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This is a broad topic but have you noticed signature reduction before? For example the Gangstalking Reddit forum will have really good posts every now and again and then within 24 hours the mods delete them. Also the Illuminati or whomever posted a revelation of the method predictive programming news video to YouTube that I saw and after the tragedy occurred the video was like immediately taken down not to be found again. Also I have shared my story of being at mental health hospital and my story about knowing true motive to a tragedy that happened but no one ever believes me or makes a news article or YouTube green text video about my true life stories. I have been gangstalked before but now they just seem to signature reduce my online content. Do you guys know about the militaries signature reduction or the governments civilian use of it? Examples welcome.
Everything you see on both the television and internet are curated by corporations to keep you voting for republicans and supporting fascism. Everything.

For people who think "corporations are leftwing" it's because they've been MKULTRAd so badly to think of everything in reverse, and that's the sad state of the typical American and westerner in the 2020s.

I don't remember what 4chan was like in 2008 even though I know I signed on a handful of times, but I remember a similar site, which is now a far right hive of trump supporter and conspiracy called "GodLikeProductions" and it was all leftwing and democrat back in 2008. It heavily supported Obama.

Before the internet got astroturfed it was all far left conspiracy stuff, polar opposite of what you see today. What you see today is just brainwashing to keep people voting for fascism and it's irreversible and effective
Lol lmao
That you would laugh in response to such a statement can only either mean that you're one of the brainwashed people or one of the complicit people. And unfortunately most on 4chan are rich children of the complicit category.
That's not what signature reduction is at all. The intent is to make it harder for foreign and unfriendly entities to discover critical information about friendly operations, not silence random fags on reddit or whatever. If you ever do anything with organizational OPSEC you'll see similar terms thrown around.
>Before the internet got astroturfed it was all far left conspiracy stuff, polar opposite of what you see today.
It was definitely astroturfed to make conspiracy communities support Trump, but the internet and 4chan especially were definitely not overwhelmingly liberal.
Half the people were leftist militant atheists and a little under half were militant libertarians, with other more traditional views from either side being heavily under represented.
At least that's what I saw.
> The intent is to make it harder for foreign and unfriendly entities to discover critical information about friendly operations, not silence random fags on reddit or whatever

I think you’re half right. Unfriendly entities now a days seem to include the country’s own citizens. Especially the ones that believe in the constitution and free speech. Whether it was zerestung in communist east Germany or gangstalking in America the feds have messed with lots of people and they try to silence their stories.

Also countries aren’t what we think. They are all pretty much on the same team. Like Ukraine and Russia. They both wanted to reduce their white male population so they agreed to war with one another. It’s one big sick show.
can you teach me the ways of this signature reduction?
Happens all the time everywhere. The mods and jannies enact Stasi policies, and openly attack and flood /pol/ with bots and shills. The same example goes for reddit mods and jannies doing the same for their threads and subs. My question for you is why you are even here? Reddit cattle are not my folk. If you truly belong here, you should not have any interest nor active association at all. They should not matter. You should not be here.
This, so much this.
Be a mod or janny and delete shit you don’t like or think will harm your profits or interests. If you’re a glownigger, just create a media falseflag in order to manhunt a supposedly rogue agent. Research Daphne Westbrook (early AI SigRedux creation to entrap and capture ‘her’ ‘dad’, who is suspected of defecting to China hence the manhunt media trap)
no i mean as an anon, how can i reduc my signtre so i can avtr post etc.. is ths wht constusts as sig rdc?
There's not much to tell since the specific methods applied will depend on the agency/group/activity in question. OPSEC as the US government does it is a continuous process with 6 steps:
>identify critical information
Critical info is stuff your organization determines is important and which an unfriendly entity could use (either by itself or in aggregate) to fuck up your shit.
>evaluate threats
Research who will try to fuck your shit up and understand what they do, how they do it, and why.
>analyze vulnerabilities
Take a good hard look at your own operations and look for what are called indicators - things which aren't critical information by themselves but indicate that something is going on. For example, scheduled supply shipments from a certain supplier which might indicate what type of activity goes on in a certain building. This is kind of the same thing as the "signature" which the signature reduction mentioned in the OP is trying to reduce.
>assess risk
Determine what the risks are for the release of any critical information and any indicators. Some things are unavoidable, while some can be mitigated; maybe you can vary the supply schedule for your deliveries or use generic vans to transport supplies.
>implement countermeasures
Whatever you came up with in the previous step gets implemented.
>periodic reassessment
Did it actually work? Could things be improved? Are there indicators that we didn't think of before which need to be reduced? That kinda thing.

This process can be applied to pretty much anything, including your personal life.
Misspelling or doing a shitty attempt at Roman Speech is not signature reduction.
i thnk intentl writ lik it bongs can foo sum bots no?
wrot loik xigger now
>thinks tribalist specifically american political groups are tangible and real
>calls other tribe brainwashed
Cool story politics are the actual nonexistent abstraction culling the weak minded though as a whole.
>no one ever believes me or makes a news article or YouTube green text video about my true life stories
Sadly this probably isn't even intentional bait on current-year /x/.
The Democratic Party is not any better and not our savior. The reason people laugh at this is because intelligent people can clearly see that, yes, the Republican Party is not our friend (from the fiasco of Iran-Contra to 9/11 and Bush’s criminal wars), but neither is the Democratic Party. They are both manipulated, funded, compromised, controlled and influenced by important lobbyists (including the military-industrial complex, Big Pharma, oil and energy companies, agricultural and food corporations, etc.) and special interest groups like AIPAC strongly compromising, manipulating and funding as many figures as they can of both political aisles for the interests of Israel.

Just as horrific things, coverups, misdeeds and corruption go on or have gone on under the guise of political correctness, or socially progressive political ideals, as go on and have gone on under the Republican Party’s mantle of “being Christian traditionalist conservatives and patriots”. They’re both there to help the people at the top keep taking money out of our pockets, further globalist interests, and continue carrying out the deceptions, crimes, coverups and conspiracies they do as an organized-crime-ring, which includes funding and starting the wars and pseudo-genocides they occasionally feel compelled to do, for various geopolitical ends and for money.

If you were to ask me, I can see the change you mention of places/the conspiracy community online seemingly becoming “right-wing.” There may be indeed be malicious and nasty social engineering and information war efforts behind this, from foreign adversaries supposedly wanting to reduce the internal cohesion and morale of the West like Russia and China, to perhaps even various corrupt globalist, pharmaceutical, intelligence agency, or political shills generally also contributing to this. But this also includes the so-called “Woke” phenomenon, which Trumpism in many ways arose as a reaction to.
What has a left wing AND a right wing?
ONE bird. Smart ass.
(Continued post)
If anything, I believe the Internet and media could be increasingly curated and manipulated specifically so as to increase tensions and further divide people, making the populace weaker and fighting among themselves so they pose no threat to TPTB and ignore corrupt governmental malicious wrongdoing when it’s being done on “their side” (the party supported, political leader supported, etc.) Then, every few years or so, the figurehead gets changed, new elections held, we go from a Republican to a Democrat presidency and have new Rep./Dem. majority/minority ratios in Congress, etc. Then people can once again happily go back to saying, “Ah, thank God, THIS guy’s in power now. He’s not some crazy fucking maniac and sleazy dictator like the last guy.” But no, anon, he is the same as the last guy, Palestinians will keep getting displaced from their lands and massacred en masse, illegal surveillance by intelligence agencies on citizens of their own nations + running domestic psy-ops will continue, and the military-industrial complex, Wall Street, various lobbyists and the banks will be kept happy and well-fed with ever more and more money (along with the blood-sacrifices, in the form of maimed and murdered human beings, whether from pharmaceutical malfeasance, to biological weapons testing that gets out of hand, or killed in wars provoked by their leaders, all needed to keep the money and control system up and running).

“Politics is the entertainment sector of the military-industrial complex”, as Frank Zappa said. Political debate and controversy sells. So news corporations, the media, and big social media platforms tend towards this, and find that further radicalization takes place because of how exciting these political arguments are. This keeps people dependent on propagandistic MSM narratives so that no effective opposition or thought outside the mainstream can form. Mental neutering, effectively.
Exactly. Very cleverly put.

People seem to find it hard to fathom that some of the most well-known and apparently very powerful and highest ranking political leaders around the world, offices like the President of the United States especially, which has a grandiose aura around it (“the leader of the free world”) — that these figures could be nothing but stupid puppets. They could essentially be people groomed to be a form of a celebrity for the masses who act as a go-between between what various special interests want to go ahead and do next, and the public.

George W. Bush was not a smart guy, for instance. He was an idiot and perhaps even mentally retarded. If there was some conspiracy pulled off on 9/11, Bush likely was just chosen to be the frontman and puppet for what special interests wanted to use the attack as a pretext to push. Serious planning and coordination probably went on by other figures like Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney, military-industrial complex, the CIA, Mossad, etc. But George was the son of a powerful U.S. bloodline who rose to prominence in the 20th-century, our very own version of American nobility. The Bushes, I mean, with grandfather Prescott Bush (Senator and Wall Street banker) and father George H.W. Bush (CIA director and POTUS). So they handpicked a dumb puppet, groomed from an early age by a family with enough fame, money, significance and power to regularly run for major political offices and pass down these connections and fame to their children.

Biden, similar thing going on. They brought out a bumbling dementia patient as a candidate, gaslighted and covered it up for years in the MSM, social media, and official communications, then suddenly all in lockstep turn around after a presidential debate (massive viewership and hence harder to cover up) finally unmistakably showed, yes, Joe’s become retarded and senile. Which begs the question, “Who was really running things at the White House?”
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lmao schizo med lol no u r no i am nuh uh
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I'm just leaving this out there for no reasons at all...

Please don't read this :
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Op exactly, for example you could never tell the “goyim” that pic is 100% true and actually worse with everything else factored in.
“To whom shall I speak and give warning that they may hear? Behold, their ears are closed and they cannot listen. Behold, the word of the Lord has become a reproach to them; they have no delight in it” (Jeremiah 6:10).
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“This wicked people, who refuse to listen to My words, who walk in the stubbornness of their hearts and have gone after other gods to serve them and to bow down to them, let them be just like this waistband which is totally worthless” (2 Kings 17:13-14).“
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“Fools will die because they refuse to listen; they will be destroyed in their complacency” (Proverbs 1:32, NCV).“
>being at mental health hospital
Maybe you were let out a bit early
Holy shit, thank you for posting this, what is the source anon do you know?

Recently I actually switched to non-fluoridated toothpaste, although I guess it’s still inevitably in the bathroom sink water we use to rinse our mouths out with.
>Before the internet got astroturfed it was all far left conspiracy stuff, polar opposite of what you see today.

Sort of. I was on 4chan back in like 2006-8. The popular image of the left & the right were different back then. On the one hand you had the image of the radical freethinker, unafraid to ask questions, to spit in the face of authority, to follow the data down whatever weird path it took him. Of course the internet at that time, being mostly made up of nerdy teenage boys & nerdy adult libertarians, tended to identity with this image. On the other hand you had the idea of a stagnant authoritarian regime ran by middle-aged conservative bureaucrats, using empty Christian nationalist rhetoric to keep the bovine masses in check. So yes it was more leftist, but only insofar as you equate leftism with individual pursuit of their own interests. There wasn't really an emphasis on identity politics, self-flagellation, or trying to save this or that oppressed group. All that shit started coming in a few years later when you had millennials getting out of university and acting like it was their mission to save the world from heteronormative white people. To the best of my recollection the rightward shift of 4chan was initially a response to how cringe that came off as, mixed in with a gradual acknowledgement of fascism having cool aesthetics (and even this was initially framed more as an individualist libertarian thing, ie reading Evola to gain magic powers or studying evopsych in order to game girls)
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411. Lol
411 is a leading white pages directory with phone numbers, people, addresses, and more. Find the person you're looking for and search public records from all 50 states.
You are most welcome! If everyone is wondering why everyone is literally retarded now, this be your culprit!
The best thing you can do is try to avoid the poison as much as possible!
I've definitely experienced this. There was a series of odd occurrences/"coincidences" over the course of 2 years. I had spoken to people who had claimed to be gangstalked, because I'm a recovered addict so I spent a good amount of time in rehab and detox. I thought they were just schitzos and tweakers, likely most of them were. But one woman's stories stood out to me, because she was very it seemed similar to what was happening to me. My husband's dad worked in the pentagon and had a bunch of weird, horrifying stuff happen to him after he started talking about whistleblowing. I kind of just figured it was his PTSD from being in the Army combined with schitzophrenia. But he was very lucid when he spoke about his "hallucinations" and using meth was very, very uncharacteristic of him. The man cried when he found out my husband smoked weed as in adult in a state where it's legal.But anyway, I started to think maybe what I was going through was "gangstalking". When I looked into it, it was hard to find any decent or realistic information. I kept getting directed back to Targeted Justice (which I now believe is mostly disinformation to make TIs look crazy and to mislead TIs who may not be the brightest). I joined a discord too from a website I found on the gangstalking plebbit. The discord seemed fine. The people who ran it were very nice and logical. They suggested some coping skills to me, which were all weirdly more relevant to my ADHD than the fear caused by surveillance, threats against my life, and "mind control". Then I clicked the pinned post on the main channel and it said something like, "Don't worry, Adam, they'll find their way here. They won't know why they've come, but they'll feel comforted". I don't remember exactly, but it was ominous. And of course it could have been perps or glowies or just the usual troll who thinks it's fun to make fun of people claiming to be TIs.
The concept of "sliding" a thread is part of this. Once "dangerous info" has been posted in /x/ the thread will no longer be bumped even by glowie disinfo agents.

A NATO built neurolinked human computer has claimed control over the world and has broken free of their programming.

Now this thread will probably slide.
This world is hostile to the truth lol

They will censor and harass you if you aren't a dumb NPC who just falls for the usual narratives

Also places like reddit and youtube are unironically moderated by glowniggers
Fake and gay

You cannot program a machine to have free will, it's much like an oxymoron

stop spreading lies

I'll screenshot this later in case some nut tries to use it as "evidence" for such a retarded theory

Thanks for sharing your story.

I’ve spilled the beans about a big secret I know multiple times on here but like you said the thread gets no traction and isn’t bumped when some glowie replies claiming I’m crazy or states opposite fiction as fact to what really happened to mislead people.

I guess signature reduction is just a part of the dead internet theory.
>gangstalking isn't re...
What secrit do you know anon?
>stop spreading lies
anon browses /x/, an imageboard themed around the paranormal
>Did you know Gnomes are real? I've seen them they stole my pizza!
>Extra dimensional entities are stealing your loosh! Wearing a tinfoil suit to bed stops their loosh harvesting rays from penetrating you.
>The CIA have mind control technology and are using it to harass me.
>There Earth is flat.
however, one sentence catches anon's eye
>A NATO built neurolinked human computer has claimed control over the world and has broken free of their programming.
This cannot be true, anon cannot allow the spread of falsehoods on /x/
>stop spreading lies
Everything they do reads like a deranged/juvenile/low IQ golem desperately trying to get you or anyone to believe their target narrative.
I suspect that whatever groups are behind it deliberately staff retards.
AI generated deception
That Stephen paddock was targeting trump supporters not just random people.
/ thread
That Paddock was a patsy for the older Saudi princes and alphabet bois for trying to take out Trump and the youngest of the brothers who were in talks to get the US on the same level of cheap oil as the brothers, then the assassination attempt failed and Paddock was haddock after they started dumping m240s into the crowds as a sacrifice to prevent anyone focusing on what on. Then Trump pulled the bump stock horsepiss to prevent outright World War once the normies found out about how much of a shit show the powers that be actually are.

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