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Welcome to the Semen Retention General!
Chad Edition!

>What is Semen Retention?
Semen retention is the practice of completely abstaining from masturbation and ejaculation, often with the intention of preserving and redirecting vital and sexual energy to oneself.

>Why do it?
Reported benefits include: increased vitality, mental clarity, reduced stress, increased motivation, increased energy, improved focus, healthier hair/skin/eyes, deeper meditation, improved AP/Lucid Dreams, deeper voice, improved mood, greatly improved testosterone, improved physical strength and many more.

>Wet Dreams?
They happen because you had a sexual dream and you coomed. Learn to be conscious on your dreams and stop the succubus.

>What causes wet dreams?
The causes are many: Illnesses, telepathic bad actors fucking with your dreams, excess energy build up, watching too much sexually-inducing stuff, lusting during the day, lack of an adequate transmutation activity, eating too late at night, excess nutrients overall, stimulants like maca, ginseng, ginger, excess protein, excess carbs, tight clothes (pajamas) for bedtime, bad sleeping posture (this varies, find the one that suits you best), going to bed with full bladder, exposure to hormonal disruptors via food (pesticides...) or body care products (soap, deodorant etc)...

Previous Thread >>38652617
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>In case of urges:
- https://imgur.com/gallery/g4eGH
- Don't peek and Hold your breath for as long as you possibly can. The urge usually pass after that. If not, repeat.
- Horse stance or chair pose: Do it while clenching the abdomen and all legs' muscles, raise arms for extra blood flow redirection. Works both for killing erections or urges.
- Any physical activity.

On long clean streaks many report benefits that transcend current science like a sort of "magnetism" or higher "vibration/aura" that attracts/appeals to other living beings, a higher perception, a stronger and intimidating "aura/presence", a deeper connection with nature, an attractive BO (people usually report it as "pheromones") and more.

- Mental Purity 1.1: Semen Retention acts as a bio-electromagnetic amplifier. Watch the quality of your thoughts because your inner state will get amplified and manifested. Lust is the Ojas killer. Do not engage with Lust.
- Mental Purity 1.2: Keep a journal as a tool for introspection.
- NEVER watch porn of any kind.
- Remove triggers from your life. Masturbation is a bad habit. Break that bad habit.
- Focus on achieving a goal. An art, a craft, competing, etc.
- Meditate and/or Pray Daily. Try a minimum of 5 minutes to start off.
- Exercise/Gym/Sports/Martial Arts. If it is something social even better.
- Good habits like healthy eating, water fasting, dry fasting, sun exposure and cold showers do seem to speed up the process.
- Sublimation: literally using the energy.
- Transmutation: changing the quality of energy to something different. (Surya Namaskara, 8 brocades, Tibetan rites)
- Avoid stimulant drugs such as caffeine or adderall
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Keep in mind that the efferent nerves attached to your testes necessarily means that any lustful thought, image, or sound is necessarily a command to your junk to produce sexual fluids and this is the reason why celibacy is first and foremost of the mind
The root of this entire matter is the mind - without conquering the mind, celibacy is a futile effort
The signals from the brain happen on the subconscious autonomic level
This is why any lustful thought, image, or sound is necessarily a command to the sexual organs to produce sexual fluids (the more intently you look, the higher amplitude of a signal gets sent: body > afferent nerves > brain > efferent nerves > body)
Therefore "Conversion of sexual energy to something" is necessarily a HORRIBLY inefficient process (Not to confuse with Sexual Transmutation)
Fluids will be reabsorbed, but the energy and materials cost to make it vs how much is "taken back" via reabsorption is SEVERELY unbalanced and super net negative
Sexual fluids are made from the cream of the crop of the body's resources - constantly generating them means that you are constantly draining away the cream of the crop of your resources.
Taoist writings said that the sexual organs will even take primacy over nourishing your other internal organs at some point. (Thus, doing a spiritual practice as a coomer is a surefire way to die faster).

>/SRG/ interesting reads
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Scientific evidence:

Periodic changes in serum testosterone levels after ejaculation in men

Influence of abstinence and ejaculation-to-analysis delay on semen analysis parameters of suspected infertile men

Improved sperm kinematics in semen samples collected after 2 h versus 4-7 days of ejaculation abstinence

Influence of a short or long abstinence period on semen parameters in the ejaculate of patients with nonobstructive azoospermia

Seasonal changes in breeding activity, testicular size, testosterone concentration and seminal characteristics in rams with long or short breeding season

Shorter abstinence decreases sperm deoxyribonucleic acid fragmentation in ejaculate

Endocrine response to masturbation-induced orgasm in healthy men following a 3-week sexual abstinence

Relationship between sexual satiety and brain androgen receptors

A research on the relationship between ejaculation and serum testosterone level in men
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It’s always good to remember why /x/ is the most accurate place for this topic: semen retention is one of the clearest paranormal inducing thing of all the other topics discussed on /x/. It’s a sacred practice that has been the one of the main focuses in every major religion or spiritual practices. The mystical side of it is what we try to focus on in here.

Semen retention can be political issue too and it would then belong to /pol/. The porn industry is a tool made by the jews to deterioate the societies and corrupt the people. The porn works in ways that program new sets of behaviour in its audience and the audience is hooked to it because of its strong addictive qualities. The most important goal for porn’s male audience was and is the releasing of their semen. As we now know, the disadvantages of cooming are heavy: a man becomes less of a man, he gets sick and weak, his mind numbed, he will have impotence issues etc. Also his spirit almost dies.

Semen retention is beneficial to make one healthier and stronger, more fit, if you will. So the topic could be discussed on /fit/. Anyone looking for more ways to get fitness gains would benefit hugely from the SR.

Also the SR has so many other benefits that it could be discussed in the /adv/ board. These would be topics how it improves one’s social life, mental state, makes more time to be more productive etc.

But I think the biggest benefits of SR are something mystical in nature and the whole practice is fundamentally something very close to spiritual side of things. All the other topics in here /x/ are left far behind and SR actually makes this board of any relevancy. This is also known by the enemy and they make strong efforts to suppress, hijack, twist and end this discussion.
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Reminder that demonfags hate anime
We're all gonna make it. Being here shows your intent, and as long as you keep that intent your true self will manifest into the world, no matter what or how long it takes.
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Starve the shillery.
No attention for them.
No replies.

(Pro tip > Hide shill posts: Click on the arrow next to the post number, click 'Hide', Comfy.)
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Baker's Pro Tip:

I'm reading this book called "The Gentleman's Guide to Karezza Sex" by Nick Brothermore. It's being an interest reading so far, you can find it on libgen.
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Glad to see there are other bakers. Was making a meme for top post. Guess I'll use it next time. Cheers, fren!
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Ah yes, the daily "INCEL claims to be attractive to women and more powerful than other men because he doesn't touch himself" thread
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What are some good things to do in conjunction with SR?
I'm cutting out soda as a regular drink, only drinking water, and I feel like it improves everything so much more.
Exercise, of course, helps also.
What do you do to build your fortress?
meditation ofc

observe the thoughts float by as if they were clouds, you are not thoughts
Does anyone have that Gandalf day counter calendar thing?
I get nothing out of masturbation. It really is poison at worst and a useless vice at best.
Ladieeeees and gentlemen! gather 'round and witness the most mind-boggling, jaw-dropping, Earth-shattering, UNIVERSE-ALTERING MIRACLE of the 21st century: **Semeeeeeen Reeeeeeetention***! (*fucking trumpets and shit*) That’s right, folks! This ain’t just some fuckin' old wellness fad! This isn’t just some run-of-the-mill wellness gimmick; it’s the ultimate game-changer, a veritable cheat code for life itself! it’s THE big-ass full-blown revolution in a bottle that’ll catapult you from an ordinary coombrainz retard faggot to EXTRA ORDINARY CHAD-DOM LITERALLY OVERNIGHT!

Feeling stuck in the grind? Tired of the same ole, same ole routine? Are you tired of your normalcattle mundane existence? Fed up with those pesky little setbacks and disappointments? Non-existent luck in love affairs? Are you losing hair, you baldie? Are you FUCKING READY TO BREAK FREE FROM YOUR PATHETIC, ORDINARY EXISTENCE AND CATAPULT YOURSELF INTO THE STRATOSPHERE OF GREATNESS??? Well, buckle up, you fucko! Say goodbye and say farewell to ALL those nasty troubles and say WELL HELLO BABE! to a life of UNBOUNDED, U N C U C K E D, UNLIMITED MAGNIFICENCE because our incredible BRAND FUCKING NEW Semen Retention formula is here to launch you into a hypercosmic ultrametaphysical paradigm-shattering journey! It’s like unlocking an ancient dragon-guarded treasure chest of cosmic golden super power with a single, simple unique step!

Here’s what you’ll get when you harness the unparalleled cosmic might of Semen Retention:

* Hair Regrowth of Epic Proportions: Forget about hair loss, that shit is for faggots! Prepare for a shiny, abundant mane so luscious and thick, even Falcor, Zeus, Chewbacca and other mythical creatures will be dying of jealousy! Your hair will be the talk of the whole goddamn town, turning heads, stopping traffic, dropping fucking cigarettes off their mouths! Truly the very stuff of legends!
To elaborate. Find a quiet, well ventilated, comfy, temperate location; under a tree away from the car road, in your home, in the the public library perhaps. sit on the ground, and your butt on a cushion/folded sweater, as to lift your spine.. Legs crossed indian-style, or one foot resting on the thigh ("half-lotus"). hands in your lap. at this point you should be extremely comfortable and concentration comes naturally. you should be able to sit like this for at very least 20 minutes without too much pain in: spine, legs, knees.
Close your eyes, put a slight smile on your face(important, dont skip the smile). breathe in slowly and extreemly deeply, breathe out fully. do it 5-10 times, then breathe normal, then say in your mind, may i be happy and peaceful. may i be happy and peaceful. then replace "I" with anybody you feel like, and repeat each in your mind three or so times. Try attuning it to your breathe. also, Try imagining you are not your body, your mind, your thoughts, simply the observing the chemical reaction known as "(You)" occuring.
Furthermore, try imagining, softly and not forcing it, that your heart is the sun, and your mind is the sky, your heart shining into your mind, the thoughts are like clouds slowly floating through. imagine thoughts of hate, greed, jelousy, self-hatred, self-doubt, etc etc. as thunder that lights up and burns down the village and the forest. drink a lot of water, get sunlight, sleep, lay in a field, walk slowly, smile, treat everyone as if they were your beloved family member, protect your virtue. PEACE And Love
* Pussy-Magnet-Level Charisma That Defies Belief and puts Celebrities to Shame: Channel the charm of every goddamn Hollywood celebrity COMBINED, with the pussymagnetic pull of a thousand black holes MADE OF COCK! People won’t just be drawn to you; they’ll be utterly MESMERIZED, SHOCKED AND AWED, BUMBLEFUCKED, BAMBOOZLE-DOOZLE-GOOZLE-TICED, HYPNOTIZED, hanging on your every word like moths to a flame!

* Creativity Soaring to HYPERCUBIC-HYPERPARABOLIC-NIKOLA-MOTHERFUCKING-TESLA Heights: Unleash the illegal-bordering artistic genius of your inner Leonardo DaVinci and let it THRIVE INSIDE YOU! Paint the Sistine Chapel, compose the next big GANGNAM STYLE, Invent gadgets that’ll leave even Elon Fucking Musk scratching his head in amazement!

* Athletic Performance Beyond Human Limits: Forget about "training like a pro", from now on you will train like a GOD! Become a superhuman superathlete with superpowers that’ll make Olympic champions look like quadriplegic speech-impediment cheeto-munching fucktards! Run faster than Sonic and longer than David Goggins, jump higher than House Of Pain, lift more weigh than your mom's!

* ETERNAL YOUTH Elixir: Feel like a teenager again with boundless energy and vitality! Feel that inner fire, that child-like curiosity, that high-school-friday-night-with-frens energy! No more creaky joints or tired mornings—just pure, unadulterated, uncucked, untainted YOUTH radiating from every pore!
* Libido Like a Frolicking Faun Demigod high on Sildenafil: Transform your faggot lame love life into an epic erotic adventure with passion and flames that would make even the horniest gods burn in the fires of envy! You’ll be the ultimate romantic hero, the Romeo, the very same EROS, igniting incendiary flames of unquenchable desire wherever the fuck you go!

* Immunity Like a Fucking Steel Wall: Wave goodbye to colds, flus, globohomo biological weapons, herpes, gonorrhea, stomach illness, heart disease, lung disease, feet disease, YOU-FUCKING-NAME-IT-desease, and every other nasty bug that dares to cross your motherfucking path! Your immune system will be so goddamn strong, it’ll even repel the illnesses of those around you like a nigger just saw the motherfucking cops! Let your immune system become the Sparta of immune systems with the mighty force of a million hundred mighty fucking shields!

But hold onto your faggoty-looking hats, lads, because THERE'S MORE! With this new magic Semen Retention formula, you’ll have the power to:

* Control Your Own Destiny: Shape your future and the course of the universe WITH A MERE THOUGHT! Bend reality to your ABSOLUTE will! Don't like that ugly fucking mountain over there? BOOM! FUCK IT! IT'S GONE! Don't like that big-ass ocean over here? BOOM! IT'S FUCKING GONE! Achieve feats that defy all logic! Conquer the unconquerable! Slay a dragon, make it resuscitate and slay it again! Fucking take a shit and it isn't shit no more! You're shitting literal gold bars!

* Enhance Your Financial Fortunes: Watch as your bank account swells with the kind of prosperity that’ll make Scrooge McDuck look like a penny-pincher! Wealth and success will flow to you effortlessly! Become the new Midas and pick up those bitches with your new shiny modern car or whatever!
* Become THE Living Legend: Step into the limelight as a mythical UNFORGETTABLE figure of UNPARALLELED GREATNESS! Martin Luther King? Fuck that, you got Semen Retention! The Beatles? Jesus Christ? You will become so famous there will be a street with your name in every single city and you will be remembered and talked about for generations to come! Fear and Respect commanded by your mere presence! Inspire awe and wonder wherever you go! Make all the bitches lose their bitch minds with a simple waving of your Semen Retained hand!

So don’t wait a motherfucking second longer! Stop being a mere mortal stuck in the daily normalfaggotry! Your chance to grab the key to limitless potential, supreme health, INFINITE ESOTERIC POWER and unbridled success is right here! Right now! So step right up, claim your very own, personalized, customized, ultra mega bottle of Semen Retention, prepare to ascend to the highest echelons of greatness and embark on the greatest fucking adventure of your motherfucking life! Claim your destiny today and become the ultimate legend of our time! The universe is knocking at your door—are you ready to answer?
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>learn to be conscious in your dreams and stop the succubus
I always feel so dirty and bad after having one of those gross dreams, but I've only ever lucid dreamed like once in my life. How do I do it?
no (You) for you, shill
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based smugposting
The best advice I can give is to try to avoid letting the dreams harm your mental state. I am starting to believe (after having suffered half a dozen extremely messed up lucid wet dreams that I manage to break free from) that psychic demons are unironically real and that it is a succubi's attempt to break your spirit, demoralizing you until you make a lapse in judgement and condemn yourself to Hell. Just as with Mephistopheles' attempt to steal Faust's soul for himself, so do these demons attempt to steal your willpower (semen+mental fortitude). I now understand why superstitious medieval peasants would put glasses of milk next to their bedside to ward off succubi, because I too would try what I could to fend off such horrific nightmares.
just one question dude
Demons are definitely real.
What you're saying is the best defense is to just not let it get to me until they give up in frustration, like a schoolyard bully?
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Yup, basically that. Stay pious and strong. Pray to God, fast, or spend time with loved ones to help fight against sinful temptations. You ever wonder why coomers don't get wet dreams? It's because their willpower to be better is already being drained by pornography. From the Devil's perspective, there's no need to devote further energy trying to drag someone to Hell if their already doing it for him. SR anons, as well as any one practicing self-restraint, spits in the face of the Devil by saying "you will not break me" and the Devil is a coping and seething spirit who hates those more successful than he is and so wishes to destroy them.
Demons serve as well. I picture porn Jews as lovable little tricksters. They always reveal the right path by showing how miserable the wrong path is.

Stay Based
k e l i b a k y
Glad this general still going. Self-Knowledge is the best drug of them all.
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I always find myself moody and getting stressed when on no fap. I think its a dopamine withdrawal and said stress leads me to fap. How can I overcome this?
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Fair enough
Ok cool
Try to reduce other stressors on your body and mind. Eat enough food to meet your caloric needs, avoid too much stress, etc. Also pray to the Lord daily or more.
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4 hours until the sixth day.
>Libido Like a Frolicking Faun Demigod high on Sildenafil
Checked and kekked.
I saw the other thread was dying and decided to create a new one before it got archived :) have a great day and retain, fren.
Haven't posted in these threads for a while, today's day 57 (only know cuz I started July 1st).

I did have a edging session about 2 weeks ago, and felt barbaric for about 3/4 days after that, but I gotta say, from Day 30 to about 45, felt like absolute dog shit.

The physical benefits (immediately obvious ones) kinda topped off at around Day 30.

But what's happening now is something else.

I'm noticing that my entire life is just becoming more bliss. I have less fear of the future, and I don't worry about the small stuff. One way or another I'm realizing that everyone around me is just a reflection of myself.

I've stopped trying to get people to change or see something and realized that if I'm observing something "negative" in my reality, all that it really means is that I resonating with the 5 dimensional version of that experience/person that is vibrationally "attuned" to that frequency.

So I let it go.

I disregard the 3d. The 3d is old news. The 3d is just inertia.

I think about what would my frequency/feeling be like if I stopped trying to resist/change the existing, and simply accept the new/idealized.

And I let it.

It's not an instant process. There's a lot of inertia behind my previous thoughts and emotions, and sometimes I'm not even aware of said inertia, but little by little, day by day, it's as if the consciousness of the Self permits me to let go of my more "material" self, and allows me to enter the more "mental/emotional" self.

I can only tell you guys that the first 30 days are only the beginning.

I've reached 30 day streaks many times before, and past that it feels like the "benefits" stop.

They don't.

They simply become much more subtle.

But when I say subtle I don't mean "small", I mean that now the benefits are closer the Source of the experience, like there's a new "filter" on life that was inaccessible before.

I rely less on logic and more on intuition, and it works out for me.

Trust the Universe guys.

It will trust you back
Man, this is the first time I genuinely get bothered by Redditspacing.
>I rely less on logic and more on intuition, and it works out for me.
>Trust the Universe guys.
Bro, no. This is how women think. God gifted men with the gift of logic and reason. Intuition is led by feelings which can lead you astray. True power is being able to use both and at the right time, but absolutely logic will trump intuition. Your heart may want one thing but your brain will want another - choose the brain. For example, go to a casino and play Blackjack using intuition. See where that gets you. But start card counting (logic) and see where that can get you.
Yeah and it's no surprise that it's talking about new age bs
Hope you're going strong anon
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Alright motherfuckers, let's get this shit going and see what retainers are made of. Show me your retention. Ill start ROLLIN'!
Roll time :D
This game shall be named "the urge beater" (kek), tell me ideas to make it funner. And I'm re-rolling because 4 pushups was piece of cake
If you think this way, you aren't quite grasping what I'm trying to tell you.

Logic is merely the convergent manner of interpreting reality, intuition is divergent.

Don't label it as Masculine and Feminine. That's a limitation.

I'm SoftEng by trade, I spent my basically entire life operating in logic. It's only recently once I've thrown off the shackles of the vibrational deadlock of logic did I understand that I was the one locking myself into my reality.

"Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them.
And when ye stand praying, forgive, if ye have ought against any: that your Father also which is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses."

This is literally telling you assume the state of something being true, and it will materialize.

It is illogical.

But it is true.

If you think this is New Age, I have a lot to tell you friend.

God bless.
You can't have reality without the duality of intuition and logic. You're still very much in your feminine energy, and it's ok, most people are. Keep going on SR and your way of navigating your reality tunnel will shift.

>I'm SoftEng by trade, I spent my basically entire life operating in logic. It's only recently once I've thrown off the shackles of the vibrational deadlock of logic did I understand that I was the one locking myself into my reality.
And I'm an artist. You need the balance of both, but as a man you need to be operating more on your logical side. And your profession actually has little to do with this.
clean streak is the key, keep going if you encountered wet dreams
just pretend for a year that your dick is only used to expel pee
and then focus on the things you have to focus on, avoid sexual fantasies
an idle mind is the devil's workshop, you need to have alot of things to do
just one concentrated year to accelerate your life, then decide if retention is for you
anticipate depression because retention repairs the broken parts of your brain due to porn and masturbation
No doubt. The duality is what creates the experience.

But I see where our disagreements are at. My natural energy is very Masculine, to the point where it was destructive, and my healing was to connect with the feminine.

It seems your was the reverse.

Either way, it's all up the same mountain. How you get there is irrelevant
It's far worse than that, It's worse than heroine, atleast with heroine you die nice and quick. With masturbation, I turn into a zombie for years and think my life is moving forward and my mind decays into lard. It's completely insidious and is the complete death of the soul. Poison would kill me, this stuff keeps me alive so that one day I turn around to look back on my life and see nothing.
>But I see where our disagreements are at. My natural energy is very Masculine,
Autism =/= masculine

>to the point where it was destructive, and my healing was to connect with the feminine.
>It seems your was the reverse.
No, again you're mistaken - and as I said before, profession has little to do with it. For some reason art and creativity is associated as feminine, but it's not.
The best artists are men. The best musicians are men. The best chefs are men. My natural energy is very masculine. While women can make good artists, they are absolutely incapable of that introspection like a man can and everything about them is more surface level. It's just how God made them. And there isn't any connecting to the feminine - once you go on SR for longer you're gonna go even further balls deep into your masculine. There is no turning back and you'll be leaving that feminine energy behind.
Alright bruv, whatever floats your boat.

You felt the need to respond in this passive aggressive manner - this is a feminine trait. Masculine energy will either be indifferent (no response) or directly engaging. The inbetween shit is what's polarizing feminine energy.

I'm not attacking you, just speaking the facts. Keep going on the SR bruv. You'll be able to discern in no time.
This is a feminine response - it's mega cringe when it comes out of the mouth of a man Also you got far to excited, like your vagina was on fire and your brain was the high sees. You seem over stimulated. SR has different effects on everyone. It sounds to me as though you aren't willing to allow the turned off dopamine tap get you down and now you're trying to hype everything up.
genuine question that i hope gets answered snarkily or authentically: if I cum through anal stimulation (prostate massaging) do I lose all of the benefits of no fapping?

I'm taking the bait.
>Does ejaculation promote the practice of non-ejaculation.
Genuine question: Are you a women? It's yes or no, I know how you women love to dance around the point.
>replies to a fag who puts the word Reddit into Redditspacing
You deserve this headache. Especially for not calling him out on that.
You actually gain a super bonus effect that replaces all other benefits: being a fucking faggot.
Day 15: had the impression my facial hair is growing faster and its making me super uncomfortable

honestly i thought being able to recall dreams was a positive but i guess i can see how it could be a stumbling block. I'm kind of interested in lucid dreaming though so maybe I'll try that...
honestly yeah to "stop lusting" is basically solving the issue haha
>anon hasnt responded again again
I’m the anon that replied to you when you first got here. If you’re still struggling with dys, give this thread a try: >>38656241
Who knows it might be the root of your biggest issues. Read what people have to say and compare your symptoms.
There's men out there actually doing stuff, building cities and companies while fucking and jerking off DAILY. What does this general actually do except for cause prostate cancer? I will continue to say it but this whole movement is a massive cope. If all of you were actually having sex you wouldn't be in this general, you just wouldn't.
i habe a benis

i am aware of this, thx anon
anons I started edging today. is it worth just resetting the streak and starting a clean one tomorrow or should i just push through it anyway
do a coom. give in. prove """them""" right.
or be strong and edge like a boss
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I actually saw something related, and I tried using baking soda to see if there would be some effects, there werent really any though
You are another anon who needs separate counters for porn and masturbation and wet dreams. You can't reset your SR counter because you never stopped retaining.
it was this exactly (>>38661812), but I am feeling comparably less worse than when I started... Not really "fine" but not like pure trash either so its an improvement
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Holy guacamole, this guy wants us to touch our penises! Pretty strange... Why do you want me to touch my penis so badly sir? Does it make you made that I refuse to touch my penis no matter how much you shout? If I move my hand closer to my penis, would it excite you? Are you a homosexual? I'm still not jerking it, no matter what you say though - but no need to be mad. Not jerking it though.
You almost certainly do not have worms, don't read what these aliens have to tell you. They are probably vaccinated up to their eyeballs. Here's the cure to being a tranny. Stop worrying about about it. Wear whatever you want. Do whatever you want, say whatever you want. Just don't masturbate.
Just read and experiment to your heart’s content. Don’t listen to the wormlover, he doesn’t know you, nor do I. Only you know what’s best for you. I believe you’ll know it deep down when you’ve gained enough knowledge. Seek and you shall find, just don’t close random doors without knowing for sure. Good luck.
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>just do whatever you want bro, give in to your desires bro
Classic demonspeak
Yeah the other guy is right actually, you have worms, be sure to eat 1kg of baking soda a day, be sure to wash it down with 3 tablespoon of drain cleaner. Last resort: Stick you hand down your throat and grapple that thing out because you might have a big one at that point.
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>SR thread
>talking about SR but also relatively unrelated but good things
>not only do the shills want you to jerk off
>they also want you to stay away from deworming
>when you realize they really do wish for you to live in perpetual misery and they have no other purpose in life than trying to keep you there
This guy does whatever the bible says, if the bible says, jump, this guy says: HOW HIGH?! Retards. How many times are you vaccinated by big daddy gobernment?

>Do what you want = give in to desires=I'm a demon.

Now I've heard it all. You biblebashers are beyond saving. You are not going to make it...
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One of the best things SR and meditation have done is that I'm literally happy all the time
I couldn't imagine going back to being a resentful pile of misery trying to put everyone else down
I know how shitty a state of existence that is
Too bad some won't ever see the light
>Do semen retention for 5 days
>go for a run
>bodacious babes with tits and asses out try to talk to me
>even on instagram women sending me follow requests(only women)
>my sisters friend looks at me like a piece of meat and starts hugging me and be being all lovey dovey to me all of a sudden

Wtf anons is the demurge sending these women to take my seed this never happens when I jerk off this is not a bragging thread am 100% trying to find out whats going on

That shits trippy
Once you confront them they always show their true colors. Fascinating honestly how they sum up everything they hate in an emotional rant.
>You biblebashers are beyond saving.
Being such a fragrant liar that you lie to yourself is a sight for us to behold
We're so beyond saving that you'll continue spending hours a day trying to subvert us?
Nose please.
You first, Schlomo Shekelstein.
I'm not desperately trying to get other men to jerk off, so no need to prove I'm not a kike.
I think standing is the most beneficial thing you can do in conjunction with SR. I know it sounds silly but try standing the whole day while on SR. It feels like you go through 5 days of SR in one.
What if I work from home and need to sit down for like 8 hours each day? I roon and lift weights in the afternoon. Should I implement just standing in my routine? Like listening to a podcast or watching TV just standing?
just had a huge relapse. I ain't here to cry about it, tho.

I feel different. Not as fucked up like before I started the streak but not as good as when I was on it. Today I'll resume with the meditation practices.

This thing is real. I concede the fact that it may have a weak or a strong influence, depending on the natural predispotition of every single individual, like a lot of other stuff (lactose intolerance for example) but that doesn't make it less real.
I believe SRG may be a good starting point for occult practices.
just stay away from jew media for a while and you will be fine
Buy a desk that has controllable height, I usually don't stand just to stand though, I'm always on my pc while standing, just standing might be a timewaste unless you get a strong urge to relapse, standing up and walking around tends to get rid of that too
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There you Kikes go putting words into people's mouths again. Just kill yourself, you'll be more useful to humanity than your "totally self imposed" celibacy.
But if you want to incorporate a seperate time for it I'd also look into esoteric standing practices in chinese energy systems, they have several different practices were you just stand still in a certain pose
how tall are you? jw
This sounds interesting. Will look into it, thanks anon.
The fact that men releasing seed into the nothingness is that important to you speaks tons about your demonic nature.
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Don't give in fren. Think with your brain and not your dick. If you find a woman who is genuinely attracted to you and you think would make a good wife, date her with marriage in mind. Don't just have sex with the first woman who tries to flirt with you.
>50 days in
>Feels like I'm about to have a wet dream / coregasm while awake
>Precum leaks from nothing, and almost get to the point of cooming without even touching myself
>Twice now this has been the experience for the last two days
>Both times it has been laying down on my back while scrolling, or just now laying on my side in bed not wanting to wake up yet

Bros ????
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Thanks, fren. Thank God now that I've identified my triggers and filled my time with positive activities. It's becoming easier, and I'm feeling great!
I have everything I need but my parents gave me shit form
What do?
Yeah i'm still open to the idea but what i had at hand didnt really have any results... Maybe I'll try the other options in the future but no plans so far
>be sure to eat 1kg of baking soda a day, be sure to wash it down with 3 tablespoon of drain cleaner
you might be onto something here...
same shit happened to me
you stop noticing physical benefits on long streaks because you get used to it.
same goes for the painful existence going unnoticed when youre a coomer.
what happens if I turn myself into an egregore after my christos comes back to me?
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sometimes i wonder why i bother with this, and then i treat the intrusive thoughts like the overbearing russian in Rocky IV
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Sup' baker. Gonna start to do a small weekly comic strip just as a hobby.

Any advice on how to write humor?
post nose first
I woke up this morning with a clear head about how jerking off wastes time and energy. That transmuting lust into something creative and positive or just sharing it with a partner is infinitely better than rubbing your penis alone.

You don’t know how much I’m a edger, a huge gooner, I can rub my penis for hours and hours and not get bored.

But today I just literally woke up and the thoughts were there in my head about how dumb it really is.

I didn’t do anything differently, I haven’t even been to /x/ in a few days.
Except for today I’ve been on a big edging streak lately with tons of porn and hentai so it’s not like I ejaculated and had post nut clarity. Today the urge to sit there and wank was just gone. I don’t know what happened.
>with a partner
Where exactly do you think you are?
I’ve had girlfriends before, speak for yourself.
thats good bro the urge will hit u tho when u least expect it. careful with those edges u know the longer u go the easier it is to ruin piggy.
what is even the point of edging while retaining
I honestly used to have a lot of days like this but the feeling doesnt really stay for long if you dont like really put your mind to it
ask the goonerboy.
for me edging always ALWAYS leads to an accidental cream desu, and coming down from the prolonged pornbath feels way worse than cranking one out the good ol fashioned way.
different strokes for different cocks i guess, if he has the restraint to edge sometimes and never cum I'd see no problem with it BUT, you could argue porn rots your brain and so on u know all the shit.
personally, I think edging is guaranteed failure + running in circles.
gooning's fucking awesome I spoke to god one time in the deepest of trance but it drains me so fucking much its not worth it.
Edging is being able to act on your lusts without busting. It's like chewing your food and not swallowing it because you're supposed to be dieting.
Porn and Masturbation robbed me of love.
Rollin' and trollin'
feeling deeply depressed and i cant sleep - day 16
Nice pic, saved.
Sup’ fren. I think the major factors to humor is the unexpected and attention to detail. Imagine what the majority of people would expect from your short story and go slightly beyond that with the intention to make the reader laugh. Also, if anyone, it should make you laugh first.

That one I made of ‘apu going to super secret SRG HQ’ is a good example I think. Something genuine, yet autistic.
i guess the one benefit of abstinence is that you're learning to ignore your urges, which is linked in buddhist thought to gaining control over your mind and receding into purer consciousness

this in turn has many other benefits, like less impulsivity, clearity, relaxedness etc

testosterone claims are probably bullshit
physical strength improvements also
whoa definately opened up my lungs chakras
>time for a smoke
also reroll
Hi guys the most important thing that will make your SR journey way easier

Breathwork makes SR 100% easier



This mf helped me a ton
>physical strength improvements also

It does anyone that has participated in sports and weight lifting can tell the difference we know that shit since the ancient greeks

Don't be believe me ? go bust 3 nuts and the start doing squats or go spar night and day difference
I believe that it increases your receptor sensitivity which means that your androgen receptors will start using up more of the free testosterone in your body which leads to enhanced secondary male sex characteristics like deeper voice, more muscle, faster weightloss, etc...
That's why the SR study shows testosterone peak and start to lower after 7 days. It starts decreasing because your receptors start using it up faster and faster to make you more masculine.
I dont think any other explanation regarding the test decrease in the study makes sense, because most people on SR report becoming more masculine the longer they stay on SR, not less masculine.
I just came upon myself and dirtied my underwear. It seems so pathetic, and it is. I will start a new streak of no fap after a long time fapping everyday again.
Day one, let's go!
41 days
Keep going
I'm 2 days in guys. Didn't have any intentions of doing nofap but I realized I haven't fapped for the past 2 days. I want to go a full month now but I seriously have never done that since I can remember. How do I ensure I stave off fapping for the next 28 days? I'm already thinking about porn
It is also linked to your subconscious. Whenever your heart center or groin starts flaring up it means your immaterial self is doing something and navigating. When unaware this could mean that you unconsciously start meddling with unclean spirits. Which in turn can cause you to bind yourself to some murky shit or low energy being. Part of the aftermath of feeling drained after cooming and jooming can be due to that.

The more you meditate and bring under control this source of urges and question whether you want to act on it or not the easier it is to distinguish whether its something from yourself or your immaterial environment. People can stay stuck if their inner is hardwired, it leads to this sense of having to combat yourself. That self can be very dazed and robotic or on automatic pilot. Bring it back to conscious awareness can shunt that energy back into productive tasks.

Regardless, over a long period the damage can be quite extensive. If you witness the effects you automatically would feel apprehensive. Doubly so if you've felt what higher states of bodily and mental energy feel like.
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2 rules
- don't touch your dick/balls except while peeing and showering (and keep it to the unavoidable minimum there)
- don't watch anything sexually provoking - forget about porn - if you see a cleavage in a commercial, look away

Have the mindset of "if my body needs to cum, it will cum on its own". You are not helping in any way.
nofap doesnt really work past 30 coz you got low libido anyways
Currently on DAY 8 and I went from hypersexual gooner/edger for hours to borderline asexual with no desire to look at porn or have sex (evaporated). Is this LOW Test? Or was it really this EASY the whole time? This is easy as fuk!
overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer
horniness will come back in waves
for me the sudden wave at day 30 threw me off
I think all of you are gay
It's as easy as you make it if you want it that way. Don't listen to anyone telling you it will be hard.
Thank you bromigos! Do any of you feel like the NSFW mode for 4chan is helpful? I'm using kuroba that has the nsfw mode where it puts like a filter over every image(including sfw ones). I tried it out once but since it applies the filter on all images and I didn't have intentions to do nofap at the time I didn't try the feature out for very long to know if its effective
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This is what nsfw mode looks like
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Another WD..

At least this time it was more of a love dream than a sex dream..
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I appreciate the sentiment behind nofap but what confuses me is that Chads ejaculate all the time and are still doing great.
So ejaculating 2-3x times per week doesn't seem to be a problem for people who have sex.
What made the difference for me is noporn. I still masturbate but only to still images, and the images have to be of irl women, ideally face only, not hentai.
I also got rid of my onahole because it produced pleasure and orgasms beyond "normal".
So now the regiment is: only pics of irl women, only hand. This has made fapping less interesting to my brain. So now it's like yeah I could fap, but I might as well go to the gym.
It was a slow process though, took me around 2 years.
i believe some wd are good ones and beneficial for us,maybe not. who knows?
Perhaps, but i do feel kinda drained. And for some reason i felt kinda dissy.
this is the down side of selling this stuff as "semen retention" instead of as "urge control"
you get people beating themselves up over nothing
Moron they weren't coming at you for your spiritual energy
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Wet dreams break the streak
I did edge to porn recently, so that might have something to do.

Besides you do feel worse after a WD. On the bright side it doesnt last much.
>over nothing
They gave in to the dream succubus. Voluntarily. It is in fact a sign they are still pursuing sexual encounters subconsciously.
yeah you feel worse when you make your mission about SEMEN RETENTION
Just think that your mother would be sad if you fapped or something, idk... It works for me. Or just think something like "Today I'm not gonna do it, tonight I'm gonna go to bed and in the the morning I'll feel great". Maybe say a prayer when the thought comes i dunno.
It will be my seventeenth day of nofap today.
Trust me they didn't used to do that shit when I wasn't on SR
Anons, I used to make fun of you but... I have been jacking off to tranny porn for the past month, I just finished gooning again. I am scared. What the hell, I want to kill myself, I am not a faggot! This is terrifying me, when I try normal porn it is not enough and my dick is not as hard... did porn do this to me? Is this reversible? Anons, will it go away if I quit porn and masturbating? help me here please! I don't wanna be gay!
To some degree it is okay but the /x/ part is mastery over your unconscious self. Eventually you should not require battling your feelings or sensations but you should lucidly decide whether you want to feel something or not. If you have w lovely companion and mutual attraction you do it. If you have an impulse from your true authentic self you do it ans it will probably be fine. If you've wired your unconscious such that it constantly travels to the lower realms and it drags your consciousness to below your nutsack you're just causing self harm in a way. This threads jam is just a form of improving your own awareness and overcoming your impulses.
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fuck.... another anons a gooner
Big uncut daddy cock.

Try not to get aroused
They cum inside of women and live fulfilling lives. We are slaves to our impulses and seeking liberation.
you probably are gay, most if not all gays and weirdos experience being taken advantage of, very young, memories first form around 3, so you never know
i was never gay, but always had a draw to guys, i later learned that, i had horrible... accident, it affected me as i got into my teen years but i never firmly connected it, its a blackpill they dont teach, but yes, with families being more broken than ever, children are in harms way of this and yes the atrazine in water makes the frogs gay.
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I think I've figured out some ways to decompress in a healthier way after work thanks
Can't get past a week, don't watch porn, don't edge, none of the shit, I just do it when I can't get to sleep. How do I progress?
As long as I can remember I have loved women and fapped to women. I am not gay. I am in my late 20s ffs. Didn't the brain stop developing by 25? This is making me want to kill myself.
Stopping gooning. Just like all addictions pornography is going to lead you towards more "hardcore" subjects.
Does all of this ever go away if I do?
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It's reversible, but you have to commit. It took you years to become like this, expect at least a couple of months to revert the process. Deep inside you know you are straight, as nature and God intended (doesn't matter what you believe or have been deceived to).
Ask yourself why you can't get past a week. What prohibits your progress? You or do you get raped? Are you claiming you're raping yourself? Or do you have no self-control? Don't admit defeat so you can excuse yourself to continue your degeneracy. Experiment and interrogate. Don't be like GIF related.
Alright, I'll take your word for it. I am doing it.
What prohibits me is that I know it is a pathway to sleep, I have trouble usually, even if I exercise throughout the day, so my tired mind doesn't have the self-control at 2 in the morning to stop myself. I'm not admitting defeat nor am I blaming my sleeping issues, I was just asking if there is anything that others know that I don't.
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same story here, but i know excessive porn can make you try other things for the same high, could be that, it only happens to addicts tho, but i think theres an underlying issue from the past, id call up and see who babysat u ect...
It's really a simple concept. Taboo (doesn't matter what kind) gets people excited, because growing up your elders warned you about them. It's new, fresh and exhilarating . Won't be long until you hop on to the next taboo.
>I was just asking if there is anything that others know that I don'
Well, since you explained it's a habit/ritual you set for yourself to sleep. I suggest you should consider it as such. How do you break a habit/addiction?
I recommend reading this: https://pastebin.com/dzA2yCdr as noted here in this post you should've read (among the other posts which have useful information) >>38676647
Habits are not easy to get rid of, but again, it requires commitment. Patience and willpower is all it takes. Yes, you will have difficulty in the first weeks, maybe even the first month entirely. However, it will decrease in difficulty over time.
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Depends on if you're able to abstain long enough for you to re develop your sense of disgust.
Thank you fren
I need some help. I haven't been to this general before.
I've been on vacation for the past two weeks and I deliberately didn't fap so I can have an amazing session when I return home.
Howevwr I can't stop thinking about it, every day all day it's all I think about, I push away friends and family because they are distracting me from my daydreaming fantasies about fapping when I get home.
I went yo some nice places that as a child would being awe to me. They still did, but it was all clouded by thoights about fapping. It literally ruined the experience for me.
And the worst thing that I realized is that I don't care that anything got ruined, I still am excited about it and can't wait to get home.
I feel like a crackhead awaiting his next dose.
Even as I'm writing this, I don't plan on not fapping, I just can't abstain from the amazing feeling I will get after abstaining from it for two weeks just like like smoking a cigarette.
I need help.
It would be better if people didn't treat blue boards as the designated soft-porn bards. Just look at /a/, it is impossible to have a discussion in, say, the One Piece general, without getting bombarded with borderline porn and other sick shit people write there. Why the janitors allow this to happen is baffling.
>if you see a cleavage in a commercial, look away
This is good advice for the first weeks, but afterward, I think it is healthier to see it as it is and try to desexualize things like a cleavage without getting triggered. This will also prevent him from looking like a retard if he is seeing a movie with friends and a suggestive scene comes up.
damn idk how to help you but good luck
abstain my nigga

just post nose already

Why post a suggestive image?
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Its meant to be cool and inspiring faggot.
not everyone is at the same step on their journey as you, some may get triggered by a semi-naked woman depicted as a trophy.
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>just post nose already
What is this supposed to be? A space elf?
When I get an urge, I just rub one out. Why agonize over it? Better to just get over it asap and get back to what I was doing. Except this doesn't work, because later on the urges will come back more and more frequently until I'm back to fapping 4 times a day. Naturally, I assume that urges will go away if I simply ignore them instead of reinforcing the behavior.

But anyways, how do I develop self control?
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3rd day of retaining my energy and it's been great so far until this morning. I work at a security front desk at a large distribution center so I'm used to seeing women wear revealing tight clothes and thanks to my porn addled mind it never really got my attention until today.
A new employee came up and asked for directions to the main office which is pretty usual. When I got up I noticed she was wearing those clingy gym hot pants that left absolutely nothing to the imagination and I instantly got hit with this warm visceral electric shock in my abdomen that swam all over my body and knocked a bit of air out of my lungs. I recovered back to baseline 2-3 minutes later, but I still can't believe how one look made my body react so strongly like that. It's fucking 3 days in. I guess this is the price I have to pay to recover from being a 3 wank a day coomer.
It gets easier. Just keep going.
3rd and 4th days are usually when the strongest urges hit
Use that energy you felt, retained, as healing energy for your spirit mind body system
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The first 2-3 weeks are the hardest but it should get easier after a month, fren. You are going to make it.
You are either so lacking in self-awareness that you forgot to separate the first three sentences about how cooming is fine from your plea for help or you are a shill. Either way, the first step to develop self-control is admitting that you have a problem. The second step is to avoid opportunities that might make you relapse (like looking at porn or touching your penis for extended periods of time).
Fuck off coomer, no one likes you here.
I'm horny as fuck
How do I stop fucking around?
I have to study, and Im not doing it even when I know I should
Take a Klonopin. Not even trolling. They calm sexual urges.
>apu going to super secret SRG HQ
how can i find it baker?
I'm not outing myself on here.
But you just outed yourself as a cunt.
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A good routine if you are horny is to do some physical exercise. Do as many pushups as physically possible, followed by as many curl ups, finished by as many squats as possible, taking a 2 minute break in between each set. Then sit back down, drink some water and get back to studying.
I'm injured at the moment, sadly. Was left in a wheelchair for at least another week by a motherfucker in a truck. instead of my legs, he should have broken my arms so fapping was out of the picture.
>take muh pharmakeia

>>38685607 roll The Urge Killer >>38684614
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Disregarding streaks, by how much have you cut out masturbation and/or porn from your life?
I think it's interesting to view progress from a different perspective.
I think that I'm down to about 30-40% of what my peak porn usage would be. I haven't had any months-long streak yet, but I feel like I'm still making progress by cutting away those habits bit by bit and building discipline one step at a time.
I went from fapping with stimulant drugs to last up to 48 hours edging, to having 90 days streak in 2022 and 60 days streaks here and there. I rarely binge. Right now I'm on day 19. So yeah, streaks count for discipline, but I think if we could see the % of what we had reduced fapping we'd feel great about the practice. Sadly, it can't be calculated because who knows what would be the base.
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All you need is a map and a pair of retained balls. The rest will become obvious. Good luck, fren. Meet you there.
How do you know that a gathering of recovering addicts won't coom when left alone?
addiction isn't real
He's baiting for replies by acting retarded.
oh i see
reading all of this after a relapse, this hit the hardest because it is too true. I hate myself so much
Don't come here after a relapse. These threads should be reserved for people with at least 15 streaks. When I relapse, I motive myself to reach 15 days by thinking that by reaching that number I will be able to post again here.
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Imagine having all the energy and virility of your caveman alpha ancestors (because the alphas were literally the ones who reproduced), but while also enjoying all the nice conveniences of the modern world.
It feels like such a life hack. Instead of being a little depressed coomjack, we have this great world we can adventure in, and we can have the energy to do so.
Mind blowing. SR is the most important thing a man could be doing in this age.
anime is for coomers
If that's the case, I would still say to do some bicep curls with whatever heavy object you have lying around while still in the wheelchair.
I do agree, that any amount of improvement with reduction of porn usage is a good thing, but the less use the better.
based apu edit
I disagree, coming here and expressing shame after a relapse is a sign you don't wish to fully give yourself over to your lust. I can certainly say that if I start to bargain with myself about how "oh, only 5 minutes wouldn't be that bad" then I pop into this thread to remind myself about my goals and what I am aiming for.
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I love anime and I fully embrace who I am
unironically, Isn't it full of triggers? I don't see myself watching MahoAko or something like that while trying to maintain a streak, even "SFW" shows like Oshi no Ko" have sexualized women in there.
many thanks Baker.

I've hidden a lot of shill posts and shill feeders.

Some helpful stuff...

If you're counting, count in weeks, not days.

Restraint should be practised in many areas of life, luckily they seem to interlink and boost one another. Beware, lapsing in one also tempts the others.

One of the major connections to spirituality is the mindfulness and response to thoughts. You get used to telling the nigger brain no when it starts off about sex. Now try catching it with its hands in the jelly jar encouraging sloth or needless wrath... Observe and be free anons. Imagine your body doing what you intend it to and nothing that you don't intend it to. What would that be worth.

Be free.
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Funny you would mention Mahoako, I actually own the physical french manga (I've been reading it way before the anime), and believe me or not, I've never masturbated to it nor have I felt the urge to. That's because the manga is very well written (also known as, I read it for the plot, unironically).

About anime in general: anime does have a lot of representations of ideally attractive girls and women. I personally don't mind girls or attractive girls, I don't hate femininity. I like beauty and beautiful women, I even like sexy women.
I found that seeing attractive and beautiful women is not what triggers me to jerk off. What triggers me are feelings of loneliness, boredom, anxiety, curiosity.
I just like anime, and I like cute girls, simple as. I don't really think that liking girls and not cooming are somehow incompatible. I mean I work in a job environment with ~80% women and that's not an issue.
Since I started this I have quit anime.
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Anime is degenerate and my brain automatically ties it to my coomer period.

I have watched like a thousand of them through the whole 2010s decade; I was the bottom of my class and would just skip to go binge anime (nobody cared) and one day I just realized it pulled me down and gave me nothing in return. I was huge into the whole fandom too, and all the friends I made through it turned out to be people like me, broken and weird, hentai obsessed you know. Whole thing is one giant trigger. I was even learning Japanese at my peak of that period, to go play their untranslated porn games, I could read the runes. in retrospect this makes me cringe and was such a retarded waste of time.

And the crazy part was one day I woke up and I realized I never liked this crap to begin with, I tried thinking of all the shows that I used to adore and make me obsess over this medium and I had nothing. I didn't like them anymore, I unironically went back to capeshit and comics since I am doing this now, a medium I used to enjoy when I wasn't sexual so it is tied to childhood memories instead of hormone driven teenage frustration. In fact I did a 180 and hate Japanese media now. This crap is cancer unironically.

Also after doing a decent streak I lost the ability to be aroused by hentai, it disgusts me now. Same goes for JAV. I feel alienated currently because anime / manga is the new cool thing for the current generation where as I have gone there done that and came out of it crippled knowing the truth.

I repeat, I have seen all the classics (yeah I have seen LoGH), read a lot of manga (lots of obscure shit) and came out of it all with nothing... a whole 14 years of my life down the drain wasted on this garbage. I am really pissed and angry. I fucking hate Japan. All their entertainment has fetishistic crap ingrained to the core. I will not go into how many fetishes given me that I try to this day to rid myself from. Let's see what happens when this gen wakes up.
Thanks... The other day I was thinking of things that could be possibly be "cursing me" or whatever and I remembered a notebook I had where I wrote when I was doing magic/occult shit so I took the time today to destroy it... I tried to read some of it to see what I was up to and the very first thing I saw is "I hate my body" so I thought it probably wasnt a good idea to keep on going lol

Apart from that I guess I just have to delete porn I have saved but... idk if I want to even see it since everything is something "I self inserted" to so idk if itll trigger something in me... Though I dont reslly think I would relapse or anything
What really pulls me down though is that my only irl friend from childhood is still obsessed with anime and sends me hentai every other day or anime memes, JAV and this shit is driving me fucking crazy.

I tell him how porn is fucked up and how I have quit this trash but he still keeps sending this shit, or talking about One Piece with me. I really really don't want to do this but if it keeps going like this I will have to cut ties. I will be all alone then, I am really at a real crossroad right now.
Anyone else notice a like super human level healing of wounds when retaining?

I noticed that even when retaining for a couple of days, any wounds I get heal fast.
I burned myself and after only a couple of days the burn is scabbed up and back to normal.
Small wounds seem to heal back to normal even faster.

Probably needs some more research into if there is correlation but it seems to be the only noticable effect I get from retaining. Any other anons would like to share similar experiences?
Thank you friends. It's the end of the work day and my mind is at ease. The mantra that's been helping me "The first look is out of your control. The 2nd look is completely in your control" has been pulling a lot of weight since day 1. Let's stay strong. Let's stay consistent.
What do you guys think about dry jacking? Been on retention for awhile now and that's what I do when I'm struggling with it, I just jack it until I'm about to cum then 8wr0stop.
I ejaculate everyday and I am okay. Respect. Just remember that ejaculation offers health benefits.
Post nose
Keeps nads working and testosterone up and circulating. Pretty fuckin important for male health.
Well, I guess if you are at the level where you can see Uthena sexually abusing the girls as something wholesome is ok. But I'm sure most would get triggered.

>~80% women and that's not an issue.
Unless you work at a strip club I don't there is a problem with interacting with female coworkers or something that should be triggering.
nose pls
Semen retention or rather not spilling it was done under the impression that it would leave enough energy for more artistic, scientific and religious endeavors by various ascetics and greybeard wizards way in the past. That likely includes Jewish mystics as well. Do whatever works for you.
Then explain why the Jews went full demonic and spread porn addiction like it was a virus all over the world?
They did? I didn't know that. I was under the impression that every man who watches porn does it because he wants to. Not because he is forced to. Or are you alluding to Jewish names behind certain porn studios and such? Well, they are business folk and sex sells pretty well.
Traditionally, (religious) Jews prohibit masturbation.
Selling short the sins of your race. Typical.
>It sells bro.
It costs millions of souls every year.
Sin is just a law meant to keep people behaving. Gluttony was a sin because there wasn't much food to go around back then. Porn doesn't take souls(define). Just your time and sometimes your money.
I am not Jewish.
Guys. This shit is the only positive discovery I've made of such magnitude in many years. But it's really hard. ... Fuck...
167 days.
Shill shillery, Shill shillery, shill shill sherr-ee
A soulless comment, and ree-ing for thee
Shill shillery, Shill shillery, shill shill sherr-oo
If I can't save me, twill be same end for you
Or just touch your pee-pee!
That's lucky too!
Never felt more sure in myself, or my relationship.
Over a year since my last drink too.
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3 days in

the balls are FULL
I was referring to the commenters above you, but congrats! that is some milestone
>Had a sexual dream
>Wasn't a wet dream though

Ayoo I think I'm winning ???
It depends. If the dream was lightly sexual, like dreaming of a naked woman walking down the street and just being there while it happens is one thing. If you mean a sexual dream where you allowed yourself to act out sexually, then you should work on that.
I love gay porn as it always features some of the most beautiful men.
It's a psyop. We all know you fucker. Why you do it?. Cause of the shekels.
I get lewd dreams every week since I'm 12 but I've never had a wet dream
Post nose and we'll see.
Are you a nose fetishist? Ask for dick pics instead.
>Ask for dick pics instead.
truly spoken like someone who won't pose nose
I think I'm like two weeks in. Feeling good.
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Baker, all of your posts are saved and the Jannietrannies have full access to them.
Six days for the first attempt and six for the second. The first failure was caused by edging and long stretches of free time, while the second was due to a feeling of frustration that hit me while working on problems. What was the common factor? I took a peek on the fifth day and edged a little bit. The mental state: powdered. The conclusion: avoid looking and avoid distractions. The new absolute goal: one week; the original goal: one month.
oh man i'm the opposite, i've been recently getting into anime (mainly jjk and bleach)
day 28 today
had a strong urge to go to the asian spa and get jerked off
but I really took a step and looked at the desire and how pointless it is
snapped out of it
>asian spa and get jerked off
is this a thing? Isn't it awkward when the girl gets to that? seems like a bad way to release even if you are technically having a sexual interaction with a woman
and you chose whether or not it robs you of your love right now and today
anon, this was very fun to read. do you have any other advice of this kind?
yeah it is bad but but it's pretty nice when they give you the massage and just seamlessly start massaging your cock
it is more regrettable than jerking off but also more tempting when the thought comes up
I've done it many times and it's more likely to end a streak for me than just a jerk off, I don't have much temptation for that... but that spa, damn
not awkward at all, after I nut I usually don't want to be there and get annoyed but it's not awkward, the ladies are nice
it's very much a thing, they are everywhere
I don't recommend, don't go down that road
I am doing SR, I don't want to release at all; with girl, with myself, with whore etc. all bad
was there ever a time where there was peace and men and women could both be naked?
>it's pretty nice when they give you the massage and just seamlessly start massaging your cock
Isn't there a place where you can get the massage but without the girls touching your penis? I don't think getting a massage is a coomer thing if you just focus on sensation and release muscle tension in the process.
A lot of tribes are still naked. But in the developed world it has never happened.
yeah there are places like that but getting touched by a woman gets me very horny, even if they are old or ugly or fat and I don't want to be massaged by a man
I don't need a massage, just the specific temptation of the asian spa is a real weakness for me, it makes me so horny when I think of it I feel like I will lose my mind and several times have gone there in what seems to be a drunken stupor
Then it is 100% a coomer thing for you. Hope you find the willingness to make the cravings stop somehow. Right now, it seems you are hooked on the craving because you can have the thing, that's a dangerous road. I wish you well.
can I still practice semen retention if Im a tranny, there's technically no more semen in me tho
>no more semen in me
Do you mean you are post-op? If you are pre-op you could practice SR.
Stop drinking as well. It wastes your jing just as much as cooming does. Doing both is just plain awful.
of course it is 100% lust driven
complete coomer animal behavior and the urge just comes out of nowhere even though I know it's a terrible idea
I think it's a progressive horny coomer thing, like I'll be on /trv/ reading threads about thailand or philippines and think of girls there and getting laid and then have memories of getting jerked off in the spa, then start thinking maybe I'll just go get a normal massage but that never happens, always leads to a happy ending
best thing is to just never start the chain of coomerdome, keep the mind pure
I don't drink often, maybe a couple times a year with friends
I wasn't actually drunk, just used that as a metaphor to describe the state I'm in when I find myself going to those places, feels like I'm drunk and out of control but it's all just lust driven
well im not producing sperm anymore so there's nothing to retain
So if you jerk off nothing nothing comes out?
Tried it. Went for 3 months. Relapsed. Can't say i noticed anything different. Just my honest experience, i believe the energy gets stagnated with SR unless you're doing proper transmutation, and i dont think theres anyway to know for sure without a teacher.
Im still against frequent masturbation and porn. Will try it out again but with a focus on purity. I am not convinced by any of the outlandish clams people make here. This is far from the magic pill towards enlightenment, nor is it a shortcut. That work has a lot more to it.
Dont get demoralised by the people with big claims. I believe theyre not being honest/
Even without the benefits of SR, I think your mind will experience a lot of benefits by having the discipline to stop that addiction, especially if you are addicted to porn as well. Psychiatric benefits, dopamine and cognitive related, don't have anything to do with semen. It would be best if you tried it. If you are considering maybe you are worried about being too addicted. It wouldn't hurt to try a 10-day streak or so.
It's fine to ejaculate about once a month as you don't want your reservoir to overflow. Especially if you're putting the desire into your conscious mind of keeping a streak as it will make your desire to break it more apparent as well. If you just put it in the back of your mind, and keep in mind to not abuse sex as it's a waste of jing you will get better results. It was also common knowledge in the late 1800s and early 1900s that abstaining from would lead to better athletic performance throughout the person's entire life. Hackenschmidt talks about it, and how athletes who didn't abstain would be washed up by their 30s. Whereas the men who would abstain could still perform into their 50s and 60s. Hackenschmidt himself was able to run 7 minute miles, and bench 150 lbs in his 80s.
>It's fine to ejaculate about once a month
post nose
90% of people who frequent this general ejaculate about once every other day
That somewhat tracks with my experience. I do think there is legitimacy to pure SR, but the way people go about it is wrong and ultimately they either plateau, or they face blockages in their body and makes stuff worse.
You mean as in still edging and watching porn? or can you fuck up other things
Edging and watching porn will almost certainly lead to blockages. If you're edging and watching porn while doing SR then you're simple indulging in a cum denial masochistic fetish.
But just doing SR without a solid meditative/spiritual practise daily, can also lead to issues, i believe. The energy stagnates and builds up instead of flowing, and with no outlet, this will cause issues.
Including women.
Believe it or not, but the OP is a woman.
Women don't ejaculate.
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Made it to two weeks without masturbating or looking at porn sites. Did peek but I quickly got in control. The dialogue method helped immensely with that. If I make it to three weeks then it has literally been two years since I had a streak of that length. Its been a dark hole.
Breaking through feels so good bro.
the balls are filling up as we speak
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Beat my previous stretch of 3 months a week or so ago. The plan now is to double it, and after that double again. After a year, it's permanent until I can make a living off of donating my unvaxxed sperm. This will happen before 2030, guaranteed.
I lost count, but I think I'm two weeks in. The sexual urges aren't even bothering me very much. I'm just getting more and more frustrated. It's like my perception filter isn't blunted so I'm picking up on subtle nuances of my environment. Hopefully this will pass and I won't be angry all of the time
You don't have to look at something to delete it. If you're using windows there are options not to display thumbnails or images, instead they appear with a generic file type icon.

You can even just delete whole folders without going into them.
This reminds me of talks I've seen given by recovered addicts, about how their mind would lead them, unconsciously, into position to receive whatever their drug happened to be.
They're on my phone but i think ill just delete them tomorrow or something...
>tfw I'm 8 months in and still have hundreds hentai/porn images on my phone I still have yet to delete
To be fair I hardly look through my phone for images, except for recent ones (which are all pure porn-free). Whenever I do see them I delete them, but I mainly don't bother because there's so many of them and I have better stuff to do
Just do it while eating breakfast, some unsexy time with no opportunity for nonsense. Without the emotional investment, the images could just as well be of anything.

Delete delete delete.
im more worried that seeing all the tranny porn i have saved will make me jealous of them again and have to spend like a whole day getting intrusive thoughts
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>jealous of trannies
ive been retaining for about 6 years now
just got back from the doc and apparently theres a lump on my prostate
they dont know what it is but they're taking a biopsy im fucking scared guys
It's kind of sad to see the effort of shills deteriorate so much. I almost feel inclined to give them some advice on how to do a better job.
You either have a very low libido or you're very sedentary, 3 months without benefits is insane
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Did you get a deeper voice in about a week? Or at any point?
I hope you're not thinking for new excuses, anons. New Thread:

the only true reason to do sr is to cure porn addiction. everything else is cope.
Recently got a gf who's mad in love with me and out of nowhere got 3 girl friends hinting to marriage and complimenting me and an other telling me if I'd consider dating her friend and setting a date up which I refused.
It's only the nagging and them wanting too much attention that make me enjoy being single.
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>Girls there
Anon... I..
>dialogue method
Until I started SR, I never realized how much I unconsciously touch my dick, shit’s scary - I could be just laying down, watching some cooking videos or whatever and my right hand just drifts towards my crotch so it can rest on top of it.

I used to think SR was mostly a meme with a small grain of truth in it but now, I think I’m gonna go all in - it feels like my hand is being controlled by something that’s not me and it disturbs me greatly.

Also had a weird dream - nothing sexual happened but I was in bed and just ejaculated, felt like nothing though and it wasn’t a wet dream either. I’m only a week in and haven’t had any strong urges yet - shit’s weird.
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People are so evil... The university environment is so hostile. I pray that my ongoing retention strengthens my resistance to evil. I had extreme ideations of suicide and violence today. I loathe myself for it every time it happens.
Your picrel completely undermines your post, why are you doing this?
>I pray that my ongoing retention strengthens my resistance to evil.
It will, I promise.
>I had extreme ideations
You are not your thoughts. Don't let them control you and how you really feel, in fact, start arguing with them internally using positive affirmations. When they arise think "No, I'm completely at peace and a beacon of light and love in this world."
Recognize all the good you've done.
Recognize that you are not evil and not of this world.
You're so much better.
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The treachery of eyes, like wild lions' might,
When left unattended, they leap into sight.
And he who averts his gaze from their charm,
Finds in his heart a spirit, calm and warm.
oh wow, chat codes in magic can get really gay
Is that drinking as in alcohol taking Jing away?
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Got it. Let's get this done
Wim hof breathing, eating lots of vegetables/low carb diet, daily walks

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