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>Book Recommendations

>Load your Chart [Exact Birth Time] [Whole Sign House]
https://horoscopes.astro-seek.com/birth-chart-horoscope-online [recommended site]

>Additional Resources:
https://sevenstarsastrology.com/ - methods
https://astrologyking.com/ - aspects
https://www.skyscript.co.uk/ - general

previous >>38332117
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Asked this in the last thread, will ask again. What symbolizes the WIFE in a man's natal chart if any such thing exist?

Because I saw some videos online and they said that your husband (as a woman) is symbolized by Jupiter in your chart. For me, this checks out 100% because my Jupiter is in Virgo in the 4th house and he is the loving servant with an eye for detail and perfectionism archetype 100% perfectly... even the 4th house checks out how we met. However I do not seem to show up on his chart in the same way because his Venus in Virgo and his Moon in Libra. I am very un-libra and un-virgolike.

Anyway just in a general sense what are your thoughts about how to find a wife in a man's chart? You don't have to reply to my specific example. I've seen the 7th house and Juno mentioned in the last thread and I will have a look.
Nothing. You were told this in the last thread by multiple anons. Worded in multiple different ways yet you still insist that you must show up in your husbands chart. Not how it works lady
Here’s the thing, we are more than our charts. If you and your husband get along why are you bothering yourself seeing yourself in his chart? Just enjoy your marriage.
Also, you haven’t lived your whole life just yet. Maybe those interpretations can manifest itself later on in life.
I think it’s also worth saying that not everything is a direct correlation. Just because you’re a libra doesn’t mean your husband is going to have a libra venus and be attracted to libras.
Already some anons answered you,I, in turn, asked you >>38375849
What? ONE single person said "nothing" and several other people said there are a ways to see the wife. Also among astrologers finding the wife of a man his chart is a common practice. So while I'm not saying you are wrong don't pretend a lot of people have that opinion it was literally just you in the last thread.

>If you and your husband get along why are you bothering yourself seeing yourself in his chart?
I'm just curious! And I want to see how legit astrology is and how it checks out! Although your advice is good and true.

I describe my husband as Jupiter because I've seen a few videos by astrologers and they claimed a woman's husband is represented by Jupiter in her chart. I look at my Jupiter and the house and it checked out fully. I met him at my home for the first time (4th house = your home/house, among other things) and his archetype in marriage and love is Virgo to an absolute.

I have no planets in Libra and I have only the Jupiter in Virgo. Part of Fortune and Eros are in other signs also.
Husband could have been signified in other videos by Jupiter due to 7th house cusp rulership.
It is quite hard to judge the synastry if one does not bring natal charts :B
If several other people gave you answers of what determines the wife then why are you asking again? Oh right because no one said that. They all told you it doesn’t work the way you think it does. Why can’t any of you accept the answers you’re given by multiple people who know what they’re talking about?

Like oh okay gertrude actually you’re right the wife is represented by jupiter guess you’re not the one for him! Like what do you want us to say
>If several other people gave you answers of what determines the wife then why are you asking again?

Because I want more opinions and discussions? Do you suffer from autism? Is the concept of having a fresh discussion foreign to you and you believe if three anons replied that means the discussion is over and closed? NOOOO YOU CAN'T ASK AGAIN AND HAVE FRESH ANSWERS, YOU HAVE TO STOP AFTER THREE REPLIES!

Shit doesn't even make sense because everyone gave a DIFFERENT answer so clearly there's room for debate left.

They said in general woman's husband is Jupiter and then for men their opinions were different, some said Moon is his wife but other astrologers said that's his mother it's actually Venus. But the next astrologer said no Venus won't settle down for a man, so his wife is actually Juno, and then the person says it's the 7th house or synastry. Lots of opinions!

I'd love to see a man who is married or has a long-term girlfriend who has it check out with his chart talk about it. What about your chart?
The 7th house ruler and its aspects, condition, house placement etc. The 7th house is best for this.
>Because I saw some videos online and they said that your husband (as a woman) is symbolized by Jupiter in your chart.
This is kind of true. The Mars placement is also relevant. I also use the Moon and Venus for men. But I always default to the 7th house ruler because it's much more personalised.
Do you get a kick out of being an idiot in public? Is it a humiliation fetish thing? Like, "look at how retarded I am, I posted something retarded again" kind of deal? If you admit it openly, I promise I won't get mad.
If you want consise answers, you should post your charts. Otherwise: husband in woman's chart is Sun, Mars, the ruler of the 7th house, the dispositor of the 7th house ruler, the ruler of the place of the lot of the spouse. Wife in a man's chart: the Moon, Venus, the ruler of the 7th house, dispositor of the 7th house ruler, the ruler of the place of the lot of the spouse.
And I will rephrase what other people said: your positions in the chart may describe your possible husband but in no way the placements must be the same.
Like four or plus people answered you lady. You just don’t like the responses. You didn’t reply to any of them because you didn’t like the answers. Idk who you’re watching videos of but it’s likely modern pop astrologers. The birth chart cannot tell you what your spouse will be like, it only tells you what you could potentially be attracted to. Even then, you don’t always end up with someone who’s your typical type. There are no indications via planet that represent a potential spouse, your birth chart can’t even tell you if you’ll get married in the first place. You’re over estimating your importance or the importance of marriage in the first place. A birth chart is for the native alone, at best maybe run a synastry chart and see where you mesh. Other than that, no, you will not show up in your husbands chart nor will he show up in yours. You’re trying to make the shoe fit by saying because you met him at home means he’s represented by your 4th house placements.
7th house ruler does not tell you who you will marry. It only represents the condition of the 7th house. What would you tell someone if the ruler of their 7th was in the 8th? 12th? 2nd? That doesn’t mean you’ll meet your spouse in a mental hospital, coven, or sugar daddy website. It only means you value those things in a relationship. Deep meaning, spiritual connectedness, financially stable, etc. Improper use of astrology telling someone they could see their spouse in their birthchart. Pajeet levels of lies. Funny how you all will scream at anyone with “next gf” questions in here or “what does my future wife act like” but now all of a sudden you switch tones. Interesting.
>I Don’t Show Up In My Husbands Chart Therefore Astrology ~Isn’t True~
>The 7th house is best for this.
Ah, checks out for me! My 7th house is ruled by Jupiter. Have to take a look at his.
> The Mars placement is also relevant.
I read that Mars shows you what a woman is into and for me it's true.

Okay, you are too autistic to understand the concept of a debate and exploring a topic further in all directions. Got it.

Never said that. Dilate, cope and seethe.

>If you want consise answers, you should post your charts.
You're right. Apologies I won't post charts for the moment, but I still enjoy the conversation in general about how to find a man's wife in a chart.
>And I will rephrase what other people said: your positions in the chart may describe your possible husband but in no way the placements must be the same.
Makes sense.
Hi, Libra here 1st time posting in this thread.
I always see people post whole chart in here however I don't feel comfortable posting whole chart I feel its more identifiable than id

So i was wondering is there some specific aspect I need to post about being Libra in this time of year to get an answer of what is going on with Libras and what near future holds for Libras and me

Basically why is everything going so hard for Libras all the time. Last wonderful year for me (I guess every Libra) was back in 2019. That was year full of wonders. But from then on why is everything so hard on us poor Libras.
Obviously, no one can tell you who you will marry. Divination can only tell you what that person will be like. And yes, the house placements are relevant. Example: Steven Spielberg had one of the biggest and most expensive celebrity divorces. His chart setup? Mars in the 7th house Capricorn. Saturn, ruling the 7th and the 8th, was in the 2nd house. Ouch.
>Improper use of astrology telling someone they could see their spouse in their birthchart. Pajeet levels of lies.
Hmmm, no, not at all. Pajeet astrology is shit because pajeets are shitty astrologers, not because astrology can't answer these questions. A good astrologer can do so, easily. Of course, there is still a duty to be responsible with the use of divination. This is the part that pajeets struggle with.
>Funny how you all will scream at anyone with “next gf” questions in here
This can also be answered, but anyone who asks this on here instead of paying a large sum of money for a real reading deserves nothing.
I have no idea what you're trying to say but no unless you post your chart you can't receive feedback on it. But if you're here for prediction and forecasting, you should already know in advance that no one here except me does that, and I only do this sparingly when I am feeling generous. Normally this is an expensive service and requires a good bit of effort and competence to be done to a good standard.
Qi Men Dun Jia system is actually quite nice for describing future spouse and where to find them. If this system can do it, I see no reason why Western astrology cannot do it.
Oh sorry, I didn't mean to come of as ungrateful or rude or anything.
There is just this thing I always wondering about but I guess I dont even know exactly how to ask about it.

Im old, ok
So far there were many meh years, many really bad years and few extremely good one when everything felt in place I mean everything - things you cannot put in words, like divine intervention, great abundance, financially and in every right way, things I wanted for years prior to that,
synchronicity, encounters I always dream about .. everything was amazing in those few sparingly placed amazing year.

And I'm wondering is it just me, my horoscope or is that for all Libras and will ever one of this amazing years come again?

Like for me for examples year 2005 or year 2019 were those amazing years beyond wild dreams when everything just felt in the right place in a effortless action type of a way all by itself no effort on my part.

Is that visible in my chart, can anybody just look at chart do math and say "hey this is the reason why the year 2019 was amazing for you but year 2008 was the year when your wold end - it was that bad.
Sun in 12° 25' Libra
Moon in 28° 48' Libra
Mercury in 19° 11' Libra (r)
Venus in 1° 8' Virgo
Mars in 26° 38' Gemini
Jupiter in 20° 38' Aries (r)
Saturn in 1° 33' Leo
Uranus in 1° 32' Scorpio
Neptune in 9° 34' Sagittarius
Pluto in 9° 15' Libra
North Node in 23° 51' Scorpio (r)
Chiron in 26° 28' Aries (r)
Ascendant in 10° 32' Scorpio
MC in 21° 9'
You are not ungrateful or rude, and I am not trying to come across as an asshole either, if that's the impression I gave. I am tired and just trying to get to the point. I was trying to say that if you are looking for prediction and forecasting, you won't be able to get it on this board, so might as well not post your chart if that is your only aim.
Also, if you post your placements like that, it's basically the same as posting your chart, just more inconvenient to read.
For reading the quality of time periods, I'd look to zodiacal releasing for the relevant topic. Spirit releasing for career, Eros releasing for lovey dovey matters. Annual profections can also help identify years that stand out for being exceptional. But this is stuff that can't be done with just the degrees, I would either need pen and paper and do calculations for a while or I'd need to use the tools available on astro-seek and elsewhere to see what was going on at the time. It's quite a bit of effort and would be best if I could actually have a dialogue with you about these times rather than exchanging forum posts.
>7th house ruler in 9th house
>Venus in 9th house
Will I meet a chick in a foreign country? An intellectual girl, specifically.
Maybe, or maybe you'll marry a l*wyer. Who knows.
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Sooo, I'm more curious about astrology lately. May I get a reading? Future prospects maybe?
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can i get a qrd?
i like how symmetrical it is, what does that mean?
also how important is time born in these things, i just put time unknown
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Its my b-day, whats in store for me? Life has been pretty damn shit lately.
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hi, im new to astrology, i barely know any of this. could i get a general reading? thanks in advance and goodnight :3
>also how important is time born in these things, i just put time unknown
It's super important because that's what gives you the house system.
By the basic profections rule you should have a better year until your next birthday.
alright ill try to find my time, my birth cert didn't have it
A video on Astrology and the core elements of a chart:

>profections rule
What is this? What is mine?
Not very well versed on this, anything worth mentioning about my future?, I've read the interpretations on the website though I'm a bit conflicted because I'm more of the creative type not really interested on business or entrepreneurship, so any insight on that?
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Looking for a general reading.
I've been told my chart is a difficult one, not sure what that means.
>massive 7th house
>complete reclusive
astrology btw
>Think of people that have 9 husbands throughout their lives, all different types.
That's a good point actually. In my case I've only been with one man in all my life (him) and vice versa the only woman for him has been me, but this won't apply to most people. True!

Sorry did I offend your feelings, troon?
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I can post but I'm just 95% of lurker these days.
my apologies, it's 55°55′N 21°51′E 92.09.13 18:45 (EEST +3)
I knew that it was mostly in 8th house. The difference between house systems intrigued me.
That anon is in, IIRC, 12th house profection year. So from the Rising Sign, Jupiter is activated as the lord of the year, and from the Moon, Jupiter is activated again, and from the Sun, Jupiter is once again activated. So it's a triple Jupiter year, and he also has his Jupiter return. So it seems like it's a fortunate year for him.
Nice chart.
It doesn't look exceptionally difficult, but you do have a Mars-Saturn opposition which can make people extreme. We had another poster here with that placement who said he'd participated in a number of gang wars, for example.
If someone has 9 husbands, that would also be represented by the chart. I think that's good enough.
You are not the only one. This is not exceptional. Although yes, as that other anon said, in whole sign houses your 7th house is empty and the 7th house ruler is in the idle 8th house.
I never said you're the same person.
>tranny and lack of reading comprehension
My sincere condolences.
should I just look through out two systems and draw the concussion somewhere in the middle?
>high degree of honesty with yourself, because it is easy to fall victim to biases.
that seems to be a problem because placidus seems more like me, but I dont like it, than the whole sign.
Would anyone like to gander at my chart and tell me any insight they glean from it?
damn this is too general lol but its my fault, i didnt ask for anything specific. idrk how astrology works, but does my chart explain some things about me? what can you read about my personality and past events?
oh the reply got deleted lol. i'm this anon >>38381496
Looks good. Seems like someone's moneymaxxing and wisdommaxxing.
how do i even read my chart? i know some general things about astrology but the charts are just way too complicated :( i have no idea what any of the things in it mean
i asked on reddit but people there are just so rude for no reason lol. they think everyone should know as much as they do about this. how am i supposed to learn if the same people that offer to help just do the complete opposite
Thanks, that's actually very accurate. Those are two things I strive for.
dead thread
>no one here except me does that
You are so full of yourself lmfao this is not true at all
do you want to just read your chart or learn astrology for real? if its just to read your chart honestly its not even worth it because the amount of stuff you'd have to learn to even be able to understand is so tedious. you're better off paying an astrologer or looking up each individual placement one by one and researching it. i can list off some placements to look into if you post your chart but other than that it really just depends on your dedication to it
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how much does a cusp placement differ from a placement centered in the middle of a sign? will a natal sun at 29 degrees taurus be a bit of gemini sun blend too? and if so, is it more like a 50-50 split, or is it only a bit of gemini flavoring?
Only 0 degrees and early milidegree. If it's above 0'50 becomes the actual sign fully.

Hitler is half Taurus and half Aries because he displayed both energies. The Sun was at 0 degrees. So figure it out.
i want to learn astrology, not just read my chart. ive been wanting to for a while but ive been rlly busy
Just post your birth chart in ChatGPT using a sub-GPT called Astrology Birth Chart. So you don't have the need to ask schizos to read your chart.
thank u
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A friend of mine who studies chinese astrology said this year would be good for me. Is he right?
By no means EVER use chatgpt for chart readings. It’s not accurate at all. It can’t even time planets right. Ask it the last time mars was in pisces or any planet it will always give you the wrong answer. So cringe you would even say this
Why pay an astrologer when AI can quite literally summarize your chart? So sorry but it's over for you astrofags. Mine was quite accurate, no need to ask arrogant anons to read my chart ;)

My Mars is in Cancer and it says I am driven to help my family which is quite accurate and I've been working as a wagecuck to support them.
No, it isn’t accurate at all, like i just said. You could test this yourself easily, ask it any time frame it can’t even properly calculate it.

You could ask it what a person with sun opposite venus would be like and it would give you a full description even though it’s impossible for the sun and venus to be opposite
Its accurate astrofag. Asked it about family an shit be spot on in my life. I do have Venus sextile Sun and it told Im social and charming shit is liteurally me thats why I dont ask in these boards. Anons be despicable assholes
Cope and seethe. Facts are facts.

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