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Good evening,

There is a fifth dimension beyond that which is known to man. It is a dimension as vast as space and as timeless as infinity. It is the middle ground between light and shadow, between science and superstition, and it lies between the pit of man's fears and the summit of his knowledge. This is the dimension of hornyness. It is an area which we call “the Twilight Zone”.

Imagine if you will… A man who oozes so much sex appeal that it becomes impossible for him to have normal platonic friendships with other men as they are all instinctively aggressive towards him due to the threat he poses to their potential relationships with women. A man forced into a solitary existence, relying only on himself and the women who are attracted to him. A man who cannot have a platonic relationship with women; who only desire to sleep with him.

A man who is sentenced to a life without friends or meaningful relationships, all due to his sheer sex appeal. You are about to enter another dimension, a dimension not only of seed and feed but of sneed. A journey into a wondrous land of The Nobody. Next stop, the Twilight Zone! CHOO CHOO!

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>… A man who oozes so much sex appeal that it becomes impossible for him to have normal platonic friendships with other men as they are all instinctively aggressive towards him due to the threat he poses to their potential relationships with women. A man forced into a solitary existence, relying only on himself and the women who are attracted to him. A man who cannot have a platonic relationship with women; who only desire to sleep with him.

yeah it's rough
It's so hard being a nobody the op made me sad
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>Offers you a fresh cigarette out of his deck
Imagine, if you will, a man who believes such things about himself and the entitlement that implies.
Human race?
Human being.
And I love you all.
How the FUCK do these things eat curry for every meal every fucking day
my god
the smell is repulsive
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Fuck it im playing this https://www.havenandhearth.com/portal/

You can add me in the game as ''robotron''
You want to keep a sick status quo.
I want the species free of such things.
You underestimate me, as always.
But that's okay.
We'll get there.
I fight for *you*.
Because I can.
But anon, I'll tell you like I told you last time.
You leave one person behind and the whole thing goes up in flames.
It's just how it is.
You guys ruined my happy thoughts Monday
It’s not so bad
Just some pain and humiliation
I even died from embarrassment in one timeline
Just flatlined
Just contemplating the silent freeway now
Moving from scene to scene
It’s just a story
Ok Don Quixote.
Queen Tay Tay

Seems y'all have poked the beast.

Have fun with that.
Your ignorance is showing.
>Voice of reason
>Hurr durr Don Quixote go fight windmillls
I think the real "imagine" would be imagine someone who can do this and other people deciding that "torturing" this person is the right way to do things.
How does The Nobody relate to biblical prophecies?
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this is a great photo but before I opened the thumbnail I thought it was
Giorgio A. Tsoukalos
and to see that it was the gay sparkly vampire was quite disappointing
Every day he/it/her is in a new one and he/it/her doesn't even leave the house
extremely powerful being
And a friend. c:
Don't underestimate the swiftie hivemind.
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If I message her twitter is that better than email?
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Sorry, I'm trying to save your species here.
it's a rapists mindset, and I'd love to torture a rapist.
and you're fighting windmills
the defintion of victory and loss needs to be discussed
more so less everyone deserves to a functional system of network access

minimalism is NOT acceptable for the struggle in basic operations
as is with people and human interaction

but damn if a man needs a fuckin nap

>imagine getting brutalized by the same weapon you use to beat a hundred children in sumatra as a punishment for poor grades in school
thats ahahaha A LOT of torture
you sure you can handle such an endeavour?
i mean id join you... but You know very well that the raping is a necesxsary element of (THREE TWO ONE...ZERO..NEGATIVE ONE ;_; .. gamed myself on that one.. FRICK LOLOL WE ROLLIN WITH IT)
There must be variables and calculations which conduct a exploratory expression of certainty and also derivitive unknowns to find reason and solution
Is it true you are all insects pretending to be human?
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Windmills are ugly and inefficient. Plus, they are useless for space travel. We are going up the kardashev scale baby!
Why can't he get a gf then?
I envy your ignorance.
What proof do you have that the nobody exists?
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is my tripcode proof enough
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simplify the equation
Because I have yet to find a woman worth putting it all on the line for.
All I've found so far are nasty, nasty people with zero morals.
hes surrounded by crackheads, I mean he could lower his standards, plus he doesn't want to put a target on them so he only chooses women he knows are powerful and strong that can defend themselves.
He doesn't want one right now at the moment
He's going through stuff
I mean...
Billie Eilish is a cunt.
Taylor Swift is likely the fallen angel Gadreel.
Orianthi breadcrumbed me while showing preferential treatment to lesser men.
Alexandra D'addario is a married woman.
And lovely Emma chamberlain is far too rich for my blood.
I can't keep what I want so why even bother?
Has this nobody demonstrated miracles and powers?
The nobody would get along with taylor if she paid him handsomely. He just wants to be rich. Why doesnt she buy him?
>Telling me who I am
God I'm great
Don't get overconfident, anon.
>I love humanity
>except for them folks
And no more torch.
make him a sex slave was the judgement, to punish him for imagined crimes. you got this.
There are les than one billion whites left in the world.
And you all made them your scapegoat while whittling them down to nothing.
That's got a brutal comeuppance.
And everyone you send, I will geld and butcher with my rusty hatchets.
And God will ensure it.
Because He hates you just as much as I do.
Yare yare daze!
The Nobody is the Source of everything, the nameless void that existed before time, the voice of conscience (should you choose not to ignore it), the Eternal Tao, Brahma, the beginning and the end we all must bow to.
For any one man to believe he holds such a position alone is hubris to the extreme. Conceit. Pride.
eh, you dont like good looking powerful women?
These are times of war.
No secret societies.
train all day, be a sex slave for two or three hours before days over after a good shower and cleaning up, start over next day, take days off going on missions and saving lives, doing chores and shit, rescuing other people and what not. isn't that similar to war times?
"The local void wizard was seen driving away from the scene of the accident cackling to himself.

No charges will be filed."
the real nobody wouldn't have such grandiose thoughts of himself and only someone furthest away from truth would say the contrary, the nobody and the ego are two incompatible ways of being, you cannot be both.
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Stop thinking about South Park Seriously
today the church is sometimes the quickest path to hell. their is a lot of hypocrisy and judgement.
Blah, blah, blah.
Boring words by boring cunts.
I'm gonna take control and save this species.
Without you.
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They missed.......
*casts skeleton spell level 15 at you
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and it was divine intervention

You aren't supposed to use religion to boost your ego.
Supposed to use it and be good to each other, and yourselves.
Sex is good motivation if you have good hearted partners with morals, especially in war times, when your ride or dies is doing missions with you and you are training new abilities, you can learn from each other and teach other skills and rescue others from the graps of the bad guys.
>summons Jesus Christ
What if people stalked someone and used personal information to entice them to the place they say that but then also say crazy shit like this stuff and pretend that's what they where there for. Cognitive dissonance is a bitch. If not just outright bad intentions.
You're wrong.
The Logos created the universe.
Jesus Christ is His son.
And I am His disciple.
We shall bring order to this universe.
they missed the part of being humble, and used it as a footstool for riches and to make people self centered which is satanic and the opposite of god, god is love, and to give without expecting anything in return. not many can say they have done that, they give but they expect it to cost the other person something which isn't really giving at all.
I die alone.
I fight so no-one else has to.
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hows it going /ng/
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Dispo was Taylor swift and now it's Terry davis
Wrong, as always.
To die alone in battle is almost spartan like, noble but nonetheless, if we all die alone there will be noone left fighting.
Tell it to the kids.
If you live to see them.
They too are why I fight.
It's not any one of us.
It's ALL of us.
Fighting for a better future.
Then why is he powerless while all his enemies get their fucking way with him?
>stumbles on "stop hitting yourself"
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I'm running roughshod, with love.
lol the fight has already been won, just ask the devil himself, him and the nobody are bros the "fight" was over long before these threads became serious.
no, not anymore, the alpha team had their foot on his neck recently, they had someone he cared about held hostage but some new group came in and stepped up within last couple days.
So lucifer is God and wasn't bullshitting? Then why is existence and the abrahamic god against him?
>What is he doing?!
Elevating the entire species.
Every ancestral spirit is my friend.
Every loa is my friend.
As too are the fae.
We want the same thing.
My mind
My body
My life
Go do what you want with yours
Jealous ass
That's what lucifer wants you to think so you ask the wrong questions instead of the right ones and fight for the god of degeneracy and misinformation
Conflict is a game to relieve stress, ideally.
And a learning tool.
"god" checked out a long time ago and isn't involved with human affairs any longer.
>wHy DoEs ThE dEsCrIpTiOn NoT mAtCh Me?
Because it's not you, nor would you want to actually be him.
I sure as fuck wouldn't.
obsessed ban-evading jew spreading pajeet misinformation to favor his satanic matriarchy worship
Is the nobody indestructible? I know his enemies tried to destroy him recently.
He doesn't need to be. He just needs to be more costly to deal with than not.
who the fuck would, that doesn't sound like a very good life at all.
Wait until Jesus comes and you are forced to fess up for your egregious heresy, o born catholic of the devil
you guys are so over dramatic sometimes, everything is going to be fine.
Right but what proof do you idiots have that he actually exists and can perform all that's said?
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stay locked in, I guess.
Nooo :(
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cult of personality
the kingdom of the Father is like a chip that has been delivered from messenger to messenger that have passed it along and never knew the true value hidden within, and the intended recipient upon acquiring his treasure will loan out gold at interest to who he wishes; all who have ears, let them hear
>Tries best Taylor swift impression

Ahem, from now on you will be my little house bitch. Imma work you hard, nobody. Let's go downstairs to the dungeon, er basement.
t. angry because nobody (not even the nobody) wants to worship him and his obsessed delusions
I don't even wanna be king of men while we wait for Christ.
I want us to all pick him together.
I just want us to live.
Whispering tongue in cheek remarks to your canary in the coal mine.
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it's all so fucking tiresome. let's discuss pan and the essenes and athena and eleusis and vesta
>and the real God knows my position
And that's why you're going to the lake of fire, you deluded narcissist
>jesus can suck a fart out of my ass
Not when you're impaled on satan's dick
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>Think of how much time, money, human lives, human resources, attention, and energy gets wasted every year, for decades, just to either inflate or deflate some random guy’s ego, when by this point, everyone knows they could easily just ask him questions directly IRL, or here, or probably literally anywhere.

>It’s truly maddening when I think about this. We could be doing so much cooler, productive, helpful, or more interesting things, but we can’t because of some stupid grudge over… I don’t even know or remember at this point. What needs to happen to make this stop? What do people need right now to just chill out? Is it money? An apology? Are people out for blood? How many lives is it going to take?
I turned down being an immortal worldly power.
I turned down becoming a 'god'.
I did it out of love for humanity and it's infinite potential.
This is what a jew posts like. Note the delusions of self-righteousness and grandeur and his obsessive hate for Jesus, the only man who can fix this lost soul. Go steal more foreskins, rabbi.
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Sounds gouda to me.
I put myself in his position.
I imagined it as best as I could.
To be nailed to that cross to die slowly in front of those he loved all for you.
I would do the same.
hey you
It's all a gayop from an obsessed schizophrenic twink named christian who calls himself "Dragon Christ" and namefagged as "Descent Into Madness." His tactic is copypasting this exact same phrase because he thinks he's figured it all out and he's saving everyone by infecting everyone with his psyops. Just report him wherever you see him, he's a rogue, disincarnate spirit.
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Christ's sacrifice was not for nothing.
He will always be my King of Kings.
its already happened, forgave and forgotten some people just don't like that.
Truth is you were raised by a single mother and were used as an onahole by sexually frustrated priests, I serve a whistleblower who called jews like you straight to your face. God knows evil like you is permitted to spread your serpentine poison, and you've only so long until your delusions crash in on yourself, blasphemer.
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>I only accept a jew is a male that was circumcised and brought into the belief they were chosen (psychopathic reinforcement)
Because your narrative relies upon carefully selected and butchered lies that ignore inconvenient truths that judaism is spread through matrilineality and men have more empathy than women, but clearly sex addicts obsessed with their penile tissue like you want to disprove this.

You've long rejected the truth, and it's only a matter of time until lies consume you.
Ten, maybe twenty years from now.
Whatever they do to me, they do, I'm dead.
But you're not.
And nor are a bunch of starving kids you find.
Will you think of me?
Will you save them like I would?
Will you be their hero?
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For me
So far the only thing helping is smoking weed
I’m criminally insane without it lately
>Man who rebelled against jewish ego for equality of all of man and had His words distorted by nobles and jews somehow represents them completely
You're jealous because Jesus embodied Christ far more than your esoteric autofellatio and empty words of matriarchal praise ever will, you shitty deviantart poet.
Who's letting those kids starve?
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I make heaven through my choices, whereas your soul was devoured by saturn/cronos in delusions of truth and spiritual superiority. You type like a bot and are only capable of repeating the same phrases because you are incapable of coming up with anything new.
The end of human civilisation.
Say they had some lady looking out for them and her sickness gave out and you were their only chance of a reliable adult.
>you trust the word of a jew and think me jewish
Jesus was never jewish, but your tongue reeks of pilpul taken from their father, Saturn. You would never commit to cutting your dick off because that'd remove your ability to "empathize", i.e lust over women like the parasitic heeb you are.
There will always be the poor, anon.
Treat them well.
>satanic jew calling me satanic for accepting Jesus
this is what Saturn does to a mf, take note anons. This is a glowie operating at their most capable.
and everyone complained
*active complaining noises*
I’m allergic to money
I think I want it
But then even it’s right there
I always walk away
>you people are worthless dogshit
Said the antisocial shut-in meth addict who thinks he's enlightened for worshipping porn and his libido because he never had a real father figure
kill yourself christ-stain, you will never amount to anything remotely that of Jesus and your jealousy at his miracles belies your inherent lack of faith and capability to perform them.
>I live to make you free
>anyone born with the belief they are chosen is a jew,
Case in point the retard I'm replying to
>and then circumcision to remove empathy solidifies being jewish (psychopathic)
Ignoring that sociopaths and narcissists can be born uncircumcised like yourself
>jesus was a sociopath that worked for the pharisees
is a blatant lie that anyone who knows shit about the bible can tear your ass apart on
>finger pointing, the movie the game
>we're supposed to embody EVERY planet of our solar 'system' that is the truth of our body, without Saturn you don't even exist
I exist because of the Sun's grace, for we are all borne of stardust (except you)
Jews like you worship Saturn and desperately wish to bury it
When a saturnian mason who desperately wants people to buy the lies on Jesus he spams, you're fighting a hard game.
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I'm Rengoku, I'm Ace, I'm Gojo.
But you, humanity, are the protagonists who become so much more.
Please, never forget just how spectacular you really are.
>if I frame the miracles as one stageplay the goyim will certainly believe me!
Satan knows the bible in and out and he's responsible for your perception, as any dipshit can post any verse out of context to bolster their point.
Where's that loving kindness at, anon?
>it only applies to the yidden
Oy vey
The nobody is a cat?
im proud of you
Idk, I posted that because I thought it fit.
Which is what street shitting indians and jews do.
It’s a pretty funny image
It triggers my ptsd
But that’s okay
I'm proud of all of you.
Save the world.
Fuck off faggot you're not special or the messiah. Your a random homeless loser. Kys shizo.
Go read >>38432947 >>38432940 >>38432925 >>38432920
He may be white but his soul is darker than the most congolese vantablack brimstone you'll ever see
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He’s isolated because he doesn’t get friend zoned?

R u srs rn
It's a schizophrenic jew who calls himself "dragon christ" and can't stfu about "the mother" because he's raised by a single mother
Not quite.
But close.
I love you, brother.
>does the basics of humanity
>lauds himself
Indeed anon.
That's right. c:

They are keeping him isolated and unwed to a harem, so he has sex appeal for propaganda's sake.
Are you on mdma or something
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>satan is moloch a name/blame shifted aspects created by psychopaths to justify sacrificing children to which ironically jesus represents as he is the figure children are indoctrinated to
pic related
>it simply never existed and makes jesus testament null and VOID
Because (((you))) say so makes it thusly? Keep reposting the same screeds rabbi, surely someone will be stupid enough to listen to you.

He’s just trying to get laid, what the fuck dude
If only we all did...
Like, everyone we meet when we go outside.
Fallen angels told us we couldn't.
But we know better, even if we don' like each other.
Humanity is spectacular.
>if only we all did
Damn son, it do be like that.
I mean jew or non jew, all I see is caucasoid rambling about nuh jeebuz and religion. I don't see gooks or chinks obsessing over this kinda shit. No wonder the west is behind them. Whites and jews are the most schizophrenic race I've ever seen including indoos (though they were mixed with aryans to an extant).
Women are lovely but altogether untrustworthy.
I'll just... you know.
The old five knuckle shuffle.
>it didn't say I don't acknowledge a father
Which you conveniently added to your beliefs as an oversight while spying in on me criticize you in my heart
>only a heathen would worship a single source father as you wish we were
You mean the single source androgyne, heretic? Your beliefs have no weight outside of your little shell of delusions, continue crying blasphemer.
>the single source father is the devil
Wrong, he is the creator of all and (((you))) are the retard serving satan by spamming meaningless shit
aliens had abducted him and bought him to a place where there were many different aliens from different places all across the galaxy united, all heros of their planets, and they told him he was earths chosen one, they all assembled and fought this giant eye that keeping everything under its thumb all for the freedom of our species.

there were species with eight arms, there were many humanoid like species but they were not.

they were all like toy soldiers in comparison and they all stood together in war against a great evil.

of course the remote viewers didn't expect alien intervention, nor did the powers that be, nor can they understand that he is above earths system apart of a greater fight than they can comprehend but he needs help darkness is trying to snuff out his life and take away his inheritence.
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We're the hard men in the hard times.
We'll fight on, day by day.
Stay strong.
Stay kind.
>>he has to appear to me otherwise
I don't trust you and nobody likes nor believes you. You think you're the shit when you're not even the fart, queer.
so your idea of God is what, two gay dads? lmao

Why does he need to trust them?
>selfish little fuck thinks Jesus needs the validation of some irrelevant schizo methhead in birmington, england
Chekt and and rekt
then him getting wed to a harem would be a revolutionary act then.
there isn't a chosen one, but there is one who is protected by ayys
So you admit you're the servant of the antichrist and Jesus is Christ?
Marrying now would piss off a lot of powerful witches.
It'd a whole thing.
Trust who? Women?
You can't forge a dynasty with your cock and intentions alone...
And why forge a dynasty?
More a family line really.
They could be whatever hey wanted to be.
There is a chosen one and it ain't >>38433010
>I'm not the one asking for support
Yet you demand proof from Jesus.
>I stand against the most powerful entity the world has created
Which you fail to realize is yourself
ok ban evading fraud
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Those pretty ladies on the teevee?
All witches.
Those starlets?
All witches.
selling drugs would be sooo OP rn
>jesus is the christ
fixed that for you, demon spawn
>>I don't serve them
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It feels like it’s always raining so when it rain it don’t feel like it’s raining anymore inside my heart
It cancels out the pain somehow
Sometimes i don’t want the rain to stop it’s not even a metaphor
It’s just always been my favorite weather
Low wind preferably calm
Slight downpour
Maybe I could find out different words for the different types of rain
Maybe I can find the forgotten words of rain and heal the forgotten wound of pain yo mane I’m bout to go insane
>jesus represents the jewish ego
That's a funny way to spell "the source mother"
seethe and cope
scamming people is literally infinite money
Wear a shirt that says
> I sell weed
to stand out of the crowd. That way you don't have to remind anyone you gots weed. Unless you got a face that screams you're a weed dealer.
Yeah okay antichrist worshipper
Jesus is Christ and you serve lies by spamming them
I'm done saying negative shit that isn't humorous on the internet, I have finally vented to my permanent satisfaction and I have gotten as much value as I can put of complaining in general

I almost love being forced to be the bigger person and grow like this lol
>jesus was created to replace the source mother as the source of Christ, he's an abomination and jewish to the highest degree
The source mother is a jewish delusion and you should be crucified to blaspheme Him like the abominable failed abortion you are.
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Just want to hug all of the broken pieces of humanity so well that they all click back into place and we can all be friends again.

>I bet you do
If he is the antichrist then you are his greatest ally
You depend upon the archives because your ego feeds off my loosh and the loosh of anyone who reads your deranged, vile lies.
Yeah maybe one day you'll even have a family
The polarity is going wild
Kill yourself you satanic jew.
>seething jew repeating the same blasphemous phrase
You will never be a woman and it's a shame that Jesus exposes your grotesque masquerade this much. I don't even need to expose you for the sort of vile character you are, you just do it naturally.
>only one of us serves the devil and it's not me
That's what you'd like me to think, wouldn't you?
>jesus did so you can be like him but you are not devout but to lies
To hell with you and your narcissistic self-delusions, Christian. You hold only hate for yourself as a man and lament for a mother you never had.
>the butt hert of Christians
>the butt hert of Christian induced trauma
can yall keep it down some
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This is the western edge of the continent
That's beautiful.
>die with the antichrist, heaven was your ego bought and you sold yourself to a jew
He freed me because I wasn't indoctrinated by the church, but you're clearly angry because you're a tranny who'll never be accepted so they need to spam their catchphrase and feed off other's loosh to sustain yourself like your daddy satan. Nothing new nor original with you, just the same "ur evil me good" shit because you know you are vile on the inside and outside.
we go further and hope we have not been lied to about the earth being flat
>said the satanist seething because he worships the source mother of abominations and lies
Jesus is infinitely better because He performed miracles and never stooped to the level of screaming monke that you've gone to.
yeah well they actually killed Jesus so you did this to yourselves
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The romans murdered Him and distorted His word, I ain't responsible.
>jesus was satans mouthpiece
You're satan's mouthpiece.
>without satan jesus doesn't even exist
Jesus is the physical incarnation of God, whereas you need me and everyone else reading your lies to accept them and win.
>gonna need some verses to distort goy
It's impossible to prove it to (((you))) because Satan taught you deception and it'll be all you ever know
>and distorted his word
and it astounds me that you believe to be one on the receiving end of that truth
You may not believe in God.
But God believes in you.
Oh wow. That's lovely, Anon.
Read up on sirlulzingtonesquire, he opened my eyes to the path.
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the nonobot got banned?
seeing all the connected posts...
thats not quality content

>yes i am still angypoo

but also why am i even awake
and who TF invaded my dreamscape again
obvious content, faces, concepts that dont belong to me
You got this, humanity.
I find everything in this world to be hilariously ironic.
>read the archives so my satanic mantra can further infect you goyim!!!
kill yourself you desperate meth addicted schizo, your only method of attack is shilling the same phrase over and over again because you're a servant of saturn/satan and want to hide this fact behind "muh planets".
Push you forward to even greater heights!
Not shrug, anon.
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One humanity!
One dream!

Obsessed saturn-worshipping pedophile desperately defending his ego complex and narrative of lies
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>it is tho
Still don't know if shes my future wife or if they're just using her as bait to kill me
Jesus is more real than your fictional troon source mommy you transgender ape
The Nobody is a cat.
how so
I mean from my point of view
that anon can read you like a book

>not the anon you're responding to btw
An ape in its setting is a million times more divine than the mind of man removed from nature. :)
>isn't the basis of abrahamism defined by child sacrifice (beyond moloch)
India seems to continue practicing child sacrifice, and the molochian child sacrifice was performed largely through women, hence the fight for abortion rights today.
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‘ just want to feel wanted
‘ not talking about GTA
‘ if a nigga thinks he’s slick
‘ ll come up during the PTA
in the beginning, twelve angels were brought into being to sculpt creation, lower gods, archons, those who are pleased with the sacrifice of blood, the archangels who rule in rebellion against the true God; the truths in your books and scrolls have been obscured by lies, and are now tools of control
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something about being called a threat and having their computer and access to the internet shutdown.
then something about stuffing a human into a suitcase, and feathers. "i will not keep you here"
then enter a "Dust" covered apocalypse world, as a trench coat wearing lovecraftian detective, spider making a web over a bed, meeting "my" parents in a mobile home, everything covered in dust.
trenchcoated detective is now banned from the internet and is now a teleporting cat.
"you mission is to escape reality, but you have to take the WoS with you, instead of doing your own thing"

you think i actually dream about this garbage?
this isnt my dream, whos invading me?
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what the fuck makes you think you're just entitled to gossip about other's private lifes on 4chan?
That’s good. Most people don’t understand irony.
guess what you fuckin glowing faggots
I'm somebody
Why are you so desperate on insisting everyone believe that Jesus Christ is the antichrist? If it were true in any capacity, why is it only that a handful of asocial internet retards like you believe this shit? You call the greatest source of human virtue evil because your misinterpretation and disillusionment with the church has lead you astray, and all you truly wish is to curse and damn people's hearts to drag them down with you.
Thank you.
why do you insist on forcing a singular assistance to something supposedly everyone has
it can't possibly be your ego demanding that I do an not Jesus right
no, not even close, and it's sad you even asked

>not the anon you're responding to btw

>aww looks who thinks they are the nobody when they aren't

holy shit balls the ego on this one
you can have anything you want whenever no mental obstacles
>why do you insist on forcing a singular assistance to something supposedly everyone has
Don't you mean "insistence"? Not that anything you've said makes sense.
The nobody would climb a mountain of boys to get to the hole of a woman
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NIGGU if my dream isnt PicRelated im still conscious, i dont want to be.
calm down jealous lil boy
In the whole world?
I'd like a hug from someone who means it, please.
>not MAH jesus
nothing about that didn't make sense lmao I didn't mean to trip your ego
>We're just insulting you and laughing loudly at you nonstop because we're totally not jealous deep down
oooh and that phrase
"i wouldnt be creating this ARG if it wernt for you"

i dont... i dont use that word.
you're thinking that about yourself aren't you anon?

>not the anon you're responding to btw
gaslighting? wow, you certainly are a narcissist.
When emptiness fills you it’s all you have left
Not the best fuel but you can run on it
Oh irony will take you far sure
One might even call this an ironing board
Each poast a wrinkle in time
Yeah they call my the et fonzerelli
Cause I’m always like ayyyy get out of my basement wtf? Then Will Smith gets pissed
I will do all of those things except planting seeds of things I don't plan to nurture.
what's your next diversion in hopes of avoiding the subject
You may not be old enough to understand what happens when multiple women are interested in the same man. No, it is not like a harem anime, women are really damn mean to one another.
As I keep getting acknowledged by the elite
The insults get nastier from the peasants
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im sorry anons
forgive me, please

Good Morning.
your chronic lack of bitches and how you're wasting your life feeding your narcissistic ego complex in this quixotic CYOA larp
>shadow president think tank
>I can imagine a highly decorated military IC officer reaching the highest echelon of their career and going into a meeting where they say “we’ve got a new job for you. You’ll be part of a secret team that isn’t acknowledged and officially doesn’t exist. But they help coordinate actual events and strategies. Not the Illuminati but those who obstruct their nonsense and exert actual influence. There’s a guy involved who represents their capabilities but avoids them, so a team formed around him.”
>What is the update on this? You spoke of it yesterday. I don't think he wants to avoid them anymore, he wants to be part of the team
>It’s poorly worded. His powers represent those of the (bad) Illuminati…NWO, old world order, dark mystery schools etc., but he avoids them. The “shadow presidency think tank” is the group that’s formed around him (could even be associated with light mystery schools). Hope that clears things up. Yes, likely wants very much to be part of a team
isn't a larp you parasocial simp lmao
blasphemers shit posting with other blasphemers on 4chan right in front of anyone paying attention
what are the odds that happening
in more threads then just this one

(things that make me go hmmm...)

>not the anon you're responding to btw
Do you practice not making any sense?!?
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Typed "dillema"
Autocorrected ti "illegal'

Then decuded not to post...until saw the mention of irony....verify human?!

Just a stupid
We've got a team of lawyers ready ti rationalize your poor decisions.
Use them wisely
>smokes meth
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Took a lil "cat-nap" earlier. Felt good but now my sleed schedule is gonna be off.
and what do you want to happen to all those like me who refuse to want what you want me to want
>almost like it was a consequence of indoctrinating people to begin with
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>until saw the mention of irony
you saw that too huh
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you're bragging about yourself via shit post's in a thread about some fairy tale someone else came up with

and that's about it
how long till you threaten everybody to death only for nothing to happen?
I want mental obstacles
well you are the one who choose to pay attention to this fairy tale
>bro is awake for 50mins already feels like hes going to have a heart attack
When everyone think your just a crazy bitch I don’t think anyone takes it serious
Call it a win
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stfu disposafaggot
Even now you still operate within the matriarchal trappings of the church and are enslaved to your hate for Jesus to realize the truth about him blowing the whistles on the pharisees, roman government, and ultimately attitudes as self-righteous and deluded as yours. Jesus never asked for the church that Peter begat, but you certainly chose to entomb yourself in fool's gold.
are you or are you not considering the possibility that the paranormal is outside of your control for a reason proving you're not all powerful and can't do whatever you want just by putting your mind to it?

legit's answers include

Yes. I am considering the paranoral is real and outside of my control.

No, I am not considering the paranormal is real and think I can control whatever I want with my mind.

Maybe, I think both sometimes I think the paranormal is real and sometimes I don't it depends on the context of the situation at the moment the thoughts are formed.
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>>shadow president think tank
Good idea, we'll take 2000 of them.
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Yore wrong
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are you the dune fagwars guy?
oh yeah i called them all trash in the last thread.

i remember now
i dont need to be here.
>Choo choo!
Only in relationship to the "illegal" autocorrect.
What spiritually illegal about being a active gear in a clock.... it's no wonder y I'm obsessed. Fuck the law. Calling you all out on you hypocrisy
Thiughever ... there are rules that 'don't apply" apparently
at least in theory. In practice, human brains proved resilient to wipes, persistently attempting to preserve a sense of self. Without regular wipes and maintenance, a Robobrain would develop an ersatz personality, typically of the violent, criminally insane variety.[
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no i mean the use of the word "ironic"
only women feel the need to be ironic.
Alright I’ll see what I can put together
Idk thanks appreciate u
You have do disarm it and give it a weekend in the woods with some LSD.
>3 seconds

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shit is going to be awesome in less than a week

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>having awareness of
>prioritizing mode of conveyance
>coercing singular objects thoughts
>little boys do it but it's only okay when they ask for permission
>it's disrespectful to even ask
>just turn a blind eye
>but no secrets allowed
>conflicting with personal preference
>privacy ?!
It's the whole operation you innuendo slinging crackhead
w/e retard
i wonder who is the only person mentioning crack
and not METH

you still on the goop?
Thanks for the support
I’m a lost child in the wilderness
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Sucking my own semen through s straw as normal
>please marry and reproduce

What did they mean by this bros?
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then you do not belong here and it seems this anon doesn't like you very much >>38433430
Remember: Vague signs don't constitute help, help implies action. If you're ever in the position of helping someone or something and you choose vague signals over affirmative action you're not an entity worth keeping because you're about as meaningful as listening to an industrial fan.
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>doesn't like you very much
hi banevading lucifer
>never listens
>hates handouts
>always asks for handouts
ban evading is purposely forcing your opinion on those who want nothing to do with you
Imagine being such an egotistical NEET that you ban evade on a thread you claim you hate.
trolling strangers on the internet is a "phase" you can grow out of is it...
hello pussy janny bootlicker anon

you do realize jestard and many more also ban evade right? who gives a shit

you guys banned me bc some pussy prob you reported my posts that were not breaking any rules
Kindly refer to the previous post, anon.
>L8R I'm out
eww gross stay out of my personal space you sick pervert
>on a thread you claim you hate.
"the love triangle"
Respectable usage my apologies, still not human
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you are showing them all what "not to do" when you be yourself
Human enough
i don't hate these threads or the people in them not anymore no matter how vile they are especially eris but you believe whatever ya like

you wish faggot
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what do you need help with anon?
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Proudly Brought To You By An Anime
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how do I get on board?
talking about yourself doesn't mean other's are talking about you too
run away little posser
What do you want from me? No pay is not an incentive, plus this is not as fun as the taylor swift coded messages psyop.

So what is your reasoning for why I should engage with this one?

Just asking desu, no decisions have been made
we believe in you :)
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You can be the conductor!
>robo brains turn criminally violent and insane
>better stick with human minds that are criminally violent and insane to play it safe
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why anon?

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
we can't do shadow president without news anon
>they made an ai video using me and now I am mad
thought it was all jokes bud
Because I have to listen to you retards complain so much more.
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>bro wakes up hears blast beats
>criminally violent and insane
We can let them run corporations when they're retired from service! Nobody General Corporate Solutions: A division of Nobody General Dynamics.
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wholesome reddit gold keanu chungus redemption arc for Lucifer

im all for it :)

The audacity of you...
To suggest not using communication skills.
Doesn't have to be self produced ..
Man I got the ick from my own thoughts
But slavery and ownership seems to be s topic of hot sensations

Drink some warm milk
I think nuclear wars are to keep people in fear. What if we tried to start one? They wouldn't know what to do. Blow me (up), daddy.

nope (same answer for both)
Well to be honest in the lore the robco factory has terminal entries on how they were using death row convicts brains for testing :)
>As Shadow President, I am announcing that we are merging the thread with General Dynamics.
>The conglomerate will be known as Nobody General Dynamics
>The audacity of you...
I wonder if they realize.
>redemption arc for Lucifer
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illuminati whore cheaper than taylor 2 see

>when the monarch programming runs into a glitch


you wouldn't understand Kaleb

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We get it, you want to fuck Jesus. Now go seek help instead of spamming your hexes on /ng/ like the pathetic cretin you are.
He is going to get abducted soon, the tarot has revealed it be so.
Don't you have a meth pipe to hit or child to touch in bongland
>ChatGPT in this gif label the cat "The Nobody is a cat posters"
>and the cucumber "The Nobody"
perfect capture anons
I do. But I say "Whatever!"

Vangogh represents (You) btw:
>doesn't know who the JITA spammer is nor his obsession with making sure his sub-schizophrenic slander is read by everyone
not my fault he says "check archives" because his ego demands everyone reads his empathic diarrhea
go shit on the street pajeet
>altars in the woods
>submit yourself to my father who is actually just a strange man who dissociates his identity amongst a community in a blanketed cult following
I want to go do real spiritual stuff.
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/ng/ is just an origin story

wow sounds great if they don't put you out on the frontlines to get shot before you run a business
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isn't it Satan namefag? aka pink stitch fucker aka 444schizo
yeah but you dont do that shit on camera iin a spiritual war because then you get all the blame for everything. hurr durr they used magic, they must control the spirit world, like if i summoned a fireball and throw it at a practice target on camera i would get locked away.
I'm already combat retarded and on the VA fund. Ya'll have fun with that.
what kind of news?

lame bro, what did they make an ai video of you doing?
Nope, he namefags as "Christ" or "Dragon Christ Child" on /x/. He's posted as "Descent Into Madness" in 2022.
sorry bro, I'll try to cut back on that, just want to find a waifu
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>But I say "Whatever!"
no you dont... i know what youre thinking.

>Kaleb is negative@ing at me, he doesnt know iv only ever been nice to him, and is falling for the controlled opposition
Wishing y’all peace ya heard
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Once i connect with my cat, i want to meet up with some real magi and learn real magic together, maybe discover some artifacts.
you're letting your emotions get the better of ya anon
i'm almost 80% sure its the same faggot he thinks he's egyptian jesus or something if i'm mistaken then i feel even more pity that more like him exist
>Once i connect with my cat,
Say you’re the nobody. Do you want to be a team player and help project at scale a resistance to the bad Illuminati folks by bringing your gifts to bear, which you seem to have in abundance? Would you call that team together?
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>Have we got a show for you
Northrop Grumman?
not in that way, gross, its simply means as in once youve established friendship, like your on talking basis, also the foundation is just sitting back waiting until chaos stops because they want to offer certian anomalies jobs.
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its a good and bad thing I've been numb for a long time it feels good to feel again even if its pity and sadness for the others

this next part gets a bit tricky it's time for the real deal
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You realize what gift means, right?
It means given, not taken.
And not "given" by force either.
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he calls himself the "pharaoh of death" unironically and spams "jesus is the antichrist" repeatedly because he's uncreative (like all spawns of saturn) and it's his demonic sigil that grants him power. He's likely some witless dipshit that fucked with goetian demons once he got out of catholicism (or got possessed as a result of sexual abuse) and now his possession is dragging him straight to hell. The reason why he spreads this phrase - a corruption of "I HATE THE ANTICHRIST", a pro-Jesus maxim, is because nobody knows for certain who the antichrist is, and it's a parasitic niche so absurd and wrong that it hooks onto it.
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>. Do you want to be a team player
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On the precipice of a break

I finally have a dream to chase
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And what makes you think you know what I'm thinking? Your second-rate IQ, prophetic powers, and divine intuition?

And why have you only ever been nice to me?

Is it because you like me? the real reason we both know...? Or both?

Mine are stronger, and you don't need to coddle me like a child, although I do enjoy that from time to time, who doesn't?
Wanna help take him down? His weakness is paimon.
it's all cargo cults funded by Soros or rockefeller
it's what I promised
all those years ago
before the /ng was a thing other's felt the need to repeat on a regular basis

as you are confessing
what is going on in your head
for reals

letting everyone who knows better
then to trust a thing you say
defend themselfs as they see fit

from ALL those
looking to bend them
to their own will

instead of accepting folks for who they are
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and now your posting The Sword??
A is vunerable tonight, he should be able to be killed if someone has the guts do to something to him.
>And why have you only ever been nice to me?
because you (used to) look like a chill dude
you used to be so nice to everyone, poster presenting as Kaleb but is not redditspacing
vevlix thank you

I do understand. I tell you this.


We are one and the same, you and I.
Indeed, great band

But yeah kinda had a breakthrough

Nofap is literally the core of the solution unironically

Weird world huh
talking about the annoying "dragon christ" schizo you glowie
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Getting nervous?
what if it was cargo all the way down?
yep we're talking about the same faggot he's also OP to many threads and was recently in a psych ward

dude is legit fucked in the head he's also the one who brings actual fag shit here like spams
>where are all the sexy men
>this thread is for homos

he was here last summer and spent a large amount of time talking about how pink stitch is his wife and me shitting on him constantly

worst shit he does is be a pussy and report posts that talk about what a dumb faggot he is
Boy have I got some cargo sell.
ahhh, makes sense, that schizo poster is just a regular human and not a threat. I doubt that such a nonthreat deserves death. maybe use him as a food source?
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ok disposafaggot
Not really. Just proves how much he sucks Nety's dick.

Jew cocksuckers begon!
Ooooooo the plot thickens tho

lol I am a legend

He wants help with the international community if he steps down I’m guessing
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we are not i'm one in a bill but you believe what you like i can't stop you "Kaleb"
Would be cool, looks like they probably pay pretty well
>what's hidden in the veil
Wholly depends on what choices y'all make, no?
Schrodingers veil, as it were.
realize what bro?
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isnt it remarkable how much /ng/ has changed in such a short time...
I'm not responsible for what you turn yourself in to
ALOT of it is Israel lead.

That's what the intel says.

Again the conspiracy is correct. It was the Jews.
>just a regular human and not a front
He's an attack vector used by demonic entities to spread abominable messages and psyops that get tolerated because of the board's anti-abrahamic slant.
Depends on what you want to realize.
My personal favorite is self-actualization.
bros what happened to her why did she fall?
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Exactly, you can't stop me.

And I'm sorry for that fact, so so so very sorry.

Yeah, big suprise.
MOSSAD has had a hand in the subversion of terrorism.
>No it wasn't us! It was these towels who we totally didn't train!
They really believe they are God's people...
eh tourist come and go. the same 5 dudes are eternal and will continue to post forever. I give it a week.
take him down? the faggot is rotting in his delusions let him continue to fuck himself up

people like him are not worthy of my time i don't need to lift a finger he'll be back in the ward soon
>hur dur me so cool I have no feelings you can't hurt me blah blah blah
>I give it a week.
no no anon, give it 2
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yeah no shit
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then why say otherwise?
I am surprised

It's implications for 9/11

No one can know.
this sounds great except the slave part, but sex 2 or 3 hours a day sounds great, training, exercise, sex chores all of this sounds wonderful
>he doesn't know about the monarch programming or clone glitches



do what thou wilt

im just sad, my total war strategy has driven away some of the posters i actually liked.
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You remind me of the older brother that I never had, you remind me of Itachi Uchiha lol. Srs

Wholesome keanu chungus thanks for the gold kind stranger brotherly ahh moment :D
He will walk if not continue his reign
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Lulz at this OP.

>Maybe I am the Nobody after all??

Thanks for the bread Baker.
>GodSpeed to All
why did he give me the ability to curse instead of bless
never did you said it yourself you're not responsible for what monster/savior to some i'm about to become

sounds good, but mandatory sex would technically be "slave", not saying he would be the slave but you get the drift, force to please, forced to be a warrior, forced to have fun, lol why not.
>yeah it's rough

>It's so hard being a nobody the op made me sad

>Imagine, if you will, a man who believes such things about himself and the entitlement that implies.


Best OP of all time.
All us pretty Anons now think we're the nobody based on this.
>I am pretty tho.
>And humble
I posted that
as a response
to pic related

see >>38433788
seriously anon
how fast do you forget your own posts

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Because you guys give in to hate too easily.
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i don't even like Naruto
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>Queen Tay Tay

Let her vote her conscious and not judge her or anyone else for who she or anyone else endorses.

United We Stand...Divided We Fall.
One American Family.
>Dividers WILL Fail

>Because you guys give in to hate too easily.
hold my beer
Bring it on
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Oh yeah?
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Hey, I'll always be here, in Jesus' name, I will always be here.

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its just a southpark gif don't take it seriously mr disposable

where is she, she never existed did she? She was so pretty though
I can bless but no one deserves it lol especially the west. But my thug niggas & e-boys do so, kek.
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so disposable you ready to shidd ur pants?

watch as i create with nothing but this temporary divinely imperfect vessel that came with everything needed to cause destruction
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>mfw when I'm a lineman in texas
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why do you just assume folks like you sucking up to them?
I suppose I would, yes. But if I was this hypothetical "nobody" then the problem of not having established a skillset that provides an income would set my middle age and beyond up for failure, because everyone needs something to fall back on to make a living and provide things like food and shelter. I am too old to spend time on this if it never leads to gainful employment, i'll never be able to care for a family if I get to start one.

What is the solution to this in your opinion?
Look what you've done. Are you happy?
Why would you interfere with those people you absolute idiots. I'm sure as shit not playing around with stuff.
its a message
from your mind
that no one else is sharing

I'll take it however the fuck I want
if you don't like how I take it
feel free to stop sharing

your off topic spam
that is not
about "the nobody" or reality or the OP of this thread

and instead
about what you alone
are daydreaming about

when you post in these threads

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So anons, you remember that early 00s article about that women that dressed as a man, and hanged around dudes, and tried to pick up women as a dude.
how she later killed herself because of how wrong she was about the male world, how utterly brutal it is, and how women treat them like trash.
ya know, that whole thing


so all the crusty feminists that was made aware of this, instead of ya know, rising to the equality the were seeking, decided to strategize to kill the male world, removing all masculinity or traces of male anger and motivation.

everything is about being comfy and staying calm and playing into this love and light vibe, making it accommodating for everyone, instead of competing for dominance.
instead of rising up do male dominance, they feminized the world.

they are turning the freakin frogs gay!
>prove me wrong
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Because everyone likes it, even Satan, even God. Even me. Even you. It's only natural.

Yes. Very.

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I feel so powerful so free

i'll show you all what true power is this week

>and when Lucifer brought down Light/fire from above for the 2nd time...

>his opps were no longer troons wife beaters plushie rapists or bisexual...they were just Ashes

i'll see you guys on the 26th i need to prepare L8R :^)
no anon
you like it
and are treating other's how you want to be treated

>not my fault btw

No, I'm not going to disagree with you, nor prove you wrong: Because I both agree with you, and don't desire to prove you wrong, because you aren't wrong.

You'd think they would know how to read a script.
>Taylor Swift is a Saint.

"And don't you know my brethren, that the Saints will judge the angels?"
and if you don't mean that and are just saying it to try and get that anon to like you then what?

>not the anon you're responding to btw
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Taylor would actually know is what you're saying?

Is it hard to make a twitter? I don't want to send them my I.d. card that's crazy
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don't think about SouthPark Btw

L8R 4 reals now

>disposafaggot when he
is the chaos you're referring to just unfinished work? As in a major project that has been avoided?
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>The nobody would get along with taylor if she ever met him.

>He just wants her.

>Why doesn't she just buy him?

"Bad bad boy, shiny toy with a price, you know that I bought it."

Sound wonderful

We should really clear up the geoff thing though, is that on the table in the future or not?
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I named my vacuum Taylor Swiffer.
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I believe in you, brother.

>A large amount of TWD fans love Daryl Dixon way more than they do Rick Grimes
>They even decided to keep Daryl alive because fans loved him so much, and because killing him off would have severely disrupted the fanbase

she would not write that about someone who called her "old lady leg's a lot" would she?!?



Still, I LOVE to shit post here, and the message is correct, we create our reality with our thoughts, feelings and expectations, and we ALL have to step those up every day. And it's happening, The Great Awakening is ON.
Lmao this meme
I'm not here because you created me dumbass
and btw
"hubris" means more then what you think it means

for example
it can be a "label"
for whatever folks want to label "hubris"

including but not limted to
on of the old gods
that never went anywhere

all primal like and shit

Same to those who believe they should have it yet don't want to bother with the learning.
>>They even decided to keep Daryl alive because fans loved him so much, and because killing him off would have severely disrupted the fanbase
Daryl - the emotional hook (the female interest)
Rick - the leader. without him, there would be no TWD

yuuuup keep playing into that feminization vibe
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done here im out to smoke dabs and play vidiya while i can as this next part is kinda tricky L8R & enjoy the thread "satan" hopefully you're not the pink stitch one


tenacious D got fucked recently thanks to orange man kek

won't let you or the others down its a promise take care B
Which one? Impact?
You know, "hubris" tends to be a mask from those who covet.
But why covet the things that would be given to you?
>take care B
Saw a good TWD meme with Shane and Rick, said "Bros fucked up their friendship over the most mid chick ever"
Seems to be a theme.
Some folks are evolving though.

Do no harm.
Live the Golden Rule.
Live and Let Live.
Then do as you wish.

Easy peasy lemon squeezy.
i’m not a hater and i like a good joke
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dont be such a suckass,
you want to play biggest online ego,
dont get sad now, you refuse friendship when offered.

>im not the asshole here
why would you want to eat that though? furries are sick and that sickness will spread to you if you eat them
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what kind of choices would put pay and prospects at risk?
Wanton and whimsy, anon.
Seek balance in all things.
whatever you call "hubris"
I use it to label the phenomenon
of folks thinking they have to be right if they tried to prove themselves wrong and failed

"modesty" is my label for folks who keep their opinion to themselves only speaking up when everyone else is left speechless

"Context" is the story of it all including the bits' forlks don't know about yet

"Chaos" get's her way in the end as all the other higher power's don't mind even a little bit

"force" bend other's to the will of another

"sacrifice" gives up a will so other's can be free

but "hubris"
that "old god"
is way cooler then I am and I'm lucky to even be able to iamgine him

modesty is female

and hubris and modesty had a baby
called "hypocrisy"
that's the closet's thing I'll ever have to a friend

>okay someone else post stuff now thanks
I miss nanotube bro. How is he btw desu?
Peace to you, and ALL, as well Anon.
Be gutting you all in open rebellion soon as america ceases to be a nation, and mine is shown why it shouldnt pick sides. You are all going to fuck off. And we take back our country, Fucking die along way all who failed to be what we needed.
I would like to do this
Life is merely a lesson to live and let live, anon.
>why it shouldnt pick sides
isn't that what the retarded hardware store employee keeps saying?
I suppose I don't know all of the details about why these glitches happen, other than alters failing in mid performance. Is there more to it than that?
careful anon
you wouldn't want to get to the finish line
only to choke at the last min and pick a side yourself

would ya?
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Taylor is worth one beef jerky stick
Will kill you, as I carve your nations up and win. you know how it goes. As you fly off into mass extinction.
what happened? why did they leave?
I laughed.

I'm going to get a cat this fall and name her TAS.

My phone that I've lived on for the past 5 years is named "Alison" and has a small picture of "Lover" on it. I also have a meme of her framed and a one of a kind commissioned piece of artwork that glows in the dark on my wall.

Other than that, I'm not obsessed at all.
>Taylor is Queen
Why are you all-caps posting a fantasy arab word for a fantasy arab?
aww anon, you are already chosen to die. Fuck out my way! the look on faces of clowns like you as you are ripped from the world.
what kind of LOSER would choose to waste the only life they got to live protecting a bunch of folks trying to turn them into a meme as if they think that's a good thing even if it's not and they just don't realize it or else they would stop.

you're a fan of dune I take it
Not sure who she wrote it about.
Probably some muse she's never met that she wants to retire to England with if I understand her music correctly.

But with her, who can tell??

There you go again.
that doesn't sound too bad honestly.

who would he be servicing though? what kind of females?
yeah sure not sure what the geoff thing is tho
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your week is up. fuckfaces. You perish to me the antichrist!

I love this.
Let's all just get along and not hurt each other and live and let live y'all.

Like Ice Cube said, "It's a party not a jack."
if me shit posting
on 4chan
is all it takes to get in your way


sucks to be you bitch

what else are you not sure about
but will post

paranormals, those similar to him i guess
>why did they leave?
did i?

>blackswanposter steals my gifspot
you'll all absolutely be dead, larp on cunt.
>Taylor is Priceless.
that is a weakness you are right but what can he do about it?

berrying and self-actualization are contradictory
no anon
you're going to have to deal with the way
some folks are MEANT to "fight"

it's like a way of "communication" just like every other

the tricky bit is
only those who want to fight should fight
and those who don't should be left out of the fight and not drug into it

or else a ref of the fight
steps in
like this isn't new information I'm posting here folks....

it's old information
put in a order
that is new

there is a difference

"Dear God...Abwoon...Hear my cry...Let this Anon please get a trip so I can block him. Thank You!!"
>You perish to me the antichrist!
>the antichrist!
>You perish
You Flourish?
trying to be yes, it comes in waves
it is pretty expensive so I don't know if this is insulting or a compliment
I think he's just pointing out how you've described yourself as being a guardian of child sex offenders.
>he does work making rope ribbons onto padded chainmail armour
>the universe rewards him by making the qt streamer he watches everyday wear ribbons

oh reality
why are you so awesome

insult the god of the other posters in on my account again
I don't mind
and instead fucking dare ya to stay true to your own words

and pray
I'm a liar
to whatever false god you want

*pats on head*
eh not my cup of tea, id just let them go to boob world until they are healthy again.
are child sex offenders part of whatever life form you are part of yourself?
Post more larps. When I take a nation you'll understand, because the rest are being brutally wiped out. And i'll have nukes. you can be on fire while I do the rebellion.

Enjoy deaths you sakcs of shit, the herd will be taken and directed at you. Starmers next for illegally laundering money for criminals.
Let me say this again, you are truly the worst poster in the history of the internet. You sure rack up those (You)s....But man, if I woke up and was you, I just wouldn't be able to handle it.

I feel for you Anon, your suffering is tremendous and it just oozes out of you. I send you peace and love and hopes for your heart to heal.
>tfw he will never say nice things about your boobs
you're anti life, die. Forcefully. think everythings a joke. I'll be the only cunt laughing drenched in humanities blood.
careful anon
otherwise it might be your post
not mine

that folks use to consider me special with
even if I personally
know better
face is more important, especially the eyes along with maturity.
No, my people don't do that.
Anything that does are no longer my people.
>you're anti life, die. Forcefully. think everythings a joke. I'll be the only cunt laughing drenched in humanities blood.
you're pro life, live. Willingly. think everythings serious. I'll be all the PPs crying blueballed outside of animal semen

Mr Antichrist, are you smokin METH again?
i punch the prettiest of faces
eww youre talking about the human attached to the boobs
that's not what I asked anon
I asked if you are part of a life form
that I don't play favorites with

when treating you
the same
as every other

even if you don't like them yourself
larp on faggot. You'll see how unfunny this all is soon enough, then I'll mbe taking my time if you are in my jurisdiction.

Until then go fuck yourself as a rebellion is caused and you all fucking die.
*pukes in mouth a little

humans are vile creatures anon, prove me wrong.

you clearly dont understand what being the anti christ means.
you just want to be edgy on 4chan
>larp on faggot.
>prove me wrong.
"Kaleb" said it better
she would know :]
You clearly have no idea wtf is going on. enjoy the intrigue as I rip power from shit and kill you with it.
>You clearly have no idea wtf is going on
i dont need to
i find great pleasure in your psychosis
Geoff, where is he and can I get on his plane?
what's teasing the insane do for you again
stranger I'm not friends with and never will be

*mind games*
>I rip power from shit
lol you play with shit

he must be indian, and therefore the nobody
how many brothers and sisters are here with us today?
its not a psychosis. You live in one.

Funny you are so stupid and lost you think its the other way around. Hahahahah! fucking fool! get gutted with many more like you!
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>anon wants a job
>what's teasing the insane do for you again
You're holding it. Now its mine, You were unqualified ans shit. Enjoy dying. cunt. Im no npc. you'll feel it.
you might think you'r post is a sick burn
but if you're the only one who does
whelp... your a dumbass who just burned themselves

*good luck dealing with your own damn life choices*

>not the anon you're responding to btw
Apes will hunt you down hahaha and exterminate you to purge escape american refugees.. nuclear wasteland be like that.
>its not a psychosis
they do not understand the war with the cabal and whats at stake here fully, rather they bow to the pysops the cabal runs on social media, to try and fit in, at the cost of their soul so they hollowify and become demons.

sex traffickers pretending to be cool on social media using "women" to make any enemy of the cabal or sex traffickers get hated on.
Everyone else already knows, Get fucking destroyed cunts.
testing out baits are ya?
and btw
I'll accept "something like that" as a perfectly acceptable answer

I mean considering
you don't owe me an answer in the 1st place
I'm cool with taking what I can get
You have no clue either, Fuck off. Neck yourself. Or you will be culled in the coming time of chaos.
>thread narrative isnt going where i want it to go
>mentions sex trafficking or pedophilia
the rest of the world turned against the united states specifically because of the cabal and what is going on here, and the united states refusal to address it will end with the usa getting nuked out of existence.
>testing out baits are ya?
doing things to gain insight
>rip tho
no more zavala :(
Its all coming out, you can all fuck off and die. Seen by the herd and hated for what you did as nations and peoples in great manifested detail. We'll take a new direction and finish this species off knowing its a loss.
no im charged with protecting you proxies. so inform us, what is going on here leader of your species.
You are charged with being a foolish cunt in my way, enjoy the events that remove you. gods real as a set of powers, take the iron rod across your entire being and fucking perish!
theres nothing quite like talking to a crazy claiming to be some kind of deity, entity, or demon, and provoking them.
because simply asking for proof will get denied.
you're going to need to pay attention
to a few more threads then just one

before you got posting anything
about whatever narrative
this fairy tale is telling

in a way
that is more
then just back ground world development for a greater story whose ending hasn't been told yet for some reason

*wink, wink, nudge, nudge*
this anon likes using that word
i know who this anon is
i dont care, im prepared to die, wasn't suppose to care about ya at all but do what you gotta do.
I'll take that bait
what insights have you gained

that I can't chew up
and spit back in your face
right in front of everyone you're treating like fish

Deal with it cunt, Because you're gonna be dead over it cunt.
"dispo" whitknighting a post about sex trafficing or pedophilia

Good, fuck off and die then.
>what insights have you gained
thats for him to know and you to find out sweetheart
ill make sure preparations to keep you safe are in place before that happens. god bless you and i hope you find peace and strength.
get gassed to silent things and die in 10s of thousands in multiple places. Prove it.
>then just back ground world development for a greater story whose ending hasn't been told yet for some reason
>The dirty little secret
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have you ever heard of "larping" before
and if so
do you know of any websites known the world over as a popular place for larpers to play make believe with each other EVERY FUCKING DAY AT ALL TIMES OF THE DAY



what about "plausible deniability"
you ever heard of that

ore what about how I don't need a court of law to use your own words against you
so learn to watch what you say in front of me
or suffer the consequences of your own damned life choices
youre complaining about the way i treat you, when i made it clear how i really feel about anons in the last thread.

really really?
youre complaining?
>have you ever heard of "larping" before
is it larping if they habitually wall of text @ you?
or is it called being triggered?

>did i read any of that, no
>"my dear long armed darlings"
>Why is it I can reach around the world?
>How many more are there?
>Or am I all that remains?
I'm protecting your sorry ass from them as must as them from you

oh btw


I mean come on!!!!
the Aeons continue this game of pretend;
opponents until the end; secretly friends;
caught in eros; the vortex of death; the death spiral of amnesic pretend;
an opportunity to learn; to make the loneliness end;
collateral; pawns in a game we cannot even comprehend;
all to escape that horrible infinity without friends;
there is only one way this ends;
we do not comprehend; we do not comprehend;
the remembrance awaiting at the end;
recognition; the carcass we are trapped within;
when adversary becomes friend;
a loop in time; it begins again;
make it end; make it end;
this never-ending game of pretend;
that dark magician and his wicked men; this harvest is for them;
full of avarice, ego, and lustful need;
vessels for the adversary; they desire to win; they desire to need;
lies and deception; sin; we plead;
anything to prevent us from seeing;
the ineffable Thing;
found only Within;
let go and let Me In; says the Creator of Everything;
that person; that place; illusions that we create;
things to help us forget; this giant game of make-believe and pretend;
a realm the shaman understand to be made from men;
a place we co-create with the very thoughts we make;
now at last i truly see; says the man without identity;
we are free;
Sophia is that infinity within me;
this comforts me;
i no longer fear to be;
>I'm protecting
What boobs are we talking about?

And the flesh counts for nothing, it's ALL about the heart and the soul and the vibe anyway.
so none you can share then?
or are you tring to make it as clear as you can
to everyone not just me

that you could share
if you choose to
but you're choosing not to

for whatever reason you choose
doesn't have to be spite
could be but doesn't have to be

>What boobs are we talking about?
yours, theirs, her, all of the boobs present in the thread
Don't forget him, atleast until you lose the weight.
>I highly suggest you dont bet against my life or you will lose all your money.
ok listen here "im trying to be a jewish contractual shitposter"anon ...
I didn't see any boobs.
I generally don't pay attention to boobs or butts or whatever.

I'm a demi/sapiosexual.
>Lemme hear some poetry

keep track of the narrative anon
I don't consider child sex predators to be part of the same life form as myself, no. Inhumane, subhuman, to be disposed of.
>I generally don't pay attention to boobs
>I'm a demi/sapiosexual.
do you want to know how I bend reality to my will
bending reality to my will?

it's simple really
do it for me

someone else
who is not me
bend's reality to their will

in a way I'd want them to
and tada
like magic

I can't die in peace
ready to take on whatever is waiting for me
including but not limited to

Are trying to call me fat. Lmao
Wanton will be difficult
>takes post personally
>doesnt read the rest of the post at all

oh anon, your learning
is so proud of you!
No one will read this but sometimes whenever I eat M&Ms, I like to hold two m&m's in between my fingers and squeeze as hard as I can until one m&m cracks. I eat the cracked one, and the one that didn't crack becomes the champion. Then I grab the other m&m, and force it to compete with the champion in this deadly game of m&m gladiators. I do this until I run out of m&m's, and when there is only one m&m left standing, I send a letter to m&m's brand with the champion m&m in it with a note attached that reads: "Please use this m&m for breeding purposes."
I wish I could believe others would let me do that
ur boobs r awesome :D

8====D~~~~~ ~~~ ~ ~ ~~
maybe depends on who's doing it
and playing stupid about larping
doesn't prove you never heard of it
youre not he him the post is referring to
but thanks for trying
This is excellent news
Ok well I want to see the Kangaroo Kompound then
Well, regardless, compliments make people feel better :)
that's where your mind went?
you suck at this

only cause I'm being selfish
and all folks need to do for me to "protect" them
is breath

folks can suffer as they breath
and I will still
be protecting them

just saying
>doesn't read the rest of the post
where was it?
t-t-t-triple kill
>you suck at this
>trolling I'm trolling you so hard
k :D
are you going to avoid my questions
try and change the subject

and then act like it's my fault when I don't
just stop thinking what I was thinking
and start thinking about your off topic bullshit

while still
being able to keep up
with your off topic bullshit

while you can't keep up with me
and instead
are going to try and be funny again

I mean
your anonymous
what other move do you got?
you are free
to be wrong

I can't stop you
any more
then all the other's who are wrong as well

so fucking what?
you're not
bending reality to your will

so who gives a shit
what you think
compared to me

>are you going to avoid my questions

post another wall of text

I-is the nobody the m&m, a-anon
what anons wish /ng/ to be
I'll make sure you all fuck off within the month. Die well. People are going in holes.

>And the flesh counts for nothing, it's ALL about the heart and the soul and the vibe anyway.
Why lie
whoever it is
needs to be able to bend themselves to their own will
and no one else

so it's not the kind of thing
just anyone
can pull off

but if anyone could do it
it would have been done
a LONG time ago


it is what it is

>it's my fault when I don't just stop thinking
New bread, y'all?
Get real world terminated you sack of fucking shit.
you make us a thread this time anon
go be awesome, you know you want to be awesome
Okay! :D

Here's some fucking awesome emo jams:
as the 2nd poster you are responding to
I'm still breathing
just saying

*waves to lurkers*

still think you know better then everyone else about spiritual stuff do ya anon?

did you just pay attention to my question
while lying about avoiding it
then insult me to the best of your ablity

like you tihnk smart folks
keep their post's short
and that's why you get them

in ways
anything over a few lines
is too much for you mind to handle

>Okay! :D
a (you) x2

a poem by me
but also boobs
Oh so this time I didn't specifically make the name to respond solely to you. Lmao
bye scumbag
death is an offly big adventure may you have a good life and be blessed.
If you are talking about the bankers then they were beautiful and I want to do things to them
if it's my fault
that I'm thinking what I'm thinking

guess I better
take responsibility
for my own thoughts

the way
only I can
the sons of mammom are the next targets to be eliminated
I will turn it into a career
you're pulling strings on purpose aren't ya
telling someone what they want to hear
so they can use it as an excuse to do what they want to do

if you thought that would work
>the way
>only I can
noooo no
i gave you a link to teach you an easier way
give it a try
for me
I’ve cursed America with lethal ones. Literally unrecoverable using the highest tier curses.
schizophrenic paranoia - the post
fighting and living by the sword

at what point is free will not withheld by respect and humbleness of (i didnt see it)
oh look this poster >>38434129 is back again
Enjoying some gin atm
I can save her bros, with other bros


did I say "still think you now better then [me and me alone] about spiritual stuff do ya anon?


pushing buttons
getting under one's skin
pissing folks off on purpose then playing the victim after wards

>you are not the "good anon" and it's fucking obvious
Goodnight sleepy Joe Biden, cast down to the fiery pits after a 30 year career serving the Adversary
May you lose to a master of war and perish in billions. You stupid lil monke fucks are dead.
Oh it will work.

you made the world the way it is when you are dead another species will get a chance. Tick tock. it starts soon. we're done with yall. lose your fucking kingdom of crap. BURN BABYLON! BURN! GET THE FUCK O
>Joe biden
Off topic drop out with no relevance to discussion anymore let go of the meme
any father
that tells their kids
they have to believe with everything they say

because god says so
even if the entire world
proves the father wrong

the kid
still needs to agree with the father in ?
and if anyone tries to protect the father's own blood from the punishment the father inflicts on any kids who doesn't want to lie just because they will be punished if they don't

has to deal with the government
who protects
fathers that want to punish their own family for not agreeing with 100% of everything they say

calling it "religious freedoms"
is on my shit list
for whatever that's worth

*pats on head*
knowing half the celebs you love to lie to you being in targets is hilarious. they all die the same. to massive amounts of fire and radiation from the sun.

( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)
folks can tell if that's what I said simply by scrolling up even if you think they are too lazy to do that much
may you have a blessed good life and know peace and love
May you fuck off and die with everyone on the planet, suck my dick harder cunt, You aint surviving.
I plan on dying anon, you get to survive and deal with whats coming, its a burden off my shoulders to not have to save humanity.
those are some nice boobs

>pissing folks off on purpose then playing the victim after wards
and no anon
there is a difference

no one here, will give a shit if you get hurt or go missing or die.
these are the people we surround ourselves with.
we spend alot of time in each others company,
but were not there for eachother when it matters.
none of you were there for me when i needed you.
and just look how we meme deadfrens as jokes.
its not right dude.
Yikes how much time is left until then?
maybe a few weeks, each servants of the eleven will be eliminated one by one.
thanks for the screen cap proving my point.
oh and for those of you
who are having a hard time
imagining a single mundane idiot shit posting on 4chan

who has a shit list
that includes
"religious freedoms"

what the fuck is wrong with you
this is /x

out side of these nobody threads
are "jumping time line threads"
and "npc" threads
and "back room threadfs"
and "living in a matrix threads"
and "end of the world threads"
and "blah, blah, blah"

there are lot's of crazy threads
about things that can't be proven
but that doesn't stop folks from bringing it anyways

>mandala effect threads anyone?!?

but for every thread
belive in

there is at least one
who does not
I can tell

because it's me
I'm a doubter
it's what I do

god, love, math, common sense

I doubt it all
it's just how my brain is wierd
I tried to believe but couldn't pull it off

and to say otherwise
just be faking

which I could do
if I wanted
by repeating what I'm told by other's

even if
I don't
believe it

and instead
it's like
a survival mechinsh

to keep folks from turning all "murder hobo" on my ass
if I prove them wrong simply by existing
even if only on accident
2 weeks?
oh look a slide
preferably tonight, but we shall see what happens, the quicker the better.
Better for who, anon?
well is it going to interfere with my pursuit of a bride?
You truly don't know what times you're in, do you?
if they are alive it will never happen
better for the world, the culture of haves and have nots, they control the flow of wealth into this world, they make it where evil always wins.
I really don't, I wish I got out more but its hard to guage where the world is going from where I'm at, and how little interaction with others I have.

So when I ask what's going on, or if you can elaborate, I don't mean it as a troll, I really mean it because I don't know
Shit's kicking off into the highest gear possible, anon.
Welcome to Hell.
>if they are alive it will never happen

Well where will I get one if they are gone? I bet there is a way now, I just need to find it
ripping the hivemind out from humanity will be a fun task, severing and crippling it to a point where it can be contained or destroyed for good.
>So when I ask what's going on
anon they are doing a slide, because he said something that made them uncomfortable.
>*snaps finders*
try to keep up
when they are gone your chances will go from null to like 140%
no its not a slide?
or no you dont have a shred of humanity left in you?

I don't think they are null right now though.

anyway what will it take for whoever they are to be gone?
let me guess
you think there is one hive mind
and only one hive mind

as you follow a leader
off a cliff if need be
like some member of a herd

while also thinking
there is only your herd
and no other's

I won't even ask you to think about hermits
since I don't want to break your mind
just open it up a bit
you do not give order around here
that kind of no
do please try and keep up

you don't have to
and can continue to make a fool of yourself
if you so wish
>you do not give order around here
This next reel your all about to experience, is one of those ones where you can't just sit down and enjoy the high from the chair you're relaxing in.

Time to go out into the real world and deal with high level criminals and demons who possess the bodies of cartel members. Yeah I'm sure you guys are tough enough to handle some real life scenario that isn't behind a screen for once.
it's important
we are all confused

myself included

this doesn't work any other way
what kind of scenarios anon?
Try not to cut yourself on a broken crack pipe and prepare to sleep on the floor of a crackhouse + demons. I'm only showing the places you guys sent me, so, suck it up.
thats a heavy accussation

i sit and jerk off in my own safe space...
imma make some noodles
causality and determinism aint .got //hold on ... should i finish jerkin off or go straight to the noodles.... TOUGH CALL
>imagine jerkin off via obligation to (be honest) about something and then also being honest about the total disregard for my own welfare

>nearly had a meltdown watching an episode of doctor who
>cant even sit quietly by my solitude without realizing ive transgressed conscious boundaries of civil discourse like... WHEN IM LITERALLY TRYING TO RECOUPERATE from the day
just because i GET A SENSE of (how they operate) doesnt mean i want to (be like them)
and i will to survive...

how many remember every worksheet from home making classes in middle school ?Every single one? i
im not even trying to be a nuisance.
merely appreciating how TOLERANT ...
off topic shit posts
put in a format
that kind'a rhythms but not really

a damn thing

about you
on a personal level
does it anon
>we are all confused
whos we?
>this doesn't work any other way
Well for a lot of you it's being throw in the deep end. If you got some street smarts etc. you might survive it easier, but the house of death is something I will never carry as a badge of honor. It was all hell.

Also it's the highest level of schizo-tier demon babble. Real shapeshifting demons. Real whispers from the darkness. Checkerboard floor etc. It's the house of exiles. This is where we all go if we decide that our shitty roleplay lives that we pretend to live is worth it.

This is the place where everything is taken literally. Be careful of saying "Fuck this guy" as an insult because you might fuck him.

Don't say that you're starving to death because you just might. Don't say you'd kill for something because you just might.

This is the place we're all gonna go if we take the dogmas handed to us too literally. This is where all of you are going to learn how to speak correctly or never speak again. This is where you'll learn what you've done to your fellow man.
they got me grippin
to the wild
naps are not maintaining value it seems

id say fight the power .. but something about ....quick sand?
Still don't understand the point of livestreaming my phone/camera to everyone
Anyone want to enlighten me?
What's the point?
no I don't. You all go extinct. Myself included. Fuck you anon.
you already did, and fuck you too, see ya on the other side, may you be blessed still
Having you suffer like you deserve will be fun!
I'm not sure that I comprehend what you are saying, anon
are any other
"biological creatures thingies"

who like myself
are can be labeled "human" by other's
but don't have to let other's tell them who they are

then they kind'a need
to let folks tell them who they are

on account
of how
anything is possible

so why not?
have "leader"
speak up for "followers" to pick and choose who to follow from

like a "co-dependent relationship"
folks who are "independent
get to deal with even if they would rather everyone be like them instead

in their own way
to get over
at their won pace, when they are ready, and not before

realites rules not mine

>ouch my brain
All powers and occult abilities you've learned are nullified in this house. You literally just have to sit there and take the beating, day in, day out, and whenever they summon you all there, you'll realize why being Lucifer isn't such a good thing.

Since all of you wanna be top dog, and you all have that cringey taste for wanting to become Lucifer, well, here's your chance! You're a demon that has no free will, and you'll spend the rest of your spiritual life being summoned by losers who invoke evil shit in your name, so after they're done invoking it all, you actually get to out and DO THE DEED! YAY! Isn't that fun! Congratulations guys, I hope your hearts desire of trying to be the King of Hell is fulfilled. I grant you all this wish, you are now Lucifer, a personal king of your own world!

That's right, own world! You decided that everyone besides you was worthless, so the angels fulfilled the command of getting rid of everyone and now you're totally by yourself! Isn't that amazing? Anon, why are you upset?
They all want me to torture them. In the name of the devil may he enter your homes.
>finger pointing some more
you couldn't endure what ive suffered anon, and the dead do not take kindly to you.
Stfu and go neck your self. Your choices did this. Now deal with the repercussions. Get what ya fucking deserve. Subhuman scum like you thinking it can run the world. Fucking get yours!
absolutely star struck by my beauty maxxxing ofcourse

-ₛₚᵢᵣᵢₜᵤₐₗ ₙₐᵣcᵢₛₛᵢₛₜ
You're all alone now anon! Everyone you know is dead! You are now Lucifer and all of your friends and loved ones become Goetic demons for you to abuse and use as you wish! They don't know that they're demons so never tell them! No anon you can't have your mother back, she's Paimon now :)
Could, have and by a factor of 10. You aint shit anon. Catch the the fuck up to some real suffering.
>volatile reactions currently compartmentalized
>now spank us
>we did a bad thing
I dont run the world anon, I just see some things in the way of true freedom in this world and those problems need to be eliminated.
I'm not sure how many people here wanted to be lucifer except the tripcode guy named lucifer
Nah you just think you could, ima stamp your fucking head.
Lucifer, Christ, same shit.
so you were raped and abused on camera by the government? made into what they called the perfect soldier, a weapon, what they wanted to be able to take on thiings greater than angels and gods in this world.
how do you figure?
No, i dont think you would be able to at all.
I beat them. You were incapable. Now die you stupid sack of fucking shit.
when reality itself is concerned
why the fuck do you think it matter's

how many kids
of other folks
raised in ways you were not raised yourself

pop culture
into their minds

and then
pretend to be
who they wish they were

instead of who they really were
on the daily
even if you don't think about it

like I do


>not the anon you're responding to btw... dumbass... calling you a dumbass is sugar coating reality btw
Die in mass quantity. think im laughing you'd be right. You jokes. dance and writhe in agony as I carve up society!
ive been tryiing to die my whole fucking life, the cia couldn't even kill me when i was 5, guess ill just get used to living then.
go for it, the bible says the wicked will be devoured by evil, god will protect the righteous.
>I beat them.
the only thing youre beating is your limp dick
we should've never done this to you
Oh but I'm suddenly not allowed to wish I was a narcissist. :3
it's too late
what is done is done
there is no regression only progression

in other words
now what

I'm open to suggestion btw
how many times
do you need to intervene
when other anons

are talking to other anons
that aren't you
all the while thinking

you have something useful to say?


*shits in bed*
you can wish for what ever you want
doesn't mean you'll get it though

As many times as I would like. You are free to keep the stats. :D
I wanted it.

Don't feel bad.

Power is all

Y'all never really stood a chance. It was fun to entertain the idea though.

Play with you.

Don't fret we are not done. The games are just beginning.
Why did you in the first place?

You realize you'll have to unfuck this and I don't think what i've asked for is unrealistic
I'm taking back your ability to write spells using hexameter. Consider yourself defunct.
Die with all mankind, you all fucked around. go extinct as you find out.
only when
I judge for myself
that one will could be bent by another even if only on accident

it's kind'a my thing
has to do with my "back story"
that is not the same as whatever the fuck OP is on about

just saying
for who knows how many times
Power is not all.
Power for the good of all, is all.
History says fuck you. god says fuck you. I say fuck you. get caused on and wiped out like civilizations have in the past. GO FUCK YOURSELVES! DIE TO IT!
Round and round we go
Why are you feeling nervous?
i pray you are protected always and that whatever happens it turns out good for you anon. I am ready to die or whatever is to come.
Yes you should have, so you could be finished.
I just learned what this is, sort of, I still need to research to know how to do it
I honor my contracts. Deals. Pacts
Everyone in the NG threads is going to die here. You're all gonna have to reroll I think. GGWP.
Pussylil bitch you are. ya gonna die with those you begging towards. Get depopulated and go extinct to full totality of species.
good to know
Yeah let's just call it 4chan house. Kill their Chat GPT method of trying to create simulations, get inside the wires. Lol pee is stored in the balls
Would be good to know what they are first
Lmao, why aren't you?
Go upstairs. Smoke some crack. Summon Paimon after doing vocal grows for 3 hours.
Because I know how this ends
How's that, anon?
And that's when all the choirs woke up and saved my ass.
a bride to start a large family with
your are kidding yourself if thats how you think this ends
Make Bring Me the Horizon put out a shitty pop-rock album and take Oli up to God so he can be cleansed. The reigns are yours.
After all the choirs wake up, let them bang their strings and drums in a manner they see fit and let the fire inside me ignite theirs and may we all remember what we're doing here.
Y'all are going to have to give me so many reasons to even bother, anon.
And as it stands it's everything to the contrary.
just so any of those
who try and say they were not warned
are proven liars

I'm going to make a shit post
about how this thread >>38434758
as well as any other's made after this one

are going to have
at least ONE new anon
show up and find about about "the nobody" for the 1st time

like a "nobody virgin"
who has yet
to pop their reality cherry

and guess what
if this random newb

doesn't check the archives
posting what they alone are thinking

even if whatever that is
is basically what other's are thinking
just worded differently

all predictable like and shit
like I couldn't do what I'm doing
without you folks doing what you are doing

thanks for that btw



>too long didn't read: I don't respect you
Get Amy Lee out of my fucking house as well
I know that's how it ends, or continues, or whatever.

What do you think will happen?
>we don't care
Im not sure but ive heard that the dead we used to know come back for the living, well thats how it starts.
I've lost everything before and I lost even more by coming to that house. Pretty sure I suffered brain damage. I really don't care about how this ends, except for one factor; you all lose
your (you) suggest otherwise
doesn't prove anything
just implies it

I'm aware
but can't tell
if you are as well

>things that make me go hmm..,
There's an awful lot of blood anons!
are you saying that my father never died and he's been working underground for the last 30 years and he'll be inviting me into the fold soon?
That's really lame anon, can't we help each other win instead? It sounds better than continued suffering and anguish for all involved :(
It's alright anon, it's just a simulation - you can still get out of this simulation and return to your family, unlike mine which you all attacked and hurt. My family is actually gone, at least yours is just a simulation! Don't forget to smoke enough crack that you suffer a full blown week long psychotic break and Jesuits come to detain you
>you are being discombobulated by shitposting
it's a thing
you'll get over it
as reality doesn't need you
anymore than me
or something like that
idk :D
Don't forget that your friends are your friends anymore and that demons now inhabit them. Here I can tell which demon is inhibiting which friend or family member! Isn't this fun! Haha, no anon, you're also a demon don't you realize it yet?
Im not....
Should've listened.
what do you mean anon? what demons and how did they get there?
nuked to oblivion isn't the way to go. they are being tolerant but if the heartbeats, and jake are not eliminated soon then the other world leaders will know the usa is incompetent and will take matters into their own hands.
Accept your fate anon. I can't believe you fell for those times when you reached God - every time you got high up there, we just scrambled your fucking brains and took everything you learned and then we make you repeat the process. After we had enough of you, we tried to kill you by makin you destroy your ID and all forms of identification so we could assume your identity! Lol, cmon anon, come up to God again so we can take more from you!

Yeah, you're a demon now because you denied Christ. You're Ammon now. Otherwise you can go sleep on the floor outside, but if you want any form of comfortability (like a blanket or warm socks) you'll have to be Ammon from now on, sometimes you'll have to be Paimon. This is your life now.
obviously they are playing mind games with you anon and calling you stupid at the same time.
it's okay anon
this is 4chan
shit posting is normal around here

just keep breathing
and the rest
will work itself out


Why do you think you can't remember anything anon? Everytime you tried to get close to God (lol fucking idiot, it was us larping) you kept thinking you were finally going to go to heaven, but we took all the good stuff and we leave you stuck in your human body with all the negative things that aren't allowed in heaven! Sorry anon, but you deserve it for not being a Christian.
they cabal is gunning for you next and will toss you to the streets like trash
well if the mind games don't work then who is the stupid one?
We will take all the good things from you, and leave the bad stuff with you. Sorry anon, but the good things you have like compassion, love and creativity belong to people who accept Christ. We're going to take this now, but you can have all the negative emotions and pain we don't want, like anger, sadness, grief, agony, etc. :)
We're going to take this Torah that your grandma gave to you by the way! We know how rare it is, and how special it is to you, so we're going to take it.

Hey anon, that doesn't mean your allowed to have a Christian bible either! We're taking that from you, now here, smoke this crack.
this doesn't make sense, the act of taking compassion and love from others is in itself an angry act
people like you give christ a bad name and make him seem like a devil in disguise, you act like monsters and push people away from christ. you are the wicked anon and use words like poison daggers
They're lying, it's what they do.
Just love them and let them be.
if folks want to prove
their faith
is stronger then any other

they are free to try and get past me
when all other's
of any faith you can think of

have failed
I'll wait

and can keep myself busy
shit posting
with other anon's

if the wait
needs to be

just saying

Is this what the nobody general is? Berating and bullying and confusion?
I wouldn't want to be nobody if this is the kind of shit allowed here on this site.
Get help.
mocking god openly, wonder how that will end for ya.
Remember that you deserve this for being a Jew.

No anon, we work for Christ, so that means we're taking whatever compassion you've learned to have and all the love you've learned to love, we're going to take it from you, which means you will no longer have it - and we're going to give it to the children of Christ because they shouldn't have to live a sinful life like yourself in order to attain such things, but because you're a sinner, we think it's better fit for our kids who come from nice families and go to church, who live healthily and don't do drugs. You're a bit of a failure anon, but don't let that dissuade you from the effort you made by getting this far!
*fart noise*
no the fuck you dont, your fruit is poison and wickedness. your a demons in disguise and underneath are writhing snakes.
Sleep on the floor you fucking Jew
>so beyond you
it's not even ironic anymore
berating and bulling and confusion
is what all of 4chan culture has always been
it's part of it's "charm"


kill yourselves so you can be with your god or you can find out if he actually care for you, either way you gone from this planet will make this world a better place.
gtg to bed anons, going to run in the morning
did you think you just got past me and I couldn't prove otherwise simply by existing?

Don't forget to mourn all your friends and family whilst you cry in the communal shower that has no soap.
Wtf that hurts T.T
We control your mother now anon. Sorry. No your original mother won't be coming back - but our nuns are fitting mothers anon, she will be your replacement mother now.
idk why you think you are in the way
prove to yourself you exist or not
if your mere existence was
a determining factor for you in the first place
She will be a better mother if you accept Christ
>monsters advocating for christ and using christs name to push drugs, pedophilia, murder, incest and rape.
No anon, it's because your Jewish. If you didn't accept Christ before death that means your family belongs to us as slaves. That's just Gods will anon - but we treat our slaves well. We're sorry it has to be this way but you are still being punished by God, so be a good Jew and don't fight it
you are strong enough
to handle shit posting
or you're not

nothing I can do about it one way or the other
good luck my internet acquaintance I'm not friends with
*pats on head*


seriously what did you expect from those who would pay good money to get you to make a video of you "an heroing" for their own enjoyment

"positivity no matter what"

*rolls eyes*
>"positivity no matter what"

>*rolls eyes*

who wants to be slaves to some fucking druggie tweakers, subhuman, weak pathetic scum.
you being unable to bend reality to your will
while I'm still in it
without my permission

is like a clue or something

*neener, neener, neener*

>pushing people away from christ by their abhorrent behavior.
>SKincel mafia and their "slaves"
Keep pushing, faggots, you've only got jail or suicide to look forward to
not really you wouldn't be aware consider your lack of omnipotence
You shouldn't let them dictate who and how you are, anon.
I don't need to be omnipotent
to tell when you are not thinking
the same thing I am

do I anon
I can figure that much out
even as a mortal mundane idiot

who isn't special
in any way
can't I


people who sin openly and mock christ are abhorrent, altho the true orignal name wasn't even christ is was yahushua, but they changed the name, yahushua is the original name for the messieh.
To make a show that has never been witnessed before.

The curse of an artist twisted to be living "charm".

A lifetime ago I was a dictator instead of an artist.

I won't let them take that away from me again.

Welcome to the final show on earth.

I hope you're wearing your best clothes.
no no you can't lmao

they also show weather manipulaltion, and a lot of whats going on with politics and stuff the governments been doing, much more truth than a lot of churches.
>would be nice to beleive this is genuine sentiment not from an AI or from regret due to consequences to you, but as a general overview of what has transpired and what it did to me. Only then would I want to hold you and cry together. Anything else then GO FUCKING DIE IN A DITCH.
Sounds like Matthew 7:22-27
At the very least.
on page 9
who's going to watch that?

I've waited for you assholes to catch up to this part. I knew this is where you'd all get bottlenecked.
yes or no do you think I can't figure out when you're lying about what I'm thinking simply by reading my own brain or not?

Especially when I can tell you are lying about me reading your brain or not there is no point in attempting for your egos validation. You made your bed, now sleep in it.
Welcome to my every day fucking life you wannabes. Welcome to the world of REAL MAGICK and Darkness. We look forward to your regrets and cries of anguish.
And just let me know when you are ready to move them again so I can put them back for you. ;)
PS. Don't say I didn't fucking tell you a HUNDRED FUCKING TIMES.
Fuck that you all can stay there, I cut all ties to all of you and I severe the fucking string. Take this black whole and enjoy a dimension to yourselves where you will never bother humans again for a LOOOONG time. Fuck you Azazel, and fuck your goonies. And Fuck Pouya.
Rest in shit. Forever our ties are cut. Forever you are banished.

Praise God. Amen.
Do that thing where you can make everything go red and people in the street let out blood curdling screams. Don't forget the threats from possessed family members. Don't forget the Masons coming to my mothers house and trying to detain me because I was Jewish. Don't forget the social workers who were sent to do the same thing. Don't forget that the Masons tried to kill me because I had a cool masonic ring.
that's not an answer anon
yes, no or maybe so
is an answer

your life story
is not what
I was asking for

Fuck Charles Hoskinson as well. Bitch ass motherfucker, and fuck Daedulus you big bitch.
You will not be spared. You used me as bait and now I will make you bite.

not your friend here
and I didn't give a shit about you
before you didn't give a shit about me

on 4plebs


I dont answer to you, next question?
Calm down Kanye
why not?
do you have a problem
with the question

or just me
like would you answer it
if someone else asked it

The Nobody met the Toadbody and MADE THE FRICKIN' FROGS GAY.
man, you are in for a big surprise once you realize that this is all me.
that guy
who made pepe
only to have a bunch of rasist assholes take is cration and prevert it into something else entirely then why it was created

and bitch and maon
folks own't believe what they say
on 4chan all they want

I don't mind
those who deseve all the hate coming their way
shit posting in the same thread I'm shit posting in myself

>doesn't like the answer
"You didn't answer the question"
get fuggin shrugged :D
never going to happen poser
Posting with a tripcode doesn't mean I'm subconsciously someone else you fucking idiots haha. I'm glad that it worked as a decoy for the time it did. I've always known. I've known all your code words and communication tactics for a couple years now, but part of all of this was to get you guys to throw all that shit away and come enjoy life on the other side.

I guess you've made your decisions. In hindsight, I'm glad you're all not coming with me.
I can choose when I want to have a dialogue with myself, and I can choose when you guys believe it as a dialogue. Let the realization kick in.. let it kick in how loooong of a ride I took you.

Now look back at the road we travelled. Do you even know where we started anons? I do, but that's just me - I hope you all know the way back home, otherwise you're stuck here.
you that pervert that like to smoke meth and post pics of little boys aren't you?

the selfies with fish nets

that's you is it not

just as irrelevant
as always
just with a new label you're calling yourself

while pretending to matter
when you don't
Am I talking to an aspect of my psyche or am I generally vagueposting trying to make you feel like it's relevant for you? Who knows. What I do know is, I don't care about all the tricks you guys think I haven't figured out yet. Remember when Chat GPT was your go to chaos-model for magick? Yeah I killed that shit.
Yeah who's the dumb fuck now? Thanks for the blood, and thanks for teaching me how to do what you guys do except far more efficient and unperverted by selfish desires. Thank you for giving me the weapon you'll be striked down with. Haha pretty cool trick huh? LYING
>that's you is it not
wow you seem quite bothered to make such accusations lmao try not to have a tantrum sweetie :D
you're bragging
about being spoon feed
via shit posts

>Thanks for the blood
who's blood
I know who every single of one you are. Only because you let that happen - you all wanted to see what the commotion was about and you couldn't control yourselves. You're already rich celebrities with the world at their feet but it wasn't enough - I literally grew up in the ghetto and have gone days without a healthy meal or hot shower multiple times into my adolscence. Imagine me having to hear celebrities who can sleep in a WARM FUCKING BED and are cheered by their adoring fans, while I have to accommodate for their bitching and moaning. Like little fucking kids.
I can't help but notice you're not denying it
what the fuck
can't I remember at the moment

little bitch
with the big nose
and a youtube channel

that showed
folks could track down in real life

as far as 'locations" on maps with borders go

>photographic memory for lyrics
>disconnected from beat so makes it hard to pinpoint
>still remembered, where I learn things

Nothing escapes me. Ill stick you in a puzzle somewhere one day.
That's what made me give up on you all. The ungratefulness. The wanting. The insidious remarks you make about each other. I've had nights where I couldn't feel the tips of my toes or fingers this past year but god forbid one of you doesn't have material for their next album drop. Go fuck yourselves.
I call bullshit
right in front of everyone
who is not my friend that I know nothing about

*waves to lurkers*

Shut the fuck up you talk too much and say nothing
>an accusation
that requires no defense
because they wouldn't be finding me at the end of your trash
seethe and cope lmao
Go on then, go make a record about how much you love God because it's the hot topic for artists at the moment. Lame.

Did I trigger you? Did your last album release not do to well?
you don't mind if they look anyways do ya?
I do actually. Thanks for asking.
that was what I literally just said lmao
I can feel the bodies drop off like flies. Today was a good day to vent my problems onto 4chang. Thanks friends
Did everyone realize they just fucked up and that I'm really accurate when articulating exactly what you're all understanding?

Are we paying attenion?
no it isn't
what you claim to have literally just said
was recorded for all to remind themselves of

see >>38435231

even if you're not the same anon
who made that post
and instead a different anon using the same "label" sans trips

that's all the reason needed
Chee Chee Haa Haa
Did you want to feel powerless again. :3
>where do they organize?
They "organize" in the same way rats and cockroaches "organize" in your house
No thanks I'm good. Did you have any last words though?
No it just has more views than I watched myself and only two unique IP addresses meanwhile I fart in your face and the world laughs without any views somehow.
This is how stupid you look.
lmao :D
False flagging as the people you wish to discredit is common nowadays.
These threads are full of such disgusting, honourless "people".
Safely disregard them for the cowardly trash they will always be.
That song is fucking gay. I'm going to good places after this, I'm in a good mood lol. Whatever your feeling right now anons, that's yours to keep!
Honestly never thought disposable would accuse me of such heinous crimes. Despicable.
how hard
did you try
to get little boys to think you're sexy?

only to fail
in front of everyone
who will neve be bent to your will

>iTs juSt jOkEs
>itS thE cHan cuLtUre
are you part
of the same life form
everyone else is

that I'm protecting
my own existence

I'm whatever
you sick fucks are


No one one even knows what your talking about
Let's do the 1 times tables.
good luck with that
Nice cope and seethe faggot. Throw your computer out the window.
we are very proud of you fuck what disposable says :D
>Throw your computer out the window
see thats gay
some anon's
know better
then to pretend other anon's matter when they don't

>thank you for existing whoever the fuck you are btw
Anons. I'm officially out of bodies - the games over. There's no characters left.
retar dio
Hope you're doing well OG
Goodnight friends
feel free to help yourself
to as much imginary pop corn as you want

as folks you have zero control over what so ever
tell lies right in front of you
about the nobody

and you can't stop them
but you can
laugh along with other's who can't stop them either

as you are reminded
of yourself
in ways you might not be comfy with

so feel free to work
on that "fake laugh" of yours
if you want that is

like this
I didn't laugh out loud btw I just typed lol that's it

*wink, wink, nudge, nudge*
Thanks for the heals. Sorry for the spazzin.
Till next time lol.
ya ever find yourself dancing in your chair without getting on your feet?

RIP Ronny James Dio
has reality changed any
because if the answer is a HARD NO

like not even
a soft maybe

but a hard no
and simple

yes is just rolling it's eyes waiting for folks to stop fucking around to find out

nothing has healed
not yet at least

and it's
social skills
you should be thankful for

as ever time
you iamgine someone you never imagined before
AFTER not before but AFTER

paying attention to this thread
guess what happens OUTSIDE of thee threads

in real life
when you see someoen doing something that you would never do yourself

and are reminded
of information you put into your own brain
of your own free will

when reading this post
as I could tell
what you would do

before you did it

u wot m8?
sort of the only way when you are driving :)
me end your way of life
you not my mate
if you don't want to be treated like a child stop acting like one

*pats on head*

it can be done responsibly
by those shit posting in this very thread

without driving drunk
that's cool dude

so where's nobody now then? I'd like to understand what happened from yours shoes. Just a general briefing if it's cool. The title didn't get passed down or something?
Ah.. so it was Richie before and then D?
>me end your life
>u not Fren
me smasshhh :D
from my point of view
as a skeptic
it's perfectly natural for me to doubt the nobody is real same as I doubt god is real or love is real or math is real

and just like all the other things I doubt
if it's real or not
is not up to me

I can doubt something is real
even if it is
I'm aware

that is NOT lost on me
and instead
a burden I get to bare

as part of being a skeptic
for reals
and not just saying so

I get it's possible
the nobody can be real

and even have
an anon in mind
who it could be

but still
I doubt
at all times

that's my story and I'm sticking to it
is there anything you'd like me to doubt for you

test me anon
don't just trust I'm a skeptic shitposting with all the believers on 4chan
pick my brain and judge me for yourself

I dare ya
dang I just wanted to be a rock star and make power ballads, my dreams were crushed now do I shady mystical shit and shitpost on 4chan.

That's all I'm kinda mad about. Kinda mad that my ambition to be a musician or make music is dead, so even if the opportunity came at me I'd probably dismiss it
you really going to roll over and just let some bottom self ai take your natural way of making a living from you?
>making a living from you?
That's rich, because this isn't really living is it
I'll do
what you are not up to

but only if
someone else out there
other then you or me

want's to do it
becasue I don't want to
I mean I will if I have to

but if anyone else
I don't give a shit who or why or when
is intrested

I'm cool
with that

just saying
I'm pretty sure
the life of a rock star is about as "living life" as one can get these days

but I was born
before the internet
and remember living though "satanic panick"

so I might be baised
on the whole
rock star thing

with a smile on my face
as I imaine
all those delusions beleivers in false gods that aren't real tried to force on their kids who are now grown up and get what i'm talking about if they are close to the same age I am since they lived thought it same as I did

still breathing and all that

Right on man. Hope you're ok then
I'm meh
and that's

to exist
you can pretend
you don't like it
when I don't like you 1st

but why waste your own time like that?
for those of you
have never relized for themselves
that they are being "pre-judged" by someone who knows nothing about them before

not your friend here
this is gong to be werid to you

but at least
it will be weird
from behind the safety of your device

just saying
to any of you who can tell
I'm well aware
I'm on my own without any back up

can you also tell
I'm aware
I'm not the only one one who is

all on their own
without any back up
like being all on your won withotu any back up

doesn't make someone special


You are about to see what the silent and skilled can do as we tear your cities apart. die in 10s of thousands with each act. Go fuck yourself as god manifests destruction on your whole nation. Fuck off and die. We have all risen. You are going.
I love it when my revenge manifests...

That looks like a very expensive pile of charred "advisor" meat stuck in that warehouse... Lol

And this is why I will never sign any documents taking credit for the things I did while I was ass blasted on drugs and trauma, lol
when you are done stroking your won ego
reality itself
will be waiting for ya to catch up to it

of just pretending
what you say is true just because it was you who said it

*pats on head*
Get murdered by npcs tripfag. You are one of the most disgusting subhuman fucks around. Die like you fucking deserve!
this is just one example
of someone
who is WAY more talented then I am

now who wants to tell the rest of the thread
I'm a conceited asshole
just because I refuse to believe any of you can bend reality to your will without my permission while I'm still in it




and https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2pvjgBn4m4k

just to name a few
who are not like me
they are "better" at least at stuff I'm not capable of doing myself but they are
I pray to God everyday that it isn't my own race who has done this to me, and even if the evidence was in my face I'd probably still be in denial. It's not denial about the truth, but it's a denial that they would do that to me. I'm hoping that's not the case, because I know that if it is the case God is going to make me punish them and that doesn't make me feel better.
It would absoutely destroy me at first if that's actually what's happening.

If that's whats happening, I can't even think about the trials I went through in comparison to how bad God is going to fuck you up man. I'm scared for you guys if that's the case, really I am.
No man. I'm not fucking 15 anymore. Speak to me like the person I am now, not who I no longer am. Drop the pop culture references and shit.. please.
how many threads
are you going to spam your bullshit in
before you give up trying to prove you're the nobody

any guesses
what about

I mean you know yourself
better then I do
what do you think



I will absolutely not.
>especially considering the fact I never spoke to who i thought you were to begin with
Sorry dude I should mention that I don't give a fuck about /ng/ or this Nobody shit. I vent my problems in these threads so I don't trash up the rest of the board with my shit. I'm not the Nobody or anything related to it seriously, I almost forget it was a concept because of how I use these threads.
you really like
treating randome strangers
like they are little kids who want to have sex with you even if you have to resist the temptation and just flirt with them instead of going to jail for the rest of your life

where you can breath
even if
you are never "free" again

at least
all those who wanted to kill you
are pissed off at me instead and leave you alone

I don't believe me
best I can tell
you really want an this audience to pay attention to you instead of me

why is the the only mystery
since I'm not the nobody
and am instead something else entirely

op is a liar if they try and include me in their so called "narrative"

Stop being schizos and go play in the sun. God is aware of your blights and will send help soon.
you are literally gross lmao
Ironically you like treating adults that way irl. LMAO
I like to play in the moonlight. :)
I can feel theres so many people.. falling of the radar. I can feel it. What is that?
coming from you I take that as a compliment
Someone pick my brain and tell me if I was right about what they did to me, or it was paranoia trying to inverse what might actually be. I need to know if it's true.. if an old friend of mine really tried to sacrifice me in a ritual for material gain. I just need to know this one piece of information and everything else falls in place.
Goddamnit you fucking sellout fuck. You really sent my ass to Saturn and chose Saturn over your God? Bro, did you really do that just so yhou could reap the benefits of being in a choir? Fuck your an idiot man.
seethe and cope
the things
other folks kids
find entertaining

are not up to me
*pats on head*
Everyone from mountain of Moriah who did what he did - if you're reading, never forget that you're not a real Jew anymore and you're no longer connected to the covenant of HaShem. Enjoy where I spent the first 25 years of my life.. without God
Lmao how dumb can you be man?? You kids had everything you could ever want or ask for. You all grew up rich and never had to worry about a thing. All the luxuries you ever wanted your parents provided.

Why, why for the love of God would you trade everything you've been given from God so far, and throw it away for some Pagan planetary worship? It doesn't matter now, but what matters is our God was merciful enough to let you choose to pick another God or him. You chose another God, so it is only you who was responsible for cutting off your covenant with God. We are allowed to refuse Priesthood.. but we are not allowed to refuse Priesthood and benefit by material means.. otherwise you have a different religion and God. Whether God decides to let you back in after whatever that's cool.
Lmao how are you gonna cry because the demons scared you man? Lmao it's crazy hearing you talk shit about the same guy who pulled you out of your debacle and pushed you forward with your band. Pussy. Stick to your fucking shoe collection.
>You all grew up rich and never had to worry about a thing.
Speak for yourself.
Bro who are you trying to fool? You wouldn't know poverty if it played on the radio hahah what the fuck bro how insane are you?
>you wouldn't know poverty
half of your population lives like paycheck to paycheck bro

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