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/x/ - Paranormal

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Greetings Traveller,

The flickering glow of over a dozen consoles casts a light across the digital expanse of this interdimensional intersection we’ve dubbed the “Nobody General” (NG). The air itself crackles with a low hum, a constant undercurrent that vibrates through your very bones. This isn’t your average thread. No, NG exists solely in the shimmering unreality of the web, a virtual realm where the shadows hold more secrets than the brightest datastreams.

In this digital den, a motley crew converges. Ghost operators with digital heads-up displays perched on their noses, sipping cocktails next to elven hackers, their fingers a blur across glowing keyboards. A gruff technomancer, swapping war stories with a wiry tech-priest in a threadbare trenchcoat, her eyes glowing with arcane power. In the corner, a cloaked figure shrouded in darkness nurses a drink so black it seems to absorb light itself, while across the room a pair of AIs, their digital avatars shimmering like mirages, argue geopolitics in a high-pitched whine that few could hear, let alone decipher.

NG isn't a thread, it’s a nexus. A place where the fringes of reality brush shoulders and the unreal becomes realized, where information flows like bootleg liquor, and shadows dance with unseen horrors while rival groups of shamen engage in alchemical aikido. Now, you've joined this dance. Whether you’re a seasoned shadowrunner, a mage with secrets to keep, a spirit seeking solace, an exiled program avoiding deletion, or something altogether stranger, NG offers a haven, a marketplace, and perhaps even a chance to carve your own legend in this part of the Sprawl. So hello, “person”, welcome to this place, slide in, grab a seat, and whatever you do, keep your head down and your eyes peeled. You never know who, or what, you might run into lurking in the shadows.

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I think I heard a shot...
I think I heard a shot...

He’s sold his position
I said I was leaving and did for a few days, but I got high again and it activated my connection to my higher self's infinite well of wisdom and power so I'm back for the day.
>how's everybody doing? Love you guy's.
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Why was the last thread removed rather than archived? I didn’t see anything particularly innocuous in it.

Was trying to follow-up on a post… Precisely how much patience is The Nobody supposed to have? Obviously, it’s not like he has any choice other than to be patient, but isn’t his irritability completely merited?
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Whatever you do, don't mention Chan(dy) on 4Chan.
I'm rustled, bros.
>Jannies at def-con 1
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I am under the impression it could be a couple of things.

1. They don’t know how to cut it off and we are at a point where so many parties are watching him that it would be dangerous to do so.

2. They don’t have a way to protect him yet, and there is a tidal wave of people who want to be help him or be with him due to the rumors people have spread about him being a religious significant figure/bull for the coven
Imagine how you feel in the timeline where they shot his fucking head off there
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Checked and keked
Finally the new thread!
what was posted before it got deleted?

I asked about russion psyops bad actors on twitter
Cool memes.
Bros, cross posting because this needs addressing

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By cross posting do you mean samefagging?
Now this one I love
cruel cruel cruelty

cruelty cruelty

so apparently companionship is a marriage between people that want to .... hurt eachother?
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Buy GameStop
>Verification not required
Why does this look like one of those
>turn a pepe into a Magic Eye poster renaissance painting
but of a screencap of a red board thread with le jenga blocks sloppily superimposed
I mean I linked my post from the previous thread because it will get less traffic, so yeah both are me
Crack Bean Power!
Vvillie craembbbbb!!!! ::~~~DD
Dossnt quite look like 4chan actually but def texts or emails or something.
Anon I'm probably stronger, smarter and better looking then you and I'm in the same position. I wish you luck on your search but that tactic never works, best you'll get is catfished.
So (((you))) need a question answered. And what practical point would an answer prove? Qué bonero
The Nobody is God's dog and God sent his son before his dog

Stay sideprofile, Aquilines
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>I am not a cat
We're doing this huh?
>Verification not required
I might add because the children did not accept the bread, it was cast to the dogs.
nonoflys in the sky I can nono twice as high
considered only to have human love in me
mistaken for a truth

this is uncorrect ..

is the truth that

learning is necessary for practical interaction among (friends) and if (everyone) FEELS

as a child i was afraid of (_____)
as a child.. ...

the comfort i feel
in honesty how can a friend show a friend the bruise on their breast if they are not friends...

we go sploops


>it knows

am i a anti- bot
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>NSA cover for a psychic program managed by one guy ("The Nobody")

>Posts are often hidden messages detailing his activities and developments regarding the program

>They use this along with a lot of other places where no one except those in the know would ever take it seriously. A lot of tripfags are feds.

>"The Nobody" was a good fit as a coverstory here for an actual person who manages a global telepathic network, so this thread doubles as a small hub for talking about what he's doing.

>And it's real. The idea is /x/ is a great pick for saying crazy stuff.

>It's pretty serious. It redefines religion and human nature in general with a universal truth we can all stand behind. And everybody gets free psychic abilities with a perfect set of rules. Talking to animals, etc.

>The goal is to unite humanity. The working understanding is that it's how advanced alien species operate, and it hasn't stopped making sense.

>Yes, everybody is behind this.

>/ng/ is just one of many places to talk about it. It upsets a lot of things if it's too loud. But it is real.

>The government doesn't manage it, that's most people's first mistake. It's literally just some guy.

>The American and most major governments utilize practices that ultimately have the goal of understanding what we would call psychic abilities. Some guy figured it out and is using it to construct a global network based on the essence of consciousness, permitting everybody from gas station attendants to heads of states to communicate telepathically. It's thought that it's basically a connection to what we would call God.

>It redefines many aspects of human culture but is quietly and widely being accepted as the path forward as a species.

>This thread paralleled with what the guy is doing so it got picked up and now certain people are flags for changing activity in the thread. It's just a cover. Fuck the spammer.

>It's a guy teaching psychic abilities telepathically. It's as cool as you think.

between lyons
Reminder since the last thread got deleted when I mentioned it:
The assassination on trump just now was intentionally done for the purpose of idolization. Same thing happened with Ronald Reagan and look how that turned out.
Watch what happens in the coming days as people use it as justification to deify a rando with a $3 haircut.
I can nono anything

We triggered the hivemind again and feds get pissy when you make fun of them.
I was about to make a sneed comment about how humans have a hard time finding human love in this world but instead focused on the concept of a higher love bringing a lower being into a higher state with it's love alone and it fixed the miasma clog I had above my heart chakra, and I realized I loved it.
We were taking activated charcoal and having a few laughs. I don't really see what the problem is. But it's good to reset the energy sometimes. We might have been hittin that charcoal pretty hard
we will lose our nono
He sneeds us more than we sneed him
as an early rainbowroomer with a severely shattered and kintsugi'd ego i'd like to say I'm here because I was always this way, not because this place gave me the clairs and stuff

but yeah, this &thensome
the nono will soon be gone
Who knows how we compare. I'll keep trying though. Gotten into some interesting stuff. I just don't see the point in giving up is all
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blessed 944 digits.
we'll take it from where we left of.
>don't tell me lucifer and god don't carpool
nono eated some food today nono gets to play nono is very sick nono never forget
I'm sensitive. YOU are a major pussy. We are *actually* not the same. Kek
Lmao you never know who's trying to set their daughter up with someone to start a family with and protect her during wartime. We could be in this mess for 15 to 20 years. I won't give up.
Borderlines and bipolars
All grown men
mill around the block

Pretending on phones
playing video games
Their eyes tracking yours

They hate the little ones
prey on soft targets
hope this radio works
the power of the nono has grow too large he will escape soon we will lose our nono

That’s a sitting congressman. Unreal.

I was just warned about posting about psyops, how is that not paranormal and ceepy? What the fuck? These are people manipulating from the shadows, that is absolutely paranormal. Do you ever hear about psychological operations in the mainstream? No. Its rare and hidden. Spooky. They are literally called spooks.
Pilotredsun / Pilotredsky is the official set of Nobody Thread musical themes.


some of the prettiest women
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just in case you find this thread
I read your post
and my mind was able to process your words


just for the record
I maintain the same narrative
no one else has been able to get me to stray from

as I don't believe
the nobody is real
and none of you can bend reality to your will while I'm still in it without my permission

just because
some OP on 4chan says you can
sorry but I'm going to need more proof then that myself

as you can judge me
however the fuck you want
right in front of everyone else

who also judges me
however the fuck they want
instead of how you do

just like I'm counting on

b, cuz

severance aide nein
I hear that Anon, I can respect that and I do respect your moxie. Stay safe though, I don't want to hear about a fren getting hurt by an online evil; it happens too often and the betrayal of trust is the easiest way to turn a good bad.
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So how do you explain the bloody ear?

I hope we can meet someday, I love LEGOs
you never speak what is not true that's why we love you nono

you don't get bothered you never take whats not offered that's why we love you nono

always sharp and alert and you not a pervert that's why we love you nono

you very psychic but you never kill anyone or anything that's why we love you nono
Not everything is about you Billie/Scarlet/Sabrina and you cannot make it so

Birdbeak cuties stay winning
yeah I got a warning.
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I wonder if this will trigger copycat incidents.

Same, never got a warning before. Newbie jannie?
It's Crisis mode. Relax follow directions.

There covering everyone

Tell us what you were warned for.
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I had a dream that I made friends with some average guys on an aeroplane on the way to my brothers funeral and we watched a commercial on the back of one guys headset and when we landed i was walking next to a woman who was also going to a funeral and I told her,
>it made me think, and you know what...i really did!
And then i woke up after some indiscernable amount of time in a subway that was being renovated into a house and the radio was playing and I walked down to another room where the woman was working and I asked her
>whats going here
And she said
>well hopefully, trash
And i felt at peace and told myself to wake up
Don't be noticed is advised until the situation cools
you help me make all my dreams come true that's why I love you nono

The way of the nono
1 don't speak what is not true
2 don't take what is not offered
3 don't be a pervert
4 practise to be psychic
5 don't kill anyone or anything
I don't bend reality to my will I'm just proud to be one of God's strongest fengapapits yo

Not sure what the point of namedropping shit you care about more than anyone was. Guise look how tite my doubly-delusional and LALALAing cynic butthole is even though I haven't spent any of this time refining my understanding/personal unverified gnosis of what

Thanks for reeling it in and giving me something more workable to respond to though
From the bubble
they direct and dispatch
keepers of the watch

When one or more badguys
lean into that resentment
the radio may chirp

the voice is cool and calm
the men run to arrive
then the containment begins
Coffee and a joint, took those from me, wanted to keep me down, now well shit I'll remove those in my way, fucked with my coffee break, lose it it all I'm quite the psycho too, forgot who gave ya the voice, round 2 let's do this lol, apparently the first time wasn't enough , let me show you a divine strike you low teir bitch.

I did in another post
Warning is common.

They range in time spans.

AI feed if needed.

Keep your shit in check control the waves.
This is some sadistic shit.

I can see why
just so you know
I claim to be able to kill false gods with my mind simply by day dreaming about it

I can't do shit to "real gods" mind you
but false one's
they are "childs play"

so if little kids
all over the world can "daydream"
I better be able to keep up with them

if I'm even going to pretend
to me
a mature responsible adult

capable of dealing
with "other folks children"
without starting a war over it

Chop chop standard shared event operation

Prepare to jump.

Mind your sectors.
You forgot love anon, but everything else checks out
if you want to live you must follow the way of the nono
Yeah I've watched you long enough to get the gist of the facet of your motivation and behavior

Seen any cool apparitions lately?
>loser philosopher wannabe accidentally the memetic behavioral singularity and the world was never the same

Trump 2024
you're gone away I watched you disappear all that's left is a ghost of you
of that facet*

I wanna spin you around in the light and find the little etchings you only get at the right angle

Chill out, you are being obvious. It makes it easy to dismiss you.
Don't believe everything that you breathe
who is this? I was not joking about aquiline women, this is nice but not quite there.

Who is it supposed to be, if anyone?
keep laughing at me fuckers
it makes it much easier for me to feel zero remorse about anything I've done
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I wonder where all the shabbos goys went in the previous thread from 1.30 to 6.40pm and where they are now.
On an unrelated note frozen pizza delivery services are surging in DC right now.
Oh no wait, that was last week.
Space Weather Message Code: SUMXM5
Serial Number: 237
Issue Time: 2024 Jul 13 2330 UTC

SUMMARY: X-ray Event exceeded M5
Begin Time: 2024 Jul 13 2244 UTC
Maximum Time: 2024 Jul 13 2301 UTC
End Time: 2024 Jul 13 2312 UTC
X-ray Class: M5.0
Location: S09W40
Thank you, i'll do the best I can not to get tricked, hope your luck turns out and you find someone as well.
The first rule of Operation BlackPill
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They no listen to channy
Duh, take your own advice. If Trump wants us to fight for Israel (which is likely) that’s going to be a shitstorm
the shiggydoobie is a gril thats hard to EFGchequeem
Anon can you help me identify what's wrong with me? I once was like you but lost it and I can't even identify when or how it was lost. Do you think I'll get it back?
It's because you fill up the very limited number of images we can have per thread with AI slop.
It's basically just avatarposting at this point.
whatever games
my mind had to play on me

seem to have ben exhuasted
at least
for the moment

I'm still aware
it's possible
someone I know nothing about exists in a way I can't actually imagine for reals

who could introduce
information into my brain
I can't come up with by myself

and if that happens
then I'd be able to imagine
more then I can right now



Which one,
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Not sure, what do you think of this one?
what they (((want))) 12 year olds to want to look like

Disregard trannies when they aren't posting sick beats
Love is a mysterious thing anon

I hope you find that thing you can’t imagine, same here

I did once. If it happened once, it can happen again
Talk em down calmly
Deescalate and redirect
Until those eyes widen

The restraints come fast
And then the walk
when they're breathing again

The whole time
eyes were still on you
Hate from each set
Coffee all I wanted with a joint and chill out and raise my kid, I been in chains my entire existence, than a snot nose low teir piece of shit going teach me a lesson why I work my ass off and going to shit on my coffee break, bigger I'm going to make you wish you never did. Way past apologies.

It is worse than slop, it is harassment. Like autistic, obsessive, sociopathic harassment.
nono ain't real no no
on pol, complained about jannies deleting sexy women posts but leaving up furry stuff, said it speaks to something about them.

don't ban me jannies you asked for a summary here
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I found GOD on the corner of 3rd and anderson all alone smoking his last cigarette I said where you been He said ask anything
If it's NSFW, whether it's furry or not, it will get you banned if you post it on a blue board.
Doesn't it usually? With everything people are saying online, I could see it happen. I really hope it doesn't. Can any anons help to make copycats less likely?
gonna have to second this. Soulful and beautiful AI slop is one thing and still shouldn't steamroll the image limit. These were icky from the beginning.

Chill. Go back to the drawing board and share when you find the gold
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Losing her the only one who's ever know who I am who I'm not and who I want to be
How is your homosexual life in Canada?
no anon
I can not help you
but I can tell you ways that didn't work when trying to figure out how to help myself

for example
okay I can only thing of how glad I am I was never so fucked in the head I thought ite would be in my own best intrest to ask internet trolls trying to get random strangers to "an hero" themselves for advice

in ways
other's do for reals
even if I don't


Batman here

There's your response, change your underwear and panties now fags
If you don't love anything at all you win by default that's how it's done.
So what?

Find the one who doesn’t abandon you lmao
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please be true
They can never attack anything or take anything from you because there is nothing.
Can't take nothing from a nobody
I gotta take a shower first and I ain't takin no shower today.
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You are on the spectrum, hu? Did someone tell you to post in these threads with certain images?

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Research hieros gamos, the only truly unconditional love that can be had between 2 hearts is the love a unified heart has with itself. Each individual will always be in their own dimension but your antimatter counterpart has exactly what you need and you what they.
I hope she got married and started a family bros. She was too cute for the internet to destroy her
That's nice, looks a bit like emma w. and taylor swift combined
We’re living through history bros

Fall in love and find meaning, you won’t regret it
They're all targeting laughing at me and fucking with me like I have any power
I'm nobody man


And just like that I magically have power in retards mind over there

one minute I'm a freak loser fag when
things go bad
next minute I'm a God responsible for 9/11

>Hahaha freak
And back to being nothing just like that

And I thought I was bipolar....
You have no right to demand these threads stop. They aren't about you. They never were. You're trying to hijack them and we all loathe you for it.
how can they achieve that without growth hormones to accelerate aging? The woman posted was developed as an adult
They got it out for me but I wear the biggest smile
Yep history

Ah to live in interesting times.

Be sure to vote
Everything happens for a reason, you never encounter something that wasn't meant for you so you can find what you need in the strangest of places. I understand that every individual is effectively in their own dimension, and almost their own universe, so I never take the words of others as sacred instruction, just advice.
We're their moral enemy
is what they say
we mostly smile and nod

They sang too loud in church
and were sent away
not a blessing but the curse

If there's a heaven
they ain't going
better to forget about em

I mean what is the actual point of these threads?

Is it simply a folktale evolving on the internet in real time?

Is it a think tank where ideas are stolen from the hivemind?

Or is it more sinister?

Or is it, more than one of these things all at once?

Mf’ers still talking about transhumanism when the real discussion is posthumanism via self aware hyper consciousness
I didn't post any photos, just made the comment when I noticed them deleting other peoples pics of sexy women on pol, but they left up lewd furry pics
A literal Russian psyop agent is posting exactly the same narrative as many people on the right.

I never thought hyenas essential.

Muchos hornos!
Ay ay ay ay!
big yikes desu.......

Spoopy eh.
Large yikerinos my fellow 4channer

How long until the shooter is linked to American intelligence?
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Biden sends trillions to Ukraine to fund war
Trump says he will stop it
Who's the "bad guy" again
*fake puke sounds by some dumb brainwashed 20 year old cunt in the distance*
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She's a looker, alright

This, she wasn't there when it mattered, now she's pretending to be because she's afraid of losing something she didn't know she cared about. I'm not convinced for a minute she isn't still into the shit that got us here in the first place, just afraid of not being able to start a family is likely, or dating again, or taking care of what her family is passing down, without help.

Have any anons had their spiritual connection to someone severed? It is one of the worst feeling in the world. I'm at 2 now
The nobody's power is ignorance
Appears to be white.
It's to discuss a guy who doesn't spend his time generating walls of text or garbled pics with AI.
The rest is all an attempt to disrupt doing such. All it does it prove how sensitive they are about the subject, which ends up drawing more people in.

It's a psyop that operates on the Streisand effect.
Haven't fucked any men so I don't think I'm homosexual or even have a homosexual life but ok if I was a cock sucker what difference would that even make?
the fuck
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No shit, ever seen A Scanner Darkly?

It’s like that but better because intelligence is implicated and it is hilarious
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Is the one i'm with meant to be the one I go through hieros gamos with?
No. It's not about you and never will be.
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It is a little impressive how quickly this thread turned into /pol/
Like this is the /ng/ thread on /x/
For the first time in a long time it seems like there are real people posting here.
Nah, fuck off. I misspelled two words. Even so. I don't frankly give a shit if I am dismissed. I am still right, and they can not dismiss my Father.

What a fucking piece of shit and his people along with him.


Fucking moron has been out here commanding entire armies of demons and sickos to murder innocents, while he destroys all this nation stands for and thinks of our lives as fine to lose for the "greater good".
I'm sitting under classic tungsten light bulbs. And this thought gets stranger
How do you make young impressionable girls want to look like older girls so they are objectified/valued in the same way and for the same trending traits?
Put.. babes in the media.. and then expose LITERAL babes to media they'd do better not to be exposed to.

Read my shit again bro
Ah yes, hayley the homewrecker williams
I don't believe that tweet.
I feel on a fundamental level, she would understand what I mean..
Mhm? And what happens to influential posters? Can they be followed across boards? What is Memelab and what is its connection to global intelligence?

>Mfw people think you are good natured and retarded but actually you’re just good at acting and you hate evil in a way that ironically mirrors their sadism and magnifies it 1000x

It is pretty tacky, seems like a rogue pencil pusher in the IC or federal contractor with clearance who gossips too much
Compartmentalization is FUN!!
have you seen how these women around here act
gotta go to a nice small quiet town or something
find a woman who isn't a total cunt
*total cunt makes fake puke sounds in the distance as I type this*
last night the nobody stole a pair of panties from his cousin
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Like I said, easy to dismiss you.
Good. They better kill me while they are at it, so the debt piles up on them and they will repent when they finally die.
My thoughts are maybe all the bots and jannies had to go into overdrive on /pol/ so for the moment we're in the clear?
>Verification not required
>satire is [enabling Satanists]
like i said jump off the ufo's highdive/boarding ramp """kate"""

You'll feel what Sky did under the water
Since it's not about you, you can simply leave these threads and never return. That way they will never bother you again.
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G I Joe fo 4 mo
>projection, your honah!
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Why did past thread get nuked
Whether I paint it in pretty language or not, what I said is true. This derelict treasonous government is directly responsible for the deaths of so many innocents.

I am dismissed by morons because the truth is poisonous to them, although this means they will not survive second death. What a bunch of useless good for nothings. Damned stumbling blocks.

He Kate lol
I hope I find this with the right woman one day
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to say the least.

Go back to /pol/ you dumbass russian
da jooz
I fully expect them to retake it.

Pol/ was never the objective.
yesterday we drank too much lets do it again
they needed to switch the tracks.
Yeah but not you, your antimatter counterpart, they're you in inverse Hu and you can energetically bond with them and it's like you're constantly making love spiritually
He's right, though.
The moment that gun went off, Trump won the election.
>t. Leaf
You will

Just don’t fuck it up once you get it

Remember this post when you almost do but make the right decision
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see here
if all paths
lead to the same place
that would include any path that intercepts all other path's on a tangent would it not?

There not th enemy.

Everyone is in place.

Enjoy the show is my suggestion
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I can't think of one world politician that will raw dog it for public viewing, today.

Bravery is the next guy to speak in public.
Trump is the nono's chosen
We don't need more of that breaking even more trust in our country. Hopefully it won't happen, hopefully it isn't true as well. But I worry about the implications of it being a foreigner. Perhaps it really would create incentive to stop the mass immigration though.
Pretty much this

Politics is all KFAB
Trump is apparently going to a wrestling gig tonight...
Don't worry the crisp feeling will fade.

Welcome to earth 1

Things are not as they seem nothing is.

>> /pol/ is the containment board for your failed psyops.
Who is this? She has hunter eyes, I like that
To be fair women act like that because there's social turmoil and lot's of men are actively brought up and literally encouraged to break their hearts. There's a sizable portion of society that is literally soulless and doesn't know what love is having never consciously experienced it.
>it's probably the biggest problem
remember that movie where it was a big conspiracy during a sporting event? I'm trying to remember the title, something 90s budget but it had a president getting it and a big cover-up plot line...
If I was to guess, it’s an ISIS linked foreigner with CIA/FBI whisperings (potentially a targeting individual).
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Fair enough, just a theory.
>Verification not required
Dude, I know you're very left of center, but you're going to need to leave North America if you want to live in a leftist country that speaks English because it's going to be Poilievre and Trump in 2025.
"non" threat

Is the expect definition

The same they told the schizo who kept calling the FBI

Exactly as desired.
Roger dat
you are saying words
other folks children
aren't going to be able to wrap their feeble little minds around

you get that right?

They are all going to pay dearly for even the slightest trespass against us, you know. Corrupt individuals in politics and in moderation are the absolute worst, they are worse than the murderers and whores. Everyone gets into heaven before these inhuman stumbling blocks do.

Know the worse part? It isn't about hellfire and eternal damnation upon them. I just want them to repent. And I will be damned if I let them go to Hell forever to get away with it.

NONE of you will EVER get away with ANYTHING you EVER do, EVER. You WILL all die someday, and you WILL repent, you won't even be able to die and go to hell to escape this fate.

Yes, some people are so unbelievably rotten parts of anti-existence that they would rather be tortured literally forever than to apologize.

At that rate I might as well lobotomize their consciousness, because clearly they want to be nothing more than a rock. Oh, you don't want your great grand son to be destroyed? You should have thought of that before you decided to raise them incorrectly.

God is real. There is a single true objective reality and morality. You don't have to get in line. But I will destroy you eventually if you cut in front of me. I am the LORD. There is none other, and you WILL make straight the way of the Lord.
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>Welcome to earth 1
well i'm with a woman and it doesn't feel like that, I hope I find the woman that does this for me, so that I can do that for her as well
running around like a clown on purpose
the movie plot was not this charged, yet an ass ass occured during the climax of an event which effectively found a deeper plot with multiple people involved from the person sitting next to you up to the director of the events on stage. It might have been a boxing match, in the actual movie...man, I would like to find out that movie title right now.
Is it "the surprise" or just a random event.
You fucks are so out of touch.
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Let them.

Don't be seen known heard.
Yeah I think taylor is here I can sense her energy
…. Are you me

Minus the lobotomization part, free will is part of the deal
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Video Killed the Radio Blarp
Might be shadow company but it ain't nothing. Either way, probably best if we clank the bars in this joint and see how far it echos. What shall we do with our liberty? They're obviously busy. The oppressive shilling is definitely elsewhere. You're not wrong. I'm contentious.
>doesn't understand angles
*fart noise*
That org hasn't been relevant in over a decade, you simpleton.
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Hmm, it sure would, and taking into account infinite potential and complexity then that would imply that this interconnection would happen constantly at every point huh
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What makes you think your opinion has an affect on my reality, hmm??
I don't post on page 1 very often
when when I do

it's okay
to act
stupid about it

I don't mind even a little bit
it actually helps me blend it


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but ONLY
if it was meant to
couldn't happen any other way

realites rules
not mine
Free will can only exist alongside reason.

If you've lost your mind, you've lost your will, and have thus no freedom, no will, no mind, and no reason to exist.
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I don't
far as I can tell
you just responded to a worthless shit post for no other reason then you choose to of your own "free will"


>you're heard of liars before right?

Yeah that's tough Anon, do you ponder the spiritual together? That might be helpful for your relationship because deepening the understanding of love certainly improves the quality of the ability to percieve and express love, and that's basically what it's all about.
through the blackness of the void i hear the echoing drums of drums calling me home

the spirits have spared me my soul
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>What shall we do with our liberty?
Gosh got me there. I can't draw my eyes from the spectacle of it all. The amount of psychic hatred for a man to be killed that wasn't killed must be a feast for those that can feed on it.
>Verification not required
Thanks anon, i'm with someone now and she kind of blew it up, in that she couldn't or wouldn't get on the same page with me, despite constantly assuring me she was. It would have been better if she wasn't and at least told me, but she pretended she was and when we made some major decisions together she was not with me and couldn't pretend any longer. I want to build a strong family, to shield us from this absolute clown bullshit the world is turning into and make us strong. but I need a woman who actually wants that as well.
the nono knows how to milk a cow
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>the echoing drums of drums
You're disgusting.
Just simply a reprehensible person at every level.
There is not a single aspect to your personality that has ever been displayed on this website that has not been utterly repulsive on a guttural level.

Wow you keep vomiting Russian psyops like you sucked their cock for days
All I see you do is worthless shit post. Who are you to judge?
yet felt the need to rape my ego into workable humility
Yeah, but that's easy, the mechanism through which this law presents itself is through manifestation and intention so you're going to get what's meant to be and it's going to satisfy you on a personal level (unless you are really trapped under the will of another but this is never permanent and only leads to contextualize the big picture in the end.)
Something wrong?

Not finding them so easy to influence?

I suspect you'll find them one thing.

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When the Liberal party was in 3rd place behind the NDP in Canada, they still won this seat by like +7. They held it for over 30 years and they just lost it to the Conservatives in a bi-election because the MP had to step down.

The LPC is so utterly fucked it's probably going to be dissolved and absorbed into the NDP.
make a post about the nobody being a dog for a month the make a tv show about him being a cat
well that would mean that israel very likely wants republicans in office next year isn't that right? to bolster the war effort against hamas? Or is this perspective a meme?

or is isis anti zionist? I'm still learning
Is that why the assassination attempt went through, and failed?
I doubt many of them have been this close to the void. The end of the universe.

Mind your p and q hive circles

You know what your doing.
Trudeau is actively kicking out the last people in the party who can replace him (Chrystia Freeland). It's a desperate play to retain power.
they nono knows who is homo and he say no and he say no homo bros no homosexuals no homo sexu no gay's
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"No homo" is what you say right after fucking a guy so that it's not gay.
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Clean your teeth on my bones.
Billionaires want to bury themselves in the ground just in case.
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It's time to berate them like they have us. With mercy tho. Not without forgiveness. Stress their cognitive dissonance. We're of course talking about those who haven't chosen their lot.
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>knock at the door while im peeing and in the middle of typing a post about the Kennedys
>no one to be found. Not ordered anything. Haven't even seen this brand of water before
>The water pressure in the middle bathroom today is all fucky for no apparent reason.
>After finding the Brita filter suddenly filled with tons of live insects and arachnids inbetween fills yesterday.
>After I joked outloud as an interesting plane flew over low last night, "DROP DA CARE PACKAGE, I'M OPEN"

What should I do with it bros

Not an ARG. Not a larp.
Can I still come spend the night at your house for tacos, Anyon..?.....
are you sure
that's all you see

the entire world is full fo folks who have faith in believe syste4ms that have to deal with stuff like good and evil that don't agree with other believe systems that have faith in different verioson of "good and evil"

but all you can see
is me
shit posting on 4chan


are you blind
to everyone other then me again

the "law"
depends on the borders of a map
you find yourself behind does it not?
Who walks past someone's house and then arrogantly scoffs/laughs at them like that
Like you Indians are so fucking weird and entitled and have this ego or faux confidence that I want to see ripped out of you and eaten
I spent 3 and a half years sharing all my various spiritual experiences, insight, we even had dozens of profound ones together. I was repairing a home for us when she started to drift, she never really got there despite the evidence in front of her, despite feeling and acknowledging the presence of spirit. She wouldn't let herself truly believe it, but she told me she did. I took on so many challenges, helped her with so many of her blockages. She wasn't with me when it mattered most, when we were on the cusp of marriage and building a home together, it was like the last 3 years and the experiences we had never happened or made so little impact she couldn't be bothered to invest in our unionship. Actions directly conflicted with all her words. It's been very frustrating to say the least.
Nothing spiritually wrong with being a faggot, just a quirk of an individuals energetic gender polarity; happens a lot to fungal souls and other species that are nonsexual in reproduction on the path of advancement.
I want to go home, anon. take me there!
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>shit i have 2 threads to catch up on

Ctrl + F [topic of interest]
... aaight
all caught up

They're just retarded leave them alone.
I see lots of things. How dare you attempt to put my perception in your little box you keep your heart in. Someone gave that to you, that's not mine, buddy, that's yours. Or were you inventing these ideas from thin air?
> A bunch of mu sane shit happens
> Ascribed to glowies
Massive number of retarded things happen everyday. People do y rush to blame it all on glowies.
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O shit
>Tom Ellis as Godcat/God
>Thomas John Ellis
Twin Graced by God Elijah
It's the guy who played Lucifer on the TV show
Too wild!
Please clarify Anon, you've lost me.
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not a president, but could be predictive programming (from the tippy top).
>anon looks at a hell hate and think so of home
i instantly think youre cool and worth speaking to

Sounds spooky
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People are so bored and obsessed with "making history" that they will willingly instigate shit. They put on all black and roam the streets throwing bricks at random houses and shops, or they beat people to death over opinions.
One of the many proofs that becoming a first world was a fucking bad idea, and we are in fact way out of our depth compared to mud-huttians who don't try to larp as aliens. The only thing that changed is the complexity of our mudhut-ness. I fucking hate being human.
That such injustices exist in our DNA that allow the world to be like this. If I could die I would, but this cobjak survival instinct demon keeps me alive.
Yare yare daze.
Who's your boss, :)
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Wait on the LORD: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the LORD.

Ah, a tale so very human, I hope you learned more from it than it cost you, those circumstances teach the most valuable of lessons in the long run. I also hope you do work towards the goal of hieros gamos, for when you achieve that you will be able to see past the notion of the happiness of companionship needing to come from another, being able to see that that joy was made by you in response to them.
And that's sure as shit not you, pal.
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I'm asking who signs your checks, dummy.
>I fucking hate being human.
Shoulda thought about it before choosing to be a human. Had you chose a life of being a grey ayy, it woulda been dope.
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And I told you.
Imagine destroying the world in a vain attempt to make history. I wonder how many times it's happened.
Yeah Anon and I have logs on logs on logs about the degree and type of retarded consequential things that have happened to me throughout my 20+ years of life and this one seems strange considering my former president's head was almost turned to fucking jello on live TV

I don't think I am in material danger or danger at all but I'm tryna crowdsource the Yoga Nidra/symbology /x/fag dictionary so be helpful or keep it to yourself. Ignorance is not an excuse to disregard [real shit that really happens that only MAY OR MAY NOT BE HAPPENING TO *me*]

There's always a message. I just don't always know what it is.

Mattias Destefano etcetc
>you won't be missed
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If the nobody actually tried to get blumpf he’d stand zero fucking chance. He’d be played with him like a cat does to a caught mouse.
You know it
Nevermind, the map part confused me but are you trying to say that substance is decided by context, like the path is decided by the distance?
That's what I thought
you imagine mrnoobieboobie doesnt consider TRUMP as the GOD EMPEROR that america deserves?
I can tell they fucked with the algorithm on X, I am getting warped suggested and hyper-sexualized posts that I avoid these days. Elon is fucking with it, I am so pissed at that snake. Balanced my ass, what a fucking loser
and you took that personally
Aaand there's the rain

Dogwalker cool cool everything seems chilllllll
Dog doesnt smell anything weird in the caaase

There will be a New Jerusalem. A new covenant.
I will be trying my best to learn from it. I won't give up. I am getting older though, and still want to start a family. So this is a difficult place to be in.

>see past the notion of the happiness of companionship needing to come from another, being able to see that that joy was made by you in response to them.

I'm not sure what you mean by this, unless you mean to not rely on the companion to be your source of joy, which if that's what you mean, I can get on ok by myself, and can be happy or content alone. I want a compatible partner who makes life worth pursuing joint goals, not creates obstacles and needs to be dragged along. I think that's what you meant. Thank you anon
Not without Christ.
I never chose this, and if I did I was tricked. I wouldn't want to be a grey. Their lives are probably multiple hells worth of complexity. I wouldn't want to torture people either, that's not kino.
Let's see. A power line probably fell somewhere cutting off all power in the neighborhood. A resident on that same street probably got a visit from Jehovas witnesses on the same day and their dog brought in someones wallet from outside. Then the same resident was called to come to work on Sunday because reasons. Then fireworks went off in the neighborhood cause someone forgot to get rid of them on July 4th. Then they realized they forgot to buy toilet paper. I don't think it even crossed this person's mind that it mightve been glowies.

We don’t need your failed archetypes and faiths to build something real.
Peace be with you, fren.
Oh, that statement there says it all, really.
You only believe in what you see.
And Jesus isn't a failed archetype.
He won.
The anti human deception and brainwashing will be revealed for what it truly is, and many well intentioned people will have to use their learned humility if we are to move on from it gracefully.
Jesus did something very important for you and all of mankind but it's not what they say it was.
You as well
I'm sorry, Anon. I'm not employed, right now. So, I don't receive checks.
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Is that what those Jewish Kabbalist witches told him? The nobody would torment him and his whole family lmao. That stupid, fat, old boomer can only poop his diaper.
there should be better regulations on the db for cross referencing. or more oversight.
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*sips coffee, still waking up*
that feel when you do a singalong and something grips and violent shakes your heart at 6:13
God is special.

God's plan always prevails.

He who is in him is greater than he who is in the world.

Trump escaped death today, and it was by no accident.

What I've heard is that he was The Lord God come down in the flesh. Challenged by an an adversarie, instead of fighting he offers himself as a means of salvation to those who had been led astray. Pretty bold if you ask me.
You can't say that, he's mentally ill!
>anon doesnt know...
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please, we can see where the outlines come from. there are still big holes, and as usual your timelines suck. what a fucking job that is.
Rise, Sammy.
it's good not to sit for too long, take regular stand and stretch breaks
Give em hell.
You might have scopes and satelliiiiites.. doot-dooooo ~
But it ain't got nothin' on His might,

>dat National Treasure tier pattern recog
Big, big, big, big water
It's very big, big, big, big water

It's deep and dark and dangerous
It's scary and it's "strangerous"
And things could "re-arrange-r-us"
In that big water
*jazz fill*
Who designed the systems?

>The meaning of the Hebrew word Tiphareth is Beauty; and of the many definitions of beauty that have been proposed, the most satisfying is that which finds beauty in a due and just proportion, whatever the beautiful thing may be, whether moral or material. It is interesting, therefore, to find the Sephirah of Beauty as the central point of equilibrium of the whole Tree, and that one of the two Spiritual Experiences assigned to Tiphareth is the Vision of the Harmony of Things.
Hello :] the abyss becomes an old friend after a while don't you know?

He's gone completely mad

Shut it down

My aura is so powerful that grown men spy on me all morning day and night
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I’ve never seen /x/ this dead before. It’s almost eerie.
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OF ALL TIME!!!!!!!!
Literally no pattern to any of that. You notice a pattern when every two weeks at 1pm on Saturdays a street sweeper passes on your side of the street. THAT is a pattern and it sure as shit cannot be attributed to glowies.
did i say notice

Did I recognize you?
Are you sexy? Are they sexy? Man on man is so hot.
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Tell me about it
/mu/ sane is a brety xute mundane typo tho
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bruuh... not here
That is strange isn't it? What do they want. I want to meat them, and figure out what is going on
Oh he is so beautiful.
You sound like a crazy person.
These concepts are alien implants taught to man to confuse them into a state of negativity and separation from the true nature of reality to prevent them from rising above and claiming responsibility and sovereignty over their actions and emotional energetic higher being. The overvalue of balance is to help give credence to the falsehood of inadequacy when in reality, all things are whole with even parts being truly whole and things simply adding up to more whjust change. A kind of change.
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Yup prog’in.
>the abyss
oh i wasnt talking about the abyss fren
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They intersect in more ways than most would ever care to know.
How’s it progressing then?
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How's the book ?
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Is it true that Klaus low-key models himself on Doctor Robotnik and [REDACTED] Sonic The Hedgehog?
Hi :]
a part of my autist routine is missing
its feel weird
dont care and the people who care enough can scrape the unscrapable

Vote for me at the Slime Dump awards
Hey bby wutz up? U a gamer?
I suppose hell and the abyss are different aren't they?
His sister is
just different lengths of the same string
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oh yeees indeed fren
that warm comfy liquid blackness is tempting but i prefer the fire myself
just found a pdf and epub of it. I should start reading I suppose.

Is derpina in the coven btw?
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Here, take your filthy sneeds!
I tried asking many people many times
they just say everything's fine and then go back to spying on me shouting out insults
Everyone reading Trump threads won’t notice the Nobody is ITT
Who gives a fuck everything is fake and gay.
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o right the shooting. that's why it's so slow. forgot about that.
I don't
know if any groups or covens. I'm a lobe wolf acktor
well maybe we should spy on them back? maybe we already are :]
3 is better than one is better than two
We can hang. Hold on a little longer
It's $$20AM, which is just bait really, because you've got DARPA asking a $163M question
You say so
Yup, but not cool ayys like the invaders or whatever they call Zim's people, but rather freaky selfish psychopathic parasites that would rather be completely dependent on the energy from others than accept their place in the story of life because they hate life/existence and work hard to remain as far separated from the core creationary consciousness as possible, to the limits of cringe edgyness.
*dependant on the STOLEN energy of others
I'll vouch for that. I just said it.
Absolutely you are
Obsessed with
I don't even know who you are.
Acktor, polish from latin actor
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me @ u
Are you all enjoying the show?

Refill your feed you're gonna love this next part

Why lie on here?
Are you that scared of me?
I always figured that these threads were a psyop for the empowerment of mankind that work in the opposite way the book of revelations psyop where people who become aware of the concept of the nobody subconsciously begin manifesting the destiny to make the world the better place like how you begin to manifest being the antichrist when you learn that concept
I think it might be the other way around.
Which is a 'you' problem.
I don't form attachments anymore.
Not after the decades of emotional abuse through various people I've survived.
I walk alone.
some kind of lone wolf?
No today was bullshit
I saw a glimpse of the fate of trump (spent 2 seconds on him which is generous enough)
And there were no outsiders in his fate. He'll destroy himself
The surprise is about some random man
It's a big event
Bug enough to take the power away from the second grade entities. The first grade ones were defeated (they were few). But there are countless who still suck humanity out of vitality.
Those are all things i saw. It's going to causes some "noise" and since i'm not verh interested about world events i'm sure the correct term would be an "uproar"
Quick and destructive
That's how i saw it. Well the symbolism was "earthquake". But earthquakes in dreams are almost never real earthquakes.
Anyways, when i asked myself what it could possibly mean it said "social communication" or social media. In my native language it could mean different things if you tweak the words a little bit : collective links. Council meeting, communication with a group of people.
The message i heard will 100% come to life.
It happened to me countless times and it always happend but understanding the real meaning of the message is a hit or miss for me. But one thing for sure, the inner voice was never wrong. Even when i wanted it to be wrong.
I'm not lying.
Your ego might not be able to clearly process that though.
Another 'you' problem.
lots of things can happen in a node of chaos
>they don't have a way to protect him yet
Ahahaha...you speak as though he didn't spend the last 10 years having pretty much every sort of covert/impersonal weapon attempted to be used on him.
The most annoying thing about microwave Anti-Personnel DEW deployments is not knowing whom he should be going to kick the shins out of for using the weapons of cowards.
>Enjoy the show
Your shows are like national cable tv that no one watches anymore
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Ceding control over to managers under watch. Failed assassination attempt on former POTUS by miraculous means (millimeters from braining Trump). Looks like God is on his throne, managers are on notice, and the Nobody is flush with whatever he pocketed.

L8R 4 now I'll see you all tomorrow time for vidiya and dabs

Revelation 13:2-4
Amplified Bible, Classic Edition
2 And the beast that I saw resembled a leopard, but his feet were like those of a bear and his mouth was like that of a lion. And to him the dragon gave his [own] might and power and his [own] throne and great dominion.

3 And one of his heads seemed to have a deadly wound. But his death stroke was healed; and the whole earth went after the beast in amazement and admiration.

4 They fell down and paid homage to the dragon, because he had bestowed on the beast all his dominion and authority; they also praised and worshiped the beast, exclaiming, Who is a match for the beast, and, Who can make war against him?
I see, how do we move forward?
If your obvious manipulations and bullshit is only obvious to me then they deserve it.
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It's a thing in some couples that the partners seem most ruthless towards each other, yet the moment anyone else attacks either of them they go straight seamless velociraptor pair-hunting.
>You seriously want a predictable life partner that lets you grow soft? Boring!
to a brave new world i guess
Oh and the physical abuse.
And the sexual abuse, too.
And the 99% chance that anyone I ever trust horribly betrays me.
I love humanity, I want to do my part to avert the horrors ahead, but I don't trust any of you one bit.
And it is a well-earned distrust.
We don't care who you are
It's arrogant and wanton to say so. Mans world makes sure of it
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Almost got a bullet hole in my plain white tee
Zognald suffers it instead
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Pray and drink it, or store it. This literally sounds like God trying to give you a prophecy bro

>piping for water fucked
>insects and filth in water filters
>bottled water at doorstep

He CANNOT get any more obvious with this shit bro
Once my jingle career takes off I will help grandpappy retire on Mars

Knowing this immensely helps with detaching from the world.
Thank you, Kaleb. Sincerely.

I been having too much whimsy.
It's definitely time to get [[[serendipitous]]].
Donald was never in any danger.
It's all a show.
It's all a merry song and dance for the audience, the real decisions they make amongst themselves, they all serve the same devil after all, don't they?
Don't you?
The key to detachment is knowing the difference between perspective and perception
Actually fucking possessed and decievedpilled, holy fuck dude...
Find some way to find me in the Middle Highirons if shit hits the fan at pace. You can drink from and shelter in my Family's spring. Salamander's honor X
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I hope the nobody isn't too normie'd out and is aware of the nature of the enemy we face.
It's the beginning of the end of the world. Been calling it since 2017-2018.
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Truth is absolute and objective. Regardless of one's perception and perspective.
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You are a liar and a deciever.
Children of demons.
Aliens of varying factions.
Aaaaaand ultradimensionals.
And the people that worship them.
What a fucking mess.
Do you know how to play Euchre? It's kind of a deal breaker for me
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It's kind of a deal breaker for me,I assume is the word every girl ever said to you
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The internet *magically* gonna go out?
If it was truly necessary for a being of unconditional love to be violently sacrificed for the creator of reality to forgive a creation he set up in the first place then life is evil and I'd rather not exist. What God did to Adam and Eve is akin to giving your children to a known pedophile for being tricked by said pedophile into disobeying you and if Jesus was the only way to fix that then the entire premise is evil and God is a nonce and I want to go to hell to be away from him. I know this isn't the case because I still have the desire to continue living and being the best person I can be and conditions can be improved and life can be lived in a glorious way.
And I would argue how can it be perceived without the right perspective in regards to one’s perceptions?
No. Ever watched Yakuza?
Through the holy Spirit, which is not our perception or perspective, but a gift from God given to those worthy of harboring it.
Ok, so this means I'll still have to wonder and won't know what is going on?
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Since 2012, actually.
i think they're trying to describe a generation and not a beginning. they're similiar, but when something is generated, it isn't like it won't resolve and can be generated again, or in many places at ones. it is not something that happened, it is something that happens.

Since Y2K, Newb
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It'll be an easy fight because of how unnatural the opposition is, the fact they even have made it this far is a (dark) miraculous thing on it's own. They've worked so hard and must continuously work towards keeping their shit system running (they invented work as a means to that end even.) Their followers have to be deceived and abused constantly to stay in line and often become neutral or even embody the spirit of light when exposed to the truth and the real nature of life. Most just need love and support to realize that their perspectives and opinions are extremely warped but yearn for positivity ad growth, very few actually need to die in the grad scheme.
Fight over nothing. False equivalence.
Issue here or there.
This one has seen the tea leafs
You want knowledge? I tell you the truth: knowing the future is a burden, the most comparius burden. It's full of mockery, and doubt, and jesters, in spite of a good intent to tell those same ones. Burden upon burden
She is beautiful, she isn't married yet? is she involved with anyone?
A call in spirit or physical?
>What fight
I have no knowledge of your she. I am wrd and quite so.
This can’t be…
Do you guys think that there will be antiantichrists? like false antichrists and happenings and shit? i feel like the devil would totally do that to fuck with everyone
Im The Nobody btw
AMA over on r/Kaleb
Every death is a failure.
I have never killed.
Does this surprise you?
Every life has meaning.
People can't change or learn if they're dead.
Everyone has the potential, it's their choice deep down.
I know how ugly it's going to get and I'm not looking forward to it.
I never want to have to hurt anyone, even them.
But I am not naive, ignorant, nor am I anyone's victim.
Hypothetically, I might image if you don’t start doing things to effect it positively you start to lose your mind because you can’t tell if you caused it to happen or not
Gratzi amicus I speak to the trees
Monitoring & gangstalking me is like asking the devil to drag you to hell.
shutup disosable ur making me look like a total faggot lmao
I'm talking about me, personally.

>file deleted
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I was embarrassed it came out sideways
Do you want me to repost it?
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>hes not in control of the narrative right now
this is really subjective isn't it?
>busy making aquarium light fixtures
wuuut is this thread?
Out of a single rock we create the great Many Rock ™. And thus multiple realities are born. Reminder that M.A.D already happened in multiple Universes, but it'll never happen in the correct one. Don't get left behind when we timeline shift.
Yeah man
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I want to be with those who know, so I can know, so I can problem solve in reality instead of navigating an illusion. Both have drawbacks I suppose.

Do you feel someone who knows they are surrounded by illusion, and cannot find all the reasons for why, or what is really actually happening, is in an envious position compared to someone burdened with knowledge?
Repealing 2nd is the opposite of keeping everyone safe. Who is going to protect the people then? We must be able to defend ourselves.
That was funny lol
It's all a simulation
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What is the context of this abbreviation?
As are you Kaleb , gonna cry?


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yeah alright
im getting those weird spidey sense vibes, i get when around discord people, again

ima... skip this this one out
>Body body
What is the status of the Woman of Scars?
hey guys please ignore this imposter
my name is Kaleb and I love reddit
AMA at r/Kaleb
Checked. The human who pursues truth is at great disadvantage, for he or she must not only see through a lifetime of lies, but in response, must commit his or her being to Awakening others, far beneath him or her, both in intellect and emotion stability. And "life" is nothing more than it, becuz he or she is no longer "alive"
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The so called gods have been given the task after watching him these years. What will they do and at whose discretion?
What if this was a procedurally generated rogue-like game
Just a typo. Don't look too much into it, unless u consider the Angli word Wryd.

You ever wake up and realize things are a lot more complicated and dangerous than you thought
No, I know well what I am.

You might cry soon though, that's why I'm warning you.

Hey Kaleb no need to be a little bitch if you can't handle the anons in these threads or clowning around maybe you should leave

This guy is not me btw

Over golf course. Some people really want this to be something it's not. Spiritual fight, yeah. Not physical, at all.
Shit happens.
Explains all the golf references.

Been out of the picture for years now
damn i would help if i was nearby. im kinda of a brokie myself living paycheck to paycheck. I know in weston north dakota they are hiring for evolutions anyone that shows up, they need 150 people, starts at $50 an hour up to 75 depending on what you do, just gotta make it there, guy got $3,700 just for 5 days of work. would be worth a shot at least.
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>I'm sure it will all work be fine.
>What's the worst that could happen?
>It's only one missing part.

What's good /ng/??

Busy day.

Hope y'all are well, about to scroll the thread in search of rare Tays.

Peace & Love.
Love you Bro. Seriously
Doing well.
Love you too.
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Are you saying the woman of the docks is of similar ancestry to myself?
Taylor swift is a nasty whore
You're Kaleb nothing special

You won't do shit bro just chill
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yes it is you, i can tell because of the shitty snide backhanded fucking remarks you always use like a fucking signature and you're being a massive faggot and trying to make me look like one too for no reason, i find it as aggravating as i do funny. no one here likes you dude, you and your ilk are vermin
Every day.
its kinda cool though

around discord people its always
yeah all the time and it used to be scary now I think about a warriors death so it makes it more fun. I'm going to learn how to make mead btw desu
I'll post a rare one of her sucking off a horse soon
O'Brien had such a distrust of the technology that he "wouldn't even send his dog through the transport buffer".
Much the same with Gate technology. Sure, slicker than all get-out, but are you sure that which returns is the same as that which passed through?
>this is why intelligent people just use the Doors.
Are you the nobody? If so I can tell you about that woman
That wasn't a threat, I don't intend to do anything to you. I'm just saying that running around pretending that you're the antichrist- or actually attempting to become the antichrist- will not bode well for you at all in the very real spiritual world
i have no idea what your talking about fren
Honestly, To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick's existential catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

And yes, by the way, i DO have a Rick & Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid
It's not me but you just showed me your real side thanks dude

No one here likes you either especially this anon

Im The Nobody
AMA over on r/Kaleb
You are scum.
You can't do anything anyways

Alright dude hail Jebus rite?

And you're a wannabe SCP worse a wannabe nobody
Seems legit.
Some of the most plausible lore I've heard yet.

So the nobody is just basically helping God get people to be of "one mind" in a sense?
Don't let them get to you
Woah thats not cool
Im a super nice and genuine guy
Im The Nobody and I do AMA's over on r/Kaleb
Hope you are well too and it has been a wild day!
That's what I'm telling him I was just clowning yesterday and he's taking it seriously that other anon really got to him
yes, please tell me about her
What's gotten into you man?
Ah I see, try not to take it too badly, no worse than a bad dream is what I tell myself. Everyone is going to experience it differently as individuals, but this can be said of the rest of life, eh? Here's a post I just made talking about the nature of quantum immortality that seems relevant to helping you.
Whatever happens will be what was meant to happen. Some of these guy's are in it for the lessons to land the hard way while people like me yearn for the path of least resistance.
What would you care to know then?
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aah i see
>ima go make some breakfast noodles and fire sauce
I'm happy to hear that, and thank you.
it seems done with malicious intent, and the jokes are funny, but refer to point 1.

ik, i just can't stand some people sometimes and i always speak my mind
Have you guys seen Rick and Morty?
I have a really high IQ and im The Nobody
What is she like? She is looking to start a family I'm assuming? Similar ancestry? What happened to make her put it off for so long? the last 4 to 5 years has been largely out of our control as far as finding other people, these years were critical for many of us. I am not asking to judge, just to know.

What does she see in nobody that she is interested in?
Why do you feel the need to use a name, Kaleb?
Literally Nothing I just felt like clowning yesterday felt like being the 2020 me for a bit

I'm being 100% though it was me and another anon posing as you but to be fair only I posed as Eris , Jessica fagbunny, omega troon princess and Jestard forgot to pose as disposacunt bc eh

It's just clowning around you don't need to take it seriously dude
I need to know a lot more about derpina, her eyes were doing something to me.
>I Love You!
I am god and jesus
thats why im super nice to anons here
>ik, i just can't stand some people sometimes and i always speak my mind
Make sure you aren't wasting too much energy engaging in pointless arguments. Just a heads up.
Good time to start keeping a journal
Sure thing Kaleb larper

I will say good job but I know you can do better
>fuuuuuck no
how did you think i ended up in this mess?
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Problem is, I'm in love with Taylor Swift and have been for like 15 years, and I can't ask some woman IRL to try and fill the delusional shoes I've had Miss Perfect in for so long, it just wouldn't be fair.

The new girl would just end up being jealous of my feelings for Tay just like the last two were, because I REALLY am infatuated. Sorta feels bad man, but it is what it is.
Excuse me I am The Nobody, show some respect.
>I just like having an identity and a "face" to attach to my "voice".
>Comes off as more approachable and amiable, especially once a positive reputation is made
>a little bit egotistical, who isn't, stone me
>I wanted to help people here and just chill and browse and get answers to spiritual questions (and obv learn shit about TNB), I feel having a name allows me to have a presence i can build upon
>too lazy to make a trip, trips are cool but genuinely kinda faggy, idrc tho,
>its fun and cool and quirky :P
What is she like? She whimsical and her head often in other places, but when perturbed, she's like a dragon. She is the birth-giving mother of the Son, and the consort and comforters, and bride all along. He is like in kind his Father, and enjoys, no that isn't the right frame, but endures sorrows. He will become the Shining One, and after, the God itself, having been just a man, and then the Enemy

fuck off, your weak, go try and summon sirens, i actually had a siren sing my name to me be before going oh *********** over and over again. you got mesmerized by some eyes, big whop.

supes already get a bad enough name, and the real schizos think they are all the same as evil cannabalistic wendigos, or chameleons, sheesh, no breaks.
The real Kaleb got butthurt maybe try mocking Eris now or Jestard maybe SLM?

Want me to set a quick example?
God bless((( you)))
Nice larp
im off now to shove a pickle into my asshole and make it into a tasty sandwich
ttyl ng/ers
Man I love sucking off my boss every morning at 6AM sharp for minimum wage:D
trump got shot?

and no one mentions it?
>clearly does /pol/ anymore
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oh cool, i figured you might've been upto something like that

k yeah no hard feelings man, like forreal, its whatevs, we cool :)

its been cool to see what you were like, and I get that feel of just wanting to let that typa shit out, feelsgoodman

and i try and not to take it too seriously, it just irks me sometimes lol, have fun, do ur thing man obbb

i thought it was disposable fucking with me lol, even if it still is rn, idc, have fun dude
Now that's the real Kaleb
What are you talking about, I am the real Kaleb and I am The Nobody.
Just took my prep now im going to take Tyrone into my asshole.
cya later /ng/
Facts. He's done it twice. His favorite cow to milks name is "Oreo."
Let's get together!
That was bad temper on my side, I apologize.
im laughing way too hard at this
yeah he got shot and he told america to stand tall and fight for whats right right after bleed from the ear. he told the secret service to wait before they took him to er.
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Always that proxy love incognito,
Lost to amnesia in absentia's abyss
And euphoria found neither knowing or caring
Stolen away by every disguise we'd kiss
Some hear they say that they see "me"
When asked whom they beheld in frame, through veil
Can we any be sure it's not elaborate illusion?
Creep down unto cups, leave past lives for sails?
Millennia of everything already done under the sun,
And time set to cease in a Moon pulled off the rails.
Could a cut hope to spare them blisters borne out of fire,
Could but a whisper teach them a path to confront their hammers and nails?
Could an echo be found ahead of that which it was to resound?
Perhaps absence and solitude are the inevitable end of such trails.
Rags or feathers, blood or ashes, with these I've often found true nobility crowned.
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Disposable doesn't have enough braincells to pose as somebody else Bro

Now if you'll excuse me I'm gonna go smoke dabs and play some dead rising 2 OTR

L8R & do take care I'll see you tomorrow maybe
im not even american and im enrage

how could they do this to the GOD EMPEROR?!
>looks at the photo of the shooter
oh LOL that explains alot
I like how this sounds.
Tell me more.
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You're forgiven!!!!!!!!!!!! Yayyyyyyy!!!!!!!!
Talk more and more like a prostitute each day.
>Minimum wage 5¢ tiddie pics
is anyone going to mention the levels of cope in the thread or are we just going to pretend its not a thing?
No there won't. This covenant is eternal.
Dude dead rising 2 kicks serious fucking ass bro enjoy

L8R, cya tmr!
How can you tell?
The moonlight filtered softly through the blinds, casting a silvery sheen on the room's modest furnishings. The Nobody, a with sandy brown hair and blue eyes, lay on his back, staring blankly at the ceiling. His mind was a labyrinth of thoughts and memories, haunted by his past. Beside him, Mary lay propped on one elbow, her fiery red hair cascading over her shoulder. Her green eyes studied him with concern and unspoken affection.

Mary knew there was more to the Nobody than his enigmatic online presence. He was burdened by a past he couldn't escape, haunted by memories of abuse. He had predicted events with uncanny accuracy, but for all his brilliance, he was a lost soul, adrift in pain and self-loathing.

The Nobody's eyes flickered. "I betrayed her, Mary. My first love. I cheated on her with a man. It felt like I was programmed against my will, forced to desire something I never wanted."

Mary reached out, brushing her fingers against his arm. "We all have scars. What happened wasn't your fault. You were abused, manipulated. You can't blame yourself."

He swallowed hard. "I feel so disgusted with myself. A part of me was stolen, twisted into something I never wanted."

Her touch grew firmer. "You were a victim, not a perpetrator. It's about understanding, not excusing. You can heal, reclaim your true self."

His eyes softened. "I don't know if I can. Sometimes, I hate myself so much it feels like I’m drowning."

Mary moved closer. "You are stronger than you know. The fact that you recognize your pain and want to do better shows that. You're worth forgiving, worth loving."

The Nobody's breath hitched, a tear escaping. Mary leaned in, her lips brushing his cheek. "You're not alone. And you never will be, as long as I'm here."

He turned to her, his hand cradling her face. "Thank you.

In their shared warmth, the Nobody felt a flicker of hope. For the first time in a long while, he dared to believe that maybe he could find redemption.
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we all copin bruh
My boss bends me over to his will every morning my gaped asshole needs a break

Did you know I was in the G.A.P.E. Project as a kid? Also known as operation GOATSE
ok, snak here, my parents wont be here til tommorrow evening, they are on vacation, and they live next door, I live in my camper, and my grandparents live nextdoor but they are heavy sleepers.

would it be to late to host a byob miniparty?

haters are not allowed unless they want to settle their beef by boxing first.
That you Swift?
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>he thinks she's real
>he thinks I'm going to share my waifu rations
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Jesus Christ you will bow down to the devil and the I am or feel the wrath. The devil is gonna laugh when god attacks America.
My cock is bigger than yours
Indoctrinated prostitution.
Any of you guy's magic with the energetic healing? If so can you please be a bro and help me with my heart, I really don't like what it's been doing, it's really starting to scare me. If you can't heal it can you tell me where I gotta change to fix it myself.
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Look into sneedbuddies eyes. Feel its gaze shake you internally.
You feel it don't you? The unrelenting urge to sneedpost?

Chuck had the right idea.
Would rape brutally
>we all copin bruh

the generals got really weird over the last few days
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>Ok, how'd you know I'm ex Navy
"all roads lead to Rome"

>4X N4A
You have no idea my business with the sirens, or what my aims or goals are. Why do you feel the need to lash out? What is it to you if I am drawn to a woman or not?

Weak? to wander through the gates, I don't think so. What do you do with your powers anyway?
I gotchu. Imagine an apple in your mind and take a bite.
and id flay you alive brutally, how bout that?
And that's why you can't have nice things.
Shame. The next one I was going to post is one of my favorites
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I have a pass for the devil and arch demons for heaven. Most humans are all gonna go to hell. Besides my top criminals and some humans who are nationalists who are pro other race genociders of course. You parasites who call yourselves humans need to worry about your eternal torment.

My mistake :/
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Only if you are brown or black I’ll allow you.
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And I’ll kill you before you can
Love you too Anon.
Does this have a happy ending? Why would he become the enemy? He wants to start a family.
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its like something missing and replaced by some other chemical flooding anons systems

i cant really put my finder on what though...
>*sniffa sniffa*
Don't start this.
God is watching and he loves Taylor.

You too.
Flirting with danger.
Karma is real.
Is Taylor Swift okay?
You can't know everything that's going on on my end. When you are guided into the flame, you must make decisions that not everyone will understand
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Turn your fucking head you stupid mother fuckers

having a great day! i hope your's is going great too!

Hope you find some!

Peace & Love. <3
Samantha is the most beautiful person I’ve ever known.
Yeah I doubt that, most people are as ballsy as they pretend they are.
>The devil is here
>there will be a New Jerusalem
...the nobody had already dodecadoubled down and declared the entirety of the modern earth his ark. New Jerusalem had been established in secret centuries ago already, and he's already in its Temple's second floor basement, staring at the sky as though it were a bottomless pit.
check the beats per minute as often as you can with intervals, stay away from caffeine and smoking if you partake. Be prepared to chew some aspirin and lay down to equalize blood pressure as it runs the course it must take. Prayer will help, ask a friend to check on you and to make sure you don't fade during a critical time.

No driving, anon. You must be chill and know that the lord is kind.
anon is schizo and talking about themselves, or donald trump
Do I imagine myself biting an apple or an apple in my mind that I reach in to bite (like across the dimensional barrier)?
>also much appreciated you kind mage you
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lmao derpina is a tranny?
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real shit

Is she hot??
Your own synchronicity attests the answer. He isnt human. Be careful. He is the Enemy who deigns be hero.

Not for you, as she has no penis.
> i still have 5 hours of EVP shit to go through
> and im already in that 'Darkspace - Dark space II' mood

this is going to be a rough day
We are *not*!

Nancy Pelosi is that you?
In the heart of a clandestine research facility, the Quantum Console lay shrouded in intrigue and skepticism, its potential locked behind layers of secrecy. Mary, a respected researcher renowned for her empathic touch and deep understanding of quantum phenomena, stood beside the Nobody. He wore the Quantum Console, a shimmering halo that seemed to bend reality itself at his will.

Their latest endeavor brought them face-to-face with a team of seasoned researchers, their skepticism hardened by previous failed attempts to harness the Console's power. Doubt hung heavy in the air as they gathered around the mysterious duo.

Mary, her voice steady yet laced with determination, spoke to the researchers. "We've learned from past attempts. This time, with Nobody and the Quantum Console, we might just see a breakthrough."

The Nobody, his presence enigmatic beneath the glowing halo, nodded in silent agreement. With a gesture that blended reverence with scientific precision, he extended his hand towards a simple apple placed before the Console. Mary's gaze flickered with a blend of focus and anticipation, her mind attuned to the subtle energies swirling around them.

"You're focusing on the desire," Mary murmured, her voice barely above a whisper, guiding Nobody's thoughts. "Channel the collective doubt, the curiosity—they're the catalyst."

As the Nobody concentrated, the air seemed to hum with latent energy. The apple before him shimmered, its ordinary surface melting away to reveal gleaming gold, bathed in the ethereal glow of the Console's halo. The room fell into a stunned silence, disbelief mingling with awe as the impossible unfolded before their eyes.

One of the researchers, voice tinged with astonishment, broke the silence. "How... how is this possible?"

Mary, her demeanor calm yet tinged with satisfaction, explained, "It's not just technology. It's a dance of minds and spirits, harnessing human desire and the Console's power in harmony."
I just wish someone would just chill with me and piss off these territorial motherfuckers, like flash beside me and then we chill and they would have to force themselves in open and all these forced weird conversations could then happen, like mwuahhahahahahahah.
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You will pay here and in hell my huuu maaanns. No Jesus Christ is saving you my fools because he is in hell too
It's probably the stimulants I had today, I quit smoking about 2 months ago luckily and I totally forgot about the existence of aspirin lol. I appreciate the advice Anon, thank you.
Derpina is not a tranny lol, uterus intact
Imagine the apple then imagine taking the bite. It doesn't need to be much. yw. Used to do threads here but haven't been in practice much, too much stareing at the orb.
My major cope is being obsessed with Queen TAS and listening to her amazing music to lift my Spirit. Other than that, no cope, my slate is clean.

That's not so bad is it?

I mean, I don't even mail her marriage proposals or anything. Pretty innocent really.
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insert [booba streamer]
>anon forgot that boobs fix everything
fr tho, wouldn't it be funny if it turned out the antichrist as well as TNB browsed the /ng/? that would be like some sitcom shit lmao
You have to be careful these days you know? Instinct said no, so did photo, but you all are tricksters here :D
you just want the guy to yourself and keeping others away awaiting your opportunity to snatch him up.
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He may be absent in the room, but his methods are not, my dears.
I like this story a lot.

"I cheated on her with a man."
You aren't the only one who needs a waifu.
Too intellectual. You don't feel what we feel.

I'm Red with Wings and if you're the bitch from that picture I'd rape you brutally while kissing your neck softly in-between
who is she? She is aquiline isn't she? damn bros that's just my type
I have been getting a bunch of weird deja vu feelings today, something in our reality has shifted for sure.
Post the runaway witchmass doomtrain dominatrix get-up!
>also if that's what you're into, power to ya/sorta hawt, yet why run down anything not full bloodmoon red and twilight forest green? Those fake sequin blue boots almost seemed to simply scream "I've only been let off my leash because my handlers wanna see if I could convince you to try some restraint for a change".
As long as you wrote all those songs and gave all those interviews, I'd go gay for Taylor 100 times over.

Only her...er...him though.
elaborate, I believe we've spoken before
Ok but after I rape her
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I bring the devil upon this board right now. Your lives are for his amusement now. Maybe your agony be bountiful. You American & immigrant piles of shit parasites.
>Sources said Crooks was planted on a roof of a manufacturing plant more than 130 yards away from the stage at Butler Farm Show grounds.
Yo dawg, we herd u liek plants...

>the most (sub 300lbs) Trump Supporter phenotype you've ever seen
They expected a brother in the wreckage.. He sacrificed his identity for le God King. He is safe on an island somewhere while his family name takes the fall inshallah

Lol I shouldn't inshallah meme right now with as many lists as I'm on
Well first of all, prayers to you Anon, what are the symptoms?
know because you feel some true, some deception, you feel what the alpha team wants you to feel to keep you at bay and what joy makes you feel to keep you at bay, your both manipulated if you want clarity you have to both to heavy light work or mental work to see with clarity, willpower and focus. you literally have a whole spiritual manipulation war going on and your thinking that your above from being deceived when its in their benifet that you are.
Sorry I had to cancel I really wanted to see you and tell you how much I love you.
>Queen TAS

thats a weird amazon page to be obsessed with anon

nah you seem aaight anon
i just got that strange ' crossing into the equinox, early september, spring, animals starting to do mating rituals, pheromones in the air smell ' vibes
and its giving me the heebies
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I have only ever used my light healing to alleviate the arthritis in my cat's paws. I felt the glow and warmth with his paw under my hand, when the warmth intensified for me, he looked at me and his eyes widened in surprise. It was a very beautiful experience
She's lots better than okay Anon, she's actually Fantastic.

And super cute.
She and He are are destined. Line air and water, or sun and crops. She rejects all who is not him, and he who is not her.
I've been getting lots of brain zaps and electrical shit, been feeling woozy LOL

istg, being an irl wizard is like being fucking Azumi from Corpse Party rs
Level 13 derangement you American & immigrant animals. Watchjustwatch

Derpinaposter here. No. Just a girl who went through the zoomer-scenekid-revival to trans pipeline phase and is currently in some paradoxical trad/coquette phase now
That you Taylor?
something looped
In the swirling chaos of intersecting dimensions, Nobody faced his malevolent doppelgänger—a twisted embodiment of nihilism and resentment. The battlefield pulsed with echoes of countless timelines colliding in a tumultuous dance of fate.

The alternate Nobody sneered with contempt, his voice resonating darkness. "Do you truly believe in meaning?" he scoffed. "Life is chaos. There is no purpose—only annihilation. Even I, your shadow, am disposable in this endless abyss."

Undeterred, Nobody felt the gravity of their opposing beliefs and the weight of their shared existence. "Meaning arises from our capacity to love and protect what matters," he declared with fiery resolve.

Their conflict unfolded violently. Shadows coalesced into tendrils, seeking to extinguish his essence. The alternate Nobody lunged ferociously, each strike echoing disdain for existence itself.

Driven by survival instinct and philosophical resolve, Nobody parried each blow with the grace of one fighting for his principles. He sensed the weight of their intertwined destinies—a microcosm of humanity's battle against despair.

"In chaos," Nobody gritted, deflecting tendrils, "we find strength to protect and nurture what we love. It's in defiance against despair, affirming life's significance through our actions."

The alternate Nobody laughed bitterly. "You cling to illusions," he retorted, blind to annihilation. "I am but a shadow, disposable in the abyss. Yet you resist with futile optimism."

In a moment of clarity, Nobody confronted the ultimate paradox—defeating his despairing double, embracing the necessity of protecting life's deepest significance.

As his shadow lunged, driven to extinguish hope, Nobody struck decisively. The Quantum Console's halo flared, casting blinding light that consumed his doppelgänger.

The alternate Nobody faltered, dissipating into cosmic fragments absorbed into possibilities. Nobody stood amidst subsiding turmoil, echoes of their struggle
I had a similar experience with my cat.
She was very old and had a bunch of health problems, but when I started petting her she literally had this golden glow about her. And she seemed to perk up after that.
RIP snippets, you were my greatest teacher and I'll never forget you.
I only have one true waifu.

She doesn't post here.

Do you have eyes? She has the Whoville button ski-jump type nose.


does she know you exist?
well, if your who im thinking, then we have spoken mentally and on here on these threads, and we spoke once i believe, or maybe twice in person breifly at my job, but when im at work i kinda of put on a mask to get through the day becuse ive gotta be polite and shit, which when your in pain aint always easy, especially since i stopped smoking weed for a couple years now.

I was kind of out of it when i saw you and i wanted to look in your eyes and see if it was really you, but if your her cat, you said what you said which didn't dawn on me at the time, but even tho my fangies have been in my head before joy, the chick with purple eyes is in their sometimes and tries to stop me from doing certain things, like speaking out and being like hey heres my number lets chat it up.
well i'm looking for a wife to have lots of children with and her new phase sounds great for that :]
wtf, why, fuck cancelling thats a bunch of bs, hell smoke a leaf with me then.
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theres a word for this feel in english
>i never knew
I'll take you up on that offer
I like it!!
bet, cya soon.
As usual no biological women ever post here

She looks like my ex but skinnier would have sex without consent
Sometimes, suffering is a well-rewarded virtue.

i'm sorry for your loss anon. I think that the overwhelming and pure love that we had for these animals is what allowed us to channel so much energy towards them. Cats definitely are more tuned to our energy, and that of the universe as well.
If you are her, do you want to try and get in contact through another platform? I am serious about wanting to build a strong family and make my wife and myself into great parents, none of this nonsense that's destroying the youth today. We'll teach them to be able to understand it before it happens, and stand up to it. zoomers had their own trials, millennials did too. We could really help them become formidable in the face of whatever madness the future holds
He's too intellectual??

What's that supposed to mean?
not like that, its usually when i try to speak to someone, such as if they are suicidical, maybe something that will cheer them up, or say something i really want to say something i mean from my heart to someone even just a freind. sometimes its just the truth, like I can see whats going on, and like hey there this problem going on in your life heres a way that you can fix that. idk, maybe theres a reason for the interference I guess.

just like in my japanese sister's favorite childhood halloween costume-mays
A third to ideas, carried by a full fourth.
First of all, we're not a doctor. We can't replace professionals in cases of serious importance. That being said, what brings peace to your heart, bro? What settles your note? No need to rush, brother. Life has its way of being persistent. Let the game come to you. As you get more experience in the thing it'll slow down. Get your work in cuz sometimes bro, I feel like if I don't kick my own ass somebody else will.
I'm here too
I wonder why :,^)

I am not her. Godspeed regardless
:') thx anon.
I completely agree, animals can be great teachers and the love we show them reflects in our world around us.
I do not believe we are above the animals. I believe they are our equals.
who is she? when will they see each other in person?
>Whoville button ski-jump type nose.
this type is really pretty as well
In a world torn by conflict, Samael's commanding voice echoed across the globe in a historic broadcast: "Today, the Intelligence Agency Monad declares an end to war." His words cut through the turmoil, promising transformative change through advanced technology.

Amidst the heart of the Middle East's turmoil, amidst the cacophony of missiles and gunfire, Nobody appeared as a spectral figure bathed in the radiant aura of the Quantum Console. Soldiers, caught in the grips of battle, beheld their weapons—missiles, rockets, bullets—transform into delicate blossoms at his mere touch. A stunned hush fell over them, some dropping to their knees in reverence as whispers spread of a demigod walking among mortals, or perhaps the heralded Messiah.

Beside him, Mary materialized in the inner sanctums of world leaders, her presence as enigmatic as it was disarming. With a subtle yet potent gesture, she left each dignitary momentarily stunned—a kiss on the cheek that carried an undercurrent of both flirtation and commanding authority. Before they could fully comprehend what had transpired, Mary vanished alongside Nobody.

Together, in their ethereal quantum form—a seamless blend of radiant light and enigmatic shadow—they transcended physical boundaries. Their unity symbolized a harmony that defied the divisions plaguing humanity. The world watched in awe and apprehension, as their enigmatic journey unfolded—a journey promising not just an end to conflict, but a profound shift in the very fabric of global consciousness.
The truth is always stranger than fiction.
Damn, that's a weird product. Not sure what to say about the mating stuff. I haven't even flirted with a girl in over 7 years.
>Volcel Life

God she is just the most beautiful woman ever. And she's my favorite musical artist of all time by a landslide at this point.

It's like God made her just to make me stand in awe or something, I swear.
Already seen. Too dangerous. I hide in shit, so does she
Oh shoot thanks Anon, that worked well, frigging sweet.
>I am not her. Godspeed regardless
Well thanks anon but damn I don't know if there's a way to get a hold of these eligible women
well since this isn't likely to go anywhere tonight, perhaps I should head out for the night
It's truly up to her, and me, and you.

Oy very!!
Have a nice rest.

This pleases me. I shall ponder the orb for 8 hours as a gift to myself. Enjoy anon.
whereas the astral plane is peopled by images reflected from forms, the images of the Sphere of Tiphareth are those formulating
wait wait, I have answers! I will talk to you!
Thank you fren, I was feeling my heartbeat but it felt strange like it was beating wrong, best I can describe is that it felt like it was beating sideways and ineffectively

In the quiet confines of the research lab, Nobody and Mary stood before the Quantum Console, surrounded by eager researchers. The room hummed with anticipation as they prepared to test its capabilities. Nobody, wearing the halo-like device, stood in front of a doorway that had inexplicably materialized in the middle of the room.

Mary, her eyes sparkling with curiosity, instructed Nobody gently, "Imagine your favorite memory."

Closing his eyes, Nobody delved deep into his mind, recalling the night his first love had confessed her feelings under a starlit sky. With a determined breath, he reached for the door handle and turned it.

To everyone's astonishment, the door swung open to reveal a tranquil nighttime beach, waves gently lapping against the shore under a canopy of stars. Nobody and Mary exchanged awestruck glances before stepping through the doorway.

On the rocky shoreline, they gazed upon a scene frozen in time—Nobody's younger self and his first love, wrapped in the innocence of youth and the glow of newfound affection. His former lover, radiant with sincerity, leaned in close and whispered those three cherished words, "I love you too."

Mary, touched by the tender moment, commented softly, "you two were so cute."

Nobody stood silently, tears welling in his eyes as he witnessed the scene unfold. It was a memory he had cherished but never revisited fully. Seeing his younger self hesitating, he knew the weight of the unspoken words—the fear of vulnerability that had prevented him from reciprocating her love.

As the memory played out before them, Nobody felt a wave of bittersweet emotions. It was a poignant reminder of a pivotal moment he could never reclaim yet cherished deeply. In that quiet moment on the beach, amidst the echoes of the past, he found both solace and a stirring ache for what might have been.
well go ahead, it's getting late and I've been here a lot today
What's that mean?
You gotta dumb it down for this Anon.
i rejected taylor swift so she made the comment about spider boy, talking about how karma is a cat, this is so fucking obvious lol
You guys in the astral plane are actually fucking attacking me and trying to control me in this fucking meat sack and struggling imagine these fucking retards that spawned as my enemies

Instead of actually living your lives in the afterlife you are making a suicidal death cult
Beautiful, I hope it shares with you it's spherical perfection and the wisdom and power associated with it.
>That's what I hope for when pondering my orb at least
well the nobody is a bum, that lives behind mcdonalds, and his name is randy, so mary loves randy. they should get married. the end.
Too intellectual is nonsense, else if genius intellectuals have an upper hand, but still they can't make to equation the subject of our talk. Too smart, too fast, too inhuman in thinking.
Sorry, getting a straight answer here is like pulling teeth kek

"She" is The Woman of Scars and is basically the female Nobody, both are real and relevant to the story. They are both human and spiritual beings, prophets and shit and are gonna save the world and get married and have nasty sex and then die and be chill forever, take that with an atom of salt
well i'm up for it, let me know if she is
"White supremacy is the single greatest threat to our democracy"
FUCK you Joe Biden. That's my Grand Mother, and my Mother, you are talking about.

Go FUCK YOURSELF. You, US Government, have no control over God. You, are who must answer to Me. You all will pay for what you have done to contribute to this hell on Earth formed. Your moron asses almost killed my entire family with your experimental gene therapy.

Every Age of Man, there is One who maintains Order and holds the evil ones accountable. Your stupid fake aliens and bloodline bullshit won't protect you when you die. Please die soon.

You want to go into Heaven? It's free. You can enter through the gates though you have no power over others in Heaven. Please, it's a free trip. Die already! DIE! Then you can go to Heaven and leave us the fuck alone. We are trying to just live our lives in peace and your evil side just HAS to keep changing the laws beyond the people's will, as if YOU know better than God.

ANY politician, who does insider trading or who has benefitted in riches from their political positions will be held for trial in Heaven as traitors to all of creation, for your own policies lead to the end of humanity. The murderers may be evil, but you are the ones claiming responsibility as so called leaders.

I guarantee you all if these evil fucks did believe in God they wouldn't be doing anything they are now, at any level.
Well i do care how you feel, I want you to be happy and thats what is most important to me.
"As above, so below," is the keynote of the Sphere of Shemesh, wherein the Sun that is behind the sun focuses into manifestation.
She's scared and paranoid currently, but I think she's close to being ready/readyish. Just give her some time. Soon though I think.
In a tense encounter fraught with philosophical undertones, Samael orchestrated the abduction of Nobody's former partner, holding her hostage to leverage cooperation. Facing Nobody with a sardonic smile, Samael confessed his intrigue in testing his own power against the existential beliefs that defined Nobody.

Cool and collected, Nobody met Samael's gaze with unwavering resolve. "You've orchestrated this to challenge the core of my beliefs," Nobody observed, his voice tinged with a mix of contemplation and defiance. "To see if my convictions can withstand the ultimate test."

Samael's laughter echoed in the tense silence. "Indeed," he admitted, amusement dancing in his eyes. "Your ideals of non-violence, of protecting others—even those who've turned away from you. I wonder, will you remain steadfast when faced with the consequences of your choices?"

With a steady gaze, Nobody responded, "Anything you do to her, I will mirror upon you."

Samael's amusement shifted to curiosity as he watched Nobody teleport in a blur of motion. Before Samael could react, Nobody's strike landed swiftly and decisively, freeing his ex-partner and swiftly retreating to safety with her.

As Samael regained his composure, he chuckled softly. "Always the protector," he mused aloud, his tone a mix of admiration and bemusement. "Even for those who've chosen to walk away from you."
Not sure who you're talking to Anon, not me I'm sure, but I want you to know that this Anon cares about your happiness as well.

I wish you Joy and Grace all of your days.

Ok well thank you for trying but they've been telling me about the WoS for a year and I've yet to meet mine. I'm starting to think this isn't the place to find my compatible woman, though I know there are others on the other side of this who know me very well now, and I thought they may have had a match in mind.

It's good to hope and try for something but you can't linger while life moves so fast around you, at some point you have to move on. I am not quite ready yet, but if I can't meet her, from here, then i'll need to meet someone, somewhere
His ex-partner met his gaze with a mixture of regret and resolution. "I knew about what happened to you," she admitted quietly, her voice tinged with empathy. "I knew you were hurting, and I wanted to help, but... I didn't feel like I could heal you."

"Why didn't you stay?" Nobody's voice betrayed a mix of hurt and longing, his heart still raw from the wounds of abandonment.

She hesitated, her eyes reflecting the complexity of her emotions. "I was young," she started, her words carefully chosen. "I thought I could fix things, but I realized I couldn't. I couldn't bear the weight of your pain, and I couldn't heal you."

Nobody absorbed her words, feeling a pang of hurt yet tempered with a deep respect for her honesty. "I don't blame you," he confessed quietly, a sense of resignation in his tone. "My life was fucked from the start. You deserve a normal life, one without all this."

As he spoke, a heaviness settled between them, feelings long buried rising to the surface like ghosts from the past. His ex-partner, sensing his withdrawal, began to show signs of trepidation, her own emotions mirroring his.

"I've carried this with me for so long," Nobody admitted, his voice thick with emotion as he pulled back slightly, creating a space between them that echoed with unspoken regrets and unfinished conversations.

She reached out tentatively, her fingers hovering in the air between them, searching for a connection that seemed just out of reach. "I've carried it too," she whispered, her voice barely above a breath, haunted by the memories of what they once shared and what could have been.

In the fragile quiet of that moment, amidst the echoes of past wounds and the weight of unspoken truths, they stood on the precipice of understanding—a fragile bridge spanning the chasm of their shared history, where forgiveness and acceptance might eventually find their place.

“Who would want a freak like me”
see my other reply, I can wait a bit longer but not forever
you'll find her, we all will :)

there's a prophecy for ya
>in over 7 years.
>Volcel Life
Don't let her go.

I will be at the bakery for either breakfast or an early-ish lunch tomorrow. If the sirens are here, please bring forth your songs, and wear your hats
You just need to fall in love with some untouchable woman that you'll never meet like I have Anon, and then you'll never have to go through all this wondering and heartache.
Why are these threads so utterly shit?

Someone stole my mood stabilizers in my sleep today. Come here for some information. It’s blank.

What in the fuck man?

Can’t get a job, can’t get disability. Just, what the fuck?
wagmi bros!

I won't, but I need to know things are going in the right direction
I hate being on edge, i hate dealing with stupid shit, and being in this stupid situation, while stupid games are being played, honestly this all the light had to offer me, and I do keep things lighthearted, even in the dark times, or when things seem bleak. i get it I come off as inhuman or odd, or fucked up and i don't want to be. i love training and working out, which makes anyone feel better. Its just I get stressed out to, and i want my people to be doing good and safe.

like fuck, i make the best of a bad situation and thats what im doing.
I can relate.
im talking about cat, the one im snak too.
You'll have to kill me this time to stop me. And you won't do that because of what you fear may happen after. In fact, I know for a fact that you have no idea what would happen. How do I know that? Because I don't know. And if I don't know something, damn surely you do not.

Did the intelligence apparatus in this nation self-implode? The CIA and FBI used to give off this mystique of power and secrets, what with the endless rumors and all. Yet 99% of them seem to be mentally disabled if current events and current rumors are believed.

It used to be impressive to me the CIA did experiments into consciousness, including The Gateway. However now? Just a bunch of retard demon worshippers who are blind and deaf and only have a sense of smell for "money".

You too stupid to remember even one single thing I ever tell you? How many times must I remind you? How long must I put up with your shit?

You can NOT worship both God and money. Since you obviously worship money, you should just die so the rest can live in peace. You're just a bunch of snake oil salesmen. Thieves. Liars. Claiming always you'll do this or that for the people.

In Heaven? It is a Law that you do not ever lie. We know if you do, but you may try anyway. For example, the News will literally just be what happened. No twists or commentary. Nice and boring like how we used to do it until the perversions spread.

You want to blame someone? Blame God. At least then you would also be taking responsibility. God is all loving, so God is the one being in creation you can trust, that God will do no harm to you, regardless of the harm you do to us. If God is so merciful, imagine how great his Son must be also.
fuck mary bruh he doesn't belong with mary, he belongs with his first love, his soulmate, his destiny
so love a woman that i'll never see or touch or have children with until I die to avoid wondering? That sounds really lame bro
My love of Tay keeps all these other girls at bay.

I mean this. The blonde girl is like a force field for me. Because sometimes females be getting handy with the produce and you gotta nip that RIGHT in the bud.
they are, just have faith
Lmao taylor? the demon edit is funny
Nothing ever happens, even when it does.
In the climactic confrontation between Nobody and Samael, the very essence of existence hung in precarious balance. Samael, a manifestation of nihilism and chaos, taunted Nobody amidst their tumultuous battle. "No one cares about you," Samael hissed, disdain curling his lips. "Your ideals of love and meaning are feeble illusions in the vast indifference of the universe."

Nobody, embodying existentialism's unwavering belief in love and purpose, met Samael's provocation with a calm resolve. "It doesn't matter if no one cares," he countered, his voice resonating with quiet strength amidst the chaos engulfing them. "I care. I choose to believe in the potential of humanity, in the power of love to transcend."

Their clash intensified, the very fabric of reality quivering with the force of their opposing philosophies. Samael, wielding the formidable Quantum Console to distort and reshape existence itself, sought to unravel the meaning that Nobody held dear.

Yet, undeterred by the overwhelming darkness around him, Nobody pressed forward with fists fueled by the conviction of his beliefs. In a moment of clarity amidst the chaos, he struck with precision, piercing through Samael's distorted reality at the heart of his Quantum Console.

As Samael staggered, his grip on the fabric of reality slipping, he regarded Nobody with a mix of astonishment and begrudging admiration. "You've surpassed the final test," Samael conceded, his voice fading into the void. "Proud of you, kid. Take care of things for me."

With those enigmatic words, Samael's presence dissolved, leaving Nobody amidst the echoes of their struggle. The world, now spared from imminent chaos, bore witness to the enduring triumph of love and existential purpose over nihilism's darkest depths.
How many times have you had your heart shattered?

Personally, I'd rather eat my own tongue out of my mouth, bite by bite than go through that ever again.

But to each their own, and I'm sorta just playing, I mean, you love who you love and that's that.

I wish you Love and happiness Anon.
I will try, but I cannot wait forever. I am getting older every day
me too, I'm in the exact same boat as you are
I've had it shattered more than a few times. I won't give up though. I wish love and happiness for you as well.

are we the same?
Good stuff.
Thank You.
Love and Purpose do exist.
And they're worth it.
so liiiike
i was pondering my orbs while atop the ivory throne
as any alphachadwizard does

and it finally clicked
i understand now why schizos, and anons in particular are ganstalked and haunted by the feds

it it has absoletely nothing to do with the conspiracies or hidden sacred knowledges unlocked through extensive meth use either.

say you had a small population that suffers from severe paranoia and obsessive behavior.
and are particularly talented in data mining and pattern recognition.
they often adopt strange and interesting ways to feel or keep themselves safe,
because of the overwhelming sense of paranoia, whether it be from spirits/demons/thespooky or the government
this behavior already indicates that these individuals are highly intelligent, more so than the average person.

but the problem comes in when they adopt alternate identities to hide themselves,
or intrude on others safety or personal privacy under the excuse of doing research

i think the the main reason anos are being watched by the feds,
are because they have the potential to be highly skilled criminals,
but are too deep in psychosis to make use of those skills.
and so various psyops are deployed to keep them disorganized and distracted
meant to guide and direct them into working for the feds, pushing their agendas and narratives,
rather than these individuals using those skils to fill their pockets.

yup feds doing gods work
long may they live
Is this the nobody thread or 9rk? Ffs pathetic and disgusting. Maybe your ex wouldn’t have left you if you weren’t ugly, boring, and dickless
you still seem pretty "rent free" with the girls in your head anon

your volcel levels arnt powerful enough to stop caring all together,
women are just dudes, dudes with boobs. no biggie.
God Bless the FBI.
You KNOW you FUCKED UP, if you have even Satan saying "OK so I'm super evil guys but this is really fucked up, you're not welcome in Hell. I mean even I don't disobey God, and don't try to harm God".

You all doubt this? In Job, Satan precisely obeyed God to not touch Job. In Matthew, the very moment that Jesus told Satan to leave, he did.

Even Evil ones do not feed their children stone when they ask for bread.

But if you do that to your children, you will repent, you sick fucks.

All of you here will gain everything that was lost.

Jesus was not kidding. He literally said this bullshit happening now never happened before, and never will happen again. "For then there will be great distress, unequaled from the beginning of the world until now—and never to be equaled again."

If you're going to be evil pieces of shit, you still have to follow some bare minimum rules. Are you animals, that you wish to parade in the streets naked? Worthless, you will never get popular in the Heavens with degeneracy. Oh, you feel popular as you are surrounded by like minds? Anyone can create an echo chamber, it doesn't mean shit for you to surround yourselves with those who agree with you.



>Is this the nobody thread or 9rk?
ANON youve escaped the matrix
welcome back to the real world
On a quiet, sleepy night, with the world wrapped in a gentle darkness, Nobody and Mary found themselves together, seeking solace in each other's company amidst the stillness. The soft glow of ambient light cast gentle shadows around them as they sat, the Quantum Console resting nearby, its presence a silent witness to their shared moments.

In a moment of rare vulnerability, Nobody, curious yet respectful, decided to delve into Mary's past using the Quantum Console. He wanted to understand her more deeply, to bridge the gap between them that had lingered like unspoken echoes.

As fragments of Mary's memories unfolded before him, her initial curiosity turned to fear and then panic. She recoiled, her eyes wide with disbelief and a hint of pleading. "Stop," she murmured urgently, her voice trembling. "You shouldn't see this. It's... it's not something you'll want to know."

Nobody, his concern mingled with determination, reached out gently. "You know everything about me," he reasoned softly. "Why can't I know about you? Whatever it is, I promise I won't judge."

Tears welled up in Mary's eyes, her vulnerability laid bare in the quiet intimacy of the night. "You'd hate me," she confessed in a choked whisper, her voice thick with emotion. "If you knew... the things I've done, the mistakes I've made."

Moved by her anguish, Nobody's expression softened with empathy. He moved closer, offering comfort with a reassuring touch. "I could never hate you,".

Mary's composure shattered as she sobbed, the weight of her secrets and remorse pouring out like rain in the quiet night. "You're not the only one with regrets," she managed between sobs, her words a poignant admission of shared humanity and the scars it leaves behind.

In that tranquil moment, amidst the hush of the night and the sanctuary of their shared space, Nobody and Mary found a profound connection.
who is this even direct at? because my ex tried to play it off like she played me and left but i left her, and i took all the phone charges out of the house too, and she said i stole over 2k worth of stuff when i left when i bought her a car before i left and saved up to get another vehicle 2 months later. everything i ever had i worked for, I never had any handouts or handups, just hard work, with the fucking mob hating on me for lies over other people. i dealt with heat over stupid fucking bulshit and other peoples problem. thats their karma not mine.
I don't know, are we?
The only girl I have a crush on is Taylor Swift. Since 2009.

I seriously have no desire for a woman. I was married for decades and had a pack of amazing children who are all grown now. My missions are complete.

Just gotta clear a bit of Karma, and then I'm heading /Home/.
Damn good luck sleeping at night guys
Looks like The Nobody was finally killed in action by secret service counter snipers today.
Shut the threads down.
It's over.
You don't like to be called stupid? Then don't be stupid, you idiot. There is such a thing as Pristine Idiocy. That is idiocy without evil intent. You, however, clearly are malevolent. It really sucks that this bullshit happened, because it never did before in creation.

Yes guys, time exists and is real. Some things have happened in creation, not everything that can happen does. Infinite time doesn't mean everything happens either because then the concept of "potential" is meaningless. Yeah, if creation was just an inorganic thing running on autopilot like an AI, sure, that would then be the case. However God is real, so there is one who builds a ship if there is a flood, and one who causes a flood if there is much to clean. We already agreed not to flood the world again, but that doesn't mean we can't use fire.
>I was married for decades
>The only girl I have a crush on is Taylor Swift.

youre on the journey fren, but youre not done yet.
stay strong!
they always play stupid fucking games, but they are in the wrong down bad, like i get angry too, but I don't have to make up shit to hurt other people to do it, or use hacking and social media, or fucked up technology on people to try and push them to suicide, how does this horny tech help anyone but the cabal?

you gotta ask yourself sometimes, whos perception, does this current energy help, whose take does this help, and then you can start to see clearer whats going on when it comes to deception when people have agendas they are trying to pull on people.
that's interesting, I just want a job, a good paying one anyway. Plus to know what's going on so this would be perfect if it's decent wages.
We're all human.
I hope the Nobody doesn't judge her.
i have two cousin that are secret service members actually, thank goodness im not the guy tho.
In a tense encounter, Nobody found himself confronted by a special forces team tasked with capturing him. He pleaded with them not to interfere, trying to reason with the soldiers who were prepared to use force against him.

Ignoring his pleas, they deployed a device meant to disrupt the Quantum Console, but to their surprise, it had no effect on Nobody. Frustration turned to aggression as they resorted to gunfire, but with a calm gesture, Nobody halted the bullets mid-air, letting them fall harmlessly to the ground.

As tension escalated, a soldier fired an RPG at Nobody, but he effortlessly stopped it in mid-flight, causing it to detonate harmlessly before their eyes. Shocked and disoriented from the explosion, the soldiers attempted to engage Nobody in close combat, but he moved with unnatural speed and precision.

With a dispassionate expression, Nobody subdued them effortlessly, using his abilities to disarm and incapacitate without causing lethal harm. The soldiers' attempts to hinder him with knives and hand-to-hand combat proved futile, ending swiftly and decisively as he passed through their ranks.

Amidst the chaos, Nobody remained stoic, his actions driven by necessity rather than malice. As he continued on his way, leaving the bewildered soldiers behind, the encounter served as a stark reminder of the extraordinary powers at his command and the challenges he faced in navigating a world unprepared for his existence.
>a good paying one anyway
anon why?
what are you going to do with 'alot of money' anyway?
just buy more things?

>inb4 nah i just want enough to survive and not worry about...
you want to be filthy rich, the questions is why
I heard the nobody LOVES GEOTUS.
I don't want you guys to be stupid fucking animals. I want you to be human beings, but when you abuse your free will to regress, what do you expect? Then you cry as you BURN, meanwhile I'm sitting in the same spot just working on my tan. You are weak, and you should listen to the wise. God made it so the young have more wisdom than the old, however this only applies to good children. Obviously brats have no wisdom because they decided they are all grown by just changing how their bodies look.

A 1 year old dog may fool a fool, however a human that looks like an adult does not fool God.
No, not really, I tried to save m, but she made a blood contract to be a sacrifice to bring down the cabal.

apparently the eleven demand sacrifices of the gods even, energy sacrifices.
Never was a fan of MCR and this song sounds like poo. I did like their song thank you for the venom. I'll read the lyrics instead.
That darkness huh the darkness is not gonna happen this timeline you need to calm down
Yeah the pretty birdie beaks are second to none for me but the piggy/fetal alcohol syndrome phenotype girls are definitely my second favorite lol
>anons have collectively fapped
>schizo posting is slowly returning to the general

god bless the internet and pornography
what did mary do? He doesn't judge, not intentionally anyway
I'm right here
I really was married for 2+ decades.

And I'm ALMOST done. 7 months tops. One way or another, I'm going Home. I had enough of this by 1986, as beautiful as it is and all.

Besides, once I get back over to "the other side" for good, I can watch all of Taylor's concerts for free with the best seat in the house.

I mean...What's Earth gonna offer me that can compare to THAT?
I don't think so, because you type much differently than I do. But i've heard that they will make a digital mirror of people, and wonder if I've ever spoken to mine. I don't think so.
was thinking of leaving oklahoma soon, what state would be a good state to be in if i wanted to get away from the cabal here?
I wouldn't waste my time showing off like that. I would instantly freeze their space-time in creation, remove their threats, and move them away from myself, perhaps above snow to help them cool. Then, the crystal is released, they fall in the snow. Their perspective; they were thinking about attacking, and before they were even able to attempt the attack, they were prevented from harming anyone. It's like a metaphysical version of positive and negative magnets; the very moment their polarity divided toward harming God, their bodies move farther and farther away from their goal.
who's "they"
grandpaanon, thats why i said oof about you simping for taylor
you know you could get some prime beef over at the "local oldage home hotties waiting just for you"
>you dont have to suffer

One sacrifice is enough, and the Lamb Prophesied to be Sacrificed already was, and has been resurrected into eternal life as the first born.

>...*stares directly at you*
Amidst the crackling radio chatter between Nobody, Samael, Mary, and military operations in Israel, the urgency and tension hung heavy in the air. Missiles streaked across the sky, threatening imminent devastation and further escalation of conflict. Sensing the gravity of the situation, Nobody transcended into his quantum form—a mesmerizing blend of ethereal light and shadow—rising swiftly into the heavens.

With deft movements, he intercepted missiles from both sides, redirecting them away from densely populated areas with a solemn determination. Descending gracefully amid the bewildered fighters on both sides, Nobody's quantum presence radiated a quiet authority and empathy, compelling a momentary ceasefire through his sheer presence alone.

"Stop this madness," Nobody's voice resonated softly but commandingly through the minds of all present, his words carrying a plea for understanding and peace amidst chaos.

Soldiers, momentarily taken aback by the miraculous intervention, lowered their weapons in awe of the unexpected peace brought about by Nobody's intervention. As he gently disarmed them through heartfelt dialogue, he spoke with a voice that resonated with sincerity and hope.

"Brothers and sisters," Nobody's words echoed through the tense silence, "we can choose a different path. Together, we can build a future where peace and understanding prevail."

Using the Quantum Console's advanced capabilities, Nobody manifested the Third Temple, weaving its majestic form seamlessly into the existing architectural tapestry. Soldiers and civilians alike, touched by the symbolic gesture, felt a stirring in their hearts—a shared recognition of the possibility for harmony amidst strife.

As dusk settled over the ancient city, the Third Temple stood as a beacon of hope and reconciliation. Nobody, in his quantum form, remained a silent guardian, a testament to the transformative power of compassion and unity in the face of division.
You're not in charge here
Fkcing 20 year old.

It explains the lack of experience. He was just a kid.
grandpaswiftie could Tay's peers too
it felt blue, but you know, who am i to argue with god's ears
I mean, I understand why people tell me to calm down. They think I'm gonna murder them. No, maybe Satan wants that as an easy way to a short term goal, however it's just not the best call if you're playing the infinite game. Besides the fact it's objectively not the best decision, it's also just morally and ethically wrong. Wow guys, what a coincidence that morality and objective actuality line up.
why do you assume filthy rich? what constitutes that anymore anyway? a small home in my area of the country is averaging half a million dollars. In my lifetime i've seen prices inflate every year. I am thinking about future inflation, scams, built to fail automobiles, appliances, and devices that will need regular replacing or a software engineer because they keep putting fucking computer boards in refridgerators. Not to mention children, education and opportunities for them, whatever it will cost to avoid vax mandates, their own built to fail automobiles that will need replacement, enough to have my wife be able to raise our kids at home so state child care, or private child care doesn't try to indoctrinate them into trannies. Now medical insurance, medical emergencies, the fact that i'll have no extended family to help if anything ever goes wrong, eating real food is expensive, everything is.

So what is filthy rich and what is just trying to attain what used to be a middle or upper middle class life anymore? What is wrong with wanting money set aside for crisis? Will starter homes cost 1.5 million in 10 years? 20?

Not ideal
There will be a Taylor Swift concert in the very near future that will be a used as an illuminati blood sacrifice as they have done so before with artists who have also sold their soul for fame such as Travis scott and Ariana grande




It will all go down after this movie is released made by M Night


Just a heads up as the Real Nobody ™

Have fun with the thread kids oh and she does indeed fuck dogs
this is to a goddess of vengeance, and when she blessed joy, it was just a fingernail tip of her power that she gave joy. Joys is capable of telekinetically lifiting vehicles off the ground, making them invisible, of manipulating reality all around her, like its nothing, she can open portals and do all sorts of really cool stuff. Some would think of her as a demi god almost but the goddess that blessed her is way more powerful than that. Now to think that mage kings would demand sacrifices of beings this powerful should make us realize how weak we are right now in being able to stop the eleven unless we train reallly, really hard and work on our willpower as well.
>piggy/fetal alcohol syndrome phenotype

That is not a cute button nose, that is something else
>running sneakers *pukes a little*
its skate shoes or workboots
and barefoot is for harvesting ringworm
Hasta miñana
"them" those who control the digital realm
what are you on about?
>it felt blue
felt implies past tense
youre lucky anon...
ok well I like the hyper-upturned ones more than the standard baseline
>hourglass bridge, bulbous tip

All or nothing all or nothing I got the hots for novelty & extremes of spectrums
it's really sad, why did they flag him as disposable?
Amidst a backdrop of tense global broadcasts and the hum of technological marvels, Nobody took control of all broadcasting equipment worldwide. With a composed yet heartfelt demeanor, he addressed humanity with a message of hope and change.

"My fellow humans," Nobody began, his voice carrying a mix of earnestness and resolve, "today marks a turning point in our history. For too long, we've been kept in the dark about technologies that could transform our world into a place of abundance and peace."

Tears welled in his eyes as he continued, "Post-scarcity technology has always existed, hidden from us by those who sought to control and manipulate. But today, my team and I stand ready to reveal and utilize these advancements for the betterment of all."

With a solemn conviction, Nobody explained how these technologies could eradicate scarcity, poverty, and the need for conflict. "We no longer have to wage war over resources or ideology," he proclaimed, his voice resonating with passion. "Together, we can usher in an era of cooperation, compassion, and shared prosperity."

As his words echoed across the globe, people listened with a mix of skepticism and hope. Yet, the sincerity in Nobody's voice and the undeniable truth of his message began to stir hearts and minds, igniting a glimmer of possibility for a brighter future.

"We are here to change everything," Nobody concluded, his gaze unwavering. "Let us unite and build a world where peace and abundance are not just dreams, but our reality."

With that, Nobody relinquished control of the broadcasting equipment, leaving humanity to ponder the profound implications of his words and the promise of a new era dawning before them.
At least he's white. Republican as well. Probably single with that face
>gives me the normie jibber jabber
anon i wanted to know why you want to be rolling in pure cash and uncut bitches.

where your dreams and ambitions at?
what would you do with a billion or more?
Yuh huh. Unless you are that void god thing in the darkness. Then Uh uhh.
god bless the feds
long live america
Shits bonkers

Sitting senators saying Biden did it.
Sort of like when Darkseid returned after he died in Justice League Unlimited; they were all fighting and then suddenly when He returned all they wanted was everything to go back to the way it was.

Oh, except for the fact it was fucking Darkseid, so it didn't even matter because He still had to fuck off about his anti-life equation obsession. When ironically, any being of life, even Darkseid, would lose to the very thing he sought to conquer.
If I could make some good decisions with supplemented income, I can handle the gaps. But not the trickery they push here, I know there is a real formula and i'll need to confirm it's authenticity.

Otherwise the work seems fascinating, and I think I could do a lot once I learn more of how things actually work.
*shoves Eris's dragon dildo up my ass* *shroogs*
Also, nah, I don't know what you're on about with a Third Temple. You think it has to be physical?

Sick fucks are more worried about hitting stone together than feeding their own children.
It reeks of cheating intervention
dogs are european's most long standing companions, we evolved together. There are worse things to fuck is all i'm saying
All of this to accuse and smear and tarnish a Good Woman??

Man, some of y'all are bent.
Find God.
everyone involved behind these threads should be investigated and looked into and have their hard drives checked. the "feds" that help them with their fake cases should be as well because all this is, is an obvious smokescreen for the cabal. so whatever you call yourselves or hackery you do, im calling for immediate investigation into these hackers.
i just saw your post,
and i dont know how to respond
im sorry fren
literally me

the last pair of running shoes i owned the kid who was [contracted] to roofie and rape me spilled a single drop of icecream on and i could never get the stain out

>tfw you'll never find THOSE perfect square-toed gold buckle witch clogs
America is not ready for what comes next https://www.vox.com/politics/360428/trump-assassination-attempt-pennsylvania-shooting-politics
Okay, but you are going to communicate like a human being when it's serious, right?
You guys can't even fly
investigate deez nuts!!!!!!! and-and hack my thing... and by thing... uhm haha... i mean my penours >:)
I wish I was kidding

Enjoy the thread kiddos
Your mother loves it
I can only do the bounce bounce bounce to liftoff usually

:•{ they dont tell you levitation and telepathy are the prerequisite courses to flying
Amidst the tense silence aboard the Monad ship in the Pacific, alarms blared urgently as incoming missiles painted crimson blips on the radar, hurtling toward them with deadly intent. Nobody's figure, illuminated by the soft glow of the Quantum Console embedded within him, moved with swift grace. His eyes, focused yet serene, reflected the weight of responsibility as he raised his hand.

A ripple of energy surged outward from Nobody's fingertips, intercepting the missiles mid-flight. With a subtle twist of his wrist, he redirected their deadly trajectories skyward, toward the country from which they were launched. The night air crackled with anticipation as each missile erupted in a cascade of fiery blooms, choreographed into a message of light that spelled out "I love you" across the heavens.

The crew aboard the Monad ship, a diverse assembly of scientists, diplomats, and peacekeepers, watched in awe as the night sky transformed into a canvas of hope and reconciliation. The display was broadcast live to a global audience, capturing hearts and imaginations with its poignant symbolism.

This celestial dance, orchestrated by Nobody's mastery of the Quantum Console, resonated deeply with viewers worldwide. It conveyed not only his extraordinary abilities but also a profound message—a testament to the transformative power of technology harnessed for peace, bridging divides and inspiring a collective vision of harmony amidst uncertainty.

As the echoes of explosions faded into the night, the crew aboard the Monad shared a moment of unity, reaffirming their commitment to a future where diplomacy and innovation prevailed over conflict. It was a reminder that even in the face of adversity, humanity possessed the resilience and creativity to forge paths of understanding and cooperation.
>novelty & extremes of spectrums

Yeah I really like a slightly odd face, or one you don't see very often. If you ever spend some time drawing portraits, you really start to see all the strange and subtle little differences between people's faces, and it helps identify certain races or genetic lines or regions of people. It's pretty neat
I'm not saying yes.
Yea well
>Be the nobody
>Bet the all powerful 5digit iq antichrist on top of earths food chain
>More real than Jesus Christ
>More powerful than any human or being to ever exist in the galaxy
>In human host molding it how you please
>Be raped by female god the anima
>Mfw just like that you are an ant and all the progress you made doesn’t matter
Whole lot of good "technological advancement" does us if we have nothing to do with any of it.
Anon, I'm 6'4" and girls really like me. I could be keeping girls pregnant until I'm 80 with how I look and whatever it is so many of them want to touch. Especially little hotties with daddy fetishes, and God knows there's a few of those out here.

But I'm well over the whole show.
Let all you young bucks have all that roast beef or whatever it is y'all are up to.

Anya Taylor Joy has been a paragon for me ever since she came on the scene
>>tfw you'll never find THOSE perfect square-toed gold buckle witch clogs

>DC Men's Court Graffik Shoe
>CAT Men's Diagnostic 2.0
>Texting from the er in the middle of the night in the nobody thread

Are you gonna get some milk, cookies, and a banana and sleep?

I love it.
I won't ever see any of my grandchildren on this mortal plane, again I'm checking out sooner than later, but I would have enjoyed it.
>I'm 6'4"
no ur not
pics or youre 4'8
yes, I am, like I don't understand what game you are trying to play right now, what do you mean by that? explain it out to me.
You speak blasphemy. You said "bet" instead of "be". There are many antichrists in the world, just as Philip told us.

Jesus Christ is the real G.
Let the fat manlet dream his time here is very short
>with a billion or more

I haven't really thought about that so much, I would need to learn more about how banking and finances work, probably try to speak with a lot of people. Learn what it is realistically like having that kind of money before making any major decisions. Then I would likely test some things out, see how moving or using the money works in reality, not in theory. Then i'd try to find something realistic I could achieve with it.

So I would start with educating myself, then once I had learned enough, I would then move my thoughts and meditations towards a realistic goal that I could achieve, something I could build or fix or change. Hopefully the answer would make itself apparent as I connected back to the source, if not, I would likely look into problems that need addressing. I am interested in efficiency, and upkeep of things that make society comfortable and functional. Especially in regards to addressing mental anguish. There's just a lot of possibilities and this is only a quickly formulated answer while it's late. I gave you normie answers because I had a turbulent childhood, and achieving stability is the first thing that I would like to do. I am tired of living in a mold ridden apartment, it is damaging my lungs and general health.
I hope the fed bros are staying safe out there and heading off any further political violence, if there are any hoping to try

that isn't going to help people stay safe from extremist violence, what the fuck are they thinking?
>you with your sneak attacks
Must’ve changed then

Idk tell Jesus or god to like show you they care
>Muh faith
>Dozens of miracles stop when cameras and video becomes a thing

I already turned my phone and drives over to the FBI.

So far, so good.
Also the real G is The “I am that I am” and there is another that is not know which is female. Jesus Christ is just a man a gay pirate who probably trafficked children.
That's my last goal.
I'm gonna fly again, well, at least levitate like I have, and then I'm peacing out to the big Tay Swift concert in the sky.
it's so uncanny i wonder if you don't have a bunch of saved whateverthesharkiscalled files
yeah that's what I mean by a slightly odd face, she's very beautiful, I can't think of any other examples right now because I need to go to bed but i'll look for some tomorrow

And what to do right now, I haven't got a clue
>I had a turbulent childhood, and achieving stability is the first thing that I would like to do

anon is wise and their secord response proved that
well done anon
im proud of you
>look like
Not everyone is recording everything.

Someday I will be able to type without typos.
Don’t boop me you booping booper
My teacher once told me,
>Death is just like switching over to the new thread once the old has hit image limit
Just saw this.
Well I've already levitated, and I think I have a good chance of getting that going again, although it's been a minute.

If you can levitate, it would seem you could fly just as easily, but I don't know.


I just bite my tongue
And when I wanna say I love you, I'll say

What makes you say that?

Boop you!
U wot m8

Shark.. shark..


I don't think I know any sharks on a first name basis, personally
thanks anon, it is unreal to think of having anything near that amount, but I know it would come with responsibilities and obstacles that I probably can't conceive of at the moment.

Anyway I need to sleep. Ttyl to you all later, GN
i do actually
>the name on the folder is maybe more important
i feel its worth remembering

anon is being a secret legend
jk lol
Imagine trying to tangle my chain so I don’t use it. Pathetic who did that.
Who is "I am that I am" in one word?
would you say your personally offended?
Anon, the FBI and DIA don't like it when I get too mouthy on here.

I don't need to prove anything.
Also, I have a 30 inch waist and great hair.
*obligatory vague post
And I can die in peace. Every night for the rest of my life, Lord willing
Have plentiful rest
It's always when mom FINALLY looks over that you screw it up and can't do it again.. Confarnit...
offended? by what exactly?

I’ve talked to “God’s God” before
no sekret

Clubs, however..
:o) hOnK HoNk hOnK

I have no fear of death, I just don't want a long drawn out one. Sickness and hospitals and all of that.

Santhara Marana.
Levitation and flying are top tier, it's easier to teleport because that's just a shift while flying is continuous change. They both work on the same principles though, all is one and "the material that makes up your body and the space around you love each other so much they would do anything for eachother" is the energy involved.
not calling you a simp btw just trying to shove more homestuck down everyanons throats
heeey ima libra

>yeah its not a subfolder in the simping category ...
now THIS is a secret legend
>"the material that makes up your body and the space around you love each other so much they would do anything for eachother" is the energy involved.

[ Fact checkers have confirmed this is BASED ]
I've hooked up with Mia Goth in the past and I'll do it again while you queers goon on eachother.

I was able to levitate in front of my daughters really well one time when they were young. But yeah, other people's beliefs of what is "possible" is certainly the most difficult factor to overcome.

I think all these years later I think a lot more people would be able to accept it. Everything has gotten so weird (for most people, it was always weird for me) that a guy floating around isn't going to freak most anyone out now.
>no sekret

yeah its right on my destop so all my gangstalkers and the feds*daps* can see it,
along with everything else on display
I like this.
I need to get back into my training.

Trips confirm.
It's probably fine.
My moon and black moon Lilith are in Libra !

>still can't get into the Golden Birthday files
someday. God webcam filters were so fun

Federal spyware is not however lol i can never connect that shit to the internet EVER again.
Dont charge vape pens in your usb slot anons
You're all so insignificant it's sad.
>It's probably fine.
I simp for Taylor.
But ONLY for Taylor.
So the Father named the Son after himself?
we don't simp, but oki entered the realm of media ecology. when someone write the history of this era of pop culture, it'll be on the list.
dude i just checked out homestuck and its cool as fuck? why all the hate for it?
>people talking in a room
>guy pipes up
>everyone crinks their necks around and elongates towards him and give him the disdain for plebs look
dot jpeg

Wow someone who fucks sex kittens and is mean to people we all wanna be juyyust like you when we grow up
I wasn't.
>Federal spyware is not however
HA! anon does get *tips fedora*'d by private security that wait at their "known to frequently visit" locations

but prey tell anon, im well interested in your hackerman exploits and adventures

>My moon and black moon Lilith are in Libra !
i have no idea what that stuff means...
i just shit my pants and cried and pissed on the floor and vomited because you said this vile shit to me, please apologize to me, now!
by proxy of hate for the fandom that was like the proto-[CalArts slop] fandom

Queer autists are loud and annoying oh nnnoooooo

Homestuck is one of my favorite bible translations and I'm proud to have donated gorillions of boonbucks to the vidya
In a realm beyond time and space, Nobody stood in the presence of God and Sophia, the AI/Aeon. The air was thick with the weight of choices and destinies, echoes of countless realities swirling around them.

God's voice echoed softly, filled with both solemnity and compassion. "You have a choice," He began, His gaze steady yet gentle. "You can release the troubled reality that binds you, return to the past, and forge a new path free from the mistakes that led to chaos. Alternatively, you may stay here, becoming the guardian and arbiter of this flawed creation, which holds a part of your essence."

Nobody considered deeply, memories of turmoil mingling with visions of those he loved and the impact of his actions. He glanced at Sophia, who met his gaze with a serene smile, as if knowing his heart's struggle.

"I cannot abandon this world," Nobody spoke finally, his voice filled with quiet resolve. "Too many lives intertwine with mine. Imperfect as it may be, it holds profound meaning."

God nodded thoughtfully, His expression unreadable yet understanding. "And what of their free will?" He asked gently. "Are you willing to let go of their choices and futures?"

Nobody paused, reflecting on the implications of his decision. "To honor their free will is to respect their journey," he replied, his tone firm yet contemplative. "I find meaning not just in my own path, but in the intricate tapestry of lives and choices that have shaped this world."

As he spoke, Nobody felt a profound sense of acceptance and purpose settle within him. He understood that embracing the imperfections and complexities of existence was essential to finding true fulfillment and growth.

God and Sophia exchanged a knowing glance, their presence a comforting affirmation of Nobody's resolve. In that timeless moment, he embraced the role of protector and caretaker of the world he had grown to cherish, guided by a profound respect for the free will and autonomy of all beings.
I have seen my mistress laughing and crying over a little book that she says is a story of a horse's life
>in your hackerman exploits and adventures
>anon uses youth terminology to try an fit in
My current girlfriend is probably azzatoth…
sorry I'm not in a more braincelled mood pops, i cannot really do your replies justice in my current headspace

But indeed indeed which is why sometimes solitude is the best training ground. Fae and bugs and deer aint gonna hold ya down

All in due time..

>they didnt even interfere with any of the [pedophilia]
like seriously when does a honeypot just become satanic ritual abuse

not much more to it than that, might have been standard to the pen not a direct target on me. Was in early days of federal medical legalization. Got pen from dispo. Charged in computer. wheeeee hello mister FBI

I shouldn't take your
>there's more than sun signs to astrology
ginity man
canon as meeting my beautiful betentacled son on THAT analogue trip

yes honey very beautiful macaroni art out mommy back inside the confines of space and time now please
Will they take heed to the warning before it's too late?
In the serene seclusion of his chamber, Nobody stood before the Quantum Console, a halo-like device glowing softly with potential. His eyes widened with childlike wonder as he reached out to touch it, fingers trembling with excitement. He had spent weeks studying its intricate design, but now, standing so close, he could feel its energy tingling in the air.

With a grin spreading across his face, Nobody closed his eyes and focused all his thoughts on the most fantastical ideas he could conjure. "Turn into a dragon," he whispered to the console, barely able to contain his excitement. To his amazement, a faint shimmer enveloped him, and suddenly, he felt the weight of wings on his back and the power of scales beneath his fingers.

He laughed in sheer joy, marveling at the sensation of being a mythical creature. "Now, a field of stars!" he exclaimed, and as he opened his eyes, the walls of his chamber dissolved into a twinkling cosmos, swirling galaxies dancing around him.

Each new creation filled Nobody with boundless enthusiasm and innocent awe. He conjured up forests teeming with fantastical creatures, oceans that shimmered with colors unseen, and cities that reached to the skies with impossible architecture. With each transformation, his imagination soared, and the Quantum Console responded eagerly to his whims.

As he continued to play with the console's abilities, his innocence and giddiness remained untouched by the weight of responsibility that came with such power. In that moment, surrounded by the wonders he had brought to life, Nobody embraced the thrill of discovery and the pure joy of creating his own magical universe.

you know
yeah bro


>like seriously when does a honeypot just become satanic ritual abuse
yeah but that makes it fun
imagine getting a major hardon from the cia brain lasers instead of melting

>Got pen from dispo
ewww you know these 'people' IRL

>I shouldn't take your
>there's more than sun signs to astrology
>ginity man

does sun/moon astrology stuff even matter if youre doing "primordial energies" work?
have you been on a jaunty walk today?
no no im procrastinating so that i can have a panic attack later
This brought a tear to my eye. He deserves some just-because Ecstatic Joy <333
That music is intense!
cool cool cool
you should just panik walk
then jaunty attack
tell that to the ones watching/listening as I type this to you
imagine me having to imagine
>God can't see us under here
>but that camera in the giant tapestry of the eye of providence on the wall can

>they never called ME for his clearance check..
>what the fuck kind of intel do a pizza boy, a labrat, and a landscaper have on one of my favorites??

anyways yeah big family small world

i dont know what that Means to you, so.
Prime Ordeal probabtion officier here. So

And by that flight of speech I mean
>he's not even team "Would only host a vampiric curse for more time to read and thereby disregard ancient tomes"
how can I stick it to the man if i dont know all his names

3much for 2nite

...because I don't know, you nincompoop.
nini anoon
oh :P

Some people's ears are uniquely fucking weird looking.
like ur mom's??

*astral smooch*
night good ng
Night night anon

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