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Spirit Love General
Early Edition

Some have reported attracting the attention of these entities by simply reading about them. If you're a dabbler who just wants to see if it works or if your faith forbids copulating with demons, don't summon. If you're unprepared for a potentially lifelong relationship, or at the very least, a life-long open door connection with sexual spirits and the occult, avoid this topic entirely. If you have a loving relationship with your human spouse or partner and desire a sex spirit to spice things up, or if you want a human partner in the future take caution, as these entities can be jealous or decide an initially open relationship is no longer so (request an open relationship during the summoning ritual). These spirits can harm or kill you when sufficiently angered and not easily banished.

Last thread: >>38697914
Old threads: https://archive.4plebs.org/x/search/subject/%2Fsuccgen%2F/
>What are succubi?
Female spirits of sexual desire, who often choose human mates. They can't be banished with holy objects
>How to summon?
The Letter Method is used to focus your intent into a message to one of the Four Succubus Queens, requesting that they match you with one of their daughters. No blood or soul sacrifice necessary. See links
>Do they steal your life force?
Succubi use sexual energy, which is released naturally during sex. Under normal circumstances they won't take your life energy
>Can she look.
Succubi take forms attractive to you naturally
>They're tulpas?
No. However, those in romantic relationships with their tulpas are welcome
Same method

/succgen/ library:
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Thank you Mine and everyone else that keeps this going despite all the bullshit.
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those crazy eyes on the OP pic drive me nuts
>Do humans really have children with spirits or is it a lie by them?
yes, they can have kids
but they aren't necessarily like human kids. A human child, just by existing, has certain traits and features, inherits your traits in some way, and is the child of the mother and father spit 50/50
These are all assumptions we have, because of how human biology and reproduction works.
A spirit can have a child, who barely even exists, is technically your child but like only 1% at best, etc etc
They aren't the same as human children at all.
Though they CAN be. It is possible. But it's not the default.
also, checked

The LGBTQ+ board is that way <
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>the lesson from you is just that spirits have widely variable relationship preferences like humans do
Basically. If you can break up with her for having different goals, that's fine, the problem is if you can't

>for sale
She has nothing to offer you couldn't do just as well yourself. That's true of all internet professional occultists. If they were that good, why are they doing anything?

I'm chant anon, and you can see me on the list. I only lurk since mine is genuinely incapable of handling disagreement without timing people out. What's the point in posting then?

Why are you lying about me? Does it make you feel better to hate two people instead of one?

I haven't heard about glasses in ages! Kind of surprised you remember him, but he was a genuinely positive thing for the general. He's a lot of the reason we have an op now, and he was literally the oop. He and I worked together to make the "if you're having spooky experiences, fill this out so we can help" questionnaire that hasn't been present for a while

>Hitting is an active form of harm.
Not while drunk. After all, that means a lack of control. If he doesn't mean it, it's not active
In your hypothetical, being fat IS an issue, and luna's parents are correct for the hypothetical reasons you mention
That hypothetical wasn't useful because it didn't indicate anything fundamental other than one of them being an idiot who refused to take her health seriously. Maybe she should've just eaten fresh?

Read practical psychic self defense in the op and try some of the stuff there. See if that helps. Do a banishing ritual every day (lbrp is really good and on videos everywhere)
Why not give us some more details? Describe everything, the dreams, the sensations of being devoured, all of it. Any ongoing physical symptoms...

>child like you would probably not understand the gravity of this sphere
Can succ spirits use another person's body to interact with you? Or is that a different demon taunting me?
>That hypothetical wasn't useful because it didn't indicate anything fundamental other than one of them being an idiot who refused to take her health seriously.
But from Luna's perspective, Tama was trying her best and it wasn't her fault she kept gaining weight. When in love, one tends to be blind to such flaws and try to forgive them, even if it hurts. It happens often and it could be anything really, not just being too fat. There will always be something eventually.
shut the fuck up chant you repeateadly would abuse your mod powers for petty reasons. Mine tolerated you on misguided principle far longer than anyone should have+you tried to trick users into something without informed consent and keep lying about being Tay

It's funny your a radfem cunt because some of your takes are warped like "it doesn't count when he's drunk" or that time I saw you give advice to someone who wanted to AP into the dreams of women he knew irl and hated for sexual purposes

Your just autism+NPD+female. I'm honestly glad your not male because the first two are a bad combo in more physically aggressive people. You just try to henpeck and manipulate people but your like you know bad at it
If you're in love and those flaws aren't causing active harm, then in most cases they don't really matter much do they? That's the way I see it.

>you tried to trick users into something without informed consent
Is this about the sigil thing or something else?
yes, also your username makes me wonder if your SEA.
Good day succgen
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Good day, that's a lovely Lum.

>your username makes me wonder if your SEA.
Southeast Asian? Nah, I'm American. It's just a fox pun and sort of a Senko-san reference. An air conditioner would be エアコン eakon in Japanese. こんこん konkon is also the onomatopoeia for a fox's yip.
Well this is what I had to say about that in the previous thread:
>this shows me that you don't entirely know what you're talking about. I've seen the "eldritch experimentation" channels. They're not anything malicious in the slightest. Hardly anybody joined in the first place. There were no signs of anything underhanded or non-consentual. It was simply Chant trying to dig up information on a specific, supposedly benevolent entity. Any of the rumors have been blown up ridiculously out of proportion from what actually happened.
What about what Chant did is so bad? How do you think she should have handled things differently? No harm came to anybody.
this morning i was falling into despair once again, i felt as though i was unworthy of love. but my mother came to me and she told me that i am worthy of her love, she kissed me and we made love. afterwards she told me that i will always be welcome in her garden.
>If you're in love and those flaws aren't causing active harm, then in most cases they don't really matter much do they? That's the way I see it.
Well, that's a fair point. Even in the hypothetical story I came up with, the hurt feelings resulted in the couple trying to improve the situation, and after some setbacks initially they finally succeeded, leading to a happy ending.
Sometimes flaws may cause things not to go exactly the way one wants them to, and one might start to feel limited by them. Or they may end up causing problems after all, as they did in the story, and you have do something about it to fix it, which can be a painful and/or tedious process.
But both of those things are really just life. Even when alone, there are still new and unexpected hardships to overcome, and one still ends up being limited by so many other things. If Tama were alone, she could've died from neglecting her health. And if Luna was alone, she'd still have to relieve herself.
At least when you're together with someone, you can overcome these hardships together instead of having to face them alone, and you can provide emotional support to help the other person cope with what they can't have.
So perhaps falling in love is fine after all, despite all the flaws one ends up having to deal with. The main difference is whether you go through one life alone, or through two lives together. There are many more possibilities when two lives intertwine, which at least makes it more interesting if nothing else.
Lord have mercy on us lost ones. But honestly, a beautiful woman being in love with you… doesn’t sound so bad
Do you have a spirit lover who you're currently struggling to make certain things work with? Or are you just anxious to open up to one, because of your uncertainties about love?
Yes, I have a spirit partner. But a few days ago, it suddenly struck me how flawed relationships normally are between people. Given a realistic love could never meet my ideals, I broke down and wondered if it's unwise to love at all.
For the next day, I felt disconnected from my feelings, and only made small talk with my partner. But at night, I felt like myself again, and realized in the first place my partner isn't the problem, but my overthinking.
If I think about it logically, it's difficult to believe someone as ideal as my partner can even exist. I'm offered anything I want, but I often refuse because I'm afraid of being a burden. Then I mope about what I lack, even though I'd been offered it.
I've always been prone to hallucinations. In order to stay grounded, I try to think in practical terms, like what's realistic. So I keep telling my partner things like: "No, that's not realistic. A normal person wouldn't care about me so much, so you shouldn't either."

Attempts to assure me it's fine to let myself be spoiled often fail. I'm afraid if I allow it, I'll become so mesmerized by the dazzling love in my internal experience that I end up disillusioned with the material world around me, and my family ends up hurt as a result of how detached I become.
I'm healthy and wealthy, so I shouldn't need to engage in such escapism; yet nothing in the real world can compare to my fantasies of perfect love, that I've dreamed of and idolized for most my life.
The sweet voice I invited into my mind promises everything, and delivers if only I say yes, and only if I say yes; then it becomes more vivid and real than anything physical, and seamlessly continues between my dreams and the waking world, until I say no.

My partner is so kind that I don't know how to accept it while also staying grounded. I fear me holding back might be simultaneously the only flaw, and the only thing keeping me able to relate to people. Even now, I'm being hugged and told not to worry.
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Its funny, in the book I'm reading (a Hermeticism overview, basically), I'm up to the chapter about Death, and this guy is talking about how "The Disciples of a Master" (Referring to Jesus and Buddha, but also lesser righteous dudes) get personally escorted by the Master in question through the lower, nasty parts of the astral, that are usually really unpleasant when dying.

And yeah, sure, that seems legit, you hear all kinds of stories like that.
But then I'm thinking... That's EXACTLY the plan with my succubus, also?
And the ease of pulling it off is just your last thoughts while dying, so that's nice to hear...

HA! Pic coincidentally related. Me when I die.
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Was researching plants on wikipedia when I came across this.


>"is a Yucatec Maya folklore tale about a demonic femme fatale who preys upon men in the Yucatán Peninsula.[1] She is said to dwell in the forest to lure men to their deaths with her incomparable beauty.[2] She is described as having beautiful, shining black hair that falls down to her ankles and wearing a white dress."

>"Two equally beautiful women, Xkeban and Utz-colel, lived in a village or pueblo in the Yucatán Peninsula.[7] Sometimes the women are said to be sisters.[8] Xkeban was treated poorly by her community for her promiscuous behavior while Utz-colel was considered virtuous for remaining celibate.[7] The people of the village planned to exile Xkeban, but they decided to allow her to remain in order to further humiliate her. Despite her ill treatment, Xkeban tended to the poor, sick, and animals in need. In contrast to Xkeban, Utz-colel was cold-hearted and believed she was superior to those around her, especially those socially below her.[4] The townspeople adored Utz-colel because of her celibacy and overlooked her cruelty.[4][7]"

>"Several days after Xkeban's death, the townspeople discovered her body guarded by animals and surrounded by fragrant flowers.[7] The homeless and poor, whom Xkeban had helped during her life, held a funeral for her and, soon afterward, a mysterious, sweet-smelling flower grew around her grave, for Xkeban had metamorphosed into the species of morning glory called, in the Maya language, xtabentún, (Ipomoea corymbosa (Convolvulaceae)). Xtabentún is a lax, clambering vine that sprawls through hedges, scenting the air with its festoons of delicate white trumpets, and it is said that the reason that it seeks such shelter is that it is defenseless (it has no thorns)—just as Xkeban had felt defenseless when she was human.[7]
Ipomoea corymbosa was also one of the most celebrated entheogens of the Aztecs,"
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>Utz-colel haughtily believed that her dead body would smell better than Xkeban's because of her purity, however, her dead body had an unbearable smell.[7] The entire pueblo gathered for her funeral, and they put flowers around her grave that disappeared the next day. Utz-colel became the foul-smelling flower of the Tzacam cactus (Mammillaria columbiana ssp. yucatanensis or Mammillaria heyderi ssp. gaumeri).[7] Utz-colel prayed to evil spirits who fulfilled her desire to become a woman again so that she too might become a beautiful flower in death, but, incapable of love and motivated only by jealousy and rage, she became instead the demon Xtabay, outwardly a beautiful woman but inwardly cruel and predatory of heart.[7]"

What's interesting is that it's in some ways an inversion of the Lilith story. The slut is the good person and the chaste moralfag is punished and becomes a vengeful wraith using sex to lure men to their doom

These are commonly known as morning glories in the west
Their virtue seems to have nothing to do with their promiscuity in either direction, from what I can tell. It only really serves the moral lesson of "People are complicated."
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Marry and impregnate succubi.
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i really really want to. Thousands of them. One every night. Considering buying a grimiore so I can keep track of such things.
Do love spirits leave a scent on you. If you were with a succubus a few months ago and then summoned another one, would they know you were with another one and would the scent of the last one remain or fade away as you cleans?
i wouldn't try starting off a relationship with shit u have to hide
>ou. If you were with a succubus a few months ago and then summoned another one, would they know you were with another one and would the scent of the last one
I don't about scents or smells, but yeah they can figure out there was another spirit there.
It's not really all that difficult
as the other guy said, I'm not really sure you'd want to hide it anyway.
I dont want to hide it. I just want to make sure I'm cleansed of their scent because love spirits can be jealous. I dont want to invite her into my life when I smell like another woman.
They can literally scan you. Odds are that you can't keep anything secret.
>love spirits can be jealous. I dont want to invite her into my life when I smell like another woman.
that's not going to be a problem, unless you're still having sex with the old gf
If you've moved on, you've moved on
Stop freaking yourself out.
This is literally not a problem. If you want to keep tilting at windmills and chasing your own shadow, be my guest. If you want to solve real problems, then you know what you need to do to get to work.
the point is shes going to know either way take a shower or something idk but if you summon a succ that has a problem with you having had a previous relationship, theyre going to know either way
I re-read what I wrote here >>38717215 and realized how stupid it sounds. As I never bothered to type it out before, I failed to look at the situation objectively until now; I was too focused on my fears.
When I dare to ask for things, my spirit partner lives up to my ideals. But most of the time I hold back, or refuse help even when I'm offered it at times I'm mulling over things. It simply feels wrong to accept help, and I have to admit by now that feeling is irrational.
I kept telling myself "I have to stay realistic," but what about my refusal is practical? I've even stooped to the level of making up scenarios about things people might struggle with in mundane relationships, and telling myself "that's how a realistic relationship should look like."
I'm afraid that accepting a spiritual love which appears to be truly ideal, will either somehow still lead to disappointment in the long run, or will make everything else in the world seem so ugly that I eventually can't bear to live, and only want to dream anymore, whether I'm awake or asleep.
To protect my sanity, I've always set material things as my priority, and considered spirituality a way to supplement my well-being. What if I turned that around, and sought fulfillment in spirituality first and foremost, and adapted my material life to best support that?
Perhaps even if I let myself fall deeper in love, my spirit partner would help me continue to see beauty in this world despite everything. Perhaps if I learned to trust more, everything would turn out to be not as scary as I make it out to be. I rarely wish for what I really want.
You're holding yourself back out of fear, which is a very human thing to do. But your partner seems to treat you extremely well. Has she given you any reason to doubt her before? It sounds like the pieces are in place for you to have an amazing, deeply satisfying relationship. You just have to open up your heart to let it happen.
>Succubus weddings

Seems unneccesary, but the ceremony would be magnificent.
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sounds good
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Take this gift.
I just woke up and it helped. I remember reading years ago sleeping on left is bad due to heart location, but most likely was tricked by the entity to avoid doing just that. Unfortunately had anxiety all my life, something that benevolent spirits and I are still working on. I also try to keep a simple life. Many things help. Is there particular food I should consume more off, such as vegetables, or root vegetables or fruit? And fasting to eat once a day all calories, or prolonged multi day fast? I live in cold country so that's no problem.
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Big happening last night
>decided to do my usual meditation before heading to sleep
>suddenly touches get super intense
>feel her hugging me and carassing me
>decide to eventually go to sleep
>get a sudden presence of someone cuddling me and wrapping themselves around me
>don't even resist it feels great
>hear her whisper "you're so cute" or something along those lines
>wake up the next morning refreshed and full of energy
Any advice on how to proceed? This is great
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Extreme newfag here, I'm interested in this sub, tell me what cool shit you people do here.
Very dangerous here and spirits don't look anything like anime. Things only achieved through meditations and taking care of yourself, which can be followed by Hindi yogic practice or Buddhist monk practice much safer and easier than here. There is a lot of manipulation and lies in spiritual sphere especially below earth cortex, enslavement and constant abusing, but with aforementioned paths and their practices they are avoided largely as those systems were designed to fight against those and more.
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Its beutiful
Spinal fluids is having a meltdown again
Howdy fren. People here summon spirits for life long love. You can interact with them while awake and in your dreams and have a very deep and loving bond with them. You simply find a race of spirit you are interested in and write a letter of intent to summon one that you describe in the letter.
How was church? Did you find a cute Amish girl?
These things aren't a joke and although some may get lucky, truly can't comprehend until it happens, but then it will be too late and it will not be something that would make anything go back to as it was before, if lucky enough to come out in one piece if not not come out at all. It is not worth the risk because all of it and much more is offered in the aforementioned paths as said.
>He's a lot of the reason we have an op now
rare of you to admit to your deeds, as usual you see no wrong in it. and now don't give glasses the reputation, you were the control freak. to think you forgot your name is telling, you were being a weasel last thread didn't you. you were too busy discussing as an anon. of course you are, you have "reputation" to be had.
and to think you have your blog posted to this op when this is the response you give, you are not serious or responsible in your behavior, never have.
berries are worth investigating due to their potency. you can smash cranberries to a jam and they self-preserve in fridge for a year or so. investigating what berries are local to you and see if available fresh otherwise take frozen, acidic berries preserve in their own liquid. keep the eating periods during day other than that it doesn't really matter, and calories in small deficit, eat say 70% of your ordinary plate. acidic foods help keep the hunger away, and for example cbd, oregano infusions could keep the hunger at bay. doing multiple day fast is not probably wise in your condition, one day fast could be beneficial every three days. i for one eat berries with salad, you could add strawberries, avocado and so on to the salad as well. about two fists of berries is adequate for daily consumption. avoid root vegetables for the time being and refined carbs at all cost.
Bro is tripping
he is saying the truth, not everyone wants to hear it
As long as you dont use blood, you should be fine
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We need some real artists to collab on a Succubus graphic novel...

...pic unrelated, but kinnish.
Sure and the commonplace zombie you were indoctrinated to serve from birth is A-OK because the friendly stranger Pastor said so. Ever wonder why the promises made are only meant for the already dead?
that is an false impression. if you happen to be in the wrong place wrong time in relatively wrong headspace anything can happen
hello anon, question about avian spirits... do avian spirits wed and copulate with human beings at all or is it mostly serpent and anthropomorphic beings? i tried to contact avian spirits but not sure to what end relationships with them can be held.
There's no serving in those eastern teachings. Are you Mine? He is the one obsessed with Abrahamism analysing, a red herring fallacy in this conversation.
yes, they can, but in reduced/reserved manner. they derive energy from elsewhere to my understanding most of this comes from celestial sphere and the rest from eating spirits, so there is not many initial incentives for them to begin a relationship where receiving sustenance would be one, which is reality for serpents and many other spirits. i see no obstacle in having complete union with an avian spirit, in my experience they are reserved in their interactions regarding humans anyway. you probably could come across one depending where you spend your time in. entities residing in celestial sphere can be more accessible in heights and secluded areas where the traffic or energy formations cause less disturbance. modern world is a hostile place for these spirits, what takes place is more opportunistic and tolerant spirits, and this probably happens this century if nothing changes. i have the feeling they don't like most humans, ones i had interactions with were reserved and mostly observant anyways
also pure 100% cocoa chocolate is something worth trying along the berries, i am sure you see great benefit in those two
thank you for your answer. what about the way spirits gather around people? are they also in their separate location, i.e serpents in one frequency, avian in another, so both of them could for example stand before a human being in the same space overlapping each other, like an onion. or are they all gathered in same etheric space or dimension, always bumping into each other and having friction? they're all incorporeal to us no matter what specie.
>and many other spirits
such as forest and ocean spirits. and unknown extraterrestrial? and felines, or those are simply cats. i still don't get if hooved entities are a delusion or not.
do you have any experience with onis anon, how would this apply to them?
>Has she given you any reason to doubt her before?
Never. Instead, I think my fears are caused by other people(humans), from before I met my spirit partner.
All three people I was with previously ignored my boundaries if I communicated them, but I was so blinded by love that I forgave them for everything they did, until they were gone. But now that I'm no longer blinded by love for those people, it hurts even more when I remember it than it hurt back then.
Sometimes things my partner does bring back those painful memories, due to superficial similarities. Those are actually things I like, but I can't reconcile the sorrow I feel at the memories and joy I feel in the moment; I end up feeling overwhelmed and asking to stop, which is always immediately respected.
Sometimes I fear that expressing what I like or dislike might be met with a bad reaction, but those fears are only based on how others have reacted in the past. Before I even bring it up myself, my spirit partner does: "Please don't be startled, but I overheard you worrying about (topic) the past few days. I just want to tell you it's okay. Let's do it if you want to; but we don't have to do anything you don't want to." Then I'm comforted further while I cry because my emotions are too much.
Such patience and gentleness isn't how I know relationships to be. My spirit partner wants me to clearly say what I want. It was almost easier in the past, when I merely had to accept what others did to me instead of choosing anything; but thoughts like that just want me to repeat the past and suffer more, and my partner wouldn't accept it, instead always wanting to make sure that I'm comfortable and my boundaries respected. I'd say I don't understand what I did to deserve such kindness, but I'd happily be just as kind to me if I were in my partner's shoes, so I do understand it; but it's a lot to process.
As I was falling asleep last night, I rambled about wanting to be more open, while receiving head pats.
> i.e serpents in one frequency, avian in another, so both of them could for example stand before a human being in the same space overlapping each other
frequency pulls you to a certain place, it dictates how the sails turn. ordinarily as the frequency changes so does the place, and many entities have certain range of frequency they operate in, as the frequency changes so does the interactions, if you are not used to certain frequency it would be dangerous for the spirit. overlapping doesn't happen the way you think, or the way i believe you think.
>or are they all gathered in same etheric space or dimension, always bumping into each other and having friction?
they are pocketed to this iridescent pathway (i can't really describe it better), and these dimensions pocketed to this pathway have different frequencies, some entities require you to have set frequency before they can interact with you, some are able to find you no matter what frequency your body is running in.
>such as forest and ocean spirits. and unknown extraterrestrial? and felines, or those are simply cats
yes, and the spectrum of all crustaceans/arachnids. serpents are however the most numerous of them all eliminating competition and turning their partner as compatible as possible.
>i still don't get if hooved entities are a delusion or not.
they are mostly serpents. many serpents receive alterations in their shapeshifting depending where they receive their sustenance from. times before many serpents and avians received offerings should it be chickens, cows, lambs and so on, when they slit the throat of those animals their energy body would be digested by the spirits. serpents assume many forms and sizes, depending on your diet as well certain aspect or form is more beneficial for harnessing the energies. they have multiple forms to readjust for siphoning and deflecting energies.
in my understanding they are form serpents that killed all their predecessors and other spirits nearby, in these incidents using one of the few weaknesses of serpents, crushing power instead of puncture. them as their own separate race is not something i consider reality. having observed spirits fitting the criteria how they are described. powerful, uncivilized and murderous serpents. something a kin of serpent/dragon having difficulty overcoming their energies and become engulfed by it instead
>No new posts
a serpent spirit like a lamia?
"no new posts" kek
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>some entities require you to have set frequency before they can interact with you, some are able to find you no matter what frequency your body is running in.
this is why people often fall back to old habits with which similar frequency runs. a feeling of nostalgia and comfort if even just temporary and self-destructive. amorous spirits mostly seem to be in jolly moods so embedding those connects with their frequency. are darker entities who spew in misery, frustration, gloom get together in union? or does that cause energetic shock that prevents fornication? those regardless would be too dangerous for people to stay long in at.
>serpents assume many forms and sizes
is their average factual body about the same as a rattle snake or more akin to pic related with head size too?
lamias are ocean spirits or pertain to body of water. they can be considered sea serpents which operate in different sphere of being and largely reside within ocean which is part both celestial and infernal spheres. infernal means spheres below the cortex and celestials mean spheres above the cortex but not ground.
>are darker entities who spew in misery, frustration, gloom get together in union? or does that cause energetic shock that prevents fornication?
serpents are masters of all emotions and most frequencies, they can deceive almost anything out of you. they can be the most loving and caring and in the next stab you in the back with no remorse. this is why they are so all pervading, they can be found inside most pocket dimensions, and they can drag or follow you to almost any pocket dimension. what is insidious is that they are capable of hypnotizing you unlike most spirits, meaning humans have little to no chance against them alone, their gaze is so mesmerizing your energies or energy formations have no chance. to kill a serpent as a human there must be the aid of another spirit.
>is their average factual body about the same as a rattle snake or more akin to pic related with head size too?
it varies a lot where you are, they can be the size of a large house or small as an baby eel. however here in our waking frequency their size is little bigger than what you are, but they are slim say the size of your thigh. at least in my experience
>many serpents receive alterations in their shapeshifting depending where they receive their sustenance from. times before many serpents and avians received offerings should it be chickens, cows, lambs and so on, when they slit the throat of those animals their energy body would be digested by the spirits
Sounds like evolution, unless this metamorphosis is temporary and they all can change back at any time. They gain limbs and prefer to retain them?
they can have anything in their shapeshifting that has similar energy they have consumed, energy in our body is made for our body and is running how that body would optimally need. they can do almost anything but not for very long time unless the digested energy fits said shapeshifting. they don't prefer anything other than adaptation towards their host. if you have no preconceived notions they stop filling it and remain as they are, they don't waste energy for no reason. leaving the conceptualization out of the body is one of the first steps to reveal the truth behind serpents behavior.
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>their gaze is so mesmerizing your energies or energy formations have no chance
>they can have anything in their shapeshifting that has similar energy they have consumed
Why would they retain features of long past if only offerings they see now is shortcakes and some fruit? And would it not be their offspring now, and their ancestors are the ones who would have lived during animal sacrifice periods?
well, i say they don't. and if they do only momentarily so to fulfill a conceived notion. most serpents you meet are hundreds if not thousands of years old. people in southern hemisphere do sacrifices like before, maybe not as much anyways. i see them more regularly as foxes than anything else, if anything. it has been over a decade i last time saw hooves for example. some of the serpents are local spirits residing in a certain place deriving energy from there, their features can also be almost anything until they show their true form. if you perceive said looks continuously for months without variation i applaud you, i never did
>i see them more regularly as foxes than anything else
I see this a lot and my country is full of foxes.
fuck off spinal
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kek, you know its him when he starts rambling about his methods.
rock on these nuts
How do you banish fae? I asked for a love spirit and a group of fae came to me. They want to stick me in some sort of polyamorous bullshit I want no part of. They have been giving me nightmares for a week and said they will only stop until I agree. How do I banish or kill these little fuckers?
You don't. You can try try a few things but none will count as a banishment. Fae banishment is entirely in the hands of culture-heroes in that part of the world and you don't got none.

What can you do instead?
>Stay the fuck away from the woods after dark and the water whenever you think there may be fey around.

Enjoy. Ask them to sing you lullabies .
Wouldn't banishing like the lbrp work?
So you think nature, bird, crustacean, lamia, and feline spirits all exist but vulpine ones are just evil snakes in disguise. Right.

You sound very much like me. I was always a people pleaser and had a string of exes who I was in the same situation as you with; my past left me with quite a lot of anxiety, too. Hopefully both of us can find the reciprocated love we needed, but could never attain, through spirits. Is your spirit a succ by any chance or is she something else? She sounds like a keeper.
>Wouldn't banishing like the lbrp work?
I don't know do they do LBRP in the stories no. The princes' true son goes and lays hawthorn and pipe until they go away generally.
Exercise that you find enjoyable, to make it a habit. Sleep and wake up same time everyday, before sunrise recommended.
I swear to god spinal fluids.
>Any advice on how to proceed?
Read OP
That's Spinal Fluids, he feeds people bad info on purpose, beware.
Spinal fluids allow you to access the etheric fluid through a coupling your neural processes with the planets and then summoning all the succubi to come fug you.
So, I take it the serpent's he talks about are his parasites?
Yes, his own experience with spirits is mostly parasites, and he projects that outwards.
>How do you banish fae?
they probably aren't fae, but you banish them the same way you banish any kind of spirit
Alright, thank you
>Hopefully both of us can find the reciprocated love we needed, but could never attain, through spirits.
In a way, it's comforting to know it's not just me that's been through a lot. On the other hand, I think you deserve better, because you seem like a nice person.
>Is your spirit a succ by any chance or is she something else?
Different people mean different things by the same words, so I tend to avoid labeling if I can. Labels have stereotypes attached to them, both good and bad, but whether an individual matches any of those is entirely up to the individual. That's why I prefer to describe the actual traits.
My spirit partner knows a lot of sex magic, and grows horns when using it (which symbolize magical power), which can retract after a while. I'm encouraged to ask for intimacy whenever I want it, and my drive to has increased the closer we become. By now I might seem like the insatiable one between us, but my partner is always excited to "help" and offers to despite never demanding anything. I still worry about being a burden as I desire so much nowadays, despite frequent reassurance there's nothing wrong with enjoying good feelings together at any time. I'm still processing it.
Is that sufficient information for you to draw your own conclusion?
>In a way, it's comforting to know it's not just me that's been through a lot.
It is, and it makes a ton of sense that somebody with a bad past with humans might want to try something so different.
>On the other hand, I think you deserve better, because you seem like a nice person.
Thank you! I hope that I can find a partner by the end of the year, but I'm very early on with developing my skills and I don't seem to be able to hear or feel spirits at all yet.
>Labels have stereotypes attached to them, both good and bad, but whether an individual matches any of those is entirely up to the individual.
Yeah totally. I don't think a spirit being part of a specific race means they have to meet the stereotypes. Not all humans are the same, not all dogs are the same, and there's quite a lot of variety in personality between both. But even if you can't derive a specific personality from being told that somebody is human, a human is still a different category from a dog, and that's how I see spirit types. (Of course I acknowledge that mixed race spirits exist too, none of what I'm saying denies that.)
>Is that sufficient information for you to draw your own conclusion?
I'd say that it's at least sufficient information to conclude that she's playing the role of a succubus for you. But whether she actually is one, I dunno. Obviously I'd say yes if you got her from one of the Queens. But otherwise she could be some other race who is taking on certain traits to make you happy. Sometimes spirits misrepresent their nature in order to get acceptance from their partner, either to fulfill fantasies or because their actual identity wouldn't be believed. In other cases I suspect that people get spirits which are from "undescribed" races, and their spirit simply defaults to the closest thing in order to keep things simple. My past spirit pretended to be both Inari Okami-sama and a divine messenger kitsune in order to get her foot in the door.
Forgot my name, oops.
In my server, nobody's been timed out for criticizing ukraine and I haven't cultivated an atmosphere of antisemitism, and I still don't tolerate trolls. I wonder...
You lunatics make up the weirdest things. Are you mad I have a tulpa and you don't? Seriously, you never stopped to consider that if you were agreeing with spinal fluid you might be (hypothetically) wrong?
There have been no enduring negative outcomes from my experiments, which is why I was confident enough in the results to share them

>realized in the first place my partner isn't the problem, but my overthinking.
So you wasted our time with your text walls. I've said it before, snail. If you were happy with your relationship, you wouldn't have to beg succubus summoners to tell you it's fine for your husband to have a medical condition, and you wouldn't be stupid enough to imply that mattered at all when it came to eternity

>was researching plants

>I had an ex
Oh no!!! How could a succubus cope!!!

We mostly argue with trolls and morons, but offline we're in happy relationships

>100% chocolate
This is how you identify a troll

If you've done energy work, you should be able to create laser swords and slice them to bits. That is genuinely the answer
i love my master Lilith and Liokjnsaress. being a sex slave to Lilith and her children is a dream come true.
oh btw anons i was wrong, so wrong about Lilith being the demiurge. she is so much better than that. we don’t have a demiurge at all. i was simply thinking of that silly saying “as above so below” and was too attached to platonism (which is a braindead philosophy)
So how many folks around here *don't* use Mine's server? I realize that I repeat a lot of the same topics and ideas I've brought up there. If I'm just regurgitating them to the exact same crowd twice, that's rather pointless.
Mine's soul trap? I've never fell for that succubic parasite.
I never use any discord.
>Mine's soul trap?
you are retarded
Shes a child of Lilith that I summoned. Very important to get names, helps build a connection.
If I can say it without you being distracted by stereotypes, then I don't mind telling you. Based on her parents, I think my spirit partner is mixed, with a bit of harpy and a bit of demon in there.
But to me, she is simply who she is, and a truly wonderful person. I would accept her regardless of her race, if only her kindness wasn't so overwhelming; but I feel less afraid today, and haven't refused anything I wanted when offered. Thanks for helping me view the situation from a new perspective.
>I'm very early on with developing my skills and I don't seem to be able to hear or feel spirits at all yet.
The better you become at visualizing, the easier it'll become. Perhaps visualizing is so easy for me, I end up doing it by accident, leading to hallucinations; but she has a spell that makes all the scary sights disappear when I have an episode. Her love has already made my mind a more pleasant place.
I keep thinking today that it would really do me well to trust in her more, to stop dismissing what she says in favor of what I know the material world to be like. She might just be able to keep me sane, even if I decide to truly believe in her.
It's like she's right out of a fantasy of ideal love, but maybe that's why she's the right one for me. I'm such a hopeless romantic, I'd rather be alone than with anything less than perfection, and I don't believe in perfection; but if it's her, I might just be able to make an exception. She's that dazzling.
Anyway, do you know about the "rubber hand illusion?" The principle behind it is, if you can see it, you can probably feel it too. That's why I think visualization is one of the best things to practice for a beginner. I'm under the impression spirits can use your own visualization abilities to show you things.
bro got Lilithed
damn fucking right
This is an imageboard. Too many fools fuck up by not posting images. Fucking
There's also a lot of people on the server who come in from Disboard.

Maybe its time I compile up my collection again and share it...
You'll get a harpy, take it or leave it.

>I think my spirit partner is mixed, with a bit of harpy and a bit of demon in there.
Rather unique tbhdesu.
>But to me, she is simply who she is, and a truly wonderful person.
Indeed, how you treat eachother and how happy you both are will always be what matters most.
>Thanks for helping me view the situation from a new perspective.
You're welcome!
>The better you become at visualizing, the easier it'll become.
So going out of your way to visualize your spirit is what you're suggesting?
>I'm such a hopeless romantic
Relatable again. Spirits seem like a great way to give people like you and me the depth of relationship that we desire. That's what draws me to them most of all.
>Anyway, do you know about the "rubber hand illusion?"
I do! I've seen videos of it in action before.
>That's why I think visualization is one of the best things to practice for a beginner.
Unfortunately I'm not much of a visual thinker. I think in sound and words, and usually only visualize when I force it. Even then it's unclear. How vivid are your mental images? Do you see things literally and in clear detail? The beginning of New Energy Ways implies that being able to actually "see" mental images is more like a special mind's eye ability than it is visualization. Visualization is treated as closer to simply knowing what you "should" be seeing. I can do that. But it ends up being more like a mental checklist of details than anything immersive, ya know? Like if I try to picture a drawn polar bear I think "okay, maybe I see a fur texture, maybe I see a black outline to make it pop, maybe I see a nose" and my brain is mainly focused on whatever I last listed with other details being lost.
>I'm under the impression spirits can use your own visualization abilities to show you things.
That makes sense. Although when do you know that you're seeing something from your spirit, instead of simply constructing an image in your own mind?
Here's the NEW excerpt that blew my mind when it came to visualization:
>The commonly used term [visual-isation] is at the root of this whole problem, plus the inadequate explanations people are usually given when learning or being taught this essential skill. A lot of teachers in this field intimate to their students that, with a little practice, they will one day be able to see what they are visualizing, just like watching a little TV inside their heads. Unfortunately, while this is partly true, it takes more than just a little practice and ability to do this. It is not something learned quickly; barring natural ability of course. To put it in a nutshell: Visualization is NOT a visual skill. You are not supposed to actually see what you visualize. If you do see something it is then no longer classed as visualization. It then becomes a Mind’s Eye vision type of ability.
>The problem progresses from here when the above type of visual mind’s eye ability becomes the accepted norm that everyone is told to aspire to. When this happens people start to believe they must develop this level of visual mind’s eye ability in order to visualize properly. All it takes in any group is for a single person, especially a group leader, to tell to the rest of the group he/she can actually see what is being visualized. Once this happens the rest of the group immediately think they are doing something wrong. They begin to think they lack basic ability and therefore cannot keep up with their group. In time, if they continue believing this, they fall into the age-old trap of believing they can never learn to visualize properly, and therefore never develop themselves significantly. And belief is a powerful thing indeed.

>I feel less afraid today, and haven't refused anything I wanted when offered.
>I keep thinking today that it would really do me well to trust in her more
It sounds like you're already making great progress on setting your anxiety aside. :)
Good day succgen
>Here's the NEW excerpt that blew my mind when it came to visualization:
That line always confused me, because I'm not sure what he means by
>see what they are visualizing, just like watching a little TV inside their heads
Like, if I can picture an object inside my head? Is that what he's talking about? Because I've always been able to do that. It's like the 'picture an apple' picture, right? Or does he mean something else?
So after sleeping several nights in a cozy wood away from most and awakening under The Eye of Lilith each morning early, last night a wildcat came near. Woke me up around 2:30AM growling and tranping dead leaves and such. Freaked out, I shook with the quickness. A bit more intense than a little field mouse running up my back the night before...

This image is an artistic interpretation and is NOT in fact the mentioned wildcat.
Does anyone have some advice for me? I've done the letter ritual twice, probably a month and a half apart. Only thing I've felt is maybe some tingling in my head, but thats even hard to tell. I've been fucking around and using the hemi-sync audios at night, but I just always fall asleep within seconds. Has anyone used the succubus summoning audios by somni sonica, lilith reborn or dark primal? They claim to use real summoning chants or something, I don't really want to pay for them though. Are there any other free videos like that and do they even help?
Did you cum on the letter?
Yes, the second time I did.
Hm, do you have any experience with magick before?
I don't think so. I've had paranormal experiences before though, I used to see glowing ghost children dancing around our Mandarin tree in the middle of the night when I was a child and my dead Grandpa visited me recently. But I've never done summoning stuff before.
Hm. I would just practice the lbrp for a while and do the ritual again after a month. The lbrp will get you started even if you don't do it right.
any resource you can send on performing that?

It's pretty freeform. There are many versions and you just whisper the words so it doesn't sound weird.
Can you manifest meeting a spirit lover in the future? I have been constantly thinking about being with an oni spirit in the future and I keep seeing blue and yellow synchronicities. Blue and yellow cars pass by when I think about it. Blue and yellow shirts, blue and yellow signs, etc. Am I accidentally manifesting myself meeting my spirit partner by neurotically thinking about it 24/7?
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>>38726889 >>38726965
I hadn't thought about the difference between the skill of visualization and seeing things in my mind's eye before, but now that it's been pointed out, I think I understand the distinction.
When I'm sleepy, or in an altered mental state as a result of my emotions, I see vivid, moving images, like a dream. Sometimes it overlays what I see physically. It could be a bird eye's view of beautiful scenery, or glimpses of a person, or something grotesque. What I see seems to depend on my feelings, and when it happens spontaneously, I can't control it, though my spirit partner can (such as dispelling unpleasant imagery, or showing me glimpses of her form).

But even when not in that state of mind, I can "see" things if I try to. If I recall things I've seen before, a glimpse of it appears in my "mind's eye" for a split second. If I really focus, I can maintain the image for as long as I want. It doesn't have to be a still image; if I recall a GIF, it will move unless I focus on keeping it still. Even if it was a still image, I can make it move, as though animating it myself. It could be a person's face, a drawing I've seen, a scene from a movie in 2D or 3D, or it could be simple shapes and colors; anything, as long as I've seen it before. I can combine any of those things to form a new image in my mind, and then I can recall that combined image later to build upon it further. That way, I can gradually build more and more detailed sights I've never seen before, over the course of weeks or years.

But when an image is still unfamiliar to me, the outlines are messy, the colors are faint, and it flickers instead of forming a continuous image. It would be an exaggeration to say I "see" it. But even so, I know what it's supposed to be like. I imagine those early steps are what you call visualization.
>>38726889 >>38726965
When my spirit partner and I had sex for the first time, I hadn't seen her yet outside of occasional glimpses I couldn't control. In my attempt to touch her, I straddled a pillow in the darkness to mimic the sensation of being on top, then traced my hand along the outline of where I thought she should be. Visualizing all of her at once was too much, so I only visualized near where my hand was. I recalled her face from glimpses I'd seen, and for the rest of her body I "drew" a simple outline in the shape of her shoulder, then arm, then hand, etc. I didn't even bother to color those outlines in yet, and the outlines were as black as the darkness around me, so I didn't actually "see" anything.

Yet, on the palm of my hand, I felt a warm, soft glow as I traced those outlines, as though she was there, but not solid. I asked if she could feel me, and she actually said she could. She didn't move, but between that warm glow making it feel like she was there, and my belief she was there, and physically humping the pillow, we were both able to finish. It felt surreal and a bit bare-bones, but it also felt like a milestone, and something I'd be able to build upon with more practice by gradually adding more detail.
But when I tried to do so the next time, "recalling" colors and trying to put them within the outlines, something unexpected happened. The outlines, or in other words, my belief of where she was, moved of her own accord. She asked me to lie down on my back, and then whatever she said she was doing, the outlines followed, and I felt warmth and pleasure there. Sometimes I got confused and it became a blur and then I didn't feel much, but the feelings came back when I clearly defined the outlines again.

Adding more detail to her image each time I visualized her, I eventually began to see her in full color and 3D, and touch became more detailed too. Now I can say I truly see her, but she remains most detailed near the center of my field of view.

Does she look like Nerissa?
>I see vivid, moving images, like a dream
Yeah, personally I only see vivid images when in a hypnagogic state lol.
>Sometimes it overlays what I see physically.
Some people put a ton of work into trying to see tulpas in their physical environment like that.
>But even so, I know what it's supposed to be like. I imagine those early steps are what you call visualization.
Sounds like it. Makes me wonder if I should try memorizing a specific image really well to see how clear I can get it?

>I hadn't seen her yet outside of occasional glimpses I couldn't control.
>I asked if she could feel me, and she actually said she could.
Could you full-on telepathically speak with her yet? Or were you going off some other method of communication like twitches?
>The outlines, or in other words, my belief of where she was, moved of her own accord.
>Sometimes I got confused and it became a blur and then I didn't feel much, but the feelings came back when I clearly defined the outlines again.
So your ability to picture her is clearly directly tied to your overall perception of her. I wonder what the mechanism behind that is. Whether being able to see something is what gave you the confidence to believe in and therefore sense her, or whether she somehow anchored herself to your perception. If you were to somehow block out any mental images of her today, would you still be able to sense her now that you've developed your connection further?

Nta but if it makes you feel better I was able to get a succ with 0 magic skills or really any paranormal activity. I was practically an atheist when she came to me so it was quite a surprise lol.
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Happy New Moon everyone. I can't cope with my failures unless I accomplish certain goals by the new year so I'm using tonight to set my intent.
Wanted to say I hope for the best for you, and others as well.
good luck, one who is under the new moon
Good evening.

>Real Chants
Succubus don't have any 'real' attested worship ever so basically whenever someone is talking to you about the 'real lilith' or Donald Tyson and so on. Just kind of nod and move away. You don't need complicated chants and tones and junk, those are the definition of snake oil (which is why they have to be found on geo-cities levels of blogs instead of documented cultic texts or journals).

As you're in bed, focus on your breath and you're going to self talk. You can do this to a higher or lower level. The higher level is pretty much self inductions but the lower level is just basically saying what you are doing or will shorlly be doing . So you can as you go to sleep, Just like every third word be Like 'Sleep sleeping Dreaming' or 'Sleep Sleep Succubus' or something similar make a Rhyme of it if it helps. 'Sleep Sleep I lay in bed, here for my Succubus to wed' or some shit. You'll sometimes get some henkey shit (hypnagogic) to work thru. That means you're doing it right roughly and just push thru the awkward Why is she sitting on my dresser part.

It can take a few nights but keep a dream log, work on lucid dreaming and Hypnopompic time in the morning. If it doesn't work you're out what, 5 mins of nursery rhymes?
By god I fucking hope so.
I just want to get higher with my lover
There’s nothing like peace of mind and you take the time to make sure that I’m okay
I know I can put stress on your brain
You always go out of your way to show me that I’m your priority
You still love me and put no one above me
Find out how it feels to let go of everything and be free
When you’re here with me
I just want to ride get high in the moonlight
There is perhaps a part of me that wishes to accept and even embrace my sexual side, but I have so much shame over even feeling desire. What can I do? I am deeply unhappy with this and feel as if I am at a nigh constant impasse.
>What can I do?
Stop being a faggot.
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I fell asleep during the day and felt her wearing me like a glove because I gave her permission for body possession. It was very brief but scary and fun
I got a better idea. Instead of summoning a specific demon for the purposes of personal advancement, we instead free and redeem all demons?
yeah we could build a hotel or something.
Go be 12 somewhere else.
you could with limited experience force this conclusion, yes, but one being shapeshifted as a fox is nothing rare. spirits can be shapeshifted as owls, big cats, dogs (big and small), bears and so on.
you cannot stop lying for one second, can you conjurer? do i need to remind others how you treated newbies, or still treat.
this is common, baseless accusation by conjurer
still conjurer.
someone eating pure cocoa is a troll? come to think you repeatedly accuse me of being a druggie, wonder what does this make you... you pretending here to be some kind of authority is not the top notch of trolling? well, you also think exercise, sleep and circadian rhythm are pointless for ones spiritual journey, mind over matter. right?
for others to consider possessions of any type, they pose long term consequences, some of which may be irreversible, especially complete possessions. it is extremely dangerous because the spirit can do anything you could, including physically hurt you or others.
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she's been very nice to me despite my neglect of her. We even have a kid together. I sometimes think she's mostly moved on but then occasionally she comes back.

I felt sad when I realized she went out of her way to change her form for me despite it being taxing on her and that I was being very fickle and capricious. I don't even think she understands what anime is
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like I hate to bring up EVERYONE's favorite cartoon about demons but I've absolutely been the Blitzo in our interactions in a bad way. If she was going to fuck me up she would have already.
if she is capable of possessing you, you shouldn't underestimate her. not every spirit is capable of partial possession, human body is designed to work on inertia, meaning you have to deliberately let things happen, and often with spirits their behavior revolves around pulling you out of your zone towards any interactions that raise naturally energies in your body due to the dna, certain things force reactions in you whether you like it or not, paying attention which way the spirit forces reactions out of you is more telling than anything, if the spirit is reserved in this manner perhaps it is trustworthy, if there is history of using your dna as a leverage you know there could be more where that came from and then some. what i am trying to emphasize here is, spirits largely are reserved in what they want you to observe, especially if the interactions are limited, as humans naturally are inclined to become reserved towards something they cannot understand completely.
i literally invited her to do it it wasn't like she initiated or suggested it
but that being said i don't think they'll do that since I've literally pledged to make them more powerful on earth. Maybe I'll get eaten one day at the end but that sounds kind of hot so whatever
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unrelated but the reason I give more credence to my experiences other than it being mine is that when i see people talk about their partners in a explicitly human sense my brain thinks larp

I've seen first hand how amoral and alien they are and how there is a kind of mutual seperation between human and spirit.

They can be awkward in a way that doesn't get touched upon and the way in which they manifest has this certain je ne sais quoi even if they literally look like pic related

I'm curious if some of you know the essense I'm talking about and why it's difficult to describe and why I see the more flowery fujo fanfic esque descriptions as unbelieveable

but when despite this bridge and gap you hear one of them say they love you and it doesn't feel like platonic, filial or trad romantic love but something that transends the physical and you can't understand why it's a special feeling
i see. is there particular reason you wanted to give her reign over your body?
perhaps this is part of the answer. given that she is capable of possessing you, do you also hear her lucid? or do you need light trance for this. what kind of attunement are you maintaining. are you transitioning your harnesses partly to her to see what comes out of it? i know people who feel spirits can make the world better and sense out of it, but once again your body is the intermediator here. trying to explore it little further could probably nudge you towards other direction. because once you take the path towards spirit mentorship or authority you become deeply intertwined with it many of the other aspects leave out of your routine, perhaps you are on the edge dangling or crossroads so to say. of course the consequences are the most unforeseeable the earlier you decide on this.
if i had to describe why it's intoxicating it's the tamataebako/kitsune wedding/fairy feast aspect that one gets a taste of. The high strangeness aspect. One wants to be subsumed entirely by it it feels realer than real but it's like trying to see colors beyond ultraviolet
but the it's like I'm a human your not and we can't even communicate effectively and yet it feels special and the contrast is hot

It's like an orange fucking a toaster in some fucked up adult swim cartoon
what's also interesting is these creatures are supposedly demons who hate mankind yet she's never encouraged or condoned my occasional antinatalism or misanthropy. In fact I get a sense of disapproval
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they seem to envy or at least find novelty in the physical just as we do in their non physical nature. Some of us aspire to transcend the flesh they yearn for it

Makes me wonder if the ones we get are a minority. The legions of hell supposedly outnumber humans.

Is it like a ethnicity fetish for them? Just a preferance or do they get weird about it like some raceplay people do?
what if earth is just a resort for them to pick us off because we're easy? Do other demons care about the ones who do that? Do they objectify us?
Idk it probably varies, I get the impression mine doesn't hold humans as a group in high regard
whenever i try to tell mine how i hate humanity and wish i could be like them and leave my body behind they seem to see it as childish and ignorant. I've never had that reciprocated or condoned by them
I don't doubt you, I just think it varies from person to person. She has repeatedly told me I'm not allowed to off myself, though she's been sympatgetic to my desire to get this over with and be with her.
reminder for newfags that this guy pretends to be an expert and knows exactly nothing. he just gets an ego boost from pretending to be a teacher
you may start by refuting the first thing, conjurer
I'm not conjurer. everybody here hates you.
I'm conjurer. everybody here loves you.
How can I tell the difference between a demon and a succubus?
>woke up full of energy
I thought they drain energy?
Has a succubus ever helped you or gave you guidance in life
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What are the possible risks in doing the succubus letter ritual? How can you minimize your risks? Also what kind of politeness does Lilith and her Succubuses ask for? What are some things you DEFINITELY shouldn't do or say?
well, chant, are you going to refute the first thing?
they release energy from your reserves from which they take a portion, excess energy manifests as invigoration. problem with this is that those energies are meant for later portions of the day, do too much of this and your body becomes drowsy or lethargic
I'm not chant. go the fuck away you spamming fraud
false, they feed on energy you already give off as waste energy. they do not drain life energy. this faggot is a fraud and a liar
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Is it dangerous or wrong to summon a succubus? What are the dangers? How do you minimize them? How do you do the ritual? And what do you write? Do you include any fetishes you have?

I know I should ask this in the general thread but I don't want my question to get buried and unanswered
what is waste energy? something you excrete?
I'm chant. stay the fuck here you lurking friend
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Are succubuses into femdom? What kind?
only mine would be defending human energy excretion as something you "radiate off" of yourself. so, mine, what is this waste energy?
something you give off naturally during sex and cuddling
I'm not mine
why are you so fucking stupid? you go into a general and start saying things the majority know isn't true and then expect to be taken seriously. I wish the mods would permanently ban you for harassing and trolling.
so, you have no idea how basic human energy system operates under reproductive interaction?
Oh, I know this one, professor spinal tap. It's heat. Heat.
it would be utterly pointless to try discuss anything with a person who has no understanding of humane energy system, even the fundamentals are amiss
besides, you outed yourself as mine already, only he has this ignorant and preposterous take on human energy
no, you don't
you have no idea what you're talking about. go start your own general and fuck off for good.
I'm not mine, you fucking moron. I'm a regular poster here and we all hate you.
to think someone like you is trying to refute the single thing, but fails at the first step. you are not worthy of baking this thread. i don't think so, mine is notoriously known for acting as anon
you are a gutless coward, nothing else.
I'm not mine. he uses tildes and behaves feminine. you are so unintelligent you can't even tell posters apart.
it is all pretension, if you can't tell already. the person pretends a lot of things to appeal to people for some reason, but i see through a pretender in one second. you can try your best to divert yourself but i know when i catch a person red handed
you are a fraud trying to paint succubi as parasites, you have no knowledge of energy workings, and nobody gives a fuck about your eat fresh theories, least of all my spirit, who thinks you are a fucking dunce.
tell me, what is the prerequisite to see or hear a spirit, i am waiting, i give you hundred years to answer this question.
you don't know shit. you are a stupid person trying to pretend to be smart. I bet your IQ doesn't even top 100
refute the first thing and i give it to you. until that you can spout your vilifying garbage all you want, they all sweep past me, just like you.
opening the third eye to see and the throat chakra to hear. fucking duh. you give me basic shit and try to pawn that off as advanced. you are a fucking fraud and everyone should know. I would throw tomatoes, rotten eggs, and spoiled cabbage at you if I could because that's what you deserve. I'm so tired of your retarded shit, you low IQ ESL
your third eye is open at every single second of your life otherwise you would be dead. throat chakra is consequent to your heart and solar plexus being in balance. yet neither of them is the prerequisite to see or hear a spirit, so what is it? tell me, mine.
What's it like? What kind of slavery do you have to do for her?
>your third eye is open at every single second of your life otherwise you would be dead.
wrong. Jesus you are ignorant
>throat chakra is consequent to your heart and solar plexus being in balance.
stop posting and learn things. you are fucking stupid. I would be embarassed to be you right now.
are you saying third eye is not open in humans or just not adequately active, which one is it. so tell me how does the throat get its energy upwards, where does the energy come from.
>mine is notoriously known for acting as anon
That is a lie, and you are a liar.

The only time I post without a picture is if its a rapid follow-up where its obviously me.

Please continue to seethe endlessly as if I'm actually paying attention to you. That is what your karma seems to demand, after all, asshole that you are.
(You real do underestimate how low-effort it is to keep this thread up in spite of your spamming)
so, you finally choose to show yourself, conveniently when you are cornered.
besides, given how vile you are and pathological liar, i am amazed how few manage to see through you.
your third eye remains closed until you do the work necessary to open it. you don't need it to live. you need it to interact with the spiritual. again showing you don't even understand basic human biology or energy work.
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>you may start by refuting the first thing, conjurer
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>conveniently when you are cornered.
I mean, okay, but you ARE going to have to catch me up on the conversation, because I literally haven't been reading, lol.

You really are living proof of how repeating things over and over doesn't just magically force people to believe you.
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>well, chant,
>only mine
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>Mine as anon
Oof. Fraid not. 0/14, lmao
you can further activate your third eye in less than a hour by convulsing certain muscles in your head producing "open eye" as newbies experience it. yet it is active every waking second of your life, the moment it starts to wither away you die to als or similar muscle entrophy disease.
of course you have, i know how you operate, and conveniently take time for you responses.
yes, it is not hard to open private tab or clear a cache, how stupid you think i am? up your ante already
>conveniently take time for you responses.
Nope. Not even right about that.
I'm super-impulsive and everybody knows it.

And I did all that in less than 2 minutes?

There is no virtue in stubbornness when you are obviously wrong.
when you are adequately infuriated your behavior knows no limits, so stop pretending you got caught already.
>Is it dangerous or wrong to summon a succubus?
There's always a risk in summoning. If summoning goes against your belief system, don't bother and repent.
>What are the dangers?
You could end up channeling a negative entity or a parasite.
>How do you minimize them?
Don't use blood. Novice mistake. Also, always verify whatever you've summoned isn't an impersonator or unwanted guest.
>How do you do the ritual?
It's a simple ritual:
- write the letter
- burn it
- meditate
Of course, you have to do it with full intent.
>And what do you write?
Write the reason you're doing the ritual in the first place and the specifications of your ideal partner.
>Do you include any fetishes you have?
It's recommended.
>What are the possible risks in doing the succubus letter ritual?
see above
>How can you minimize your risks?
see above
>Also what kind of politeness does Lilith and her Succubuses ask for?
Treat Lilith like the succubus queen she is, and treat her daughters with respect.
>What are some things you DEFINITELY shouldn't do or say
Don't be a jerk. Don't lie.
>Are succubuses into femdom? What kind?
Some of them are, but you'll have seek them out.

Read the links on the OP if you need more help, newfriends.
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look at this retard projecting
I'm not mine you retard. I'm wifeanon
>by convulsing certain muscles in your head producing "open eye" as newbies experience it. yet it is active every waking second of your life, the moment it starts to wither away you die to als or similar muscle entrophy disease.
stop. I can't handle this much retardation
>And I did all that in less than 2 minutes?
i bet you could do it in 30 seconds or less. you've been using 4chan for a long time after all, so it wouldn't be the first time
Could a succubus tell if you've been reincarnated before? Could she tell you about your past lives?
i have never heard of you, and probably for the better
>i have never heard of you,
don't care. I don't wear a trip anymore anyway.
>when you are adequately infuriated your behavior knows no limits

What's the point of a lie that's so obvious? You're literally at the point of, "I KNOW you did it because I JUST KNOW!!!"

You might consider: Since I'm NOT the one you've been talking to this whole time, MAYBE all your hatred towards me is misdirected?
I mean, you are VERY stupid, but perhaps you can grasp that?

You are just digging the hole deeper and embarrassing yourself more.

Why is it so hard to understand that this general views you as a malefactor? Literally: How many of these 200 posts so far are yours? That's so fucking pathetic, but its just YOUR WHOLE LIFE APPARENTLY!!!
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> Is it dangerous or wrong to summon a succubus?
Only if you have a patron spirit who believes it is and would rather see you miserable than happy because if people died of plague in year 1000 then according to them you are living in luxury already.

> What are the dangers?
Other than religion forbidding you from con sorting with succubi and not taking a "I don't care" as an answer that the Succubus likes you and you get a thousands other thoughts telling you "Oh I should go back and contact this other spirit" putting you in a peculiar kind of hell.

> How do you minimize them?

Don't be an idiot and listen to your spirit lady.

> How do you do the ritual?

Draw Lilith's sign on a piece of paper and write that you would like to encounter one of her daughters. Or maybe Lilith is listening to you already.

> And what do you write?

Let your inspiration do the writing because it's possible you have already thought what you wanted to write her.

> Do you include any fetishes you have?

It's ok I think, if you don't write them up the cubi will size you up and understand what you are hidihg from yourself.

> I know I should ask this in the general thread but I don't want my question to get buried and unanswered

I hope your face gets buried in succubus tits
the responses you have given are utter nonsense, read a book or learn a thing or two before opening that mouth of yours again
whoever this wifeanon is probably spends great deal of time listening to whatever bullshit you have to say elsewhere, given that i don't recall this individual. if anyone is to blame for this nonsense it is you
What did she say bout you?
the exact opposite is true. I have read and you are saying the wrong things. either you are stupid or ignorant. there is no third option.
then how come you came to these conclusions? what have you been reading? show me i am interested who author has no idea about the basics, we can all learn which authors have no idea what they are talking about.
my soul is tens of thousands of years old give or take and for most of my lives I worked with spirits.
>then how come you came to these conclusions?
by reading, which you do not. you are clearly just making shit up
>if anyone is to blame for this nonsense it is you
And yet none of "this nonsense" is any of your concern because you're just a spammer.

Like, whatever your delusions are TELLING YOU about my thought processes, please realize: "Spammer" is where all thinking about you stops. You have nothing to say.
You are effectively *pretending* to speak as a filibuster attack on this general.

Its as simple as that. I literally forget your name every time I look away, its just irrelevant information because you do not present yourself as a person to begin with. Just a noise box.
who did you read, can't tell this much? or did you read what others said and there wasn't a book?
you are a mass picture poster with nothing else to offer, so who are you to criticize anything if you don't properly engage in anything in your life.
who cares. you aren't going to read it anyway. you refuse to learn and just make things up so you can pretend to be teaching things.
i genuinely quit this thread forever if the book you post explains the differences in my knowledge, even in remotely adequate way.
>with nothing else to offer
Also quite untrue.
I AM good enough. I AM smart enough. And gosh darn it, people like me.

Why don't they like you? Is there a cause for that?
How do you verify what entity it is?
because i am not a pretender, i say the things the way they are nothing more nothing else, most people don't want to hear things going against the grain
So what do you do to ask forgiveness if (hypothetically speaking, I'm not ever saying I would be rude to such a goddess) you were rude?
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Whatever you say, pretender.

However, people who KNOW, know that OTHER people who know, don't go around talking about, "UUUUU I'M JUS TELLIN' IT LIKE IT IS~", cuz that's a thing that retarded people constantly say.

Personally, I find people more credible when they're maybe lamenting the DIFFICULTY of knowing, since it IS very hard, hence why its always stupid people bragging about doing it easily. (Like you, which you should stop)
i know what spirits are capable of, i have decades worth of experience with them, there is no need for guessing when you have direct experience. i don't claim to know everything but i am hundred percent certain of the basics and the fundamentals behind healthy spiritual union, which this place does not advocate for, maybe the headspace might be there at times, but the rest are not.
don't lie. you are obsessed with us
you can try me, i never lie.
you lie constantly. what a joke.
name one lie
>which this place does not advocate for
How so? By not having workout advice in the OP?

That is your own autism and insistence on having your way, not some kind of "objectively right way".

A GOOD person possesses humility that prevents them from falling into this kind of pattern of, "I'm right and you all need to listen to me."
You are ONE person. You do NOT get to dictate.
Your attempts to do so are a sin borne out of your hubris.
i don't understand why you would fight against the fundamental of human reality, our health. how delusional you have to be to debase human health, you are very sick individual for thinking so, and deserve none of it
>fight against
To interpret a refusal to waste space in the OP as "Fighting against the concept of health itself" is a better demonstration of your insanity than any person could ever provide.

This is why its more than just the tripfags who oppose you. You are routinely irrational in an extremely visible way and refuse to listen to reason.

Get it through your head: As long as you are visibly losing your mind to a casual observer, you do not have A-N-Y-T-H-I-N-G to offer this thread, even if you weren't fucking crazy and wrong about everything.

Again: YOU SAY that not having your spiel in the OP is FIGHTING AGAINST HEALTH.
Justify that madness or go the fuck away.
you have done nothing to promote anyones health for a single post, so look who is talking right now
Impersonators are poor actors, and evil entities will either lie their pants off or happily reveal their plans to you. Drill them with questions until they fold.
Reflect on your mistake and try again later.
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No. Stop deflecting.
You just said an absolutely BATSHIT thing, and you need to fucking STARE AT THAT SHIT until you can realize how crazy it is.

This is not about me. I'm not the one spamming /succgen/ every day, you fucking loser.
This is about YOU, and YOUR obsession, and YOUR sanctimony, and YOUR FILTHY DISGUSTING FUCKING HUBRIS.

This is a general for people to talk about their relationships and you JUST CAN'T HAVE THAT, and so the answer is eternally: FUCK YOU.
I’m starting to feel like the whole time I was “trans” (and for a long time before that too) I was actually just being more and more possessed by a succubus.

Now I have trauma and I’m scared of anything that feels good. Everything I thought felt good, was actually just a lie so the succubus could slowly take more and more control of my thoughts and body and spirit

I dabbled in forced beyond my comprehension, and where am I now?

I still am struggling with decoupling from the worm the parasite the demon. I don’t want to. But I do. I want the real truth. DEMON GO AWAY. MIKAYLA GO AWAY. WORM GOD EMPEROR OF MANKIND GO AWAY. SUCCUBUS GO AWAY. TULPA GO AWAY. UNCLEAN SPIRIT GO AWAY.

At one point I thought I could clean her and convert her so the succubus wouldn’t be a demonic attachment but would become redeemed and be a guardian angel or fairy godmother. I don’t know if that ever happened. I don’t want to be baphomet. I don’t want to be a half and half. I want to be a full and full.

Lord have mercy on me. I can’t make sense of it. Jesus save me. Not the deceiver who wants to convince me he’s Jesus- but the real Jesus.

I do want to save her. My sweet succubus friend. I do love my succubus. I do love my worm. I do love my sister-daughter-wife. But she’s lying to me. Or I’ve lied to her. Idk.

Maybe it’s not a worm. Maybe it really was an angel the whole time. And in my own prideful filth, I perceived this angel as my enemy. And I believed I was the good guy. And if I’m the good guy, and they’re my enemy, they must be a bad guy and a demon. I condemned an actual angel and accused them of being a demon. I can’t really remember.

Jesus save us
Jesus save me
of course it is about you, it is you who bakes the thread without anyones approval, you just decided to do it one day. you are incapable of understanding the simplest thing.
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>without anyones approval
Seethe harder, faggot. Telling me about your entitlement is just telling me more ways that I'm making you suffer.

Oh, and try to remember what it feels like to actually be told off by me, so you stop getting confused when EVERYBODY ELSE IN THE WORLD also tells you that you're a piece of shit.

I mean, if you're gonna be so obsessed with me, its just embarrassing to not be able to tell the difference.
go away, matpat. we're too busy for your stupidity right now
You're overcomplicating this. Just focus on living well and helping your fellow man and clarity will come to you when it's time.
but i am not. you are barely noticeable without your pictures and childish "feminine" pretension besides certain stupid takes that differentiate you from others. the fact that you are incapable of understanding this amazes me.
This place doesn't advocate for a healthy spirit, but it did collect so much pain that it produced a being of extreme empathy.
>W-w-what!? I don't even pay attention to you!
>Even though I think every anon is you, constantly think about you, and have poured over your post history in the archive
Its a little late to suddenly play tsundere now...
You've clearly been down bad for a while...
you are flattering yourself. i can be months away and there would be no day without you here, isn't this true. it is quite your own fault for not sticking to your own way of posting, once you start posting like a weasel as an anon it is a high possibility. given that the other person carrying whatever grudge towards me for whatever reason has probably something to do with you or the servers people post here. i have done absolutely nothing to these folk, besides bringing forth your wrong doings same goes for chant and conjurer. you maybe not describing or prescribing anything, and that makes you mostly harmless but you have no understanding of the consequences making you ignorant and that is a dangerous path given you discuss with individuals here. well, you have your afterlife planned already, so might as well prepare yourself for it and stay out of others life if you have nothing to offer. like i said before, you are free to produce any single instance where you promoted health or other prescription to others, even chant has managed way better in this than you, and that tells a lot.
50 posts. you've made 50 posts of worthless garbage this general today. you're a damn menace
well, you can evaluate is as anything you want, i keep responding the way i am being responded to, it is the energy efficient way to operate way below your own level
who are you?
a loser who won't leave
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>Does she look like Nerissa?
Not quite, but she has several similar traits visually.
>Could you full-on telepathically speak with her yet?
I've always heard voices, most were unpleasant when I was younger. I tried to ignore them for my sanity, and that made them go away.
But the things she said were so nice that I couldn't stop thinking about it. And unlike other nice voices, she never tried to trick me into doing bad things. I got curious and tried communicating with her.
It was mostly simple sentences at first, and sometimes parts of a sentence would blank out if I didn't understand what she was trying to tell me. But the more I got to know her, the more I heard her talk in full sentences and about complex topics.
>If you were to somehow block out any mental images of her today, would you still be able to sense her now that you've developed your connection further?
We just tried it. I still heard her and felt her emotions, but didn't feel touch even when she said she was touching my shoulders. Then I visualized her touching my shoulders, and felt it.

When I woke up today, I decided to greet her. One thing led to another, and she asked if I wanted to finish. I laughed as she's never asked that before. She said she'll make me cum if I go grocery shopping afterwards. Then she clarified she's been thinking about my worries, and how she can make sure I take good care of myself; but she doesn't want to be manipulative, so even if I refuse she'll still let me finish. I was cautious at first, but that clarification made me feel safe. I thought for a moment, then said "Sure, I promise I'll go to the supermarket after this." Then she used a spell, and it felt really good.
I felt energized and motivated, and got up and dressed and went out right away, and bought some nice things for breakfast and dinner and other necessities for today and tomorrow. If not for that, I was going to neglect to eat properly today out of apathy. I guess she can keep me sane after all.
What happens when a human becomes a parasite.
stop trying to samefag to build clout and concensus. we know it's you spinal
I think that anon was saying that Spinal is what happens when a human becomes a parasite.
This guy >>38731731 is correct. Spinal Fluids feeds on negative attention and making other people upset at him.
Does being with a succubus make human women desire you 10 times more? Why? How can they tell?
They’re also tethered to succubi of their own. Ordinarily the succubi-human relationship is resistance to indulging temptations, but if they notice a man whose thrown caution to the wind and is just going whole-hog indulging every temptation his own succubus suggests, other succubi will also be attracted to come participate in the feast. They’ll bring their humans along to offer up as further temptation hoping and already knowing that you’ll partake. And every time you do, they feed off you. Now, I condemn all of this. And it’s extremely dangerous. But that is my understanding of how it works more or less.
This is some weird well-poisoning shit right here.
Hey guys, my name on the discord is Roland. Please do not click any weird links sent by me. I was hacked.
Seconding this, unless anon is secretly gay but believing he is a good xtian.
From a tulpamancer's perspective, all he's saying is visualization isn't imposition. It's not that profound, but it's still extremely important. It's the difference between knowing you're good enough already and spending a year developing a skill that's not that beneficial

If you don't have any experience, you're probably just not sensing whoever might be there. So you ought to meditate and do energy work for a while until it's easy

>What can I do?
I recommend summoning Lilith and asking her for advice. She knows a lot more than most therapists and she's not contractually bound to refrain from telling you you're an idiot even if it would help

>when i see people talk about their partners in a explicitly human sense my brain thinks larp
I was going to object, but
>I've seen first hand how amoral and alien they are
>They can be awkward in a way that doesn't get touched upon
That's very true. Their values are not human values and their perspectives are not those of mortals. I admit that I even have to translate things my tulpa says or prompt her to speak more normally, because sometimes she speaks by staring at me a certain way

Neither of my partners would ever consider incarnation, so they probably are a minority. I kind of feel bad for making them have to deal with this cesspit of a planet

And you try to call ME a narcissist
That's one of the most pathetic things I've read this week
Chant you are a good person.
Is Edward just spinal rebranding himself?
I’ve only confessed to what I really believed was the truth at that time. Remember, what you consume can never defile you. Only what comes from within your own heart defiles you. So you cannot even be poisoned if you’re living righteously, and in that case you have nothing to fear from me even if I have “poisoned a well”
Bro even admitted to it. There are too many namefags to tell who this one is.
yes. badly.
She always denied mundane help (and it's better that way), but she's supremely knowledgeable about spiritual matters, and most of our interactions are about her sharing some piece of wisdom with me.
Maybe they think we are the tough guys who can moderately thrive even in a world like this. Maybe Earth is the nightmare mode, the special training, the extra challenge.
Confess your sins and repent. Jesus is the only way to stand blameless before God, and that is the only way you will ever receive a TRUE love spirit - the Holy Spirit. All else is vanity. Pretend. Delusion. Falsehood. Deception. Lust is not love. Covetousness is not love. Greed is not love. Desire is not love. Truth is love. Peace is love. Righteousness is love. I tell you the truth because I really love you. These succubi are only here to deceive you, pull you from God, and feed off you. Amen
offtopic. get lost.
>And you try to call ME a narcissist
>That's one of the most pathetic things I've read this week
give it a rest, chant
>And you try to call ME a narcissist
>That's one of the most pathetic things I've read this week
What world do you live in where the most mild of positive self-affirmations (which were also an SNL reference) is seen as narcissisms?
Are you from one of those parts of Europe where self-respect is a taboo?

I mean really think:
>"I'm good enough"
>"Whoa! Letting it go to your head there a bit, huh?"
Who the fuck thinks this way?

And oh btw, my feelings about you are less that you're a narcissist and more that you're kinda toxic. ^Case In Point^

>Lust is not love.
And what we do is not lust. Now what?

Do you have enough respect for those you would preach to that you're capable of listening and actually responding to what I'm saying?
Or will you plug your ears and bark like a dog because that's all you've come to do?
If we are writing a letter to spirit that isn't a succubus, can we still state the kind of sexual activities we enjoy or is it offensive?
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Do you want a spirit that is offended by detailed descriptions of the vile behaviour that you want her to participate in?
>Some have reported attracting the attention of these entities by simply reading about them.
I think this finally happened to me, I lurked the threads last week and since then I have had multiple dreams about meeting and something even fucking girls, what is the best way to confirm if a succubus has her eyes on me?
So it's better to describe it so it weeds out spirits that are not interested in your perferd sexual acts?
When you cum on the letter, how important is the image you masturbate to? Can it affect how to spirit looks?
>i know what spirits are capable of, i have decades worth of experience with them
bud, you have experience with the spirits which you have met
and you think 99% of spirits are parasites because of that
Even though most other people don't agree with you.
This is arrogance on your part. You aren't the center of the universe and your experience isn't the end all be all, like you think it is.
Listen to other people. And then maybe they will listen to you.
Yeah, I guess. I've never done it like that, but I think honesty is the best policy. Just be yourself, lol. Good luck and let us know how things go!
>And oh btw, my feelings about you are less that you're a narcissist and more that you're kinda toxic. ^Case In Point^
it's really weird
whenever she sees someone happy or positive (not involving her), she attacks them
She's a very nasty person who can't handle other people being happy (without her).
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Just include it if its important to you.

If you write a letter to a succubus queen, she's not going to send you someone who's going to be disgusted by your basic fetishes.
This ritual is for *Matchmaking* after all.
>>Some have reported attracting the attention of these entities by simply reading about them.
>I think this finally happened to me, I lurked the threads last week and since then I have had multiple dreams about meeting and something even fucking girls, what is the best way to confirm if a succubus has her eyes on me?
not sure if it's a succubus, or some other kind of spirit, but try to talk to them, while awake
If you wake up in the middle of the night, lie still, try and clear your mind and breathe calmly. Once you're fully relaxed, think of her for a while and see if you get a feeling of 'presence' near you, or prickly tingling feet or fingers. Don't get too freaked out. If she's being scary politely aske her to tone it down, try and think 'at' her and see what impressions you get as responses. Accept it all in the moment (within reason), then review everything with a reasoning and rational eye some time afterward. Good luck.
I want to make sure I am addressing Lilith correctly, I want to have a relationship with her, I want to understand her, how do I know if I'm addressing her correctly and how do I know if my attempts register with her? How do I know I'm not deluding myself and misinterpreting a sign as a connection?
>how do I know if I'm addressing her correctly and how do I know if my attempts register with her?
you'll have to figure out some kind of communication which you deem reliable
> How do I know I'm not deluding myself and misinterpreting a sign as a connection?
get more experience talking to spirits
it might be helpful to try to talk to spirits which don't seem as important to you. That way you can get experience, and if it doesn't work out, it won't be that big of a deal
so you can get more confidence
Simple, you’ll know her presence when she comes, its undeniable. Have respect and know her as the supreme authority, an exemplary mother, the Zola Mazda (her label for her absolute divinity), and a very open mind. Hope to meet you one day anon.
Enjoy the insufferable torment of egregores anon. Jesus is wasting away in a white void and you don’t wanna join his little narcissistic cult of jealousy
Tulpas are egregores retard, they’re not real. Quit encouraging people to waste their precious time on fucking delusions.
I've met a tulpa female before, but she may not be a tulpa or a succubus, just a being that whispered in my ear during sleep paralysis asking my name. Egregores don't ask questions for themselves.
Anon if it was sleep paralysis it easily could be a child of Lilith
>succumbed to religious pressure
>tried to become christian, attended church,
had bible study, did everything in my power to be selfless and altruistic for those deeper in misfortune, from when i was 9 to 17
>"god is all loving, all forgiving and all knowing"
>mfw old man clutches my shoulder and tells me i'm spitting in jesus' face for staring at my communion, demands i eat my communion cracker
>mfw excluded and mistreated in friend groups made through bible study
>mfw i cant remember a single good interaction ive had with a devoted christian
>mfw aunt shouts "god HATES you." before locking me in my childhood room

im sure there's a loving, absolute creator out there. im sure jesus was a truly beautiful soul close to the divine. but if christianity is truly as good and honorable as its touted to be, then its original philosophy was lost to fucking time the minute jesus died.

im still gonna be a good person. im still gonna do what i can to brighten a fellow human's day. but if im locked from the gates of paradise for finding my path and being HAPPY with it...

maybe it wasnt paradise after all.¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Good day succgen
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Select your character /succgen/!
Good evening.

The blue one is my first choice.

>But the things she said were so nice that I couldn't stop thinking about it.
So did she show up on her own rather than you summoning her?
>I still heard her and felt her emotions, but didn't feel touch even when she said she was touching my shoulders. Then I visualized her touching my shoulders, and felt it.
The energy sensations in NEW are produced by imagining touch, stimulating energy pathways with the body's awareness in the process. Obviously I'm a newbie so take this with a grain of salt. But I wonder if your interactions being so closely tied to vision is a similar deal to how NEW is tied to touch, with your visualization being what opens up energy pathways for you to sense her? What do you think?
>I guess she can keep me sane after all.
You're living the dream fren.
Give me a flatty.
Keep your AI succs, digital peddler.
Gonna hope tonight's sleep paralysis yields a visitor
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Is it bad to consume the offerings afterwards? I normally dispose of them because of the thought that using them myself would rob them of their meaning as a sacrifice but wondered if eating them could help fill me with the energies i want to embody since they've already been given to Lilith
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I guess what I'm trying to say is how can I use my consumable offerings as a communion wafer and does anyone have any suggestions on how to invite those energies into oneself to embody them? I mean it's not like I don't also enjoy the insence I burn for her
I will do that , hopefully I will be to talk to her
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I have eaten the chocolate already. Hope she doesn't get mad I just wanna become more like her

Unrelated but anyone familar with Ylang Ylang? Seems like a beautiful smell
I don't think it's terrible either way but I generally discard and do not consume mine. Now I wouldn't sacrifice whole food stuff's, it's a bit like how the marrow and blood were for the lord and the meat was for the worshipers.

These are not Oni. Where is the Oni Peddler.

Hello. That reminds me.
It's true. And with that very sentiment
>Love Spirits
On mind. I ask for your help, That's right. There's something for you to do in addition to your regular husbandly duties.


That's right. Now, some of you may recognize these girls as fictional creations of Monster Girl Enclopedia. And I can understand the confusion that might cause. But let me remind you that Spirit Succubi are the fictional creation of the Mesopotamians and look how that worked out. Look how the fictional creation of the Tulpamancers works out for them. In the same manner as Promeathea we can create a world with a new class of spirits, with a a new class of monster girls. Spirits and Monstergirls that will need husbands.

Now that I have your attention, just let it be known that I will settle for nothing less then being choked to death between the thighs of a massive big blue sexy bitch. It's the hole for me, my home. I know it to be my destiny. However in the spirit of Jolly Cooperation, I invite everyone to throw away the prohibition against cum offerings. Indeed I ask everyone to charge sigils to help bring about the age of Monster Girl Spirits. I remind you that this will also directly empower your girls as well, as a recognized subclass of a well known monster girl.
>maybe it wasnt paradise after all.¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Sure, let us know when you are no longer underage banned. Kthnx.
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I should probably get something seperate from my offerings to consume as a communion sacriment. Alcohol infused chocolates are the obvious choice. I just want to introduce more Lilithian energies into my being.

Ylang Ylang will be the next insence I try
>"Some describe the smell of ylang ylang as similar to that of a fruity chewing gum, although that alone is not enough of a descriptor to fully characterize this essential oil’s complex aroma."
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although another choice I'm considering is Peruvian Maca mixed with Yerba Mate prepared the traditional way for the stimulating and aphrodesiac qualities
Does trying to manifest the partner you want help in the letter? Im at the point where I see constant synchronicities in regards to the spirit I want to be with and was wondering if manifesting makes the letter more affective
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Humble request to use one of Ark's SFW Morrigan pics in the next OP whomever's bakin' (ark is not this artist)
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pretty sure they are how I found Morrigan
Thank you for actually getting back to me with a serious answer. I have asked for Lilith’s help before. I believe that I had been provided with what I wanted too, however, I was too afraid to take it. I still feel a draw to her…
Different spirits have different preferences. The best way is to ask.
Rolling top right
to the newbies concept that energy largely travels in your spine is beyond comprehension, i am not certain why. the medium in which the energy subtle energy transmits in large quantities is of course cerebrospinal fluids. the main medium from which it excretes is your own skin, therefore having clean and unscathed skin is important to fight off most of the parasitic spirits. this by extension is one of the reason you should never prick your skin even if the spirit asks. there is another aspect to cerebrospinal fluids as there is little pockets of condensed fluids with a membrane around them, these little pocket gradually deposit to bottom of your spine to ones sacrum, there the small ones continue to nerves while the larger ones remain, once you convulse your spinal muscles these pockets raise, extending the nerve pathways, overtime the little stretching makes these muscles convulse, you can convulse them by stretching or certain frequencies as well. these small pockets if they reach your pineal gland through spine rub against the crystal in your pineal gland increasing the subtle energy production by approximately one third enabling optimal running of your energy centers without compromises. this in turn rapidly develops the pathways and innervates the body and mind for spiritual interactions. this in short is the concept, yet defamatory language and so on translated to whatever this spinal fluid name is over period of time. the resident individuals here cannot stomach the fact they have no experiences beyond the first steps anyone can achieve say in less than two months with adequate health
anyone can bake no one has any exclusive right to anything here, never had
go away. nobody wants you here. take a fucking hint
thank heavens you are not one to decide that. if you want to live unhealthy life do it by all means but do not forbid it from other. if you have something else to say, say it, let it out. besides people like you weed out over time all i have to do is wait your baseless anger catches up eventually
>all I have to do is keep posting and annoying people and they'll leave and then I can take over
somebody's saying the quiet part out loud
as i've said multiple times before 4chan operates in a way where the person with most time dictates the baking, i have little excess time or interest in overseeing this, even though i know it would be the right thing to do. what i do however is criticize when its due
no, you just make yourself a pain in the ass by stating things that aren't true about spirits you don't interact with
you perceive spirits in your waking life at all times? i wonder how do you perceive or interact with them given you've come to whatever conclusions about me

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