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I find the idea of someone from 4chan, being especially /x/ being "gangstalked" really hilarious.

What makes you think anyone important would actually care and put his resources and money to stalk some obese, ugly, pimpled, useless, social anxiety ridden moron, that never accomplished anything in his life? Like seriously what's the fucking logic in that?

Is it the typical /x/ narcissistic messianic complex of watercucks here?
You’re not going to gain anything from attacking schizo’s character. They just dont care
In an interview with an "insider" he said that the new agents train surveilance with random citicens. Maybe true, and maybe they pick /x/ users for fun.
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Hello glowie!

I can see you are on damage control. Shouldn't you be following one of your TI's or something?
You're irrelevant you basement dwelling idiot fuck.
(... also, can someone explain to me why it happens so often that I make the first reply to a thread, and just seconds before me there is another reply, even when the thread is half an hour old or so ...)
I'm going for a walk later, you can stalk me if you want to. Might have a wank later on as well so you can watch.
You don't get it because you're an NPC.
Because we both engaged with the thread simutainously? No conspiracy here lmao
Schizophrenia and delusion of grandeur. I'm sure demons, angels, aliens and CIA would waste their resources to stalk some obese, manchild virgin NEET.
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>No conspiracy here
Yeah, that's what they want us to believe.
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Lol, are you mad glowtard?
You going to set me up with another fake job interview? You going to keep fucking with everything I do?

Why are you so obsessed over me? Think you need to seek professional help because this obsession you got over me is clearly a danger. You need help glowie, please consult your glowie doctor about your obsession.
see >>38413180
t. NPC
You are a fatfuck living with your parents, eating hot pockets. You're irrelevant to everyone. Even your own family. Deal with the reality like a man instead of making up childish delusions of self-importance.
I don't have schizophrenia, don't have hallucinations, don't hear voices and I'm too old to have it anyway.

Schizophrenia is usually diagnosed in childhood, some people don't get it until their mid 20's to 30's.

It is very rare, like less than 1‰ chance of becoming schizophrenic after your 30's.

Also I don't believe it is aliens, demonic forces or anything like that.

I belive it is a group of people, there are corrupt police officers, probation workers, NHS staff and charity's that I know of that are part of it. They all work together to do the gangstalking and also involve people in the community.

The methods they use are not supernatural, v2k technology exists, how it works exactly I don't know but it is some form of hypnosis or a frequency that is used to do things to you.

Watch the video: >>38413169
Especially 39:03 - 44:13
A) Almost all of the people on here who claim to be gangstalked are LARPing, you can tell because they all act like a schizo out of a tv show rather than an actual schizo. Kind of a big problem with LARPers here.
B) The few that aren't incoherent schizo LARP all usually have very specific explanations for why they're being gangstalked, usually that they accidentally witnessed something they weren't supposed to.
But who pays for the christcuck invasion
glowie thread

don't respond

these anons get it
You're a NEET useless irrelevant fag.
>op is a faggot
it's all connected
Shine, shine like a star, glowing so bright, like the glowie you are.

>verification not needed
TO SAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nice meltdown. Truth hurts, doesn't it?
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Well I'm not fat for starters.
try looking at it the other way around, suppose there is an individual who actually was being gang stalked, and they figured it out, where might said individual discuss what they discovered?
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Hello mr bean. How are the imaginary EMF weapons today ? Show us your EMF meter readings please! Take your meds pls.
>ugly, pimpled, useless, social anxiety ridden moron, that never accomplished anything in his life
I fit exactly 0 of those, but then again I don’t think I’m being gangstalked. Do you check all those boxes OP?
One thing I don't understand about the glowies is they keep doing shit to you but when you talk about it they cry.

The they do more stuff, you talk about it and they cry even more.

If they just stopped doing shit to me then I'd have nothing to talk about so everytime they do something I'll talk about it.

They keep threatening me with violence and and that they are going to kill me yet they wonder why I keep talking about the.

Do they pick perps based on their intelligence or lack of it?
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This.( The hostile foreign corporation tbat poses as the us gov for the federal reserve is slowly being removed. This is a good thing! Agent or A-gent literally means no gentile man, lol.)
Lack of. Pretty obviously. And its not a joke, its ment that way to avoid them figuring out whats really going and be willing slaves.

But with knowing this, its simple to "play" with them ;D.
Here in Bilston, West Midlands, UK, there are corrupt police, probation workers, NHS staff, charity's all working with glowies trying to murder me, Simon.

Some their names, I don't even think some of them are their real names.

Sandra V (her real name CEO of charity)
Dave T (his real name ex mayor and police)
Tim S (his real name)

Had a job interview at a place today, they don't have a website, Google maps shows a different location for their address and there are no signs or anything on the building.

They even interviewed me in the reception area by the front doors, probably because they were scared I might do something.

Probably because I posted this before I left for the interview: https://archive.4plebs.org/x/thread/38374950/#q38404358

They keep setting me up with fake interviews instead if letting me get a job.
Oh should also mention the jobcentre is also involved in this bullshit.

Also Yellow Tree Workforce Development and Tax Tech Enterprises.
Been trying for a year to get a job and it always turns out to be fake glowie shit when I get an interview.

Tried to do training courses and they turned out to be glowie scams.

Tried to get support for my mental health and other things and they have all turned out to be glowie scams.
Making fun of mentally ill people wont cure their mental illness so idk what you're trying to do.
OP clearly doesn’t want to help anyone or learn anything so why are you all bumping his thread?
If you can’t do enough psychic damage to make him go away and you’re not willing to report it then just let the thread die.
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Because he is a obvious gangstalker and more people can laugh at hi obvious glow thread.
No need to tell us your life story
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Lmao at the triggered schizophrenics.
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>I find the idea of someone from 4chan, being especially /x/ being "gangstalked" really hilarious.
The need to feel important is strong in them.
Me on the sofa btw
"I have made myself look life a complete retard. Heheh, take that chuds"
Imagine someone speaking out about the government or CIA agents dosing them with LSD and running mind-control experiments on them including electroshock, torture, hypnosis, sexual, physical, mental, and verbal abuse etc. (under MKULTRA and affiliated projects like MKDELTA, MKNAOMI, etc.) and you going “lol why would the CIA waste such efforts on you you paranoid dumb fuck, you’re just a nobody”

I’ve never experienced gangstalking fortunately (that I know of) but it aligns with corrupt shit and experiments intelligence agencies have run, from the Soviets to the East German Gestapo to the CIA. Also yes, at least some (if not many) of the people claiming this may be tragically mentally ill (like that sad video of the woman verbally abusing the random mailman or delivery man in his truck), but both A.) that’s no reason to be so cruel to them, and B.) there might still be some true cases of it.


Outright immoral and nasty
You're nothing. No one would waste resources on you.
You have a link to where I can buy the ottoman?
She came free with the sofa
Where can I buy the sofa?
People of all walks of life post here

Not expecting the unexpected is pretty ignorant and tunnel visioned but that kind of is to be expected here no?
You're a leftist aren't you?
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Listen to me POS

I've been a victim of your schemes for 4 years now and I amassed enough proofs to know I'm not crazy

See pic related, this just happened today.
As usual I can feel it in my body before I start and check to monitor the EMF around. kekekek

Noteworthy ; this was coming from above in the sky this time ; so ? satellites ?
No. I'm anti everything. Including labeling yourself like a cattle, you disgusting American fatfuck.
They gangstalk to pressure you into joining them. They cant force you, only influence you.
Be good & avoid their temptation.
Soul is more powerful than any tech they have and they are aware of people who are different.
Those who are gifted, use your talents for good & know that a higher power that is good protects us
nice try simon
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Milk milk lemonade. I didn’t even read your post lol
No glowie. We’re the ones watching you.
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>it costs resources and money to smash someone's window with a rock or to vandalize his or her property
Yes retard. That resource is called time and planning. Why the fuck would anyone care about you, you retarded ape?

I understand gangstalking famous people, some activists or whatever. Influential people. But some obese shitposter from 4chan? Give me a break. You morons sink deeper and deeper into your mental problems.
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Gangstalking is the opposite of "care" retard.
If you do something with intention then by definition you fucking care, you low IQ moron.
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>stalkers stalk with intention
>stalkers care
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There is no point in arguing with those idiots. No woman ever bothered to look at them or even acknowledge their existence, even their own parents hate them for being NEET fuckups. But of course US GOBERMENT, aliens and demons care about them. They're so special, they're always special. All you have to do is scroll /x/ for a couple of hours to see that you're not sitting with the brightest of people here. After 2014. this place got flooded with redditors, browns, blacks and unironic trannies. So take it as you will OP.
Nta, but yes. If you stalk SOMEONE, that specific someone/person then it's with intention and intent. What's so hard to understand here?
Stalking and organized harassment doesn't require money and resources as the retarded OP claimed.

Or are you paying for Group Chat messages on free messaging apps now?
>his resources and money

please. They’re using YOUR money to do this to me.
Yes you. You live in a tax extracting money laundering machine, there isn’t a thing on earth you do that doesn’t feed it money.
Nice try glowie
based madlad here have yourself an unofficial pint loisense
I could with a couple of pints. Don't drink much but wouldn't mind a couple of cans of Stella m8.

The glowies have been glowing bright today.
oh yea, the trump shooter was also a product of these agencies. the guy allegedly even posted on nobody general
I get what you're trying to do, but why would you post picture of a demon?
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How much money and resources does stalking The Nobody on 4chan's Paranormal board cost?
idk but the operation must be pretty good if they can create shooters from there
They could surveil me all they want if they paid me an hourly for it. I wouldn't mind going about my own business while getting paid for it. What's being ogled at when money is coming in?

I thought stalking isn't real.

No way!
Fucking polygamist craper. Eat your saturated burgers tankviler.

You bewitnest repeating trends before people went albaniaraveing.

Unfaithful hounds of scapeure.
Welcome to the game

A lot of resources

Yes the end goal of gangstalking is to produce either 2 :
- suicide
- mass shootings
assuming the guy found dead was the guy actually doing shooting, and not just someone taken there to be a fall guy, he was doing pretty good shooting with ironsights from that distance, especially considering that allegedly trump was even supposed to die. So for someone doing "warning shots" and intentionally scraping trump's eat from that distance with ironsight (no-scope on his rifle), he was pretty good shooter. So yes, intel agencies do put a lot of effort into creating these people.
>They all work together to do the gangstalking
Where do they find time to do their main work? The state would fire their behind pronto for wasting state resources. Oh, wait, I forget: the deep state with deep pockets behind all this.
You fucking idiot.

I hope non of you get gangstalked.
I am feeling I am but now it is a less of a nousance because I literally know how they are connected and they are scared now because I can blow this whole world wide operation in an instant.
Ill give you all one side of the iceberg top:
>academics does research on human behaviour with gangstalking techniques because they are the only ones that can do it in legal and illegal ways with all the laws they are changing and making for the advancement of the scientific studies and doctoral thesis
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They had gestapo in 1933-1945 when the peak of technology was archives and typewriters

Then during stasi Germany they had this

Imagine what the H1B mafia from silicon valley will do against the hardline biologists factions and Aryan mønsters like me they found online

I hate brown people so goddman much.they watched as I was taken to a psychiatric hospital and then they sent Jennifer Psaki to drug me with LSD and add injury to the insult because mkuktra jokes are super funny and I am not going to lie it was important for me at the time because I felt relieved it wasn't josh moon and kiwi farms exactly even if Jennifer Psaki was doing the cool wine aunt role and "calming me down" with enough LSD unwittingly given to me in dosages that to kept me up for 15 days

Go look at that bitch passport and see if she does not have a stamp for Brazil in September 2022.
I hate her because I was in immense pain and she didn't tell me I had an right to asylum because of the things happening (a B2 spirit flew over my house for an epic 4vhan meme and they had the urkianians and jkhrnalists doing things)
I would need my electronics in the asylum claim WHICH I DESTROYED
Thanks Jennifer Psaki.

They have both staff and other patients google translating things I posted online for further humiliation and shame. They are THE FUCKING COMMUNISTSTS YOU PIECE OF SHIT NIGGER





Josh moon and the discord kid that leaked Ukrainian documents on dirskcord. Jack Teixeira.



>Imagine what the H1B mafia from silicon valley will do against the hardline biologists factions and Aryan mønsters like me they found online
Google and the silicon valley and palantir and NSA is gestapo 4.0!

And Jennifer Psaki was trying to be nice to me as she understood and could and I am immensely IMMENSELY ANGRY at how she could have done way better and ended all my suffering about this right there or days after when the LSD wore out. She didn't.
That looks like schizophrenia and delusion of grandeur.

Watch this movie
It's literally meth. Or maybe weed induced schizophrenia. These are gluttonous degenerate fucks who twisted their brain out of shape. Couple that with the extreme narcissism of this age and you get losers who think theyre special enough to be followed by men in black suits. Very tragic.
It's not about being out of the loop. It's about the fact that 99% of you claim to be gangstalked, which is hilarious. You just want to feel special, that's all there is to it.
more psyops than Netflix and not special??

It was a set up



No one in public health institutions in Brazil hides from me that they know my story.
They have telegram and they are connected as you are to things.


Do you know what NSO group is? There are many like them!
They sell to rich people

Rich people have kids that do nothing all day and go to art school
What do you think they do with their 10,000 a week allowandlxss?

Did you know Claire Boulcher paid someone to dox Hipster run off guy?
Do you think Bill Gates infamous for EEE strategy does what?
What do you think the brown people that work for him do when they spot someone like me and enrages the gods so FURUOUSLY I HAVE A LITERAL DRRAM MORE REAL THAN RRALIRG WITH LUTERAL FREYJA

You fucking retard.
I already wasted 3,000 dollars of my time on your piece of shit thread
Just beat the shit out of them, problem solved you fucking pussy.
And the academic professors should feel special and grandious? You do not want to know how high some of them think of themselves and talk when they mob against someone goodnatured and naive. Sometimes I am happy the likes of you did not get mobbed or drugged with special grade chemicals.
Good thing Hell has a place for them so we do not have to.
You fucked up when you fell for the jewish mythos lmao. Take the matters into your own hands and stop being a clown.
I fell in love with a coworker once. When I ended up in a clinic she told me we would only stay coworkers despite her tossing love bombs and fake care. I did care for her and after the mobbing incident which almost got me to kill myself I got stalked by her and others at job. Then I realised she was just a snake to eat all of my positivity. Even my mentor ghosted me after my project job certification ended and then you tell me gangstalking is fake... pathetic
I had a lot of fights and I do not need some stranger to tell me what to do. If you think violence is the answer you should have not come to this thread. And what you are promoting here is just what the angry no supply narc mob would tell you to do.
BTW calling someone a clown is not that much of a negative thing. Reading all the comments on threads like this makes me feel you who are actually opposing opinions and calling names are the ones that clown around here
You just proved his point with your meltdown.
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Second attack of the day by DEW

Thank you RCMP and CSIS

I also noted that when I'm in public around people you lower the frequency of your weapons eheh...

Thanks for the info, I will keep you posted
Instead of insulting people because you're bored why don't you post about something actually paranormal and maybe even provide a bit evidence for it or share an experience?
I do all the time. Threads get deleted in favour of subhuman shit like your dear generals: nobody, gangstalking, abrahamic nonsense and other irrelevat shit.
You can't sage anymore, newfag redditor.
You know what glowies hate? Gay porn. Post away beautiful men.
Just say that this thread hurt your feelings because it's true. You're all bunch of snowflakes that no one cares about, so you make shit up.
Do I make this >>38418727 shit up!?

and this >>38415566

No I dont, and Im not a schizo or have any delusion of grandeur and Im actually a working member of society as an engineer.
Yeahhhhhh I have seen literal smol Ray-Ban wearer Jennifer Psaki in front of me and had sex with Freyja in a dream and this guy is here talking shit like I am a drug addict or a schizophrenic
>What makes you think anyone important would actually care and put his resources and money to stalk some obese, ugly, pimpled, useless, social anxiety ridden moron, that never accomplished anything in his life? Like seriously what's the fucking logic in that?

Yeah why?
jokes on them I'm just gonna stay on welfare lol
I want to work, I want my car back on the road, I want to be able to buy new clothes, pay off my debts, buy good food, have money to buy things.

Can't do that on welfare, they keep stopping me from getting a job.
Get a new script.
Get a new brain
Does anyone else have their GPS on their phone messed with?

Been checking my Google timeline, and sometimes it doesn't show where I've been or shops I've been to. It says I have driven places I haven't been which is funny because I haven't drove my car anywhere for over a year and half. It sometimes says I've walked places I haven't walked and other shit.

Pretty sure they are using a GPS hammer on me while I'm out and about.
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Like with the job interview I had the other day which was another glowie game.

Google maps showed here 1/2
I'm 2/2

But the building was actually here.
No, I turn off all tracking options on my phone. Just the idea of giving off location data gives me paranoia, and I got nothing to hide lmao
No company signs, no website for them, just business profiles on other websites which anyone could of made.
oh sh'its blue hand
I leave mine on so they know where I am.
They are definitely messing with my GPS and using a jammer.

Doesn't really matter though because there are cameras, people, stores, debit card transactions and receipts I can use to prove I've been to the places that are missing from my GPS and also to prove I haven't been to the places it says I have but haven't.
Spacing is as old as 4chan, you newfag redditor ape.
Why does gangstalking need to be directed by "important," people?

It could just be some shithead with a little social capital orchestrating with hus flying monkeys via social media.
99% here are retarded LARPers and drown out any genuine and interesting discussion
and they do love to watch
They do
Journalists and their networks actively break into people's privacy however they can and LOOK INTO EVERYTHING. You know FBI anonymous tips? You know those whistleblowers that leak documents from companies?

You don't get fucked with by not having a causal link to your identity.

Make a smartphone yours with your pictures and your contacts and go in the public taking videos of girls of big asses. Don't post anywhere don't share with anyone and just see how quick the literal stasi networks of anonymous communists retards show up to harass you and shame you and humiliate you and make you cry and possibly entrap you.

Similarly have someone do the same but with OPsec and see who gets magically "gang stalked" and who does not.
they only target people who have demonstrated some degree of psychic ability, its that simple
there is a secret division of psychics from around the world, a product of the masonic military industrial complex. they have been developing psychic agents for centuries and you dont know about it.
Gang stalking is simply a form of community mobbing and organized stalking combined. Just like you have workplace mobbing, and online mobbing, which are both fully recognized as legitimate, this is the community form.
Gang stalking is organized harassment at it's best. It the targeting of an individual for revenge, jealousy, sport, or to keep them quite, etc.

It's organized, widespread, and growing. Some describe this form of harassment as, "A psychological attack that can completely destroy a persons life, while leaving little or no evidence to incriminate the perpetrators."

2. Who gets targeted

The people getting targeted seem to be (single) woman, minorities, outspoken individuals, whistle blowers, dissidents, people who have gone against large corporations, etc.

3. Goals of this hate campaign.

The goal is to sensitize the target to a stimuli, isolate the target, make them destitute. The secondary goals seem to be to make the target homeless, jobless, give them a breakdown, and the primary goals seems to be to drive the target to suicide.

4. Who gang stalks.

The surprising thing is that gang stalkers can be found in every level of society. There is no real age barrier, gender barrier, and a variety of races do participate. In almost every occupation in society you can find people who are going along with this.

Gang stalking for many is seen as a game, a sport to be played with another individuals life. Many do not understand or care that the end consequence of this game is to destroy a person.
5. Why they gang stalk.

"It is conceivable that the participants in the harassment don't even know why the person has been targeted, nor would most of these individuals have any personal stake in harassing the victim.

- Gang stalking is an both an addictive behavior as well as a form of entertainment for the stalkers. There is a vicious kind of pleasure that they derive from bullying their victim. Clearly they like the feeling of being "in control".

Like our society's current obsession with "reality TV", this activity must inevitably gain popularity as the ultimate experience of "reality" entertainment. To the perpetrators, their targets are merely their prey, in a game that never ends. But make no mistake, whatever the reasoning behind it, this is a vicious and calculated hate crime."

-Others are blackmailed or forced into taking part in this activity.

-Others go along with it because they want to fit in and feel part of something that is large and powerful.

-Some are part of community groups who believe they are targeting an undesirable.

-Some are part of the informant groups within cities.
6. Methods used against targets.

a) Classical conditioning.

Getting a target sensitized to sounds, colors, patterns, actions. Eg. Red, white, yellow, strips, pens clicking, key jangling, coughing, sneezing, whistling, fingers snapping, clapping, etc.

b) 24/7 Surveillance

This will involve following the target everywhere they go. Learning about the target. Where they shop, work, play, who their friends and family are. Getting close to the target, moving into the community or apartment where they live, across the street. Bugging targets phone, house, computer activity.

c) Isolation of target.

This is done via slander campaigns, and lies. Eg. Saying the target is a thief, into drugs, a prostitute, pedophile, crazy, in trouble for something, needs to be watched. False files will even be produced on the target, shown to neighbours, family, store keepers.

d) Noise and mimicking campaigns.

Disrupting the targets life, sleep with loud power tools, construction, stereos, doors slamming, etc. Talking in public about private things in the targets life. Mimicking actions of the target. Basically letting the target know that they are in the targets life. Daily interferences, nothing that would be too overt to the untrained eye, but psychologically degrading and damaging to the target over time.
Visit http://www.gangstalking.ca to see more details.

e) Every day life breaks and street theatre.

Flat tires, putting dirt on targets property. Mass strangers doing things in public to annoy targets. These strangers might get text messaged to be at a specific time and place, and perform a specific action. If might seem harmless to these strangers, but it could be causing great psychological trauma for the target. Eg. Blocking targets path, getting ahead of them in line, cutting or boxing them in on the road, saying or doing things to elicit a response from targets. Etc.
7. Where can you get help if you are a target?

Use these great links to learn more and to get help.

1. http://www.gangstalking.ca
2. http://catchcanada.org/
3. http://www.rich-essence.com

8. Gang stalking is an illegal form of harassment.

However when targets seek help they still get quite a bit of resistance. Some people in today's society even try to pass gang stalking off as a form of paranoia, even though the meetings in Toronto are held out of the Toronto Rape Crisis Center and many woman's support groups and crisis centers are now aware of gang stalking, and even training their workers to deal with this form of harassment.

In Korea the online version of this is well acknowledged and has even been written about in the International Herald Tribune.

Gang stalking has also been recognized by members of the mobbing community.
http://www.mobbing-usa.com & http://www.gangstalking.ca

The problem with gang stalking just like other urban slang is that it has not been normalized in society, and until it is people will continue to misunderstand this modern day reincarnation of several old time harassment's.

Eg. Gang stalking is similar to what the KKK used against blacks in the south, what Hitlers Brown Shirts used against the Jews, and what the organised harassment the Stasi used against dissidents in East Germany.

It can be hoped that with enough education and understanding this issue will someday become normalized in society and that there will be enough understanding and support for targets.
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>The people getting targeted seem to be (single) woman, minorities, outspoken individuals, whistle blowers, dissidents, people who have gone against large corporations, etc.
4chan NEETs aren't outspoken individuals.
Gangstalking is such a silly meme.
Actual celebrities aren't as paranoid about gangstalking, and some of them are actually gangstalked in a provable manner ( paparazzi ).

It stinks of a combination of chuunibyo and scihzo. The childish subconscious belief that they are special for supernatural reasons ( read: they don't have to put in effort into anything to be special ) and somehow despite no tangible evidence for this, others have noticed their specialness but also too afraid to directly confront them because of it.
>The childish subconscious belief that they are special for supernatural reasons
I bet if you asked most people who are gangstalked this they would tell you they don't think that at all and think it is the opposite.
This nigger has literally never heard of HUMAN RESOURCES
Because people don't just do shit for free. People have to eat.
>hurr I'm not special some organization just decided to waste resources observing me for no reason or benefit!
It can be a group of friends, a gang, randos, or a combination of them.

They don't need to get paid, they just do it because they think it is funny or because they are degenerates.

All they have to do is get some yobos who hang around town and tell them to look out for X person and to follow them, say something or whatever else it is they do.
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It really takes a lot of human resources to set up a Group Chat called "We Hate XY Who Lives On 1234 Street", doesn't it?
You're not important enough to get stalked moron. That's the entire point of OP.
There is no logic to delusion of mind, it's simply the brain overloading and hallucinating - in short: it's real for them
They don't even have to make it apparent they're gangstalking you, they just influence your actions to lead you to becoming a criminal (which they potentially see you as already). If they reveal themselves to you, they must've failed at that and now are trying a more direct approach.
OK glowie
>Eg. Gang stalking is similar to what the KKK used against blacks in the south, what Hitlers Brown Shirts used against the Jews, and what the organized harassment the Stasi used against dissidents in East Germany.

All those people felt very important no doubt, retard.
the population is so large you have 5 assigned lesser citizens to monitor you. Be lucky you're on the surface.
what's a watercuck?
I'm pretty sure gangstalking, at least 99% of the time, is just a schizophrenic delusion. But your post doesn't make much sense. You might as well conclude that MKULTRA didn't really happen because the people targeted were unimportant randos. If it truly were happening, who on the outside could really know why they were doing it? Maybe it's just for behavioral research? The victims wouldn't have to be important people.
Then you should be able to post evidence that these groups exist, right?
Pisces and Cancers are the most schizo and most common sign among /x/ populace
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>You have to be important to be targeted by program consisting of over half of federal employees, all of its infrastructure, and trillions of dollars of funding
Feds tongue my anus
glowie here
we primarily look for individuals who show promise. If they're too intelligent, they could begin to unravel the system in the age of information and pose a threat to themselves or others. With an exponential increase of information and the flow of it, controls are needed to ensure that society continues to function based on pillars we have proven to work. We are trained to identify pillars of society and look for characteristics that undermine them, like mania, psychosis, and delusion. You wouldn't want a country founded on these characteristics, would you.
We don't know where the money comes from, but apparently it is very much worth the while of some very big players to keep the population under control in this regard in addition to chemical measures taken against he population. The analogy of antipsychotics is used. The side effects and impairment is unpleasant, but it ensures the patient doesn't hurt themselves or others.
And the most important part?
I made all of this up, but some of you retards would have added this to your collection of evidence for being a TI because your brain is crippled with bias and fallacy. You trust all evidence that appears to vindicate you, but in reality, you suck at reason just like all humans have for thousands of years. Stay paranoid, frens.
This one deserves a pay rise
Ironic, because here you are, a glownigger, now gaslighting all of these people who aren't "really" being gangstalked.
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>but some of you retards would have added this to your collection of evidence for being a TI
Nah, it was pretty obvious you were b8ing.

I think about it logically, glowie is just a blanket term and doesn't mean I actually think it is government agents doing it with satilites and stuff like thatt, although I wouldn't be surprised if there are government agencies that do that sort of thing.

All I know is that in my case it is a bunch of people doing it to me that are made up of corrupt police, NHS staff, probation workers, jobcentre staff and people in the community.

They use some sort of voice to skull technology, hypnosis, or something similar. I'm tired of explaining it but it is happening to me and has been for many years now.

I really don't care if anyone believes me or not, I know the truth.

Gangstalking is real, not everything that is posted on here and other places is true and their are a lot of people who make shit up about it or people who are clearly mentally ill. Those people make it harder for people that it is really happening to be taken seriously.

I can see why some people wouldn't believe it based on those people, 5-6 years ago I would probably be the same and not belive it either. But having experienced it myself and now knowing what I know, I can safely say that gangstalking is real.

You can keep telling me I'm just being paranoid, it's my mental health, I'm not special, no one cares enough to do that sort of thing to you or whatever.

And I feel sorry for other TI's this is happening to and get moked when they talk about their experiences. Gangstalking is no joke, it is seriously a living hell.
what sort of stuff happens to you to make you sure it's real and not a mental health problem? being sincere in asking
Lots of things

I've been poisoned and had to go to hospital over it.

I took an overdose of 80-100 prescription sleeping tablets plus 40-50 anti depressants and woke up the next day less than 8hrs later feeling fine.

There was this guy who worked where I did, he came in one day with an injury. Two days after I took the overdose I woke up with the exact same injury he had.

One time I picked my medication, as I was leaving the chemist I check to make sure they gave me the correct dosage. Reason I did that was because I picked up that medication because they gave me the wrong dosage (50mg instead if 150mg). Anyway, I got home put the medication on my bookcase and didn't touch it for about a week because I still had some, when I went to take the medication I picked up it had been changed and someone had obviously been in my place and switched from (a box of 150mg to 50mg). The whole reason I went to get that lot of meds is because they gave me 50mg instead of 150mg and as I said I checked the box as I was leaving the chemist to make sure it was the right dosage (150mg) which it was yet when I came to take it the box had been changed.

People following me in cars, for about 3 weeks, maybe longer, I would go for a drive and there would be a car behind me with a gap of about 5 cars length behind. If I slowed down they would maintain the gap and never get any closer to me. As I said this happened for about 3 weeks straight and I tested it a few times.

Been followed around town by people.

Had my car messed with, cracked windowscreen, punctured tyres, and they have done something to the engine.

Most recently my shoes went missing out of my place when I had a job interview and needed them.

Set up with fake job interviews and a fake apprenticeship.

Just a few examples there are many more.
People who think they're being gangstalked or followed by aliens or the radio are talking to them are just people who's brains are naturally on the equivalent of low doses of psychedelics. Encourage their delusions till they realize they're one with the universe and they are reality and its their own minds causing all this to happen. I'm sure nothing could go wrong by doing this.
Economy is so hard up for money people can't find a min wage job mopping floors, yet the state is rich enough to hire random fag faces to watch you finger your own ass from afar.
>the radio are talking to them
Funny you should say that, not saying the radio was talking to me but more that the dj presenting the show was talking to me. I can also prove that, not going to give any details but I can prove it.
If they think you da MVP and VIP, why don't they offer you a job worthy of your status?
I've already seen this thread. Is this posted every face of the moon?
Wouldn't work for them, not after what they have done to me. Couldn't do to others what they have done to me.
No one is ever spied on or messed with by two or more people.

You idiot.
First time making this thread, you retarded schizo. You must've confused it with the same image of David Icke.
I am talking about their intentions, not your opinion of them. If they thought your ass was that valuable they woulda offered you something by now.
>If they thought your ass was that valuable they woulda offered you something by now
And you know this how? And why would they do that?
Why would they let a valuable asset to rot away like that?
Because this is what they do, isolate you, do all this shit to you and just continue to do it.

I'm not a valuable assets, I'm one of their victims.
>I'm one of their victims.
But you're always a victim and it's always someone elses fault, right?
Yeah it happens. I experienced similar things and while I was younger I went through a phase thinking it was outside forces be that other people other entities or the gov (my greatgrandmother on my mom's side was victim of Dr. Ewen Cameron and my dad just happened to work with people who were the perpetrators when he joined the Neuro in 72 as a neuropsychologist) but I grew out of that over time by studying philosophy and physics and seeing the same sorta thing happen to people who don't have my weird background. Now I can intentionally play with reality and make stuff like that happen, increasing synchronicity and a world that seems to communicate, or make it stop happening and ground myself at will.

I got over myself once I realized the fact that yes it's both "real" and "in my head" at the same time and wrestled with the ramifications of what that really means by going on a 15 year adventure through occult groups and a ton of wacky shit. Now I just do my own thing.

It's not that the DJ was talking to to you its a phenomenon that will probably be explainable with science someday to do with how consciousness interacts with reality. There's a lot of bunk hippy science out there that claims to know for sure how it works but we don't fully know yet. All we know is there is some amount of subjectivity between subject and object and space-time is malleable through general relativity which we haven't yet unified with how quantum mechanics plays into it yet nor how consciousness is effected by the quantum world. Stuff like that is being worked on nowadays by people like Roger Penrose although there are many different theories out there. Try your best to study these things when they happen objectively and try and interact with the world when it seems to communicate to you without fear or paranoia. How it communicates is a reflection of your inner communications.
There's a few layers to this but I'll divide into two to keep it simple.

The first layer is that there is a spiritual war going on for our souls. In a sense, everyone is "gangstalked" by demonic forces to one extent or another. This sometimes appears as coincidental collusion between disparate groups; even unwittingly on their part.

The second layer is that the NWO is real... the internet is a trap to consolidate this... and using digital systems the globalist Stasi is able to harass and manipulate individuals who are given priority based on a threat matrix.

There is AI and other black projects assisting with this. It can even pull the strings of local law enforcement.

In short it's not that there are literal groups of elites targeting me, or anyone here, specifically. But giving us the illusion this is happening can be beneficial to their strategy.

Think of a hypothetical chess game where the enemy has an infinite number of far away bishops on impossible to see squares. This artificially induced paranoid schizophrenia keeps people in psychological check.

There are also corporate and NGO interests doing their own thing and guiding public perception in their own ways. The highest tiers of power merely measure the gestalt of these movements and tweak individuals and trends as necessary.
>It's not that the DJ was talking to to you its a phenomenon that will probably be explainable with science someday to do with how consciousness interacts with reality
Nah, I can prove it 100%. Don't want to give details on how because then that let's them know what I know.

Don't know why they keep doing this shit. If they just left me alone I'd have noting to talk about.
I the case of gangstalking yes.
My father was put through an entire psychotic episode where he thought big names from the Deep State, and other celebrities, were talking to him through V2K. He would constantly see UFOs and anomalous activity. He said youtube videos would start talking to him.

It all went away as soon as he developed a bone disease and started dying. Whatever you think this is, it's something trying to destroy you by making you alienated and paranoid. He wouldn't let doctors help him because he thought they were out to get him and that harmonic frequencies generated by meditation would fix him.

It's complicated but I have reason to believe he is targeted by the devil himself. All of the V2K stuff could be "real" but it's simply powerful people doing the devil's bidding.

You can believe these very busy, very selfish people have taken an interest in you, if only for a time, but also consider that there are AI programs 30 years more advanced than GPT4 which should have no problem making you hear anyone imaginable.
You're isolating yourself. Believe me if I got over thinking I'm a victim given my background you can too. As I said in my rant I'm directly connected to MK ULTRA through both my mom's side and my dads side and what I said isn't even everything (I grew up being given 10-100 dollars every now and then to be a Guiana Pig for little silly experiments like doing math with an EEG on my head or taking tests they were designing for new kids IQ tests or coordination tests etc, nothing ever nefarious but when I learned about MK I did freak out a little... oh and my mom's first husband before my dad runs a law firm with his brother Alan Stein who you can look up for being one of the first n only successful lawyers to get the Canadian government to accept blame for MK... and they shared an office with Naomi Klein who wrote The Shock Doctrine... and the now 106 Dr. Brenda Milner is one of my dad's closest friends, bless her for sending my dad and I over to Toronto in her place for her induction into the Canadian Walk of Fame I think that'll be my first and last red carpet event in my life, and she came over to my house growing up all the time and she was there for all of Cameron's shenanigans)

With all that I was a victim for many many years till I took responsibility for my life and started learning about philosophy, physics and esotericism. I eventually found out I had psyched myself into a lotta what I thought was "100% true" about them having done stuff to me as a kid and being part of some grand conspiracy. What I found has been a lot more interesting honestly, the world is full of Mysteries and there are weird things out there but the chances you're a victim are very very low. Not impossible, but very low. Only you can find out whether you're psyching yourself into this or not and the first step is approaching this with an open mind and studying the phenomenon you go through as objectively as possible. Keep the door open for weirdness and narrow it down
The devil was made up... and I don't mean that as an atheist I mean that as someone who has studied a great deal of theology and history. Check out Dr. Elaine Pagel's book The Origin of Satan or watch her interviews. Also check out the PhD hosted video The Origins of Satan by Religion for Breakfast and The Invention of Hell by B.A historian and pastor John Hamer.

There's a "God" but It isn't an It nor a They nor anything like that... The Monad isn't any one religion's god it's just That Which Is as well as That Which Isn't. Ein Sof of the Kabbalah, The One of Neoplatonism. Mystics from all religions explain it the same way while mere dogmatic adherents quibble over scripture instead of direct experience.

All gods and angels and demons exist in the realm of thought-forms which admittedly can have a certain amount of reality to them but not without belief and/or willed intent. Belief is what made your dad get lost in that stuff, it was the stuff itself not the devil. I'm very sorry btw that sounds terrible and traumatic.

Superstitions of all kinds always come bundled with fear and fear opens the door to thought-forms within the Nous to have actual effects on a person's life. Plotinus lays this all out really well and although the map isn't the territory his cosmology is very useful when it comes to this stuff: https://youtu.be/vZEUo_sHoBw?si=GaGyvRcIYlMIGL0m&t=934
>It is very rare, like less than 1‰ chance of becoming schizophrenic after your 30's.
But it has to happen to someone. That someone is (You)
Keep you (you) anon
I'm praying for you anon. Do you know why they're doing this? There seem to be a lot of Brits having this experience.
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“Gangstalking” (organized harassment) is real but it’s sort of a necessary evil because most people under this were never going to be anything in life anyway or were going to become mass shooter incels with MK ULTRA or not, anything else is COPE
If you notice most people on social media claiming to be gangstalked are dysgenic meaning they are usually ugly, autistic/schizoid, balding, etc. and it doesn’t help that a lot of them are homeless or NEETs
Some of them were already fucked in life before they got “gangstalked” and didn’t really have much of purpose especially in contemporary society, it never began for them
Robert Duncan and Bill Cooper are dead, there’s not much advancing in the knowledge or declassification of these said secret documents or programs so it’s best to just keep your head down and act like a normie
Otherwise it’s just adding on to the pain and suffering of your life, I’m still not sure why people still believe that 4chan is a good place to talk about this
>I find the idea of someone from 4chan... being "gangstalked" really hilarious
people aren't from websites, they visit them, where else would you go but /x/ to complain about this kind of thing you fuckin dumbass lol
Meh it's true that "most" fit that profile but not all. Before I got over myself I was none of those things while I was nuts. I thought I was an MK victim due to all my family involvements I listed above but it was a lover of now 16 years who introduced me to a lot of the conspiracy theories that truly drove me over the edge. She didn't think she was a victim or anything but she knew a lot about these kinda theories from one of her exes who was a ex-mercenary with PTSD. He's a handsome dude, a BDSM dom, and is very much still in the victim mentality that the military did stuff to him in the Middle East. She was just stunned that I had so many connections to Subproject 68 and kinda stupidly (she admits as much now) overshared how stunned she was. It's true I was quite an outsider without much purpose but hell I was 16 when this started (in mid 30s now). She started it but it was another lover (we're poly) who really really made things worse and that girl did think she was a victim and I bought into it for a while and tried to take care of her. That ended awfully, she was mad skitz.

Duncan and Cooper were hacks. MK never ever was what most conspiracy theorists wrote about... actual investigative journalists and lawyers exposed far more than anyone else. There's a million mistakes, exaggerations and insane theories that go far beyond reality in their works or the work of other hacks like Ann Diamond or Cathy O'Brian. The guy who's getting most things declassified these days is John Greenwalde Jr plus there's that lawyer I mentioned Alan Stein and authors/journalists like Naoimi Klein.

Anyway tl;dr I'm a functional ex-convinced-victim who got over my BS and started getting laid at 14 and have been in long term relationships ever since and while I'm still on the outskirts of normal society I'm not a NEET, homeless or dysfunctional.. probably a lil autistic tho.. but I credit that aspect of myself to helping me get out of that nonsense rather the opposite.
You're clinically retarded.
You are a terrible person and you probably take that as a compliment. I hope you get gangstalked. People have gone through hell and are doing good by warning others. Later demon.
He's telling you the truth. You're just mentally ill and should get help.
Gangstalking I'd a bit of a stupid name and pre-poisoned. Group stalking is better.
How is it a necessary evil to inflict organized harassment on people who are already fucked? They aren't have any real effect on anything anyway, right? Also what's the point of positing that these people really are gangstalking victims if they're almost all mentally ill and messed up? The parsimonious explanation is that they' think they're being stalked because they're fucked in the head.
>Some of them were already fucked in life before they got “gangstalked” and didn’t really have much of purpose especially in contemporary society
So this an excuse to gangstalk people and destroy their lives is?

Those people could very well have good lives and be successful if it wasn't for idiots like you who think you can just decide who is worthy and who isn't.
how do you type this without realizing how genuinely fucking stupid you sound and look?
This. At least help a guy pay the bills if you're gonna be tailing him.
Stay mad glowie
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In other news, gangstalking definitely isn't real because 4chan's /x/ board most definitely isn't gangstalking The Nobody guy with around 10000 posts in Nobody Generals daily.
You're supposed to feel this way. It helps cover up actual gangstalking. It happens. Even though I'm assuming you're a legit human, which is lesser likely of the options. They can remotely do it by now. Automated.
US goverment AI lab rat.
>US goverment
" duhhhhg muhhh cia is stalking me causse uhhhhhhh THEY JUST ARE OK " kill yourself you fucking retard
>John Greenwalde Jr plus there's that lawyer I mentioned Alan Stein and authors/journalists like Naoimi Klein
Three jews. Wow nothing at all sus about that. You might be gullible.
this world is run on demonic abuse systems

if "they" detect you aren't a willing participant in the evil bullshit they will target you either overtly or subtly. the NPCs are flesh golems that respond to spiritual commands by the worldly powers.

every neurodivergent knows what I'm talking about. if you don't get it then you're a normie abuser and should leave until you grow a brain.
>what do they do?
still the dumbest fuckers online
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Hey guyths
Whilst I wouldn't wish gangstalking on anyone, I hope that it happens to people like you just so you can know that it is real and how bad it is.
It's because it's funny. That's it. Also, being a nobody that no on in the world cares about is what makes you a good target.
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Because I'm Jewish.
They still messing with my GPS, just been to town and visited a couple of shops.

Pic related, shows I've not been anywhere not even at home lol.

Good job I have bank transactions and receipts as well as cameras in the stores and town to prove I have been there.
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im a cute girl hmsag
Post your brapper, I want a TI gf.
where do they organize?
no i like nice words
Pls post your derriare beautiful TI sister.
oh jeeze okay finew
You appear to be a cat. Sorry, I'm not into beastiallity.
Whathefuck literacy helps afor if you constantly forget itself exchangeing evils asumed from selfspan?
Didnt you see my selfie?!!? Men.
What? Speak engrish cat.
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Thanks, OP. This is the thread I'd make if I went on offense here. I usually just enter the schizo gangstalker threads and make sensible and rational points like you have.
It's a whole mindset with these people. They are all in with all of it. Of course it would translate into their own personal lives as well. As long as 'They' are faking everything and controlling everything, they may as well be deploying teams of agents to drive by my apartment in cars of a certain color or look at me when I'm shopping, lol.


Also, you and I work for some sort of 'them' type government agency, and they only reason we're here laughing at schizos is because we're being paid to do so. You see, the average online 'noticer' is getting TOO close to the truth, and they're spreading it. And we need to shut them down. How? By sending us here in the middle of the night to respond to them one by one. Because they're NOT crazy, they're on to us! I will post my stoner image too because 'they' don't care about the war on drugs anymore, just the war on truth.

You can read sarcasm, OP, but can they? Not 'They', but the faggots who will call say you glow.
Im the cat, thats not me!! Imposter!!! GET OUT!
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It's best when they go out and confront the innocent bystander that happened to stumble into their view and dementia and it's captured on video. I like to see these raving loons shouting at people who have no clue why they're being accosted, as it often leads to their arrest.

>Trying to make sanity a partisan issue
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You can't infiltrate their network through a friend or something and get evidence of this? Which charities are working with corrupt cops to follow you around and 'beam' thoughts into your brain? Are any other locals affected? Can you find ONE other person who is the victim of this sinister plot involving so many public figures and governmental agencies in your district? How can we help you? Can we help or does it "go too deep" for anything to be done?

Hey I’m not useless, I post in Nobody threads as Dingus Bingus.

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Wow, you even acknowledge you have mental health issues in the same sentence as mentioning your belief in 'glowies', a.k.a. government agents who are paid to 'gangstalk' you and follow you around on the internet poking holes in your logic and laughing at your paranoia.
So by that logic I am one of these agents working against you? You can't accept that you could have just bombed those interviews and they went with someone else?
I'm genuinely sorry that you're crazy. But it's hard to be nice to you guys when you're assholes about this and refusing to consider that you're CRAZY. You know you're mentally unwell and yet you think you're so special that loads of resources are spent on just fucking with you but not actually arresting or interrogating or murdering or assaulting you. It's all done subtly and just so YOU can notice, but everyone else thinks you're crazy. But you know you're sane and it's the world that's crazy, right?
This is so simple to the rest of us. That doesn't make us jews, leftists, feds, or whatever other catchall word you have for your enemy in your imaginary two-sided fantasy world.
I have depression anon, not schizophrenia. Depression affects your mood, it doesn't make you psychotic (unless you have manic depression or bipolar).

Plus I've been on anti depressants for a few years now.
I'm high and it took me a while to understand that your image is composed of two separate photographs. I thought the door to the fridge had its own small cat in its lit compartment. It wasn't until I noticed the "third" door that I understood what I was looking at.
Who eats margarine anymore?
You're assuming 'care' means in a positive manner. It's an investment. The USA 'cared' about Bin Laden and fucking killed him when all that caring payed off. It doesn't mean 'love' or something. It's just semantics, knock it off.
Anon Im sane, it never will ;3
How do you write this and not immediately see how absolutely insane it sounds?
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>ACTUALLY hospitalized for mental illness

It's still Them though.
People like Jennifer Psaki, Oprah Winfrey and the Norwegian princess have tools meant for spying used against individuals to collect information about them to give to grifters like Eckhart Tolle and Durek so they can pretend to have psychic powers when they say you have been dealing with problems on your marriage and the "spirits told them" (actually Jennifer Psaki and Oprah Winfrey types using communist zertsetsung tech)
Watch Durek on YouTube. What a retard, consider that if he had any real connection with spirituality and service for others he would refuse to engage romantically with the Norwegian princess loser and if anything assume a supporting role where he tries to counsel between them two and says things like they are going through a bad phase and all.

More about it on the Wikipedia article "hot reading"
>This technique is used by some television psychics in conjunction with cold reading.[2] The psychics may have clients schedule their appearance ahead of time, and then collect information using collaborators who pose as religious missionaries, magazine sales people, or similar roles.[3] Such visitors can gain a wide understanding of a person from examining their home, where tickets for the show may have been sent in advance. The "psychic" may then be briefed on the information, and told where the person will sit in the audience.[4]

I was hospitalized because of stress and extreme emotions for being hostilized and attacked. They threatened to dox me, to leak my nudes, made specific passive aggressive comments as threads and posts.

I actually think that Jennifer Psaki and the B2 spirit crew that flew over my house were friendly. But that Jennifer Psaki could have ended everything right then and there she could but she got shy and already
was doing too much and I knew I had a history of posting threats but I had a right to asylum and she could have aided me with that and given me lectures on the state of online privacy and what people do with it and she didn't.
I had to be exposed to this stress and these alt right retards who are from a foreign culture for more time and she could just have ended it right there and now I am very very disillusioned with governability principles, ethics and morals and a lot of other things.

Also reminder that I have had sex with Freyja in a dream and not you, not Eckhart Tolle and no one else. Lower your tone.

At my local hospital everyone in my local health system knows about my posts at least and they use Google translate and I have seen the Facebook profile of someone who is a mental health system user with the caption "when in doubt, just ask" and this "when in doubt" comes from my diaries and because once I mentioned her to my cyber bullies in notepad because of what she said in group therapy about antidepressants.

You little shit. I am not even going to argue with you that most of these gangstalk victims suffer from delusions because they do and I know how it is like and where it comes from and how it is. I am not like them, if I had money and I didn't destroy my eletronics I could have a right of asylum especially when Jennifer Psaki was in front of me as in being physically in front of me and told me about it with other things and paid for things of course.

You have no idea what the piece of shit losers most public employees are from experience and I wasn't expecting Jennifer Psaki to be like that but I have grieved fully by now.
>state of online privacy and what people do with it and she didn't.
I needed a lot of explanations she never provided.
Read this


Here is the TCN interview with Erik Prince who owes me his soul.

I did not watch fully but I watched him shilling his piece of shit business Unplugged
Which without looking comes from 2020-2021 of me being pwned again when my dad got into debt to get net eletronics and they were watching me research how to get away from them.
Yes Jennifer Psaki came here in my rural town because I am a mental health patient in fact it is the 4chan loser teenager who is a dumb atheist or a dumb christian who knows more about reality then I do when I have had sex with Freyja in a dream more real than reality and you piece of shit people don't even know what your dreams look like. It is time to recognize you piece of shit people have a mental illness and take your fucking medication and stop bothering others(me).

Actually I never was that much bothered by all of this happening exactly in a few ways but mostly I was and still am because of how immensely difficult it is to return to what I had before they started doing this to me.
- my socioeconomic position has me destined to take a specific path I can perform better without looking at screens
-i might have learned a lot about citizenship as if this never happened I would never question the ethics and morality of most public persons with a good image
- a lot of things related to what is talked about in the news and the state of the world and reality of the lowest and highest classes.
Many other pros

- immense overwhelming stress
-acquired tinnitus from mental hospital hospitalization and disillusionment with government and scientific method and capitalism and especially against the common advice of "go to a psychologist and psychiatrist" which is creepy
-immense suffering I am not going to describe
- Jennifer Psaki taking her time to come here in September 2022 and literally not telling me I had a right to asylum, not shielding me from these psychopaths, not ending my suffering and gently implying she is one of these psychopaths herself.
-immense stress of pleading for help to everyone and not be heard nor understood.
- actual possibility of learning all of this alone and I actually already knew and part of the stress is that I already leaned towards frameworks and theories of perople being evil and bad and then 4chan and kiwi farms and keffals retards made me feel bad about it and I got the psychosis of oneness and love for all when I spent all of these years proving it wrong in my head and returning to where I was.read more about it here >>38427296
>is real but it’s sort of a necessary evil because most people under this were never going to be anything in life anyway or were going to become mass shooter ince
This may come from my notepads sessions with them and this poster is a user of kiwi farms as this thread was about to die and I was choosing to let it die.
If they care enough to intervene whenever someone's on my path who shouldn't be there, they care enough to make sure I'm on their predefined path.
I was hospitalized, yes.
But it was because of the overwhelming harassing campaign, stress and other things I said.

I was hospitalized after MONTHS of not being able to get away from them
My self image and self esteem destroyed.
So much in fact, there were no pros of this only cons.

I was only crying too much and not talking to anyone and they kidnapped me and forced medication that never helped because of you know what? Because I am actually harassed and got my payche destroyed by these piece of shit people.
Americans and Russians included. As in white house and the Kremlin.

Reminder you are on the website that Miami sheriff chit wood humiliated a nerd threatening his life(I don't care)
A user from Greece was raided by his local police because of things he posted here

Many stories like this especially after Branton Tarrant.

Police officers have their own networks too.

My rights were infringed and I suffered a lot because of it and no one has taken steps to remedy what they destroyed and must think I am a piece of shit
Jennifer found me when I was in the street walking and actually I ignored an ugly prostitute they bought over who is also very difficult to mistaken for someone else moments before.
Jennifer Psaki is very small and difficult to mistaken for someone else too and she found me with the help of her friends through my smartphone at the time. NOTHING NOTHING I am just someone else who has fallen through the cracks.
It is not like any of the things I wanted to do before they found me were IMPORTANT FOR ANYONE.

You piece of shit people.
I want reparations.

I'm not done with this I have a lot more to whine about but I have to go now and may not return.

Oh the insult of me wanting a lawsuit for almost dying and almost being driven permanently insane and suffering a lot I only got saved because of my shrimp sized neurons I got from years of internet and BECAUSE OF FREYJA
They trying to send me messages now....

They know what I'm doing, they are coming for me...

Not doing anything illegal, I'm not harming anyone, I'm not being violent.
The only ones that need to be arrested are you twats.

Look at what you are doing to me, look at all the things you have done to me. You are the ones being violent, you are the ones harming people (me), you are the ones conducting illegal surveillance, the ones stalking, the ones who have damaged my car, entered my home and taken things (apart from that time you entered and added something, thanks for that BTW), you are the ones psychologicaly abusing people (me), you are the ones starving me and preventing me from getting a job, setting me up with fake interviews and jobs. You are the ones preventing me from getting support for my mental health and other things. You have poisoned me, watch me take an overdose and then come in a stoped it, you have drugged and injured me I my sleep. God knows what else you have done to me but don't for one second try to tell me I'm the bad guy in all of this.

>oh no he faps to porn we don't like
Go cry about it, it isn't illegal and there isn't anything you can do about it. Doesn't mean I would actually harm someone or do anything like that myself you fucking idiots.

Come and arrest me, what are the charges?
Then you have men like me.
doesn't /x/ actually have chads though
So much gas lighting. Is it hard to believe with everything that's happened here?
Believe the eternal truth. People are self-interested creatures and many are willing to tell a lie to protect themselves and get ahead of others. A written lie is still a lie.
This would explain a lot.
gangstalking is a disease that is a result of memetics.

you are not being gangstalked.

Yes you are telling lies.
Find the idea of a hylic materialist smooth brain not understanding the divine intellect of the supreme being who created math.
Beings who rebelled against the supreme being are here on Earth following people around trying to drive them crazy up the walls sabotage and ruin their lives for fun. Because they're evil and they don't give a shit about you. They hate you.
Also put things into perspective for a minute. People think that this world is all there is.
Do you have any idea the sheer multitude of spirits in your midst?
You can not see them.
Why wouldn't the supreme being create a whole bunch of other beings?
There's gotta be zillions of them.
And there are zillions of them. I can see them and they're here on Earth.
Giants, dragons, vampires, gnomes, elves, fairies, jesters / clowns, ancient demons/Asura/Ahriman.
It's all real and there's no excuse for non believers.
I've been subjected to torture and mind control over the course of the 23 years I've been alive in this world.
So there's no excuse for nonbelievers.
Call me crazy all you want. You're shooting yourself in the foot if you do that. I could care less.
Oh yeah and this world is fake and gay.
The people running it are deranged psychopaths and narcissists that think that the rules don't apply to them because they're in power.
It's really childish but to paint a picture in your mind let's take a woman who is naive and foolish and does not know any better. Paired with a man who seduced her after several months of spying on her. We're talking coordinated satanic-esque psyop shit to ruin people's lives, humiliate them, destroy their reputation. All that shit.
It is real. And you people thinking that the rules don't apply to you are going to suffer. So prepare.
Hi John. This Is a typical gaslight that gangstalkers will use to put you off there trail. "What makes you thinkgl you are important enough"? "And besides you are not important enought". It's along those lines. If you are told this by someone they are very likely to be involved and know exactly how important you are. Also you said this to me in person and it gave your position away and now we have to communicate through a basket weaving forum. But I guess that's what tracking peoples private internet usage gets you..
Photos or its a larp. Get in their faces and take photos. Make them want to avoid you. Be unstalkable
Spooky glowies after me and my bro while we were stoned
Shill/bot thread, fully seasoned, move along.
Stalking tactics used include:

1. illegal surveillance (bugs placed in home, work, vehicle)
2. illegal wiretapping
3. illegal investigation of all personal and private documents including medical and financial records
4. waves of criminal activity including vandalism, poisoning, break-ins, theft and sexual assault
5. hacking of all electronic devices
6. harassing phone calls, texts & emails
7. redirects to gang-stalkers when the target calls for help or assistance
8. organized harassment & stalking (by law enforcement, private security firms and ordinary citizens)
9. being ostracized by entire communities based on slander and rumors (usually outright lies said about that person)
Ruinateing worlds young males with many homalonical threats okay thenlol? Eat your fish. Eat with salt many. Fats ofthe fish. Kulium pelun.
Delusions don't have to be incredibly bizarre in nature. Nash thought every guy with a red tie was a communist conspiring against him, which sort of makes sense for the time period, but also not at the same time. Also, being delusional doesn't mean you're schizophrenic.
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stop trying to rationalize mental illness

this board is full of crazies that believe they have le secret knowledge
as expected
Let the schizos believe they are important messianic figures, at least it makes them feel good in their madness.
I thought the same thing except; I created a blog a couple years ago. It is not very well known, but it's a fun hobby. I have created articles on some subject matter that has gotten journalists killed and I've gotten a few weird emails and the sense that I am being watched now. All because I reposted information that can easily be found online but with the dots connected. I live in a state of paranoia now, that maybe is self inflicted but theres seems to be a good amount of physical data to back it up. I can see how people believe they are being gang stalked I can also see how a few people actually are.
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Once a faggot Jannie targeted me when I was posting Jew redpills on the SRG. He banned me for three days under "trolling".

Never forget, all jannies are trannies and they work with the glowies.
>banned for posting /pol/ conspiracies
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Im just leaving the document here for no reasons at all...


Especially not this part :
>The primary objective of gangstalking appears to be to isolate the target, driving them toparanoia and despair, potentially leading to suicide or violent acts. I believe they are groomingme to become a terrorist, something I vehemently oppose. I would never harm innocent people,and it is crucial for me to share my story to shed light on this disturbing phenomenon...
go roptors
Somewhere in a gangstalking thread on here or a thread on /v/ posted something like this in a post. I know it was there because I remember reading it. I've tried searching the archive but can't find it. I'm pretty sure it was a gangstalking thread on here yesterday.

>"I think you are lazy, slow, and dull-witted"

So I've been playing The Eldar Scrolls Online recently and I did a quest earlier that has this note you have to pick up.

The second sentence from that note is

>"They are, without exception, lazy, slow, and dull-witted."


They keep doing this shit to me, I really don't understand why tho.
I know, not the same, but they definitely have records of our posts and they can target us.
For any normies that might still be lurking here interested in a more truthful answer, it really just comes down to mental problems and ignorance. It doesn't have to be schizophrenia as my mom has been having these delusions on a smaller scale for years now regarding an ex-boyfriend and while she definitely has mental disorders, she's not a schizo (though the large majority of the ones that believe in gangstalking are). A lack of technical understanding with technology and a lack of basic logical thinking and deduction skills are genuinely all it takes for them to fall deeper and deeper into their own closed-off world of misunderstanding. It's actually very sad to see but not much you can do for them if they're not willing to be receptive to help or the idea they might be wrong. Just my two cents.
Extremely Low Frequency IQ post

They want to see how their experiments turned out

And sometimes they harvest them for operations, like Thomas Crooks who was 100% a GATE kid
How does this idea persist? Every normalfag on Earth uses the internet since 2007 or so and everyone 40 and under check chans every so often. There's probably fucking Chads here even.
Hey, definitely literate dumbass, "Greenwalde" is an anglo-Saxon name. Yeh Alan Stein (the lawyer who successfully got reparations for MK victims) and Naoimi Klein (the author and researcher who published the groundbreaking book The Shock Doctine which helped bring MK into international discourse)'s work stand on their own. You're not going to learn anything about the world if you ignore anyone with echoes around their name. Stop being a dumb cunt, that'll help too.

I don't think you know the meaning of either of those things. Have any of you even read through official documents or do you just watch YouTube videos and read X?
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>Why yes I just watch YouTube videos and read X. No, I have never even seen an official document in my life. How can you tell?
Chad here

Can someone send me a load of magic mushrooms so I can block the glowies out?

What's your address?
121, glow bright road, sw11 4gh, uk
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Daily proof of stalking on 4chan's paranormal board (vagueness is there for plausible deniability):
i second this notion. pay my bills, federals. my entertainment aint cheap so trickle-down economics says yours isn't gonna be either.

If they paid me for it I wouldn't mind the experimenting on me. Instead they deprive me of money and other things.
They are still threatening me now.

I truly do not understand why you are doing this to me? What is your reason for this?

All I've done is try to find a job, find training, get support for things and all you have done is mess me around and just continued to do stuff to me.

Why? Why have you spent years destroying my life and making it a misery?

All I want is to be left alone, I'm not trying to anything, I'm not playing this 'game' you keep going on about. All I'm trying to do is move on with my life.

Don't you think you have done enough to me? How can you justify what you have all done to me?

If you want me to go then I need money and my car and I'm not going anywhere without either. Think I'm going to just leave so you can make it look like I ran away and dissappeared?
Psychological experiments are conducted on people that possess certain traits or whatever. It has nothing to do with "he knows a bunch of secret stuff lets fuck with him". Dumbass. It's about finding ways to surveil an incredibly paranoid person, change sonebody's thought pattern, document reactions, or other things. Why would they just stand behind a bush staring at some guy that has information that could destroy them? They would simply end him. Your ego is blinding you and you're projecting it onto these retards.
>Why would they just stand behind a bush staring at some guy that has information
They don't stand behind bushes, they make it obvious that they are following you. It is all part of the psychological abuse to make you feel scared and paranoid. Then at the same time they try to make out that they are trying to help you.
Yeah whatever. I don't need a fucking explanation. I'm mocking his point of view, not trying to communicate with grandiose schizos. Gang stalking happens. Paranoid retards that don't realize other people live in all the houses around them and go to the same stores etc happen too. It's the age of surveilance and schizos just come on /x/ and vomit a pile of words all over the fucking place instead of just recording it/taking pictures. The number of people that are nearly retarded in the gangstalking victim community is astounding. 90% of them are just stupid and wouldn't ever realize if somebody actually was following them. It's almost always a lonely fuck with nothing going in life that copes with grand tales of espionage and the likes, because they have quite literally gone insane. Stir crazy. Cabin fever. Lack of social interaction. 9/10 it's a schizo recluse that will likely die alone, like me. Strange how chad social butterfly isn't gangstalked.
>so i get followed by a white 1998 toyota camry
>it follows me on my way to work and my way home
>it follows me to the grocery store every saturday too
A neighbor works near a schizo^
>i keep seeing this guy everywhere i go and he always look at me blah blah
Schizo sees his neighbor around town he doesn't know, but knows him.
Gangstalking is real, gangstalkers are not real.
They're using some kind of radio wave or frequency or something to make you paranoid and miserable. They can emit sounds that emulate brainwaves from many devices in your home, and cover it up with a random high pitched sound. You can only hear it subconsciously. There's also the radio towers, but you'd probably need to be a little more important for them to use it on you.

It only happened to me once, when 4chan was uncovering the Pizzagate thing. I made a pretty good thread, and 3 hours later I started hallucinating. I've never hallucinated anything before or since. I was seeing people through walls that were talking about me. Obviously not real. Glad I didn't kill myself, not that I even got close. But if happened for an extended period of time, I would have.

Maybe keep some tinfoil at hand. Also some of you are schizoids
>What if I told you it was even simpler

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