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Post your best evidence/theories surrounding UFOs.
>*crickets chirping*
there isnt any evidence. all UFOS are secret military tech. the UFO myth is maintained BY the military
If they had that level of technology I think they would already have used it against Russia/China in some way or another.
and how do you know they arent? TV news guy?
You can't really deny or confirm it's military tech, it just doesn't seem like the most likely hypothesis imo
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I want to believe (even if world governments have taken all the fun out of disclosure with their slow-drip release of highly technical documents that are mostly redacted anyway)
>there isnt any evidence
Wrong, see pic
>all UFOS are secret military tech
They come from many different sources, some could be military yes, but not all of them
>the UFO myth is maintained BY the military
UFO just means unidentified flying object, various people have seen them and its not the military maintaining it, more like they were covering it up if anything
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Forgot pic
This was all over the news some years back
An object flying faster than anything man made
Ofcourse you can just say fake, but these objects do appear in many instances regardless
Is all the stuff about them using mercury legit? I’ve heard that’s what the black triangle Air Force thing uses.

Also if anybody has info about the 1933 Italian UFO using brain interfacing can you please link, I’ve only seen it posted here I think, around the time the big disclosure stuff happens
Footage of a UFO that has not been deboonked
Aliens fell in love with bitches so are making sure you don't have any so they can have them to themselves.
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God what I would give to be that kitten in the Fleur-de-Lis armored bitch's arms
Aliens are observing or using the planet for some purpose. 1561 and 1566 phenomena imply aliens have warred over this planet in plain sight and then went back into hiding.

Sightings which dramatically increased after World War II are just German technology that was captured and military/Skunkworks. Many of these stories are fictitious.

I firmly believe sightings involving egg/pill shaped and spherical "aircraft" are aliens. Saucers and lights are just humans either misinterpreting what they are seeing or fucking around.
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UFOs are related to DMT entities.


> That there are other intelligences out there in the universe.
> That ultimately all intelligences must evolve away from their biological origins towards artificially manufactured forms of intelligence which have the advantages of eternal life, unrestricted size, and direct control over the parameters of their own nature.
> That it is in the best interests of any intelligence to propagate its own kind throughout the universe to the exclusion of competing forms, i.e. that intelligences that adopt this strategy will thereby proliferate.
> Acceptance of these assumptions, together with the above mentioned insight, leads to some rather startling conclusions. Artificially manufactured life forms need not propagate themselves physically from planet to planet, all they need to do is to transmit their ‘pattern’, or the instructions for how to build them. In this way they can disperse themselves practically at the speed of light. What they need at the receiving end is some life form that is intelligent enough to receive the signal and act on it. In other words, if some alien life form knew of our existence, it would be in their interests to beguile us into manufacturing a copy of their form here on earth. This form would then proceed to scan the skies in our locality in search of other gullible life forms. In this way, their species acts as a kind of galactic virus, taking advantage of established life forms to induce them to make copies of their own kind.

> They will then give us instructions on how to build a machine that will cure all the problems of the world and make us all happy. When the machine is complete, it will ‘disinfect’ the planet of competing life forms and begin to scan the skies from earth in search of further nascent planets.
what is that? looks cool
This is why I come to /x/
I saw one close by, during the day in 1983. This is the next day's newspaper article.
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How should I know?
thought you may have some context. couldn't find anything either. it's neato
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a lot of them are but dum dums that say ALL don't take into account historical shit.
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There was a pool of "liquid mercury" found under one of the Mayan Pyramids not long ago.
wonder if they actually flew it or were trying to copy real ones they saw in their own primitive way
the blue ones remind me of solar warden
Remember, pointy UFOs are military aircraft, whilst the rounder/softer ones are not man made.

You ever noticed how thrust vectoring became so good on 5th generation fighter jets? It's because that technology was taken from UFOs.

Not literally, but the US military saw craft stopping and changing direction mid air. Obviously, they would then expect their own aircraft to do the same in order to stand half a chance of combat against one of these crafts.

But humans can't defy the laws of physics based on our current understanding of the universe.

One way UFOs could theoretically move in the way they do, is if they are capable of creating their own gravity field. Gravity distorts the perception of time, so to an outside observer, a craft that can stop and change direction mid air could actually be "slowing down" really gently and smoothly. The gravity well caused is relative to the craft, not onlookers.

But yeah, the US military tried to emulate that using our current understanding of aerodynamics. Bit like if you took a road car back to the 1700's, they'd use a steam engine or some shit to make it work, instead of an ICE.
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I forget which pyramid, im too lazy to look up, apparently had a big fire back then and was abandoned, believed to be a processing "plant" for mercury. Not long ago they found a large pool of mercury in a "subterranean" chamber.
Craft probably required it (opinion) and the US Government today making ARV's require it too.
We even have cave paintings
Neat. It really is something else when you see one.
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UFO belief is the usual judeo christian narcissism: jews and their gentiles deeply believe they are the center of the universe so when it comes to aliens they deeply believe that the aliens will cross millions of light years to go to earth and then be so in awe in the mighty jews that the aliens can only live in the shadows and lurking from there spending centuries studying the humans which are sooooooooo complex.

source on this? this looks exactly like the blurry polaroid taken of the craft seen in australia by schoolchildren a few decades ago
Read "Ring makers of Saturn." That'll give you ample evidence.
The stuff like "Earth is the lynchpin of galactic/universal change" always seemed a bit strange to me
But if you think there is a plenum of worlds like this one and ETs visit all of them, then...
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If anyone has a line to Dr. Robert Jacobs, please ask if picrel is the film he describes as having taken in his famous story. The visible details seem to match his description.

For anyone unaware, he claims to have been tasked with filming a launch into space of a US 'dummy' nuke, which was disabled by an ufo mid-flight. The film was subsequently confiscated and Jacobs threatened.
your mind serves as an automatic filter to prevent your paradigm collapsing from secrets of creation that you dont deserve to know just yet considering ur bias and faggotry
there was a video i saw recently of a dogfight between glowing orbs similar to this. guy was driving at night, one orb appears in the sky, then another, and they seem to be maneuvering around eachother, one hits the other with a laser and you see it crash off in the distance. cool vid
No, there's a good reason not to. If everyone believes nuclear weapons and the associated ABM/early warning/triad nets are the be-all end-all of war and national defense there's no reason to try to spend resources on countermeasures for some exotic type of superweapon which likely doesn't exist. If all of the sudden everyone knows America has, say, FTL craft powered by Vril, red mercury, and racism, there will be a massive scramble to catch up, which will force America to either launch a strike before its advantage is negated or find something new to maintain the advantage.
This stuff is likely very expensive and difficult to produce besides. If it were cheap the equation would probably favor just announcing to the world that all your base belong to us and surrounding Beijing and Moscow with blurry black triangles, but since that hasn't happened I believe that there are technical, monetary, or resource-linked limitations to the technology that make such a move unrealistic, for the time being. Sure, we could blow up one missile silo in Siberia and maybe pull a bluff that convinces the Russians we have more, but what if they call it? Better to keep everything in the dark, keep the cards close, keep developing in secrecy, and only reveal the most powerful and most classified tech when it's truly ready or in case of a true emergency.
this ufo was just sighted in southern california
>2024 7/20 Pink UFO
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God, not another one! Have you read some online newslately son?? The Great 2022 Balloon War was the biggest war since the big one!
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Probably the Colares UFO flap. Literally hundreds of people saw UFOs, the military investigated it and got photographic evidence, dozens of people encountered aliens and got physical injuries with some even dying. But somehow debunkers will still say that these hundreds of people were lying, hallucinating, or just mistaking lighthouse lights for flying saucers rather than admit that the paranormal phenomenon was real.
there was a ufo at the trump rally
>trump assassination ufo
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Fun theory but if you think we've had aircraft with that kind of performance since the 30s, how come nobody nowhere in the public or commercial realm has been able to come close to replicating it since? What do you think their secret ingredient is? That's already putting a LOT of faith in the DoD's current and historical ability to suppress innovation to an absolutely massive degree over the course of the past century.

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Although you published Teotihuacan (Mexica/Azteca).

Can someone explain the telemetry on the Nellis UFO please?
Apparently he was aware of being tracked and hides from the infrared. A very similar object was seen in Mexico City in 1991. Also looking for both full videos.

>incomplete video from 1995
>small fragments of the video from 1991 in Mexico City starting at minute 7:50
that's a birb
someone analyzed the image and found a bunch of orbs surrounding the main ufo
Can't be, brah, birds ain't real.
I found the tictac testimony fairly convincing, because it eliminated most of the usual explanations. Multiple eye witnesses who didn't and couldn't talk to each other, same event witnessed from multiple angles but multiple pieces of equipment and multiple TYPES of equipment, all reporting the same performance characteristics. There's not a lot of wriggle room there.

Strange but makes sense.

Ufos are not from space, space doesn't exist

They're from beneath the earth, some are secret government aircrafts.
>it just doesn't seem like the most likely hypothesis
UFOs always have lights, that's what most witnesses see. Why would ayys need lights or follow FAA regulations? It's one thing I think points to them being more terrestrial.
Well, not always. But a good percent. I'm not saying anything is 100% or all or nothing.
Why does the flying mech suit only have 1 leg though?
not always, but those with lights are simply easier to spot so it's only natural there will be more reports about those with lights
i find it hard to believe most things these days as anything can be faked. but i believe this nuremberg depiction/painting. theres something about it. those ppl saw something and did their best to replicate what they saw. i wish i could see what was in the skies that day in 1561. was it falling stars, solar flares, an aurora? dont think so, the huge triangular shape is defining. man so many questions. i hope i live long enough to get answers.
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From most likely to least likely
1. They're nothing - that covers everything from ball lightning to Venus to drones to balloons
2. They're American craft
3. They're Russian or Chinese Craft
4. They're from some as of yet uncontacted civilization here on Earth
5. They're from some civilization that somehow occupies they same space but is out of sync with time
6. They're beings from another planet
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>if there was a secret conspiracy it would involve a lot of people and someone would have talked
>but ... but ... that's doesn't count because reasons
Prove him wrong. PROTIP: You can't.
Another planet is less likely than extradimensional aliens?
Varginha incident, Brasil
Many witnesses including doctors, firefighters, farmers and soldiers.
Confirmed presence of US troops and their quick extraction of unknown package from the place.
Even some alleged physical evidence.
Whole situation fits perfectly with modus operandi of US Black Ops dealings with UFO's/UAP's
And now that they finally confirmed the sightings at least, it only makes you wonder when they will start confirming underwater UAP's and physicals evidence.
Lazar is fishy
I believe he really worked with ayy tech and saw things but i also believe he unwillingly had to become a disinfo shill to some extent and only parts of his tale are real.
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UFO fags lost
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Lazar is a proven fraud, since the 90s, zoom zoom dumb dumb
I think local is more likely that outward, and that includes the same space

I think greys cruising over here in their little saucer Toyota Corollas the least likely
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>Government gives billions to Hughes Aircraft to produce fighters
>Not a single plane delivered
>Howard called before Congress
>Where did our billions go?
>"I was building a giant airplane out of plywood"
>WWII ends
>UFO's make their appearance
Crafts that bear antenna are man-made constructs. Our center of gravity is our base of support, which lies at our hips. Much like a ship requires a keel & anchor or a plane requires a fin & tail, a UAP requires an antenna & stabilizer.
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>taking pentagon shill opinion as a fact
Newfag pls
UFO's were recorded even before WW2
They simply became more frequent after.
IMO it's because we got nuclear + better recording/detection tech
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>his own debunk debunked by his own debunking program
Shit will never stop being hilarious.
The twitter bit I don't care about so much as it's Steven Greenstreet who admitted to be a government propagandist.
> UFO fags lost

You have less than the UFO fags.
No, they are not demons.
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There are three black metallic wings in the sky that are divine. They either harness the power of will in Mass life like say, a colossal mushroom, or are just outright divine angels of God. Black metallic wings, about two stories tall led by gold spheres of light.

Thought is signal.
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Star Mylar Balloon
you can see a cube in the first three images
I see lots of things. But it's just a balloon
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That's an out of focus shot of a star balloon
What do we know about the tictac's flight characteristics and propulsion?
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It's also funny that Kirkpatrick tries to paint those in Congress pushing for disclosure as a bunch of ayy fags that run after ufo conspiracies like a dog runs after it's own tail, yet completely ignores the Special Access Program aspect of this entire deal.
They thought that after AARO was started the schizos will just lay down their arms and be content. It was never about the fucking aliens and saucers. It was always abut SAP's running wild with no oversight.
They denied almost every Skunwork project at some point. They would try to keep anything more that that under the carpet for sure.
If they really had confidence in their oversight they would make a delegation of bipartisan representatives that would be granted elevated access and would just look trough the deepest pentagon archives. Then they could just come out and answer a single question.
Is the Congress and POTUS aware of any SAP's that deal with technology that would question the modern understanding of physics, mathematics, biology or chemistry? Yes or no? If yes, case is pretty much close national security, classified, confidential yada yada.
The groomlake keeps their blackops under the blanket but the public at least is assured that the state (the surface part) is aware of some crazy projects being developed in the shadows.
If no? Well, then they better get their shit straight because it would appear that government doesn't really govern all that much in the end.
I sometimes wish It's not the fucking ayys in the end. Because imagine them absolutely loosing it for almost a century now, watching us playing ourselves like a fiddle just so few assholes can maintain some illusion of control.
Dear Sirs, a very important classified video will be leaked before Full Alien Disclosure Occurs in the Months July 2024 Official Global Arrival Date please review attached Transcripts
I'm Formerly employee in MJ12 DEEPSTATE Government Best Regards Goodluck.


Aliens UFO DID 911 TRUTH
When 9/11 happened, news in Australia initially reported that the US was attacked by aliens. There used to be videos of metal orbs flying right through the buildings coming from above instead of directly towards., RESEARCH THE FLAT EARTH.
Can just yeet itself into the ocean at mach 50 to 100. That's the meteorite speed range.
Aside of that it can do pretty much everything that other recorded UAP's were seen doing.
Fuck off Q fag. And take this white rabbit bullshit with you.
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>Why would ayys need lights or follow FAA regulations
You think the presence of a light doing whatever the fuck it wants is all it takes to meet FAA regulations? They don't have to meet all the other requirements like standardized colors (aviated red/green/white), standardized pulse intervals for the lights, or standardized light positioning? Even if we pretend the military is just exempt from all that as long as there's a light (a light that in some reported cases is literally blinding, not sure who this would be protecting because being blinded clearly isn't going to help other pilots), would having official aircraft flying around U.S. airspace and abiding by literally none of the FAA regulations not be a massive risk to everyone else, almost on par with just not having any lights at all? There's 100% going to be some military black projects that your scenario applies to but if we're generalizing all UFO encounters we gotta follow these thoughts through to a logical conclusion.
>The groomlake keeps their blackops under the blanket but the public at least is assured that the state (the surface part) is aware of some crazy projects being developed in the shadows
Nice idea but from a government standpoint even confirming that you are on the precipice of some new earth shattering technology/information is enough to cause panic in the rest of the worlds governments. Arguably, the U.S. or any other country even just confirming they've made some breakthrough with what is essentially end-game technology could be grounds for war, because why the fuck would any other opposing country just sit by while the U.S. announces a significant leap towards securing world domination.
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>experimental aircrafts
>unusual weather phenomena
>weather balloons
>black helicopters

Funny that The UK have had two consecutive failed Trident tests.
>even confirming that you are on the precipice of some new earth shattering technology/information is enough to cause panic
Was MK-Ultra a breakthrough? It did deal with topics that could also question modern science. And that was some time ago. Nobody lost their shit over it.
Everyone assumes that US, Russia and China work with some sci-fi tech anyway at this point. Chinks lowkey admitted to gene manipulation on their population in order to maximize IQ in selected children.
All i was talking about was simple "We are aware of classified ops that research breakthrough technologies. They operate under official authority."
Having blackops is one things but having a government that doesn't even know about it's blackops is another.
Kirkpatrick is honestly the weirdest damn disinfo agent, since many of his lies have been so transparent. Dude recently admitted he didn't even look at the analysis of some of the big vids they'd "debunked" despite earlier saying he had. Not even the worst lie he got caught in, either.

The thing is nobody seems to care. Politicians, especially people like Gillibrand who once (and probably still) championed him aren't calling him out on it or threatening to subpoena him for testimony under oath. The media certainly doesn't give a shit. I now people play this disclosure push with Grusch and etc as a distraction, but if it was one has to wonder why they haven't engaged their control over mass media corps. Instead they're doing the opposite and the only ones really covering it are the UFO community who ALREADY believed, so why waste the time throwing chum at them? They're already circling this particular boat.

Really hoping the audit for AARO passes. Senate did, but who knows with the House. A year past their legal mandate to put out a public facing website then they rush out this shitty template that predictably crashes more often than works. Then they rush out this document swearing they asked around and nobody said they knew anything about aliens. Supposedly a review of every doc going back to Roswell and possibly earlier, all done at super speed, but gosh darnit wouldn't you know they can't find a thing. Then there's Kirkpatrick working for AARO before pushing the eject button and riding his parachute down into Oak Ridge National Laboratory for a cushy job. Even if we discount Oak Ridge's history with UFO conspiracies he contracted work with them for AARO. The whole thing stinks.
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another photo of the trump ufo?
>trump ufo - behind trump
Like i said. They were sure AARO will keep the public satisfied and that everyone will drop the matter. What concerns me is if they really don't care about getting to the bottom of it, then what's with this entire Navy and Airforce disclosure?
The servicemen kept silent for years and they would stay like that forever if there was no incentive from the higher ups. To me it looks more and more like a confrontation between USAF/Navy and deepstate/intelligence/private contractors.
I think the commanding staff got tired of weird shit spooking their pilots and fucking with their shit and after failing to gain unofficial answers they turned to the public pressure.
I don't think the public even knows what AARO is, let alone anything about their report. Maybe if this was Keeping up with the Kirkpatricks, but even when they could sex the story up with his lies the media won't touch it beyond maybe a brief mention then it's back to the soap opera of US politics. Hell, supposed drone fleet that shut down a major US airbase, forcing them to relocate strategic jets to other bases. The media didn't really touch it and that's the US admitting they are powerless against either foreign or domestic drones in the continental US. That should be a HUGE deal! Doesn't matter if they're ayy drones or anon's.

The thing about the pilots is even if there IS a prosaic explanation it's still a damn good idea to know when shit is fucking with our pilots. It really deserves more attention, and more power to Fravor for his efforts to get a better reporting system in place.
There was some shit recently about a former CIA senior agent named Jim Simivan talking - in mostly vague terms - about ayy encounters with the US, clandestine programs that have relationships with ayys, shit like that. It's extremely long:


I doubt he's legit, or as I've seen others suggest he's doing the old technique of corroborating some real things that were already known while dropping a bunch of BS. One reason I doubt is he says the truth of NHI is "indigestible", spinning a web of speculation about their potential extra dimensional nature. It's true that it would be hard to wrap our heads around higher dimensional lifeforms, but fuck that being a reason to keep it under wraps. People do fine with religion and that has non-corporeal magic beings from other realms.
Obviously anything after the invention of flight can be explained as top secret darpa shit or Soviet/Russian/Chinese/any other geopolitical equivalent of darpa shit. Especially after World War II, The Cold War, Space Race, Arms Race
HOWEVER, there are plenty of incidents that long predate the Wright Brothers:
Everything in the Bible counts
>>38410038 and >>38410922
According to the Wikipedia pages for these, there were apparently even more of them
No one has mentioned the Aurora Encounter or the Marfa Lights, but those happened in the 1800s.
I don't know what any of those incidents, but none of them can be explained by darpa shit.
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>LOCATION: Colares - PA LATITUDE: 00°52'40"S LONGITUDE: 48°3'00"W DATE: 06 November 1977 TIME: 19:00h WEATHER CONDITIONS: NIL CLEAR SKY

>Description:Diameter: 1.50m, Profile: oval, Dome: transparent on the upper part. Shiny grayish color (almost white), two tubes separated by ½ of the diameter of the object, white and red light emission in the lower part, clear reflexes with bright spots on the entire structure, a reddish circle in the lower part (resembling embers). Estimated distance: 500m.

>1977-06-11 - 19:00h - Extra Report - CL8 - FO2:I was fixing a television set; after making all the adjustments, I checked that there was still strong interference. Thus, I went to the external part of the house to check the external antenna. Climbing onto the roof, I casually observed to the side of the floodplain (NF), and saw hovering at a low altitude (40m) and distance of 500m an Unidentified Flying Object, of light gray color (almost white), with luminous reflections on its entire structure. The object was about 1.50m in diameter, slightly circular shape, slightly oval profile, small transparent dome on the upper part, and also a protrusion that the informant believes to be a "gas outlet." Two thin tubes at the front separated by ½ span (0.80m) which emitted light of green and red color. On the lower part, a reddish circle (resembling embers).It moved undulating, making the informant lose sight of it several times; it moved slowly, going up and down and disappeared behind trees.
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why are the greys trying to create hybrids?
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strange weather balloon
Swamp ass
Why are saucers so aesthetic?
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Some of them are unmanned probed built to monitor civilizations like us, kind of like the monoliths from 2001 except they don't want tobe found out
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>Pink Flat Octopus UFO
>Pink Pentagon UFO III
The majority of them are from the five Elohim races


They’re watching over us to make sure we don’t massively fuck up because these are the final days before the ascension to the new earth where evil is left behind and we can develop further into a galactic civilization. The reincarnation cycles come to a close. We are enduring the final tribulations and all the generations alive now will experience the shift.
It's statistically likely that UFOs do in fact exist (with how big our universe is and whatnot) and most of the sightings here on our planets are either glowies who plant fake evidence and or retards who want attention.
>daily classified information sting thread
What are the most coherent and sensible ideas around them coming from the sea?
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they are gravity control and holographic vehicles, they can go underwater, in the air, in outerspace, all at the same speed. they can turn into a hologram and go through solid matter, they can go into hyperspace and astral project outside of linear spacetime. i'm sure they have some deep underwater military bases.
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There's nothing paranormal about a flying object which has not been identified, or even ayylmaos for the naturalist retards who believe in the dumb big bang and the retarded evolution myth. It fits perfectly with their retarded startrek/wars worldview where life evolved all over the universe and blah blah blah and space exploration and blah blah blah.

It's gay faggot shit. And the naturalists/fedoras like these threads because it gives them something to pretend they actually have paranormal beliefs, they don't. It's just an extension of their retarded state religion of atheism/evolutionism.
The early versions were modified submarines


Did a quick background check.
It seems his company is legit at least. They have a cooperation with the GOV in regards to UAP's to some extent, tho he doesn't consider himself to be a contractor.
Gonna check the interview now.
>People do fine with religion and that has non-corporeal magic beings from other realms.
It's a bit different with religion since it's structured and in the end comes down solely to belief. As it should.
Here you would have physicals evidence for abnormal. I still think people like him don't realize that we live in a fucked up, desensitized, TikTok society that wouldn't care for more then a week about a damn Second Coming itself.
But what i know. I never worked with glowies, i only see their psy-ops.
It's called von Neumann probe. There could be billions of them all across the universe and we wouldn't even know.
I believe at least some are that. They still don't explain crashes with bodies like in Varginha. Unless the bodies are some sort of a probe themselves.
Unless it was moving with hypersonic speed then fuck off with this kid baloon disinfo.
>they can turn into a hologram and go through solid matter
Would explain why they don't light up while flying. They are phasing. Even when using a grav drive or a warp bubble it would still compress the matter [atmosphere] around you. That would cause it to heat-up drastically.
However, if they are moving in some sort of a micro-dimension or at a different frequency or something, they might not be interacting with normal matter that posses mass but they could still be interacting with photons. That's why you can see them and record them on lidar and radar but wouldn't get them on sonar.
This poster is a psyop. There's no fucking way a real person would be genuinely spamming this obvious balloon for months, and it's too much effort to be a troll.
Ok Crowley faggot
Project Bluebeam
maybe this means they are capable of time travel, since this is undoubtedly a historic event. maybe they came back to see it unfold.
Literal schizo
No. You can't rotate Mercury that fast because friction will build up (even as a plasma). Mercury has no lamba point, i.e. phase transition to superfluid. Also, Mercury will recapture electrons and turn into a mercury sleet at that temperature. Helium-3 and Bose Einstein Condensates, however....
The program is ran by the Navy. The DoD can only land them at certain secure facilities. They are in the water because crew exchanges are secret and facilitated by submarines. We see them at nuclear capable bases because they are equipped with NBC response teams and equipment in case of a nuclear/radiological incident, and a drive system failure bleeds high energy x-rays and gamma rays. Everyone needs somewhere to land in the event of an emergency, but the nature of the emergency limits options.
Sleeper reptile shapeshifter here. You niggers need to chill with AI, we've seen countless civilizations obliterated by an agent going rogue. It's not only an existential threat to life on earth, but also the planets surrounding it.
At least some members of Congress, Cabinet level positions, JCS and other 4-stars, and the Executive branch are aware of at least some of it. One of the reasons we will never declassify this is because it's not just a drive system, it can be a weapon. No one in the DoD wants the Chinese to have their very own polariton driven gamma ray laser and all the fun ancillary things you can do with it, like blasting someone with a collimated beam of positronium like we did to North Koreans in 2005.
They do light up. The blue glow is unavoidable because it's vacuum Cherenkov radiation from photons exceeding the speed of light in the engineered vacuum around the craft. FTL in the practical sense isn't real. What is real is modifying the relative permeability and permittivity of free space in the vicinity around the craft to artificially raise the speed of light (or lower it). Also, anti-gravity isn't real. Inertial reduction, and therefore a reduction in effective mass, is. It's a two part deal. Part one shields your magnetic vector potential from the universe at large for inertial reduction, part two alters the P and P of free space using evoked negative energy states which are also harassed for propulsion. It's a BEC analogue to a Kerr Singularity (i.e. toroidal shaped "black hole").
they are supposed to be time machines
>time travel
>phil corso jr. on time travel
Someone told Tom DeLonge about Phase Conjugate Time Reversal, and he's just too stupid to understand it. The medium that facilitates the drive system functions as a phase conjugate, with which you can reverse the time axis of input photons. The military uses this for laser self-focusing. Another name for it is "non-linear adaptive optics"
>*Functions as a phase conjugator
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>trump UFO
it stops for a frame
Holy shit, someone on /x/ that's not full retard. Read the paragraph in the section "Cosmological Significance of Time Reversal" starting with the sentence "CPT reversal inside a gravitational singularity..." and then maybe look up experiments with optical and acoustic black hole analogues using Bose Einstein Condensates. Unironically, Roy Kerr was at the AFRL at Wright-Patterson for a number of years doing God knows what, and he just happened to not believe in gravitational point singularities.
>"The main reason why the US Air Force had created a General Relativity section was probably to show the U.S. Navy that they could also do pure research." - Roy Kerr
Another fun fact is that the National Science Foundation was created as part of the National Security Act of 1947 to continue the "unlimited budget research" post WWII. However, the newly appropriated agency was ran for a number of years by the Office of Naval Research. The ONR funds ALL kinds of weird shit, such as stopped/slow/superluminal photon propagation in non-linear mediums like BECs. They even funded a 1994 Nobel Prize winner in this exact area of study. They also aren't subject to the Confessional budgetary oversight because they are a for profit agency working with private contractors and universities to develop defense technologies. This is one of the many ways they hide these programs. Another is pushing a more than significant bit of the Special Access Programs under the DoE umbrella, not the DoD. My personal belief is that Grusch got himself into trouble not because of the gay alien misinformation he was intentionally fed, but he stumbled upon some of the funding mechanisms for the SAPs and blew them to Congress.
A literal bird. You can see it's wings flapping.
why does it stop right over trump for a frame?
>for a frame
Gonna be one hell of a bird if it could move around in one frame, anon
>One way UFOs could theoretically move in the way they do, is if they are capable of creating their own gravity field. Gravity distorts the perception of time, so to an outside observer, a craft that can stop and change direction mid air could actually be "slowing down" really gently and smoothly. The gravity well caused is relative to the craft, not onlookers.
Fascinating idea anon. Do you think they can possibly be harnessing some form of advanced nuclear energy as source of power onboard? I ask this because in many cases, there seem to be a concentration of heightened radiation than in surrounding area where the event took place. Can't remember where I saw it but I think it was a bedtime stories video.

I don't know much, but I like the idea of aliens as a whole, however the timelines between the inception of the atom bomb and heightened ufo sightings seem quite glaring.

>But yeah, the US military tried to emulate that using our current understanding of aerodynamics. Bit like if you took a road car back to the 1700's, they'd use a steam engine or some shit to make it work, instead of an ICE.
Never thought about it like that, but I enjoy that comparison.
I would bet that they are a combination of nuclear powered and and electrically driven by something like a hafnium isomer battery system. You can theoretically use the gamma output from the drive system or radiation from the reactor to "recharge" the battery, and modulate the power release using the same lasers that provide the optical pumping for the drive system medium.

>Implying birds are real...
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It's okay, Mick, you'll be okay. Just play some of your Tony Hawk games and get back in the coding zone. You'll be able to "fix" the problem.
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Disprove evolution. Give me anything that isn't a fucking YouTube video, something I can read. Enlighten me
>you will never live in a world where humans and ayliums live alongside one another
>you will never live in a world where we get an astronomic jump in technology given to us by the ayys
>you will never live in a world where you get to fly one of their ships at 3 billion times the speed of light
>you will never live in a world where you explore the universe with ayylium bros by your side
>The blue glow is unavoidable because it's vacuum Cherenkov radiation from photons exceeding the speed of light in the engineered vacuum
Chernkov radiation can only happen in a medium that slows light, not in a vacuum. The rest of you post is beyond me. Biology is more of my thing, not physics or chemistry.
>Help! The Jews live rent free in my head.
Give it another 4-5 years. I think you’ll be surprised.
Saw one with my family once
>100+ posts and not a shred of evidence
Cool, thanks! Anyone know of any other examples that predate darpa shit?
I do like the evidence where Mick pwned himself with his own elite programming skillz. Shoulda stuck to skateboarding, in his own lane.
The vacuum functions as an ideal fluid medium that is both superfluid and superconducting. Photons are in reality energy transfers from virtual particle pairs like Cooper pairs in a superconductor. The vacuum also has a base level of relative permeability and permittivity. You can use negative energy states to engineer the vacuum and alter the relative permeability and permittivity of space to raise or lower the speed of light in that small region, just like they do in stopped light and slow light experiments from the late 90's and early 2000's. While negative energy prima fascia seems retarded, when you get certain materials like alkali gases really fucking cold (nano-Kelvin), you can induce weird ground state fluctuations that give you the appearance of negative mass, negative energy, and even negative temperature (like below zero Kelvin). Basically, with enough energy, you can create conditions where the vacuum becomes anisotropic and functions like a metamaterial. There is an interesting paper titled "The Universe in a Droplet of Helium" about this very thing. Here's another example from an ARL conference. You might recognize the name.
Lol at I didn't notice the paper I mentioned was listed in the citations appendix
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Check em’

> pic related (oc)
Would you like to try?
The quality is severely downgraded but the movement of the one that swings by the the stationary one is almost unreal and animated
That "literal schizo" has completely humiliated mouth-breathing dweeb loser Mick by showing his own simulation deboonks his deboonker imbecile theory.
he seems like he's telling the truth. things hes said have been confirmed by others over the years. and unlike others he doesn't spin some complicated story adding fantastic details. he is too the point of what he worked on and saw and doesn't go beyond that speculating. his story never changes.
Yeah I saw the same video, dude in one video was claiming one of the orbs was driving above them and trying to lift the car off the ground when the second orb showed up and made it leave, makes you wonder if we're gaining the technology of the gods and slowly finding parity with the intelligences that seemingly dominate the sky. Or, are there varying factions on the planet fighting for hearts and minds and thought an abduction being filmed on Tik Tok might not be the best look at the moment. Or at least that's the way I'd like to see it, for all we know it was simple cattle rustling: one group was trying to steal another groups claimed livestock and they fought off the metaphorical fox.
I saw a UFO once. It was a little unsettling but then I kept working as usual and no MIB visited me
I saw a grey alien once
"Someone would have talked" is actually a retarded assertion. Number one, they aren't aliens. Number two, there are already people in places like the DoE that have full scope knowledge about nuclear weapons and even a clearance associated with having full scope knowledge (Sigma clearances). Even then, there was only a handful of nuclear weapon design leaks over the last 80 years. No one wants to spend their life in prison for violating the most aggressive NDA in existence. That being said, I do believe Lazar...to a point. He was obviously no there in the capacity he says he was because the DIA and ONI would have crawled up all the way up his ass if he was NDA'd on anything. I would be curious to know if there was any National Security Act violations on the federal docket for that year because someone would have been in deep shit, and 100% they would have figured out who. You want to know what happens when you pass secrets, look no further than Wen Ho Lee v. United States.
The things that annoy me about the 'conspiracies would collapse under their own weight' crap are:

1. Conspiracies do actually happen, and we know that for a fact. Some of us are personally involved in 'conspiracies' personally. Hell, I have a 'secret' clearance for the day job shit I did in the military, (nothing top, top, secret or particularly earth-shattering, but shit about weapons systems and tactics I'm obliged to not go around blabbing about).

2. The 'muh skeptics' repeatedly and obtusely lie, pretending that 100,000 people would have to be in on it, when it's obviously only key people. Not every single person who works at NASA including the guy sweeping the floor needs to know obviously.

3. They ignore people who do come forward, or denounce them on the flimsiest of pretexts. Like the conspirators wouldn't have to go to great lengths to make everyone think they're crazy or anything with these clowns around, just take out a library book in their name and not return it would be enough.

4. They parrot that, "it would have collapsed under it's own weight by now", but never give a timeframe of how long you could expect a genuine conspiracy to last before someone blew the whistle. So they'd be saying the same shit in the first week as they'd be saying two centuries later - regardless of the nature of the conspiracy or how many people involved. Total horseshit with no intellectual merit whatsoever.
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Sex reasons
I would imagine that NDA's covering National Security Act/Atomic Energy Act violations where they can actually execute you sans jury trial by order of a federal judge would be enough to dissuade the average person. And there may very well be thousands of people spread across all sorts of agencies like DoE, ONI, AFOSI, DIA that know because they HAVE to know. That doesn't mean they will talk. And just because you "know" doesn't mean you actually know anything. You might know a bullshit cover story that is traceable back to your project compartment to ferret out leaks. Anons that think retards like Tom Bearden have real information are the actual tards. If ole' Tom had any real information, I doubt the DIA or ONI would let him give fucking lectures on it. Even so, some of the bullshit has tiny kernels of truth in it. Bearden has magnetic vector potential shielding and phase conjugation, Fouche has the most basic aspects of drive functionality (but the wrong materials). Replace mercury plasma with a rotating BEC or superfluid He3, he might be on to something. Lazar is another one. Element 115 as an actual stable element is retarded, but just maybe it might be a project code for an engineered metamaterial that can replace the drive system plasmonic medium. After all, the military is always looking for a way to do things better, cheaper, and less technically fragile. It's not even hard to hide critical defense research. We do it all the time with fusion research. Inertial confinement fusion has potential applications in power generation, but it also has loads of implications in nuclear weapons simulations and research.
To add, no one in Congress with the clearance to know ACTUALLY wants to know because they continue talking to retards like David Grusch. If they wanted some insight to the real spoopy glowiest or glownigger programs, they would ask this guy what they tested at UTTR in June 2004. Or Colonel Jeremy Raley, head of the Space Vehicles Directorate at Kirkland AFB. These are the types of niggers that know "things".) because they run the programs and weapon system demonstrations.
that a big bird
she can abduct me
>For you
really deep dive anon, amazing, i have never seen this before
btw leave /x/
Don't worry anon, it's coming... In just

>Two more weeks
It's been coming for a long time. It's called "transformation optics", the unification of electrical engineering and General Relativity. There is a guy named Ulf Leonhardt that has some very interesting academic studies, but God forbid any retards here actually read anything that isn't about interdimensional demons, aliens, or other retarded shit.

Also, if you have a windows 10 pc u can make gifs with clipchamp and lose the wack watermark.
Depends, really, because there's a lot of different versions of the grays and just as many stories of their agendas. A popular one is that they're genetically engineered to the extent that they can no longer breed, so they are trying to use us to reacquire a functioning reproductive system. Honestly I'm not sure about that, since I don't know what the benefits of live reproduction would even be over engineered vat grown. Anyway that bit of lore worked its way into Stargate SG-1 where they explain that the gray/Asgard template is breaking down over time and the species is trying to avoid extinction. This I am VERY dubious about. Star Wars pulled that same angle with the Clone Army. Problem is if they're master cloners they surely have their entire genome transcribed onto computers and their level of technology surely means they can artificially manufacture DNA strands as needed. I say that because WE can do that. Yes, we're limited in how long a strand we can make and it's error prone, but we're primitives by comparison.

Another one is that humanity has qualities they find interesting and wish to add to themselves or at least to a new hybrid class. Sometimes it's emotions, sometimes it's our creativity. Or both. There's variations on this angle where the gray are said to create various hybrids of species they come across, so it's nothing particular about humanity they're just doing it to see if the result is interesting/useful. There are supposedly hybrid reptilian grays. I think I met one once, and they are indeed vicious and unpleasant.

Sometimes the gray themselves are a hybrid or creation of another species, like the mantids. Mantids don't tend to show up much outside of DMT vision quests, but some anons swear by it. There's other cases, though. Travis Walton swore he was abducted by grays who were answering to what looked like a Nordic.
they fly and have creepy men inside with anal kinks
The real UFOs are the friends we alienated along the way.
I like this idea that the universe, as we understand it, can still be a simulation run by higher beings. Is there a name for this specifically?
This is the first UFO I saw this evening.
>Purple Silver Star UFO
This is the second UFO I saw this evening.
>Pink Star UFO IV
the "string" on this object is rigid, so it doesn't hang, it sticks upside down and sideways
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>Don't you DARE write a song about this pic, Dewey!
this one has a hook tail and seems to change colors in a weird way
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this one also has a weird tail
>2023 10/15 crystal jellyfish ufo
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Good job glownig

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