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Welcome to the Semen Retention General!
Legend of the Galactic Heroes Edition.

>What is Semen Retention?
Semen retention is the practice of completely abstaining from masturbation and ejaculation, often with the intention of preserving and redirecting vital and sexual energy to oneself.

>Why do it?
Reported benefits include: increased vitality, mental clarity, reduced stress, increased motivation, increased energy, improved focus, healthier hair/skin/eyes, deeper meditation, improved AP/Lucid Dreams, deeper voice, improved mood, greatly improved testosterone, improved physical strength and many more.

>Wet Dreams?
They happen because you had a sexual dream and you coomed. Learn to be conscious on your dreams and stop the succubus.

>What causes wet dreams?
The causes are many: Illnesses, telepathic bad actors fucking with your dreams, excess energy build up, watching too much sexually-inducing stuff, lusting during the day, lack of an adequate transmutation activity, eating too late at night, excess nutrients overall, stimulants like maca, ginseng, ginger, excess protein, excess carbs, tight clothes (pajamas) for bedtime, bad sleeping posture (this varies, find the one that suits you best), going to bed with full bladder, exposure to hormonal disruptors via food (pesticides...) or body care products (soap, deodorant etc)...

Previous Thread >>38804300
(why did no one make a thread sooner [lurker here btw] ?)
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>In case of urges:
- https://imgur.com/gallery/g4eGH
- Don't peek and Hold your breath for as long as you possibly can. The urge usually pass after that. If not, repeat.
- Horse stance or chair pose: Do it while clenching the abdomen and all legs' muscles, raise arms for extra blood flow redirection. Works both for killing erections or urges.
- Any physical activity.

On long clean streaks many report benefits that transcend current science like a sort of "magnetism" or higher "vibration/aura" that attracts/appeals to other living beings, a higher perception, a stronger and intimidating "aura/presence", a deeper connection with nature, an attractive BO (people usually report it as "pheromones") and more.

- Mental Purity 1.1: Semen Retention acts as a bio-electromagnetic amplifier. Watch the quality of your thoughts because your inner state will get amplified and manifested. Lust is the Ojas killer. Do not engage with Lust.
- Mental Purity 1.2: Keep a journal as a tool for introspection.
- NEVER watch porn of any kind.
- Remove triggers from your life. Masturbation is a bad habit. Break that bad habit.
- Focus on achieving a goal. An art, a craft, competing, etc.
- Meditate and/or Pray Daily. Try a minimum of 5 minutes to start off.
- Exercise/Gym/Sports/Martial Arts. If it is something social even better.
- Good habits like healthy eating, water fasting, dry fasting, sun exposure and cold showers do seem to speed up the process.
- Sublimation: literally using the energy.
- Transmutation: changing the quality of energy to something different. (Surya Namaskara, 8 brocades, Tibetan rites)
- Avoid stimulant drugs such as caffeine or adderall
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Keep in mind that the efferent nerves attached to your testes necessarily means that any lustful thought, image, or sound is necessarily a command to your junk to produce sexual fluids and this is the reason why celibacy is first and foremost of the mind
The root of this entire matter is the mind - without conquering the mind, celibacy is a futile effort
The signals from the brain happen on the subconscious autonomic level
This is why any lustful thought, image, or sound is necessarily a command to the sexual organs to produce sexual fluids (the more intently you look, the higher amplitude of a signal gets sent: body > afferent nerves > brain > efferent nerves > body)
Therefore "Conversion of sexual energy to something" is necessarily a HORRIBLY inefficient process (Not to confuse with Sexual Transmutation)
Fluids will be reabsorbed, but the energy and materials cost to make it vs how much is "taken back" via reabsorption is SEVERELY unbalanced and super net negative
Sexual fluids are made from the cream of the crop of the body's resources - constantly generating them means that you are constantly draining away the cream of the crop of your resources.
Taoist writings said that the sexual organs will even take primacy over nourishing your other internal organs at some point. (Thus, doing a spiritual practice as a coomer is a surefire way to die faster).

>/SRG/ interesting reads
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Scientific evidence:

Periodic changes in serum testosterone levels after ejaculation in men

Influence of abstinence and ejaculation-to-analysis delay on semen analysis parameters of suspected infertile men

Improved sperm kinematics in semen samples collected after 2 h versus 4-7 days of ejaculation abstinence

Influence of a short or long abstinence period on semen parameters in the ejaculate of patients with nonobstructive azoospermia

Seasonal changes in breeding activity, testicular size, testosterone concentration and seminal characteristics in rams with long or short breeding season

Shorter abstinence decreases sperm deoxyribonucleic acid fragmentation in ejaculate

Endocrine response to masturbation-induced orgasm in healthy men following a 3-week sexual abstinence

Relationship between sexual satiety and brain androgen receptors

A research on the relationship between ejaculation and serum testosterone level in men
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It’s always good to remember why /x/ is the most accurate place for this topic: semen retention is one of the clearest paranormal inducing thing of all the other topics discussed on /x/. It’s a sacred practice that has been the one of the main focuses in every major religion or spiritual practices. The mystical side of it is what we try to focus on in here.

Semen retention can be political issue too and it would then belong to /pol/. The porn industry is a tool made by the jews to deterioate the societies and corrupt the people. The porn works in ways that program new sets of behaviour in its audience and the audience is hooked to it because of its strong addictive qualities. The most important goal for porn’s male audience was and is the releasing of their semen. As we now know, the disadvantages of cooming are heavy: a man becomes less of a man, he gets sick and weak, his mind numbed, he will have impotence issues etc. Also his spirit almost dies.

Semen retention is beneficial to make one healthier and stronger, more fit, if you will. So the topic could be discussed on /fit/. Anyone looking for more ways to get fitness gains would benefit hugely from the SR.

Also the SR has so many other benefits that it could be discussed in the /adv/ board. These would be topics how it improves one’s social life, mental state, makes more time to be more productive etc.

But I think the biggest benefits of SR are something mystical in nature and the whole practice is fundamentally something very close to spiritual side of things. All the other topics in here /x/ are left far behind and SR actually makes this board of any relevancy. This is also known by the enemy and they make strong efforts to suppress, hijack, twist and end this discussion.
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Starve the shillery.
No attention for them.
No replies.

(Pro tip > Hide shill posts: Click on the arrow next to the post number, click 'Hide', Comfy.)
>why did no one make a thread sooner [lurker here btw]
did baker die :(((
or maybe he gave up
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Where is the Baker? Is he safe? Is he alright?
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There's power in these balls.
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Original Baker, if you are reading this, stay strong on your quest. Do not coom, for your sake and ours.
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I did SR for a couple of months and this weekend I met someone who I was attractted to, and had sex with her. I could have not coomed and held my energy; but this felt right(?) I've been practicing my LoA and reading my bible; and i have spesifically been telling God/Jesus/infinity: "I will bet on you to get me a good gf" and He provided. There def was a energy loss tho; but I was willing to give it. I haven't felt this way.. actually every now that i think of it. She did everything I wanted sexually; and part of me felt like "what's next for me?" But then we slept together; and sure I couldnt get my full 8 hours; but being with someone who just wants to be in your presence really made me happy. Her body next to mine just embracing me.

She told me about her being a chef; loving One Piece, just wanting to be loved after a long trip. I gave her my number so I hope I can see her again. I really hope this isn't just lust that i'm expirencing; but more of reward for my discipline. I dont think I wont stop doing SR, the benifits are legit. She maybe be horny, but I feel like now I can be with her again and just appriciate her fully. If she doesnt call me back it's whatever; life is about the now and that moment I had was something that would be only unique to me.

Anons, to make a long story short and TLDR; SR works, read your bible, don't be a dick and try to do good for people. Nobody will ever be perfect so don't be. Be you. Exist as yourself and love others. As that will show your path.

Ok im gonna go to sleep but i hope u like my story gn
been on for 2 and a half weeks, this weekend was torture and it took a lot of mental fortitude to stay clean

but i can already feel the effects, even after a long day at work i have plenty of energy to keep going

the negative thoughts that would once spiral in my head endlessly are now more easily shaken off
Stay strong brother.
I finally get what the cold showers thing is about, it's a remedy for the intense head and neck flushing sensation that makes you want to send the blood lower. All that woo woo about reconditioning the dopamine system, growing brown fat and whatnot is just a bunch of post-hoc rationalization and snake oil.
Over the years I’ve visited /x/ and searched SRG to read the thread. I almost never post in the thread even though I’ve been on 4chan for 15 years.

All I want to say is thinks for being here constantly for the last couple of years. Thank you
The biggest plus of semen retention is the fact you're not a coomer anymore and you no longer participate, even unwillingly in the deprived, consumerist, fake ass culture of pornography consumption, prostitution and casual sex. This shit is so depressing so deprived, and people waste their best years for it. It feels good on it's own, to finally not be a part of it, to realize it doesn't hold any power over your body and mind
I'm very new to this general, why is it recommended to stay away from stimulants?
regarding this, how does one use semen retention to get advantages like more manifestation, charisma, etc?
>Nobody will ever be perfect so don't be
speak for yourself



L'estasi dell'oro hype track plays in the background as you continue on your journeys, godspeed all yall

how long does it take to start getting noticable affects?
While it was good for you to have fallen for a woman, I disagree with the idea that you should have sex with someone the weekend you meet them. Casual sex is unbelievably destructive to both your mind and hers, and unless you are willing to fully commit your life to being with her, don't have sex.
Absolutely. Casual sex and the Sexual Revolutions of the 1960s probably damaged probably hundreds of millions of men's and women's lives across the globe, breaking down and destroying families, because the more sexual partners you have, the higher the divorce rate and your incompatibility with the partner you eventually settle down with. Seeing the statistical difference between 0 sexual partners prior to marriage with divorce rate and 1 sexual partner prior to marriage with divorce rate is some blackpilling stuff. It gets even worse with 2 or more partners and at 3 partners? Forget it. 10 or more? It's over.
Any mind-altering substances (alcohol, marijuana, mushrooms, drugs) can lead to potential relapses because your rational brain isn't in full control. With regards to stimulants, like nicotine and caffeine, they can increase libido and make you far hornier.
2 weeks for the first plateau, 1 month for the second, 3 months for the third, and the benefits keep incrementally getting better at 6 or more months.
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I posted in one of these threads a few months ago about how since quitting masturbation I would (almost) every night have humiliating dreams where I gave in and jerked off. Always woke up from them with a boner but refused to act on it.

Now I'm about 4 months in and the dreams are far less frequent, but more blatant when they do occur. I still haven't jerked off, and I won't. A couple weeks ago I had a particularly strong dream, woke up, refused to jerk off, went back to sleep, then woke up again a few minutes later to my phone being thrown onto the floor from the desk I left it on. What the fuck is this shit? The dreams are always intended to be humiliating, too. It's always jerking it off to shit like fat bitches or extreme proportions, never actual sex or anything beautiful, romantic or fulfilling.
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I'm about two weeks in and I just opened a bunch of tabs and searched images for about 10 to 15 minutes. I didn't jerk off or get erect or anything, but I was really close to giving in. I'm really glad I didn't. I used to fap a lot to get some sleep and days like this where stress is piling up and I know work is coming early are really difficult. gonna take a small walk and then maybe take a colder shower.
also deleted my browsing history so those sites I use dont auto fill when I google something.
Starting tomorrow bros. Just going to shoot for a week. I have been fapping 2-3 times a day for like a decade so I don't want to shock my system too much
3 months SR, had sex this weekend and fully retained, didn't even edge. I feel amazing. It gave me power

She is impressed and challenged by my refusal to cum, we fucked for 2 hours straight (longer than I've ever fucked before in my life)

Still abstaining, gonna fuck her again, she texts me now a lot.

Thank you SRG, you brought my sex life up a tier. Partly because of magnetism, but mostly because I am now taking discipline seriously.

It's insane how correlated cooming and discipline are. I admit partially that the sex might be coom, even fully retained. But I feel like a fucking barbarian alpha.

so fuck you foreveralone wojak jelly pussies.
I retained during sex, it gave me power
> deal with it.
>0 sexual partners prior to marriage with divorce rate and 1 sexual partner prior to marriage with divorce rate is some blackpilling stuff. It gets even worse with 2 or more partners and at 3 partners? Forget it. 10 or more? It's over.

This is for hylics. Any statistics you see, you have to realize 95% of the sample size are hylics. at least. If you can imbue mythology into the psychology of your marriage you can overcome past. It IS harder, but you can be a hero. Find your sophia and you will stay married. Marry your 14th Helen? its over.
day 2
havent played video games for a week nothing really interesting 79xtx gathering dust
gonna go beach driving tomorrow chuck my falcoon around in the dunes
how u all holding up ?
>I retained during sex, it gave me power
It didn't tho, you just lost less than someone who climaxes. You just typed all that shit because you're high from getting your first taste of pussy.
day 35: spent the night crying until I fell asleep because of that christian anon that decided to transition yesterday
I had a strange dream where I won a raffle and the prize was three random small statues, and I happened to win 3 different images of snakes with a lot of heads (there were other possible prizes). I normally wouldn't mention this but I know for a fact that this snake thing is some sort of religious figure (I saw this on other threads), but I have no idea what it could mean

>Not how this shit works.
I know
>But hey, it's probably your fathers fault unironically.
It's not...
>Tough it out.
I'm trying to
you have emotional trauma that you should resolve
Oh i posted before about booze,i always seem to go full coomer if i start drinking and if i dont have anymore
H. H. H.
Wait did the christian anon decide to transitions?What a shame i hope he comesback,we should pray he comes back and welcome him with open arms.I dont want to loose another one to the troon menace
Yeah :(
I tried talking him out of it last thread, also in
I have been praying for him since he was showing doubts the other day, also pray for me since it feels that I am a bad day away from losing myself to this as well and the fact that I saved some posts from him to at least have some hope this can be surpassed somehow is kind of fucking with my head (more i guess), also the fact we're basically at a full moon makes me think its definitely related (I think I almost got possessed last full moon too)
>captcha srr28
lost again yesterday, because i made good progress on my Kotlin project and brain thought that masturbation is a good reward
back to square one i guess, but every time i return i make it futher without masturbation or porn i went a month without it even though i was near the computer or smartphone
because with porn and masturbation like other addictions you wont not only to stop being an addict you want to move to a state where you are no longer addicted
like people fighting alcoholism can stop being alcoholic but they can return to the state of alcoholism

i found an intresting thing if you are already jerking off it is better to just coom as fast possible than goon, not only you wont waste as much time you will also dodge the trance like state you get into while gooning, and God knows what type of things interact with you while you are in it
>I had a strange dream where I won a raffle and the prize was three random small statues, and I happened to win 3 different images of snakes with a lot of heads (there were other possible prizes). I normally wouldn't mention this but I know for a fact that this snake thing is some sort of religious figure (I saw this on other threads), but I have no idea what it could mean

Serpent (or Snake) If all symbols are really functions and signs of things imbued with energy, then the serpent or snake is, by analogy, symbolic of energy itself—of force pure and simple; hence its ambivalence and multivalencies. An-other reason for its great variety of symbolic meaning derives from the consider-ation that these meanings may relate either to the serpent as a whole or to any of its major characteristics—for example, to its sinuous movements, its common association with the tree and its formal analogy with the roots and branches of the tree, the way it sheds its skin, its threatening tongue, the undulating pattern of its body, its hiss, its resemblance to a ligament, its method of attacking its victims by coiling itself round them, and so on.

The sea-serpent seems simply to emphasize the integration of the symbolism of the unconscious with that of the abyss (9). If it has more than one head, this merely serves to add to the basic symbolism, the extra significance corresponding to the particular number of heads it is given.
grats man, that is a big accomplishment
I've done it a few times but usually would feel so crazy and horny afterwards that I would just keep wanting to fuck and eventually just nut to get rid of the pent up energy
but really, congrats man, I will be there one day
for now I am back to day 2 of SR
but yeah I remember hooking up after 4 months of SR and felt like I could go forever without nutting but really wanted to so I forced myself to come, then the girl became my gf for over a year, but since she kept draining my essence every day I think I lost my edge and she cheated on me
You coombrains are missing the point of SR. All you're doing is discovering some of the minor benefits and thinking that's that.

Sex is animalistic. A primitive urge. You're engaging with Maya and consenting to the Illusion. This is not the purpose of your life or SR.
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Just eat the forbidden fruit, already!
Day 9
Can anyone with deeper knowledge explain SR and how it affects aura more?

I've been interested in SR for a long time, but I feel that the "powers" reach a certain point and stagnate?

I've been in relationship and been watching porn before, but I've cut down on porn over the course of the past 5 years and now I rarely watch it, and when I do i never come (which may be worse than coming fast and move onwards)?

Anyway, in the beginning of this year I've been single and I had a major operation, which put me out of work for over 3 months and I'm still restricted after 6. So I did an experiment to test SR.

All in all I've probably come 3-4 times this year, but I've been watching p without coming or touching myself, idk why I really watch, I think maybe its related to stress so I watch it without really doing anything (weird i know).

So basicall I've been a few weeks now without watching or anything the change is major but it feels like it has sort of stagnated here.

How important is it not to procrastrinate at all when you're practising this lifestyle?

also regarding wd:s. i've had a few but they sort of stop coming when you dont have lustful thoughts, and also i feel sr helps alot with hunger and fasting

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A while back i made it 2 months without spilling it. Eventually i lost will power and the drugs got a hold of me. About 3 months of coomer status passed by but right now im a week clean

MOST IMPORTANT PIECE OF ADVICE: SR SHOULD FEEL FUN OR ITS NOT WORKING. Dont try to david Goggins or Iron Man this shit, that mindset leads to failure. That was my mistake and I foolishly made posts giving bad advice to others. You should always be hard on yourself, but in your horny state, never be frustrated nor lustful. Always deny your horny self until your body forces it, then simply let go and move on when done
day 50
>be me this morning
>wake up extremely horny
>try to fight it but lose control
>go to /b/ and start jerking off to everything like crazy
>actually start crying in the middle of fapping due to lack of self control
>continue jerking while crying
>about to cum
>wake up (but for real this time)
>it was all a dream
>didnt coom after all
>got a boner but no urges whatsoever
>what the fuck??
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>Go get creative by cooking or video games
>Get horny
>Go start to learn something I wouldn't do
>Get horny

I edged quite a bit yesterday, and now my balls hurt bros...
71 Days In; The urges for the last week now haven't been this bad since... The first time I got into SR four months ago...
>how important is it not to procrastinate
extremely. count to six and go do whatever must be done.
Things i have quit in the last year:

Things i have picked up in the last year:
>purpose of my life
Yes, it isn't. The purpose of my life is to upload my brain, defeat entropy, and meet God.

If I get close to this guy's coom experience, >>38839456, I must relinquish pussy. For now though, it has given me leverage over my psyche, and clarity to look back and ask why I need it at all.

No cum until marriage, no marriage until Sophia, but remember, Sophia is in the chaos and she needs 13 repentances to be let back into heaven.

I think I am at repentance #8, 3 months of SR has taught me I don't >need pussy, but that I am still attached to my body in many ways. ie sex still provides me a burst of motivation to get the work done (progress towards uploading my brain). I am trying to learn more about this through retentive sex.

> first taste of pussy
stop projecting, you keep responding to me in other srg threads as if I haven't been laid before, as if I am simping to a particular girl. I will admit that I am simping to the
>((mythological archetype of feminine sexuality))
but you have to understand this looks like not putting a particular woman on a pedestal, yet being generous to her anyway (because to you generosity is easy) and leading her. This kind of masculinity gets you laid. I know that's what you want coomer, I know you are in pain because women see you as wallpaper. I'm here to tell you that it doesn't need to be that way, but you must seriously work on your self.

Remember, Sophia could not escape the chaos without the help of her partner (Christ), so I see no issues in practicing salvation on women I like and then moving on graciously when I realize they are not Sophia and have no intention to repent. However, some women genuinely do seek repentance, even if they had hoe phases. If they are pneumatics, they deserve to repent all the way back to heaven. Just like you, coomer. Imagine if you had no chance to repent if you used to be addicted to porn.
I would add here, that as humans we are not Sophia or Christ, but I think the analogy extends to humans in that part of salvation and repentance is finding a partner to repent with all the way to achieving a
>life's purpose
>The purpose of my life is to upload my brain, defeat entropy, and meet God
Damn, this is some ignorant shit. God is within you, Gnosticfag.
Anyone struggling with OCD here that practice SR? I have an extreme case of OCD, and I'm wondering if masturbation for decades caused that for me.

I'll do 100 plus compulsions in a span of 12 hours. It's hell.
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He said that his dysphoria became much stronger while trying to SR and I believe him desu
At least while I was jerking off constantly if I felt tranny thoughts creeping in I would just masturbate until I felt numb and blame it on "porn addiction" or that it fucked with my sexuality somehow and that it would just go away if I fixed it
(it hasn't gone away and I'm pretty sure porn, or at least just porn, isn't the problem)
knowing that it's really you the degenerate that wants to be a tranny is honestly an insanely shitty feeling and desu if I also talked myself into/got deceived/whatever into thinking that transitioning wasn't a sin i'd probably be doing it too i think

That's still a bit obscure haha
But the think I saw was more specific, it was actually exactly like the image on the right on picrel, but 3D like a toy of some sort.
Bullet. 556 NATO. Would be quick and certain. Don't fear it, embrace it.
snake is thr symbol of raw energy
considered this

3. [And] I reply: I long to learn the things that are, and comprehend their nature, and know God. This is, I said, what I desire to hear.

He answered back to me: Hold in thy mind all thou wouldst know, and I will teach thee.

4. E’en with these words His aspect changed, 2 and straightway, in the twinkling of an eye, all things were opened to me, and I see a Vision limitless, all things turned into Light,—sweet, joyous [Light]. And I became transported as I gazed.

But in a little while Darkness came settling down on part [of it], awesome and gloomy, coiling in sinuous folds, 3 so that methought it like unto a snake. 4

And then the Darkness changed into some sort of a Moist Nature, tossed about beyond all power of words, belching out smoke as from a

p. 5

fire, and groaning forth a wailing sound that beggars all description.

[And] after that an outcry inarticulate came forth from it, as though it were a Voice of Fire
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So far the only thing that guarantees I won't fail SR has been.....complete physical exhaustion. Just too tired to fap at all for the day. Now how can I achieve that every day without injury....
Yeah it is like that in the beginning, especially if you're addicted.
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Praying,you just know its not worth it,it may feel good for a while but when you are lying awake at night without god...that feeling is just unexplainable
>this is your balls
>and this is your balls on cum
>any questions?
>guy is so addicted to pleasure he makes up a religion around it
never call me coomer again, retard
Are the reports of femoids staring at you, flirting, intruding on your personal space and touching you and/or stalking you true at all once you’ve been on SR for over 30 days?

So many youtubers report these things happening and I don’t really buy it, but it still does worry me.

I’m about to start doing food delivery and ride sharing to pick up extra money and I’d hate to be harassed by femoids and potentially fired for not flirting back with them or having sex with them.

I also plan to go back to the gym and do not want women harassing me there or bending over in front of me etc and making me horny.
>I’m about to start doing food delivery and ride sharing to pick up extra money and I’d hate to be harassed by femoids and potentially fired for not flirting back with them or having sex with them.
>I also plan to go back to the gym and do not want women harassing me there or bending over in front of me etc and making me horny.
Unfortunately, life is not a hollywood movie. None of this will happen.
Is there magnetism? Yes, there's something, but it's so subtle that its practically a case of confirmation bias. Highs and lows, peaks and troughs, it comes and goes.
Hey. Shut the fuck up. Thank you.
Establish eye contact with femoid.
Say clearly: "No."
Imagine her body turning into a exploded diagram of her body, like what you might see of a car.
Focus on her lower spine, but don't look at it, keep looking at her eyes.
Now imagine an energetic U-shape from your spine stretching underneath you and her, not above. Don't visualize your own spine, just feel it. Keep visualizing her body in diagram.
Say: "I decide."
Close your eyes, and fall down into your own spine and through the U-shape that enters her lower spine. You enter her body fully, and take a deep breath.
The femoid will now orgasm, and feel existential dread at what is happening. This step can go further but at this point you own her, and her wooden soul is shattered and replaced by your own. If her soul is not wooden you will orgasm when doing this. (this is rare and you will be happy to find her)
You can open your eyes and issue her some busybody commands if you just want her to fuck off, like "spy on your next door neighbor and report to me by whispering to the houseplant."
>we fucked for 2 hours straight

is it possible to learn this power?
so i've been 8 days without cooming and nothing good is happening in my life. I feel like I have been making bad decisions since I started, like I almost joined a fucking cult. I don't understand how people are saying this is helpful at all. Can someone please explain, before I relapse cause I am getting so close to just saying fuck it and going back to cooming.
You're supposed to redirect the energy to something positive
i tried exactly why i almost wound up in a cult.
Im about to start food delivery too but christ,it doesnt work like that,have you never been around women?
This meme makes no sense. If everyday you fail than what's the point of trying again of you're just going to fail?
Shut the fuck up, esl third worldie, curry muncher. Literally no one asked your opinion.
>I’m about to start doing food delivery and ride sharing to pick up extra money and I’d hate to be harassed by femoids
This is why porn is bad
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What's this from?
I try to fall asleep praying otherwise i get intrusive thoughts nonstop (also cute picture)

Also I found the image I saw the other day, and these other images that talk about the snake thing. Apparently its parasites as well lol, guess I gotta seriously look into that beyond just baking soda: https://pastebin.com/6aUTWW35 (its just a link to archived images)
>eventually just nut to get rid of the pent up energy
Last time I fucked on SR it felt like I could go on forever. I made myself coom just to get relief from the energy build up.
im feeling the moon shit again if i fail i should choose sometimes theres no supermoon i am convinced there's something with the moon
>verification not required
oh definetly,im the same retard shilling in the other thread to exactly that anon that decided do transition,if you think of cleansing parasites do it asap,i think they are trying to control the mind somehow.
Could be you holding on the default homeostatic state which is sexual stimulus freely and regularly. If you try to change it first you feel motivated because the challenge is on, you are curious and exited about abstaining. Then the novelty wears of and then what? The comfortable old ways are always there and what would the new ways be, you could only know if you would get there. But from the experience you know that porn will push some of the buttons that at least make you feel something so it’s choosed over the nothing happening state of ”stagnation” or fear of the unknown future. Maybe patience is a key overcoming the porn watching… maybe you’re trying to ”figure out” porn in relation to SR. You watch it but don’t wank so that’s abnormal because usually one watches porn just to nut without any thinking of it.

The aura is something external things notice clearly, like other people notice it on you. Getting to the good level of sperm amount makes it so that your body can focuse on other areas naturally improves the strenght of aura. Energy is not wasted on making new sperm and the accumulated sperm gives power too. After that the energy spots in you are almost guaranteed to improve and they have their characterations that the external will notice and you should feel improvement too.
What thread?
Also what would you recommend. I think I'm getting worse... well no i am getting worse
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From reading parasite pill 2.0 i found out that zahler paraguard is the best,natural and it crosses the blood brain barrier.
Also i peeked today for like 30 seconds so yeah its getting worse,stay strong!
sorry if i am posting too much but im seriously not feelings well and i need to write something down i already prayed i dont think im writing anything i havent told god but im feeling a bit hopeless not because i dont think he can save me but i think that im too much of a fucking retard faggot tranny nigger piece of shit that ill just doom myself to hell anyway

i feel so many negative feelings about everything and every part of myself, i honestly feel like a hypocrite even sitting to pray beause even though i try to talk to god or read psalms or whatever for an hour every day and i pretend to feel sorry i just go and fucking sin again all the time for fucking nothing, i gain nothing from sin and yet i keep doing it, and i cant stop because im fucking mentally ill and its the most embarassing thing i could be, i cant tell it to anyone, i cant get help, if i talked to this to anyone i would either get mocked or ostracized or reassured and every one of those is horrible. this feels like such a deep fucking curse, im not even sure i chose this willingly, by the time i knew what a tranny was i already was one and it was too late, and i dont know of anyone who has gotten over this, and that one anon is the only one i felt knew more or less what its like and maybe saw as a success but he just gave himself into it and i feel that im just going to do the same eventally

what can i even do? do i just wait? i just cycle between guilt and delusion and disgust, i fucking hate my body, i hate myself for not being able to control my mind, and if i even get a bit relaxed i just go back into wanting sinful impossible things for nothing, i gain nothing, even if i gave in and transitioned id gain nothing and im sure id feel even deeper guilt than now yet i cant stop thinking about it, i feel so bad and such a hypocrite, id genuinely crucify jesus just because i want to be a woman and im not sure how to even repent for all of this like what the fuck do i even do
i cant kill myself and if i say in prayer that im sorry i know that maybe tomorrow or in the next hour i'm going to be again fantazising about retarded shit that ends up just tormenting me and then nothing id have to do it all over again

i dont really feel hope for anything im not sure what i can do for anything i failed as a man i fail as a christian every day i fail my family i fail everything and i just want to die and go to heaven but im not even sure i can do that and i hate the thought of having t live god knows how many more years like this and it feels like pure shit but what the fuck else can i do
Try propagating plants from seedlings, watering them frequently, talking to them as if they are your symbiotic host. Stop thinking about yourself instead think of those in the future who will appreciate the tree someone planted 40 years ago. Taking care of a garden is like taking care of a vagina
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When i was a teenager i thought that sex outside of reproduction was barbaric, so i avoided the masturbation. One morning i woke up from a dream after a night of crying. The words spoken to me in that dream put me in a trance, i spent 2/3 hours sitting in my bed, thinking about them. I felt great inspiration, i set rules for myself, i set my own philosophy, i could feel a "person" communicating with me, sending me signals and guidance. I could feel a metallic sphere inside my chest, feeling was strong enough to cause me slight discomfort, almost pain. I could feel what people are thinking about, i could see few seconds into the future, i could feel the auras in a way of "colors" and how "deep" the waters inside the people were. I could feel how powerful my aura was, like a barrier protecting me from outside world. I felt like a superhuman.

It all started to melt away when i had a relationship with a older girl. Step by step i could feel the person inside loosing its influence on me, the sphere in my chest started to disappear. I was getting dumber and dumber every month.
Sex is powerful, it keeps me in an iron grip even many years. When i think about what would make me happy, what i want from life, the answer is sex. I know i have to conquer that desire if i want to go back to the person i used to be, but the harsh reality and years staying dormant and masturbation turned me into a slave.
I relapsed few days ago after 3/4 months of retaining, i lost to a girl similar to my ex. But it's not over yet.
How do I tell my stupid brain to forget about women and my sexuality? I'm nearing a burnout from work (programming) and lust-inducing imagery of the female gender provide me some relief from the constant stress. I've been ignoring it for a week now but the lust and intrusive thoughts just worsen every day.
lift, take walks, go shopping, read a book(sci-fi/fantasy action slop)
Easy to say, but I'm very depressed. My alternative is to just lie in bed all day after work, which is what I've been doing mostly. I tell myself "lying in bed is still better than looking at women"...
Put on some white noise or storm sounds and meditate
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>have horny thought
>imagine sonic running by
>horny thought gone
I mean, if it works, right?
Hang in there.
I hope you know how many people are praying for you
>. I tell myself "lying in bed is still better than looking at women"...
So many of you on this thread are actually homosexual,
Write anytime you like fren,its not like im doing something (inbetween jobs)
All i can tell you is that the devils voice rushes you and makes you feel worthless,the higher the bad sensations and the guilt the higher the spiritual attack.
>Why not just give up and sin?
Thats what he wants so do the opposite to make him seethe:)
Dude, just give up and live an average life. No one cares about you. You fantasize about chopping your microdick off. Just give up and be a gooner like the rest of the world. 99 percent of men are gooners. Don't kill yourself. But if you can't retain, it's okay. Gradually decrease it and be moderate with it. But just don't kill yourself. You will be casted onto hell almost instantly.
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Never give up.
How much time of not ejaculating does it take for your brain/demons to stop tempting you into masturbation? I feel like the first two days are always the hardest, but then the temptations accumulate abd I might fall again.
I feel it's easier if you don't scroll in lustful websites, and I'm not only talking about porn. Social media and 4chan are lustful too, that's why I only use /lit/, /x/, and /vr/.
How much time does it take to be free, bros? Or are you never free and it's something we have to carry until being old?

Currently 3 abd a half days without masturbating

>t. once a day coomer
Yeah maybe, the aura is very clear and motivating. It opens new opportunities. Abstaining from thoughts and watching bad material also helps the aura for the better.

i used to have a theory when i was younger that some people here seem to share that watching images and touching oneself "dirties" a streak, or even making out with a girl and doing handsex "dirties" a streak, but ive noticed something interesting, if you're about to go down that path and tell yourself to stop and do, "something" rewards you with luck, it usually doesn't last long but it's noticiable.

you also still feel better when waking up the next morning, i think people who feel bad after theyve stopped themselves from coming and feel shit the next morning and give in is just a bad mindset to try to trick oneself into giving up.
around 20-30 days ive found is when your brain stops trying to convince you by any means possible to masturbate.
The next phase is the "is my penis still working? ill touch it a little just to be sure" phase, which is much much easier to navigate
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We will make it in the end, anons. If we haven't made it yet, then it isn't the end.
>had sex this weekend and fully retained
>we fucked for 2 hours

Retard, do you know what "precum" is? There is literally 0 chance you had sex for that long and didn't ooze out any precum. Yes you might have not fully ejaculated but you can't say you "fully retained" as you lost precum to a succubus for 2 hours and somehow want to chalk this up as a W for fake internet cred. BTW, there IS a way to generate energy during sex but both people need to know how to do it (both need to know about energy work), it isn't just mindless sex.
was vegan for 6 years. during that time my libido and interest in sex plummeted. retaining wasn't even a challenge for me. i'd fap or try and have sex here and there but it was always an unpleasant and boring experience that I eventually gave up. been eating meat the past two months again and I have my viality back, but most annoyingly my libido has skyrocketed. i can't stop jerking off and i've already gone back to using porn. i fucking hate, but after being deprived of this pleasure for so many years it's hitting me like crack. all those religious groups are right about a vegan diet, it completely strips away your sex energy, the most powerful one you might have. i hate it and love it and i became unfamiliar with it until it met me again and i don't know how to approach it
If you really need to jerk off at least avoid porn
yes I know I should but i've honestly never felt this weak to it before. i mean i still have rules, like trying to wank to tasteful nudes and really soft shit (lol) but I can still feel how fucked up and sad the entire act is. i don't want to be doing it . whatever the case i'm trying my hardest from this moment to fight it and if it gets too much i'll do as you say
I am about to reach a year and it feels like theres lava in my brain and spine , the thought of the degenerate shit I was into last year like wanting to become a passport bro escort mongerer fills me with anger , im not sure how else to channel this energy other than work and gym
Turn off the internet and masturbate until you don't want to anymore
Does cooming and jacking off too much cause some kind of hormonal imbalance? I feel like I become less of a man when I do it too much. I become more emotional, anxious, care more about others' opinions of me.
Edged for like 20 min after seeing a thirst trap. Why am I such an animal
It increases prolactin
Following EasyPeasy I freed myself from porn earlier this year, and I've been wanting to stop masturbation entirely but it seems like I keep giving in after anywhere from a few days to a few weeks. Anyone else been in a similar situation?
It really surprised me to be in this situation I thought after escaping the porn trap things would work themselves out for the most part but it seems there are deeper problems I need to work through before I can overcome cooming.

I'm going to try and implement the parts of these (>>38836336, >>38836344) that I'm not already following over the next few weeks. Wish me luck.
Yes anon I know what you're feeling, although I never used ezpz. During moments of self-hate and moments of fatigue, or moments of not having a goal or anything in particular to do, I return to masturbation.
What finally got you off porn? What was the last straw?
This shit works this shits real this shit will help you be the man you truly wish to be deep down. It's not a one size fits all and it's not a BFG EXCALIBUR that will single handedly do everything for you, but got damn does if ever give you ammo and ammo and more ammo for whatever your weapon of choice is. Good luck to anyone just starting out. It gets much easier as you go I promise.
>It gets much easier as you go I promise.
This is true.
Don't reset. A dirty streak is better than no streak.
It's usually for similar reasons that I give in. I find it odd because my life has generally been less stressful recently (got into a new career and things have been going well), but maybe that means I've fallen into a sort of complacency and need to find other things to occupy my time.

The thing is, I've already noticed a great difference in how I feel after getting away from porn: Less self loathing, more energy and time. I imagine things would be so much better if I could stop masturbating and start retaining, and I really desire it. I just keep stumbling in moments of weakness.
A combination of things contributed to it. For a couple years I'd attempted to and each time I failed it was crushing. I hated that feeling of being hooked again after trying to get away.
I started noticing how I'd lose time, possibly hours on any given time, to the sessions I had, and I really wanted to dedicate that time to more worthy pursuits. It always seemed like I sacrificed time for hobbies and work in service of getting those porn sessions. TH thought of continuing like this the rest of my life was something I really dreaded.
But what pushed me the most to stop was that I started thinking about how my 'tastes' had gotten so weird and degenerate after years upon years of watching the stuff. I knew I was sliding into the depths of depravity and I was afraid of hitting a point I couldn't return from.
4 days streak. This is it, the time has come. I have been feeling guilt since I meet The Lord, but I kept masturbating anyways. No more. I will surpass temptation this time. No more arguments in my head saying finding ways to say that "it's okay", no more thoughtless decisions, no more going to the bathroom with my cellphone to search rule34 of my fetishes or JAVs. I'll be updating day to day.

Pray for me.
Forgot to add name
You're gonna make it. Don't just count the days, make the days count.
"easy" "peasy" "method"
Gods speed anon,also a good app is called nofap you can download it on playstore,it coutns the days and give you little awards to make you feel better:) like you start as a clown then noob then novice and so on
I'd love a version where, instead of becoming "chadder", you become "wizarder"
I failed after 8 months of sr some weeks ago, then I failed yesterday and today. How do I get back on track?
anon a monk can't be an incel
Guys I'm on a long streak right now. I have so much pent up sexual energy i think it's kinda putting people off. Like in a rapey way. When I'm around women for long enough like at work, eventually this tingly feeling rushes over me and I swear i can feel a bead of pre-cum pop out the tip of my johnson. And then I get paranoid that that if I can feel this, then the other person must be feeling it too, energetically. I'm starting to feel like a bit of a freak and i think I'm feeling a different type of shame than I did when I was pmo'ing.

I'm trying to transmute my energy in a healthy way but I think there is some kind of blockage. I have lung problems, often time having to manually breath... I don't think I can raise my energy up past my chest area.
Stop touching your worm, if you do take your arm off of it fast!
Also my pelvis feels like its "hoisted" up... like imagine a marionette puppet being lifted up my strings, that's how my pelvic area feels and I feel like it brings a lot of attention to my pelvis which makes me uncomfortable like im creeping people out. Sex drive is a little too high basically.
Once you break a long streak you should expect a snowball effect. Happens to me every time, i steadily slip into a dark descent after cooming even after a long streak...

Fortunately I've experienced this so many times, i've been able to spot the pattern and autocorrect... This SR stuff is a lot of mental gymnastics anon, shit could hit the fan at any moment. One minute you're productive cleaning the house, the next, you sit down to take a break and next thing you know your hand is in your pants.
the boners be strong as fuck on sr
is there anything more disturbing than when porn enters your dreams? 4 months in, had wet dream last night - no I was not dreaming about having sex. I was dreaming about PMO. So fucking disgusted
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Currently on day 13 and it's like I never knew what having a libido is, I'm like passively uninterested, not that I have a high libido in genreal but yeah.

It's often the case I have a "peak" around 1 to 2 week in, so around day 12, which I call voluptuous energy. But I just feeling it, not even want to rub one out, but it's like I have lost touch with this elusive energy. Well, at least it's better to have lascivious urges.
How to stay on path after wife teases me or gives me a handjob for a few mins? Its not technically a relapse because i didn't CUM and its not my hand? Any advice from Anons in relationships? Shes agreed that I dont have to cum because it does make a huge mess.
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Work that you do on those areas will be amplified if you retain, but I'll try to give you a bit more detail on both.

Retaining improves your brain health and changes it slowly from an addict brain to a normal brain.
Think of an addict (to anything) do they have charisma? no, they evoke pity in place of the positive emotions that you need to charm someone. Also, discipline is extremely sexy to women and respected by guys.
> manifesting
Has two sides - desire and action. The desire part is a clearer channel because you are not clouding your desire with lust. and the action part is easier because retaining helps build discipline which is central to effective action. Also when you desire something that angels can look at and go, yeah the universe will benefit from him achieving that that, then you won't be working alone anymore either (if you don't believe in that there are still all the points above). Hope this helps someone :)
that's good believe it or not, your dreams are your subconscious adapting to your new reality. I've always dreamt about relapsing any addiction that I've quit. There are three types of dreams: future dreams, current state of affairs dreams, and letting go dreams.

Can I use the sexual energy from not fapping to attract sexy succubus?
"the multi orgasmic man" gave me the clearest specific instructions. Went from premature ejaculator to "Celtic Sex God" and every woman thanking me for fucking them so good, for a like 6 woman streak (spread over a few months I am not that slutty) ;)

Guys I get it if you wanna avoid all sexual contact and escape the whole cycle of reincarnation or whatever but while I'm here I'm fucking human women they are S+ tier, maybe even trafficked interplanetary
day 52
>2 hours
What means this ?
>Someone who has a lot of sexual energy can also have a lot of healing energy. Because sexual energy is healing energy at a spiritual level. The best healers have lots of sexual energy.
Am I getting memed on
Why are mornings so hard (literally) i wake up like with huge cravings and rationalizations. Start clean tomorrow, u already slipped up might as well goon! while my cock pulsates. How do I just say no..How do I just stop all this nonsense, I cant get a streak longer then a few days.. I want to get a few weeks down so i can look the day chart and see the sunk cost fallacy.. and not give in, right now I have nothing to keep me from not giving in.. Not enough days, I checked out the girl at the market, I have nothing to keep the current relapse session from continuing and saying Start clean tomorrow, Monk mode.. I know the benefits, but I can't commit.. its like my free will is being fucked up or manipulated
Any SR kino recommendations?
10 days and still don't feel any extra energy. I feel the same as I did when I did masturbate. I have no energy to do fucking anything.
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learn to enjoy that feeling as the energy that it is rather than seeing it as a burden that you want to dissipate. I had PIED so getting morning wood after a few weeks of abstenance made me so happy. You can squander your body's ability to heal itself or you can see how amazing you can get if you don't slip, it's outcome vs. process oriented mindset as well. All the best people at anything have a process mindset because that allows you to get to places you would not have even imagined were possible. If you have an outcome oriented mindset you will relax once you hit your goal and then it's downhill from there unless you expend a lot of mental energy to make new goal, or you slide so far that you are miserable enough to start the process again. And like I say with "high level" stuff, you have no idea what the gods have in store for you if you keep climbing. So yeah change your relationship to that energy it is a blessing.
Well, maybe I'm a volcel.
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That is pretty normal but absolutely sounds like there is a blockage I would recommend yoga and breathing exercises. The energy is "used to" coming (hehe) out of the penis, the trick he teaches in multi orgasmic man is to sit/stand with straight posture, slightly tuck your chin/bow your head and then as you breathe in (or out I actually cant remember both seem to work), picture sucking the energy from your balls up into your brain like your spine is a straw. It won't take long til you feel tingling in your head and you want to get that energy going down the front of you to not build up too much in the head. Don't focus on the blockage, it will go with time and practice.
As long as you don't rape women, it shouldn't be a problem.
How do I convince my girlfriend to not tease me when Im doing semen retention?

I moved to another city for work. And we see and have sex monthly. But she Is sending nudes and teasing me in video calls. She is giving me urges for attention. Ive been trying to tell her that I try to save my semen and energy untill our meets and dont want to get bothered by it. Because the teasing gives me urges for the rest of the day.
Edging and gooning effect? It's like coffee you get a ton of energy. It also makes you last longer in bed.
So edging is ok as long as it is in a pussy
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Just got back from a ban. Earlier this month or was it last month, pretty long ban, succubus came back. I actually physically held her hand, though it may not have been real in a sense that pertains to this world, but I was very astonished by what they can make us experience. Feels so fucking real. Discovered her true form and that she can pretty much assume any shape, so then I contemplated for a few hours what my soul worth is, anyway I declined. Feels good to be back. Year just keeps getting weirder for me
After quitting porn I used to start staring at women in the eyes while talking to them, same time jizzing in my pants. But I was well dressed and hygienic. I never felt creepy because of it. Its not sexual harrasment to get horny, just dont come out as agressive or creepy in other ways

Talk to her about the benefits and your goals. She might feel intimitated because of your jorney. She might see it as a war against her. Make sure to her that it isnt!
Day 5 streak
Today I pissed (sitting in my toilet) and when I was cleaning my penis with a square of toilet paper something came out of it. It was like a small yellow booger, or a slime. It was very small too, it was smaller than the tip of my fingers.
Are there benefits to semen retention when having marital relations?
If so are there any guides on how to do this?
you might have other issues.
Possibly a small kidney stone? I have oddly seen a few posts online claiming that long term retention works to clean out your organs and posts from people saying they started pissing out small kidney stones as the SR began detoxifying their organs, but this is on super long streaks

Today is day 16 for me, which is my longest streak so far, I’m gonna do a month hopefully
Forgot to include, so far my most noticable benefit, apart from slightly increased energy and mood (although this is probably not as pronounced as it should be, as I’ve been getting less sun and excercise than I should be, I’m going to start doing daily walks, starting today) is that my ballsack looks a bit bigger than normal, and there’s a smooth feeling to the skin, as well as a noticable lack of the musky body odour I normally have down there, anyone else experience this? I’m curious if anyone knows what is causing it
>This meme makes no sense. If everyday you fail than what's the point of trying again of you're just going to fail?
1. Most of these guys are masochists, they just want to keep "the game" going
2. These guys are all copers, they have the mindset that so long as they "keep trying" that has meaning and "reflects well on their character", so they get to keep patting themselves on the back for accomplishing nothing. The easiest way to feel proud and accomplished, is to set the standard really low so that you always get a bare minimum pass no matter what lol.

Can you guys just admit that you are masochists and this is all just some elaborate "sexual repression" fetish, because this makes no sense logically. There is really no benefit here. That bitch you fucked likely fucked some other guy within the same week and he busted on her face, and then she laughed and talked to him about some weirdo she fucked recently lol.

You just sound insane. If you aren't footing the bill I'll just call you crazy, but knowing the odds, you likely paid for a date, bought drinks, food, etc. So you paid to fuck her, make her orgasm (that's me giving you the benefit of the doubt), and you didn't get yours at the end of the deal. It was 100% benefit for her lol

What you did is the logical equivalent of walking into a restaurant, going into the kitchen, helping the chef cook, fixing yourself a plate, putting some food in your mouth and swishing it around so that you get a taste and begin to salivate, and then you spit the food out, enduring the hunger, and never swallowing. Then you run online to boast about how much self control you have and how much of "a real man" you feel like, when you just look like a real mental case, and real easy to take advantage of by women.

This is peak mental gymnastics. They're going to document this shit in the history books under mental illness one day. Like "body dysphoria", this semen retention garbage is like a form of "sex dysphoria"
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I have lost my way.
>on stims for my adhd
>most promising start of streak in years. The ego boost from retaining finally surpasses my need to indulge, or so I thought
>start bulking
>gym gains are insane, I can feel my muscles increasing in size after every session
>periods of delusions of grandeur become a daily occurence. I'm obsessed with every minute detail of my routine and lifting program, spending days spinning in circles trying to optimize everything
>all the while, my school productivity remains a steady ZERO
>all this time, my stims have been putting me in a fight or flight state. My anxiety is through the roof. Wrath has taken the wheel of my life. Violent thoughts towards others when I think they wrong me
>the thought that I'm actually gaining clarity and that my anger is therefore justified prevents me from calming down
>the anxiety gets the better of me, I relapse
>started gooning once a week

Now emptying my semen completely every day as a stress response towards my incompleted tasks. Once the minuscule amount of sperm is released (which takes me a few seconds at most), I put off the porn, stiffen my entire body until I shake, stare into nothingness and spin my thumb in circles around my frenulum and orgasm on repeat while my flaccid penis ozzes prostatic fluid. My prostate is in pain and I have forgotten what it's like to feel anything but fear.

My appointment to try new meds is in two weeks. I'm considering either Strattera or Vyvance (currently on 16h methylphenidate). I have many exams coming up before that. If nothing works, I will kill myself.
As my experience with SR over many months, it seems to be that body odor either disappears entirely or gets more pleasant-smelling. At the same time, the shaft veins start to become more pronounced and bulge, and the testicles start to enlargen slightly and stay that way. Overall, I think that excessive cooming literally makes the penis unhealthier by shrinking and becoming sickly-looking.
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My self obsession and inadequacy also destroy my faith that I will ever be of worth towards anyone. How can I make acts of love and help my neighbor when I can't even save myself?
Sexual asceticism has been practiced for thousands of years in spiritual practices all over the world retard
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You are telling on yourself. We dont care for "logical arguments", our truth is based on experience. I coom, i feel bad. I dont coom, i feel good. That simple.
You feel good fucking your hand? Great. Keep doing that.
Ask yourself why you come here (and you come here a LOT), and you'll find a lot of answers to ur current crisis. Good luck.
>Sexual asceticism has been practiced for thousands of years in spiritual practices all over the world retard
1. Yes, and all over the world there were probably retards in the far past that thought lightning striking was the wrath of some God, yet someone like you born in this modern era would ironically call that silly because of what you were thought in school right?

Do you see the irony and do you get the point retard?

2. Also, you guys aren't practicing the real asceticism, just a bastardized half assed version of it. Aren't you supposed to be "cultivating qi" or some shit. Right now you guys are just starving yourself sexually for no reason. Without the legit techniques which are passed through a lineage from master to student (which you guys will never learn), you are just a bunch of fools playing a masochist "self cuckoldry" game with no tangible benefit. It's like just psychological ego driven nonsense, no real benefit at all.

>I coom, i feel bad. I dont coom, i feel good. That simple.
Yes, that simple, and it's psychological, I don't disagree this is how y'all mind works, I've often said this, and that the entire movement revolves around male internalized shame for not getting your orgasm "the masculine way", this is why you guys have this ridiculous special exception of "having sex doesn't count" when it literally means you aren't retaining if you ejaculate during sex.

You feeling bad is a self fulfilling prophecy, it's a self caused problem based on how you choose to view your own sexuality.

>and you come here a LOT
Once every few weeks is a lot?

>Ask yourself why you come here
I don't like illogical things, it's my pet peeve.
>I don't like illogical things, it's my pet peeve.
You don't like illogical things, so you enter and discuss in a illogical thread? Nonsense. Your reasoning is illogical itself.
I forgot to mention that I just got Covid and that I shat blood mere minutes ago. Ok, enough self pity for today.
>so you enter and discuss in a illogical thread?
Some people can be saved. I used to be a Christian, if it wasn't for the Atheists I argued with online I wouldn't be Agnostic. I turned a few Atheists into Agnostics too. Debate and critique forces people to recognize flaws in their own thinking, and to change and grow.

Everyone here isn't some mindless drone like yourself with a cult member mindset who will blindly cling to a belief no matter what. There will be atleast one person who reads my posts and learns to think for themselves. Just like I was that one Christian who was convinced by those many Atheists to question the logic of religious doctrine, just like convinced some of them to question atheistic doctrine.
can anyone please help, im bout to say fuck it and go coom.
slap your balls really hard
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hexis through praxis
how will that give me energy?
it will hurt and you wont think about cooming
my point is after 10 days i've not seen any difference.
i've been told "redirect the extra energy to something productive" I haven't had any extra energy to do that with....
i probably cant help you with that, i just want to stop cooming 24/7, i felt more energy in the first few days but now im on day 7 and im feeling less energetic, but i dont really care i just want to stop myself from tugging on my dick all day long
i wanna do something productive with my life, but I have no fucking energy for any of it and I am trying to talk to my shadowself, but my shadowself doesn't wanna talk to me at all even though i'm listening. I think I am just fucked.
Try getting some time management system
I don't work so I have all the free time I need. The whole point of trying to talk to my shadow self was to figure out what to do with my life because I have no fucking clue what to do.
i kinda already accepted the black pill and that its over for me, i dont know what i want to do either
Why are you assuming that I'm a christian? Semen retention can also be achieved through philosophy.
i'm bout to accept it as well since my fucking shadow self doesn't wanna talk to me, It just yells at me whenever I listen. This morning it played music in my ear that I couldn't recognize. The day before it told me it was the devil and then walked into the bathroom where it wouldn't talk to me in my lucid dream, also it played the form of my mother with 1 eye. I don't know what to do at this point.
>Yes, that simple, and it's psychological, I don't disagree this is how y'all mind works, I've often said this, and that the entire movement revolves around male internalized shame for not getting your orgasm "the masculine way", this is why you guys have this ridiculous special exception of "having sex doesn't count" when it literally means you aren't retaining if you ejaculate during sex.
Again, I dont believe its psychological. I specifically notice an uptick in vital energy when i do energy work, i require less sleep, and this is also backed up by spiritual literature.
>Once every few weeks is a lot?
Dont lie to yourself. You spend more time than that. But think. You spend all this time, dedicated to getting people to masturbate. Why?
>I don't like illogical things, it's my pet peeve.
/x/ must drive you insane then.
i have honestly no idea what the fuck you are talking about
i think you may be schizo
>he doesn't know about talking to your shadowself
its def a form of schizophrenia but its not telling you to kill yourself or to be careful of a nigger outside.
youd be surprised how little i know about anything
look up carl jung shadow work
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>You spend all this time, dedicated to getting people to masturbate. Why?

Because it's scientifically proven to be good for you. The "evidence" you are providing against fapping is just your feeling of thinking it's good because you're experiencing a placebo effect
interesting, i have no idea what im reading but i wish you well
Notice how you completely ignored my point, and went right to "le science". That's the difference, you defer your thinking to the "authorities", we here think for ourselves, and let our own experience guide us through life.
You simply cannot fathom it. You are too left brained in your thinking. You waste ur time here and u cannot even see that ur a lolcow
>you get positive effects but they're fake because... They just are ok!!!!
>look at this screenshot of a random blog as proof
You can tell he always jumps on here after gooning to some particularly shameful pornography and feels the need to drag others down to his hell
>Why are you assuming that I'm a christian?
I think you are misreading, my post had nothing to do with you being Christian, it was just an example as to what arguing illogical concepts preached in illogical places makes sense, because that's where the illogical people are and that's where you can change minds, and if some atheists didn't do that with me I'd still be an ignorant mindless drone. That was my point (if that wasn't obvious).

>I specifically notice an uptick in vital energy when i do energy work
That is not quantifiable nor have you measured it. That's literally a psychological response lol. It's a placebo. Your mind can make you feel a lot of things if you want it to and/or your beliefs are strong enough.

>backed up by spiritual literature
That's no backed up, that's untestable and unverifiable shit. Are you even listening to yourself?

The more you talk, the more you prove add to the reasoning that it's psychological.

>You spend more time than that
I really don't, but clearly there are some people who think as I do that also post

>getting people to masturbate
That's not the point, just as atheists aren't trying to "get people to sin".

>/x/ must drive you insane then
Some of the retarded generals are indeed frustrating lol. Honestly I think LoA General is more delusional than you guys, they are at the peak levels of delusion, I think in some ways they are more delusional than Tulpa General and Succubus General, because there's a guy in the thread that said he "manifested" bread in the grocery aisle and he was not troll posting, all the other regulars went along with it and treated it like it was a legit post. I am still dumbfounded by the levels of delusion I've seen in that General. You guys couldn't compete with them even if you wanted to lol

That guy wasn't me btw.
Hey, atleast add a "NTA" (Not That Anon) to your post to avoid confusion, you'll have everyone thinking you're me lol
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Wow, an honest-to-goodness Jew trying to trick anons into masturbating online.
A reminder to any anons in their journey of SR and self-control, there exist people who are bitter at your success and will attempt to make you suffer because they themselves suffer and feel envious. They will drag you into the Hell that dominates their every waking hour, much like this Jew is trying to do.
>That is not quantifiable nor have you measured it. That's literally a psychological response lol. It's a placebo. Your mind can make you feel a lot of things if you want it to and/or your beliefs are strong enough.
My entire point is that this left brained "muh logick" stuff is overrated and not applicable to us here, and you still double down on it. Again, you defer your thinking to others, to authorities, you dont look within and self reflect, you dont believe all knowledge is within, you reject our basic axioms, therefore there is no point in arguing. Because the way you reject our axioms, we reject yours, but you somehow believe that urs is actually authoritative and objective in nature, when no such things exist. The scientific method is just that, a method.

>That's no backed up, that's untestable and unverifiable shit. Are you even listening to yourself?
Wrong. I've proven it to myself through repeatability, ive done this multiple times, and noticed energetic phenomena that confirms my beliefs through the practise of pranic healing and the Three Transformations.
>uhmm that guy wasn't me btw.. hey anon you got everyone thinking i was you hahaha LOL!!
KEK. Our enemies cannot help themselves
Samefag detected. You made it too obvious. Why the hell would someone go out of their way to change an image into a name with hebrew characters, to then respond in english? lol.

You set up your own "evil jew" strawman to argue against lmao.

The fact that there are guys in this thread creating fake propaganda to prop up this weird belief system is kinda crazy.

>not applicable to us here
Logic is applicable to everyone. A transgender can be delusional and claim they are a woman all they want. When they go to the doctor they will have to let the doctor know their sex so that they can be prescribed the right medication or the right dosage, because those things differ with sex and getting the wrong shit can fuck up your health and kill you.

To simplify, you can come here to the public and lie to yourself, but there are aspect of your life that are going to force you to admit the truth. You can enjoy your show and tell while posting here, but you have to get back to real life at various instances throughout the week or month, and none of the copes you post here will change reality, because logic (the truth) applies to you whether you accept it or not. The truth does not require your permission lol.

>you dont look within and self reflect
You literally won't masturbate because of internalized shame because society told you to feel ashamed for masturbating lol. You're the one that can't think for yourself. Your depression from masturbating is a placebo (nocebo to be more accurate).

>I've proven it to myself through repeatability
Sure.... sure.

Yeah, and I went out of my way to screenshot and image and translate a word into hebrew to rename the image into that.

>Our enemies cannot help themselves
You don't have any enemies except yourself and your own mental health.
Maybe get checked for sleep apnea, I used to feel like this all the time and CPAP changed my life, it's a lot more common than people realize too
>Logic is applicable to everyone.
This doesnt mean anything
>To simplify, you can come here to the public and lie to yourself, but there are aspect of your life that are going to force you to admit the truth. You can enjoy your show and tell while posting here, but you have to get back to real life at various instances throughout the week or month, and none of the copes you post here will change reality, because logic (the truth) applies to you whether you accept it or not. The truth does not require your permission lol.
Please do share what aspect of life is gonna force me to "admit the truth" because i choose not to masturbate.
This is not the public either. I suggest you self reflect; why is it that YOU regularly come here and argue? What truth are you hiding from?
>You literally won't masturbate because of internalized shame because society told you to feel ashamed for masturbating lol. You're the one that can't think for yourself. Your depression from masturbating is a placebo (nocebo to be more accurate).
I never said i had depression, i never said i had shame either. I ran an experiment, my body being the lab, and all you have to say i response is
>Sure.... sure.
You simply cannot begin to grasp the way we think.
All you can do is ignore the essence of my point, and cherry pick
>Again, you defer your thinking to others, to authorities, you dont look within and self reflect, you dont believe all knowledge is within, you reject our basic axioms, therefore there is no point in arguing. Because the way you reject our axioms, we reject yours, but you somehow believe that urs is actually authoritative and objective in nature, when no such things exist. The scientific method is just that, a method.

No argument. You lose.
>logic (the truth)
Also, missed this absolute gold kek. gg ez
Are you jewish?
i just dont have any ambitions in life and i hate myself, i dont see how sleep apnea would relate to this. did you reply to the wrong guy?
>Please do share what aspect of life is gonna force me to "admit the truth" because i choose not to masturbate.
Based on what I've read here, your beliefs are one of or many of the examples listed below:
- Not ejaculating gives you some kind of special magic powers
- Not ejaculating gives you some kind of supernatural "attraction power" that draws women to you
- Not ejaculating gives you some kind of "energy boost" and energy levels you wouldn't have if you ejaculated

The aspects of life that are going to disprove those ridiculous and unproven beliefs, is when you go out everyday and interact with your male peers, who ejaculate as often as they want and have the same energy levels as you if not more, get the same amount of sexual access as you do if not more, etc.

You are coping. The large majority of men that "perform" as well as you in all "metrics" of life, and the large majority of men that out perform you in those metrics, are all ejaculating when they want, and they do not practice semen retention.

So at best you can argue that you are an inferior defective male that has to deprive himself of sexual pleasure in order to be on par with the average man (your beliefs are true).

Or at worst you are a delusional and mentally ill idiot (your beliefs are false).

Neither outcome is good, but the last one is still better than the first one.

>I ran an experiment
Saying - "I FEEL more energy" is not an experiment. Even drug trials run placebo tests, they have to screen for mental biases because the mind can play tricks on you. You clearly haven't done that.

>You simply cannot begin to grasp the way we think.
Lmao, you are crazy, you aren't doing high level thinking. Anyone can grasp how you guys think, you guys are stupid.
>Again, you defer your thinking to others, to authorities, you dont look within and self reflect, you dont believe all knowledge is within, you reject our basic axioms, therefore there is no point in arguing. Because the way you reject our axioms, we reject yours, but you somehow believe that urs is actually authoritative and objective in nature, when no such things exist. The scientific method is just that, a method.
Like I said. You have no argument.
>Like I said. You have no argument.
I haven an argument, and it's simple too:

Why is the other 99% of the male population that doesn't practice semen retention performing as well as you in life and even out performing you?

It doesn't require a complicated or long argument to easily show how delusional you guys are lol.
>Why is the other 99% of the male population that doesn't practice semen retention performing as well as you in life and even out performing you?
You know literally nothing about me dude. This is not an argument. Your pilpul is boring now.

Notice, for the third time, you've ignored the essence of my point. Last chance.
>You know literally nothing about me dude.
And yet I know you likely have 10 toes and 10 fingers. I know odds and stats, that's all I need to know. This isn't about you personally, but the general population. Everybody has their own anecdotal experience and anecdotes don't count for anything.

>This is not an argument.
It is, stats matter. If semen retention really worked, there should be a ton of men online (billions) complaining about excessively low energy levels from all the ejaculating they do. So at best you can argue you guys are exaggerating and they don't consider the energy loss as much.

>you've ignored the essence of my point
It's up to you to state the "essence" because I can't see it. Could you stop pretending for a second that you aren't delusional as if what you mean should be obvious. The ramblings of the insane will never be obvious to the sane, have some self awareness.
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>It is, stats matter. If semen retention really worked, there should be a ton of men online (billions) complaining about excessively low energy levels from all the ejaculating they do. So at best you can argue you guys are exaggerating and they don't consider the energy loss as much.
More pilpul, you just cant help yourself
>It's up to you to state the "essence" because I can't see it. Could you stop pretending for a second that you aren't delusional as if what you mean should be obvious. The ramblings of the insane will never be obvious to the sane, have some self awareness.
You are on /x/ calling people crazy for believing in spiritual stuff. Your entire gotcha is trying to force your rationalist beliefs onto us and hoping people miss it. When I did call you out for it, you got mad, called me a delusional idiot etc etc.
braked my almost 5 month streak week ago. i'm in endless doom. fuck my incel life for real.
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All those words just to kvetch about how people keep pointing out certain patterns and nooticing. Honestly, Jews wouldn't nearly be as maligned as they are if you people just didn't act as neurotic and holier-than-thou despite being far more debauched than the people you are criticizing.
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fpbp, based questioner. In all seriousness, he probably is and just running a shill demoralization campaign (he's probably doing it for free too) and feels the need to over explain because Jews are high IQ but self-destructively neurotic. Just ignore him
>You are on /x/ calling people crazy for believing in spiritual stuff
Simply not masturbating is not spiritual. So no, I am on X calling specifically you guys crazy for deluding yourself into believing that simply not ejaculating is spiritual and gives you supernatural abilities, when most men that bust nuts when they want have better lives than the posters here and have overall better lives. That's what I'm doing.

>Your entire gotcha is trying to force your rationalist beliefs onto us
Doesn't matter whether you accept the beliefs, just like it doesn't matter if a "trans-woman" accepts he's a man. Facts are facts, reality is reality. You are still at the mercy of reality whether you accept it or not. Just like most men that do ejaculate are still doing just as good or better than you in life, so your efforts are wasted.

You are putting in 200% tier effort to get 100% tier results, that's bad deal whether you accept it or not.

>fuck my incel life for real
I think if a guy is married or dating, and can actively and consistently get sex from women, it makes perfect sense for him to quit porn and save his energy for his partner so that he doesn't disappoint them and leave them unsatisfied.

But it makes no sense for someone who can't even get sex to deprive themselves of their only sexual outlet lol. That will never make sense to me, and that's most of the guys posting here.

If Semen Retention was just a bunch of guys who already get laid, and the main argument was that you shouldn't masturbate so that you can satisfy your partner, I'd never have shown up here to argue lol.

But what Semen Retention is right now is retarded. It's mostly losers who can't get laid, denying themselves their only sexual outlet, with the cope that it will magically lead to them getting laid.

I don't masturbate to porn.....

Honestly posting these images are kinda pointless because that's gonna be you when you "relapse" for the 999th time.
>Jews are high IQ
I'm not jewish but I'll take the compliment. You are also kinda admitting that they guys here are low IQ, which is exactly my point.
I am going to die
Yeah, the pilpul is just second nature to him. Fallacies and flawed logic hidden under the rationalist self superiority complex, its incredible and so transparent. Will do from now on.
>But it makes no sense for someone who can't even get sex
>It's mostly losers who can't get laid, denying themselves their only sexual outlet
it's make even worse if you watching porn or masturbate so fuck off. i've seen this retarded rhetoric many time here.
Very logical of you to keep losing time here, posting nonsense. This is a community of people that found joy in the cease of masturbation and degeneration that isolation can bring. Fuck off.
>But it makes no sense for someone who can't even get sex to deprive themselves of their only sexual outlet lol. That will never make sense to me, and that's most of the guys posting here.
SR is the outlet you retard, transmutation is a big part of it. Have you done it yourself? This is what you keep missing, and when confronted with, you ignore. We take our spiritual realities and experiences more seriously than your pilpul. Sorry jewboy.
While a man can despair at his own circumstances, that doesn't mean he should give up. When you fall down, pick yourself up, you have friends and family counting on and wishing for your success. Even anons online want you to succeed. Never give up, and even if you may be an truecel who never feels the touch of a woman, life can still be beautiful in other ways.
There exists a place between high IQ and low IQ called "average IQ", which, by definition, most people fall in around. I would still say the average /x/ user is either an 80 IQ retard or a 120 IQ schizo savant. Also, let's not kid ourselves here, you're either a Jew by blood or by your beliefs if you're not Ashkenazi.
>it's make even worse if you watching porn or masturbate so fuck off
How and why?

I know when I'm horny I'm angry, irritable, etc. Same thing when I'm hungry lol. If your life is already garbage, how will denying yourself one of your core biological cravings (sexual pleasure) going to make your life better?

I think it will only get worse, and you'll slowly descend into worse and worse mental health over the years. Much worse than that, the sexual frustration will cause you to "passively" lower your standards (without you even knowing, hence passively) and one day when you start dating you'll be settling for women far beneath you that wouldn't have given a chance to years ago, but because your mind and body is sex starved and desperate they seem like "a good catch" to you now. You won't even have the self awareness to recognize how low your standards are in that mental state.

You are setting yourself up to be someone who is willing to settle for less, that's dangerous. Then you'll be delusionally posting online years later about how Semen Retention led to you finding a "great wife" and she's gonna be some used up 4/10 whore with a 20+ body count.

That's the future for most of you semen retention guys, your desperately low standards are inevitable because you are starving yourselves of both physical and mental sexual satisfaction. You'll be grateful to lick the scraps off of the whatever plate the dating scene throws at you.

>Have you done it yourself?
Not purposefully. Only just "noticed" one day that 3 days had past without me masturbating once, and decided to continue it till day 30 (this was when I heard about NoFap years ago). Experienced no changes in energy, no benefits, no nothing, felt normal just like when I was masturbating. I'm telling you it was just a placebo, and placebos doesn't really work on self aware logical people.
>Not purposefully. Only just "noticed" one day that 3 days had past without me masturbating once, and decided to continue it till day 30 (this was when I heard about NoFap years ago). Experienced no changes in energy, no benefits, no nothing, felt normal just like when I was masturbating. I'm telling you it was just a placebo, and placebos doesn't really work on self aware logical people.
Your chutzpah is very annoying. But lets put that aside. 30 days, for starters, is nothing. Not to mention that you will not notice any energetic changes if you dont know what you're looking for in the first place. In other words, your rationalist thinking prevents you from experiencing the reality of your energetic body and attributes it to random physiological signals.
>I would still say the average /x/ user is either an 80 IQ retard
You are kinda making my case for me, and no, I am not a jew nor do I have jewish beliefs. I have simple common sense beliefs.

>SR is the outlet you retard
Retard, how is something that forces you to RETAIN and OUTLET? lol. It's literally the opposite of an outlet lol.

It's so ironic that you use the word "outlet" for something like this, knowing the definition of the word lol.

Your practice that dictates that you SUPPRESS your sexual urges is an OUTLET???????

>transmutation is a big part of it
None of you have access to the teachers who even have the knowledge to teach you this (assuming it is even real), which is why again - The average man that doesn't practice semen retention performs as well as you do in life or better. Just look at all the men around you, co-workers, family members, etc. All your delusions collapse in the face of simple observation of real life people around you.

>you will not notice any energetic changes if you dont know what you're looking for in the first place
This is called moving the goal post lol. Feeling like you have more energy should be easy to notice, there is nothing to "look for", it's something quite apparent. A lot of you guys are exaggerating if we go with what you're saying here, because that means the energy boost is negligible and wouldn't be noticed unless you pay very specific attention to something.

So which is it?

Is the energy boost significant and that's why it's worth it?

Or is the energy boost so negligible that the average person wouldn't even notice it in 30 days?

Think carefully now, you can't have it both ways lol.

>your rationalist thinking prevents you from experiencing the reality of your energetic body
You're right, let me try 3000 days, I'm sure I'll be able to shoot lightning from my hand at that point.
I've posted enough in this thread, I'm leaving now, back to the regularly scheduled coping and self delusion.
thanks, anon. but i'm just screaming in the void here
>who never feels the touch of a woman
hugged a girl two months ago, she didn't want to meet me again last time i've asked her out, didn't text her since.
are you same retard who post here all the time same shit? why are you doing this?
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>Your practice that dictates that you SUPPRESS your sexual urges is an OUTLET???????
pilpul fallacy
you seem to be self destructing there
calm down
>None of you have access to the teachers who even have the knowledge to teach you this (assuming it is even real), which is why again - The average man that doesn't practice semen retention performs as well as you do in life or better. Just look at all the men around you, co-workers, family members, etc. All your delusions collapse in the face of simple observation of real life people around you.
Kek. It's practically pathological for you. You always need someone else to defer your thinking to, another authority, you cant conceive of just... doing it yourself. You have a deeply freudian infantile mentality. Of course, the neurotic attachment of jewboys to its mother is rather legendary

masturbating to you is an extension of this.
>This is called moving the goal post lol. Feeling like you have more energy should be easy to notice, there is nothing to "look for", it's something quite apparent. A lot of you guys are exaggerating if we go with what you're saying here, because that means the energy boost is negligible and wouldn't be noticed unless you pay very specific attention to something.

As I said. You attribute energetic changes to simple physiological changes. No one said you'd be able to shoot fireballs. Perhaps that infantile mentality of yours that we've now diagnosed, made you think life is easy. It's not. Sorry kid. Time to leave ur mothers womb now.
>Sorry kid. Time to leave ur mothers womb now.
I really hope for your sake this is some kind of ironic troll post.....
Why did that resonate with you?
>goes on semen retention thread
>spew nonsense about how jerking off is good
>"i really hope you are trolling"
please if you wanna coom then do it but why did you specifically seek out this thread to write 200 page essays justifying it
>Why did that resonate with you?
No, it showed an extreme lack of self awareness to characterize another person as childish, when all the adults in real life are having sex and not suppressing themselves, and you believe that not ejaculating is supernatural and gives you abilities.

I thought atleast even this would be obvious to you.....

TLDR - Before you call someone else a kid, ask yourself what all the adults doing, and if you actions or their actions match it.

>spew nonsense about how jerking off is good
Never did that, simply stating that no jerking off doesn't give you any magic benefits and all the other men (majority) that do jerk off have lives on par with you or better (so your efforts are wasted). That was my main point.

>why did you specifically seek
The same way someone decided to come to a paranormal forum to post about something that clearly isn't paranormal....

The same way Christians go to occult threads to preach.

Are you afraid to have your beliefs challenged?

Well, I really have posted enough, should have left already honestly. Good bye.
>No, it showed an extreme lack of self awareness to characterize another person as childish, when all the adults in real life are having sex and not suppressing themselves, and you believe that not ejaculating is supernatural and gives you abilities.
If you have a loving partner, then by all means go and have sex with them. You look very silly assuming my beliefs on sex.

And again, your basis of whether you should do something is... what is everyone else doing? Kek. So pathetic. You're telling on yourself. So now i have the answer to why it resonated with u
>hugged a girl two months ago
You should be texting her. Who knows, a good woman is hard to find these days but if you do, you won the lottery.
gemmy OC
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>your basis of whether you should do something is... what is everyone else doing?
No, your reading and comprehension skills are just poor. The basis of doing something is it's effectiveness, and if everyone can perform as well as you or better without doing it, then it isn't effective.

Are you legit stupid or just pretending as some kind of "indirect troll", because you are starting to remind me of pic related. It's like this weird eerie feeling where it's like you are literally incapable of comprehending because your IQ is too low to process things.

>You're telling on yourself.
It's kinda sad that you don't get basic logic. You using "kid" as an insult is you accepting a collective belief. Unless you are now going to go full retard and argue that you were using a completely personal definition of "kid" and using it as an insult in a completely personal and non "group think" way.
>You should be texting her
it's just painful for me then she ignoring me for week or more
>No, your reading and comprehension skills are just poor. The basis of doing something is it's effectiveness, and if everyone can perform as well as you or better without doing it, then it isn't effective.
Your words.
>when all the adults in real life are having sex and not suppressing themselves

>Are you legit stupid or just pretending as some kind of "indirect troll", because you are starting to remind me of pic related. It's like this weird eerie feeling where it's like you are literally incapable of comprehending because your IQ is too low to process things.
This from the guy who thinks
>You using "kid" as an insult is you accepting a collective belief
Is actually "logical". Again jewboy, stop with the pilpul. What's wrong with you? You dont get to say "its logic" then spew out absolute bullshit and expect people to go along with it.
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Every damn general on this website devolves into purposeless arguing. You guys are hurting your own credibility and preventing newcomers from getting the help they need.
The jewboy stuck deep in its overbearing mothers womb im arguing with is a regular here who spews pilpul to get men to masturbate all the time. Whether i argue or not makes no difference, shilling here is part of its routine, may as well wound his little ego in the process.
>You guys are hurting your own credibility and preventing newcomers from getting the help they need.
Semen Retention has no credibility and it never will. It also does not objectively help anyone. If only 1% of the population thinks they need to engage in a niche practice to cope with life, that doesn't make that thing helpful, that makes the people who think they need it defective and/or misguided.

>may as well wound his little ego in the process
Now you know you gotta be coping lol. My ego is not invested in this, especially not when the opposing side amounts to - "You're a Jew".
thats the point. its not about trying to convince anyone that fapping is good, its to shit up these threads and to get people to argue so that the first impression of newcomers will be that we are retards and say "fuck that im out"
the CIA and the jews want us fapping and they know what they are doing, its way deeper than what you think. its a whole psyop
>Very few do it therefore its wrong!
>I am very logical!
Your ego is very invested in this. Which is why you're regularly here. Cope with it how you want.
Let me give you a guide on the first steps to crawling out your mothers womb.
When you say
>I've posted enough in this thread, I'm leaving now, back to the regularly scheduled coping and self delusion.
>Well, I really have posted enough, should have left already honestly. Good bye.
Actually stick to your words, little boy. Be a man of your word. These dramatic exits are ultimately undercut by the fact that you have no honour and integrity in your blood.
Thank you for the encouraging words... I'll keep on going
Their first impression will be the post nut clarity that came with cooming. At this point, if they dont have a desire to no longer be a coomer, then they will most likely never will. This will never be a mainstream movement, the world is too materialist for it
>Which is why you're regularly here.
I think you are confusing me with another poster. I jump into here sporadically, like once every 2 weeks or so.

>Be a man of your word
I didn't make you any promises, and you could just stop responding to me lol. But so long as it's entertaining I won't feel like leaving yet.

>Actually stick to your words, little boy
Please don't be delusional and speak as if you are upholding some standard of masculinity when you are some loser that can't get laid. Atleast try to be self aware. Nobody who is attractive to women even finds themselves engaging in this practice, because they'd be getting too many offers from women for this to even make sense to bother trying.
you write like a autist who has failed in life. atleast you have porn, right?

The only power you feel in your life is feeling smart when arguing with strangers online. You try to pick the easy ones. Get a real job
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>approaching 90 days
>struggle seems finally over
>girl I used to sleep with over an year ago starts texting me insistently
I'm will not fail this time.
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>no urges in days if not weeks
Gosh you’re dumb.
Anyone practicing SR should always have some form of meditation/energy work to accompany their practice. Months of SR without anything to put that subtle reproduction energy towards and then you type about a relapse makes my head hurt. You wasted those months not masturbating by not doing meditation/energy work when it would help remove those rampant desires and help you maintain control.
Managed to kick nicotine (thank you, Zyn), almost past my first week of nofap. I want to get married and start a family, I can't jerk off to anime girls.
Am I the only that notices the succubus and dreams showing up on day 5 and 7 and then nothing after or before.

Also I don't see many mentions of the semen leakage that happens on the toilet after day 7.

(More precisely if I had a previous streak of 7 day on the next streak the leakage happens at day 5 instead.)

I know the A-rabs have a specific name for that leakage I don't remember it.

I manage it well and am able to just gently kegel it back in but I'm wondering if it goes away after a while. What's you guy's experience with that?

I never got past 2 weeks but when I did get to 2 weeks it's honestly been the best week of the last 2 years.

I started showering every day, using soap instead of just standing in the shower aimlessly in my thoughts. Started brushing my teeth every day, which I hadn't done at all in the last 15 years. Even stopped doordashing for that second week and entirely ate food I got at the supermarket.

Heck on another 1 week streak on day 9 I took an appointment with a financial advisor which I had never done and finally built up a savings plan and got on a life insurance policy (My mom really wanted that, I did it for her so she could have peace of mind)

I even got an appointment to get new glasses which I had been putting off for so many years, I had a pair of glasses that had at this point lasted me 13 years.

I also started exercising too and bought a weightset on amazon. I found that as soon as my streak was broken all of this suddenly stop. It's been a big awakening for me. What's scarier is that despite all l these benefits, somehow I feel compelled to give in the my urges and ever since it's been really hard to get back up there. I'm on day 5 right now.

I noticed an absolute unwillingness to exercise the first 5 days after a relapse. I love exercising after that, it's sexual I get to displace that energy with exercise but I also find it hard to not give in to my urges because of how turned on I am after the exercise.
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>the redditor adds white space to his post to make it look bigger
Sue me. it's a bad habit from work as a tech support. I need to add these spaces when writing my tickets or else people just don't read anything that's more than one run-on sentence long. After doing that for years it just became a habit.
that's a weird way to call yourself sue..
Bruh I just wish I had a girl to cuddle with
>enter /x
>ctrl + f "srg"
>enter thread
>go through thread quickly with a trained eye to filter out nonsense
>click only benefitial and informational images to not miss out on anything new
>only enter interesting and legit links
>skip over countless retard babble, stupid kindergarten-tier questions from grown men and innumerable shilling approaches
>read what was beneficial
>leave thread in under 10 minutes and do productive shit for rest of the day
>Am I the only that notices the succubus and dreams showing up on day 5 and 7 and then nothing after or before.
Never had those even with month of practices, I had rare case however of huge sexual urge - or rather inspiration - at bedtime, but often linked to encounter I could have had with a flirty lady.

>Also I don't see many mentions of the semen leakage that happens on the toilet after day 7.
It does not ring a bell either.

>Heck on another 1 week streak on day 9 I took ...
Sometimes I wonder if *part* of SR is placebo because when I first start this behavior I too was full of motivation for random stuffs, now I basically stop PMO and I'm cool, kindof have magnetism or energy sometimes but it's rando at best. I'm day 14 and am ok but more "meeeh" than anything.

Question: Do you guys struggle with delusional thoughts of grandeur while on SR? If so how do you deal with it?

Everything is mental. I lost my 9 months streak some weeks ago then i fell into a spiral two days ago. I felt sad and devasted, i decided to fast for the day. I felt like shit, sad, i felt like a failure, but the next day i was full of energy. Not, motivational energy, and not even physical energy as i still feel tired from the aftereffects of masturbation, but I had energy to keep working without problems. It hit me then, that mentality plays an important role in SR, even if you do SR if you don't have the right mindset you're going to get mild results. Your mental state is important. I wholeheartedly believe that 9 months of sr has affected me mentally and that even if i masturbated I didn't lose all the benefits. That doesn't mean that I'll continue to touch myself.
Posts not going through so this is also a test. Do you think the feelings in our memories are linked to retention? When you relapse the feelings of those memories goes along with it.
The memory of feeling love, anger, sadness. All gone after a relapse.
I wonder if the Engineers practiced SR.
SRchad meets der coomer
>Do you guys struggle with delusional thoughts of grandeur while on SR? If so how do you deal with it?
that's just the signal you aren't doing something hard enough
There's power in these balls.
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Yes, I described it here, albeit in a shitty convoluted way:

Please help me interpret what you mean. Is the person in a manic state avoiding what he should be doing? Is his unconscious expressing frustration at his unmet potential?
Or perhaps you are being ironic. Telling to a man with delusions of grandeur that he isn't trying hard enough might be akin to telling a gambling addict that he is one payment away from hitting the jackpot
Guys I come to ask if it's okay to cum with the woman I love. Yes the love is mutual and this isn't just a situation where someone wants to steal my energy. I wanna know what I should read up on to find ways to utilize the energy I've accumulated with my streak if I do end up releasing it. I know about injaculations and how you either train via kegels or push in on your taint to keep the semen inside so it's broken down and reabsorbed via the blood stream but that's it. I would think that ending your streak with your wife would be fine if used correctly since that deepens your relationship (Yes I know about the argument that men cumming makes them more disinterested in their woman whereas women cumming makes them more attached to their man. That does not apply here I assure you.)
Disregard. Posted this and immediately afterwards was shown Corinthians 15:33 "Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners"

Ignore demons and temptation. Go do a parasite cleanse and lift weights. God bless anon. WAGMI.
Got overconfident and greedy. Here I go again. This time for real.
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Yes, some would say "SR is 4 life" but my point of view is that's the best option is to cum through the holy matrimony of two loving souls.

Sure there is teachings praising retaining even in this case, and its a path you might want to explore, but it's not for everyone and you should not push yourself too much towards that. That being said you might still want to retain from too much relapses and say, if you have a lot of sex with your partner relapsing only once every week or so.

Some docs you might enjoy:
* The book "Cupid's poisoned arrow" on Kareeza and retaining in a couple : https://archive.org/details/cupidspoisonedar0000robi
* This based documentary "Gnosis" : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-TndLzFZI9A

!ggodspeed anon.
The book "Cupid's poisoned arrow" as epub for fellow SR anon, worth reading imo:
> https://easyupload.io/0m43tf
This is such a strangely written post lol youtube bot comments vibe
Meditation is a meme , SR is not. I've never met a meditator who wasn't full of shit. None of them will ever be able to go through the "7 doors" and make contact with those who look down on us from above.
one month SR here . Women won't even look at me once when they enter the room/bar/classroom , you guys told me they would notice me more ( im not ugly and even if i was women would still look at me because when someone us ugly people look at him and them do a double take because rhey cannot believe someone is that ugly . I meant i have been sitting down in areas frequented by single women and looking ar their eye movemebts subtily and nobody made eye contact or looked in my direction, like i am invisible ) , what am i doing wrong ?
I semen restrain so I can do a sex magic ritual afterwards with my wife. If done right you get close to egodeth and everything that comes with that. Ive been very scared also about the trance state I get, its somewhat similar to mushrooms.
SR for female attention. That’s what you’re doing wrong LOL
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The general mood on these generals has noticeably worsened over the last 6 months.
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When the pressure rises, I capitulate.
Also how long have these gone for?
>Struggling with urges, lust, porn, and masturbation / edging the last week
>Wake up today on day 74
>Only 4 hours of sleep, no lust, no urges; Actually an amazing mood for no reason
>Woke up to someone @ing me in another thread immediately too

What means any of this...
I also feel meme'd when posts constantly say to go create when you're in an urge, when it doesn't do anything but make it worse...
You are a retard. Never post again. It's morons like you that make this general a pile of crap. fuck off.
thank you
what mental state should one have? should it be out of self-love or self-hatred?
Day 6

I'm starting to feel that peace of mind you talk about. I barely think about masturbating anymore, and when I do it's very easy to overcome the temptation. I feel like my lust has decreased too. There can be a half naked lady in the street and I won't even be interested in looking (I'm from the southern hemisphere so it's hot right now). I'm very happy with myself now that it seems my addiction is disappearing and will do everything in my power to not fall again.

Sorry for talking of my penis in my previous post, which was kind of gross, but I'll do it again since I can see it's changing. It will be gross, maybe, I warned you.

[SPOILER]Can not masturbating heal phimosis? I always had a high degree of phimosis. Even though I retracted the skin as much as I could, I was only able to see the tip of the head. But today when I was cleaning it I was able to see 2/3rds of the head, which is a gigantic progress. Is this non-related to not masturbating or does not masturbating really change the skin of the penis in a beneficial way?[/spoiler]
Anyways, I'll research that later. I'm going on a walk now.
I think day 6 is a bit too early to be getting too sure of yourself
cumblast her and make babies
True but I feel I have the right mentality now. When I tried this before I had hedonistic/nihilistic views
Why does semen retention cause anxiety if the root chakra fills up with energy on semen retention? I dont get it, it should cause deep inner peace, or are some people unconsciously redirecting the sexual energy into other parts of their body?
It doesn’t you’re an odd duck.
There are many people online who report becoming more anxious on SR
True, it could be the PMO withdrawal that makes you feel anxious and depressed. A lot people cold turkey their bad habits when they start doing SR.
Probably the lust demons screaming at you internally.
18 days, we ball.
>Please help me interpret what you mean. Is the person in a manic state avoiding what he should be doing? Is his unconscious expressing frustration at his unmet potential?
It's pretty simple. Go try to do something actually difficult (and important, not like lifting weights or something) and your thoughts of grandeur will disappear.
Sleep deprivation can put you in a funny place. When I don’t sleep right I become hilarious, lose my inhibitions. Day 74 is pretty awesome congrats. They say it takes sperm about 74 days to mature. As far as using your horny energy to create it depends a lot on your mindset. I could see how doing it with a doubt would yield poor results. Find what works for you, it could be painting or studying or cooking whatever takes the edge off in a positive way
I came up with a new rule for myself:
if I ever get the urge to jack off or go to an asian spa I can as long as I meditate for 20 minutes before hand
usually I won't even want to meditate and the urge will subside
let's see how this plays out
(day 2 here)
>went to sleep
>tried to go to sleep for 2hours and 30 minutes >have the most intense wet dream in my life
>I am standing in front of a monitor and a demoness is getting penetrated by 2 big dicks in the asshole
>after 30seconds for rubbing my willy I go outside and my dick spews what feels like 1liter of black putrid cum
>during the rest of the dream and after waking up I have urges to look at more porn and rub my willy
And then I woke up feeling like a corpse and when I touched my member it was dripping cum and then I checked the bed and a little puddle of cum had left a mark on the bed.
Was I attacked by a succubus?!
She looked like Meru.
Sorry rules or systems you make up right after a relapse do not mean anything and are practically masturation in of themselves
btw did that count as cumming? I had a 30+ day stream :(
I would count it as cumming but not relapsing since it was a dream, but the fact you had that image saved is sus
I didn't have it saved I just googled a imaged for reference
Because cooming is an addiction. Just like smoking, when you stop doing it your whole body asks you to do it again.
Been doing SR for 31 days. Went to the supermarket the other day, first real time I’ve been in public since starting, and did not notice any femoids staring at me or giving me any attention. Maybe one looked at me as I walked by her in an aisle but I was staring forward.

Not that I’m doing it for them, I’m more doing it kick my porn addiction and get right with god since it’s technically a sin, but that’s all you ever hear about when searching videos for SR.

Was that whole “enhanced aura, increased female attention” bullshit all along? What is transmuting?

Yeah, it seems to be bullshit. 31 days and haven’t noticed any increase in femoid attraction. Unless some of the guys reporting it are legit doing it for spiritual reasons and it’s some kind of test or a demonic entity coming after them. But a lot of them are probably grifters and or clickbait
Many times, I've asked God to help me kick my habit. Every time, I feel he's lent me his strength. Every time, I eventually fell away and went back to porn. Well, the thing with God is, he never gives up on you. But if you won't take the hint, sometimes he uses extreme measures.

You ever get just a terrible, romantic longing for someone? Not a crush, but a full on ache, wishing you could be closer to someone. I've had it once before. That one did not work out. Well, I have a long time friend. She's mostly a long distance friend, from another country in fact. We've been talking more lately. I'd fallen deep into the PMO trap again after a week long streak. Suddenly, out of nowhere, I received a punch in the gut... I realized I was experiencing that longing for this woman. Now, it would never work out with us. Don't try to play match maker, I would not be the first person in our friend group to hit on her, our circumstances are incompatible. The feeling has passed. But it laid me on my ass for days. I felt horrible. Just severe heartbreak. Something I've not felt in ages. I realized "She's better educated than me, she's more successful, she's this, she's that... ah hell, all my friends are, and..." It went like that. And I was so distraught I couldn't even think of booting up my PC to look at porn... this is the complete opposite of normal for me when it comes to personal distress. Instead, my mind was on building up these traits I was, at that moment, painfully aware I lacked.

Though I've gotten over it, I do not have the same desire to look at porn. I am not naive, I know just like every time I've asked God for help, he will eventually give me the leeway to fail, if I so choose. But I think finally, after so many attempts to help me right myself, God finally decided a good old punch in the gut is what I needed. Pray, this is the last time he'll need to do it. Came out of nowhere, strong as hell, and has set me straight on getting a job, studying my subjects.
No it’s not bullshit. I’ve done multiple 30+day streaks and I’ve felt great but nowhere near as good as how I feel now even though I’m struggling to do more than 3 weeks. I think what’s changed is my attitude. I like myself, I find value in who I am. I’m not scared to talk to women or people. I also don’t care what they do. You see, I’m fine with or without them, I don’t need anyone’s validation I’m complete I am whole by myself. Girls look at me in the store but I’m focused just vibing in my own lane. Not forcibly like some wannabe sigma mgtow fag but because genuinely I’m chilling. If they look at me I look at them and smile back and move on and I love that. I use to chase for their eyes and attention and it felt desperate. Now that I don’t care it’s almost like they sense it and want me even more for it. Women are just like that.

Transmuting is just taking your horny energy and turning it into workout energy. Or creative energy. Painting playing guitar, writing. Meditation energy. You decide what it turns into just make it positive and productive. It makes this practice easier and fruitful.
You need sun and steel brother.
Already on it.
Hey, been on 6-7 week streak maybe, and yesterday I watched some forbidden for maybe 30 minutes in total (i closed tab many times and came back) I didn't touch a lot but mostly watched. Anyway, to cool down I went to gym and did other shit for a few hours (stayed up extra late) to not get fucked by a WD.

Instead I get 3 really immersive nightmates, the kind where you wake up and cool down for a minute before trying to sleep again. I usually never get nightmares. Any idea what this could mean?
you are getting too powerful, they are targeting you to drain you of your energy.

I recommend to read the Dream section of this article to get at least an idea what dreams are.

The urge is so difficult to overcome, like it always starts out as a peek just to get hard and then it never ends from there. The thing is all the sexual shit on the internet is impossible to avoid, I don't know how to beat my monkey brain into willpower.
2 weeks in and the angel numbers appear again bros
We're so back
What's angel numbers? They keep showing me the number 42 now
repeating numbers like 11:11, 444
(check 'em)
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Now the big question for me while having sex:
do you squeeze the perineum when you get to close or do you just pull out/ slow down? I feel like I can hold it longer using the perineum muscle but I also get closer to the point of no return

flex the muscle or dont flex the muscle?
Degenerate go somewhere else for sex talk you’re here for the wrong reasons
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????? Read the title of the thread again you monkey. Semen retention just mean you don't orgasm and ejaculate. Stimulation is perfectly fine. All the old alchemists/taoists/witches had something along the lines of sex magic going on

Just Porn is on the same level as youtube etc. that part is just dopamine stuff
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Absolutely fucking done being a masturbator and ejaculator. I spoke with my gf last night and will be retaining while having sex from now on unless we decide to have another baby
literal demons. pray to St. Michael
I relapsed today. How do I stop masturbating for good, I want to become closer to God
RETAIN IT. When you need sexual release don't spill your seed, transform that energy. Inner AlchemyARYG
Easier said than done man, especially when in the shower or whatever
>posting nsfw pictures in /srg/
Truly demonic.
Day 7. Nothing much to say. Since the last week I have not used any sexual social media, and I hide the lustful things. For example, I don't use Instagram or Facebook or Snapchat. In twitter I have the no nsfw option on. In youtube I hide every lustful video that appears. And in 4chan I only use /lit/, /x/, and /vr/. I'm saying this because yesterday I entered Facebook for one minute and almost saw a lustful image. Made me remember why I don't use that kind of social media.

Do you know the story of the gospels when a young rich man wants to follow Jesus, Jesus asks him to leave everything behind and the young rich man chooses not to? Well Jesus was not talking about riches. He was talking about earthly pleasures (This is my opinion, I must add). Maybe read it again, it will motivate you, if you truly love God.

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