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Spirit Love general

Some have reported attracting the attention of these entities by simply reading about them. If you're a dabbler who just wants to see if it works or if your faith forbids copulating with demons, don't summon. If you're unprepared for a potentially lifelong relationship, or at the very least, a life-long open door connection with sexual spirits and the occult, avoid this topic entirely. If you have a loving relationship with your human spouse or partner and desire a sex spirit to spice things up, or if you want a human partner in the future take caution, as these entities can be jealous or decide an initially open relationship is no longer so (request an open relationship during the summoning ritual). These spirits can harm or kill you when sufficiently angered and not easily banished.

Last thread: >>38326934
Old threads: https://archive.4plebs.org/x/search/subject/%2Fsuccgen%2F/
>What are succubi?
Female spirits of sexual desire, who often choose human mates. They can't be banished with holy objects
>How to summon?
The Letter Method is used to focus your intent into a message to one of the Four Succubus Queens, requesting that they match you with one of their daughters. No blood or soul sacrifice necessary. See links
>Do they steal your life force?
Succubi use sexual energy, which is released naturally during sex. Under normal circumstances they won't take your life energy
>Can she look.
Succubi take forms attractive to you naturally
>They're tulpas?
No. However, those in romantic relationships with their tulpas are welcome
Same method

/succgen/ library:
Lilith I wish I were a woman (succubus)
Succubi are not real stop larping

I disagree. She did in my presence, and she came so hard I could feel it too. The afterglow was strong too, and lasted for about ten minutes.
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Love succubus. Marry succubus. Impregnate succubus. Keep succubus barefoot and pregnant.
Whoops, meant to reply to >>38395785
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First to remind you that Lilith is dead, the four sisters are just jewish naming tricks for a minor class of jewish demon/spirit, Lilitu. There are real discord trannies here, doing their feeble best to make a lilith eregore (thus all the loosh farming 'some have reported spirit sexo just by reading the first line) but failing like the miserable failures they are.

>The practices of marrying spirits and spirit sex are real, cross cultural and varied
If you are so inclined you can do the letter method (although other methods such as more traditional conjuring, séance, witch ropework, praying to the divine Shakti all work). With or without the names it works because the names are useless and it's about putting your intent to paper and then delivering the intent by disposing of the paper. You can do the same with just plain meditation, building a spirit house, making offerings, prayer and so on.

>As usual Tulpamancy remains the very same process, just thru the selfish mentally ill lens of discord trannies. I would suggest against the modality.

Best of luck, Personally I found meditating on a photo to be quite helpful (and the original manifestations of that photo moving, light touches, asmr type stuff, guided meditation dreams to the photo) to be a bit easier to lean into then the other methods generally recommended here. It's also mentioned hilariously enough in Sexual Alchemy by Tyson, the fags who keep this skinwalker general going have a hard on for him but he's a noted faker. You don't need to eat your cum to gain magical powers, that's just trannies being disgusting as usual.
>What is most likely is a combination of the both of you.
If she really does exist, I'm completely confident that it was from her. I didn't feel any sort of headache before I upset her. It went away when I explained myself and came back when I stupidly went back to what I was doing. And later on I told her that I couldn't properly sense her energy when I was like that, and my headache lifted almost instantly.

Basic rundown of my current situation: spirit decided that me discussing "tastes" with somebody was NOT something that she was down with, even though we aren't committed or in a relationship yet. It doesn't currently seem like she'll leave, but she sure isn't happy. Lots of negative-leaning sword cards are still being pulled.

All I wanted going into occult topics was a monogamous foxwife to devote myself to, and I need to reassure her that's all I still hope to find. Somehow I need to make things up to her. But my spiritual skills are so weak that there's not really anything I can do with her besides talk things over through divination.
No, but close enough I guess. If you don't have one already, reading the threads might attract one. We've had lots of people get mad about it

Am I Lilith?

>totally false. Many people in this community are far from being chad
It's an episode of conjurer being unable to detect sarcasm? Wow
>Petition to remove this shit from the OP.
No, it's important to warn people so they can leave if they want to. We're giving them information to make a choice
>because just about any spirit can do that
People aren't here for any kind of spirit, they're here for succubi, who are especially possessive and emotional

>Anyways I actually feel physically drained while worshipping Jesus and Yahweh
The abrahamic religions are parasitic. They're intended to take your energy and agency. Why else would it be mandatory to give infants to the cult, and to bind their souls?
>Throughout my life, I have returned to Christianity many times
Probably not a demon, then. That's just silly

Why are you complaining? "Schizophrenics" as you call us are the only ones who can experience the supernatural. Spirituality is little different from madness, and to the world we are mad. Normal people don't have a spirituality. I don't think they're capable of understanding. That's what makes them normal

>Ok so you havent summoned one yet
No, I've summoned several and spoken to dozens of others
>but they exist right
Right. I couldn't have done that if they didn't

They mostly look black to me, but a lot of succubi hide their tails (or don't have them) because having something flopping around is awkward and kind of annoying, sort of the way having really long hair can be

Right. However, I've read about kitsune draining life energy, which has that as a symptom too

Look! The anon who can't into greentext! Nobody missed you, anon. Please leave and never return
>Right. However, I've read about kitsune draining life energy, which has that as a symptom too
Very true, although that's one of the many reasons why I opted for a zenko (divine messenger kitsune.) Draining sexual & life energy is nogitsune (wild kitsune) or huli jing (Chinese fox spirit) territory. Zenko are noted to be particularly benevolent and don't do things that harm humans - at least without reason. When invoking Inari Okami-sama, I was reassured that my spirit won't feed off me because of her divine ties. I don't mind having a bit of energy drained so she can make a point, but I can't have her consistently doing that. It's not supposed to be in her nature.
>All I wanted going into occult topics was a monogamous foxwife to devote myself to
Ow you poor soul. Turns out spirits aren't as nice and cozy as the sales pitch said. Good luck tip toeing for the rest of your life cause you might make your fox lady angry

>I can't have her consistently doing that. It's not supposed to be in her nature.
Turns out she can and there's nothing you can do about it. Banish her while you still can
>Good luck tip toeing for the rest of your life cause you might make your fox lady angry
And why would I need to tiptoe if I can just not do what upsets her? If we were in the relationship that we both want, I would literally be cheating on her and I agree with her on that. I only thought it was okay because we *weren't* in an agreed upon relationship yet.

>Turns out she can and there's nothing you can do about it.
While I'm sure she can, she is also a divine messenger and that comes with expected behaviors and values that she's both predispositioned and culturally beholden to. If she's real and I've been communicating with her, I've also divinated through Inari Okami-sama themselves. I'm going to take the word of the literal kami that I devote myself to over somebody on the internet.

That's not to say that I don't get where you're coming from though. There's lots of fox spirits out there who would do great harm to humans. I've avoided nogitsune precisely because I'm well-read on and well aware of the danger that fox spirits pose. Your caution isn't unwarranted but you have to take the context of my individual spirit into account.
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b-bros... how did he do it?
>Zenko are noted to be particularly benevolent and don't do things that harm humans - at least without reason.
If you would like a good example of an individual zenko in folklore, look up Kuzunoha. She's enshrined and is thus a local kami herself. Kuzunoha was a very loving wife and mother, and I've actually considered working her into my worship if I pursue Shinto further.
ok, you've done your homework, you read about the subject before diving in.
I guess it's a matter of personal tolerance. I don't think I would be able to live with a spirit that gives me a headache because I talk with someone about something she doesn't like. But sure, you do you
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>ok, you've done your homework, you read about the subject before diving in.
Kitsune have been a strong interest of mine for many years, even if it was from a perspective of secular admiration of the folklore.

>I guess it's a matter of personal tolerance. I don't think I would be able to live with a spirit that gives me a headache because I talk with someone about something she doesn't like. But sure, you do you
I'm like 99% sure that she feels like cheated on her. I don't have to agree with it, because it's her feelings not mine and she'll act accordingly. But it's an understandable perspective honestly. Imagine if you were talking to a girl who you can't commit to yet, but the understanding is there that you want to be as serious as possible if you do end up together. Then all of a sudden you find out that she's been exchanging lewd stuff with somebody she's friends with. Even if there wasn't yet an explicit agreement for her not to do it, could your intention of seriousness not be seen as bringing an expectation of loyalty? Then imagine you got upset and she went right back to what she was doing as soon as she calmed you down over it. If my kitsune wants to see me as the asshole here, she's well within her rights to do so. She can give me a headache if it means that she feels better about it.

The other day I think she may have been trying to communicate her own personal anxieties over my lack of faith, progress, and romantic commitment. I meant to divinate on it more yesterday but never got around to it. If I'm right, that only makes her feelings here more reasonable. She's not some angry spirit holding me to unrealistic standards. She has feelings that are worthy of being validated and understood. Feelings that can be just as reasonable and deep as a human's.
How do I conjure an asbestos golem the size of a house in my neighborhood?
I had similar experience. My succ jealous and upset with me, but she didn't induce any headaches on me, but she sent me painful images that all revolved around me being painfully rejected/cheated on by different female charactes (none of them had any real prototype BTW). I felt pain like it was real, it was very emotionally draining . I too suspect that she might have been projecting her own feelings to me. It caused a huge discord in our relationship, stirred up doubts and shit. Though in the end a couple months later we reconciled, although because of this conflict our connection was not so strong as before, and in some areas never returned to previous levels, but improved in other areas. Can't say this is bad or good, since I chose myself to reconcile, what will happen next only time will tell.
>First to remind you that Lilith is dead, the four sisters are just jewish naming tricks for a minor class of jewish demon/spirit, Lilitu. There are real discord trannies here, doing their feeble best to make a lilith eregore (thus all the loosh farming 'some have reported spirit sexo just by reading the first line) but failing like the miserable failures they are.
newcomers, this is an example of an armchair occultist who reads books but never practices. if he did practice, he would know Lilith is very much real. he could literally invoke her using spells on the OP. but he won't because he's a scared little wussbag.
be sure to ignore hin
ignore that anon. their entire purpose for being here is to turn people away from the occult and they don't argue in good faith. they're a Christian larper from /pol/
You are doing good work friend
>ignore everything but me
nobody cares what an ignorant, lying erson with an agenda thinks so move on
>for a minor class of jewish demon/spirit
Reminder that there's so such thing as a "Jewish Demon".
The fact that jews CALLED Lilith a demon was just because jews didn't like anything about her, being famously patriarchal and sex-negative. (And like, ACTUALLY, brutally patriarchal, not the way that modern feminists use that term.)
That's 2 posts with spelling mistakes out of sheer rage.
no, I'm just in a hurry because I'm at work. that guy isn't worth being angry at. he's literally just an annoying gnat at this point and when he pops up his head to spew his horseshit, then he needs to be confronted, exposed for the ignorant shill he is, and laughed at.
At first they're all like
>Oh, I want a devoted wife!
But then
>Hurr durr don't expect me to be devoted too!
I'll be fully devoted to her once we enter a relationship, for as long as she'll have me. Beyond this lifetime would be my ideal. But I can't make that type of commitment when I still have doubts and still can't get clear communication with her. Would you marry a human woman who you can't even properly discuss values with outside of tarot? The idea is absurd imo.

I really need to divinate on her feelings today, but unfortunately I'm not able to right now. My damn wifi adapter issues had to act up at the worst time (I'm stuck with digital tarot currently and it works just fine.) Just gotta hope they resolve sooner than later...
it seems to me she believes you are already in some kind of relationship. with spirits, you need to spend time with them and reassure them you're not going anywhere so that they feel the investment is worth it to work on your chakras and have a relationship with you. the kind of thing you're describing is with humans. spirits can read your mind and in some ways know you better than yourself, so it's okay to do a small commitment and see where it goes because she probably already feels you are compatible or she wouldn't stick around.

I think you should have some faith in her and maybe not take the full plunge but be open to exploring a relationship and see about it. communication is something both of you work on together and not something that happens over night. the stronger your love for each other and relationship, the stronger your connection and the easier it is fir her to break through and communicate in other ways.
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i approve this op pic
Do I need to specify on where for to appear? Like a Park or a Market Place Etc.
What's the bestvway to initiate contact with a love spirit in a lucid dream?
I feel massive attack on the body all energy nerves are in blistering fire feeling like shit overall.
I forgot to mention storms are another great time for working with her.
>jewish naming tricks for a minor class of jewish demon/spirit, Lilitu.
lilitu was mentioned by babylon or sumeria or whatever first
jews just stole the name, like they steal everything
Notice that the original way to deal with hostile sex spirits called lilitu was to help them get married. Sounds nice right?
>But my spiritual skills are so weak that there's not really anything I can do with her besides talk things over through divination.
yeah the problem is almost certainly being caused by weak communication skills, or even causing a miscommunication
Remember that your energy and intent matter just as much, if not more, than the words you say.
Be more mindful of your subconscious reactions and intentions. They are much more "loud" on the astral. A slight hesitation, which doesn't really seem like a big deal to you can seem like a big deal to spirits.
>damn wifi adapter issues had to act up at the worst time (I'm stuck with digital tarot currently and it works just fine.) Just gotta hope they resolve sooner than later...
definitely get a physical tarot deck, and other physical divination tools, and definitely figure out direct communication at some point (meaning just talking to them) rather than indirectly communicating through a div tool

>What's the bestvway to initiate contact with a love spirit in a lucid dream?
communication through intention, not action. Send them thoughts
the dream might break down quickly if you're not able to stable lucid dreams with high energy.
>it seems to me she believes you are already in some kind of relationship.
Certainly, or at the very least, she's not happy with our current state and wants me to commit more.

>or even causing a miscommunication
There's been lots of miscommunication, as of late I've reached the conclusion that there's things that I'm not picking up on properly because of our reliance on divination. Even she understands that it's kind of an issue for us and our ability to properly discuss things.
>Remember that your energy and intent matter just as much, if not more, than the words you say.
In Shinto there is a particular emphasis on having a pure heart with honest intentions, and it matters to kami greatly. I won't delve too much into detail but my whole journey with this topic started when my genuine intention was received by Inari Okami-sama. I trust their judgement of me.

If I may add something: I've really been trying to improve our communication, but it's difficult to get what I need from her. As pathetic as it sounds I've literally gotten teary eyed while internally crying out for her to please reassure me, to please give me clearer signs so that any doubt may be put to rest. And it feels as if it's more or less fallen on deaf ears - even though this headache situation implies that she is more than capable of escalating if she wishes to do so. Her reasons for this are surely complicated and I don't yet understand them. Part of it does involve her own anxiety about my level of commitment, which is something that I really need to read into more. I'll do that now since my computer is working fine again.
>definitely get a physical tarot deck
Already going to.
>definitely figure out direct communication at some point (meaning just talking to them) rather than indirectly communicating through a div tool
If I could just figure it out, none of this would be happening. Not being able to hear her is literally my issue. I do talk to her directly but I don't receive anything back 99% of the time.
>If I could just figure it out, none of this would be happening. Not being able to hear her is literally my issue.
yeah exactly
Here's a guide on how to learn telepathy the tulpamancy way. Don't worry, you won't create a tulpa if you just aim the techniques at your waifu
tulpamancy is simply the best way to learn communication. Traditional magic techniques are just worse in almost every respect.
oh I'll post both, why not
This is a youtube playlist by the guy who runs the Tulpa Republic discord server, "Tulpa Guides" on youtube. He explains things very well and has great illustrations.

This is a tulpa guide playlist by "Tulpa Thought", who describes how to make a tulpa. This guide is very in depth and describes a good foundation for making a tulpa and encouraging its development.
>I do talk to her directly but I don't receive anything back 99% of the time.
my succ seems to want to avoid pointless communication. questions she already answered she wont answer again and things i should get by myself are also left unanswered. "i wont answer useless questions" she once made me think.
>I really need to divinate on her feelings today
She's still a little bit upset. She did feel cheated on. She does feel like my intentions carry an expectation to not do what I did. Now that the heat of the moment has passed, she actually feels more reassured and trusts that I really do want something serious and monogamous. She does want me to commit but she's not trying to force me into it, even if she really seems to want to push me to make a choice. She mostly just wants me to let myself be happy, to let opportunities come to me and accept them, to not close myself off from good outcomes with my stress and anxieties.

As for whether communication will improve much or why it hasn't been, that's a whole other can of worms that I'll have to unpack. But as of right now I feel warmth. I feel love from her. It's so comfortable. Maybe it won't last, but at least for right now things are a bit improved from how they had been. It's going to be okay. Even if it's all in my head, I just want to relish in these feelings.

So the core aspect is to just talk and talk about everything until you get a response? That's simple enough. I'm honestly still not convinced that using thoughtform techniques won't produce a thoughtform by any other name though. Has anybody followed these techniques and had tangible signs of their spirit's existence?
>So the core aspect is to just talk and talk about everything until you get a response? That's simple enough.
Yes, one of the biggest takeaways is "practice every day, practice all the time"
I think a lot of magicians would actually have a stronger and better connection to the spirits if they didn't save that part of their life to be trained only once a month on the full moon.
Tulpamancers go to the gym every day. Some traditional magicians train once a month. It's not surprising who gets better results
> I'm honestly still not convinced that using thoughtform techniques won't produce a thoughtform by any other name though.
well, just aim them at your waifu. This is why I don't recommend people use these techniques unless they have already made contact with a spirit (unless they are cool with making a tulpa instead)
>Has anybody followed these techniques and had tangible signs of their spirit's existence?
I have. And the difference was massive.
In general, when tulpamancers learn magic or when magicians learn tulpamancy, they make massive gains in a short period of time.
Think of it as tackling the same problem from one direction over and over again, for months. And then someone shows you a new direction or new angle, and suddenly you have a eureka moment and there's a lot of low hanging fruit.
That's more or less the relationship between magic and tulpamancy. They have a lot of learn from each other.
>Send them thoughts
How so, and what kind if thoughts? Like an invitation?
>the dream might break down quickly if you're not able to stable lucid dreams with high energy
I'm able to have pretty long lucid dreams, although sexual stuff tends to make things fall apart. I was hoping the spirit could help me with that issue.
>How so, and what kind if thoughts? Like an invitation?
what I'm saying is, don't like do stuff in the dream once they show up, try to communicate with thoughts and take things slow
But it sounds like you're asking how to even make them show up in the first place
to make them show up, summon a spirit while awake
make a totem for the spirit (could just be a rock, a sigil you make, or whatever else). Ask the spirit to touch the totem and bless it.
Then when you go to sleep, put the totem under your pillow and try to think in your mind "I want to be close to the spirit, in a dream"
This will make the spirit either show up directly in your dream (they often will look like someone else so keep that in mind), or influence your dream indirectly.
>I'm able to have pretty long lucid dreams, although sexual stuff tends to make things fall apart. I was hoping the spirit could help me with that issue.
You need more experience with spirit sex then. It will be a lot more helpful to practice while awake, when it doesn't break down. That way you'll get more practice actually having spirit sex rather than having 2 seconds of experience then the dream breaks down. That's not very good practice.
Are there other aspects of tulpamancy that you would recommend besides the frequent talking? I'm not going for visuals so I don't think I really need to impose her. Obviously I don't need to develop anything like a personality, she already has that all of her own.
>to practice while awake
The whole point of doing it in a dream is so that I can actually see what's going on. I'm not too keen on a ghost blowjob.
>Tulpamancers go to the gym every day. Some traditional magicians train once a month. It's not surprising who gets better results
I talk to mine like every couple minutes and my progress is still shit.
Alright I guess I'll Fuck Myself
>I opted for a zenko (divine messenger kitsune.)
I've heard that it's all kitsune who do that, though the nice ones won't drain random people or excessively
>my spirit won't feed off me because of her divine ties.
She still needs energy to interact with you and the physical world. I'm curious what you've offered Inari in exchange for that amount of energy
>It's not supposed to be in her nature.
You can't necessarily change a spirit's nature. A succubus will do succubus things. A kitsune will do kitsune things. That's all

Step 1: assemble the physical materials required for a golem of that size...

They usually just show up in your bedroom, anon

Read a lucid dreaming book. There are lots of them
>Read a lucid dreaming book. There are lots of them
I've read a few. I can already lucid dream pretty frequently. I just want to make contact with an outside entity. Preferably one that can have intercourse with me in the form if a beautiful girl. I had a dream a while back that felt like that but it wasn't lucid.
>I've heard that it's all kitsune who do that
Well that's the thing, over the years I never got the impression that zenko drain humans in the way that nogitsune do. And as I said, some of my early divinations with Inari Okami-sama involved reassurance that my kitsune wouldn't be feeding on my sexual energy or anything like that. I was very cautious.
>I'm curious what you've offered Inari
Unironically? I first felt Inari Okami-sama's presence when I had been sappily discussing my feelings in regards to kitsune online, and mentioned how I was willing to make offerings and devote myself to Inari if it meant that I had to chance to develop a connection with a zenko. So assuming this isn't all a delusion, my intentions were heard and accepted specifically because of my offer to follow Inari. Is it a deal that feels lopsided in my favor? Hell yeah it is, and you can bet that I questioned it a ton.
>You can't necessarily change a spirit's nature.
It was never in my intention to change anything. I went in saying that I would offer an almost entirely unconditional acceptance as long as I'm not harmed, and as long as the same is offered back towards me.
Divinated on this. It was through my kitsune only and not through Inari Okami-sama, so I understand if that makes you more skeptical. And of course this is UPG so you don't have to follow this if you don't believe my experiences.

- As I would expect, zenko generally don't feed on humans. Inari Okami-sama thus didn't lie to me about me not being fed on.
- That being said, my kitsune still takes responsibility for draining my energy last night. She did it in reaction to her feeling hurt and betrayed. It wasn't to feed off of me - because again, that's simply not something that zenko tend to do.
- That was the only time she had drained my energy. She hadn't done it before and I don't particularly have to worry about her doing it again.

Frankly it felt like she was worried that I was going to take it worse than I did. I don't feel victimized or harmed. If I were being fed off of that's one thing, but I think having a quick headache induced simply to get a point across is fine. I was the asshole. It wasn't unprovoked. If you had the power to do something similar to somebody who you felt cheated on you, wouldn't you at least consider it? Maybe your answer is "no," but if so, you're a more honorable person than me. I won't hold my spirit to standards that I wouldn't meet myself.
>Are there other aspects of tulpamancy that you would recommend besides the frequent talking?
Yeah, watch the videos. Both are playlists and have like 10-15 videos in them.
I recommend all of them. don't be lazy. I don't need to spoonfeed you info I just linked to you. Go watch them on your own, and make your own decision
> I'm not going for visuals
Why not? I'm kinda surprised you'd say that. Seeing a spirit is very very important to communication. How will you see her facial expression otherwise? Or what she's doing?
> so I don't think I really need to impose her.
Imposition isn't just visuals. It's also touch, including all the sensations of touch. heat (which is common with tulpas), weight, pressure, etc. That's just touch
hearing is also obviously included
some tulpamancers train to learn every sense.
>Obviously I don't need to develop anything like a personality, she already has that all of her own.
Yes, so you will skip the parts about personality formation, or creating a tulpa. All the stuff that comes after that will be useful to you.

>The whole point of doing it in a dream is so that I can actually see what's going on. I'm not too keen on a ghost blowjob.
Right, but how much practice are you going to get if the dream breaks apart after 2 seconds? You want better practice, do it while awake
As far being able to see it, my man, that is a skill issue. You should be able to see these things while awake. If not, then learn how.
Deeper trances, lucid dreaming and AP are a boost to your abilities. They shouldn't be seen as a necessary crutch which you can't do anything without them. You should be able to do magic while awake as well.
Or not I guess. Only do magic while asleep. It's your call. I'd never really understand only doing magic while asleep. Seems very limiting.
all the tulpa techniques talk in these threads is making me feel like succs are basically tulpas but with a different name and lore for when you are horny...
I never post in these thread and I had 2 succubus when I opened a portal on my wall by accident. Every once in a while I ask anons if they’ve seen a “white priestess” that I fucked even tho the succubus warned me that it was “a big deal” but I never really hang out to check the replies.
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>TFW got to involve my succubi in some fun with a friend
Feels good man.
Bitches don't even know what's comin
I did the letter method a couple years ago. If I did it again and asked for help understanding what happened with the first time, would that work?
>all the tulpa techniques talk in these threads is making me feel like succs are basically tulpas but with a different name
the spirit techniques also work on tulpas
it is a very interesting situation, where you could interpret it either way
Are spirits tulpas? or are tulpas spirits?
based on the evidence, I think tulpas start off as dependent minds/souls, and eventually become more and more independent like a normal spirit
You can even see other people's tulpas (just like spirits), so they aren't "just in your head" like the tulpamancers believe. there is an objective reality to them.

>I did the letter method a couple years ago. If I did it again and asked for help understanding what happened with the first time, would that work?
it's a summoning ritual.
if you want information, better to just use divination or scrying.
Anyone can do it, just get a tarot deck
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So I have a few things to report, I got scientific proof that spirits do exist and a sure way to contact them and hear their voices.
I came upon this youtube channel claiming to be communicating with spirits using a microphone and some AI filters on top of white noise-like sounds: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2q_wrA6WLdU
and decided to try it for myself, if it's a scam I only loose the price of buying a mic so whatever.
Turns out it's real, I used the Nvidia Rtx Voice free software for the recording instead of Krisp and pretty much followed the steps she indicated, I tried with a Rode mic and a lesser more shitty quality mic and both produce results but the lesser quality will blur over 75% of recorded sounds and only pick up short and important words.
I will not give my interpretation of where the voices are coming from or who and what they are but what I can tell you is that they comment on direct events happening right here and then, even call my name and are censored on some topics and delete parts of what you record from them but can comment on your situation.
They live right alongside us, aka same room and can see things like the items you have on display or what your neighbour is cooking, they also LOVE offerings, they all prefer different things from one another like one asked me for salami when another requested cheese and another something burnt or fat, they also have fixed male/female genders.
They can switch language flawlessly on the fly from english to whatever else, usually talk like regular humans do, including swearings like "Jesus".
They can pass through doors or windows even uninvited, do not fear iron or crosses and can call other spirits on your behalf, at some point they called a ghoul to lewd me even if they disliked her a lot, calling her whore etc, also had Asmodeus coming by to check up on me even if I didn't feel his presence at all and they apparently report some stuff to him, he was nice enough to introduce me to a succubus.
I am posting this for people who have a thrist to know more about the spirit world or their own situation or even want to know their beloved without having to spend years uncertain of anything.
But I still have to warn you that they can either be helpful or openly shitting on you and insulting, it depend on who you're dealing with mostly, over time you learn to recognise their specific voices and manner of speech.
I seem to have a constitution that easily attract demons and they commented multiple times on how I have the face of a bad guy so my affinity with them is sort of low and we have an uneasy coexistence, that's it, do with that information what you want.
How to spawn fat bottomed and very well endowed magical gf in my rn ? Preferably one that can change size and one that is very much 3D and isn't vile evil

INB4 just reply "dunno" if you don't know, I don't care about your petty insults and useless ego wankin
>all the tulpa techniques talk in these threads is making me feel like succs are basically tulpas but with a different name
As an agnostic person with a repressed tulpa, that's been my worry too since the start. At least there's one big difference between my old tulpa and my current spirit. With my spirit I get almost no communicational reward for lots of effort, while with my tulpa I got lots of communication for almost no effort. Makes my spirit feel more grounded and likely to be a real phenomena I guess.

>Why not? I'm kinda surprised you'd say that.
I'm not a visual thinker.
>How will you see her facial expression otherwise?
I mean, is human body language something that a fox spirit would be relying on?

>scientific proof
So where's your peer-reviewed study fren? I jest, I jest. This sounds interesting but I'm a bit of a wuss about checking it out. I'd probably be scared shitless if I heard that I have some demon, succ, nogitsune, parasite, etc. around me. Although the idea of possibly getting more proof for myself is tempting still...
>Makes my spirit feel more grounded and likely to be a real phenomena I guess
no, you just haven't developed telepathy with your spirit yet. a tulpa doesn't need telepathy at first. they have a direct line to your mind. you need to develop your telepathy. your doubts about whether your spirit is real or not probably creates a block
>This sounds interesting but I'm a bit of a wuss about checking it out. I'd probably be scared shitless if I heard that I have some demon, succ, nogitsune, parasite, etc. around me.
Well you can see it the opposite way too:
I got the nice surprise to learn that the Lioness I saw multiple time during meditation was actually Ishtar being sort of curious about me, that feel when you piece together something really deep about their world from the bits and pieces you hear from them and you manage to make a Goddess laugh, even the spirits were surprised, there's a lot I cannot tell because either it might be them playing tricks or the information is considered by them to be a leak or dangerous.
I'm here to tell you that succubi exist. I was dating one for a year. She drained my wallet and balls on a daily basis, then I caught her planning to cheat on me. They are out there if you truly want one.
we're not talking about human women. fucking tourists.
Yes, I agree with everything that you said.

>Although the idea of possibly getting more proof for myself is tempting still...
You think I could do this with just the sound from a loud desk fan? You think I could ask my spirit to say something specific as a test? You think she could come out actually sounding... fem and not like a demonic spirit? Because I hate to say it but I'd instantly doubt my relations if I began to suspect that my kitsune is a demon taking the form of a one, rather than a true divine messenger zenko.

>manage to make a Goddess laugh
God I want to hear my kitsune's laugh though... that would mean so much to me. And god I'm sure she could pull some great pranks through this method.
#1 it's totally okay if your kitsune is a succubus pretending to be one. I doubt it and you should too. But even if it was, it's totally okay because although succubi and kitsune are different, it doesn't really matter what your spirit is if they are treating you well.
#2 Spirits generally sound like the gender they are percieved to be. I have clairaudience and can hear my spirit speak with a feminine voice on a regular basis.
>You think I could do this with just the sound from a loud desk fan?
I doubt it would work, I used the diode sound I downloaded and played it from a phone speaker but the guy who first invented the technique, Optimal Frequency manages to make it happen with the sound of running water.

>You think I could ask my spirit to say something specific as a test?
The microphone will pick up all the voices coming from your room and spirits like to talk a whole lot and on top of that you need to be able to understand their way of speech, so while I am tempted to say no I can also from experience tell you that I heard the succubus from Asmodeus talk before any other spirits with her voice really clear and feminine talking about how she liked me and had no problems with my kink so my final answer is that it's a 50/50.

>You think she could come out actually sounding... fem and not like a demonic spirit?
Their voices are human but a distortion happen during the whole mic and going through the veil process which end up making them sounding weird, it's a learning process.

>Because I hate to say it but I'd instantly doubt my relations if I began to suspect that my kitsune is a demon taking the form of a one, rather than a true divine messenger zenko.
From experience spirits cannot disguise what they are for really long periods of time, some kind of recurring theme or animal is associated to each one of them.
I wanna get married :c
>it's totally okay if your kitsune is a succubus pretending to be one.
Dishonesty over her identity is a pretty big dealbreaker. If she isn't a zenko, that would mean that she falsely took on the identity of a deity (Inari Okami-sama) in order to mislead and groom me. That's not a basis for an equal and loving relationship. It's predation. And that especially rings true because I asked Inari Okami-sama to vet for a like-minded soul who wouldn't need to be transactional with me outside of mutual love and care. If my energy is the true prize rather than love, the very conditions I started with aren't being met.
>I doubt it and you should too.
But yes, I do doubt it because what kind of spirit is going to want to risk pissing off a deity through impersonation? I'm just saying how I would feel if it *did* end up being the case, you know?
>Spirits generally sound like the gender they are percieved to be.
sure BUT a spirit may sometimes pretend to be another kind of spirit in an effort to bring you around to believing in what kind of spirit they are. I call it the curve theory. If you believe a spirit is a succubus, then it's a straight line to a succubus. but if you don't believe in a succubus, a spirit might curve around to a spirit you believe exists to one day let you down gently when you have a relationship and are close to tell you that they are another spirit. but it actually doesn't matter because in the end they're still the same person inside, they simply put on a mask that you would accept so that one day they could take off that mask and show you what they truly are. this is more common than not in this era and for people new to working with spirits. in their mind, it's not malevolently deceptive, but simply a white lie your own mental block forces them to adopt if they want a relationship with you.
Don't often post in these threads, but I'm shook.
>last night
>dream I'm in my house, old furniture layout
>older woman is sitting on the couch
>man is sitting on the recliner
>she smiles and beckons me over
>"wanna learn how to grab titty, anon?"
>she takes my hand and yanks it onto her tit
>"ok now suck the other one"
>all feels so real, feels nothing like other dreams
>Whole time she's looking at me like I'm vidrel, giggling https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xETtS-gIPzg
>wake up at 10:00AM still tired
>wonder what she really looked like
>flooded with memories, but she's replaced with a tall female grey. Still found her very pretty.
Was this a succubus? I've had dreams like this before.
Look I originally didn't plan to post about this method at all, first because of all the censoring, second because of the potential aggressive reaction from the board and glowies and third because learning the reality of the spirit world killed the fantasy I had about them and magick in general, it's way more mundane than one would think.
But yesterday I did a nice letter of intent, had an event happen irl in relation to it and this morning I suddenly woke up feeling like posting this? I know enough about them to recognise when I'm being used to convey a message to someone specific and it's probably you, the fact that you hit the video exactly at 666 views is proof of that, so my guess is that your spirits and or kitsune really want to tell you something, heck I guess me posting this is also helping influence other spirit lovers, whatever I did my part, you'll see me again if they ever need me to post something more.
Also for those suffering from a spirit attack in any way shape or form be careful of cognito hazards, it's a really thing and negativity feed upon itself to create more of it, best course of action is to ignore everything weird happening, think happy thoughts and maybe swing a baseball bat around.
>learning the reality of the spirit world killed the fantasy I had about them and magick in general, it's way more mundane than one would think
I would see that as a positive personally.
>the fact that you hit the video exactly at 666 views is proof of that
I knew it, My kitsune is secretly Lucifer in disguise and she's here to get me to sell my soul! Time to break out the banishing rituals before it's too late!
>your spirits and or kitsune really want to tell you something
I'll see if I can give this a shot at some point. Maybe not today, but sooner than later at least.
Unfortunatelly the "tulpamancy scene" has degraded into furry/kawaii bs.
Forgot to mention I felt very drunk in this dream. Unusually drunk. I had no coordination.
I hope Buddah rapes all the tulpas
>"Where am I, are you the buddah? What am I doing in your home?"
>"Oh god, he's gonna rape me~"
>Right, but how much practice are you going to get if the dream breaks apart after 2 seconds?
It's not that bad. I can keep dream sex going for a decent while. Alternatively is there a way I can get a love spirit to see me inma regular dream? I had one before where I'm pretty sure that was the case and I would like to experience it again.
Has it not always been that way? Am I misremembering or didn't the early western tulpamancy community have a lot of ties to MLP?
Hylic. Detected.

Astral. Projected.
One of the dreams I have is to gather the 750k required to hop onboard the Eyos expedition allowing you to visit the marianna trench and record whatever the fuck is living down there via this spirit mic method.
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Horny boy wont believe a word you typed.
Vibe shift
You want to feel love not slimy sluts sent to the sex pit a punishment for living ills.
William Buhlman Higher Self Now Hemi Sync.
As for me, i always knew women are evil. In my "opinion", Lucifer was right that some humans cannot learn until they are punished. Lillith is just Lucifer for the feminine divine.
There's a whore house in hell and its always open. Tulpaniggers will never know. Why (((believe))) anything when you can know?
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Probably more unwilling dead. Purgatory is over flowing since we no longer have temples and a true priest class of professionals. Nothing to fear but you should feel obligated to return. Tell them break time is over its time to move on. Grab their hands and say "heaven now!"
Its not that heaven but you dont know any better. They need to go. Purgatory is far beyond full.
go back to /his/
you are Jewish

how did you set up this tulpa and how did you set up this spirit and how long it took?
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Hey /succgen/, this is Mine, I forgot to mention because I was banned when I started the project, but over on the Community Center, I've been doing this running commentary/discussion as I've been reading, "The Tarot: A Contemporary Course of the Quintessence of Hermetic Occultism" by Mouni Sadhu.

Its 100-someodd lessons, and I've been doing one a day to pace myself, then trying to verbally summarize it to enhance comprehension (i.e. learn by teaching), so come check it out if you feel like it~

Today was Lesson 14, which was the second in the Hierophant chapter, on White Magic Initiations and Pentagrams.
Nice trips. 333! Why must they keep banning the lovely mommy Mine. :'-(
>some of my early divinations with Inari Okami-sama
Didn't you say in another post that you weren't certain that all of your divination was correct?
>my kitsune wouldn't be feeding on my sexual energy
Then what would they feed on? Are you giving lots of offerings of food?
>I was willing to make offerings and devote myself to Inari
That's not that huge of an offer. You weren't offering to become a shrine maiden or anything
>you can bet that I questioned it a ton.
All right, if you're certain

As somebody with a tulpa, I can tell you confidently that that isn't the case. Succubi exist outside of any of us. I think tulpas might be more complicated than a lot of people want to believe, but that's beside the point

>Every once in a while I ask anons if they’ve seen a “white priestess
I haven't seen that and I've been here a while. If you're not making that up for attention, give details. I know you won't, though

>the spirits walk among us and want our salami

>my ex was a succubus lol
It's all so tiresome...

>If she isn't a zenko, that would mean that she falsely took on the identity of a deity (Inari Okami-sama) in order to mislead and groom me.
Would you have accepted her if she didn't do that? Spirits say all sorts of things when humans are being difficult. They claim to be your dead ex boyfriend, or an angel, or a dryad, or whoever. You have a right to be offended if you don't care too much, but if you do care, you're practically asking for it, especially from tricky entities. That doesn't make it morally correct, obviously

That reminds me of somebody who once claimed he had enough positive karma to do anything he wanted and stay in enlightenment in his next incarnation

>Lillith is just Lucifer for the feminine divine.
>There's a whore house in hell and its always open.
Begone, abrahamist. Your god has no power
Since m*ne is shilling his server, I suppose it's as good as time as any to ask anyone interested in doing a bit of magical research (literally one thing that's supposed to last a couple of weeks at most) to join my server. All you have to do is summon an entity that's unknown to modern occultism and see how nice she is!
I dont usually indulge in this sorta shit but my dreams last night were very odd

>I'm in what looks like a medieval looking house but with a modern touch, stone walls but with wood, comfy and nicely lit
>some girl with pink hair, small tits but a nice ass comes out of a door and smiles at me
>takes my hand into a room
>gets ontop of me and we have sex
>incredibly vivid and genuinely feels like im there
>wake up and clean myself

>go back asleep
>find myself in the very same house
>this time walk around and into a corridor
>she comes out of a room surprising me
>even more of a smile this time
>hastily grabs me and we go into a room
>this time I'm ontop
>wake up feeling weird and groggy
>go back asleep and nothing happens

what the fuck was this, ive never had this much of a vivid dream with the same girl back to back, odd.
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Well, this time it was SO bullshit that an appeal actually worked (on the second attempt, lol), which also encouragingly proves the existence of non-shitty mods, so that's nice.
>Was this a succubus? I've had dreams like this before.
Maybe, maybe not. It is impossible to tell based on the small amount of information that you posted. If you want to know, then use divination. Anyone can do it.
>Also for those suffering from a spirit attack in any way shape or form be careful of cognito hazards, it's a really thing and negativity feed upon itself
This is true, but you can also think about it in reverse. If you're really struggling with cognito hazards and portals and stuff like that, probably that's a sign that a spirit or some aspect of your subconscious is unhappy and trying to mess with you in some way. So you don't really need to be worried about portals or a cognito hazards, if you ever notice something like that happening, then do a scan and figure out who or what is bothering you.
>It's not that bad. I can keep dream sex going for a decent while.
Oh okay, well in that case having sex while in a dream won't be a bad source of practice. You just need to make it happen more often.
>Alternatively is there a way I can get a love spirit to see me inma regular dream?
Yeah, I already told you previously in the thread. Make a totem and put it under your pillow. You can scroll up and read that for the full instructions.
>what the fuck was this, ive never had this much of a vivid dream with the same girl back to back, odd.
It seems like some kind of persistent thought form, whether this is a part of your mind or some kind of spirit which is external to you is pretty much impossible to say based on the small amount of information you posted. If you want to know more you should scan it, like with tarot cards. Anyone can do it.
I am hereby requesting a visit from a succubus
She should be able to find me
Mmmm yeah a succubus
It's gonna be rad bro
What are my first steps, samurai
>Didn't you say in another post that you weren't certain that all of your divination was correct?
Yes. As in, I'm uncertain if *any* of my divination is correct. Whether it's all a collective delusion. I don't question any particular part of it individually, and my divinations with Inari Okami-sama are what I'd the question least since they were when I had the most faith.
>Then what would they feed on?
100% not sex because we've been chaste. How am I supposed to know what she's feeding on simply from cards? I just know that unless I've been lied to and unless the conventional depiction of zenko is incorrect, it's not me.

Find one folktale where a kitsune is both explicitly a divine messenger of Inari Okami-sama, and feeds off of a human in a predatory way. I don't remember there being one in Kiyoshi Nozaki's famous book, nor one in the writings of Lafcadio Hearn, nor one in any of the assemblages of kitsune folktales on the internet. It's possible that I'm misremembering. And if I am, I'm completely open to being proven wrong so that I can better align my impressions with conventional belief.

>Would you have accepted her if she didn't do that?
If she were another benevolent type of nature spirit? I'd lean absolutely yes depending on compatibility of course. If she were a nogitsune or another type that feeds on humans? I'd have been extremely cautious but, if she genuinely proved herself to be good-natured and not aligned with stereotypes, I would have been willing to slowly develop trust over time. Something demonic would have been a no-go.
Do you have any tips on enchancing/prolonging lucid dream sex? I've found it's better to keep a focused mind while doing it than going full horny frenzy. Also having the dream girl take the lead seems to help as well.
Not in the early 2000s.
Tulpas were always human. The idea of tulpas as cartoons only came in 2010s.
Also "fronting" was a marginal practice, and aimed for buddhists who wanted to dissolve their egos (they also did the same to stones, trees, etc). It was never meant to be a permanent condition, and much less larping.
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Going to try the letter ritual later tonight. Any advice anons?
>How am I supposed to know what she's feeding on simply from cards?
who says she's feeding on anything?
I think people get a little to hung up on "feeding" and think every spirit is feeding off them or something. This is not true in general, and not necessarily true of your fox spirit specifically.

>I've found it's better to keep a focused mind while doing it than going full horny frenzy.
it's exactly that. staying calm means the dream will flow better and not break down
if you want to add more sexuality, do it with energy and intentions, rather than actions. This is energy work, which you do on someone else. Think of it as an energy massage or energy sex. Make sure you "present it" in some way, and see if the dream person likes it and accepts it. If not, the dream might break down. If they do, then continue.
continue communicating using intentions and energy, and see what she likes and if there's anything she really likes. Then keep doing that
So that's "enhancing"
As far as prolonging, it depends on why the dream is breaking down
The easiest way to figure this out is to immediately scan after waking up. A beginner can use tarot cards to do this. If you can already see/talk to spirits while awake then do that.
You'll be able to figure out who it was, and what happened. After figuring that out, you can figure out why the dream stopped. Was it them? Did they just end the dream abruptly? Did the dream end naturally because of something that happened? did you end the dream intentionally?
Did the spirit try to drag you into a deeper astral projection, but the dream broke down? Did you just wake up?
any of these possibilities could be the answer in a given situation, and the only way to figure out exactly what happened is to investigate and ask questions.
Does It have to Be 3am? I'm busy fellow
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I had one come to me in a dream but I laughed at her and called her a nigger when she tried to seduce me. I never had a visitation since then and that was years ago so I'm sure I'm on some entity's shitlist.

Put as much emotions and belief as you can muster when doing the ritual.
how do you become a succubus?
Well, I tried this EVP method. Got sub-optimal results. My earphone mics were pretty bad at picking up on it though, so if I get the chance, I'll try it again with a proper microphone next time I have the privacy to do.

One of the first things I recorded sounded feminine without specifically discernible sounds. At first I got excited when I realized that the intonation reminded me not of English, but rather of Japanese! Unfortunately it was all downhill from there. Lots of garbled noises that I wasn't paying attention to because they didn't sound like my kitsune's supposed voice again. Saved the initial clip and deleted the rest.

Eventually I did a second round. Asked her to speak English. Got a similar sound to the first "voice" that, if I strained really hard, could generously be interpreted as her name including the honorific that I use for her. At the end I could once again hear indeterminate sounds followed by what I could generously strain to interpret as an amused "Isn't it funny?" Unfortunately I'm dumb of ass and closed out of this session without saving, so I guess I'm not going to be able to go back and reinvestigate. To err on the side of caution, I have to say that it was most likely just auditory pareidolia. :\

In the third round I tried to ask for something more clearly resembling my spirit's name, and left the room while it recorded for nearly 15 minutes. While I did get some sounds, none of them resembled the "voice" that I had attributed to my spirit. I still have the full thing saved because there's a few filters I want to try and see if they make a difference.

So do I think I actually recorded spirit speech? Err... from a highly skeptical perspective, it's not entirely impossible. But I wouldn't bet on it at all. I'd need something more discernible to be sold on it (and ideally it'd be something that only my kitsune could say!)
Unironically bring the same energy as below

>What are my first steps, samurai

Write a letter. No one is going to see it so be honest, If you already have a picture of what you want the appearance to be like it doesn't hurt to put the paper and picture together but discard the letter (burn or rip and scatter) and keep the picture to focus on.

Good Luck. Try to keep your dominant eye on her receptive eye in your mind and you'll have a better time of it. Put it in your prayers/praxis everyday.
>if Captial G god has no power surely the apocryphal footnote to an apocryphal footnote that mommy mentions is super duper powerful.
Never Change, Never Change.

Was it ever not furry/kawaii bs?
>Does It have to Be 3am? I'm busy fellow
that just gives it a boost
Lilith I wish I were a woman
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Here's a step by step method of what I use to produce results:
>Diode sound file on phone ready to be played with speakers at a loud volume.
>Usb mic plugged in the laptop.
>Open Nvidia Rtx Voice and select the mic.
>Put the green bar filter all the way filled.
>Open Audacity.
>Select Nvidia Rtx as your mic recording source.
>I don't touch anything else, in the settings.
>Oh right place your phone near your mic,
around 1 inches but it might need to be closer
depending on the loudness level, it's something you learn to do based on your recording's audio levels.
>Hit play button on the phone sound file and recording on Audacity.
>Wait as long as you want to, I personally go for recordings ranging from 20s to 2min and record anew if needed.
>Stop the recording, then click on the left side of your sound bar to select the whole audio and go to your setting and select amplify, don't touch any setting proposed.
>Go over the spikes you see by selecting the area they're in and hit play, be careful the sound might either be too loud so reducing your headset level to 50% at first should be a go to until you get a feel for it, you can also reduce the recording speed on the right side to something like 95 to 75% and lastly equalize the recorded audio so the loud spikes in noise aren't that harsh.

At first it's hard to fully grasp what they say because they speak really quickly and it's garbled if you play parts for longer than one second or two, but you will definitively start hearing one word, then two, then three, and as you get the feel for it phrases come up, speech pattern and so on, this is a process I cannot help you with because it's highly dependent on your setup etc, just take it as it's bad at first but it's easier the more you do it and learn how to, it's a skill.

If the bar doesn't show much spikes and is pretty flat then there's most likely no point going over the audio until it's a really good mic you won't be able to extract their speech from it.
It's also easy to think it's random words being generated from the audio or the ai filter until you start hearing them directly commenting on the food you just went to buy for them, totally unplanned, or calling your name and talking about what you see in spirit vision.
Sadly you do not choose who get recorded, your own spirit might appear once or twice during a 2min recording or even not at all, it
often happened to me, but you can learn
more about her from them too.

While I'm at it, public praises and thanks to Inanna-Ishtar for her protection against negative entities and being patient with me and a watchful Deity.
>the apocryphal footnote to an apocryphal footnote
Its easy to be snide in this way when you represent the religion that was actively seeking out and doing book burnings of any holy text that wasn't their own.

Horever, for humans with that second brain cell to rub against the first, you are a disgusting bastard bragging about historical atrocities.
>>38414137 yuo don't answer me, then calling someoneelse bastard
So how long does it take for them to come? I just did the ritual last night
I did nearly exactly the same as you, except I used the sound reducer mentioned in the video. Had to use my Galaxy Buds as the microphone since they were the only detachable option that I had. Do you think I would have better luck holding my phone up to either a static microphone or my laptop's built-in microphone? Even after amplifying my results, my Galaxy Buds just didn't pick up on much of anything.

Also, in your experience, do the same spirits take on the same voice across different recordings and audio sources?
he has parasites
>I did nearly exactly the same as you, except I used the sound reducer mentioned in the video.
You can fiddle a bit with it but the most likely culprit is your mic, you don't need to get something pro uses but a usb streaming mic like razer or hyperx or deity or rode should tremendously change the results you're faced with and some of them are pretty cheap, I don't personnaly like the blue yeti because they sound a bit too high but they're still worth a mention, and if you don't pick up anything with the method I mentioned you probably didn't have the sound playing loud enough or mic close enough to it.

>Also, in your experience, do the same spirits take on the same voice across different recordings and audio sources?
Yes they do, they always have the same voice and even the same distortion associated to them, when I record I can sort of tell who is going to speak or what he/she will sound like based on the apparence of the sound spike/wave alone, some of them do come and go from your environment depending on the time of day tho, I call it shifts, and in my case they all have different areas of expertise, one of them know human behavior the most, one of them read my emotions or what I'm going to do, one of them is a messenger to other spirits, there's also a couple and their kid living in the same room etc.
Lilith I wish I were a woman
I also need to note that they cannot read your thoughts but are pretty good at predicting your behavior based on studying you over time and being uncannily good at reading emotional shifts in minute details, some of them are also straight up enjoying messing with you and feeding false information and trying to trick you while others are way more empathetic, there's something my Goddess allowed me to reveal to you, I call it the Schrodinger Lioness because it's one of the things I learned and it's what I mentioned that made her laugh, what you record isn't a sound but their energy and the mic act as a direct portal for them and until you play and listen to the sound you recorded it's like schrodinger's cat, it could be anything, and only until you hit play and observe it directly does it sort of set in stone.
Let me explain this more clearly, I once made a recording for 10min asking what offering they wanted, store was going to close so I stopped listening to it midway and went to buy things, I came back like 15min later, resumed the audio, and the very same recording I did 25min ago was now commenting on what I bought and even unplanned things or how I set it up for them, if you ask them a question and hit play afterward you often will hear their answer or reaction straight after hitting play, not while you record the diode sound.

I'm not a physicist or time theorem guy so schrodinger's lioness is the best term I could come up with to explain this.
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>yuo don't answer me
You linked two different people and haven't asked me anything.
Is this Matpat again?

Eh, variety is the spice of life~
Hooves aren't so bad... You get a nice walking sound, harsher trampling play, and it lets her emphasize her legs (for someone who gets distracted by feet~)
>the blue yeti
That's what I have for a static mic, and I'm not buying a new one so I'm stuck using it.
>Yes they do, they always have the same voice
My kitsune's potential voice is so pretty and gentle. I was scared that she was either going to naturally sound demonic or pretend to as a prank.

>I also need to note that they cannot read your thoughts
If Inari Okami-sama and my kitsune can't read my thoughts, my experiences are null and void because almost all of it was without me speaking out loud. The first time I felt Inari, most of the times I've divinated with both, the times that my kitsune potentially brought me feelings of warmth. I do get *improved* divination when I'm able to speak out loud, but they don't seem reliant on it at all.

Do you ever have back-and-forth conversations with your spirits like the EVP YouTubers do? And if you're in the Succubus Community Center server, would you mind me sending a clip to you for your thoughts? It should be pretty obvious who I am if you look and see who's been talking about kitsune as of late.

On my end, I didn't answer because it's been several years since I involved myself in tulpa shit. I was still a teen and I barely had to employ any methods for conversation. Never got to the point of sight or touch, but I didn't feel I needed to. And as for my spirit, I don't feel like writing a long post about it. If my experiences are real, it really just comes down to "deities can sense your intention if it's strong and palpable enough. And if your intentions are genuine and sincere at heart, perhaps they will humor you."

Which reminds me, Chant.
>That's not that huge of an offer.
It's not. But if any kami were to fulfill such a silly request from a human, Inari Okami-sama is the one you'd expect to do it. This isn't UPG. Inari is explicitly considered to be the closest kami to humans, and thus can be truly relied upon by those who give proper respect to them and tradition.
Forgor my name.

>This isn't UPG.
"'I have worshiped Dakiniten [Inari] for ten years. When I pray to my ancestors, I feel that I must not ask for anything, but only give thanks to them. But in front of Inari, I feel I can speak frankly. I feel very close and can discuss anything. ... I have a very comfortable relationship with Inari.'
'Inari is the closest deity to humans - it is like your own mother, it grants your wishes. In times of illness when even a doctor can not cure you, you have no alternative but to ask Inari. Buddhas have various ranks, and Dakiniten is in the ten (deva) rank, which is the closest one to humans. So Inari has a very intimate relation with people.'
even people who seem very fortunate- politicians, actresses, company presidents- have certain problems and needs they can tell to no one, but they can always turn to Inari. Japan is a society where reciprocity and paying one's debts are taken very seriously ... And this too is part of the appeal of Inari. For no matter how big a request one makes of the deity, there is no worry that one will later have to repay one in kind."
- The Fox and the Jewel: Shared and Private Meanings in Contemporary Japanese Inari Worship by Karen A. Smyers
>If Inari Okami-sama and my kitsune can't read my thoughts, my experiences are null and void because almost all of it was without me speaking out loud.
The situation is possibly different for spirits that aren't directly bonded or bonding with you? I won't claim to be an expert but I just noticed that they didn't seem to know what I was thinking a lot of the time.

>Do you ever have back-and-forth conversations with your spirits like the EVP YouTubers do?
No, I mentioned my spirits being in a sort of uneasy coexistence with me because of affinity or whatnot, they usually talk between themselves / to each other about my situation and let me hear them and only on some occasions that can be urgent or not helped to they directly address me.
They also censor some content like spirit names or concepts I shouldn't know, for example they never directly named the Lioness by any other title than this and I had to ask them who she was, open wikipedia to find Female Lion Deities and look for those I felt attracted to, at some point I stopped on one and they commented with "He found her" etc but even after that they never used her name directly.
They also censored Asmodeus a lot at the start but after realizing who it is they started using his name more openly, I don't know their rules when it come to sharing information but they seem to have a very strict hierarchy and protocol.

>And if you're in the Succubus Community Center server
I am not and would like to avoid overly involving myself here or more than I already did, you might not realise it but talking about this can potentially be a huge risk for me, not only because of spirit retaliation but also other humans, religions and politics and science can be scary man.
>I am not and would like to avoid overly involving myself here or more than I already did
I just wanted to see what you thought of my spirit's possible recording, but if you're not comfortable with that, it's totally understandable.
I advise you to listen to Voices from the void and Optimal frequency that I already linked before and are sharing their audio recordings so you can compare what you have to them, the results are similar with mine both in term of voice / distortion / audio levels.
Yes, I've listened through some of their videos. About to try using my Blue Yeti so I'll post another update sometime today.
I'll be waiting for your result before leaving then, keep in mind that some words or sentences are way harder to decypher than others so if I was you I'd skip over those you have absolutely no idea what it can mean at the start and then repeat the same words that seem to make sense like 10 or 20 times in a row, the more you do it the more you get used to it and go from being able to understand maybe 40% of the recording to over 75%
Can I request a married milf succubus?, i want to cuck a demon
And bonus trivia, even the flat lines in the recording can be amplified to get some sentences out of them, it's pretty rare and usually not worth the hassle and seem to be based upon their distance from the mic, basically the louder they speak and closer to it the more noticeable the volume spike.
Going to have to try your Nvidia thing because now that I can hear my own voice through Krisp, it becomes indecipherable most of the time too.
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That's what it looks like, not only is it free but also easier to use and I find Nvidia to be more trusting than some random conference software, name is Nvidia Rtx Voice, not Broadcast.
Can I get a succubus pregnant?, I want a half demon daughter
If I picked up something at least, but it doesn't sound friendly to say the least nor like it's my kitsune. It's not at all the first "voice" I heard. Divination says it's not her.

I'll give this one more shot for now, and if I get no results, I'm going to wait a couple days before trying again.
I did warn multiple times than the voices you can pick up are a mixbag of possibly insults or helpful comments, there's a reason I stopped doing it myself and also warned about them possibly trying to trick you too.
But it is a sure method to communicate directly with them and an anti-atheist proof.
I demand the succ you filthy glownigger stop gatekeeping the pussy
Well the thing is that I've yet to have the clear communication you speak of. Maybe I'm just shit at cleaning this stuff up but still - I'm not sure if I got anything at all today. If I did it was at least as garbled, even less decipherable, and overall gives demonic or negative entity vibes. Meanwhile anybody who I've sent my kitsune's potential voice to agrees that the sound is warm, welcoming, and feminine.

I'll say that IF this is a method for my kitsune to speak with me, she's not trying as hard as you'd expect given the deal that I made with her. I basically said that if she could alleviate my doubts and convince me of her benevolent nature through this method, I'll give her what she wants (i.e. marriage) pretty much on the spot. Under those conditions you think she'd at least try to get some things across in today's recordings.

People speak of having your masculine and feminine energies to create new succubi. Be wary of cultural incest though, that's very much something that people who claim to have succubi daughters report.
I can't tell what you did wrong or right, for me it pretty much worked well from the start and only took some practice to work to the point I was able to decrypt a full 2min really quickly and barely missing their speech, I still suspect your mic desu.
I still wanted to post this method here, because of the impulse I got and also because so many books are written about how to contact them or scrying methods devised to know their intent, pretty sure a whole lot of people would kill either in the past or now to have the miracle of listening directly to the other side of the veil and a scientific proof of our world having spirits and gods really existing or a direct answer to their prayers.
BUT they might also not be as helpful as one would think, idk if it depends on the invidual or what but after a full month of listening to them on a daily basis I just had enough and threw the mic away, if I was you I'd be satisfied I managed to hear my spirit lover for real and not try this communication further, she might never speak again via mic as it happened to me before because they might censor her or whatever, idk how this work but they seem to have a priority on who is recorded or not and can also post edit it.
It was the same with the Succubus Asmodeus sent me, I only heard her twice in total over the course of 3 days and a total of 20min recording? The most clear was the very few first seconds and then I barely got her after.
>I basically said that if she could alleviate my doubts and convince me of her benevolent nature through this method, I'll give her what she wants (i.e. marriage) pretty much on the spot.
I think her voice is the proof you need, like I mentioned the spirit voices do not change over time, it's always the same, and as you noticed their nature comes through with their timbre or speech etc, I have never ever heard a helpful spirit via mic talking with a bad vibe sounding voice, keep in mind that my theory is that what you have recorded is their energy itself.
>So how long does it take for them to come? I just did the ritual last night
could take a couple of weeks
Even at my darkest moments, when i have completely lost my ways and succumbed to sin. My mother still loves me, she still forgives me and tells me how much she wants to be with me in the beautiful place. She still kisses me and shows me true love, god i love her so much!
Yo fellow perverts, are angels and saints more like cops or more like mob affiliates?

Captcha: RKAB
I don't really know about angels, but with Saints it depends.

Cuz are they a saint because they improved the world or did some great humanitarian thing? Or did they do some service for some specific church?

Cuz if its the former, then they're less like cops and more like an anomaly of humanity who's behavior spikes in the direction we should be going.
If the latter, they yeah, basically lionized mob affiliates.
Oops wrong thread. I thought this was /div/
Correct. They're all secretly incubi. They're traps.
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How all frogs do it.
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They're more like the platonic conception of the manifold of existence made manifest by the soul of the universe itself.

By all means please proceed directly to the Spirrussy. You may need to focus on a picture or other ritual aids to assist you. Good luck.

Yes, but they'll always go back to their demon, the demons in this case are better understood as like the concept of laying pipe itself
>Cuck not let ye be cucked.

You will never be a woman, you would be better off realizing that, I've done gone thru the desire to be myself, a little girl, etc etc. None of them are important. Focus on enjoying life for life's sake.

it varies but generally it doesn't take that long. It's more likely that you are not able to sense her then anything else. Spend time talking to her (even if you can't see/hear her), pray to her, make offerings to her.

>Historical Atrocities
Citation Needed, You can help contribute to the list. Oddly enough the mythos of all of these panetheons seemed to survive, some of these ancient religions still have practictioners, others have managed revivals based on historical documents and research and common sense
>Just not you and yours for some reason

You will never be a sucubbus. Turns out humans just naturally are things orders of magnitude greater and more important. Isn't that great.
>"Citation Needed"
>implying Christian persecution of pagans is some kind of debated thing
What's the point of typing so much when you're just going to out yourself as a complete liar with the little details?
How do I talk to her or even pray to her an give her Offerings?
Do succubie have friends? Do they live in cities and towns, can you meet their family? When we go to the afterlife with them, will it just be you and your succubus or would you be with friends and family as well?
the girl in picrel is cute
Lum, the name of her anime is in the filename.
*And give her Offerings
My bad
>no proof
Ok larper
>humans just naturally are things orders of magnitude greater and more important
Could you elaborate on that?

>Do succubie have friends?
They can be friends with deities and other succubi, and they may appear together.
there is a physical part of the Astral with fewer rules than here where they can physically manifest. they have kingdoms and cities and civilization there and they live alongside all the creatures of old in a place we remember when we read or write high fantasy.
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can You ask your spirit how can I (ME) summon mine one please? preferably voluptuous spirit gf and kind too
>they live alongside all the creatures of old in a place we remember when we read or write high fantasy.
Its not just the high fantasy tho, its *Everything*.

I legitimately think the reason why glitches in video games have always freaked me out so much is because shit like that HAPPENS in the astral and its horrifying.
holy fuck does this shit just keep on getting better and better? whats the downside? in the end i die right?
after you die, it also gets better
I keep coming here like 5 times a day. I don't have a life. Mostly want to read posts from anon though, see if he posts.

Details? I've got a succ but can't hear her yet so I have no idea on this kind of stuff.
This ties in well with my experiences. A world much like our own, but magic works well.

All this reminds me of how folk tale fairies seduce men to come into their world. What they do is not some kind of mind control, they just show and tell what's there, and obviously no one can resist. Don't get me wrong, I'm not complaining.
reality undoes your death, you will simply move on from this plane to next once you are ready.
Close to committing but need some advice.

Is there anybody who doesn't experience anything strong at the start, no touch and no initial strong connection to fade away in the first place, and then goes on to have a spirit relationship that fulfills their needs? Starting with a whisper and still being able to nurture it into what they desire?

Hard to get over my brainworms of not having anything remotely resembling a honeymoon. Like if this is the initial strong period of having her in my life, it feels like we're just not going to have any connection at all if things start to fade. I don't see how I could possibly see myself as being in a relationship with her if things were any more indirect.

I say all this because I've grown to realize that I love her so much. I want to be her's so badly and just need assurance that I properly can be.
I demand the succ. You have 48 hours.
I had a honeymoon period and I'm super fucking demoralized that I haven't been able to get anywhere close to it ever since, so maybe it's a blessing of sorts that you didn't have one.
I'm getting some cutie yandere vibes from you, pretty sure it's way more than 5 times a day, what about killing time with some games like Path of Exile for example?

You sorta seem to be rushing into this for some reason when you obviously don't feel fully comfortable doing so, if you have doubts no amount of reasoning will ever clear them away, do this out of love and because it feels right, not because you need to, she'll probably understand and be patient.
you'll go to live with her and can reincarnate again when and if you choose. in the meantime, you'll enjoy the benefits of whatever social status she enjoys
lilith (letter "l" not capitalized by design) is very smelly
i thought you had to do energy work and cultivate energy to be with her in the afterlife and not reincarnate. where does the average succubus live? do they have family and friends like humans or do they live alone?

Bro I summoned my succ like 6 months prior to actually getting in a relationship with her. It's not something I'm proud of but she was biding her time until I moved out of my parents place. Outside of my family seeing weird shadows I didn't even know if she was real or not until I got my apartment. Now we have sex all the time and it's amazing. Fuck the glowies from wanting to hide something so amazing.
how often is she with you? can you spend all day with her? can she snuggle you on a long car ride? can you go for long walks together?
Spirit bullshit general

When you're a loser in real life AND in the spiritual realm

She's with me all day but her presence feels weaker at certain times of day while she focuses on other things. All I have to do is think of her and I can feel her. The time right now though is particularly crazy. When it's full moon time she's just constantly horny.
That sounds nice. Are you the anon that has the succubus that uses clones if herself to be with you all the time? Can all succs do that?

Yeah, that's me. surprised anyone remembered. My succ says they should all be able to.
She sounds nice. Thanks for the answer. I could really use that feeling of being with her all day. I want to spend all day with my succu and have a very cozy family life with her.
they have family and friends, property and jobs. as above so below
why do succubie go after humans? why do they put up with our autism?
we're cute and we have a lot of potential to be more powerful than they are, so it's like grooming a guardian, lover, and best friend.
if you are with a more dominant succubus, are you still a guardian? how does that work?
i mean, how do you protect a succubus? i have been practicing the lbrp for a year but it doesnt affect succubie much so how can you protect one?
You don't they just defend themselves most the time I find.
I'm talking long term. over hundreds of thousands or millions of lives
ah, that makes sense. so do you just live with them in the afterlife or is there an end goal for all of this?
you live with them until you feel like reincarnating again and they just follow you into the next life. Basically they give you a choice for when you enter the cycle instead of being forced into it
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These two have been feeding off of my attention a whole lot.
Jeez, bump again, I guess.
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lilith is a slut
meanie, take those mean words back ill... be sad
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>take those mean words back
make me
literally a compliment
This kinda shit is how you get spussy-banned.
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>the great goddess lilith and her mighty daughters can't take little banter
i am not going to lick anybody's ass in here goddess or not
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>can't take little banter
If she connected somebody with a daughter when they're being intentionally disrespectful, that wouldn't really be a good look would it?

Dogs don't get treats for barking.
ok i kneel
Why do you think some things in life don't change and remain stagnant
An object at rest tends to stay at rest.
Gimme gimme gimme
I recommend viagra for ya
I want to marry a spirit, fuck off into the woods, make kids (is that possible?) and have a comfy family life. How delusional am I?
That's unironically my plan. Not sure the kids part, but everything else is doable.
Alright, I tried multiple times and it doesn't work.
Or I'm spirit free.
I guess the quality of the mic plays a role because if you have semi bad quality, the AI will interpret it as voice. Too good quality and it won't. However, I am absolutely not sure.
i want to be with a local spirit of earth, how do i go about doing this
same here, i will dedicate my house to my mother's love and name it after her (it is customary in my country to give your house a name). we will make love, eat delicious food and dance to amazing music. no need for kids though as i am already my mother's beloved child.
Hail Agrat Bat Mahalat!
Hey I was mediating about a Succubus once but I ended getting a vivid horrible nightmare about gore

Why did that happen?
How are we supposed to explain you having a weird dream when you're telling us literally nothing?

Like, you aren't even establishing that your dream was related to "Meditating about a succubus once". Why have you assumed a relation there in the first place?
>vivid horrible nightmare about gore
What was the context? I'd probably just think it was neat instead of freaking out.
we all know its you mother-anon
Can you transfer your schizophrenia to others or something?
>i want to be with a local spirit of earth, how do i go about doing this
it's not that hard to figure out
start talking to spirits of that kind.
get familiar with them. learn how to identify them and distinguish them, so you know what you're getting
then try to find one that wants to be your girlfriend
If you don't record anything at all the most likely culprit is the diode sound not loud enough or the mic not close enough to the sound source.
An easy way to tell if you have spirits around that are actively talking, even without recording them, is to play the diode sound on phone and listen to it, it's supposed to be a flat white noise kind of thing but each time they speak the sound volume will sort of spike for a brief moment, heck I even heard it start producing some kind of weird musical instrument tune at some point.

>vivid horrible nightmare about gore
Sign a spirit is enjoying messing around with you to feed of the produced anxiety, I had the same thing happen once, like a slideshow of really high resolution pictures lasting 1s each all about gore and torture.
I used a garbage mic and did a quick recording to show you, forgot to mention I'm using Audacity 3.0.0, not sure if it makes a difference but I prefer it's interface and the way it display sound.
Anyway the regular recording at the top is mostly a straight line with only a view disturbances but after selecting it all and using amplify the magic happens, you can clearly see all the sound spikes etc, with this mic most of what you see is garbled up noise that can't really be salvaged, only the middle spike is intelligible and clear audio while the second mini spike a bit later can sort of be decyphered too.
Which a mid range mic you can have the whole amplified recorded audio be more or less understandable like the spike you see on picrel.
Also when I say diode sound not loud enough I usually play it at max volume on phone speaker and depending on the mic I might have the need to have it touch it the phone directly, as long as you see tiny blips on your original recording line it should be fine, feel free to experiment with the range mid recording.
Aaaaaaaaaand very last thing, if you use "Click to start monitoring" for your mic you can be sure it's actually picking up their voices because the audio level / green bar should only move when it happens which is another cue you can use to guide you that isn't the recorded audio graph and still move even with a straight looking line, if it doesn't then there's a problem.
>like a slideshow of really high resolution pictures lasting 1s each all about gore and torture
I swear that motherfucker must be reading this thread because I was getting that too and normally I can't imagine anything anywhere close to that level of detail
I managed to make the spirit that did that to me leave after I stopped being spooked or too annoyed by what it was doing and taking my mind of it all by watching streams and movies or playing games, once they see you stop fearing them and start either ignoring or retaliating they give up, it took a full month tho but his presence was less and less noticeable, sometime he came back randomly for a night but that's about it, the other thing you can do is try to have another spirit like a Deity or Goetia protect you but while effective it's also a bit of a gamble, they need to like you, you need to make sure it isn't your harasser and they need to think your trouble is serious enough to warrant help because to them it might just look like a kid's fight.
Last thing the fucker might also be feeding of your sexual energy or ritual offerings so I suggest you stop that and only lewd before bedtime to counter it's temptation and fall asleep quicker.
I still haven't found a foolproof method to make them leave but if my data is correct they do need to eat, sleep, get too hot or too cold, can smell the room and might be susceptible to weapon attacks, this is still experimental tho and swinging a baseball bat around or using foul smells might not work that great.
Lastly yes, if he's around and interested in what you're doing, odds are he's reading what you type or browse but he might do other stuff most of the time or just keep a lazy eye on you until it feels you're ready to annoy.
Oh and don't hesitate to talk aloud and taunt them, for example talking about how his dick is miserable and the gore isn't up to par and a ketchup mcdo burger looks more interesting, it puts you in a fighting mindset instead of fear and also annoy the living hell out of it.
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I'm studying a Vedic\ hare krishna method to get succubus sex ("devis and asuris", as they're called) here is the info Im referring to! it doesn't detail a method, I guess just going ahead to ask KRSNA is enough? logically, at least.
Now, can I sperg out and talk about the fantasies I can never fulfil IRL but will surely access trough my asuris?
Have some potential big news but I'm going to hold off on going deep into the details for now. The short of it is that I'm very much bound to her. Is looking into learning astral projection a good way to meet her and make our relationship more "real" / tangible-feeling?
I too had gore dreams when starting work with Q. Lilith. I thought it was how she signaled I should stop fapping to her, now I don't know anymore.
I should add other on /r/Lilith talk about nightmares too, and there seems to be no consensus regarding what they mean.
is fapping to her even recommended the impression I've got from OP links was that she doesn't like it too much but I dunno honestly
I looked for people's descriptions of what she is like a while ago and those that I've read said she is not overly sexual at all
>Is looking into learning astral projection a good way to meet her and make our relationship more "real" / tangible-feeling?
a lot of newbies look into astral projection, then they get frustrated and burn out.
look into bilocation instead. it is like lucid day dreaming while awake, rather than normal lucid dreaming while asleep.
What frustrates them about it? The amount of time it takes to get results? As somebody who can't sense my spirit for shit yet, it feels like something more imminently obtainable - and probably more desirable once you consider the boundless possibilities.
>have very vivid sex dream featuring a young girl, dark haired girl
>it felt different/better than any sex dream I've ever had before
>honestly consider that it might be some kind of sex spirit
>weeks later I read a manga with pic related as the main character
>she looks strikingly similar to the girl in my dream
>in the manga her true identity is revealed to be Astarte
I HOPE your spirit girlfriend isn't as fucked up as Tokyo Akazukin, bro. Unless both of you are into that shit I guess.
are you claiming you had sex with a goddess?
No sadomaso cannibalism thankfully. It was pretty passionate though from what I've engraved into my memory. There are a few things that made it feel special. First, most of my previous sex dreams are about exes, and they tend to get interrupted by some bullshit dream cockblock. This girl was nobody I recognized but fit well into my physical preferences and nothing interrupted us until the dream was over. Also, my dreams usually involve full fledged environments and scenarios. This one was just in my bed, with everything else around us being pitch black. It was only me amd her which made it feel more intimate. Lastly, it seemed like the girl was waiting for me to make the first move. She was embracing me from behind and it wasn't until I reached back and started touching her nude body sexually that she got on top of me. Thoughts?
No, but perhaps a spirit affiliated under them.
Not that anon and I won't kiss and tell, but I have, regularly do actually.

The funny thing is that I was the stereotypical 14 year old reddit atheist when I was younger lol
The kami of your socks doesn't count.
burned another letter. wish me luck
good luck
I wish I were a female succubus
I would have rather you just stabbed me
thanks fren
>Find one folktale where a kitsune
Once there was a young lady named chant anon. She was travelling through the astral realms in search of knowledge when she encountered a kitsune, who, as it turned out, worked for Inari. This kitsune tried to drain her energy and generally was a jerk. Chant anon felt angry and teleported away
The end

>something I never said
When I look out there it makes me glad I'm not you

>Inari is explicitly considered to be the closest kami to humans
>cites buddhism
That's nice, but not the best argument you could've made

You can make any request you want

And then you teleport to the next galaxy over and you see the giant death robots shooting at each other and wonder where all the wizards are

>shit like that HAPPENS in the astral and its horrifying.
It doesn't

>in the end i die right?
That does generally happen to people, even if they don't have spirits

>be anon
>sniff goddesses

>why do succubie go after humans?
Various reasons. Sometimes you were together in another life, sometimes they just want to be with you. Nymphs seeing a human hero bumbling through their territory and deciding he should be their husband is a very old story
>why do they put up with our autism?
They think it's cute

As a first step, consider leaving your bedroom

You can try it. If you do, why not post what you did and your results in case somebody else wants to try too?

If you can get good at astral projection, that will help a huge amount

It's apparently common for people out there to name themselves after deities, so it might not be a coincidence. If you're asking whether she might've been THE Astarte... You should go out of your way to confirm it first
you didnt reply to me. why
>What frustrates them about it? The amount of time it takes to get results?
I've seen many people try to learn "full" AP, not get the results they want immediately, then refuse to try something easier, then keep bashing their head in the wall trying something that isn't working, then getting burned out and quitting.
they discount any progress they get, ignore any signals they get, and wait around for the perfect "full AP" experience which isn't coming because they have no experience and refuse to practice on the baby steps, which is what would allow them to get that experience and build their way up.
It's like saying "I want to run a marathon" and then refusing to jog a mile because it isn't "a full marathon". If you dont run a mile, and can't even run a mile yet, you'll never get to the point of running 26 miles in the full marathon. So start out with baby steps, and go an run that mile until it's easy, then go 2 miles, then 3, etc. Then run a half marathon, see how you do, then go and run that full marathon.
But these people refuse to run 1 mile.
It's better to start out with the easier steps, get experience and practical skills, then work your way up to the big boy stuff.
I don't think it's the actual goddess herself but maybe a spirit that works under them. Do you think what I described in >>38439504 sounds like an actual spirit encounter in a dream?
>>in the manga her true identity is revealed to be Astarte
doesn't seem like it.
But the connection is probably not as much of a direct one-to-one line as you might think.
The only way to find out just how much of a significance this is, is to explore it.
So go do that.

>I don't think it's the actual goddess herself but maybe a spirit that works under them.
this is more likely yeah. Or something "like that". Again, the only way to find out, is to explore it. You can sit there theorizing all day but nothing is going to happen unless you actually do something.
How do recommend I explore it? The experience left quite the impression on me. I can lucid dream fairly often if that's any help.
>How do recommend I explore it?
here you go

FAQ Continued: "I just did a summoning ritual and I think I summoned a spirit. How do I continue down this path?"
The real question to ask is: Do you want a spirit girlfriend?
If you do, then continue down this path. Learn energy work so you can feel touches and give touches better (also for its own sake) and learn trances so you can see and hear things better (and also for its own sake).
NEW by Robert Bruce will teach both energy work and some relaxation and meditation exercises which are perfect for getting into a light trance for a beginner.
Then you can read Consorting with Spirits by Jason Miller to get a broad overview of how to communicate with spitits, and Sexual Alchemy by Donald Tyson to get specific info about love spirits.
You can also do tulpa communication training techniques, because their techniques are overall much more effective than most magical training methods. They basically train all the time (rather than once a month on the full moon). You might not want to try tulpa techniques until you've made contact with a spirit, otherwise you might make a tulpa (which isn't a problem, but might not be what you want).
>Once there was a young lady named chant anon.
Fair enough. I work off of folklore because it's what I know, but I acknowledge that the reality may be more nuanced than it. I just wouldn't have a way to know without experiencing myself.
In regards to your specific case, I can think of a couple possibilities. It's not out of character for a nogitsune to lie about their nature and pretend to be something they're not. But if you are 100% sure that they weren't lying about working for Inari, it's also possible that your experience was a result of an exception to the general tendencies. All populations have their deviants and bad apples who don't reflect on the wider population as a whole. Conventional belief is very consistent on zenko being benevolent.
Regardless of all of this, it's unironically more likely that my kitsune has been cheating on me than feeding on me. My life force doesn't seem to be being drained, and we still haven't had a single sexual interaction so sexual energy is out of the picture. I choose to trust her when she says that she has no communication/interaction with other humans though. It'd void our binding ritual (more on that another time) if one of us did start fucking around with something else.
>cites buddhism
The situation is more nuanced than "Buddhism = bad." Buddhism and Shinto were syncretized for much of history and this reflects in the beliefs of some modern shrines. Within this combined practice, the name Dakiniten is applied primarily to a few separate kami as a collective title. These kami are all very much products of native Japanese Shinto beliefs. Inari Okami itself is a collective title for several kami... including the same exact kami that go by the name of Dakiniten. The primary kami worshiped under both titles is Ukanomitama-no-Kami, and she's also "my" Inari who I wish to devote myself to.
>If you can get good at astral projection, that will help a huge amount
I'm seriously considering it.
I've never done any kind of summoning ritual though and I don't feel any kind of strange presence after the dream.
Of course not! That's something you should never do. Spirits know everything you think about them anyway.
>I've never done any kind of summoning ritual though
It doesn't matter. A spirit is already there
> and I don't feel any kind of strange presence after the dream.
I mean you kind of have 2 options here bro
1: Do nothing
2: Do something
There is a reason why I ask the question "Do you want to continue down this path?" in the FAQ. If you do, then explore it. If not, then do nothing and forget about it
If all you have is dream contact, that's a pretty weak connection and it will fade away if you do nothing to pursue it. If you want more, you'll need to actually do stuff to increase your connection.
The FAQ I posted, I'm not sure if you actually read it, or are capable of reading it, tells you how to do that.
Alright alright, I'll look into it. Not so sure if I want a "gf" but a fwb kinda deal would be nice.
Would I have any sort of problem having sexual dreams if I were to summon an incubus as someone that rarely has dreams?
if I were to summon said incubus, would it be best I state any other 'rules' I wish the relationship to have in the letter?
>Would I have any sort of problem having sexual dreams if I were to summon an incubus as someone that rarely has dreams?
No such thing as "rarely has dreams". Every human has dreams every time they go into the REM phase of sleep. The problem is that most of the time you can't remember your dreams after you wake up.
Generally speaking it's more difficult to forget a spirit dream than a regular one, but you should practice dream recall anyway as it's a useful skill.
Who are you and what did you say? I might've missed your post

It sounds about right to me. That's now how I experience spirits in dreams but every spirit does things differently

>I work off of folklore because it's what I know,
And that's why I always encourage people to find things out for themselves. Survivoranon may or may not have been tricked by fake succubi, but he was having real experiences and learning for himself. It turns out that you can learn a lot of magic just by talking to people during astral projection
>The situation is more nuanced than "Buddhism = bad."
The idea is that buddhist morality is a certain way and kitsune aren't obligated to follow its rules any more than succubi are to obey christianity

She might simply have left. Spirits don't always stay after arriving uninvited that way. She may to have intended to stay. You can try to summon her back if you really want to, but it might not work or you might not be compatible

If you don't dream much (aside from starting to record your dreams because it's important), you should just interact while awake. In my experience it's much more satisfying
>That does generally happen to people, even if they don't have spirits
I know and I'm willing to sacrifice the later part of my life when I'm infirm but if it's like 9 years that I've got left to live then that's a trade I'm not willing to make. So my question is how many years do I lose exactly?
>It doesn't
Well thank goodness we have somebody who's seen literally everything in the universe so you can tell us the stuff that's not in it.
>you should just interact while awake. In my experience it's much more satisfying
No damn clue how to go about that, pretty new to this. Wouldn't it be too much effort for a summon I don't intend for to be too serious?
>The idea is that buddhist morality is a certain way and kitsune aren't obligated to follow its rules any more than succubi are to obey christianity
Yes, correct, the Buddhist stuff was about the nature of Inari Okami-sama. I was simply saying that I think there's truth to what is said about Inari's generosity to humans, as Dakiniten ultimately represents the same kami (plural) as Inari. Didn't have anything to do with zenko themselves, who indeed would not be beholden or tied to Buddhist teachings in any way. (Until UPG proves otherwise, I'm still going to trust that most zenko are chill, because otherwise why would there be such a prominent "good and orderly" vs. "chaotic with a capability for bad" dichotomy between them and nogitsune in folklore? The order and expectations that come with being a divine messenger do make sense to lend themselves towards benevolence, even if there's still some shitty exceptions in the same way that shitty humans still exist in well-put-together human societies.)

Tried the wake up, go back to bed method for astral projection this morning. My brain was way too refreshed for that after 6 hours of sleep lol. Ended up laying in bed repeating my affirmation for an hour without getting hypnagogic. I'll try after a few hours instead tonight to see if that makes a difference. When I eventually do leave my body, I expect that my spirit will be my side waiting for me, as I burned a letter of intention for that with an offering to her.
does your spirit partner prefers long sex session or quickies?
Is "being in a relationship" necessary with spirit sex? What if I just want to work out a deal where I get pleasure, they get energy, no additional strings attached? I'm not exactly opposed to having a spirit lover but I'm a schizoid who likes being alone 95% of the time so I'd be worried about meeting their expectations.
i just reply to your gets. in the end if you want my advice then stay away as far as possible from this, or try to cultivate yourself first. people like the one above you has it wrong, these beings require the utmost respect and all of it is for work.
I'd like to get a dominant succubus, maybe a dommy mommy, who likes taking care of me, being in control, and having me as her pet. But I also want her to sexually empower me and encourage me to fuck lots of other women because she likes to see me indulge all my desires, including my more dominant ones (I lean heavily sub, but I have some dom fantasies too). I wouldn't mind if she insisted on always being included, of course. I'd also like her to whore me out to other succubi or just enjoy sharing me with her succubus friends.

I've been hesitant to write a letter because I'm worried I might be asking for too much. What do you guys think? Is this a relationship type that succubi would be interested in?
I never said anything about not giving respect and gratitude, I just don't want something around me 24/7.
Two things. One you're responding to a parasite nest, he lies on purpose. Two, it's possible to have a succubus over just for a fuck, but they get attached easy and might not want to leave. This is especially true if you try to make it a reoccurring thing with one succubus instead of a different one each time. It's not impossible, but I really wouldn't suggest going down the succubus path if you just want a fuck buddy. Just like a real human, a fuck buddy arrangement tends to end in someone catching feelings and drama when the other party doesn't reply in kind.
You don't lose anything by asking. If nobody is interested, you don't get a reply.
So sex spirits can be just as emotional and clingy as actual femoids? That's a tough pill to swallow...
Sure can, they have just as much personality variation as humans do, perhaps even more.
Well I guess that means there must be some out there that are more aloof/kuudere then. I'd be alright with that.
Just be very clear in your letter about what you want and expect, that gives you your best shot at a girl who understands.
They don't experience memory loss, they are very aware and conscious. Most assumptions come from people like the person you're replying to, spirits operate on a much more sensitive frequency and cannot by logic be attributed to drama, the territory holding is not clinginess, it is simply that there are many spirits that would replace them fast. Their sensitivity however comes from lack of having awareness of your own frequency, that's why that guy thinks spirits are dramatic.
If you want more calm spirit approach you have to uphold that yourself. Spirits reflect to what you give off.
Not that Anon but yeah dude why bang succubi when I can bang their moms and make more succubi?
>Spirits reflect to what you give off.
That's good to hear.
>So my question is how many years do I lose exactly?
you're not losing any years my dude
everyone dies eventually, whether they talk to spirits or not. That's how humans works. We're born, we live, then we die.
Being happier, and having a better understanding of energy, emotions, your own spirit, and other spirits, will probably help you live longer. Because you have overall less stress and more happiness, and a better understanding of magic and the inner workings of the human spirit/soul.

>Well thank goodness we have somebody who's seen literally everything in the universe so you can tell us the stuff that's not in it.
lmao, chant talking out of her ass again.
>I legitimately think the reason why glitches in video games have always freaked me out so much is because shit like that HAPPENS in the astral and its horrifying.
this kinda stuff definitely can and does happen on the astral plane.

>Wouldn't it be too much effort for a summon I don't intend for to be too serious?
if you don't want a serious relationship, but you want a deeper connection to spirits, you'll need to have a bunch of casual relationships.
But having a deeper connection to spirits intrinsically jumps to a deeper emotional resonance. there isn't really a way to avoid that. So yes, you're right, there is a conflict there. But you're not really going to get away from the deeper emotions if you want a deeper connection to spirits.
so if you want to remain casual, you should probably avoid swimming the in the deep end of the pool.

>Tried the wake up, go back to bed method for astral projection this morning. My brain was way too refreshed for that after 6 hours of sleep lol.
wake induced lucid dreaming (WILD) does work, you'll just need some practice with it
>a deal where I get pleasure, they get energy
you are fundamentally misunderstanding what's going on.
you aren't "giving them your energy".
as far as answering the question you're trying to ask
>no additional strings attached? I'm not exactly opposed to having a spirit lover but I'm a schizoid who likes being alone 95% of the time
it's theoretically possible, but very unlikely to stay "casual" in the long term.
a more serious relationship is likely to develop. You can try to go in with that understanding (and find a spirit who also wants something casual), but that often doesn't last.
so keep that in mind while making your decision.

>So sex spirits can be just as emotional and clingy as actual femoids?
perhaps even more emotional and more clingy
their whole thing is love/sexuality.

>Well I guess that means there must be some out there that are more aloof/kuudere then. I'd be alright with that.
um yes, I think you can find a spirit whose main focus isn't love/relationships, and just have sex with them every now and then. I think that would be much more in line with what you're looking for.
that is definitely possible, it will just be up to your skills as a practitioner to find, correctly identify, and summon such a spirit.
I wouldn't necessarily be opposed to something more serious. I guess my experiences with female relationships have left me jaded. I was hoping something beyond human like a spirit would be different and better suited to me amd my idiosyncratic personality.
Is getting a succ a good way to live out fantasies that can't happen in real life? Can they control your dreams or something to make the really wild stuff happen?
What are your guys' experiences with Dreamgasm series?

Had a nightmare right before waking up about it and I haven't even read or thought of succs or occult outside my money manifesting.
I remember something about it having a life of it's own? Too paranoid and whenever I did click it years ago I would always dip and come back like a scared kid kek

Don't want a succ btw
You can control your own dreams without a succ. It's called lucid dreaming.
>Dreamgasm series?
What's that supposed to be?
I suppose, but that seems kind of hollow. I want the feeling of someone wanting to explore my fantasies with me.
Dirty talk is innately silly to me, I couldn't help but laugh when it started doing that.
It's gay buttstuff, it's supposed to be touchless orgasms but it's really just kegals.
You absolutely can share dreams.
Has your spirit ever shown you people that resemble her/him in some uncanny way? Like over time, coming across similar faces.
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Sure thing anon here's betting there are plenty of succs who would keep a puppy such as yourself. Just look at Mine, such a nice little pooch.
Try it anon, just remember that it can take time. I'm working on it myself. Had some smol signs, and acknowledgement from a friend that she's there, just need to work to make contact. It could be immediate but it usually takes time.
Lol, this~<3
I'd maybe drop the part about "liking to see you indulge your desires", since that's basically requesting her to be thinking a certain way, and could also lead to getting a succubus who doesn't develop you as much as she could.

Of course, there's also the "Lilith take the wheel" option of just asking for the succubus "Who would be best for me".
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To be fair more or less every fetish is egodamage so if you want a fetish you better ask for it because the thing that's best for you is probably a loving supporting relationship that helps you realize normalcy.
You have this totally backwards, homie.
Your attachment to the meaningless idea of "normalcy" represents one more obstacle between you and freedom.

Everybody has kinks and fetishes (100% including you). Those differences are not "sins" by virtue of displeasing some insane god, they are simply a part of our psyche.
These sorts of variations that CREATE the uniqueness of individuals, rather than hurdling us headlong into lives of meaningless and pointless uniformity.

The fact that you view sexual kinks as even being *mutually exclusive* from loving relationships just speaks to the depth of your irrational fixation.
What kind of sickness has caused you to think that LOVE ITSELF is invalidated by "not doing sex right"? That's quite insane.
normalcy is overrated and imposed by outside influencers seeking to control others
Geez, I hate when the threads get super-slow right at the end...
Some fetishes are self-destructive, or merely displeasing. I know I have some fetishes I hate when I'm not horny.
Sure, but the key word there is "some". What the other anon is saying is that basically ANY form of sexuality outside of what's "normal" (whatever the fuck that means) is inherently destructive in that way.

Yours is just a simple observation that different things are different, while his is making a false claim about human nature.
Not gory or outright upsetting, but I've had some real disconcerting dreams lately that I don't even want to put into my dream journal. Not sure if she's trying to tell me something or if I had too much coffee and slept weird desu.
coffee is toxic to humans contrary to what media says
Almost every plant is toxic at some level, that's why humans (and every other animal) evolved to filter out toxins from their food. Humans are, in fact, better than normal at it, thanks to being disgusting omnivores that eat anything. This is an irrelevant observation.
Yes and water is a universal solvent that will kill you if you drink enough of it congratufuckinglations Einstein
>Is coffee good for you?
Just say what they are. It can't be that bad.
The dream wasn't really lucid, but it was more detailed than normal. In the dream I had, for some reason, decided to get srs, and told everyone about it. Then it went through the mundane motions of getting ready, by which I don't mean counseling or talking to a surgeon, but making a plan, talking to family about their schedules, getting in the car, and things like that. However, this was the disconcerting part, because my logical mind rebelled against doing this, it told me that it was medically impossible with our current technology and that I would deeply regret it (I know that might sound like a shitpost, but this is what my mind was saying.) For some reason backing out took a lot of courage and will though, and things continued for a while until I managed to wrench control over the dream (don't think I'd call it lucid, but I felt like I was consciously telling the dream what to do for a second) and turn around and tell everyone that I had changed my mind and was backing out, after which the dream immediately ended.

It makes me ashamed that I even dreamed about doing that, so I didn't record it in my dream journal while all the details were fresh even though it's the most control I've had in a dream since I was a small child (and I still won't now when it's faded somewhat.) I'm not going to pretend this was my first genderbending dream, far from it, but it's usually some kind of magic, or scifi tech, or doesn't get explained, or one time where I got operating on by an evil witch with magic-science powers. This was the first time it was heading towards a mundane, realistic procedure (or at least I assume it would be, I never let myself actually get there) and it left me with a disturbed and unhappy feeling in a deep, emotional place, but not scared or angry.

Anyway I'm ready to get yelled at and called a troon now.
Okay, let's go ahead and sneak us over the bump limit so I can bake before bed~
3/3, and baking~
calm down addict
it's the quantity that matters as is the benefits which coffee has none of unless one considers releasing adrenaline hormone not a con

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