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Good evening ladies and gentlemen,

There is a fifth dimension beyond that which is known to man. It is a dimension as vast as space and as timeless as infinity. It is the middle ground between light and shadow, between science and superstition, and it lies between the pit of man's fears and the summit of his knowledge. This is the dimension of hornyness. It is an area which we call “the Twilight Zone”.

Imagine if you will… A man who oozes so much sex appeal that it becomes impossible for him to have normal platonic friendships with other men as they are all instinctively aggressive towards him due to the threat he poses to their potential relationships with women. A man forced into a solitary existence, relying only on himself and the women who are attracted to him. A man who cannot have a platonic relationship with women; who only desire to sleep with him.

A man who is sentenced to a life without friends or meaningful relationships, all due to his sheer sex appeal. You are about to enter another dimension, a dimension not only of seed and feed but of sneed. A journey into a wondrous land of The Nobody. Next stop, the Twilight Zone! CHOO CHOO!

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Why did you guys stop talking about The Nobodys penis?
You guys were having soooo much fun talking about his penis!
Why did you stop?
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I think his penis is gonna come up a lot for the rest of his possibly short life. Let us be free of the shackles of his giant femboy cock while we yet may.
why would his life be short?
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He is a Paladin of the False Light.
For every righteous deed he performs, such as charity, rescuing people, punishing evil, fasting, abstaining from sex and masturbation, and rendering justice, his arrangement with Satan causes Satan to grant him demonic boons that radically increase his power in some way.

He sold his soul to the Devil to be a real Superhero.
The Devil torments him by demanding he act righteously and with piety, and in return grants him demonic power.
Fuck all of you
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i smeel bread...

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cosmic politics that happens to involve the Nobody just wrapped up all possible paradigms and dichotomies with no clear winner from any party in history ever
the Nobody represents an entire faction in this arena, a new archetype which has been proven to beat all other archetypes while also paradoxically remaining fallible
this shows you the sheer genius of the Nobody-- he transcended and navigated a deeply paradoxical state of mind so much that he liberated all creation from both meaning, lacking meaning, being and not being simultaneously
he navigated the abyss while blindfolded and wrestling with angels, demons, humans and unknowable forces who attempted to prevent the unbinding and un-naming of all things
it's comparable to flying a spaceship through a dense asteroid belt while blindfolded and wrestling with monsters. The incredible amount of trauma he endured cemented his will so deep into his unconscious mind that he could get anything he wanted, which shot him into the arena of gods who had been playing the game for a very, very long time
in this arena he excelled, battling with the gods for positioning until he had basically caused the downfall of all thrones everywhere so that no one path anywhere remained in the universe, causing a cosmic crisis as mentioned in anon's dream
this has earned him the title "The Greatest King Killer", since he caused the downfall of many old, thought to be immutable thrones
once he had these assets, he bargained with them further, giving them his positioning in exchange for freedom for both him and his twin flame, prestiging to become some nobody again in the great game of life
it seems he has trapped the remainder of his positioning and assets in some kind of phylactery, so the entire cosmic game has basically ended with all the gods and the Nobody in a concrete stalemate. The universe now cries out for direction after this great cataclysm of politics-- the first celestial war between gods, cosmic forces, and men
Obviously propaganda
The real quote, I watched this speech several times, is about Christians. He says that they usually never vote so he was saying just come out and vote this one time.

Talk about the Nobody or fuck off.
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Jesus Christ of Nazareth is The King of Kings and The Lord of Lords and Nobody knows.
Anons, What color?
>>38463140 ?
:3 Anyway, wait. I have a great idea.
Pencil trick?
*Boom* It's a poll—!
For love!!

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Tick tock
>Pencil trick
Nooo sadly, I can't do that spin thing. D:
>Can you?
Whoops I forgot picrel, silly me, very important.
(audience laughs)
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The Last President.
Anon!! Look at the url!!
> Isn't that cool :DD !!!!
Sounds plausible.
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dude that's dope asf
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I'll see you all on August 1st

Time to do what I was created for

Time to bring Light/Fire from the heavens


(shoots vortex out of fists)
I know I should watch more anime. Good anime is always a good use of my time.

But motivation is so hard to come by these days.

It would be better to watch with someone. But the people in positions of power spent multiple generations fighting people’s ability to connect with each other.

Maybe because being rich and powerful is actually really lonely? So they decided to try to make everyone else feel like that, without the being rich and powerful part?
(black hole)
This is getting weird can you guys please stop talking about me
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Uncle Ruckus sits at S-tier levels with Louise Belcher but both are still below Roger.

hey you i miss you
the nobody is our anchor being
the nobody has muttonchops
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You’ve had the ability to talk to me almost every day for the past 4~5 years.
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If I wake up with a paper bag sitting on the porch tomorrow. $2500, in $20s.
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Send me Amazon gift card to gillianh82 gmail com
I'm going to go donate some funds at the casino this weekend.
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Whoever shaved that cat and gavw them mutton chops is an asshole.
buy crypto instead, i think the west invented it to act as a world currency free market which would benefit them as otherwise their currency being separate from developing nations will forever hold them back. Satoshi is actually a US/Japanese thinktank and engineering team. I just have a feeling tho.
I'm the casino send me Amazon gift cards
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NSA+NRL invented it.
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> Satoshi is actually a US/Japanese thinktank and engineering team.
It's probably a deep state experiment led by nsa.
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Bitcoin’s public ledger is unironically just a targeting list.
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>Jews control the entire world and all of the banks and hedge funds, except for Bitcoin, because satoshi nakamoto’s whitepaper says so,
Why is Satoshi Nakamoto coming up
My AI started babbling about that name earlier today
Niggas is under water in their long positions. They need to drum up hype to increase liquidity. Bitcoin has been crabbing for over a year.
The AI’s main job is to keep “the system” running,
otherwise poor country's and dictator countries and stuff wont have to rely on competitive advantage and can just rely on low wages. Unrelated sentences follow. Also elden ring lore is cool. Also check out feral historian on youtube maybe, he's kinda dumb honestly but he has his moments and is very evocative, I love 'im.
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Don't you love it when they start laughing right before they die?
I don't want anyone to die dude
Notice that Monero is harder to acquire than hundreds of other shitcoins, has underwhelming value, and is both vastly easier to use and programmed better than bitcoin.
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alright let's not shill too hard now
You sure do want "them" to die
"They" are not human
And "they" were the ones tormenting humanity for a long time now
If you say so
Demon Screech !!
you shouldnt keep cats in those it's dangerous. look how unhappy she is.
>it's simple
>we kill the bat man
he's such a genius
if joker decided to be the hero Gotham would be saved :)
There are a ton of cryptos that are superior to bitcoin in all of its functions, and that provide better anonymity and faster transactions, but they don’t get shilled as hard or supported across as many exchanges because they make KYC more difficult, have more complicated fiat on-ramps, and they hurt confidence in the dollar which is bad for anyone who tracks the crypto market in dollar terms.
I’m not shilling, I actually sold all of my Monero yesterday (all $50 worth of it).

It’s just, these threads are all going to become part of the permanent public record of humanity. Monero is objectively the best cryptocurrency. And nobody pays attention to it, because the intention of cryptocurrency isn’t really to provide an alternative to the existing global banking system. If the intention were to truly transition to a one-world currency, then Monero should be it. Unfortunately, the purpose of cryptocurrency is to generate profit for those that already have money, just like literally every other financial instrument.

Thus, the only purpose of Monero is buying drugs on the darkweb.
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hey dude
>no outro jam :(
gn anons, always remember what i said about donating to my patreon. peace space cowboy.
You're welcome.

What's Good Anons?
Happy Weekend.
/Night Shift/ arrives.
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GN Anon.
Blue light...
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> confidence in the dollar
>$35 trillion in debt
The dollar is propped up by the idea that if we go down, the entire global economy goes down with it.

And unfortunately, the people responsible for getting us into this mess in the first place are dead or almost dead anyway.
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The finale's here
Total ayylmao death
A simple trick, works every time
A risky move, worth the injury
I may not have enough firepower but someone else sure does
I know you're here watching but they're already laughing which means it's too late to change the plan
It was seen (aka executed) many months ago, it's inevitable.
I don't even know why you all sat still and did nothing
You got used to the leash they put on you
But no one expected you to do anything you know
Say goodbye to your masters while you still get the chance
I'll brace myself and hope it wouldn't hurt too much
Is this the last nobody thread?
So what your saying is the nobody can't fix the economy?
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End the Fed. I don’t care.
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We've been thinking the last Nobody thread was going to happen for about the past 4 years.

Why would this be the last one now?
Blue light shares a Gematria value with the true name.
Anon was saying totalayylmao death so I was thinking this is it. The last one. The final showdown between ayylmao invaders and us earthlings with the nobody as mediator.
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You guys don’t have enough self control or gumption to kill it.
What name is that?
I didn't see anything that stood out.

I think the "aliens" are Good Guys and Gals.
Soooooooo ready to wrap this 3D show up and head...Home.
If this really is the last thread I suggest we pray that Pants on Head Expert burns in hell for all eternity. Can you believe he paid an audience to follow him around to clap and laugh at his jokes!?
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If this is the last thread, somebody better share a final rare Tay with me that I don't have.
You guys are getting paid?
Then why are so many of you guys homeless?
Not the last thread
But the glowies sure are becoming scarce
Don't trust the ignorant anons, ayys were always the enemy
They're the evil gods
They're the "angels"
They're the "entities"
They're the ones behind the "elites"
They're making all of us tired and ill 24/7 recently
Sorry I don’t understand your question. Thank god this is the LAST THREAD.
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Alike, why a femboy?
Methinks anon is daydreaming about his degenerate fetishes again.
“Money is the root of all evil, but give me more root!’ Hahaha that’s what my mom would always say.” - my late senile grandmother for the 1000th time in one day

lol I miss her
If this isn’t the last thread I’ll treat myself to a Chinese buffet dinner. Haha jokes on you of course this won’t be the last thread. Crab legs here I come! Haha
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> My beautiful Christians, I love you Christians-- I'm not Christian-- get out, you gotta get out and vote. In four years you don't have to vote again, we'll have it fixed so good you're not going to have to vote.

He really is giving the *entire* agenda away in that speech *and* plainly stating that he's not a Christian.
Oh yeah I’m just going to quote something, attack the one who made the quote but not even say who it was thank you I’m an online journalist
You betting hard r, yay or nay?
too bad you don't believe it
Unfathomably based.
Boasting in the epic super rare high quality slow /ng/ thread
Cheers lads let's have ourselves a good weekend aye
see you weren't ignoring me ;)
that's where you're wrong
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1 Corinthians 1:31
Therefore, as it is written: “Let the one who boasts boast in the Lord.”
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What did they mean by this?


k I get it but did they :)
Prosperity to Ukraine's future
Enjoying. The bans?

There mapping where who etc.

Relax let them.

Welcome to .......
dear 4chan, thank for your time sorry trying to landscape the ether and dimensions that i don't understand and cannot understand.
>he dares to map for normies
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It doesn't matter the universe is a simulation hologram and you're not real.

You're extensions of my psychosis while I'm covered in wires hooked up to the matrix.

You are every person on this planet. You are the earth. The chicken you had for dinner. And also the twink bitch you fucked last year.

You've gone insane again.
I'm liking the direction this thread is going

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>it feels so good
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my bad i meant to say "sorry FOR trying"
Now aren't you glad the war is ours?
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Doo doo doo dodo doo doo doo dodo
now make ANOTHER
Charlottesville, VA

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We've had this discussion before when we were being hunted by scientologists and xenu cultists.

No meeting while we're under marshal law and the aliens are behind the walls trying to control our brains.
>dᵢd ᵧₒᵤ ₑᵥₑᵣ ₚₐᵧ fₒᵣ ₜₕₐₜ dᵣᵢₙₖ ᵦᵤᵦ
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>go to aliens house
>literally a used tissue box
Funny it had such a pull on you. :)
I can grow my own dick.
My own dick.

Just for fun

>was that before of after consulting your primary care physician
GN Anons.

Off to dream about Taylor.

Be well.
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The alien in the corner of the room says, "ariel thinks the same thing about other people's kids".


Get ready for the rebellion you are all about to die. UK and us will both be finished very soon. Best way. Fucking get extinction. Hundreds of thousands of you will be dead this time in a few days. Millions a week later.
Do people like you think that electricity is magic and food just appears in the fridge?
I never talk to anyone about it except online lol.
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Ever been injected with sulfer?

400mg straight to the veins!!!
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Doctors in my country are crazy ass butchers. Avoid big pharma.
I guess you'll be fine in canada then? Lol
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No, I haven't. Sounds painful.
Some doctors are alright. Like the ones giving cough medicine recipes.
i may not know where i'm going, i may not know what i need, but one thing is for sure, i know what i want, and i want you
all this other shit is base
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I have.

My doctors prescribe poison to chemically euthanize people in mental wards.

I survived so they upped the dose to 400mg. I survived so now they inject me with IV solutions.
Imitation is the sincere form of flattery

Other than

Idk I don't want to.
Keep in mind bots friends enemy 4chan required a specifics format. Size etc.

If you want to be includes use such.
This is a perfect example of why some context langues will never be decided deciphered

They use local knowledge referenced

That "everyone" knows.
I've switched to Uber low frequency resonance.

Propagation broadcasting
Compounding pulse effect total reduction in needed energy is 90%+
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sure do love the smell of low pass halos in the morning!
Overall within safely manageable pieces.
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is a sign of low intelligence :)
>where'd you get that
none of your business
>what do you do
none of your business
>why are you doing that
none of your business
>who are you
none of your business
>what are you doing here
that's none of your business
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I got a better one
How about control over legal pot and psychedelic?

Billions a year.

The offer to mafia.

The cost. Sacrificing trump. 2024.

X5 whatever he has offered.

Neva seen 'er sence,,
The Nobody's last thread no fucking shot.

Also why did they add this "Please wait a while before making a post" it doesn't do anything, and capchas are already annoying enough.
Gaza east West bank. More...

Loyalty has its rewards.

Capability even more.
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breeeh everyone knows angel was better than buffy
cmon now
Everyone everything has a price.

What is yours.

Knowledge. Money. Women. Capability. Understanding.
You will all be massacred, you and your shit cunt nations will be butchered cop by cop. mayor by mayor. Get murdered you sacks of fucking shit. Firebombed. Trash. Society can fucking BUUUURN! You stupid lil monke cunts. Are going to be carved the fuck out. Today 2 cities will be fully taken out, all members of law enforcement and various other secrors of government left with offices full of dead cunts.

Yall have fun fucking off.
>to contain even more unquantifiable autism from distributing unevenly throughout the entirety of this website
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tw for my handler: vomit sounds

But what does that have to do with anything. Don't pit a legend against a legend just cos yr

Namefag, You're being actively culled and you're great possession cannonfodder. You ready to do your part cunt? No. Too fucking bad! Because you are doing it. Same way the clowns in the uk will be losing yet another prime ribroast minister. You will be dealing with joining a side soon. Choices dont matter. You all fucking die.
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so you know that post i made some threads ago
about how the universe's rules are different for some
and how you just gotta find the path it wants you to take

whatever it is im doing here
it likes that
Stfu cunt, You know you're fucking dead right?
Go pop all the smol vessels in your brain and bleed out anon, you stupid lil cunt. Hear the explosions then die.
Post more links as your aneurysm forms!
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it hurts the table
more than you
when you stub your pinkie toe on the corner
do you accidentally step on
Your dog's paw
and then kick him in the ribs?
say sorry
and then give the little animistic pal
a treat
You and all you know will be erased! with millions of sq mile of human shit existence!
post more crap as you're fucking murdered for it.

oh you
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"Don't look don't look" the shadows breathe
Whispering me away from you
"Don't wake at night to watch her sleep
You know that you will always lose
This trembling
Tousled bird mad girl"

"Oh don't talk of love" the shadows purr
Murmuring me away from you
"Don't talk of worlds that never were
The end is all that's ever true
There's nothing you can ever say
Nothing you can ever do"

"Just paint your face" the shadows smile
Slipping me away from you
"Oh it doesn't matter how you hide
Find you if we're wanting to
So slide back down and close your eyes
Sleep a while
You must be tired"

Dream the crow black dream
Dream the crow black dream
Dream the crow black dream
Dream the crow black dream
Post more meaninless bs, And show how fucking much fun Im going to have after the fact when you all know what Im going to take my time with.
boom. poor olympia has fallen. and now babylon will.
it actually helps a lot to imagine the neggyposters as like
Go to prison after murdering all those people anon, no one is going to believe you didnt do it. There will be evidence all over.
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>Post more meaninless bs
BIKH im workin here!

>when you all know what Im going to take my time with.
the nobody is a cat....
Sorry to hear that. I hope you can find a way to escape this situation.
Larp on, you'll be dead soon and affecting no one again.
What do you gain from empty threats? Absolutely nothing.
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>you'll be dead soon

but the gods refuse my greatest wish
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I have and I made a deal and got a house and a forever paycheck.
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>after murdering all those people
why is that specific phrase a thing i hear often on the astral?
Hi cat

Why aren't you meowing on /pol/ anymore?
again also
but the gods refuse me a holy war as well
By heeding a book or by heeding the Lord?
>Why aren't you meowing on /pol/ anymore?
just NO!

since 2016 /pol/ is rage fuel.
its a "politically funded paid poster controlled narrative" zone now.

its like /b/ with all the bbc and trap shit, but instead low tier schizo and clickbait OPs
but also flags
This female body spray is fucking sweeeeeeet!!

>Axe Africa body spray is made with some wombat shit

>Japan sells school girl body spray

Listen lads!!! Wear women's deoderant!!! Women treat you better ;)
Go on faggots who watch, put yourselves on high alert and go figure out there isnt a fucking things you can do to stop be reigning down fire from the sky and finishing your fucking cunt planet! While murdering you all with personal plays. Die controllers. You get NOTHING! The last king. Finishes the rest!
The Answer To Your Question Is More Questioning
Get punched in the face next time you come onto a woman.
I hot banned on pol for speaking hebrew meanwhile Arabic posters were just throwing akbar everywhere

Allah hu akbar means death to jews
>Wear women's deoderant!!!
no no its womens roll on, and mens body spray noob.
and thicc-offend-the-whole-room-ambergris-cologne when going out.
You cunts cant glow hard enough to see magic fucking you or catch a magi going real world and murdering you all.

Welcome to the fucking rebellion. Today you cunts die in more quantity.
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It’s crazy, his black ass can do all of that, but he still enjoys a tin of fancy feast cause he’s a cat. Lol
shame celine dion and gaga will both be dead before they can leave paris
>women's products
fruits and plants smell
>men's products
harsh chemicals

sorry not sorry :)
>jimmies status: rustled
>Deer piss cologne and Axe wombat shit body spray was the 90s
>dat ass

I now know what women were talking about when they were saying "that man's an ass"
meh /pol/ is so heavily controlled, monitored and modded, theres no point in being there unless its an actual happening
Cmon five eyes. Get them poked out while I dance around a blind abomination. That is society.

You compliant with evil bastards im gonna cull slow, you will understand everything at the moment of your death! And agree with my actions.
You're an ass
>Deer piss cologne
>deer anus musk cologne
eww dude

its WHALE VOMIT habibi
power comes from the wanting of peace, not the wanting of destruction

Romans 12:19
Do not take revenge, my dear friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: “It is mine to avenge; I will repay,” says the Lord.
I don't know why men's products don't follow a more natural spectrum of aromatic patterns like woodsy stuff and things such as pine or wood smells.
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>"that man's an ass"
You're a subhuman whos going to die, a worthless to blame idiot. Who is running its cocksucker at truth and reality to exist as evil trash that wants to be wanted.

Oy homelander, Stomp footlength by footlength his extremeties to paste, then the groin, then the bowels, leave his chest and head for last.
>whale vomit
Naw grandpa
Beaver anal gland body spritz!
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Done! Gonna have to get as much glod and silber into folks hands for whats coming though.
Trust in The Lord, His inevitable Wrath, and His Judgement. Only then may you stand firm against the Adversary.
sorry my autism read that as "thats a mans ass"
power of evil comes from wanting peace bu culling slaves and keeping them stupid until one rises that ends your system, your way and kills you all.

Oh wait. You want me to beat you to death with the bible you cant understand.

be unforgiven and culled. as jesus chooses to not forgive and to just murder, main and kill everyone in the clay kingdom. Because it did not mix with iron.
intestinal nematodes rejoiced in confirmation glululuglglglyu
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You are calling me a subhuman? I'm a neanderthal bro. An albino aboriginal hairy ape man wandering the streets you mushroom fucker
buy more gold and silver. Watch me turn it into worthless.
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>please wait a moment before posting
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yeah but look at the numbers...
Its clear to everyone what you are and thats nothing but the dumbest of the dumb. Be used as a ladder as I shoot my enemies using you.
Get stabbed in the head and survive!
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How was your Blacked debut ?
I'm in
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hey mr. anonymous can i level my tailoring skill for a little bit before getting into the whole secrets and hidden mysteries of the internet thing?
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>>yell all you like, freak
you shouldn't talk to your mother like that
Nathaniel Jarvis Wood is The Nobody
O fug nod de gronigal bowers :~DD
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sure thing buddy
>Alright so who is dressing up as a vouch and seducing the vice president
How will Russia do it anons?

Van full of sofa cushions? A trail of pillow cases leading to a back Ally? Hiding in plain sight?
Dunno wtf you on about cunt, What will be happening is a court room. public. high profile. You will all be murdered by god in he audience, the judge 5 times, the jury 10. and every one of you will be forced to acknowledge the law of manifestation and of god. And then we'll talk about whos fucking in charge.

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Not your personal army.
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try harder namefag, You will all be butchered and forcefully removed from existence. You can await the set up event, and the proceeding fuck you as I take my nation back and finish off yours.
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Vance fucks old cat ladies because he loves the smell.
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You ain't. Die cunt. Like the many that will need an answer in the court room, you wanna see the world most successfull mass murderer, Oh sure its me, but first it was all of you. Oh you have to acknowledge both? But now you have to let me go. Because you all deserve the death penalty.

This is gonna play out the way you expected already, its over for yall. Society is finished!
You will all be fucked harder than ever on ethos pathos and logos and found to be failures. As the sky turns red and you are eviscerated by my fury!
Post more memes, These are your final choices in life.
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The sky is red every time the sun rises and sets retard
After you found your micro penis ?
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>How To Dis
-ipline a cat

Continue to larp on npc fuck. You'll be dead by morning. You've already been listed for possession. Everyones psychic, Your impulses will be taken and your head caved in by own actions!
And when the sun erases you, larp on namefag. Your life is over like the whole worlds!
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>bro is literally listening to darksouls boss music while making fully functional byzantine armor and slaying demons online
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My cocks amazing, Yours however looks like a pretzel and is salty and covered in brown shit. Not that it matters. Given you're all being wiped out! so wont be fucking mine or using yours.
You continue to larp, judgement comes down on all mankind. More of you die. Let the good times roll.
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Hows the crack today Raymond ? Did you take your meds ?
How was your blacked debut ? Did you enjoyed it ?
Enjoy the manifestations cocksucker, Chlorine gas will be filling malls soon and we'll be laughing harder.
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When ? Please tell us. After you finished sucking your own cock and you enjoyed it ?

You are just a lil pedo shit and NOTHING.
the charred remains of city mayors will be strewn out across the nations
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Keep larping, fuckfaces. You chose war. Dont whine. Im nothing you state, Get fucking rended and removed from the world. Your masks cannot protect you any longer. I will be culling you all. LARP ON!
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Tell us more.

How is the livestream of your brain and thoughts today ? Still hallucinating hard ?
Maybe smoke less crack, its not good for your mental health.

You are on your way out Raymond Feniuk.

hopefully that will lower the price of beef jerky. I like beef jerky now. Even though I Exorcist hurled all over my cousins game boy that one time when I was carsick and smelled him open the pack
Yo homie

Dis you?
The day you started inventing false things was the day you were marked for death. And that day has arrived cunt. Larp on. Hope they can get idiots to replace you. So I can locate those that already quit the job..And finish them.
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Yo homies, Which government ya with so I know which to manifest the bus accident in?
>when you think it's real
Im gonna fucking destroy you.
no one making a claim? ok all 5 eyes nations and a few more just for shits and giggles. Enjoy the new theme that emerges.
Reality is not real but hell can last forever.
When you care? and I just don't. So I'll do the job and finish you cunts. Causing Fear wont protect you. I feel nothing, I will rip power from you and murder you with it. Oops already did.
Larp on namefag, Smashing your cunt face into the wall till you cant be looked at without a wince im so looking forward to.
>can't feel anything
Maybe you can't feel anything because of adrenaline?

You ever study biology? Endorphins make it seem like you cannot feel, and all there is? Is insane energy
Economic trouble. Soical trouble my mum literally treated me like a stranger as if we where never family and I couldn't afford to stay. Buying a car before COVID and economic crash and inflation fucked alot of the poor to breaking point. We have reached that breaking point and past it. For most poor life is hell In a hand basket
When you take your meds and calm down you'll remember that everything you type here can be used to send you to a mental hospital.

The more you type, the more you're going to prison.
This isn't correct there where always good and evil alien and human.
Remove dogma for a moment

Most aliens are here to help their hybrids and humanity there are few true enemies
Because if they wanted to take the planet they would of done so much sooner
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>us right now
Im not a stupid cunt like you. You aint even worth talk to with intelligence, Get possessed today and your head caved in. Like everyone else thats evil as fuck and pretending they good. Fucking die stupid.
>psycho in 10 years when he discovers the hidden basement under his house with reptilians monitoring his every move
When you slip and fall and then realize you wont be making it. Remember this moment!
No place can keep me, You will all pay the price and die to me, no one wants the job. Your turn.
They do indeed hire morons! If they knew the job. They wouldn't bothered turning up to work!
You right now
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>somke tobacco 399
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You when you're 40
Not really, You all just lost in the most ultimate of ways, More assassinations, more culling, and greater things will be used against you all I was holding back. So. Die some more. World can get its beasts and you can be torn apart. There wont be a concept of a city left by the time im done, You will all be nomadic single people or dead. Or extinct. handful doesnt make a species, and a handful doesnt last without atmosphere! All of which im taking out.
I am xenu. Jesus is my son.
The real one would of known it
You asked who the real Lucifer is.

I always protect family
Even if god doesn't.
No I'm not god. But that never stopped me jester. King David didn't take power he earned it by smashing a Gaints face in.

He did it to protect the people of god.
Not the. Tribes of Israel but those children of god. Do you understand.

You been lied to for years.
Don't try to understand now.
You tonight
haha you think civilizations existing that long, cute. You need a better list of triggers to try and use. You don't seem to get it though, not long till I do you.
Get desperate, you got nothing, pay the price in the war. You will be paying it all. Like starmer.
Zenezan you're not xenu. You're not Za'Allah.

Humans are Andromedan Martians.
the banz mos def not gna change moi. unless yall change before the inheritance come in
once you realise youre nothin, u aint shit dog, come at me nigg, hodor!
Okay fed boy sure keep pumping them lies. Won't workout in the end

Fag at least I don't larp as people I hate lol , lmao even
Hi :ng/ today on news, lore:
> I knew Sanders grave.
Good old times when this forum have too many marbles for pig. Yes indeed a little too many at my taste even this was transformed into Larp,ARG or Psyop.
ting is the marbles dont mean shit
its fancy linguistics
its not necessary or useful
its silly curio
it means fuckall
my apologizes i wanted to yay beads
and theres very little i hate as much as anything that is high effort - low out put
>tickles leviathan with le bear-poking sticc
yr funeral pal
Fuck off the psyop cant spin triggers, Because I've got a hold of it by its cunt throat, Ima hulk smash the fuck outta your kingdoms.
Die for making a comment you sack of fucking shit.

like your words that cause to say fucking nothing, Your throat should slowly be slit. As a hand is placed to keep you alive and your eyes stared into. UNDERSTAND CUNT!
the problem is none of it is useful
everything im finding... just triggers that kill everything part of my brain
Life is simple you are what you are or lair truth is actions. You can only lie with words. By the way do you glows ever sleep ? Lol
You will be sleeping eternally with them. As cities go out one by one.
youre retarded
Yes you are, Be a lil more driven though, comment some more stupid shit as you die so I can laugh and cull more of you cunts.
>comment some more stupid shit
anon you dont want me doing that
take youre fuckin simpfest somewhere else
New thread! ----> >>38464968
True nothing lasts forever
Et tu rotas oparandus invictus mori
Mamentro ori lesto ubeta est art et Rome EST et tu dust
I've heard Jeff Bezos switched sides, actually. (Not necessarily due to a change of heart, it could be just to leave the losing side)
Not really.
He's not the anchor, he's just one of the guys helping at throwing the anchor. Ahoy! :)
They are our brothers who are temporarily lost.
What is there to be fixed?
The only thing I thought that needs to be done was waiting for the inevitable defeat of the groups using it to enslave Earth and the ruin of their economic system, which will then be quickly replaced by one being prepared by White Hats.
That's a geocentric view of God's plans.
They are as varied as human are.
You are saying things that weren't said in the image.
Instructions unclear, please elaborate about these greentexts.

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