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Reabsorption Edition

>What is Semen Retention?
Semen retention is the practice of completely abstaining from masturbation and ejaculation, often with the intention of preserving and redirecting vital and sexual energy to oneself.

>Why do it?
Reported benefits include: increased vitality, mental clarity, reduced stress, increased motivation, increased energy, improved focus, healthier hair/skin/eyes, deeper meditation, improved AP/Lucid Dreams, deeper voice, improved mood, greatly improved testosterone, improved physical strength and many more.

On long clean streaks many report benefits that transcend current science like a sort of "magnetism" or higher "vibration/aura" that attracts/appeals to other living beings, a higher perception, a stronger and intimidating "aura/presence", a deeper connection with nature, an attractive BO (people usually report it as "pheromones") and more.

Completely abstain from masturbation and ejaculation to get all the benefits.
If you don't ejaculate, but still spend time touching yourself, and even worse, touching yourself while watching degeneracy, then you are doing it wrong.

>In case of urges:
Go outside or do anything else.
After just a few minutes the urge will pass.

- NEVER watch porn of any kind.
- Remove triggers from your life. Masturbation is a bad habit. Break that bad habit.
- Focus on achieving a goal. An art, a craft, competing, etc.
- Meditate and/or Pray Daily. Try a minimum of 5 minutes to start off.
- Exercise/Gym/Sports/Martial Arts. If it is something social even better.
- Good habits like Healthy eating, fasting, limiting screen time and cold showers do seem to speed up the process.

>/SRG/ interesting reads

Previous Thread
I'm currently on week one of sr. My longest streak is 1 months. How do I stop sexualizing every woman in my head. It's getting so bad I'm thinking about it with my sister. Even on my month long streak this never went away. Im not even a comer either id jerk it maybe once a day to some very vanilla stuff. Holding my breath has helped a lot to make the feeling pass temporarily but it keeps fighting back very soon after.
>Women exist for reproduction and decorating
NTA but I also came to this conclusion.
Except for a select minority, most women you see on the streets are glorified breeding sacks.
Do you still edge/look at porn? I struggle with this too and noticed the times i was able to completely cut out watching porn and touching myself the sexual thoughts went away fairly quickly.
No I've been actually very diligent and not looking at porn or touching myself at all. I've never edged before during sr. It gets pretty exhausting trying to constantly curb my sexual thoughts.
>How do I stop sexualizing every woman in my head.
No issue whatsoever.
>I'm thinking about it with my sister.
Oh. You should have a bath with your toasted. Theres no hope for you. Your very presence here is a net negative. Never post here again you mongrel.
OP is obviously a newfag that can't copypaste correctly. Tired of your shit. >>38385757 is how you properly start a new thread.

Your shortened version is garbage.

>Wet Dreams?
They happen because you had a sexual dream and you coomed. Learn to be conscious on your dreams and stop the succubus.

>What causes wet dreams?
The causes are many: Illnesses, telepathic bad actors fucking with your dreams, excess energy build up, watching too much sexually-inducing stuff, lusting during the day, lack of an adequate transmutation activity, eating too late at night, excess nutrients overall, stimulants like maca, ginseng, ginger, excess protein, excess carbs, tight clothes (pajamas) for bedtime, bad sleeping posture (this varies, find the one that suits you best), going to bed with full bladder, exposure to hormonal disruptors via food (pesticides...) or body care products (soap, deodorant etc)...
>In case of urges:
- https://imgur.com/gallery/g4eGH
- Don't peek and Hold your breath for as long as you possibly can. The urge usually pass after that. If not, repeat.
- Horse stance or chair pose: Do it while clenching the abdomen and all legs' muscles, raise arms for extra blood flow redirection. Works both for killing erections or urges.
- Any physical activity.

On long clean streaks many report benefits that transcend current science like a sort of "magnetism" or higher "vibration/aura" that attracts/appeals to other living beings, a higher perception, a stronger and intimidating "aura/presence", a deeper connection with nature, an attractive BO (people usually report it as "pheromones") and more.

- Mental Purity 1.1: Semen Retention acts as a bio-electromagnetic amplifier. Watch the quality of your thoughts because your inner state will get amplified and manifested. Lust is the Ojas killer. Do not engage with Lust.
- Mental Purity 1.2: Keep a journal as a tool for introspection.
- NEVER watch porn of any kind.
- Remove triggers from your life. Masturbation is a bad habit. Break that bad habit.
- Focus on achieving a goal. An art, a craft, competing, etc.
- Meditate and/or Pray Daily. Try a minimum of 5 minutes to start off.
- Exercise/Gym/Sports/Martial Arts. If it is something social even better.
- Good habits like healthy eating, water fasting, dry fasting, sun exposure and cold showers do seem to speed up the process.
- Sublimation: literally using the energy.
- Transmutation: changing the quality of energy to something different. (Surya Namaskara, 8 brocades, Tibetan rites)
Keep in mind that the efferent nerves attached to your testes necessarily means that any lustful thought, image, or sound is necessarily a command to your junk to produce sexual fluids and this is the reason why celibacy is first and foremost of the mind
The root of this entire matter is the mind - without conquering the mind, celibacy is a futile effort
The signals from the brain happen on the subconscious autonomic level
This is why any lustful thought, image, or sound is necessarily a command to the sexual organs to produce sexual fluids (the more intently you look, the higher amplitude of a signal gets sent: body > afferent nerves > brain > efferent nerves > body)
Therefore "Conversion of sexual energy to something" is necessarily a HORRIBLY inefficient process (Not to confuse with Sexual Transmutation)
Fluids will be reabsorbed, but the energy and materials cost to make it vs how much is "taken back" via reabsorption is SEVERELY unbalanced and super net negative
Sexual fluids are made from the cream of the crop of the body's resources - constantly generating them means that you are constantly draining away the cream of the crop of your resources.
Taoist writings said that the sexual organs will even take primacy over nourishing your other internal organs at some point. (Thus, doing a spiritual practice as a coomer is a surefire way to die faster).

>/SRG/ interesting reads
I'd say just give it some time then, let your brain heal.
Just like any addiction when you go cold turkey, your brain goes all kind of weird places just to make you go back to the habit. I know everytime I've quit masturbation I'd fantasize about really fucked up things for the first few weeks, and then it would calm down and you start seeing women around you as normal human beings and it's really nice.
But keep in mind you'll always feel lust in one way or the other, the point is not to never be tempted again or kill your sex drive, but to have the ability to control it.
Whenever thoughts arise just see them as attacks from the demon, and dismiss them. The more ridiculous they get (e.g. fantasizing about your sister), the more desperate the attacks are to make you fall back. So you can just feel confident you're on the right track and keep going strong. "Oh really, THAT's how you're gonna try to make me go back to jacking off? My own sister? Yeah no I'm good, a little pathetic of you to go this route though"
Scientific evidence:

Periodic changes in serum testosterone levels after ejaculation in men

Influence of abstinence and ejaculation-to-analysis delay on semen analysis parameters of suspected infertile men

Improved sperm kinematics in semen samples collected after 2 h versus 4-7 days of ejaculation abstinence

Influence of a short or long abstinence period on semen parameters in the ejaculate of patients with nonobstructive azoospermia

Seasonal changes in breeding activity, testicular size, testosterone concentration and seminal characteristics in rams with long or short breeding season

Shorter abstinence decreases sperm deoxyribonucleic acid fragmentation in ejaculate

Endocrine response to masturbation-induced orgasm in healthy men following a 3-week sexual abstinence

Relationship between sexual satiety and brain androgen receptors

A research on the relationship between ejaculation and serum testosterone level in men
It’s always good to remember why /x/ is the most accurate place for this topic: semen retention is one of the clearest paranormal inducing thing of all the other topics discussed on /x/. It’s a sacred practice that has been the one of the main focuses in every major religion or spiritual practices. The mystical side of it is what we try to focus on in here.

Semen retention can be political issue too and it would then belong to /pol/. The porn industry is a tool made by the jews to deterioate the societies and corrupt the people. The porn works in ways that program new sets of behaviour in its audience and the audience is hooked to it because of its strong addictive qualities. The most important goal for porn’s male audience was and is the releasing of their semen. As we now know, the disadvantages of cooming are heavy: a man becomes less of a man, he gets sick and weak, his mind numbed, he will have impotence issues etc. Also his spirit almost dies.

Semen retention is beneficial to make one healthier and stronger, more fit, if you will. So the topic could be discussed on /fit/. Anyone looking for more ways to get fitness gains would benefit hugely from the SR.

Also the SR has so many other benefits that it could be discussed in the /adv/ board. These would be topics how it improves one’s social life, mental state, makes more time to be more productive etc.

But I think the biggest benefits of SR are something mystical in nature and the whole practice is fundamentally something very close to spiritual side of things. All the other topics in here /x/ are left far behind and SR actually makes this board of any relevancy. This is also known by the enemy and they make strong efforts to suppress, hijack, twist and end this discussion.

Starve the shillery.
No attention for them.
No replies.

(Pro tip > Hide shill posts: Click on the arrow next to the post number, click 'Hide', Comfy.)
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>dreaming about this girl I used to date
>suddenly see her post revealing pics online
>scroll further
>see nudity with weird genitals
>logically this shouldn't happen
>realize it's a wet dream
>wake up

At this point it's just too easy. It's like these spiritual attacks are using AI to trick me. Silly noobs.
Almost two weeks, got weak today and looked at porn for like 10 minutes. There was a bit of precum. Though I don't feel drained or any brain fog. Is my streak still valid? I didn't touch myself at all or edged on any form
>Is my streak still valid?
Doesn't matter. I really dislike this NoFap mentality of counting days and feeling like it's the end of the world when you fail once. That's not how it works, you don't necessarily go back to square one when you fail once.
What matters is that you heal, not that you reach the highest streak. If you're "500 days clean" and still count days and frantically lurk r/nofap everyday, something is wrong. There should be a point where the whole thing is just out of your head most of the time.
I think this general should avoid turning into NoFap, I think NoFap takes the wrong approach, I like it here because we discuss more spiritual and weird stuff. I improved a lot on this when I simply quit counting days completely. I don't care how many days I'm in, I just want to stop being a coomer.
There are some "streaks" where you're 2 months in and still feel like a dirty coomer with constant urges, and some others where you're 3 days in and already very much detached from lust and can go about your day without feeling any strong urge
Jokes on you. I retain all my semen since the vasectomy.
what if his sister is really hot?
what if you relapse tonight?
you don't produce it anymore retard
images and videos don't do anything anymore I need 3d women which I avoid
I'm saving this for future support thanks.
She is my half sister and we are both adults if that makes me less degenerate even if a little bit.
It doesnt. This place isnt for you. You should be on nofap or pornfree. This level of mental corruption requires baby steps. SR is for people who can practise a basic level of purity of thought. You cant.

Put it this way. Jews have a religion for the goyim, theres only 7 rules to follow, one of which is no incest. You cant even follow the basic religion designed for goyim cattle. you are, in the eyes of the jew, below goyim.
Wewlad, good thing I hate Jews. And I've no fapped/ no porned/ SR for a month at my highest streak. Proving I have at least a slightly above average purity of thought compared to most. I think you might be projecting.
>imagine not knowing basic biology
>at the very least, use google before you spout off stupid shit
Read >>38419756
Stop fagging up this general with these gay images.
It is very easy to keep going at any times with one simple trick:


Remember all the gallons of Semen and opportunities you lost.
It's really weird, on a decent streak right now, didn't have any problems with touching or imagination, anyway, suddenly get these weird sexual scenario's running through my head of my ex-girlfriend cheating on me, never been into that stuff, it's weird, like it's coming from outside, two days latter get a message, someone is causing some stink about me on Facebook, it's two of my exes and their mad at each other and are dragging in their moms and girlfriends. I am not sure what to make of that.
post image of masculine male

>This is gay and turning me on

Post image of twink

>This is equally gay and turning me on

Post image of generic handsome man

>GAAAAYY and it's turning me on

Post image of fat hairy greek

>Oh lord, teddy bear, this is gay

Post image of slightly skinny and sad looking guy

>Like omg that guy needs some luv = gay

muscular men are just your fetish.
>shirtless man is inherently gay
nigga YOU are the gay one
you have to be digit IQ in order to NEED to retain semen in order to achieve anything. actual fucking animals lmao
The dude is roided up and not realistic. Post a picture of a real human being achieving something great with his powers. Not some bullshit that is unattainable and is not a good representation of the practice
Please guys I need (You)s to feed my kids! There's nothing else in life I can do!
i haven't came in weeks.
it can really be as simple as finding something that catches your love more to follow.
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If one of those anythings is to achieve semen retention that I need semen retention kek
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Day 5 of no fap and I already can feel the succubuss presence.

Jew fear the nofapper
SR for 2 weeks and my balls are so plump. Why are they so much bigger? They aren't really full of semen are they? Like I'd assume I have ball cancer because they're so big compared to normally.
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Was not expecting to find redpills outside of the /pol/ and /tv/ !

It is all true. Also The Jews use p0rn as a weapon. When they invade they take over the TV stations and play p0rn 24/7 to weaken their enemies. Its all true look it up, Isreal weaponized pornography.
I'm on the second week and have been crying all morning like a bitch. I've realized that my previous addictions (porn, weed) suppressed emotions of grief over a death in my family and they have flooded back. I am not sure how to handle it other than to take it as it comes.
>Is my streak still valid?
Yes. Stop stressing about this stuff. You are like an obese dude on a diet that put the donut in your mouth and spit it out. Good job. The idea is getting rid of porn and masturbation. You did that. Good job.
At the end of my third week now. I think I can make it to the end of the month at least.
cry till you can't no more
crying purifies the soul
>OP is obviously a newfag that can't copypaste correctly
Look you OCD motherfucker. These threads existed before you. You aren't the only person that can cook a new thread. You arent the person that started these threads. Someone else made a new thread to continue the discussion. That is good. Fucking chill you stupid faggot.
>Stop fagging up this general with these gay images.
Stop fagging up this general with off topic comments. The picture is fine
guys i accidentaly ejaculated during sleep. is it over? do i need to reset my counter?
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Found the faggot.
>You aren't the only person that can cook a new thread.
Correct, but you're the only person who can fuck it up, because you want to shit it up as you did just now. I don't know why you choose to leave over half of the information (including the scientific studies) out without thinking you're slowly trying to fuck up the general. Makes sense why you're so mad about it.

You will always be a faggot.
No need to reset. Sleep accidents don't count
Depends on how much you released. Check your underwear. If it's a few drops, no big deal. Average release, probably yeah. Simple math.
Yeah semen is not stored in the balls but produced in them but if you have a lot of testosterone they shrink....if you have lower amount they grow bigger to incerase production
>How do I stop sexualizing every woman in my head
This is why meditation is so important to this practice. You need to learn to control your subconscious. I don't want to open this discussion to the LoA faggots again, but what you envision in your head at least partially creates the reality outside of your head. For me, when I see a woman that is "sexy" I try to remember what women are in reality. I think of their messy, unkempt house. Their maxed out credit cards. I think of them freaking out and yelling about stupid shit. I see them spending all day long sitting on their asses figuring out the right filters to use for their Instagram pics to hide the stretch marks on their asses. I think of the smell of dog piss in their house because they are too lazy to clean it up properly. I think of the reality of women. The brief moments where they are able to present themselves as "sexy" are far outstrapped by the yoga pants and make up you see when they are in public. Learn to see the reality beyond the present moment and you can stop sexualizing them.
I'm not OP you faggot. I just don't want you shitting up a thread becasue someone else "beat you to the punch" of starting a new thread. I know for a fact you didnt start these generals. And if you get some kind of special feeling about being the OP, then you need to take a break from these threads for a while. Helping other guys overcome porn addiction is what really matters, not making sure other people get your preferred copypasta right. There are oldfags in these gens far older than you. So fuck off and stop being a sperg.
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>someone else "beat you to the punch" of starting a new thread
Who do you think you're fooling faggot? I mentioned, just like in the previous thread, that OP (You) is a faggot and should keep posting all the useful information along with each thread.

You're a newfag and a faggot for not knowing how the last 20+ threads had these posts. No more replies for you after this, because either you're retarded or (as I mentioned before) your purpose is shitting up the thread.
You are starting to be sensitive to the subconscious thoughts of women. Also, quantum entanglement. This is why having multiple partners is bad for you. When you aren't in a depleted state your powers (which are the latent powers of pretty much all humans) return and you start to realize you are still psychically connected to every women you have fucked, to a greater or lesser extent. An example for me is that I started having sexual dreams about my ex, totally out of the blue. Found out it was close to her birthday and she had recently become single again. She texted me a few days later, but the dreams preceded all of this. Honestly, enjoy the ride and enjoy coming to understand this part of yourself.
Longest streak I've had was 42 days. Then WD and I just said fuck it and caved. Now on day 4 and feeling good about lasting longer.
Also wouldn't mind some additional hair thickness, to be vain. Has anybody noticed effects on their hair and how long did it take?
Look you raging homosexual, I'm really not OP and some of the copypasta you are bitching about was written by me. Who the fuck cares? Post the pasta after the thread is baked if it doesnt make it in. Move on with your life. Try to post some stuff that helps other dudes and stop being a whiny bitch. Having other people bake threads means you can take a break from 4chins and the gens will still happen. That's a good thing.
>Has anybody noticed effects on their hair and how long did it take?
Yes, after at least around 6 months. Very slow though. Starts around the temple and top of your head at first. Eating healthy helps as well.
to get back hair it takes months of no fap
It's quite amazing there's a subset of a generation that's not getting high on drugs but getting high on quitting.
man it's crazy to actually to think how damaging masturbation is. My brain is constantly wanting a dopamine hit from a cheap orgasm. It's worse than weed and it's withdrawals effects when I was quitting.

I'm tweaking the fuck out. Kek
What benefits do you guys notice from the 3 week mark onwards? Currently on my first 3 week streak
You're cleaner, sharp minded and probably your face/skin looks healthier than before.
A few months ago, I was 1 month and 3 days in, I decided to jerk off as a "reward" and I literally lost my job the next day.
never made it to 3 weeks (21 days).

I usually only made it to day 12-13.

For me:
day 3 - dopamine receptors starts healing
day 5 - starting exercising
day 9 -11 - people starting to tell me that I am acting aggressive and they fear me. I start to look out for prostitutes, trying to contact cahturbate girls that are near me and usually lose my no fap streak in the proces
This is the stuff I am affraid off. Losing my no fap energy when needed the most.

That's why you should only eventually fap when you will have like 2-3 weeks of free (pay) time to recovery from fap
>people starting to tell me that I am acting aggressive and they fear me.
Have you ever considered that they are the problem and not you? I can't know for sure, that's why I'm asking. You also have to realize that you're trying to get rid of an addiction/habit, which will leave you agitated at first, until you pass the threshold.
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I am a Coomer.

So most of the time (that is months/years) I have all the negative effects/debufss of cooming on me (no motivation, no energy, sad, sleepy, docile) and normies are used to make fun of me as their beta clown.

And these normies are used to me being their beta clown but then when they are confroneted with raw no fap energy that I can have, they are losing their minds.
>day 9 -11 - people starting to tell me that I am acting aggressive and they fear me. I start to look out for prostitutes, trying to contact cahturbate girls that are near me and usually lose my no fap streak in the proces
thats the manic phase
if you don't cave you'll eventually hit a crisis point and either learn a lesson or get merc'd, praying helps when you make it there
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I am curious what awaits for me beyond 13th day of no fap. Currently on 5th.

Gonna beat the maniac phase this time.
literally just workout when you feel the urge or start peeking. Realize the lust is a total nonsensical waste of time, get up, go for a walk, workout, do something productive instead.
>Completely abstain from masturbation and ejaculation to get all the benefits.
>If you don't ejaculate, but still spend time touching yourself, and even worse, touching yourself while watching degeneracy, then you are doing it wrong.
I'd like to add, from experience, that such behaviour is rooted in some unseen and unconscious mental loops. Compare it to having grown up in filth, you are less likely to mind being around filth. Your daily actions shape your unconscious mental realms, which is your interface with the spiritual world and how the spiritual world in part perceives you. Hence the saying that, on some plane of existence, you can't hide what you are on the inside. But usually only you and a confronting being (which people are very likely to call demons and other annoyances) that makes use of it or has rooted itself there. Involuntary or alien thoughts can also originate from there.
Having that cleaned up is what leads to a higher vibration and magnetism. Having a clear inner temple means your spirit can navigate better, so other people with unbogged spirits are more likely to communicate with you whether you are conscious of it or not.

This is also why the suggestions under
work so effectively. They fill your inner with better energetic patterns while destroying what serves you not. Take note, for all your trespasses of the past there -will- be consequences. That will become apparent especially when cleaning, as anon here: >>38419495 already mentions
>How do I stop sexualizing every woman in my head. It's getting so bad
You are going cold turkey in the physical realm while not having addressed the underlying psychology why you need to exert effort to practice it now. Think about a moment where you felt no effort doing something and doing the right thing came naturally to you. This stuff should be the exact same. But there is resistance, why is that? where does it come from? 1/2
anon here is spot on >>38420859 but I would not recommend to think of external positive or negative aspects before you think of your own inner.
The thing is that your imagination can conjure porn all it wants. Your unconscious spirit can conjure it even more easily. Feeding yourself porn means it has to do less. If it processes a lot of porn then the lack of feeding it will lead to unconscious activation of those "desires" or "habits". This happens both in your physical brain but is also mirrored and made conscious to you from the immaterial.

Instead, watch porn meditatively. Set strict start and end times and keep a log and write about what you feel in your body and mind and where you feel it. Expose yourself, let arousal come up, meditative and make aware what you are experiencing. Then try to calm your arousal down again. You can observe the bad or good acting, what turns you on or off. Then reflect that with what you would actually do daily with a partner to your true heart on a daily basis. Is most of that energy really focused on what you're seeing? Usually you know not, but a part in your inner does not listen to that reason. So you have to confront it with your own will. Also where is the arousal focused? Usually it is focused on the groin. Try to see if you can move it elsewhere in the body. The plexus and the head for example feel very different and more intense.

Eventually when practiced enough, watching porn meditatively without indulging in it will extinguish the simple desires and awaken the higher ones. What you want to aim for is the same feeling as when you are shitting in the street. You elevate your expectations to a level that the natural consequence is that you don't indulge in porn anymore because it doesn't fit anymore. Don't avoid the trigger, but rewire your inner so the trigger is incompatible. That doesn't mean you can't love a good woman or enjoy it in the future, but you have to build towards that.
I get that. I've been in that same position as well. Though it sounds like you let that get to you and because of that start looking for (e-)whores.

My advice is ignoring these fools. You're better than them for trying to improve.
OK, so i make this post cause im about to start on my semen retention journey. I noticed i want to somehow share a bit of my thoughts and journal, so i therefore will post every day in these SRG threads.

Day 1
No difficulties so far, come back tomorrow. Listening to Ancient Archives YouTube Channel is inspiriring. I have a day off today, not much going on.

Succubi will come for your semen soon
Read "Cultivating the male sexual energy", threre are exercsies which prevent wet dreams.

The whole point is to never ever waste any semen, wet dreams are bad. Strengthen those muscles down there and avoid wet dreams.

There is some wierd fucking premise on here that wet dreams are normal and not damaging, which is bullshit, you are literally not retaining the seed if you have a wet dream.

>The whole point is to never ever waste any semen, wet dreams are bad.
wasting semen usually isn't a problem physically. But the nonphysical consequences that are rooted and run in parallel to your daily life are. Suppressed desires and unmet needs also promote your spirit to seek out or manifest such dreams. Fixing it requires fixing it therein.

Not to say the muscle exercises won't help. Any self-improvement done mindfully and with a focal point can be used to shape your spiritual life.
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Never had a wet dream ;_;
Can't even get laid in my dreams bros
Why do succubi don't want my energy anons?
it's an artistic representation of a physical ideal
why are you getting so worked up? go breathe or something
I'll answer your question correctly if you answer mine correctly:
I have a warehouse where I store gold bars. It's on an open field without any cameras and security guards. There are multiple advertisements in the nearest city, which coincidentally has a very high crime-rate, yet there hasn't been any thefts in my warehouse. Why do people not want to steal my gold bars?
When sperms sits unspent it generates energy in the testicles. It takes 30 days to have an amount you can work with to transmute. If the sperm goes out, this energy will take another 30 days to generate.

If you cum in your sleep, the result is the same. I understand what you mean, just the discipline of mind to not nack off and be a degenerate is great and beings benefits, but I am talking about the energy in the balls.

Some call this chi, after a while there is so much, it wants to go out. For most men, this is thru the dick, aka cumming. However, it can be moved thru the spine and into the head, and this is the real secret.

Learn the exercises which are done daily and unlock this ability. The energy in your balls wants to get tf out of there, bring it up and unlock the full power. As everything great, it takes daily practice and a lot od effort.

Again, this is why wet dreams are bad, all chi is lost, even if you didn't consciously make a mistske.
allow the emotions to flow without judgement, and try not to wallow in them (you know when you are). be gentle with yourself and don't beat yourself up for running away before
Men are healing.
just ordered this book
thanks for the tip
haven't read a book in years
Because the nearest city is 100% white?
>high crime-rate
oh sorry I didn’t read correctly yeah I don’t know the answer
I am being attacked by demons or astral parasites of whatever kind here and there though, they’re just hostile and try to be spooky rather than try to suk muh dik dreaminly speaking
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Well, I'll be damned. You managed to correct yourself on time and answer your own question as well. I must admit I haven't experienced any demons/astral parasites you mentioned, but I believe all of us have our own unique battles. Do not fret on why it's not similar, but be happy about it. Your uniqueness will find a different type of loot at the end of the battle. Give em hell fren.
Ok ;_;
Thnks for the reply anon
>Yes, after at least around 6 months
I can confirm that also zinc may help.
it doesn't work and you have schizophrenia
It works and you're a kike.
>balls hurt
>feeling incredibly unmotivated to do anything
>the opposite of horny
is this the flat line bros? how long does this shit last. i’m on my 3rd week retooning
I recommend everyone here to read Libido dominandi from E. Michael Jones. This changes the way you look at pornography and pleasure.

When you masturbate, they win.
Post foreskin
>you can't
you gotta learn methods to channel energy
it will be brutal and impossible otherwise
meditation, move the energy upwards, clenching, relaxing, envisioning etc
try to have no sexual thoughts and don't look at hot women in public
if you are doing this to be more sexually attractive with the goal of getting laid it will be infinitely harder because you are doing it out of lust instead of as a cure to lust
>15 days in
>I'm just vibing

Fasting and SR go hand in hand together anons.
I've also been reading the Bible every ~3 hours, which is doing something spiritually, but I can't put my finger on it. It is also a great deterrent from lust.
my gf is a succubus so this isn't possible but I'll go for like 5-6 days at a time
yeah, it's impossible with a gf who is a succubus
possible with a gf who is into tantra and understands energy work and SR and is willing to do slow lovemaking and not want you to climax
those are rare tho
Any tips on dealing with the feeling of loneliness two weeks in?
>There is some wierd fucking premise on here that wet dreams are normal and not damaging
Can you be any more of a cunt? Wet dreams are fine. Especially when you are starting out. Faggots like you are the vegans of NoFap/SR. You take a good idea and take it to an extreme mostly to generate attention for yourself. Those that make it long enough will eventually figure it out. Wet dreams are mostly connected to a build up of negative energy or emotions (of which you are ironically spreading). Anyone starting this practice is already leagues better than porn-addicted coomers and that's something to be proud of. The main goal here is removing porn and nasturbation from your life. Mission accomplished, even with wet dreams.
>Any tips on dealing with the feeling of loneliness two weeks in?
Will masturbating make you feel any less lonely? It's going to make the problem worse.
>The main goal here is removing porn and nasturbation from your life
No, it's not you fucking retard.

There's only one goal: Semen Retention. Literally the name of this general. If you're not retaining semen, you're not doing it right.
>Instead, watch porn meditatively
Quit porn by watching porn. No. This is bad advice. You don't quit cocaine by doing cocaine.
Great tip, retard.
>I really dislike this NoFap mentality of counting days and feeling like it's the end of the world when you fail once.
Truth here. I'm OK with counting days, because it's motivational to me, but the larger gestalt of assuming all is lost if you jerk off once is counterproductive and you are correct about this. One failure after three weeks of not being a coomer is still three weeks of not being a coomer, and that's an accomplishment. Regarding the "length of streaks," it's a dumb way to flex on someone else.
Try playing online games with a decent community. Otherwise a story-driven game with fun characters. This feeling is only temporary so you should find a temporary solution. In the meantime try find a hobby where you can find people that you align with.

There's always /po/
>There's only one goal: Semen Retention.
Yeah, no kidding. And if people take an "all or nothing" approach like you do they will revert back to being coomers. The way you retain is by creating habits in your life that are positive and by succeeding more times than you fail. One wet dream isn't going to negate 6-months of positive spiritual work.
I am literally not being a cunt, I am just pointing out that wet dreams waste your seed, and the point is to never waste your seed. It hinders progress

Instead of saying having a mentality that wet dreams are fine, it is better to address this and let people know that there are practices and exerscises which can prevent this. You can literally prevent it with some effort.
>Great tip, retard.
It actually is. Sometimes there is no way around the truth and you need to fight your way through. You are lonely because you are a coomer, but you are asking people to help with the loneliness that you believe resulted from your 2-week streak. The first way to solve this is to correct your mistaken belief. SR isnt why you are lonely. It's the cure. If you delude yourself into confusing these concepts, your mind will trick itself into cooming again.
>Wet dreams are fine.
>One wet dream isn't going to negate 6-months of positive spiritual work.
In other words: releasing semen is fine as long as you're not awake. Fuck off shill.
>the point is to never waste your seed
It's semen retention general. It's not "never waste a single drop of your seed under any circumstances ever again or you are a failure general." It's a process and it's marked by having more successes than failures. No one is going to transition from being a turbo coomer to being a Tibetan Monk in a few weeks. That process requires patience and long-term, sustainable practice.
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>shills masturbation
>doesn't work
>shills wet dreams
>doesn't work either
>starts new threads without wet dream warnings
>"wet dreams are not bad"

I see you spergfag
Hello loosh supply. Not one of those posts were mine. Your loosh is delicious. yum yum. I live rent free in your head. My tentacles are molesting you in the astral plane, and i am draining you dry. heheheheh. remember. you gave permission for this.
Yes its demoralising. Also doesnt track with reality. somehow a daily coomer is equal to a a guy who relapsed after a 300 day streak. just isnt true. Lot of people get obsessed with purity testing, which is fine and necessary, but people go overboard.
I have had hundreds if not thousands of wet dreams and have learned that the effect is the same as from jerking off and yes there are things you can do to reduce/eliminate them
it is a hindrance to anyone to believe there are harmless and should not be addressed
it takes more discipline and practice to abstain in the dream world as well but it is worth it
you are doing a disservice by telling people that wet dreams are nothing to worry about
they are a result of lust based thinking and disregard of energy transmutation
>Quit porn by watching porn. No. This is bad advice. You don't quit cocaine by doing cocaine.
You cannot compare the two like that. Substances have very set responses. Your brain is a learning machine that acts on your input, in which you can change your response with your willpower and the response in your spirit with meditation and inner practice. You can't change the properties of cocaine with your thoughts...you can change your psychology.

You're missing the last point. If you watch porn, why are you not aversed to it by nature? Why does your heart not recoil at it or does your mind show disinterest in it? It's because from puberty you are wired into certain responses, readily available content usurp your natural connection. You are actively combating the part that makes you indulge. If you kill the indulgence in your inner then you win the game for good. Avoidance is better when you are truly at your weakest: then keep it away. Once you have some grip on it, expose and wear down the rest of the grip it has on you.
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I have quit smoking
I do feel very terrible
Time to be healthy
Fuck off retard, never post here again. you're a weak faggot that cant stop himself from looking at cocks.
>You cannot compare the two like that. Substances have very set responses
You can absolutely compare cocaine addiction and porn addiction. They affect your dopamine receptors in the same way.
>the effect (of wet dreams) is the same as from jerking off
One is an act of the conscious will. One isn't. That is a massive difference, physically and spiritually.
>it is a hindrance to anyone to believe there are harmless
Let's be serious, this thread is for recovering porn addicts. And if you pray and meditate daily, the path to addressing them will be laid out for you. Stressing people out about wet dreams, especially when they are in the early stages of this practice is absolutely counterproductive. You don't "go back to day one" with a wet dream.
>it takes more discipline and practice to abstain in the dream world
It takes more discipline to do a marathon. Most are just getting off their couches. You aren't helping them by flexing on them and telling them they are failures for not being able to run a marathon. And I doubt you are capable of running a marathon for what it's worth.
>they are a result of lust based thinking and disregard of energy transmutation
And? Spiritual discipline is hard to develop and the path to developing it will be fraught with occasional failure. It's dumb to project negative energy onto others just because they aren't adepts after two weeks of retention.
I've been clean since 10 years anon and you're the only one obsessively interpreting it as looking at cocks. Fix your inner bullshit that got you wired to that junk to begin with, re-awaken your disgust and use it to propel yourself towards a higher state of energy so you shed it for good. You expose it in a controlled manner without indulging in it to quell your arousal and gain control over it.
With the difference that the arousal comes form your visual system interpreting it as something you desire and then wires it to release chemicals. If your core doesn't like it, it won't release or trigger it as much.
>I've been clean since 10 years anon and you're the only one obsessively interpreting it as looking at cocks. Fix your inner bullshit that got you wired to that junk to begin with, re-awaken your disgust and use it to propel yourself towards a higher state of energy so you shed it for good. You expose it in a controlled manner without indulging in it to quell your arousal and gain control over it.
Pure word salad. You're doing mental gymnastics to justify looking at lustful content. That is a fundamental of SR that you're breaking.
You have way more inner bullshit to work through because you actually believe the lies you've told yourself. You disgusting, sclerotic old man. fuck off. You're sick in the head.
>If you watch porn, why are you not aversed to it by nature?
>Because cocaine feels good, you should do a lot of cocaine.
Literally the same thing. Man has hijacked a natural process and exploited it. In the instance of cocaine, the CIA and Mossad wanted to control Sourh American economies while destroying American inner cities and upper middle classes. In the instance of porn, the CIA and Mossad want to create a docile population that will not reproduce, will be less interested in productive endeavors, and will be easier to control. I'm failing to see the difference.
>With the difference that the arousal comes form your visual system interpreting it as something you desire and then wires it to release chemicals
Or you could do what I originally suggested. Just imagine women for what they really are and stop letting porn hijack your brain. Women are messy, financially unstable, disgusting creatures and if you stop consuming porn, you realize their ovaries really are their only purpose.
you're acting like the people who read these threads are a bunch of emotionally charged toddlers
give them more respect than that
if you have a wet dream, you accept it, realize you won't have the same energy, luck and charm as you did the day prior and figure out what caused it and what you can do in the future to avoid it
who's getting stressed? no stress required, just proper action
I'm not flexing on anyone, I admitted to having hundreds of wet dreams, did you read my post or just cherry pick the parts that triggered you?
you've got a weird fragmented mind and attachment to this idea that wet dreams are harmless
there is no "day one" or point in counting days, this is a lifestyle, retain and cultivate the seed, sometimes you fail and jerk off or have sex or go to a massage parlor or have a wet dream, it doesn't matter you move forward, you learn, you adapt, you grow
I never said it was a failure, you were the one who decided that's how I defined it, but you're acting like it's a non-event, it is a thing, it carries weight, it's part of the journey, it's a step to overcome
not sure why you're bringing running into this and accusing me of not being able to run a marathon but I ran 13km a couple days ago with 360m elevation gain for the fun of it, I have no interest in going as far as a marathon because the cost outweighs the benefit
my only interest here is to help the community and help myself by being honest with my own experiences and sharing what I've learned
I've been on this path since 2008 with many stumbling blocks and follies but I am still going forward
I feel like you are attacking me personally because I am attacking an idea
I want you to succeed, that's why I am sharing this
>You're doing mental gymnastics to justify looking at lustful content.
retard, I have been clean from that shit and even if I looked at it, it wouldn't affect me. You have to replace the void in your inner and meditative practice is part of it, including meditating on your sexual desires and activities, so you can direct it at your will.
This is a tool in your bag, you don't do it for weeks to justify indulgence. If you're doing that, you use your will to avoid it. Then you swing by again to measure how well you are distancing yourself to it.
Fundamental rule of SR is not looking at lustful content. Fuck off you disgusting shill, youll get what you deserve remember this.
Re-read your post and then tell me if these are the word of someone who has enough inner calm and control of his subconscious desires to prevent wet dreams. If you have been doing this for 16 years and this is the energy your thoughts convey, you are doing something wrong.
Starting my journey today. Kept jorkin' it right as I woke up or to help me go to sleep for years. I want something more and I want nutting to mean something with someone. I can do it. I can give this up. Masturbation is an addiction and it's time to drop it like a baby from a rooftop.
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According to someone's logic here I can pay a whore to suck me off while I'm sleeping. Counts as retention, right guys?
Yes, because at the early stage you are in a weaker position so exposure won't do you good. After you have a basic foothold in standing your ground and exercising your will (saying no when the urge comes) you can also enter the lion's den to see if your will will fail there. In your ideal case you do not even need to fight at that point. It simply runs off you like water off a raincoat.

That is what you should aim for. No you do not watch it with excuses. you know when you're excusing. You watch it to erode your interest to get further head. Not to sink further.
If you can hold your will while exposed to it how are you violating any part of not retaining your seed? Why are you even combative about it? This helped me do it more quickly.
Again. Looking at lustful content is violating the practise of purity of thought, which is a basic part of this practise.

In all your word salad, whats abundantly clear is you have no knowledge of mysticism. you're a crystal girl. You just throw in buzzwords to sound legit, but simple inspection reveals a profound ignorance.
> You watch it to erode your interest to get further head. Not to sink further.
>Acktually what happens is the exact opposite.
This is not how it works. You are delusional and ignorant, have some humility and read the basic literature which will quickly expose you as the fool you are.
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>If you can hold your will while exposed to it how are you violating any part of not retaining your seed?
Yes, why not to peek at subliminal demonic content.
>Looking at lustful content is violating the practise of purity of thought
One might argue that the purity is in it not entering your consciousness to begin with, so even exposure does not taint your purity of thought.
>In all your word salad, whats abundantly clear is you
you do not even know me, anon. Your conclusions are reactive and presumptive. You have no questioned my past, or how I entered upon that road, neither inquired why or how what I suggested worked in my own journey. That is also a sign of ignorance.

>This is not how it works.
it worked for me. It's a perspective. Anyone can use that perspective to see if it is a helpful tool. If you are starting out, I wouldn't say to do it. At some point when you notice avoidance is not fixing the core problem then repeating the same pattern is not gonna heal you further. In those cases you have to be flexible.
>One might argue that the purity is in it not entering your consciousness to begin with, so even exposure does not taint your purity of thought.
That does not change anything.
>you do not even know me, anon. Your conclusions are reactive and presumptive. You have no questioned my past, or how I entered upon that road, neither inquired why or how what I suggested worked in my own journey. That is also a sign of ignorance.
The mysteries will forever remain closed to you. I dont need to ask anything, i can judge you plenty just through your words
>it worked for me. It's a perspective. Anyone can use that perspective to see if it is a helpful tool. If you are starting out, I wouldn't say to do it. At some point when you notice avoidance is not fixing the core problem then repeating the same pattern is not gonna heal you further. In those cases you have to be flexible.
No. It's not a perspective. It's a violation of the fundamentals of SR. Youre a coomer that requires excuses, and you wish to drag others down with you. Demonic. May all retainers here be protected from your dark energy.
>Youre a coomer that requires excuses, and you wish to drag others down with you.
That is not my will and neither my words, which you twist for your own gain. You are not my keeper of the gate anon, and never will be.
The simple fact is this. You are advocating for the breaking of a fundamental SR practise and a rule. That's basic stuff. You cant get around this.
>You are not my keeper of the gate anon, and never will be.
You will never know the mysteries. It will forever remain shut to your filthy, profane mind. you are not worthy. you will never be worthy. You will live in a prison of your own delusions.
>You are advocating for the breaking of a fundamental
I specifically said: you do not do it when your will is weak. You do it when your will is strong to shape your mind into one that does not even falther in its purity when tested.
If you were to sit next or see a naked higher being (some do that to test you) and feel not even an urge or speck of lustful energy, that is when you truly accomplished what you aim to.

Nice words anon. Keep that sounding in your mind like a bell.
Begone now, demon. You're boring. Next time you try to shill, do something other than "watch porn bro" its too obvious.
any advice how to overcome and fight with lust and stress? (simple answer is to always keep yourself and yr mind busy) Keeping nofap even for several months doesn't make me strong enough to resist it. If I avoid looking at lustful conent or hot chicks on the street i become more stressed and hateful towards things that randomly occur to me. Can't argue that stressful life plays a major role in me not being able to release the tension that is building up, even doing sports and gym solves the problem temporarily. If one thing is being suppressed the other pop ups - the art of keeping things balanced right in the middle is so hard. Share your tips, thx.
Look into mindfulness, have a basic meditation practise going too. Lust, stress, these are feelings but you can choose not to identify with them
from the very start you merely twisted words anon and you insist on it. Why is that? Even past the point where you own your will to expose or not expose a random anon might end up with deeper rooted insecurities or problems about their sexuality. Simple suppression will not reintegrate that.
Any practice where you instill a sense of serenity and non-indulgence even when exposed will do that.
shove your demonic shit up your ass fag. talking with your kind is always a slop
>Dude when you're WILL is really STRONG you gotta watch porn bro to test yourself bro
>trust me bro its just to test yourself bro
You're on an SR thread telling people to watch porn. The shilling is obvious
>Even past the point where you own your will to expose or not expose a random anon might end up with deeper rooted insecurities or problems about their sexuality.
To you, porn is sexuality. to normal people, talking to real women, wooing them is what sexuality is all about. You keep exposing yourself, anon. Off you go now incel, run along.
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Vasectomy trannies can spill semen and be coomers anon.
You only filtered the sperm part of the coom. Sperm is less than half of semen at most.
it sounds like you are facing a lot of bottled up emotions, potentially trauma. people generally don't feel an overwhelming amount of anger even if their test levels go up because of SR. you are the expert on your own life, but here are some questions you might want to journal on: why do you get so angry? was there a time in your life where you needed to defend yourself, but wasn't allowed to/capable of? do you blame yourself or others for things that go wrong in your life?
>You're on an SR thread telling people to watch porn
No, you're summarizing it to shill your own view. I specifically said that at some points it becomes useful to meditate on your lust and erode it so it does not control you.
>To you, porn is sexuality
It is not. To some it is and in their cases, how is meditative practice to shape their innate responses a bad thing? For someone talking about the "mysteries" it sounds kinda dumb that taking control of your urges and shaping your inner temple this way is alien to you.

I cast that away long ago already as mentioned. Keep your finger in your pocket. You just attack randomly every single thing that does not enter your mind as fathomable. You just view me through your own reflections. Keep your emotions to yourself. Thanks.
>I specifically said that at some points it becomes useful to meditate on your lust and erode it so it does not control you.
Yes. You said to watch porn. Basic of SR is not looking at lustful content. Sorry. There's no way around this.
>To some it is and in their cases, how is meditative practice to shape their innate responses a bad thing? For someone talking about the "mysteries" it sounds kinda dumb that taking control of your urges and shaping your inner temple this way is alien to you.
Again, more buzzwords and word salad. You dont know what you're talking about.
Last (you) from me. You're pathetic. You're getting attacked because you're encouraging people to break a fundamental part of SR. I view you as you are, again, you've slipped up multiple times. Equating porn to sexuality really was the last one. You look like a fucking moron rn. At this point it'd be cruel to humiliate you further. Of course, you'll naturally reply because you're a little bitch, luckily the mysteries protect themselves. Fuck off, and never post here again faggot.
We deserve better shills.
Wtf are you smoking?
>Yes. You said to watch porn.
while conventiently omitting the rest. Age old trick anon, but I said what's needed already.
>Again, more buzzwords and word salad.
And thee deflects and oversimplifies, twisting my words into what they are not. There are anons in this thread that literally describe troubles even when they limit their exposure.

You are literally talking to yourself at this point anon. You don't know me, what I've been through, and ask not how I come at my conclusions. You just scream demonz and mysteries like some peasant on the street, because someone offers another perspective. At no point did I tell you to indulge. So again, keep your emotions to yourself.
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picturing a monk in the mountains of the himalayas cranking out some porn to meditate on
Keep posting filth anon. You only make me stronger. You make us stronger, by giving up your life force. thank you anon.
you should ask yourself who speaks through you anon. I am read.
Got who? Are you trying to enter another man's mental spaces anon? It ain't happening. Good night.
Day 1 again
God no. Just stop posting filth. You are giving yourself up. It's all you friend. Love wins. good night.
thanks, very spot on. I might have some unprocessed trauma going on to the point it affects how I behave on daily autopilot. About defending myself, I think the key is that there was a point early in my life when I had to sacrifice my own self and submit in order to keep things peaceful - that's where the constant hypervigilance comes from and anger of not knowing how to set boundaries maybe? I have some great books and for over last 6 months I made biggest progress in this lifetime (had some moments of realisation here and there too and was trying to fix things but now I feel like I dug deep into the fundamentals) heavy use of THC and toxic environment of ppl was a huge part of the deal breaker too (cut them too). Also diet & lifestyle plays a huge chunk of progress. However, I'm still fighting the anger and lust.
What happened bro ?
Make sure you write down before, during, and after thoughts, feelings, what have you so you don't fall in battle again.
Get back up, and don't bully yourself.
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I love masturbating so fucking much bros
Fell back into a relapse cycle a couple weeks ago. Mostly just boredom that gets me here.
>However, I'm still fighting the anger
nta, but if you have been suppressed you would do well to get a trustee counselor to express and maybe try your hand at some forms of art? You'd have to listen to what the vigil is saying and any moments you feel it activate stop and identify the trigger. They're all condensed memories with suggestions and acting against them when it is safe teaches you over time that you have that freedom of thought.

Helping other people helps so too. I got the most through helping others in life. Volunteering and martial arts are good food too. Any practice that requires frustration and yet patience also tempers you.
You have to set boundaries and communicate them well too.
>toxic environment
Is something that slowly creeps in and is hard to weed out. If you are diligent to keep such people out, or when you cannot avoid them, find measures to keep them from dragging you to their level, you also practice the boundary issues.

Do you have any form of counseling?
I had a post typed out but then realized I am engaging with a vampire
you can do me no harm nor disturb my peace
Good will win.
you must protect your time and energy anon. these beings navigate between people and surface in discussions. I felt it earlier as well, a sudden loss of energy and a fouler presence. Conversations reveal these bubbles and obscure thoughts. Clear the skies. Be safe
My readings so far have concluded there are two methods in which one can attain higher consciousness, and tap into the all. Allowing for what to others would appear to be "miracles". The first method is practicing Hatha Yoga. The second is semen retention/alchemical sex work.

The latter is for all intents, and purposes not really viable for me. Does semen retention apply to sex between a man, and a woman whom love each other? I know what is released chemically from sex is different from someone jerking off, but I wasn't sure what the stipulations were with that, and how a woman would essentially go about doing "semen retention" in general? Sorry if this has been asked multiple times before, but how does consensual sex with two people who care for one another factor into semen retention/sex alchemy?

If people are interested in Hatha Yoga I can answer some questions about that too.
There's lots of other paths
Non ejaculatory sex, GG. It actually allows you to have infinite sexual stamina as well. Read up on Taoist semen retention.
No doubt. The two I mentioned are what I'm most familiar with. That's all. Care to share other methods?
Try to allow yourself to be bored, do not entertain yourself. Literally do nothing and stare at the ceiling. In today's society, it doesn't let you have a silent moment to yourself, unless you seek it. You might be running from something you're unaware of.
Keeping busy is a meme to be avoided unless called for.
Yeah fair. hatha yoga is based. If you were to sum it up, what would you say?
My perspective is, you got ur left hand and right hand paths, naturally we here are concerned with the latter. This splits off into external and internal systems. External systems are ones where you're working with a particular collective stream, for example the golden dawn, you get power externally and bring that into you. Then you got the internal ones, this is cultivating power from within. hatha yoga falls under this. then you got your buddha path, taoist energy systems and building microcosmic orbit.
Personally wouldnt consider semen retention a path in itself, its just a part of something else. Based on my research ive concluded that the best path is the hermetic path, namely that of Bardon's "initiation into hermetic" text, this to me is the most clear and intuitive path out there.
thank you brother and checked
I knew my post was correct because 42 has always been my lucky number
if someone baits you into argument or attacks you as a person or uses any kind of vitriole or name calling it's best to just ignore and move on
we will win
Dude its 4chan. People get rude here it is what it is. Doesnt mean your energy is getting sucked kek. Dont give your energy away to retarded trolls
>if someone baits you into argument

A humble person, if his opinion is asked, gives it in all simplicity and then leaves others to give theirs. Whether they are right or wrong, he says no more.
well said
Lol. You finally figured out that projecting negative emotions into an online forum drains your energy. I do find it ironic that you call me a vampire when I'm the one that's been telling you to chill out the whole time, but whatever. Wet dreams are gonna happen, especially to people new to this practice. You spewing negativity and telling people to be ashamed of something largely outside of their control, especially at the beginning is only going to make this worse for yourself and other people. But at least you are starting to understand.
>A humble person, if his opinion is asked, gives it in all simplicity and then leaves others to give theirs.
Humility doesn't mean deference to others who would shout you down with the intensity of their emotions though.
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Do not confuse humility and meekness with weakness, timidity, mediocrity, lack of initiative, self-loathing, self-hatred, defeatism, and the like. True humility does not deny one's talents, intelligence, and other abilities.
Turn off the screen. Walk away. Know your worth. If people can't act like adults towards each other, what are you doing there ?
Greetings retooners, Seedfag here. Do not give up your seed. It is more precious than you could ever know…
Did you relapse anon?
>Yeah fair. hatha yoga is based. If you were to sum it up, what would you say?
I would try to sum it up as the meditative/chiropractive (Not a word, but bare with me..) practice of physically, mentally, and spiritually optimizing one's self to receiving messages from the universe, and restoring the severed connection of the "All" that occurs once a consciousness envelopes a physical vessel. Basically slowly unlocking the full capacity of one's brain, and fine tuning yourself to the universe through various Asana's (Meditative stances/positions), and other practices in our day to day living. The end goal should not be to manifest something immediately, or gain super power like abilities of course, but these things will eventually open up to you through the practices outlined in the Hatha Yoga Predipika book/various texts.
>My perspective is, you got ur left hand and right hand paths, naturally we here are concerned with the latter.
I thought the same thing for awhile, but I don't think all lefties are people who wish to force their will on other's necessarily? I think it's more so like a body builder thinking to themselves "Just how strong can I actually bnecome? Let's see." sort of deal. But, I won't argue that path is littered with those who get it all wrong. I think righties have the right idea, and have less of a chance to cause issues, but when they do, I find they are way, way, WAY more harmful. Usually because their "fall" usually happens farther along the path so to speak. Just food for thought.
>Personally wouldn't consider semen retention a path in itself
Well, from my understanding the pineal secretions caused by semen retention basically mimic high level Hatha Yoga users. It's even encouraged/outline in Hatha Yoga Predipika, but they go on to give exceptions, and go over alternatives for those who might not be able/willing in their own ways.
>Based on my research ive concluded that the best path is the hermetic path, namely that of Bardon's "initiation into hermetic" text, this to me is the most clear and intuitive path out there
I concur. Excellent book, in a way like it's own Hatha Yoga method really. Hence the "No doubt" comment above. I use both, and the companion book for Bardon's Initaion book. I think Bardon is just more focused on the magician aspects of it, and less influenced by eastern philosophies. He goes over the elements, how they are attributed to different parts of the body instead of chakras, and only loosely mentions Akasha, referring it as "Ether" instead. So, very much a case of nothing new under the sun. (In a good way).
Daily working in tech. I'm into many forms of arts and have strong sense of it: drawing, music is my life. But something snapped over last year and need a break from it. Can't even watch at my instruments right now. I feel being more physical and sometimes using my anger to push through and overcome things that came up from the dark places is now the best thing (never got a chance to stand up for myself?). Maybe some form of martial art would be good to release but Im not so young too, had some injuries (done some extreme sports in my youth) plus had serious nervous system shutdown episode (for the 3rd time - every next episode is worse) in December that ended in hospital and really need to take care of myself now.

No form of counseling whatsoever, all the psychologists are shit here and I do better research by myself with stuff online.

>helping others
I've been helping others even to the point of sacrificing myself so now I feel like I need to test the opposite extreme side of now being selfish (shadow work) to get a grip of how to balance things out.

Thanks for the involvement
I'm right now and I have so much questions.

Do you need safety precautions to practice it? what are they?

retrograde ejaculation is a must to do it? can you ejaculate normally once you mastered this practice or will you urinate your semen unless you go trough some treatment or worse?
If you end up urinating your semen anyway, how is this semen retention?
you have been talking to multiple people and don't even know it
I never said anyone should be ashamed of it
I don't think anybody said that actually
Can you show me one negative post I made?
In every post that you've responded to me with you've claimed I've said things that I didn't, magnifying and distorting my message
Lol. You claim to be some master retainer and can't even stop yoirself.from responding to me. Think about that.
I've finally reached 4 days after YEARS of trying, and I think I'll be able to hold through, but I'm stressing out about the long term brain damage I've inflicted on myself. For the last two or so years I've had "headaches". I don't know what you would call them, my head doesn't hurt but I can feel it? It feels like my brain is rotting inside my head. Even now on day 4 I still feel it constantly. Can somebody with experience tell me if this is just withdrawals or if it's something I'll have to live with for the rest of my life?
When did I say I was a master retainer?
you're wild, all you've done is this thread is make things up
yeah I can't help it because I love truth and hate lies and all you've done is lie
For any anons who have been following this silly back and forth between myself (guy who says there consequences from wet dreams and ways to overcome them)
and this guy (guy who says there are no consequences and don't bother trying to prevent them)
look at how this guy presents his defense; all he does is try to attack my character, he hasn't had a single recognizable reason for his side, he just says you guys can't handle the task of training yourself to not have wet dreams and that you're so weak that you'll get demoralized by thinking there is a negative effect
then when confronted with any questioning he says "Lol" and then attacks the character of the poster instead of the idea, never bolstering his argument in any way
that should tell you all you need to know about which side is right
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I started helping to bake these long before you showed up, actually, and I'm not the only one who would make them. I literally took the OP text from my copypasta folder from more than a year ago, so you can fuck right off.
You can check out any link from a year ago and see that these threads didn't have your retarded paragraphs wasting 10+ posts in the limit. The blobs of text filled with typos that you personally introduced are a recent phenomena. I don't personally have anything against your additions, but you're clearly some egotistical fuck that's avatarfagging as the 'owner' of SRG. You're also projecting your newfag status, as you clearly have no idea how to make generals.(You)'re not supposed to spam paragraphs that can't fit into your OP intro. If you can't fit all of the necessary info into one post, you simply make a pastebin to include the rest of the relevant information.

All that being said I can tell you're the type of soft pussy that will try to splinter the thread if someone bakes one without your donut steel text, so I won't step on your toes, restore your shit in the next one. If you're gonna pearl clutch, at least try to keep your own shit alive and stop sinking into page 10

Headaches are normally a lack of salt, or magnesium. The biggest tell is if you're craving chips, you're lacking iodine which is where you'll find it in those.
Another fun fact is you could have parasites in your brain - which many people do not think about having. You should take a dewormer once or twice a year.
If it ain't none of those, go to the fl*pping doctors man.
Stopped alcohol a long ass time ago, 1 week in SR, and I just quit nicotine today. tomorrow no more sugar drinks PURE FUCKING WATER FROM NOW ON!

Evil can only tempt you into making bad decisions. Ask the evil forces directly why they are so weak that they can only tempt you, and they crumble like a plastic bag.
Ok you niggers here is how to avoid wet dreams, now you can stop crying about it, literally takes a few weeks at most to deal with the problem
Big Draw is the name of the exercsise, too long to post, google it exercsies, fucking google it
I'm just getting tutorials on how to draw.

This book, find all kind of shit in here. The thing is prior to Big Draw there is an exercsise like "The Power Lock For Sealing The Seminal Fluid" which prepear you for it.

Anyway, it's all in there.
>mental clarity, reduced stress, increased motivation, increased energy, improved focus

My life would benefit greatly from those.
Drink water, milk, and tea. Best to least good for you in that order.
If you're used to pop switch to sparkling water unironically. Plain water gets boring after a while.
try making your own kefir for a fizzy, protein rich drink
Bitches are weird man. At least there's always celibacy and the light of God to always return to. Hopefully permanently. good luck anons
Interesting stuff. I am always a little hesitant with hindu stuff because it seems as if to really understand it, one must learn sanskrit. Added the Pradipika book to my list, will definitely check it out. Also seems like theres a bunch of yogas out there, its all convoluted and puts me off.
>I thought the same thing for awhile, but I don't think all lefties are people who wish to force their will on other's necessarily? I think it's more so like a body builder thinking to themselves "Just how strong can I actually bnecome? Let's see." sort of deal.
based on my understanding theres multiple interpretations. Originally it came from the aghori tribe, who'd practise taboo stuff to reach enlightenment. the hindu left hand path has love at its core. In the west it seems more to do with people working with demons and negative spirits, im not necessarily against that desu but its not for me. At the end of the day, all real paths are oriented around love, i know thats a lil cliche but yeah lol
>Well, from my understanding the pineal secretions caused by semen retention basically mimic high level Hatha Yoga users. It's even encouraged/outline in Hatha Yoga Predipika, but they go on to give exceptions, and go over alternatives for those who might not be able/willing in their own ways.
interesting, definitely a rabbit hole ill check out. Only really familiar with Patanjalis 8 limbs which again, seems to be quite different in that its a dualist path
>I concur. Excellent book, in a way like it's own Hatha Yoga method really. Hence the "No doubt" comment above. I use both, and the companion book for Bardon's Initaion book. I think Bardon is just more focused on the magician aspects of it, and less influenced by eastern philosophies. He goes over the elements, how they are attributed to different parts of the body instead of chakras, and only loosely mentions Akasha, referring it as "Ether" instead. So, very much a case of nothing new under the sun. (In a good way).
Hmm well only thing id disagree here is the akasha bit. He does explicitly outline working with outline. Like filling a room with akasha, using it to heal and load it with intention etc. Thats advanced stuff though. Bardon path is a bit boring and dry though. Im only on step 1, and i find myself doing other stuff just to keep things interesting hahaha. Bardon to me, the focus is spiritual equanimity, aligning mind body and soul towards a singular goal, if you do all things with your entire being then you will achieve total success. Aka Eudaemonia. But, thats just theoretical, nothing ive experienced. I do like doing chaos magic stuff though, its quite fun and keeps things interesting. And ofc, SR definitely helps with all this, because of how much vital energy you have instead of leaking it all while masturbating.
Based OP
As my hobby, I go to paranormal sites just to investigate them. At some of the more intense ones, I will get headaches. This is something I've heard from more than one person. So, don't discount the notion of spiritual attack. Pray and meditate and learn protective magic. The other anon also may be correct. It could be a nutrient deficiency, so proper diet is important. Take a multivitamin daily. Another thing it could be is dopamine excess. When you are a turbo coomer, your body creates excess dopamine to compensate for the cooming. When you stop cooming, you now have an excess of dopamine. Your body will adjust. This dopamine excess is what people who quit narcotics and nicotine experience and it is well documented. It will go away.
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This a bunch of stupid nonsense.
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>Instead, watch porn meditatively
HAHAHAH holy shit the delusion has reached levels bruh
Do wet dreams reset my streak? technically after discharging (even if it's involuntary) I'm no longer retaining. I had a WD but I don't to lose my streak or to happen again.
>Once you have some grip on it, expose and wear down the rest of the grip it has on you
Kek the fuck this is gold
I made it to 6/7 days before relapsing. This is the longest streak I've had in months. The effects were a much clearer mind and as it progressed, my sex drive became extremely high. It was as if I was possessed or something, it was wild. After coom my mind went into a stupor like phase for a while. I have been considering using this Firefox add on
Wingman Jr. Filter https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/wingman-jr-filter/
to block lust provoking material on here. I didn't experience any higher dimensional awareness, just a gigantic increase in sex drive around the 6th or 7th day.
>Then you swing by again to measure how well you are distancing yourself to it
>It was as if I was possessed or something

It's very possible you were getting whispered and ministered to by demons, or your body acted against you - which is also a not so fun experience. Once you actually begin to break your bonds from lust, they'll come after you quickly. While it's also possible that you did have a flare up, you must remember that testosterone and our sexual energy is like a fire, nearly uncontrollable without the proper measures. Learn to harness it, do not give into it.
Filters, addons, whatever to "stop you from looking," are useless if you don't have the willpower. All it takes is a right click to view on incognito then you're back to your old ways. For me it's easier to look, but not indulge, while hiding the post or content all together myself. The site is still filled with soft-core porn all over many boards, so what's the point ?
Begin to retrain your brain that viewing porn is a massive waste of time. It has and will continue to take hours away from your life that you are not able to get back. The pleasure during retention is a lot better and cleaner than the pleasure from masturbation, you'll notice this as you get deeper in.
I suggest combining fasting with sr, it's almost impossible to give in because the energy allocated for the day isn't there for that shenanigans. But when I eat at least, that is when my body will begin to attack and flood my brain and vision with porn again.
Make sure you're working this out, in order first too: "One must first control his eating habits, then he must control his sleeping habits, then he controls his sexual desires."
I relapsed today bros. feels bad man
I almost always relapse due to boredom. What do?
Get back up, don't beat yourself up. Some days you fall, but many days you have conquered. You got this bucko.
Inspo dump:

Sit in the boredom, and sit inside that silence. Figure out what you're running from inside of yourself. Boredom is a symptom not the root cause. Try to chase after more discipline for your heart and eyes. Do not put your eyes to anything that you do not want your feet and heart to move towards.
How do I figure out what I'm running from? This feeling has been a constant throughout my whole life. I have always used PMO to cope with it and I don't know any other ways.
Is there a potential spiritual cause of PMO? How do I fix it if true?
Goat milk , distilled water, tea is concentrated water which is the opposite of distilled water so it is bad unless you use distilled(pure water) then it can become a milk level drink depending on what kind of tea is in
By sitting in silence and interrogating yourself, talk to yourself, aloud, but do not berate yourself. Your words have power. What is it about your day that makes you want to PMO ?
Sounds and emotions detach us from ourselves, whereas silence always forces man to reflect upon his own life.
Check yourself for any pride too. Don't get fooled for timidity, that is also a form of pride. If you fill yourself up with pride, you will look at porn. Try to remain humble.
"All your ills come from pride and the lack of recollection. In general, your soul is troubled when you are deprived of praise, affection, and consideration. These ills also proceed from the fact that you seek to satisfy your self-love. And should you succeed you are disturbed and uneasy, searching for empty pleasures which can only leave a void in your heart."

I only know the Christian way - I'm not telling you that you have to submarine to this knowledge, or mindset, I'm giving you a different perspective. Identifying if you have a spirit spouse attached - you gave them legal right when you viewed porn, and possibly any toys (you can look into voodoo for this one). Spirits of lust, and gluttony also go hand in hand together. You can rebuke these in Jesus name to gain back ground, because they have to bow - but you will make your life worse because you most likely won't continue down the path. Generational curses are a thing, your ancestors done did a dumb deal with that dumb devil to attack future generations.
Another aspect is your flesh is betraying you. Because you have sinned for so long, your flesh has a mind of its own too, so it wants to indulge and will influence your mind to also give in. The biggest thing to combat your flesh is to starve it through fasting.
I went through 3 months of doing 21:3 OMAD, for 3-6 hours after eating my flesh fought back hard. Currently on a longer fast and my flesh can barely fight as I chastise it.
We are more spiritual beings than worldly.
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Still going since november 3. I dont think its possible without religion
I understand the benefits and I'm not here to shill masturbation or consumption of pornographic material, but how on earth do you avoid prostate cancer if you abstain from ejaculating for years? what about wet dreams? it's not possible to control those
take zinc supplements
eat eggs
cum in real women once in a while or do energy transmutation exercises
>how to not get wet dreams
sleep on your side not on your back or stomach, when it's full moon close your windows and at best don't sleep when it's not possible take physical and mental actions(salt, garlic, cold shower, psychic barrier, affirmations, meditation)
I can smell my own semen
if we all met in person, how strong do u think our collective semen smell would be
>Physical Ideal
If you're gay
day 200 and something, short blogpost.
till day 90+ watching porn and often edging. some benefits like increased energy but not much else.
still felt dirty inside, then went clean. hard 2-3 weeks, cause you're pulled back into the routine. caught myself a lot of time when i just autopiloted the usual opening of fav pornsites tabs. very npc like behavior i have to say.
then one day like flipping of the switch, absolute no desire to watch it anymore. even when encountering hot women(irl or net) i acknowledge the hotness and move on.
not like in the past when you spent 1h looking for a source, checking onlyfans or whatever the fuck hoping she does porn. or in irl case immediately start fantasizing how you'd fuck her in the bathroom.

some things i noticed:
was never much of a small talker, but now i have a desire to do so. and it always go well even if topics are mundane.
increased confidence. me starting to working out more regularly certainly contributes here.
very calm and clear mind. again, me clumsily practicing meditation and yoga also have a factor here.
energy (or motivation?) to do shit. nothing is hard anymore. from mowing the lawn to working out. anything that comes by really.

all in all, it's great. i think i finally have life on track.
How come when I go only a few months on SR, I'm able to make any women piss herself at my sight?
high test
Based. I have a good streak but it isn't a clean one.

Gonna do it clean and see the differences.
it's like night&day
im still seething i threw first 3 months away
It's just iron and zinc smelling to me
hey guys curious on the implications of this. i go off/on practicing celibacy for spiritual purposes, dont watch porn. i believe in vitality boost when semen is conserved, but lets say ive been celibate for 2+weeks havent touched myself. the same day that i do allow sexual activity, even in the smallest amounts like visualizing in the shower for ~3min, i will experience wet dreams the same night.

yrs ago when degen, i noticed that wet dreams can get more and more frequent, like over 3, 4 times a week. and that is directly correlated with the purity of your mind. i dont feel any kind of drain or loss though after once inawhile wet dreams. anyway, what do you guys think? do you think approaching SR from the lens of pure celibacy, not even mental would be a drastic difference in how effective the practice is?

also, anyone know more about ankh orgasms? for anyone who doenst;
i really want to learn this. quite difficult though and the link is through web archive so all the pics are broken.
Could you talk a bit more about this crisis point, maybe share a personal experience ?
SR involves purification of the mind, which isn't always pleasant

You can maintain wrong beliefs and behaviors so long as you artificially add a reward into your life such as porn, drugs, masturbation etc

However once you remove that artificial stimulus, you're forced to confront the reality you've been hiding from, which usually comes with a bunch of negative emotions because you haven't had time to naturally acclimate to your surroundings. If you've been jerking off to porn your whole life like me you'll have a bunch of complexes around women that'll hurt when they get burned away, but it's worth it in the end because you'll be stronger and more discerning once they are gone

I can share a personal experience about purity. I used to fill my heart with hatred for promiscuous/slutty women, while also being a sexual degenerate myself (not with other people, but with pornographic fetishizes). Recognizing that I am/was no better than the type of person I had a deep hatred for was a painful crisis to go through because it involved seeing myself in a new harsher light and making peace with the fact that women are in the same boat I am, corrupted by a scary world

Though I'll say that I am both a stronger and more empathetic person now, currently on 7+ months of nofap/SR
Good job on taking the path of humility, truly I mean that. Not many will be able to self reflect and realise SR doesn't make them better than other people.
SR does make you vibe higher, which actually does make you better. In a room of 100 men, you're always be the one making the women's clit wiggle with your aura. It is just natural purity. No humility needed. It's all about survival and reproduction. Even then, reproduction > survival.
Eh, SR can make you better than other people for sure, it's a practice just like working out, exercising, etc. If you lined up a person who sat playing videogames all day versus somebody who trained for the Olympics, of course there's a natural heirarchy there. With SR however, the exercise is for your soul. Everybody's path will be different and there will be crises to go through depending on how deep you are as a coomer.
But anon I train as if I train for the Olympics and then I play video games
Excellent post.

>I used to fill my heart with hatred for promiscuous/slutty women, while also being a sexual degenerate myself (not with other people, but with pornographic fetishizes). Recognizing that I am/was no better than the type of person I had a deep hatred for was a painful crisis to go through because it involved seeing myself in a new harsher light and making peace with the fact that women are in the same boat I am, corrupted by a scary world
This especially gave me some great insights. Thank you for writing this. All of us, men and women, have been misguided in this crazy world.
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>ten days in
>two days ago my ex from three years ago pops into my head for some reason
>keep thinking about her, not in a longing way but more nostalgic
>yesterday got invited to a friend's house, never been there before
>turns out he lives right to where my ex lived and my arrival time on Google Maps said 2:22
>had a dream about her this morning
Is the universe trying to tell me something here?
I have terminal yellow fever.

I was able to practice semen retention for two days and I felt really powerful but then I went on /int/ and coomed 3 times a day for 2 days on asian women.
on /int/ out of all places lmao
/int/ has yellow fever. Lots of photos and webm of cute asian women.
Masturbation ruined my life. After 14 years of nonstop beating it up I now have homosexual cravings to watch trannies and bi porn. Thankfully I have never watched gay porn yet... I need help.

It is too late for me, I am a kissless virgin at 27. It is over. I know I am not a gay or bi though, this stuff disgusted me 14 years ago (or even 4 years ago), and I would have rather killed myself than do that...but I need a stronger fix, and it has been a slow descend from watching literally everything you can imagine. I was isolated and 24/7 on the internet, I have seen it all (except snuff). I have tried to quit porn for 10 years but my longest without it has been 2 weeks back in 2015. The only cure left is a bullet to the head, I don't want to cut my dick off bro, I don't want to be turned into one of those monsters on display now (a troon). I am scared!
The annoying fruit fly is at least good enough at saving me from wet dreams
You just need to stop being a bitch.

Here is how to fix your life:

1. Understand that what is happening is a logical consequence of consuming too much porn for too long, and that there is nothing wrong with you by default

2. Start working out like a maniac

3. Start reading philosophy, focus on ethics (Aristotle, Plato, Stoicism)

4. Do your best not to watch porn. However when first quitting, a few days in the urges are herion withdrawal, so if you do relapse, you need to understand the process and not give up

27 and it's over lmao, stop being a bitch, best years are ahead of you, stop being pathetic and man up, go suffer until you are better
it's up to you man.
go cold turkey and suffer through first few weeks. i guarantee it gets better.
if you have a chance in life to go somewhere remote, do it. like camping in da woods. or some long (no internet) vacation.
it's hard i know. i was very much like you going deeper and deeper to get the dopamine rush. when i stopped being disgusted by tranny porn i decided it's enough.
>Im not even a comer either id jerk it maybe once a day to some very vanilla stuff.
>once a day
>not a coomer

How much do you people jerk off?
>two days
sometimes I think there should be some established minimum period to define what you get to call semen retention. Not gatekeeping but I don't think it's retention if you're not even out of the fucking refractory period from one coom to the other.
kek tf, sort yourself man
It's not over til your underground, have to start somewhere.
i tend to agree
based on my experiences it takes a month to see some real benefits
yeah i wasn't gonna say anything but once a day means you're a coomer.
Thanks, I have always found that when I fast I don't PMO. Will I have to keep fasting or will the benefits carry over to when I''m not fasting?
Here is my plan to combat this. Obviously just quitting, I can't do it, I have been trying for years, I had stopped for 4 days prior to now but one thing let to another and I did it again, and today I do it again, even if I was convinced I will start a new streak.

My biggest concern, even if I get a gf I will be addicted to porn and it would make me feel ten times worse cuz now I will be betraying someone else on top of myself. I will have to stop this beforehand.

My biggest problem is search for novelty, which just spirals from images to the degeneracy I described in my first post. I also noticed that my brain goes to the last thing I masturbated to, always, so if it is something that makes me feel shame I will feel like that until I rewrite it with something "normal".

>This is my plan:
I have a porn stash of my favorite OF girl, I collected some years ago (she quit). She is the girls next door type so it is realistic to me. So this is what I plan to do that will hopefully help me quit this. I realize it seems unorthodox, I will only use that porn material I got of only her, and will also use it as training to when / if ever, I find a real girl. But this will be only when I fail on a streak. I will try to surpass 14 days. But this way I really hope it makes my search for novelty instinct stop. This porn will be the only porn that exists in my mind. Hope it works for me. I really am scared of porn turning me prison gay bros.

Opinions on my method?
>as if to really understand it, one must learn sanskrit
I am sure it would lend to a deeper understanding/more context in some cases, but I don't believe it would hinder you in your progress at all, or interfere with getting the results you're looking for.
>Also seems like theres a bunch of yogas out there
There are. Most are probably fine. Hatha Yoga Predipika does a pretty good job wrangling together the most important points, and presenting them in a straight forward fashion.
>but its not for me
Same. It's just sort of tied to that whole false dichotomy of good/evil. Go with what Bardon preaches, and think like how magnets are. There are positive causes/effects, and negative causes/effects. A positive cause can generate a negative effect, and vice versa. Left/Right doesn't necessarily mean good/evil. I would say I identify more with the right path though as well. Just food for thought.
>Hmm well only thing id disagree here is the akasha bit
In that context I was merely comparing IIH to the Hatha Yoga book. Bardon refers/uses more western terms (which makes sense, and is more identifiable to me) versus far more eastern phrases like in Hatha Yoga. Akasha/Prana/Asanas is more so used in HYP, while we get things like Ether/Tetrapolar Magnets/Vital Essence in IIH which are relatively the equivalents. You'll make those connections like I did when reading HYP.
>Im only on step 1
No shame in that. I consider myself to be at 2 IIRC? Just been reading other things. But concentration exercises, food wishing (Chef john style) Soul Mirroring, and Good health practices are a go.
Guys I think I just had a magnetism moment yesterday. So first to give some backstory.

>be me
>last month
>have 20 day streak, break it
>disappointed in myself, and don't maintain any real streak for the next couple weeks
>trying for real again
>now on day 6
>riding the train home after spending the day with my mom at the water park (living in central euro)
>while waiting for the train at the station, notice qt3.14
>think nothing of it, hop on the train once it arrives and find my seat
Now is where the magnetism comes in
>the same qt3.14 comes on and asks if she can sit next to me in some funny language
>I say in English "yes, of course"
>then a short while passes while the train is slowly getting going again, she's reading a book, and our legs are awfully close to each other
>all of the sudden some old gypsy dude a few rows down from us starts talking loud, but eventually stops
>during this, we chuckle and look at each other

Here is where even my 6 days of abstaining built into confidence comes in
>I smoothly strike up conversation
>say this almost verbatim
>I noticed that you seem very interested in the book you're reading. My first thought is that it's a romantic novel, but after noticing the font and book cover it looks more like a fantasy or fairytale book. What's it about?
>now isn't that a great ice breaker? The conversation flows form here very naturally, very smoothly, with basically no dull moment
>we tell each other a bit about ourselves

(she's Hungarian, so English is a foreign language for her, as well as the primary language of the country we're in. I'm American, so I just speak English and the native language of the country we're in)
>again, conversation flowing smoothly

At this point, I was feeling great talking to her and everything was going well. I was supposed to get off at one train stop, but just went to the main train station with her as to not break the flow of the interaction (wasn't a big deal for me, I still live nearby the main train station)
>She's telling me how to spell her name, she has quite a few diacritics in her name
>We're out of the station at this point, and she's spelling her name in her phone, then I say
>"It'd be way cooler if you put your name and your number in my phone instead, and we can go grab a drink sometime to continue this conversation"

She accepts, puts her number in my phone, then drops a bombshell
>"I'd love to but I should let you know that I have a boyfriend"
>I respond well, super casual, something like "no worries that's okay, we can just hangout and have a good time, no pressure"

Then I offer to wait with her for her bus. She says she doesn't need to take a bus and points in the direction that she's walking home in
>"oh that's perfect" I say, "that's the direction I'm going in, I can walk you to your place and help you with your things"

She had a lot of bags with her, anyway.
>both walk and continue chatting
>eventually get to her place
>I make sure she can actually open the building
>I ask for a hug, and we go in for it
>almost touch her ass accidentally but save myself by putting my hand on the small of her back instead
>was almost terrible like when Evan accidentally punches Becka's tit in Superbad
>bullet dodged
>we start to say bye

The next thing hasn't really happened to me before, keep in mind, she told me earlier that she has a boyfriend, so why is she so interested? Maybe she's not happy or satisfied with him? Maybe she's lying? Idk, doesn't matter right now.


The next thing hasn't really happened to me before, keep in mind, she told me earlier that she has a boyfriend, so why is she so interested? Maybe she's not happy or satisfied with him? Maybe she's lying? Idk, doesn't matter right now.

She then says
>"so you have my number, you're going to contact me right? I'd like to see you sometime for drinks."
>"Yeah of course, we'll go out and do something fun, I'll hit you up soon"
>say bye and part ways.

At this point I feel like a million bucks, from that one interaction with her, she seems like a high-quality girl in most regards, dresses well but not slutty at all, has a cute accent, beautiful face, nice body, and has heterochromia (one brown eye and one green eye) which I didn't realize that I had a weakness for until meeting her.

I'm meeting with her tomorrow for drinks, and in all of her texts she responded quickly, like the first couple texts right away even, just a couple of minutes, but the only thing is she said she has a boyfriend. I'm not going to bring that up or get hungup on it, if we just end up being friends or something I'm cool with that, but hot damn, I feel like I just had a semen retention magnetism moment, even though it's been only 6 days (now it's day 7). Keep in mind I have been exercising more lately, have been taking much better care of my appearance, bought new clothes, I started using a facial skin care routine, and overall feel much more confident and comfortable with myself.

For any anon reading this, keep going on your streaks and taking better care of yourself, it 100% will pay off. Also, have you had any similar magnetism experiences? Also what do you guys think about the interaction with this chick and how she said she has a boyfriend?

FYI she's 20, and I'm 28, but she doesn't know I'm 28.
>Obviously just quitting, I can't do it, I have been trying for years
I also tried for years until I did it. Yes you can, but you won't until you see that you can.
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Wow, for some reason I started doing this shit every time I came for the past 1.5 years. But I always wished for luck, power, discipline, and health, focus. Before my job interview, before I got into SR, for some reason I didn't jack off for a weak, and during that orgasm I "manifested' landing the job I was not qualified for and it happened.

But I didn't realize the dangers lmao, I hope I didn't fuck shit up too much.

My first 40+ streak came after I was thinking "Please God, I need help, please help me", during the orgasm.and the next day I stumbled upon some SR post, I knew nothing about SR prior.

Now I am much stronger mentally, SR for life.
honestly, i dont think it's a good plan if it evolves having porn, you know "just in case".
maybe it will work for you, we're all different after all. id still advise you to cut the porn completely if you can.
just go outside for a 5 min walk when you feel the urge. or do pushups. or lift. or run.
glad you made it. keep it up.
you're setting yourself up to watch porn, you're creating too many rationalizations, no porn is good for you. Delete it.
You would probably have to experiment with your fasting mental vs nonfasting mental. It's going to be different for everyone, especially as you jump into it. I'd recommend just doing 16:8 if you want to begin living a lifestyle of regular fasting, but don't be too harsh on yourself. I started with 20:4 and it worked for a while until I decided to go 21:3, then there were a few times in the night where I was still hungry and ate.
There's also a massive drawback - if you're working out, or do any physical labour along with fasting, I've found that it actually increases my testosterone and sexual energy almost to the tipping point. That was when I had a job that basically was a 12 hour work out, right now I've just been lazy.
I'm currently on a two week SR streak that's been combined with fasting, and it's honestly been a breeze for the most part. I've been combining it with reading the Bible every ~3 hours too, so I would put that as my highest factor right now. There's been maybe three days where I've looked at porn, and today is one of them where I'm getting tempted.
Yes, I realize that porn is harmful (it is beginning to alter my sexuality), but I have no other choice than what I am attempting now.

My plan is to delude myself to only that porn and nothing else. The porn in question is just solo vanilla stuff so it is nothing harmful or shameful which in turn will shut out all the unwanted fetishes and filth I have acquired, if I just quit porn the same scenario will repeat. I had it laying around for years now, I had even forgotten about it just stumbled on it by chance which sparked this idea. And a minor detail, would hope through SR to manifest a similar girl.

This will still take mad willpower on my part as it will be an exercise in limitation. My biggest problem is the search for novelty, I can't stay focused on only one thing and need to include all the other crazy fetishes to even get aroused which in turn fucks up my head.

Ofc If this ends up working, I will completely cut out the porn.
That porn will not get you off anymore and you'll once again pursue the degenerate porn. You'll look at your OF girl porn stash and not be satisfied, and be in a horny frenzy state where you'll look up the gay shit.

The antidote to addiction is abstinence, not moderation.
Based and truthpilled. February for me. You definitely can’t try NOT thinking of a pink elephant but thinking of the almighty will remind you wasting your essence is not part of the plan He has for you.
Day 2
So far so good, went for a walk in nature today and after that i got home and got to the gym. Cooked myself some dinner and now im chilling.

Got some appointments and work to do tomrrow.
I'll also go see my new GP to tell i have quit my SSRI's for two months now. Best decision ever, good thinhgs are happening and i'm turning my life around in a good way

Come back tomorrow


I think ADHD was the main cause of my PMOing. I think if I treat that I will be able to stop PMO.
Nah I already tried to delude myself in every possible way, give myself excuses to watch porn as I tried to recover from it, you're running backwards, it's not going to work.
>so it is nothing harmful or shameful
watching porn of any kind is the same as sitting there jerking your dick to other people fucking, it turns you into a cuck subconsciously, it's harmful no matter what.
I'm not sure you can, even if you don't see it that way these low vibrational activities keep your power to do anything like that low.
>My biggest problem is the search for novelty
This is everyone's problem, it's how addiction works, you're living on such a high all the time that the cravings become more intense because everything else is death.
I get why you think this way, but you'll figure out it's a mistake, or at least I hope so, I'm just telling you to try and save you the time and energy.
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i mean, this is just basic sex magick right? he's advising against it because it can be a slippery slope into trying to manifest outlandish or unrealistic things, or monkey paw shit like "i want a million dollars" and then you get your legs cut off in a car accident but get a million dollar settlement. cooming and wishing for luck, power, disciprine, health, etc is fine as long as you're not becoming an edgelord about it, or getting too specific in controlling the desires.
Alright I will remove the porn entirely, and try again.
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>pinned jewish lies
kill corrupt reddit jannies
OP, seeing as your threads garner 200+ posts DAILY you should just make that fucking shirt and sell it.

I really want to wear it to the gym. Make a no sleeve version
reddit is literally gayer than a bunch of men fucking each other while smearing feces and vomit into their skin and simultaneously donating money to american politicians
So strange. This would be correct in pornfree, but not nofap
25 days in. Starting to feel the power upgrade. That's why I do it, for the feeling of power it brings.
Captcha: 4TRT
What's up with all the hostility? Y'all need to rub one out jfc
yeah I fucking hate reddit, but sometimes I found the semenretention sub is quite good. I went to NoFap to take a look and immediately realized it must be also subverted. no place to go, everything is manipulated and corrupt by the evil. we must make our own light it seems
yes, semenretention is the only good one
assuming ur not larping if she said drinks shes 100% trying to cheat on her bf with you
That's the best you can do anon, good luck
I couldn't sleep last night. I've used jacking off as a way to help me chill tf so I can sleep for years. So not having it made it impossible to catch some Z's. Even now as I work on projects, in the back of my mind I just keep thinking of how aggressively fucking horny I am. But the urges won't win. Day 2 boys, day fucking 2
I used to have trouble sleeping without jerking off as well, it will eventually go away. Keep trying, even if it takes a few "relapses"
>Water, milk, and tea in that order
Fuck milk. Drink water and tea.
There's truth in being able to look at soft-core imagery in order to practice sublimating desire into something greater. As long as you are able to stay present, it's helping train control over subconscious urges. It seems like the shills really hate this advice and want us to think we need to lock ourselves in caves or gouge out thine eyes to "stay pure"
Non pasteurized milk is great (all milk now adays is pasteurized cuz the higher ups see us as useless shit eating slaves)
I remember 2 years ago, I was 9 months deep into SR and I start eyeing this chick in some food stand, I started eyeing her for maybe 1 second? We both make eye contact. She must've been as tall if not taller than me and a few years older. She literally started twisting and twirling her body and head around, like she was about to jump outside the food stand and start fucking me. She couldn't contain being spastic with her mouth aswell. I'm about to hit one month again. Also I'm getting deja vu as I'm typing this. God speed
I got a new computer and I've been settling in to it. It's a slow process with work getting in the way. Just stopping in to wish you all well in your efforts as always.
Goated and meaded upsworth. Aintan single person who dont knowing whothis being pming.
I admit that I have a porn addiction, but when I'm in public, I never gawk or stare at women in a perverted way because I know it is indecent. Is this something commonly shared among coomers? I always thought that we were so hypersexual, that any woman in our sight would be an immediate turn-on.
A long ago when I struggled with it, it actually helped to allow the arousal to be surfaced and practice stepping into the detached observer state of mind. If you spend time questioning why your body responds the way it does and whether that's who you want to be, or what you would rather be like, it opens up some alleyways as well. Sometimes we do not question the way things are within or we just cruise control through it.
Helpful it was that, rather than be hit with spells of urges at day or night, you get to pick the ground yourself. The intensity of the urges also lowered over time. After a while I could just drop and cast anything related to it off entirely and I've been free of it.
Observing your own body's response will at some point start feeling like it's "wrong". All that energy concentrated with vague imagery or the locus at the groin. It then feels like filth. It is at that state that your unconscious self will start discarding it, rather than requiring your own will to carry it. There are many ways towards it, but feeding the beast is unwise. Making excuses is unwise. If you are brutally honest with yourself you'll always know what's what.

Ironically at some point in my journey, a dream/vision made acquaintance with an unclothed tall lady. There was just a discussion and when I looked at it, it did not evoke such responses at any point in my inner. They were not there for lustful intent, so it was neither radiated nor generated by my own perception. That event said a lot about our state of being without many words somehow. Like every urge that glows in your heart actually brings your spirit to act on it. As much as one might master their thoughts, it does not lead to mastery in the heart and therefore one's spirit can be undisciplined even if the mind is.

Those humanoids were lucid, strong and truly in control of themselves.
I won't rule out either of those as a possibility or concern. I've felt a lot better today as well, very active and productive. I'm definitely done with that garbage.
>Hatha Yoga Predipika does a pretty good job wrangling together the most important point
Ill be sure to check it out. Hatha is the one i see mentioned most
>I am sure it would lend to a deeper understanding/more context in some cases, but I don't believe it would hinder you in your progress at all, or interfere with getting the results you're looking for.
It's definitely accessible for westerners. Think with sanskrit is there's root words and they hold a lot of significance. The concept of Vac, is equivalent to Kabbalah. Ive heard there's deeper layers to Bhagavad gita which only sanskrit readers will know
>No shame in that. I consider myself to be at 2 IIRC? Just been reading other things. But concentration exercises, food wishing (Chef john style) Soul Mirroring, and Good health practices are a go.
Yeah, but no thoughts for 10 mins is so hard. Like wtf thats already step 1 kek. I should maybe add some asanas to aid this
>Can somebody with experience tell me if this is just withdrawals or if it's something I'll have to live with for the rest of my life?
Your brain degenerates the parts that have fallen into disuse and you might go through moments where that hampers your cognition. The brain has some plasticity still depending on your age, so your best bet is to spend time to fill your days with simple things that tickle your brain. Find the weak spots in your cognition and slowly tinker on improving them.
If you don't know a word, look it up, write it down and journal it.
Journal your dreams and every end of the day. Reflect on what went well and what didn't go well. You have two loops of focus in your day: a morning spike an afternoon dip and an evening burst of energy. Organize your life so you can use the bursts of energy for difficult tasks or for your own study, while using the down-time for menial labour, simple mindless tasks or physical training.

Your spiritual body can generate lots of ailments and bring them in your awareness, including headaches and sensations. That can give the sense that you describe. That is NOT a reason to ignore your physical health and not consult to rule our physical causes first. Headaches can come from malnutrition, brainfog can come from burnout, boreout and poor hydration and habits. Your brain can also be overstimulated.

That takes time to heal, so plan for 2 years to grow physically and mentally. You need clear goals and be patient to teach your brain to take new steps bit by bit. It also takes time to awaken your spirit to some new craft. Persist, be it music, art, writing, study or understanding. What excites you? What would your ikigai be?
I fully agree with this anon: >>38430621 I hope I'm wrong, but man... Watch yourself. Thanks to SR you can think clearly, just make sure you don't shoot yourself in the foot. I knew a lot of women that see the next potential male companion as a career-move.
I'm watching you. Don't you fail or I'll be absorbing your wasted energy.
I'm not sure when this was posted, but it was by another anon. That aside, definitely would like this shirt. If only I knew how to recreate it good enough. Any tips?
When I used to jerk off to porn i was like this too. To me i felt impure, like i was unintentionally cursing women with my coomer gaze. Lots of shame and disgust at myself.

Im 2 months clean and ill have a look, and if she looks back hold eye contact or something. Dont feel ashamed to do it, and dont wanna creep them out either. No feeling of shame anymore.
You don't look at women because you jerk off to porn, so you aren't horny when you go out. You're conditioned to getting horny when you start writing PornHub into the address bar in the safety and comfort of your home (or wherever you feel like it). Then you orgasm and you go out, why would you be horny? In your mind, you're so distant from a real woman that it doesn't make you horny to look at somebody in front of you. That's why so many guys have ED
I retain and THEN I get horny looking at real women. It's how healthy mind is supposed to work. Yesterday I went to the swimming pool and I could feel the blood rushing into my dick from all the half naked girls.
Show your humanity!

Do all the copying and pasting first before announcing a new thread you retarded newfag
bruh. If this is real you better strap up before fucking her because the boyfriend is going to be PISSED. Hungarian dudes are fucking animals when they need to be. I once witnessed a Hungarian guy use his breath to supply a dying fire with enough oxygen to overcome the dampness of the logs. It sounds boring but if you knew the physics of this its actually fucking insane. He did this all to impress the girl I was trying to hit on and he did and he left with her. I will never forget that Hungarian and his iron lungs
For those struggling to much, I would suggest burning your lust on /s/ strictly.
Homosexual cravings usually come after seeing dicks on a screen too much, even if that's not your main focus.
>14 years
Wew lad, you probably saw more dick than most zoomettes.
>I've seen it all (except snuff)
>Yeah, but no thoughts for 10 mins is so hard
For me, it's more so focusing as if I'm looking through my eyes AKA the back of my eyelids. That tends to help.

A good Youtuber, the guy who does Untold Library, he had some good advice on helping clear one's mind. He says try to consciously think about what your next thought will be, and when you try to do that your mind will be sort of "reset", and then try going from there. It's a good way to sort of manually reset your mind. Then, hold for as long as you can, rinse, and repeat. In that state where you just start thinking about what your next thought will be it sort of "cleans the slate". Great if your mind is racing a lot.
that cant be true, they cant be THAT retarded..
meditate before bed and visualize the sexual energy in your balls as white light and channel that light upwards into your head, feeling your third eye tingle
do this for 10-20 mins and let me know if you ever have a wet dream again
don't worry about it but learn techniques to avoid it, you will notice a drop in energy after a wet dream and you are very vulnerable to relapse
stay strong and meditate before bed, learn energy transmutation techniques
First time using/owning a computer?
>cum in real women once in a while or do energy transmutation exercises

You're either a retainer or you're not. If you're cooming inside women without any purpose for it other than pleasure you're a coomer plain and simple. You may have a woman but with the coomer mindset you'll eventually get tired of her much like you do watching the same cornstar over and over.

>Not many will be able to self reflect and realise SR doesn't make them better than other people.

Amen. No one is better than anyone. This mindset of better than others is what holds you back from reaching your true potential. Because every time you'll lose all your power level comparing yourself unconsciously to other people, Realize your formless nature. The 'true' you - the non dual self operating you from outside the simulation, can have any form it wants

>I can share a personal experience about purity. I used to fill my heart with hatred for promiscuous/slutty women, while also being a sexual degenerate myself (not with other people, but with pornographic fetishizes). Recognizing that I am/was no better than the type of person I had a deep hatred for was a painful crisis to go through because it involved seeing myself in a new harsher light and making peace with the fact that women are in the same boat I am, corrupted by a scary world

Yup, the hatred that you feel for them is you giving away your power. And it has deep rooted cause in jealousy and guilt. If anything blocks you from receiving blessings it's these two emotions. On the other hand you're also justified because slooty women contribute to decline of society, but it's also men's fault for being easy.
Spot on. And another thing is while men are visual, we are actually turned on by other senses. Porn strictly programs you to be visual and focus on specific things - and if you coom to a specific thing, that image actually stays burned in your mind, so if you experience it in real life, you'd probably coom early. Just remember that you are like a computer and what you are feeding yourself is programming you in some way, much like watching movies or listening to music.
You're not a coomer if you have sex with women you bitchless faggot. Fuck off and never post here again.
How do I reprogram this? I discovered porn so early and while I do get turned on by seeing women in real life now (on a streak) I still feel like I have to look away or pretend I don't see anything. Do I just stop carrying the further I go without porn?
>I still feel like I have to look away or pretend I don't see anything.

This is fear bro. No other way to reprogram yourself than to face your fear and learn how to flirt with women. Owning your desires and being able to express them (in a healthy and tasteful way ofc) will do wonders forr you.
>You're not a coomer if you have sex with women you bitchless faggot. Fuck off and never post here again.

You're thinking of the word incel. Coomer is someone who is addicted to cumming, going through life desperately trying to get a nut in. You're either a coomer or you're not, there's no in between. Orgasm is surrender.
Definitely not larping. Also we aren't getting alcoholic drinks, just tea lmao. She doesn't even drink coffee. My guess is that she's either
a) lying about having abf and is just unsure about me
b) actually has a boyfriend and wants to cheat on him with me (really hope to)
c) has a boyfriend and isn't happy with him, but doesn't want to cheat, just wants to monkey branch to the next guy (me)
d) she could just be totally normal and is just outgoing and legit just wants to be friends

I hope it's c, hell even d, I don't need to fuck her, I can find another girl, but still. Interesting situation. Btw the date, or 'hangout', is happening later today so I can update my SR bros after the time has been spent with her.
omg for b I meant "really hope NOT" not hope to lmao, and option a) would be fine too.

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