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Welcome to the Semen Retention General!
No Excuses, No Expulsion Edition!

>What is Semen Retention?
Semen retention is the practice of completely abstaining from masturbation and ejaculation, often with the intention of preserving and redirecting vital and sexual energy to oneself.

>Why do it?
Reported benefits include: increased vitality, mental clarity, reduced stress, increased motivation, increased energy, improved focus, healthier hair/skin/eyes, deeper meditation, improved AP/Lucid Dreams, deeper voice, improved mood, greatly improved testosterone, improved physical strength and many more.

>Wet Dreams?
They happen because you had a sexual dream and you coomed. Learn to be conscious on your dreams and stop the succubus.

>What causes wet dreams?
The causes are many: Illnesses, telepathic bad actors fucking with your dreams, excess energy build up, watching too much sexually-inducing stuff, lusting during the day, lack of an adequate transmutation activity, eating too late at night, excess nutrients overall, stimulants like maca, ginseng, ginger, excess protein, excess carbs, tight clothes (pajamas) for bedtime, bad sleeping posture (this varies, find the one that suits you best), going to bed with full bladder, exposure to hormonal disruptors via food (pesticides...) or body care products (soap, deodorant etc)...

Previous Thread >>38676632
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>In case of urges:
- https://imgur.com/gallery/g4eGH
- Don't peek and Hold your breath for as long as you possibly can. The urge usually pass after that. If not, repeat.
- Horse stance or chair pose: Do it while clenching the abdomen and all legs' muscles, raise arms for extra blood flow redirection. Works both for killing erections or urges.
- Any physical activity.

On long clean streaks many report benefits that transcend current science like a sort of "magnetism" or higher "vibration/aura" that attracts/appeals to other living beings, a higher perception, a stronger and intimidating "aura/presence", a deeper connection with nature, an attractive BO (people usually report it as "pheromones") and more.

- Mental Purity 1.1: Semen Retention acts as a bio-electromagnetic amplifier. Watch the quality of your thoughts because your inner state will get amplified and manifested. Lust is the Ojas killer. Do not engage with Lust.
- Mental Purity 1.2: Keep a journal as a tool for introspection.
- NEVER watch porn of any kind.
- Remove triggers from your life. Masturbation is a bad habit. Break that bad habit.
- Focus on achieving a goal. An art, a craft, competing, etc.
- Meditate and/or Pray Daily. Try a minimum of 5 minutes to start off.
- Exercise/Gym/Sports/Martial Arts. If it is something social even better.
- Good habits like healthy eating, water fasting, dry fasting, sun exposure and cold showers do seem to speed up the process.
- Sublimation: literally using the energy.
- Transmutation: changing the quality of energy to something different. (Surya Namaskara, 8 brocades, Tibetan rites)
- Avoid stimulant drugs such as caffeine or adderall
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Keep in mind that the efferent nerves attached to your testes necessarily means that any lustful thought, image, or sound is necessarily a command to your junk to produce sexual fluids and this is the reason why celibacy is first and foremost of the mind
The root of this entire matter is the mind - without conquering the mind, celibacy is a futile effort
The signals from the brain happen on the subconscious autonomic level
This is why any lustful thought, image, or sound is necessarily a command to the sexual organs to produce sexual fluids (the more intently you look, the higher amplitude of a signal gets sent: body > afferent nerves > brain > efferent nerves > body)
Therefore "Conversion of sexual energy to something" is necessarily a HORRIBLY inefficient process (Not to confuse with Sexual Transmutation)
Fluids will be reabsorbed, but the energy and materials cost to make it vs how much is "taken back" via reabsorption is SEVERELY unbalanced and super net negative
Sexual fluids are made from the cream of the crop of the body's resources - constantly generating them means that you are constantly draining away the cream of the crop of your resources.
Taoist writings said that the sexual organs will even take primacy over nourishing your other internal organs at some point. (Thus, doing a spiritual practice as a coomer is a surefire way to die faster).

>/SRG/ interesting reads
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Scientific evidence:

Periodic changes in serum testosterone levels after ejaculation in men

Influence of abstinence and ejaculation-to-analysis delay on semen analysis parameters of suspected infertile men

Improved sperm kinematics in semen samples collected after 2 h versus 4-7 days of ejaculation abstinence

Influence of a short or long abstinence period on semen parameters in the ejaculate of patients with nonobstructive azoospermia

Seasonal changes in breeding activity, testicular size, testosterone concentration and seminal characteristics in rams with long or short breeding season

Shorter abstinence decreases sperm deoxyribonucleic acid fragmentation in ejaculate

Endocrine response to masturbation-induced orgasm in healthy men following a 3-week sexual abstinence

Relationship between sexual satiety and brain androgen receptors

A research on the relationship between ejaculation and serum testosterone level in men
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It’s always good to remember why /x/ is the most accurate place for this topic: semen retention is one of the clearest paranormal inducing thing of all the other topics discussed on /x/. It’s a sacred practice that has been the one of the main focuses in every major religion or spiritual practices. The mystical side of it is what we try to focus on in here.

Semen retention can be political issue too and it would then belong to /pol/. The porn industry is a tool made by the jews to deterioate the societies and corrupt the people. The porn works in ways that program new sets of behaviour in its audience and the audience is hooked to it because of its strong addictive qualities. The most important goal for porn’s male audience was and is the releasing of their semen. As we now know, the disadvantages of cooming are heavy: a man becomes less of a man, he gets sick and weak, his mind numbed, he will have impotence issues etc. Also his spirit almost dies.

Semen retention is beneficial to make one healthier and stronger, more fit, if you will. So the topic could be discussed on /fit/. Anyone looking for more ways to get fitness gains would benefit hugely from the SR.

Also the SR has so many other benefits that it could be discussed in the /adv/ board. These would be topics how it improves one’s social life, mental state, makes more time to be more productive etc.

But I think the biggest benefits of SR are something mystical in nature and the whole practice is fundamentally something very close to spiritual side of things. All the other topics in here /x/ are left far behind and SR actually makes this board of any relevancy. This is also known by the enemy and they make strong efforts to suppress, hijack, twist and end this discussion.
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Starve the shillery.
No attention for them.
No replies.

(Pro tip > Hide shill posts: Click on the arrow next to the post number, click 'Hide', Comfy.)
Breathwork is makes SR 1000% easier

Check these vids if you are a beginner


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u have to retain that semen.

because ur a non-slave soul in a slave-body in a slave-world, by being merely this ur already having much tension every single day, spiritual n physical, to deal with daily wageslavery, then to deal with people, and all the other stuff thats either bullshit or not. life is much. u retain this semen because u need to handle this suckass current life first.

if u have any suicidal ideation or bad dealings with people or handling the worlds mechanery at all, u have to retain the semen. it doesnt destroy the problems all completely, but hell it does make things manageable and u see this is true the longer u go, sounds unbelievable but other anons will say the same.

if ur a weekly relapser heed me and go longer trust this. get the month.
now go down the bigger rabbit hole of semen until you get to the part where women are only biological
and are literal, biological stargates, that rip you from the void into being. (you're supposed to use the "fire" created from sexual pleasure to transmute it into , not to expell it) (promethean fire)
want to end your truman show?
don't cum (have kids), simple as
>they say sex is fine, it's the orgasm that's dangerous
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I will post all of them, but page 2 is what I am talking about
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people in cult know this, just look at jeffery epstein,
assuming the pic related is true
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I have 2 questions if anyone would please help or give me your insight.

1. I keep a piece of paper with 30 boxes on it that i cross off trying to hit the 30 day mark clean, if I have just one tiny slip up i end up throwing the paper out and edging.. I can't seem to break out of this, should I just write the date down and put it somewhere out of reach and sight? I feel like counting the days is assuming its grudgery or like being in jail and coutning the days til im out?

2. I have a uncut penis and i've noticed from the hours of edging/gooning that my penis isn't as sensitive as it used to be when i was younger nor as healthy looking, Does abstaining help the health/look of the penis? I just want it to look healthy as a i retain ( gives me a purpose to retain ) as I feel as if i've damaged it from all the touching and abuse over the years.

Thanks for any input guys, WAGMI!!!
Counting the days does make it feel like something bad when it's not, yet it is motivating to know you've made it 20 days, 30 days, etc.
I'm trying to loosely keep track of the days. Not focus too much on the number. Maybe start on the first of a month so you can just look at a calender and know how long it's been without actively keeping track of the days.

I am uncut as well. My glans used to be so sensitive as a kid that I could only softly touch it. That does return to an extent. I want to say the healthier look as well.
Based edit love it
Fantastic knowledge, but ultimately then I will have to find a wife to enjoy sex with but never orgasm with her?
I will continue to retain for it's own benefits, but while this is great knowledge it is also slightly black pilling because having the willpower to have sex without any orgasm is very difficult, and so is finding a good woman these days. Good, and not vaxxed.
Very insightful nonetheless, maybe after a time the right woman for me will come along. I've had a few but none that would in anyway appreciate this kind of knowledge or practice.
Just note down the 1st day, that way you dont have to look at it daily and can calculate the days later when you get curious
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I'm still doing research into that aspect of it so I'm definitely no expert, take my words with a grain of salt
Essentially you can do the same thing with masturbation
Except when I started going into it I was finding out that this Jezebel (Lilith for Christians) spirit that was written in the texts
And she's the Eve part of man that can share the "Divine knowledge" "gnosis"
But she doesn't (she meaning the act of masturbation) give you all of it, she kind of tricks you and toys with you
Again obvious parables are obvious and I'm still trying to find and read more about this
It will be my eighteenth day of nofap today.
Does a prostate orgasm count as a relapse, I have heared there is no refractory period and no comedown, so no spiritual energy wasted, I heared even it might boost your energy.
Semen doesn't model 1:1 to sexual energy, seminal fluid is closer but even that's not 1 to 1. Ultimately if you tried to find a physical equivalent to sexual energy you would need to make a complex system of hormones, receptors, nerves, minerals etc...
>Ultimately if you tried to...
I got no clue what you just told me means/implies
You said there's no spiritual energy wasted with a prostate orgasm, I'm saying it's more complex than that and possibly not even physical at all
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Sup' baker. Particularly good bread we have today.
us after the great happening
I see, I'm skeptical about edging and tend to lean on it being more harmful than good, but it definitely does provoke the sexual energies if you don't release, and it lasts a while.
The first image posted above says "or if one is single, learning to control the energy through ancient techniques long forgotten by contemporary priests in the Western traditions (pranayama - Sanskrit).
I'm guessing this means breathing and meditation techniques, like the breathing links posted by the baker.
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I agree with meditation and breathing 100%, but also remember you need to stoke the fire (stroke the penis) to produce enough "spiritual" heat to transmute whatever you put in it
Also I think words / voice carry power as well
and using the vibrational frequencies / wave oscillations have some sort of power
>pic related
I am really into what is called Neutrino Oscillations, and reading / researching about them has helped a lot with understanding vibrational stuff
everyone calls out CERN, but the one thing I never hear anons talk about are the big Neutrino Machines that are also underground, just like CERN
another interesting parallel with various cultural texts, is that usually the first thing "God" (not "god") does is breathe / create "the Word" which is the start of "creation"
>"Vibration and Manifestation: Brahman’s breathe is sometimes depicted as a vibration or wave of existence, emanating from the ultimate reality and giving rise to the manifest world."
interesting stuff to go into nonetheless
>Day 52 of SR
>Day 5 of Castor Oil shenanigans - oiling a piece of cloth every so often throughout the day, then wrapping it around my junk; started to apply it all over my body after showering the last two days due to the other benefits it has
>Since men have almost no information about keeping castor oil packs on their penis/balls I'm testing it out
>4 weeks on 1,200mg Sunflower Lecithin
>5 days on 30mg of Zinc
>Third dose of 5,000 IU Vitamin D3
>This whole month I've mostly been frustrated and easily irritated; it toned down almost completely this week, back to being as cool as a cucumber, and just laughing while I accept doom at times
>I can definitely tell that there's an increase of testosterone, but it's almost "subtle"
>Mostly related to the Castor Oil being spread lower than I'd like - BMs are wicked
>Days have gotten significantly longer, right now I've almost been up for ~20 hours, and now just winding down
>Three times this week I've almost gotten to the point of having spontaneous cooming while awake
>Porn addiction is kicking my ass - while I have no desire to masturbate and don't, it's "easier" to get a control over myself
>Porn is truly mental masturbation; it stresses me out, and my eyes actually HURT the longer I see it (I think this is due to spirituality, and ig I made a covenant with my eyes while reading the psalm aloud)
>Smol strength increase
>Oddly enough, craving an increase of fruit and vegetables
>The Bad: There's oil stains on my underwear and bed (^:
While this is my longest streak on SR, I'm kind of just in the limbo mode of "waiting" for benefits to "produce their fruits." While I wouldn't want to return to my coomer lifestyle agane, and really do not want due to heavy spiritual implications, I just... Have a hard time currently seeing the benefits of SR overall.
There's a slight aggression that's brewing, especially when I'm disrespected, but other than that, I'm just wondering if the benefits are in the room with us right now...
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Sup' fren. Thank you, I hope you enjoy the edit as well.
another thing, is that in free masonry, they say God is the "Master Craftsman"
>but also remember you need to stoke the fire
There's also a lot of "sex magik" involved with free masonry
pretty much they tell you, you are to be your own Master Craftsman (Alchemist / Magician [Hermes Trismegistus])
to Transmute your inner Energies, (many different names include; fire, Promethean Fire, the Holy Spirit, sexual energy)
[since it's about sex magik to them]
>pic related is Free Masonry introduction
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Its us now and its us later fren
I don't think you need to edge, you can build up libido a lot through food supplements alone, I think the key is to keep the streak high libido at all times, ab exercises and cardio increase libido a lot too
Be careful with zinc supplementation, it lowers your copper
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I don't understand why people are taking supplements to feel good. If anything I'm eating less shit and more juicy stuff. I've almost gone full mongol diet and it feels great. Daily intake:
>750-1kg of meat
>500ml of milk
>1.5-2L non-fluoridated water
>200gr cheese
>handful of nuts (hazelnuts/walnuts)
A little olive oil, but I think I might go butter for that extra juiciness.

inb4 this is unhealthy
Go eat what my food eats like the cattle you are.
if you work out your legs, do your arms get bigger?
if you don't work the part of your body (penis), it doesn't work produce the results (fire)
you cannot produce the same kind of energy through food and exercise
and why did you think "stroking" was just masturbation?
what happens to your penis when you go in and out of a vagina?
does the vagina not "stroke" your penis?
I feel like your stuck in the "no fap cult" part of no fap
nothing about this is supernatural nor paranormal. fucks sake. no wonder everyone worth a shit left this board years ago. i come back for one day and this bullshit is on the front page? just go to fucking reddit nofap you idiots.
All this mental gymnastics just to say you enjoy stroking your penis so much you rather not stop. Nobody is forcing you to walk down the same road. It's okay if you want to keep edging while retaining even though a lot of us don't recommend, but please, don't make a bigger fool of yourself. We already have people like the anon above this post.
I am assuming you are this poster >>38691887
in your post you admitted to having to get a wife?
I am the one confused here, and no I've been apart of these threads before they were generals lmao. . . stop being passive aggressive
I was merely continuing the conversation we were having and not forcing other anons to do anything, merely presenting information in relation to the conversation, if you want to start curating information then you have become the very poster you complain about
if you took it the wrong way, well, that's on you, mediate more on this
I have to be totally honest, I am not a fed, I am not a demoralizer, do what works for you.
With that said, I was on an incidental 2 month nofap streak because I moved to a new city (plus I had like 2 weeks abstinence before the move) and I decided that I didn’t want to fap in my new apartment. This was my longest streak ever, I was also not having sex.
I finally fapped for the first time like last week? I was quite literally tormented by horny demons for an hour and I had work in the morning, so I got it over with.
I feel exactly the same now as I did during my abstinence streak. Some days on my streak, I felt great, some days on my streak I felt like an absolute shit freak. Really it just depended on the day and my approximate chemical/neurotransmitter happenstance that day - the same way it felt when I fapped 2-3x per week. This is with multiple days of lifting a week, and a body I am (should be) happy with, a body that gets compliments from those around me and strangers.
Stop chasing porn, streak counts, and personal fap guilt, which is a deadly negative placebo and yes you hold on to this on purpose, and eventually you will be free.
To expound on fap guilt:
You use masturbation and porn use as an excuse, a tool, as to why you are unsatisfied with your life. Job interview didn’t go well? It must’ve been the fapping! Dating life dry? It must be because females can smell when I fap! Feeling awkward in social situations? It must be because I masturbated yesterday!
Instead of blaming your problems on an arbitrarily negative stimuli, recognize your actual faults and find ways to improve yourself in other meaningful ways - and, through this development of self and achievement of personal satisfaction, you will wish to fap less, too.
I am this poster >>38693917 and not the other anon. You and the phoneposters above this post sure love making assumptions and retarded claims, huh?
why even make that post then? doesn't the OP say just ignore? I left my last post with "mediate more on this" and ended my part and was about to leave
what part of when I said "I am assuming you are this poster" did you not get? I said that to literally make sure I was talking to the same anon
If you are not the poster, all you had to do was say "no I'm not him" then it would've ended there
>now I WILL be a sarcastic dick
does the OP not say to just ignore the shills? why even respond? like I said the conversation ended with the last post, all you had to say was "I'm not him"
so this is the power you have attained? being a passive aggressive little sⲟyboy?
I guess you don't even follow your own thread rules
I will be the better man here and say, "Good bye."
Just FYI
This was me
And this
and this comment itself, that's it.
Originally I was just questioning retention from the perspective of the posted image and how the divine alchemical union of masculine and feminine can be achieved without a wife.
Where did you get this idea that edging is required for results? It's used in some sex magick rituals sure but it sounds more like an excuse to fap if you're not actually initiated into the order that those rituals are performed in.
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Kek! I haven't been sarcastic with any word I said to you. Instead you keep making more assumptions and retarded claims.
This post >>38691105 is indeed meant for anons to focus on the prize, by not responding to shills, as said shills have tendencies to annoy people. However, who am I or any other anon seriously practicing SR to tell them not to have fun at the expense of them?

Passive aggressiveness is your sword, my weapon is a bow of facts and an arrow of truth.
chronic masturbator detected
no shame though,just stop touching your shit
>Stomach acid retention
>Don’t vomit
>Proceeds to stir toothbrush down throat against uvula
>”I’m just training my gag-reflex”
stop counting days
if you fail take a slip of paper and run it through between the fingers of the hand that you used to self rape.
It is better to cut your hand than to waste semen.
just broke my 29 day streak by getting jacked off by some big titted young asian chick with tattoos in an asian spa that didn't look at all like a rub n tug
barely even advertised massage, mostly like reflexology, hot stone massage, chinese healing n shit, signs were all in chinese
she got nude and we rubbed bodies together and I sucked her tits as she played with my dick n body for 30 mins then cranked my hog at the end
goddamn it was good but now I'm scared I will be addicted
we shall see, just staying present and not feeling any shame
back on the train though
also we made out
your post really highlights your ignorance of the practice as a whole
you're taking it at face value,this is not the way of the retainer
you're doing nofap for the likes,a real semen retainer will remain content in body and mind/spirit
you're vividly describing your experience, because you're either larping or a raging coomer,you need to take care of your mentality in both cases
Captcha: XRXYAY
god dammit i purposely entered /gif
but my spirit stopped me on my tracks after a couple of minutes
the grip of pornography is just something else
i advise you to NEVER underestimate the power of sensuality/eroticism,we all get delusional at some point and think that the war is already won just for the bad habits to strike again and gain the upper hand (speaking from experience)
always stay on guard, stay vigilant
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forgot pic
you're spot on and I'm doing this to heal, I detailed my experience here as catharsis
do I want to go back and do it again? the coomer in me would. Do I want to be a coomer? NO
I am trying to heal from being this horny animal fool but I am being honest here in this thread because I don't want to share these experiences with friends and family and I feel I need to get it out somewhere
I know I have failed the practice but being ashamed and beating myself up (which I have done thousands of times) doesn't help
I hope I can accept this experience, repent and move on and not have to repeat it
My goal is to remain content in mind and spirit, of course, but at times I break down, regretfully
Anyway, you're right, you're right
I will try to do better
yeah i know... But that's genuinely what I felt the other day when i accidentally saw some pictures, and idk, felt some sort of resentment seeing how some guys can at least just look the part of a girl... i keep thinking on and off that if i could really push a button or something to be fine with being a man or turning into a girl i dont think i could really talk myself out of that...
Lately ive been feeling more or less fine I think if I try to avoid thinking about this topic too deelply (i still dislike seeing myself in the mirror and it causes me to obsess over it again more often than not) but it feels like trying to ignore it while it avoids too many negative feelings the fact i really did feel such a deep jealousy within myself seeing guys just be able to... look "different" i guess, means that well there's no fixing being done yet to my mind.
But I've been sleeping pretty badly lately too so idk
>but being ashamed and beating myself up (which I have done thousands of times) doesn't help
there's nothing i despite more than a hypocrite,and I'm no hypocrite
I'm telling you this because I've been through the same fucking thing(in my case it was a couple of pictures of nude women and my good old left hand)
i felt fucking devastated after,like I've betrayed myself again.
that doesn't mean jack shit as long as you're willing to get back up and resume the fight.
old habits are nearly impossible to kill,let alone habits that has been reinforced for literally YEARS
not week, months,but YEARS.
but the indomitable human spirit WILL come on top,and each one of us will make it as long as we don't dwell on our mistakes for long.
why in the fuck would you want to be a girl?
I'm not gonna use the typical negative vocabulary that's always used around here with you as long as you're being honest and straightforward.
on a scale of 1 to 10 how addicted to porn are you?
amen brother, that's why I'm right back on semen retention
no wallowing in pity or bingeing porn and jerking off cause I already broke the streak and now nothing matters
i am right back at it until I conquer this demon
>why in the fuck would you want to be a girl?
because of mental illness/demonic possession as anons would say, but i feel that i would just like myself better as a girl, and that... idk, that being born as a male was a mistake, or at least that's how i started feeling when i was growing up
>on a scale of 1 to 10 how addicted to porn are you?
well right now i havent seen porn for like a month and i have no real desire to, but before i put my mind to it i guess it would be a 10, but maybe it was just a masturbation addiction since i just chose not to watch porn and it wasnt that hard, but I kept masturbating more than 3 times a day without it... But I started having tranny feelings before watching porn I think
Jacking off every month is basically the same as SR. Without following a proper spiritual path under the guidance of a teacher, SR at best leads to excess energy naturally leaving the body, and at worst, stagnates and causes blockages.
You'll notice, most people here unironically think that SR is ITSELF a spiritual path, but its not, they are deeply delusional

If people were honest with themselves, they'd realise the problem is actually masturbating frequently, and rapidly to porn. Masturbating slowly, to the imagination, and being deeply present, increases virility far more than being a pathetic christcuck that whines about repentance over muh sins all day.
Dude, this isn't the place for you. Your brain is currently FUCKED. The way you're wired is all wrong. Not cumming isn't gonna change that. You need to deal with ur mental issues directly.

Although you do reveal how fucking retarded this entire community is. It's a bunch of deranged coomers who want to feel some sort of superiority over normies with healthy sexual habits.

I would say I've been on a spiritual journey for like 15 years now
I think the rewards and prizes of SR are just another ego game and another reason for the ego to beat itself up, to stay detached and just witness the play of duality and all the funny games the ego tries to play is they key here so I'm not worried about breaking the streak
And what have you been doing those 15 years? Simply vaguely thinking about spiritual stuff isnt enough, i am talking about actual daily practise
"Brahmacharya" translates to The Ultimate Path
Brahmacharya is also a lot more than simply not touching your penis.
Yeah it also involves not engaging in any erotic thoughts too
Guys, it turns out if you turn off the internet the sex demons can't get to you.
And much, much more.
It doesn't involve cumming every month
It's incredible that spirituality is just cumming and dicks to you.
I am not a Brahmachari, and never claimed I was. You are not either.
Ok, still not cooming
Good for you bud. Now work on your sexual dysfunction next.
>spirituality is just cumming and dicks to you.
It is to me. I highly value everything male related.
Alright spent-15-years-to-find-an-excuse-to-jack-off man
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As dumb as it sounds, you're mostly correct.
We're told to flee from lust, and if lust is mainly from computer screens, then just turn off the screen like you were getting bullied.
It doesn't help the others who might actually go commit sexual acts when they know the right spots though.
There do be some times where it's important to sit back and see the whole picture of: Am I creating this issue myself ? But many don't want to reflect, or don't get to that point of thinking.
>You need to deal with ur mental issues directly.
How? this is the only real way i could think of
> It's a bunch of deranged coomers who want to feel some sort of superiority over normies with healthy sexual habits.
i'm just trying to become a normie with healthy sexual habits myself...
Don't listen to him, if you want to be a troon you're just in love with the idea of being one, pick some other goal to love, if doubt or anguish comes up from the previous idea don't identify with those thoughts as being you, just observe them with your awareness neutrally till they dissolve, that's the main way your subconscious will understand to stop spamming them, semen retention will increase the harmony between the conscious and subconscious so keep at it
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WTF I come back and you assumed I was talking about YOU being sarcastic? I meant it was time for ME to be sarcastic LMFAO I was talking about myself
looks like you ASSUMED just like me?
look at that retard, proceeded to give me (you)s
seriously dude, you need to just step back and meditate
>Passive aggressiveness is your sword, my weapon is a bow of facts and an arrow of truth
you giving me mass replies says otherwise sⲟyboy lmao
also, a bow doesn't stop your buddy from stabbing you in the back when he joined team sword
>proven before time
Furthermore, everyone has compulsive thoughts of some nature, it can take a while to dissasociate from them, but just try not reacting to dysphoric thoughts, staying completely neutral when they pop into your head, and see if it helps
>Ur Durr just love something else
Fucking retard. Never post on /x/again.
For starters avoid porn, you seem to be doing that already. Honestly I can't even begin to imagine what wanting to become a troon would look like. Next would be to meditate , be conscious of your thoughts and starve the troon spirit of your thoughts.
I'm not sure exactly what need is fulfilled by being a troon. Perhaps you cannot connect with Ur feminine self properly, or you're avoiding being masculine. Go hit the gym or something.
I'd finally recommend the book "feeding your demons", perhaps Tibetan Buddhist practises will help.
This is just a guideline. If there's a community for recovering troon freaks then join it, no one here is qualified to give you good advice
Day 15, I feel better than I have in a long time and I haven't even been that productive. I thought the benefits were bullshit guys, wtf?
Recommended the same thing I did but got mad in the process award
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I've noticed my mind(lower/addict self) goes into overdrive if I acknowledge any significant progress. In the last thread I posted that I had finally made it to two weeks and then I later felt lonely and went to an AI chatbot site which has a bunch of explicit images for the character tags. Anyways I chatted to some, saw a lot of nsfw stuff in browsing but I did not focus on it. Later that evening my mind went into overdrive for a while with intrusive porn thoughts and porn scene flashbacks. Also my mind nagging to me things like: "You fucked up your streak now, tainted it with those images on the chat site, go jerk off and reset the counter." etc.

All that AI slop shit is 2D and I was never really into that side of things much. 3D porn has a much more greater effect on me and I can really feel it the following day if I binge watch porn. Its almost a hazy hangover like effect/depressive heaviness feeling. Today I feel no such thing so I won't be resetting anything but I will be far more vigilant and careful.
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I'm never gonna bust again. Guilty balls have got no semen.
You know tibetan buddhist monks aren't allowed to masturbate right
no I am the 15 year jacking off spiritual guy
different anon, I haven't responded to you yet since this post
what have I done? idk had several mergers with God, realized I am all of existence having this human experience
realized I am nothing
realized you are just a thought, nothing more than words on this screen and you will never be more than that
but you are also this whole illusion and all of its facets of being
also I know that I've done this all before an infinite amount of times and this game/movie was perfectly scripted for my every unique weird little nuanced desire, teasing me, edging me, holding back all the greatness to come because the anticipation is more enjoyable than the outcome
we are flesh beings now, eternally I am spiritual, there's no harm in coming here and experiencing the flesh for a time, it will pass too, I'm not too worked up over it all
how are you doing? what did you learn?
Your body freaks out whenever you have a concrete view of progress because it's programmed to view unusual behavior as dangerous, dont think about the day count
Lol I caught that, also don't forget to never post here again >durrrr
that's fine brah but everyone is on a different level and SR helps a ton in developing meditation skill
No you didn't, but I'm sure you'll copy what I said here to others, you're a fan.
Again, the average SR moron really thinks penis and cum is the be all and end all of spirituality
And no, some sects of vajrayana Buddhism do have tantric masturbation practises. Interestingly, it's these antinomian sects that have power in tibet and Japan, but that's a little too much for this place.
This is such banal bullshit. "Merger with god" kek doing shrooms doesn't count
If it's a little too much for this place then why are you shilling so hard
Because it quite literally is too much. The self flaggelating christcucks who have a fetish for repentance will never even begin to fathom it.
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>>38696599 >>38696695 >>38696695
>if you want to be a troon you're just in love with the idea of being one
its not really that... i really think being trans is just a lie, if i thought it worked... well i think i'd be one, or that maybe i'd have become one already if my life was idfferent, but i do think i would feel better about myself if i looked like a girl at least... though its not what i would really want
>semen retention will increase the harmony between the conscious and subconscious so keep at it
yeah im not thinking of stopping...
>but just try not reacting to dysphoric thoughts, staying completely neutral when they pop into your head, and see if it helps
I really try to but the best i can manage is trying to ignore them otherwise i feel disgust at looking at a mirror, or some days ive had so far that sleeping is really difficult because of the discomfort i feel over my body
>Perhaps you cannot connect with Ur feminine self properly, or you're avoiding being masculine.
its more of a mix of hating being a man and wanting to be a woman, if that makes sense, so maybe both? idk
>Go hit the gym or something.
i try to exercise daily
I have always been God, there is no way to separate, just had forgotten it for most of this life
part of the fun
what is an example of something that isn't banal? inspire me
The fuck? Post gay porn. Men are hotter
yes, everything in this universe was created by me and now I've nestled myself in a warm and normal human body
of course this human body can not do any of that, all of it was mapped and created before time begin, it's an eternal loop actually
but yeah, this is just my ride, my dream
maybe in time there will be a session of this human body or another doing those miracles
but for now it is just all about separation, being powerless, insignificant, surrounded by people, basically the opposite of being All that is for eternity.
I am not a woman. I am a man. Want to penetrate a man and grab onto his very fuckin soul. I want to fuckin eat a man alive.
It is pretty interesting to see how quickly this general got popular here after it was semi common in /pol.
Day 4 comes to and end with little complications. Reading massage parlor anon this morning sent my imagination over the cliff for a few minutes but luckily I was at work and could clamp it down. I almost let my curiosity drag me to check if there were any in my area.
Hey guys. I finally deleted my porn folder and all porn I had saved. I didn't want to do it for a long time but I did it. Thanks you to this general for being the catalyst for finally making some progress cutting down on masturbating. I've felt it was wrong since before I started.
Well done anon. Now look for activities to fill that hole, otherwise it will drag you back in.
You may have been one with god. But you are not God incarnate. That's Jesus Christ.
>"Brahmacharya" translates to The Ultimate Path
Hate to see these mistranslations
Brahma == The Supreme God, The All, The Absolute
Charya == literally means chariot
Literally means Chariot of God, as in == your individuated being becomes the Charya (the vehicle) through which God (Brahma) operates.
Sanskrit is a very simple language, we can't allow ourselves these aberrant mistranslations.
If anything I notice your progress. You seem to have greater willpower and clarity (judging by how you reply to other anons, but I could be wrong). Keep at it, as I’m really curious to notice more of your progress in the coming weeks.
I have been fapping to porn+weed for a couple of years and I can tell my life has been declining. I'm sexually active but I just can't enjoy sex anymore and I have basically no vitality, to the point I'm far less productive and lazy in the gym as well.
Been trying to go cold turkey several times with little success. I think porn should be the first thing to go but it's so damn hard when I'm bombarded by sexually esplicit images all the time.
Yes I agree that semen retention has a cascade of good effects that start from a biological reasoning down to more spiritual ones and I truly wish to improve my life.
Any tips for this anon?
Start eating healthy first. Cut out stimulants first like caffeine, bad sugars, excessive carbohydrates, drink water only, etc. Afterwards you should notice a slightly less appeal to smoke weed. Worked for me, as I was in a similar position.
Appreciated, but why does it give several different translations if you try to google it
How many months of clean SR to reverse hair loss?
Maybe it's a bit random and doesn't belong to a SR thread but does anyone feel a sort of guiding force that prevents you from making dumb mistakes?
After retaining for 2 weeks, I've done it again I'm sorry...

But now, I'm making this irreversible decision to quit starting today.

I've been reading the 'easypeasy' method for some time now.. and I mean I get it now, I've been brainwashed by so long and I now realize that it's just me justifying the emptiness inside me.

So yeah, fuck it, I totally quit... that's all man
If we're talking about the part where you do have hair, but has thinned out: at least half a year. When it comes to completely bald spots: Try years. I'm at 8 months and only since a few weeks have I noticed a slight difference.
Gotta clean your liver to do that, SR will help because you don't flood your liver with nasty hormones you produce when you ejaculate, however it won't be enough by itself

Low fat raw vegan diet + SR should do the trick
It will be my nineteenth day of nofap today.
5th day baby!

Just gotta keep pushing it!
19 days no death grip
Jesus Christ is a character in this story, just as the human whom I perceive this reality through is a character in this story. Not sure if I lived as Jesus, don't think there would be a point to that, he's just a character to add to the plotline, background decoration, just like you and everyone else. The spotlight is on this human, this character, this weirdo freak haha
Never post here before. Been off porn and masturbation since last friday, it's been great and rather easy. Today it got more difficult, I feel very uneasy. I will not give up but this is not a good feeling, trying to nap maybe I can sleep it off.
It's really baffling that you proceed to post you're struggling, while there's plenty of advice in OP, and you just try something random. I hope it works for you, but man... It's like watching a fisherman use his rod upside down.
I just prefer doing things by myself. I struggle but that is okay I think, I simply let myself feel and go through these emotions no matter how negative and strong they are.
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Day 101 today. I had a slight 1-second desire to ejaculate today, but it disappeared quite quickly. The thought just disgusted me.
Godspeed anon, I wish to become like you. Any wise words?

I'm contemplating on buying booze to get my mind off these thoughts but that's not a good idea either and I don't like alcohol anyways.
From what I've read from anons here, most attempts to distract oneself by smoking weed, drinking alcohol, smoking cigarettes, doing mushrooms ends in a relapse. Probably because your inhibitions are removed and the intrusive urges are allowed to roam free since anons are not in the right state of mind.
I'm stacking days again, I'll be cool when I don't care about counting them but I can even imagine it rn.

>but it disappeared quite quickly

yeah. Now, when I think about watching porn (not even jerking off), I feel anger and instant rejection towards it. There isn't a need for a grand cope mechanism or back and fort, no, it's just insta anger about it, and I really like it. I love that my feelings are helping me become who I want to be.

I've been hearing a lot that one of the reasons people are against nofap and other SR practices is misogyny as a secondary effect. I believe that i'd rather hate women than being a coomer, and that misogyny perse isn't as bad as other flaws may be. What do /srg/ thinks about it tho?
>If anything I notice your progress. You seem to have greater willpower and clarity
Thanks anon... You are right in that I have much more mental clarity compared to the first days which were really bad. I still have moments like those but they're mostly at night when I'm trying to sleep. But still even if how constant/intrusive they are is less now I'm still thinking about the same things basically so, well, idk
>I’m really curious to notice more of your progress in the coming weeks.
i wish it wasnt a process and just immediate honestly if there even is a process... I'm still not sure if this will work or not but I guess I shouldnt think about that
Does anyone have that r/gooncaves picture of the obese dude holding a giant dildo? I need it for the anti porn threads on pol
I need help guys, i appreciate any feedback. My brain for some reason looks for reasons to relapse (( I already checked out that girls legs and ass )) so I might as well just go watch porn and goon.. How do I avoid microscopic slipups like seeing a girl in a bikini to a full blown relapse because I saw something sexually arousing.. thanks anons
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this one? sorry for the censorship, idk where i got it
just shave it bro women love that shit
Yeah thanks lol
Its been seveal weeks of not touching my pp. Had a wet dream last night sorta. I always wake up as I finish them. When I woke up there was nothing. I felt it leave my body. This has happened twice now.
That exact thing happened to me last night lol, I literally saw my splooge in the dream, woke up and there wasn't even any precum. It probably means I'm still subconsciously desiring cooming, but it's odd I always seem to share the same dreams on the same days as anons in this thread
Usually one doesn't wake up until they actually coom, but since you're aware in your dream (even if it's slightly) of your determination to not coom, I think these niggerspirits do this as a last resort to confiscate your precious loosh.
I didnt see it just the girl i was dreaming of felt it leave and I woke up after as I normally would.
Did my vril get stole?
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Devote yourself to another powerful energy such as Hatred, which is the strongest of all energies. Every time you maturate and watch pornography, the Jew gains control over your mind and soul; a Jew makes money off of your lustful slavery to your flesh. Engage with content that enforces and grows your Hatred for those who wage this spiritual war on you.
brotherman, booze is the last thing you want. it makes you more impulsive, and you won't think of consequences while drunk. "eh, just a look will be fine". maybe, but most likely not. the next day, your dopamine levels will be fucked, and you'll do anything to feel better. you know what that means, since you're here. speaking from experience.
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Is there an explanation for consistently jerking off 2+ times in a 24 hour period and not feeling tired at all? Once upon a time anything more than a fap per day would give me the typical responses of getting sleepy or hungry, but these days I'm almost always horny and at most after chronically masturbating I might just get the munchies. I can "feel" that my loosh is low too, but I still have energy after. I know certain foods like garlic, onions and dark chocolate make it easier for me to enter an arousal state, but I've never really experienced this horniness, not even when I was younger. I don't even really work out either. I honestly wonder if there is a physiological aspect here, no human contact and no woman hormones for too long may have turned me into a budget Enkidu.
okay, so the thought of being trans or the other gender excites you and your thoughts, but as you've stated that you don't want this for yourself and your life, those thoughts are now intrusive thoughts. The first thing you should realize is that ultimately one can derive physical pleasure and enjoyment as either gender (not that SR people do this for pleasure completely). You just have to understand that what your doing is deriving pleasure from the female body exclusively instead of accepting your male form as the main point of experience in this life. Apologies if it doesn't immediately make sense, or sounds biased, idk
No release means no theft. It's like when you feel like your wallet has been stolen, but after checking your pocket it's still there. You know it's there, but the idea of losing it still remains.
I think it depends on your daily consumption of food and drinks on the matter of energy. Sexual lust could be any factor that works for you. I can control mine, doesn't matter what I look at. The only boners I get these days are from dreams.
There are a few advantages of the WDs.

It stops the horniness and you kinda get the post nut clarity. Great time to start over with better habits.
whats a WD
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>I think it depends on your daily consumption of food and drinks on the matter of energy.
I have noticed that the amount of food intake can affect the urge to release, obviously with more food (especially protein) more of an urge to orgasm. I wonder if I'm just in a perpetually stressed state as an ego self defense mechanism. Pic related from the OP.

I likely have ADHD too, so my brain is all kinds of retarded, but at some point I think I trained myself to be capable of aggression at any moment which is generally the opposite of my behavior for most my life. If serotonin and dopamine is a cause for aggression and dominance, then chronic masturbation can be used to stay in an uncomfortable state on purpose to experience such an ego state. Of course, I wish to be civil, so I don't actually want to destroy things in aggression, but I think the inability to compromise the Jekyll-Hyde aspects of my nature makes things worse.

Methinks if there's a physical aspect to my addiction, I should study ADHD more, because the brain is already not neurotypical. Special rules for a special body. The goal is the same though, not bruising my pp and keeping loosh from the greys.
>obviously with more food (especially protein) more of an urge to orgasm.
Maybe for you, but I eat around 1kg of meat everyday, which rounds up to at least 200 of protein (not counting milk, cheese and nuts, which would add at least 50 more). I don't have the slightest need for orgasm, but when it comes to stimulants (all kinds) it was the opposite.
>I should study ADHD more
You should. I used to think I have ADD, because the symptoms would align with me (years back before I thought of SR). After learning its history (as well as ADHD) and medication against it I came to realize the key perspective that helped more than anything else. Have fun going down that rabbit hole.
Wet dream.
It's not really about pleasure... at least not mostly i guess, it does have a sex aspect to it obviously, but its more of an everything thing, like i tried to see if maybe it was just a fetish thing but its really not that i think... I just get a feeling that life in general would be better if i was a woman, though not always, just most of the time
Also i'm not disgusted by the male body... I'm gay (also trying to fix that but thats a secondary issue atm i think), i just dislike my male body specifically... though sometimes i can ignore it as well, but its been hard since ive started sr haha

(also day 18 i forgot to note that earlier)
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Can I use this as a minor confession thread also?
I have been on the quest to banish pornography and masturbation from my life. It been a long time, and as many have experienced, I at some point started to feel a great lack... I need companionship, bros.
No I don't mean that I want to watch porn because obviously that's not companionship. But I did look into those succubus threads somewhat seriously. I just need something and this world and society just aren't providing it...
I have accepted Christ as my Lord and I trust him and I love him so much, but I'm so weak. Or at least I'm at a weak point in my journey.
I want to share so many things with other people but often they're too busy with meaningless bullshit. I really want sustainable long lasting relationships and it's not even about muh sex. It really isn't. What good does it do if you're a giga mega super chad if you're just by yourself.

Anyone here feeling like sharing some thoughts or feelings?
Day 16 relapse. Was doing fantastic too. Feels like I am literally being fucked with by the universe now. Several shitty things happened to me within the course of one day. It is uncanny. Two days ago I was wondering how I could ever even feel depressed, now I feel so depressed moving my body feels difficult.
>I really want sustainable long lasting relationships and it's not even about muh sex. It really isn't
good, because in my own humble experience it take a very special type of girls to have a good, fruitful relationships with that doesn't involve sex/sexuality in general
I don't believe that men make better friends than women,a good friend is good no matter what sex they are(since spirits literally don't have gender,the whole concept is meaningless when you look at the wider picture)
so to address your problem, I sadly can't relate because I've always had good,real friends throughout my life up until now(all whom are males, but of course that doesn't matter much)
if you already have some acquaintances or people that you barely know,try to deepen your relationship with them
try to build something genuine,real, healthy and DON'T judge others based on your own, baseless thoughts and feelings
give everyone a chance.
also, There's something of major importance to mention,DO NOT KEEP TELLING YOURSELF YOU'RE A LONELY LOSER WITH NO FRIENDS.
you literally have no fucking idea what that does to you, you're setting yourself up to failure by implying the above mentioned "facts" to your subconscious (aka,your spirit)
keep your head high,and i wish you a good evening
god fucking dammit bros.
i love retaining my semen.
i love avoiding erotic thoughts/imagery.
and i love starting all over again after a relapse.
keep moving forward, evolution is waiting.
I have same feeling, dude. I stopped all sex, tried to have a big streak in not watching porn or masturbating. I too love Christ and I want to love all other fellow human beings purely. But I really cannot control my emotions. My heart (and body too) aches for human intimacy.

You know, not sex, as sex has never made me happy. Not really. Like, someone to cuddle with and talk of stupid stuff or interests or go to watch sunset with or have a picnic with. Or even best friend whom I could hug and encourage. I am not sure if I can explain it, but I think you might understand, and perhaps feel the same in your own life.

I know I should probably voice this all to Christ as well. I know he knows it already, being our King and God. But he wants me to say it to him. Sorry, just wanted to say that I understand how you feel, because your post resonated with my own weak ness and struggle as a christian.
>feel like garbage for a couple of days
>feel better
>masturbate again

why bros, why
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hell yeah

What is it about you fucks trying to appeal to rationality that always gives it away?

You even write like a nose haver.

Still not masturbating btw lmao
Then we'll exchange the word 'pleasure' for 'happiness'.
>I just get a feeling that life in general would be better if i was a woman, though not always, just most of the time
I'm no psychologist but it wouldn't take a genius to understand that the more you have a thought of something, the more it becomes part of your personality. It's natural to have thoughts, and your personality (personal experience, perspective) is basically what generates what thoughts are thunk.The solution is the seeing through of those thoughts for what they are, a non-acceptance of your immediate reality. Even if this advice may suck, I can see you're working it out
Not that anon but I relate 100%. Sex is fine, but it's a complete afterthought, and I crave intimacy more from non-sexual contact than sexual desu. Being a guy with this mindset is torture.
it's the ever lasting curse of being human.
that's how it is,we need to adapt,and then overcome eventually
The same thing happens to me. Mind pleads with me to give in and go jerk off, that somehow my streak is tainted just because I saw some nudity in a movie or a beautiful girl outside. Its all just a trick of the mind/lower self to get you back onto the PMO cycle.
I am such a coom brained lust freak, complete pervert, everywhere I go I am constantly looking for women and trying to catch their eyes and feeling horny and lustful
I don't know if I can ever transcend this aspect of my being as long as I exist on this plane
lemme know if you fix it
Not jerking off isn't the hard part for me, it is dealing with all of the stuff I was using lust to avoid. Shits honestly ridiculous, but I'm still not gonna jerk off
wish there was an easy way just to shutoff the sex drive during times like this
Will do. Been trying for years. Praying, meditating, qi gong etc.
I am still obsessed with pussy and boobs and when I do a long streak I just relapse hard as fuck and become 10x more deviant
>The solution is the seeing through of those thoughts for what they are, a non-acceptance of your immediate reality
Well I understand that... But the "not feeling them/letting them go" part is so much easier said than done
Don't beat yourself up, you got this.
After a few streaks you'll get disillusioned by masturbating, and begin to think critically about it - at least that's what happened to me.
After seeing some benefits, you'll begin to question if 5 minutes of pleasure is worth the 3 days of feeling like trash.
You'll also need to wrap your head around the fact that porn (your thoughts count too) is more mental masturbation than it is about the physical aspect of it.
You taint your soul with other practices, that's why you're not being let free. The type of meditation you do matters. If you're praying I'm assuming you're leaning towards Christianity - meditation is constantly thinking about Gods word, and the promises he has for you.
You're letting in strange spirits when you do qi gong, anything related to chakras, yoga, even certain breathwork.
When you relapse you're only giving more legal right to those spirits to keep torturing you with obsession.
Look into spirit spouses - everything is spiritual whether you want to believe it or not. Demons are literally using your vessel to get what they want. Either to feel that pleasure through masturbating and sex, or through gluttony with food, or even porn.
>But I say to you, everyone who looks at a woman with lust has already committed adultery with her in his heart.
Matthew 5:28

Gotta nip it in the bud and just avoid the stimulation altogether. I once prayed about how to retain and the answer that came to my mind was something like Matthew 5:28.
This guy is cringe larping, I will continue to retain and properly channels energy.
I’ve had some absurdly profound deep stretching sessions after edging
SR only works with mental purity. If in ur mind you're still lusting after women u see out and about, then this will lead to blockages in your energy channel which can damage your body.

Really, on /x/, it should be called mental purity. SR by itself is useless, or even counterproductive. There are deeply delusional people who think your power levels just keep increasing. This creates an unhealthy relationship with your sexuality, and every time you relapse, you unintentionally create curses on yourself. Forever stuck in a loop of streaks and relapses.
Shut the fuck up you degenerate kek
Do you faggots even hear yourselves? Try and meditate for 10 mins without a single thought enter your mind. Fool
what is ojas?
>Do you faggots even hear yourselves? T
No. We faggots only want to fuck men. I could take care of your butthole
>you MUST take a wife
>it's the ONLY way to transcend
Bullshit. Women are insatiable, irrational creatures. It's not simply that they're "different" than men either.

To say that men need women is also implying that our higher selves lack something in the physical world, which is absurd.

This guy puts it really well.

"Men need to overcome women. Women need to overcome the serpent."
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With how things are at the moment, if I do live long enough to witness the benefits, then I will truly believe in miracles.
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One week in today and I just had a lucid dream where I played with big fucking tits is it over for me?
I have thought about suicide after relapsing to porn too. But I honestly do not think its is the answer. Jesus loves you bro.
>There's something of major importance to mention,DO NOT KEEP TELLING YOURSELF YOU'RE A LONELY LOSER WITH NO FRIENDS.
you literally have no fucking idea what that does to you, you're setting yourself up to failure by implying the above mentioned "facts" to your subconscious (aka,your spirit) keep your head high
Incredibly based and spiritpilled.
I never said I didn't want any sex at all ever. I just mean that sex isn't the reason I want companionship.
Also I have friends, but there is little physical contact involved with friends.
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How can I deal with blue balls? I'm in pain but I don't wanna relapse
Unironically stand up with your knees straight and touch your toes. Do that for ten minutes.
It's interesting how depressed I am because of this. 20 years of porn, now suddenly quit cold turkey few weeks ago. 31 virgin, nothing in my life besides work. I guess my brain is absolutely devoid of any dopamine right now. I had restless legs all day yesterday. I don't desire anything, have no will to do anything at all.
I masturbate everyday without feeling like shit, why do people feel down after every nut? I dont get it, been jerking off since 13-14 everyday sometimes even multiple times a day. I’m 30 now, own a house, married, have children. I honestly dont believe jerking off is that bad
Bros I'm almost two months in, and it's C O O L knowing that I've gone this long. From a coomer to being chaste.

Jehovah will eventually give people up to their own desires, and allow people to live in their own illusions.
You've somehow along the line probably don't have a guilty conscious about it anymore. Probably being told, "Masturbation is okay, it's ''''''''''''healthy'''''''''''' everyone does it !!!" For years now without questioning who it's actually coming from. You're okay with the effects before, and after masturbating because that's your new normal. Your body doesn't know who rest is, if you actually do masturbate every day, and multiple times sometimes. There's incremental benefits when you give your body the rest it needs.
It's very possible that you aren't even aware of the spiritual world around you, and the implications of your actions or thoughts - which mostly aren't yours. Once you get knowledge of spiritual things, and truly absorb it, it's very hard to go back unless you fight pass the conscious.
Overall though, masturbation is a very selfish act, especially when you're married; but you do you, I don't know anything about your marriage besides that basic statement.
im a pretty spiritual person just high-t probably
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>conan enters the snake tower
>there he meets a woman
>underneath that woman there is a serpent guarding a gem called "the eye of the serpent"
>Conan kills the serpent and the woman falls and is horrified by the death of the serpent
>conan steal the gem and climbs up the tower

Clearly a sexual transmutation allegory

Learn to fight your flesh and temptations.
Even a one second victory is good.

When you feel the urge, remember what you are fighting for. Even if it slowed you down for 1 second and you still jacked off, that is still a victory.

It can be done.

Baby steps, plant the seed.
It will be my twentieth day of nofap today.
>restless legs
Try to find a magnesium supplement at your local grocery store today. Not oxide the form, try to find magnesium glycinate. It literally cures restless legs and other nerve and anxiety issues. Please please please try it before doubting me as a random anon who doesn’t care about you.
Other than exercise and eating well you should try a supplement called NAC. Usually found in sports supplement stores or sometimes grocery stores. It’s EXTREMELY effective at reducing cravings for alcohol and other substances, and replacing those cravings with a feeling of “I actually feel like doing something today.”

Please please please try it I can tell you from firsthand experience I feel like a million bucks every day now along with retaining.
Do you find that noting them or declaring them adds more psychological or bodily tension?
NTA but taking magnesium for anxiety can have an adverse effect since it increases methylation, if a person is having anxiety due to over-methylation, taking magnesium can worsen the anxiety or even cause a panic attack
Might also be due to excessive Calcium or Phosphorus. These and Magnesium should be in balance.
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Holy fuck bros what happend? Did someone die? This place used to give me so much motivation and now its just... meh. Makes me think how much longer everyone in the world can keep up the "facade", these are such strange times especially as a man, something big is gonna go down this decade.
how do i prepare for big event this decade as a man (i'm just 18)
Now you know how real this shit is. No more relapses
I'm embarrassed as fuck that it's taken me so long to finally understand and accept, and I mean truly accept, that porn and masturbation have no place in my life. I cringe to think about the potential I've wasted in my early twenties, but no more. I'm choosing this path willingly. I'm fighting to make something of myself. I'm fighting to claim my purpose. I will claim my purpose. We're all gonna make it.
i peeked. BIG MISTAKE. i didn't succumb but goodness gracious this is much easier if you just pretend women don't exist
I need to rewatch these kinds now

Not that anon but I've seen NAC mentioned so many times on here in regards to mental health that I need to try it out.
It wouldn’t be a challenge otherwise
Saving up your sexual energy might be the only way to break the cycle of reincarnation.

The forbidden fruit very clearly is sexual pleasure.
Daily reminder that edging is pretty fucking harmful.

Do NOT jerk off.
>Day 6
>Begin Hemi-Sync

I think it goes without saying that SR amplifies, if not a total requirement of, all spiritual/esoteric practice, but damn I wasn't expecting that and it's only the first Orientation exercise.
My suicidal thoughts came at the end of my first week, not immediately after a relapse, if that changes anything.
Declaring them every day is motivational to me.
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Thanks, those words... invigorated me.
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Only goys are supposed to waste their fluids
>taking magnesium for anxiety can have an adverse effect
Any sources for that? Not the methylation part. Magnesium is used in nearly every “calming” powder and rehydration supplement and I’ve never heard of that happening to someone.
Curious that these people own the most popular porn websites
I dont have any source for that but I know that magnesium increases methylation, I suffered from over-methylation for a while and whenever I'd take magnesium it would make me more anxious
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Not a rabbithole worth going to anon. Taking separate shit like magnesium just creates deficiencies elsewhere. I know its a meme but...eating HEALTHY actually works, just don't slack off, you have to be consistently eating good shit and eventually you'll feel better. Beef liver alone is PACKED with trace minerals, buy that shit NOW.
Have a (you), fren.
Gay guys hitting on me on Reddit after posting my physique for advice. These guys are pathetic, the lowest of the low. Using "lol" at the end of every sentence to appear non threatening while they try to escalate. Truly, the masses can never be saved.
Fuck I could do with some clarity. This is going to be a bit of a blog, if you tl;dr that's fine, just move along.

I got into SR three years ago. After a couple of difficult starts, then a period of three weeks, had a gf and sex for a while. Then did six weeks SR, it all fell into place, all the benefits. Felt awesome. Then another gf for a short lived thing. Then I tried again but couldn't get past about three or four weeks, always some excuse.

I had the idea of writing some stuff out. Get some fantasies out on paper, try to process them and clear them out of my psyche. It turned into writing several pieces of erotica which have taken up the last 18 months of my life. I have the best of them ready to publish and I feel like it's an essential step, to let them go. But it's not been possible to SR while I've been in this process of writing. And the orgasms I have had seem to have had some messages for me. But I want it done. I don't know if it will be different when I've published. I don't want to write more. I've done the main work and don't want to become a regular writer, experiencing getting turned on all the time, or at any moment when an idea arises. I want to experience what I felt in that 6 week spell. Or have a relationship.

Does anyone else balance anything like this with SR? Maybe I should just STFU and get the material published and start SR again then. I've even toyed with the idea of not publishing, just deleting it all, and letting it go that way, but that doesn't feel right.

I think what I'm asking is how to shift focus back to being by oneself when single, and not putting energy into the thought of relationship and sex. I did it before, I know plenty of theory and practical steps, I just feel like I need something else right now. Any insights, intuitions, psychic flashes welcome and gratefully received.
My gf is so horny all the time an like just me kissing her gets her so moist, we do it like 1-3 times a day, sucks you guys don’t know what you’re missing
anons, how can i combine law of attraction/assumption with SR?
Missing the point. It's not about avoiding sex.
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So I think I've got a bit further with this. It feels like my post was a bit passive aggressive, which I didn't notice or intend when I was writing it. Like, fuck you all for being successful at SR. It was a bit of a jealous sour grapes whinge. It made me realise that yes this is what I want, if I'm not in a relationship. And that I do need to get the writing published and move on from it. There's too much going on in my head to focus on SR until the writing is completely dealt with. Thanks for listening. /blog.
Okay, good for you shill. I could say the same thing about how you are missing out on clarity of mind because you decided to waste time that you could be spending with your girlfriend to instead talk to schizo anons in this thread.
Very compelling. You might want that tumor on your ego checked out brother.
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After doing this for a while I seem to become ever more convinced that abstinence and control over the sexual impulse is a basic requisite for any degree of advanced self development.
You can exercise, eat healthy, meditate, read, and so on, and that will get your basic framework right and set you on the right track. But if you want to go beyond, you must absolutely master yourself.

Sometimes I wonder how much of my youth potential I completely wasted. I can only look to the future now and waste no more.
It's tragic how we learn things too late. Oh, life is a messy thing.
Sounds like something wants that shit published through you. You wanted to concentrate on something else but this "needed" to get done.

I'd burn the lot and put it from my mind.
I'd considered it but I don't think it's without value. It started as a kind of therapy, looking at my own stuff around being in a very repressive environment as a teenager, and not getting laid till I was 19. In that I believe there is something of worth for anyone who may have had a similar experience.

I never read erotica, since I started writing I've looked at some and it's mostly low quality with almost no redeeming features. I believe that there could be something redemptive in mine and it might have some positive effects beyond just getting people off.
I'm guessing but I reckon it won't end with this.
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What if I didn't coom?
What if I wasn't a coombrain
What if I want the fire to take me
What if I it to TRY.

>From Lead to Gold
>From New to Old
>My Fire Comes
>To War We Go!
>From Dull To Sheen
> From Red To green
>My Heart it Glows
>ToWar We Go!
I'm pretty sure I'm done with it. I want to close that particular door, and I don't feel inspired to write any more. I think I got out what I needed to. And if I do get back on track with SR I would be very careful about where I allow my mind to wander.
Unironically my favorite post in the thread, and no not because I think you need a (you).

You writing these eroticas to “get them out of your head” is such innocent retardation. You really should journal about them and meditate on blocking them or better yet sublimating them into a higher cause. But sitting for hours thinking deeply about your erotic fantasies is literally increasing the weights of the neurons encoding those fantasies. Paired with the fact that the writing makes you coom more and you want to SR is just priceless.

Fucking stop writing the erotica dumbass. Its okay to explore those emotions that lead to erotica, but the erotica itself will hammer it into your mind deeper and deeper with every hard thought you have about it.
Just self-publish on literotica or amazon kdp. Think of any sales or 'likes' or what have you as an expression of gratitude for the work. As long as it's not depraved and you wrote it with good intentions, it's a net positive contribution.
>Using "lol" at the end of every sentence to appear non threatening while they try to escalate.
i fucking hate that lol
reddit is cancer lol
>21 times a month
Wow they really want us to be as weak as possible, that's nearly the entire month of nonstop masturbation. Nasty.
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I still fap without cumming, watch porn and read erotica. What are the consequences of it?
I love it when straight guys play that "I am an untrainable princess" game. Why should straight women have all the fun, right? LmAo
You wont be able to get hard for a real life woman depending on the frequency of watching.
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I assume this has been deboonked? My mind tries to play this card all the time to get me to relapse.
I think I should clarify: I do SR, but still fap, watch porn and read erotica.

>You wont be able to get hard for a real life woman depending on the frequency of watching.
Thanks for the input.
Apparently women have a 'sixth sense' of sorts for porn watchers, they give off a creepy vibe. Shame they don't have a similar guidance system for dark triad psychopaths.
I just saw an article about a young woman who murdered her own child, maybe she got a vibe from him.
i too come to semenretention threads on x when i am knee deep in women
Be careful bros. 4chan is filled with coombait
I really need to stop coming to this website altogether. Or find some program that blocks images at the least.
i just wish there was a way to honestly talk about semenretention that wasn't full of redditors
Settings > Images & Media > Hide thumbnails
It's really porn thats the issue in the end. Ive jacked off to my imagination before and didnt feel as shitty as I used to if I used porn.
I can see how this will make more baby with more follower, but why make more baby when robobaby so soon is my ?
Day 19
I've been feeling frustrated with everything in general. also spent too much time watching youtube today... i think ill try to limit internet (more) and ill fast tomorrow as well, since i feel im getting too relaxed... or whatever. like if i keep it up ill just relapse.
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>thought wet dreams were a thing of the past
>start working out
>every muscle hurts
>trying to sleep hurts
>being tempted all night with sexy dreams
>nice try demons
>wake up hurting even more
>"let's try sleeping on left side"
>left side...
>dream about needing to pee
>pee not coming out
>stroking pp somehow makes it easier
WHY? Why can't I just sleep on my left side? I even noticed that laying on my back with a slight tilt (10-20%) to the left already makes the dream more sexual.

I did also break my diet by eating some vegetables and adding spices to food.
>Apparently women have a 'sixth sense' of sorts for porn watchers, they give off a creepy vibe.
Bro stop pedestalizing women as some sort of special creature that has heightened abilities of intuition. Many women out there have the same habits as guys - many are porn watchers, sex addicts, and chronic fappers.
Calm down, little boy. There are so many factors that influence the appearance of a coomer that makes him look less attractive, or as the other anon mentioned: creepy. In no way is that pedestalizing women.
I like to think its conditioned, but it kind of feels innate, hope to be wrong though
>Avoid stimulant drugs such as caffeine or adderall

Can someone explain why. I know the stimfap urges could be a reason but what else.
For what it's worth, the few times I've microdosed recently, I've felt spiritually humbled about PMO. It's this feeling I get in my gut, and when I think about porn or masturbating I feel sick and feel an aversion to it. It's like I was unconscious before, searching for pleasure mindlessly and then I get humbled with the disgusting spiritual reality of what it actually is. But I could see how other people may become uninhibited with shrooms. Definitely can depend on your mindset.
>You felt the need to defend yourself
KEK! Read my post again faggot. I literally stated this:
>or as the other anon mentioned
Little. Boy. Behavior. You have to be 18+ to post here. Go back.
A huge problem in SR is the abundance of energy that practicers need to reallocate. Stimulants "borrow energy from the future" and drugs either do the same and/or alter your mind (which set the goal to retain) and can influence your behavior.
>Be stomach and side sleeper
>Only two wet dreams so far in this streak
I think the side sleeping thing is a meme, and you're putting too much emphasis on it.
Look into spirit spouses. Wet dreams are a spiritual attack, and has nothing to do with your physical body.
>Only two wet dreams so far in this streak
And how long is this streak of yours?
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55 days - I did a 21 day fast which had significant times when my wet dreams happened; 14 days during, 7 days after.
I also pray before I sleep to turn my bed into an altar to God, and asking for his protection while I sleep. It doesn't make sense why we're separated from God for 1/3rd of our lives when dreams are one of the biggest ways to communicate to us.
I can't sleep on my back because of a funny pelvic tilt, so I've always been a side sleeper.
Ignoring the fact that you mention to be a "side sleeper" whereas I mentioned specifically sleeping on my left side is what causes them. How often do you think I encountered a wet dream percentage wise every time I woke up on my left side for the last 7 months I've been retaining?

I think I had 2 sexy dreams (I prefer calling them that if they're involved with sexual lust) last night. I thanked Jesus Christ and God for saving me from temptation afterwards. The latter, which was wet, didn't involve lust (as you can read my initial post). I'm actually glad that I didn't force myself to pee, but rather came a little instead, as the former would, if I actually managed to do it, leave a bigger mess behind.

I am seriously concerned about your reading comprehension.
Never listen to the demons voice.
No I am not suddenly gay for fapping to weird bi orgy a couple of times when I have had thousands of faps to women.
No It is not too late to turn my life around, I am in my fucking 20s ffs.
No, porn is evil and should bee purged, I lived without it for 13 years just fine.
Not technically a christian fwiw but in eastern thought the left nostril is connected with spirituality whereas the right one is connected to physicality, they recommend to sleep on the right side because that opens up the left nostril
I fell for the demon whispers the other night. I started watching porn and I kid you not, I was uncontrollably shaking so much and had fucking convulsions for 10 minutes straight... is this shit normal? I am beginning to believe porn is some kind of possession medium or smt.
found this
Now this is something I can work with. I had a septum nasi operation when I was young, which could influence it as well. Thanks.
Any idea what causes this?
It is a huge red flag / alarm. If you continue down the porn rabbit hole you will end up dead in the near future.
Wait, can porn actually kill you?
I could never understand how some guys are so retarded they can't just take their hand off their dick and stop watching porn. I wank once per three weeks and I feel completely fine. Just as usual, some people just can't keep their lives in balance and think in black and white - either you overdo it or don't do it at all, while being obsessed with it all this time.
It makes sense most of you are virgins, your obsession over sexual is apparent to both women and men. I knew a guy of that exact type, gave out that creep energy and sooner or later would start talking about coomer shit.

If you have reached to the point of having convulsions means your body is rejecting the chemical reaction porn triggers in the brain. It is over-stimulation, and it is a matter of time until you become weaker and unlock illnesses. It is a slow poison that chips away at your life little by little.

Sex with women is different, it is supposed to have a healing effect on the body and mind and triggers a completely different chemical responses not activate when masturbating solo.
Christ have mercy on your soul brother
Beautiful morning, went for a jog in the forest. Jogged for 6km, feeling good right now.

regards >>38706866
>Jerk off, edge, and goon for years
>Never get sick

>Stop jacking off
>Immediately get sick after a few days

I’m sick in bed so I might as well jerk off.
>am completely fine
>comes to X to post this
pick one
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He and the guy who posted before you are 2nd rate attention seekers and you fell for it. I'm terribly sorry, you've been baited and it's terminal. You will have to live through this failure your entire life.
It will be my twenty-first day of nofap today.
Well Dopamine is in charge of movement, someone that's deficient in that area would later develop parkinson disease. Trembling is caused by lack of dopamine.
god help me on this path
I don't think porn binging can cause parkinsons but it definitely can cause temporary symptoms similar to parkinsons. But it's all temporary due to dopamine imbalance.
>fapped 42 times

How? Over a course of a few days, with no sleep and eating I presume?
I find this method of suicide particularly depressing. He was too unwell to live, especially that there's a world of substances, experiences, feelings that are far better than wanking, better than sex even. So, if you wanna be an addict, it's far more healthy to hop on buprenorphine and take benzos from time to time for fun.
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>How? Over a course of a few days, with no sleep and eating I presume?
That story ain't that credible after searching. This one has a bit more credibility:https://punchng.com/teen-masturbates-56-times-dies-of-heart-attack/
But you have to ask yourself: Who's counting?

There's also this: https://nypost.com/2021/07/23/man-nearly-dies-after-suffering-stroke-while-masturbating/
you commented on my comment on it, oops
There's also so many stories of older men dying of a heart attack while having sex.

Interesting wikipedia page : https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_during_consensual_sex
Read it again. There was no oopsie.
you are paying me attention
It seems I'm paying more than that.
I'm not the one who's irate by using puerile, immature insults when they get challenged. It's true. Most people will not be able to tell who watches porn and who doesn't because they assume that everyone does it. Besides that, women are too caught up in their own lives and drama to even gaf anyway. Besides, you stop watching porn for you, not because women find it creepy.
>when they get challenged
How did I get challenged if this is my 2nd reply to you? Aside from this one >>38713157, which doesn't count, because you deleted your post like a little bi... I mean, little boy. (same thing really)
Either way, this 3rd post of yours has no meaning as it's baseless and just your retarded opinion on the matter. Cool, discarded. Once again, go back.
Its innate considering its in our biology and gives our species the purpose of reproduction.

I do think external factors amplify it especially in the current marketing and media landscape which feeds on it to work towards the goals of those who want to make money and have a tighter grip of control over our minds.
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Well I did say I didn't want to write any more. I should have phrased it differently, I'm not writing any more.
>you really should journal about them
That's how it started
>and meditate on blocking them
That is a very low level idea. I'be done enough work on myself over along time to know that 'blocking' is a non-starter. Blocking isn't healing, or processing. It's suppression, and possibly leads into denial. Which then becomes an unrealistic impression of your own self.

>the erotica itself will hammer it into your mind deeper and deeper with every hard thought you have about it
This is how neurology works. Sow a thought, and you reap an action; sow an act, reap a habit. But do you know what, the more time that passes between having finished the writing and now, the more I feel like it has worked. I feel like it was the last part of a process I've been working on for years, and it has been a clearing out.

So while your comments aren't unrealistic, and would be more relevant if I was still writing, putting those two posts up here feel like I've taken another step and sealed that particular outlet.

Partly what was keeping me feeling unsettled was as I said above, not being able to shift my attention from the thought of relationship and sex as I did once before. The writing was definitely compromising that. But I guess I'll see if I'm doing any better over the next few weeks. Thanks for your input.
Thanks, yes, this is my plan, amazon.
>As long as it's not depraved and you wrote it with good intentions, it's a net positive contribution.
That is what I hoped, that the sense of creativity I had while doing it meant that it might have some value to someone else as well.

I'm not doing it for the money. It's pretty vanilla and wholesome and has some humour and insight, I hope, in it.
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ignorant fool
Now it really makes sense why you think women have special powers. Keep it up though, I find it funny
Wanting to fuck to reproduce, or for pleasure, straight or gay, is innate. But we have millennia of cultural conditioning which can change very rapidly over short periods of time or distance and lead to imbalances of expression. Heavy religious repression in the 1950's leading to the 'free love' of the 60's, for example.

Esoterically, the 'great mass of humanity' as Alice Bailey puts it, are focused in their sacral centre and their solar plexus. That is, they care about fucking and fighting. Or to be more generous, self-preservation. And then we see some humans who are more active in their heart, throat, and head centres, and who value compassion, creativity, and thought more than fucking and fighting.

The point for most of us in an SR thread, I'm going to make a huge generalisation, is that we are learning this transition from the activity of the centres below the diaphragm to those above. And of course most of us are aware that we do function as creative, intelligent, compasionate beings. It's not an either/or situation. We are attempting to balance the activity of our sacral, sexual centre in a way which is psychologically and emotionally intelligent, and acknowledges that we have a biological drive which we want to integrate rather than suppress.

It's very difficult to begin to assess one's own innate sexuality without first noticing the efffects on yourself of the culture you grew up in, and its attitudes to sex.
Yeah Its not a women thing or an intuition about porn at all. By being a coomer you innately exhibit the sorts of behaviors that make you seem creepy to others(even though they wont know the exact reason why). Because of the internalized shame holding eye contact let alone a conversation will be difficult to do and you will try to isolate yourself from others.
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I jerked off last night but atleast it wasn't to porn
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This seems to be very easy as long as you don't think about sex and you avoid peeking at anything arousing. I can scroll past coombait thread thumbnails no problem but I bet I would lose instantly if I really peeked hard for a moment.

regards >>38714166
>believes women sensing a man not being a coomer is equal to having special powers
Dropped and tossed as a kid, weren't you?
I hope you realize that in this day and age that doesn't really sound reassuring, if not worse.
Women will only think you're a coomer if they find you smelly and/or unattractive. Regardless, these types of guys are invisible to them anyway. You do SR for you, not them. Don't worry boyo you'll learn one day, when you finally grow up
That's a long way to say: "I was dropped and tossed as a kid indeed, multiple times even." But I'll take it.
"I wish you could all be like me, (celibate) BUT it is an agreed upon opinion that you should marry so you don't burn with lust"

Paul said it right here, celibacy is a lot better
Why are so many black guys into Semen Retention?
Go to YouTube and search for semen retention videos, it's 99% black dudes.
What gives? Are black people just naturally more in tune with the spiritual?
No, american nigs love standing out and being the center of attention. Their culture is very egotistical so when they start to do something that is good (not steal, rob, rape, or harass people) they want everyone to know.
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There's also Matthew 19. In a way, Jesus says that celibacy is not for everyone. Only for those who are able. For those who can't there are wives to take.
>Go to YouTube and search for semen retention videos, it's 99% black dudes.
This already answers your question, because most of us here rather read.
Are your loosh getting milked? New Thread!

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