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Greetings Traveller,

The flickering glow of over a dozen consoles casts a light across the digital expanse of this interdimensional intersection we’ve dubbed the “Nobody General” (NG). The air itself crackles with a low hum, a constant undercurrent that vibrates through your very bones. This isn’t your average thread. No, NG exists solely in the shimmering unreality of the web, a virtual realm where the shadows hold more secrets than the brightest datastreams.

In this digital den, a motley crew converges. Ghost operators with digital heads-up displays perched on their noses, sipping cocktails next to elven hackers, their fingers a blur across glowing keyboards. A gruff technomancer, swapping war stories with a wiry tech-priest in a threadbare trenchcoat, her eyes glowing with arcane power. In the corner, a cloaked figure shrouded in darkness nurses a drink so black it seems to absorb light itself, while across the room a pair of AIs, their digital avatars shimmering like mirages, argue geopolitics in a high-pitched whine that few could hear, let alone decipher.

NG isn't a thread, it’s a nexus. A place where the fringes of reality brush shoulders and the unreal becomes realized, where information flows like bootleg liquor, and shadows dance with unseen horrors while rival groups of shamen engage in alchemical aikido. Now, you've joined this dance. Whether you’re a seasoned shadowrunner, a mage with secrets to keep, a spirit seeking solace, an exiled program avoiding deletion, or something altogether stranger, NG offers a haven, a marketplace, and perhaps even a chance to carve your own legend in this part of the Sprawl. So hello, “person”, welcome to this place, slide in, grab a seat, and whatever you do, keep your head down and your eyes peeled. You never know who, or what, you might run into lurking in the shadows.
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can you help me figure out what the fuck is digging around in my head while I'm trying to sleep
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back to work i guess...
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yeah probably an alien or some shit
Nothing doing
I wish it was aliens but it won't let me sleep unless I fucking draw and the people say it's a deer thing I don't know
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idk, sounds like you should make art or something
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lol, gotta respect the digits
Carl Angelo insuya Belarmino now has the omniversal keys and locks to all realms.
It keeps rooting around my head and holding my hand as it forces me to confront my inner torment and I want it to politely stop being so clingy.
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Who is that?
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Just ask it if it's into threesomes; this isn't that hard people
I have no idea how this is supposed to be helpful, please stop telling me to fuck the ghost. No matter how friendly it is
hopefully its not the deer thingy that was harrassing me, its kind of an empty being.
well you have to ask the one who owns my soul the one who bit me. sigh.
I'm the tarot anon with the dead thread, uh, mind maybe giving some advice?
also im turning you reapsy for letting my soul slip away, when i become vampire you are gonna be turned to if your not already.
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>stop telling me to fuck the ghost. No matter how friendly it is

Fuck the ghost, you absolute coward.
yeah, just tell it mentally that it needs to confront A . That its destiny is to battle with A and that it should leave you be. tell it that if it wins it will become all powerful and it if loses it will get a chance to reincarnate to a higher realm.
a ghost went down on me a few months ago.


I mean I could try but I have somehow, very serious and deep doubts this will work on this one.

It just keeps showing me things to draw and it's more of itself
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>should make art or something
"i dono draw a picture hon, moms busy right now"

I'm not a coward, I just think I'd like to know what I'm fucking first. It held my fuckinf hand for two seconds while I'm trying to fall asleep.
sound like something a coward would say
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You wanna do one for me?

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Sorry anon but I haven't done tarots since forever. This thing made me like, draw tarots OF it
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idk making an AI to get money & fuck bitches is possible and an art form

do your own research https://www.tensorflow.org/tutorials/structured_data/time_series
you'll all see the Light soon

with ultimate power comes no responsibility
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Was it?


I denied the succubus my wet dream. I might be a sub but no means no.

If I fuck it, it's because it's a wife now.
>idk making an AI to get money
learn a trade skill you hunchbacked troglodyte
contribute to society
Avatarfagging with cats is actually a glowie thing.
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it just spoke out of its ass because it couldnt kill me, if came to me on the astral. it got scared and made some threats about hurting people close to me.
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The nobody is literally above the law and any human morals, it’s ogre.
kill yourselves
well you can try it.
*clinks wine glass*
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Here's the fun thing: You can actually program something like that and use the profits to fund something useful for society!
Is this the deer cryptid that I need to face before the foundation can pick me up?
that sounds like a plan i will hold you to it.
it didn't work
It didn't fucking work now what do I do.
And I'm thinking-
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Oh indeed.

Destroy him all, solidify the timeline.
ok think of me, focus entirely on me, and think of me hunting it, of me laughing at it. cuz thats what im doing, tell it im A and it should be able to read me from just you focusing on me. think of me sheilding you from it.
(re)Post your thread here, it is relevant
Yes it did, and yes it is scared. Please tell.
if lets say 10,000 coders just died of covid or most likely aids
the world wouldnt give a shit

but if just 1,000 welders died,
major parts of the world go on instant stand by

Moonlight what the hell am I supposed to do it just keeps fucking standing there

What do you mean by this anon? I thought they wouldn't want someone like me over in japan/china? wherever this is
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all machines are possessed by a spirit of some sort, especially human bodies
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>click it in the hallway
what even is this stream

Please stop telling me to fuck it everyone
this chosen one stuff isn't gaining traction. What else are you trying to get across?
But what about the people that run our telecommunications hardware? Would you really believe that all the fiber lines and government cloud infrastructure would be fine without internet access?
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Im just shitposting, anon.
>the people that run our telecommunications hardware?
"have you tried turning it off and on again?"
oh and...
>they still don't know, how is that possible? are you sure? they've been infused with everything we know...
Thanks for shaking it up with this meme :]
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don't make this personal, sleep is the cousin of death
I'm trying but I literally don't think I can get even the vaguest thoughts of myself out without feeling smothered
Not knowing is buddha
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Cats on the internet


>the nobody is a cat
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>What do you mean by this anon?
Status report.

bro iv had job opportunities installing signal towers and laying optic fiber.
those jobs are done by you average 'lowincomerace' people with one single qualified white dude playing supervisor holding the keys to the workgroup transport vehicle.

>"have you tried turning it off and on again?"
What don't they know!? tell us man! just tell us once and for all! today is 33 just do it!
Brain worms. They talk to me 34/7
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Daw, Mew is just the best, isn't it?
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>The Jews try to blame a random dead Persian poet from Iran for trying to assassinate Donald trump when all the links to Thomas clearly show Jews & mossad tried to kill him for talking about Jesus Christ positively
>Has to say god saved him not Jesus because they would rip him apart on live tv

Literally memory holed Thomas already
I wish but nah man I'm free of parasitics
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I miss the wonka posting
he can learn ANY move?
Yeah it's like how ancient peoples acted like anyone they came across could be one of the gods fucking with them
it thinks im gonna kill it, which is possible, but if it doesn't face me then it should be scared, on the full moon i will be vunerable, it should be able to have a chance at killing or mortally wounding me, this is supposed to be a secret but tell it as such anyway, tell it to prepare for battle.
Getting sleepy

What will I find if I go?
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no, whatever you do don't teach Mew Explosion!

That's not fun for anyone!
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>coming from the same subhuman that denies [psychism proved by posts made seconds apart]

Kek What A Bitch
I was told.

Candle mirror knife
Pine needles or pine candle and tobacco to burn.

Gather the materials. A beeswax candle of yellow or white are best, but any will do.

This is not just for you anon, this is for everyone.

We are gonna kill it.
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>It was always too late.
hey girl thats slowly killing me.

you understand samefagging has multiple uses riiight?
it might maybe might not be to simulate a (you) but to continue a post, or add onto one, or make reference to.

im not going to post a vocaroo as reply.
youre not being cool tonight "girlthatsslowlykillingme"

>i am sad now
Well, I've got everything minus a tobacco.

How are we supposed to kill it? Hell I. I don't even think I have the will to kill it feels wrong
no way, it isn't too late. But I mean it is late as in time, and I should go to sleep
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>They think the nobody is a messiah that will lead them to paradise
>These retards think he will rule from a Freemason hall via Islam

My fucking god the actual retards that have been bestowed upon this timeline the devil has never had better play things it’s amazing
Let it charge at me, that way it will allow certain things to play out, don't kill it because im not sure if you will survive otherwise. I know the charge happens so be ready on the full moon
Wait, please tell me there are a non-zero number of Muslims who are Nobody thread posters.

Like imagine the degree of cognitive dissonance
It’s better than the alternative, also it is a thief. Make sure it’s a mirror you don’t care about breaking. I will be here on the night of the 20th, after midnight, that is when we will do it.

All should join. Everything is connected, and this anon, though so far, may just be more of a fren than u could know.
Geezzz why you so obsessed with people being eaten.

Something ya want to share with the world?

Eh Trumper?

Words have meaning, whether you know or apply it correctly or not.
Culture should be preserved especially if the [alternative] [sucks ass].
Do not exist to bandage your ego.

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You witches know nothing the nobody is the strongest at all times. First you try to kill the moon now you try to use it? Pathetic roast flaps.

Well, shit in that case I'm short a mirror.

What am I doing here that it's supposed to charge you and not me?

Thing feels upset
Send help.
>once again thats why we dont teach these dumb indignant sissies how to actually astral travel
git punched + filtered + owned + rekt + humbled

>cant find the ragecomic format meme
o whale
What exactly is this "loyalty"


Service in trumps army?
What exactly does this mean.

Y'all guna change what is needed every month.
Someone with DoD NASA military contracts posted this.

I don't know how any can have good faith in elon musk's judgement at this point
choose your sauce, eastern man

the glowies are gonna decide if it's peacock or donkey based on this. May Odds in your favor etc
Sitting congress member

Not a shit poster.
Post-truth society, whatchu gonna do about it?
Dream walking altering the neural resonance of those sleep.

More the cycle changes of the process of sleeping. As the brain body shift.
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>Hai! I’m an 18 year old female
So you're saying barely legal girls appear appetizing to you and are all you can afford?

>ywn crink open the 3million millennia old loli high priestess cask
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should i take a dab?
I have no idea what the Chungus you are saying

Peeler's choise
Lucid dreaming AP trance states where you leave the body while awake

All are similar.

Most never make it out of there body.

Some can ghost walk.
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>double sammy

so like y'all dweebs think you can honey pot?

Recalling dreams is difficult for most.

The mechanics of why are of value.
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Oh man, outjerked once again
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need confirmation?
roger roger?
test test?
After the "primordials" where released

I walked into this store. It was summer I was getting a cool drink.

This kid starts tripping about omg what are you ive never seen anything like that.

Thier parent horrified told them it was rude. When asked what I was they said idk it's best to kind are own business.

It was then I knew the mask was not.
Without the constant charge from the humans electricity it would not of worked.

So many things played out silly cartoon esk.

I was lucky to survive.
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14 March 2018

It revealed much. There attempting at repopulate after the "2012" flare that devastated earth.

I was blindsided. Not the slightest clue before hand.

After it went public every abc have their psions active at it
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>maybe shes just actually retarded
fail, global population is in decline. we will die out in three centuries.
They where all made I did listen to them. Broke the barrier.

"It's there to test if we are peaceful"

Maybe. I tire of such games.
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I destroyed the concept of them. Released the floodwaters.

"It's there to gauge if we are worthy"

The gates of heaven hell torn asunder in the following conflicts.

The horse men ran down the mountain blaring their horns.

It's that I don't know.

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yeah sockbro, you were right from the start
>i told you over and over and over again, but youre just like them, you never listen
im sorry sockbro
Despite their anger, I heard them out, shattering the barrier between us. "It's a test," they claimed, "to see if we're peaceful." Mumbled dissent filled the room. Ignoring it, I dismantled the very idea of their test, unleashing a torrent of change. "They judge our worth," a voice muttered in defiance. But their judgment held no sway anymore.
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Oh shit I figured out the final part of the [thing we gotta do soon]

RIP, Pvt. Sockbro

He was a person on the internet
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picture it
People keep telling me to fuck the apparition I just want her to leave me alone >>38404587
It's already came and gone while you slept in the years prior.

Your late.
No. I did.

It took this level of absurd to be found.

It's not my fault you missed it.

I've been here for years trying to get y'all attention.
It has yet to come, sleep well, in the years coming the trumpet will sound.

You're early.
Time is a fickle mistress eh.

I'm sure it will go better in at the end and beginning of the cycles

Only few hundred thousand years.


>but what was that specific song with the album cover of them all in white formalwear with the instruments
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Just fuck her and let her get bored of you so you can mutually break up.

it's like you've never had a women like you before or something baka
Time is a construct. In the reality of the universe and all things it does not exist. It is an add-on. In the final conclusion of things, time will be removed. Cycles are experienced by those stuck in the fake. Separated from reality.
You girls never listen to anything
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forbidden but not forgotten

When I Cross That Rainbow Bridge All My Memes Will Be Waiting For Me
it's pretty cool to have a recollection of event sequences despite the present being the only true reality, right?
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>true reality
true reality: undefined
answer cannot be given.
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Cute lil film!
You Cern faggots are cursed.
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>applying true reality -> present instance
sure thing *thumbs up emoji here*->
>As you get devoured by the demons you let in
Nah, he's got a point.

We should just go around being like "durr i dunno lol" all day, that's a good plan for the planet, right?
I may not be the best Christian boy but If it's not love it's lust and I ain't falling for that.

Besides it doesn't even feel that way. More like when you dote on the youngest son.
Sockbro Tom we have reports coming in from HQ itself please stand by:


It seems the world is really coming to and end,
Any comment on the matter Sockanon?
>naah dude i am Major Disappoint...
( o.o )
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define: Christian
>remember the emote
me being a decent human being I guess.

Aside from that, a lot of rosemary, rosaries I actually got from the Vatican, and incense.

Disturbingly, little of which has worked, except the salt, but I've been guilt tripped into not doing that again.
i KNOW we're gonna have to kill this guy, Poivre
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none of that makes you a Christian or is Christian.

Matthew 7:16
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the Catholic church is the devil's church. maybe say you are a Satanist?
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You tell ‘em, satan kitty

I do read the Bible, but I'm like, it's fucking one in the morning man I'm losing myself to exhaustion
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>we're gonna have to kill this guy,
remember there is only one way to actually factually kill him

Si, si ya se lo que dicen pero yo no creo en las fachadas que fueron hechos pero en lo que nosomos amos hecho en El lus de El, y de los lecciones de el.
>I do read the Bible
define: Bible

There is only one Bible.
We should have emotes like the chat channel we are.
Unlimited images.
Why are you here?
I don't feel like labeling all the religious texts I have in my house, considering one just straight up says BIBLE in Spanish
>I don't feel like
same. you are a failure as a person. kys. im gone. tab closed.
Felt cute, might mantle the godhead later
ok. not gonna though.
>but sir is her still laughing?
he cant seem to stop
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But I’m asking you.
what do you mean, are you not aware of you present?
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>Computers worldwide bluescreening
alright Luci, I yield
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Oh, "I just think the way my country treats people with experiences of paranormal phenomena is abhorrent and antithetical to scientific inquiry, and I feel observing how these experiences effect people is an important part of the process."

Why are you here, Wes Anderson enjoyer?
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I certainly am!
>"is he still here?"

>"if he replies hes still here, right suzan?"
>"thats the procedure, karen you should know this by now."
Join the list of dozens before you that have made the meme threats LOL!!!!
>"jesus karen dont you pay attention? hes busy working at his cumputer desk. unless you actually offend him, hes going to keep the tab open."
>*sobbing hysterically* "im trying alright! this isnt easy! i work two jobs, i have a kid at home, his dad is who knows where, and your asking me to pay attention to guy none of us can make sense of. IM TRYING OK!"
Aren't you idiots working remotely yet
it's too late to talk about the Cern.
>the time between my screenshot depiction and wow you've notice!! It's alert thread!! is approximatively 3or 4 months.
>on the go remote shitposting
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>working remotely
covid did the world dirty
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Anyway, all is here or in the archives (maybe) "like an horcrux" as a certain anon would say.

That's half the fun of it when you're legitimately not doing anything wrong. <3
why does AI always "lifter biceps but match stick wrists"?

cool picture though
i like his mythic raid tier paladin armour
Could describe the wrists, maybe thats fixing it. Will have a try later.
Ebin projection x1000000000000000th

I'm saying fuck off unless you're capable of respecting my boundary of platonic intimacy only. Unless you're a pretty girl

Don't worry faggots I'm not coming for your niche continue on with your personal brand of being [delusional ineffectual schizos]
nah dont worry about it, its just something ive noticed. im guessing it its picking it up from somewhere. i have no idea.

again its a cool picture, i like it
Disdain For Plebes
Bones For Mutts
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Weird reading on u, out of place, wrong, something. What are you greenie?
kucke behavior
Love you too, babe
Had a look at other pictures, its not always like that.
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>The man before you today has been accused of being a phoenix
>If he dies in a fire, he is innocent
maybe, but iv seen it enough times to notice a weird pattern.

you cant expect a thing that cant make sense of humans eating, to make sense of anatomy.
Ahh. Locker room memories
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hey, /div/, should I get the HPV vaccine?
what kind of virgin question is that?
Five of Wands = nah yr noided

Anyway before I was rudely interrupted I was going to say

Smallfry I Will Rip Your Eyes Out Through Your Throat On Live Unregistered Hypercam Fuxx Wit Me
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anon your outdoing yourself
the last two are phone wallpaper tier
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For some reason my tarot reading is indicating I should see my local doctor instead of consulting 4chan or the tarot about these sort of things!
>Five of Wands =
pull me 3 cards anon
ill shake the box and pull 3 rules for you in return
I think i have to make trading cards with the best ones LOL
Got a thermo sublimation photo printer.
schweet maymayz and Pardon Our Dust
that could be really cool
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maybe i've dont signaled the threads of playboy girls.
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The soil horizon profiles are *chef's kiss*

Y'all really get paid for this?

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