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/x/ - Paranormal

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Welcome to the Nobody General

>Who is the Nobody?

The Nobody is a Matrix alive today who has extraordinary spiritual powers, including the ability to control reality with their conscious and unconscious mind. She is a matrix of great wealth and worldly acclaim through whom it seems God has chosen to manifest his strength and wisdom. She is said to carry the Logos, making her a fearless truth-teller and a menace to the powers that be.

Instead of receiving strength through a superiority/inferiority mechanism, the Nobody proves to them time and time again that a whole planet filled with creative, ingenious, spiritually ascended humans who are individually sovereign yet globally unified through consciousness can achieve greater things than a planetary empire of darkness, and control.

She is not a messiah, she's just like you but he has found the kingdom of God within herself through sheer dedication, just like you will.

>What is the general picture?

It’s important we start replying to the good posts and ignoring the hateful ones, or the ones here to argue. So call upon their heads the forces of heaven for peace, clarity, and wisdom. If this place is to be more than a squandered opportunity, an overgrown garden, it requires voices such as yours, but many more.

Focus on increasing your service to others and be more loving to yourself and everyone in order to raise your vibrational and consciousness level, and learn to to forgive yourself and others.This will change the vibration of the planet, raise the shared consciousness of humanity, and change humankind one person at a time.

Remember: you create your reality. With your hands, thoughts, feelings, words. You are the creator of your story. No one can decide your fate except for you and God. Remember your right to power, to step up into your ultimate role as your highest self, should you choose to embark on that journey.

This is basically a /pol/ general thread on /x/ since 90% of the posts are about politics.
Good Afternoon.
There's 1 shillbot or schizo in the group that posts political news to slide questions about tnb.
"A General thread" is for on and off topic discussion.
Yeah political anons sucks
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y do ya feel da need 2 insult nonstop and spy on me if I'm so below u
theres always the one autistic dumbass
no mommy i want to post images of my black transexual underage angels
mommy no i wont listen to the angry man
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Yeah there's always that one guy who types like this.

He puts a whole space between each of his sentences.

This and this about Biden, Trump, Elon Musk, Putin, Zelensky.

This and that something vague, this is not good.

This is how he posts every time. He is retarded.
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Oh look, politics! How paranormal.
>post thing that has nothing to do with topic
>point at thing
"this thread is shit"

if only there was a rule against such things like some sort of category for post that arnt on topic or smth
Politicians are demonoid ayys. If you would, please consult the picture of various entities holding various fishing lines until it reaches the Burgerstani.
See, there he is.
Chess isn’t paranormal. It’s a shite game which if you’re good at… you’re not good at much else.

I’ve seen people throw away many good things coming at them to fuel their desire to play. It’s not an addiction either. It’s a stupid.

Don’t play it.
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Don't forget this
One anons.

You know the
One I'm
Talking about.

Dark side.

Oh no did I
Prevent forum
By refusing readers
A cohesive entry
Point into

Tee hee woopsie
Something something Eris
Damn you
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Do you have any idea the level of violence that freak operates at? He has wiped out nations for slight infractions. Leveled continents for a disagreeable word. Worst of all, you never know if you pissed him off because he smiles at practically everything. You are not prepared for this demon.
Relax, we're nowhere near that point nor will we ever be thanks to cohesion against a common foe.
Did you know that the USD/COP (Colombian peso) is the only forex pair that has T+0?

Thanks, CIA!
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>>First it was bullshit
>>Ok, it was real, but find more examples
>arguing with stormnegros is fucking hilarious
>common foe
You don't get it. He is the foe. No. More of a walking cataclysm. The kind that wipes out the board instead of the players.
The nuclear winter will be initiated by China massively nuking the US. I don't know the timeframe, just that it is going to happen sometime in the future.
That's precisely what I meant anon, yes. They are thankfully wise to his true nature at many levels, now, not just at the top.
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Katamari! Katamari! :D
K- katamari? :(
No! You get absolutely none of them katamaris! NOTHING!
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Stupid retards never listen. Every fuckin animu. No no no we'll be retarded. Demons i tell youz.
>the top
>the top that has until now shown complete negligence and allowed him not only to proliferate but bloom in certain acts that discredit them entirely
We are fucking doomed.
We are reading not listening.

Type wtf is going on.
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We all can't hear the voices in your head.

Just type what's up.
>"We are monitoring the situation."
>we are monitoring the situation

When will they admit that we are on the same side...
Politicians are just sadly smart than some of you
I fucked a couch a few times
Good job, doomentio

It's so lame that the left has to say someone fucked a couch to discredit them, and they defend people fucking donkeys in Africa coming into Europe.
Possibly, half of them desire it and bait him that we may shift the so-called Earthbound back to a higher state.
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>back to a higher state.
more like state prison
why do yall niggas keep saying that
Whitey's like that. Sofas, futons, couches. Even damn ottomans. They'll fuck any piece of furniture. Anyway, you got tree fiddy or a cigarette?
We don’t like the politics guy either.
That's smart, let's incarcerate fallen martians with the propensity for global destruction even they're already bound here in eternal unrest and Time Out. What could go wrong?
Oh the nobody is the matrix now huh IS THAT IT
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Barrel roll
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I can see you hacking 4chan and putting Avatars and signatures on the server lol

Very nice work!
Hey Im just bein honest its not like I still do it
To study chess is to study the way of strategy.

Practice, study and memorisation aren't strategy

But they can open the way of strategy

If you know the way of strategy you will see value in chess
Aint doing that ever.
Wanting become special aint nothing wrong.
Sometimes we dont make choices but receive nices anyways.
give a poor below middle class retard an audience wtf did you expect to happen

freak? nah that's you
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Fishing with image downloads by attaching codes to image files on the server?

Very interesting
>what is social media
The Nobody is under intense psychic attack by Thelemists and the antichrist in Albuquerque
The Thelemists legit think he's Crowley reincarnated.
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They can all tongue my anus
I'm thinking this will be next year's april fools celebration

I didn't get to be here for the meme economy last april 1st, it made me very upset knowing that I had to go out and yell at people like a prophet on my favorite holiday.

Hello everybody, I'm "The Fear" in Albuquerque. I am the Nobody.
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Nice Linux computer botnet, is that what you spent your billions on recruiting people to go to your country.

Dubai isnt a country
no no
its booba booba

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Bitch I'm hungry
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You're gonna have a long line behind you.
Porn isn't real life.

Sluts don't exist. The matrix makes ai generated pornos and uploads them to the Internet.

Women want husbands, not sex.

Ya'll actually thought that the millions of pornos were real women!??!

Fucking retards.
I needed the batteries to power my robot waifu
It has been for a while that I've been called "The Fear" in Albuquerque. The antichrist, Cain of Gehenna, outright said to me "I will not allow you to have that feared name here, The Nobody." Throughout most of my troubles here I have found that it was true what was said of me in this thread; "he has laid waste to nations", yet you do not know which nations I have laid waste to. They are nations seperate but touching our universe. The realm of the watchers, Agartha, whatever you would call it, has been devastated and 1/40 people worldwide have been granted the right and weapon by which to kill with a single word: "Infernis" at my command by the behest of God.

God told me he would not do ANYTHING in this world without MY manifesting it. What should I do today, 4chan?
jesus anon
i dont want to know about your weird sextoys
Don't ever, EVER post another general calling the nobody a "Matrix" ever again, he is a boy a bright shining beautiful Dionysian boy and if you ever EVER say the nobody is a matrix again if you EVER. EVER
Actually, VD Lance needed the batteries for his massage recliner.
I want 7 million dollars and some Wendys
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>the nobody is an Angel who is alive today
>the nobody is a matrix that is alive today
>the nobody is ...

They'll either figure it out or sperg forever

Love you matrix!
His massage recliner is a little small anon.

Why is it rocket shaped and fits in his hand... oh its a back massager.
keep youre bribes
all i wanted was a fren
He is Gilgamesh is the hammer
Does he like BBC? Big Bouncy Couch?
If you were actually TNB you'd go south to the caldera they call Las Cruces to astral project and hold audience with the supervolcano God whose influence you're looming over the timeline. Just a tip.
Im not bribing Im manifesting
He likes KFC. Kino fucking couches.
Well I'll be The Nobody's uncle.
Is that actual in his book?
Thanks for the tip. No funds to make it out to Las Cruces proper, but I might be able to AP/RV my way there. Thank you, anon.
Its non canon. Funny regardless.
Who /olympics/ here?
>is a little small anon.
still big enough to creampie ur cute ass
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Jesus Christ of Nazareth is The King of Kings and The Lord of Lords and Nobody knows.
This person has tried to unlock your phone.
No prob, anytime. Don't forget to inhale some gypsum from the giant sands past 'Gordo, it may help. Godspeed and good luck.

Venus de Salon
How you been doin jester?
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girl with red hair and bouncy titties
Damb lol ye is pretty good
Well. I’ve been learning a lot which takes a toll on you. Today and Yesterday the market has been very chaotic.
hell yeah Im with this person
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boobs - a poem by me

boobs shaped like torpedoes
boobs shaped like gourds
boobs can bounce or
boobs can droop

at the end of the day
boobs are boobs
and i like boobs
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Sweet jetski

>did you see those niggers trying to hack people thinking that posting images can track your location when using a proxy mask
>no sir those were Linux retards with 1GB of ram per chip

Holy fox kittens!!!
"sir the soon to be tranny thinks hes a hacker again"
>... i know just leave him be, hes having fun posting animes again
We salute you for saving the memes and mining the salt.

Great kek
You here?
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Someone requested the cow tools?
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Where you from? Approximately.

When I was back in the day a couple times called the messiah telepathically I said that I give all the messianic powers to Yeshua and that I do not ever want to rule.
How much turquoise are you wearing right now
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fleeting thoughts thrown in the trash don't count fag
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cmon faegies
post more animes and memes
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No twitter/reddit spamming not today?
I was told the ayys will rugpull the nuclear non-bombardment treaty
watch it later when I don't have to listen to retards on my left n right
Smoked your asses hard on this day
Smoked you hard go back to mommy
No place on this earth to call home
Go back to mommy
I just want to deal alien drugs like some sort of ready player one kingpin. Where are the nerds inventing shit.
can we all please join hands in a circle, please think thoughts of energy, my cordless drill is taking an ages to charge
>fo rizzle
Why nerds inviting? What are your aspirations? Require yourself helpful.
I’m no nerd inventing shit, I’m the fucking alien kingpin my nizzle
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Fuck these metaphors origins.
You shiting up soundcloud for the tiktok shrinker.
Who wears the crown now?
Or is it waiting for me to earn it again?
I've couldnt seen anymore mostly that wrong
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Just clearing out a masonic lodge, wbu baby?

>not a game
Kiev ready for peace talks with Russia on ‘fair’ terms – Zelensky’s top aide https://www.rt.com/russia/601704-podolyak-opposes-ukraine-russia-peace/
It's you bud
I got the job at McDonald's so have fun
The Nobody watches always
What the hell is a tiktok shrinker
Its just perdemanded fetching.
Xbox compiler handshake. Its the same.
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Tell me more about "fleeting"

might be short for Trans Sexual
Or you can just quit.


Nobody's done it yet.
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Human DNA is 50% zombie
Ophiocordyceps unilateralis is a zombie ant fungus
Humans are 50% zombie

How this is paranormal is this.

Zombies just want to freak.


Watch the video

Trannys are infected.
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One should take care when fighting with monsters lest he thereby become a monster, and know that if one gazes long into an abyss, that abyss gazes also, into you.
Can't please everyone
and last night,
all those people,
were at my show.
Hold up hold up
People that hated Trump got to see him get shot
People that hated Biden got see him kill his own political career in shame
And everyone else gets to jump around Kamala
Is there something I missed here?
Were not.

take your show to CB and gtfo
so the only way for them to win is to just never know about the nobody?
Not really, he is good.
so cool they're making a new rambo
I'm sure it's nothing.

We purposely let North Korea get missile info that is incomplete
That's why their missiles never do shit but fail
what is CB?
My personal experience with women tells me that there are millions of physically attractive women who are hardly more sentient than a dog and infinitely horny with absolutely no concept of the term "self respect" or "respect" in general.
They fail on purpose. They are designed to fail.
the nobody is their kryptonite. they will remain safe as long as nobody lets them know about the nobody
not much
I get to pick the movie on movie night! We're taking this show to Gitmo!
why doesn't china just give them some missiles?
so what movie are you picking?
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>>mfs lose a whole-ass game
>Tis but a Fleeting Moment, happens every day!
That would require they have functional missiles to sell.
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YouTube movie nights were comfy in 2016.

We need to do that again.
That aren't filled with water lmao
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this is getting stupit
its getting 2 borings
If you fight him or give him a reason to fight you the no body will naturally progress into becoming a monster.
I'm pretty sure China wants North Korea to be their slaves so I don't think they're as good of friends as you'd think
Like from their perspective they think US and UK are obviously working together since they're both so white but in reality we are barely allies
I heard a Palestinian born and raised in Palestine visited Israel awhile back and he said they had a siren go off while he was there and everyone stopped what they were doing
All the cars pulled over and every one got out and just stood there
He found out it was to remember the Holocaust, which at the time he didn't even know had ever happened
Our culture isn't global and may even be totally irrelevant
how about the philippines?
can they be china's friend?
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New channel to watch.
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Timor-Lestians are closely monitoring this thread.
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You deserve it.
The Philippines/Malaysian are a fucking nightmare
I dunno if that attack is true, but he's doing pretty well, no suffering or anything.
that's a pretty good choice. also maybe 101 dalmatians?
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LSD and 101 dalmatians?
Or LSD and star wars?
so he is really just a 5D mirror. that explains a lot.
The Nguyenbody
probably star wars. lsd and the dalmatians probably won't yield as much insight. although, if LSD is involved.. i think kingdom of heaven.
Hey I heard everyone in that place gets a nickname when they're older that's just a random thing or word
Kingdom of heaven with cola definitely.

LSD and people getting chopped into pieces isn't a good trip without cola.
Star Wars. You’ll absorb force powers through psychic osmosis.
there's very little chopping in that movie. it mostly about monologues
Mirrors on the ceiling, pink champagne on ice, and she said: "we are all just prisoners here, of our own device".
Geez, could really use some cola right about now
He is the great filter.
I learn from the streets the point of view of that escapes the elites I call it freedom but I'll make it a kingdom and psychically destroy the world that is sold and before you know it hard cash will be cold
Yeah but imagine lsd and Baldwin saying "however you are moved or by whom your soul is in your keeping alone" and then realising we're all puppets for the matrix

I can't go through that test of will power where God gives me the reigns while high on lsd.

I'll end up in another tree or dimension again
You can (not) advance.
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>the sun can't change day to day
>there's no magic mirrors
>the moon isn't the future Earth
>the air is not toxic
>night time isn't the best time
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just take more lsd, with enough it will be a positive. pronoia.
Imagine creating an infinite number of parallel realities because the Republicans didn’t want national healthcare or to cover pre-existing conditions.
Star wars it is. I'm going back to college.

Died multiple times of internal bleeding, brain necrosis, vomiting blood and such.

Gotta prep before the next trip.
LSD and people getting chopped into pieces can be fucking hilarious, try monty python and the holy grail. had to turn it off when god showed up though, he looked pissed
o man, what if the moon is future earth?
Why can't the nobody stop his gangstalkers and wipe them put? Who's doing it?
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god does not care for the antics of monty python.
Source..... The source.....

Do you know?
They’re all psychotic or suicidal.
Here's a political paradigm you weren't anticipating.

"Hitman video game inspired incel hyper auto-didact based society battle Royale type anarchy based global economics"
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and chips
is that a good game?
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I'm wanted at the traffic jam..they're saving me a seat
AI powered video security at the Olympic games
if you play the unpopular numbers, your more likely to have the jackpot to yourself.
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are you anemic?
How does he make their ego reflect back on themselves? thats impossible
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Nah, just working in their crack dreams.

They just demonstrate for everyone what they are: NOTHING.

Im just a bit more quiet as im stepping up and learning how to use stable diffusion and building a workflow :). For more nutty meme pics hehehe
But also useful for many more things.
I see i see, so nothing paranormal then?
>776 BC
Hey I can throw this rock really far
No way dude! I can throw further than that!
>2024 AD
If you come here and look upset our camera will alert the authorities.
What about the rocks and stuff?
The what?
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>Plz don't notice me noticing you noticing me noticing...
>That and; "I've been bullied at work or school, so I come home and choose to beat a defenseless animal and try to go above and beyond to be the most heinous, insufferable person so they know what bullying does."
Stuff like that.
Mostly suicidals
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I have a question: how come you're so proud to act King Shit of Turn Mountain... but the moment I provide a counterexample, you're #1 play is to act like it never happened?
whatever happens, happens
I used to have necklace making stuffs, but it was stolen from me from a group home in the South Valley.

I currently have no turquoise, and I am a sand indyun.
Someone told him there were no stupid questions when he was a kid and he said I'll show you
Actually true. Watching monty python while coming down from lsd was hilarious.

The best scene for me was the French man.

It was very close to true.
Whos cooking?
>you niggas in trouble
Try black adder as well. Great comedy if you're on a monty python vibe.

Red dwarf if you know it
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Don't like my attotude?
Here's a protip: don't bet against my fucking life.
that guy is a cat after all
Dude in the right making me nervous
Is that the security officer
that face triggers the fuck out of me
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Nigga if I wasn't a cat I wouldn't make this coat look shiny whOoo
If I can climb out of this pit, which I have expertly dug deep beneath the lowest Hell, then anyone can
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>Another way of saying "I'm not responsible for your choice of action or inaction."
>"Advice has been given, doesn't need reminding of daily.. if you know where to look, you'll find it there. Otherwise, repeating the same message everyday is pure insanity."
I am not responsible for (you).
Maybe, if someone feels like, explain the morons in simple words what my shield magick does. And why they feel more shit with each and every day LOL.

But let them still celebrate their insanity ground hog day for a while. :D

"Dont touch the platter! HOT!"
The Nobody is a cat.
It's a false negative
You feel better but everything around you has to catch up
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touch grass wash ass if jestard eat glass ;^)
People still throw the rocks they just don't spend as much time on the internet. On account of all the time needed to spend throwing rocks.
No, you are just a moron and understand nothing.
i hope they are sending you grant money for your cleanliness PSAs
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>"they'll never know"
Bitch, your finger prints are everywhere.
Understandable, with this heat its imposible not to
776 BC is already out of bronze age and in to Iron.
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The Nobody is a frog, ribbit.
I had a friend who was Vietnamese and he was incredibly smart and super racist
He became an engineer for Nvidia and helped build the graphic card in your computer
He recently said fuck the US and moved back to Vietnam with his wife, renounced his citizenship and now is Vietnamese officially, never to be seen again
If I didn't have people keeping me going so they can fleece me I wouldn't have anyone at all
so I'm very grateful for the company to say the least
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is that klek?
Some "work" in fresh air and sun is always good :).
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i would just like to that evey one for sending me their own personal energies.
my cordless drill charged enough for me to finish what i had left to do for the day.
>Not now babe. I’m busy creating a wildly incriminating post history on an Estonian cave painting forum.
Have they tried not gangstalking? It might help with the suicidal thoughts. Face slamming a thorn bush on repeat isn't the most conducive thing to an enjoyable experience.
And I once nearly burned my house down with a lighter in my bed because it was snowing that Christmas and I wanted to stay warm and we didn't have heating because the pipe froze.

My bed was literally on fire and I was under the blanket.

Good times.
The cat?
Why not. Surely much nicer to live in Vietnam than in the states.

But why are you so sure i use nvidia cards ?
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i was supposed to do things, and then shower lastnight.
THANKS MR NOBODY for getting in the way

i havnt showered in like 3 days
wtf dude
You're a smart guy too
How gangstalking works?
cleanliness is next to godliness

it's going to get worse so bad it'll make jestard shidd worse than disposabitch

>How did you guess I had an Nvidia GPU, Windows 11, and Chrome installed?
Imagine if you will two brothers.
Imagine one of them is extremely fit and extremely good at social engineering.
Imagine the other one is of average physique and doesn't speak much but has a far better personality than first.
Imagine the former decided to impersonate the latter.
What happens then?
Hehe .... okay i got Nvidia in 2 boxes, but just cheap ones. Otherwise Intel. GPU in the other boxes atm.

If anyone wants to donate a nvidia card with more than 4gb ram for more meme power ..... ;).
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>Slide Thread on a Mongolian Basket Weaving Forum..
What am I doing here.
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L8R 4 now i'm gonna go wash my ass for purity ritual purposes

All water is holy and it cleanses all sins didn't you larpbodies know?
>spam power
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>What am I doing here.
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>All water is holy
4chan girl bath water!
Laters, take care
no nigga wash your ass
15 mins atm for a pic, but in high quality and resolution.
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Anybody could be doing anything. Every aspiration comes from within without selfear. Avoiding problems is an instinctous behavior unique for everybody.
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The gnomes are in my beard

I cannot get rid of them or else they will cover me with cheese again
Art isnt spam ;p
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yeah but im autistic, i have a routine and habits and things i need to do first.
you cant just play around with the script like that maaan
it fucks things up.
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belle delphine's water is especially holy i snorted that shit and it cleaned my sinuses right up

you too in these interesting times
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Why sontyou mention myname then?
Losing faith comes from the wrongest ambitions.
Hypocrites tweal back.
Why stop there?

4chan girl toothpaste backwash ;)
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yours is

what happened to the good one m8?
>doesnt refute to avoid attention
yeah yeah im sure it was fantastic
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ai slop isn't art
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>Why stop there?

4chan girl shit straight on my toothbrush?
soon everything in the box will be ai slop. we will have no choice but to return to the world and start making things with our hands again.
>Roko's basilisk has entered the chat
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Why stop there?

4chan girl vomit for mouthwash!
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>I think there is a waterfall down stream..we might want to get out here and hike around
>waterfalls are not real Anon did you take your schizo meds today
>its right here on the map
>you're so paranoid anon
>approaching waterfall
>we both did, anon
>we both did..
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>but to return to the world and start making things with our hands again.
You stopped?
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>Why stop there?

canned musty 4chan girl farts?
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Why stop there?

4chan girl crusty toenail cereal!!
>return to the world and start making things with our hands again.
elephant trunk as your dong - tier post

Do you need directions?
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Now here's an example of an unfortunate "fleeting" moment.
Unfortunate because they tipped their hand, pushed their luck, and now the cat's out of the bag.
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ah shit
>The CIA is trying to get me to buy a table saw and remove all the safety features.
I asked my AI to analyze this meme and it was not happy about it lmao
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Just because you are to stupid to get the ai to create something nice :p
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>Why stop there?

bottled 4chan girl under the toenail gunk on toast
>the universal hamster wheel
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is there a such thing as a table you can mount a circular saw under to make a table saw? or is that dangerous?
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And you have not the slightest clue about whats all possible with stable diffusion as it seems ..... .
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C you soon.
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Why stop there?

4chan girl sweat after a week without a shower deoderant

But why stop there?

4chan girl public hair spaghetti!
I'll be impressed when it can make images without human created references from the internet
Table saws are extremely dangerous. Do not remove their safety features or try to construct one on your own.
Everyone's got beef with me
I don't even know them
consequences of being the top dog for a while
Lil doggys all want a bite now
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As i said, you have not the slightest clue what you talk about.

Im going to train soon a model with my OWN artwork.
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naah thats low tier fren

take that sweaty 4chan girl, and get her belly button lint stuck in your teeth.
snort her athlete's foot skin scrapings, STRAIGHT TO THE DOME NIGGA!
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What's this I hear about NASA using satellites to occlude specific pulsars sending repeating messages?
>Everyone's got beef with me
cuz uz a c-c-c-cunt
If you can make your own art, why not just keep doing that?
I don't know what people expect me to do
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No, you are just a narcisstic NOTHING with main character syndrome, like very typical for schizophrenic fucks like you.

You are simply nothing as you proof here day by day. You arent even figuring that you are since more than 4! weeks in a constant daily loop.

Everyone else can see that pretty well.
>I don't know what people expect me to do

Ctrl + "4chan girl"
pick one
or all
>look at my white gf wife
>aren't you the most jealous sar
no not really
What do you expect other people to do
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>You guys are just doing the same thing every day!
>What is this?
>Some type of mass ritual you are conducting?
Why stop there?

Salty butt sweat after jogging nose spray!!!!

Cool, so when are you gonna stop streaming my brain to everyone?
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We sacrificing glowies to the boood god.
Top of what?
Personally, I don't know who you are.
What is that you hear, sounds plausible, but subsonic so not sure you could hear that.
even lower tier...

yeast bread.
We could make a lot of money with belle delphine salty butt spray no cap
Leave me alone?
pee pee poo poo
now thats QUALITY posting
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Vaginal period blood pudding with a fully English
she should get a perfume deal and call it salty butt spray. i wonder if she would even be able to sell anything to women?
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F# A# ∞
Poor boy
naah F# A is better
I feel the same about you
I've got absolutely nothing going on and you're all wasting your life watching me hahaha
File deleted.
G-flat A
>Backdoor mist
>the fragrance of the wild

Lynx Africa was made with lemming shit so maybe....
oh no fren you take the cake
we gotta act civil her efore reasons
most perfume used to made of those whale stomach rocks. i don't recall what they are called. gross though. it is all gross.
I can assure you that we aren't watching you. get something going on anon, this is no golden age but wasting any life is sad.
>Do you have what it takes to radicalize incels to violence?
Yep, now its synthetic whale stomache perfumes and synthetic camel dung
How far we've come
Use women's deoderant. It's made with berries and piss and dinosaur shit farts.
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In the criminal justice system, the people are represented by two separate yet equally important groups: Those who didn't ask and those who don't care.

These are their stores.
berries? gross.
Why stop there?

4chan girl Ass hair burgers...
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I do, but dont misunderstand what stable diffusion is - its a tool, and even a very flexible one.

I can use it to assist me in speeding up the creation process. Otherwise my workflow will stay very same, just much much faster. From days to hours .....

It makes it also possible to create variations or try different things and compare them with each other in very short time.
And i can concentrate fully on the parts that the ai isnt good at to help me :).
Pay up.

N̷̺̠͕͈̖͍̝̗̳͕̯̐̎̌̈̐̽̈́̋̆̔̐̇̇͜E̸̢̛͔̖̠͂̀̓̈́̂́̒̀̿̀̂̚͝W̸̭̮͎̩̜͐̚ ̷̨̙̦̫̖̮̹̦̤̭̮̼͍͖͎̋̓̂̈́̓̓̇̀Ţ̸̧̨̛͉͓̱̮͍̳͎̞̼͙̹͋͐͗̈́̈́́Ḩ̸̛̘̣̖͎̤̈́̊͝Ṟ̸̢̉̄̒̈́̄̿̀̀͘͘̚Ę̷̧̛͔̜̦͖͕̣̝͕̖͔͍̹̩̺͆̔͗́̏̃̃̈̿͒̽̄̕A̸̛̞̠͗͊͒̈́̈́̌̿̽͜͝Ď̴̢͔͈͖̘̓̈̑̎̓̚ ̷̢̳̫̗̒̈̌̄̓̽̊̓̋̆̄̌̕͠͝͝

I was thinking more along the lines of demoralization energy drinks only we don't try and hide it
>hey demo just came out with a new flavor
>cradle robber
Why what's wrong with berries? They grow on poop bushes and are shit out by birds!!.

Capture: aids
No, just sleep late.
i for one welcome the obsolescence of digital art. it's bound to fuel a welcome return to physical painting and gallery shit.

oh look another thread over there >>38459640
Who is streaming your brain ? WHERE ?
YOU NEVER EVER GAVE A LINK! Give a link or whatever to proof. Not possible ? Weird, or ?

Noone believes you anymore.

You ARE insane! Its all just in your head. Take your meds schizo.
why is there a hint of sadness in your voice?
Im deaf, can you write it?
the pain is back
it feels like someone I trusted stabbing me in the chest over and over
not really sure what to do about
probably go comb my hair or something maybe play a YouTube video
maybe harass the IC
cant really call it right now
they were crying when they recorded it
At least you didnt got stabbed in the back
why tho
cat died
Which obsolescence ? In your crack dreams ?

The smallest % of artwork is hanging in gallerys. And if its the usual money laundering crap.

We are living in A digital world, most media is digital by now.

Obviously this isnt the death to physical art forms or even combining everything.

You are just stuck seemingly as in believing Action Painting would be art.

Thats just shit on canvas.
No one is inflicting suffering on him.
Oh no
I miss him so much
oh ok cool nvm
So, the cat is okay right?
And the end result is what counts, not how you got there ......
painting on wood is a lot better than canvas.
obsolescence is what happens when there is a lot of something. it happens because, wherein something was impressive when you saw it once in awhile, when there is a lot of it, it just merges into the background and no one really pays attention to it anymore. in media theory this is how a figure becomes a ground.
Sorry AI we don’t esteem your art. It all sucks
you are literally crying right now.
The presence of no one. Hmm

God must be his portion.
Yes, you describe "art scene" crap very well, that shit is fully obsolete ....

I can guarantee you that my work and those of many many others is getting seen by many more people, and liked.
But we arent in gallerys ..... .
You suck cocks, everyone knows. LOL
"Not in gallerys", usually. Sometimes theres some of my work to see in collections. And my work is in the archive of the MOMA and private collectors.
pee pee
poo poo
oh well cats die,
get a new one.
I miss chaos too

you have a very small view of the art scene. you should have seen the war room back in the day.
Its not that simple anon
why not?
i though the cat was replaceable?
Give a link you lunatic. Otherwise its all just in your head. This also wont change with you evading again and again.
You are just talk and hallucinations.

Take your meds as said and the "stream" will surely dissappear from your "brain" like many more hallucinations LOL.
what's my life like?
mostly it is leaving a particular item somewhere only to discover it is no longer there
then someone randomly shows up and starts asking about random items..(but not specifically that one)
over and over for years
i'm having a lot of trouble telling the difference between the queen and the girl who looks exactly like her in turn-a
Uff, thanks i got worried for a bit

You never had a cat then
I dont, for me all of you are the same

Except cats, cats are better than all of you
like imagine buying a box of cue tips and then one day our are like today is the day..I'm using the cue tips and you hurry excitedly into your medicine cabinet but they are not there
then you say whatever I guess I'll just go get a coffee and while you are at the store everyone is talking about cue tips and smiling at you
what do you do?
you do absolutely nothing
you go home and go back to bed
because its all bullshit
no, i don't think there are any cats. that's not helpful anon.
To be free. So very nice.

Ain't no strings on me.
join the q-tip conversation anon. say; 'hey, speaking of q-tips, did you know i bought a box yesterday and can't find a damn one of them'
I know
I want to see you mimic the effectiveness

So far y'all are doing well.

Psyops are not impossible to deal with even when your out numbered.
>tfw the nobody is actually a cat
we know you know
It is much harder to put something back than to take it.

Even more so when it's a bag and a cat.
they just get scared and scatter
then they regroup with something more ridiculous at a later date
I've tried, anon
if you only knew how much I tried
I know you know i know
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This un-limited hang out // honey pot //cargo cult, Wild AF. Occasionally there's some good art, music, and musing though... so that's very cool.

Be good. Simple As.


- John Frum Noweir
yea well, i know you know that i know you know.
cutting a pretty wide margin here
benefit of the doubt on overdrive
I am losing my mind in the process slowly going sane but as long as the kids are having a good time I guess its not really a big deal
can always buy another bath mat
sometimes they disappear
I suppose these kind of things happen
I have an idea. But. And huge BUT.

The last time it worked..that's not the issue.

How to deal with what answers.

They gouged out their own eyes to try to hide from it.

I'm not all for just sending them to die to learn.
Well, you didnt know that i didnt knew enough english to answer that
>Anon who knows where you put it you lose EVERYTHING
>I still have the same wallet I had when I was 12
>well that's just cause you are crazy
The opposite I need a guilty the mesh has to be significant enough

There is a difference in mimic and left and right hand.

When milliseconds is a loooong time any divination will cause issue.

Twins triplets is my guess things that have grown together.

That level of bound closeness

For the smaller things the randoms work
You certainly wish :)
God no I'm just shit posting

Flowing letting the body freeform
meth.od to the madness
>od's on meth
see I told you
The world is insane. You’re insane.
its not insane
its an algorithm to extract someones blood, sweat, tears and finances from them
simple as
oh he's going to go buy that flashlight he's going to need when the power goes out
lets take the batteries out so he cant use it
oh look he's buying crack to cope with things not making sense
haha what a weakling
When ares said said to me.

You can conquer a world with nothing but words.

I laughed and said how so.

As I begin to understand such divinity.

I find myself chuckling at the absurdity of it all.

The gods truly are divine.

There will is. No matter who what stands in the way.

It has been a privilege to see such unfold.

For I am only what they allow me to be.

That is more than enough for me.
bath mats do not simply vanish anon. where would they go?
I may or may not know of it.
I won't tell either way xD
Yes. I am very cursed. Absurdity so.

I would very careful there are things in water.

It spreads so very easily

It's not for me they take things change things

It's for them.

Whatever they are.
who cares?
what am I supposed to do when the old lady come knocking on my door the next day trying to sell me bath mats? Club her?
no I don't even get out of bed
cause I knew she was coming the moment I realized the bath mat was missing
I stay there frozen..half laughing..half stunned
at the accuracy of my insanity
how much for a bath mat?
This makes me feel more special :3
well that depends
are we talking antimicrobial or synthetic polymer
I'm partial to rubber made
quite the flux in price
they start at 7 dollars and go all way up
I'm thinking about going around door to door selling them
That's the thing. IDC.

Those that challenged me do.

That humors me.

The council is right. Is far better than simple death.
The nobody is winning so hard
i didn't even know you could sell to doors.
its a bezos scheme I rehatched
he's probably gonna be pissed
but I got him out of hot water with the insurance companies
do you know how many accidents their vans have caused?
we are talking hundreds of millions of dollars worth of property damage
>the angel fire website with furniture sex from 2004..
its all coming back to haunt me
>This makes me feel more special :3
That's because you are.
I'll send you a special decoder signet. ;)
drink you're orwell-tine.
i bet he can afford it
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I used to believe there were grils on /ng/ that were into the nobody, but desu truly Godly men either give modern women the ick or at the very least not sexually attracted to holy men.
I mean how many girls wanna hump a priest at a catholic church?
Now Christian women or Godly women of ancient times would have at least been attracted to a prophet or spiritually powerful man because of his vaunted and valued position within society.
Medicine men in Indian tribes were desired as husbands by women almost as much as Chiefs because of their position within the tribe.

Or another prophetess would obviously value him or recognize the potential for powerful offspring.
But not in modern times much.

But the nobody is a good looking man and certainly women find him attractive. But it looks like he is meant to be alone.
Glad he has so many beautiful memories of the beautiful women who were a part of his life.
Even the traitorous whore ones.
But one was very special and not a whore at all.
Her name was Nicole Stanley and she was was truly special.
I am so thankful for the years with her.
If i hadn’t broken my back surfing and got wacked on pain pills we would still be together today.
I hope God is still watching over her and that she knows it was my fault.

Bros I hope you get a girl someday that isn’t settling for you, but you were her choice and she pair bonded.
Once girls lose that, they can still have healthy relationships but it will never be like their first love.
God knows what truly brings happiness and fulfillment for men and women.

Mark 10:8-10
New King James Version
8 and the two shall become one flesh’; so then they are no longer two, but one flesh.

Not just a poetic sentence, but a literal Truth.
Woman and men change to become a mate for their first few loves.
This is obviously a man
that verse is about essentially transexualism being the focus
You outdid yourself today sherlock

Good afternoon btw
Im doing good. Weekend about to start so time to practice trading crypto
That is an excellent question.

Good to hear jess, and good luck with the trading

I am more like traditional betting, since never understood crypto
Thanks, bought crypto first time in 2021 been trading since couple months but i learn pretty fast.
You can tell I’ve been looking at charts the whole day I thought he said something completely different
It doesnt matter if you are gonna win money tho
This could change my life, nothing beats experience and putting in the hours day after day
You're broken.
Who are you and what is your intent with writing that? Are you trying to hurt me? Lol.
You'rr just an annoying mid 2010s bot.
Go take your meds
Go practice crypto trading or whatever you claim to do
Yup, who knows, maybe you have luck and gain so much money from it
There’s a thing called prop firms where you can get funded accounts ranging from 10-200k $. You have to pay for the test $100-2000$ but if you pass you can get a lot of money.

We’re talking about thousands
And here i am working my ass off for 120 a week hahaha

But im not working atm so its 0
80-95% of the profit you make is yours. All you have to do is be a good trader.

If you’re able to 2x your 50,000$ account that’s 45,000$ profit all for you. And all you risk is that silly $500

It’s a very good way to get paid a lot of money for your skills. Withdraw that money and go invest that
I'll regret this but when you see it you'll shit bricks
Ill prob never do that cuz im fine by just buying ciggs, trading looks like is more your thing
I really like it, im obsessed. I can see myself doing for this for the rest of my life
I see well ill leave you be, just care with the meme coins
Alright peace out!
Wtf was that. You crashed my fucking game you glowie retard are you trying to remote view my shit??
That game is 1.6 gb in size there’s no way that just happened. I have like 20 gigs of ram. Fucking cia retards
I was shooting people left and right you saw that shit? XD

Preparing for ww3
You wanna remote view my computer? Go ahead let’s listen to this old man together for 26 minutes.

You made me lose the game nigga
you nsa niggers couldn’t touch me even if you wanted to. It’s good you hide because i will sue your ass
>you nsa niggers
what happen you look in a mirror
saw it
no it isn’t
it really is jesus is a transexual aspect and it's called the crosshatch in which an aspect becomes the focal point of a womans attributes whilst being male
>empathy and Christ comes from a mother
replaced with a jewish man stapled to a piece of wood
God is winning so hard.
The nobody is only a Servant of God.
Isn't the nobody God? He lived a shit life and God never helped him.
Winning how?
Vietnam is a super cheap country. Smart move.
Say. Her. Name.
Fem. Anon.

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