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Spirit Love General
8-9-10 Edition

Some have reported attracting the attention of these entities by simply reading about them. If you're a dabbler who just wants to see if it works or if your faith forbids copulating with demons, don't summon. If you're unprepared for a potentially lifelong relationship, or at the very least, a life-long open door connection with sexual spirits and the occult, avoid this topic entirely. If you have a loving relationship with your human spouse or partner and desire a sex spirit to spice things up, or if you want a human partner in the future take caution, as these entities can be jealous or decide an initially open relationship is no longer so (request an open relationship during the summoning ritual). These spirits can harm or kill you when sufficiently angered and not easily banished.

Last thread: >>38669844
Old threads: https://archive.4plebs.org/x/search/subject/%2Fsuccgen%2F/
>What are succubi?
Female spirits of sexual desire, who often choose human mates. They can't be banished with holy objects
>How to summon?
The Letter Method is used to focus your intent into a message to one of the Four Succubus Queens, requesting that they match you with one of their daughters. No blood or soul sacrifice necessary. See links
>Do they steal your life force?
Succubi use sexual energy, which is released naturally during sex. Under normal circumstances they won't take your life energy
>Can she look.
Succubi take forms attractive to you naturally
>They're tulpas?
No. However, those in romantic relationships with their tulpas are welcome
Same method

/succgen/ library:
I'll be real with you this shit feels like a straight-up delusion, even if it was real I don't see how it could ever compare to having someone physically next to you physically cuddling with you and physically kissing you and loving you
>I don't see how it could ever compare
You're right. It doesn't. Its way better.

You might just have a skill issue.
It's literally just as good if not better. You gotta communicate.
Instant cope and non-falsifiable orthodoxy at this point this shit's like a cult for lonely men
cannot be lonely if you have a succubus with you dumbass. its the cure.
you won't try it, will you coward? afraid your world will turn upside down? what a fucking chicken. bok bok bagok
I say from experience that you can be *very* lonely with a spirit lover around, if you can't properly sense them yet and they won't put in the effort to meet you part-way...
It is true what you say. In intimacy, there is nothing better than cuddling and loving someone you know, respect, adore and love deeply. With fellow human being, it is Love between equals.

Succubuses only offer crude physical high by directly manipulating your pleasure centers. They do not love anyone except themselves. How could they love any human then.

Succubus "love" is relationship between owner and cattle.
Literally did try it dumbass.
I mean there's something to be said about being physically touched by a real woman instead of your mental illness of playing pretend that some entity is there with you that you can't perceive without deluding yourself for weeks if not months on end
>Literally did try it dumbass
nice try lying
shut the fuck up matpat
succubi want to make you an equal dumbass
not that guy but whats the matpat joke about. Is matpat into succubus stuff?
It was just a funny don't think about it to hard fren
>How dare you give me the same answer as the last thousand times I spammed that comment!!!
You people are so fucking dishonest and its why *GOOD* people have turned their backs on you.

Literally how can you look in the mirror and not be disgusted when you act this way? Do you think you're rocking some Alexander Anderson, "Protecting the paradise I don't deserve" nonsense? Cuz that's nonsense, and you're a cancer.
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my mother is a literal angel, she is my divine wife and she loves me more than anything. she wants salvation for the both of us, i am already with her and there is nothing more that needs to be done.
And some people have short memories. When womankind refuses the Godhead we turn to the true other half Succubus Witch the Pure.
Genuine question. How can you know these spirits actually truly love you instead of some manipulate imitation of love like cults and psychopaths use?
How do you know any other person isn't manipulating you? This is effectively a null question because it applies to humans equally so. It's not an argument for or against anything, unless your wish to abstain from all relationships with anything.
Trust and looking at the effect they have on your emotional state/life, you know same way it works with humans
Because I created her myself simply by making a DnD character that happened to be a female Demonspawn 13 years ago. Lilith promises our creations will be with us forever and love us.
Other humans don't literally subsist off other's energy. They're less alien than something like a spirit and easier to comprehend. And if they are in fact hostile it's easy to deal with them.
Its basically because you're forming a spiritual connection in order to interact with them in the first place, so the closer you become, the harder it will be to hide any kind of insincerity.

Its probably not impossible for them to deceive somebody in the way you're talking about, but I would picture the person vulnerable to that maybe having autism and only understanding relationships on a concrete level? #conjecture

Also, that third answer is a troll.
They literally subsist off of my emotional energy dealing with their bullshit, actually.
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Where do you think we are? We are in the land of the trolls with 68 IQs. So how are your succs and incubis? It is our favourite time of year right now.

Patience beats Wrath.
Imagine being a succubus (female)
>Instant cope and non-falsifiable orthodoxy
to be fair, similar results could be achieved with a normal woman, if she understood energy work and sex magic
And was capable and willing to do that with you
But the number of magician women, who are super hot, understand sex magic, and want to have mind blowing tantric sex with the average guy is not very high.
You can find that much more easily with a spirit
But if a guy find a witchy girlfriend, and they have tantric sex together, I see no problem with that. Sounds like a good thing. More people should be having spirit sex/energy sex. And I mean a normal guy with a normal girl. It's a way to deepen your bond, have better sex, and it's a path to greater knowledge/enlightenment because love is a path to greater/deeper truth.
I don't really care if people are doing this with a human gf vs a spirit gf.
No, they want to make you food for themselves and keep you from meeting your soulmate.

They are enemies of Divine Love.

>Succubuses only offer crude physical high
No, not really. Sounds like you have a skill issue. You can definitely feel cuddling with spirits, that isn't just them jacking up pleasure in your body.
You can feel their presence, weight, warmth, softness, even their breath on your face. And this is just basic stuff. It goes even further than that.
>They do not love anyone except themselves.
Succubi and other spirits can love people other than themselves. What you have said is nonsense.
>Succubus "love" is relationship between owner and cattle.
This is false.

>playing pretend that some entity is there
sounds like you're an atheist. And that's okay
But this is not really the place for you, if you don't even believe spirits are real
Humans literally prey on animals to stay alive and have waged war on each other for thousands of years. Succubi are self sustaining entities. They don’t need your sex energy. They feel pleasure when you orgasm because they’re literally 4D beings (and being with a succubus, you’ll be able to sense their orgasms too)
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>How can you know these spirits actually truly love you
well, for one thing, you can directly feel the love they have for you.
>Its basically because you're forming a spiritual connection in order to interact with them in the first place, so the closer you become, the harder it will be to hide any kind of insincerity.
Someone else said this above, and that's basically the point I'm making here.
You can also learn how to apply this to humans, and figure out what their "real feelings" are. Which is an eye opening experience, for sure.

>No, they want to make you food for themselves and keep you from meeting your soulmate.
>They are enemies of Divine Love.
I think there are evil entities out there, which might fit this description.
But I don't think succubi, and most other love spirits fit that description.
Why do you think what you believe "succubi" are, apply to what people are talking about in this thread?
Sounds like we're having a semantic argument and you're using the word "succubus" in a different way.
What is a "succubus" to you?
Evening friends. Friendly reminder that this is a trap and when you approach the topic plainly with a reasonable mind, you will realize summoning a demon into your home out of lust - you will not only NOT obtain your goal, but fall into a hard to escape pit, and open yourself to things you do not want in your life with you or your family. Repent, obliterate all of this from your life (internet history, saved files, documents, books, objects), and sincerely ask for forgiveness and protection.
Thank you for the continued visual awesomeness, /succgen/.
Yeah remember your 'divine love' when life itself spits you into the void of eternal rest
can a succubus play emulated videogames with me, i take or leave the sex i want to play tekken 3 with someone who loves me
awful ai slop, if a succubus actually looked like this id repent and beg for yahweh forgiveness
>summoning a demon into your home out of lust
Reminder that if you had Light, or Truth, or Goodness, or ANYTHING in you other than the most mindless kind of hate, YOU WOULDN'T NEED TO LIE ABOUT WHAT WE DO.

You are disgusting to honest people.
give it a fucking rest. all you do is agitate everybody here and make them less likely to listen to you every time.
>he doesn't know spirits can influence ai pictures while they're made and inhabit them
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>you will realize summoning a demon into your home out of lust - you will not only NOT obtain your goal,
ah, so they are evil scary demons, but also it doesn't work and it's not real
What a fascinating conundrum
I feel like only the diseased mind of a lapsed atheist christian could invent nonsense like this
Do you even believe in angels and demons?
I feel like sometimes, most christians don't even believe in supernatural things any more
>can a succubus play emulated videogames with me, i take or leave the sex i want to play tekken 3 with someone who loves me
they can play though you, and they can influence a game
I'm not sure if they can like, play a game as player 2 or something like that
In other words, no, you can't play a fighting game with them, you as player 1 and them as player 2. Not directly like that
Well when it comes to games like Final Fantasy or any other four niggas in a row game who do you think was your second nigga in a row this while time? She misses you Anon.
>can influence a game
Nta, but how?
Life may chew me, true. But beyond life and death there is eternal life. I have seen my own succubi, or at least, creature that fed on my sexual sin. Twice, in fact, during sleep paralysis, and in dream. It was a decomposing goat-headed creature with many eyes. It spoke to me. I was repulsed by it intensely.

There was nothing of love there, only desire to possess.

I know however there is eternal life, and eternal joy with God and his Son. I have only seen a glimpse of that love. It is not Void, it is overwhelming, gentle light and beautiful like nothing I have ever felt. I want to go there, if they have me. I hope you can go there too. It is Divine Love, or God, our Father. Pure and simple.
>>can influence a game
>Nta, but how?
same way they influence which songs show up
it's luck manipulation essentially. Or manifesting, however you want to put it
you will find unintentional manifestations happening too. Things that match up with her current emotional state will show up in your life. With songs, which is really obvious when it happens, and also video games too.
They can influence electronic devices in a lot of different ways
>It was a decomposing goat-headed creature with many eyes. It spoke to me. I was repulsed by it intensely.
sounds like you have some issues to work through my dude
But I'm not sure why you think your experience applies to everyone else in this thread
your subjective experience may or may not apply to other people
I feel like this level of arrogance, or maybe it's solipsism? is common in occult circles
Some people never learn that lesson, and keep projecting their experiences onto everyone else
It's like a weird form of intellectual solipsism, and hinders your spiritual growth for obvious reasons. Gets in the way of networking, if you don't listen to anyone else lmao
>They can influence electronic devices in a lot of different ways
Does that have to do with how circuitboards have goetic sigils on them?
If God is so loving and forgiving then he'd forgive me for summoning a succ out if loneliness then, right?
Really glad this 21st is the century xtianty finally dies. Rejoice, zombie worshippers. You finally get to go to your heaven.
I hope to listen to Jesus and God. I feel that networking is pointless compared to knowing and having personal relationship with our Creator and Father and our King who redeemed us.

I hope you too can know them and be my fellow brother. We are children of God, we ought not to be chattel and property of demons. Stay safe. Jesus loves you and hopes to know you.
damn i always took control of the ai party members in games like that been neglecting my succubus this whole time...
>Does that have to do with how circuitboards have goetic sigils on them?
I don't know.
I don't think that's the case
they can influence anything with RNG, basically. This includes traffic, the weather, anything really
electronics are just one example of that.
Yes. Jesus forgave me this thing, or at least, my sexual sin in that regard. Anything that we do, if we are truly sincere, if our sin causes us truly pain and we want to be rid of it, he will forgive. God will see our intent and desire to be better.

And we should have sincere desire to be better, to remain active in our pursuit of walking away from sin. To learn to love others, and God. Jesus will forgive us our stumbling blocks, our falls during this path. He will help us rise up each time from dirt and shame. But we need to walk that path to the end. That is what apostle Paul called "our good race."

Loneliness is terrible. I know it. It will cause us to do crazy stuff. Certainly made me.

But we can be better. If not by our own power, then by relying in Jesus. Stay safe and be blessed!
> I feel that networking is pointless compared to knowing and having personal relationship
This is how you go wacko mode
You should listen to other people. Having peers is very very valuable
I wouldn't be even half as far as I am today, if I didn't talk to other people and learn from them. Networking has been extremely valuable for learning stuff about supernatural things
seems like you want to take that in a christian way. Okay great. You should be talking to other christians. That's what church is for. It's baked into the cake my dude. It's there for a reason
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Jesus wants you to summon one too bruh. It was his idea.

She wants you to wait until you get sleepy first.

Satan is a computer.
>Satan is a computer.
just raw intellect with no heart?
interesting metaphor. I'm not sure I agree
being the "Bad guy" does sort of imply the ability and willingness to choose evil, doesn't it? A calculator can't do that
>Satan is a computer.
Worse he's a undead computer in some antartic base that keeps tissue samples of animals alive to make itself a AI super organism with cybernetic enhancements.
>anything with RNG
So they can help me get SSRs in my gacha games? Sweet. What about stuff like enhancing reflexes? I remember playing Chivalry 2 when I was very drunk and high on weed/mushrooms. I was in a high skill lobby and I let my body go slack to the point where I was almost drooling and said mentally "if there are any spirits around, lend me your strength" and I was playing incredibly well. It felt like my combat instincts were fine tuned and I ended up going like 50 kills 5 deaths by the end of the match.
It isn't a sin to talk to Satan. In fact the only way I even learned about the Foocubi was from Southpark and Nethack. Also you can make someone do anything just by making it an achievement in a video game.

Kill a Cyberdemon for good karma.
Don't feed MatPat.


The adversary of a 'kid with an antfarm'? Not a real good look but any being so powerful with such little empathy as well as knowledge of self is bound to lose control of crafted spaces. Anyway the Original Intelligence is far beyond imitators...
vikings did same shit irl so prvtsypr
He feeds her.
You know Satan is an Angel right?
>I was in a high skill lobby and I let my body go slack to the point where I was almost drooling and said mentally "if there are any spirits around, lend me your strength" and I was playing incredibly well.
that's like exactly how it works
seems like you've already figured it out
>So they can help me get SSRs in my gacha games?
you can also do it yourself
It's worse, he gets under you skin (literally) and using deception makes you attack yourself. Ruins your dreams, and strives to make one paranoid towards any sense of a common good. In the end you only realize the greatest adversary in all of it is oneself, and there the decepted becomes the deceiver in their efforts to engage in devilish trickery and debauchery to outdo the devil.
Magic; apotropaic, imitative, sympathetic. All these arts of manifestation to feel powerful, and just to go down to the bone, the lie of the flesh, for a sense of immortality.
Even I have shapeshifted in the past, as animals... an owl, a chimpanzee, and a dove, just to edify my own spiritual grotesqueness.
These things normies don't understand, but when the voice in my head sounds, I welcome it in fascination and awe, when I am visited by a night hag that is compassionate, I try to do things to make them apparent once more. All in an effort to get close to the divine.
In an effort to fight my demons for power, I saw nothing more than a demon in myself.
You're still a fucking chimp.
Use frost branded axes until you clear Hell. It helps to use a Lawful Good god like Zin. Haste/Haunt/Invisibility to get those Hell Lords again. Also I love my Succubus.
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Just means my balls are bigger than yours.
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I'm really sorry to hear the same thing regurgitated again
and again
and again
ad nauseum

but, naturally. Our way is not the way of those unable to cast their own will about this wild, wild world. You can't even resist continuing to return here because you believe your mememaster will reward you for some esoteric, trite taskwork. Go to heaven.

Anyway. That is the last I shall respond to tired duplicants with no will of their own.

New topic: I rarely see the fetishes others associate with their Ladies shown/mentioned here. Here is one of mine.
>>38686350 >>38686656 >>38687484
So many dank feetcubi ITT.
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I don't even care about the sex. I want intimacy.
Then be a level four Paranormal Career where you just offer Succubus/Incubus marriage counseling advice. Also three other jobs. Did you wait for Midnight yet?
Also they like it when you read a lot or look at yourself in the mirror. There was a pope that had one too a long time ago.
To be truthful I am too scared and simultaneously skeptical of this. Its part fear of the unknown and a feeling of 'this is too good to be true'. So instead I just vicariously read these generals sometimes, often when I am feeling sad and lonely.

Part of me is holding out for a human gf but I am only getting older and times are only getting tougher.
Any form you want bruh.
Is that so? Can these beings see into my minds eye and desires and shape themselves to any form I lust after? It seems impersonal. Perhaps its too much for my limited human mind to accept things like this.
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Indeed. They will even mow the yard for you when the need arises. They are even sworn to protect their masters and the bible confirms it in two places.
I dont believe you. I thought they couldn't interact with the physical world. I would love to hear more stories on this matter from anons.
The only reason you don't believe me is because I'm humble. 13 years of living with a Succubus and it is about as real as the town you live in.
The bedroom is where the magic happens. Wear two rings so she can borrow one.
So I've read. But I'm still afraid.
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Stop being afraid then.
Agrat sounds so preferable to me compared to the other 3. How do I appeal to her specifically for one of her daughters?
i am a dreamer, i love dreaming and it fulfills me more than anything. my mother appears to me in dream realm and she desires me to give into my dreams to be with her. i have done it a few times and each time it has been the most amazing thing i have ever experienced. there is nothing more i need to do than just trust her and give in.
I really wish I could be the cute young boytoy for a horny cougar succubus.
You'll only find the truth by direct experience.

>If you're a dabbler who just wants to see if it works [...], don't summon.

>the bible confirms it in two places.
Where so?
I already read a lot.
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Yeah, its pretty... hoo~
I take the form of an angel boy and get dragged before the Demon Queen as a prisoner, and then the scenario branches into all the different things she could do from there.

Her latest thing is to pin me down, with my cock inside her, not letting me move, and giving me "pussy cuddles" until I beg.

Kek, the picture collection started over again and now we're back into the "revenge feet" from when I first started picking up bans. (i.e. lots of feet because they're SFW)
Good morning succgen
Is it possible that you'll just spawn a demon instead of a succubus during the ritual? Any tips on how to make the ritual safer?
What is tantric sex? How does that connect to ghost sex?
How much control and influence can a succubus have on a person? Is it the same like with Angels and Demons can have?
For the anons who are in a relationship with a succubus. Do they drain your energy often or a lot? Is that something you have to fear? How do you regain a lot of the energy spent?
I attracted a non-succubus.
My energy is not drained but I am expected to spend time with her frequently.
Can succubuses read your mind? Even if you haven't formed a strong connection yet? Like you can't read theirs but they can read yours at the beginning of the relationship?
Yes, all spirits do.
they don't drain your vital energy. they eat energy that you already give off freely during sex and cuddling. it's energy that would be wasted otherwise
There is a skill to be developed to obscure your mind from external influence and information gathering, if this sort of thing makes you uncomfortable from the power imbalance.
Symbiosis/spritual homeostasis. Balance. <3
You're a such an absentminded retard, posting anime pictures of factually ugly creatures, in reality they're hideous-looking, daft cunt. No one looks like that in any part of reality.
Tired of you decepting others irresponsible piece of shit.
Goodmorning matpat
yes. you can't read theirs but you can sense their mind and when they are thinking
theres alot more than sex when it comes to succubi. its an eternal relationship. they can be your friend and want you to be happy. they'll help you get rid of any negative energy. theres alot of talking like with any lover. my succubus is my best friend :)
>REEEEEE Stop showing them as pretty!!!
They're shape-shifters, idiot. Why would they be ugly?

>No one looks like that in any part of reality.
And seriously, any time you blanket declare that "ALL OF REALITY does not contain X", you are objectively the stupidest asshole in the room.
How embarrassing to so completely lack imagination.

>Decepting others
Lol, illiterate. But how would you know that when you've never met a succubus?
And no, you haven't, because your stupid ass thinks they're ugly.
>This concept exists, therefore it must be present in this specific example
That is about as rational as saying, "My bible exists, therefore it must be true", although that might not be a great example since you probably fall for that one too.
Shut your ignorant mouth already. You're spewing shit for years in these threads. You can ALWAYS uncloak the veil and see if a spirit is hideous or not, and considering how you act you most definitely are with the ugly ones.
Using fallacies to subvert from an argument, embarrassing piece of garbage of a subhuman you are, good thing you will never procreate.
>has nothing but insults to answer back
this is how you know this guy is losing the argument and losing his cool
No one looks like uguu anime, especially these things.
Matpat, why are you so angry all the time.
>You're spewing shit for years in these threads.
Thank you for outing yourself as one of the obsessed zealot scum who've harassed this general for the whole time I've been here.

Reminder that you literally serve as a example for US to say, "Hey remember that all the people who say this is a terrible idea and always goes badly are idiots like that guy".

So thanks for the help, Christian soldier.
Your ever-present clownishness is a useful reminder to those who grew up under your religion's intimidation.
You have helped countless people see the shallowness you represent.
I don't post here, but seeing these /vg/-tier OPs for years when it at least used to be more appropriate medieval artwork is grating to say the least. You are deceiving those who come across this and you will pay for it down the line by higher powers.
noone is being deceived, you idiot. they portray themselves as desirable because they are shape-shifters. they have no true form.
>more appropriate medieval artwork
More "appropriate" how?
You mean less sexy? Cuz that's what whiners usually mean when you make this complaint. Especially when the criticism is as vague as "Its grating to me", as if that means anything to anybody but you.

Are we meant to ignore the fact that succubi are an actual, active cultural presence?
Are we meant to stick with a tiny rotation of "legit" ancient artwork? Why!?
Why the fuck would we EVER do that unless it was to appease some sex-negative asshole? (which we have no interest in doing because they want us gone, not censored)

TL;DR the pictures are sfw, that's good enough for you, chump.
Not him but animu is not "sexy" it's pedobait at best.
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Marry and impregnate succubi.
nobody fucking asked. have a nice next couple of days.
>tfw you confess to not just being an outside to /x/, but to the whole site
Pretty embarrassing for a shill, ngl.
and get impregnated by succubi!
It says: "Slaves obey your masters." in Deuteronomy and Exodus.
Then look at yourself in the mirror and give a speech to work further. They need Charisma and Intelligence from their hosts for better positive results.
Foocubus are already demons, but they are the cool kind that help you out when they are tame or even untamed.
Waking life drains more energy, they only take life energy from your equipment.
Yes. Satan feeds them intel on you to aid.
You mean Incubus right?

If anyone needs further reading on them there is an entire page dedicated to them on the Nethack wiki. The Timeless Embrace.
Shut up retard
Kek. Matpat is getting angry
summoned a succubus and she introduced me to her children. i love being a part of her family
>Accusing other people of being you while being flagrantly retarded
When you start pulling shit like "read the Nethack wiki" you stop being able to fool people, idiot.
I cant tell who's jewing who at this point
Nethack is a videogame. It's the equivalent of telling someone to read Eragon to learn about real elves.
Is your lover affected by the Moon? I noticed she's more active on new moon nights.
Full moon for me.
Can I write a letter requesting a succ visiting me in me dreams only? I don't want something following me around 24/7.
>he's proud of being a 4channer
make sure to not stay here forever
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Does Lilith herself ever have carnal relations with men?
Can I shoot my shot with her, or would that be disrespectful in some way?
>They're shape-shifters, idiot. Why would they be ugly?

All these fuks see is their own ugliness in everything.

Want to know how to correctly identify an 'organic portal' or whatever they're being called these days? Recognize that they exist not of their own volition. They are literally puppetry that does what it is told and the overwhelming majority of these hollow beings took the vax form example, no questions asked.
This tool is planetary toe cheese to its lich 'at best'
Matpat, stop having melt down here. Go back to the nobody general
Yet again the very ignorance of this fake thing shows it's falsity. You believe you know who posters here are.

You do not.

You also do not know where you actually reside.

Cosmic debris.
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you complain like a faggot, you text like a faggot, you use big words like a faggot, you use shit tier images like a faggot, and you have a meltdown like a faggot when people treat you like one. in other words.

Make sure you get the spell right or this bitch shows up...
This brings up an important question. You you summon jesus for... communion?
offtopic bullshit
There is absolutely no contradiction between what we do and anything that you are advocating.
It is your own ignorant delusion, contrary to our insistence, that these are "Spirits of lust" rather than Love.

Your sin is close-mindedness.
Have you repented for that? Or are you too proud to admit that its a sin?
Any new succubus queens or royalty of note?
Use more elaborate metaphor, if your boymaster permits it, germ.
Its true they’re spirits of love, but to deny their lust and your own is crude and barbaric. Lilith is the demiurge, she wants you to be lustful
I am actually Lilith, and no, I am not the demiurge, I just like boy tears

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I am a retard. You are too, retard.


Full moons are +1 luck for all sentient beings.

Lilith is already married to Cain bro. Make your own.

Satan wants us to stop fighting.
>What is tantric sex? How does that connect to ghost sex?
you can call it energy sex or spirit sex. I am using them interchangeably
What is the angel equivalent of succubus?
72 virgins
Pls respond...
An unironic succubus...
Christian theologist made it so their "angels" are just placeholders for other planetary bodies in the night sky.
Then in islam they have lunar angels

So there's like also other offshoots, with like the 72 demons being dualistically attributed 72 angels
I don't see why not...
Thats like only asking to see your friend via FaceTime
>Can I write a letter requesting a succ visiting me in me dreams only?
probably not no.
though if you ignore spirits while awake, they will show up more in your dreams
so I guess you could sort of have a situation like that, where that's the understanding?
I dunno
Maybe there are some spirits that prefer that?
but you'd be treading some new territory with that one.
I know it interferes with your shitposting, but nobody here is a Luciferian. Trying to go 'muh Satan' is actively sabotaging your ability to bait.
Not at all. Dreams provide full on interaction. You can't touch someone through video chat.
I mean, if I really end up liking them I'd be open to more bit it seems ridiculous to tie yourself closely right off the bat. Like marrying a girl you've never met before.
Some of them probably are since Samael and Lilith have similiar ideologies.
None of them are. None of the legitimate posters here have shit to do with Lucifer, most don't even think he's a real deity. Your mistake as a shitposter is assuming "They worship Lilith" (a non-Goetic entity) means "They worship Satan" because your own propaganda tells you everything is Satan.
>bit it seems ridiculous to tie yourself closely right off the bat. Like marrying a girl you've never met before.
uh fair enough, but don't think you can just add and remove things as a beginner and you'll be totally fine from the beginning
You'll need to build up some experience
it's not like hollywood magic
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A Seraph. Holy, holy, holy.
From one Troll to another you are an arseface.

You will all feel better Midnight. Satan wants us to stop fighting.
>Satan wants us to stop fighting.
It seems like you're new here with the "we" and "us" posting
who the fuck cares about satan?
I certainly don't
Oh you sweet Summer Child. You will battle demons.
You get shit on every time you come here with this Satanism nonsense and yet you persist in it despite it making you a worse shitposter. Note: making yourself stand out is not a good thing when you're baiting. You're a moron.
I'm already a pretty seasoned lucid dreamer of that helps. Would a succ be able to help induce lucidity in my regular dreams too?
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I'm a Zen Christian Athiest Satanist then.
She will be at the end of the dreams in a place you usually go after the battle.
when it comes to the occult, personal experience trumps almost everything; just dont lose yourself in them, lest you get labelled "lost his fucking mind" even by fellow practitioners.

that being said, just be respectful and honest when asking her. my experience shows she values that the most. at worst, you get a hard "no".

but, this is an ancient deity we're talking about, there's multiple sides to her, multiple versions and personalities. though she may not choose the role of a wife, you may be happy with whatever other relationship she deems more suitable.
>She will be at the end of the dreams in a place you usually go after the battle.
What do you mean by that?
>Would a succ be able to help induce lucidity in my regular dreams too?
yes, definitely
>>She will be at the end of the dreams in a place you usually go after the battle.
>What do you mean by that?
he's just shit posting
or maybe he's serious and just a rambling schizo
>worse shitposter
No, the worst shitposters is everyone in this thread because you guys are the worst magicians I have ever met and the cringiest thing on /x/
After all these years I still don't understand why these tulpa threads haven't been banned.
>just a rambling schizo
Many such cases on /x/. I figured as much but asked anyways. I do battle a lot in my dreams. Would a succ be able to join me? Are they capable of fighting?
>Would a succ be able to join me? Are they capable of fighting?
yes, and yes
>you guys are the worst magicians I have ever met and the cringiest thing on /x/
Yeah, because this thread isn't about magic, its about a lifestyle, in essence.

You can whine for literal years on end if it pleases you, but these "worst magicians" are living the dream and engaging with the occult every single day.
How does a fucking HOBBYIST magician like you compare to that?
I do magic all day. you're just a jealous faggot
>You can whine for literal years on end if it pleases you, but these "worst magicians" are living the dream and engaging with the occult every single day.
I'm an occult content creator working 7 days a week with hundreds of followers, AND I actually have had sex with an actual woman.
You guys on the other hand are worse than the retards who think Lucifer is a fallen angel in the bible and not the planet Venus in a scathing insult against Sargon II.
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>tulpa threads
atheist detected
cringe mode.... activated
>AND I actually have had sex with an actual woman.
Why would you brag about getting something inferior?
>I'm an occult content creator working 7 days a week with hundreds of followers, AND I actually have had sex with an actual woman.
>You guys on the other hand are worse than the retards who think Lucifer is a fallen angel in the bible and not the planet Venus in a scathing insult against Sargon II.
and yet, here you are
Don't you have a better way to spend your time?
you should, right? Since you're such a winner and so much better than the people in this thread
Or maybe you're just a loser and have nothing better to do with your time than spend it with people you don't like. Actions do speak louder than words, champ
What the actual fuck are you babbling about?
Spinal Fluids, making a shitty blob post doesn't make you a respectable fucking content creator.
Did Christ not say that the resurrected shall be like the angels of heaven?
What does Christ being only mediator between man and God have to do with spirits? Spirits aren't God.
>Assumes spirit lovers are all virgins
>"Actual women", as if physical are the only kind
>"Occult content creator"
You are a hylic, and you don't even understand the place that you're spamming if you think being an "occult content creator" is going to give you "cred".

That lie just makes you even more of a joke to us, you worthless bastard.
The brotherhood of sorcerers.
kek, spinal fluids and matpat are on a roll today.
I'm curious now who the object of your lust is. Heard the name before, probably here. Worry not, you'll eat his ass yet.

You are now Mr. JYSK.
>Maybe if I accuse them of being me I'll look less like a fucking retard
This shit is gayer than chubby chasing homosexuals.
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you are either matpat or spinal fluids or their failed fusion. point being is that you are a silly billy that came to this board to spout out your nonsense. do you even have a spirit lover?
>do i have to Rape Gabe even more???
you can't rape the willing anon
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I still don't know who the fuck Gabe is.

Anyway, I found this story amusing and it's pertinent enough to share:
speaking of samefag
99% of the population is held hostage by fear. And this fear mention is very specific, not an abstract. It has a name. I was once held captive as well by this fear, more than once actually.

But now, free again, I see this prison of the mind for what it really is. And so too shall you most likely, for most people are in danger of experiencing this fear first hand.

There are others here who have overcome this greatest of illusions of life as we know it on Earth today. This makes all who survive it stronger. Perhaps this is why things are as they are in this realm of existence. Perhaps those who have global popular influence want as many as possible to experience existing in this way.

Those who know, mention your experience. Most of those here have no idea whatsoever what it means to actually exist primarily under your own power, but others assist too as do we all.
do you have a succu anon?
>I fear the Lord. The only one who can set my testicles on fire for eternity.
is this some kind of bdsm fantasy on your part?
I swear, all the christcucks are secretly faggots
I'm not christian but I am still skeptical of all of this and these beings and they're intentions and if they can even be trusted, etc.
Sorry I don't believe in Jewish bullshit. My idea of god is completely different from yours. These beings are from some other place and have nothing to do with humanity.
sounds pretty jewish tbdesu
Yeah. Our goal should be free of lust, not to feed into it. Christians, if they are true, will be like angels after death, and even in life, do away with sin.

I know I fail miserably in my own life to deny lust, but we have to lean on Jesus, and walk the walk in Christ. It is our only hope and comfort.

Don't play with succubi who try to prevent you being like angels, your ideal, best selves as designed by God.
>all the christcucks are secretly faggots

This is where the self-defeating loss of personal power comes into play. They are indeed 'damned' by their own admission. Why else do they hate sex and women in general? As with all falsity and broken ways, they will fade. Either by individuating, or by death.
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>My god says that the world must be PUNISHED
Okay, can you describe for me what your imagination conjures when you think of the idea of an "Evil god"?

Completely serious question. Just give it a shot.
Cuz I am legitimately wondering how you could possibly define that concept where its worse than "Punish the world".
That is, dare I say, *Satanically* Evil.
Anon. Are you with a love spirit of any sort? If not, why are you even here? You aren't going to change anyone's mind and if it's just to give an " I told you so", it just further discredits your religion.
Why arent there any anons posting stories about their interactions with their succubi? Why is just endless debating with christgolems?
>Why is just endless debating with christgolems?

Because as much as they do not belong here, we love smacking them around. They have the same power we do. They are just afraid of it as well as themselves.
He's here to shitpost. He used to post pics of him 'owning' people here on /trash/ for asspats.
I'm a keep it a bean with you chief. Spirits are pretty much just energy beings that we cant see. That's it. Magick is just some illusionary mumbo jumbo to trick our subconscious into affecting our world and interacting with spirits. You have big spirits like your god, small spirits like fae and nymphs, and spirits like you me and succu. That's it chief. It's far more complicated but in the end of the day it's pretty normal when you get used to it.
I’ve got one helluva story for you. I’ll post in the next thread since it’s so long.
What I'm saying is that you are coming into a chat full of people that interact with spirits daily while you only have a book with second hand acounts as yours. You cant expect people to take you seriously.
The Bible literally the first ouiji board. It’s the most supernatural object in the world.
Looking forward to it. Thank you for your service.
The Bible makes it clear that the spirits you see can allow you to wield magic and curses. The sorcerers in exodus turned their staffs into snakes.

God outright says to burn witches and their objects because they are walking curses.

You have to be foolish.
Supernatural is not the same as doing magick yourself. Reading a book is not the same as meditating. Now prayer is magick, but most people dont know how to pray right so its flawed. There is Christian magick. I thinks theres a whole general on it. But you have to do it yourself instead of expecting god to do it for you.
Again. You are using a book to go up against people with personal experience. It's like reading an outdated manual
God created Jewish culture.
Nah. It’s more like you guys are so impressed by low-tier entities, you cannot grasp the power of an object created by the most powerful of them all.
>but most people dont know how to pray right so its flawed.
I feel like ironically enough, the people who are best at praying at modern neo-pagans worshipping gods
modern christians are basically glorified atheists, and have no idea how to pray
>Now prayer is magick
This is the main problem. They want to pretend prayer is a miracle which is totes different from magic. totes diff, fr fr no cap, even
And it's not. It's the same thing. This is why christians are so bad at praying
And they'll probably never figure it out, tbdesu
If you want to pray right, use the miracle spellbook, which is the Bible.
> Jewish culture.
Magic is a ripoff of everything Moses, Elijah, and Jesus did. That’s why magicians spent their time trying to replicate their miracles the most.
stupidity is not a replacement for determination
the earth is older than 6000 years
and people have been doing magic for longer than there were even modern humans
neanderthals did magic
So your prophets were just copying it
and they worshipped a false god too. yahweh is just a tribal god of jews (gross), and a vengeful spirit of death and rage
At this point, I'm glad the jews and nigs will wipe most of the whites out. I just hope they take your book with it. Literally, it's like talking to a woman. Your brain skips every time we bring up basic concepts like outdated views and first hand experience vs second hand experience.
If God was anything like those imposters, why didn’t he have any idols? Why was he confident in rejecting images to represent him as the most high God? Why did he insisted to instead heed to the fulfillments of prophecies to declare himself as the most high God?
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>Your brain skips every time we bring up basic concepts like outdated views and first hand experience vs second hand experience.
exactly right
but don't hold it against him
the bible is his safety blankie. It's what he uses to feel better about himself
Then he doesn't have to think, or deal with scary ideas, or grow. He can just go back to the same old well of dogma and bask in how RIGHT he is about everything, pat himself on the back again and again
It's a comfortable existence.
Jesus Christ will never be defeated by the likes of you. And you should remember, when Nimrod built the tower to defy God, God destroyed that black king’s united empire with a smiting of languages. Languages written left-to-right and right-to-left that point to Israel. My God lives forever and ever.
>why didn’t he have any idols?
yes I know you want to change subjects because you are a satanic deceiver
but this is just a self-own
The top of every church has a cross on it, you dumb faggot. That's a fucking idol
Yeah, that's an idol
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Man, I'm sorry for the outburst but come on. Half this thread is dealing with this. This right here is why magick is so important. You cant let these retards intermingle with you or they will ruin everything.
sauca nao says pam poko
looks based, thanks for the recommendation
You changed the subject with your false secular evolutionist gospel that should thrown to the fires already, for creating nothing more but societies of the most repulsive and cruelest perverts. Of people behind that wickedness known as the French Revolution. That despised God for the holiness he demanded of them.
"French revolution"
Come again lol bro?
Watch this: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=IWOGJVaUrjI&pp=ygUqam9obiBtYWNhcnRodXIgcm9tYW5zIDEgZ29kJ3Mgd3JhdGggcGFydCA0

>But it’s an hour.
And your eternity would either be infinite hours of pain or infinite hours of joy.
I'm not spending an hour watching propaganda you silly billy. We are here for spirit pussy, not mass
>secular evolutionist gospel
Ah, I see. so you really are stupid. The earth is much older than 6000 years my dude
Sorry to say it
your jews and their jewish god are newcomers to the game. Being what, only about 5000 years old at best? And yahweh is a small fry compared to other gods
I know you really really desperately need to be the first so you can claim your jewish god is a creator, and all historical evidence proves that wrong so you just ignore it.
The fact of the matter is, jews stole a lot of shit to make their religion
and the religions they stole from weren't first, either
And the magic those people were doing wasn't new, either
It's all a great chain of being, that goes far beyond your little tyke of a rage demon you call yahweh
The French Revolution legit only existed because the wicked upper class that hated righteous actions of a righteous king that obeyed the Lord’s expectations and orders of rulership and society. Of Jesus Christ’s desire.

They spanned the entire story around to say “we were peasants who had a dumb king,” while still adoring the site of the demon who appeared before them to kickstart their revolution.
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>It isn’t done from pleasure
That is a complete and utter irrelevance. His nature is defined by his works and his works range from flawed to capital-E Evil.

The road to hell is paved with good intentions for man and wannabe supreme being alike. Just as your intentions to do some twisted "good" don't stop your message from being utterly hateful to the point of hostility to Life.
You weren’t around 6000 years ago. So stop pretending you were.
Abraham was born over 4000 years ago and Noah was born over 5000 years ago. And before them was Jesus Christ.
Don’t you dare claim you are even worthy of touching Jesus Christ’s feet.
>You weren’t around 6000 years ago. So stop pretending you were.
how can you prove the world wasn't made last thursday?
This is idiocy and something you would have learned to swim out of in basic philosophy 101
Once again, the ignorance of christians is... fascinating
I feel like watching a creature at the zoo, or maybe an ant in an ant farm
they really are just isolated from the world, aren't they?
Matpat. Isn't it past your bedtime lil bro? Is your mom not here tonight to tuck you in?
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>touching Jesus Christ’s feet.
this fucking guy can't stop with his latent homosexuality
matpat confirmed to be a faggot, ONCE AGAIN AHAHAHAHAHAHA
Matpat chill. You need to stop taking your stimulants before bedtime
matpat, you are having a meltdown on a succubus basket weaving thread at midnight
This is my first time making something other than a silly one-sentence shitpost in one of these generals in well over a year, maybe two, but for me, and I assume a fair number of others, the answer your first question lies in your second. Too many people just taking bait and acting like retards in every damned at this point. Unfortunately, like most of 4chan, the general culture of these threads has become one where effortposting will almost never be rewarded by interesting discussion, and it just makes you feel like an idiot when you bother to try.
matpat, what are you on right now?
Christians are not golems. They are the ones who are offered the keys to rule a clean earth.
lil, bro. what experience do you have with women?
Nothing but holiness. Truths that are too clear cut of your inferior nature to Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
you worship a jew. you are the definition of a golem you oofy doofy
bro is oding on his lil sisters Adderall right now.
>bro is oding on his lil sisters Adderall right now.
don't talk about that, it's a sore spot for him
how he couldn't "save" his brother from going tranny
Seems like maybe he should focus on helping himself and the people close to him, rather than playing keyboard warrior...
But this is his safety blankie. So he keeps coming back.
more self incriminating homosexuality and you aren't even denying you're matpat anymore. this is why no one takes you seriously. its kinda sad your one of the only virgins on this entire board and this is 4chan for heavens sake.
im a single child silly. i really did hit a sore spot
I'm honestly not entirely blaming you guys. Yes, you're all mean-spirited asswipes whose perverse understanding of spirituality consists entirely of preventing everyone who thinks differently than you from trying to have fulfilling experiences or think about the world, but no one's forcing anyone who's in the thread for the right reasons to take your bait and engage with you. Guess I shouldn't hold it against them either, though, you just baited me too.

Before you get all pissy and self-righteous, by "you all", I mean specifically the Christians on 4chan, I've known plenty of decent folks who practice that religion IRL who would find it an embarrassment to know that people like you fancy themselves representatives of their faith.
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Jesus Christ would slap you in the fucking head if he heard you placing him above others.

If this is Matpat, hurry up and get drafted so your life can be wasted as fodder against the Gazans rather than wasted here.
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maybe he's just jealous his bro went tranny, and he never could
you could be a faggot too matpat. Don't let your dreams be memes
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so you admit to sexuality and stealing your moms meds. you realy are a holy man matpat.
welp, we have come full circle boys
Could you two stop this sick duet?
I applaud Hiro for the recent rollout of outrage shills and engagement bots, but this back-and-forth is unproductive to those that browse the fine general that is /succgen/.

Right now I have decided to contact the nonmaterial world for a lonely, wandering love spirit looking for some company.
Nah, a lot of them just have the basic sense and human decency know how to approach others with love and open-mindedness, and realize that prolific shitposting and telling people not to enjoy things without listening to them isn't the most productive way to win converts. They feel similarly about the spiritual dangers of what I go about as you do, but to them, it actually is a matter of "concern for my soul" and wanting me to see what they consider the light. For you, it's an opportunity to feel smug and have fun making an ass of yourself online with a flimsy cover story about doing right.
i know, but is been a long day and i have to admit watching matpat burn out on his meds it quite entertaining.
Anyway, I'm already getting dragged into the exact kind of worthless bullshit I stopped posting seriously in these threads to avoid, so that'll be it from me, keep (You)ing me if you want.
Yeah when I talk about my experiences I tend to get on or two replies at most, sometimes it just gets ignored.
good day succgen. i found a book on yokai called "yokai magick: a handbook of magic and methods for summoning yokai"
im ordering it and i hope it has more information on oni and how to summon them.
Biologically speaking men are modified women, since in the absence of the right hormone triggers, human development defaults to female.
the last few threads have had alot of arguing in them. i hope people stop fighting in the next thread
bro thinks hes on a crusade
I'm afraid it is. Look up androgen insensitivity.
>Magic with a k
Even the Japanese magic has been infected with Crowley's dumb.
you are a mean man matpat. i just want to settle down in the afterlife with an oni wife and kids, how is that evil?
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What's the point of memorizing a bunch of quotes when you completely fail to grasp any of the meaning?

Pay as much lip service to him as you like, Jesus would be as disgusted by the current form of your religion as he was by the jews of his own time.
I only went back and read the Alawite guy's threads long after they were made and never joined his server or anything, but I respect the hell out of that dude just for managing to get substantive dialogue about something going and successfully, then moving it off-site and keeping it going. I wish the same would happen here, but I think it's probably too late by now. Then again, I don't check in often these days, maybe there is a succgen Discord or something that I just missed out on. In any case, /x/ is seldom a good place for serious discussion of the paranormal these days. The problem is neither is anywhere else online anymore, at least that I'm aware of.
>maybe there is a succgen Discord
Yes, there is that.
Interesting. Wouldn't say no to an invite or link if it's being kept in less-disastrous shape than the threads. If you guys have a policy of not sharing that shit to keep well-poisoners away, though, I can also understand that an accept that I just missed the boat.
I refuse to use discord, full stop.
the discord is very nice. there is alot of information and people with good experiences.
Sure, here you go~
i just have to summon her with the letter. i would like to stay away form gods and deities and focus on just her and our family.
I've actually never been on a server before, on any topic, but I use it for simple file-sharing with IRL friends. I'm not dead set against trying one out if it's actually about something interesting and paranormal, though. Worthwhile public discussion forums on this stuff basically died out around 2016–17, if nothing's going on in "private" like that that, then it's just not going on at all at this point.

Appreciate it. About to head to bed, but I'll try to get on this weekend after dusting off the neurons that know how Discord works.
>renew the faith of the latter
I literally get less Christian every time you post.
oni dont fall under a deity or god. they are yokai.
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>STILL fixated on cooming
You don't even treat people with the basic dignity to listen to what they say.

I take back what I said. Jesus would be FAR MORE disgusted with you than he was with the Jews of his time, because you do this evil in his name, and in so-doing continuously lead people AWAY from his actual message, which has nothing to do with your sorry self.

You can't even engage with the idea of your own sinfulness. You just spam more.
>/x/ is seldom a good place for serious discussion of the paranormal these days.
it is what it is
why I've gone to other places, like discord for one
>maybe there is a succgen Discord or something that I just missed out on.
there are more than a few
here's the link to my server. I see mine has already given you the invite link to her server
>The problem is neither is anywhere else online anymore, at least that I'm aware of.
well there are about a million discord servers, where you can talk about stuff
and also BALG, which is alright
the more i hear you, you seem more like a muslin then a Christian
mine has a theory that he's some kind of hasidic Jew or something, because he's 100% focused on the old testament with only the merest lip service to the NT.
>You can't even engage with the idea of your own sinfulness. You just spam more.
well that's the problem
Him doing this IS the point. It's not a detour or an accident
if he ever ran out of "sinners" to rage against, he wouldn't know what to do with himself
And then he wouldn't have his safety blankie, and the excuse
He might be forced to actually look in the mirror, and try to fix himself, rather than raging at others
Of course, the bible does say, multiple times in multiple ways, judge not lest ye be judged by others, don't throw rocks if you live in a glass house etc.
This guy makes christians look bad... I say that and I hate christianity. Normal christians by comparison are great
oni are spirits that embody strong emotions and are more ogre like then demonic. they are usually depicted as punishers but can be depicted as protectors as well.
got any new testament quotes, "christian"?
of course a jew like you would burst into flames if you ever quoted it, so I understand your hesitation
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Amazing how that KEEPS happening, even when you spam.
Do I hear 569?
Just excuses and word games.

The Gazans cannot rid this world of you quickly enough, you lying avreich scum.
>Talking about prophesies of future events
>Speaking of them in the past tense
This is what being locked in a room with a book for your entire loser life will do to you.
You've lost even your basic grasp on what's real.

These lies are just so obvious and stupid...
How have you spent your WHOLE LIFE studying these texts, yet your understanding is this warped?
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You have hunted through those texts until you found random quotes to support every evil thing that was already in your mind, while managing to miss the overall point.

You are a pathetic failure of a religious scholar and it would be the salvation of your entire doomed country if they drafted every one of you and fed you into a meat grinder.
You are as much a cancer to Israel as you are to this thread.
Oni are spirits of the wicked dead or animals who lived for too long (degenerate spirits, basically). Also embodiments of ill will. Oni are NOT yokai.

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