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Welcome to the Semen Retention General!
Restored Humanity Edition!

>What is Semen Retention?
Semen retention is the practice of completely abstaining from masturbation and ejaculation, often with the intention of preserving and redirecting vital and sexual energy to oneself.

>Why do it?
Reported benefits include: increased vitality, mental clarity, reduced stress, increased motivation, increased energy, improved focus, healthier hair/skin/eyes, deeper meditation, improved AP/Lucid Dreams, deeper voice, improved mood, greatly improved testosterone, improved physical strength and many more.

>Wet Dreams?
They happen because you had a sexual dream and you coomed. Learn to be conscious on your dreams and stop the succubus.

>What causes wet dreams?
The causes are many: Illnesses, telepathic bad actors fucking with your dreams, excess energy build up, watching too much sexually-inducing stuff, lusting during the day, lack of an adequate transmutation activity, eating too late at night, excess nutrients overall, stimulants like maca, ginseng, ginger, excess protein, excess carbs, tight clothes (pajamas) for bedtime, bad sleeping posture (this varies, find the one that suits you best), going to bed with full bladder, exposure to hormonal disruptors via food (pesticides...) or body care products (soap, deodorant etc)...

Previous thread >>38419430
>In case of urges:
- https://imgur.com/gallery/g4eGH
- Don't peek and Hold your breath for as long as you possibly can. The urge usually pass after that. If not, repeat.
- Horse stance or chair pose: Do it while clenching the abdomen and all legs' muscles, raise arms for extra blood flow redirection. Works both for killing erections or urges.
- Any physical activity.

On long clean streaks many report benefits that transcend current science like a sort of "magnetism" or higher "vibration/aura" that attracts/appeals to other living beings, a higher perception, a stronger and intimidating "aura/presence", a deeper connection with nature, an attractive BO (people usually report it as "pheromones") and more.

- Mental Purity 1.1: Semen Retention acts as a bio-electromagnetic amplifier. Watch the quality of your thoughts because your inner state will get amplified and manifested. Lust is the Ojas killer. Do not engage with Lust.
- Mental Purity 1.2: Keep a journal as a tool for introspection.
- NEVER watch porn of any kind.
- Remove triggers from your life. Masturbation is a bad habit. Break that bad habit.
- Focus on achieving a goal. An art, a craft, competing, etc.
- Meditate and/or Pray Daily. Try a minimum of 5 minutes to start off.
- Exercise/Gym/Sports/Martial Arts. If it is something social even better.
- Good habits like healthy eating, water fasting, dry fasting, sun exposure and cold showers do seem to speed up the process.
- Sublimation: literally using the energy.
- Transmutation: changing the quality of energy to something different. (Surya Namaskara, 8 brocades, Tibetan rites)
Keep in mind that the efferent nerves attached to your testes necessarily means that any lustful thought, image, or sound is necessarily a command to your junk to produce sexual fluids and this is the reason why celibacy is first and foremost of the mind
The root of this entire matter is the mind - without conquering the mind, celibacy is a futile effort
The signals from the brain happen on the subconscious autonomic level
This is why any lustful thought, image, or sound is necessarily a command to the sexual organs to produce sexual fluids (the more intently you look, the higher amplitude of a signal gets sent: body > afferent nerves > brain > efferent nerves > body)
Therefore "Conversion of sexual energy to something" is necessarily a HORRIBLY inefficient process (Not to confuse with Sexual Transmutation)
Fluids will be reabsorbed, but the energy and materials cost to make it vs how much is "taken back" via reabsorption is SEVERELY unbalanced and super net negative
Sexual fluids are made from the cream of the crop of the body's resources - constantly generating them means that you are constantly draining away the cream of the crop of your resources.
Taoist writings said that the sexual organs will even take primacy over nourishing your other internal organs at some point. (Thus, doing a spiritual practice as a coomer is a surefire way to die faster).

>/SRG/ interesting reads
Lol that image is so true. I could be the most pimple faced motherfucker, no haircut, with a wizard beard and no shower and with a few months of SR, you will still be beautiful to everyone.
Scientific evidence:

Periodic changes in serum testosterone levels after ejaculation in men

Influence of abstinence and ejaculation-to-analysis delay on semen analysis parameters of suspected infertile men

Improved sperm kinematics in semen samples collected after 2 h versus 4-7 days of ejaculation abstinence

Influence of a short or long abstinence period on semen parameters in the ejaculate of patients with nonobstructive azoospermia

Seasonal changes in breeding activity, testicular size, testosterone concentration and seminal characteristics in rams with long or short breeding season

Shorter abstinence decreases sperm deoxyribonucleic acid fragmentation in ejaculate

Endocrine response to masturbation-induced orgasm in healthy men following a 3-week sexual abstinence

Relationship between sexual satiety and brain androgen receptors

A research on the relationship between ejaculation and serum testosterone level in men
Struggling to sleep at night. Genuinely feeling so horny and i get thoughts of "well just coom you'll fall asleep like a baby" arghhhhhhh fuck

Anyway. Full moon rn. Be vigilant anons.
Is a non-orgamic ejaculation as draining as an orgasmic one?
I have a theory that the feeling of orgasm is spiritual energy being shat out through the root chakra. Yesterday I relapsed, but didn't feel drained. I wasn't thinking of anything particular but I had been browsing erotic images
Beyond a vague tiredness my clarity is the same, but in the past whenever I had an intense orgasm I would have brain fog the entire week. My streak was about 180 days.
So my guess is that semen acts as a conducting fluid for spirit energy. The more you focus on something while it happens to stronger elemental it's going to be. Succubus makes the wet dream appealing so more energy gets focused into it.
I admit, full moon is no joke. Had 4 potential WDs this morning. Hard to sleep like that.
I think you're onto something here. My view is that during horny moments we charge our semen with spirit by breaking our own spirit down into little pieces and spreading it among the 'ready-for-launch' semen.
Semen IS the life force, the energy itself. There is an elixir in there, undiscovered, that is pure chi. Semen makes life. As above so below.

Relapsing without touching ur dick is still a relapse. no way around it. Big part of this is purity of thought, and not looking at lustful images. The risk is always there
I went 5 years no fap, and 1 wet dream fucked me up for life how do I get to that point again without a bad psychic actor causing me to mess up
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I'm not sure how 1 WD fucks you up for life. I'm willing to bet that 2 weeks, if not 1, of no release should be enough to restore the amount of semen you released. I know it's tough to fail a WD, but being able to not let that defeat get to you is an accomplishment by itself.

You can do it, I believe you can do it. Hell, you're the first one I've seen so far to do 5 years.
I wonder what the connection is with a mans Semen and will power. What I notice is that when you are retaining for months, you have a ton of willpower. Basically elite status will power (since literally, 90% of the men in your block are closet coomers, or on a ton of drugs and alcohol, which eats at them anyway) So much willpower that you can do something, all day everyday and not be tired. So much willpower that you can manifest your desires very quickly. When you think about it, willpower is literally the fundamental source of energy that keeps the universe running. Imagine having infinite gas for your car and never needing to refill, but you can also use that gas for other things, so it doesnt actually have a defined structure, it is a raw material. Willpower is the "material" that allows things to have motion. You use your will to get out of body and so on. Everything in this universe uses willpower to exist.
229 days of SR here. I believe that not only breath work is essential but aligning your heart with your mind (thoughts) is as well.
Day 30 today longest I've gone without coom since 14.
> muh sexual transmutation
> muh ability to think full paragraphs out without craving dopamine
> muh magnetism
but I am still reeling from a messy breakup so I still hate women, magnetism doesn't help with this
> muh insane lucid dreams
> muh lowered desire to fuck everything I see
this lowered desire translated into dreams. First 2 week SR I had the goonest dreams, like one where I held a gun to a dudes head and told him to cum, and another where I was around farm animals who were all cumming cumpulsively so I came too. second round of SR now at 30 days, had a would be wet dream last night where my EX asked me to have sex with her and I told her begone thot, another where a giant futa got my friend to suck >her dick and offered it to me and I knew it was wrong on a spiritual level, another where I was part of an orgy of 4 really hot girls my type and mid sex I stopped and looked outside and walked to the ocean.
> muh lowered tranny-desire
When I was 24 I had no gay thoughts but got big into trannies over covid and it almost made me fully gay. Back to only finding really attractive women attractive
> muh lowered thot hypnosis
I've been locking eyes and flirting with girls but I cannot be swayed by women without active displays of moral righteousness
> but probably would still fall on my knees and simp for an AI safety or science girl over 8/10
Ahh prostate/testicular cancer general psyop still at it I see.
bro, like, YES, a wet dream is a fail, but your progress was not about how many days you went without cumming, it was about the mental structures you built and rebuilt in those 5 years. You still have those. The high T will literally come back in 1 week. I understand the shame of failure but
>If you aren't prepared to return to square 1 and get back on the horse, you aren't a man
Had a cute girl say hi to me randomly, and it seemed magnetism related.
I should have sat down and chatted with her in hindsight.
Any tips on capitalizing on opportunities given to me like that?
WDs are proof that you're worth being targeted. Forces seek to keep you down. Dust yourself off and keep going.
Try to learn from it and purify your mind so that your defenses are stronger.
Nice try there, Satan. Are you still recovering from your booboo you got when you were thrown out of Heaven?
I would definitely say to think with your brain before you think with your dick. If you decide to chat with a woman you find attractive, pay attention to both her body language and what she is actually saying. It wouldn't be a good thing for you to become infatuated with someone who is not the type of person to reciprocate your feelings.
Is there a relationship between SR and Vril?
Uncle adie would constantly talk about preserving the 'flame of life'.
Do you think this is what made him worthy of the wotanic archetype also?
Absolutely. Civilizations throughout history and the continents have talked about the relationship between abstinence from sex and ambition.
dont stay in bed if you cannot sleep at all. Stand up and make chores for the next day, like washing dishes mop the floor etc, yourself from the next day will thank you. Study or get shit done as well
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I don't know, because I don't know what you mean by "vril", but I have observed that there is a decided lack of "fire" in most young men and it probably does have to do with being in a constant state of recuperation from masturbation, but I don't think that's all there is to it. I call it, "fire in the loins," in the old-fashioned way, but I just mean: grit, determination, drive, focus, masculine dignity in one's affairs, and willpower, essentially. I don't see many men with it.
you guys need to upload that shit somewhere else, imgur is roastie tier and everytime i scroll down the page to read it changes to something else
OP is still apparently too stupid to figure out what pastebin is. I really wish you redditfaggots would go back to r/nofap.
no one cares.
>claims no one cares
>still replies
Seriously though, there's a reason the SR gen isn't bad. It's becasue it's an anonymous posting thread where posters are judged by the value of their advice and it evolved from people that don't need to own the good advice they give. The massive amount of namefags and tripfags are shitting up this thread is getting untenable. Along with an OP that verbally shits himself if someone doesn't get his precious copypasta correct (which wasnt even his copypasta to begin with), the gen is being ruined. Figure this shit out or leave. It's not fucking hard.
Noticed there's a bunch of miserable sclerotic oldfags here keen on quelling the youthful careless energy found in young men. Be careful of these types.
The problem with wet dreams is less about the energy loss and more about the lustful energy that can follow for a day or two. Rather than being concerned or worried about a loss of energy from the WD, instead make sure your focus is on remaining vigilant for the next couple of days because you may be in a more aroused state.
I think he’s just LARPing as an oldfag for the (You)s. He doesn’t even make sense most of the time, but his seethe is worth the keks.
Was about to go to a porn site and came to /x/ on a whim for the first time in over a year on a whim. This thread just helped me decide to dive into SR again. I had a streak of over 6 months awhile back and fell off.
Thats the insidious nature of these addictions.. They convince you they are not so bad, but if I really focus I can remember how GOOD it felt to be in total control of my arousal, and to keep my legs firmly shut. How magnetic and powerful I felt everywhere I went. Thank you, anons who keep this general going. This thread is far better than 90% of the trash shitting up the board all the time.
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Bros something cool is happening... If I see a lust provoking image one or three things happen:
- Eyes begin to hurt
- Comical disgruntled face
- Uninterested and bored
Unironically thank Jehovah Rapha for dealing with my stupid shenanigans, and helping me through.
Reminder that your emotions and thoughts are not you, they are a function of the body just like sight and hearing. They draw upon memories to make subtle suggestions, the problem is that we misuse these tools in modern society.

So you can watch your thoughts and feelings like clouds in the sky, they are just drifting here and there.
Time to restore humanity! Good luck fren
Many faggots here want you to stop looking at women altogether, stop talking to them, stop wanting to fulfil male purpose to breed.

To these faggots, fuck off. You are gay. I will talk to women, I will find woman i have mystical connection with, i will make love to her, I will exalt her into goddess and absorb her into my Will, and our love will explode and destroy many universes with it.
I don't get it, why do you guys fall back to porn if SR actually works?
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>Deprived of praise, affection, and consideration
>Attempting to satisfy a false self love
>Decade long addictions don't just go away overnight
>Coping mechanism for stress
>Don't have other aspects of their lives together
>Trauma based
>Crumble under the heat of their temptations

Choose one, or all.
It's kind of the same for fat people, we know the health dangers of it, we know that we take our health for granted every single day until it fails... So why are there so many walking blimps ?
Not to say that I'm any better. We are all weak at times, which is funny on how we proceed to our next course of action.
Why fap to porn if you have a gf?
Least unhinged simp.
This is all beyond you
Do women love you on SR, like when they are disgusted by you on PMO?
>it was the resident jeet
Should've known.
Fucking Eros & Co. trying to make me coom
I think you're right
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>I had the goonest dreams, like one where I held a gun to a dudes head and told him to cum, and another where I was around farm animals who were all cumming cumpulsively so I came too.
so, you're having the time of your life right now? beautiful
I did it again
>It was one of the many bitter, resentful incels mad at sexhavers
We need some bug spray in this thread
Women don't like fucking guys in ltr
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>tfw eternal insomnia
heat makes it even worse, no good streaks for me this summer I guess
I haven't been paying attention for the last two weeks during this streak, but my pomegranates are M A S S I V E. Gonna get some Sunflower Lecithin soon and give it a few weeks next month to see if they get bigger as long as I don't fall in this glorious battle.
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I failed my 1 week streak today...

i'm sorry bros
Get back up ! Don't relapse again today, you still got work to do !
Find out what was it about your day that caused you to fall down. Learn how to circumvent it for the future.
Perceive how porn is a waste of your time, and your brain will play tricks on you to think it's better than it actually is. Discipline your brain.
No semen should go out. As simple as that. Your theory is wrong, because with that logic, a non-ejaculatory orgasm would be damaging, but it is not.

If it was the other way around, orgasm without ejaculation, you'd be good. But you wasted the seed.

When will you niggers realize that the final goal is not to never ever touch penis, or have it touched, but to learn to control the ejaculatory impulse so you are capable of making love without spilling the seed?
I was going good on a 3 day streak, car broke down yesterday made it through the monday - woke up at 3 am with urge to fap and released. I'm sick of the cycle, this time will be different
Not even spirit/ demon chicks want to have anything to do with an incel. And these entities swarm me when I do SR after a week or two. I think incels are a death cult being used for a very specific purpose.
You have this wrong anon... If Feminism is being lead and maintained by a massive Jezebel spirit, then there is one also behind the MGTOW. If there's a Jezebel, then there are Ahabs (Incels and Male feminist that hate men) that has to support them.
You're just getting attacked from either opening a door to a spirit spouse when you viewed porn. Or your demons are whispering to others to come attack you harder. Watch for anger, pride, gluttony, slothfulness, depression in the following weeks. I'd suggest you change your music too.
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Interesting, I will never forget one encounter I had with a spirit. It was not a demon / succubi, the vibe was completely different.

Once in a dream (during a streak)
>I met a redhead in an abandoned creepy asylum
>felt like I shouldn't be there
>everything was illuminated with a green light
>she led me through the place until we went into a room with a bed and she locked the door
>there we made passionate sex
this is where it gets weird
>after that she asked me questions, we just chilled, and talked about life and deep things for awhile
I woke up sad because she wasn't there anymore but was also at peace
>this was years ago and I never met her again

After I woke up the good feeling went on for days. And I am greatly saddened and miss her since. But I can't help but wonder what the hell was that place and why did I feel like I shouldn't be there and she seemed in a hurry to get me to that room.
you litterly type like a bitch son
I had a dream last night of me encountering old friends, deceased family members and my old crush from waay back in elementary school (we still talk) and we gathered around the table eating while I was holding her hand.

then I woke up to go to fucking work. I know this only happened because of SR. Cause I had NEVER had a vivid dream like this EVER before SR. I WANNA GO BACK!!!!!
Last dream I remember I could breath underwater and had an epic underwater adventure where I became friends with a seahorse
you cant change the papi part but you can change the rest quite easily son
No. What these gens have become is a bunch of retards terminally online larping that they give a shit about SR. The only semi-intelligent discussion about the actual practice was the discussion about Hatha yoga in the last thread. You have a bunch of namefags and a retard OP using this as a substitute for real life friends or social life. This isn't reddit and you need to get offline every now and then. SR is lived in the real world among real people, not this retard loser shit. Unironically, you need sunlight and you need to touch grass. I took a break from this stuff for like 3 months and this gen literally turned into what the trolls said it was. Kissless retards larping and coping about being incels. Get some perspective.
I don't want to see women as humans. All other benefits of this are nice, but I really do not want to see women as human beings.
I think that the fucking succubus attacked me, but I still didn't coom.
If you're not a faggot, then why do you talk like one?
your mom called, time to go home Timmy
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checked, pray anon
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>Looked at porn
>Feel nothing
>Get done posting here to go to bed
>Two hours later get a wet dream
>Can't even remember the dream
>Two week streak, not counting the wet dream

This only fuels me to go harder.
Porn makes me want to hurt people. It is so boring, I get pleasure from causing pain to others now.
You sound really inconsistent. Welcome back schizo, glad you’re off your meds. That’s the first step towards healing.
Captcha: 4SAR2
>I'd suggest you change your music too.
Nope, I am not doing that.
100% this. Suppression will eventually lead to the pipe bursting in unexpected ways. Flatline seems to be what this is. Complete turning off of social connections. The arousal/sex drive/libido is what you want turned on but it has to be controlled. Ideally exchanged with the female component.

Like to keep my battery between 70-85% charged. not too horny not too flatline. A lot of power on tap if needed.
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This is more or less the result of some newfaggots (OP being one of them) that larp like they know anything about the actual practice. These charlatans are basically copy/paste monkeys that see world salad and realize they can get attention online by repeating words they barely understand. At its core, retention means preserving your energy and using it on endeavors that you decide to use them on. This is basically what people call transmutation, or at least what you can understand it being for most people in this thread. What you choose to use the energy on that you preserve is up to you. You can choose to use this on a family. To study the esoteric arts. To be better at work. To save up the energy to expend is sex magick rituals (preferably with women, but you do you). You are exerting discipline upon yourself, at a time when evil forces are trying to get you to waste that energy and addict yourself to habits that weaken you. If you choose women, that's your choice. This thread is about making men stronger, not about larping about strength.
Can I use SR for evil? Genuine question.
>looked at porn
this is the moment you fucked up, even if you don't feel anything it stays in yoir subconsciousness hence the wet dream.
if you were fasting you wouldn't search for pictures of food and say
>pfff I don't even feel hungry
It's a waste of time and energy
then don't
men are humans
women are a diffrent group made from man's genes
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MGTOW wouldn't be necessary for self preservation if feminism wasn't left unchecked and pushed for decades. It wasn't even real feminism because they only wanted selective freedom while the men still acted traditionally in ways that benefited women.
The demon possessing me is weak.
On my longest streak I had this year I caught a glimpse of a succubus when I was falling asleep, she looked withered and drained of life force.
So I got drunk and relapsed 2 nights ago. Do I just need to do yoga in order to avoid feeling like my balls are going to explode?
This is how I lost all my big streaks, getting home drunk.

But now, I discovered a way to never ejaculate again, unless I wanna nake her prego
I went a week without meditating lately and oh man this shit matters, do your daily meditations or yoga or whatever. It matters a lot
I’ve been kinda down lately at my job and it’s effecting how I work and my relationships with my co workers, I’ve started to realize that nobody actually likes me. nobody actually cares about me besides my parents, I don’t have friends, I’m not normal, and I can’t talk to people, even with other men not just girl shit.

When I got a promotion at my job everyone was acting passive aggressive towards me about it and one person even asked me how I got promoted but in a weird way where I could tell she was trying to figure something out and not because she actually cared or liked that I got promoted.And then there’s this group of older ladies who silently disapproved, and not to mention I was annoying the managers when asking for help and I’m still learning things even now, and someone I had a falling out with was also acting passive aggressive and making my job harder.

There’s this one kid who’s been there since January, everyone likes him, he gets along with everybody, he hangs out with them after work, he makes him laugh, he’s one of the best when he got promoted to my position and when I was still new at the position, before he got promoted, he said I was the worst he had ever seen at it, and was always kinda looking down on me

Ever since he started talking to me when he got hired I feel like it was out of pure competitiveness, he was asking how much I was getting paid hourly like three times, he would talk down on my interests and hobbies after he asked, he was asking how many hours I was getting, but I was too happy someone was actually talking to me and not realizing he was being a dick towards me.

It makes me feel like shit because he’s so much better at the position then I am, he’s everyone’s favorite and he did it all while looking down on me and using me for information…it’s made me real depressed because my entire life I’ve been a laughing stock, someone to poke at, and even as an adult it’s still happening
So you base your value on how others perceive you. Of course you will feel like shit, you allow others to dictate how you feel.

If they like you, you feel great, if they don't you feel like shit.

This is why philosophy is important. Focus on your value of yourself. Study Stoicism, it will teach you. As long as you depend upon others like this, you are bound to be unhappy.

Another thing is, when you are doing SR, a lot of shit like agressivnes will be directed towards you. There will be hate for you. Same shit with me. Whenever I am doing well, some random shit will pop up where I will be tested, hate directed towards me, but I have learned, it is the test of my strength, I will not allow another to dictate what I do with my life or how I feel.
Nah the other anon is right, both sides are a psyop to divide people. MGTOW is an incel thing, and incel means self-loathing victim mentality loser, in other words, the same shit as a feminist, if it hasn't occurred to you.
>they only wanted selective freedom while the men still acted traditionally in ways that benefited women.
I've heard this so much it should be the new "gender is a social construct," just stop, stop engaging with fake social media politics mf, might as well be a republican and go out and vote like a goy nigger, it's all just meant to piss you off so you hate others and don't breed.
stop derailing the fucking thread and talk about the benefits of SR or fuck off
yeah shills are back full force
yep this is the most shilled in thread on /x/ for a good reason because they want you passive and coomers are passive
it sounds like you have a shitty job and/or work with shitty people. you're not the first person to deal with this. also sounds like you have a victim mindset.
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>if you were fasting you wouldn't search for pictures of food and say

It's funny how you bring up fasting, because that's how I know my demons are whispering to your demons.
Wet dreams are spiritual attacks and has nothing to do with the brain. I gave the enemy legal right to do whatever without cancelling it outloud.
I also am fasting, and I'm also looking for recipes to break my fast with. I've gotten many recipes to look forward to. Hunger fades around day 4-6, as I'm now on day 14 besides some gut issues there's little to no hunger, my temptation is little to none. Some fun things I found:
This Cucumber Salad - https://www.youtube.com/shorts/438xzbKfr74
Lemon Noods - https://www.youtube.com/shorts/CU8FJ9Z27AI
Meatloaf - https://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/tyler-florence/dads-meatloaf-with-tomato-relish-recipe-1917021
And I'm finna make me some kimchi next month as soon as I can. Gonna be the first time I try it and taste it.
While fasting =/= porn; if you can't look or touch food while you're fasting, you're being selfish, especially if you can't prepare it for your family.
I have been pondering why I can fast for these 14 days fairly easily, but porn and masturbation are real temptations.
SR + Fasting go hand in hand though, and puts life on easy mode.
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Reminder that you should learn how to have non ejaculatory sex in order to harvest the true power of semen retention.

Simply not cumming and never having sex is great, but not doable in the long run, what are you some fucking monk? Yeah right, fucking learn how to fuck without EVER wasting a single drop of seed.
I had a non-ejaculatory orgasm yesterday, I fucked up and started edging but I still retained, lotus position seems ideal for this purpose, channeled my vrill up my spine like a boss, hugo boss
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>shaming people for not having sex
Lotus position is not advised by the guy who wore this book, he suggests feet planted on the ground, either sitting or standing tup.

Learning how to have non ejaculatory sex requires daily practice and takes more than a year, and requires getting up to 90% of the orgasm, and then pulling the energy up the spine, up to 30+ times a day. (There is a whole lot to this it is called "Power Lock", don't just fucking edge thinking you are acheiving something, study for weeks before starting).

Of course no porn, it drains your soul, but if you follow a strict practice plan, it is no longer a "edging fuck up" but an intentional practice in order to preserve the seed in the long run.
>Lotus position is not advised by the guy who wore this book
It just really works for me. Not supposed to be a regular thing, just better than failing and nutting, I keep some of my gains and try to do better the next day
It doesn’t matter how you retain your as long as you retain it. To each their own method, but for some reason people love to shove their method down the throat of others.

Average troon mentality right there.
>control the ejaculatory impulse so you are capable of making love without spilling the seed

If only people could think metaphorically enough to understand how this statement applied to every endeavor.

Semen retention is the lowest IQ means of training how to not trade long term growth and benefits for short term satisfaction, even if your entire instinctual being is telling you to.

That's why meditation and exercise are so important with SR as well, they are the other omega low-iq means of ACTUALLY training your ability to do things when you don't want to and control impulse.

>to do things when you don't want to and control impulse
is the key to all production

>unless you have the other key, which you don't.
if you know, you know.
I have a problem and the full moon makes me act up. A month ago I ended a 50 day streak by cheating on my gf. I got on a hook up app and fucked a 60 year old woman. I regretted it so much I felt so much shame and felt literally cast out of heaven I wanted to cry sometimes when I looked at my sweet gf. I’m about two weeks into another streak and last nights full moon made me stay up and download the app again. I matched with another gilf. I’m so tempted right now to smash her like there’s no tomorrow. Why am I like this. I want it to stop. I want to go to heaven. I want to have a good life with my soon to be wife. Why do I wanna dump loads in old ladies. I feel fucked up.
Why don't you fuck your soon to be wife instead?
Do not put your eyes to anything that you do not want your feet and heart to move towards. Otherwise it will consume you.
Your brain is playing tricks on you to make it seem better than it actually is anon. Fight your brain.
you are a literal retard
why would you not just fuck the shit out of your gf if you're that horny?
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Day three

I'M SO FUCKING HORNY. RAAAAGGHHHH the urges won't win I swear to god I won't let them. I'm in control of my destiny
I think we’re due for some it’s been about a week. I’m gonna try it tonight hopefully it calms me down.

Yup I literally feel like a retarded fucking npc piece of shit. I have sex with my gf and I love her so much but I think my porn addled mind wants novelty. My gf is great but she’s 50 pounds overweight I’m not exactly unhappy but some of these older ladies are indistinguishable from young fit women from behind it drives me nuts. I wish I could just run away from it all for ever.

Everything in my body and soul is telling me not to. The brain the ego is a fucked up thing. Today I will workout hard as fuck and make love to my girlfriend and pray to god for help. I do not want to go to hell.

I think the sins of the father is a very real thing. My father was constantly cheating on my mom as a kid and it doesn’t help that I’ve been on porn since I was 10. I grew up everyone telling me that fucking a lot of chicks was a good thing and so I did before I met my girlfriend. I am not trying to blame anything or anyone. I have seen the fruits of heaven and know that I can turn myself and my life around if I chose to. I’m just sharing what I’m going through to get it off my chest in hopes that it helps. Thanks all for replying
i don't see why not. is not that different to get /fit/ only to choke some guy to death. Energy is energy
Have you tried taking a cold shower?
Thread theme: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H48j3KGBomU&list=PLUK-mHJgKa89GlLPAKkkf4lJsxHV1BgSz&index=6
What i mention here is Vajrayana Buddhism. Based sexhaver retainers should look into this.


Read this. However I will copy relevant section here for the lazy fucks.

1. The “sacrifice of the feminine principle” is from the outset a fundamental event in the teachings of Buddha . It corresponds to the Buddhist rejection of life, nature and the soul. In this original phase, the bearer of androcentric power is the historical Buddha himself.

2. In Hinayana Buddhism, the “Low Vehicle”, the “sacrifice of the feminine” is carried out with the help of meditation. The Hinayana monk fears and dreads women, and attempts to escape them. He also makes use of meditative exercises to destroy and transcend life, nature and the soul. In this phase the bearer of androcentric power is the is the ascetic holy man or Arhat.

3. In Mahayana, the “Great Vehicle”, flight from women is succeeded by compassion for them. The woman is to be freed from her physical body, and the Mahayana monk selflessly helps her to prepare for the necessary transformation, so that she can become a man in her next reincarnation. The feminine is thus still considered inferior and despicable, as that which must be sacrificed in order to be transformed into something purely masculine. In both founding philosophical schools of Mahayana Buddhism (Madhyamika and Yogachara), life, nature, the body and the soul are accordingly sacrificed to the absolute spirit (citta). The bearer of androcentric power in this phase is the “Savior” or Bodhisattva.
>My gf is great but she’s 50 pounds overweight I’m not exactly unhappy but some of these older ladies are indistinguishable from young fit women from behind it drives me nuts.
I think your problem lies in being unable to communicate truthfully and open with your soon to be wife. SR won't help you like this. What you need to do is restore your relationship to a healthy state, because this is far from healthy. Tell your wife to lose some weight, be straight with her (although you can't ask this if you're fat as well). Don't immediately bring up this whoring around what you're doing. Keep that as a last resort if she doesn't listen.
>I got on a hook up app and fucked a 60 year old woman

>A month ago I ended a 50 day streak by cheating on my gf
Confess, and deal with the aftermath like a man. Imagine a woman doing this to you, and not saying anything to you. Would you want to live as such? Do you think anything "good" will come from a relationship built on such lies? You are wasting your time, and now her time. You have to get in control of yourself. Remember the feeling you felt anytime you think about downloading an app while with someone. Remember how it feels to betray someone who seemingly only offered you compassion, understanding, and love. Burn that into your mind, and choose to never do that again.

I'll give you a little spoiler too. Being single, and banging old women left, and right will feel good for awhile, but then those hedonistic pleasures don't really do it anymore, and you'll continue down a path that overwhelms, and consumes you all due to these base desires.

Your relationship is over, and you don't even realize it. Just do the best that you can, and learn from it at this point.

4. In Tantrism or Vajrayana, the tantric master (yogi) exchanges compassion with the woman for absolute control over the feminine. With sexual magic rites he elevates the woman to the status of a goddess in order to subsequently offer her up as a real or symbolic sacrifice. The beneficiary of this sacrifice is not some god, but the yogi himself, since he absorbs within himself the complete life energy of the sacrifice. This radical Vajrayana method ends in an apocalyptic firestorm which consumes the entire universe within its flames. In this phase the bearer of androcentric power is the “Grand Master” or Maha Siddha.

So, what relevance does this have to sexhaver retainers? First two, we see what the spirit of SR is mostly focused on. In Theravada, it is passive, ignore women completely. In Mahayana, it is more active, ethical, or sort of middle ground. The female is still despicable in her nature, but, we show compassion. In Vajrayana it is straight fire and destruction. Turn her to goddess, use sex magic to unlock secrets of God and ritually sacrifice her, not for god, but for you.

Of course, this sex magic stuff is all still very under wraps, fiercely guarded and not accessible unless you seek it out, but i hope this helps you break out of the conditioning of
>wahhh no sex no look at women
That the sclerotic, feeble folk here shill so hard
I love her so much and she tries just as much as I do. Our relationship truly is 50/50. She used to be obese and has lost 20 pounds so far by walking at the park while I go on my run. When I was on my 90 day streak I had a spiritual experience that led me to feel like god talked to me and said that if I ruled my sexual instincts I would achieve all my goals and reach my dreams just as long as I gave it up as a trade or offering. I want to feel like that again. I want to be inspired to live a brightly burning life. I’m not gonna do it bros. I’m better than this. There’s better things in store for me. All I have to do is be normal. I have to do is not be a fucking freak. A fucking psycho. I just gotta be normal.
Funny little upd8: I feel amazing after sleeping a few more hours, and I'm being more joyful than my previous days, motivation is incredibly high right now too. Explain.

>I think the sins of the father is a very real thing

You're oddly on the right track ! If you want some help, look into fasting:
How to Break a Generational Curse - https://www.youtube.com/shorts/HraA0jE3Ovw
Why fasting is important - https://www.youtube.com/shorts/Sj-evBQ0yJI
THIS is the POWER of FASTING - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qsK1wPwnw98
The Importance of Fasting for God - https://www.youtube.com/shorts/MuV5xlHj6PQ
God put me on the Isaiah 58 fast without my knowledge, pray to be put on that fast too.
A funny little extra bit: In Deuteronomy I believe, it says God curses people with inflammation, and hemorrhoids (or cancer cells) throughout generations, which I personally find hilarious, but people don't want to believe curses exist.
I recommend you start a daily routine with your Bible at minimum - https://www.youtube.com/shorts/WC9qBYJbPII - When I first started I did 1 chapter of Psalm, 1 Wisdom (of either Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Sirach (now on it), Lamentations), 1 chapter of wherever I was at in the Bible.
So far upping my reading throughout the day has also made it a breeze to stay away from lustful thoughts, along with fasting.
https://www.youtube.com/shorts/h_5ktnGEiJM - Go read.
>With sexual magic rites he elevates the woman to the status of a goddess
so I should licky licky?
I’m deleting the app and I’m gonna hurt myself with working out tonight. I feel like shit. Like a bastard. Like a murderer. Thanks everyone for your words. I want to quit this shit forever. Every decision is a vote for a future. I am voting to be with my wife and god. Sorry I stinked up the thread. I was suffering and I’m glad I got helped in the right direction
>I feel like shit. Like a bastard. Like a murderer.
That's the dumb devil coming after you. If you repent right now, you will be forced to move into righteousness, and with a clean slate, otherwise God wouldn't do anything with or for you.
Do not put on the hoodie of shame, you best put on that breastplate of righteousness.
Fuck off with your "repent" bullshit. God doesnt care. He thinks you're gay.
>do bad thing
>oh no daddy i did ze bad thing
>wahh gonna repent and torture my own soul
>okay clean slate lets go
Fucking sickness, this. Do you get off to this? Pervert.
Make strong vow to not do it again. Show compassion for Self. move on.
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Always funny to see a retard act smart with words they don't understand.
>I'm just not going to tell my future wife I've cheated on her
>Or my potential kids
>Or that I also struggle with cheating frequently.
>Nah, I'll just work out, and everything will be fine!
Ignoring your transgressions will only propagate misery in your life. The same betrayal you have acted out will haunt you until the end of days until you face it like a man. No matter how many weights you lift. No matter how much you push it down, or try to forget. Maybe your fiance will be willing to work through your issues? Maybe she won't. You are lying to yourself, and her every waking moment that you continue to hide these atrocities from her.

If you do not do what should be done you will only suffer for it, and corrupt/destroy. If you are hell bent on keeping your betrayal to yourself then at least do not speak of it in this thread, or similar in the future.
It's okay to struggle with sin, but it's not okay to live in sin. Repentance is a constant reminder to yourself, and to God that you want to change - God decides to water that seed.
While you can make strong vows - it's foolishly to do so without the proper knowledge, as it says countless times within the Bible to not make vows. A man made a vow with God to win a war, the man said along the lines of, "I will sacrifice whatever comes out of my house when I arrive home." God moved his hand, and won them the war. His daughter came out to hug him. He had to pay that vow.
Once you realise that you are in the courts of Jesus (as your defense lawyer) and the Devil (you prosecutor), with God as the judge, Jesus cannot defend you on his behalf until you bring the crime to him, otherwise you have given legal right to the devil to do whatever he wants with you.
If you sin, or do a wrong deed against your earthly father after he has established his rules, and you attempt to hide it, but he finds out later, isn't the punishment worst, and you're often filled with guilt ? But if you told your father immediately, is it not quickly forgiven, and dealt with ?
I'd encourage you to be critical of yourself throughout the day, as we need to live in a constant repentance. But at the same time, I know my words won't sway you, and neither will your words sway me. We all have consequences to face at the end of our lives.
Steven Seagal mentioned, dropped.
>. A man made a vow with God to win a war, the man said along the lines of, "I will sacrifice whatever comes out of my house when I arrive home." God moved his hand, and won them the war. His daughter came out to hug him. He had to pay that vow.
You are describing a demon. Fuck you and your semitic death cult.
> you attempt to hide it, but he finds out later
God, and by that i mean the real God, not the semitic jealous warlord demon you worship, is omnipresent and sees everything. The words you say to him, does not matter. Only deeds. You reap what you sow. This elaborate ritual of "repentance" is nothing more than a pathetic attempt at trying to fool God. It doesnt work.

There is the spiritual law. Break it, you deal with the consequences. Accept those consequences gracefully, and move on. Then vow to be Good. That is all.
just lost a 30 day nofap
Christcuck General
>You are describing a demon. Fuck you and your semitic death cult.
It's literally in the Bible... It's a very strong deterrent to never make vows with God that we cannot fulfill. Even Jesus himself warns us: https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew%205%3A34-37&version=KJV
>The words you say to him, does not matter. Only deeds. You reap what you sow. This elaborate ritual of "repentance" is nothing more than a pathetic attempt at trying to fool God. It doesnt work.
This is a very Jewish take despite what the Bible says: https://www.openbible.info/topics/repentance

Gomen, I will no longer derail.

What was it about your day that caused you to fall in battle ? Get up, and dust yourself off. Tomorrow is a new day to try again.
I've found it's extremely easy to retain or not have thoughts about porn as long as I don't browse /pol/. Practicing retention made me realize /pol/ is a demoralization psyop and is filled to the brim with porn or posts trying to trick your subconscious into watching porn and giving up on life. I think the final pill may be leaving tech behind as much as one can.
Genuinely insane just how parasitic they are. Cant help but shove bible quotes down your throat, completely incapable of metaphysical discussion.
please fren would you share your sources?
AI'm a sexhaver coomer, in my way to become a sexhaver retainer, but it's hard as fuck to stop after intercourse.
Most won't make the Bible relatable which is the part I hate the most. Neither will they tell you about their journey, and their struggles along the way. The only thing you get is the "perfect," and "finished," product. The Wests version of Christianity sucks, and isn't what the Bible portrays at all - yet they tout themselves as knowledgeable as the Pharisees.
They talk about "self," when it's told repeatedly to deny ourselves. It's told countless times that we were bought with a price, we are not our own. Thoughever, I will often get into hypocritical territory with this, but it's a process.
They will often reject the spiritual aspect of it, rather than come to the conclusion that humans are way more spiritual than we're told to be. There's little in the world that will influence us, it's all spiritual.
I personally love the spiritual aspect of it all, even when I fall in battle.
7 And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so.

8 And God called the firmament Heaven. And the evening and the morning were the second day.

9 And God said, Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear: and it was so.

I didn’t see any verses. Thought I’d help you out.
When you think about it, what is the source of almost all porn? Your phone and computer. Nobody is buying pornos for the purpose of jerking off anymore, all of that is vintage and outdated.
It is here anon http://www.trimondi.de/SDLE/Contents.htm
Great book btw, vajrayana is a big rabbithole i just realise this
Just commit to celibacy right now. When time is right you'll know. Any sexorz you have, ensure it is at the very least a positive experience for both of you. I have more thoughts but i dont wish to moralfag.
Esoteric christianity is great stuff. Got no issue with folks talking about Christos oil, or "deeper" layers of bible, gnosticism and other heretic stuff. Theyre very rigid in their thinking. you can see the cage theyve trapped themselves in. Sad
Not a single drop of shame in you, is there
>I think the final pill may be leaving tech behind as much as one can.
The trick is to use it and not let it use you.

You need a woman to show you what a man is, just like you need darkness to show you the light.
>Not a single drop of shame in you, is there
Well, I'm not Christian. Just poking some fun at some anon who's crying about "Biblical verses flying over his house".
>You need a woman to show you what a man is, just like you need darkness to show you the light.
Some people never even get the chance. Reality sucks and women and men in general fucking suck
>Some people never even get the chance. Reality sucks and women and men in general fucking suck
>You need darkness to show you the light.

You are the light my fren. And you don't need to be with a woman to show you what being a man is. In fact, being with a woman feminizes you because you'll have to compromise your true self for her. Every action you do has to be in consideration of her feelings. You go to the gym, you go to the grocery store, you go have a drink with a friend, you'll have to make sure that she feels ok with it. You really want that? That's female nature - they are insecure. If you are single, you don't know freedom until a woman locks you down. Stay positive fren, that's your only choice.
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Stay strong, anon.
>My gf is great but she’s 50 pounds overweight
ok now it makes sense, why would you want to fuck your landwhale of a gf, even if you had a massive dong you couldn't get it inside of her because of all that fat
Then do something about it. Go to the gym. Live an interesting life so you have stories to tell women. Curate a nice dating profile. Just talk to them. Theyre not that special. Seriously. Unless you find a woman you have a great connection with, theyre very disappointing. Theres no need to be scared.
I agree, and I avoid that place specifically for that reason. But as another anon said, part of the battle is learning to have control over your mind even when presented with erotic imagery. What use is refusal if we crumble at the slightest resistance? We need willpower.
>he doesnt understand addiction
I literally relapsed today. I was just lounging on my couch, daydreaming and scrolling through my phone when I lost track of time and what I was doing. Suddenly, I snapped back to reality and realized I had ejaculated and had been stroking myself without even being aware of it. It felt like I was in a sort of hypnotic trance, completely unaware and almost asleep. Fuck, back to square one.

Come back tomorrow,

don’t worry. at least you know you have to be more aware of your actions
Many soldiers have fallen under this full moon.

The most important thing is, make sure the relapse is only once.

I was on 2 week streak, relapsed. Usually ill then coom again straight away, then i went off SR altogether. But this time i got back on it. Now im on 2+ months.

Keep. Going. If nothing else survives, one thing will, and that is perseverance.
The tranny in mr beast team is a reminder of just how harmful gooning and porn is.
Hey! Mr Beast has his own thread now, among many others. Although I'm sure porn did play a role in that person's fucked up mental state. Sexual trauma doesn't always include porn which can cause such mental illnesses to manifest. Maybe they were just sodomized, or molested? I'm sure we all know social media influencers/streamers are working towards normalized transitioning anyway (Finnster or whatever, various porn stars, etc). Unless you're living under a rock. Just don't let your kids ever watch that stuff, and make sure other people know.
dead internet theory
You trying to talk about semen retention?
It seems like my wet dreams are caused by a full bladder. I'll try only hydrating before noon
Let's do it, brothers. Our strength should arrive before the fall harvest.
Month 9 for me. Still no super powers.
2 months in and one of the neighbours cats which is pregnant is coming up to me and asking for food. animals are our frens
What relationship exists between Taoism and the practice of semen retention?
Actual incels hate MGTOW, they call it cope. All MGTOW is is avoiding serious commitment to women because they spent the past decades divorcing, whoring and cheating at rates of more than half. They're not worth the commitment anymore and that's why most relationships fail. Women show all the time they feel entitled to men's money and protection but don't think they owe men anything in return not even sex or basic respect. This isn't made up victim shit or lies like feminism was (equality for everyone isn't real and they don't even truly believe it), it's objective proven observable reality. You motherfuckers are just stupid. You don't even know what the words you're using mean but you think you're woke or found the true path because you're a retarded centrist online. You say "nuh uh ur both stupid just breed and love unlikable people bro" completely ignoring the facts saying otherwise, but your micro dicks get rock hard larping as enlightened anyway.
MGTOWs are all coping incels. They tell themselves that theyre celibate out of choice but theyre not.
Actual MGTOWs who've experienced women are rare. Oldfags telling newfags to not bother.
Just like this place kek
It's strange, my days most likely to have wet dreams on are either full moons or new moons. Maybe it has something to do with the tides and human bodies being mostly made of water?
Feminism is and was always retarded because men and women can never be equal. Equal means "the same". 1 plus 1 equals 2, 1 plus 1 is the same as 2. Are men the same as women? Do they look the same, act the same, serve the same biological roles for reproduction? No? Okay, then women will never be equal to men. It's just that simple, and anyone who says that women and men should be held to the same standard are retarded. Women should be held to a woman's standard, men should be held to a man's standard, because men and women are different, and thus have different standards they should be held to.
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I'm actually doing a woman fasting for the rest of my life, since I already had my fill. That way there's more opportunity for a poor incel to get a woman. Making the world a better place.
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You sound just like the actual self identified incels. If incels went MGTOW they would save tons of money that gets spent on donating to ethots, foodie call dates, fucking tinder (lol) or otherwise paying women not to fuck them anyway. Anyone with money could technically get sex even if it's not the best because women have sold themselves for thousands of years. Even though I wouldn't support prostitutes much either it's still more consistent sex than men get in serious more socially acceptable relationships now. You don't have to experience women now to know they're not worth it when the expected way to experience them is pic related unless you're purely lucky. You could argue most men are incels based on the definition because they don't get exactly as much sex as they would like or what would be ideal but being mostly or totally sexless clearly isn't the worst fate. Most men could easily get a situation like pic related where they at least occasionally tap the hog, whether it's worth it is another thing and many guys rightfully say it isn't.
Please tell me more, along with high IQ ways
LOL at that pic. What a pitiful existence. Even fapping to porn alone in your room using tears as lube while working at Applebee's for $75 a shift is vastly preferable than that shit.

Yeah just lock in my bros, LMAO. Unless you find a chick you're crazy about - just don't even bother.
A lot of women are treated better than men just because they're young and have moist hole. People are treated differently based on what they do, what they're capable of and what they offer. What feminists wanted was for women to have freedom and power the same as men without the same sacrifice or struggle. They'll bitch about muh wage gap despite being proven to work less hours and easier jobs. They bitch about wanting more respect but exploit men for money and favors using their pussy until they're old and cry rape after the fact.
It's actually sad there are incels who think getting a turn on another man's uncleaned mess counts as ascending. Any sex they might get will be hollow.
It's humiliating and depressing. Most guys are forced to share fat women now but when it's done so blatantly and in the open it really puts into perspective how pointless it is to participate in.
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>Any sex they might get will be hollow.
As long as it stays to sex (of course with a woman you love and not a whore) I think it's a great learning experience for anyone. When there's baby-making involved it obviously becomes a different process/experiment. Because in the end this life is just a heap of learning experiences and we adapt along the way to die satisfied. Aiming for difficult goals (which obviously depend in what era you live) are a waste of time and spirit. I learned that eventually, especially through the clarity I gained by SR.

When women started to insist on being independent in time it was clear that they just want to fuck around and be in the spotlight of attention. The independence of men has shown more than that. Whilst ignoring that both sides seek materialism it is also clear that men seek higher meaning, ascension and the spirit within. When women want to be independent it's portrayed as powerful and heroism, whereas when men do it it's portrayed as the opposite. I wouldn't say I enjoy this reality, but it sure feels like witnessing karma at its finest.

Don't get me wrong, I don't hate women, nor incels. To each their own. May the best person win in finding that which we all seek for deep inside.
cum bros who are into taoist sex semen retension practices,

I have a lot of health doubts about this practice
Are there some safety precautions to do it? Retrograde ejaculation is really necessary, do I HAVE to urinate my semen (why that still count as semen retention), what repercussions shold I expect from inducing retrograde ejaculation?
Pussy is only as valuable as the value you give it. What's more important is how the woman's mind works, because if pussy is all she has to offer than she'll try to squeeze out every penny for access to it. Think how dumb the average coomer is.

They're only doing it to themselves. Keep focusing on your goals and keep grinding. WAGMI
>Most guys are forced to share fat women
Stay busy guys! Boredom seems to be a killer for many!
Damn. Appreciate the heads up fren
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Since I started SR at the start of this year my pubes were growing back and I let it become a big ass rain forest down there. I was wondering if it would eventually help and what others do/have experienced.

So far the only plus side that's noticeable is the reduction of the length of erections. Since the hairs tend to hug the shaft while getting erect, it pulls the hairs inflicting minor pain. This pain has helped me in wet dreams for example to wake up before cum hits the pants. On the other hand there's also the psychological feature of having a bush makes it way less tempting to hold your dick and seek feminine attention.

How did we even get to the point as humans to shave down there? I remember watching 70s movies and it was: "very hot" to have a full blown bush down there. I even realized that the word 'pussy' derived from a bushed vagina. It is definitely weird and unnatural to shave. The meme that it's supposedly hygienic is probably the same as the reason to circumcise.
I’ve been doing it for over 10 years and no bad results, every once in a while you get cum in ur dick hole and it feels like a burn but don’t piss after and ur good that won’t happen
I never shave. Women deal with it, its a none issue if the woman is into you anyway.
>It is definitely weird and unnatural to shave.
I don't agree. We shave our heads too. I like having groomed hair. Body hair, I don't shave, but I definitely trim around the balls and cock.

However, I definitely agree with everything else you said. Shaving makes things more pleasurable, so I treat it like something I have to earn. I know that if I shave, I'm going to get hornier, so I try to do it when I'm not needing to pull away from those thoughts.
If you're following that mantak chia book then yeah, its not legit. Mantak Chia has been exposed in the past for being reckless with what he reveals. Sex magic is all kept super secret for a reason. Crucial to this secret keeping, is receiving the transmission of knowledge from a master. The master is able to give you personalised tips and tricks by looking at the health of your body.

Also if you're doing it jerking off, ngmi.
It day 24 and I just woke up to a wet dream. I'm not counting them so I'll continue my streak.
1 week is pretty good, how about 2 weeks from now on?. Keep going man.
fuuck. The thing is I'm pretty sure every ""master"" I'll found will be hacks and rapist hacks, that's why I prefer to hit the books and see what happens, which is why I asked here before.

>Also if you're doing it jerking off, ngmi.
lmao, it'd be gooning with extra steps

I'll read the mantak chia anyways,what do you think about Evola's Metaphysics of sex?

According to a yt video I found while investigating, the meditation you do to integrate the semen energy to the head and the whole body is what you do to have orgasm without ejaculation (no semen pissing, no refractory period, no BS)
If that's truth, well, I guess I'll start practicing that.
>fuuck. The thing is I'm pretty sure every ""master"" I'll found will be hacks and rapist hacks, that's why I prefer to hit the books and see what happens, which is why I asked here before.
You can certainly try, and you can test them to see if they are legit.

Mantak Chia is a businessman, he sells copies and at the expense he dumbs it down, ignores stuff, and when we're dealing with chi practises this can be dangerous. It can give you mental illness if you do it improperly.

The thing with all this is that people do it believing there's some magical shortcut that'll make you superhuman quickly. These shortcuts dont exist. Belief in this, itself, will be a block to progress.

>According to a yt video I found while investigating, the meditation you do to integrate the semen energy to the head and the whole body is what you do to have orgasm without ejaculation (no semen pissing, no refractory period, no BS)
Im not sure about all this. Again, i dont mess with that stuff.
When you do other spiritual practises, your sexual energy heals itself. The body is a miracle. Initiation into hermetics is full self initiation, and it works on the root chakra, but at no point do you do anything sex magic related.

I suggest a basic one here https://yoganandaharmony.com/wp-content/uploads/Sex-Force-Transmutation.pdf
This is what i do for transmutation, not much else. And sometimes ill just feel the arousal rising up my spine to get a feel for orgasm without ejaculation.
For the taoist stuff try hunt the original taoist books down and go straight to source
>Evola's Metaphysics of sex
havent read it, is it theory or practise? Evolas good though
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I edged. Gonna reset the counter. Like a fucking retard.

Edging takes most of the benefits. Don't edge anons, do it clean.
Silly boy!
This argument makes no fucking sense. SR is cumulative, meaning the longer you go the stronger you become. The notion that you got rid of 5 fucking years of progress from 1 wd is absurd.
The benefits don't get stronger over time. It's just a cumulative effect. So, the guy who lost 5 years would be right back to "normal momentum" after probably a month, maybe much less considering he had that much saved up.

And this... this right here is why it's addictive. Because it's the truth.
> All I have to do is be normal. I have to do is not be a fucking freak. A fucking psycho. I just gotta be normal.
Two things, Anon. First off don't think of yourself in these negative terms. Yes, you've made an error, and the suffering it causes is giving you impetus to overcome your base desires. Do not further polarize the situation by seeing yourself as a freak. Immersion in baseness is the default condition in this fallen world. Of course, this is not to justify your past or potential future negative actions. Just realize this is the state you're in.

Second, normalcy is not the goal in spiritual practice. If you could see inside the mind of the average normie you'd be amazed at the depravity you'd find there. In fact a big part of spirituality is accepting that normalcy is in fact a state of ignorance and baseness that has to be overcome by the dedicated seeker.

IME calling out the name of Jesus Christ is an excellent means of overcoming lustfulness. Good luck OP.
The benefits do get stronger over time though, wtf are you on about? The rest of your comment makes no sense. It would take him less time to lose all his progress because he made so much progress? I call bullshit, at least in my own experience with longer streaks. It just becomes easier and easier to bounce back from any relapse/wd the longer you go. There's a literal mental change that happens, imo.
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Life is good
Life is great
All because
I don't masturbate
Never goon
Never coom
For if you do
It'll be your doom
Don't watch porn
Hold it in scorn
If only you knew
It was made by the jew
The longer I am retaining and just being aware of my energy the more I'm realizing that women just absorb a lot of energy. Whether it's through an LCD screen or in real life. Hence the saying, "No matter how hot she is there's someone out there that's sick of her shit." I think love is just a fairytale and that male / female relationships have some type of energetic transaction always. There's no way around this. You're paying your time with a woman with your life force. You are the battery and she is the device. She can keep operating as long there's a battery inside. And if you run out of charge, she'll operate just find with a new battery.

Crazy shit LMAO
The benefits get stronger simply because every day you spend "in the zone" allows you to be productive. Those days are cumulative, so the increased benefits over time result from spending a lot of time in that productive zone. If you jack off, you will lose productivity, but you will get ~60-70% of it after one week, 80% after two weeks, and 95% after a month or so. So, once you get to whatever "time since last orgasm", that's the level of increased testosterone, dopamine sensitivity, or whatever that leads to increased production, and after a month, you're already pretty much at the physical peak before you enter "maintenance". I think it takes some people longer to hit this stage for the first time, if they've been engaging in addictive activity for a while.
where is pic related from?
I do remember lecithin being a key ingredient in the big coom stack at /fit/
notice how there's less shills in here, since kamala-biden massive shill attack on /pol/ last few days
I made it past my initial goal (3 weeks) but I failed to make it to the month. /sr/ was an eye opener for me once I realised how much our lives revolve sex. I'll be taking a break from /sr/ for now, but I will be back in November to finish the goal. See you then anons.
There is no will
and there is no drive
without the thrill
of an active sexual life
The end of desire
is the death of us all
since wanting and lack
are spring before fall

Like drawing a bow
kinetic energy builds
waiting for release
our desires fulfilled
When one is not desired
by anyone else
we must continue our lives
by helping ourselves
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I resorted to taking dimenhydrinate to fall asleep, been a while since I slept for more than just a few hours. I think I will be able to do long streaks after all this summer. Still kinda sleepy. Wanna reach that month milestone
Reminder that wet dreams literally mean you are not retaining your semen. There are exercsises to strengthen the muscles down there and stop wet dreams. Look up Mantak Chia.

Could you provide information on why Mantak Chia's methods are dangerous?
I've never had more than pre-cum leak from wet dreams
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I'm honestly considering to take the coom stack that I have. I remember how it made me horny all the time like a teenager, and I couldn't hold my seed. Now with SR under my belt, I wonder how I would fare. But taking 20+ vitamins every single day again...
I do now wonder if you forced semen production to increase by a ton, would there be more wet dreams, or would it easily be absorbed back into us...
>“You should know that no tool or device in the world can struggle with this serpent, so beware and do not provoke it.”

You guys have no idea what you're in for, don't you?
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Defeatism isn't a good look for anyone. Remain humble, and know that you are nothing but dust in this spiritual warfare, that's already been won.
Had a sexually explicit dream last night. Thankfully, it was not a wet dream. I just wanted to come here and say this: appetites are nothing but desires to which we become slaves. We may think we are free, but we are truly enslaved to our most basic pleasures.
Let's talk MAGNETISM for a sec boyz, what's your personals stories senpai ?
Old people are very friendly to me for some reason.
I was walking to work the other day and some old geezer stopped me and started telling me his whole life story.
I'm like bruh I have to go to work.
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Everyone, man, female, baby, woman, boy, man, child, dog, cat, bird, bee, person, I mean everyone looks at me more and likes me more it seems. With the exception of people that simply have a very dark energy about them.
Should've called in sick and listen to his whole life story over some tea
last week 3 girls kissed me out of nowhere and got a very cool handmade clock plane for free plus people are far more inclined to listen to /biz/ proposals there certainly is something about this magnetism
and i'am not doing this for muh sexy sexsex i primarly did it for the energy boost for exercise and to heal my body but there is so much more benefit to this its like a cheat code
Very nice frens! I enjoyed them.
I did 4 days prior, relapsed twice the next 2 days, with wanting to do more on the second day with the excuse that I already relapsed and will restart from scratch after this, but stopped myself. On a day 2 streak right now. I never want to go back to porn again.
You're probably an addict anon. It's a progressive disease, you're never gonna get better on your own power. There's people who would be happy to help you with this.
What about adding Maca to the stack fren ?
>I mean everyone looks at me more and likes me more
I have never masturbated in my entire life, and nobody looks at me like this. Can someone explain this?
Have you guys ever tried to use your pubococcygeus (pc) muscle to "swallow" the sexual energy upwards? It seems that the wish to fornicate goes off completely.
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>Have you guys ever tried to use your pubococcygeus (pc) muscle to "swallow" the sexual energy upwards?
>It seems that the wish to fornicate goes off completely.
it does
Did one 2 days ago
I know coffee was mentioned in previous threads but what about tobacco usage? Would it effect the potential benefits of retention and at what level? Like you might not have a shine to your face/skin obviously but does it effect it on a deeper level, maybe ties into the nervous system? Just a thought
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Who are you calling a silly boy faggot?
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worry not about it, brother. its not about fighting, if the urges hit you, feel them. dont be scared and dont run away. once you master them, they cant control you anymore.

i like to remember the chemical burn scene of fight club. feel it, dont run away.
9 months of SR during highschool:
1. Made all the women in my class piss themselves at my sight, be the literal giga-Chad, constant talk of the talk. The women were literally fighting for me, but I rejected them since I'm waiting for "the right one"
2. Cashier would freeze and get lost in my eyes as she is taking my order, infront of my grandpa. I noticed it, was cute.
3. As I'm going to the bus with some classmates, one of my classmates wanted to suck my dick (she literally asked for it right there), I rejected her. Then came a 14-16 year old next to us, she wanted to fuck me aswell. I rejected her (although the AOC laws here are lax. Poorer country)
4. Some chick on benches would start laughing hysterically as they tried to hold eye contact with me
5. Going on river walks, women would turn around just to stare at me
6. Women that I meet at my martial arts clubs would stalk me and discover my insta
7. Some women would Astral project just to stalk me
8. People would ask me if I'm the brother of some famous fighter in my country (I later realized this guy is also a giga-Chad like 6'4 300 lbs 5% bodyfat fighter, but we arent blood related)
9. When I was training kickboxing, all the other trainees would literally get hyped and spastic towards anything that i do (they love the energy), as if I'm fucking mike tyson ready to fight for the belt. Some of the 14 year olds there would flirt with me
10. My trainer there would literally constantly call me a champ cuz he could see how much energy and willpower I had. One week in he tried building me up by saying "YOU WILL BE A CHAMPIOOOON!!!" infront of everyone. Very hot.
Theres probably some other things I'm missing... now I'm about to hit one month, again. Not a larp btw. I always felt like I was destined for greatness, but I never knew what
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day 3 levitation day 3 levitation I am levitating bros WTF
Day 11 yesterday, I asked some redhead goth hoe that was sitting with her friend next to me and my friend ina bar for her number, she said she has a boyfriend.

No superpowers yet bros
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Give it up for day 4 bros. I didn't have the terrible urge to beat my massive schmeat last night. Holding strong
>Could you provide information on why Mantak Chia's methods are dangerous?
Because eastern traditions are all based on direct transmission from master to student. That's the simplest answer i can give you.
Moving Chi to your head can worsen mental illnesses, some with bipolar or schizophrenia should not do it, and it can trigger it.

Also. Very important. DO NOT DO THE MILLION DOLLAR exercise. It can cause permanent damage to the reproductive tissue. So many idiots on here talk about this, locking orgasm etc NO dont do that shit.
Book I have doesn't have anything called the MILLION DOLLAR exercise.

There is "Power Lock" and the "Big Draw", do you mean these?
I do beleive you are talking about these exercieses, kegel contractions and shit to pull the energy up.

Could you provide where you got that this can cause pemanent damage to the reproductive tissue?
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Do you think this sort of dissipation of the sexual energy is good or bad? Is it transmutation or pure loss of the energy? And where did you learn about it?
Yes. Where you push a pressure point between ur asshole and dick? Dont do it. Just do basic testicular breathing

Basically in all these internal power systems, the natural mechanisms of the sexual organs activate and work by themselves without any direct work. At advanced levels you can then summon spirits who'll teach u more stuff about it, or seek out a true master.
Doing kegels is fine, its pushing the pressure point between your anus and dick thats the issue

Michael Winn, whose worked directly with mantak chia, said he regrets telling it to people for this reason
You are just saying dont do it, trust me bro style, but I would like to read about how and why this is dangerous.

You are saying that Mantak Chia just published exercises which will severly hurt the pratictioners, withour warning them?
Could you be more specific about this pushing? Power lock and big draw use flexing of the oelvic muscles and pulling the energy this way, no external pressure with fingers or that shit.

Are you saying that pulling the energy up just with flexing the muscles is ok or no?
I just did it by accident, then some guys here were talking about it and I learned I could do it again. Don't have many answers
>You are just saying dont do it, trust me bro style, but I would like to read about how and why this is dangerous.
Google is free. Im not here to convince you of anything. Do what you like. I am giving my own opinion which is to stay away from sexual alchemy until you're more of an advanced practitioner.
Ah okay, i wasnt aware i thought that required you to push your muscles. Still id stay away from it, personally. If you're doing it, and you feel fine, then i cant stop you. Most important thing is not my opinion, its that you listen to your own body.
Try to dig for the primary sources too, and be skeptical. Skepticism and a rebellious spirit is important in the path
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Opinion discarded
I'm afraid that my sub-conscience is going to conjure explicit images in my dreams tonight. What do I do, guys?
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After my wet dream yesterday, my voice got deeper, and still is today. Explain.
You know how women's voices get deeper when they're tired or they're getting old? Same shit. It's not about it being deep as it is about projection. Projecting your voice with energy but also deep at the same time is some cool shit. Most people can only do one or the other.
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Day 46 here. Constantly angry at random shit, I don't even know what I'm mad about, I just wake up pissed but I have a fire for life. It started around day 38, could it be higher testosterone levels? I have the will to uproot and change everything in my life, no longer satisfied with my job and am searching for something else, I want to live elsewhere etc.
SR+raw animal foods, holy shit.

Either way, it's 1000x better than being a docile coomer.
They don't affect your energy. Stop overthining.
It really depends on how much you released and how long you've been retaining. Start of SR I released the average amount as a fap, but last time I had one it was just a drop of precum.
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porn only wants your soul. you worship it by watching/fantasizing/jerking.
I was alpha tester for the og pabp while they were still hidden in old pornhub.
I was a good boy and obeyed all the rules.
trained mentally and physically for it.
talked to demon while in deep state of pornognosis 8+hours no breaks.
2022 was rough, got possessed, 2023 almost kysd was worst year of my life.
if you think that demons are a meme or that porn isnt deeply satanic youre a moron.
they inflicted physical wounds on my body so I got the proof, I didn't believe myself before.
the last straw for me was when the demon started making me cum blood.
dont wanna type up too big of a stormy wall of text.
my point is: if you're still on surface level of porn use, its so easy to quit. get serious about it.
porn is a cruel deity. it will eat you alive, spit you out, once you recover you'll come back to it begging for another run. all porno roads lead to slavery and possession. no exceptions.
the only semi-beneficial thing you can get out of porn is if you use it as a medium to contact demons and make deals with them. its not worth it, its always a scam.
semen retention is real, for it to work, you need to train your mind and navigate it. you become giga susceptible to demonic influence when you retain. that's why so many people relapse or cant go over a week.
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Can you elaborate on this? Anything else you said sounds interesting and believable, even though I haven't been that far down. I did notice the behavior of those who did and was able to picture what the road towards it would be like for me if I did. Thanks for your input. Don't worry about typing too much, because it's still better than what some of the crybabies here do.
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I don't get why - even for non-Christians - have the idea that porn or any degeneracy that is, isn't an open gate to demons. It truly is a slippery slope, even if people think they're acting "normal," they aren't. Their thoughts, and mind are being controlled by the enemy for the most part.
It sound like you're working your way out of that traumatic experience, so good job coming to these conclusions. Do not beat yourself up about it either, sometimes we need to go through these things ourselves to warn others, to be stronger.
Good job on recognising that it is a false idol. I personally would be interested in more of your takes and experiences, especially the possession part.
I remember that one, one of the retards killed the baby or something. Grim
I have to shave my armpits because I tend to reek otherwise. my pubes only because I like how it looks Tbf.
like that that /pol/ screenshot of a guy messing with the vlc settings of a legalporno video and finding weird looking scary stuff.
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>undoubtedly most helpful thread on 4chan
>christcuck general
doesn't that tell you something about the people here searching for the truth? Baffles me how you retards cant connect the dots and instead insult
what book is that? what a verse
ok, fair enough

the million dollar exercise never fitted right with me, how the fuck doing that to your reproductive system could be healthy? it's so dumb.
I guess the best way is to never hit that point of no return while having sex, and to succed in doing so you have to transmutate and have sex at the same time. I've never done transmutation, I'll use the pdf you posted as a guide (ty btw).

I hope the combo of sex-force transmutation, active imagination and empty mind meditation won't destroy my sanity, but if it does, idc. Look at where I'm with my precious sanity, posting on /srg/ lmfao
i dont wanna go into detail about the stuff bcuz ppl might get hooked on it in case they find it. its mostly gone from the internet now anyway, that early shit was next level brainwash.
it was basically a training course for porn addiction with satanic worship roots.
the amount of shit I saw in those 2 years was insane. lets call the thing a demon.
its presence would never leave. it put horrible images in my head. it spoke to me, terrorized me. it was feeding on my misery and anxiety, while also feeding on the absurd energy drain I'd be subjected to, for example
>46 dry orgasms in a row each one stronger than the last. (it counted for me out loud I can't forget that time)
I didn't want to banish it (and i didnt fucking know how to either) because I could let it possess me through advanced porno meditation. everyone has different ways to deal with demons I guess. its always personal.
the amount of pleasure it let me feel while possessing was out of this world, godlike, that was the main reason I kept submitting myself to slavery.
I swear the shit you can experience through persistence and practice with this pornomysticism is insane.
when I was possessed and the demon wanted me to have fun it was as if it could stop time and directly feed my brain the sweetest candy and it would just increase and increase until I became numb and completely energy soul drained.
after a while you're just not human anymore. I have the longest fucking way to recovery ahead of me.
I don't wanna talk about this shit too much because I might get in trouble, the more you think about them, the more they have power to manifest.
also, it showed its true form to me and it scared me shitless. it was like a disgusting decaying old hag I'm scarred to this day.
I guarantee that anyone who fucks around with porn gets demonic influence to some degree. dont let yourself be me.
I asked a Hungarian girl for her number and she gave it to me despite telling me she has a boyfriend. I went out with her yesterday too, but by how the outing went, it seems like she legit has a boyfriend and probably isn't interested in ditching him for me. Seemed like she was just lonely (she said her bf was away from a week+) she seemed very interested in chatting with me though and said she wants to spend some time together again.

I feel like I have an angel on one shoulder, and a little demon on the other, the angel egging me on to see her but purely as a friend and to not flirt, and the demon is telling me to keep seeing her but to flirt with her, build sexual tension between us, escalate these tensions, and very slowly make her more and more attracted to me.

We did have a really good time together and did a lot together. We went out for tea, ice cream, a museum, to a restaurant, and then grocery shopping for her. Wtf.
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I was mainly wondering what the pabp stands for, but if you don't want to delve into it, no problem. At least I'm somewhat aware of what it means.
>because I might get in trouble
What kind of trouble? What kind of lines are not to be crossed? Also, you don't seem to be bound to it anymore, so why fear it? I was always curious about exorcism and literally fighting demons. I've experienced some entities I think, but it never felt like a challenge.
I read your story yesterday. Glad you made the wisest decision possible. Honest and pure.
On one hand I want to follow the little demon's advice and just try to attract this girl like a mf, but at the same time, the angel's path is the wiser and better way. I could just become her friend, and she might have other cute Hungarian girlfriends that she can introduce me to. She did seem really nice and genuine.
What is odd to me though, is that for most of my life I've held this belief that men and women cannot truly be just friends with one another, that there will always be one party that is sexually interested in the other, typically the man being interested in the woman. I'm a little confused, because maybe men and women can be just friends? Idk. She seemed like she was content with her bf but and maybe it's normal for her to have guy friends (she is definitely socially/politically liberal), but to me I would typically think it's just inviting a complicated situation down the road. Any advice or thoughts?
The Power of Silence, Against the Dictatorship of Noise by Robert Cardinal Sarah with Nicolas Diat.
I will warn, you most likely won't get a lot out of it because almost every point that it talks about is about the God of Abraham, Issac, and Jacob and chasing after his silence. It oddly goes with obtaining true humility, which I had been asking for.
Some more words of wisdom that I particularly like in picrel.

I honestly think that's such a cool spiritual experience that you went through, but at the same time, I'm sorry that you fell into that hole for a while. You have an amazing story to tell, but it seems like you may have PTSD(?) from it, so I won't ask further questions.
I do hope you get healed from the scars that have been inflicted on your soul.
>I don't wanna talk about this shit too much because I might get in trouble, the more you think about them, the more they have power to manifest.
You are giving them too much power by this line of thinking. While you might not be religious, all demons and spirits need to bow down to the name of Jesus, go ahead and try it out if you begin to get attacked.
Thoughever I do agree, when you begin to post about certain things, and shedding light onto demonic practices, they will begin to attack you stronger than ever in various points in your life. But they still have no power over you, unless you give them legal right over your body again, which can be done very easily if you don't tread carefully.
Woah, didn't expect Cardinal Sarah. I really look up to him.
Stay blessed friend may God grant you the spiritual gifts you desire.
>I'm a little confused, because maybe men and women can be just friends? Idk.
I have met a lot of women that I got to be friends with, to an extent of course, but that counts for men as well. I must admit that when I was younger I thought this more likely to be true, but since I started trying SR it became clear that I was just thinking with my dick.
I think men and women can't be friends when both are attractive and/or one is more atttactive than the other. It's not sexual it's pure biology. They might be able to be friends but under a los of premises which in turn makes them not really friends. That being said idk why as a man you would want multiple girl friends instead of just a girlfriend
Because of ego. Having power over people, any sort of value that makes you stand out and seem "interesting" is a way to make yourself secure as a person, which feeds your ego. Its basic survival
I mean I'm not dying to be her friend and I'm not dying to fuck her either, though yes, I am attracted to her. I do feel like the social interaction in general doesn't hurt. It was honestly good practice for me, going on a pseudo date like that. I let her know that she can go swimming with me and my two friends (my friend and his gf) sometime, and she seemed interested. But at this point I'm going to see if she'll contact me first in the next week or so. In the meantime, if I see another girl worth talking to, I definitely will.

Do you mean when you were younger you thought it was more likely to be true that men and women CAN just be friends? Because in this situation I feel like this girl is either naive or knows what she's doing and just wants some attention/validation from me. I was stoked about her at first but honestly after that pseudo 'date' with her, I lost a lot of interest in pursuing her. She was interesting to talk to, but it doesn't seem worth the trouble to pursue someone who's in a relationship already.
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I'm on SR rn and when you practice that u light up like a supernatural beacon for all the creatures to drool over. I don't wanna get into any more demonic trouble. who the fuck knows what other shit's out there u know. the things I experienced were probably an entry level joke to the mighty wizards or whatever.
in my experience, the spirits talk to me through puzzles, signs, and my subconscious. on some occasions they straight up speak to me. I don't wanna speak to them anymore.
if you want to talk to them, keep them in your mind constantly. I don't wanna contact them at all I wanna stay as far away as possible.
I "broke" the contract in my own way and im pretty sure the demon understood my intentions. I'd be stupid not to fear it or any of its kind. they're sadistic and cruel. the demon does require a lot of work on my part for it to manifest but I can feel old patterns of thoughts/feelings that could probably easily nudge me down the rabbithole again.
the 2 years of demonic experience were basically fruit of years of practice.
I was unfortunate enough to stumble upon this "porno cult" around 6 years ago.
I was also in sick communities for a short time where people would channel together its just fucking crazy to believe.
I was however practicing masturbatory techniques way longer before that so I was primed for it in a sense. I'm a very stubborn person by nature so I wanted to push it to the limit and look where it got me. fuck all this.
there was one thing, which completely changed my mind and turned me into a believer in the supernatural.
I never practiced/tried to astral project. the demon basically decided one night to do it to me and it was the most bizarre experience ive had. it wasn't pleasant either, it was mostly terrifying.
PABP stands for porn addict brainwash program, i basically answered in my last post. you could probably find the watered down audios of it, but the satanic videos with the og sounds are gone.
Man, I feel you. My whole life is a puzzle and I have had experience with neutral-astral entities, send by my past life relatives. A couple months on SR (literally just doing nothing, zero magic) makes me light up like a christmas tree that makes everyone (men and women) turn spastic around me.
Not them, but here's my experience: Exorcism and deliverance are funny, and such an interesting topic to go down that I've always been interested in.
I personally have been delivered by God himself when I first started walking with him. Leading up to that moment for weeks, I felt varying levels of peace constantly being washed over me, each one felt like a "level up." I could feel my heart actually soften, and warming up - if that makes sense.
During the night at ~4am, two words came to my spirit - Child of God, and Spirit of Joshua, so I spent a few times researching those things.
Around ~9am was the hour of my deliverance from anxiety and something else I believe: My chest grew cold, and my anxiety was knocked up to 1,000%. I was literally spiralling trying to find answers. I know now, I was still being ministered by the Holy Spirit through the ways that God had been speaking to me, and actually opening up my Bible and forcing myself to read because the following days, I had been getting "trained" for this moment.
At ~10am it all stops. I'm confused as ever, and it took me another ~3 hours to ask around what happened. My mum told me I had to "give birth..." to whatever was affecting me. After that revelation hit, I was suddenly slain in the spirit and immediately received an even greater amount of peace and joy. Funnily enough, this happened on Pentecost - which I didn't pick up until after.
The next day I got baptised in the Holy Spirit - which was such a phenomenal experience.
If you want to look more into deliverance ministries, I highly suggest Daniel Adams from Supernatural Life, and some of Isaiah Saldivar.

Thank mate, and God bless you too.
correct, in my darkest times I prayed to jesus even though im not baptized or truly religious.
I found that christian symbols also help, I wear the cross and saint michael around my neck.
its so fucked that these entities can physically hurt you.
I will never let myself succumb to demonic shit again. I've experienced more than I could ask for, I'm no black wizard, I'm done.
Even if this is larp, believing it gives me strength for SR.

Realistically, seems like “demons” are just psychological types representing your recurrent lust. But thats exactly what Im trying to kill. For the sake of a healthy relationship and to be productive. For Sophia.

So fuck it, they’re demons, I’ve never quit a videogame I actually like.

I love you Sophia. I will navigate the chaos and save you from the aldabeoth. I just need another 5 real repentances.
trust me, demons are way more than a representation of lust.
I've no idea who sophia is or what you're talking about but please stay away from porn. every type of porn.
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>and saint michael around my neck.
I'd honestly remove that, since it will invite demons to you - if you truly want to look into it, Catholicism is a massive form of witchcraft. We aren't really supposed to put emphasis on angels because it can be a form of idolatry, like Rachel in Genesis. Thoughever with Psalm 91 I believe, you can ask God to put angels around you to minister, and protect you, and to even go before you to places you'll be heading to to clear out anything evil from touching you.
While it should be explanatory - but I just learned recently that demons can take the welcome signs most people put outside their houses as open invitations to them.
Spirituality is incredibly fun to look into which many don't want to take notice of. In a sense, I'm kind of jealous that you got to peak inside the spiritual realm - something I had been asking for for a while now. But we all have different stories to share, which is even better.
What's up with all the Christians in the SR threads lately? You guys kinda ruin the vibe.
you might be onto something. I've always had a weird feeling about the saint michael jewelry. im orthodox btw.
funny thing, at the time the demon refused to possess me if I was wearing the cross. more like, it couldn't.
I had drawn a sigil on my bedroom floor which I'd pray upon nightly while listening to chants. I had empowered the sigil too.(was listening to mantras intended for demonic possessions on low volume while sleeping too, for months)
also I put all christian icons in my house face down and hanged three different pentagrams instead, charging before hanging.
that mustve been a hell of a welcome sign for them.
>People talk about taoism, chi, buddah, etc and nobody bats an eye
>Bring up Christianity for a few posts
>whAT'S up with ALl THE CHRIstiANs In tHE Sr THreAdS LaTeLY? you GuYS KiNda ruIn thE ViBE.

We come from all backgrounds of life. As you notice, religions speak about purity of self, through the heart, and eyes. It's something we can all agree on, especially as you continue to read throughout all the threads.
Christianity just happens to be the most popular as always.

>I've always had a weird feeling

Always trust your gut instincts, it's more than likely the Holy Spirit talking to you. That's where he resides anyways.
That's honestly cool that you have positive experiences with wearing a cross, I've been debating on getting one myself, just because of how I was raised.
On the other hand, it's interesting to see how you can get ministered to by demons, and actually do their will if you give into them. Those chants, sigils, and putting icons down, those weren't your original thoughts.
You might be interested in the book, They Shall Expel Demons by Derek Prince. It's a book that constantly went missing throughout my life as I kept attempting to read it.
What are the most subtle types of porn? Is watching one too many manifestation / psychology videos abstracly porn?

Is browsing SR threads too often, porn?

Obviously all lewd images are porn but I’m begininning to think it runs much deeper than that.
I wanna jack off so fucking bad. I wonder if this is what breaking a smoking addiction feels like. But y'know, instead of craving a ciggy I just wanna N U T
Same, but the feeling of guilt is holding me back.
>Those chants, sigils, and putting icons down, those weren't your original thoughts.
exactly. the demon spoke to me and told me what to do. I followed every order because I wanted to form a deeper bond and experience more of the supernatural.
I've always found comfort in the cross.
anything that arouses you imo.
images, videos, audio, writing, anything that is sexual.
most important thing is not to lie to yourself and indulge shit that gives you a rush, its very simple.
>People talk about taoism, chi, buddah, etc and nobody bats an eye
>Bring up Christianity for a few posts
>whAT'S up with ALl THE CHRIstiANs In tHE Sr THreAdS LaTeLY? you GuYS KiNda ruIn thE ViBE.

Talking about taoist cultivation models, chi energy is completely different to bringing up bible quotes and labelling everything as "muh demons". Your inability to see the obvious difference, is by itself another reason why you're not welcome here.
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Ain't nobody, not once during these recent discussions brought up bible verses.
Where you look at cultivating taoist models, looking into chi energy, people who follow the Bible can simply: "God help me in XYZ, I'm feeling ABC, please remove 123." Without all the extra steps. One is a reliance of self, while the other is a reliance on a higher being.
We are not as different as you think we are. There is spiritualism (where it be good, or bad, that's up to you to determine) tied to both of these practices, not sure why you'd submarine to one but unsubmarine to the other, since you would consider yourself a "free thinker," where looking into all angles is rather important.
And when it comes to porn, and masturbation, it's very easy to look for demons or evil spirits and actually see them - as one of the anons keeps telling their experiences. It can also be the body (flesh) attempting to betray us at the same time.
You also don't have to read every post anon...
>looked at porn
streak over
>wet dream
streak double over
interesting that you mention this now. 32 days SR and probably like 4 months high dopamine retention (I only watch science and spiritual videos now which I admit are dopamine, but not nearly as intense as most internet stuff, its literally dry math and orthodoxy and meditation music).

Anyway I "relapsed" and watched the gooner comic matt rife. I got really fucking sucked into it, he's not even funny he just commands the attention of hot white women. anyway I got sucked into it way harder than anything I've experienced in 4 months. All my pain went away for a moment, the same pain that I had been thanking god for. The same pain that is teaching me real responsibility. So as soon as all that pain got sucked into this goonertube shit I realized something was off, closed my computer and just sat their panting for like 5 minutes. It was porn, despite being entirely non-lewd.

I had been non-stop indulging in this level of bafgoonery for my whole life, stopped for 4 months with an existential zeal, and almost got sucked in but my instincts kicked in and saved me.

>you can't take my pain away from me, thank you god for my pain.
Guys I've had a LOT of "dry" wet dreams. That is, I am fucking or whatever, but I always realize its a dream, or that the goon is wrong on some level and stop fucking before I cum. I haven't came, so I'm wondering you're guys take on the spiritual significance of having (non-marital, usually kinky) sex in a dream without cumming?

Is this a sign that I am healing? My brain still has all these coomer structures, but my lucid consciousness rejects it before its too late each time.
call them whatever you want, bud. ur taoist master mantak chia is a demon worshipper and all of his big draws and whatever draws will get you right back to worshipping porn yourself.
christianity has a few good rules which you could maybe learn from.
you do realise that all of those exercises build arousal and make you release fluid which completely defeats the purpose of semen retention.
or perhaps you're talking about tantric sex while retaining your seed with your master taoist girlfriend? right. my mistake.
the absolute state of this general.

Nope. Right here >>38446659 you all reveal yourselves. Just like your mudslime cousins, you are closed minded. Seriously, do you faggots realise how stupid you look when you call everything "muh demons"?

Whole time, the God of Israel has its origins as a bloodthirsty warlord. Kek.
I feel you brother. I was in the same boat not long ago.
I kept abusing alternatives to good ol regular video porn, edging to it and wondering, why I suddenly feel worse after indulging.
there are no loopholes, anything that scratches the arousal is no good for SR.
Exactly the same thing for me. It's why I make a point to post here at least once a day, that way I feel bad if I betrayed the threads with a pelvic sneeze
>Getting lumped in with others
>you are closed minded
>do you faggots realise how stupid you look

If it's said to be wise as a serpent, doesn't that mean we have to know our enemies plans, and how he operates ? Doesn't that mean I also have to delve into other practices for the pursuit of knowledge, while abstaining from actually practicing it ? I wouldn't necessarily say that's closed minded, but guarded.
I'm sorry for whatever "Christian" hurt you, since you seem to carry a vitriol against them. Not many know who the real Jesus is, or who Jehovah is.
>Whole time, the God of Israel has its origins as a bloodthirsty warlord.
We cannot comprehend divine judgement. We can't look at God and give him human morals. He knows what's best, we don't. He sees into the future, of what those people may have become, we cannot.
There's more mysticism in the Bible than what's told if you even dare try to look into it.
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You Christians should realize that the people bashing you are the ones that come here solely for that purpose. Think. Why would a retainer even bother bashing you? It doesn't make any sense. Do not let others disturb your peace, whatever you believe in.
Okay. My mistake.
>Where you look at cultivating taoist models, looking into chi energy, people who follow the Bible can simply: "God help me in XYZ, I'm feeling ABC, please remove 123." Without all the extra steps. One is a reliance of self, while the other is a reliance on a higher being.
This is dumb. It's completely incorrect, and reveals an incredibly arrogance from your part. You just casually subsume other traditions into your own and say "wellz God just does it for us" kek, its practically blasphemy they way you people think.

It's incredible that you typed that out and thought "yeah that sounds good". Like a zoo animal.
this is a robot dont reply to it.
okay my bad. did notice some suspicious posts
Fuck off retard.
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The arrogance to... Go to a higher being, who has stated many times, that if you ask, you will receive, if you knock, the door will be opened... Is "blasphemy." I'm confused on this line of thinking.
You may not realise how it truly works. It's not always instant, and it's not always given. Instead, if I ask to be humble, I'm going to be put through a ton of trials to be humbled. If I ask to help me remove porn and lust from my life... I'm going to go through a ton of trials and errors to strengthen my discipline to not look, to be given wisdom on how to deal with these things through time. Thoughever, in that moment of asking, my mindset can instantly change, my feelings can also instantly change. I don't have to do elaborate practices that others do.

I am as cool as a cucumber. In fact I'm enjoying myself right this minute, mainly out of boredom. Though you are right: A humble person, if his opinion is asked, gives it in all simplicity and then leaves others to give theirs. Whether they are right or wrong, he says no more.
Anyways. When you have the time, practise testicular breathing. So easy and beneficial.

Also heres another beginner-friendly one

No thank you.
>Jerk off
>Suicidal thoughts return
OK I buy it that this affects your spirit
Welcome aboard, friend. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aXNLdw9CUgE
christcucks have completely ruined this general.
the worst thing is theyre so smug about it
may the shambala warriors of tibet one day destroy all semitic cult worshippers
Day 86
Was dozing off in class and, in literal seconds, my quasi dream, mid-doze, turned sexual and I almost released before I jolted awake. I was probably asleep for less than 2 minutes. Thought I was imagining things until I got intense blueballs when I stood up to leave class, and it lasted over an hour.
Try to get good sleep guys. They attack when you least expect it and almost got me in an embarrassing way today.
Any ways to alleviate blueballs?
Also Christbros, any prayers I can do to protect me while sleeping, besides Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep?
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Every time I have begun a streak, right about the 2 week mark it feels as if the energy shifts.
Everyone begins smiling at me. It’s kinda strange that this has been consistent with every streak
I’ve had. It always happens around 2 weeks in.
This time I was expecting it and once again, right around the 2 week mark I began getting very
genuine smiles from strangers. And I mean very frequently, everywhere I go. People were
smiling at me all day, an adorable little girl waved at me and this little boy was staring at me like
he was mesmerized. It was really strange. I know it sounds simple, but even little things like this
never happen to me when I’m not retaining.
This sounds insane but it feels as if the universe is smiling at me through all of these random
strangers and telling me to continue on this path.
Also, when I’m not on retention I instinctively look away when I make eye contact with people.
Especially other males. I noticed right around the 2 week mark, other males have been
immediately looking away as soon as they catch my gaze.
I have better luck as well. I almost had to pay a lot of money for new lenses in my sunglasses.
The lady said “actually we’ll just order you some from our spare parts website” so I ended up
getting them half off. I’m going to pay attention to luck moving forward as well, because I seem
to recall feeling luckier during my last streak as well.
It’s WILD how suddenly everything changes. Just wanted to share my findings about the two
week mark. Does anyone else experience this type of energy shift around this timeframe?
>Also Christbros, any prayers I can do to protect me while sleeping, besides Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep?

Just talk to God before you conk out. I normally begin saying as I get ready for bed, "God you say you lay me down in green pastures, you say there's an angel protecting me, so please protect me as I sleep, and don't let the enemy attack through wet dreams..." Something along those lines. He already knows what you worry about, and knows what you are about to ask, so just speak it into existence, so the spirit realm can start moving in your favour.
He's a bit dorky, but I'd let him pray over me, and seems trustworthy enough - https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=prayer+for+sleep+litwithprayer
Sometimes it works if I flex the muscles around my perineum a bit. Not sure how that relieves the feeling.
>Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep
I was raised very strict, but never heard of this poem. From my perspective, having faith means not worrying about whether God will help you or not. As long as you follow the path of righteousness, fully aware that you're doing good to yourself, I think God will certainly be there for you when the time calls.

I once was trapped with a friend in an elevator somewhere between 7-9 years old. As he went all hysterical (which freaked me out as well) I asked him where the sun came up (my mother told me to always face towards the sunrise when praying to God). Needless to say I got no answer from him as he had no idea, so I guessed where east was, closed my eyes and starting praying out loud. Nothing happened. Pressing the service button didn't work either. Only thing left to do what I could: try and get the door open through sheer force. Somehow I managed to get my fingers in between the slidedoor and pull it open for a few cm. As the sunlight shone through the gallery a man with long hair came walking in and I screamed for help. He asked where I live and I mentioned the apartment number of my friend's parents. A couple minutes later the elevator opens and my dad appears. I asked him about the man who helped us, but to this day I never heard of or seen him again.

7:7 Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:
7:8 For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.

Ask Him as you would ask a king, but do not sit idly waiting for help. Go on with your day and have faith that the help will arrive.
The only one you should be apologizing to is yourself.

I really think fags crying about muh christianity are way worse for the general than christians. Christians might say a cheesy line or something to help out, you guys are unironically creating confusion and aggressiveness pushing people away in an otherwise helpful and motivating thread. If youre strong enough to do SR without the help of Christ then congrats, but must of us cant
New thread. One seed to rule them all!

Obvious fake and gay larp
Two things will happen, one or the other:
1. You will get to a point where you will not want to be evil anymore.
2. You will manage to be evil on SR but will backfire upon you.
loud kek at pic
Yeah same. I'm 4 weeks in and I'm just angry at everything at myself, my parents. Everyone who has ever had contact with me, because 99% of us are fucking losers and we just cut each others wings off, for literally no reason.
I had a wet dream and the diameter was 30 -40 cm
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Holy shit, 6 day here and my balls hurt and feel big. I already lift and meditate. what exercises can i do to stop it? or just waiting is enough
Valerian root tea really helps with insomnia. does give vivid dreams though, out of the hundreds of nights I've used it, I've only had a handful of wet dreams with use, but I've had a parasitic spirit attachment since I was a kid, so, may not be a problem for you. you could ask try CBN.
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>getting psyopped into taking cheap plant oils that clog arteries
>desire for food, and libido reduced by a plant product, shocking
this is getting really, really low
This is good, cut off your shit friends. Find a way to truly forgive your familiy even if it means disconnecting with them.

In my exp SR opens the eye of God upon you, so just start listening and doing the hard stuff that you know is right. Get into a room with people genuinely better than you. Dont be a pussy, dont be arrogant, it will uplift you.

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