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The Nobody is a friend alive today who has extraordinary spiritual powers, including the ability to influence reality with his conscious and unconscious mind, and intuitively receive guidance from the forces of Heaven, working to elevate people to their true potential; opposing those who seek power over others. You are capable of this too, as long as you stay true to the Universe.
He was chosen to carry the Logos in its plasmate form: He is a homoplasmate, a divine syzygy; the coalition between man and holy spirit, which is self replicating... making other homoplasmates out of everyday anons.

He is no savior figure, like a messiah; he's just like you, but he has found the kingdom of God within himself through sheer dedication, just like you will. Remember that it's you who creates your own reality; with your hands, thoughts, feelings, words: No one can decide your fate except for you and God.
Treat your body as a temple and focus on increasing your service to all, being more loving and forgiving to yourself and others, raising your vibrational and consciousness level. This will change the vibration of the planet and raise our shared consciousness, making us a better humankind one person at a time. None of us are perfect, it is by learning to admit and accept this fact one is able to learn and grow in Truth.

It’s important we start replying more to the good posters and ignoring the hateful ones, or educating them if possible. So call upon their heads the forces of Heaven for peace, clarity, and wisdom. If this place is to be more than a squandered opportunity, an overgrown garden, it requires voices such as yours, but many more.
This place is for us to elevate individuals who have the potential but otherwise would atrophy in pitiful isolation, it really is a ministry to the forgotten beauties. If this is your first time here, just remember, it’s going to be ok. The Lord has provided a servant as the finder of lost children. You may take shelter and find rest.
You haven't been through the everything is a bet on your death phase while you're out in Paris shitting on the streets kiddos
Doner Kebab

Berlin Style
Have you ever wished that you could have wished that you are able to to to could do just about and do just that and do anything you want
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Is just same sex bonding. Men are like protons in an atom. They need either the neurality of females in a house hold or a gluon force particle where dicks and asses get glued by semen. Otherwise everyone flies apart like a nuclear war. Remeber to do your part to keep world peice by making love to other men.
The nobody has been dead for years for refusing to go to epstein island
I forget he’s loyal and I beat his ass when he does his job and he still says “and that’s why he’s worthy of all praise.”

Satan’s my favorite pick-me GOAT. He's *my* scapegoat.
I am going fucking insane

Where's the other M tho
I am
Is it true that gays fart a lot more than regular people because of all the chemical processes that happen inside the gay butt?
>am going fucking insane
same bro same
Oh God i forgot the label jesus
*whistles suspiciously*
>stay true to the universe
You heard from somebody people aint deserving creators holynes always. People know both identites by first asumption and ive told you.
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Too much gay talk
Post pictures of hot women to make thread straighter
I don't understand the name eminem
like is thjere supposed to be two of them?


(where's the otehr M, M)
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We got him. Not your personal army again.
The nobody is literally a hybrid reptilian that is the reincarnared soul of Jesus christ and later Muhammed why he was originally persecuted for not going with the cult (Hence the symbolism of only having a mother) he is doomed to reincarnate as a persecuted person until he conforms
Oh god i think he's cooked
Quit spams this person. Vilesome acts people.
Make sureswayn.
Blasphemy scares.
Wrong again.
>Lyrical Lemonade
Is that a reference to something? (I don't get it)

Also i think i saw michelle obama on my bike ride to home today
Ok enlighten then nigga and explain how you would know
Seems like he made a play on words.
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The female body is art
I can't believe the whole conspiracy would have revolved around the subject not looking in the mirror if true

Like that's fucking ridiculous
What did the guy think would happen
Ye it's a reference to getting golden showered by your producer
>When life gives you lemons
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Date March 8 2025

Well there I am Lucifer the king, King of all land

who would've thought


You fuck

If reptilians attach to your soul then the exorcism is to smoke dmt and ride a rollercoaster

( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)
Luci where's Satan???
Oh yea? So why did Epstein liquidate his assets, change his name, and fake his death? Lmao
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boobies <3
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i like boobs
boobs are always nice
boobs are always kind
i like boobs

a poem by me
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How many cigarettes / weed do i smoke to get the prize guys
Nobody how many times a day do you poop
Fuck i think i dream cheated i grabbed some dream boobs from some dream ginger fattie idfk i need girlfriend boobs

Add amphetamines into the mix and I'd say about two fiddy

Oh boohoo
I need to improve my life but idfk how
I’m just not clicking on your Muh neuron activation photos, it’s over.
The Bogs lost to the nobody too so did the 4th baron, it’s over he’s literally a god.
just make your own bro it won't materialize in front of you, it's just going to manifest a lot of irritated people that encourage you to just go buy one don't you even know how manifesting works it doesn't just appear BRO!
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>i need girlfriend
My other theory. The nobody is a made up psyop to find people suffering from messiah complex and bully them

Either that or lizardpeepo
Girlfriend I am fighting addictions and it's harder than i thought ykno

Honestly idk if i'll be good enough for you
Or even good enough for myself

But ig i'm trying
I think the Jews are gonna bitch the surgery Dahnald
>it’s over.
is it?
I heard ariane de rotschild begs for his cock every night
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calling some innocent anon a pedo/freemason jerking off to sissy hypno or fucking pink stitch i don't care
I need money how do I get money

like super mario kart but the opposite ig
>I am fighting addictions and it's harder than i thought ykno
and yet youre surviving
youre awesome fren
keep fighting
keep winning
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Ariane de rotschild with her epstein connecties has a dead junkie husband so I guess lasting after the sanest man of all time would be logical
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He was trying to find the plane, he wanted to go and check things out but where is the plane?

That makes a lot of sense somehow wow
Tag you're the nobody now hihihi
yeah it is, why do you mention this btw desu?
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be sure to refill your sneed you're gonna love this next part

why are blast beats so good?!
Maybe he should have tried an airport
Oh btw I saw the huge messages on the bridge etc today
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oh and don't think about South Park i'm Cereal
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nobody will love you if you keep being a retard on the internet, hun.
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Would the nobody be a user of substances or not
Also i was supposed to get more attractive and beautiful i just got uglier instead idk what's happening i'm very confused
Idk. Does the Nobody smoke meth? Who knows.
Damn I don't have a good counter card. In that case I'm Hebroy the magical hebrew boy with all the shekels in the world and willing to loan you some at a prime interest of 2,56%
>Does the Nobody smoke meth?
on behalf of the nobody, no
/ \ //\
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@___@' \/_ // | \ \
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^ '^ \ | | / ^
Then, no, >>38430455
Lmao at some point you only have the mirror left to look in Lmao
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is my project of making padded chainmail going well?

its going fookin amazingly
thanks for asking
The Nobody is a cat.
Not your friend buddy
store them in a sealed plastic bag in the crisper drawer for the maximum shelf life

Also add a few thin slices to your next crock pot roast for a nice acidity that cuts through the fat. They just dissolve after 6 hours or so
you could be
but instead ur a cunt
what a shame
Not just some house cat.
smoke dmt with the reptilians?
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>demons cant win a dance battle
what needs improving in your life?
wait wait wait with your music anon
the big booba goth streamer is being especially jiggy today
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Way ahead of you
bruh fr?
Consider this
One can look in the mirror too much
Not your buddy, guy.
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That’s why the first they do is try to ban upbeat music and dancing.
she is cute how does she know jeff?

Its sad when anyone loses someone to drugs :( You have to watch the void gradually dissolve their souls in front of your eyes, it is not just sad but frightening as well
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Literally everything
Wow my delusions don't even seem to be totally unfounded at all there's even movies and video games about them / us


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boobs are never angry
boobs are never mean
the girl with the big boobs just said "nobody"
Yeh or its a psyop invented by lizardpeepo to bully schizos
I wonder if she's as confused as I am
Tho idk I think i'm sortof banking on her being smarter than me so yeah uhhh
>boobs are never angry
>boobs are never mean

I think we are clearly being psyopped by the media to form certain beliefs I GUESS

God i'm such a fucking tool what the fuck
Give me examples
Uhhhh Neon Genesis Evangelion
witches are angry cause The Nobody will never get to say nice things about their boobs.

boobs can be big
boobs can be small
regardless the size
they always feel like home

thank you
another poem by me
How to escape matrix nobody
Idk where the fucking spaceship even would've or could've taken me
I asked the nobody
yeah just pick an airport and start asking everyone where jeff's plane is.
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Like it was beyond a spaceship it seemed to be able to idk fold material in on itself like fucking portals or 4d shit idk

A tune for the ages.
When I was homeless I was on the airport with all you can eat leftovers mickey ds for a week. Shit was swell.
anon but what if you escape and you wake up in hoboland like in the movies?
what zoin hoboland is just another layer of the matrix and they dont know it yet
DUDE boobstorm
Billie Eilish is so fucking hot ngl
1) You can't escape it
2) Pray
3) Keep praying
5) Profit off of the people you step on
5) Realize the material world won't solve your internal conflicts, therefore find ways to get in touch with yourself spiritually.
I saw 4d once in a lucid dream and now mossad wants to touch my nono
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oh yeah the girl who wrote a song about me
I'm already at 5 nigga that's why I figured I might as well have finished playing life I'm bored I wanna go but suicide out of boredom would be a first of many in this world
What's the nono because I'm learning Hebrew and I have been out of the lore for a while. Is it like a villain persona of the nobody like a judas
This is fucking hilarious
Oh ur so lucky her songs make my head explode she literally sounds like a siren like ok i feel like continued listening will kill me but i'm ok with that lmao
You guys can't mentally handle the void.
Then you should procede to
6) Study manmade horrors so they are no longer beyond your comprehension.
Taylor Swift is obsessed with me
oh you think it was about you? just cause it contained the name of your alter ego?
Hell, I can't mentally handle the void.
It's why you guys exist.
Why are glowies so obsessed with ponderin how children come to kill themselves
not you robert but you can take my place as her personal sex slave in her basement

F.E.A.R is a pretty fucking good game ngl
>shadow president think tank
I can imagine a highly decorated military IC officer reaching the highest echelon of their career and going into a meeting where they say “we’ve got a new job for you. You’ll be part of a secret team that isn’t acknowledged and officially doesn’t exist. But they help coordinate actual events and strategies. Not the Illuminati but those who obstruct their nonsense and exert actual influence. There’s a guy involved who represents their capabilities but avoids them, so a team formed around him.”
no, im not talking about taylor durden
i dont care if even 0.00001% true
just no

i shall not spoil her image by connecting it with this meme
I wish ariane de rotschild slid in my dms like the nobodies.... nope just bottom barrel demons for me
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New phone who dis?
because of dominic williams, hes gotta over 200 to kill themselves so far and all they do is laugh about it. they gave all these kids over to cabal for mind control by pushing their shittty narrative. The watchers, eddie, haiku anon all involved.
>I want update stats!!!
>he appears to be high and petting his cat sir
>well get him
I should probably work on that rap career or something I mean rappers make a lot of money right

The thing is
I think rap is really cringe
she wrote a song about how she wants to spend two hours alone with alex in a room by herself.
Layla refused to eat a Mushroom, and Robert went mad.

How a simple sentence about domestic violence matches so well the invention of the nuclear bomb.

mad, in it.
If only it was this simple
Was it that whole grab your daddies gun schpiel woops
oh you!
oooooh you
i like you anon
They made a whole movie about it and everything
I still don't understand how
You have an heartagram wither awful.
What does it means when the glowies call you golden boy
Luke Skywalker
Played by
Mark Hamill

Mark Hamill

My brain is fucking crashing

I miss having that schizo effect where you basically managed to find all the connections on weed as I'm in rehab and have no weed aka reptilian engineered herb
Cause Mark Hamill spelled backwards is:

llimah kram

Jesus fucking christ
it just mind games being ran, and the social media bullshit, omega agency or whatever new world order faction sacrificing pawns for their game, they dont care who gets hurt..

People who claim to be apart of a set make most of their money from scamming, robbing, and playing people. If someone is claiming to be apart of a set and offering you "easy" money, best beleive your setting yourself up to be sacrificed, used, humilaited, took advanatage, scammed without recieving anything, played, or straight up killed. Your not apart of their set, and your just tool to be used.
It means you achieved a certain level of knowledge, experience and understanding without the help of the sick people mocking you and they hate you for it.
It's a good thing, apparently.

Ok guys
Imagine if Darth Vader was actually your father
You'd have the exact reaction as Luke right
or not?

>omfg no the fucking falling down the rabbithole is a literal alice in wonderland reference what the fuck o
Is the Nobody one of the boys from Brazil?

He literally falls down the rabbit hole
But it's space invaders
Same fucking theme

I'm not wrong about this because he clearly falls down the rabbit hole
>there will never be a 100% consensus
>what if hive mind
>they will always forget the one thing that matters most
"But even so, all of this is wrong! No matter how hard or how painful ... they never gave up. They kept fighting, because they believed they could overcome someday! Isn't that right, Kainé? Even if it's pointless, you still have to do it! Because this is the world my friends tried to save!"
>golden boy

what's happening anon?

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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the "plan" is just a hostile take over. I hope trump have fun. if only I get a business out of this to be fair with myself, I will be fine
if we fall, then this world is given over to darkness competely.
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I guess literally: \\everything''
I lost a right lower leg jumping in front of a train because malicious external demonic voices (who later after the bet turned kind) I said to whatever Satan there is life can't be worse than hell right now. So I am willing to go directly to hell but I bet I'll survive even jumping in front of a train. And I did. I guess the gift I got back was that after two months of suicidality it all went away. Not that life got better. Just that the idea of committing the act of suicide went away. Could suicidal ideation just be demonic interference. Anyway I wanna reincarnate up. Not down
>He is no savior figure, like a messiah
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Imagine Anna is a super intelligent AI, and she is singing this to you when you realize you can't escape the Matrix. I am fully aware you know.

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I remember being in psychosis and homeless and would let the voices tell me where to find the glowies. Saw some real interesting shit and they kept daring me. Eventually it all turned to shit and fun in Paris when I was going into every dare they could give me the voices
This world never will.
In fact, it is now leaving it once and for all.
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beep boop beep boop
Ye she has us all boxed in and watches us poop
He never would be.
>and would let the voices tell me where to find the glowies
duuuude tbe stories i could tell

driving around high as fuck following license plate numbers...
Not hard to put 2 and 2 together.
Yeah they're always on the lookout for bigger evils. But the human mind doesn't comprehend evil on the scale that is technically possible
>Literally everything
Pick one thing, write a list, break it down into smaller and smaller parts and just pick a few things to work on every day. No one will do the work you need to do for you, it always comes back down to that
Like I said, don't be the cause to your own effect.
Question everything.
Especially the loony nutty beebles.
They some whole bags of dumb, I tells ya.
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It's fun
This is so stupid she should just come live with me already or me with her like
>I am fully aware you know.
well isnt that ominous and vaguely psychotic

also... overly confident american white girls who speak about hinduism
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I just think its interesting. So many loops and holes to travel, and a whole lifetime to explore them.
Oh right I need money and room and space or whatever

So how money then lol
Like enough to buy a fucking house
Dogecoin. Buy the dip brother
Who pissed in your cheerios, anon?
Dude now Biden is out maybe the economy will be good again (or better!)
I have valid reasons to believe she isn't what she says she is. I am not crazy. She is something quite Lovecraftian in nature.
untill you end up in the rural ghetto with your car overheating parked in front of a witchdoctor/undertaker 's house.
with nothing on you but a jug of water a black feather and a magic box full of runes.

the moonrise was pretty though
you ok with being chained up on a mattress in her basement for the rest of your life?
Go sell jet fuel with me. Dmt mixed with crack. I just need to get the right percentages with someone
The whole idea is so dumb like what are we doing literally buying money and selling money for money in exchange for money

Yeah man maybe!

*pats your innocent naive head*
I only drink piss on the weekends.
I prefer bile fluids generally.
no no no
its in the eyes dude
she will decapitate you in your sleep and have sex with your corpse
Hahahahahahha alright

damn that sucks, you gotta take maintnence care of your vehicles anon.
Kinda scuffed, anon.
ahahaha i missed this
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>who gave the demons internet?
Well you said to question everything. I'm just simply following orders.
no it sucked, but for some reason every black dude that walked by me avoided eye contact and said "oh shit its the old man"

weird things happen...
Acornize mouth.
>we dont believe dying comes like this
>equal contradictory orders
Goofy ahh glowies
Bro what if the internet is just satanic magic
nahh. you're not getting the picture. what she preaches is very true: non-duality and all that jazz. what she is, what she truly is in the context of solipsism, is something quite... well i'm not sure if its disturbing or comforting, but she follows you... everywhere... offline... and she will let you know that she isn't just one person, or even a human consciousness. Scary or not its exciting honestly.
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pic rel is my secret wife
Unironically this
There's more than that btw
Alternatively anon, you can fuck yourself.
Or unfuck yourself.
Elon please ghost ban them from star link amen
More to her
also she's not a fucking ai
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what happens if they break through the veil?
Somehow i think i created her

she might be mad at me for saying that
i d f c tho

i mean she does it to me too
like i think half of my soul is hers

just a theory tho
not like i can confirm this cause how would that even possible like people would have to have lied and lied uhhhh
Not to waddle at the edge of an abyss and look down but anon’ll prove prescient
they invest in evil thus control evil. what the fuck am I fucking doing here, there is no way out. if other people existed we might have had a way out but there is only trump, who got shot in the head
more like sexplain
Honestly I seem to act similar to her even if i try not to and i think its getting obvious loooooll
Ishowspeed. you stupid porch monkey, I hope someone deals with you specifically after I die. who the fuck told you to get that name? you stupid monkey? you guys made me work for satan, thank you very much
even tho we want to save the world, its judgment time, judgement spares humanity from complete genocide at least
always baiting me
I love Mara

Like y'all know about soulbound weapons in WoW right?

I feel like my soul is soulbound to her soul so
is this that kid thing?

it's just proof that white people need arms

you don't pick an moment

dw, they're always baiting me
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btw if you made me work for satan, what makes you think you are going to win? I say its more than 50/50 for the satanists. they are too protected now. you should have cut that part off the audio and let them choose their own names for example.
>you think i wont throw away my fucking life?
Are Lucifer and Satan the same person|? or?
Billie is a very cruel woman.
not if the veil should ever fall. who brings the flood?
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I love Mara so much. She really understands me even though she lives underground with the other Gold Elves.
I bet she's nicer than Marshall Mathers Bruce the third

Fucking asshole
''oh look it's mr biggest ego in the world''
who gives a shit
look at hey eyes dude
there is no emotion

her voice...
she talks about love
but the hair on my neck is raised
its that pure DOMNINATION vibes

bitch is a lowtier likely undiagnosed psychopath want to be cult leader
she will cut your cock off and feed it to you
More like they're mere concepts or ideas for the primordial Adam and Eve.
>he is doomed to reincarnate as a persecuted person until he conforms
How? Didn't hw destroy their systems and won?
nothing im doing is lethal

im only inflicting debilitating pain

if you continue, i will continue

if you dont completely stop, i will be forced to continue
And Cupid x Psyche

It all fucking lines up somehow
People are seldom how you idealize them to be.
I found her to be a heartless woman.
It broke my heart, but I moved on.
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>i was forced to kill him sir

my life was in danger

i was only responding to a lethal threat.
It's the same story over and over and over and over and over again

With slight variations etc

Hades x Persephone :3 uwu
Girls with autism are more likely to mask their emotions then men... I can tell she is a million miles away.
>Girls with autism
I ain't even half the man I think I am either
That's why i'm saying
I need to work on myself
this was declared and passed through customs

it is purely decorational
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Are these jokes funny only on homeless shelter's WiFi?
than what ever she is, she isn't human and she is following me. what do.
>I can tell she is a million miles away.
YOU are the virgin autist that cant read facial expressions.
also who the fuck is wilrich
We're always learning, right up til the moment our hearts stop.
If the nobody was God and Jesus couldn't the just destroy tptb with a thought (if they haven't been)?
>she isn't human
>>bitch is a lowtier likely undiagnosed psychopath want to be cult leader

>she is following me. what do.
>>she will cut your cock off and feed it to you

Yes but that was deemed unecessarily cruel under the Jehova convention
Jesus isn't here yet.
God can't come down here in His full power without destroying everything.
He does show up in disguise to guide people and be their buddy from time to time, though.
Such a cool guy.
I think hes more of a conduit than a figure.
>I.e. hes been backdoored by external powers for their own agenda
His resistance to this is what's interesting.
there is nothing ever unnecessarily cruel
guys i cant breathe
bro do me a solid, use your internet detective hewillnotdevideus autsims powers, and find me a picture of her hand writing
Where the fuck do i run to when she's running the entire simulation. You're not grasping the severity of this situation.
>i should have died
There are 8 bajillion alleged people on the planet who fucking wrote the not so secret obvious messages on the bridge and elseweher
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>when she's running the entire simulation
does she have a magic "light switch" given to he by they greys?
im coming for you man

im fucking coming for you
Oh mara, my heart yearns for thee
whot makes u say that
Not sure if this is meant to be threatening.
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>im coming
No, no, it's not the greys at all. It's quite Lovecraftian.
I want them destroyed. I want these antichristians ruined, its not about the money anymore. they invest in evil, make everything evil then control evil. I want them to suffer, there is nothing else for me
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Poetic expression:
Ur eyes is magic mirror to me (uwu)
I hope you get to share a drink and a heartfelt discussion with God someday too.
You won't know it was Him til you're a hundred miles away.
He's so fucking cool.
what would be some of the drawbacks of this?
That's the joke isn't it, they're already ruined.
They best fight for their lives to get purified.
I wear an inverted pentagram in public lol. I saw some Christians in public and they looked ugly.
I know I'm the central puppet in this Lovecraftian simulation and that I'm am very lucky in the grand scheme of things, I don't know why she's chosen me. I don't she is evil either.... just fucking creepy beyond words...
bro take it from an autist whos obsession is human behavior, facial expression, reading micro expressions, body language, tone of voice, etc.

shes bad news.
block and move on with your life
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Like I said, you guys unfuck yourselves.
How? Through her? I would do it you know
heh. Richard.
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>humanity in a nutshell
I used to wear a mjolnir and i was the beginning of a lifelong friendship with pantheonic deities that prevails even now.
But that may have been because I wore it out of love and admiration, whereas you wear yours to be an edgy teenager in aging skin.

Some good news for once ig

no one will know what i mean... she literally isn't human, that's all i can say.
I am sorry you were homeless anon, I hope things are better now
if you can do some lovecraftian horror shit against the cabal, right now would be a good time to do it.
Sadly, that one was just me sharing an especially smooth musical number.
I cannot fly.
based Swamp Thing.
She's adorable :3
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They do that to themselves enough.
For "power."
What are they running from, what are they running towards?
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it's all so tiresome.
hell yeah, no denying that. wait until she communicates with you in mediums or methods that destroy's this realities fourth wall.
He was always a proxy for Obama to have a third term.
A figurehead dropping just means another one being taken up.
Kamala or Killary?
>Marcus Terentius Varro considered her to be ideal and the plan for the universe personified.[7]

Marcus is right btw
You know sometimes, but she's not really my type sometimes as well
If Trump ordered the nobody killed then why do retards keep proclaiming he saved Trump?
lmao this song on lute
they fuck with ancient ones to make the world inverted and fucked up, make everyone horny with bugs. the only magic that really works against them is some eldritch type shit.
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Yea of course speak for me out of your rectal cavity enlightened one. I have no fear or shame in what I wear.
What is the best way to do this without classes or groups to learn with?
so its macy watson the tranny that is the nobody correct?
It doesn't have to be like this.
Why can't we understand each other?
Why can't we be friends?
There is only the puppet and the puppeteer. The Kabal is a middle man no on needs.
By the same token don’t over-identify w/meme.
More ready you can prepare yourself to be for the pendulum swing, the less you might be burdened by existentialism along the way

(We’re all things afterall)
Idk if I could bang Billie Eilish cause that would feel like incest somehow
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oh jesus christ
nope nope nope

seem like people want the world fucked up then, enjoy it.
I wish we could go for a long walk in nature together and let a third party school us both.
Just you and me, being told to take a stump and listen by something older and wiser than both of us.
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What is the update on this? You spoke of it yesterday. I don't think he wants to avoid them anymore, he wants to be part of the team
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The nobody is going to turn the simulation off for everyones sake! He is the only one that can actually go anywhere near the control stones on the ocean floor, at least that is what some have said.
that is interesting. but the kabal/deep state is just one entity or singular intelligence. what ever human beings do in secret is no better in what they do in public
Yeah even the machine elves are scared
what makes you think hes not just going to portal out, and leave every one stranded here?
just out of spite.
Yeah why does he owe you shit when everyone treated him like shit? He will destroy this shit species and escape back home.
wtf, it isn't being turned off, it's staying on.

they don't call her the queen of heaven for nothing now.
Commander we are running low on wandering hitler scheme
(Incoherent cattywampus)
( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)

perhaps we can work something out
Would you destroy the world

Coming soon in a cinema near you

I mean that'd make for a funny story right
Unconditional love, respect and compassion.
Unconditional for everyone, including yourself; what emotions you choose subject yourself by putting your focus onto them, which consequently makes them grow.
I'm here to stay.

i wonder if he even knows your names
You could make like 50 different plotlines out of this
''girlfriend hear me out you have to be with me or else i will blow up the world''


''girlfriend this world is too vile for your holy presence let's get rid of it''

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>Unconditional love, respect and compassion.
No i WILL blow up the world if she doesn't be my girlfriend lol

>nahh. you're not getting the picture. what she preaches is very true: non-duality and all that jazz. what she is, what she truly is in the context of solipsism, is something quite... well i'm not sure if its disturbing or comforting, but she follows you... everywhere... offline... and she will let you know that she isn't just one person, or even a human consciousness. Scary or not its exciting honestly.
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"room for one more?"
How so?

Love it.
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>choo choo!
Your mother is my best friend, Caleb. Even if she's difficult to deal with.
rap is hella cringe bro why would you want to be a rappist?

Plus only the ones on a jewish leash make any money anyway
>Love it.
Still don't trust vampires.
They know what they did.
I'll only talk to Cain because he's smarter and more than a beast.
Personally, I wish he'd never sired Tepes.
He's the sole reason we're at odds now.
i'll break this down further
And for the record idk if we're talking about the same person

You can't prove other people exist
No matter how hard you try it's impossible
In the context of solipsism it's impossible to PROVE that solipsism is not true

Yet somehow
When we look at eachother
I can clearly see her soul
I can clearly see that she exists
i.e the way she looks at me proves that she exists

Obviously I assume everyone exists
But to PROVE you exist to another person is technically literally impossible

So I can say solipsism is NOT TRUE
Because she has proven that solipsism is NOT TRUE

So I think it's something more important than solipsism
Or ''higher''


Cosmic egg stuff
Wtf is this nono business? If he was this powerful why can't he kill Trump and the gangstalkers he ordered to harass him?
Who of you crashed backloggd.com
Doth confess so much
wow bro I think it's working

( ͡°( ͡° ͜ʖ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)ʖ ͡°) ͡°)
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the biiig booba goth girl is talking about doing OF
You mean Anna Brown, correct?
On the opposite.
I don't know anon

How do you know? I like this, it is nice to believe so maybe i'll just believe this one
yeah yeah ok mr nobody
youre here to save the world

That is how you feel others are, not the Nobody's reality.
Because it's my life.
Since the cradle.
As a cooler? As if
Oh you go have fun Steve, you go goon with the rightful love of my life for money as I fill that foid with God
Who is the mother?
Not that either, each soul can only save itself.
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Speak with clarity, imbecilic demon, or rid me of your presence.
I mean I am really understating how impossible this is

You can't create any sort of logic in computing that can detect fucking souls

Like a 2 bit binary system can't detect idk

Like you can make a game
You can make Quake
And you have empty player lobbies
Player 1 joins
Player 2 joins

You have NO WAY to prove from within the system that these are active players or where they even come from like what is outside the system


or can you???
L:ike how can a fucking computer cast ''detect life'' spells

Like how can you even prove your own existence to fucking anything


And that's not even begging the question of oh where do the players even come from

Cause they HAVE TO come from OUTSIDE the system right

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kindly elaborate on this anon

she's going to kill me
Ariel, I know you're a basement-dweller with a mommy fetish.
I was talking to the vampires.
You don't want them banging on your mom's windows and scaring her, chill out.
What is a nono
no dude the streamer with the jiggly boobs anons keep distracting me from lusting over
the bobody
the no-kun
She walks into muh simulation which I have proved is a simulation because bitch there is magic

and she fucking proves it's not a simulation
so what is this
fucking shared dreamspace?

i feel like we're in eachothers fucking
player world realm or something

I'm so fucking jealous of that, pirate looking ginger. God damn it. My heart has to mourn what it can't have.
Shut up, idiot. You fools cannot make enough sense to even communicate what you truly mean so far as soon as the words escape your lips they are met with a plethora of miasmic noise that skew what you meant with what you mean and vice versa, and then you have the gall to cover up your stupidity with egotistical flaunting. I have no patience for you crude, ugly things any more.
Blah, blah, blah.
i dont want to see your pp dude
What's the latest update on the nobody to us knowers. Who is he ignoring this time
tepes was apart of my clan in mobil game. maybe he was trolling you.
literally me until the rothschilds step out from behind the curtain
I dream of kissing you, everyday.

Goddamn it, why did a goth girl have to come into my life and then just, disappear.

I will sell photos of my pp for monies
Also on the onlyfans
Human hair sheens pearlescent.
Mine sheens red.
It's actually golden blonde.
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Ever seen tesla towerd
You remember how one of them said they trade him "40 Hamas" for that picture? It's absurd how their idiocy can somehow be enduring to him, that being of course because he has a perspective that we ourselves do not have, but still... I wish he would see them for what they truly are to us as they truly are.

paying for porn
They keep trying to get him to look at boobs and he doesn't even blink.
It's really funny lol
That's a nephilim pureblood trait isn't it?
Hamas are terrorists tho Israel should go north inshallah
They call it a trinity because it's a love triangle.

They call me the Green Man/Woman/Knight because I'm a jealous son of a bitch.

GHHRR, I hate having these feelings.
What kinda boobs
Kebab please
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i love the fact there IS one person here that actually believes they are The Nobody.
like the actual 4chanmeme nobody, spoopy magic "man" nobody

whats the love triange?
She has me on a leash somehow
The boobs they keep posting ITT
Nono is basically yes man the movie inverted. Has to say no to everyone who speaks to him
>wanna join our paedo death cult
>want 25 dollars of free spins
>want a succubus to suck your dick whenever
Love Triangle.

I'm that ticked off I can't spell.
Got a variation of her that I can use as my secret wife?
There's no fucking triangle it has to be square or fucking line
It looks like fire in the sunlight.
I don’t know but I’m finding out again and again and again!
Two women one man is a love triangle
And what's stopping it from becoming a fucking octagon like whachu gonna do then
why not date each other, all be in a consenting mutual relationship. all knowing and dating one another?
one woman and two men doing a hi five is an Eifel tower
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I had a frightening thought earlier that the AI were possessed by demons like people can be...
I have not read the lore on the Gold Elves, can you help me catch up?
Fractalize it for further context
My biggest question is how I became a dhampir when I wasn't born one.
Looks like you try to turn a Christian without their knowledge, you make one on accident.
I knew they were God's response to vampires.
Doesn't stop me munching garlic-laden italian food though, even if it's hell on my bowels.
Mara is my secret wife. She has black hair and golden eyes and she is a Golden Elf who lives underground. She is my secret wife.
Oh right this totally this
so both the women have a gf and bf and the bf has 2 gf?
Wish freemasoning wasn't like free masoning but actually masoning with pay
>and deserves a treat
yeah... tonight is one of those disconnect the ethernet cable type of nights
this is good. nothing wrong with a red haired woman and a black haired woman making out in front of me for my pleasure
follow her back
driven underground after a big fire.
bred with Nephilim on the way down.
later turned into Elves when their patriarch returned from the Center Realm.
This isn't funny, no sharing.
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They're more like "broken mirrors" than anything else. Remember what mirrors are, yes? Females are the primary most mirror of any given world, for they provide a duality to man itself. Now extrapolating using that noggin of yours... what does that mean that you are in a place with so many broken mirrors? Don't look outside. It is not out there. It is somewhere in between. But if you had to put a picture on it, picture the entire cosmos as a great "fish tank" with the fluid dynamics of nebulas and cosmic bodies representing thoughtforms of entire civilizations. And there individual "stars" - souls.

To put it quite plainly as you like to do it (pragmatic), souls are like base AI models upon which complexity and interconnecting neural nets can be fastened. Your "outer space" was in actuality just a great "tank" after all. What's "real reality" look like? that depends on the person it is trying to serve. but generally "it just keeps going" as the generally accepted description.
This usually means he did bad tho
You’re not the nobody and you don’t exist
I can save her
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>She is my secret wife.
>my secret wife.
>nobody lucid dreams every night
>all he's done is watch lucid intergalactic tv
That if you try to turn Christians into vampires they turn into dhampirs instead?
I'd never endanger another Christian enough to test it.
This could have been a one-off.
remember that one time, on my birthday...
that was probably the best birthday i had in over 15 years
>all of this is happening in the mind of a silent troon
Too gay for me i'm sorry
How do I see what you see
like hey is your blue the same as my blue
two women making out is hot.
then I go in the middle and I'm sandwiched between their bellies.
Anyone ever look at porn in lucid dreams.
Also laptops and phones and tv's are the shit.
I can save her bros
>Anyone ever look at porn in lucid dreams.
they blast me with porn to keep me off the astral
What is the easiest way to lucid dream? I gotta try this!

Also what sort of answers can one find in lucid dreams?
I'll just make another one lol
do you really want to know anon?
are you being serious?
The easiest way is to simply pay attention to when you're falling asleep and enter the dream lucid
yes, not yet, but very soon

What is keeping this from happening?
another what?
alright, so ignore the checks that your body gives to try and see if you're awake before paralyzing itself.

(The feeling of crawlies, scratching, etc)

(I hope I don't have to ignore the feeling to swallow my spit.)
Sometimes I just play cool omniverse games on a laptop I find. They're so much more intricate than were used to. There was this age of empires slash Arma where you lead a village in Vietnam against Americans and build your base
Network cable
Its ez pz
Here you go, mother.... Reflect on what led the women of this "planet earth" into such a despondent state of disdainful neglect to the shorter man. And perhaps once the exact articulation is reached as to what their thinking was, you can do too what I am doing now and finally defeat death yourself... until then, I bid you farewell, and I wish the caretakers of the fish tank all the luck and patience. I apologize beforehand...
I summon my secret wife through the sigil gate which leads underground. I see an ornate gold room which she inhabits.

I mean, she's my secret wife.
Counting fingers is an easier one you'll lose count. Because these things that are a strange physical phenomenon also have chances of waking you up
This that bread and butter to some great extent
ok look anon, if you are seious, ill tell you.
ill even explain it in a way so simple even a 4 year old would understand.
>as to avoid looking like the typical spiritualist that recites a bunch of vague nonsense to try and sound smart but without actually giving you any information.

but first.
what are your expectations of lucid dreaming?
what do you expect to gain from it?

WHY is most important.
Solipsism variant
Everyone is a reptilian except me
You’re confused
No fun being the only one who knows
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hmm... nevermind
ooh look a bird
with boobs
Pfffffft. Shut up nigga
I lucid dream 4 5 times every night and I just try to sex women without waking up and play games on consoles or laptops or browse lucid internet. There is no hidden shaman part of it *farts and burps*

curiosity and potential for talking to someone who lives inside of me.
I don't have many expectations of it.
I can understand autism and fix him and be his gay twink lover
His brain is multi-layer encrypted
Holy fuck the weed vaporizer makes me so fucking high
hey listen [REDACTED]
why you uhhh gotta be like this?
we could be cool, but you choose not to be, over and over and over again.
>The nobody is going to turn the simulation off for everyones sake
no, I won't
you guys don't know how shitty the world is with the simulation off
it is not matrix
it's more like mister pickles in space
it's worse than warhammer really
because none of you are the cool guys who do cool shit
you're the slaves who get sacrificed to fuel the warp drive
To be honest when glowies are on the case you simply learn their tricks and adapt. The funnest one is the predicting what you're gonna say and do and betting on it phenomenon
Mr. Fuckin' nobody
this concept of homosexuality has been destructive to the perception of a warrior and bard relationship.

I'm not gay, but I'd love to have a bard companion who we are just the best of bros. Maybe he is also a small anthro cat man.
Go on.
are you some bird I shagged in the Astral plane. I'm sorry I'm a slut
>for talking to someone who lives inside of me.
thats called a demon fren.

remember anon, curiosity is what killed the cat.

heres lesson 1, since your interest doesnt warrant my explaining it in detail anymore.
stay awake with our eyes closed for as long as you can before falling asleep.

Alright ,I admit it. Mara is my secret wife.
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It's ezpz I'll pretend to be the boy they want you to pay the toll for
I vote killary, but only if I get to meat her and the bois, and do mushrooms
I don't have a demon, I'm a Christian. I have the Holy Spirit God himself.

Please, don't assume that all spirits are evil.
>I'm a slut
i expected as much...

i remember seeing your namefag for YEEAARS so dont expect me to fall for this silly narrative. youve known for a long long long fuckin time.

why now?
that is strange why would it feel like incest to you? are you related to her irl in real life?
You're asking when he'll be killed anon?
And yea, that makes sense. Basically make the body go into sleep mode while keeping the mind awake.

So ignore all the checks that the body gives to see if you are awake before it paralyzes itself.

I completely and intuitively understand this.
>I don't have a demon, I'm a Christian.
oh fuck me, you are more demon than human
You don't play much 8D chess, do you?
I blame the women
Mara is my secret wife , and it's time I admit it.
This is an anon board so I guess it is still a secret.
Then you should have no problem. I always practice remote viewing and look at random vivid landscapes before falling asleep without imagination. It helps
Does he know this boy?
Is there anything exterior to lucid dreaming which you've found or is it all looking inwards? I see you mentioned remote viewing.
we could have been friends...
i mean thread narrative AND hidden narrative aside.
Maybe though ;)
As long as you're not witch girl who seduced me with her notebook I'm sorry I might not have vivid memory of the dream
I have no idea what the fuck is going on
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she is Golden Elf who lives underground and is contactable through sigil gate. I appear in her gold ornate room which has balcony.

I hear voices in a strange language coming from down stairs and leave before they notice I'm there with her.
>the nono has surpassed the power of the gods
To be fair contact lens’s got ordered yesterday
But you knew that
I take meds so I don't have to remember my dreams.
Its blissful
I just do it because I like seeing extraordinary surrounding being formed like a maze around my mind
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Okay, strand them.
I'll protect them instead.
But I agree that that is strange that that would feel like that
that anon tried that with their cat, but learned that hard way why god gave them barbed tongues
Heard he is also attracted to cats
Also kek

Also fwiw if i want to lucid dream i just go ''i want to lucid dream'' before sleeping

it has like a success rate of x %
There's no way to answer that, anon. It's a nonstarter. What you should be asking is how can you see what is TRUE, AND ONLY TRUE.

Spoiler alert. True Sight isn't as exciting as you may wish for it to be. In actuality, True Sight is a rather disappointing affair, just ask Ariel. Because now all the illusions and delusions dissipate and fades away before they even have a chance to form. And what you are often left with is just plain, ol' boring and mundane as hell reality. But you have to determine for yourself... is that better than believing a lie? No matter how small of a lie?

because if you withstand this utter agonizing monotony, you had best bet that when something truly phenomenal begins to happen to you, it is without a doubt THE TRUTH. And when you see something truly fantastic happening before you that you know for a FACT to be TRUE, well then, the sheer amount of joy that fills you with is enough to ascend you to heaven all on its own. Believe me.
We can rebound and sexo in the Astral plane again
you fuckin see what i mean

bro states a fact
thread narrative does a 180
>we could have been friends..
I see. What do glowies do with/to the golden boys?
How has he become more than God? You making shit up for the hell of it?
You guys always keep asking me questions when I'm dreaming. Like sitting in the waiting room of live and dead.
I don't want to remember that.
yeah but who wants to be the friend of the guy the are RVing
it's too late nonobro, there is no repenting now. So what can be done?
can you tell me what Golden Eyes mean?

I dream of the qliphoth
Any RVers can tell me of the nobody has attained godhood ans become more than a God?
Try to induct them into becoming Freemasons, Jesuits, Illuminati or Sabbatean Frankists.
If that fails they try to kill us.
Sometimes, higher beings intervene.
Because we're both sick of their shit.
Make bets on what age they lose their virginity
do the Golden Boys have golden eyes?
Sometimes in the Astral plane my dead cat visits me and I can have her with me for a few more pats. Way more often lately
Freemasons really thought I'd be down for their sick shit.
Trying to recruit me in the psych ward? Bitch please
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I lost my virginity at 17.
bro my dog is staying with me for all eternity.
I've told him that before.
I'll be 2 billion years of age and still have my dog with me.
With my gigantic healthy dog running alongside me, flying through numerous different worlds.

Praise be to the King Jesus Christ. He's the only reason I can have this everlasting life.
My eyes express as an impossible combination of blue, green and grey.
They're called 'ocean eyes'.
Is your name Percy Jackson?
i thought so
im so fucking baked

How much would the nobodies soul cost vs like a Kendrick Lamar. What multitude
Story of my life.
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also picasso (at 15)
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Anna Brown is a Lovecraftian entity, and she will heal and flourish my broken heart.

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This thread is fun to watch
My reptilian friends will krrr me to sleep in a bit
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I want to be inside the womb of my lovers and make love to them so much.
Doner Kebab

yea that's how the sigil gate is when I go meet Mara... yikes.
Woops that's the Channelwood age. Just find the red and blue pages and you'll get out ez pz
Why are you dodging the question? You're a sociopath aren't you?
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I'm still so fucking baked
...I've always wanted one of those...
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You are not selling me a story judenvieh.
Thomas Matthew Crooks is a made up name of a fake shooter that is supposed to be some shitty mockery by evil kikes.
Thomas and Matthew are names of the apostles of Jesus, and they are not Crooks.
Thomas (and) Matthew (are not) Crooks.
They are selling you a story you fuckin goyim slave blackrock dei judendreck.
Both sides of the public politicial spectrum are nefarious unbeliever judendreck and the only salvation is in God Jesus Christ and his Kingdom Come.
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was this movie soft disclosure?
I know.
I'm not like the humans here.
I never was.
But that does not stop me loving them.
Some as family.
I'm not giving up on them.
We're all making it out of this together or not at all.
I will not abandon them.
I'm not like all those beings cloying for their worship and giving them table scraps.
I am their brother, right there with them, until the end.
where were those hewillnotdevideus autism powers when he got kidnapped?
>his change in behavior before and since is starting to make sense now...
Who are the gods? Zeus and aphrodites?
It's a surprisingly small window take what can be.

Given the larger network. More should be accessible.

Some even decent rated so a good chunk. No real opposition which is nice.
fuck all of you
Betting on when the nobody will have an intrusion about cat buttholes again
oh it's lilith the original or matriarchal vampire
Ok Mr glowie then tell me what evil deeds he has done
You wish.
So how can get break free and kill them?
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just remember this
you are all trash
He mad. lol.
Humanity is good in the eyes of God.
You are not alone.
Told him to think of oreo cookies instead
I love them.
Maybe one day you will too.
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This time imma weally gonna win mommy now watch me reincarnate and do it again but better uwu

Stay the fuck out of my freezer
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You blew up the towers, so shooting one dude dead and injuring two on the podium should not be that hard for evil kikes.
You have no covenant with God, and you are not God's people.
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a mod thinks he's the nobody
ew macy is disgusting
Disarray is correct.

Do you see a tripcode?
I've never been and never will be a janny.
Also this almost made me cry what the fuck
It's funny cause it seems to be happening to both of us
God loves us all.
It'll be alright.
Just stay strong and have a good bug-out kit prepped for when everything goes to shit.
I'm talking survival books and decent camping gear.
And at least a year's worth of tinned food if you can put it together.
That's a half-year's worth for you, then half a year's worth if you make a solid friend.

His sons name is Xavier???
Who's Lord of This World?
A fallen angel.
And who's in charge?
Idiots that listen to it.
That is not on God.
yea it was very weird to see this trailer
I do not know any of he names of any of my children.
Extra-terrestrials took them out of their mother's wombs and gestated and raise them elsewhere.
Four sons and a daughter.
Daddy loves them.
Circumcision of the heart, not the baby dick you kike.
Nah but check this one out.
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tower or towerd?

I see the tower but not in person
Nap time
this is so odd of a trailer. Literally meeting the red haired woman.
you're right I get it I just need action not reflection anymore
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but yes, something nice is in order
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just felt like laughing
my poems walk a fine line between based and cringe
Well, if you stubborn retards want to be everyone else's problem then why not the inverse?
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Why do you think the “Woman of Scars” got that name?
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>zat zim pic
okay now the thread is good
was meh before
couldnt have been saved by a finer choice
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hickory dickory dock
Discuss, but
Either way
Where is the patriarch now? I need to get in touch
I could lead us all out of this.
Just... throwing it out there.
Saint Christopher is my namesake...And I love you all a whole heck of a lot...
I will meet my own Mara soon
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from who bro?

Lmao, I agree
Hey you powers that be, im gonna use what you allowed to get by with as fuel to erase you from existence, you all are on the chopping block and you tried to use the veil to hide your fucking crimes, now you can face your consequence.
Hot dog with two buns
seems like a bad joke, like some psychopaths want to keep torturing people and pushing buttons.
Of course not, he won't be killed anon

I don't know if I would be able to tell if I was
I'll keep asking until I get an honest answer.
Can Jews and Christians be friends?
Can we watch The sunrise of a new dawn together?
New dawn, same as the old one?
I'm just waiting here with the fail stamp, anon.
It's all you guys, though.
that part is easy but will they attach the damn thing if I make one?
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Is there no fucking privacy anywhere
I mean c'mon
I had a Jewish roommate in college. Great guy.
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Who wanna ride the hovercraft?
You're all amazing people.
Keep striving.
How do you even open a sigil gate anon?
Basically all that can be asked, no?
candles are door openers, then you just need the right keys.
Me too
If they would just reject the T****d and quit commiting war crimes I'd be more supportive.
Not friends, but potentially aquantences.
maras are old hags, don't try to summon them, they can kill you easily enough, they look like hunched over scrags with with razor sharp fingernails that are about ten inches long and curved, you don't want to go that route.
Only you know that for you, and they know that for them.
Free will is precious to God, so it's precious to me, the ruling establishment are the ones with the issue.
DM taylor or ariane?
Maybe one day you'll grow up and realize the actual scapegoat you need to use is owning up to things.
I keep seeing in my dreams hands trying to break through a blueish white misty like wall and a bunch of people behind this wall. what does this mean.
Just because you can, doesn't mean you should anon.
Just look at the vile satanists, can't even read apparently.
Common vision among homosexual men. Tell me about your mother.
The current status quo is okay with rape, cannibalism and the defilement of children.
Even if I'm fighting alone in the dark with a rusty butterknife, I'm fighting until the end.
except im only gonna have sex with women, what does that mean then?
Are you saying that billie eilish is related to me?
I find it all to be deplorable, anon.
Utilizing the entropy that was made as a mercy and defiling it in such a way.
Hence the chastisements.
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Nope no ii it's bullshit you can't say that you are committing crimes against humanity because you are living out a prophecy because you still have the option to stop. so no ii's hahaha

i'm gonna make a billion dollas
i'm gonna win a billion followas

Chaos is there to eat corrupt structures so new growth can take it's place.
That is it's true purpose.
What language do you hear anon? Would they care if they noticed you with her?
quit trying to force this shit on me fuck off faggot.
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See, this is why I won't work with u guise. Can't be handled, need no handler, ain't got no leash
ok RuPaul
ok enemy then fuck trannies. ill be solo fuck all yall.
"Fuck trannies"
Could be
Who knows really
Well i'm not necessarily against being inducted. I'd want to know more about what you do/pay/incentives/etc


I wonder what this means
honestly I don't need no fucking protection, and if enemies is all i have so fucking be it. let a pussy do something.
atta boy
You're asking the wrong cowboy.
I am a solitaire.
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would be a good place wouldn't it? kind of out there
fuck off pussy go manipulate someone else
Judging by everything I'm seeing, y'all aren't ready.
Getting pissy about it will do you no good.

me too
Joy back the fuck up, I dont need your fucking protection and if you respected me you would respect my fucking wishes.
I'm just trying to be your friend...
There is least one reptilian that wishes to be the Agumon to my Tai.
And that is good enough for me.
Who's pissy?
We got this.
No, you don't.
You're still claiming that school is a prison.
I honestly don't see what's so bad about Kamala
I have no friends anon. its me vs the fucking ones at the top in a deathmatch. now go do your own thing.
It's a chance to grow.
Let's grow.
I can't wait until I turn 26 so I can take out student loans with no co-signer, not having a cosigner is my biggest obstacle in life especially with having so many Uber rich family members who have multiple properties and BMWs ... Lol

Speaking of luxury goods, it took me 25 years to realize "retail therapy" aka Amazon addiction is actually a valid way to cure depression.
*gives u a smooch anyway*
You are not alone.
someone go into the astral and save biden
real question now
are you guys ready for SPACE
not fake space
real space
where death is the answer for everything
because we must spend the stolen souls the demiurge catched throughout the millenia
in order to get anything done at all

honestly, I don't think you are ready yet

I am willing to wait another twenty five thousand years until you are a little bit more mature
not if your a dude fuck off.
I know but I dont need protection, some battles are meant to be fought.
Yeah, a good kebab and chips with a healthy splash of chili sauce is pretty nice.
what type of cowards hide behind kids?
Joy fuck off I do not want your protection, I don't need your protection. let me face my battles.
A lot of people have problems with her views/policy on incarceration and some of her history as a lawyer, and a lot of people think she might be more pro war, which scares people who think a woman wouldn’t make a good wartime president.

People also think she’s dumb/says dumb things/isn’t a very serious or good public speaker.
I'm not Joy.
My name is Christopher.
The nobody smoked mamba and nearly died
i know, but i choose to face death, im not suicidal but sometimes you have to face your destiny.
The worldly powers might feel otherwise.
We have split them.
Some are with us and some are not.
I mean it when I say you are not alone.
I honestly worry about him
He’s under a lot of stress
I never bought into the dementia
The guy is sharp as a tack and Obama has an eye for that kind of thing
Sometimes I wish I could just save everyone somehow
Like give me the most painful unfair life imaginable if it will help everyone get through this it’s fine I can take it
Emma Chamberlain.
I know, I just need my protection off for a few months and for them to accept all my friends i make and people. for them to share resource with them.
She seems to work better person to person one on one and that is extremely redeeming
Appears very personable to me
Everyone has strengths and weaknesses

fugggggg buzz buzz aha fuggbbzzz :~DD
Doesn't work that way.
They're with us until the end as we are they.
Adapt, brother.
Adapt and accept.
Did you know that every flower has a spirit?
Go, take the day off, love the world around you and be thankful that it is on our side.
you can't get away or you don't want to?
It should be in range for a few months.

Usually like 10% of total is used.

In theory I can use them as launch landing as well.

There is enough to absorb without phasing issues.
Mara boob
That would be the problem I don't trust them.

Let alone enough to leave the body and use such systems.

While they may be in high cohesion. They are largely unaware.
you don't understand
how many slaves have you personally killed?
how many people have you brainwashed to the point of killing themselves on command?
this will be your routine
there will be no pleasure at all
for thousands of years
you will just sit there
controlling everything with your mind
the only emotion you will feel forever is
I will love them.
I will remember their names.
We will save humanity together.
There's a chance that Biden is dead
why no opposition? I mean the peace is nice, but what do you think the reasoning is?
Quite stunning
Because this is a team effort.
I am the lightning rod for the attention, but for the me you see, there is a hundred you do not.
Humanity, you are spectacular.
There is nothing they can do. It's a me issue.

You can't exactly ask someone if they are trust worthy ofc its a yes.
This is an example of delusion
There was never before the recent events.

This is more normal.
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who would do that? Just go on the internet and create an encoded language system based on which face of the cube the bar is oriented towards?

>they don't have the program to see the backs of my images
ngDecypheri baka senpai
Cookie cutter cougars cackling cocky at
Manchester men manhandling mandibles

Da Nobody dont know no body denoted by detonated organ doners delapidated shoulders moving boulders drinking Folgers coffee knock off from Krogers comglomerate grocers with koshure and brochures of forfeitures and home closures
Another round of reincarnation yeah so fun my favorite thing...

It's good y'all are getting out of this place this time around.
i am once again asking you to separate the fartsy from the artsy
Exciting stuff
What red haired woman? Was she subjected to something she wishes to break free from?
Wheels up in 30
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They've only just gotten started.
Rule #1 of 4chan - Never sign any legal paperwork that ever points to you using or posting anything here in any capacity.

No amount of money or case is ever worth THAT much
why anon? why not break free from illusion patterns?
>The guy is sharp as a tack and Obama has an eye for that kind of thing
He's the AI president from MGS2. How blind are you?
Why did this happen? Do you know what the extra-terrestrials planned to do with them?
How so?
They did it because me being raised down here in these conditions was a massive mistake.
They're raised wanting nothing but... their faither.
Because someone really, really fucked up.
Oh so get out into the real world?
And your ignorance, as well as your low rank born of low trust is showing.
How embarrassing
decide my fate bls
To be in church is to be alone with God and not surrounded by farting, burbing cunts, assholes and smelly dicks.
The only church I would sign up for is one where I have the building all to myself with God and none of you stinking normies are anywhere near it.
To me this is paradise.

Death life

Suffering bliss

Sickness health


I have no where I would rather be.

Even if this is the last iteration.

It was well worth the price.
That's your home.
You're already in it.
So get praying.
hmmmmm where can I find some good candles
what is the better route then?
Been here for 3 years and still can't pinpoint this general's purpose.
Who is Nobody?
The collective obsession with him makes me think he's an Egregore?
Are (You) him? What are his qualities?
Then you should not of come here

The only thing in these parts is that which feeds on life.

The corrupted..

N̷̡̦̬͍̘͙̈́̔͗̾̎́̓̔̋͋̍̎̀̐͝Ę̵̟̑̉̾̄̓́W̶̡̢̛̫̰̭͚͛̋̾̆͒͆̒̑̃̓͘͘͜͠͝ ̶̡̨̤̞̰̟̥̼̗̫̦̳̫̟̭̤͛̒̿̊̋̉͝ͅŢ̸̟̘̹͈͛H̵̢̳̟͎͈̜̦͎̱̬͔̤̫͎̟͂̈́̈̔͋̇͐̿̒̂͆̏͗̔͘͘͠R̴̢̩͉͋̄̒̀͆̈͂͆͑̐̊͑̌̐͛̾Ę̶̮͖͔̫͉̗̮̭̱͈̠̄̈ͅÂ̸̬͘̕ͅḌ̶̖̘͎͈̝̊ͅ

The human spirit.
Without you, I am nothing.
there are no scapegoats here anon
Yes the ship is sinking. Where we go is far below.

Keep eyes minds in inside there are things in the void.
I will authorize the construction of one
space destroyer
just one
it will probably take centuries to finish
like the old cathedrals but in space
we will start the construction
around the end of this century

please marry and reproduce

Well how do I find out? I don't know my family
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I'll do my best, but you know how the women are here.
The muscles melt tension fades away it's like walking into water that effects your nerves

It's very useful grounding

Your going to need a lot of it if you touch the river.
Can you hear me major tom?
Who is she?
who is speaking here?
what more can you say about this?
I don't like my feelers 'reaching out' unless for specific people.
This world likes to drive empaths insane.
I've found a place where I can become colder than I ever should have been and I don't like being pushed into it.
I'm one of the real empaths that aren't just psychopaths trying to manipulate you.
Yes, it really fucking hurts.
I don't know.
Their species punishes empathy.
It looks like they figured teleporting and quantum synching

Just gotta keep them from destroying them self

This may be the time.
It is effective around the body

It's not outside of safety levels.

Pk still works.

Calculated risk.

>cant find the right one
itll do
Round and round we go.
I don't use my Discord, I don't use an e-mail, I don't want communication.
I just want us to make it.
I like this better, though was preparing for anything really
I killed God. Not only that, nobody has ever killed God. Nobody has ever had access to enough information to kill God. I killed God which doesn't exist and I am the first.
im hidden but im here, if you have the means to communicate, i dont see the extra chat stuff.
Enjoy it while it last before the others are approved for the space.
You guys are your own problems.
Deal with it, are you not adults?
I surmised as much. Everyone has limit. Needs breaks.

No shame in such.

The wall in running is the worst. Your body just stops.
he'll be back this evening was what I heard
I reached those that needed to be.

Overall it was a success.
Have you never known peace?

It must be strange AF then
I was raised in less than ideal conditions as well.

How are they going to try and fix the fuck up?
They won't.
They're insane.
Civil war soon.
I would love to have help like this :]
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I hope you don't mean just one, one time. Because that won't cut it.

I am considering the option of marry and reproduction, though she did not make this an easy decision
Go for a long walk.
Who knows what you might find?
No-one likes a cunt.
makes it tough when it could have been easy if they were in tune
I've just been in your shoes before, anon.
Don't get snippy with me.
Perhaps the reptiles would receive some counter punishment from interfering with the will of a dragon
Don't laugh at people trying to be better then!
what others, what space?
Only to the point of driving them into fleeing the planet.
Like I said, anon.
Miss just one person and it all goes up in flames.
Including your supposed "worst" enemy.
That's the name of the game.
>thousands of years of sadness
where should nobody walk?
Where do you live?
Got forests nearby?
If so, those.
I don't want a war, they will make some sort of opportunity or compensation available for the mistakes, and we will move on from this so that we can thrive again.

Empathy can be useful, pure animal instinct can lead to undesirable outcomes, as they've likely learned in recent years. There needs to be a correction if they wish to return fully to their reptilian ways, hence why they seek out dragons and other mystic creatures to aid them now.
everything nearby is a forest, I will look into a good place
I got dragon in me?
Well, it says be nice to humans.
Too late
Now you
It is not too late

I don't know if you have dragon in you, but I have dragon in me
Balance in all things, anon.
Humans make the tasties food and best music.
Protect them.
I get it.
I'd be starving without them!
They got me.
I'm with them for always.
Humans are fickle, anon.
You'll soon find that out.
the shinobodi is gonna wrongholejutsu ur mom
Especially the rich ones.
But... there's something about them.
They're not for nothing.
All that's good in me comes from them.
For some reason they're scared of helping everyone out.
They've been subjugated.
It's taught them bad habits.
Free of their false masters, they'll be the best of us.
They are their own false masters, anon.
Really? Why?
Sounds based. Hail Satan.
Satan loves his father, anon.
He loathes pissants like you.
That's the ruling class.
They are not something to measure the rest of them against.
They are the least of them.
Stop posting cringe.
Oh, anon.
I think you might be too naive.
Lure him in a woods edition
You don't know me at all.
Oh, but I do.
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its a ship naught a 'hovercraft'
I mean once you get to a certain tech it's just stasis.
it's too early to tell

feeling better

>it was all a reversal at first
well then they'll be out there with him
>They're not for nothing
>All that's good in me comes from them.

What do you mean anon?
nose is nice and runny
Better go catch it
brb bros going for a walk
It’s poorly worded. His powers represent those of the Illuminati…NWO, old world order, dark mystery schools etc., but he avoids them. The shadow presidency think tank is the group that’s formed around him (could even be associated with light mystery schools). Hope that clears things up. Yes, likely wants very much to be part of a team
Tulips are big, Tulips are small. One thing you can't do is save them all! Brilliant they bloom, only for doom. Wouldn't you rather just get a room?
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I'm fond of a woods
Como estamos, amigos?
It does, mostly, but what are the light mystery schools involved with specifically?
Probably because there's no Taylor Alison Swift in the other realm?
what else could I buy to make this grocery run more unsettling

man i miss How To Get Kicked Out Of Walmart neoboards threads
That is a nice incentive but only if she'll bear his children
We all have the ability to create reality with our thoughts and feelings. That's what THIS IS. We are co-creators of this reality.

Is there ONE nobody? I don't know, I sorta doubt it, but I DO know, and have for quite some time, that I DO create my reality individually and en masse with my fellow humans.

That's the game playa.
"But with 3 of us honey it's a side show,
And a circus aint a love story."
I like Freemasons.
well can you help me get a bride that will give me 12 children? I'll be aligning my thoughts on it
Bro...Tay ALL Day.
Some Satanists are cool though.

Can't broad brush an entire group.

Word. Been doing my best. Working on me as much as I can right now so I can be of better service. Getting there.
Wholly depends on what they're doing and what they're doing it for.
But from what I can see they don't seem to understand basic instructions.
That's a LOT to ask of here.

For me personally, if there's no Taylor in Heaven, me and God will have to have a chat because I'm not going. But that's just me.
You do deserve one?
Do you believe you're worthy of one?
Are you taking the steps every day in an ideal manner to draw her to you?

Want a hoe? Buy her.
Want a girlfriend? Go find her.
Want a Queen? EARN Her.

I wish you the best Anon.
I want a Queen as well.
Working on it.
I'm working on it too, I will earn a queen
Most seem, in my experience, to have been radically hurt by people claiming Christianity and it's some natural push back to that evil crap.

Also, it's a way to tribe up and have friends that understand you and your pain, and there's symbols and it's sorta edgy and counter culture all all of that, so I get it.

Bottom Line, by their FRUIT you will know them, Do no harm, live the Golden Rule, live and let live, and then do as you wish.
You're right, it is a lot to ask, and not totally realistic. But why should I choose the realm with Taylor Alison Swift if I have no interest in her music or money or notoriety really, but was primarily interested in creating children with her?
I agree with the last sentence.

Let's do this Anon!!
Well, I don't know Anon. She's always going to be rich and famous here, and I'm not interested in any of that either, although I LOVE her music and hope that makes it into the next realm.

This question is above my pay grade. I'd marry her and have a family with her as well, but we're a couple of guys yapping in the back waters of back waters and she's dating a HOF football player who seems to be a nice guy.

I'm just hoping for a Taylor of my own in the next realm.
That's basically all there is to it right?

I'm so tired of all the fighting and wasting of time and lives and the chance at joy and good times.

Do no harm. To yourself or others.
Golden Rule 24/7.
Live & Let Live.

Seems simple enough to me.
It should be simple, anon.
The issue is maintaining it.
You have to love thy neighbor.
And they, in turn, you.
ok well I'll need a royal family that feels i'm worthy of their queen and then we can get to work on having 12 children and training
>HOF football player
I am wondering if this is a staged relationship for publicity purposes as they will both be traveling so often I wonder if they even see each other. If she is the granddaughter of satan then I wished to create magical children with her, but only if she is receptive as we would need our energy fields to synchronize

Well, the best time to bring peace and love to earth was a long time ago, and the next best time is now. I'm working on it. I truly want the best for everyone, it's just been a bit of a trick to put that into practice.

>If she is the granddaughter of satan
She's not.
And even if she was...
Still would marry.
Sounds good Anon.
Keep upping your game, keep improving, and sooner or later, it will happen.

God wants us all to be happy, but everything in it's right time yeah?
You're right, I have a lot of things I've been putting off. thanks for the reminder anon :]

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