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Welcome to Divination General!
Come here for readings and discussions of theory/practice.
Every method is welcome: Tarot, Runes, Cartomancy, Scrying, Pendulum, Cleromancy, I-Ching, Digital, Oracles, Tasseomancy, Necromancy, etc.

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•Hijinks' revised divination guide:
•A compiled Rider Waite card explanation

>Useful tips before posting:
•Look for posts to determine if there's an active reader in a thread, what's needed to read before posting and check if they finished reading already.
•If you are a reader, post that you are offering readings and what information is required from the querent; same goes for trading.
•Some readers will refuse to do certain readings - respect that choice. Don't harass readers if your query is refused/skipped. We do our best to maintain chill and good vibes.
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•Bullshit queries get bullshit answers. Vague queries get vague answers.
•You can make an AQ (air query) by not addressing a reader in particular, but it doesn't guarantee an answer.
•Avoid making the same query repeatedly and/or to different readers in a short period of time, as this may lead to more confusion.
•Provide feedback when applicable and be considerate to the reader. We're a growing community, many readers are beginners and need feedback to know what they are doing right or wrong.

Previous thread: >>38365104
Thread virginity mine
describe my current state and what I can do to make it better, can answer additional query if this is 2 queries , you ?

Will I find my future girlfriend this year? It's been over 4 years single, many hookups, but nothing meaningful.
Will I get the walmart job?
what should I be doing rn in life in general?
starting on confirm
Will my financial life improve in the upcoming weeks?
le confirming
K starting
Knight of swords
8 of pents
3 of cups
Yes, its up to you though to take action and put in the work then you will have much to celebrate ;)
>4 of cups, 6 of swords, 6 of pentacles rx, 9 of pentacles

You will get it but, it won't be nice or smooth.

There will be a lot of delays, confusion, a lot of information in general completely missing and people constantly leaving you hanging.

Eventually things will get better and you'll be quite happy and stable.
Moving to the new thread before the old one dies.
I used your same spread, but will frame it in terms of your query regarding being a better husband.
You / Her / Union: The Moon / 7S rev / KC rev
Doing Right / Wrong: AC rev / QS rev
Required of Each: 6P / 2C
Outcomes: High Priestess / AS
Seems like there are some loyalty issues, particularly on her part. It looks like you're generally willing to let her get away with things because you feel lucky just to have her and know she's been through a lot. But she wants to be able to come clean and be held accountable. You should push her to do that. Instead, you prefer to be overly sympathetic, understanding, and forgiving. She wants you to be in charge here, she wants you to be her God telling her to shape up and making her do it.
is this something romantic? otherwise I will be rambling about something completely different.
Ty I dont mind if its chaotic I just can't deal with the other job and this will be temporary for a few months
knight of wands king of coins 4 of pent rx king of cups rx temperance rx 2 of coins 8 of wands rx

If you are giving away of yourself or your finances or energy too much you need to wrangle that in, otherwise you are way too closed off and need to open yourself up to experiences and be more generous of your time or emotions with others. Either work on emotional stability or do not make decisions emotionally as much. Cultivate more patience. Adventure more, wear flashier clothes, exercise, build charisma, get out there, race a car. Something with knight of wands energy. Get your priorities right and in order and have a manageable schedule. Take an inventory of your schedule, your values, your priorities and try to reach some homeostasis with it. Purge and cut things out of your life or try to bring more balance into your life and your being with the things you do and engage in and eat and try to really become one with. Above all try to hone King of Pentacles energy, find stability financially, or in any way, that can outlast any season, any ill, any hard times and be that rock for people, be that reliable profitable individual that can shield them from any worries...future family or family or friends... work on being a provider
As for feedback: there was some insightful things in the reading. But overall, the problem is that we AREN'T crazy about each other. I am definitely the more "stable" partner in certain respects, and since the beginning I have felt she loves me more as a sort of totem to represent stability rather than as a human person. I have told her as such. In general, also, I am paradoxically the more open of the two of us. She has an almost pathological aversion to telling me anything about her past (she's mentioned in passing she was engaged before we dated, but refuses to tell me his name, who he was, anything about the relationship), whereas I tend to see opening up about these things as key to intimacy. Relatedly, she also doesn't like talking about serious, non-personal things (religion, philosophy); she has insecure identity issues and any questions regarding things like religion make her shut down completely. Overall, yes, we could do with some more talking.
Post a picture of a cool casino chip and I'll do your Q
No appearance Qs please
nah just like me right now... whats up with me
im currently single
wish i had a boyfren and marriage and kids n everything but dont think its the right time and i gotta work on fixing my life and i need help clearing things up and just focusing on 1 thing that would benefit me the most in the long run instead of dating right now ..unless maybe i should try anyway and find someone cuz they might help me...but that might attract vultures and predators
What is my life purpose?
It seems like we didn’t connect here. She doesn’t even talk to other men outside of business purposes. If I were to interpret the spread you got, it would basically be saying that I need to tell her more about how smart she is, rather than appeal to her emotionally. That and give her money, funny enough. I appreciate the effort, and I wish you the best in your marriage.
Are they really going to meet me halfway?
queen of swords rx
4 of wands rx
queen of pentacles rx
5 of wands
5 and 7 of swords
The cards really exclaimed this, I thought you were a male at first, because I pulled a queen of wands rx with 4 of wands rx, thinking that the female person is not fit for marriage. Turns out that was you. You're not good at competing with other women, because you have no connections as shown by 5 of swords, and you dip really quickly from most conversations per 7 of swords. Maybe you should try to be a bit more engaging and more like the queen of pentacles, and more outgoing like the queen of wands.
Basically turn yourself into someone you'll be proud to express outwardly to your perfect hubby.
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Outcome of buying L tomorrow?
Advice on what to do for work right now. Not sure what career to pursue that would be successful.
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Post a picture of a cool casino chip and I'll do your Q
What is my life purpose?
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Will we go on the roadtrip together?
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>Knight of Wands (Rx)

it doesn't seem so unfortunately. They're too focused on what they desire and it's created tunnel vision to the possibility of what meeting halfway could bring
that queen of wands rx keeps haunting me..
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Should I stay home tonight?
>Ten of Swords, Ace of Wands

To live and die as all people must, and to harness the power of your soul, your passion, and guide yourself to whatever destiny you see fit. The universe awaits
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What is my biggest problem and how do I fix it? lol thank you
Does she think about me?
can you also by chance explain why I am not good at competing with other women because of lack of connections? I don't understand this
well forget about that segment and turn it into 2 instead.
You aren't competing well against other women. And Because you lack connections, that's not improving either.
30 day love general.
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How rich am I destined to be?
I can totally see why in regards to competing with others, but I can surely change things and be able to compete. I just don't really get why I need connections... I guess for like work or like..? I'm kind of a hermit and like being alone in my own world and most people I just don't feel are worth talking to... Am I supposed to get connections to like, help the guy I'm with one day? lol? Like a good mechanic connection? LOL idk
I'm saying you lack the social skills
ok thanks ;_;
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I have yours
Not that reader, but the spread basically says that you are an obnoxious bitch with little to offer. This isn’t me being a 4chan asshole, this is literally what the spread says. Normally Empress would suggest that you will be a good wife and mother. But it’s surrounded by some wild suggestions that you’re incredibly difficult, certainly that you don’t have what is required to justify your attitude. QoS rev and QoP rev suggest that your opinions are probably stupid, and you’re likely broke or have few future wealth opportunities. 5W suggests you’re argumentative, which is supported further by 5S. Again, this isn’t me: the spread is literally saying you’re an obnoxious cunt who picks stupid fights. 7S suggest you’re sneaky and manipulative. Justice at the end just reinforces the fact that you’re single because of what the previous cards have stated.

I am not affirming that anon was correct in his/her pull but, if the pull is correct, it says you’re an insufferable bitch, and that’s why you’re single. I have never seen such a clear spread showing that so clearly. Again, anon’s pull can be wrong, so whatever. I’m not invested either way, good luck.
>9oH 3oH 6oS
You'll be satisfied with what you get, given by 9oH and 3oH, meaning fulfillment and celebration. But 6oS tells me that you'll have to move forward/change after you do this purchase.
>KoD QoC 4oH
Look for something that will keep you financially stable that you won't have to rely on, and think about it thoroughly and reevaluate that current choice you're pondering on.
>3oD 7oH 2oS
Seems to lean very much towards choices, which kind of says that, although a difficult one, it's yours to make. Although, there is a focus on interacting with others and developing your skills, so do that and you will soon find an answer
>AoC KoC 3oC
Cards appear to say that there's a good probability of those plans materializing, especially if there's enthusiasm about it.
>8oH KoD QoC
You should abandon plans of going out, keep your discipline and stay independent. So overall, yes.
You overwork yourself and put too much responsibility on your own shoulders and neglect those around you. You should look at what you can minimize while remaining efficient so you can get peace and connect with those that you are close to.
>AoC KoC 3oC
All of these seem to relate to "positive thinking" in some way, so I interpret it as a yes.
>5oC 10oH 3oS
You will have trouble in your future finances, but you will still be able to lead a generally happy and peaceful life.
Yay tysm
>Knight of Wands, The Moon. Knight of Pentacles, Two of Wands, Three of Wands, King of Wands Rx, Queen of Pentacles Rx

It will start out with an opportunity headed your way fairly quickly, but you will need to stop and find your footing as quickly as it arrived. It will take time to build upon it, but by the end of this month, you will have a solid foundation to build something with someone. However, you will also need to be aware not to treat it more seriously than it starts out as, or to assume too much. While it will be a solid foundation, it will be something you will need to focus on the here and now for, rather than the far future/big picture.
I'm the reader and endorse this message, just didn't want to be too mean.
star, knight of wands, ace of cups, knight of swords, page of pentacles
looking good homie.
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Divination anons,

Figured this was the best place for this, read the stickies with hope, but didn't find the link I'm looking for.

In a seperate thread perhaps a week ago, an anon posted a link to a

>virtual tarot card page?

Where you could manually perform your own divinations. As in there were no "preset" spreads of any kind as i recall. (All cards drawn, moved, placed, etc manually on a tabletop) It also featured the Rider Smith Waite deck as default.

Anon highly recommended this site when an actual deck isn't available.

It was part of a larger site of resources, but both my memory and Google skills have failed me, and my bookmark seems to have vanished.

If anyone knows what I'm describing and can point me back to it, I'd really appreciate it.

>The west coast is on fire again, and I've been evacuated. Currently in a rather remote location, sorta bored and figured I could do some more Magick study.

Thank you for any help anons, hope you all have a pleasant evening.
nah but let's get for real.
The star is a very good opportunity that you will feel excited about more than usual. You will interact with this person and see that you really really like the way they make you feel, then your energy will be that of knight of swords, rushing to earn their heart, take it slow, strategically and romantically. Page of Pentacles is a loyalty card, show them that you want them more than just a friend and I hope you hit it off from there.
Looks good.
Are you still reading
Trading occult
Two of Cups Rx, Eight of Pentacles Rx, Three of Swords, The Magician, Nine of Cups Rx, Judgement Rx

"It looks like things will start to be strained, both in terms of the living situation, and your friendship. Things are stacked against you on these right now. It does seem possible for you to fix this, but you're going to need to be on top of this situation, and give it your all to keep things from falling apart."

In response to this read from last thread.

I am neither N or T so I would assume this isn't my problem to fix or will affect me unless you read me as one of them. Not sure how that works.

I also posted your read in the last thread if you need me to retype it
Am I being protected right now? There's a spirit trying to gain control over my life without my consent, and I just tried banishing, putting up protections, and calling for help.

I have no way of judging sortilege for strangers, but your spread was the most obvious and straightforward “insufferable bitch” spread I have ever seen. The only possible error would be mental state, but the spread was incredibly consistent. Mind you, I have been reading tarot for 9 years and have taught several readers. Her problems are not due to lack of connections, it’s due to the fact that she’s a fucking bitch, to a degree that I haven’t seen in years. You don’t have to tell her “lass, you’re a dumb and bitchy cunt,” but you can tell her something like her attitude and expectations are off-putting and drive away men, or that there’s a disconnect between what she offers and what she portrays. Or if you really want to be gentle, tell her that she needs to be more humble so that men realize her worth slowly over time: that’s what I used to tell clients when I would read for them. This is 4chan, the one place you can be rough, unless you’re trying to practice reading for clients. If you’re using a trip, some butthurt anon will start spreading dumb shit about you when you reveal things about him/her, but you’re perfectly fine if you’re anon.

Digital decks are a double-edged blade. If you can select the card yourself, then it’s a matter of how well you can choose the right card(s) from the site. I sometimes use Galaxy Tarot on my phone for giggles but, it’s just for giggles, and I only use it when I can select the cards myself. If you are using an app or site with a randomizer, you’re reading bullshit. Some readers are very good at reading bullshit, but it’s still bullshit. No matter what, focus on getting the right cards, then move forward from there.
Well honestly I dont even really need a read I kinda just want clarification on something. Another anon gave me a read last thread when I had asked about 2 other people but I guess he assumed I was one of them.

Does that mean this read would pertain to me? >>38372502

I would assume not but I just want another reader to me some understanding lol.

Starting yours.
I want to know if what I want Is achievable and has been done correctly.
>Knight of wands, 9 of pents, 8 of swords, queen of cups

Yea it looks like you been taking the necessary steps to protect and right the situation that was brought up on you, (although the cards hint you did bring it up on yourself or made it easier for you to be attacked) but you will be fine just keep up your routine in cleansing and belief that you are safe.
I'm actually the anon you traded with last. I've just been busy dealing with that spirit. Regardless of your involvement, things between them will still be strained, likely to the breaking point.

I did another read to clarify your involvement in this though.

The sun Rx, Page of Pentacles, The World Rx, The Emperor, The Lovers

You won't be initially involved at all, but it is possible for you to step in, and act as a stabilizing force to keep things together if you want to. Though, things will be pretty heavily stacked against keeping things together, so if you decide to help, you will need to commit. It does look like it will be possible for you to keep things from falling apart between them if you do help.
Trading occult
Thanks. That's a relief. I can also see how I might have made mistakes in the situation.
One more trade?
Rock on, and I probably won't honestly. I'm in love with T and this N guy moved in with her cause he had nowhere to go. I'll probably let whatever happens to them happen and be supportive of her from the outside.

Funny you drew emperor and lovers that's the combo I get when I ask about how me and her will end up in the future. Along with 2 of cups
if I tried to do something like instant transmission from dbz or teleporting would I be able to do it? If I studied it very thoroughly by getting access to the dark corners of the akashic records?

But yea we can. you don't have to draw for this, I just wanted to know if that lovers signified me and her?
Thanks friend. Nice to see another palying card reader on here. They are fast and effective. What method did you use for meanings? I started off of artofcartomancy.
tried taking your advice but someone said something stupid to me and i immediately want to cut them off or tell them that's really stupid of them to say. sigh. if I had a job or more financial stability I wouldn't need to engage with these people, I'd be busy or talking to someone else
Am I now free to accomplish goal S now that I'm safe from that spirit?

Starting yours.

Mine is, is there any deity/spirit willing to fill that one role in my life as I try to accomplish my goals and develop?

It did hold you in it somewhat. It was a general theme of the situation as a whole, and your role in it. Basically, however you approach this situation, you're going to need to stick with it to get your desired outcome.
also I'm going to be sneaky by pretending to be nice and still talking to them regardless of how I feel honestly : )

At least the future looks good.

The Emperor Rx, Seven of Swords Rx, Six of Pentacles, Ten of Pentacles Rx, The Magician

Not in the physical world. If you studied it in the astral/immaterial realm, you would be able to do something like it there, but physically speaking, it doesn't look like it's possible for you.
>3 of swords, the lovers, 9 of wands, ace of wands, 5 of wands

Well yea it does seem there is one but I don't know if it will be healthy for you to use them in the long run as they will only bring you stress and conflict. I get bad energy from this read as there is something negative that wants to offer help to you but it will also use you when it gets the chance.

Keep reading into certain ancient books or look for certain positive ones to pray too. It's dangerous to call out to any spirt or God without knowing what they are about.
Trading occult
Where will I find a fuck buddy?

Could I have fcked Am today?
How am I similar to w?
I didn't give you any advice, I just interpreted anon's spread. I don't have any investment in you, I literally just read some stranger's cards. If you want advice, lower your standards by an extreme margin and find a man who is okay with a dumb gf, because the spread in question suggested that you’re actually incredibly stupid and think you are about 30 IQ points smarter than you actually are. You probably have a decent body part or two, rely on that. This is an observation of cards, not an insult. I’ve met some incredibly stupid women who have great lives because they have big tits and marry a smart man who makes all the decisions. Again, I didn’t pull the cards, so I can’t say, but the cards suggest that playing dumb and marrying smart is your best bet, especially with how easy it is for a stupid chick to pretend to be stupid.

Want to trade? I’ll match your depth.
death, queen of wands, magician
yeah you're free to do S.
when will I meet my /div/ gf irl?
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1.my claim situation, can you shed some light on that.

2.will bird and I meet and get along?
I will tell you the same thing I tell several clients,
“If I could read timelines, I would I would be trading stocks, not doing readings.”

If you want, I can read on what you should to to make this happen, or I can just fuck off and go to bed.


tell me about Serena
sure I guess do that. What would you like? seems like you've had a terrible day
damn... okay... I gotta figure out how to marry a smart guy... I will try to embrace being stupid thanks!

Did what I did yesterday get in the way of what went on today?
1) star rx, page of cups, 2 of wands
Lose the anxiety, it's gonna go well

2)hanged man, devil rx, 10 of cups
Yes but no until they're free

Am I a bad person?
Nobody is all good , or all bad
I’m actually perfectly fine and just being honest. I just want to know how to be a better husband. For your reading,
>Empress fell out while shuffing

KnS, 7P and Judgement rev, PoC and Empress

Egh, it’s kind of fucked up. You basically have to understand that she will see your intellectual skill and be drawn by it, but you will immediately need to shift towards being ted to emotional things. Let me make this clear: your potential /div/ girlfriend needs to see you as an extremely clever lad, then as someone who fulfills the emotional bulllshit she wants and demands, and you will only succeed if you go in that order. Show off how smart you are, THEN show off your emotional depth.
now I already have a /div/ gf, bro. I want to know what I can do to finally meet her irl.

What does AS think of me?? Reeee
and to be honest.. i dont understand how im really stupid if i skipped 2 grades in high school and went straight to college... it would have been 3 if i knew I could just take a test and advance early... ive had too many people think im really smart and a genius and ect.... maybe I should just act way more stupider.... but I don't cuz i want to be with a smart guy and why would any smart guy with any self respect would allow himself to be around someone stupid
Will my current bf be my baby daddy?
Trading occult
Sorry, something came up. Still here?

Did she think we would have talked again by now?
Will trade a detailed read for an occult read.
What will he feel for me next time we have sex?
What entity
Archangel Michael

Did I miss my opportunity today?
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I’ll do it.
I want a detailed yearly read for now until next year
Please give me enough time to do this a tree of life spread takes me 40+ minutes.

What’s your question?
How does the rest of this month look for me?
Did Michael accept my offering of FS, and is protecting me from those wanting to control me? Essentially am I safe from being controlled for the time being?

Starting yours.

Should I message ashley or does she hate me
page of wands
3 of cups
is it over???

Is it over with us? Different anon.
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Bumping this if I may, I know it’s vauge, but that’s intentional. very curious. Will we have a positive interaction ever again.
And should I even care..?
Q? mine is how stupid am I?
Mine is how is sex with him next time?
If too lewd
Does c want me to stay with her long term?
The fool
2 of swords
10 of pents
You're acting hella dumb but you can make a decision that will bring you alot of profit
2 of sword rx 4 of pent rx hanged man

uhhh I don't know how to interpret this for sex, maybe all walls and reservations will come down, he will be hung, or one of you will be in bondage....no blindfolds

queen of cups rx 2 of swords fool emperor
uhh with queen of cups rx it speaks of either emotional dependence or the decision to stay long term doesn't really feel good or right with her.. though she hasn't made a decision yet with 2 of swords and has little commitment to the idea or is willing to risk it or has a who cares whatever happens happens attitude with fool, just wants to make the right choice though with emperor
I'd say she's not that sure right now, but with fool to emperor maybe she also wants you to go risk it out on your own and establish your own authority out in the world
>Page of Swords, Temperance Rx, Ace of Pentacles Rx, Four of Pentacles Rx, Page of Pentacles Rx, Ten of Swords, The Hierophant Rx, Judgement Rx, Seven of Cups Rx, Queen of Pentacles Rx, Six of Pentacles, Knight of Wands, Wheel of Fortune Rx, Ten of Pentacles Rx, Two of Pentacles Justice Rx, Nine of Cups, The Hanged Man Rx, The Magician, Queen of Swords, Two of Cups

So, it looks like things will go good for you until August. At the start of August/late July, something will fall through, and you will experience failure and setbacks. If I had to guess, You might lose your job, or a source of income that will cripple you for august. Either way, it looks like august will be the start of a rapid decline for you. September will be the worst of it. You will be completely directionless, with no support system to help you will have trouble staying afloat, with no clear way out of this hole. This trend will stay the same until late October. Then, you will find something that will help you get back on your feet, and it will help you pretty quickly as well. However, it might be a bit too much for you, and you will loose control of the situation as quickly as it came to you. You will be at risk of losing this new chance if you're not careful. By December though, you should be getting the hang of things, and things will start looking up. You might have a problem here and there that might get to you, but by the end of the year, you will be looking to the new year thinking that everything will be alright.

Thank you!!
Both are pretty accurate!

So, there seems to be one prolonged conflict/loss that will follow you for the vast majority of the year's remainder. I get the feeling this is work related in some way. Your biggest blockage from quickly overcoming this, is that you won't be able to really get a good grasp on the situation, and would keep sticking with the same thought patterns and behaviors, keeping you in this mess. You will need to change that, take control over your mind, and therefore, the situation. You will need to learn to pull yourself together, look at your self, and your situation objectively, and not let yourself be taken over by your emotions, and/or stick to old actions and thought patters. Keeping a level head will help a lot once you're at the worst of this.
do u wanna trade again?
Is Hannah doing alright? Did she end up somewhere good?
File deleted.
Proof I’m using a physical deck
Sorry is taking so long
Will i have kids with d in the future?
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Are J and A really honest with me, is something going on behind my back they intend to keep away from me?
You are feeling a mix of vulnerability and uncertainty right now. This could be due to old emotional ties and some dissatisfaction or conflict in your relationships and daily life that you fixate on repeatedly, making you feel less secure and more exposed. This feeling isn’t outside of you but internal.

But it’s not all bad news. You have a solid foundation to rely on. Your inner strength and resilience suggest that you have what it takes to protect yourself, and you are protected. You can create stability by relying on both yourself and others. You will have to face challenges head-on, showing a determination to defend yourself. Plus, your emotional maturity and ability to stay calm in tough situations give you an extra layer of protection, helping you navigate through life's turbulence with grace.

There are some areas where you might feel less secure, especially when it comes to unmet desires and mental blocks. These could be undermining your sense of safety despite you overall being safe. You need to address these internal barriers slowly and possibly reassess some personal relationships and beliefs that might be contributing to feelings of scarcity or lack.

What is that darkness I’m feeling now?
can you give me any hint at all about what that decision might be for profit... I'm currently unemployed waiting for a lawsuit to end for a paycheck but I don't know if I'll get any money at all cuz I took out a 20k loan and will owe a lawyer...or is it like I'll marry rich or something eventually? idk


was J the one sending me hate messages on blank accounts?
If not was it someone with the initial L, D, or M?
2 of pent knight of wands 4 of pent chariot rx queen of cups

with 2 of pent being first card....answer is not clear and free will is heavily at play...depends on your priorities and feelings. The passion and energy is there to make kids, the feelings are there, but it's not heading that direction, maybe due to wanting to build more securities financially first.
Marry rich
Ace of cups
2 of pents
Decision you have to make
7 of cups
5 of swords
Winning lawsuit
The fool
10 of wands
9 of wands
To me it seems like you have the possibility of marrying rich... and it looks like you will win the lawsuit but it will be hard work and maybe take a while
Sorry this one was kind of hard for me
Yeah that checks out ty :)
what specific steps should my bf take in order to reach his goals / reach me?

My Q´s are

will i be interviewed for the position of HR SR Manager ? and if so ...

will i be hired ?
Okay will I make money doing tarot online
starting too!
What do I need to know to calm down right now?
Starting yours.
5 of wands
2 of swords
4 of pents
Will u get position
The moon
5 of pents
Wheel of fortune rev
Yes to interview put getting the position doesn't seem likely I feel liks maybe they are looking for someone more conservative...
ace of pents
8 of pents
5 of cups
wheel of fortune rx

to be honest you will make money but it will consume much of your energy and time, you would quickly feel overwhelmed despite the good amount of money you will make.

wanna trade again ?
King of Wands, Nine of Wands, Nine of Swords Rx, Three of Wands, Page of Pentacles Rx

It looks like he's already doing what he needs to do, and just needs to not give up and keep at it. Just make sure he keeps doing what he's been doing, and encourage/help him to do more if you can. More of what he's been doing is all he needs at the moment.
Well i neeed the money
Yes, query?
Mine is if j will give me a gift that i like ?
Trading occult
according to the last read, when will i be interviewed ? will it be this month ? or the next ?

and i gave a deity a tribute to get me the job, will the deity help me get it ? its called el muerto

Kingos r

Remember that all things are only temporary. Manipulate your thoughts and your anxieties into wins and positive things that will nourish your brain. Stop fighting yourself and stop fighting with your worries; instead find a way to really flip these thoughts as your mind is your world. Whatever comes in don't fight with it instead learn how to dance with those thoughts; how they step, how they groove, what ticks them and what makes them loose balance and fall from your conscious mind. You are more powerful than you think and it's time you stop letting your mind control and you control that motherfucker. Once you conquer this you will be unstoppable fren
could you maybe give me a hint or something if possible? i'm willing to trade again because he feels like he's not doing anything or taking any steps desu
Why does she still see my views?
This month
4 of cups
Page of cups
Next month
4 of pents
4 of swords
This month fosho
Deity helping
10 of pents
2 of pents
King of cups
Yeah , i feel like if not with this specific job then with something else.
Trading occult
6 of cups
2 of cups
7 of cups

And more
Seems like J has more than 1 surprise ready for you
Wants to make you feel special
Also looks like you will get among those things something really valuable

Wanna trade again?
My query is how will halloween go for me this year?
tell me something that will help me move on from the past
have i made the right choice in choosing him?

Trading occult
tower r
six of cups
ace of swords r
queen of coins

Yes, you have :) This person will help you to bury the scars of your past and will help you to think clearer in portions of your life where past trauma has put you into fight or flight mode and has made it difficult to trust your own intuition. This person will soothe you and help you realize it's really just all over now and you can relax and everything is okay. You will grow together with this person and you'll both come into your own best versions of yourselves in one anothers company. building a wonderful life together.
Queen of cups came out but no other cards fell out. Get your emotions in check and start learning to forgive yourself and anyone else involved with your past. Learn to be gentle with yourself and your emotions. Being by the ocean to calm your mind might help you or even doing some sort of water ritual. Like water, move and go with the flow of life and learn to flow around the rocks instead of crashing into them.

shit sorry this dumb captcha
thank you anon
lmk if you want to trade any further
sure i'm down to trade again if you'd like!
Trading occult
i'd just like a 30 day general
Why did I dream of z?
same :D

4oc r
knight os r
6oc r

In the next 30 days there will 2 offers given to you but they aren't as great as they seem. Don't rush into these decisions and make sure you weigh them out. If you are able to withhold yourself and wait a little bit you will get something that will satisfy and ground you for sure. Look to an older man in your life to give you solid advice and make sure you listen and take it to heart as it will really play a big part in these 30 days in making these decisions and getting that 9oc energy
ten of wands
king of wands
six of wands

Defeating stress and moving on, feeling better about yourself in the process. I'm getting u may be getting some help from a man who feels like he's a lot more confident and stable emotionally than you are and he helps carry some of your emotional burden, maybe the guy you mentioned before? Either way, thanks to this help, the sticks you're strenuously carrying in the 10 of wands will soon be carried ceremoniously strapped to a horse like in the 6 of wands, you're not alone anymore and do not have to carry your burdens all by yourself over the next 30 days.
nta but nowadays people in academic or otherwise "smart" jobs in high positions get surrounded by a bunch of arrogant people at work trying to steal their position by nitpicking their every move, which gets very tiring very quickly. it wouldn't surprise if they prefer spending their time at home with someone "less smart" than them, even if it's only for having less disagreements. they'd probably be fine with a stupid partner, yes, but i think that's just cause they'd trust anything you say and there's no source for disagreements. a lot of women have a warped understanding of intelligence, something akin with telling people they're wrong because you read something online and also never coming to any conclusions on their own. i know that would piss me off.
you could probably give off the same "she won't argue with me when i'm off work" vibes while showing you're smart if you keep your corrections/fact checks to ones that make him sound like he came up with them (easy one is to make yourself sound stupid/himself sound smart in a past tense fictional scenario, "i tried xyz once and i got laughed at" instead of "you're not supposed to do xyz", and agree with the bullshit he says afterwards, also makes you look humble)
thx anon
best of luck!
you too! <3
Trading occult
If anyone is able to do this I can do a three rune pull to a question and give some explanation and insight
Would you do an occult read?
I’m a newfag when it comes to divination generals and talking about this stuff online, but I assume that’s just a question involving the occult/your practice with it? Because if so yes
Earlier, I was doing fine. Then suddenly I started shaking and feeling sick. After I calmed down, I tried doing a read on myself.

The read said that a spirit attacked me, and managed to get through my protection, but there was retaliation against that spirit.

I just want to know if that's the right idea of what happened, or if it was something purely internal.

Starting yours.
Six of Swords Rx, The Devil Rx, Queen of Swords, Three of Wands Rx, The Sun, Seven of Swords Rx, The Fool Rx

It seems to indeed be J sending you those messages. With the reversed seven of swords as your advice, I think it's telling you to confront them on this in some way. With the sun as well, I get the feeling you will soon be able to put this behind you though, and move forward with your life.
Will I get paid work at the place I'm training at?
What is z thinking of me?
Please describe my current state or my current situation or my current energy--something like that, I just can't objectively understand myself right now to know which direction to go

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This is what I pulled, I used the past/present/future position

The first rune in the past position is Othala, it represents the home.
I think this is referring to your protections since it was in the past position. It also can represent ancestors, do you work this any ancestors? This also could have been who protected you.
This rune also represents keeping a home in order.

The next rune is Raido, reversed, in the present.
One of the meanings of this rune reversed is an unexpected and inconvenient visitor. I am taking this as that was in fact a spirit attacking you.

The last rune is Ehwaz in the future. This means horse and is a good sign, but it’s also a sign that represents taking quick action as well as establishing strong emotional connection with someone or with yourself. It can also mean power and liberation.

The way I’m reading this is that your protections or ancestors are strong and that’s what stopped the spirit from doing more damage, but that you should quickly strengthen your protections and establish a deeper sense of inter peace and stability. I think that’s what the past in the past is about, that you have kept your home/protections in order, and it’s time to continue to do so and strength your ability.
I have another Q if you wouldn't mind answering it. It's about Freyja.
Page of wands
High priestess
4of cups
You're facing a situation in which you feel dissatisfied . Maybe you have been becoming more "woke" and life how it is now is very boring to you or how you have done things in the past feels boring.
Feedback is appreciated
Trading occult
queen of wands rx clarified temp rx 2 of wands rx clarified 5 of cups rx king of cups king of coins

You seem to be very successful and able to withstand any storm especially in financial security, you seem very wise and sensible and emotionally strong with great depth. However you might limit yourself because of depression. You might have woman or self confidence issues stemming from lack of compatibility, overindulgence, too much plastic surgery... any things that symbolize disbalance or disunion of properties
Oh interesting ty i just had a dream with him in it so weird
Also dreamed of L can you tell me how L feels about me? If u wanna trade again?
Thank you, this is very helpful.
I have already come up with a plan if it was them, so this is confirmation of that and moving forward with the plan.

Thank you, and best wishes with your troubles as well.
Yes, I can do that.
How is my day gonna go?
I'm male
Same q
hi, are you taking readings?
Nah anon. I only got a dick on me, not willing to trade mine tho
Should I be worried about A with D?
A few days ago, Freyja offered to help me with a problem I'm having. I refused, as a previous read said I could grow more as a person, and avoid a worse disaster. that could happen due to that lack of growth. Now, that problem is putting me in actual danger with this spirit. Is her offer of help still open? I'm actually willing to go through with what she had in mind since it seems that I need more protection.

I did get mislead a bit between then and now, partly from my own actions. But if what she wants is still the same, I would be relying on her for the most part, so that would be avoided. I just want to put this matter behind the both of us for good this time around.

>10 of swords, 3 of swords
Well something out of your control is gonna happen resulting in you feeling rather bad about it and maybe even hurt. I sense this could be due to a motherly figure or a woman in your life pulling some shenanigans. Once it happens you'll evaluate if that person I'd worth your time.
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I asked Freyja to speak through me and decided I would only pull one rune if it made sense.

I pulled Gebo, which means gift. This rune is affiliated with receiving a gift or boon, love, trust, growing bonds and stresses the importance of accepting gifts.
There can be a negative side though, that nothing is free along with one can create resentment if they do not take someone’s gift graciously.

I believe Freyja is still willing to help you and offer you what she was going to, I do think she was not pleased you refused originally though. I think it would be wise to take her gifts as well as give her some more offerings and worship for this help.

But overall, I do think she is happy to help and everything is still on the table with intentions for your best interest.
10 pent. Page sword. Lovers R
It will go well. You might talk or meet someone however at the end.of the day they will do something that will ruin the appeal
Thx. Women :(
I'd like to ask this>>38374169
I got tradecucked so I'll wait for you to post.
What's your Q?
Forget it. Anon delivered.
What does my friend E think of me?
What's your Q?
Alright, I'll post yours first and then ask my query
Ah okay
My query is love general for the next three months
sorry no, a little out of practice! just hopping in to say hello :)

getting myself to be a little bit of a prodigy on the guitar!
What would be the result if I pulled back a little? How will it affect our dynamic?

Can I ask if she still wants what she wanted last time?

If I remember, it was faith and trust in her, staying true to myself so I don't squander her help, and devotion when it comes to following the advice/guidance she gives me.

Is there anything more she wants, or just that stuff?

You can also ask if she would like me to get incense and other offerings like that in addition to that other stuff.
>8 of wands, 9 of Swords, 10 of Swords
>Page of Cups
Well, your friend E seems to be emotionally sensitive and in some sense frail. They have an issue with trusting you as they fear disappointment and some form of betrayal (likely an emotional sort of betrayal, like not supporting them when they need it, not being on their side and so on).
Honestly, it doesn't look like much of a good friendship. Trust is lacking.
Makes sense. I did over use their generosity, that's fair. I'll cut that out tho, I know a way
>3 of cups, Ace of swords, world, tower
You might date a friend or meet someone through a social gathering/party. Your love life will go well for some time yet the end is the tower. I belive once you and whomever it is you're seeing have all you can have from one another it'll crumble shortly after that. Maybe this thing with this person won't be anything serious or things won't make any progress
Would I be succesful again if I try dating once more? I am a monk
Thank you
Want to trade one more?
Does E not trust me cuz I have borrowed money from him so frequently (I pay him back) or for some other reason?

I think Gebo definitely still covers all of that, it has a lot of definitions and trust is a big one. I also feel like all these questions were answered when I pulled the rune, otherwise I would do another cast.

I got a lot of vibes from that one rune, and I think she may want some kind of public worship, or you being willing to tell people what she does for you and be proud of working with her.

And yes, I think since Gebo stresses accepting gifts and establishing bonds/trust that is still exactly what she wants.
I think she wants a bond with you, get her incense and other offerings, anything that feels right. I think she is waiting for you with open arms
My query is how it will go for me if I join Arabic language courses here in my city.
Page cups r, knight sword, king cups
It would result in you regaining control of the situation after talking with them
I have same Q. Not them btw
hello then!!!!!
>The Lovers, The Magician, Queen of Swords
>The High Priestess
Hm, E. seems to be a bit more sophisticated than that. I would say money isn't a direct worry, it goes deeper for them. You know, the kind of person that may say something like: "It's not about money, but what kind of person does XYZ? What kind of person am I for putting XYZ things into my life" and so on. They are in the world of their own so I don't think you can directly impact that. They are looking for trust at the end of the day.
7 of Cups, Page of Swords, Hanged Man

There will be an adjustment period while you get back into the groove of things but ultimately you will manage to date again. The important thing is to not be discouraged by the initial difficulties you will experience because it will feel awkward and you might come up with rationalizations about why you should give up based on fears and fantasies.
>page of wands, hanged man rev, Ace of cups
Pretty good I think. You'll be full of excitement and willing to explore the language and see how it'll go to learn it and use it. You might postpone your studies or feel a bit apprehensive, maybe cuz you have to give something up in exchange? You'll still go ahead and enjoy it since that's where your heart is taking you
Q? Mine is >>38374279
Q? 7 day gen for me
I have two more questions if you wouldn't mind answering them.

When you say bond, does she want to become my matron, and me to have her be my primary source of guidance/spiritual advice?

Also, several reads said I would end up facing a disaster from missing the experience of going through things on my own. Would a long term arrangement like this also end up providing me with that experience/something equivalent?
Thank you, that's a good catch
I have to (not really) postpone it due to a holiday which I'm not looking forward to that much so it is a bit of a sacrifice
Anyway, what about third read?
Okay, why not.
What's your Q?
I'd like a romance gen for 3 months myself haha

Yes, I do believe this is what she wants.

And also yes, you will still get that experience. I do not see anything negative coming from this as long as she is given offerings and worship for her help.

I have always found the Norse gods to be gentle gods who will not allow you to come to ruin, if that gives you more comfort too.
How is my holiday abroad (August) gonna go?
>Seven of Wands, Page of Cups, Five of Wands
>Queen of Swords
Do you happen to be stubborn and argumentative?
Next three months aren't really showing much in the way of romance. They show more that you will be focusing on finding fault with people and not finding much common ground with them. Queen of Swords suggests some intelligence to me but also lack of compromise and compassion with others. It looks like that fault-finding will dominate the field for the upcoming times.
Should I fuck the black haired cha at work with glasses
>ace of swords rev
>7 of wands
>10 of wands
Not as good as it should be. The whole thing is gonna be a bit of a mess that'll leave you feeling attacked and overwhelmed and having to carry a load that you really shouldn't have to carry during a holiday. This could be due to issues with travel or maybe something negative will happen when you get to your destination. I'd double check everything in your plans for this holiday just in case so you maybe can avoid this later on.
Trade a forth time haha?
You're pretty good. I'm more stubborn than argumentative but I do have trouble being approached or approaching myself due to past pain. I have issues letting people get closer to me.
can someone tell me if its possible that during tarot reading some bad energy/entity can "hook up" to you or to person that you are reading to?
Thank you, that confirms some of my assumptions
I don't think I can cancel it easily as I was not the one who organised it
It's a shame since I really want to visit this country but on my terms, no on terms of those that organised it
Also sure for the next trade, what's your query?
I think a lot of my current issues stem from being stuck where I am now in life, with little time for myself or others since I am working myself to the bone to save enough for a room to rent to get out of where I live rn.
Will I be able to save up for a room this year? If not are there other avenues for me to escape this void I'm in? If so will my issues become less severe?
>King of Cups, The Moon, Death
>The World
Despite the rather dramatic nature of the cards, I would go with yes, you will be able to save up the money.
I think that you will undergo a transformation which will help you get out of a zoomed in position you're in now into a more open position where you will be able to see life and things in life from a broader perspective.
Aside from working to save up money, I'd suggest some reading on psychology here and there - to get some free resources. For example, that stubborness and argumentative approach isn't necessarily wrong, it's more about learning how to work with your tools. So, I suggest trying to get familiar with your tools (your natural dispositions) and try to find a way to use them. Changes won't come overnight but it's a good start.

My query is how will it continue for me in my job for the upcoming three months.
>9 of wands rev
>10 of swords, king of cups
>ace of pents rev
I take it you don't like your job all that much? You seem exhausted and on edge, that you don't really wanna do this any longer. Either a person at work you trusted will stab you in the back or you'll really realise this is making you unhappy and you'll quit, tho you might be proper about it. Overall you'll realise you're investing time and energy into a job you wish no part in
Is there an archive of scanned or digital tarot decks?
Do you want to trade with me?
Yeah, I don't really like the job. It pays but how much is really needed? I feel like I've done enough here for myself (I've been working here for 5 years).
As for the back-stabbing, that doesn't surprise me, I find that for some, it's their modus operandi, they don't see it as back-stabbing. I'll practice not blaming & detachment for now.

How are you feeling now? If you have another query, let me know.
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will learning to read tarot help me get a girlfriend?
What's your Q?
Sure, I'll trade.
What are some negative character traits I possess I would do well to remove? I'm aware of a few but maybe there's more I'm not self aware enough to notice?
What can help me?
Next job or when I will find it?
What's yours?
I'll start by saying that you don't need to "remove" anything. I know, there are cases which are pathological but let's leave those to psychiatrists/psychologists. Now getting aware of your behaviours, traits and so on, sure, that's a great thing.
>Two of Swords, Queen of Pentacles, Knight of Swords
>King of Wands
It looks like you can be hot headed and as far as argumentative things we spoke about earlier, it seems that you get into the mode of just seeing through your anger and not seeing the situation as a whole. So once you get into an argument, you remain in your anger - you don't look much for ways to mitigate conflict and to get out of it once it starts. You can imagine that sometimes that's not really constructive in a discussion.
I suspect you are not much after money - for you money would be a tool to get a comfortable life but on its own it's not important - you do not go after money for its own sake. That's pretty positive.
You likely prefer authoritative and strong men. In other words, it would be someone that can argue with you while keeping a strong face and not bending over to your moods. This way, you kind of make demands on people to be a certain way so you can communicate with them rather than accepting them. I think your scope of people that you accept and respect is pretty narrow.
Hope this helps, I can write more in a separate post if you are seeking advice on this.
My query is sort of spiritual general - whathever you may see with regards to religion, spirituality and so on in my life.
Seeking one out
Or working with yourself to better understand your wants and need
Sure, I'd love for you to write more in a separate post.
I am very picky when it comes to people true, I tolerate most people but for me to open up takes a special kind of person.
Also what's this men talk? I'm a bloke not a chick.
Starting yours
>The Fool, Queen of Cups, Tower
>The Lovers
Soon, meaning within two or so months, maybe earlier even. It can be a large corporation - office job. You'll have to decide whether this job is bearable for you, and whether you can work there for some good money but with some negatives that come with office job in a large corporation.
Thanks for the reading, anon.
What's yours?
>3 of cups
>queen of cups rev
>8 of cups
>9 of wands rev
Your choice of spirituality and religion might lead to people close to you shunning you due to your choices and not really accept them or relate to them. You might loose a few friends due to this but it's likely for the best as they'd drag you down.
Otherwise you might experience a crisis of faith at some point due to the limitations of your faith on your material/physical life. There will be moments your endurance will be tested and you'll feel like walking away. I can't tell if you will or not though. That's for you to decide tho
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Today in what will Div do instead of touching grass
I was somehow under the impression that you are a chick. Sorry for that.
I suppose in that context, the men talk is about competitiveness - do you happen to like competition, sports and so on?

You can check out two books:
Bruno A. Cayoun - Well-being and Personal Growth
Fritz Perls - Gestalt Therapy Verbatim

Now, whichever emotional states you experience, the key is to learn to be able to withstand them. In other words, main question becomes: "Can you sit with your anger?" - this teaches you to be able to withstand some uncomfortable sensations and also gives you information that you are able to do so and next time you get angry, your reaction to it isn't as apprehensive for example. This may take some time but it's a good practice. Another large benefit is that you will be able to pretty much always make decisions for yourself because even if you will annoy some people or will get into uncomfortable situations, you will have known that you can deal with those and therefore the potential discomfort will not impact your decision.
I happened to have some uncomfortable situations, such as like sitting in a room with seven or so people at work and saying something which none of those agreed with. It's uncomfortable but there is freedom in making decisions for yourself.
In an indirect way I'm also trying to say that you don't need to "get rid" of anything because as you can see, all of the emotions/sensations can be used at the right time for right purposes but only if you know them and can withstand them. So much for the first book.
Second book is more about being yourself as you are and giving others the option to be the same. Once you stop caring about what others are like, you can start caring more about them as people.
Tried both didn't work
Aq: I think that I possess some metaphysical/paranormal skill, is it true or am I tripping?
Ah, no need for mine
Hi, anon!
There is a chance that you can grab some energy off the client, good or bad. Not so sure about the entity thing tho.
For the first case: grab some salt, wash your hands with it and scrub some over the third eye area.
Thanks anon
You're welcome
I like salami too
Sure, but how much do you like it?
Why do I suddenly want to fuck him?
Posting feedback for >>38331987

Unfortunately she did not reach out. Thanks though

How can I help G to cast aside his bad traits and become the best version of himself?
Only he can do it
You can help him only as far as requests you to help him
Trading next gf query.
Got yours ready.
I keep having dreams that mice or rats seem to be biting my hands and it's very weird how it keeps reoccurring.

Can anyone tell me what it means?

I am a bit sickly though lately maybe this is why.
Queen of Swords, Ace of Swords Rx, 3 of Wands Rx, Queen of Pentacles, Strength

Odds are highly in or favor but it won't be easy. I believe that you will have a first choice for that matter but things won't move forward with her. She's probably going to be revolving around you but she will be out out reach..
What happens next depends on you: You can keep chasing her and you may or may not get her in the future -I didn't pull cards for that-- ,or you can move on and you will meet someone else with different qualities to her. I believe that the latter will be more of a woman that attracts you sexually than someone you'd like to settle. I can be wrong, but you will get hooked that way to her.
Opportunities are there and you're going to be able to move and act freely, but you will still need to make it happen.
Trading occult
Is there anybody seriously interested in me around me?

Your query?
Chariot, 10oC, World r, KgoS, QoW
There's infact someone looking in your direction but your eyes don't meet I would even say you're very alike and vibrate almost the same but you don't wanna acknowledge her because on the surface you share different interests and hobbies but deep down you have both been through the same.

You have to pay more attention as there's somebody out there for you.
So not even sex? That sucks.

And sure. Should I be worried about
Not that anon, but maybe this person is someone that's around, but you don't really know. Like a cashier or coworker that you pass by everyday without paying much attention
Sorry, hit the send by accident.

Should I be worried about the changes?

Your query?
That would suck then. I don't want empty sex.

For S we got PoW, 6oW
For WG we got KnoS, Lovers
For somebody else we got 2oS, 6oP

There's no reason to look elsewhere or not yet at least.

I would say both of them may be into you this could also explain why you can't help to lock eyes with them since it doesn't really look like you're wanting to commit to any of them.

I would say WG could be more loving than the S girl but S seem to have more in common with you on the surface. Deep down you'll have to do some soul searching and pick what's best for you.
What will be the result from my meeting next week with BW?
Maybe you spilled the beans too early with that KnoS it could mean you rushed too much on this or approached her at a wrong time.

But life passess us by if we wait for the perfect time so it's still good you tried.

You know what's best for you.
>8 of pents, knight of wands, queen of pents

You need to put in more effort and time into building this relationship if you want to, where you're meeting her is now where she is. That's not to say you'll get definitively rejected, but you need to work harder if you want this girl.
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Tarot? Nah.
Thy Polish Uncle here is all that you need.
Cheked dubs.

Will try it later.>>38375733
In your opinion is there any difference between asking an artificial oracle and a living one?

What is this evil thing that I keep sensing? Is it something real or am I going mad?
4-4-2 My task, to prepare a moment of supreme coming-to-oneself

4-4-5 its entire skin trembles with tender shudders of recollection.

2-1-2 rhythmics, dynamics and harmony.

5-3-4 in them an ardent longing for illusion, for redemption through illusion

1-3-4 and so the dithyrambic votary of Dionysos is understood only by his peers.

2-2-3 we shall have gained much for the science of aesthetics, once we perceive not merely by logical inference, but with the immediate certainty of vision

6-2-4 Should it have been madness, to use one of Plato’s phrases, that brought the great blessings upon Greece?

6-2-4 Should it have been madness, to use one of Plato’s phrases, that brought the great blessings upon Greece?

1-6-6 they could abandon themselves to the dream of having descended once more into the paradisiacal beginnings of mankind

1-3-4 and so the dithyrambic votary of Dionysos is understood only by his peers.

2-3-6 thus does a god suffer

4-4-1 Now it is as if the Olympian magic mountain had opened before us and revealed its roots to us.

1-6-5 The language of thedithyramb.

5-4-1 The world—at every moment theattainedsalvation of God

6-1-3 wherever they turned, their eyes beheld the sweet smile of Helen

4-4-6 like ambrosial vapor

3-6-1 an exuberant dance-song

4-1-1 It is not unworthy of the greatest hero to long for a continuation of life, even though he live as a day laborer.
Whence does one stop
Nta but there's a big difference with how a reading "feel" when it's done with digital tools.

Imho digital stuff is only good for yes and no queries.
Can I have a hug please
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When will I find a gf?
Starting. Mine is: what should I do about the situation with my mother?
Right now do I really need a gf ? Is that a thing I should be bothering with or is it just a fascination i should ignore?
>Queen of Pents
>Star Rx, Empress, Queen of Wands
Yes, you very much need a female to balance you out spiritually and emotionally.

These cards resonate more on the bigger scale of things. It is said that behind every great man is a great woman... you need to this as a core foundation to build yourself up. A strong safe place where your heart can rest so my only advice is for you to look beyond fleeting beauty as we all age and beyond the simplicity of sex that has become a commodity nowadays.

Don't fear asking your guides to point you the way.
Also, congratz on not being another dumbass piece of shit asking about your next lay.

Keep on going the good path.
>Emperor Rx
>Tower, Ace of Swords, 6 of Wands
Not yet.

Good things come to those who hustle, and there's still a lot of work to be done.

Taking a partner through what's to come in your life may cause them a lot of pain.

I know most people fear the tower or death but these are always a slap back into reality. You'll be left at a low point but that's also the best that can happen to a man sometimes since the only path is getting up and moving on.
Can I ask you a question? Can pull up a card from moon or tao oracle in return.
Sorry but no promises... and who with what?
Eh, okay then.
Ok.... so what's the question?
Do the >>38376032 anon, I will wait for another trade :)
Hey sorry i feel asleep lol
If you still want to trade more add me on discord lexvq69
Trading occult
Replying too late . Um it's great that my it's not just some horny desire but a real need but I was almost totally hoping for the opposite to come up desu coz I really don't know how I can even it's so foreign to me to just be friends with males . Anyways thanks for the read. The "strong safe space " is usually how I imagine but I don't think people are that reliable(atleast in my experience). Also thanks for the advice. Beauty confuses too good heart is a better measure.

I don't have guides. Not yet.

why i'm suffocating without energy. is there some spirits fucking with me?
male, 34

Whats wrong with me?

I feel cursed. I've had so much bad happen lately and my teeth are driving me insane, they feel alien after visiting the dentist a few months ago. I've tried going back and fixing things but they cant seem to help. Started with my pupper's passing, then we found out my dads been unfaithful, and the persistent teeth issues I've been having. I was also just diagnosed with depression/anxiety.

I spoke to someone spiritual lately and they mentioned that an Owlman is an omen of death.
7 of pents, strength rx
Naw, go get your thyroid or insulin resistance checked, this seems internal. A general checkup if you can but if it comes ok sort those out, the insulin one can specially be tricky to determine if blood sugar levels come up ok.

9 of pents, 7 of cups rx, queen of wands
Seems like a test of courage, don't give up. Persevere, things will get better.
Hey Elster, can you give me a read on how the conference will go next month?
if you want to fix this
- spend a week (or however long until youre not sick anymore) cleaning out your entire house/living area. do one room a day and follow wikihow instructions on how to clean everything. the instructions are important because it's a ritual, reaffirms what you know and informs you of what you don't
- dont buy anything new when it comes to cleaning and try to cut costs in general (if you need free whatever like sunscreen download Nextdoor and ask a neighbor for it, offerup can also work)
- no music, tv, books, or other media
- no candles/sage, smoke isn't good for you right now
- open windows as well
- drink lots of water and sleep a lot
- take 30 minute walks every day
- dont eat meat
- wear a veil/head covering if you can
- do this all until you stop feeling sick
- try to fast from 8pm to 6pm
- replace exercise with stretching (dont go on YouTube just be a normal person and feel out your own body)

again, your physical health is most important so dont not eat meat if youre on your period for example. you will feel like youre going crazy lol it'll pass. the idea is you create an empty open space for energy to pass through
once you're done you can smudge
have an open heart and open ear to what nature has to tell you about these energies and why they're hear
it won't be a perfect answer, it's about your ability to listen
good luck
Wheel, Hierophnt rx, 6 of wands

Pretty well! but if you want best results don't be scared to go unconventional in your approach :>
Elster! Is it okay if I ask a q, I can trade too.

my q: is my current bf the one I'll marry?

thanks senpai
Hey Elster, can you please read into the situation between S and I?
Here's a freebie don't worry, ty
Ace of cups, 2 of swords rx, 4 of swords

Well he definitely could be, BUT you have to make the choice. Take your time! seems like a nice one but there's surely some details you might not want to overlook.

Any specific q? context always helps
Hey Elster, can you give me a reading or some advice? My last art piece bombed horribly and I'm pretty bummed out. Will the next pieces be better or will it be a slew of bad ones?
thank you for your time.
Will I meet G this summer?

thanks Elster! Appreciate you
Oh man as an artist I feel that.

Chariot, Judgement rx, 4 of swords rx
So you'll be dealing with disappointment and doubt... but these say to carry on no matter what.
I pulled king of pents, knight of swords, 10 of cups. It will definitely get better, absolutely, but you need to learn how to deal with thing not going the way you want, as an artist is par for the course ;__;
What I need to survive my next meeting with him, if it ever happens
Elster, can you tell me if the job I was offered will pan out?
male, 19

Wondering about the future.
Over the past year i've lost and gained a new, better social circle, lost a long time girlfriend, had an enourmous shift in my career, my politics, my religious views, everything's changed and now i'm stuck in a weird transitionary place. Where the fuck am I going? Where should I be leaning my weight?

Odds and I will cum in her pussy
2 of swords, king of wands, world rx
I don't see it happening (no closure) but if ot does, take a stand and keep it. Accountability and integrity is a must

Magician rx, 2 of pentacles, 2 of cups
This could go 2 ways... it doesn't and you find a much better match
OR, it's really hard at first but you get thru the challenge and it leads you to a much better place
Either way, you're good :>

Gotta go!
Trading occult
Interesting, thanks. i really hope it pans out, I don't mind a challenge
thank you
May I request this please Elster?

Who is Martin?
Anyone trading?
Sure ,i'm down for something light
Would either of you be down to trade with me too?
Sure i can trade with both,Q
This thread is dead and I am sad. I will draw cards for a little but I am not confident. Treat it as entertainment.
Awesome thanks, I was gonna just ask how things are going to go between me and TP within the next 3 months after all that's has happened.

We've known each other for a few years and I just left their place yesterday.

Your q?
I am also sad
Can you tell me if things are getting better within the next 30 days?
How does my fling feel about me? I feel as if I did not satisfy them fully and I feel regretful due to my inexperience. At the same time I tried to talk to them about this and they glossed over it. Your query?
How's my bext month or two looking?
I'm sad. What card advice can I get?
Ignoring the cards, I am telling you that things will eventually change and am trying to give you support to persevere. I was recently in a very bad rut myself please do not kill yourself. Paying attention to the cards now I draw.
Devil ace of pentacles and 9 of swords.
You are going through a very tough period of torment but will have brief shimmers of gold that will be able to be held onto. You just scoop up these yourself and persevere. Try to not be tormented by your mind. Would be my advice try to distract in ways that are not vice(the devil)
how do the next few months look for me?
It seems that things are a good time to be fortunate and to prepare and make plans. Figure out how you want to go to where you want to be. What can you do to make things easier for yourself when things are stormy and perilous? Things to fall back on. Waters are calm. Good time.
Wheel of fortune 9 of cups 2 of Wands.
Think of how to build the bridge to cross the sea from one island to next.
Yes you’re tormented. Try to distance self. Cards are telling me it is majority past events. Look back at it. Acknowledge yes this sounds me. Slowly limp away holding on. Limp day by day. Suddenly it is not as recent. Yes it still hurts. Yes it leaves marks. But not as recent. Each step limping is a step. Take refuge and limp away. That is how you reach peak performance. Do things to encourage healing. Self care. You are a wounded soldier.
9 of swords 9 of wands ace of swords.
Sure i'll start both
1st Q, will all the paperwork be ready for my motorcycle by the end of next month.
2nd Q just a love gen for 2 months
Starting both.
You may find yourself jumping slightly outside your comfort zone. A variety of options and deciding to make one. It seems that this will assist in your perspective for making choices in the future. Learning.
8 of cups page of wands queen of swords
Love gen 2 months
It looks as though after waiting you may find someone you really feel things for if you are a woman looking for a man. Either that or you may find yourself a role model.
Mine please?
Temperance ace of cups and emperor were the cards.
Will I have a girl soon?
Nice thanks
If you'd like to draw, up to you
What will help my mental health and health in general the most?
>I keep having dreams that mice or rats seem to be biting my hands and it's very weird how it keeps reoccurring.
This is me without cards but I feel as if this may be representative of anxieties eating away at you or becoming a nuisance, perhaps you are stewing over something in the present? Here is what the cards are 4 of pentacles 6 of wands hierophant. You are obviously stuck with something, perhaps your illness at least for now. You want to be happy and free from this obstacle. Is 6 of wands signals celebration. Hierophant recommends sticking to traditional medical advice and treatments to maintain this. I feel as if you may eventually overcome this obstacle or manage it more easily.
>where should I be leaning my weight.
What should you prioritize your attention on? 9 of swords hanged man 5 of swords. These are bad looking cards but in this instance I think that they are not as scary as they could be. You should prioritize your attention on building skills what you will be doing if you are stuck in torturous mental torment and unending anguish. You feeling stuck there, do you have any plans on what you would do? How would you be able to hold on if all of your friends and gf were driven away? I’m not saying that they are going to be, I just think that the cards are saying you are going to benefit from leaning on/prioritizing these skills to deal with and drag yourself out of anguish that you alone are dealing with. Perhaps you would also benefit from focusing on conflict resolution skills that are not as combative. If you are able to better work on these things even if you do not need to use them for yourself you can help others you care for. They are important skills for life.
>HP, 4W, page W rx,king S, queen P, 5 W
Conflict with both parties going for a positive resolution,looks like both of you are happy to have a reunion,but some papers need to be cleared first,and the viewpoints on the issue are completly different,but there doesn't seem to be any resentment or negative emotion on either side,so i think a positive resolution will be reached either way
>knight P rx,knight S rx,9 p lovers 9 s,3 s rx
Yeah cards suggest that,like you were very routine and beyond that you did some stuff rhat you did solely because i thought u needed to do them and not because you wanted to,plus side is that even beyond that they still seem to be into you with the lovers and 9p, minus side is that if you keep oppsessing over this you are going to fuck it up,find a way to just bee yourself with this person,and regarding the physical side you have to relax a little,getting tipsy always worked for me.
Thank you so much :D
Ace of swords 6 of pentacles and wheel of fortune. Work towards being peak you. Give to others. Does not need to be money, can be favors or receiving asking for help could be it. Knowing that things are always going to change will help you. Cliche but that’s what the wheel is.
Thank you, I certainly am <3
Thank you for the read.
>Yeah cards suggest that,like you were very routine and beyond that you did some stuff rhat you did solely because i thought u needed to do them
There were things that I wasn’t necessarily interested in doing that she wanted me to do. I ended up doing it and and it was not that bad
>plus side is that even beyond that they still seem to be into you with the lovers and 9p
That’s a relief
>minus side is that if you keep oppsessing over this you are going to fuck it up
This was the first time I ever aired my insecurities as I was inexperienced and I just hope they had a good time I just wanted to get it off my chest. Now that I said it I feel better and won’t bring it up again but I don’t really like how they glossed over it that makes me pretty mad desu.
>find a way to just bee yourself with this person,
No problem with that. I guess myself might just push them away but they werent as real as I thought than that’s just how it is. It’s just a fling but I just wanted to know before I come to terms with it I highly doubt conditions will come where I see them again as it was situational with distance
> and regarding the physical side you have to relax a little,getting tipsy always worked for me.
I could try that but I just wanted them to feel good. It was my second time ever touching a women and I am definitely unorthodox!
Very insightful, thank you
I meant to say yes this wounds me not sounds me but my advice still stands. Acknowledge the wounds instead of running from them. Do not suppress the pain. Cry. Acknowledge how terrible it is. Healing it not linear. You will fall down and back. Pick up the crutches slowly limp forward day by day and it will be more in the past as days go by. Sometimes it will still surprisingly hurt after a long time when you think you should be over it. Remember healing is not linear but you heal. You are a wounded soldier with scars. Keep limping.
Trading occult
Good luck my friend. It could also be open to interpretation that 5 of swords is learning how to fight. But you mentioned your relationships and they seem important to you. You feel victorious in the 5 of swords but in the picture he is driving others away. Perhaps learning to choose battles and being “right” is also an option. These are just ideas to play with try to not take too much to heart as the inverse is being a doormat and letting others walk on you which is also not good. Good luck and good fortune to you.
Trading not occult
I am finished giving free queries for now, good luck to all.
What was the meaning of that dream I just had?
Do not be afraid to ask for help or favors yourself, or/and do not be afraid to provide for others. Good luck on becoming the best you.
Same here.

By whom am I being targeted? Today I got the evidence I needed to prove myself somebody or something is throwing bad energy at me.

Your query?
Holy checked you cloudy pretentious muffing!

But yeah, be not afraid!
Query? I may be going on a tinder date. Wondering how it will go. I feel like they may be too fat for me, not against just being friends but unsure if their personality and how it’ll interact with mine or how they perceive me and me them.
Girl, tinder is bottom of the barrel tier.

You just want some fuck right? That's the most you'll get from dating apps like tinder.
Am I doing good so far, and interpreting my instincts correctly? It's early into this new arrangement, and I'm still trying to work out the details/specifics, and properly interpret what Freyja is telling me.

Starting yours.
Yeah I'll try my best. Thanks
No…. But I am a man going for a girl. I know it’s over.
My query is....outcome of me trying SARMs, would I have health problems or would I just get really ripped and sexy with no side effects? I"m female. Starting
Holy shit dude it's gonna go awesome you might fall in love!
Fool 8 of pentacles King of Cups Queen of Cups
Wow. The great lady herself. I think she's cool.

Tell you what, I'll do something special but I need to perform some extra steps because it's a female goddess -long story- but the good thing is I can do your reading.

I just hope that they actually like me too then. I catch feelings easily I think I hope it goes well. I have little experience in these things. Plus my transits are not looking good for love
I will try to pull cards for you but am ignorant about SARMs
there is both the male and the female of cups, I think it will be mutual, representing the 2 of you, and the risk you take will be positive, and even if it doesn't work out...you might have some mutual goals or hobbies with 8 of pentacles.

I'm okay with you just pulling cards. SARMs are like less dangerous steroid type supplements.
I forgot to say thanks by the way I really hope you are right. My last date was a nightmare same before that.
It looks as though you are going to be getting exactly what you want from this. Although it may go a bit overboard for the masculine side or cost a bit? Anyway I think these a good cards for you. Ace of pentacles magician and emperor
Judgement Rx, Ace of Pentacles Rx, King of Swords Rx, Queen of Cups, Queen of Wands Rx, Queen of Swords, Page of Cups, King of Wands, Ten of Pentacles Rx

It looks like there's something on you that's attracting bad energy at you. It doesn't look like this was intentional though. Likely the result of an accident, like a ritual gone wrong, or you just being in the wrong place at the wrong time or something like that. I pulled the reversed ten of pentacles when asking if this was intentional, which I take as a no, it wasn't intentional for you to get bad energies. So, it just looks like you're the victim of bad luck and getting something nasty stuck on you that attracts that stuff. Just do what you can to cleanse, banish, and protect yourself from these energies. Since it's likely not intentional, these energies should go away once you clear whatever's attached to you attracting them.
Thanks. Here’s to hoping it goes well for the both of us.
Want to trade?
>Pope, Tower sticked together
>Knight of Pents, 3 of Pents, Star Rx
>Queen of Pents clarifier
Ok, this is a yes but it also call you to be more careful.

You're being warned about not doing workings "On a whim" and to take the extra step of cleansing and banishing before performing anything... I mean that's magick 101 for you but yeah that' what the cards point us to.

I think she's looking up to work more with you but she can't protect you from all the dangers of the world so if you escape her hand and wander off like a toddler on traffic there's really not that much she can do, it's an extreme example but the most suitable for your situationship.

Also, I get a feeling you'll have to welcome one of her guards/familiars into your home so I hope you know how to take care of pets as these are the most common familiars but not the only ones.

So yes, you're doing good and she's looking up to your progress.
nta but im looking for a trade if youd like to?
Incase you are still reading, I need a love reading about L, I am getting a really weird vibe and odd readings myself
Those queens told me all I needed.

Thanks for the trade, let me know if you'd like to trade some more.
What's your query?
this one, you ?
Sure. What's your Q?
Why does that group still have such a vendetta against me?
Next gf?
eight of cups rx
the world
four of swords rx

Strongly suggested here that your next gf is someone from your past you're going to reconnect with, someone you probably have not been in contact with for a while because the world to me suggests a completion of life cycles that had initially driven the two of you apart, and with this issue out of the way you both will be free to pursue each other with no contest. What I'm getting from the four of swords rx is that it's going to be a really restless time period where you know you should probably take it slower but you just feel compelled to be around this person and the feelings will be mutual. You probably never forgot them based on the eight of cups r.
7 of Pentacles Rx, Knight of Cups, 4 of Cups Rx, 7 of Swords, Star
Maybe they fell like you didn't go through a lot or enough to pay off our bad deeds. You see, the vibe I'm getting here is that they want to fuck you over simply because the opportunity is there and because they don't have nothing better to do ATM. As in, they probably got tired of thinking:'' oh, just let karma do the work..' and decided to do the ground work themselves.
Well, the are willing to go low to achieve what they want and the result the desire is to see you in a rut... Maybe that also answers our query: The still have a vendetta against you because they want you to sink deeper and deeper.
thank you ugh
trade again?
Interesting. Thank you for the reading.

Sure. What's your query?
are they actually going to succeed in ruining me or will they get checked?
Can you tell me how I will get in touch with this person again?
page of cups r
nine of cups
two of swords r

I think she may get into contact with you, actually. She will be in a pretty shitty point in her life emotionally, maybe something else she was counting on didn't pan out and her brain wandered to you, remembering the good times you shared fondly and she just wanted your comfort, therefore she reaches out to you hoping to actually experience some good in her life rather than just wallow in the shit.
5 of Pentacles, 2 of Wands Rx, Page of Swords, 8 of Cups Rx, Hierophant Rx, 3 of Wands

I don't think they will, but the are going to affect you mentally. You're going to feel in a hut and you're going to be walking around feeling that you have a target on your back and that will take a tool on you and will directly influence in your decisions and behaviour. However, on the bright side after a whille feeling like that you're going to be able to ground yourself and get back the control of our life cutting the ties with them or the toxic thoughts. Either you're going to 'cut' or you will just outsmart them.
The last part of the reading has a idea of refusal to move on and not being in harmony. You're either going to be a bit stubborn with something/someone, or you will be looking forward to have a last dance with the group, even if you know it's not for the best.
thank you
that feels pretty accurate to me rn
They had such a weird beef with me for no reason and apparently now are spreading rumors I talk to underage people in a weird way. Someone contacted me saying they received a weird dm with no proof and weird reasoning which..... yeah bitch of fucking course, I don't do that shit, tf? It really is just low and it makes me anxious because I'm a content creator and you KNOW how those kinds of allegations affects our brand.
trade again?
can I get a love reading bout Y, whats your Q
What are you a girl or a boi?-
Ill start after you answer.

Mine is love gen for 15 days. I am a boi.
I am a girl he is a boi, starting yours
Trading no occult
Are E(male) and V(female) fucking?
Four of Swords R
The Moon R
I feel like while one of you feeling restless and thinking about other one (probably you) but other one is apethic about things.
You won't be together it looks like. That road would be probably a hard one anyway.
Sorry for this reading :(
45 day general
I'm not good at generals, I'll try or I can read a specific q, which do you prefer?
6 of cups, 4 of cups, 6 of swords

so for the next 15 days you will be stuck on a person from the past or reconnecting with an ex. but it wont turn to something exiting. At most you will find a reason to move on
but I pulled some more for after the 15 days,
9 of pent, ace of wands, the magician
you will definitely manifest (or have a successful working) what you want in your love life in the future . This feel like a relationship with someone new.
the star r
the tower r
page of coins r

I'm not really getting sexy vibes from these cards, but I'm definitely getting some emotional issues, ones that are desperately being attempted to be kept at bay. Page of coins reversed makes me think that maybe someone missed an opportunity or something or they just wanna avoid reality and they're seeking comfort and the other person likes to feel needed or something so while it hasn't escalated into sex yet, there's some weird shit going on as they attempt to avoid spiraling mentally in each others company.
Can u just tell me how my original character content will be received over the next 3 months then?
ouch its all good man
thanks so what do you prefer general or a q?
this q is chill
I totally misunderstood your query, sorry about that. I was really tired but I got stubborn about doing another reading because it had taken me so long to warm up earlier, which is what caused me to be frustrated. If you’re around, I’m happy to ready your actual query, apologies for bringing bad vibes before.

I mentioned things that are objectively correct about the spread, but I was an asshole about it. If you’re around, I can read that query as well, to give you a second opinion.
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I'll try a general, like I said I'm not good at it
well there's a lot of confusion coming, there's something you wish to attain but it seems everything will be a strugle to choose what actually to do, you're aimless

so for 3 months OC character
>the Star, 4 of pentacles, 8 of wands
seems to be very good if your open to constructive criticism, it's the time to put in the work and shine
4 of pentacles reversed*
Trading occult
you mean Y, R, X?
that's fine bro, I could see it being misleading. I would love if you'd do it with the new information learned.
KnW, 10S rev, Temperance
HP rev, KgS
9C, Lovers

Funny enough, there are actually some similar themes here. In particular, this spread suggests that you’re likely being a bit too pragmatic. Short of something like travel restrictions, it’s likely that it’s just financial concerns that are holding you back. Let me be clear: a meetup happening soon is not “the smart thing” to do, not the practical thing. The KgS is actually what’s working against your goal in this spread, indicating that your practicality and pragmatism are what is keeping this from happening. This spread is basically saying that waiting is the smart thing, but you need to be a bit dumb if you want this to happen. 9C is your recommended course of action, and I think this should make more sense to you than to me, but it’s just telling you to create the environment for the meetup (ie, buy whatever you need to buy) and lead with your heart. Oh yeah, and Lovers is the outcome, have fun.
>captcha: WRP4W



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