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/x/ - Paranormal

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/x/ humor nao
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There's three, now take it away...
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That was fast, thx!
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If I met greys I'd demand to let me have sex with their grey women or die trying
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Does anyone have that greentext where the guy has sleep paralysis and sees an entity but decides to jack off to assert dominance, with it ultimately backfiring on him? Saw it in a thread recently but didn't save it
based but watch out for her grey bf
At least it's not
>I'm an empath, i care about people
Sensing moods, but not necessarily being an empathetic person makes a lot more sense. You can sometimes tell by the body language. Have you never walked into a room after 2 people had an argument and picked up on the mood? I feel bad for autists.
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LMAO you pathetic schizos never fail to make me laugh with your "x humor" threads. Face it, most normies will be infinitely more successful than any of you sad tulpamancers will ever be. You are on the wrong side of philosophy, get over it losers!
Have a nice day!
that pic actually sounds pretty kino. I might have to read into that
ter be a space Canadian
There are people walking around right now who think like this.
He's not wrong.
do you have any proof that you are not a language?
>bad goy bad shoo shoo
None of this shit is funny
You post something, then, smartmouth.
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x humor is the best
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Heh, slight chills, nice repost anon.
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cocainum bird is my favorite ai meme
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As an american, I approve this meme
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Psyop queen
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Yeah fuck them
she’s so ugly and too skinny
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Not at all anon
she busted
not even close to stealing my seratonine
Tries way too hard to be a 4/10. Pathetic. Post your gay shit on /b/
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>be empath
>observe people
>feel what they "must be" feeling
>they overtly feel that way now
>some don't
>"Ah, other souls at last"
Comfy experience, truly.
I like it but it’s hard to sustain that attitude permanently.
Are people going to claim big Ben isn't the clock in London all of a sudden? Actually it was called Big Ken all along or some shit?
Well erm… technically it’s the bell that’s called Big Ben
don't compare talmudism to actual Christianity
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this is amazing do you have more
I'm an empath. When I see people, I'm like "em, get out of my path".
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>The cringe "Go be AWESOME bro" motivation speeches
Positive thinking is important for life, but I hate these type of platitudes. It just glosses over so many things with broad strokes and insists mindset is the only factor.
Might as well be telling me I'm made of dead sun molecules and cosmic rays, so I should shoot for the stars.
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aye, motivation stuff like that is bollocks.
>be alcoholic for many years
>people keep telling me that quitting is like gaining super powers
>manage to quit
>first thing I notice is that people start asking me to do things for them 100x more often because I've become reliable again
>wish I could just go back in time, drink a beer and tell them to fuck off
>nope got to use them super powers
>"yes sir I'll have it done by monday"
People like that have never suffered in their life, besides a scraped knee or the common cold. The worst thing that'll ever happen to them is their parents will when they themselves are 55.
I thought /x/ loved Jung slop?

Not that I'm complaining. Lacan mogs the shit out of Jung.
fraid not m8
Please don’t be a faggot
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This is a retarded meme
The natural ways are often better than the newest tech
Enjoy your brain chip
Thanks, pal
You dont have to. Its ok to be blue sometimes.
"What do you mean I've not suffered?? Last week my girlfriend left me! I'm in shambles!"
Yeah and then you'll find a new girlfriend and return to being the happy go lucky guy you always were, thanks to you having loving parents and like-minded friendships.
Normies piss me the fuck off.
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Find Stuart Wilde videos or his books, but I like his talks, he is a little wild and unpredictable.
He was trained as a mystic, and he trained students himself.
He was also a musician, and I think he performed his own background music.
He is not like those guys you hate.
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I have never suffered.
The first time my father hit me HARD it permanently damaged one eye, and put me in a coma for over a year and a half. Worse things than that happened.
But I have a great day, every day. Everyone is happy to see me.
I treat animals as friends.
I have never found a good woman.
I have learned to NEVER trust a woman.
This one always gets me lol
What did you do to get popped? Were you trying to troon out?
>What did I do?
I was less than one and a half years old.
I was setting in the grass, looking at a beautiful day. It was the first time I had ever been outside. I still remember that day, the blue sky with puffy white clouds, the wind, the grass was moving in front of me...
I also remember being outside on the day I woke up from the coma.
I was told what my dad did, but I don't remember it happening.
My dad was drafted into WW II, he didn't want to be there.
Here we are on /x/ so I can say that he returned haunted by an angry ghost, it tormented him for years.
When I was still younger than 4, the ghost was right there yelling at him in English (German ghost). He couldn't hear her, but I could. She had been physically doing things to him, to get his attention. She told me that he can't hear her. I told my dad what she said.
The ghost could hear him, he just couldn't hear the ghost. All I had to do was tell him what she said.
The torment had gone on for years, but it ended right there.
He thanked me like he was grateful, then later that day it was back to business as usual.
I stayed away from him as much as possible.
Pic related: That is close to him, in Germany (started in France) in farmland; there he met the ghost.
>insulin resistance
>ideal for speedruns
Wouldnt it be thugmaxxing you so can get a gun an hero? Or why not just get aborted or eat bleach as a baby? Or is this some kind of run where you need to get married and have kids with some kid of completion checks?
>don't compare talmudism to actual Christianity
Lmao. Finally! A funny post!
from a powergaming perspective, eating fast food allows you to use cooking as a dump stat and frees up storage space in your player owned house, so it makes sense that he would take the toxin resistance tree
>maxxing cooking and toxin resist rather than maxxing int and money/energy manipulation
not my playstyle but respectable
Are you playing "no true Scotsman"?
Because that's where your objection leads; a useless purity spiral.
Most of the nominal Christians I know are on that "greatest ally" crackpipe.
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This but unironically
I'm the guy he was responding to. what I don't get is these allegedly antisemitic atheists/pagans being so hostile towards antisemitic Christians. Let's assume that they're actually legit, that they're not jidf shills sent to larp as anti-Christian nazis and sow d&c, and that their convictions about Christianity being jewish are true. Wouldn't they want antisemitic Christians to be a thing? Wouldn't they want Christians to at least partially break the conditioning and go against their "masters" by subscribing to antisemitic strands of Christianity? Wouldn't they view that as a step in the right direction? All they do with their absurdly belligerent behavior towards non-zogged Christians is turn away potential allies. Not accusing all pagans of this, I know that there are many shills that devote a lot of effort to pitting Christians and pagans against eachother on the chans, but there are certainly those amongst the pagans that are autistically vocal about their hatred for Christians, even if the said Christians share their exact views on race. It's ridiculous. We should work together to remove the jews and then we can talk religion.
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I love this one. The alien race bait psyop is real
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Based battle
They’re trying to emasculate human men
Race war causing mother fuckers
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the Phoenicians have codiefied the slavery in the English language.
Do some homework.
What was Gamergate and what is a gamergate?
>too skinny
Hambeast americanus detected. Your society is so fat your perception of normal human weight is fucked beyond repair.
She is average, not skinny at all. Travel in southern europe, southern america, asia and see for yourself.
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Pedos get the axe
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I'd rather they just stop being Christian.
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Because you all love intestinal worms
Is that real?
Definitely. Those dudes show up every time I take shrooms and they suck at driving drunk
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Apus in Battle Brothers? My brother in Christ, do you have more?
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Nice story anon
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Get on the level
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My ancestors
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this one upset me
wheres the plato vs pythagoras basketball meme
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>wouldn‘t you prefer they have a misguided belief that they are resisting jewry while in actuality lacking the self-awareness that they are running the longest civilizational cover for it in history

No lmao
Most memes posted here get a huff of air but this is so damn retarded that it got a smile and a chuckle out of me. Thanks anon.
Oh piss off. If a Christian believes in white nationalism and the total removal of jews from society then he should be considered an ally. You're either a shill or an asperger's victim if you think otherwise. Yes there are the evangelical types who worship jews and racemixing but then there are also turbo based KKK Christians too.
unfortunately having dancing jews in the picture wouldn't be historically accurate, going by googles dates anyway. But it would also beg the question of who the perpetrators of the attack were if there were no jews. Neanderthals?
anyone outside of Canada know what a toonie is?
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Money? Ain't it just their version of 20 bucks?
It's a 2 CAD coin.
I got like $30 in leaf money in a sandwich bag that I've been meaning to exchange, but I don't go there anymore.
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>nukes on Mars
The reptilians destroyed Mars (long story).
50 thousand years ago, in the nation of Qin, an Earthling built the first Earth invented flying saucer.
Not long after, a Mars colony was established, to teraform Mars, for future generations.
The first generation arrived in the flying saucers.
The second generation was born on Mars.
The third generation grew up listening to tales of a warm green Earth.
Mars is cold.
So cold.
The cold is made worse by the howling wind.
Finly the winds begin to die down.
It is winter.
The still air becomes colder.
And colder.
And colder still.
Just when you can no longer bear the cold, it begins to warm.
It is still cold, but it feels so much better; it feels wonderful!
And then the winds begin again.
The third generation insisted on going home to Earth.
It was agreed that enough teraforming had been done, for the planet to handle the rest of the job.
Everyone was glad to be on warm green Earth, back in Qin.
When the reptilians discovered the teraforming on Mars, they nuked it.
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That is the real history, not a joke, but you should hear the rest of the story!
Thousands of people died.
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saved. where is this from originally?
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>turbo based KKK Christians too.

The Builder of the Great Nations are all turbo based KKK Christians
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No they didn't.
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George used a polearm, Michael is depicted wielding a sword against Satan.
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Dont fap, seriously
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So heres the thing, if aliens are demons or devils then ehat does that make god and the angels
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Can someone explain the esoteric significance of Jackie Chan? I know he's hiding something under those chinky eyes.
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Halloween is based don't compare it's participants to those degenerate freaks
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To keep ralph alive, i need to constantly be thinking of him and giving him attention…

Is this how tulpas are made then
This thread is bad even by /x/ humor standards, christ.
Yeah, gnomes are fun and games, is this what americans think?
Spoken like a true twink
Now spread that bussy bro
I walked through blood and bones to find my brother
Could you even molest a skellington?
this is great
the sun doesnt shine all day
Did you find him? Was he okay?
Rabbi alon anava and another one do a reading about that, since I guess to some kabbalists they separate the zohar into daily or weekly parshas
Well, if she's rich and goes to such lengths, I can as well indulge and fuck her. Though that "forced to walk on high heels" is really dumb bullshit, even as fetish fuel.
>I know he's hiding something under those chinky eyes.
He does! Some acting talent, some positive attitude and some passing practice with qigong or related arts.
Yea he was in Northern Canada
who dat?
I like this
Rattle them bones
hey, it's that Black Magick SS album cover!
what is unconutable? Maybe it's supposed to say uncountable? The maker should have probably done a quick proofread on this before releasing it. Makes it look kinda hacky to not do a 2 second read over after making something that otherwise looks like it took a lot of work and looks pretty cool. Maybe the paragraph at the top is just a translation which would be a bit more forgivable I suppose.
Holy cow, Mondo. I haven't read that in years.
New thread?
Jews aren't people
first thing in the thread to make me laugh
One side wants to enslave, other wants to save you. Is that difficult to ponder? The devil is in the details. The more you worry with the little things the more you miss the big things.
>Can't see the forest for the trees
who is this
>I'm made of dead sun molecules and cosmic rays, so I should shoot for the stars
now you got it!
Touch his boner
What's there to forgive if they rightfully strike down evil?
Someone you will never meet or bang IRL
Only thing you can do is is beg for her name so you can jerk off to her pictures
i just wanted to know what psyop she's running. if i wanted to drool over something i would just look up lewds of yukari. also, i'm too lazy to use reverse image search.

The only based anon on this board
She's not even hot. Her hips are boney and wrong.
Not exclusively.
St. Michel by Raffaello shows him wielding a golden spear.
I think it depends on the time period, when swords were the luxury weapon of high esteem and when huge-bladed glaives halberds and spatoons were the luxury weapon of high esteem.
>tfw 2024AD Gregorian is 2777 AUC
oh wow bro I care about your projection! There are women like this everywhere but most of them are whores. But when yandexing I'm getting back not the og pic and femboy shit so I assume it's just a guy. I should of noticed the larger hands before.
I'm sorry Ralph
Nice play on the /pol/ pasta.

You're like the log poster of /b/ but probably somehow even more virgin
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Someone post more funny!
You can't be truly anti-semitic and a follower of Rabbi Yeshua at the same time. Its literally impossible. Jews are masters of controlling their little Christgolems. Its like asking someone to trust someone with a mind control chip in their brain.
Yes I agree, people who obsess over useless signifiers are pathetic. Like cataloging them for a humor feed. Epic references my guy, it's Mr. beast level, no cap
Hold my beer
Nope just another layer of bullshit.
Protestantism created stupid shit like the Rosicrucians.
These guys did the actual pogroms.
We wouldn't need pogroms if Christians didn't let the disease become terminal.
I've actually had this conversation with someone else. The topic discussed was mars terraforming in the potential future.
You will stay with me raplh (forever)
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sir will you please cease your impotent jidf pilpul babble this is an X humor thread.
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>Subhuman posts the mutt meme
every time
>Subhuman spams the mutt meme
shocking, truly
European cryptids are more scary. But I don't expect Ameritard to know that Europe doesn't end at UK.
>Arguments I don't like are all JDIF pilpul
I warn anyone who will listen that Rabbi Yeshuas followers are a Trojan horse to dealing with the Jews.
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I challenge you to post something relevant to the thread
book of Noah readers suspect he was an aryan alien hybrid
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if I had time to look for it I would pull up the german boar rider trail cam green text
Image limit reached anon.
So god is a programmer and the hebrew alphabet is the code he used to create this simulation, got it.
it can come and go
as long as you dont let it go forever
who turned ralph into a frog
kikes shitting up another thread with their kikery
she has herpes you fucking eglin pederast fuck off already with this festering plaguerat
Rip 4chan. I got a warning on /pol/ not to be racist, and now It wont let me post my dank memes 4 you guys. Keeps reading an error of "Image limit reached".

Never encountered these problems until 9/23/2024.

I'm gonna get banned I guess. Fuck Moot for abandoning us.
Post in the other thread. This one has actually reached the image limit
Under the silver lake movie also button button and Southland tales
free noodles
why is there the doors in the image?
it's glowniggers and a guy named ben who cant inconspicuously shitpost trying to subvert the nobody meme with a forced meme

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