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Welcome to the Nobody General thread.

Post information that you've found in old threads, in spiritual texts, in the astral plane, Akashic Records, or as a telepathic conduit.

>Who is the Nobody?
The Nobody is a figure alive today who has extraordinary spiritual powers, including the ability to control reality with their conscious and unconscious mind. Exact details are a bit hazy, but from many anons using remote viewing, intuition, astral projection, dreaming, meditation, etc. a general picture has emerged.

>What is the general picture?
His unique position as some kind of spiritual centre of orbit, and/or chosen character gives him these and other special powers. His spiritual activities caused massive problems for the evil powers and forces in the world, who are also equally impressed that he has been able to upturn their plans so thoroughly while remaining almost entirely invisible.
Subconscious turmoil (possibly from relationship problems with a materialist/spiritually immature woman or women) is manifesting in global conflicts, and political and social tensions.

>Is he an individual or an archetype or some kind of hidden meme emerging now due to the timing
There is different perspectives on this, the general consensus seems to be something between the two/ both.

Previous Thread:
Nice hat
It's an archetype, not a person....
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Where did I get it?
*adjusts black overcoat*

I'm sorry, I owe you an apology.
I was acting far too familiar with you and calling you names.
I just think a fem-anon coming into /ng/ and seeking attention the way women will ruin guilds in world of warcraft is funny.
Sorry for giving you attention. It was meant to be degrading and flirty but I was acting out of line. I was just upset that there's an attention whore in /ng/ and acted out.
Only my Jesus does not leave me alone in the luminous dark hell.
I love only my God Jesus Christ.
I will not die in this hell but live forever with you my love God Jesus Christ in your manifested Kingdom Come on Earth.
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You also say you are married but you constantly flirt with anons in this thread.
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Exodus 33:19

And he said, “I will make all my goodness pass before you and will proclaim before you my name ‘The Lord.’ And I will be gracious to whom I will be gracious, and will show mercy on whom I will show mercy.

You were literally flirting with some other anon in your vocaroos.
You are married.
Fuck off.
If we get the reputation of flirting and stealing married women then no men will want to work with us or for us.
You aren't gonna get political power trying to fuck someone in these threads.
No real /ng/ member is hard up for pussy.
Anyone who would fuck you is a pretender.
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Vile threads, made by people with vile intentions.
>If we get the reputation
>will want to work with us or for us
>No real /ng/ member
What do you think /ng/ is anon?
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Proverbs 16:11

11 A just weight and balance are the Lord's: all the weights of the bag are his work.

>Ask for mercy, for grace, and you will be measured
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A WHORE is the polar OPPOSITE of a WARRIOR.
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Excuse me but I think this is the nobody’s thread; not some stupid politician that is under the mercy of the nobody. The nobody needs no man or woman. You all gracefully live off of his mercy since you should’ve all died in 2020; when he called off the injections too mass euthanize the globe to instead torture you all.

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And I know you fucking retards never knew about the micron particulates of metal interacting with the blood brain barrier via vaccinations. Not until I got the botnet to tell you all. Now if you would please shut the fuck up and suffer in agony, thank you.

I'm going to hell
I have been on /x/ consistently since I received my own personal computer on my Golden Birthday, before I was even a teenager. I did not "come" here. The circus rolled into town and pushed the arcade out of business and now they've shacked up permanently in the old arcade building and I was living in the walls

My town. Enjoy your stay.

Thank you for your apology, and I accept it. You don't have to be perfect; rather, your best is THE best, and I only wish for you to be someone you'll be proud of in a year, five, ten. I have a short temper and can be extremely reactive and critical. I just want you not to betray yourself in taking anything out on me or being a conduit for Wrathful Compassion, okay?
And obviously it doesn't feel good to be treated cruelly for reasons I cannot understand.
Not you, not anyone can understand my intentions.

Nay, only God.

Romans 3:23:

For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.

Matthew 11:28:

Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.

Ephesians 4:7:

But to each one of us grace was given according to the measure of Christ’s gift.
Today or tomorrow ?
>you think you're running out
>you're really running innn

You don’t have to.

Ephesians 1:7

In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of his grace.
i have to

Do you want to?
I'm just going to throw myself into the lake of fire.
If it is your self determination.

So be it.

Angrily yelling like a 6 year old that learned some bad words isn't answering the question.
Maybe you should have a snickers. or something.
I say what I have to say in the way I have to say it.
I'm not trying to win hearts and minds when I shout at people obviously, I'm trying to temporarily suppress their overt existence and effect within a given domain.
Be sure to tell everyone why before you get there.
You sure you're not e-roleplaying as an MI6 janitor's housewife?
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The devil has a pass for heaven that I gave him along with satan.
All men are destined for hell, it is inevitable.

Only through the salvation of Christ may you be saved.
>first pull
It knew I was coming to post
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you're paranoid. I have 0 interest in meeting any of you irl barring those that would make sexy time. DM me sophie i know you lurk :3
I don't think you know what that word means.
Lucifer is a fool who’s narcissism and self-gratification are used by God as a tool to bring about our ability self determination.

For Good, Evil is necessary, if you have no choice, you are not human.
that's why im going to hell
Oh you mean they is going for hypocrisy, sorry I wasn't paying attention. :D
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So humans tell me how you will defeat the nobody, the devil, and the god of the below and above?
Everyone has been, or will be, a hypocrite, it is inevitable.
That's classified.
Acknowledged and apologies again.
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Turned and asked your partner why he started acting nervous (brrat!)
>Keep talking, that's lip service
Rats decided it was time to hit the surface
Cats sleepin' on it, write 'em off like cursive
>Drown a fuckin' hater, his experience immersive
Now that he can feel it, call the doctors and the nurses up

Whatcha gon' do about it?
Ain't nothin' new about it

>Shoulda made the noose a little tighter
'Cause it ain't nobody dead, just some motherfuckin' riders

Air em out
Air em out
Air em out
Air em out
Air em out
To some, the power of foresight is demonic.

To others, it is God’s gift.
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>just when he thinks hes over it
>he gets spawn camped
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He lost his mojo

That may prove to be worse than death.

He already cancel once.
the nobody is unironically the alawite faggot
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Ain't it fun
Living in the real world?
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So the nobody essentially Santa, the magical mythical judge. Product of bizarre syncretisms.
Some may call it fun

Others torture

I see it both ways
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Send help.
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so like ouma used to say this thing, "one day when you find that girl, you know what i mean, you take her on a long camping trip, you get her really angry and frustrated, then youll see the real her and not what she presents herself to be. then youll know if one day when all the magic has worn off away if itll work or not."
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Interesting aesthetic choice.
The delusion is that the Sun God Superman is weak to "crypto-night" or conspiracy, because he's "a stupid masculine power monger and doesn't know about occult feminine force", when the actual reality is that Superman is the God of conspiracy and merely wanted you to think you had a chance of defeating him by using what is his most powerful weapon.
>the real you is the MKUltra'd reactively abusive husk of yourself I willfully and consciously goaded you into behaving has
Never procreate. Good thing no sane woman would ever go to a secondary location with you and one traumatized enough already to would snap and eliminate you from the gene pool where no one could hear you scream.
Jk. That'd be sad.

But goddamn please get therapy
Be sure to donate to your local billionaire would not then not being billionaires now would we
>Subconscious turmoil
That info is outdated, he doesn't have it since the last few years. Besides, he never had relationship problems, or has been with some materialist/spiritually immature woman.
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They who say they are jews but are not, hate Christianity and seek to end it, but not before subverting it to squeeze every drop they can gain from it.

The Christian world is not what it used yo be.
>advocating for a thesis of a plurality of worlds
is cool because in one universe you're just not right for eachother so she can exist as the villain for you to catapult you both in the directions of your divine counterparts

instead of the narrative of you being a poisonous fuckwad in the only life you have to live
I seriously do not understand how you have so much pride in this AI art. It's the same shit over and over again, with most of the details making exactly zero sense.
Are you really so inept that writing these shitty prompts is akin to a masterpiece for you?
would be infinitely more accessible if he just
>whited out the speech bubbles and made his own captions
Its not bad tho
“Evil” Is subjective to some, but Objective to God.

I don’t know what God has in store for Trump, or myself for that matter.

Only time will tell.
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It is a little sad right? It's the same over and over again, and yeah it doesn't even look good.

But I do suppose this is par for the course for this thread. I wonder what nicknames the IC that watch these threads has for the people that do that.
Time Travel guy who kept posting the big screencaps of the MoM stuff, and then his own eye over and over.
The one guy who tries to claim that he owns all memes.
This place does something to a person.
>Looks like schizo's self-insert Chick Tracts with gobbledygook writing

What the fuck do you consider "bad"?
It's only your future.
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I mainly use TikTok and instagram everyone knows now. What are the Jews gonna do now that everyone knows they tried to kill trump for a simple Jesus remark?
You're touching on some things and stuff.
You mean like the leftists during COVID?
Go fuck yourself.
Being bored
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Be in the world, but not of the world

Yet, why should we accept replacement to hordes of foreigners?

More power to those who do not accept genocide and fight against it tooth and nail

We will see
Then learn to fucking draw or something
you realize thats a bot right?
>More image spam but with a twist of stochastic terrorism

You are the bad person
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The 19th
So you're mad that people call out your hypocrisy?
They could fuck off willingly, too.
The criminal scum.
Okay, so if being bored is so terrible, wouldn't you boring people with your shitty AI generated slop mean you're a terrible person?
why would I be? Im winning.
Winning what?
Spamming threads to make people hate you and everything you believe in is winning?

--> 38389947
Meh, probably thats right, i mean i know i am a terrible person duh, but i dont share ai imgs tho
The speech bubbles are a acurate depiction of the pedos schizophrenic gibberish.
I unironically see why you posted that
Everything that I believe is fading.
im not the reddit spammer retarded NiggerFaggot. thats a bot.

>see who gets banned first though, really tells you alot about motivations. Rapeape sucks dicks and is a discord tranny.
Iran knows America is coming after JD Vance opened his mouth, he ruined the element of surprise because of course that imbecile would...
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Now is the climax to the story
That gives the demons and angels purpose
They fly around while we are walking
And mold our emotions just to please them

I am cold, can you hear?
I will fly with no hope, no fear
And the ground, taunts my wings
Plummet as I sing, plummet as I sing

All we are is an isle of flightless birds
We find our worth in giving birth and stuff
We're lining our homes against winding roads
And we think the going is tough
We pick songs to sing, remind us of things that nobody cares about
And honestly we're probably more suicidal than ever now
The eternal kvetching queen of filth
Yes, I am the nobody. Worth less than a gazan jew animal.
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The Jews tried to blow trumps brains out on live tv for saying something positive about Jesus Christ. Remember the Jews killed Jesus Christ so you can’t be Christian & Jewish. After he said “Jesus Christ should be president” the Jews chimp’d out.

Did you know the Jews shorted wall street before they did 9/11?


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>Don't be shocked by the tone of my voice
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a nation is a mixture of economy, history and culture. only japan has all 3. america doesnt even have culture besides hollywood, its a miracle I made so much for them. america only has economy. china has economy and history. europe has history. the rest of the world have nothing. I am still studying to be writer
Westerners like Japanese people just as they are, you know.
You don't have to look like us.
>Walk without rhythm
>It won't attract the worm
>Walk without rhythm
>And it won't attract the worm
Does that bother you or not
>Nobody riding the intelligence community like a giant worm
what other generals do you guys post in
The Nobody is a Bounty Hunter.
I sort by post count and scroll from top to bottom to see what people talk about. If something jumps out at me, I slip into the thread and shitpost there.
This is how I do it on all boards.
Sorcerer rogue multiclass?
Your mom's dms.
y'all are my Oneitis For real
>open my silver ware drawer
>discover my spoon is bent
>like fucking magic
The only way we can save ourselves from him is if we give up one of our own as a fake capture to him to feed him disinformation and seduce him and kill him when he's at his most vulnerable mid-climax.
I checked that one out, but it was all Desi asking for vagene
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exclusively /NG/ and /LPB/ on /pol/
That strat is played out.
Yeah it's bad.

"A very beatable" ticket is the most reassuring I will give.

I'm not joking EU needs to prepare for America to leave NATO.

Idk how.

It's too large of a shift in policy to be caught off guard.
What class is he?
That's a good first step to figure out.
Definitely Sorcerer and some rouge.
30th level commoner
I can only hope it is not as bad as it seems

That many of them are not infact dead.

If ever there was a time to come in from the cold it is now.
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Don’t care who you vote for I’ll still be president.

I mean obviously any time there is a war between left and right they infiltrate each other under disguise out the fucking ass.
It's not about the quality of the humans leading.
There is no such thing as a quality human.
It's about control.
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Not bothered.
I don't agree with all of what you said, but you touched on something directly related to something I've been pondering and just wrote about elsewhere.

I think it's one of those find out for yourself things though, to feel out or not.
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Blood turns wine when it leak for police
Like, "That's not a riot; it's a feast, let's eat!"

And I will remember your name and face
On the day you are judged by The Funhouse cast
And I will rejoice in your fall from grace
With a cane to the sky, like, "None shall pass"
i LOVE how this is an insult on the internet
coming from people who "avoid direct eye contact"

>keep ignoring me
>itll make me go away
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So he's Ninja.
A sorcerer-rouge mix with a light sprinkle of alchemist, strategist, fighter, and merchant for rounding.
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Kill yourselves you dumb glowing nigger cunts.
No fewer than 42 plots have been uncovered by historians plots to assassination attempted on Hitler.

These type of people have a knack for dodging head shots

Unnatural luck is just aspect of such things influence
It’s ok. They won’t like their punishment.
mr killburn sir
i have gained alot of respect for you with that post
i like you now
but i didn't do anything lol
They already pulled most ads on /pol/ (nobody notices because you hypocrite faggots all use ad blockers) this website is done because of you shooter grooming pedophile cunts just kill yourselves.
>shooter grooming
no no
this is the honeypot
>now anon knows
yeah man, this is The Honeypot
>Verification not required
Kill yourselves niggerfaggot kike subhuman cunts I'll be here until you're off the front page.
Class: Thatsified
you dont know the history of the nobody THIS meme is related to do you?
Kill yourselves dumb fucking deranged masonic pedophile kike cunts.
>glowing federal niggers.
>hey anon im greentexting to pretend im telling you a secret kk

>there arnt actually any feds here, that was proven a couple days ago
>but keep feeding that delusion to make your psychosis feel important
>the the 'feds' are actually lowtier haxxor anons who call themselves feds to sound spoopy

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I've spent lots of time looking into this meme. Though I came here because after years (I'm an oldfag) of endless date setting, God gave me the hint that I should be looking for Elijah.
The nobody from nowhere.
Which lead me here. Now I'm just waiting for it to happen.
It's been quite a ride. The Vaxx, The Israel War, now The Attempted Assassination.
The dude is on the scene.
Still, I'm always up for hearing more opinions, what's yours?
>Verification not required
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>rage baiting
are you her?

can i please have a voice convo with you, i know you hate me, let me change that?
>anon isnt RVtier, Onion textfile tier, or glowie tier, anon is simply a thread regular, and apparently eligible for a senior discount
Bit salty are we?
While "the Nobody" which /ng/ refers to is an individual, there are a few profiles that suits him that could be considered like an archetype, like Starseed, the 144.000, maybe Indigo Child...
You got me there!
>Verification not required
Made by people with good ones, hence why the non-Light tries to muddle it sometimes.
You only stay at where your mind/energy is attuned to.
ill drop you a hint
it has to do with a young boy who was determined to change the world one txt file at a time.
but one day that young boy grew up and learned the world doesnt need saving.
and that the people who cry out wanting change, are actually the people killing the world.
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>what's yours?
That boxes of predetermined dogmatic story lock the spirit in darkened halls, devoid of development and cut off from the infinite potentiality all can grasp if they would just do for themselves instead of waiting upon another.
So deep. This world is perfect. You’re all saints. An nation of prophets and priests surely
>and that the people who cry out wanting change, are actually the people killing the world.
This is some victim blaming shit.
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no not really anon
its the common man who is actually the wild animal
and we fight those in power because secretly we crave lawlessness

go have sex with a tree
Totally awesome buzz word totally laughing my ass off. Great country u guys
In name trump may win.

He will owe Elon everything.

It's a good play as well. Potent. Methodical. Should work on paper.

I suspect part of their issue is pure limited sim experience.

It's not unpredictable..

Unorthodox "wrong"

General idea of what could become
How would you get consent from a tree?
Justice and equity or death and hell :) You’re move, cotton.
>bizarre syncretisms
The forces of good have guided all people without favorites.
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>ill drop you a hint
O come on, be more specific! That's what these threads are for! Let the meme flow into you and through you, after all the meme is searching for the one who can hold onto it.
Sometimes I do get surprised at how much I glow in the dark.
Dog post.
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>consent from a tree?
its a tree... do you need consent?
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Is mitski /ourgirl/?

>You want to discuss how to actively make the world a better place? YOU'RE THE REASON THINGS ARE BAD!

Hey guys, did you know you can reduce AC costs in the summer by planting deciduous trees in front of the windows? They cast shade in the summer, but the leaves fall in the autumn, so you get full sunlight during winter when you need the free heating.
No. There is no we or our anyway.
I honestly consider Pando more intelligent than you.
Then she is (Nobodys)girl.
Here’s your moment of zen: One time this dude walked up on me hugging a tree in the woods
I didn’t break the hug,still gave him a friendly what up and he kept walking and I finished my moment with the tree. Guess he needed to see that for some reason
Closer to the truth than assuming there is any “we”
R.K. phenotype
In order for a contract to be enforceable, the parties must have the legal ability or capacity to enter into the contract. When a party lacks capacity, it means that they do not have the legal or mental ability to understand the contract and agree to its terms.

Procedural Unconscionability
-an individual has difficulty understanding the terms of a contract due to a language barrier;
Just so you know, that tree was a racist.
Mind the rotation changes to tilt

Flares are bonkers. Pew pew pew so many timelines just gone.
There is a “we”, it’s wildcard numero uno & I
Evil people hire evil mercenaries to carry out evil deeds. They all go to hell together. And then we make them fight each other in hell haha
Sometimes you're a dickhead. lmao
Violence isn’t necessary

God will sort them out.
Get violent anon. Do a violence! Fucking tard.
>the following post will be an intentional ramble, please ignore if you cant tell whether this is meant for you
I don't know why everywhere I go there is a mason standing there. Idk what I did to get their attention but I always get helped by them and now they do it begrudgingly. It's like they are following some orders from higher up.
I used to get very angry at these people suddenly around me, they wouldn't leave me be. So I would say and write the most retarded shit to disgust them. One guy said I'm a terrible person. At Denver. But that was the point, they still didnt drop me.
Now I can tell at least most of the men hate me, the women are ok still. But all still help in some way.
Pick any institution a regular citizen could interface with, and somehow there is someone in there who acts like they know me very well.
So I dont know what these people want, really. Why do they want me healthy, why do they even care. Who they are I dont know. Masons I guess. Masons talk funny, always in doubles, a little bit slow with a smirk. Like its all meant to reference something else indirectly. Infuriating language because I wish I could just know what is going on.
The network is huge. They are everywhere. Makes everything seem like a stupid prison.
I self sabotage a lot.
But you know I am I think 95% now. So there is that. Ready to start putting on weight I think. What is the plan, no idea. One starts to think they are looking to me for the plan.
Someone is about to get a house call...

The first thing you should know about this type is the amount you are willing and willing and willing for it and you should not have any trouble with the fact you have no other option but yourself and the rest is yours and your family and friends and your beloved One
>Justice and equity or death and hell
you understand a section of people need to be oppressed and taken advantage of for society to function, Right?

planting a tree isnt changing the world anon, you fell for the "if i change my lightbulbs to LEDs, im doing my part" meme

>That's what these threads are for!
the original intention of these threads was to make contact with txtfileboy
>... skips over "the suicide years" (the good threads)
and now were in the this is secretly a shooter honeypot part of the narrative
>but that failed because there are no feds here, really. the feds only watched him pre-suicidethread days
Wildcard Numero Uno was not the shooter, nor am I.
Your face is racist
Imagine making Trotsky fight Lenin to the death in hell. Winner faces the winner of Marx vs Stalin. You get the idea.
I am just a humble servant of the Lord.

You are misinformed
No, I don’t think your definition of a functioning society suffices
It's not missing. The gravity or something around earth changes it.

The same as the astroids

I suspect it is the beings. There not what they appear.

You should all fear hell FAR MORE than you do. Imagine for a moment I am right about hell.

You’ll be kicking yourselves for ignoring my warnings! :)
change YOUR definition
im not american therefore exist outside of an environment shaped to dictate what i think and how i feel
So my definition must include a class of people who exist only to be preyed upon and taken advantage of and vampirized until they are dead. Got it.
The nobody, whether truly influential in the trump shooters psyche or not, has appeared among the slurry of narrative elements surrounding the episode. A larger popular narrative is emerging of USSS incompetence and dereliction, which will play out in congressional hearings, and upon which the nobody narrative easily hitches a ride as an esoteric foil to the exoteric headlines.
Besides /ng/, I take care of the rentry pages compiling all anon-made pokémon AI chatbots, but I browse no other websites besides these two generals, youtube, and sites to download stuff.
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Trotsky would get mogged in just about any match up. When they made up the character of Goebels they based him off Trotsky.

People don't realize that The Nobody went through a similar ordeal as Jesus being tempted upon the mount, except when the Devil came to him to offer him the world, instead of saying "Get away from me Satan." he simply said: "Why on EARTH would I want everything I am about to DESTROY?"

A terrifying resolve was born that morning. Everybody wept. The skies turned ashen and the Devil himself turned deathly pale. He had met his match. This was no ordinary mortal. This was a destroyer of worlds. God has sent vindictus.
Captcha: SAGA
>So my definition must include a class of people who exist only to be preyed upon and taken advantage of and vampirized until they are dead. Got it.
just because it is currentyear.meme
doesnt mean a function of civilization that has existed for thousands upon thousands of years has to just change because suddenly now 'the people' have access to global communications
Honestly, aside from the people who got shot and their families, the person I feel the worst for is Matt from Demo Ranch. He's the least political gun guy on youtube and his day job is literally saving the lives of puppies and kittens. The hate directed at him right now is unconscionable.
DOOM is the pronouncement.
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I hate being a slave. the only way out is through writing. but I admire the people who stole my payment, isnt that funny? they already have so much and still want the little I had. its so much ambition they have to be admired.
Try not to be but...¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I'm only human.
You've lost me. And the Feds are here, goodness, why wouldn't they be?
This place drives people crazy.
>Verification not required
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"The hardware store man"

Performed by Taylor Swift:

She is mid + cringe
Fr, they keep trying to label him as a right wing nutjob when not even remotely true or deserved.
The shooter could have been wearing a markiplier shirt and Mark would recieve undeserved hate.
Demo just likes guns. Why is that a crime?
like you understand the whole "humanitarianism" this is just a phase right?

you grow out of it, or you are supposed to
its designed to only last the span of your 18-35 years
after that you do the normie thing and go on with your own slice of heaven

>And the Feds are here
no anon, no are not...
The ambition of individual men leads into the gates of collective hell
My walls are shaking right now.
These are some good blueberry muffins.
Men seek out liars who tell them the lies they want to believe
Ah, I understand. Are you one of the people who believe the Feds are completely incompetent?
That after /pol/ goes nuts for a day saying the shooter is actually from /ng/ on /x/ that they wouldn't even look?
If that is your opinion there is no combination of words that I have that will convince you otherwise.
If it is true, go on, stop the hints and spill the beans! After all, No one is watching. ;)
>Verification not required
Look up "vet ranch matt" if you have a strong stomach.
I seriously don't know how he does that job.
Pretty even headed takes for the usual sort we find here
oh wow! a vaguepost!
do i look like im inside your head anon?
why do you assume i understand what youre trying to say?
It’s a simple proverb.
I used to live by a muffin factory
That was always my favorite day
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I think they are both incompetent and competent.
>Verification not required
something buff/debuff oriented

No alchemist or merchant, more like other classes with spells, like paladin.
And stuff like fighter and melee weapons would only be the first levels, all theory and mental reprogramming but no practice.
>Are you one of the people who believe the Feds are completely incompetent?
im not american, they were an entity i had great respect for, but i dont anymore
their motivations have changed in ways i struggle to full understand
something went horribly wrong during the bush-obama overlap

>No one is watching. ;)
i only care about one person here, the rest of you can eat ass.

people who speak in proverbs are old people and those that can not form an original thought because "demons"
You sound like a fool.
I eat ass.
anyone think the feds are increasing presence on /ng/ as a result of the suggestion?
Are there any more nobody related poems? Please post the ones you have.
>something buff
Buff af imo
offers insult instead of a rebuttal, even a weak on.
You're just inviting more AI WORDS WORDS WORDS WORDS WORDS spam.
i think I want to do something with my life
Can you guys help me make my dreams come true?
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Step 1: Do it.
It sure seems like it.
In this thread I only could two posts that are youtube links only.
Those were commonly a staple of these threads before /pol/ went WILD.
Where did they go? Did they turn off a bot to make it easier for the Feds to read?
>Verification not required
better than talking about eating ass or trying to make it seem the shooter posted here
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What's your dream? I don't want to make a serial killer's dream come true or anything, that'd make me feel like a heel for real.
i have that gif saved from the very first time i saw it posted
im glad to see that boopanon is still with us
So far, you're the only person I've seen mention eating ass. Could you not?
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So how is this general supposed to help the nobody exactly? Give us some good advice so when the nobody sees it, he'll apply it to his life.
>a smokescreen appears
Don't yuck my yum.
Analingus is a normal part of a sexual armory.
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Do feds want to enter the weird?
there's a guy saying he eats ass a few posts above mine
you replied to the wrong person
Already done. Wasn’t that fun.
I watched Jester (likely, YOU), same fag that whole thing
Within the bounds of holy matrimony before God ass eating is not just a healthy way to say I love you, it's also great foreplay.
Okay, well I didn't see it.
Don’t ever hope for a “good life” on this side of heaven.
pandas are cute AF
>as i assume you to be also anon
Haha! I don't know if they 'want' too.
The thought of Feds entering this thread and being subjected to TN meme does seem like something the meme would do.
After all the meme will try and enter anyone who enters here.
>Be Fed
>Assigned to /ng/
>Thought enters brain
>Am I 'The Nobody?'
>Verification not required
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No politics itt
the Nobody is against such attempts.
I quote the thing, yet cannot find it.

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Why not?
does that bother you?
does someone else being the center of attention bother you?
You're not even my real dad!
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And what next?

No religion too?
Not that guy, but personally I'm fine with it to the extent that it's actual conversation about the ethics and such, not just spamming twitter screencaps and similar low effort bullshit.
Too many same fags today
most people dont even dream
Because it’s not in the cards. Things don’t get better. Hoping for this will only bring sadness.
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por que?\
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“Shadow chaser”
you gain a handful of cool points

PVP: rogue tree
PVE: bard tree
GVG: alchemist tree
>por que?\
necesito una razon?
y tiene que ser declarado publicamente?
Bug Chaser
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grumber thumbderburg has been a disastrous consequence for the actions of the cause
or something ...
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>"Points Don't Matter"
>as long as you stay true to the Universe
can buff/debuff anyone's dicerolls, but only as much as the Paladin's oath allows it.
the only thing worse than a tripfag
is a tripfag with multiple trips
who then also
pretends to be an anon responding
to all of their posts
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It's one of my favourite 90's TV meme formats.
i was talking about the cool points
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then what do you expect as a response ?
bibble babble ? maybe more might be said?
I pray that you'll find your own strength for it and see the doors that are open :)
it matters
It is not aligned with the Nobody.
>maybe more might be said?

>do you expect as a response ?
yes very much yes

>anon is expecting to hear the voice of a rough sounding eastern european male lol
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either say things or dont .
saying you have a thing to say ,
is only that
not the thing you are trying to say but not .
IDK, maybe I just don't care as much about subjective opinions of others.
If you didn't care, this post explaining all about how you don't care wouldn't exist.
Don't neg a negger bro.
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just like in my half rv half astral travel sessionmes,,,
Isaiah 40:29-31
He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.
its not about the opinions of others
its a system of trust and reliability... i mean coolness factor
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Nature is God’s canvas
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I'm just here to shitpost, man.
I think a lot of people/things are cool, but I also know that what I consider cool can be super boring to other people, so I don't really worry much about it.
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Incels larping as the nobody are big ugly fat fuckers
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you dont get it...

>I'm just here to shitpost, man.
brill gateman was weak of mind he was never macro hard . his legacy is set now
is it true?
I'm saying I can't value what other people consider cool any more than any of you value what I consider cool.

My leg is in fact broken.
My intent is in fact not to lure you, not to deter you, but a secret third thing. Fuck around and find out just how Impeccable the pasture made me.
I will still swallow you whole if you violate my personal space.
Psalm 23

The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.

He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters.

He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake.

Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.

Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever.
can you glowies do something?
>but a secret third thing.
>Fuck around and find out

the trains about to leave anon
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>this shitpostin thing needs to work rrye meow..

look if you had the chance
To shitpost everything you ever wanted
Would you capture it? Or just use a trip

fuck it
..the whole thread goes so loud he keeps clicking post but the post wont go out
hes range b& how
all the jannies is jokin now
Image limit ran out, breads done, ova blaow
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No, they won’t.

Because nothing ever happens
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I heard nobody was a five star recruit that went to SC but is being eyed by folks in the ACC via transfer portal.
I can larp as a glowie to do something
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I Do Not Glow I Illumine
A real human bean
blue beans?
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Hm yes she is waking up but not too much too fast 2 furious thunder goes clap over field of ice and fire

I guess

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did he ever find out how much dedidated wam?
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Toe beans

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