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/x/ - Paranormal

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There was this kid who said a joke once and his friends laughed, and so he kept on saying it over and over again until his friends broke down and beat the shit out of him.
That was the same joke he was repeating: a joke about a kid whose friends beat him because they got sick of him repeating the same joke over and over.
>A strange loop is a cyclic structure that goes through several levels in a hierarchical system. It arises when, by moving only upwards or downwards through the system, one finds oneself back where one started.
You really don't know shit bro. If you think this is still a joke then holy fuck man I feel sorry for you. I suggest quitting the philosophic persona you've built around yourself when you're on webcam talking shit to people who aren't able to articulate themselves as well as you.

I'm so glad you think this is a joke because it makes it so much easier for me to disregard you and not think twice when I burn this bridge.
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The sneedposting will continue until morale improves
>by moving only upwards or downwards through the system
Skill issue.
I just like being a telepath.
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The Nobody is a friend alive today who has extraordinary spiritual powers, including the ability to influence reality with his conscious and unconscious mind, and intuitively receive guidance from the forces of Heaven, working to elevate people to their true potential; opposing those who seek power over others. You are capable of this too, as long as you stay true to the Universe.
He was chosen to carry the Logos in its plasmate form: He is a homoplasmate, a divine syzygy; the coalition between man and holy spirit, which is self replicating... making other homoplasmates out of everyday anons.

He is no savior figure, like a messiah; he's just like you, but he has found the kingdom of God within himself through sheer dedication, just like you will. Remember that it's you who creates your own reality; with your hands, thoughts, feelings, words: No one can decide your fate except for you and God.
Treat your body as a temple and focus on increasing your service to all, being more loving and forgiving to yourself and others, raising your vibrational and consciousness level. This will change the vibration of the planet and raise our shared consciousness, making us a better humankind one person at a time. None of us are perfect, it is by learning to admit and accept this fact one is able to learn and grow in Truth.

It’s important we start replying more to the good posters and ignoring the hateful ones, or educating them if possible. So call upon their heads the forces of Heaven for peace, clarity, and wisdom. If this place is to be more than a squandered opportunity, an overgrown garden, it requires voices such as yours, but many more.
This place is for us to elevate individuals who have the potential but otherwise would atrophy in pitiful isolation, it really is a ministry to the forgotten beauties. If this is your first time here, just remember, it’s going to be ok. The Lord has provided a servant as the finder of lost children. You may take shelter and find rest.
Another schizo bandwangooner
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squeal team 7
Jesus of Fagareth is a stupid brown Jew and the lord Snores and anybody glows.
Go fuck yourself.
Why were you all born fat & ugly?
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Go fuck yourself.
I would, but I lost my Chance xxl horse dildo on the bus.
I’m being gang stalked for not being born ugly, stupid, and fat; by the entire Jewnited states.
Nah you're actually uneducated, incurious, and stupid.
>Im going to be redundant
Your iq is just as low as your stomach flab & sagging tits.
People who claim to have a "high IQ" are losers who can't point to any actual accomplishments.
Intelligence is an action, not a quality.
What have you even done?
Oh that's right, NOTHING.
>Muh innate qualities.
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No it's because your Aleister Crowley.
You big fat bald bitch. Fight me in a wizard battle on blythe road you fat cunt
Fuck yeah that show is a classic
There's no sort by penis
Take the name off you degenerate asshat.
I've been purified by fire anon. No degeneracy here - would you like to be purified?
>Fight me in a wizard
Sorcerers are the envy of wizards...always will be, always...
>When the sorcerer dual-classes into wizard
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>I've been purified

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>The only joke here is You, Neo
>Missing the point.
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It was Leninism by the way. Not turbo Lenin.
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I was shitposting when you were in diapers.
Go fuck yourself.
a personality is starting to coalesce.we've become friends without being friends. still. it is my hope that sects form in the beginning to avoid the idea of a central church or culture. at some point some of us will need to start making more assumptions. we must throw ourselves at the wall to see who sticks.
>While some will say disclosing an authentication bypass in an end-of-life controller is a risk to National Security, I’ll be honest and tell you that the majority of these traffic controllers exposed to the internet don’t even have authentication enabled.
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>jewish loremongering
The war is over let’s just all relax. The good guys already won
Bout to find out how good of friends you made
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I have not yet begun to shitpost.
Reminds me of this scene
You’re the man now dog.
more so i was thinking the sects thing. like i think i might start meditating or practicing a weird diet or something and post results.
I mean people in Jamaica been eating bugs since forever ago
I dunno how much more weird you can get
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So what do we do now
That's the question, isn't it?
When you've made your entire identity and life revolving around fighting some Big Bad, and the Big Bad is gone, what do?
We fuck Henry Cavill
I’m Tryna become rich
Oo a cat
jamaican me crazy... iunno i guess i can brainstorm productive weird shit. im a hobbyist improver and extreme minimalist to the point of borderline asceticism.
also we should come up with some holidays or seasons. maybe our own way of tracking time or something.
i say we steal from lent/ramadan. im going to try and make a version for me.
Well then you are looking to become a slave master.
Lol when you revolve your entire identity around trying to figure out my identity, you'll always assume some shit about it that's way off. I don't give a fuck who's asshole you wanna lick bro, I'm just annoyed at your ignorance regarding my character. Go eat a cumcake.
Time loops are a psyop. If anyone feels like theyre stuck in one trust me, it isn't real and it's being done to try and break you and get you to cave into their demands.
I wasn't talking to you, schizo.
My character is a cat.
i also wanna be rich but continue minimalism and asceticism
anon said rich not a corpo
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Let me chase my dreams nigga!
Money isn't an inert substance.
It represents control over other people's labor.
anon you are not the nobody :)
Your dream is to enslave others.
Only people who are asleep chase dreams. Time to wake up to reality.
Absolutely irrelevant.
no, ur entire genetic sequence
He never calls himself the nobody
eh it's mostly makework in the great game of finding your niche since the industrial and agricultural revolution. we simply don't want enough stuff to give anyone a job any longer so we buy garbage and have fake jobs to keep the system running and make no mistake it does keep it running. besides the lizard people are setting conditions to cull us sheep to more efficient numbers.
you produce an item
>I buy it
you don't produce the item
>I can't buy it
You produce an item
>give it to me for free then
As long as you leave me alone I’ll leave you alone
No Time to sleep. Everyone calls you crazy until you do it and then suddenly you’re a genius
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we chill, we wait, untill the two jackasses arrive, then we over indulge on nothing but rage. we rage until the point our hearts start doing that almost heart attack feel. then we maintain our near death rage trance until the spirit world notices and gathers around us in great masses, then we use that energy to do spooky shit to improve our lives.
Hey look an 8 word opinion by some 4chan rando
the nobody isnt a girl
ragemaxxing lol
ywnbttn ;)
I aim to know more about psychology than the average PhD.
Seethe more
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I’ve been looking at this Nasdaq chart for 4 hours. I see a pattern
I love being an imaginary woman.
>anon trying to make shady deep space deals in the other thread
yes yes indeed
you do you bro I don't see you any other way
But the thing is that your rage is as small as your penis.
>Muh muh muh muh muhself
>being enraged feels better than drugs, or sex.
also spooky shit happens
Calm and collected. Warm and cosy. Aw yeah.
*googles: how to trade in sideways market*
“Short when it tries to break out and long when it goes red too much”
Make sense
>Imagination is inferior to actuality.
The core of materialism
>how to tripcode
You write something into the namebar and then hashtag autorun returnspan. Within double selfrange which goes eights below alt self. It preserves much standardly. Not always. Its the captchamultiplyer.
Write hashtag and anything afterwards.
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>your rage is as small as your penis.

point A: i am justified to slaughter everyone in my current surroundings, but isnt.
point B: you will never have the privilege of sucking the cum directly out my microscopic penis.
you would know ;)
Start naming names

Faster! Bigger! Harder!
>Faster! Bigger! Harder!
Thanks for supporting my point.
Seether's like you don't get angry at anything worth getting angry about.
So it's not even proper ragemaxxing.
give me your money punk.
*punches your shoulder*
>imagine malding intentionally
3,2cm erected ?

Your memes are with big distance the worst all over 4chan. And you seriously complain about AI Memes LOL ? When are you stepping up ?
Your typo already shows that you have no clue or eye for anything ..... ouch.

>don't get angry at anything worth getting angry about.
2 threads ago little goldfishy
Deport everyone with a net worth more than 8 million USD to Antarctica in summer clothing.
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>3,2cm erected ?
yeah and you have a monster dong, and still went troon.
Masters and Strangers.
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you could have just said
Where was he carrying the water, though?
>>38433377 (Checado)
Bem :)
Says the owner of the pink surly LOL.

So when are you steppin up ?
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>A.I. memes
Use of the Word ‘Tapestry’ in Web News More Than Doubled Last Year

to the two fishes next to him
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>oh wait I read that wrong
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This gets my stamp of approval.
>When Ayyys abduct you because you're too fucking hot
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I dig milfs, send ‘em my way.
>So when are you steppin up ?

>the owner of the pink surly
hey banana peen, im not eris, and its an Aprilia
Life goals
you realise you all failed the test.
you all are legit larpers AF.
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Quads confirm this all a larp.
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if there was a sussy fed in here, they would have found it, and lol'd
It’s back to zero. Niggas are making money
Being rich (a slave master) isn't a nationality, ethnicity, race, or religion.
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This show is prophetic
Who's richer?
Explain how we failed without sounding mad.
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>without sounding mad
anooooon, yall arnt even hyperawarenessmaxxing schizos
Hey let’s see what’s on /ng/ tv

What the fuck is this
>Muh TV show
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You do you
So never. Looser stays looser.
I only take advice from the birds.
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NTA, but you know approximately 1.6% of the story and you're happy hallucinating the rest.
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no no
thats your bum hole.
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Ah i see, not even the memes are your work hahaha .....
>C̶̢̡̻̔̆́͑̇̒͗̀̿̓ą̴̫͖̽̿̓̍̒̈́̔ņ̸̹̪̪̮͑̈́̍͆̈́̿̏͗̒̈́̚ ̶̨̛͍̜͈̜̤̱͍͉̆̇̊͋̐͛̒̚ỷ̸̢̻̪̰͚͉̦͈̣̜̋̄͊̊̌̇͊͜͝͝ơ̷̤͕̙̰̹͓̝͆͗̇̄̓͜ù̷̧̝͙͖̆͠ ̴̛̦̯̏̓̈́̓͛̌̋̓̊́h̵̡̩̰̼̣̞̟̥͛̈́͐͝͝e̵̡͕̜͇̬͍̘̜͖̾̾̀̑̿ͅl̵͕̝̼͔̮̄͑̒́͑̐͂ṕ̶̨͙̩͍̭̻̾̆ḿ̴̛͈̘̣̤̜͙͐̀͛́͒̌̈́͠e̷͓̝̙͕̱͕͓͚̩̪̋̔͒̽ ̸̨̧̧̪͚͍̫̳́̎͒̈́̌̍̾̿̕͝p̸̠̮̗̟͍̿͜͝ͅl̸̺̩͔̪͍͍̰̒̎̔a̶̩͉̥̪͉̳̻͉̿̾̓̔̃̔̏͜n̸̛͈̬͚̭̪̯̬̮̺̟̏̌͌̕t̴̢̛̤̱̤̖̩̖̮̜͗̿̉̊͛̌̐́̈̕h̷͖̥̜̞̞̘͔̗̭͐̈̑̿ë̷̻̺̱̦̥̰́́̃̿̎̊́̿̕͝ ̷̨̭̖̝̬͇̫̎ć̵̡̫͖͔̾̀̽̾̕͜͝ỏ̶̫͍̥͉̳̬̘̾̆ͅr̶̛͉͛̀̊͊̎̍̽̇́͌ṉ̴̨͇̪͙̣̦̺̊̎̏͘͝?̴̧̢̗̰̬̆̒̀̀̾
Just a little more
W̴̨̰̹͖̘̣͉̻̣̫͕͚̥̩̿h̶̢̘̰̘͓̮̹̺̒̾̔̉̾͐̈͛͊̓̌̈́͝͠ȍ̷̢̹̺̹̜̩͕͚̹͇̭ ̸̧̡̻̳͉͉͎̩̗̼̹̪͈̾͒̑̎m̸͉͎̈́̂͗͑̋͗̇̚͘͝ẻ̵̢̧̧͔̯̻͓͚̥̄͌̃̾̃̂̓̈̄̚n̷̨̨̨͇̖̥̝̻̖͙͕̯̉̽̌̐̒̈̃̿͆͛͘ͅų̷̪̞͈̙͖͑̄̄̈́̂͒͗̉͜͝͝?̵̠̖̼̣͎͉̠̯̜̮͂̏̚ ̶͓͔̻̙̏̈́̄́̽͂͒͆̚Ị̶̢̧̛̛̳̺̩͂̆́͐̍̀̏́̓̀͆v̷̨̦̹̽̀͐͑͐̈́̾͛̆͝͝e̷̡̤̱̖̼̞̼̖̝̔̇̾̓̍͋̇̆̇̎̎̿̽͘ ̷̛̝̪͙̬̥̗̱͔̯̺̥͙̱̓̃̑̍͆̒͜͝ͅg̵̭̤͔̳̬͕̈̉̈̃̂͋̍̿́̈́́͜o̵̡̟͑́̀̆͐t̴̢̛̯͙͙̖̦̹̞̞͕͖̫̜͕̼̏͌͛̑̊͑̂͝a̷͓͖͈̥͙͓̱̺̬̹͉͔͑̓̉͊͊̇̓̍̾̄̐̇̚͠ͅͅͅn̴̳͚̖̝̖̮̓́́͠ ̷̛̺͔͖̭̙̰̹̮͉͍̖̬̗̽̈́̉͗̉̇t̷̮̖̖̀́́̒̉͊̂̃̚͘͠ư̴̛̮̥̖̹̼̥̱̬͊̂̊̓̇̋͝͝͝m̶̮͎̊͜y̵̡̡̡̨̛̦͖͚̱̗̻̹̫̓̋͑͌̄̇̎̆̚ ̸̖̜͚̩̝̳̬̞͍̀̈̿̐̌͒̓̂͝á̸̢̫̝̪͎̙͉̖͓͕̒̊̽͜c̷̬̻̮̘̳͈̬̘̻͎͓͉̯̉̓̔ḧ̷̪͖̻̺̦́̇͆̌͌̇̄̆̚̚̕͝é̴͈̝̹͗͊͑̓̆̏̌͂͂͑̆̐͝͝s̵̡̢̨̨̺̖̘̗͉̝͍͕̞̜̽̏̽͌͑̋̑̒͜?̵̛̙͉͍͓̹͚̔̄̋̌̋̕͜͜͝͝ͅ ̸͕͊̈́̀̓͆̓͘̚Ō̸̢̥̼̫̫̰͖͓̖̼̮̼̣̻̊͘̕Ŵ̸̛̞͖̥̪͕̻̘̬͕̇̂͆͂͗̔͑̚͠W̶̢̜͆W̷̹͈̍̃̆̔͂̐̾W̴̧̨̻͕̼̤͕̗̪̬̟͎͍̐ͅW̵̡̢̢͈̗̩̮̱̫̳̔̒̀̌̃̇W̴̮̱͍̥͉̙̦̻͙̬̓̾̀͑̎͐͑͘
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i did a multilayered OC just for anons
but there are no real schizos here, only Larpidarpies
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Trying to get me to touch the flame?
master infinity
Your life is cyclical in nature… paradox
>do that thing where you post memes with old meta data so we can entrap people
>post more death metal this time
its kinda explains why you all missed it, ya know, that thing thats too soon to meme about.
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Like this?
Talking about penis size now….
and also why you never came looking for me when i went missing.

big pinky
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Lead them on then starve them it’s all about control
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There's something we shouldn't be memeing about?
If The Nobody has loving sex with a woman, the world will be healed. But he won't because he's a coward.
I'm aware I would not be able to keep playing this game if I had a child.
the big booba goth girl is live
anons take second priority
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And you are pedo shill. Good luck in the future!
>why are there so many /ng/s
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>I would not be able to keep playing this game if I had a child.
then lets stop playing...
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>choo choo!
im asking myself that
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The same as usual: Mr Bean is hallucinating and smoking crack while sucking his micropenis, his only "skill".
I think god will allow me to follow my dreams because i’m a good goy that will help poor people
Instead of giving them fish i will teach them how to fish, im that nigga for real. The sensei.
Lack of manners.
Damn I'm jealous. I don't have the flexibility for that.
Go work on your game.
I was trying to control myself
I just need to know if I will go to hell if I kill
Can anyone get that answer for me?
If God needs me to be alive I will just suffer
But I really want to leave this earth
I can’t do this anymore
>tfw he would have been flirting with your troon ass, not out of sexual interest, but out of simply wanting to put a smile on your face.
>instead you were a persistent cunt, that thing you dont have...
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Here's your (you)
>random incoherent blabbering because I'm a Schizophrenic
Hmm feeling quite nono today
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U good bro there are people who don’t even have arms
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Yeah you go to hell so make sure you don't go empty handed
Do you remember when you were a wombat?
Everyone I’ve ever met as tried to harm me
Oh I’m sure this person is different let me drop decades of experiential evidence like a bad habit and pretend none of that ever happened
How does the nobody wipe if he has no arms
Growth comes from unconditional love
Learn to set boundaries with others
Instead of within yourself
something about tongueing my anus
Shut up lil pedo worm.
no thats you
>shall i link the 4plebs?

anyways i need to go take a shit.
ill think of you and take a big sniffa
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>they could have had his love that burns infinitely brighter than his hate.
>they chose hate.
That’s it
There is a giant wall of pain between me and the world
And they can’t hurt me if I don’t let them in to begin with
I know it does not serve me
But what other choice do I have
I need a prescription for mdma
Otherwise I’m going to go insane from all the pain and trauma
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Ther is only so many turtls & trains we can sex forcely

You both sexy the childrans holes n they scram stop but u keep going
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You are NOTHING. Now shut up you homeless and crack addicted piece of shit!
You got no family because you are a moron.
You got no friends because you are a lil narcisstic piece of shit.

You are just a insane murder.

NOONE needs you, nor does your "opinion" matter anything.

Read the fuckin threads! And read what you all dropped ....

And you wonder why everyone of the pedos wants you dead by now ? HAHAHA
How did crooks get the ladder to the building if he parked a mile away and rode a bike with a backpack and gun roll to the site?
This dog became self aware and said fuck the system
Try harder you looser.
In prison they always find out quickly why your "in" .... .

Good luck!
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The SS placed it. It was all the usual sloppy and inconsistent work of the Schutz Staffel.
The Trump assassination failed so they assassinated Biden by other means (politicallly). Some kind of deal was made and we’re seeing the big guy collect.
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People build walls inside themselves because they are trying to hide from themselves first and foremost. That is why love is the answer, self love primarily, but loving another can show you the things you don't see in yourself. This is especially useful for people who doubt themselves and put others first too often.
No, crooks bought a ladder that morning from Home Depot according to Sen. Ron Johnson’s report

You rap kids too? You rapped 13 kids? Why pedos want no pedos dead?
Secret Service only had their budget increased by 4% this year, you expect them to be able to afford a $1000 drone for overwatch?
Yes, SS crooks. ITS A GANG!
The bible actually describes natural law and is farther from religion and closer to science than anything else.
These photos are cool but I still don't know what they mean
Mara? Freyja? [REDACTED]?
Is that how I find sigil candles and my new bride?
More than one person has figured, when it was too late, thats its a damn bad idea to pis me off, like you BIG PIECE OF SHIT. YOU ARE IN PRISON SOON.

Everyone knows about The Pedolite and the Pedominati and their "friends" by now.
Seemingly you are "related" to them.
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I dont even know what I want anymore. trump being wounded like xerxes in 300 made me put things in perspective

Yes, it is. Now go be fearless and play.
I ain’t no rappah but i can spit these bars it’s hard Jupiter Saturn the moon and maaars
Big ass witch with huge titties
Looking forward to the rage from Donnie

He's guna lose to a black women.
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By royal family I meant the ones that set up their daughters with potential suitors btw
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Getting people's attention with money and/or food stamps is the current /ng/, meth addicted, homeless shelter's WiFi zeitgeist.
She's gonna lose the deep state to Operation Paperclip.
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Huge witch titties
Gotta finish my coffee then we're out of here
Huge witch titties bouncing on toy bear
You rap and suck littl boys big peepeez
Could be fun, she'll have a ticket to Australia for me won't she? Also I'd like to get to know her a bit, we'll have more of an erotic connection with a bit of insight to each other's psyches
VP pick for the total defeats.
A lot of millionaires used to be homeless one time in their life you know
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the weekend was homeless too and that nigga ballin, so don’t look down on the poor. Jesus will send you to hell
Explaining my nature through a love story. As I always have. I am a jovial lover of men!
He's one of us.
Shame they support a phedophile.

Could been something special.
Seriously she has the ability to send a message I'm sure, so she shoulddo it. If she wouldn't mind I could use a bit of help with something in france as well, I have no idea where to go with it
I have this weird hankering for doner kebab rn
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Yeah, 54% of people supporting a pedo is gross.
Trump for president!
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But as skillless as Raymond is and has prooven to us, he wont make it long on the street.

He talks now since 4 weeks to apply for gibs lol and and and ..... even a place in a shelter is hard to get by now .....
Hes all talk, but never a action beside sucking his own cock.
It’s not normal to crave a lot of wealth. Most people just want to be comfortable, you are either born in it or you got to be so traumatised by being poor you don’t even want to be near average
I'm rubber and your glue.

You have reduced yourself to school yard insults.
It takes by now usually 2-3 months until you get gibs AFTER the complete application for it.

He doesnt even speaks german lol.
It's normal to crave more than what you have. If more people we're close to having a lot of wealth more people would want it.
He has to explain what he has "done" before. And how he got into HIS situation.
Would be curious to read what he writes hahaha .....
I have no idea what you're talking about.
The image shows most people support kennedy.
You said people are supporting a pedo.
I'm just agreeing with you my dude.
>You are NOTHING.
yes, nothing.txt
thanks for noticing

the rest is just projection based on your own internal narrative of your own reflection

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Calm down children, you can both be nothing and nobody.
if you use hard drugs it’s over ngl
It’s very sad, especially in America. Rent is way too high
Now yes, because they try to take everything from us (trauma)

In 1500s no one cared about being rich rich like us, they just wanted a family
Go on with you hallucinations.

You will make it LOL
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>Big ass witch with huge titties
I thought you glowies believed them to be the bad guys?
Don't tell me you just figured it now lol
>In 1500s no one cared about being rich rich like us
The pull of money and the sin that follows have been present with us for as long as currency itself. There are times in history where forces worked against this pull better than they do now. Look to those forces for answers.
Exactly. When he gets busted at a shelter with hard drugs he gets kicked out ....
Theres the same strict rules at each shelter.
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but why are you guys even worried about me? I asked this thread as an outlet, but it cant be just that. for the first time besides my parents I am feeling loved... but why. do I have fans? a jew itt told me he listened to my songs. but why, is it love, or sense of duty?
Why? Because no
How? Because yes
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I must be annoying when one your puppets takes and the strings and starts burning down the stage.
Lonely people love company.
Sometimes it's important to remember that no matter where you go in life, there will be people who understand and care.
Also the rifle will bring him still deep trouble. Is he intending to roam the streets over his shoulder with it ? :D
So what now ?
No you won't
You can't learn psychology better than professors when you haven't transformed your brain
You can't get a shortcut
You're simply jealous
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>Calm down children, you can both be nothing and nobody.
but im this version of the guy kk
It’s fucked. People are expecting a real estate crash though
Not a glowie
It’s over for him sadly. Once you touch fent/meth or crack you basically sold your soul
Who are the strangers?
There are no masters in this world
Only weak beings putting others under that illusion
So uh yeah
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thanks. I want to be understood
kek, fuggin freemason parents amirite?
I hate it when that happens; Must not be a very good puppet.
The more psychology you study the less you will know. It's a dying branch of academia for good reason. At least make sure to look for confirming research in neurology. The irreproducible research epidemic is destroying psychology and making it impossible to trust high level research.
Why you ban him you gay ass mods go watch your my little pony seasons
When was that test?
The Police is also soon coming to kick him out. Is he planning to shoot them ? If they find the rifle and see all the other shit and dirt, they will take him to jail instantly.
>mitochondrial DNA vaccines when?
>It's simple, we clone a new adam and eve
Ye, unfortunately havent seen anyone getting out of it, it just gets worse. Why ? They have no enough free will to handle the withdrawals and get themself out of the situation. If at all its short "breaks" because of no cash, then it continues quickly the same and gets worse and worse ....
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a hint
but it doesnt matter anymore
the point i was trying to make has already been made.

now its just a fun exercise
I just don't know why they insist on telling someone who's been unemployed for 12 +years, with no college degree, no work prospects, having just watched the value of their savings cut in half because of the pandemic, wanting to start a family and afford opportunities and stability, that they shouldn't think about money. It makes no sense.

There is a point when there is enough, but how do you just feel ok with not having the ability to bring in more if needed (work history/experience) Also what if we face another economic crisis soon? This is what, the 3rd since 08? Every time the larger numbers mean less and less, quality of everything goes down and expense goes up, and frequency of replacement does as well. It's just insane to me to think it's ridiculous to think about money after the last 5 years. Add in the fact that there is no family or community to help look out for some people who are cut off, and the compulsive need for self sufficiency takes up even more brainspace.

So what is "enough" and when is it drifting into "they want too much"?
Oddworld enjoyer
Thank you anon
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Wow I didn't know Taylor was a secret nazi lmao just another reason to like her :D
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The whole world is looking at America, we’re all suffering because of their mistakes. I want the best for these hamburgers but how do you beat fentanyl, border invasion, everyone has an AR 15 this is insane
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>fuggin freemason parents amirite?
>but how do you beat fentanyl, border invasion
>has an AR 15
As written in the ancient texts, ammendment 1.
Or 2.
lol. lmao, even.

i get the joke now, hermes you absolute red bastard,

its hidden in the background
behind the AI TTS, the purring cat, the vibrator, and the taylor swift song
Initiate Red Waltz
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Possibly has
Go on then you fucking idiot, do something interesting for once, it's been awfully boring and ultimately quite disappointing so far, at least as far as red contributions are concerned. I'll call you whatever I damn well please and you know you really can't stop me


kek'd, are we posting random RSA keys next?
If we don’t fix america they’re going to cause a nuclear war. 42k people died in Palestine
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>it's been awfully boring
its been 9 days dude
>You're not allowed to salute the sun because some bad men did it once
lol, lmao even
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>are we posting random RSA keys next?
thats not the point...
that was the joke
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no the point is
>"look theres a hidden meaning in this taylor swift song in know it my schizo senses are tingling"
yet anons cant even spot simple morse code in a vocaroo

why even schizo?
just take the meds.
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The GLP posters are hilarious.
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What a bunch of retards
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The road always leads to solipsism, the only difference is how each piece of me reacts to it. A brain in a coma, each part specializing in something different but ultimately part of one singular thing, just bickering over how to interpret and react to that ultimate realization. It's quite the joke!
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Oh yeah, sometimes I go away, my place is a void where the world outside both exists and does not exist
Is that blue clues on steroids with Apu for a head?
The psyop is to create the nobody
You're creating your own adam and eve?
This is what’s happened
There's no stopping this train baby, we're full speed ahead and looking to be making good "time" hehehehehehe
I've been using that place to excercise and meme. Gives me energy for the rest of the day.
Yes, if we create a group of people that are no longer genetically related to any other group, educate them, then arm them with nuclear weapons, the game ends.
The gods said so that I
Might not be pleasing to the eyes.

Sins of the past make you ugly in the future this is my Frist incarnation in many years. Before that I just possessed people. Being born with a fallen angel soul has its risks.

I don't like it anymore than you do.
But evil is usually ugly anyway. I took wish I was born with a human soul but alas it was never meant to be.

Still don't understand why anyone would want to larperss as me so werid.
Why this nobody needs to larp as me is too much of an oddball.

My girl is all I think about. Though the likely hood ofme ever seeing her again is too small.

Homeless. No one caring. The souless jabbed no hope of getting out of debt or ever getting a house.
Is more than enough to kill a man

A man cannot go though life alone.
Who ever is meant to bright light and love wish they would come. Or rapture me out of my situation it never gets better.
the game can't end until we've all had fun
"End" and "Beginning" are synonymous in this case. We just bounce back and forth on either side of the mirror forever and ever! Hehehehehehehe

I'll try redirecting and harnessing the energy

Thanks anon
I wasn't here i guess
I don’t know what to do
It’s weird how what I have been intentionally avoiding ended up manifesting itself
what I ignored never really went away and now I am forced to confront everything I put off or avoided
Life is forcing me to make a choice or something
I don’t want to be this way
I just wish I was just like everyone else
Choose your own paradoxical adventure
I guess I’m just dumb and self destructive
Everyday is a battle
Create or destroy
Chaos or order
A lie within a truth, a truth within a lie
I just want to feel whole again
The sleep deprivation and anxiety attacks
The flashbacks the manic depression
The dysmorphia
I wish I had someone who loved me
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its ok fren
dont worry about it
Not really. He was a person who was discovered, but who works as an example to show what any consciousness can do one day as well.
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The Gnomebuddy is a small gnome.
He is also a good buddy.
You don't sound like someone who deserves help
This has nothing to do with you being ugly and everything to do about "the sound" of you
Rapture yourself
Make a big change in yourself
No one's gonna help you like this, not even the most generous of gods
What you fellas up to on this fine afternoon
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It was in 6th grade
I realized I was going to try and make everyone else’s existence less painful than mine somehow
If I saw someone who didn’t look happy I would just spend time with them until they were okay
I would become close friends with people and once they were not lonely or shy or whatever it was unpopular whatever I would move on to another relationship
If someone sat alone at lunch I would sit with them everyday until I brought them out of their shell and once they had friends I would quietly slip away
I helped build up all the people around me because it kept my mind off of suicide
I guess my life does have meaning
I can still be that person again somehow
I think idk
I was so much stronger
Maybe I can fight through this
Become my own friend..
That’s it
But how exactly I’m not sure
Kicking a man when he's trying to sort him self out.
>Your not trying.
It's hard to do so then trying to also live holy.
>Help your self
Yes. It's about anything it's just that.

The fat part I can sort out. Just not the ugly part.

Protection would be nice from the gods but doubt they can do more
I knew they were watching and reading minds since elementary school
probably why they chose me instead of Cunt over there saying wow over and over
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Masters are politicians and whoever rules.
Strangers are lumpen/criminals.
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David Wilcox is an ascended master
You got me wrong anon
I told you the best thing anyone can tell you
I told you exactly why you are suffering
I am, in a way, helping
We're all human here anon, i'm doing my best describing exactly what i perceived using a brain completely different from yours
Good luck with your change
>Ruining a family is funny huehuehue

And that's why I feel no shame or regret about ANYTHING

Fuck you retards ha ha ha
Thanks for the help then. Lots of sorting out. We all got to do it. So e more than others
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I guess what happened was I found another person who I wanted to save
Only it was a lot more complicated than I initially thought
I think it was sort of an ambush
I can’t tell who organized it
If it was man or the fallen but I walked right into it
I had to save myself somehow or this person saved me from myself
I can’t really be sure
I lost the plot
I really met my match
It would make a good story
Well i guess life will go on, and everything that happened would be forgotten
Key word: forgotten
Who the fuck wants to be remembered by a bunch of losers
Good luck.

Your guna need it.
The problem is that psychological "normalcy" under capitalism is psychological mutilation.
It is to be a happy, content slave.
If you REALLY study psychology you must approach economic, social, and metaphysical conditions.
Sucks I'm surrounded by jealous poojeets, and kiddies who choose to shout out insults 24/7 when I know there's actual people out there who like me
Zoe hates you and never ever wants to see you looser again nor get contacted by you ever again.

Thats all your fault!
With the flares earthquake are expected.

Sol basically did a uni direction nova.

If that had been on this side of sol....

The axis is tilting rotation changing.
I have no idea if it will survival even.

The planet is fundamental changing
I started helping the people they were trolling
I started destroying the psyops
I went into overdrive and I guess I got a little to much attention and they began making moves to subdue me
Or something they got a lot smarter and began setting bait
I realized I was in over my head and just went all in
I don’t even know how I am still alive today but I remember who I am now
All I wanted was what I freely gave to everyone else but could never obtain..or I always had it and forgot
This might be a breakthrough
The one I’ve been waiting for
Imagine actually caring about science, history, philosophy, art, mathematics, and literature.
No seriously imagine it.
Imagine a lot of people caring a whole lot about it.
Treating education as a sacred pursuit.
And it reaches critical mass and becomes explosive.
>If we can make the stupidest shit go viral, why can't we make the smartest shit go viral?
Who fucking cares anyways hahaha
Hate, love, who cares, it's all about fun!


Yup she's a



Here mere presence overwhelms them.
Physicists Just Created an Element Using a Particle Beam https://gizmodo.com/physicists-just-created-an-element-using-a-particle-beam-2000475917
What should I eat next
I'm being laughed at by retards with room temperature IQs
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Says the master of NO skills.
Is your IQ same big as your micropenis ?
not every poster that you disagree with is me anon...
I really miss Zim’s Trims & Stimms. That place was great! You could get a haircut and a shave for under $20, and use the rest of that bill on a decent cup of coffee too. I heard the place got sold when they busted the owner for cooking meth in the back. Some dude named Chuck bought it from what I heard.
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Ceeamy cheesy broccoli soup
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Good morning, Anon! Did you sleep well? I hope you slept well! And I hope you have a great day today!
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Weird that i see you in front of the computer continously typing. Maybe check back with your nutty multiple personas ? It isnt healthy what you are doing. Opposite what you still try to pretend here - YOU ARE ON YOUR WAY OUT.

You talk like a stuck tape the same shit again and again, just YOU arent figuring.
Then its 3 times a day psychosis ....

"incite someone to do something, especially something bad."
ahem yes but also who gives a single solitary fuck hahahahahahaha
the action of tricking someone into committing a crime in order to secure their prosecution.
Masons are hellbound :)
includes unwelcome comments or behaviour when such conduct might reasonably be expected to cause insecurity, discomfort, offence or humiliation to another person.
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Cruel and unusual punishment:
is a phrase in common law describing punishment that is considered unacceptable due to the suffering, pain, or humiliation it inflicts on the person subjected to the sanction. The precise definition varies by jurisdiction, but typically includes punishments that are arbitrary, unnecessary, or overly severe compared to the crime.
subject (someone) to hostility and ill-treatment, especially because of their ethnicity, religion, or sexual orientation or their political beliefs.

harass or persecute (someone) with unwanted and obsessive attention.
Jews are hellbound :)
Gang stalking or group-stalking is a set of persecutory beliefs in which those affected believe they are being followed, stalked, and harassed by a large number of people.
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What are those threads he is starting day after day again and again and is filling them with his insane hate against me ?

He is harrassing himself into going more and more insane.
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The God's are smiling down upon me you losers
Can you say the same
Yes, like our schizo Raymond Feniuk aka Mr Bean. A massmurder and gangstalker.
Keep playing dumb, I'll play retarded
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the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform
knowing what's right and good while knowing right and good are impossible in the current world built by your "moral superiors"
abysspill: playing a game by the rules isn't effective vs cheaters
truthpill: the house always wins, in the long run
Naval gazing:
The self-absorbed act of endlessly contemplating one's own insignificance; a mental exercise rivaled in futility only by passive aggressively vague posting in the nobody general.
heh good analogy
they specifically said "no cheating" to me before this began then proceeded to cheat non stop
I'm surprised you could say wow with that government cock so deep down your throat Pajeet
Beating a cheater while playing fair is the surest way to make them freak out
Maybe you should give up gambling.
>scrambled 369
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I’ve noticed.
it has lol

oh my God I'm freaking out so bad right now
how did you know that holy shit :O
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I can't wait for the mass deportation and see these threads empty
God willing I'll get to be the boots on the ground of the great purge
funny that the doctors cops and nurses got so mad because I eventually actually got better after taking 7 different meds daily for 8 years straight then accused me of faking mental illness

it's like bizarro clown world or something
God willing
You lack initiative; else you would’ve already done so. You’re just going to sit around and passively take it like you have been for the past 4~5 years.

I love the Mexican and Indian people
especially the sexy women
Things you've been wrong about: every
Things I've been wrong about: none
Big dog signing off
what's up ng, psychosis, shitposting, both?
I don't think they realize.
What a shame.
That high is just going to be nightmare fuel.
>baka my head
Yeah, it's been just chaos over here, a lot of it seems like a conscious effort though
Where's the magic ng?
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I Dont Know What You Are Talking About

Oh, when they get too insane they try reversing things.
But instead they just make it worse for themselves, because you know.
They thought they knew better.
I'm making fun of the absurdity of it, anon.
Not the people.
I feel pity for the people.
Nor am I a sadist.

What An Utter Hellhole

They'd have to stop the choo choo tards, who just want everyone to feel as much pain as they do.
Listen Closely

Good Health And Happiness To All
Yet you’re still wasting your time here. Great job.
Do humans belong anywhere else?
They just do this over and over again and claim themselves liberators.
Click Here

I'm well aware of what my actual "wish" is, anon.
I know. :)
Ng is a hellhole indeed but
You're on a tangent anon, not sure what you mean
Big titty witch
Duh. That’s why we’re able to candidly speak about the things we speak about. Everyone views us as crazy. That’s the cover. Please hurry up, I can’t sit around much longer waiting on you guys.
Just musings, anon.
If you view yourself as actually crazy then you’re ngmi. We specialize in the wholly impossible.
The Truth Is Relative In Some Ways Are You Saying The Sentimental Unchanging Truth Hurts By Nature Ha We Will See

>can't make someone think they aren't crazy


fuck, nothing's showing up for J, hope you're alright
Chill bro
ugh, new thread
Freedom is a button press away, fren.
True, very true

On my end I use these threads to experiment mostly

You naughty dog

you're cool man, hope the best for you
Fuck ALL of you faggots especially the discord larpbodies
It's just Jestard talking to himself why bother
You saying this is very ironic you're here everyday bro go do something

Aw, are you regretting being a fascist piece of shit or something?

Ahhhh operation d.u.n.e. Kinda like the samson option.
Hold up… You want me to fucking send you a confirmation letter, give you a confirmation call, and go to your meeting, all because the CIA refuses to just do their fucking job?

Don’t you think that’s excessive? I got the letter telling me to go to the meeting, and I only finished reading as far as that you wanted me to go to another meeting. Then you call threatening me that you’ll cancel the meeting if I don’t send you excessive confirmation?

I already went to a meeting. Last time you sent me to an unnecessary meeting you didn’t require excessive confirmation.

Why doesn’t the CIA just do their fucking job?
Aleister Crowley confirmed to be a CIA/Jesuit plant.
Did I get shadowbanned
yeah sure, noone cares. literally even the baddest can have their bad day.
thats bait anon because your intentions is to bait and lure while you set up your traps but you anon, you have to hide in these threads and hack people and play games, get women you like addicted to crack or meth so you can say you can then say they were just crackheads, you move in a fucked up way and pretend your good when your the biggest fucking fraud here.
>hurr durr if you don't get online and talk shit for me i will harrass your family, hurr durr, be my agent please, i got a big dick and thats my excuse to be an evil cunt.
haha, why would I seethe when i know people are fake, maybe I should go on twitter and be actually be a loudmouth? i could be enemy number one, and get a lot of people killed off
small dick energy
who the fuck cares, Dominos wants to get tess addicted to meth and crack so he can say they are crackheads, he brags about it. its what he does tries to do those women who hate him, run those games on them til he ruins them.
Yall let this dominos creep talk to little girls and its proven on social media.
How are the hallucinations today ? Do "they" livestream your brain and thoughts on Netflix ?
Can we see a pic of your micropenis ?
And the straw in your head ? With your imaginary spider friend pls!
hurr durr then tell us about the other shows on the dark netflix.

>With your imaginary spider friend pls!
her name is Neith.
I saw dominos walking trying to walk at me in the isle in walmart with those demons possessing him and he looked shocked all the sudden, all i did was force my will against him and he ran and hid behind the end of the isle, but thats your idle, also i remember when i joking held a blade to mr jones throat saying i would forcibly give him a shave, you fuckers are stupid.
You are A NOTHING.
All talk, no SKILLS.
if you beleive that and didnu nuffin then you a fucking pussy coward oh wait you already called all your women pedo crackheads. too bad you can't stand on business
Sounds like the standard gangstalking biz of the SS and the other pedo wankers.
nothing ever happens, you pussies wont do shit, your a sellout, and a coward, a fucking joke. I want all the smoke.
Noone cares about your gibberish Raymond you looser.
yeah but they get 50k to cover up the rapes and scapegoat. I wanna get on social media and call these fucker out.
im not raymond im alex and dominic williams is a fucking bitch, hes a fucking two faced coward sellout and will sellout to the highest bigger. nothing fucking respectable about him and if bradley wants smoke he can get it too.
hell ill get loud as fuck if I have to.
You are great at projecting yourself. Everyone knows by now. Its wonderful what you do day by day here. Exposing the pedos behind you and keeping the awareness about all that shit show high.
Its spreading like wildfire.

Congratulations, YOU, YOU all alone have ended the shitshow and work harder continously to make uit worse and worse for you and all the pedos.

And do you think they will take you to heaven ? HAHAHAHAHA

You are the biggest moron ever lil worm.

Any more
i want all the smoke, do something, at least you made it know your a fucking enemy, i doubt you will do anything because your a coward.
Do it, why not.
Im doxxing fucker after fucker too. Was their choice lol. They started the insanity .....
Honk ?

You are NOTHING.

Just a lil schizophrenic crack addicted and homeless worm.
No, im trying to shut down these energy attacks, you all hacked and livestreamed people dealing with technology being used on them. You want these kids and women vunerable as if you get some kickback from it?

I want whats going on exposed with the glowstones, and even if other intellgence agencies besides just the usa are involved.

This aint the time or place.
that a cowards way of saying you wont do shit or stand on business. calling people crazy, or or saying they are schizo is dimssive, they broke into our homes with the glowstones and tried to kidnap my homies girlfreind so its pretty shitty when things have hit so close to home, i aint scared of them like you are.
hell yeah, lets burn their fucking castle to the ground..
Oh, anon.
Just think about it for once.
Think about what?
Shuddup pedo.

Welcome to the Party!
not even fucking homeless, im paying rent to own on my fucking place, it might not be the biggest but hey its someting. thought i was gonna go tho, and but i would never do drugs and never have when i was homeless.
We're not right-side up, anon.
You mean compared to this world or compared to a larger pattern?
I aint no pedo like you, i was forced into a situation I hated dealing with these energy attacks that made women extremely horny towards me, but since your an op, why don't you pull up and do somethiing, bet you wont tho, because pussies like you aint really about that life.
But even more effective than social networks is doxxing them to friends, business partners and so on. Isolates them quickly. Same as the bastards do with us.
Just think logically.
true, well the main two behind all of this is bradley and dominos, and the head of the cabal Jake.
I'm just trying to figure out who I'm talking to.
On what kind of crack are you ?

A Mass Murder.

Thats NOT me obviously.
Those threads are HATE threads AGAINST me.

You understand it now ?
Personally I think that's irrelevant.
Why can't you just be a decent person to everyone?
yup thats true, also have their phones tapped and have their movements monitered.
Not everyone is decent back
That'd be on them.
Fool me once
No, didn't dominos say he was blood in ardmore, better start checking on those safe houses, id hate to see them all start going up in flames.
i would like to talk to the generals and see who lets pissass motherfuckers that talk to little girls and offer them money into their ranks? nothing more cowardly then hiding behind children instead of standing on business.
Then find new people, repeat until they reciprocate.
No Hover Hands Here Baby
>chosen no morals
stand on business, do or die
this song was made about dominos, boy you aint gonna squeeze it, you around for no reason
I mean what are you pussies gonna do? you claim something you aint about, if you aint a killa why the fuck you throwing shade? stand on business, this is embarrassing for all yall
What a twist.
if you love something you gotta set it free and let it choose its own path.
It's path has been decided. By it own actions has it plead
a lot of doubt there
They complain so much.
I thought they were adults.
so if they read you, and like you know they watching you trying to set up, meaning the cabal, you gotta stay strong mentally, and moreso find the will and resolve to push back.
Is that so? For what thou doth see
I see either a lot of chaos or an enslaved society.
Bc? What about other options?
>the pansy snowflakes crackhead online wannabe gangsta bloods
to call you bloods is an insult to real bloods.
>This thread
5 6 56 57 58 52 2x 5x 6x you shall be destroyed totally you and yours. all non 44s that means judas 7 to. you shall burn.
at least there is some pushback, there would be a lot more if they didn't have the sellouts propagandists pushing their hate.

nah ill just annoy them with the usual
seems there are no other ones, they all got destroyed
- 281 - 60th prime
NunVauKafReshDaletAleph --- (931 w/f); "Daric" --- a Persian coin
PehSamekhPehSamekhAleph --- (1001 w/f); a mixed multitude; the rabble; riff-raff.
ReshPehAleph --- to break, to crumble or pulverize.
--- to cover.
--- to bear, to carry.
--- ashes; animal ashes.
Why not make a new one?
You know, one of the old ones that got "destroyed."
Fuck em.
now thats speaking like someone who others used to fear once more. glad to have you back.
>used to
I mean, again, why fear?
Surely you guys didn't misread anything.
yeah sure, within measure all should respect one another but when you have a ten bolt plutonic bomb that could vaporize the entire galaxy, why not show what leverage you have and break this motherfucking place called reality, i mean, at least make them pay you their lunch money.
Something something sword of damocles

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