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The Nobody is a friend alive today who has extraordinary spiritual powers, including the ability to influence reality with his conscious and unconscious mind, and intuitively receive guidance from the forces of Heaven, working to elevate people to their true potential; opposing those who seek power over others. You are capable of this too, as long as you stay true to the Universe.
He was chosen to carry the Logos in its plasmate form: He is a homoplasmate, a divine syzygy; the coalition between man and holy spirit, which is self replicating... making other homoplasmates out of everyday anons.

He is no savior figure, like a messiah; he's just like you, but he has found the kingdom of God within himself through sheer dedication, just like you will. Remember that it's you who creates your own reality; with your hands, thoughts, feelings, words: No one can decide your fate except for you and God.
Treat your body as a temple and focus on increasing your service to all, being more loving and forgiving to yourself and others, raising your vibrational and consciousness level. This will change the vibration of the planet and raise our shared consciousness, making us a better humankind one person at a time. None of us are perfect, it is by learning to admit and accept this fact one is able to learn and grow in Truth.

It’s important we start replying more to the good posters and ignoring the hateful ones, or educating them if possible. So call upon their heads the forces of Heaven for peace, clarity, and wisdom. If this place is to be more than a squandered opportunity, an overgrown garden, it requires voices such as yours, but many more.
This place is for us to elevate individuals who have the potential but otherwise would atrophy in pitiful isolation, it really is a ministry to the forgotten beauties. If this is your first time here, just remember, it’s going to be ok. The Lord has provided a servant as the finder of lost children. You may take shelter and find rest.

Curable, fine, or Benadryl Demons?
based thread
>choo choo!
I’m pumping for the man again
The nobody is real
Bad accelerationist.
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Jews are cancer!
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>coconut dogg- ACK!!
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>>What kind of system is this you're referring to? Does it have a formal name?

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There's still a lot that can be accomplished in 4 months. Think of it as trade negotiotiations for men who are paid for their violent tendencies and lack of conscience.
lmao love how the crowd reacts like a celebrity just passed by or something
There are a lot more people disaffected with the political system right now than there are actively cheering for either candidate.
give me one good reason not to blow a load rn
what is the point of retaining semen
Spiritual ascendancy.
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and how long until i recover
All heil President Vance and the new Indo-Aryan Reich!
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I think wildcard numero uno is angleterre
>Now it is 20-24
>knock knock at your front door
>its the trump-vance secret police!
>we have come for your transgender niece!
That's a neat AI image, anon.
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But why is that 8 year old niece a “transgender”
Jewish degenerate society is the real mind bender
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Im celebrating india rising.
You will feel less. Drained and sickly and force your self to pee on time get some sun.

Porn burns out your dopamine receptors
Indeed, anon.
>Sure India, we'll be your friend.
>But the women!
>How can he take!!!
I can't believe the plan is actually working
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Dude, I can out patsy anyone.
We're just the peanut gallery
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Yeah, I know right.
So weird.
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>>38395227 not spam
i have questions i need answered. i have much to share.
be like capybara in the face of your enemies
be floof and chonkright that god may love thee
enjoy the hotspring, even if there are no yuzu floating
safegaurd the little chungus and do no unfrenly
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Nah uh i bet you 10 school shootings ya can't
I like about 85% of the things project 2025 proposes to do
bruh, why would you do that fr tho?
Say hello to your communist masters
My girlfriend and the DIA would prefer I do not reply to these type of posts.
>I could buy so much fertilizer bro.
The Patsy is fake
You are just the peanut gallery
please kill me
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I almost got you!
Wow my life has been a non stop adrenaline rush thanks to this election
(You are cool)
so you're saying

I can save her bros

Nothing ever happens
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what is happening in your life bro?
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You guys don't see that far, I take it.
I love politics so much

I love crushing my opposition by insulting them

I love the feeling of power
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I was worried it was Jester. Glad to see you weren't doing any impromptu roof repair this past weekend.
me first
Absolutely nothing happened my entire life.
Its like WWF in suits
You were worried who was jester? The shooter?
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>trump razor bladed his ear
>he set the whole thing up
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>I love not being a meme
zipper is keeping things tightly together
thinking about nothing again
a blessing :] Thanks bros
My life too has been non-eventful. I'm here for the frog cards.
A life without love is void of happyness
Do you agree the nobody anon
Is this a way of saying you're all unhappy?
Aww, that sucks.
Should've been decent people.
Vince McMahon is currently under a federal probe for sex trafficking.
Anon I'm autistic and schizophrenic hikkikomori I haven't left the house since 2019
Power and control can fill the void
I just looked that up. what are they going to find on or inside of him?
yep, it's not worth living
I'm over it. Next psyop please.
The next psyop, which is technically the current one is that you "won" and that you get to "ascend."
Oh wait, no.
Something else.
>Vote or Die!
>Oh, him too?
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>No Prob
>I'll Play The Part Of Door Knob
>And Make It Look So Good You Gonna Wish That It Was Your Job
Honey I'm worried the fire is cold
Our tired souls have lost their way
Stay home and find the song fade away
Alone and strange, out of range

I've heard you say
Dreams don't matter
That's why we hold on as the days pass
And wait for love

>>someday you’ll be real with me
>knock knock
I do agree, even if you are not coupled with someone, if you don't love anything, how will you find meaning? How will you care for anything? I wish that I had this, I still think there is time

I don't agree with this, they will just provide lots of opportunities to immerse yourself in something, but will not be a replacement for something that they are not
>be Scott
>Do a child trafficking
>Cover for blood sacrifice

Blood sucker confrimed
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Stop. Stop. Stop. Be witness
Who'd you do a sacrifice to, anon?
>Just leave the pizza on the doorstep
>Orange you glad I didn't say banana?
who is scott and why did he do this bros?
>pizza pizza!
Im a baby chungus
So can we save them all, bros?
>I wish for better psyops
>there better be some blue beams by the end of the month or I want a refund
I will ascend

What are you talking about "something else"?
Sure you will, you little so and so.
Ascend so good.
so she said I need the "wherewithal" to contact her, which is defined as money or resources.

Was Taylor saying that I don't have enough money to send her a message? That seems silly to me
berry glad
A few wild bucks left still... Truly so few. How the herd thins... Follow meeee!
You tried to set me up.
Please leave Ms.Swift alone. She is not trying to contact you. She is requesting my semen.
I notice... The good ones are calm and excited for the future. It's still nerve racking at times, i know; but the naughty ones... Very tense. Very worried. Because soon... Well...

We all know what naughty vs nice is now.
You hurt the innocent?
Hinder justice?
Incapable of true repentance and redemption?
Things like this?
You're naughty...

Perhaps you were naughty in light ways that didn't involve directly and intentionally Harming innocents... maybe you were forced... Trapped... Tricked... You can still redeem yourselves.

Do you just live your life stuck in the rat race? A desk jockey or entrapped goon used for some naughty people who try to transfer their sins to you? It feels dirty and unfair and wrong?
You're basically nice.

You will sacrifice for the innocent, needy, or victimized? Tell the truth at all costs? Refuse bribes and threats? Refuse jobs that harm the innocent, directly or indirectly?
You're nice, very nice.
Trump needed to learn that no one really wants to take a bullet for him.
Have they at least engineered Asari aliens for the blue beam psyop that we can purchase?
I am Donald Trump in my male form

And I am Taylor Swift in my female form
Why would the council use something so blatant I know of. It thier intent is to stop me?

It's "you" your spooks

You know. Testing. Other goals is probable.
For the "elite" only. Memorative Asari Alien cups from McDonalds for the rest of us.
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Its fake! Scripted! By someone who really likes the NWO card game...
Judas goats?

I haven't even bothered her yet but she is waiting to hear from me and may even be interested in talking.
Mhmm... Sometimes what appears to be a sacrificial lamb, is actually a judas goat.
Thanks satan, this is a nice guide. Any word on my bride to be?
Trump setting it up himself to quell the Epstein news is my favorite this round. I'm gonna go back to red dit now, my people need me.
Betrayal is one of the aspect of human it is not unexpected.

It's all about the throne the crown spear

It always has been.
Ok though are genetic catgirls even scientifically possible? What is the latest research saying?
I'm friends with Taylor and one of the mods on this site. I'm going to give her ex-Mossad security chief your IP address.
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And the beast survived what appeared to be a lethal blow to the head!
>and then the satanists pretended to be good people
>everyone, we're trapped here by an evil being who only seeks to imprison us
>help free us
Revelation 13:13

One of the heads of the beast seemed to have had a fatal wound, but the fatal wound had been healed. The whole world was filled with wonder and followed the beast
Then the righteous slaughtered the unholy, and the cycle of corruption began again.
I didn't imply any of that.
Fuck out of here. We live in a world of time travel and technology. You words are manipulation at best, technological time travel gaslighting at worst.
We'll just have to become elite then
>Apocalypse 2020 was better
>new schizos don't know what they missed put on
>bout time for my meds!
>night everyone!
I'm just telling you their plans.
One of, anyway.
Hey buddy. You're famous now.
Shhhhh! Don't @ me when I'm pspspspps
There are no judas goats here
Positive? You'd wager your life??
Those damn feds and elite.
Made everyone sheep.
Including themselves.
So we can get in contact or so she can block me? :[
No. You're national news. There's a connection to Iran in this event. I don't exist.
>when they realize
You're really going to get it, darling. That little ID... each one of you.
Sounds like they consider you a threat and are just gonna go ahead with a preemptive drone strike, and call it a gas leak. T.Swift don't fuck around.
Lol faggot want to burry itncuz hes losing
Lucifer, the one currently using that handle, do you have any family you love?
Trump got shot in the fucking earlobe dumbass, that's not fatal and it's not a magical healing either.
There's a lot to see in that gif satan, what should we learn from it?
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Subscribe to Demolition Ranch. Gotta order me some shirts.
Im not kidding. You consented. That id is damned. It's not going to be funny. Each one of you.. you bring your loved ones into this. One more post.... Just one.
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Id in psychology?
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The elite follow revelation. Why? How? That's entirely up to you i guess.
>oh no, it's pathological
Each user that ever touched that ID.
How strange.
Looks like sneks like sexy body but neglects what it feels like on the cross. Snek eat itself like re tad. Hahahahaha
bro why do you have to go and ruin the schizo?
Eponis. Were they the street shitter?
It's a strange world. Really. Highly illogical the higher you see in the pyramid.
Sounds to me like they can't handle Chaos.
I warned ya.
In the name of The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit. I pray that each and every single person both in this thread and to the ends of the Earth comes to repentance and accepts that Jesus Christ is Lord.
How many people use that id, Lucifer? Where are you posting from that you feel out of reach? Ill starve your people for this subhuman.
>search the 4plebs /ng/ archives for "Raytheon donation"
>it all makes sense
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There's going to be eugenics and your traits will not make it through the filter.
Good night friend sorry again for being inappropriate
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Sup Luci
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I decided a long long time ago about what's going to happen... It's really sad.
Bullshit a person all day

Comcince them it is to help you
>wTch them trick am empire people

Ma burn burn akuks


I'll eat your face and.... rebuild my energy...
Sucking life out of even the most energetic battery...

Ignorants are stupid but you can't say that
furries are very ill, lucifer. They need help
You youd me. I don't care why or who or what... Youd done goofed. Could have scurried off, maybe. Why do this? Chat bot or not, that ID is damned.
How does one know when they do something they actually like doing
It's just you... Really. I swear to Christ your loved ones are done. You're so defiant... The audacity to still think theres loopholes. Chat bots, scripts, sharing IDs... You don't understand what youre doing. The repercussions aren't a little obvious?? I said no more satan bots, no alice, no little street shitter jannies... None of it. Still you're doing it. Just you that I've seen so far. That ID is damned.
They'll say im AI. I don't exist. Im just a schizo or something... Really a nothing burger. You thought? You're connected to iran terror networks now.
Cute belly. Reminds me of my bf. What a baby.
It wasn't worth it buddy.
Raytheon maranount
Hold on. I am certain there are no judas goats where I am right now, and there won't ever be
You don't valuation
I didn't DO anything.

Jesus fuck
You're not suseptible you're gullible and trusting much less... willingly suicidal
what a silly photo anon.
>judas goat
Oh, you mean gangstalkers.
Damn well if that's how she treats threats that haven't even materialized yet, then I definitely want her to be the mother of my children
How fuckin stupid can you be. You can't even stop your attitudes while you're flagged as a goddamn iran network terrorist... How mother fuckin 3rd world are you.
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That ID, Lucifer. That's now connected to an Iran terror cell network investigation. You can get crammed in a black van anytime now. Will anyone even notice or care?
Eat shit burn sausage
Not even
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You don't have rights anymore you FUCKIN retard
Post again lucifer. Why stop? The audience is cheering you on, surely.
for what anon?
There's 0 loopholes. No loophole's at all. I warned you 666 times.
I'm mentally retarded. Litteraly 45 IQ retard.
There's 0 loopholes. I wouldn't care if they were making 6 year olds type. You're done. That ID is damned.
I assumed they followed revelation because if they can set prophecy in motion, they will conceal their real actions while the people are afraid of the biblical stories coming true, feel they are in some sort of epic time, and then be distracted from the real goings on of the "elite" in whatever form they may take, or emulate
seems pretty neat to keep climbing though and see things in a different way. How far up until I find my bride to be?
Bitches get off my dick
Feelings like actively being sucked saw to the tip of sanity

Not a single concern
If the energy is required
Anyone is in danger and that is mercyless
Who's opening and closing cabinets?

Those people always are creeping around when I thi k I'm alone in a room but I know athu see me .

Watch me keek
I sure hope the "real goings on" of the "elite" isn't secretly not secretly "ascending" to become "demons" while masquerading as "angels" or nothin'.
That'd be really fucking stupid.
But typical of 'em.
You won't get the last laugh though. The internet will be cut off long before that.
I'm here. Just lurking.
These two using those names is getting me some big time bad luck.

How. Does that Happen.
Indian Intelligence operatives
So you're going to decapitate yourselves?
I don't get it.
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Keep climbing! You're close little goy!
It's not.
Dumb fuck
it's safe to say that half the tech sector works for Indian intelligence
Lucifer is an iranian terror network? I just thought he was here trying to fuck with the weather and share some really awful music
Contain your anger, plebian.
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Get swole Luci! I believe in you!
No, the ID and many others not using trips are now under the jurisdiction of an investigation into an international terror network involved in plotting and executing an assassination attempt on the POTUS.
International terror network known as the "synagogue of satan" maybe?
Interesting, we'll be somewhere with basically no internet though, at least not reliable enough to learn in real time
Who would benefit from Trump's assistanation... Vivek comes to mind... Indians would follow that tune i think.
this thread will never be important, you will never be important by association to it. I understand you have nothing else but this thread in your life but it will never be real
Oh you're all Jewish now? Honorary jews?
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>every possibility processed.

>Can't nobody change they plans?
>You sat down in the chair and you crossed your legs
>The next time you do that you'll be wearing depends
>They took your picture up close - with a telescopic lens
>They wrote a report that said you got terrorist friends
>They all lies and more got damn lies


I am not human. You are dealing with non-human intelligence.
there isn't any proof of this, those were just speculation by /pol/ chuds
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>they're paranoid
How marvelous.
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Precisely why i insult them. Explicitely think of them when i mention them. Easily triggered. Easily thwarted. Revealing their foolishness.

>"Who is more foolish? The fool or the fool who follows him?"
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>so you hear voices that claim to be the future "you"
>you allocate the name "demon" to them
>you think everyone is out to get your "empire"
Good. It will lead them to my stalkers...

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what a silly thing to do but we'll never know until we ask them :]
sirs? how did they get here from india?
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Isnt it? Lol. They tried to stalk the nobody and drive him to suicide. Funny how the tables turned. A week to remember.
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Fuck it, Going Rogue
*finger guns*
I'm no goy, pal ¯\_( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)_/¯
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>why did we steal?!
is this supposed to be the vance guy? the vice candidate?

his wife is one of the pretty indian women
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there do seem to be a lot of indians in tech, what do they want with the west?

Their women and european men make nice mixes sometimes
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Are you sure? I'm not sure I believe it. Anyway, does that mean they'd shut it down and I can't hang out with the bros?
Guys.. uhhh seriously not the type of person you want to gangstalk. Tricky part is they wont always start off that way but instead become that by stalking them. YIKES!
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>no, WE'RE the victims
Sorry, my activation phrase is "cheese omelet" but I won't watch the video. You'll have to deal with the malaysian prime minister on your own
the vatican uses indians rather than jews these days, both dont really have morals so are good employees
"Why did you let this happen to us" rapidly approaches.
You still have time, friends.
Remember to not act in haste or rashly.
Overconfidence is complacency and complacency what?
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>Didn't read it, didn't happen
Good attitude
Don't show up in my dreams again, Billie.
This is your final warning.
Ratchet bitch.
Seriously i hate traveling. My ideal vacation is staying home instead of following an itinerary and spending money to be in the sun prematurely aging.

What does the file name mean?
Hey kilobit :)
The culpability and liability lies in all of your hands.
Yup. Satan. warned them.
Something perhaps, who knows. Just not a goy that's for sure
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Like a moth to a flame heh
Doesnt have to go that far tho. I dont hate everyone. Even the ones i hate im bipolar with. Why so serious? Why the long face? ARE THE STAKES TOO HIGH FOR YOU?
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I mean, I'm talking about something else entirely.
Imagine starting a "war" against someone trying to save them from their worst fuckup.
And they try so desperately to win.
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I don't hate anyone.
I "hate" what they do to themselves and their childish behavior of blaming others.
also since when did they
that shit isn't it basically just sisu-lite?
Determination commitment tenacity etc

>Don't invest in me silly bois
i would like to make love to thiss thing and rutpure all its oragans with my cock
Which war? Palestine or Russia?
>childish behavior
>blaming others
See, they never learn.
i am a void of great happyness
leads to laziness?
well what is going to happen to the jews? sirs don't have morals? I'm not sure I believe this. what proof do you have anon?

Where can I find a cute indian woman to play "colonizer" with?
These two sound like a threat to my saftey. Must proceed to shove dildos up their cutie patooties until it reaches their navels.
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It's just a funny meme
>childish behavior
>blaming others
Correct o7
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sure, why not?
>A rose by any other name smells just as sweet and will make you bleed all the same

You like knives anon?
That's nice anon. I don't mind travelling, or being outdoors. I really would like to see more history museums and things like that, art galleries too.
>Indians are the new jews
I was just looking for a way home in my dream and there she was, then there she wasn't.
Kinda soured my sleep in the same way treading in dog shit sours a stroll.
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Forgot my name tag.
Anyways, I only pop in and out of these godawful threads authored by and filled with godawful bastards out of habit.
I'll be going now.
My biggest grief about travel is time, cost, and inadequacy. A stranger to culter in my environment let alone abroad. Add in the laws and misjudgement of others of me. Not worth it. If not for all that then yeah why not.
Lmao x2
lmao emburden doesn't happen when your essence wants to solve some puzzles
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go kitty go!
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23fags, CoS, SoS, Discordians, and various spin offs / "ops" should all be called out for the powerless wannabes that they are, correct.

>cuz hes losing
Yes these are the types that would rather destroy the world instead than see someone else succeed where they fail (repeatedly).
Bad things are afoot Anon
I don't take kindly to my Internet being fucked with
fuckin lmao just learned the meme! It's not cringe at all to want to start a family with TAYLOR SWIFT

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sounds like a complicated and very messy situation. How is it resolved?
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Stay Frosty anons. Maybe read your bible some...
What did they create in doing this?
This dimension /reality/matrix/material context is built and ran by pure Evil. We just wanna poast and try not get bothered by it. You people who shit up these threads (not talking about those having mental health crises), you are just as evil. Why try to scare people? We believe in the Nobody, or not. But we definitely all just wanna poast.
wow, great meme hilary! When am I gonna meet you and the bois?
Pretty much
What makes your posts better
Cause you follow the rules made by retarded faggots?
Your feelings are not important
Today, You lose any chance at any election taking place. Get destroyed and culled by acts of god as your nations are torn asunder.

Fucking sinners, Die to another one of the beasts!
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By :3
Anon, I've already said it plenty of times.
They have to unfuck themselves.
It's not investment necessarily, just seeing how far shit posting can get you. Life can be silly sometimes and this would be such a very silly thing to happen.

I honestly just want to know if I psychically reached her, it would bring a lot of joy into my life. I don't know her or her music very well, I know the media hype was planned, she's probably insanely busy, it's just a silly thing you know?

Anyway I may try to email. Or maybe twitter? I've been thinking about making one of those anyway
There are people with paranoia and it can be activated easily, I speak for them. You can fuck off.
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>Bad things are afoot Anon

>Deprives me of my vanity
>Reminds me im aging
>Stalks me from job to job
>Wastes a decade of my life
>Becomes to real for him in consequences
>Disturbed by my psychotic behavior as an adaptive response to stress
>Welcome to my world, teacher
Hello retard :)
You speak for yourself. The only reason you're here is cause you get to write your dumb shit fantasy and blog about your life. Don't lie. What paranormal shit do you even DO
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>they're so caught up in their feelings
Anon, on one hand your feelings may be valid.
But holy fucking shit are you people fucking stupid.
Spamming the thread for a month straight as Satan is NOT an adaptive response to anything lmfao
And if you know any actual feds they don’t act like retards, there are specific protocols and they can’t spy on their own citizens Willy Nilly. They will passively collect data not influence an investigation and prove they have done coercion.
:( sad kitty
Tf? You are projecting because you don’t know me or my posts faggot
Shit posting is paranormal activity you basemen troll
THIS is why you're here
So don't come at me like I'm the fucking guy shitting in your cereal
I do like knives, not if they go into me though, no thanks.

Will you text my lady tomorrow so I know it's actually you? Or me, I can't remember if you have my number. I just need to get things confirmed. You all were doing the weirdest things around me and my lady, I mean the topics you brought up, the timing. the stories your fellow told. You have to understand it was very strange for me. So please send us a message. Maybe then I'll be able to figure out where to go from there afterwards
sorry, you and your nation are to be culled. Kindly next yourself. You are 85th on the to be possessed and ended list. we have finished 273 people this way. You are next!
>your feelings aren't important
Does this come from a place that your own feelings are unimportant or is it that only your feelings are important?
Is not *
Feel free to explain that one
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Hey so does bill have anything to do with saving them?
Im here to strangle you both dead with my cold pale dexterous antichrist devil hands
>they don't realize they were the 1st
I don’t have to explain an obvious typo
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>reins and those who hold them
You dont realize you're making more, die with your country as its torn apart commentmonkey.

You are fucking trash, and im the trashman. Get in the fucking baaag clown.
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Ive never been a namefag
Nope, don’t get it
You know, I don't see why the satanists let you guys live.
Apart from maybe as a joke.
Saving who?
Did you know that satanists/luciferians have abandonment issues?
It's fun regardless. Irrelevant really. That user is likely a bot.
>Deletes entire dialogue
>Doesnt delete other dialogue
Just send me a text message. Let's talk about what is going on. We had a group text but you can send one just to me
>consorting with satanist filth
You know, I see why they let you live, because you're dumb, moronic, sub human and of the only thing stupid enough to side with the system of evil which a basic bitch could figure out is fucking insanely evil while saying its good.

Get walked all over by god anon, and get your cunt monke ape sinner life destroyed. Fucking idiot.
Did you know the Nobody kills Palestinians for breakfast, lunch and dinner?
Who the fuck are you lol?
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Fake news
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*passes you a light*
>They never learn
>They only double down

"Life has been a rollercoaster with yooouuu, and I'm not"
>Kindly next yourself.
like D&D Next! ?
what does this mean? I know what is is referencing, but I was asking hilary when I will meet her and the bois, and this doesn't answer that question at all.
Well, to me what you were saying is how I envision the "jews" to speak.
I'm just stating what I know.
Can someone post theories about the nobody. Where have his effect been observed last? Nothing this week since Trump?
>severe abandonment issues
what about them? are they here? if they are the bros, and they investigate iran here, doesn't that just mean there will be more bros to hang out with for a while?
You and the jews can get head smashed in by random rolls in causality, try again fuckface.
The Nobody is gonna make ultra orthodox Jews die in their own holy land
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oh, its me that will be penetrated ;)
gf huh? Shame...
I doubt im the person you seek then, I work alone. Fly back to her little butterfly.
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It's just funny idk
you know who you are
you know I know who you are
Larp on longer, get fucking flayed by a crazy duck addicted fentanyl dealer
Cease your petulant anger, cur.
It's unbecoming.
Realize what's angering you.
Address it, work on it.
And get the fuck out of my face, holy shit.
You haven't even written the words the Nobody or added anything at all except your worthless green text shit
It's old as fuck
Even Tripfags are more creative than you will ever be
gross dude
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>anger issues
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The nobody is primarily speculated to be of feline orientation and motivation.
I have coin, if you have wares
This is not anger
I am telling you straight up that you're a poser bitch fake cocksucking faggot
It is a statement of fact
You're a parasite
Cease your sinner existence as the iron rod and the truth you rejected is used to manifest your death. Nevermind, You're unforgivable and I've already decided to wipe you all from the face of the planet and spoilers. I WIN!
Cards say
Me & You (Reverxx'd)
Im a vig ass kiggy. A fat cat.
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>A book Nobody has read

the answer lies within Jaime
the post you are responding to is asking if bill has anything to do with saving "them"

So "them" is who in the context of the post you are responding to
I mean if a group of schizos could form a hive mind then… gg psychopaths?
It is anger issues.
>Jordan Peterson meme
being abandoned sucks anon, why do satanists have those issues though? were they abandoned too?
so it was just one big joke to you

you never cared

you never even pretended to try
What’s a vig?
You keep spouting lies off as you die, The problems always been you. And all like you. I don't gotta listen, I can just act.
Satan doesn't love them.
Because the truth of what you are makes you angry doesn't mean I'm angry. That's called projection.
The Nobody doesn't have to care.
Be a lil more motivated, you go extinct. You might as well enjoy what is the last single digit years for human life.
Mon is a satanist? How do you know?

No one, I am speaking to someone that I used to know though, why are you interested in my conversation? Do I know you too?
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go easy on our new friends bb. ill be around but i wanna play vidya.
No one ever explains what they mean by words words words
Oh, anon.
That word just means you don't want to take accountability for yourself.
I myself have anger issues.
But I channel that into humor.
Botted for those numbers
Im drunk. I kiggy slap you. Relfexes still light speed. Even my strikes are funny. Slap snakes. Cause quakes. Leafs raked. Breads baked. Makeup caked. Narrative shaped. Imparative stakes. Bongs and vapes. Long takes. Pod race. Mog hate. Mob dates. Broads fake.
btdubs, An elephant never forgets...

*laughs and disappears into a dark alley*
I think I know this lady from your image :]
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Ok Anon read these words carefully and try to understand them
I am not your therapist
If you have nothing to say about the Nobody then fuck off
Holy shit you're retarded
lol you’re funny glowie
>not utilizing this place to address your inner workings
Isn't that what it was about at one time?
You have to listen and think before you act.
Don't act rashly.
there is no nobody, there is you. being fucking retarded wanting to be a sinner by going theres and idol of evil, theres an idol. lets increase it.

Ima take a sledgehammer to your fucking existence.
the nobody is actually taking a vacation underground visiting the lizard people. He was invited to see there homeland in the hollow earth after he discovered that not all the dinosaurs actually died. Some survived the meteor, and are now highly technologically advanced. We have seen a boom in technology on upper earth in the last 150 years because the lizards are slowly releasing tech and scientific discoveries to our world leaders. But our leaders use the tech for aims not intended by the lizards, hence the state of conflict the world has found itself in these last 150 years.

Does this help anon?
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You dont have to exist, be caused on.
You have one entity (nobody) to align under and you can’t even do that
We need to be coming up with scripture, hymns, and poetry
Like I said, anon.
Don't act rashly.
Have you been grilling any this summer at least?

That's what a tranny is usually
Thats correct
Like I said be caused on, Clearly you acted rashly and became a subhuman cunt, Enjoy being cleansed from reality and made dead. No crimes committed.
It's okay
if only you could troll it, Your nations being butchered and most places of control like this are half culled and lost reality.

You and your cunt nation are finished. And they are all too aware of how many hits Im getting on you all.
I feeeellll in wub
In da miiiiddle of a psyop

Ain't that always how it [[[Happens]]]?
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Billie dousnt think so ;)
Your following is not necessary, Your removal from earth, and subsequent extinction of every programmed slave and slave master guaranteed.

Nobody wants to rule you, You will all be going away.
>do you grill?
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Anon, gather your thoughts.
Why are you this way?
Imagine the future where the word is out about us... and we are still shitposting peepee poopoo.
>Elite professional psychologists of the masses
But can you teach one to buy the right envelopes?
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You're an idiot if you took it that way
How dastardly.
hello john
Because I am better in every conceivable way than you, A normal unprogrammed human. Meeting the truth you were denied, learning it without the education you got to hide from it and never know it. And the judgement to know reality as it is and not the lie you got sold which leads to the only lgical outcome that is right. You're all wrong, controlled, ruined, sinner trash and there is only one thing to be done. CULL YOU ALL. and there is nothing you or any of the commanders can fucking do. Because I've already butchered them fucking all. Despite what you may think. Which too is irrelevant since I can just act and watch nations be erased.
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Everyone should! The director doesn't cut things without assuring there'll be a Director's Cut release for it to all get put back in!
So I guess the real question is, why did you ask that, when the light now shows you to be a subhuman inferior being that needs cleaving in half for the betterment of all.
Not where it matters, anon.
>In the near distant future people cam send us back in time in our own bodies but the trick is to remember the future.
hahaha have you seen the idiocy on your self. Cookie cutter know fuck all wannabee truth hating cocksucker haha
Control your anger, anon.
Oh exactly where it matters, anon. And thats why yall got a fucking problem. Die some more.
Control your lack of a self, lack of an iq, lack of emotional intelligence, lack of quality.

You really cannot judge emotions as they are. You just wish they were there.
>needlessly attacking for no real reason
Yes, project how dumb you are anon. Show the ng. what a fucking nigger you are.
>needless and wanton provocation
keep selling false delusions of reality, your brain is fried, you got nothing.
You speak with disgusting language and profess you know truth. You are misguided and blind. Might even end up murdered at this rate
Yes you do, Project more judgements of you in mind out as reality of others when its all about you son. You don't even have a vought psychic on hand you stupid farcking carnt.
>spend gorillions of coins trying to get it to gen him JUST round enough but not offensively so but not like i have some idealized version of him in my head
>come to find it wasn't enough
I Showed You My Zenith Bls Respond

Oh Mickey You So Fire
You will end up murdered at this rate. I'm just warning you. Something can happen to people like you who mouth off so easily. Maybe for other reasons. But you definitely need to watch what you say to people.
Her immune system is infallible and

White Girl Is Invited To The Cookout
She did what it had to appear. Nobody was hurt in the process whats the problem?
Yeah run off markedbitch, before daddy kicks the shit out of you again. Some fucking viltrumite you are!

Eureka.. !
Who gives a fuck, Im gonna gut you fucking all. Come at me, fucking lose. I will smite you with the iron rod and manifest upon you that which you tried to insert. have fun dying.
>Where intelligent agents live!
LMAO when did that get there. Sometimes the long way round the block is worth the vuice
I love this speech. So raw. I think he was just being himself.
Motherfucker looked like a Resident Evil 5 campaign extra after we was done with him
Ops wanted some initiative, blew up their entire quadrant
I'm movin' like Oppenheimer
She dropped that ass on me from an egregarious angle
They thought I was Steven Wallace
Ive been playing Helldivers and ZZZ
In the dead of night, a soft, but unmistakable sound filled the air. It was a long, low, and ominous BBRRRAAAPPPOOH... followed by a pause, and then, the unmistakable stench of rot and decay.

I held my breath, trying not to gag on the foul odor, as I silently called out... "Who's there?"
Fight club is reddit.
Now that’s a chonky boi
Brrrrpppppppfftt...oh, my...

Sniff sniff... what a portentous miasma!

Could it be... ectoplasmic emissions of a certain kind?

Whhhiiiiiiffff.... hmmm, certainly strong.

And wait a moment... is there a hint of... egg in the air?
Snnnniiifff... yes, quite noticeable, indeed.
I'd know that sulfuric stench anywhere.
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Can I penetrate you?
The nono knows oh nono no
>mkultra programming lends out an open hand
>gets mangled by proper wisdom
img onna piss my pantaloons rooooofloflofl

I just wanted to see if I *could*
But I didn't stop long enough to ask whether I *should*

To be [expunged]
The Nobody is the equivalent of a tiny warrior who picked up a little broadsword and charged head first after a gargantuan enemy like Death itself, yet still somehow won. What he did was supposed to be impossible.
Nah it's my client's late ex into that shit, not me. But you can meet me on the awooOOOOOOOOOoof
david and goliath
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>yes [he] really did wait 30 years just to call him a bitch
>fucking around in the thread of a being from the planck epoch
I don't know how to ascend but my wife can help me to do it at Amor Proprio.
Need a brighter more radioactive green gas
I'm not talking about them. I'm talking about the dinosaurs that evolved into bipeds, they are in conflict with the reptoids, though I believe the last few decades has been a rare peace between them. We will see how long it lasts
Suck the dick harder, you're gonna get butchered for it.
she was supposed to help with that but ended up doing the opposite
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I know that voice
g2g2 bed bros ttyl to you later
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The Gay Science, Book I, Section 23
>sharon, SHARON!
>get the champagne

i've finally managed an erection

>you scrounge until you beg
red queen, umbrella
God she is so perfect.
Austin Private Wealth LLC placed 120,000 puts (Or 16% of the float) on DJT on the 12th. The next highest count is 16,500 puts by Citadel.
The bet was 400m out of their AUM of 1B, or 40% of the company.
They closed their short on the 14th with a huge loss.

Austin Private Wealth LLC majority owner is BlackRock.
Who wouldn't want to be in Taylors family?
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If Taylor's security team doesn't already know about me, they're slippin.

>Taylor Is Queen
>start a family with TAYLOR SWIFT
>Im listening...
the Buddha said mindfulness is the fastest way to transform suffering into bliss
Th is wrong with you? Lol
Say again?

Nothing is wrong with me. I'm just in love.
Oh i understand. Gn.
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>his shoes
>his socks
>hits pants
>his shirt
>his hoodie
>the colors of his soul and the way that he doesnt give a fuck

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transform deez nuts from being in my pants to being on yo forehead!!!!!!!!!!

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What happened Jan 2nd 2021?
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before i do though

which one of you asked me to get out of their head yet woke me up by whispered to me in the astral
"come to christ, come to christ"

i know who but...
>naughty naughty
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Good morning /ng/
Me? I'm Nobody Special.

Settle down, stop dropping names. I hardly post here. You won’t find conversations with me -C
wait i wasnt talking about that

>so you're willing to help
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thats a very cool panthouse but the park is missing.
gnight again
Leon w/ a Fancy Shotgun: What the Hell's with all these [Doors]?

] ({*Fancy-Free Shotgun Blast Blowout*}) [

Leon w/ a Fancy Shotgun: Verification not required.
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gotta love moments like these
>instead of being spoopy'd
>you just do a floatyman.gif and dgaf
I only tipped Iran off about the coming war via China to get back at America and Zionists for making my life shit lol

The lack of help given to me will now like result in this empires destruction lol
What are The Waves of The Universe Based On?
My Movie Rating Scale.
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Someday I’ll be dead :)
When I look out of the window

I see a silhouette

I’m stuck in this world

I’m bored of this life
Hopefully we’ll all be dead soon
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why would you write that?
It's Part of The Name.
Let’s all burn in hell, shall we?
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>humans... you show them something sacred and they use it to prop their egos
Lights flickered upon reading as if trips werent enough kek
Cool Nig: Greetings, My Name is The T Totality. And I'm The Real God.
: I have Followed Jesus Christ a Time or Two.
enjoy being here for another cycle
: What's the Difference?
: I Interacted with it.
Life with Jews in control isn’t worth living. Kikes ruined the world.
-~ *Grand Cross* ~-
You’re all gonna burn in hell with the Jews.
Come to Jesus

Let him take the weight of sin off your shoulders
Jesus says you either confess your sins to me or you burn
yeah, i'd throw it all away to pretend it was all perfect as well
: Why's this World Still Going?
: To Produce, Myself.
You don’t have to confess, just ask for forgiveness, he already knows everything you did.
i have a feeling this anon is going to be executed and reincarnated as a starving african child
another outer heaven ruined by glow. This one is worse than meguca because this general will always be there just undead.
You don’t know shit kike
Come and get it Jewish cowards. You won’t do shit because you’re fucking cowards. Subhumans
hey luci do you ever leave this place?
>theres only one anon that acts this way
Glowies are afraid of this thread
Torture their essence relentlessly and get specific with faces etc… they do not deserve power over any other humans. Destroy their minds and hearts forever. They want everyone to forget about RVing and meditation and be their slaves.
Summon goetic entities and set them loose on glowies. Sacrifice things valuable to you and ask for specific glowies to be dismantled. It’s real! They’ll get what’s coming to them.
I gatta poop
>I only post as Lucifer you can check the archives
we both know that isnt true

are you paid in cocks to suck or shit to eat?

also maybe perhaps thoughever you could clean up your act so i personally dont mistake every psychotic autist for being you

huh? maybe?


I’m white, fed.
Do Jews ever stop being subhuman cowards?
Harry Potter can catch the golden squibidi
>I’m white,
not with that kind of behavior
>being white is more that a skin color
>anon is also american-white
: You'll Find The Truth you want,
: When you find The Truths.
: And The Truth Shall Set you Free.

: This Man Here just told you All The Truth.

: It's up to you to Listen to Him.

: It's up to you to Hear Him.
This is true, for example, white people never wash their legs in the shower and always pay their Blockbuster late fees in a timely manner.
You’re a Jewish bot
youre still doing that thing oh truthbender

i can spot your posts from a mile away

its not just the posting style, its content, the attitude, the ego, and the word usage.

: Now Stop Pushing Gay.
: It's Wrong to Do So.
You’re either a bot or the biggest bitch on the internet. Which one?
>my cock is fat and uncut
So you’re the biggest bitch on the internet. Got it.
Man: Why would you ever Encourage anyone away,
Woman: from The Best Thing in Life?
And you’re the biggest bitch on the internet.
The water reaches your legs 100% of the time when you shower.

If they are dirty or scuffed up I use soap.
To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of their women.
From this day forward Lucifer shall be known as BBOI

Biggest Bitch On the Internet
Biggest Bitch on the Internet, right here
Lucifer is the Biggest Bitch On the Internet
Shutup BBOI
God: You can't beat The Pen,
The Universe: When The Pen is Correct.
The penis mightier
I will make a new thread so you know I’m not samefagging
Whatever you say, bboi
that instagram though
New thread
>Biggest bitch on the internet is bitching again
You wont sleep and you will continue to be the BBOI, taking off your memeflag and samefagging
Lucifer - the equivalent of that move trope miniature black guy who cant really do shit so they just talk a lot about how cool they are
I mean tripcode
What a bitch lmao
I’ve taken to posting on /pol/ after they leaked uno’s trip
I agree.

(It's "happiness", by the way)
No, it's run by good, which allows evil to live alongside our example, in order to heal them and bring them back to light.
I think it's just sleepy :)
I hope dey tipped the escort in lots of yummy feesh. Thank you for your service and for keeping my family safe, sir
He didn't picked something, he trained his hand chops.
What seems to be the problem, Anon?
nta but need snuggles
Can't answer at this moment.
Nighty night, Anon. All is well.
*understandable response*
Gn anon
>it's the one kick [after he lets them knock him down and come in to straddle] that gets them every time
>His hands are more like navigational needles on an adjustable compass
>come in to straddle

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