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Can someon explain where the soul catching reincarnation conspiracy came from? The one about lizard demon beings that consume our negative energy?

Based on what lead people like David Icke to conclude this to be true.

Also the Matrix premance has always been absolutely stupid, machines would never need humans to generate energy.
Not them, Grey Loosh farm
I honestly have no idea, it's strange too since why would you want to believe it?
Subversion of Aryan religion. The light is not a trap.
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monroe institute, robert monroe, gateway process
project stargate
From schizos with creative thinking.
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>reptiles overshadowing a human while not occupying the body
>Gateway Process Documentary

>Gateway Process Overview

>The Why Files
>The Gateway Process: the CIA's Classified Space & Time Travel System
>reality is a psychoreactive hologram with hyperspace and multiple timelines
>psychic abilities are real
>telepathy, remote viewing, telekinesis, bilocation, astral projection, levitation, teleportation, manifestation
>neurons have quantum computers in the microtubules
>human cells have scalar waves in the mitochondria, possibly zero-point energy
>technology exists based on these principles
>antennas that can read minds, cause hallucinations, and remote control bodies
>supercomputers with AI that can direct the telepathic systems
>ufos range from simple drones to invisible hyperspace military labs
>ufos potentially have access to all the psychic physics abilities
>ufos levitate, and some can astral project and timeline shift
>ufos use zero-point energy and electromagnetic gravitics
>ufos have synthetic telepathy systems
>ufos can operate invisibly as a hyperdimensional hologram and manipulate 3D reality in ways that include remote manifestation and timeline shifting
>the technology appears to be shared by the military and 3D aliens, with the aliens having better technology
>there are native astral entities in hyperspace that are not well understood, possibly reality embedded AIs
>this could additionally be a simulation, with a base reality
I'm pretty sure David Icke & most of the other famous people who propagate this theory got their information from the 1980s Matrix book series by Valdamar Valerian, which is in turn a collection of supporting evidence taken from different sources.

It's interesting to think about but IMO most if it is the same type of circular reasoning, rationalizing away counterevidence & using your own morals to measure reality that typical religions have.
People just made it up, like any fiction.
I do think extra-terrestrials are here on Earth though.
people have NDEs where they've been told they have to come back or whatever, karma and shit

Also this is the worst case scenario if this is true https://imgur.com/a/JfJQAZz
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good luck fighting globalists that are affecting individual realities of everyone, alongside with the large macro reality, with their propaganda, and also whom have lodge in every town >>38450464

>is all just a coindense goim stop notisin
>it all goes back to babalon but pls no tell normies
I don't know if they came up with it originally but The Farsight Institute have been shilling the death traps thing for years now.
If my soul farts, do they ear the soul farts?
started from Robert Monroe's second book, but most of the retards never bothered to
- actually read the books, amerimutts are ntorious for this
- reading also the third book
- and even if they did they above, they are too undeveloped to actually get it
It came from the intersection of the ufology community and new age community in the 80s and 90s. Val Valerian's Matrix series, the Dulce Mythos, Robert Monroe's loosh experiences, the Hindu-Buddhist-Gnostic influences on new age religion in general, and pessimistic attitudes toward the abduction phenomenon and the motives of the alleged aliens converged with the emerging NWO conspiracist culture to form a syncretic narrative for the post-modern age.
Its comes from things not adding up. Whether you believe the loosh farm idea or not the standard answers from religion and other sources are extremely insufficient for some of the big metaphysical questions. In particular the negative aspects of reality. Most systems subscribe to some sort of unproven just world mechanism (Karma, divine judgement, etc) or the idea that there is a greater purpose to the misery (you came to learn lessons, it is part of the path to ascension, etc)

Thing is anyone with a modicum of sense sees that the worlds most powerful people are evil AND lucky (which suggests metaphysical favor), and never truly face any consequences which flies in the face of every proposed idea (including fedora indifferent universe).
Icke has never made secret that his ideas clme from the UFO and new age community. None of what he peddles came from him nor does he claim it does, he's a just a communicator.
I like this anon
Can you elaborate as someone who only knows about Monroe's Loosh claims from osmosis? Was he not as pessimistic about it as modern conspiracists and occultists.
again, read the damn books, all 3 of them
then read them again in 3-4 years

the tl;dr is that the Loosh cosmology is again, just a metaphor interpreted through the lens of Monroe's mind when he had some fun dicking around in the hyperdimensional planes
we are sent on the earth plane to explore and ultimately rise above all the human sadness and pleasures, but no in the schizo sense of religion tards where they try to ignore it and become bitter incels in the mountains. The early lifeforms on earth provided a crude emotional energy that was beneficial to whoever was the Gardener, then the Gardner had the briliant idea to seed little bits of himself in hairless monkeys - ensuring that they will always struggle for more and be homesick without knowing why.
The emotional energy these monkeys provides was better and peaks in moments of love - an energy that goes beyonf the simple sex, lust or obedient kindness, it's a mastery of your mental and emotional self that provides ecstatic comfort to you and others when in touch with it. Over time the bits of souls that master love become literal gods on the astral plains because of this mastery over love

at least this is my understanding
>Was he not as pessimistic about it as modern conspiracists and occultists.
he was initially, then some astral buddy came to him and basically told that it was his human mind and fears and saw it like that, then Monroe got over it and didn't let it sour him
good work. gives me lots to think about.
Special thanks for the link. Most of what that guy who talks in caps says is true, BUT he's missing the bigger picture. It's like he's peered deep into the astral which is 99% run by satanists and wizards, but hasn't seen into higher realms yet (where everything is peaceful).

Ultimately it's important to know that you and me and everyone are 'meant' to be here, what I mean by that is that our higher selves agreed to put us in this challenging situation for some kind of experience.

I've experienced the reptilians, the weird negative ran astral worlds, the after life trap (it's just accepted at this point by me, that it's ran by the negatives, and that we'll one day surpass it when the time is right).

Higher self, positive aliens and angelic forces all also exist. eventually we'll surpass the bad stuff and have access to the good stuff.
Separated from the light of god and the misery of those who are is close enough to sustain their existence
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>my cat told me, telepathically
Ultimately it's important to know that you and me and everyone are 'meant' to be here, what I mean by that is that our higher selves agreed to put us in this challenging situation for some kind of experience.

cuck thinking.
what you are saying is as inane as those 'everything happens for a reason' brainlets. Essentially Q-anon/trust the plan in spiritualism form
Mine is from a very early memory, one of getting constantly failing to break through the metaphysical grids. It is the one thing I remember the most.
why do you constantly keep shilling this video channel, and why aren't you banned yet? if you want to advertise, you know you have to buy an ad for it. It's obvious it's channel owner who's constantly shilling this channel

Politically speaking, Earth is a farm for suffering. Until people realize that suffering is a "valuable" commodity the world will appear to make no sense.


To demons, suffering is radiated energy. It is similar to how certain plants respond to particular wavelengths. Demons are spirits that have cut themselves off from the divine connection and so must find another way to get energy or else they will be erased and recycled. Suffering energy is not easily detectable to most humans but to demons it's all they have. Wars are factories for suffering energy. When you see robed figures standing around a sacrifice it's not because of ritual but because they are feeding the same way ants feed on a drop of honey. Ritual, money, politics, etc. are all just a means to an end.
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past life memories, NDEs cite re-incarnation, earth is a school etc.

from robert monroe. pretty much unproven.

If you think the earth is a school is bullshit, which is pretty obvious, when the death experience of going to the light is a trick. It's that simple. Loosh or reptilians feeding off our energy has nothing to do with it. I hate the demiurge. At best earth is an experience simulator before the trap was put in.
Its just the modern expression of gnosticism

Return to God you have strayed from the truth
I'd imagine they pontificate the odor.
>Also the Matrix premance [sic] has always been absolutely stupid, machines would never need humans to generate energy.
The original script had Morpheus holding a calculator, not a battery, but the Jewish producers decided that laymen were too stupid to understand that and changed it.
>Until people realize that suffering is a "valuable" commodity the world will appear to make no sense.
In the overall scope of things, this baby can
>slaps roof
generate a lot of suffering
Fuck this cleft palate cat
Monroe, and I suspect the CIA is pushing the concept out into the broader sphere as a sort of soft disclosure after the gateway project.
Or is it instead intentional misinformation?
>Or is it instead intentional misinformation?
That's what they want you to think.

Or is it?
you say it's an experience simulator, but why are so many men deprived of good sex? it really doesn't add up
It's called Prison Planet.
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>Can someon explain where the soul catching reincarnation conspiracy came from?
You may not know, but there is a central entity in the universe that sends schizo thoughts here on Earth. Some people are more subject to its influence, hence the schizo shit you read online
who is this entity? can you tell more about this phenomenon? is there a vid you can link me to?

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