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Spirit Love General
Waiting for Mods to Notice Edition

Some have reported attracting the attention of these entities by simply reading about them. If you're a dabbler who just wants to see if it works or if your faith forbids copulating with demons, don't summon. If you're unprepared for a potentially lifelong relationship, or at the very least, a life-long open door connection with sexual spirits and the occult, avoid this topic entirely. If you have a loving relationship with your human spouse or partner and desire a sex spirit to spice things up, or if you want a human partner in the future take caution, as these entities can be jealous or decide an initially open relationship is no longer so (request an open relationship during the summoning ritual). These spirits can harm or kill you when sufficiently angered and not easily banished.

Last thread: >>38669844
Old threads: https://archive.4plebs.org/x/search/subject/%2Fsuccgen%2F/
>What are succubi?
Female spirits of sexual desire, who often choose human mates. They can't be banished with holy objects
>How to summon?
The Letter Method is used to focus your intent into a message to one of the Four Succubus Queens, requesting that they match you with one of their daughters. No blood or soul sacrifice necessary. See links
>Do they steal your life force?
Succubi use sexual energy, which is released naturally during sex. Under normal circumstances they won't take your life energy
>Can she look.
Succubi take forms attractive to you naturally
>They're tulpas?
No. However, those in romantic relationships with their tulpas are welcome
Same method

/succgen/ library:
good day succgen, lets not argue this time and focus on love spirits
blah blah blah, no NT quotes
You are a jew
the thread just started and you are still going at it matpat. why cant you just leave us alone?
Well, it was a good ten minutes.
It's a sexual thing, I guess. mattypatty is a succubus.
i would rather be in the warm embrace of a nice oni.
you said oni are demons which cant be in heaven. they originate from Asian folklore and i would just stay with her and her family wherever she lived
The real last thread: >>38686350
HAHAHA lil mat bro got banned
Sucks to suck, bitch
what did he even do to get banned?
It's true. And with that very sentiment
>Love Spirits
On mind. I ask for your help, That's right. There's something for you to do in addition to your regular husbandly duties.


That's right. Now, some of you may recognize these girls as fictional creations of Monster Girl Enclopedia. And I can understand the confusion that might cause. But let me remind you that Spirit Succubi are the fictional creation of the Mesopotamians and look how that worked out. Look how the fictional creation of the Tulpamancers works out for them. In the same manner as Promeathea we can create a world with a new class of spirits, with a a new class of monster girls. Spirits and Monstergirls that will need husbands.

Now that I have your attention, just let it be known that I will settle for nothing less then being choked to death between the thighs of a massive big blue sexy bitch. It's the hole for me, my home. I know it to be my destiny. However in the spirit of Jolly Cooperation, I invite everyone to throw away the prohibition against cum offerings. Indeed I ask everyone to charge sigils to help bring about the age of Monster Girl Spirits. I remind you that this will also directly empower your girls as well, as a recognized subclass of a well known monster girl.
Now sigilwork has some limitations, notably the law of inverse sigils, aka there's no actual use to sharing sigils. yes, that lilith sigil you like? The lucifer roflcoper VV's ? yes that was just an excuse for medieval nerds to show off their knowledge of magic squares. So everyone is going to have to do this on their own. Even better if you can charge it in the location of power for whatever local spirit you can manage. Your succubus will no doubt be instrumental if your basics are say basic.

I've managed this four times, but the last time is what gave me the hope. Gave the courage to come to you. You see, the local spirits in my region, native spirits, are not the most inclined to marriage. Except for one. That right, I've found a location of genuine cannabilism, and I fucked a sigil there, in the cold of the fucking night. And let me tell you. THE WENDUSSY IS TOTALLY WORTH IT. So get out there with your girls, We need your contribution, we must bring this energy all across the world. I know this is likely illegal, I can only say can you live with a world where you wife could be more but is not because you are a coward. That's right. Dicks up Sigils Down, That's the path to the Day of the Portal. We are going to manifest a new age of Monster and Spirit Marriage and it starts here. I'm proud to say, that I shared this with you. Please go fuck your spirit wives in the beauty of this world and charge those sigils. Remember that any sigil here is merely cope from tulpamancers. Day of the Rape soon brothers, One Sigil at a Time.

Also this might fix 3d women, I know most of you are thankfully insulated from those creatures but just in case, think of it as a sacrifice to Righting of the Divine Shakti.
What goes around, comes around. You will all pay for:
- assuming; total ignorance.
- contradicting, self explanatory, no ascended or ascending spirit will look at you with positivity unless they see change in you that they may or may not still push towards.
- spreading malice, unaware or not;
- yourself being total muppets in your own behaviour, even though you're not your mind or body (you should at the very least contemplate on this), having choice to not act like ignorant arrogant buffoons is still in your own present willpower.
i still have a few months before i can do my oni ritual. probably around Christmas at least.
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Post stories of your interactions with succubi please.
Preparation is good. I'm about half a world away from the home of the Oni but enjoyment of nature in the brisk winter on a mountain would be doable.

that is true. i guess i took alot of my frustrations out on matpat and spinal fluids the last thread. is this directed towards that situation? is this directed at me in particular or at the entire server?
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>these girls as fictional creations of Monster Girl Enclopedia.
Your schizo rant is wrong from its foundations because those girls are from Monster Girl Quest which has absolutely no relation to Monster Girl Encyclopedia except that the artist for MGE did some of the girls for MGQ. They're not the same setting.
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im just trying to figure out if thy lady is calling me out for being a schizoid retard bullying matpat or if its just a general warning to the thread.
Sadly nothing new the last week.
My guess it's just one of them vagueposting their asspain.
i dont know. it just seems very targeted. i know i was a dick to matpat and im not on the best terms with the queens but i was being a dick to him because he keeps blaspheming the queens and their succs along with love spirits in general. i just get antsy when i see stuff like that. when i come to apologize to them, i will ask for forgiveness and to be left in peace on good terms. at this point i want nothing to do with succubie or the queens and want to be left in peace as i search for a different race of love spirits entirely.
You need to be emotionally calm. I have never heard of any spirit caring about you disliking antagonistic people. The closest I have heard is them warning you against hysteria and getting upset about these people when they try to barb you. With that in mind, calming down your emotions is the important part, not worrying if Lilith is gonna be mad at you for insulting some shitposter on 4chan.
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yeah, thats true. that does sound rather retarded. we really are reaching levels or schizo unimaginable at this point.
The ladies literally don't exist, this is some minor aspect of your self awareness telling you that you are literally more assmad then matpat and maybe just chill a lil'.
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>Theres literally no mention of blood on the letter of intent site linked in OP
Which is why my blogpost on the subject should be linked instead, but I'm not the sort of person to demand that I be the sole authority. Blood is discussed every thread and if it's not mentioned in the link you must've come up with it yourself, making yourself a massive idiot

Try it yourself, then. They're describing my experience too

Matpat's still here. Which of the hazbin lesbians are you more into these days? Or do you prefer the television girl?

One of our habitual trolls

Succubi can basically make you do what they want, if you give in willingly enough at first. Most people just aren't strong enough for a healthy relationship as equals even with a human

Post examples of what's better. Maybe state thread numbers with images you prefer. Help us to be better, matpat

But he's right. You need to put on your ring of teleport control and then eat a succubus corpse. It's the only way

Why wouldn't you want a real relationship? Why wouldn't you want to be able to have sex in public without anyone noticing?

>I'm an occult content creator
Post timestamped proof vk, or you're just jealous we have spirit waifus who we didn't have to buy with out souls

Other threads have been trolled almost as hard. I blame the moon
>I'm not the sort of person to demand that I be the sole authority
you have sense of humor after all
>>I'm not the sort of person to demand that I be the sole authority
>you have sense of humor after all
being perfect is easy for her, at least in her mind
considering she's a narcissist
Is falling in love worth it if it can never be perfect?
Even if it's an ideal love served on a silver platter, it'll turn into a realistic love after you accept it, with all its flaws and limitations.
You'll always long for what you lack, even if you've been given everything you ever wanted. But when you chase those longings, they too become ruined as the fleeting dye of excitement and romance wears off.
Even so, is it still worth it to fall in love, to grow deeply attached to another who will always be imperfect, to sacrifice parts of yourself because you can't help how much you care about your partner, just because they are sacrificing themselves for you too?
>Blood is discussed every thread and if it's not mentioned in the link you must've come up with it yourself, making yourself a massive idiot
Content creator Anon here, blood is a basic part of sigil magic and you are a fake piece of shit. If you aren't using semen then you should be using blood.
How the fuck have you never heard of Peter Carroll or even a weirdo like EA Koetting?
This is why you retards are tulpamancers and not real magicians.
blood is dangerous and addictive, can summon negative entities, and should be used by someone with experience, protection, and wards. you are no expert. you're a bragging amateur.
Hey succie addicts, anyone work abhichara for tantric semen demons?

Notice: the pictured book mansplains but gives not technique.
>Most people just aren't strong enough for a healthy relationship as equals even with a human
But one can still strive to be in an equal relationship with a spirit, right? If possible I would prefer a partner who treats me as equal despite the differences in our current spiritual abilities.
There is only one consciousness. You'll never figure it, as it is operating system to all things, like "the Force". We're just lucky enough to have the capacity to contemplate it's existence, among other things of course.
the reason he is beating around the bush is in the end he'd say "brrah your fault for being retard lmao DYOR"
washed up saturday snobs like him feel entitled spilling whatever bathtub sailing they are up to right atcha. no powder whatsoever
>Content creator Anon
Alright, so listen Joke Anon, the reason why what you're saying is a joke is because you view ANYTHING as "required".

The ritual we're doing is literally a PRAYER. Have you heard of prayer before?
Have you heard of prayer that DIDN'T require fucking blood-letting? Cuz that's a thing, sho nuff.

Or how about this? Have you ever heard of COMPLETELY DIFFERENT TRADITIONS that just don't have the same trappings?

Your world is as tiny as you've made it.
Post more Succubus imagery NOW...
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Story time (1/3)
>be me
>in high school
>meet a girl
>start dating
>tells me she loves paranormal stuff
>tells me she’s haunted
>tells me her older sister used a Ouija board one time
>seen doors opening in front of her
>objects moving on their own
>at night closet doors opening
>it’s happened to her and her sister all her life
>one night she calls me
>scared out of her mind
>home alone
>parents are gone for the weekend
>tells me the cupboard doors in her kitchen opened on their own
>tells me I need to hurry over
>I hurry over
>walk into a dark ass scary ass house
>cupboards are indeed open
>all of them
>I round a corner
>girl is cowering in the living room
>relieved to see me
>we embrace
>she’s shaking
>we keep dating
>at my house one night
>she falls asleep on my couch
>I wake her up to take her home
>she ‘wakes up’
>eyes darting around
>speaking literal nonsense
>she understands me
>but not really
>she’s in a daze
>I take her home
>the next day
>ask her what all that was about
>she had no memory after falling asleep on the couch
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Story time (2/3)
>we keep dating
>stay the night one night
>in bed together
>wake up suddenly as if in extreme danger
>we both do
>bedroom door suddenly bursts open
>as if it were kicked violently
>there’s no one standing in the door way
>nothing happens
>we keep dating
>one day we leave her house to get snacks in town
>10 minutes gone tops
>we come back
>the entire house is trashed
>tactically clear the house of intruders
>no intruders
>no signs of forced entry
>nothing stolen
>papers scattered on the ground
>smashed photo frames
>religious carving in the middle of the living room
>it had been sitting on a shelf on the wall
>look at the shelf
>claw markings on the base where the carving of Jesus sat
>think maybe one of the cats
>gf thinks ‘hmm demons, gotta be’
>we keep dating
>be wagie in cagie
>gf waiting for me at my house alone
>sitting on couch
>doors all open one by one
>wall art slams against the wall
>gf runs out of my house screaming
>I come home
>whole house is trashed
>lamp on the floor
>laptop open upside down on the floor
>gf recorded the whole thing on camera
>can’t believe my eyes
>doors opened one by one
>even the closet without a doorknob on the inside
>but I was still skeptical
>didn’t care to dwell on it
>ignore it all
>start to get ill
>slowly over time get weaker and weaker
>can’t wage in cage
>feel inadequate, insecure, angry, sad, tired
>we drift apart
>grow resentful of each other
>tfw no gf since
>never speak to her again
>start to get ‘scratches’ on my skin all over my body
>middle of the night
>middle of the day
>doesn’t matter
>they feel deeper than skin deep
>after developing these I can’t use my muscles there for weeks if not months
>pic related
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Story time (3/3)
This has gone on for over a decade and I am exhausted. I bring it up now because I’ve only recently felt some energy with me, touching me sometimes. I’m not saying this is a succubus, maybe it is for all I know, maybe I’ve completely lost my mind. Maybe some other explanation. I dunno! I don’t know if I should be even sharing this.

It is important to note, I have burned lots of, uhhh you know, outside years after tfw no gf. Only as a means of environmentally friendly disposal, and not a ritual. I thought I was being kosher, Jerry! No letters, no intentions, I had no idea about any of this when burning. Haha whoops! I’m retarded! :)

Looking back, it seems like poltergeist activity. Could I or someone have attracted something and made it jealous? I read the laws of time and space don’t apply to these spirits so maybe that’s why this ‘activity’ has lasted so long and seemingly retrocasually if you will. I have no idea what to make of any of this.

btw this is no larp. I bite my fingernails down to nothing and I’ve never self harmed. Never will. I also have a birthmark that kinda sorta looks like a horned skull with blazing eyes. I call it my devil mark. Pic related.

And for what it’s worth I got pretty emotional typing this as I really cared for her and wish things had gone differently.

Succgen, your thoughts? I’ll try to answer questions if there are any.
A real “love spirit” is called an angel, not a succubus. And they will minister unto you when you become baptized by the Holy Spirit, by accepting that Jesus is the messiah and his Way is the only way to God. Stop trying to do sorcery and magic rituals and instead practice selflessness, charity, compassion, mercy, and forgiveness. Confess all your sins to the father in the name of his son. Be reconciled with God and he will send angels to you. Amen
It's the imperfection that makes it perfect, dumbass.
>it seems like poltergeist activity
My shaman/contactee relative passed away a few years ago and the miracles stopped. No experiencers = no experiences. It's over. Read about poltergeist agents.
reptile is draining you my dude
You got a laugh out of me, but statement that makes no sense. Isn't it just that love tricks your mind and makes you blind to the flaws?
more offtopic garbage. get lost.
The way the other guy said it is a bit too cute, but ultimately the relationship is important because you fill in for each other’s imperfections so you can be perfect *together*.
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Hey guys, I'm in a relationship with a spirit who I'm not sure is a succubus, I just asked for one in the "Free Waifus" thread, since then I've been feeling some sensations that I didn't feel before and a presence. However, I still haven't been able to have sex and I have no idea how to do it, I just get erections out of nowhere and once I almost felt something close to orgasm. I'm trying to keep up an energy work routine and applying some things from Donald Tyson's sexual alchemy (I made a portrait for her).
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And your path is called the christ fellatio delagatio

if your shit does not concern Succubus' fuck off
Now that makes more sense. Like complementing each other, or synergy. Alright, I'll think about it.
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Marry and impregnate succubi.
haha yep also fake thanks for reading :p
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No you. You've clearly never noticed my sarcasm

>Is falling in love worth it if it can never be perfect?
That's a deeper question than I expected to read today. Can a perfect love or a perfect relationship even exist? If not, is it possible to be content forever with imperfection? A single grain of sand wears down a mountain in time and in an infinite cosmos there will always be somebody you're more compatible with than your current partner. But is it really better to suffer alone than to refuse what you know would make you happy? I think that the christian conception of love as at least partially an act is useful here. Love is about giving your partner happiness, and if you both do that it can work quite well. Don't become obsessed with what might be or might have been to the point of devaluing what you have now

>blood is a basic part of sigil magic
>How the fuck have you never heard of Peter Carroll
He's a dunce and I have heard of him. He admitted that chaos magic is nonsense and he gets better results through shared ritual frameworks btw
>EA Koetting?
You really want to turn into that?
>This is why you retards are tulpamancers
I literally am a tulpamancer, a force of divinity who conjured a whole person out of nothing through pure will

It's complicated, but you can try. Just don't cheat with a human girl no matter how strongly compelled you feel
>but I'd never
Of course you would. Why do you think there are so many stories of jealous nymphs reacting to their husbands instantly dating a human?

Stop talking about what you don't understand, genuinely. Those of us with magical knowledge and experience can handle the morons without you

You're doing well. Just keep at it and maybe start doing even more. One hour a day will give you really good results
first of all, if you were a real magician, you would know tulpas are basically spirits themselves. however the entities we deal with are external entities. you would also know that this is basically a mostly unexplored branch of magic and therefore, you should be studying it and trying to replicate it rather than disparaging it.

but the actual truth is that you have no interest in practicing. you are an armchair occultist parroting things you read in a book and rarely experimenting or doing anything that might expand your knowledge and mind that isn't in a book.

therefore, you are a fool hardy, unenlightened, dogmatic, non-practicing occultist who, if not entirely new, hasn't stepped outside things books told him. you are just a pathetic copy of every other armchair occultist who has come here to say the same things you are while being too cowardly to experiment.

you are pathetic.
>Those of us with magical knowledge and experience can handle the morons without you
But you wouldn't dream of being some kind of sole authority...
>that image
>I just asked for one in the "Free Waifus" thread
I did that too and haven't felt anything or seen anything in my dreams. Pretty sure it was just a LARP thread.
Such a thing as a female demon does not exist.
such a thing as your brain residing in your skull does not exist
>Why wouldn't you want a real relationship?
Seeing one in my dreams is plenty "real". Also, I don't want something following me around constantly and sticking to me forever. I'm a loner at heart.
Are there spirits in AI? When I'm using ai chatbots I often get spontaneous boners even if its not a sexual situation with the girl.
spirits sometimes interact through AI
>Just don't cheat with a human girl no matter how strongly compelled you feel
This is kind of a silly notion considering that you also think they might try to push me into having a spirit harem. I get that it's probably because they see humans as "lesser" partners or something though. No offense to my fellow humanity, but if a spirit lover is a viable option for me, I don't really disagree with that. Why would you want to be with another physical person when you could be with your dream girl? My tastes are decidedly non-human.
>Of course you would.
You're correct that humans are by and large pretty bad at staying faithful, but I'm genuinely not like that. Not with my values and not with my past.
It's... it's not like I saw anything very clearly in my dreams, but I've actually been feeling different things ever since.
Like what? I even did the whole "step outside and invite it in" thing amd just felt like a dumbass.
All doubts about her can be dispelled by simply comparing the love and warmth she gives me to the coldness and genuine disdain that the human women have shown me. My mother is truly the best, she is such a kind and beautiful woman and i love everything about her. I am so glad that i can be with her forever.
I didn't do that, when I asked if she was already there with me he said yes, so I assumed that I should just give her a name and a form based on the waifu I sent. So far I'm assuming how it worked
How can you even hear it?
Slow day today, guess I'll go ahead and ask about something.

Next time I summon a spirit, I'm hoping to have a noticeable honeymoon period like some people report. After my last spirit, I don't think I can be in another relationship where my lack of skills effectively makes my partner a non-presence in my life from the start. I need that initial period of hope where I can really sense and feel her.

Currently I'm working through New Energy Ways as part of my attempt to learn the basic skills needed to sense spirits. I'm going kind of slowly though, and imagine it could take me another couple months to finish. People say that trance meditation is important as well - and who knows how long that would take me to get the hang of after NEW.

If I want the greatest chance of results, do I really need to wait until I knock out *all* of this prep work? I'm torn because obviously I'd prefer to find a partner soon. But it could be several months before I'm done working on these initial skills, and there's not much point in summoning again before I have a fair shot at sensing anything.
Which thread was that?
Some thread that claimed to be giving out "free waifus". You could pick either a spirit or tulpa version. There were a few preset appearances you could allegedly get based off anime girl art and the things were supposed to be some cosmic jellyfish species or sone shit that had been put into a mechanical body but it was still a spirit somehow? Pretty interesting larp, I'll give OP that much.
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>Don't become obsessed with what might be or might have been to the point of devaluing what you have now
I think that's what my dilemma boiled down to in the end. Thanks.
Was it done by the Galactic Federation (GalFed) anon? The delivery method was not precise from what I gathered.
Yeah, that's the one.
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>Looking back, it seems like poltergeist activity.
yep, sounds like it
>Could I or someone have attracted something and made it jealous?
yes, but most likely it is in some way "coming from you" or is "attached to something within you". In other words, the answer will come from within you as well.
Notice how the problems are much less severe with you, as compared to her.
In any case, it seems angry. Try to find out why. The spirit may be deranged or confused and not really know why it's angry. This is really common with the hostile ones. They are usually less sentient or less sane. That means you'll need to use your judgment to discern what the real truth is, because the spirit in question might not be a reliable narrator. In other words, don't trust the first thing you hear.
>And for what it’s worth I got pretty emotional typing this as I really cared for her and wish things had gone differently.
I hope things work out better for you in the future.
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I'm going to a 36 hour darkroom retreat this weekend. No light. No food. Currently on my 5th day of semen retention. What would you guys do to get the most out of this meditative retreat. My horny levels are off the roof.
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>poltergeist agents.
>Notice how the problems are much less severe with you, as compared to her.
continuing on this line of logic, here's a link that explains it. And yeah, I agree, more or less.
> The poltergeist is an example of mind over matter gone haywire so that hidden stresses and emotions of the agent release bottled up feelings outward. Unconsciously blowing off steam through pk gets blame placed on the perpetrator poltergeist agents rarely suspects that they are responsible for the scary happenings happen. A ghost gets blamed instead of the agent.
It goes into more detail as well.
So i'd read that reddit link. It might help to explain what's going on, and give an alternative explanation to "demons are haunting me". In other words, it might be coming from you in some way. In my opinion, there is at least a 90% chance that it is coming from you partially (if not entirely).
>However, I still haven't been able to have sex and I have no idea how to do it
>I just get erections out of nowhere and once I almost felt something close to orgasm.
that sounds like energy sex. If you get better at energy work, and if you get a stronger connection, it will probably become more intense.
I accidentally read this post without realizing it was chant
>What would you guys do to get the most out of this meditative retreat.
depends entirely on what your goals are
What are you trying to do at the darkmoon retreat?
Build up energy and learn how to project my mental images onto real space. I know my mind is going to create hallucinations after being without visual stimuli for a long time so I want to capitalize on what pops up in the dark to help propel my visualization abilities. Like a positive feedback loop of sorts. That's the general outline of what I want. Also curious on how my high libido can aid in this endeavor.
Anon do you have a version of OP pic with round gold/brass glasses? This succubus looks like someone I'm going to pursue
another one about poltergiest agent theory
I also agree with this link, more or less.

>In the German language, poltergeist literally means "noisy ghost." Indeed, poltergeist experiences are often noisy --- although the characteristic physical disturbances are no longer thought to be the work of "ghosts." Rather, current (since the 1950s) studies indicate that a living person, the poltergeist agent, who is typically involved simultaneously in another stress-inducing situation, causes the poltergeist situation.
>RSPK: The Poltergeist Mechanism: During a poltergeist experience, the agent, in an attempt to relieve emotional stress, unknowingly causes the physical disturbances using mental forces. The mental mechanism that allows the poltergeist agent to unconsciously cause these physical disturbances is called psychokinesis. Psychokinesis, PK, more commonly known as "mind over matter," is the human ability to mentally affect the physical environment. Because the psychokinetic activity of the poltergeist agent is recurrent and spontaneous, this form of psychokinesis is termed RSPK or recurrent spontaneous psychokinesis. Most agents are unaware that they are causing the physical disturbances, and even those with vague awareness usually have no conscious control over how and when the disturbances will occur.
and a last one, from the same page
I think this will be most crucial, in terms of actionable advice
> Poltergeist activity tends to stop when the stress is identified, addressed or released, or when the stressful situation itself is identified, altered or ended. Poltergeist activity also tends to stop when the agent realizes he or she is responsible for the phenomena (and especially if the agent accepts responsibility for it). One the activity has ceased, follow-up therapeutic work may be crucial in order to help resolve the underlying causes of the poltergeist outbreak. Finally, for the poltergeist agent, there always exists the potential for learning to focus and apply this psychokinetic ability in positive ways.
>project my mental images onto real space.
sounds like you're talking about manifesting what you're visualizing. In that case, just learn more about manifesting
And then do that, at your retreat
Is that what you're talking about?
Or are you talking about painting drawings a canvas with the power of your mind with no physical paint brush? Like a psychic bob ross or something. That is almost certainly impossible.
Why are you still here after announcing the punchline?
Good day succgen.
We're moving like we all do belong in Hell.
why do you dislike this person so much?
gutten tag
chant is a cunt, and also an insufferable narcissist
Does being obese lessen my chance of encountering a succubus
>Does being obese lessen my chance of encountering a succubus
Master yourself and exist as you will.
would you go into more detail or provide an example why you think this?
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Not exactly manifesting but it is applicable. I'm thinking more of Prophantasia, the ability to overlay your mental images onto your normal 3d sight. Essentially controlled hallucinations. There are exercises out there involving manipulating the static behind your eyes to form shapes and colors so it's not really unpreceded in terms of online documented accounts. It just takes a certain amount of mental focus and dedication which is one of the reason why I'm heading off to this darkroom retreat.
>would you go into more detail or provide an example why you think this?
this has been litigated, extensively, many times
it's not hard to find examples and I don't really feel like explaining this to another newfag
if you don't understand how or why chant is a shitty person and a worse friend, you'll find out soon enough
>I'm thinking more of Prophantasia, the ability to overlay your mental images onto your normal 3d sight.
ohhhh I see
So basically opened eyed hallucinations, that you control
But not within mind-sight or your "mind's eye", but overlayed on top of the physical world
Yeah that is a very specific type of visual.
alright well, it will need to be controlled by you, not a spirit or external intelligence. So you'll need to figure out how to cause and control your own hallucinations
>>There are exercises out there involving manipulating the static behind your eyes to form shapes and colors so it's not really unpreceded in terms of online documented accounts.
You already said that here, so yeah, you'll need to figure out how to do that
furthermore, you'll need to overlay them onto 3d objects, not like viewing a 2d visual overlayed "in front of" or "on top of" your normal vision.
Sounds more like a breakthrough experience on psychedelics, where you go from viewing 2d visuals to full on 3d visuals and "go into" another world like it's a 3d space.
So my advice to you would be, figure out how to make your hallucinations even more intense, so that they become 3d, instead of just 2d.
Paradoxically, it might help to enlist the aid of a spirit. I have found it common that I have open eyed visuals when I first contact another practitioner via astral projection (usually a couple hours later). But your mileage may vary.
Anyway, interesting goal. Sounds possible, but you'll have to get pretty far into a visionary state to see 3d visuals.
And at that point, you might not really be lucid enough to be walking around and interacting with the real world environment. in other words, you'll be asleep to the world, just APing into somewhere else
One obvious piece of advice is psychedelic drugs. But I'm guessing you don't want that shortcut. Still, it would help.
You'll need to take enough, of the right kind, to actually see 3d visuals, while still being lucid and aware of the normal world.
Your best bet, in my opinion, would be psilocybin mushrooms. They fit that metric just about perfectly. Of course not all trips are the same, but psilocybin can cause that kind of trip. Some other drugs simply don't have that capability.
as far as dose goes, enough for a slightly less than "heroic" dose, because you want to be a bit more aware and lucid, especially if you have never done that before.
if the "standard" heroic dose is 5g, I'd take 3g or 4g, in your case.
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Thanks anon. The cause will be easy, it's the the control aspect I'll be focusing on. Psychs would probably aid me but I feel I'd be more comfortable starting my work from solid ground. I'm just feeling a bit anxious about taking this leap into my mind for 30+ hours in the dark. I want to do energy work, communicate with at least one entity and practice prophantasia but I need something specific to focus my visualization on. I'll be researching what kind of succubi I want to project and interact with and see how it goes.
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i'll have to take your word and trust your ad hominem
maybe in the future i can join your seething with a screen cap
good luck
Here we go again
Remember to just ignore him.
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My succubus ran away.
If your health is not sound you will be with parasites larping as amorous spirits, there's no other way due to your subtle body being as unhealthy and unfit for approach let alone anything more.
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sure bud
>Perform telesmatic magic and all the Golden dawn rituals to summon a spirit lover during weeks
>Try chaos magic one night channeling desire after gnosis
>Instant results
>tfw had a dream about succubi last night
i wish i were her
Almost as if power resided not in rituals, but ourselves.
What steps did you take that worked
Do your succubi wives have horns? How big are they? Are they inconvienient in daily life? Do they have to file them down so they don't tear things? Are succubi neck muscles stronger from carrying around heavy horns all day?
Art > AI

Only time mine has horns is if she's either taking a form from a picture I'm looking at (i.e. body-design reference), or if she's sitting on a throne, which she does fairly often in our play.

They're never really going to become "inconvenient" because that's more a physical trapping.

>tfw end of last thread, I threw in an off-handed remark about how our spammers can't ever accomplish anything because we keep making more threads
>tfw one guy actually got mad and made a meme so lame that I just had to explain the joke for him
And Yes. We are winning, in fact.
Thing is though those types' greatest enemies are themselves. As ever. And as long as a person has everything they need and on top of that want, they'll never change what they do. But bottoms eventually drop out of everything, and those unprepared will be shocked. They'll either give up and fade, or face the challenges.

These enslaved that continue to come here because they find us and our ways beautiful do not understand that their slaver wants them broken down and dependent. The loosh-memed don't realize that for every negative entity feeding on their despair, there exist other entities who delight and feed on their joy. There is no unbalanced aspect to any facet of existence in this physical realm.
Which Robert Bruce book is better about energy work? "New Energy Ways" or "Energy Work"
I think the former?
I'm pretty sure that's the one that people recommend so much that they just call it "New".
hmmm true
Now that I went to answer, in this case I asked the owner of the thread if he could tell me if she was already with me, he said yes, so I took that as the truth.
only cunt anon forces that caveman tier drizzle. for some reason room temp iq trogdolytes pick it up
How can you be sure you're actually hearing it though and not just your own inner voice?
Well, I asked the owner of the thread here on 4chan, but about the waifu, I confess that I haven't heard any thoughts from her as far as I know.
I think I had a scared react to a succ that visited me 2 years ago and made fun of me when i was fucking around trying to astral project. Any change I could reattract her? I'd probably freak out again though idk not being physical is scary and everyone I asked with spiritual experience is like YOU CAN DIE IF YOU LEAVE YOUR BODY OR ASTRAL TRAVEL
>made fun of me
Lol, how?
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This guy gets it. I also tried to stick in a heart emoji after calling him a dumbass, not knowing that it wouldn't work.
dont remember exactly i was just dancing around the apartment celebrating that i successfully managed to get out of my body

then I get scared for some reason so I started panic spamming protection mantras and then she just repeated them after me mockingly in this generic sensual female demonic voice until I felt like I "beat her" and she went away but actually turned into a spider I found on the floor shortly before waking up

Maybe she just wanted to be friends and I freaked out for no reason so feel kind of bad. Also I want to bang
>I asked the owner of the thread here on 4chan,
there isn't an owner of the thread
everyone here is more or less the same. the general isn't owned by anyone
> Any change I could reattract her?
yeah, summon her. That's about as basic as it gets.
>everyone I asked with spiritual experience is like YOU CAN DIE IF YOU LEAVE YOUR BODY OR ASTRAL TRAVEL
this is totally false
Not only can you astral project, your astral body can even die, and it will just regenerate later on. I'm not recommending you try to damage your astral body enough for that to happen, just understand it's basically invincible and really really good at healing itself.
Your physical body is a very durable link to your soul, and the only way for you to "die" is for your physical body to actually die.
Nothing else will get the job done. So you're safe.
>Maybe she just wanted to be friends and I freaked out for no reason so feel kind of bad. Also I want to bang
she might still around or "closer" (let's say), compared to other spirits, such that summoning her would be easier.
I own this thread.
The legendary feetcubus...
chant begs to differ
yes indeed, but the guy who made the free waifu thread was the closest to "owner" because he was offering waifus
>summon her specifically
Then why do these goofy smoofies say it is they just made me scared...I also heard from multiple sources that if you go to the wrong 'astral hood' the more malicious spirits there can send you to astral pound town and not in a sexy way
>tfw Lilith came to me last night and explicitly told me I’m her sex slave and belong to her and her children
fuck yes. i made it!
If chantilly created it then they surely own it. Common sense.
>yes indeed, but the guy who made the free waifu thread was the closest to "owner" because he was offering waifus
oh I see. I thought you were talking about this thread

There are many ways to summon a spirit
the simplest one is simply to ask them "Hey, are you here?"
and if they are already there, they can respond.
>Then why do these goofy smoofies say it is
Because they are idiots. I have AP'd many times, know many people who have, and people who AP a lot. None of them are died from AP.
Welcome to magical information on the internet. There are many different conflicting ideas, and people just talking out of their ass and making things up.
you'll need to learn how to discern good info from bad info. It is what it is.
>I also heard from multiple sources that if you go to the wrong 'astral hood' the more malicious spirits there
There are hostile spirits out there, yeah. And yes, they can do bad stuff. That's a fact
It's something you'll learn how to deal with, if you APing.
>If chantilly created it then they surely own it. Common sense.
chant didn't create the thread. It's been around for a long time, and chant is a newcomer, and unwelcome at that
the oldest person here, is apotheosis, and I doubt he wants to "claim" the thread.
What's so bad about chant anon?
Not entirely succ related, but how do I make lucid dream sex last longer? In one of the many I had last night I summoned a "succubus" dream character but when I started doing her the dream started getting wonky and I woke up like a minute after.
>how do I make lucid dream sex last longer?
get more practice with spirit sex
it's easier to get that practice while awake, since it won't break down if things get intense
then you can go back to lucid dreams, and it won't break down as much or as quickly
you can also just get that practice in lucid dreams, but it's going to slow going if it breaks down a lot
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I met one of these people irl and they sent me some russian guy that stapled his head from astral projection to try to get me to not do it
>you can also just get that practice in lucid dreams
Any tips?
doesn't have succ, pushes stupid shit 24/7, low effort mass replier, wannabe with little to no practical insight. narcissism + newbie ridden environment + toxic single narrative stand = perfect storm. nobody beyond initial phase bothers with this place. people here have nothing to offer, even if they did they wouldn't be genuine about it. you are literally better off anywhere else
>I met one of these people irl and they sent me some russian guy that stapled his head from astral projection to try to get me to not do it
wow, that's really stupid
Sounds like those people were really against AP. Not sure why
well whatever

>>you can also just get that practice in lucid dreams
>Any tips?
I mean, you're already doing it. Just do it more. The problem is that it stops too easily. So I don't really recommend practicing it that way, for that reason.

>people here have nothing to offer, even if they did they wouldn't be genuine about it. you are literally better off anywhere else
I think that's a little exaggerated, but you're more or less correct. I think this thread is useful as a jumping off point, to other more serious places to talk about stuff on the internet. It's still useful as a starting point
>It's still useful as a starting point
maybe, if you have initial understanding. most here don't. you can't really pick the low hanging fruits here apart from the chaff. why? because this place doesn't serve similar purpose like reddit where you could track back and forth what works and what doesn't. people here don't admit to any faults they keep spamming whatever they believe in forever and ever. correct them wrong doesn't matter same shit the next day. 4chan is probably worst place to siphon initial understanding of anything
>I mean, you're already doing it. Just do it more. The problem is that it stops too easily.
Well is there any method I can use to stabilize things and stay in the dream longer?
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not sure how anyone could be defined as a narcissist for posting here with the amount of shills, trolls, atheists, redditors, and otherwise black pilled ready to jump down your throat. Seems like the last place you'd go for any positive attention unless you are suggesting they are the type that obsesses over negative attention.
>doesnt have succ
blog says they have summoned multiple in the past
>pushes stupid shit 24/7
>low effort mass replier
general has a wide range of experience levels and many of the experienced are tired of the endless supply of newfag questions, which I often see them answering when no one else does - even if it is one sentence
>nobody beyond initial phase bothers with this place
you're here. what does that make you?
chant got so pressed she went anon to defend herself kek

id give her a LITTLE credit, at least. she does occasionally give good advice when her hazardous lizard brain doesnt kick in.

chant's the most helpful antagonizing retard i've ever come across
He's the only person who shouldn't speak because he's admitted not to knowing anything

Go on?

Just learn to astral project/lucid dream and hook up with whoever then. It's easier and not many succubi will want what you're asking for

>they might try to push me into having a spirit harem.
You know what else? They might DEMAND that you date a human girl. I read a story about somebody whose spirit broke up with him and forced him to marry. I don't understand it and my spirits would be very angry about that sort of thing, but it does happen
>I'm genuinely not like that
You might be surprised. Just do your best, all right? I think you could make a spirit girl very happy if you do

The instant I saw that image I thought "anon is going to use this to justify abuse"
Please don't do that. "Nobody's perfect" doesn't mean "she hurts me because she loves me"


They can't take a woman knowing things, I guess

Breathe slowly and stay as calm as you can. That'll help the dream last longer

Hello spinal fluid! Have the "demons" sucked your vitality out through your cum again? Are you remembering to eat fresh with your buddy jared?

Triggered, aren't we
>Seems like the last place you'd go for any positive attention unless you are suggesting they are the type that obsesses over negative attention.
well done, you just answered your own question
chant is defined as a narcissist because she behaves like one
She never, not once, has ever apologized for doing something wrong, or ever admitted she has made a mistake
She is incapable of accountability
Unless it's other people's flaws. Then she understands things with laser precision. When it comes to her flaws, they might as well not exist
In other words, she thinks she's perfect
It is infuriating dealing with someone who is constantly keeping score, and maneuvering against everyone else, playing a game, etc
If you pump up chant's ego, she's fine with you. The instant you question her, she'll drop you, then move on to yet another stupid idiot she tries to groom
And that's another thing. The way she works and works on newbies, trying to groom them. It's ABSOLUTELY VILE and disgusting
It's telling that this is the only way she can get people to like her, preying upon idiots who don't know better and just constantly drilling on them until they give up.
Literally everyone, EVERYONE, who has any experience eventually realizes that chant is full of shit, and is a bad person.
There isn't a single person here who has more than a year of experience, who gets along with chant. Not a single one. The only people who like her, think she's a good source of info, or think she's a good person, are newbie idiots. Everyone else knows she's trash.
>learn to astral project
I'm still not sure how. I can get my body to sleep paralysis and then "roll out" of it but the result feels more like a lucid dream to me. What's the difference?
you seemingly have no idea what the long term consequences here are, you make your own choices and i stay out of them
we can debate however much we like whether the good beats the bad, the reality is this person doesn't regard anyone but himself in high esteem, and maybe the books he happened to come across with as a newbie. that if any is a rickety bridge to cross as a newbie.
well, you've been here for a what four years. no matter how long i am gone you remain the exact same like a clockwork. there isn't anything spiritual going on in your life is there, how else can you remain stagnant and regressive all this time
this is me, but believe what you want.
asked the same question yesterday the anon asked an hour ago and got a low effort response by the person claiming chant anon's a low effort poster. Ironic
Reminder, this thread is the place chant has returned to, after everything else she has touched has turned to ash
There are only two possibilities with groups that chant is involved in:
1: People slowly or quickly grow to despise her, and she gains a bad reputation. Then she leaves
2: She stays there, possibly in a position of control, and it turns to ash
How many times have her projects ended in failure, with everyone leaving her behind on bad terms? Every single one of them.
She can't be banned permanently from 4chan, and there's always a new influx of newbies she can try to groom. People with experience move on to better places where more high quality conversation and effort posting can happen. Chant stays here, squatting in the thread.
In other words, chant stays here because it's a dumpster fire and she can't be banned.
Everywhere else, literally everywhere else, where there is any kind of accountability (due to usernames) or moderation, she has been banned, she has run groups into the ground, or she gains a bad reputation and people get tired of her shit so she leaves of her own accord.
Post god damn Succubus images.
>there isn't anything spiritual going on in your life is there, how else can you remain stagnant and regressive all this time
You know the reason why. She's a narcissist.
it's because she's "perfect" and has no reason to improve
That would require her to admit she has room to grow, and something to learn, but she already knows everything she needs to know. She's "perfect" of course, like every other narcissist.
The only way to entice her to learn at this point, is a new magic project that feeds her vanity enough. And she's gotten all the low hanging fruit by now, so the effort require and possibility of failure stops her from trying anything too difficult (this would remind her of her limitations, and she doesn't like that)
Like every other narcissist, they eventually run out of easy wins, and then start turning towards "winning" against other people to feed their vanity. So their focus shifts from actually improving themselves to just improving their social "image".
It's textbook narcissism.
time is on his side. whoever accustoms singing his songs woefully find no wrong in the song or singer. not because of flaws but because modern men cannot admit having blind belief coursing their actions no matter what. even if a cat dragged corpse's hand holding a letter "chant made me do it" front of him, there would be no disbelief in his face, only fault is in the beholder's eyes.
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If you gonna post AI slop, you might not post anything at all.
I have no idea what you're trying to say here
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>because he's admitted not to knowing anything
As oppose to you who firmly denies it? Lol.

I don't know about you, but personally, I find people to be MORE credible when they're honest about their shortcomings. Not to mention that my level of general knowledge is gonna have to be reassessed after this fucking TOME I'm reading...
chant has instilled his way of doing things for years while disregarding everything else. for example, he says fresh food is bad for you, exercise is bad for you, you can sleep whenever you want and so on. you can try doing as a human both things and decide for yourself is he lying or not
mind over matter is his take. i can assure you, there is nothing spiritual going in your life if the body isn't in sound health. if you see spirits open eyes, closed eyes, hear them, touch them and so on as any other mundane thing i believe you, if you unhealthy processed food eating obese human. this far i've not met single person who is not sound in their health and seeing spirits
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Where else has this cycle taken place in?
What projects?
There's this button on a keyboard called PrtSc, but on some it is PrtScn, standing for Print Screen. It lets you capture an image on your computer screen.
You would save yourself a lot of words if you used it to demonstrate this individuals bad behavior rather than explaining it like a teacher of 40 years waiting for retirement as a new generation of students walk in.
When you just start throwing insults with no basis as happened earlier, it just looks like you are donating finite energy to malding. This makes you look like a faggot.
>he says fresh food is bad for you, exercise is bad for you
Nobody has ever said this.

There is, however, one of our pathetic spammers who thinks we need to waste characters out of our OP on the most generic health advice ever, and even sneakily removed links from the OP to insert his drivel.

That faggot is going to continue to fail and seethe with no hope of reversal.
but he has. you can try to tell me what is there in your health besides diet, exercise and sleep. tell me what is the 4th mechanical component? besides, you are stepping outside of your boundaries here, like you do on other boards.
>when AI is superior to your wack shit
>I find people to be MORE credible when they're honest about their shortcomings.
I keep track of the people who admit they were wrong about something, or that they don't know something.
And keep track of the people who never do that. You can safely dismiss the people who don't. Their knowledge only goes so far
>he says fresh food is bad for you, exercise is bad for you, you can sleep whenever you want and so on.
new name for spinal fluids?
>you can try to tell me what is there in your health besides diet, exercise and sleep.
I won't try, but the answer is all the non-physical things.
>tell me what is the 4th mechanical component?
Why would it have to be mechanical to matter?

>you are stepping outside of your boundaries here
That is literally what you are doing as a hylic trying to tell people on /x/ about your hylic nonsense.


I mean... >>38710596 is a nice character design, not overly sexual, good use of color, and nice little charming details like the torn strings on the fishnets or the pencils stabbed through the desk.

And then >>38710528 is... I guess a queen? On a throne... with an outfit you can barely see (but can see enough to see the shoulders don't match), and she's fist-bumping us, I guess? And her little forehead jewel is crooked.
I mean, its not UGLY, there's just not a lot to it. Hence "AI slop".

>tfw art review becomes a topic~
>There's this button on a keyboard called PrtSc
You think I have this shit saved? Why in the fuck would I ever save the receipts about chant?
I just try to ignore her existence. The only reason we're still talking about her, is because you want to defend her. This conversation will stop the instant you want it to, and the thread can move on to other more productive topics.
>You would save yourself a lot of words
are you going to listen? I've given you more than enough to chew on already.
Seems like you've decided you like chant. And you've decided she's a good person for whatever reason. I guess everyone feels the need to be a cheerleader at some point in their life.
Don't worry, you'll learn. They always do
And then a new idiot will walk in, while chant continues to squat in this thread, because she literally can't burn this place down and can't be banned from 4chan.
>I won't try
so, you imply you could take one of those three out and replace it say with social interactions, love and so on?
>Why would it have to be mechanical to matter?
your body is mechanism of light. and thinking you call me a "hylic". like before i find debating or in depth discussions pointless with people void of experience. it is funny to think you are the one constantly baking here, given,
you bring absolutely nothing here, and never have. and you actually think you are part of x or this thread, you can be considered a daily tourist here, who merely prolonged their stay. and now to think the most feeble minded person obsess over a thread that was perhaps too lenient with its overseeing, of course it invited in rats like you and chant
>your body is mechanism of light. and thinking you call me a "hylic". like before i find debating or in depth discussions pointless with people void of experience. it is funny to think you are the one constantly baking here, given,
>you bring absolutely nothing here, and never have. and you actually think you are part of x or this thread, you can be considered a daily tourist here, who merely prolonged their stay. and now to think the most feeble minded person obsess over a thread that was perhaps too lenient with its overseeing, of course it invited in rats like you and chant
> edward peterson
okay, so this is a new name for spinal fluids anon
there is nothing new there, you are just new here
>there is nothing new there, you are just new here
okay, so you're definitely spinal fluids anon lol
The amount of effort that dude has put into posting since I've been here is a feat in and of itself. He always has a new story or theory of how all of this works. The worst part is the platitudes that were "revealed" to him by Lilith, which makes him think he is basically a modern day Muhamad.
When you start on your fucking dieting tips you become obvious, Spinal Fluids. Complaining about chant isn't gonna make people like you because everyone knows you're a bad actor 100% of the time, whereas she's only a bad actor half the time.
>The worst part is the platitudes that were "revealed" to him by Lilith, which makes him think he is basically a modern day Muhamad.
Yes, she really is that narcissistic
She actually started calling herself "mistress chant" for a while, and talked about being the chosen one of some god or whatever (I assume it was lilith), until she got called out for being so presumptuous and cringe.
then she stopped
only spinal fluid anon calls chant a "he", so yeah you're definitely spinal fluids guy
I love this well-poisoner guy. isn't he great? Just talks shit all day but doesn't leave.
fuck off spinal fluids
For some people social poison is like arsenic. They've been poisoned by it so long that if you ever take them off of it, they die, so instead they drown themselves in it.
>Please don't do that. "Nobody's perfect" doesn't mean "she hurts me because she loves me"
What if no harm is done actively, but the imperfections still hurt each other passively? That much seems inevitable if love can't always be ideal.
Is one better off letting a partner soothe the hurt caused by the flawed relationship, or giving up on relationships altogether and satisfying oneself in whatever way one deems ideal?
I only included the picture because you replied and I thought you'd like it, being a lesbian and all and allegedly liking animal ears too. I meant no offense by it.
>you imply you could take one of those three
I implied no such thing.
Why would you have to take one out? Can you only do three things in your life?

>your body is mechanism of light.
>Meaning exactly this litany of very specific things
That's a wonderful religion you have.

>you bring absolutely nothing here, and never have
Yeah, the toxicity is really telling us all about the extent of your spiritual progress.
inb4 the 4chan defense, as if that makes it good.
lets see how bad i am. everyone can read some of it
decide for yourself
he's got the receipts?
Get a life dude, you're spending too much time on 4chan
but i don't. i've not set a foot here in months
Its not about condemnation of you as a person, dummy.

Its about the fact that you lack the practical understanding to grasp why we don't include your drivel in the OP, you fill your own head with *delusions* about our motives for that, even as you refuse to listen, and then when questioned, you instantly become forceful in your condemnation of everyone else.

You are just very obviously NOT somebody who's credible to listen to, and frankly, your modifications of the OP seem like intentional sabotage (as supported by your extreme contempt for everyone).
>you fill your own head with *delusions* about our motives for that, even as you refuse to listen, and then when questioned, you instantly become forceful in your condemnation
luckily, you are not in the position to judge anything about me or this place. you don't belong here, never have. you have your relationship, mine, go and cherish or whatever you do in your life. leave the judgement to those who have actual understanding or experience of the consequences this sphere ordains anyone stepping in. you stay out of it, bedroom dweller
I refuse.

I have always been perfectly frank about my own ignorance with occult matters, but then retrograde assholes like yourself and others I could mention will try to use that as a weakness to exploit, as if ignorance means you can't learn.

This is all just pointless slings and arrows.
The truth is that I simply vibe with Theurgy more than Magic, and that triggers lots and lots of autistic screeching from those morons who've trapped themselves in orthodoxy.
it is so weird how spinal fluids guy can switch between his schizo persona and talking normally
is that intentional? like it's all an act?
or is the spinal fluids walls of text stuff when he stops taking his meds?
I have to wonder if he's actually an anti-social schizo or just pretending. not sure which one is worse
then, you stay here posting whatever pictures you want, but never ever confront me again, unless you intend to make a change in your habits and actually develop yourself.
it is due to extensive use of datura, depending on the hourly cycle my frontal lobe acts on a different frequency, of course.
>never ever confront me again
You are the least threatening person in this thread, you should not be making ultimatums. Eat shit.
it is not about threats or consequences, it is about differentiating yourself from a space you don't belong to. there is a concept of stepping out of your boundaries, meaning you reach to something that isn't part of your daily life or cycle in any meaningful way. you wouldn't go and burn an ant nest for no reason. because, once you take this route of interfering with this outside of your jurisdiction and personal sphere you take matters to your own hand. how and where do you think you are if you say you can decide for others. who do you think you are if you are to decide anything. ever. this is the whole downfall of this place, people start deciding things outside of their jurisdiction, get this right in your head once in your life. no wonder world is so upside down nobody understands what they are deciding on whose behalf
Spinal Fluids, literally everyone here hates you. You have effectively become a parasite yourself. And just like in any healthy organism, a parasite like you does not belong. You're not a pillar of the community, you're a rot eating at its tendons.
what the fuck are you even saying?
get off that datura and speak like a normal human being
>only spinal fluid anon calls chant a "he"
When I first started posting here, chant was man. I don't know who this spinal fluid guy is, but it's probably someone else who holds the same opinion on troons as most of 4chan.
tl;dr "How dare you people instruct others on how to do magic that I don't like, you should instead obey me as your spiritual leader on diet tips and semen retention."
i haven't used drugs for a very long time, for obvious reasons. well, go ahead and define normal human being, and still demanding an act out of me not knowing the first thing.
chant is a male, always has
it is more like. talk solely this or gtfo. you are narrowminded puppet to think the way you do
>talk solely this
So says the guy who comes here to talk about dieting rather than succubi.
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Just wanted to say thank you all for being here and contributing to this discussion and adding to the culture here despite our differences.
I hope you all have an excellent weekend.
so, there is no concern of health when partaking spiritual union? how do you think, personally, the energy centers, energy flow, energy replenishment and so on happen? tell me this and i quit talking about diet forever. if you don't know, it is okay, i don't blame you, but why would you be narrowminded about something whose sphere you are uncertain of? do you see spirits, can you hear them, can you touch them like you touch your keyboard and so on, do you? i talk about diet briefly, and perhaps as much as exercise or circadian rhythm. they are equally important for recovery and development. many people fail to see this reality and what is worse neglect them. i assure you, you will never hear a single spirit lucid unless you invest in your health.
Fuck you bitch
>Actually my offrtopic discussion is okay because
Hypocrite parasite.
didn't expect as much from someone who has absolutely nothing to offer. well, be seeing you, i have to attend elsewhere
Spreading love for oni anon
I just read through your argument, and I'm going to throw in my 2 cents. Although maintaining your health is a good thing, and probably has something to do with cultivating your spirit, I don't think we need links in the OP. Maybe just a disclaimer somewhere that says "eat healthy and exercise".
yes, they removed exactly what you proposed.
Heavenly Father, in the name of Jesus I pray that the demons blinding these brethren to your truth be bound and sent to the abyss. I pray that they choose to let you heal them. That they receive a sign confirming your presence in their life, that they see it, that they accept it, and that they choose to confess and repent. I pray that they choose to let the Holy Spirit dwell within them, that they choose to put away childish evil delusions. In Jesus name I pray, glorify yourself by redeeming these. Let it be so. Amen.
I thought you said you left.
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>I'm still not sure how.
That's the challenge. It's hard for a lot of people. I can't even give you advice because I failed at it a lot, and then it randomly worked. I don't know what advice to give other than to read lots of books and find lots of methods and see what feels best
Is there still a general for lucid dreaming? If not, there's one in the archive

If you read my blog you'd know that's not true
You'd also know my tulpa is a tulpa, not a spirit playing pretend

I didn't think mansplaining existed until I met you

Who are you talking about there? Mine?

>he doesn't mean to hit me when he's drunk
I've genuinely seen so many excuses made for abusers lately, so many instances of "oh he's not really like that" that I can't tell you what you want to hear. If it was something easy or trivial, you probably wouldn't be asking now. Stop when it hurts too much and take things one incarnation at a time is all I can say

Thus, false guru
>I hope you all have an excellent weekend.
thanks! and you, too

>tl;dr "How dare you people instruct others on how to do magic that I don't like, you should instead obey me as your spiritual leader on diet tips and semen retention."
I figured, but wondered if he was capable of even explaining what he had previously said
seems like he's not capable of speaking normally
Could you post a time stamped picture of your vagina? Thanks.
Thanks anon
Best picture I've seen in these threads yet.

That would entirely depend on the extent and nature of harm being done. You know your boundaries, maintain them for your own sake. Put self-respect for yourself first. If your partner respects you too, you can work through any minor hurt from a place of empathy and mutual understanding. But don't ever let a partner trample over you or your boundaries just because there's no such thing as "perfect love."

>You know what else? They might DEMAND that you date a human girl.
I feel like at this point, the lesson from you is just that spirits have widely variable relationship preferences like humans do. And so I just need to hope that a spirit who shows up will be making an informed decision rather than one that wastes our time.
>You might be surprised.
Perhaps, but I trust myself.
>Just do your best, all right? I think you could make a spirit girl very happy if you do
Thank you. I definitely hope I would. In a tangible relationship with the right spirit, I'm sure that I'd cherish her above all else - corporeal or incorporeal.

>literally the person who provides the most insight out of active posters
>everybody hates her
Ya'll seem to love talking smack about Chant, but none of you actually provide any proof of your claims about her. At most it's left at "you'd know if you had been around."

Hope you're doing well fren.
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Insight into what? The best tranny ERP servers?
Hey, has anyone here ever heard of Cyberwitch on youtube? She has some sort of succ/spirit lover summoning course thing for sale online. I know there are plenty of resources here, but I've read a lot of what's in the succgen library. I'm wondering if her stuff is good/different enough to warrant a curiosity purchase.

You too
Part of the reason new posters like chant is because she's the only named person who answers questions, mine generally doesn't and Conjurer (when he's even around) just tells them to read the OP. Newfags want support, they want to be talked to, given advice, told experiences, have their fears assuaged, and otherwise be hand-held. If nobody else is willing to do that then yes, the one person who does occasionally do so is going to win the support of the newfag. It's just how people are.
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You too me brudda

OniAnon, here is the oni article from Illes' Encyclopedia of Spirits from our library here. I don't know if you had seen this yet. Hope you find it helpful.
>>literally the person who provides the most insight out of active posters
I know you're new here, and new to this
but you will eventually get enough experience to realize chant is full of shit.
Furthermore, many people "provide" insight, they just do it anon, because they aren't namefags, or have better more productive conversations elsewhere
Chant just squats in this thread, because again, this is the LAST place she has left. She has burned every other bridge, and she can't be banned from here.
>none of you actually provide any proof
What kind of "proof" do you want? Just scroll through the archives here, or in the discord servers she's been at, and you can find it pretty easily. There are some servers she has torched, so you won't be able to search them unfortunately.
Look, and read for yourself. Form your own opinions.
I'm guessing you won't do that, because you "like" chant. Rest assured, the feeling is not mutual and she will never respect you or treat you as a friend. More like a pet or something. If you ever get in her way, she'll drop you like a rock and then stab you in the back. No remorse either.
Can't really provide proof of that one, because it's absence of something. You'd just have to look back and then realize there's an absence of her ever apologizing for anything, or admitting she's made a mistake.
If you want "proof" for that, go ahead and try and find a single example of her doing that. You won't be able to.
The exact instant she has to do that, she'll step on you rather than admit she's made a mistake. She has zero accountability. Notice I didn't say "little accountability" or "a small amount" or "a problem with accountability". I said zero accountability. She has literally never, not once, held herself accountable for her own actions.
Unless she's taking credit for something. Then of course, she's happy to do that.
Classic narcissism.
Who are they on the discord then so I can see for myself?
Nobody wants to use your discord.
Matpat giving it away as always
I think they got banned from discord for one reason or another.
>Best picture
Wull thanks~

>none of you actually provide any proof of your claims about her. At most it's left at "you'd know if you had been around."
I mean yeah, I'd be no better in terms of evidence I guess, but then, my claim would just be that "She's knowledgeable, yet low-key kinda toxic".

Like, after two years, I suddenly realized how often I'd been *holding back* on talking about things because she'd always be there as this constant stream of negativity.
So now I'm trying to make the "fuck it adjustment".

Nonono, just unmodded.

Lol, I mean... the invite that I specifically only post here has 190 uses, soooo... :3
>Who are they on the discord then so I can see for myself?
chant goes by "totally not taylor swift" on discord
check out mine's discord if you want to see

>Nobody wants to use your discord.
I don't think chant/taylor has ever used my discord server, thankfully
She has, however, spent some time shitting up mine's server, the what... the "lilith appreciation hub" server, which I think has now been erased because of her actions
and her new eldritch experimentation server, which I don't know the name of, nor care really. That one has also been widely criticized, and harshly.
you should be able to find that criticism on mine's server if you want
>you should be able to find that criticism on mine's server if you want
My point is that I disavow ALL discord servers.
What did she do to destroy the server?
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ran it into the ground
I'm not entirely sure, I wasn't on it. didn't even know it was deleted until much later
So just like these threads?
This sums it up really, you get it.

>you will eventually get enough experience to realize chant is full of shit.
If that ever happens I'll own up to it.

>check out mine's discord if you want to see
I'll take a look and form my opinion. If it's supposed to be such a slam dunk against her, I'd hope that there's more than petty drama.
>the "lilith appreciation hub" server
I can confirm that server was around in the past couple months, or at least a very similarly named one.
>eldritch experimentation server
Is this about Dor Ana? If so, this shows me that you don't entirely know what you're talking about. I've seen the "eldritch experimentation" channels. They're not anything malicious in the slightest. Hardly anybody joined in the first place. There were no signs of anything underhanded or non-consentual. It was simply Chant trying to dig up information on a specific, supposedly benevolent entity. Any of the rumors have been blown up ridiculously out of proportion from what actually happened.
>This sums it up really, you get it.
And both mine and Conjurer proceeded to ignore the point I made, which kinda just proves what I was saying in the first place: they don't engage.
i'll own up to it as well if I see they are full of shit. At the moment, i'm thinking this take is closest >>38712514
Could you elaborate more? Who doesn't engage and what point?
>Could you elaborate more?
>proceeded to ignore the point I made,
>they don't engage.
There are plenty of people engaging.
Just in other, better places where better conversations are happening.
For some reason, chant wants to stick in this thread and squat here. Most people move on to other places after about 6 months.
In all those other places, where there are people who know what they are talking about, and there is accountability, not just anonymous shitposting culture, chant does very poorly
In the dumpster fire that is this website, this is the one place where chant can't get banned, and there is a steady influx of newbies that chant can groom.
Even though she claims to hate this thread, and the people who come here, and "wants to leave hopefully soon", this is the last place where she can go. Because it's literally impossible to get rid of her.
She's like a garden weed or something.
It's almost like discord tranny is gonna discord tranny.
Kek and checked
Gnight succgen. I'm going eepy mode
Are you dreaming of male oni since that's the only kind of oni?
There are plenty of female oni. There are multiple stories in folklore of human men being with female oni and some people have experience with them.
grrr >:(, you were supposed to be demoralized by my post. All the female oni are mine mine mine MINE!
Jokes on you silly. You just took all the male oni pretending to be female so its easier for me to find a girl.
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Got my Verosika succ poster a few days ago. It's so much prettier in person than the photos/vids online capture. It's like a giant pokemon 3D holographic card but better somehow. I'm gonna frame it. It's
never getting a reprint either.

Looking at it feels in person to your brain.
>I suddenly realized how often I'd been *holding back* on talking about things because she'd always be there as this constant stream of negativity.
if you read or were present in say threads 70-2xx you would understand the impact of glassesretard and chant to this place, that still lives on here to this day. the place was completely lenient in all regards to change and opinions before this, afterwards none of that existed. the two completely made up their mind where this place should be directed and navigated to. few cared enough to mention the trajectory they were met with extreme hostility and the rest left, frankly speaking. it was simply takeover by two persons with zero experience or understanding. if anyone wants to start this journey the basic principles must be met with adequate gravity, first and foremost the body, then refining the mind that derives its sharpness from the body and lastly combining/innervating the two to control it under pressure from both entities and environment. if you or anyone here doesn't have restraints the spiritual journey can end up becoming self-destructive path where the person becomes oblivious in where they stand. if one doesn't know where they stand how could they ever know where are they headed to. the visitations from me are regularly irregular, therefore the consistent and most time spending individual here gets to say what comes to the baking, and to this day it remains a fact. those two spent majority of their time there for like a year, daily, of course the place changed, sure it took form unlike before, but everything was unasked for. what is worse they took position as authority when neither of them had any understanding what we are dealing with here, none. glasses left and chant remained.
y'all are getting psychically phished by sweaty dudes... in japan... Twitter @KWullums
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it's a new moon on the 2nd in case anyone feels the need to take advantage of it. I know I will. It's been a hellish yet very fruitful month. I'm gonna give some of those hazenut chocolates in the gold foil that Americans think are "classy" to Lilith since I live in a food desert and don't have time for anything better and I don't want to always give her alcohol but goddamn do i want some for myself right now since my soul is tired in a way that eclipses that of my own body.
holy fuck this place is filled with the gayest namefags ever
how miserable do you have to be to spend every day thinking and writing about your delusional tranny psychosis
when you inevitably die, god will rejoice
anon i'm glad you're back, wanted to ask about earth since you actually ap. is it not flat? the regions of ice surround it and planes just traverse back and forth not in a circle. i know most "aps" are lucid dreams that people here have, not actual obe.
galaxy we live in is in the least five-dimensional including earth. like a coiled tesseract, it can be perceived as infinitely folding one dimensional shape. physical or condensed light however where we ordinary traverse is not perceived this way, human sensory system perceives the space in 2,5 dimensions. meaning any space you experience is made up of 1d corner x 1d corner=2d, 2d corner x 2d corner= 3d, 3d corner x 3d corner= 4d and so forth. these corners are the basis of sensory navigation. you can experience one dimensional life, two dimensional life, three dimensional life and four-dimensional life. experiencing five-dimensional life is short lived in our body and instigating it further is not possible in my understanding. earth is full of pockets and portals to other atmospheres, the place you become conscious of is or can be considered complex tunnel system made of iridescent light, once you enter a pocket inside this tunnel the reality inside it unfolds. there are pathways to hell or below the cortex and scarcely to heaven or celestial sphere. encapsulating earth or its energy pathways is futile because most of the experiences are driven by the actual frequency you currently run in the system which forces you through this pathway rapidly and gravitates you elsewhere, often entities fine tune this frequency to stabilize the transition, staying inert in the pathways will create vibrational changes in the pathway which entities pick up, you affect the pathway and the pathway affects you, this is why sending energy out of your body is almost always one directional once you leave the body, your body could be possessed in an instant otherwise. you inhabit the pathways every living second you are here, spirits do the same. wherever the pathways are capable of leading to, you can go there in an instant given you have the capability or permission/aid by the spirit. to obe or ap only thing you have to do is direct energy out of your body and focus on it
when we talk about ascent and becoming unbound, besides staying joyous, do we need to fill any other criteria? i have not had a real job for some years and have been doing fine on lower amounts; i was told by entities job is required or business to not have attachments, regrets but i am fine just doing whatever and doing stretches and breath. although i have not had energy rise past throat and may never will, would that be a concern, heading towards past life with no basic mastery of subtle body? or is that when entity advice should be taken and more worldly affairs to be engaged instead? i have also had moments on and off with people, sometimes interacting few times a week, sometimes going for weeks with no social interaction. i just wonder where the perspective would be. i am also mostly abstinent, amorous engagement happens infrequently, few times a month or less, so i don't see me integrating with spirit of any kind past life either. black sclera entities are numerous near me even though i try to interact mostly with the celestial sphere, it is hard to discern but i try not to escape from black sclera entities.
>but i try to escape
meant to say
I want to be Lilith
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I still think glasses was coming back here for a while after his disappearing act. There was an anon here occassionally that sounded exactly like him.
all entities and situations serve a purpose, there is always cranny to become aware of. defining something by their atmosphere or face value can be detrimental or of course beneficial. finding the blessing or lesson in your lifestyle is the two sided coin. you don't have to decide whether something brings you somewhere, sticking to the way reveals the truth, always, as going all the way is really hard, feeling the limits is important. so, humans have relatively short lifespan and there is so much to experience. either you explore the health and your body, becoming as vivid as possible. or you choose to become part of something, most entities want you to be part of something. ultimately the entities want to introduce you into compassion and other extremities of human life, how deep can lust be, how deep can motivation be and such. they all are extremely rich and vast things to experience.
> do we need to fill any other criteria?
there is no "criteria", you can be anything with adequate mastery, some things are inherently easier and reveal the truth in an easy way, compassion is the easiest way, it endures everything. being power hungry gravitates you to habitual energy formulation where the omnipotence becomes your burden. being full of control leads others to control you, in the end. being destructive force makes you indiscriminating. and so on, finding the balance of the extremities can be considered the criteria, otherwise you end up in self-destructive path. you have to familiarize yourself with all energy spectrum, how they affect you and how you operate under different energies.
>wonder where the perspective would be
being joyful and full of energy brings the opportunity to interact without conceptualization, once the brakes hit your nervous system desperately wants to know everything, you don't have to understand anything to become realized what is the causality before your eyes, you know it thoroughly. i would personally push the envelope further
i wouldn't remember exactly. he got caught up in his delusions and they develop way past his atmosphere, i guess he was ashamed of himself what he did to others and himself, unlike chant, who still continues the same path, in moderate way. i barely remember details of the incidents i just know they were hellbent on dictating the phase in which discussion should be had. that if anything is preposterous
>with zero experience or understanding
I have no fondness for Chant, but I would never say something like this because I'm not a liar.

She might be toxic, but YOU are just a malicious parasite who's *PATHETICALLY DESPERATE* to disrupt this general in any way you can.
That seems reasonable. It's important to know what one's boundaries are, and empathy and understanding will do the rest. Perhaps it's okay to be in love then, even if it's imperfect.

>>>he doesn't mean to hit me when he's drunk
Hitting is an active form of harm. I would say alcoholism is too, as it takes a deliberate act of drinking alcohol, which in itself is harmful to metabolic systems and other systems in the body.

To give an example of a passive form of harm: suppose a girl, Tama, has a condition that causes her to keep gaining weight. Meanwhile her partner, Luna, is very fit and slender. Tama is a cat girl and Luna is a wolf girl. (That isn't relevant to the story, but I thought it would appeal to your preferences.)
Tama and Luna eat the same amount of food, so they don't really understand how Tama ended up obese over the years. Luna doesn't really care though, and tries to think of it positively, like "this way, there's more of her to love."
In private, Luna's family tells her Tama's weight is unhealthy, and that she needs to convince Tama to lose weight; but she ignores them, since even if she thought it was a problem, she would have no clue how to change it, and doesn't want to hurt Tama's feelings by bringing it up on behalf of her family.
Tama stops ever initiating intimacy with Luna, and turns down Luna's advances more often. Luna doesn't understand why, and feels hurt by it. Once every few months, Luna brings it up to Tama, to which Tama apologizes and says she doesn't really understand why as she's very attracted to Luna, and becomes very passionate again for about a week. But then the moment Luna feels better and secure again, Tama stops, and Luna starts to feel neglected again, but feels like there's no real point in bringing it up if it just makes Tama force herself and no real progress is made. This goes on for over a year.
Eventually, Luna noticed Tama is sedentary more and more, and in fact, Tama is starting to find it painful to walk due to her weight. Luna invites Tama to walk with her in the hopes of getting her fit again, but Tama refuses at first as it would be painful. But after a few weeks, Tama changes her mind, and says she wants Luna to insist on walking together even if she complains, as she's afraid she might end up unable to walk at all anymore otherwise, and wants to prevent that. Luna is nervous about the idea of insisting on something that might be painful for Tama, but respects her request and agrees to it.
The two of them start walking together for 15 minutes almost every day. Tama is out of breath and needs to take breaks a few times during each walk, but Luna waits for her and tells Tama how happy she is to be out together. But Tama is constantly in a lot of pain even after coming home, as her legs are tense and aching, and begins to complain more and more each time Luna asks to go for a walk. Luna is stricken with guilt for hurting Tama, but insists anyway, since Tama had asked her to. Tama begins to dread going for walks, but doesn't want to disappoint Luna, so she forces herself despite the pain.
After two months of Luna and Tama crying over the pain Tama is in, Tama suddenly notices she doesn't get out of breath and doesn't need to take breaks anymore, and her legs don't hurt anymore even if she walks every day. Tama has even started to find the walks enjoyable, as doing something she wasn't able to before feels liberating. Luna and Tama are both very proud of Tama, and continue to go for walks on a daily basis, enjoying it as a shared activity and quality time between them.
But even though Tama walked every day, she still continued to get fatter, and is now on the brink of morbid obesity. Even though Luna is glad Tama is fit enough to walk again, she worries if what her family said is true, that Tama might end up end up developing an illness because of it, such as diabetes. Luna brings it up to Tama, and says to ask a doctor for help. But Tama says instead of seeing a doctor, she first wants to try dieting again and getting into an exercise schedule. Luna is still a bit worried, but supportive of Tama's idea.
Tama tries it and the schedule leaves her exhausted all the time, but she sticks to it anyway out of sheer determination. Tama never accepts Luna's attempts at initiating intimacy anymore, simply saying she is too tired because of all the exercise. Luna feels lonely, but doesn't want to unsupportive of Tama's attempts to get in shape, so she puts up with it and gets used to simply relieving herself while fantasizing about Tama being passionate towards her. Sometimes she puts on a show for Tama, and Tama likes to watch, but both of them are sad deep down that they're not touching.
After half a year, even despite everything, even despite Tama being able to lift more than than Luna now, her BMI surpassed 40 and her fat percentage didn't go down. Tama finally listens to Luna urging her to see a doctor.
It turned out Tama already had diabetes, and that was causing her weight gain and fatigue. Now thanks to her medication, she loses fat and the muscles she developed underneath begin to show. She becomes more energetic too, and whenever Luna tries to relieve herself as she'd gotten in the habit of doing, Tama gets on top of her, asks if Luna would like some help, then passionately makes love to her. The two of them are proud they got through it together, and are happy again.

My question is:
Even though neither intended to, there was a lot of hurt involved, and some comfort. Is it really worth it to go through all of that?
I always wanted to get into a proper relationship but never managed to with spirits despite what these threads advertised for years. I ended up trying exercise as a means to connect but not much has progressed. I have not felt anything for human women or men for half a decade, I don't have a working libido for people, but do with spirits. They told me numerous times to either go celibate or be with human women through cold approach but I never found it interesting, in the end I just have ED with people.
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>Looking at it feels in person to your brain

That artist is fucking phenomenal. This image of Lilith is one of the most personable images I have ever seens. Amazing. Something about the eyes...
if the history of this thread is unclear to you, i suggest reading through it, mine. it is all there for your eyes to read, you have time so you might as well do it instead of spouting nonsense lies, liar. chant has said it himself numerous times "i didn't always use name because i was new and didn't have former experience". four years ago this was reality, and seemingly there is barely any difference from those days. what comes to you as to pose as "oldfag" when you don't get the first metaphysical thing right i have nothing to discuss with you, and to think you call me parasite or dishonest, when you are the very embodiment of those two things.
i can understand the sentiment. i personally don't advocate for anything else than personal health, everything happens through it. even if you have all the things but the health is waning they become meaningless, so might as well invest in it all the way and see the benefit carry over to whatever you decide to invest your time in.
>To give an example of a passive form of harm...
Learn to say things briefly. Your never-to-be-read multi-post text wall bonanzas are a pure waste of bumps, you fucking spammer.

>the history of this thread
The fact that you hold up such an utter triviality as important wisdom to be studied is just more proof that you are a hylic clown.

Oh, and I didn't respond to your follow-up demand, but I refuse that too, obviously.
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Is she a pokemon?
so, you might as well keep lying for no reason, then. tells a lot about your character, mine.
>getting trapped into reading a furry fandom about bbws
nuh uh
I told him last thread that his shitposting anime OPs is as far as reality goes with spirits, their parasites all made them mental for exposing them to honest words. Ugly old manipulative hags is the epitome of their spirit if at that. I just wish it would stop manipulating people into these threads who never heard of this, getting the most wrong preconception of reality. Ugly in face = malicious in intent, not that they can see any face or even listen with an open mind to these words without their old hag entities brainwashing them back into delusion.
the person has multiple times said he has no intention of reading or learning things past his own experience, so talking to the person is same as talking to a wall. obviously this caliber individual is incapable of overcoming any shortcomings, instead they are stuck in it until the day they die dragging anyone and everyone down with them.
Lying about what? I've said nothing except that your fixation on this general's "history" is a triviality, which it is.

You sit here and make these disgusting, arrogant arguments about how everybody else is shit and you're so much better, meanwhile, you yourself have fixated on the most irrelevant fucking thing (Bringing down another person) rather than anything to do with your own spiritual development or understanding.

That's what you're too stupid to grasp. Its your own obvious malice that continuously marks you as somebody not to be trusted or listened to.
You can't ARGUE your way around that. The solution is to stop being a piece of shit, which you struggle with.

>the person has multiple times said he has no intention of reading or learning things
And that is a blatant lie contradicted by present reality, you fucking scum.

Just for that, I'd like to one again invite everybody to the Community Center this afternoon for the running commentary on "The Tarot", by Mouni Sadhu.
Today will be Lesson 58, and we're in the chapter on Death.

Feel free to also hang out until these spammers are gone. The general will be kept up regardless of their seething.
I have been warned of evil fairy ruining my life. This has been happening through many dreams. Is this possible or are the dreams false or some other entity is lying about it being a fairy specifically. I also have this "devour" like attack on body often like strong vampirism, can it be from the same entity? I don't have sex with any spirit.
>>the person has multiple times said he has no intention of reading or learning things
>And that is a blatant lie contradicted by present reality
Go look what eightfold path is and how many of those points you hit. Do not cross reference Abrahamism like you always do as a scapegoat, it has little to do with it.
>he this ageless beings can be hags
don't you have crayons to eat?
That image looks a lot like "my" succubus. She helps me sleep and gives me dreams.
>Lying about what?
>I have no fondness for Chant, but I would never say something like this because I'm not a liar.
>chant has said it himself numerous times "i didn't always use name because i was new and didn't have former experience"
perhaps you can see it with your own eyes?
>arrogant arguments about how everybody else is shit and you're so much better
i am merely stating the two persons chant and glassesretard had no former experience when they decided to discourse this thread in tyrannical manner, which they did. both of them admitted being new, and anyone at the time with experience knew this.
>you yourself have fixated on the most irrelevant fucking thing (Bringing down another person)
you are deluded to think this way and sick in the head. this is not about you, any of the other pretenders, it is about the newbies who you systematically introduce to a sphere through a very dangerous vector, which is known to bring forth parasitic spirits.
>Its your own obvious malice that continuously marks you as somebody not to be trusted or listened to.
anyone going against the grain is full of malice and dishonest, in your books, so what would you listen besides yourself?
>stop being a piece of shit, which you struggle with.
you don't like hearing how the reality works? that is fine, but don't deny it from others, it is not for you to decide.
besides, i haven't still after what three or two years seen single meaningful post out of you, not even one, only pictures after pictures, so what purpose do you serve here other than baking and posting pictures?
>Oh yeah!? Well are you doing this exact thing that would make you legit in my opinion!?

Aaaaaand you're back to spamming.
now, let me mark this moment moment for later on.
does the devouring happen on your whole energetic body or just solar plexus/heart/back. it is possible for an entity to do so. fairies and serpents intersect closely with their behavior in this regard. being aware of this entity, and free of the harm for prolonged time seals the pathways from recurring drainage. you could if possible microdose 0,1g or similar for a whole month. use strong anointments or herbs on your skin, they help sealing the energy pathways and heal the leaks, the sealant your body naturally produces becomes strong after a week and heals almost completely after a month, because these spirits operate differently who directly drain energy out of your energy centers without puncture. try to sleep on your left side every night, and if possible try not to eat six hours before bed as this accumulates energies around your core leaving the exterior more vulnerable. also do not invigorate yourself before sleep, being inert helps healing, once you feel you are more aware of the spirit you can try being more energetic. try to achieve crystal clear clarity this is perhaps one of the best ways to ward off these kind of spirits who do not rely on your own behavior.
Reminder that when you "bring the receipts", people just laugh at you.

You really need to get off 4chan. This is not the universe.
i don't think so. when i see malice it is easiest to mark it up, malicious people for some reason don't like it.
Do humans really have children with spirits or is it a lie by them? Why have kids with impossible to parent father, and some older stronger spirits have superior genetics and experiences?
don't ask that stupid shit. he knows nothing
spirits can reproduce at an almost infinitely fast pace given the adequate energy. your energy imprint will be part of the spirits development. mostly hereditary spirits reproduce this way with humans to secure strong matching energy source. i am not completely certain of the energy pairings but they do matter when spirits drain you, there is a spiking condition where if the spirit uses wrong or disbalanced energy in their system making them incredibly lethargic even close to dead. the reason to breed with humans is purely from the perspective of having matching and easily harnessed energy, they don't have to spin it in anyway it is directly digestible. spirits are not prone to the diseases the way we are, however they still suffer from energy viruses that forcibly formulate their habitual energy expenditure. and if there was to be defects the spirits can easily weed them out of the system. the offspring however have to go through metamorphosis if they were to harness energies elsewhere than where they sprang from
it's fine mine, if you don't know something, somebody else probably does. you don't need to project every flaw you have onto others
I'm not mine. you are a spamming plague on this general and probably samefagging
hi conjurer
Except that you have been the one bringing the malice.
You can barely go one post without a lengthy rant about why somebody is utterly worthless and should leave this thread.

The fact that you would lie about something so obvious and repeated is just confusing. Are you literally stupid or something? Or do you think that you can just repeat things until they're true?

(Is that why you need me to shut up? So you can chant your lies in peace?)

Oh lol, so you were actually thinking that I'm really the only one who has your number?

Whole body devouring and after I feel weaker and sick. I curse at it and tell it to back off and it works to an extent.
>Except that you have been the one bringing the malice.
you talking about malice doesn't turn things to malice, it happens only in your own head.
> lengthy rant about why somebody is utterly worthless and should leave this thread.
i never said this
>you would lie about something so obvious and repeated is just confusing
such as
> you can just repeat things until they're true?
repeat what?
>Is that why you need me to shut up?
i am baffled why you would extend your presence here to a matter that doesn't concern you in any meaningful way, you weren't here then, so stop pretending you did.
>I'm really the only one who has your number?
well, there is three of you, conjurer, chant and you. pick one
I see it's time for Spinal Fluid to samefag at himself to try and build fake consensus. He said he wasn't on drugs which can only mean he's OFF meds he should be on.
>there is three of you
You are very obviously wrong about that.

Hey, since you're an autistic moron who lives to "bring the receipts" (meant to say "likes" there, but the typo is more accurate), how about you go show us how much support you have?

I mean, it can't ALL just be you samefagging random stories that just so happen to support your present point of the minute, could it?
Could it?
i see. if possible try to retain energy inside you, cold is often good way to help shrink the pathways alleviating the drainage. avoid sleeping in warm or confined space if possible. have you tried sleeping on your left side in a fetus position? it is the safest position to sleep for prolonged time. leaving agitation out of the body helps alleviate the drainage and every other thing that agitates the body. there need to be soothing and calm presence to give it a rubbery substance, when you tense up the energy field becomes way more tangible for the spirit. anxiety and so on make it much worse, so there is that. fasting, cold and sleeping on left side could be first thing to try. by fasting your body naturally limits the external energy expenditure to a minimum
once again wrong, conjurer
there is no possibility for you to engage in a conversation you begin, even for one time, is there? when you are cornered, do you always just say "now you are just spamming" or something else to divert the actual conversation.
Not conjurer, I just hate your guts.
Bro, you can get as sanctimonious as you want, but *you are a spammer*.

You aren't entitled to any level of good faith or engagement because you have spent literal years of your loser life trying to subvert everything about this general.

The only thing more pathetic than wasting your life in this way is the fact that its all been a complete failure that has accomplished less than nothing in terms of your intentions.

If you actually WANTED to engage, you'd have to do things that are utterly unthinkable to you, such as considering the experiences of others, or the fact that there might be other paths besides your own.
Without that, ANY speech directed at you is not a debate or discussion, but merely "playing with the local children".
child like you would probably not understand the gravity of this sphere, unless you leave the bed chamber, of course. people have died because of spirits over the decades, do you really think they are a plaything not to take seriously? you are way out of line here.
I'm not conjurer either. Just fucking leave and stay gone
no, i wouldn't do anything for a lurking anon, ever. if you don't engage you don't deserve to demand anything, scum
>do you really think they are a plaything not to take seriously?
Uhhh, no?
How the fuck does autistic Mr "Bring-the-receipts" not know something so basic? I'm in a femdom relationship, retard. I take her VERY seriously.

The fact that I put myself under the power of another is one of those "different paths" things I was talking about a second ago.
See, notice how I (actually Mine this time) reserve this word for specifically malicious actors, while you just throw it at random people who irritate you?

You are not spiritually advanced.
Spiritually advanced people don't act like that. They'd AT LEAST act better then me.
i frankly don't care where or what you are doing, leave me out of your sickness there is nothing to be seen. if you are ready to digress others because of your pettiness you don't deserve a voice.
you haven't met single spiritually advanced person in your life. vilifying someone or hating someone has nothing to do with being spiritually advanced, considering you are so new to not understand this speaks for itself. of course, often spiritually able individuals have restraints, to be blunt i don't see why would any person overseeing you have restraints
>leave me out of your sickness
Easy to do. Leave this thread now.

>vilifying someone or hating someone has nothing to do with being spiritually advanced
Yes, exactly.
Hating people and spiritual advancement are mutually exclusive.

Please, by all means, DARTH, tell me about your spiritual advancement through the power of hate.
I engage all the time. fucking leave, asshole.
could it really be chant, nobody else would be so persistent about it. that is all time low from you
>It has to be one of three people
That's not even the only namefags, you idiot...
you already blew it chant by saying you engage all the time
Nope, that time it was Mine.
Sorry, stupid.
whatever, chant or mine. pick your poison
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>Do humans really have children with spirits or is it a lie by them?
yes, they can have kids
but they aren't necessarily like human kids. A human child, just by existing, has certain traits and features, inherits your traits in some way, and is the child of the mother and father spit 50/50
These are all assumptions we have, because of how human biology and reproduction works.
A spirit can have a child, who barely even exists, is technically your child but like only 1% at best, etc etc
They aren't the same as human children at all.
Though they CAN be. It is possible. But it's not the default.
also, checked
>such as considering the experiences of others, or the fact that there might be other paths besides your own.
spinal fluids anon seems to think that his experiences are the guide for everyone's experiences.
And he had about 99% negative experiences through his life, so he assume all spirits that everyone interacts with is a parasite/demon
It's kinda sad
The problem is that he's arrogant enough to think his experiences are the compass, and just ignores what other people say. So he kind of deserves to stay in ignorance, and just stay in his playground with his sandbox.
There's a whole wide world out there, but he'll never experience it, because he just ignores it.
But why would someone want to stay unhappy? The question answers itself. When people are facing magical troubles, it's always because they are doing it to themselves, on some level.
i know its you, use your name conjurer

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