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Welcome to the Semen Retention General!
Don't Let Them Cum The Coom Edition!

>What is Semen Retention?
Semen retention is the practice of completely abstaining from masturbation and ejaculation, often with the intention of preserving and redirecting vital and sexual energy to oneself.

>Why do it?
Reported benefits include: increased vitality, mental clarity, reduced stress, increased motivation, increased energy, improved focus, healthier hair/skin/eyes, deeper meditation, improved AP/Lucid Dreams, deeper voice, improved mood, greatly improved testosterone, improved physical strength and many more.

>Wet Dreams?
They happen because you had a sexual dream and you coomed. Learn to be conscious on your dreams and stop the succubus.

>What causes wet dreams?
The causes are many: Illnesses, telepathic bad actors fucking with your dreams, excess energy build up, watching too much sexually-inducing stuff, lusting during the day, lack of an adequate transmutation activity, eating too late at night, excess nutrients overall, stimulants like maca, ginseng, ginger, excess protein, excess carbs, tight clothes (pajamas) for bedtime, bad sleeping posture (this varies, find the one that suits you best), going to bed with full bladder, exposure to hormonal disruptors via food (pesticides...) or body care products (soap, deodorant etc)...

Previous Thread >>38691075
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>In case of urges:
- https://imgur.com/gallery/g4eGH
- Don't peek and Hold your breath for as long as you possibly can. The urge usually pass after that. If not, repeat.
- Horse stance or chair pose: Do it while clenching the abdomen and all legs' muscles, raise arms for extra blood flow redirection. Works both for killing erections or urges.
- Any physical activity.

On long clean streaks many report benefits that transcend current science like a sort of "magnetism" or higher "vibration/aura" that attracts/appeals to other living beings, a higher perception, a stronger and intimidating "aura/presence", a deeper connection with nature, an attractive BO (people usually report it as "pheromones") and more.

- Mental Purity 1.1: Semen Retention acts as a bio-electromagnetic amplifier. Watch the quality of your thoughts because your inner state will get amplified and manifested. Lust is the Ojas killer. Do not engage with Lust.
- Mental Purity 1.2: Keep a journal as a tool for introspection.
- NEVER watch porn of any kind.
- Remove triggers from your life. Masturbation is a bad habit. Break that bad habit.
- Focus on achieving a goal. An art, a craft, competing, etc.
- Meditate and/or Pray Daily. Try a minimum of 5 minutes to start off.
- Exercise/Gym/Sports/Martial Arts. If it is something social even better.
- Good habits like healthy eating, water fasting, dry fasting, sun exposure and cold showers do seem to speed up the process.
- Sublimation: literally using the energy.
- Transmutation: changing the quality of energy to something different. (Surya Namaskara, 8 brocades, Tibetan rites)
- Avoid stimulant drugs such as caffeine or adderall
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Keep in mind that the efferent nerves attached to your testes necessarily means that any lustful thought, image, or sound is necessarily a command to your junk to produce sexual fluids and this is the reason why celibacy is first and foremost of the mind
The root of this entire matter is the mind - without conquering the mind, celibacy is a futile effort
The signals from the brain happen on the subconscious autonomic level
This is why any lustful thought, image, or sound is necessarily a command to the sexual organs to produce sexual fluids (the more intently you look, the higher amplitude of a signal gets sent: body > afferent nerves > brain > efferent nerves > body)
Therefore "Conversion of sexual energy to something" is necessarily a HORRIBLY inefficient process (Not to confuse with Sexual Transmutation)
Fluids will be reabsorbed, but the energy and materials cost to make it vs how much is "taken back" via reabsorption is SEVERELY unbalanced and super net negative
Sexual fluids are made from the cream of the crop of the body's resources - constantly generating them means that you are constantly draining away the cream of the crop of your resources.
Taoist writings said that the sexual organs will even take primacy over nourishing your other internal organs at some point. (Thus, doing a spiritual practice as a coomer is a surefire way to die faster).

>/SRG/ interesting reads
I had three years of being single and nofap in my twenties. I felt absolutely no different during that period versus being in a relationship or fapping occasionally. This is only for hardcore coomer goon addicts.
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Scientific evidence:

Periodic changes in serum testosterone levels after ejaculation in men

Influence of abstinence and ejaculation-to-analysis delay on semen analysis parameters of suspected infertile men

Improved sperm kinematics in semen samples collected after 2 h versus 4-7 days of ejaculation abstinence

Influence of a short or long abstinence period on semen parameters in the ejaculate of patients with nonobstructive azoospermia

Seasonal changes in breeding activity, testicular size, testosterone concentration and seminal characteristics in rams with long or short breeding season

Shorter abstinence decreases sperm deoxyribonucleic acid fragmentation in ejaculate

Endocrine response to masturbation-induced orgasm in healthy men following a 3-week sexual abstinence

Relationship between sexual satiety and brain androgen receptors

A research on the relationship between ejaculation and serum testosterone level in men
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It’s always good to remember why /x/ is the most accurate place for this topic: semen retention is one of the clearest paranormal inducing thing of all the other topics discussed on /x/. It’s a sacred practice that has been the one of the main focuses in every major religion or spiritual practices. The mystical side of it is what we try to focus on in here.

Semen retention can be political issue too and it would then belong to /pol/. The porn industry is a tool made by the jews to deterioate the societies and corrupt the people. The porn works in ways that program new sets of behaviour in its audience and the audience is hooked to it because of its strong addictive qualities. The most important goal for porn’s male audience was and is the releasing of their semen. As we now know, the disadvantages of cooming are heavy: a man becomes less of a man, he gets sick and weak, his mind numbed, he will have impotence issues etc. Also his spirit almost dies.

Semen retention is beneficial to make one healthier and stronger, more fit, if you will. So the topic could be discussed on /fit/. Anyone looking for more ways to get fitness gains would benefit hugely from the SR.

Also the SR has so many other benefits that it could be discussed in the /adv/ board. These would be topics how it improves one’s social life, mental state, makes more time to be more productive etc.

But I think the biggest benefits of SR are something mystical in nature and the whole practice is fundamentally something very close to spiritual side of things. All the other topics in here /x/ are left far behind and SR actually makes this board of any relevancy. This is also known by the enemy and they make strong efforts to suppress, hijack, twist and end this discussion.
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Starve the shillery.
No attention for them.
No replies.

(Pro tip > Hide shill posts: Click on the arrow next to the post number, click 'Hide', Comfy.)
nigga... like... who asked?
This is a discussion opened in a public forum. Do you not know how these things work? I can say whatever I want and you have to see it. Your choice whether you reply or not. My bet is you have to have the last word. Predictable on these boards, as the narcs are rampant.
Keep up the good work anon. WGMI
He thinks by warning people on 4chan, on /x/ even, that people will listen. As you read in his reply, he’s just here to bait with his retardation.
Thanks fren, you too.
nigga shut yo ass up, bitch ass witeboy
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Remember: When a thought comes to your mind that you can't change, it's not your thought.
I’m just dealing with demonic spirits making fun of the fact not that i don’t have a gf entirely (because they know i don’t care) but they are using young and old couples alike to make me angry that all i can get are fat old ladies . Its kinda sad really because the only thing stopping me is money, but thankfully these little aliens with reality bending healing powers that i see in my dreams helped me survive an assault attack at a restaurant and now I’m suing the place. Seems like they want to see what i’m gonna do with the money and i’m glad they’re anticipating this.
The spirits mocking me don’t seem to be too happy about their involvement but these aliens seemed to be the type to always break rules and say fuck you
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It's me, God. You faggots are bumming me out because you're not cumming anymore. Watching you cum is my favorite thing to do, other than burning gypsies. Please go back to jacking it, for me.
How do I get rid of it?
what's the matter, can't handle the truth?
cum rat is so based
Clearing your mind is the only recourse to this kind of attack
Practice clearing your mind
semen retention is very, very real
>be me
>start my semen retention journey last year
>5 months ago, meet girl
>we hit it off
>she becomes my girlfriend
>start to have sex with her
>still do not cum
>one day, her sister is visiting
>SR effects still going strong
>her sister is coming on to me hardcore
>we have sex
>i cum
>gf found out somehow, probably because girls can tell when a guy has jizzed recently
>broke up with me
I've been trying to get a hang of meditation since the start of the year and its still quite difficult. Any pointers or tips in order to remain consistent and maximize benefits?
>Found out somehow
Because sisters never tell each other anything, right? Lmfao
no, it's because i jizzed and she smelled it.
already hid one of them
>start to have sex with her
>still do not cum
How does this work exactly?
i do the wim hof breathing. it's not really meditation, but it does help with clearing thoughts.
while i'm doing it, all i think is about my breathing. since i realized that i breathe more effectively while focusing on that, and that any thoughts kind of act like an interruption to the flow of my breath.

not sure if that helps. at first, it's simple like "breathing in...." "...breathing out..."
but eventually it moves away from self-narrating, and instead my thoughts are like a really intricate visualization of the act of breathing.
any thoughts that form, i will have to revert back to thinking "breathing in... breathing out..." but eventually the thoughts just stop.
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when im about to, i pull out and wag my finger while saying "ah ah ah"
Meditation can be practiced actively.
Anytime you're not actively speaking or working try to keep your mind clear for as long as possible
Keep practicing until you can enter a meditative state at will
Never forget: the ideas that interrupt your meditation are invaders
I'm sure she broke up with you cause you came and not because you fucked her sister
Not the anon who you're asking, but I've done this when I've had gf's and not wanted to come every time we have sex, because I'm old and it would wear me out.

If you fuck and have the goal of not coming, it can be quite different. You get into enjoying the experience without your orgasm being the goal. When the energy builds and you in effect edge but it's like going beyond edging, it can feel really, really good. Particularly if you're with someone you want to be with and enjoy fucking. After a time of building up that level of pleasure it takes the focus off coming and makes it less necessary.

If you have someone who knows anything about just being present to someone, I hesitate to say tantra but yeah it's in that, then you can get into some deep and far out shit.
Fucking normies I'm 31 and virgin. But I'm not bitter anymore I must ascend above the meaty thoughts and become one with the universe.
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Just make sure you're not just suppressing natural energies which if unintegrated can fuck up your ego and turn you into a self-righteous mad loon.
>I'm sure she broke up with you cause you came and not because you fucked her sister
As absurd as it sounds a girl I met in a party told me she had a boyfriend, after we fucked, I told her it was good but she had to tell me this before I went to bed with her, for her it wasn't cheating since I didn't cum inside her, we never talked again
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Ah, the Way of the Thot. Closely related to the Path of Entitlement. But not to be confused with the state of being a malignant Narcissist cunt.
i tend to agree with this, but i'm also a bit disappointed in my lack of results. i definitely "feel" like there's some sort of electrical charge to my life when I do this, but not necessarily any of the results that people talk about her: improved manifestation, etc. any additional success i've had with women has been very intermittent. it's definitely great on SR but not enough to transform me from the shy shut-in i am.

maybe it's tied into how little i try to transmute. i end up edging sometimes, or looking at porn, and i think i still get the negative effects of that thinking that the whole journey is fine as long as "i don't ejaculate"

so this time i'm going to try to be more decisive in how i transmute the energy i get from this into more productive efforts
take five seconds to go sit down, breathe, and now replace it with the new thought you want to have. this is the most fundamental of human powers
is it even possible to gain this sort of mental purity when you have gone your entire life lusting after women?
of course! the key is not to fight it (i.e. looking at hot women online and trying to tear yourself away) but to replace the habit entirely (finding some other distracting hobby that doesn't involve lust)
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Sup' baker. Another week gone. How was it?
>so this time i'm going to try to be more decisive in how i transmute the energy i get from this into more productive efforts
That was what made the biggest difference for me. Doing creative things in the evenings and weekends.

This, exactly >>38717379
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The magnetism on a long clean streak is Fucking Real. Hard AF to achieve, but god damn.

Keep in mind that most men are coomers, so long time retainers shine on current degenerate times.
No matter how much semen retention you do, it won’t biologically make bitches Un-lazy enough to get to know us huh. Sad women are like the niggers of the human race
but it will make you "Un-lazy" enough to go up and get to know them, if they are standoffish then you have the energy to go talk to 100 more of them
kek, seeing as neither of them tried to respond to you, the facts check out
seriously, every new thread this faggot comes along to shit it up with his lies
Why is this world filled with sensory pleasures for us to enjoy, and literally all of them have negative consequences even when taken in small quantities?

Drugs, including caffeine?
>withdrawals, headaches, nervous issues, dependency issues
>lethargy, low T, brain fog, weaker, more anxious, thoughts more chaotic, less inner peace in general
Physical sports and adrenaline rushes?
>risk of serious injury, death, prematurely wearing down the body
Beauty? Cosmetics? Bodybuilding?
>Time erases all of that work, day by day showing us it's nearly futile to struggle against aging

Chasing fulfillment in the material world seems to always be "wrong" and punished in my experience. Whether you're addicted to sex, drugs or even the gym, the universe will make sure that you don't actually achieve happiness. In reality, it seems more often than not it'll beat your ass with bad luck and ailments until you stop chasing the material sources of happiness.
>wanting female comprehension
day 20
i was right yesterday (>>38712525), i came really really close to failing, i wasnt even touching myself but i was about to have an orgasm because i was so filled with lust, it felt just like the thing with the moon the other day. today i have had instrusive thoughts almost non stop, even though i prayed exercised and took a cold shower. if this keeps up for too long ill probably fail. im considering going to sleep earlier, also i havent eaten today anything and i wont eat anything. hoping tomorrow is a lot better. i was gonna say that i didnt even want to pray but i should pray. i am still very frustrated. idk what to do except just keep on going iguess
Basically yes, some can help you at times, but sparingly, it depends on the person. Dependency is something to be avoided, stimulants do numb the nerves over time including caffeine
In my experience does not do anything you mentioned but should be had with a partner you have strong connection with. Hookups are empty, just a way of using somebody else for masturbation.
The physical should be developed with the mental and spiritual aspects of ourselves. You don't have to go full body builder mode, or full marathon mode, that can be unhealthy in the long term. Being primarily sedentary carries more health risks. Find what works for you, and what you want to achieve.
> Beauty
Beauty has long been recognized as a measure of health. We all have genetic limits, but it is good to maximize those where possible as much is flexible. Work with what you have. Better not to focus on it though, real beauty is found within.
Also most modern marketed cosmetics are slow poisons and hormonal disrupters. Dysmorphia is all too common nowadays, fueled by constant propaganda.

Chasing happiness by seeking material pleasures is a fools errand. You can be happy with little, but all of us need something. A healthy balance is needed, and that is up to the individual to define through experience and reflection.
If we are spiritual beings or souls here to experience the material, we should at least learn from it. Whether you define this realm as a heaven or hell or somewhere in between.
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For this anon and any other who do not understand how the body/mind operate listen fucking closely.
>You cannot stop yourself from thinking
>Every organ in your body has the ability to affect what thoughts bubble up
>The battle within is learning to recognize that YOU are not those thoughts
>You are the one the thoughts petitions
>Meditation teaches you first and foremost how to COME BACK from a thought pulling you in. Than say "that was not me, but my body".
>Your body will learn overtime to bubble up new thought patterns based on how you treat it. It's not fast.
>You have a choice to reinforce the thoughts by letting it drag you into fantasy or not. That is where the line is drawn. It is hard AF but gets easier with time.

Lead into gold
New from the old
what book is this excerpt from?
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Stop this line of thinking
You have pleasures because you were meant to experience pleasure
You were not meant to abuse pleasure at the expense of your mind and body.

The basic desires are perfectly fine in balance with YOUR body. It's not one size fits all. None of the traditions that speak of SR (basically all the ones you could name) have ever called the pleasures evil or even wrong. It's always the driving mind behind the pleasures and it's actions that are wrong.

>Don't coom
life gets vibrant, horny is deeper, easily fall in love
spend a few days recovering but back to vibrant pretty quick
>Coom repeatedly
start spiraling downhill

>Don't eat
Body goes through kitosis, starts cleaning itself and eating cancer cells, mild food seems pleasurable
>Eat food
Big burst of satisfaction, not super sleepy cuz body was ready to digest new food.
>Keep eating food
Get fat, get sleepy cuz body has to multitask when it should have time to dedicate elsewhere than digesting. Diabetes, tummy aches.

Rinse and repeat for pretty much everything you can think of that doesn't immediately kill you and is based in desire. With control and balance you can enjoy the pleasures of the world and leave yourself and it better.

SR is not about the middle path though. It's an extreme reaction to an extreme situation. And even if u fail the pursuit of it leaves you better than before.
I mean...wouldnt you say that retaining for happiness is "chasing fulfillment" as well?
Tested this nonsense for a month. I think I believe it now, fuck. I've had so much luck this month, some girl straight up asked for my number, and I feel insanely productive. I'm learning guitar and I feel like I've progressed about 6 months in the past 1.
I don't want to abstain but fucking hell, it's hard to go back.
master the guitar and then go back to cooming regularly

this whole thing really shouldnt be your lifestyle
Ignore the faggot who told you to go back. You know the balance now. You know the sacrifice. Enjoy the season that comes with women but remember what you can accomplish with self control.
Just guzzle another mans semen to replace your own.
every time I "relapse" i immediately go, well, dang it, i just gave up something magical, didn't i
semen retention cured most of my foot fetish, also realising that women shit with their asses and their hygiene is wack I don't find majority of women attractive, litteraly
>imagine the smell
only very cute, feminine women have my attention.
I'm on day two, after a two week streak. I seek advice from some anons here. Every time I go on a prolonged streak, I start getting pretty intense intrusive thoughts about how women have wronged me in the past. What the heck do I do aside from read scripture and pray about it?
>women shit with their asses
i can't handle it
gotta sit down with your thoughts and actively forgive them until you feel the peace from it. probably keeps coming up because that's what's holding you back from more progress
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We are commanded to love and forgive - that's it.
Forgiveness doesn't mean that you allow abuse to continually to happen.
Humbleness doesn't mean that you allow yourself to get walked all over either.
When these thoughts come, tell them straight to God, and you'll eventually get insight about how to deal with them.
https://www.openbible.info/topics/ is also a good resource for whatever you're dealing with.
>not jerking off is an extreme reaction
Sounds like someone is trying to justify cooming
holocaust is not real
You rather they shit out of their mouth?

i don't look at toes anymore because at some point I realized its insatiable and I will always be a slave to my impulses and taking a million awkward glances unless I stop. Online media will almost compel you to stare at feet in real life and it does look creepy in social settings whether you think others notice or not

unrelated but you really wonder if internet culture contributes to the development of fetishes. I see so much pandering towards footfags on social media now compared to 5 years ago, and as a result more zoomers people are cooming to feet porn relative to any other age group
This thread is just buddhism.
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I relapsed. I got in this site’s front page and noticed a JAV thread. I lurked and then jerked off to some crazy jav and then called my former booty call who invited me over and I coomed in her 4-5 times. I lost count. I’m empty. I’m lost and I’m back here again. I avoided it for 6 months and now I’m worthless.
I'm a millennial.
>if this keeps up for too long ill probably fail
Carreful this voice are now priming you for failure. Since you resisted direct attack it now starts indirectly giving you some time but basically making you accept its inevitable. It's not. Its just another trick so be aware of that.
6 months of retention and one day of relapse is much better than cooming everyday, even every week or month. Don't be so hard on yourself. Begin again, or to put it better, continue as you have been for the last 6 months.
It seems like the less times you coom during a relapse the longer the following streak is, is that the same in your experience too anons?
I’m making plans to be away from electronics for a week because of this. It’s always because it’s just an internet connection away. Thank you for the encouragement.
That’s amazing. I’m only 2 months further and can’t imagine any image breaking my streak like that. I guess doesn’t matter how long your streak is, it’s not comparable.
No, to me it depends on whether I want to continue or not. Nothing else matters.
fk another wd,tried to stop it but most precum and alittle of cum came out, also i am feeling horny af. i really feel like it was an attack by succubus or something like that
>56 days in
At this point all I can think of is sunk cost fallacy if I ever do decide to jerk off...

It always is a spiritual attack. Look into spirit spouses if you haven't removed their legal right from you.
Observe how you sleep (which side, back, chest) and take notes of when you have wet dreams.
What happened to methuselah
I’ve noticed he still posts once in a while.
Can I get some help guys? I'm a long time retainer but this time I started getting these terrible headaches, like migraine headaches. I've had these headaches before and I noticed every time I got them I was retaining and under high stress like I'm now. I was wondering why these happen and how can I avoid them
You guys are doing God's work with these threads. Once you remove your sin of lust, work on the other 6 deadly sins and once they are fully removed, you will be able to hear God if you earnestly seek Him.
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>guess who's gonna get prostate cancer by the age of 50/60, spending big money on a treatment that will not work, realizing the time wasted instead of having a balanced sexual life

Protip: [spoiler]not me lmao[/spoiler] . Op you're playing with the lives and minds of many
nta but where are these lies and tricks originating from? Why is there an evil entity existing within us trying to self sabotage our goals and constantly whispering these dark thoughts to us
>Literally never get sick, feeling great

>Stop cooming
>Constantly sick nearly every day

This shit sucks, why is this happening?
SR really is amazing. I've never felt so powerful, so free. I truly believe it's a requirement for any meaningful inner work to be done. I'm waking up more each day. Godspeed to all of you. You're on a good path. Stick with it.
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Idk what to do I feel absolutely horrible and there is no way to ease this mental pain. It's not even about porn, it just offers an easy way to numb this pain.
It will be my twenty-second day of nofap today.
What do you guys do when you accidentally see some porn or even soft-core porn like an anime girls ass in tight pants? My brain goes.. ok u already slipped up, just goon and start tomorrow. How do I say fuck that! how do I get over the idea that im no longer PURE in my streak because i saw that one day? Not sure what to do, my brain uses every excuse to fap and goon, the slightest slipup is enough to explode and cause a whole afternoon goon session., also my GF and me have sex and I dont cum, but that also provokes a strong relapse feeling even tho it isnt.. help!
>also my GF and me have sex
Fucking kys.
SR progress doesn't reset if you see some erotic imagery accidentally
What is causing you all that mental pain? Would be beneficial to look into solving the root of the issue rather than treating its symptoms.
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I tear out my brain, put it on the table and get on my knees. Then, as I bow down to it, my liege, my master, I humbly beg it to listen to its slave, its filthy minion. As I breathe in the dust from the floor patiently waiting for a telepathic answer to... Oh wait, I'm not retarded. Give me your phone number so I can tell your brain to give me your bank account details.

>What do you guys do when you accidentally see some porn
Take a fucking wild guess.
Pro tip: not jerk off
starting healthy habits out of nowhere can put your body in shock if you were that bad to start off with
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Sup' fren. Hot weather induces lazy times. Should cool off soon. What about you?
Sounds like stress headaches. Are you stressed about retaining or other things?
Is there any firm evidence that SR improves memory retention? If I practice nofap will I be able to learn songs on piano more efficiently?
On Day 9, trying to curb my porn addiction and my therapist recommended 8-12 weeks of celibacy, this is the hardest thing I've ever tried to do in my life but I am trying my hardest to stay strong
day 35
I should say though, I've had an immense amount of energy compared to before. I am able to do more in and out of the house and keep going all day, the urges are strong but the benefits are keeping me going
I'm curious to your therapist's perspective. Did (s)he tell you why only 8-12 weeks and not more or is it just to start small and see where it leads?
Too much shit jeets here what the fuck? This and the last thread is just plain Indians, shitting up bullshit to take down the SRG. We need to stay purebred and ignore their miserable, brown and shitty lives.
Amazing how sexual incontenence is the norm.
Sex without orgasm, as a male, is the ultimate power move.
I think it's just my meaningless life. I am 31 and I have no experience of the opposite sex at all. So I don't have the obvious biology-based meaning called kids or a significant other in my life and feel like I never will so it's a dead end. Not that I think I'm suitable for that anyways, but that's how my stupid brain feels I guess. I'm trying to get to the bottom of it, it just takes time and more suffering. Anyways I'm used to this so suffering isn't so bad after all, except it is, but it isn't since I can withstand it.
He uses Patrick Carnes book as a guide, it is meant to be a reset period for addicts, so i guess to answer your question it's a starting point, basically meant to take away the compulsion of using coom to cope with life
Show dick and testicle or shut up.
The Young Hitler I Knew
by August Kubizek
reading through some of these threads and its surprising to see how many anons have a gf or can get sex easily if they wanted, as someone who has a low smv and has only ever had one gf in his life i feel like i would never have fallen in the porn/masturbating addict trap if i was capable of developing lasting sexual relations with girls
better than the previous one. And this one seems like will be even better. WAGMI Brah
how to remove their legal right from me? any method ? thanks in advance
i always trying to sleep on my back but almost always i wake up left or right side
cooming has no effect on me.
not cooming has no effect on me.
sexual drive is fucked. sex is alien for me.
It's just Methuselah and his discord buddies. He got doxxed a year back and he's back again with the jeet posts.
Guys younger than me are fucking.. I know. I understand that fapping everyday will not help my body and psyche but I musf have a release. This world is always testing me. The sounds, the sights, the things I consume. The meatbags walking around in tight clothing. How am I supposed to go on? I am 30 and a reject. I thought my sex drive was going to go low when I turned 30+. Please help.
oh well its fine i didnt have many urges yesterday night because i felt completely depressed lol you're probably right ill stick to it
>all of them have negative consequences even when taken in small quantities?
wrong. all of these can be indulged in from time to time. we're all here because we went way too hard into goon mode for way too long. your average successful man (a man with life, hobbies, friends, passion, that doesn't live on a children's anime website) works out, and occasionally partakes in caffeine, drugs, and sex. grow up, go outside, and get a life dude.
>Very deranged way of thinking, probably a result of failing in the material and coping hard pretending to be above it all.
Other things, but after I coomed yesterday I haven't had these headaches. I was wondering if my brain was full of coom or something , maybe that energy remained stuck or something
I'm not tho. Sure you can indulge but not without ANY consequences.
>we're all here because we went way too hard into goon mode for way too long
Lol no. I'm sorry you fell that low but I'm here for spiritual reasons. This isn't porn and masturbation rehab my guy.
>your average successful man engages in unhealthy, potentially spiritually damaging behavior once in a while so we should all strive for that as well.
>grow up, go outside, and get a life dude.
I'm 37. You sound like you're 12-14 maybe? I don't need to do anything I've already had a successful life.

>failing in the material and coping hard pretending to be above it all
I was sharing my observations, hence why I said "in my experience". I'm not pretending to be anything. You sound very agitated and restless in general. Maybe you should try less gooning.
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My body and soul are at war with each other
I seek harmony
But it's hard
Here is my declaration
If any you succubuses, demons, enities, jews, or spirits want my energy, you come for it in my dreams. You come into my fortress if you want my juice, but I will destroy you. I will not offer it to you voluntarily any longer. So do your worst, bitch ass pussies.
She needs to stop drinking that gasoline stuff
>how to remove their legal right from me?
A lot comes out from fasting and praying. You have to ask God to be lead by the fast, then you'll begin to get revelation on how to remove things that are affecting you spiritually.
Here's a good start to go off of: https://www.rhemabiblechurch.net/index.php/articles/prayers/147-breaking-curses-and-casting-out-generational-spirits
There is power in your tongue, so when you ask God, and begin to renounce and rebuke, listen to any thoughts that may come to your mind because it's very possible that it's the Holy Spirit talking to you.
There could be items around you that may also be triggering bad outcomes for you too. A bigger thing is to pray over everything you eat because sorcerers will taint your food without your knowledge.
Disclaimer: You will get spiritually attacked, heavily once you begin to do some of this. Feeling like it's a flood from all directions because that dumb devil doesn't want to lose his grip on you.
Both are you anon
Why can't I stop myself? Nothing ever seems to work. I know the benefits are real, and I know porn damages your brain. How do I strengthen my self control?
Reading all these people struggle to last longer than a day really brings me back.

Keep pushing. The longer you last, the easier it'll be to last that long again, and then push even further.
Challenging them like this gives them permission to fuck with you with no consequences from higher powers. You've given them consent and now you won't get any help.

Forbid them from your space so they can be punished for attacking you.
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All ghosts, goblins, ghouls, demons, spirits, poltergeists, machine elves, beings, entities, forces of nature, and creatures from beyond are hereby forbidden, from now and for perpetuity, from tempting, provoking, discombobulating, or otherwise fucking with me, so says I, the master of my own fate.
based anti-goblin
Are you me anon? You are describing my battle perfectly. Except I don't do cold showers
>women shit with their asses
Top kek. They don't call em' turd cutters for no reason anon
>implying I’d let a grown man finger my ass for “medicine”
false boomer logic
That would be so sexy. Get it done, video it and post it here.
It's not safe anywhere bros

Ask God, and the Holy Spirit to give you self control. They will work in funny ways to change your mindset for what you need, than just hand it over to you.
Fasting helped me a lot. After doing a 21 day fast, my desire to masturbate since then has been almost non-existent. You don't have to do something this egregious; I started out with doing 20:4, then 21:3 after a few months. Even a few days of fasting is really beneficial.
Porn on the other hand is a bit trickier to remove, at least for me. I know it's spiritual, but when I look at porn my eyes hurt, and overall viewing it stresses me out. Even then I still feel like my energy is being drained the longer I consume it too.
>giving them permission
Lol nope retard
Also I'll challenge who I want because fuck them
I'm 20 and trying to get to at least the 90 day mark. The furthest I've been able to go is 50 days no PMO. I usually do fine for a few weeks but then I get restless and crazy and my thought patterns get super spastic and compulsive. Not even necessarily about PMO but about women and relationships, etc. Then I end up giving in and starting the cycle over again. I know meditation is a common recommendation, but not something I practice -- what specific meditation should I incorporate into my life? Also have been eating a ton of food and trying to get big, but I think eating a lot of food makes it harder to tune into the spiritual. I find this stuff comes easier when I'm fasting. Anyone got tips?
>It's all pajeets

Included Jews too


Haven't heard his name in a long time. LONG LONG time.
well hopefully for you ypu are not too much like me haha, but fasting helped me to not have urges yesterday (i got depressed instead as i said later), today i ate a little bit but im trying to go to sleep hungry to avoid getting too many urges.
what's pmo?

(also day 21/22)
Porn, masturbation, orgasm
also irt mediation i pray 2 times a day 30 minutes... not feeling completely ashamed of myself (or more than usual i guess) is a good motivator to avoid urges or dwelling on them too much for me
I'm bisexual and have noticed that masturbation literally affects my sexuality.
If I give into PMO I start looking at gay porn and get on Grindr for a quick fuck but if I abastain even for a couple of days I revert to my original straight sexuality and get much more interested into girls and pussy, plus long-term family and kids goals.
I'm starting to understand why Christians used to associate homosexual urges and masturbation to the devil's temptation. I'm not religious or anything but I can see the logic behind it. It's extremely insiduous.
It’s worse when you have a gf because no matter how hot they are you will eventually prefer masturbating to porn than sex with them
There are stories of ex-gays who turned to the Church and lived the rest of theit life as straight, unless they cheated behind their woman's back.
It doesn't quite cure your sexuality but it gives you the tools to suppress unwanted urges. Problem is, if you're not a believer it won't work and even if you do your faith would be shaky at best.
If you want to live as a heterosexual man you need to find your own way to build the discipline to achive that. SR is the first step so get good at it.
Last time I had a gf she made me wine and dine her for several days in a row, while abstaining from masturbation which was driving me crazy, and at the end of each night she was too tired for sex. Noped the fuck out of that relationship in less than 2 weeks because I don't want to be a beta provider in a dead bedroom marriage. If you have low svm it's very easy to fall back to masturbation even if you are in a relationship.
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Porn addicted coomer vs retainer
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Never stop fighting.
things were just different back then, no porn, no bad chemicals in the food, no mind numbing media being shoved into people's brains
Does anyone have the infographic of the vitamins you lose after you ejaculate?
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Magic Johnson had sex of every waking moment of his life and is doing extremely well. Genghis Khan fucked literally everything, nutted inside everyone and everything and was fine, conquered insane amount of land. Napoleon was cooming 5 times a day, was absolutely obsessed with cooming and was the greatest general of our time. Julius Caesar was the biggest coomer in Rome by a longshot, coomed in literally every female. Conquered empires and till this day one of the greatest emperor's to who have EVER lived. And lastly, Alexander of Macedon,they nicknamed him "The Great". He was the greatest...coomer of his time! Literally had a harem,like, he LITERALLY had orgies daily and STILL dominated everyone, NEVER lost a battle. If cooming was so bad then why did all those men do well? Like I've yet to see an actual response here. Whenever a normies asks basic questions you respond with "Uhh shut up you shill". One of the many reasons we need to shut this general down immediately. Has absolutely no place here, go back to pol or self delete! Don't care which.
there's a difference between fucking hundreds of women while being a chad or sitting in your room looking at pixels of other people fucking women and getting off on that. Now you can get to see any fantasy you want for free without any effort.
Basically what this guy said >>38730444 but there's a difference between fucking a cunt and jeeking off yourself. Jerking off is Jewish while sex isn't. Magic Johnson got HIV and living in hell ever since. But for some people, sex works out perfectly ( Donald Trump, Elon Musk).

Bottom line is fuck women when you're winning and don't milk yourself like a literal fag.
sex before marriage is a sin.
Shut up dicklicker.
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>Masturbation, porn, food, and vidya games were all ways I'd escape and seek comfort
>Cannot escape while doing SR or else it negatively affects everything else

Is it me or are the highs a lot higher, and the lows are extremely low while on SR ?
The last two days I got affected by other people's decisions and choice of words. Managed to pull myself out yesterday and was feeling great, but then got attacked earlier today, which caused my night to turn into a spiral.
The funny line of "If they didn't make you, how can they break you ?" Keeps repeating in my head, but it definitely isn't helping right now. At the same time I hate playing victim when I'm supposed to be a victor.
Workout, less sleep, healthy fruit drinks, redmeat, meditation and upbeat helps, my bro. You got this. Chase the natural highs.
*upbeat music
you got attacked?
It will be my twenty-third day of nofap today.
where on 4chan can I discuss the state of the current sexual market place
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Well done.
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Thanks bro

Whether it is physically, or verbally (it was this), it's all from the same source. We don't fight against flesh and blood, but principalities of darkness...
K good fucking luck buddy. You're inviting malicious entities to come fuck with you. Remember this after you fail.
Right here, my man. I was browsing thru fun gigs I could pick up yesterday and came across an ad by a self described faggot who wanted to hire someone to beat him up. Only $150/hr. Was looking for hairy bastards to kick his shit in.
>healthy fruit drinks
Better to just eat fruits. Juicing destroys the fibre in the fruit.
I'm glad. Just glad. Pure bliss and gratefulness. Not for the fact that I'm not masturbating or watching porn, but because I don't miss it. There are no mental hurdles. Nothing. Inside there's just silence... and the peace that comes with it.
Yes but does it actually motivate you? Have you accomplished at least some of your goals? Zen calmness isn't particularly useful to me without tangible benefits.
>Have you accomplished at least some of your goals?
Yes. I don't want to blogpost, but I've made it this year. I accomplished all my goals of taking the trash out of life, now I actually have some space to build the man I can be. Maybe I could've done it sooner, but I've made a point that I'd only deal with porn addiction after everything else.
Best of luck anon.
people in prison have been doing this sinc ebeing in prision and they dont get any benefits but urges to rap3
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thats Fucking cool, im wishing you well at this instant can you feel it?
>I'm 37
>on internet forum for children
might not wanna admit that bro
>i'm here for "spiritual" reasons
lmao yeah and i hang out with hobos sucking dick for meth for the cardio
Can ab exercises replace pranayama? It seems like a similar pumping mechanic happens in the abdomen, as the one during pranayama(since the lower abs activate first so the energy is basically getting squeezed out of the lower stomach and pushed up), save for holding the kegel, but you can integrate that into ab work too. Am I missing something here?
Pranayama is a practice of gradual breathing cessation. If you're looking to replace it with something, the Buteyko method will achieve the same thing. Whatever you're doing could probably be considered physical exercise with integrated breathing. Kind of like calling doing a bunch of stretches yoga.
Should've clarified but I meant the pranayama done for sexual transmutation, where you breathe into your lower stomach through the nostrils and breathe out through your mouth while holding your awareness on the top of your head. Just noticed that a similar pumping sensation happens after ab work, feels as though the energy residing in the lower stomach gets pushed up.
how are you sure they dont masturbate in jail
Well that sounds like an arbitrary gimmick and it doesn't seem like you really know what you are doing so I would suggest that you stop doing it altogether. Energy work done wrong can easily land you in a mental institution for life. Not saying this to put you down, but to warn you that you are playing with powerful primal forces.
You have to get in the habit of rejecting lustful thoughts in general. Averting your gaze when you see attractive women in public and that sort of thing. I will say that repressing your sexual urges indefinitely probably isn’t what you’re going for, but I think this is the best way to get through the early phase of giving up porn. You have to starve yourself of lust as much as possible to begin the process and it starts at the beginning of the cycle, which is in casually entertaining sexual desires throughout the day. Stop doing this and you’ll be in the right mindset to be successful.
>Why can't I stop myself?
>Nothing ever seems to work.
Your unconscious brain is more busy with lust/porn than with real problems. Every day find something you find tough to understand and a problem or puzzle you need to solve. Before you go to sleep, meditate and prime your subconscious to work on the solution of the difficult problem. Also keep a dream journal and be dilligent. Set an alarm in the early morning to train your body to wake up after REM sleep completed. Ensure you have a nice block of 2 hours and 20 minutes before your morning routine starts.
You currently do not own your subconscious and it runs free. On an ethereal level this also causes your spirit to dip into lower realms and stimulate the root energy center. When you feel lusty or that urge, take a good 60 seconds to question where it comes from. Where is your focus draw to? Usually it focuses around the groin, which feels kind of murky, unclear and unfocused. You need to realize and become aware that your energy is gathering there and that your unconscious thoughts are making your unseen self navigate to satisfy these lower urges.

The better you are able to identify what's happening on an unconscious level the more you can free yourself.
>Challenging them like this gives them permission to fuck with you with no consequences from higher powers.
That's not how it works. There are always consequences. If an unhinged alcohol swings at you in the street saying: please don't is not gonna help you. Of course challenging and running to hide behind your 20 guides after you talk tough just makes you make an example out of yourself. If anon challenges the tempters and they tempt him and he either succumbs or succeeds that is anon's own story. It's a good thing that might show the strength of their character. It does not give them free reign to abuse you.
ok and? Some people prefer writing their own story instead of larping as another spirit and part of their character might be monogamy in the spirit.

Imagine being Genghis Khan and fucking literally only one person even if he could have fucked 10000 kek
>emotional bitchnigger proves whitey right once again
many such cases
In dire need of a slap in the face. I've been on the brink for a few days. Shaking it off doesn't work as easily as it once did. This "phase" of some sort began with a succubus dream. Anyone has a metaphorical sip of holy water to give me?
>This "phase" of some sort began with a succubus dream
it didn't start with the dream. You sought or seek out such beings, or were abandoned and showered in astral shit or vermin until you just caved in and succumbed to it. Just like with resistance training everyone eventually breaks. It's just a matter of when and how long you could ward it off. Acknowledge earnestly what you believe might have happened and what lurks in your unconscious.

There are some dream/ethereal encounters which are remnants from another time and space. They might be people or spirits that remember you fondly and might be incarnate elsewhere and inadvertedly you two sought one another out. It might also be that you have attracted such beings because your unconscious self was driven by urges when your spirit was actually loosened before properly initiated. This can happen for a variety of reasons, most of them kind of sus. You should be safely isolated and prevented from idle wandering until you are initiated and ready to take over the reigns of your immaterial self.

If the energy of that person is not full of self agency they might be in a reduced state or aim to pull you down with them. Some are outright malevolent and will try to bind and drain your spirit and embed themselves into your energetic shell. You have to remove this sort of vermin before it multiplies like lice. Some are spirits that merely try to keep you from experiencing new people or new things. Some can be thoughtforms projected at you consciously or unconsciously.

Where is the feeling you're trying to shake off coming from? Ask earnestly with your mental voice where this tie is coming from. If you get any forceful imaginations interrupt them immediately. Shower yourself in cold water if need me. Your imagination is your personal space: do not allow some astral scum to burrow itself into the seat of your consciousness. Think about every urge that pops up: weed out the noise until you find your authentic self.
Most of human sexual attraction is because of hormonal levels (testosterone in men increases libido and sexual attraction towards women, high T women are more sexually promiscuous towards men, low T levels turns a straight man either bisexual or gay and lesbians aren't really an actual sexual attraction). You can notice this just by going around in your daily life and thinking about how people's livestyles increase or decrease T levels. This is often seen by online porn addicts transition from straight to bisexual to gay to troon.
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I gooned intensely but I became overcome with sadness and stopped before I ejaculated. I'm basically back to square one now. 11 days in and I let stress take power over me. eeeaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGGGGeee
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I ruined a week long streak. I want to glass myself, I was doing so well.
Make peace with the fact that there is a chance you will die a virgin.
Just start over. You can only move forward. Learn from your mistakes.
Finally connected the dots and noticed 99% of the time I lose a streak, I was drinking. Quitting booze has made quitting fapping so much easier, and I'm feeling fuckin amazing now that both are out of my life
nice, keep at it anon.
There is no pain if porn is not worth anything for you.
Talk to real girls. Even coom a bit in them if needed. Me personally imma date for marriage. I like to think of very young women looking up to me not like a "sexy" way but a "fatherly" one. So sexual desire shall be conquered. The serpent in my body is my friend but if I am not it's master it is not so.
Eat the pain for breakfast.
>Cum Rat
I was in a deep depression because of 2 weeks of this shit. I finally gave up because I don't have time to be depressed right now, so I guess it's over for me.

Was worth it though, I shall never binge porn anymore. I just quickly fap like 1 times a day, not wasting time for lusting to porn.
I tried the No nut November thing last year. I made it about a week but got really drunk and when I woke up there was cum and blood on my bed sheet, pair of tweezers and Jurrasic Park on DVD
>masturbation literally affects my sexuality.
same but sadly i turn from thinking that maybe i'm bisexual to exclusively aroused/fantasizing about men. It's incredibly disheartening and frustrating as well.
>to question where it comes from. Where is your focus draw to? Usually it focuses around the groin, which feels kind of murky, unclear and unfocused.
nta but i feel it mostly in the area below my navel, the lower abs i guess. it doesn't feel "murky" but more like if it was sort of smoldering, and sometimes i feel it fill my head and other times on my skin (the latter always with the first feeling)
>If you get any forceful imaginations interrupt them immediately.
when i get intrusive thoughts/imaginations/whatever i can usually sort of shake them off and concentrate on something else, but at night trying to sleep their insistence is really too strong and i cant really "subdue" them and ive had to go to sleep with them more or less playing in the background so to say because it takes too much effort to keep them away... also cold showers dont work too well to ward them off and ive even imagined things while working out
>Think about every urge that pops up: weed out the noise until you find your authentic self.
anons keep saying to not identify with the thoughts but it honestly feels like i am more/the thoughts have a stronger hold on me than the strength it takes not to have them. idk its hard
now find the remaining 1% being parasites manipulating you especially when drunk, get rid of parasites
you can find the protocol in the archives.
garlic, pumpkin seeds, peppermint tea clean guts.
kefir promotes good bacteria growth.
fasting kills the parasites.
go running, sprint till you have to stop to catch your breath. Then go back home and whenever you feel temptations hold your breath and count
I'm home alone horny as fuck and bored, I tried to draw to transmute but it's not working, my drawings end up being shit now, what do I do?
popped an aneurism while gooning
>what do i do
decide if you are a man or a slave
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>You're giving someone power over you when you want to indulge into lust
>Evil spirits are also using your body to get themselves off since they can't do it themselves anymore
Don't give in anons...

This ?
Also orgasm causes an overproduction of hystamine which can cause mast cell disorder, a lot of the symptoms of mast cell disorder are noticed by a lot of retainers on the first week of SR, like increased allergies, stuffy nose, fatigue, anxiety, muscle weakness, bad sleep, nightmares, stomach cramps etc...
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honestly just goon so hard that you get it out of your system for a month.

i goon for at least eight hours every two months.

I might not be an SRchad, but I don't have many temptations in the between time

I have came so hard before using this schema that it triggered mania
been on sr for 18 months now AMA
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do you think about killing often?
did you manage to take your soul back?
only myself
not yet, every time i feel i can reach it and grab it i get violently pulled back to square 1
How are the wet dreams? What’s your diet?
How good looking are you and has SR made women more attracted to you?
sexual dreams peaked at 3rd month then normalized and i get them occasionally (never ejaculated while sleeping though, i never do), diet the same as always protein, dairy fiber carbs i try to get everything during the week.
i guess im average looking , as for SR making me more attractive can't really say for certain (i could pull girls before starting SR too) although there was a moment like after a month or two where i felt that women wanted to be closer to me but since i wanted to not fuck the SR up i kept my distance and then that period ended and its back to like before where i can pull but with a bit of more work put to it (still i dont go the extra step though since i dont wanna ruin all this hard work and time for a casual hookup)
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It's time to feel convicted lads

It will be my twenty-fourth day of nofap today.
What the fuck did you do kek
>hour long ramble fest from Sunday School normie nig
>0 facts or interesting things to look into
>nothing about semen retention
This is fucking stupid.
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Day 34-36 lost track, fucking eh, eh?
Do you anons affirm or visualize while you do transmutation? Or do you keep your mind completely empty?
You’re alright death grip guy.
It's all about perspective. While abstaining can be beneficial, it becomes harmful when it turns into a form of idolatry, especially for single men. If a "relapse" leads to feelings of shame, it can spiral into depression, anxiety, and a sense of inadequacy because one feels they’ve "failed." Instead of viewing it as failure, it’s important to simply move on and not let the relapse define you. Otherwise, it can begin to negatively impact your life.

Relying on abstinence as a means to control your life can become damaging. It shifts the focus from healthy self-discipline to an unhealthy need for control, which ultimately serves no one in a positive way. True balance comes from accepting your humanity, learning from your mistakes, and moving forward with grace.
i started sr in january.
big ass coomer in a sexless marriage.
along with energy, confidence also grew.
also "aura" around me changed for the better.
wife noticed, mother-in-law noticed, friends noticed, random women noticed, everyone noticed.
it's like walking around after getting some buffs in a rpg.
anyway, i got out of the relationship, met some nice woman i can picture my life with. sex is better then ever.
my streak is gone now, but i still feel the effects. so i'll subscribe under opinion that cumming into woman is not the same as in the hand. at least that's how it works for me.
best thing, after few months i never felt the need to watch porn or masturbate.
life is much better.
What is your reason for SR?
He’s got a death grip on his mind.
Tell us all about this healthy self-discipline.
>True balance comes from accepting your humanity,
Maybe this is why we are on SR. Cooming and weak shit is what makes you human. What if all those lovey dovey feelings you get when you fall in love with a woman is just a trap - taht weakness feels so good. But that's why it's a trap. Because it feels good and you want more of it - whether it's sex or just comfort in being with a woman. Then eventually you get spiritually and materially bound to the woman, to earth, to the material plane. Now you have a duty - to protect and take care of her, as well as raise your children. But our spirit itself wants to transcend this mess. It wants to pursue freedom It wants to escape the limitations of the flesh. You will know you have made it - if you can be just as happy with or without a woman - you are ON THE WAY!
>. it doesn't feel "murky" but more like if it was sort of smoldering, and sometimes i feel it fill my head and other times on my skin (the latter always with the first feeling)
Foreign energy in those areas isn't entirely normal, unless it feels solid, lucid and responds immediately when you tell it to leave. Invasive spiritual presences almost never are good but it takes acuity to understand what's going on.
It might be that you lack or lacked nurturing or mirth in life and something else is trying to fill that space. You might have repressed sensuality or feelings in there as well.
It can be a remnant of an old connection. If there was a person you leaned on heavily, in this world or another, then a separation can dislodge a part of either of you. A hole there can attract a form of lice or just foreign elements. It can be a wounded spirit seeking shelter. It can be a malevolent spirit using woundedness as a farce.

>anons keep saying to not identify with the thoughts but it honestly feels like i am more/the thoughts
It depends on what you define as "you". Canonically, what you are is a quiet and focused sense. It does not talk or think or wonder, it simply observes and then acts and executes and manifests their will. Inescurity and lesser parts will weep, argue, be irrational and whisper or try to pull you out of your authentic energy. Seek that attitude, when you simply are. You can read on the root, sacral and solar plexus energy centers, but it's just to reflect. It won't solve it directly.

>usually sort of shake them off and concentrate on something else
You might be trying to avoid the problem that way. If you didn't have your consciousness holding reigns, what are you? What would you be doing? How do you change your subconscious if it behaves poorly? How have you shaped and guided it in life?
>my drawings end up being shit now, what do I do?
get better at drawing lmao
I was able to remember the Japanese hiragana alphabet after 3 days. I thought I was too retarded and old to learn
Based therapist
it's me satan!, you bros are doing great, you're well on your way to god mode, everyone finally knows this realm is a trap, a cage, save your seed to escape this fleshy hellscape, prove you are worthy
thank you for the response anon... ill think of the answers thru the day but because you seem to know about chakras and all those other things there's something ive been wondering about: i used to meditate (just quiet your thoughts meditation thing) and one day i felt what i think its a "third eye" sensation on my forehead, and since then i've felt that sensation across my face in situations that idk if they're spiritual, but they have happened whenever i pray (i felt it today), but the other day i felt them when i was trying to sleep getting intrusive thoughts (i mentioned it in another post with the same name the other day). What does it mean? does it have any meaning or is it just a weird thing that happens? Thanks in advance if you respond... I'll answer to your message later in the day
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>my therapist recommended 8-12 weeks of celibacy, this is the hardest thing I've ever tried to do
>I'm sorry anon, but I can't give you solutions
>just..... stop doing it for a very long time!
>It's that easy.... just.....stop!
>come back when you're a little more...hmmmmm celibate!
>you seem to know about chakras
The concept of chakra's is an unconscious impression that your spiritual body will use to communicate with you. It's a system to sort into bins certain general problems. Spiritual problems manifest into your daily life for you to consciously work with. Chakra effects and their sensations are the same thing. Something tries to communicate with you through a language barrier.
>What does it mean? does it have any meaning or is it just a weird thing that happens?
It depends on the nature of what you feel. Some spiritual influences can feel like a knot, knurl or pressure point. Sometimes you can feel sensations in these spaces just to get you to think. Sometimes they are from lesser spirits trying to groom you into magical systems. Some beings also attach cords or filaments to your energy centers to affect you subtly and not so subtly. Any form of cording is to be cut. No exceptions.

If the third eye awakens you won't feel vague things. You can dream while awake and speak with another spiritual being as if they are there in the physical. It won't feel like a psychosis or destabilizing or leave you with doubt. Until that time comes focus on what you truly expect from spiritual life. What is your goal with your journey? Have a goal and keep your standards high, anything below the bar indicates damage, a lack of awareness or a lack of development. What do you expect from a "third eye sensation"? I'll tell you what I expect:

Your brow is the seat of your spirit. You have a clear vision and you command all of your being to achieve your goal. Not just one day but every single day. Not just in one world but every world you become aware of high and low. Weed out the distractions from that vision and develop it to truly develop it. If you need a vision and consult a spirit, you are able to do it at command. If you need to grow in an area, you simply go out and do it.

Would a random hard feeling at the brow fit into that picture?
You're gonna make it
>What is your reason for SR?
i wanted to see how long i could go on without jerking off, sort of a test of will if you wanna call it like that (also slightly fell for the "sr gives you better chances of firing up your pineal gland since instead of releasing life energy you recycle it inside" meme) and then after months of fighting the urge to jerk it it slowly died on its own after like 7 or more months and never felt like the urge to masturbate which helped me reach where i am and still going on
>haven't thought about it, less and less
>rejecting the urges easier when they come
>spent so many years as autistic but content and emotionless terminator, able to go to work, workout and do everything else at 110% effort.
>start SR, emotion chip comes back online
>Oh no.jpg
>fear, empathy, longing to start my own family, for meaning and connection.
How do regain control and enforce emotional control? I do not like feeling like this. I’m scared.
I will not fap, but no one told me it was going to heal my heart, i just wanted to become even more productive.
That armour is placed there for a reason.

Also people keep touching me, when i am not a person who invites touch, why?
>people keep touching me
You're just so touchable~~~
So I broke up with my gf around mid July and haven’t had sex or fapped since then. Is use it or lose it true? Should I keep my streak? I’m day 50 or something but I don’t get morning woods (maybe twice a week max) what do?
dont start. i am a man.
stop being demonic
A man can handle being touched the way you describe it.
You’re just whining.
Like a bitch.
I am not used to woman touching me.
also they follow me.
and dont suggest anything adultery
>other people not cumming enrages normies for some reason
Guys? How do I stop lusting? the not watching porn stuff I can get around. But when I go a couple of days without porn/cooming. I get extreme urges and eventually relapse. HELP A BROTHER OUT!
do literally anything else, go for a run , go play sports, play videogames, do a cold shower
gotta be honest, I have a terrible attention span. My ADHD is so bad that I watch basically every youtube video in 2x speed and I can barely play a game longer than an hour these days.

I'm planning on doing more work, get myself out of the house and focusing on other things.
my longest streak was just over a year. I can't recall how I fell back into it, but it was maybe about 2 time a month thing for quite a while. Slowly increased. I'm still only a once-a-week fapper yet I don't really enjoy it all that much. I know I can do without it again, it wasn't even that hard to get that year streak - I have a pretty low sex drive I guess. During that time I coped and thought I was maybe asexual but I no longer think that's true. I think I probably surpress my sexuality now as I'm both getting older and still not succesful with women. idk idk idk
dude you need to place a binding vow on yourself. stop fucking around.

if you break this binding vow, cut off a finger or something
you have to fight it bro, the moment you feel its getting unbearable and you gonna relapse just find something to distract yourself with until the urge passes, its an uphill battle but not undoable
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I know, it's destroying me as a person. I feel: stupid, lazy, weak. I know I could be so much more, and that's why it's so depressing.

I look to God, sometimes I feel like he's not answering. It's depressing really, the only thing I want now is to be free of porn slavery. To have control and restraint over my mind. But most importantly, I want to be happy man.
>unless it feels solid, lucid and responds immediately when you tell it to leave
Yeah not at all. The head thing was making it really hard to think the first few days/first week I did sr with the more or less unstoppable intrusive thoughts, now i just get them when trying to sleep or early in the morning. The skin thing is not that usual but feels very intense for a few seconds but its not long
>It might be that you lack or lacked nurturing or mirth in life
Why would that cause this? i guess i'm not usually happy or whatever about being alive but im also not super depressed all the tme
>You can read on the root, sacral and solar plexus energy centers
any specific source or just google it?
>If you didn't have your consciousness holding reigns, what are you? What would you be doing? How do you change your subconscious if it behaves poorly? How have you shaped and guided it in life?
I honestly dont know the answers to any of these questions... I mean i guess i am trying right now to shape my subconscious and im not sure if im succeeding or not

>It depends on the nature of what you feel.
well its not a "bad" feeling, nor of a "hard thing", it feels either like light tickling, or as if a spot of light was on my skin if that makes sense... and its not only on the brow but i can feel it basically anywhere in the face, but i usually feel the feeling of "light" more below the eyes/on the cheeks and the tickling on the brow
>Any form of cording is to be cut. No exceptions.
>If the third eye awakens you won't feel vague things
well i guess its not that but that was the only thing i can relate it to
>What is your goal with your journey?
im honestly just doing this to be/feel normal, i dont have much more spiritual aspirations aside from being a normal christian i guess... im just so curious about the brow thing since it is definitely related to spiritual things but does not seem to have a "meaning" if that makes sense
look, we cant both be ryan gosling.
>sometimes I feel like he's not answering
he has already done his part, now its time to do yours, this might come off as harsh but god isn't something that holds your hand and makes all bad things/fixes problems on a whim, that falls onto you to try and better yourself so don't stress about god not listening. You keep pushing forward no matter how hard it is and in the end you will succeed. Trust that.
But he's literally me.

You're right, it's on me to do more. My last streak was actually after I visited my local Greek Orthodox church. The divine liturgy was really long. But I enjoyed it nonetheless.
Thread theme.
I feel like the OP image
Just got home from work and jerked off twice in a row, back to back.
Jerked off yesterday too.
I had a 26 day streak that ended last week, now I'm back to hardcore coomer mode. I need to free myself from this lust demon, it's totally out of control. Everywhere I go I see women and I lust for them. I just want to be free and innocent.
Can you recommend any book, journal or manual about semen retention?
there's a lot of good info in Semen Retention Miracle, and while it gives honorable mentions to religious traditions, it's mostly based on science
In the early stages of recovering from my porn addiction, I would sometimes feel cravings, but not for porn, and it was really confusing. I would ask myself, "What is it I want? Do I want junk food? Beer?" And I would just stop and think what exactly is it I was craving, and I couldn't come up with anything in particular. It was like my brain just said Craving = ON. Has anyone else ever experienced this?

By the way, a big shoutout to whoever suggested taking NAC. I've been feeling a lot better since I started taking it.
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Very red pilling pic imo. Modern society is unhealthy af
Be glad you're not him.
Can you imagine the smell?
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>What is it I want?
Funny quote that might begin to answer it for you:
All your ills come from pride and the lack of recollection.
In general, your soul is troubled when you are deprived of praise, affection, and consideration.
These ills also proceed from the fact that you seek the creature, not in order to be led to me [Jesus], but to satisfy your self-love.
And should you succeed you are disturbed and uneasy, searching for empty pleasures which can only leave a void in your heart.
Make up your mind that in order to be happy it is only necessary for you to disappear, to come down, to detatch yourself from yourself and leave me full scope. For I alone can give you happiness in humiliation and suffering.
Humility: That is the remedy if you desire to be healed. Lose sight of yourself. Be convinced of your own nothingness.
Endeavor to be the least before men, and the greatest only before God.

Honestly I'm coming to this conclusion, as I am in the middle of a few of my prayers showing its fruits that I don't necessarily want to eat, but am forced to anyways. I tend to be placed somewhere in the right time occasionally which is funny.
There's power in these balls
that's the dopamine, or lack thereof--basically the "anticipation" hormone.it's why porn destroys our motivation and risktaking, and your experience is definitely a key example of why it's so bad for us
>Endeavor to be the least before men, and the greatest only before God
i am retarded and don't understand what this means
It's another take to be humble.
From the cool little book: How to be Somebody by Marke Mendes is a great book to get into. He has it free here https://howtobesomebody.org/read-e-book-1
thank you anon!
It's been about 4 years and some change since I busted my last cum. Haven't had urges for the past couple years. Life is pretty good, but I think my penis shrank a bit from disuse. It's hard to tell for sure, though. One last thing I'll share is that, at this point, the thought of porn makes me physically ill; like I'll quite literally feel sick to my stomach.
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I have been having lots of urges recently. I shrug them off and continue about my day.
The same way a horse swats at flies that linger for all hours of the day. Sometimes the horse will run fast and far, frollicking through the green pastures. The blue skies and brisk air giving him life: Freedom. Nevertheless, the flies always find a way to come back. A never ending curse it seems. The life of a beautiful, majestic colt... subject to exasperation from the lowliest of cretin. The flies eat away at his lustrous hair, and they beat away at his hopes and dreams until he's retreated into a dark corner of the barn. All hope lost, relinquishing himself to the flies. "Oh I'll never win" the horse thinks to himself. Flies age a horse fast, one may reason. Should we retire ourselves to the corner? Or shall we jump the fence of the pasture. Leaving behind the comfortable life. In pursuit of adventure. Of danger. The possibilities are endless. The world, as you know it now, is just the beginning. With this newfound confidence, and a tinge of arrogance, one's fingers may tingle at the newfound ideas and sights.
Do not be too keen now friend. You may have escaped the pasture. But, the flies are always following behind you. They follow your every move. Every step. They travel endlessly: when you sleep, when you stop to take a rest on a hot summer's day. If they somehow lose your scent, new flies will arrive to take their place. One cannot simply rely on fervent action. As you journey away from your old life, take in every new experience with scrutinizing eyes. You must learn and grow prudent to succeed in this tale we call life.

Now where does that leave you and me?

Do we both jump the fence into the shrubbery? Leaving behind the comfortable life of passivity. Do we return to that pasture?


Did we never leave at all?
Were we just frollicking through the fields like that horse all along?
Almost a year but still not magnetism or any other esoteric benefits. I feel like before only without anxiety.
you tend to forget how absolute shit tier you used to feel and begin taking the benefits for granted and then you begin to forget what the benefits even were to begin with and then you relapse and default back to the same bullshit and then you go
>jesus christ i feel like absolute shit, no wonder i started semen retention
dont do that to yourself, and if you're edging you're still wasting your vril on shit though im guessing you're not so just keep at it, you must have felt a shift in your being at thirty days and more right? thirty is THE point at wich this really starts, once i personally reached thirty days i felt like a different person
whatever i talk too much
>Nothing ever seems to work.
are you new to this? the first day of sr is absolute hell, the only thing that works for me personally is to intense exercise, over indulging on junk food and just overall letting myself get dopamine hits from everything EXCEPT porn
after the first day you no longer feel like your dick is on fire and its just a matter of ignoring the lustful thoughts, within a week it will become a habit, you might get wet dreams but this is the subconscious mind purging itself of all the poison you've gathered and you have to power trough it
>inb4 sounds retarded
yeah but it works on MY machine, you're basically an addict so you need a crutch for a while that's just how it is
>but what does esotericism have to do with sex
>the coiled serpent
>bliss of the celibate
>sexual energy transmutation
mantak chia is a pit fall for recovering addicts and only the hecking enlightened saints can do it without becoming an edging coomer again, maybe, just dont bother with it
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I reset today after 105-something days. I've learned 2 things: Any kind of masturbation and/or watching porn makes retention pointless, because it's more about that sexual energy not going anywhere than actually keeping your semen in. And 2, you have to do the spiritual practice at the same time, deeply and rigorously to get the "mystical" effects. The last time I did retention I did these 2 tings, whereas this time I didn't. There is a very clear difference. After cooming now, I feel exactly the same. But, when I broke the previous attempt, it felt as if my "magic powers" (for lack of better comparison) literally vanished. I will start again now, doing those 2 things that are very important, that this OP does mention that you should do. But, hey, personal experience is what really makes you change. For other anons: don't get too hung up on your streak days. If you've failed these 2 important things, but you have a long streak, then just reset and do it properly.
> you tend to forget how absolute shit tier you used to feel and begin taking the benefits for granted and then you begin to forget what the benefits even were to begin with and then you relapse
This so much. On long streaks in particular you just forget what’s it’s like to not have that energy stored up.
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there's power in these balls
>then just reset
no, fuck off
It will be my twenty-fifth day of nofap today.
Keep riding that bicycle with one leg
>you can only add spiritual practice to SR by resetting
moron, you can start at any point. "oh I'm on day whatever the fuck, but I should also be praying or whatever? guess I'll cum" idiot
The temptations are strong on weed. It’s like I swapped the difficulty from easy to hard.
Fresh new bread:

That’s not what they said. Calm down and reread.
666 monster energy on the table in picrel
What spiritual practices did you do?
Meditation, imagining a coiling serpent up your spine, Franz Bardo stuff?
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based Morshu poster.

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