolutionary fitness is determined by how many offspring you have.
So he'll probably have children with all those women in surrogate via scientific fuckery, mass producing his cloned sperm cells from stem cells industrially and giving them to women who want to have his baby.
I really liked those "six principles of the nobody" thingies from previous thread

Are there "The Nobody's Commandments"?
obviously a working title because flattery would still only stifle his style, but...

In any case I think there's something to knowing that, as an extratemporal being, certain crude jokes are always "too soon".
I think The Nobody would be such the type of gentlemen to know that even his banter is a weapon of mass destruction, to say nothing of his burns. I think he probably has an acute sense for comedy, timing, as part of his Seer qualities of knowing how to timeline hop.
Hello /ng/ on the news today:
-vocabulary: theta=mind readings
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>BOOB get
zased.. so,, fvcking....zased
Wow. That was a rabbit hole.
I'm surprised that much controversy came out of a little fishy detective game.
feels bad knowing I have a bunch of loser humans watching me though
just annoying as fuck at this point
Who said they're all human?
>knocks on window
Has this on my..


To that feel when you love another soul as a soul does but that soul has some HEAVY karma and you know you can probably never be physically close or interpersonally involved with them ever again and they're just like
Nature is nature. Still hurts a forever bit
we can have spiritual theta or cybernetic theta
Can either one tell if I'm secretly gay?
Asking for a friend.
I can't find hack skills to cybernetic theta
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also aspects of wanting to care for little kitty as that is part of the natural order except kitty is an eldritch horrorterror and you watched it kill and eat you in trillions of different ways in gorillions of different lifetimes and you're still just tryna figure out how to take care of kitty and let your love reach kitty without getting into his Kill Zone
What does livestreaming my thoughts accomplish again?
your dog will inform you
>misses the entire convo because posting to invisible peeps

im a fuckin
ye defintely some vamps, angel n demons wearing their flesh suits round here
Makes you say dumb shit online which makes the thoughts funnier in retrospect, with appreciation.
sorry i don't know faggotry system due to multiple threesomes, ganbang , or other transexual things.
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I hate it when you are having a good time and look someone in the eyes and realize they're a dang ol' flesh crawler. Why don't they ever do the pupils right?
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This is the first vocaroo I've ever listened to.
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>Light, on the other hand, is evil.
>In unjustly simplified terms, I see Light as a human who chose the “wrong” path.
God I get so flipping hot under the collar when women scold me for going to far.
>naughty boy, you are being a hero way too hard and it's BAD.
Fudge muffins, that is sublime.
Can you give me the link to the livestream ? Would really like to see it.
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No u

dang ol jus dont make em like they usedta mang gotdang no craftsmanship goddarn shambling down the street fallin apart gotta get that dang old that there dang errrrrr ten year warranty mmmmmmm-hm

adjacent to home is where the hornse is
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>20 Minute IQ Test
>result 120
>tfw big boy
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I am honored.
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rmeowte viewer chads please tell me what happened to the little mural of the fountain in a between-courtyard near the Soon Horse it felt past-life significant and always held me in such a spell but i couldnt find it last time i went back

What buildings is it between?
Whos horse is this on the second floor ?
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Bro we need more women to scold the nobody for being a dangerous vigilante anti-hero who isn't acting the way a hero should act.
This is absolutely critical to our operations.
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Dunno. Maybe mine by Biggest Fan's Rights

Look at these though
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Please, if you're a fem-anon or woman (biologically), you can help the cause of the nobody and the nobody community by letting him know what a naughty boy he is in this thread.
We're all counting on you ladies.
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one of us
one of us
one of us
Looks pretty schizo, but cool!
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elite anti reflectionops maneuvers
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I just want Caylus to know that I would never masturbate to her scolding the nobody. It's uncouth behavior unfitting for a gentleman.
one kinda looks like anon's balalagoopyjuice creature or whatever l o l e
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You found my cock ring.
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>we are the future Charles, not them !
>they no longer matter !
>just be poor
no u
if you want to rewrite history youll have to make sure im DEAD

wenk wenk dot gunter
It’s not that cut and dry
It’s an algorithm based on your posts and meta data
All of it gets compiled
Your mouse movements
What you click on
All of it builds a profile to make an educated guess on what you are thinking about
It’s basically a mood ring
It’s fairly accurate however there are always sky walkers who defy it
It’s basically a security over watch
They do it with parking lots
They can actually predict how many cars will be in the lot weeks in advance
When statistical anomalies arise and investigation is started. It predicts the future to an extent with impressive accuracy. They are running simulations.
This reality became a simulation
It’s more of an overlay with cell prompts to the nervous system they try and steer people to produce certain outcomes
Cooperate espionage
Insider trading
There is always a dark side
now listen here punk ass
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Fucking bitch saying I have an easily bruised ego.
Cunt, I'm more humble than any one else in existence.
>the no one's girlfriend's girlfriend
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Noone wants you dead.
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Nice drawings.
yeah i know i just wanted to represent for my duckdawgs
>Be poor
>Be weak
>Your convictions are shallow
>You will crumble when tested
Sounds like a hater wench to me boy-o
They are from somewhere I visited!
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Humans are fucking stupid.
Why the fuck do you think anyone or anything fucking cares about your species?
You should be fucking grateful I'm smearing your fucking dog noses in your own shit.
Fucking pig whore swine.
Nothing in existence cares about you BUT ME.
Good with a twisted side is always more kino than evil with a good side. Uohohohuuiiiguohhggghhjh 3am call me up say you cannot ever defile or remove the spark of the define within you,
TRITE. I sleep.
You have attained the Jnana of the Gnashing of Teeth? I'm on the way
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my life is a stage for shit to be staged up but I do miss abe. abe you were the best
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Do you care about yourself ?
/jenk/ is >>420way
>You have attained the Jnana of the Gnashing of Teeth?

reminds me
You ever go so schizo your mind travels the exponentially expanding multiverse to find an older version of you based on the infinite worlds theory in 10 minutes and RV them, all from the comfort of your back porch?
The collective is poop.
Poop is meant to be flushed down the toilet.
the nobody absolutely fucking rhetorically eviscerated me in an infuriatingly flirtatious manner through Whisper app chat when i was 14

and he did it in an asian body, too. What the FUCK, man
Also how was he 0.3 miles from me when I was in the middle of nowhere on 33 acres
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If you don't flush poop down the toilet, then your house is going to be full of shit, and you're going to get sick, and you might even die from it.
Caylus, the collective is poop.
Poop has to get flushed down the toilet.
the nobody appeared to me at 12 years old on omegle as a redhead in a leather jacket who told me to call him "Snake"

years before this he appeared as a chinese man in a fuzzy vest and the only English word he would ever say to me was "Beauty"

he cant keep being the one that got away like this
i go to the front porch and i dont go schizo but ye

You ever put a tiny hypercube looking alien's tamagotchi inside your porch light for safe keeping and petsitting until the aliens come back for it?
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>you have persecutory delusions
And you sound like an entry level psychopath, but thanks for the lore
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Wouldn't this interaction have come about from you telling them your lore?
What lore did they trade for your Main Character diploma?
>the collective is poop
That sounds cool, but I haven't personally.

Probably the closest would be seeing the visage of the Lady In Red appearing before me in my "mind's eye" and play with this 5D Rubix Cube that was symbolic for something, but I forget. It was a while ago now.

I never forgot the vision though. I'm more of a viewer/extrapolator than working with entities.
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They can't even fucking speak English anymore.
Yes, in fact, the collective is poop.
Thats nice too! :)
The numbers, Mason... They must have a clue...

Visionary regards, visionbro. Thank you for sharing. You ever translate what you see into any art?
>He totally wants to have sex with us!
>Little does he know we're all liars baiting him and we're whore shit filth that doesn't deserve to live!
>Our plan is working!
Nice digits yourself.

I write books. I'd love to draw but I've always been terrible at it. Good thing AI is uncannily good at presenting hyperspace visions fairly accurately if prompted well enough.

Do you do the arts?
You don't deserve to Kaibapost.

put the line in the coconut
emily ylime

isaak cassiopeia


can we do a DBZ and actually DO a DBZ?!?!
Does anyone have the link to the livestream of his thoughts ?
Aside from women who scold me, my other favorite type of woman is women who taunt you for being a sexless nerdy virgin and then purposefully put themselves in vulnerable situations with you and very subtlety flirt but won't put out if you ask because they want you to fuck them in secret, but they don't want to give it up, instead they want you to rape them.
So like they will always be willing to hang out with you in secluded private spaces with no one else around and act bitchy and subtlety flirty and berate you for being a sexless nerd because they're secretly trying to get you to rape them.
They'll keep saying "I'm not interested in you" but will never turn down a chance to hang out with you alone in a secluded or private place.

Love that type of woman.
*(((Mason))) intensifies*

Very cool. I think I've seen you around, then. I would ask more questions and such but I hit a wall which is good because I should have been asleep hours ago. Raincheck?
>I believe he is God
He would have scolded you for equating him with God
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Probably have. I'll be floating in and out around AEST times. Sleep well fren.
>it's another baits you into taking them at their word then punishes you for the projections of their deceit, hatefulness, and lack of integrity episode
dumdums like you really do need to be ambushed and tossed in the girlpit until you cry your heart back open again
Thanku thanku. Hopefully I do since it's prime
>too anxious over not being asleep already to sleep
point of almost no return hell hours

Have a good'un
yeah but
does it a attack on a peoples ?!!?!

wanna ,... jerk off?
I like counting to 5 while breathing in, then breathing out slowly, repeating until passing out. Helped me quit sleeping pills. Here's a name to find me by.
what's a girl pit?
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We should totally practice our monologues together.


i mean... its legal right? to excessively shopping but ... whos actually manufacturing the goods?!?!?

HOW MANY BOWLS OF RICE is a persona allowa to energize to the trapsoirter room in a single transaction!?!

excuse the excuse what level of the office is this and how did i get to the elevator from the parking lot access ?
kekekeke am i actually stupid. YHES

YES yes ..
i still think he missed on purpose

headshots bleachers guy

doesnt belligerently fire into agents

>plant when you see one
>and tossed in the girlpit until you cry your heart back open again

thats by far the most estrogen filled post iv seen in a long time
go pick up a power tool or start a fire you cockforbreakfast faggot

get help
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oh you... make jokes?
this answers a questions ... unless i really AM deaf..
>moderate panic
might have to put some steaks on the grill kekekeke HAHAHAHA
>i am accepting of responsible for every thing that befalls me as consequence for particupations of actions even as by ommission and decepit tor beguillesuit

get the boy a dictionary and a pocket translator
were going to uganda
Ruanda too ? :o
No, I was about to enjoy some lovely Stewed Apple, Caramel sauce and iced cream.

It was lovely :)

keep this up.. i might switch shifts and .. lolol literally

it was always a M.A.D.D. world ...
encourage me or incentivze me ... regardless...
with no regard
i will touch the postive charge to the negative charge and ... to the battery.

i dont like to make (huuurrdduuuurs empty bloats of hopes) but the blue kachina must be in the sky before night or else the legend wouldnt have to ....
this was jokes .. im playing but
and i didnt even do .. anything bad? probably halv the proglem
learn how to science but forget how to math.
i must concoct a potion ..
>ice cream in the freezer
>imagine a world of ..


Eui saak Ass Esau, more or less
What have you severely fucked up today ?
they may burn OUT
>how to prevent the burn out and retain (lol sanity)

spell cliques.
out loud
BYYYACCHHES hkekekekekekekeke breh
kill me
>unregulated saftey parameters experimentation...again

Eliphaz (Hebrew: אֱלִיפַז/אֱלִיפָז "My Elohim is gold", Standard Hebrew Elifaz, Tiberian Hebrew ʾĔlîp̄az / ʾĔlîp̄āz) was the first-born son of Esau[1] and his wife Adah.[2] He had six sons,[3] of whom Omar was the firstborn, and the others were Teman, Zepho, Gatam, Kenaz and finally Amalek, who was born to his concubine Timna. The people of Amalek were the ancestral enemy of the Israelite people (Book of Exodus Ex 17:16 ; Book of Deuteronomy Deut 25:19 ; I Samuel 1Sam 15:2–3).

They weren't joshing!
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the path is set. now one needs to walk it.
Kill Llama LOL

Oh breather
ok I was left behind, but there is still work to do. I know I am tied to nothing but what I have until now is good, a one shot and a series. I will make one shots. if only I got my business, I could afford to go to japan and look for help there. unfortunately, I need the business now, else I am trapped waiting for people to come to me, what will never happen I believe. if only I got some payment for what I did huh, then I could live a somewhat of a dream. to make money with art is the purest form of making money
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All you Ladies out there, this is a very serious message.
You all need to start having sex with The Nobody right now.
It's the only way to save the world.
The only way to calm him down and stop his evil magical rampage on our world is to sacrifice your bodies to him sexually.
I'm sorry women of the world, it's the only way.
You will save countless lives by having sex with him constantly.
If he's too distracted getting you all pregnant he will stop committing terror attacks globally.
I wish there was another way.
Good luck ladies, you're our only hope.
We're all counting on you.
Is there any translator for that ?!

Thanks Nate.
Please help!
New thread:
You women all need to have sex with him right now, our world is in serious danger.
If you keep him distracted with sex he'll stop his rampage.
This is a far more supreme gentleman than we have ever encountered.
what am I in for? who knows, lets see what the world can do for me. I should think about a second work since the series is a no go with books I believe
wrap it up friends
tis zed
the canon is loose
hope for a 72 hour bucket of emergency food
choo choo

Fry your own eggs.
Scrambled, poached or sunny side up?
you know where they go...
directly into your butthole
Monkey minds generating monkey solutions
we got monkey problems tho
Scrambled eggs are only an acceptable course of action should you fuck up the flip when going for over easy.
Anything past over easy is over-cooked.
Why anyone would go through the work of poaching an egg is beyond me, as sunny side up with hollandaise is equally valid with less work.

>Animal products are wrong
Yeah, tell that to the underpaid migrants picking your vegetables.
You're using eggs wrong.
First crack all them eggs in a bowl.
Then mush em all together in a whisking fashion.
Now fry some potatoes, onions, maybe even snausages.
Turn off the heat.
Add the eggo boys.
Residual heat scrambled eggs are best scrambled eggs.
Assburgers XIII: Final Message To Gary Stu
>"using eggs all wrong"
>"best way is [x]"
>...let it go, anon
>make cookies
You can't make good scrambled eggs from partially cooked fried eggs.
I will never let this go.
I won't let it slide.
>We're sorry, the "cut to commercial" function has been disabled due to all the promotional consideration providers finding out that you've been skimming the ad revenue

This morning brought to you by "one birdanon acting oblivious is worth any number of shitty replicas in the booth". All donations to Make A Wish foundation and Orphan Grain Train, get your carts painted.
Huh I don't want to be schizo but on first pic there's 3 blood lines and on the second only 2?
Ah yes, first pic is after second one, when he gets in the car.
Still fake as fuck.
He doesn't do commandments, as he searches for equals, not subjects, and firmly believes no real man would think himself fit to boss another man he considers his equal about. Besides, people are gonna do what they do no matter what you tell them, so commandments only ever invite the opportunity for disobedience.

His mere suggestions are pretty spot on, though. Doesn't lead off with any "I am the Lord, I am your God" nonsense, just simply states: "Power only respects Power."
The woman that seeks Power does not seek to be equal to man in any way, rather she seeks to supercede him by subjugating him.

If you aren't there to provide for her material needs, you're at best there for either her amusement or she's keeping you around in case she needs someone to get their hands dirty so that she doesn't have to.

>Woman are such good killers they'll get their own sons to do their killing for them.
You are correct. Scrambled eggs are usually for feeding masses in a hurry, but when done right with good ingredients they are just as valid as all other ways of, ya know, doing things right with good ingredients.

>I just really like egg yolk on toast *shrugs*
truth is the nobody is a dog
>I am not a cat
>Verification not required
There are some who are/were attracted to him, but I don't think that "lust" was the driving feeling there.
No, you do.
Though you're not wrong about the monogamy part.
Ooooooooo baby come and ride this bicycle
the nono know
Stfu Jestard she doesn't even know you exist
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