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Spirit Love general

Some have reported attracting the attention of these entities by simply reading about them. If you're a dabbler who just wants to see if it works or if your faith forbids copulating with demons, don't summon. If you're unprepared for a potentially lifelong relationship, or at the very least, a life-long open door connection with sexual spirits and the occult, avoid this topic entirely. If you have a loving relationship with your human spouse or partner and desire a sex spirit to spice things up, or if you want a human partner in the future take caution, as these entities can be jealous or decide an initially open relationship is no longer so (request an open relationship during the summoning ritual). These spirits can harm or kill you when sufficiently angered and not easily banished.

Last thread: >>38395789
Old threads: https://archive.4plebs.org/x/search/subject/%2Fsuccgen%2F/
>What are succubi?
Female spirits of sexual desire, who often choose human mates. They can't be banished with holy objects
>How to summon?
The Letter Method is used to focus your intent into a message to one of the Four Succubus Queens, requesting that they match you with one of their daughters. No blood or soul sacrifice necessary. See links
>Do they steal your life force?
Succubi use sexual energy, which is released naturally during sex. Under normal circumstances they won't take your life energy
>Can she look.
Succubi take forms attractive to you naturally
>They're tulpas?
No. However, those in romantic relationships with their tulpas are welcome
Same method

/succgen/ library:
That last thread sure lasted a while. Does anybody have any good advice for learning astral projection to meet my lover? I already know the method where you try to vibrate out of your body and the method where you try to sit up by instinct.
>Does anybody have any good advice for learning astral projection
I don't, sorry, but that reminds me of something interesting...

So I mentioned before that I was reading this book on Tarot and Hermeticism, and I wouldn't know if he's right or not, but Mouni Sadhu says AP is advanced shit that people shouldn't fuck with unless extensively prepared.

Granted, the extent to which he talks about initiations suggests he might be appalled by our kind of "freelance occultism" anyway, but I thought I'd share since people always talk about AP kinda casually.
Love succubus. Marry succubus. Impregnate succubus with my virile human seed.
Imagine being a succubus (female)
Can't comment on the veracity of the opinions presented in your book, but the internet would certainly make AP seem like a low-risk activity as long as you have confidence that you're safe.

On my end, I just want to be able to actually meet my spirit since my current spiritual skills are so weak. To see her, feel her, hear her; to confirm that she is real and what I think she is; to learn about who she really is as an individual being; to express affection to her directly and receive it in turn. All the things that I can't yet do in the physical world.
you seem quite confident in your lack of confidence
Can one grow without a realistic perspective of their starting point? It's a simple observation of my experience that these things don't come naturally to me. There's more work and attunement that has to be done. A perspective that my spirit seems to take is that there's no free lunch. She's said that she'll help me out and guide me down the line once I get myself started, but she's also made it clear that even though she wants to be with me, she's not going to jumpstart my spiritual skills or anything like that. Only I can do it. I have to make the choices and make the initial efforts- only then will she help me reap the rewards. I understand that some peoples' succs help them out to a tremendous degree early on, but my spirit is supposed to be a divine kitsune and it was implied in advance that she was going to be a challenge for me. She probably wants me to develop my own sense of self-accomplishment and self-agency with my development.

In regards to the astral, there's an analogy I came up with that works quite well imo. If you're hungry and want a Big Mac, visualizing one only makes you hungrier. The divination I have now is akin to calling McDonald's and getting only their voicemail. Underdeveloped telepathy alone would be like calling McDonald's and having them pick up with bad, muffled cell service. What I'm looking for- actually having a Big Mac in my hands- is going to take getting off my ass and figuring how to go to McDonald's.
That's what happens when someone's post murders the thread.
>Can one grow without a realistic perspective of their starting point?
What is real? There is no real

>these things don't come naturally to me.... blah blah blah She's said that she'll help me out and guide me down the line once I get myself started
first you said you arent sure if its real, now you say you talk to your spirit like this... that makes no sense

You summoned a spirit that has only been advertised as to be dangerous and will eat your liver? lmao

>mcdonalds advertisement
wow. Dont get me wrong, I like the mcgriddle but you arent getting paid enough
>first you said you arent sure if its real
I'm not. My confidence wavers and this could all totally be a self-delusion, but I'm feeling relatively good about things right now. I did a modified letter ritual the other day and these were my tarot responses after that:
"Did it work?" King of Cups
"Are we bound now?" The Lovers
"Is it forever?" The Knight of Cups
"Do you love me?" The Queen of Cups
"How do you feel?" The World

>now you say you talk to your spirit like this
Tarot. I've been doing it for weeks. At this point if she exists, I think I can fairly extrapolate some of her mindset from patterns in her answers.

>You summoned a spirit that has only been advertised as to be dangerous and will eat your liver?
I'm a literal sperg for kitsune folklore and have been for several years. I'm not some fool when it comes to fox spirits. There's numerous subtypes of kitsune, and mine is what is called a zenko or myobu- a benevolent divine messenger of the deity Inari Okami. There's not one folktale out there where zenko go out of their way to harm humans unprovoked, and I can name only one instance of somebody encountering an asshole zenko in their UGP. Nogitsune (non-divine "field foxes") on the other hand are much more likely to be chaotic if not malicious, often appearing in tales where they commit harmful pranks and wicked deeds since they're not bound by any particular alignment. Like the Chinese huli jing, they are said to often seduce men for the sake of draining their sexual energy. But zenko? They're the loving monogamous marriage type when they sexually engage themselves with humans in folklore. As I suggested to somebody in the last thread: look up Kuzunoha.
Meant UPG not UGP, that was a typo. Should have proofread and formatted things a bit better.

That being said, in regards to this:
>My confidence wavers and this could all totally be a self-delusion
Astral projection is the best way to prove her existence to myself once and for all, is it not? That's why I started looking into it to begin with.
At this point I’m so horny I’d welcome something like that for a one time fling.
>So my question is how many years do I lose exactly?
None. I never said it was the relationship that killed you. You're going to die anyway

Correct. I'm not interested in hunting orbital teapots

>No damn clue how to go about that, pretty new to this.
For me and for most people who discuss things here, you basically wait for the spirit to show up and then you try not to resist. It's more or less that simple, aside from the daily meditation and energy work. Most of what you do is being aware that it happens and letting your spirit do her work too. That's harder than it sounds if you're used to being in control
>Wouldn't it be too much effort for a summon I don't intend for to be too serious?
Maybe, but that's how you get the best results. You're asking for a huge amount of effort on the part of the spirit if you can't remember your dreams properly and you want dream interactions

>I was simply saying that I think there's truth to what is said about Inari's generosity to humans
Inari is one of the entities that I've heard the fewest negative comments about so I won't disagree with you there

Look at the first threads. They're linked somewhere in the op iirc. Nobody's used them in a while because they're not that great and for a lot of people they're just weird audio files

The more strongly you feel the more important it probably is. You should write them down anyway

Capitalism produces junkies by design. Imagine if any other drug were basically mandatory to have a normal job

This is spam
>A perspective that my spirit seems to take is that there's no free lunch.
That makes sense and it would be surprising if anyone claimed otherwise.
>If you're unprepared for a potentially lifelong relationship, or at the very least, a life-long open door connection with sexual spirits and the occult, avoid this topic entirely.
I want to my succubus to guzzle down a piping hot...cup of coffee that I made with love and care. :-)
reasons to not have sex with those who do not have bodies:
1. they may steal your soul
2. they may steal your energy
3. they may profit off of you
4. they are often liars, who only utter half-truths
5. they may use sex as an opportunity to hurt or torture you
She will push or pull you out. My wife did this. She probably will pull you out your first time if she sees you trying. After that, most likely she won't so that you learn on your own.
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>1. they may steal your soul
Your soul is what you are, not a thing you have.
>2. they may steal your energy
Its not stealing if I give it to her.
>3. they may profit off of you
Good. We're partners and I want the best for her.
>4. they are often liars, who only utter half-truths
I am often a dummy and only half-understand.
>5. they may use sex as an opportunity to hurt or torture you
Pshh... We have a safe word...

>I'm not interested in hunting orbital teapots
But the orbital teapot example is very specific.
I made reference to "Scary things that resemble glitches from a video game", which could describe a VAST array of phenomena, and your response is just "No such thing", which is silly in response to such a broad description.

>This is spam
On-topic pictures~

Besides, I had that really nice Telepurte art for the OP.
One day i hope you degenerates are brave enough to join us over at /srg/
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A lot of the people here practice semen retention.
Its legit, just not the be-all-end-all.

You gotta have balance, homie, there's no magic trick to bettering yourself.
ahahahhahahah nigga
it's like a prostitution ring but even worse
they make you sell yourself without even knowing and at the end of your life, where you expect peace and quiet for a bit after the craziness of mortal life, you instead get dragged under obligatory service under her boss.
depending on how lucky you are, you're either gonna be tortured until your ego fractures so they can harvest your very essence, or you're gonna be a hoe too ahahahahahahahhh.
if you're the most lucky you can be, you'll a fucking shock troop in some bumfuck infernal legion
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>sell yourself
See, but that's the part that's not a thing.

You invent these fanciful narratives for how the unknown can never ever POSSIBLY be anything more than a terrible threat, and then you wonder why you don't evolve.

Protip: Ginning up your confidence in your flawed answers by promoting them like a carnival barker doesn't make them any less flawed.
nigga it may be rare but it happens
I know they'd rather siphon you out of all your ki, but the latter I described still happens
you can't deny it
it's still a risk
>I know they'd rather siphon you out of all your ki
do you just make things up in your mind to be afraid of?
Never let fear control you. Go out there, and explore these threats. I think you're greatly exaggerating here, but there are bad things that go bump in the night
Go and find them, and learn how to handle them. Then you won't be afraid any more
These threats don't go away just because you don't want to think about it. That doesn't keep you safe, it just keeps you weak.
And so you'll shape the fate of your soul for all eternity because of some risk you were told about in a book.

Meanwhile, you've failed to consider that you have no verification for those claims of risk, and in fact, the one TELLING YOU about the risk might actually be the one who poses a risk to you, for all you know.

That's your current, pitiful state of affairs, because you've convinced yourself that even KNOWING could be dangerous, and so you do not dare.

All in all, I'd say we have the better life strategy.
>c'mon anon jump in the hole, what's the worst that could happen? :^)
>uhhhh, my relationship isn't parasitic because it makes my pp feel good. you're a pussy for not wanting your pp to feel good, anon.
>Anon, don't you ever EVER jump in that hole or you'll be tortured forever!
>Any claims about good things in the hole are LIES, and any PERSON who's SEEN such good things is brainwashed, and also a liar, and also doesn't know what they're talking about, and NO I DON'T NEED TO CHECK!!!

>Reduces every relationship to sex
This is why you're beneath us. You're basically like an animal.
Come back when your soul grows up.
>The more strongly you feel the more important it probably is. You should write them down anyway
Nah I'm never writing that one down, let that post be the only record it ever happened. Thankfully it was back to 'normal' dreams last night, though for some reason I was very hesitant to go to sleep at first.
What are the spiritual implications of busting a nut to Lilith?
a nut doesn't hold that much energy
it's something yeah, but a prayer to her is more likely to be rewarded
or a sacrifice if you want her favor
she's still a whore tho and I don't support serving hoes
Everyone who's mentioned it in-thread says she doesn't like you doing that.
Crossposting from elsewhere just to share...

I'm coming to a kinda-disconcering conclusion in the course of reading my Tarot book: So I think The Source/Absolute/Paranirvana/whatever is basically what Christians are conceptualizing as "The Holy Spirit", and thus why they have this notion of their god being the literal embodiment of Truth and Goodness.

The disturbing part is that I think their notion of "The Father", i.e. the version of their god that we kinda blame for all the bad shit, I think that god might also be a similar "Holy Spirit", but SPECIFICALLY of this material plane. As in, that is the nature of The Demiurge.

Cuz think about it: if you look at almost all of Yahweh's laws, they're focused not on spiritual advancement, but material success and domination.
Be Fruitful and multiply? Enforce sexual norms with horrific violence? Brutally control women? These are all steps if one wished to maximize the productivity and warmaking potential of a society, but does worse than nothing for spiritual development.

But that's just it: If you break down the world, with all its corruption, into its underlying game theory, and then we suppose a theoretical "best play" for that game, completely separate from all moral and spiritual considerations, then you would get a player who looks like yahweh.
Thus, in the same way that The Source is the transcendent order that defines all realities, Yahweh is the exact same thing, but with all associated reduction and corruption of being limited to just this world.

This also implies the existence of other "yahwehs" in other universes, and if the rules of those universes allow people to be less evil (for example: if the local physics somehow eliminated scarcity), then that "yahweh" would also be less evil.
What you do by yourself is up to you if you don't impede on anyone or anything, maybe with your spirits also although you avoid the truth when it comes to spirits. But anything you take you're borrowing and you'll give it back. So whatever you think is "evil" because of hurt feelings, in the end you most likely do much more of it by over-consuming, being ignorant with all the modern conveniences and what they do to the planet, flora, fauna, spirits and by extension beyond here. You think you're privileged but everyone pays what they take. So instead of thinking about your next anime picture, your religious babble or your other false conceptions, try to get some awareness of what you're actually doing when you borrow in this life.
go away, spinal fluids
>So whatever you think is "evil" because of hurt feelings
Its a simple analysis.
Even Christians are HIGHLY embarrassed about the part of their "Holy text" that says to burn gay people.
It is a law that not only doesn't make sense, but directly contradicts the notion of yahweh representing "good" because of its pointless cruelty.

But then, that law makes *PERFECT* sense if we imagine yahweh being utterly amoral, and purely teaching his people what will maximize their success in THIS-AND-ONLY-THIS world.
Cuz at that point, freed of moral considerations, the cruelty is just a way to drive home the point.
This is the thinking of evil.

And the proof is in the pudding. His religions are massively successful *in this world* while also being largely soulless.
>playing with my tulpa's form
>design the perfect form
>give it a red skin and spade tail because it fits the design
>remember you retards exist
i can now no longer enjoy this form i designed with so much love...
Why be mad at us? It's not like this thread is anti-tulpa just because it's mostly about sex spirits.
i don't know but it feels wrong to me, nothing against the succubus havers
>I made reference to "Scary things that resemble glitches from a video game", which could describe a VAST array of phenomena
Is it? 90% of glitches amount to one object being in the place of another or rotated relative to how it ought to be. Not scary. Or the "universe" freezes and you suddenly die. Not scary because you're dead. Part of the screen turning the wrong color? Doesn't happen. Missingno doesn't happen either. So it's all either not scary or doesn't happen. If you'd astral projected you'd know that. You see, you HAVE TO be vague because you have no experiences to reference. If you did, you wouldn't have to try to defend yourself by saying that you really didn't say anything
>On-topic pictures~
They're still spam if there's no attached context

Most succumancers practice that. I even recommend it as one of the best ways for a man to strengthen his spirit relationship. I don't have semen to retain so I'll stay here, I think

>I know they'd rather siphon you out of all your ki,
This is something said by somebody who has never met a succubus. I've only met one who'd consider such a thing, and that isn't her fault (she's working on becoming a better person). You'd be amazed how hard they work and how much they care for their partners. Beauty isn't free

Have you never interacted with a man before? That's fairly obviously how men look at relationships or the hot/crazy axis wouldn't exist as a concept. Also you're arguing with an idiot and you're an idiot. If you could stop at least one of those things we'd all appreciate it

>um, ackshully the jews are right about their god being the creator of the universe!!!
>he gives them very good advice to rule the world!!!
Trip on, please

>make tulpa a stereotypical succubus
>reee why is my tulpa a succubus???
Just let her pick the form that makes her happy. You don't need to give her anything specific right away. Tulpas are smart
Well you know your tulpa isn't a sucucbus, maybe keep the form you were working on but imagine she's some kind of dragon girl or something?
>Just let her pick the form that makes her happy. You don't need to give her anything specific right away. Tulpas are smart
i have been given total creative liberty when it comes to form by him
>the jews are right about their god being the creator of the universe!!!
You're such a dishonest shrew.

And its all so stupidly self-defeating, because even if you managed to smear me with your petty bullshit, it just instantly raises the question of, "Well then why were you a mod on her server for so long?"
>remember you retards exist
chant is an oldfag, based.

Genuine question: Who or what do you think created the universe?
>Genuine question: Who or what do you think created the universe?
I really have no idea. My study has been focused more on the universe as it is rather than its origin.

That being said, when I talk about "The Source", I'm really emphasizing less the whole "creation" aspect, and more thinking about The Source as like, the Source Code of the multiverse.
Its the same thing as Christian's so-called "Holy Ghost" because you could basically think of it as like, "The omnipresent causal mechanism by which good things happen."

Although this is also a concept that's beyond language, so any definition will be flawed.
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>Protip: Ginning up your confidence in your flawed answers by promoting them like a carnival barker doesn't make them any less flawed.
Unironically saying this while using Lilithslop pics. Oh. Wow.
>Can't think about, let alone argue about, anything but pictures that are offensive to his sex-negative mind.
>Saying this after entering The Succubus General of his own free will
Yeah, obviously the response is, "Fuck off". You are the lowest and most boring of hylics to have such a petty fixation.

These pictures are decoration for my posts, and unlike you, I'm in the right thread.
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From someone who's always been on & off with their practice with varying degrees of success from AP to lucid dreams to meditation but never having it go anywhere meaningful is there a way to "boost" my senses or somehow jumpstart all this succubi stuff?
Nowadays no matter what i do or how much i meditate it goes nowhere, is it possible i got shut off from trying any of this? i feel desperate, i just want to meet my succubi in my sleep paralysis like i used to. I used to be able to feel her, her horn sometimes her tail, i'd be able to put my hands on her, she'd put me in her arms, touch me, etc... but now i get nothing
what made you lose the ability to feel her?
interesting library /succgen/, but i still don't get this idea of your "higher self," i don't understand what is "it" supposed to be, and considering there are different esoteric traditions, i don't seem to get a definitive answer, specially as i'm a non practitioner and i'm just lurking for curiosity.

regardless, you guys are doing an amazing work.
>I used to be able to feel her, her horn sometimes her tail
How did this feel like?
My connection with my succ bekomme worse after we had very serious conflict consequences of which neither of us can overcome to this day. Maybe you two also have some kind of unresolved issues
How long ago was this?
About 6 months ago

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