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>James Webb telescope saw something that prompted an emergency briefing to Congress
>Insiders say it's a giant spaceship heading directly towards Earth
>Due to arrive in 2027
SAUCE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aFKmcqcBbnw&t=902
James Webb looks at deep space, no?
Reminder news today said an asteroid will dock on Earth's orbit a week from now and become a mini moon for about 2 or 3 orbits then go away like nothing happened.
Starting to believe that Great Dragon pasta is pretty spot on
yeah it spotted a UFO that's 10 billion light years away and it's coming to earth in 3 yrs (it's going REALLY fast)
Wow! It sounds like it.
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When the spinning ball-Earth is finally exposed worldwide for the 4000+ year deception it was, Earth's entire population will suddenly be faced with the reality that every government, every space agency, university, secret society, religious organization, mainstream and alternative media outlet have ALL been duplicitous in propping up a monstrous manipulation to fleece and control the masses. The resulting mass mental exodus away from the control system is exactly what humanity needs. Once the flat Earth truth gets out, these lying politicians, spokesmen, reporters and teachers suddenly change from being heralded voices of authority to being ridiculed, shunned and denounced as they deserve. Once the flat Earth truth gets out, these governments, universities, media outlets and other entangled organizations which have long been hard at work weaving this multi-generational ball-Earth myth, suddenly and completely lose all credibility. Once the truth of our flat Earth gets out, so does the truth of these few elite families/societies who have kept this most important and fundamental reality from us for these hundreds of years! Essentially, once the flat Earth truth gets out, so does every other important truth by proxy, because this "mother-of-all-conspiracies" holds under its umbrella literally ALL of the other conspiracies, and exposes them.
Do you have that pasta or can you find it? Sounds vaguely familiar but id like to read it again.
Also wonder if that will be visible from the ground
Ready to fake the alien arrival
Since AI is a thing, I don't believe in this. Elizondo, James Weeb, etc. All liars.
>James Webb telescope
There is not a single video showing this telescope in space. The "launching" video shows a CGI.
So, I found a video of maintenance being done to the Hubble telescope.
Where are the maintenance videos of the James Webb telescope?
Why can't I find any video showing the telescope in space? There are only cheap CGIs.
It is clear UAP is there as a distraction to what is happening in Saturn.
JWST is on the far side of the moon. It's currently impossible to do servicing missions to it, and its not designed for that as it lacks any attachment points for a craft to grab it, or anywhere for astronauts to grab on to move around it.
kinda all comes together

>an asteroid will dock on Earth's orbit a week from now and become a mini moon for about 2 or 3 orbits
k. keep me posted
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Astroid pdc 2027 is a military exercise.
The one to LARP about is apophis in 2029.
nothing to worry about, theyre just coming to collect xenu
We could see a war that we won't even be able to participate in. Ive long entertained the theory that earth is under the jurisdiction of some big NHI power and there is a global network of UFO spheres that operate as a sort of immune system for the planet. And that's the reason why there are all these descriptions of different alien species/craft encounters, that ALL seem to operate surreptitiously/covertly. It's not because they're hiding from humans, it's because they're hiding from this network. This thing coming at us from outside our solar system could be in for a big surprise,
The US is planning a war with China in 2027, btw.
As more and more alien shit comes out, I can't help believe it is all misdirection. I fully believe the truth is going to be the pole shift/disaster cycle thing or whatever you want to call it. The government and elite know about it. They are prepared. The know who will be selected to go into the bunkers to weather the initial catastrophe. They still need need slaves to rule over. They can't let the plebs know they knew this was coming so they need it to look like aliens and global warming so we are willing to let them continue ruling. If every knew they knew about the coming catastrophe people hell would break loose. No one wants to find out they've been slaving away at their shitty jobs when none of it is going to matter in a few short years.
Channing Thomas himself theorized that once the cataclysm rolls around the ayys might show up to pick up humans. Maybe the incoming object is a giant ark.
Not trying to be a schizo here but how did it get there? Is it in orbit of the moon or is it just floating somehow
If aliens play a part in this, my thoughts are that humanity has gone through these disaster cycles, so I think it is more likely aliens help us "restart" things. After each disaster we move forward with a little bit of whatever technology/science we developed beforehand. Not all of it, but there are core ideas passed on after each cycle. I would think IF we have disasters on a cycle like this, aliens could have taken us on a an ark before, so why now?

Its chilling in L2
it can focus on objects within the solar system, look it up
A little more elaboration, the disaster needs to look unpredictable to not piss people off at the elite. So if they can blame aliens, global warming, an asteroid, etc. well that's not really on them so much. We can't defend against aliens, global warming is everybody's fault (think of YOUR carbon footprint), and we can't detect asteroids early enough to prepare for them. A predictable disaster cycle caused by weakening magnetic fields and a pole shift that happens ever 8000 years or whatever? Yeah, we had time to prepare. The elite can't live their lives of luxury though if the the global community works together to prepare. No, they need the economy to keep going.
I just saw this brown on a podcast with a few other guys who were pressing him about it. This brown person is lying his ass off. Nobody told him that shit he made it up or some retard told it to him and he knows it.
im noticing everywhere the matrix is pointing to 2026/2027 for disclosure/contact. this time for sure guys just 2 more years !
How can anyone listen to 10 seconds of this clown. He barely speaks English and is slower than my grandma with dementia.
This is UFO community shilling 101

They always promise some HUGE REVELATION in 2 WEEKS or 2 MONTHS or JUST 2 MORE YEARS and then keep pushing the goal post down the road. They have mastered the UFO grift.
UFO bad will be all over the news.. probably after the comet in 2029
so that they would justify space based weapons and fabricate a war with ayys to complete their totalitarian nwo control grid
I used to watch 24/7 livestreams of the moon on YouTube but they all got banned a few years ago. Anyone have a good alternative?
UFO belief is the usual judeo christian narcissism: jews and their gentiles deeply believe they are the center of the universe so when it comes to aliens they deeply believe that the aliens will cross millions of light years to go to earth and then be so in awe in the mighty jews that the aliens can only live in the shadows and lurking from there spending centuries studying the humans which are sooooooooo complex.

is this nibiru?
>30ft across
It's almost nothing.
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Does this have anything to do with those threads on /pol/ about some whistleblowers leaking stuff about the lasers that they monitoring at some station?
In the first seconds of the clip, before talking about the "new" signal and the object that's coming changing directions etc., he talks about an already "well known" technosignal coming from Alpha Centauri...

Any info on this one? Literally never heard of it.
Then apophis might hit earth after all too if these fucks cant even manage to calculate the 2027 one correctly

All because fugging greed and shit, gatekeeping, etc etc

Please tell me there is an actaul ship in saturns rings and its gonna head this way soon

Fucking of course they want a ww3 so then there literally is no way the global community can work together to stop some asteroid

I hope the ones thinking they can bail out of the planet after royally fucking it get fucked by aliens

Or maybe get their ships nav system hijacked and sent straight to the sun

Ffs sake
Also lets add the greys looks like comic book characters. They are always showed naked. How could such advanced civilization walk around naked, exposed to foreign elements?
They're drones, flesh bots that are puppeteered at an interdimensional distance.
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Surprised no one has posted it yet because it was reposted shit loads of times last time i lurked here. Aaaand i didn't save it, basically it's using the beasts and forms from Apocalypse in the Bible and thinking about them as the names of constellations, which they do check out and then the standard periods of times when one thing happened and then the other, which is kinda ambiguous but the highly specific result of this did indeed happen later on (aka last month) in terms of astrology.
The moment something checked around the place happened, then the other thing coming in after that visitor does check out with a mini moon being confirmed out of nowhere yesterday/two days ago. It is freaky.
It can't hit Earth, it will electrically repel. Might explode doing so but cannot directly hit. Same static charge per surface square inch as Earth as bein the same distance from the Sun it has the same voltage and is in the same low apmplitude current.

Might badly mess up electronics as it flies by though. And push a huge storm in front of it.
If they do exist, they come from Earth's crust, not outer space. Result of experiments between humans and aliens.
The bombing of Novaya Zemlya comes to mind. There was a colony of them there.
holy shit there was a giant face in the sky like rick and morty?
what year was this? any written accounts?
Back to breddit, bro
>be me
>claim this big water planet for our species
>it even has natural organic life on it
>my people regard me as a hero
>they name the planet Xhiflez after me
>chilling out in my spacepod under the sea
>spaceradar 9000 detects foreign craft approaching from lightyears away
>oh my god
>the spaceniggers are coming
once all their other efforts at controlling the world fail, this is next
>So, I found a video of maintenance being done to the Hubble telescope.
hubble wasnt even designed for maintenance
but there was some fuckup with it that made everything blurry and useless
john glenn had to remove fkn 8mm screws in space
I'm going to come back to this thread later on to laugh at your retarded antics.
So far, there's no verifiable source behind the claims, so just a conjecture. I'm not saying there isn't a chance this is real, but so far I also have no reason to believe it is.
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There will be no aliens
2019 radio burst
Of all people, Russell Crowe has been dropping hints about this for a while now (reminder that he literally has contacts in NASA and The Vatican):
Pretty cool, I think major celebs talking about it shows a certain progression into certainty about *something* happening relatively soon. Taylor Swift has also featured UFOs prominently in her live show imagery recently.

ok now im sure this is fake as fuck kek prepare for project blueballs happening,folks
As did Sabrina Carpenter. Where she made out with an alien

soft disclosure is working

that sounds hot as fuck wtf
Hello Bluebeam.
Yes, something fake. Celebrities are good at faking stuff.
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>tfw no cute ayy gf
I believe that aliens may be used to trick people into attacking God.

We are living in Revelation 20, after the Millenial Reign.

With Aliens, you get an entire world united against the 'Aliens', and then they bring armies to attack the Camp of the Saints, calling it an alien base or something.

Read Revelation 20 , that is where we are.
Why the fuck would I want flashlights and batteries? What is this, grandpa prepper’s retard advice for townies?
And hoarding food and water isn’t how you survive anyways, you probably have no idea how much water you’d actually need and how to store it safely
>Same static charge per surface square inch as Earth as bein the same distance from the Sun it has the same voltage and is in the same low apmplitude current.
that is not how orbital mechanics work my dude
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Alright, I'm going to give you the full enchilada, as Grusch, Leslie Kean, Lou Elizondo, and their acolytes have been telling it behind the scenes for a while now. This is the lore behind Carter's crying, Tucker Carlson's take, this 2027 thing, the whole shebang. You decide if they're lying or not:

>Government has known about NHI (they use that term now because they're not necessarily "extraterrestrial", although they operate elsewhere in the physical universe too) since the beginning of the 20th century.
>Earth is a farm planet, always has been.
>Humanity itself is a genetic experiment that's been curated for millennia to reach the present "ripe" and "harvest time" stage.
>The product is us, and the material our creators are interested in harvesting is both biological and spiritual in nature.
>Every X millennia, a harvest takes place.
>The last harvest was supposed to take place in the 50s.
>Government reached an agreement with the NHI overlords, gaining 50 years of time.
>Some of the conditions were: limited "harvest offerings" of human bodies/souls by the human governments; controlled population growth and no contamination of the Earth farm; no further development of nuclear weapons; no further development of computing technology/AI; no further research or military exploitation of NHI technology and "biologics".

christians are insane
>controlled population growth and no contamination of the Earth farm; no further development of nuclear weapons; no further development of computing technology/AI; no further research or military exploitation of NHI technology and "biologics".
Nice to see the US doesn’t even respect space treaties
(2/2, cont.)

>The agreement was, obviously, broken by humanity (military actors trying to quickly develop the means to fight back), so the NHIs gave our leaders an ultimatum to cease and desist.
>Ultimatum ends between 2025 and 2035, when they show up and the harvest takes place.
>NHIs are incredibly advanced, in ways that seem supernatural, and have many planet farms in the galaxy; they're now making a show of how they're coming towards us to frighten our Government. This is what the telescopes are seeing.
>This lore was told by Leslie Kean at a dinner party last year, so that's why it's leaking, but "insiders" have been speaking for a while and people in media and entertainment are learning about it. As we speak, Steven Spielberg is in pre-production for another of his Pentagon-funded soft-disclosure movies about this.

Hear a different guy tell the same story:

ever went camping?
you know how dark the night really is?
enjoy darkness
No need to worry, I'll find out what's going on. And if they get saucy, I'll deploy the manhole railgun in the trunk.
I'm not scrubbing a 26 minute video for this. Is there an image of what the telescope saw? Anything other than two guys talking about a thing that may or may not have happned?
>I'm going to give you the full enchilada
How embarrassingly american, there's no such thing as a full enchilada
>be hyperadvanced gigachad race with mastery of genetics
>have to wait for millenia for shit to "grow"
Why not make it instantly ripe? Oh right, you're lying.
I trust Pavel. He interviews Mexican soldiers.
NASAs been tracking it, I've been wondering why no one has noticed this. Its literally going to be here just for the election. I think its the precursor, the herald.
This scenario is very likely, the Camp of the Saints has been detected near the North Pole but it is moving.
>that is not how orbital mechanics work my dude
Other than you not having heard it put like that before, can you think why planets should not carry a static charge? How would you explain aurora boralis if not in terms of the electrical output of the Sun? If you do accept that the Sun has an electrical outpit, something that has been mainstream science since the 19th Century, why would objects like planets and asteroids in that electric field not carry a charge? Claiming otherwise denies the basics of electrical engineering.

And once you do accept the rather obvious point that a planet has a charge, then the electric field formulas between two charged bodies come into play in the ordinary way. So you will see electrical effect of the passage of the Apophis comet and those effects should be measeurable and predictable in the ordinary manner.
>Theyre totally coming goys! NASA says so! Buy my book for the low price of 29.99 to know exactly what to do when they get here!
Yes it was hearing this on ABC that prompted me to come back to x to see how schizos would run with it
Now if we see the aliens and they end up looking like horrible demons or faeries like in Avey Tare or Grey goobers or anything not human or angelic-looking, then yeah it'd be pretty insane to conclude this. But I won't rule out if they look angelic, or humanlike, or if they seem to be good, then I will admit I cannot trust my iudgement on which is the right side.
Because according to premillennialism that would be proof they're the forces of satan! I do not have that kind of discernment, and the Millennial Tartarian thing is based on the really radical claim that a huge swath of our history is just faked.
>everyone thinks it is 2027
>it is actually January 21st, 2025

What they will tell you is to stay inside and trust the government. They will tell you not to go outside at all and to not board their ships. They are correct... It will be the first time you should listen to the media. Whatever you do? Do not board these vessels, anon.

They will descend first upon the big cities. You think it will be great and you will be free from your 'shackles,' yet you will not be freed. What you will instead witness is the mass abductions of people against their will. They will be scurrying like rats of course, and it will be all but futile as they come upon them. You will simply see people fall into dismay or onto the ground as they approach.

It will be quite a sight, anon.
The aliens are not here to be your friend.

When Trump is inaugurated? That is when they shall come.
So the story is that the thing/craft crashed near what nowadays is the district of Nürnberg named "Sankt Jobst."
Some say that within the crater, which was later filled, the craft got buried underneath. Some say there is an underground facility below the little cathedral and/or below the nearby "Rechenberg" Hill, in whose recreational park the towns observatory is located. What a coincidence lol
>implying the ayys have a set time schedule

They'll show up when they show up, time is irrelevant
New grift just dropped???
Nigga you just read there is a spiritual aspect to it. Would whatever you grew instantly in a tube come with a soul attached?
>Surprised no one has posted it yet because it was reposted shit loads of times last time i lurked here. Aaaand i didn't save it, basically it's using the beasts and forms from Apocalypse in the Bible and thinking about them as the names of constellations, which they do check out and then the standard periods of times when one thing happened and then the other, which is kinda ambiguous but the highly specific result of this did indeed happen later on (aka last month) in terms of astrology.
>The moment something checked around the place happened, then the other thing coming in after that visitor does check out with a mini moon being confirmed out of nowhere yesterday/two days ago. It is freaky.

I feel retarded or something but I think it's just you....I cannot interpret your words

like your sequence of words doesn't make sense together, doesn't form thoughts. Is this a bot? Bots produce readable content
>like your sequence of words doesn't make sense together, doesn't form thoughts. Is this a bot? Bots produce readable content
Neither do psychotic schizophrenics, very often.
you are welcome to go back and form an intelligible thought
it didn't, stop believing every grift you read on the internet
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yeah sure buddy
>will dock
Checked and keked
Why does my birthday keep showing up this week?

First was during Agatha All Along, and now this ish. I know it's autisticaly a please number (01/21), but can ya'll just chill.
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One :DDD spUnning ball-Earf is finally posed wUrldwide for the 4000000000+ year :DDDeception it wuz, Earf entire poopY lation will suddenly :DDD faced with the roooality that every go00bermunt, every spoon agency, unversity, soocret society, raligious organ, mainstream and alternative me:DDDia outlet have ALL been duplicitous in pooping up a moooonstrous man to feces and cuntrol the menstration. :DDD resulting mass mental exodus away from the cuntrol system D exactly what hoooomunity nads. Wance the flute Earf truthed guts out, :DDD lying poopiticians, spokes, rapist and turds sooooddenly chan from B harold voices of offthority to being racooned, shitted and dicked as they :DDDserve. Oanc the flute Earf tru gUts out, these gooooorbnments, vagersities, mud outlets and :DDD Tangly organs long been hard wooving :DDD multi-gooning bal-Earf muff, sooodenly and cumpletely lose all creamy. Once :DDD truth of our flute Earf guts out, so does the truf of few oolites foomilies/sucieties who have kepted thus moist Umportant and fungal reality fromed ass for :DDD hoooondreds of yurs! Assentially, one :DDD flute Earf truf guts outze, so daz importantanty truf by prostate, :DDDecause ths "mUther-of-dall-cuntspiracies" helds under its untbrella BALL of the other cuntspiracies, and exposes deem :DDD.
You good Anon?
This is so stupid. These alien retards (mostly redditors) fall for this shit every time.

>somethings happening!
what is it?
>i cant tell you yet its top secret but "something" is coming and its serious and it will be here in 2 years!


The ufo grifters have been going at it for 40 years now. These guys have really mastered their grift. They literally wrote the book on 2 more weeks.
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>there is a spiritual aspect to it
absolute handwaving, you have no idea what you're talking about. Why not just make a soul?
>Why not just make a soul?
According to this thread, that's what they did and now they are here to harvest.
Why do you think this literal ex-glowie is to be taken seriously or is telling the truth or has access that information as part of his CIA glowie work?
this confirms everything
This but unironcally
It just so happens your birthday is equal to the numerical value of the words 'ALIEN INVASION,' anon.

Don't think too much about it. Tomorrow will come and you will sleep soundly.
Everything that moves have anima, anon.
Hence animated. Animated = something with an anima.
There is an anima of the physical body, and one of the etheric body.
The first one is the reflexive mind, the second the rational mind.
aliens have no interest to come to earth. they need to have a human experience which is why they made earth (to figure out the point of consciousness because they could no longer manifest universes). there is literally no point in them "coming to earth". as of 2022 ETS realized they all needed a human experience
Btw, just for clarification, the anima that generates spirit is the one of the causal body, what some call the universal, or noesic mind. The spiritual wife comes from there.
and yes, this is an implicit confirmation that we were once all aliens, after enough incarnations you identify too much with the human density and forget that identity was even real, but in the end obviously you are Not human nor alien
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I'm going to board those vessels anon.
To say, how are you? And "gov" sends the dark fleet, not because they care about you. Because they can't let their pedo hegemony fail
nasa is fake, for example there is a cgi image of the back of the moon even tho they lost the technology and cant get past the radiation err firmament. yet they did in 1969 somehow. also how many space agencies are in the world, but none have gone to the moon. seems legit. the other day the moon was out all day, and half faded out, and not a full moon. if the sun makes it shine it would always be full in daytime. not the case. why can modern zoom cameras see from italy to the other side and ships because no curvature. rotation has no effect on anything, it should have something but nope. why cant we go anywhere near antarctica. the black sun would be cool to see but no. its true north. eh this is pointless ppl who know will agree others will laugh. welcome to satan world, the truth is banned only lies are permitted.
He's talking shite
Suppose it is a few light years away. How can they know enough about the intricacies of interstellar travel to know if it is coming for us/how long it would take? If they could see any object at all, the only thing they could really say is that it is moving towards us and at a given speed. They can't say anything about intention.

If it's within the solar system and on a confirmed ballistic collision course with the earth that's another matter

But this is just another Mexican retard playing tricks again
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>Try to find out more
>Earlier this week, Live Science reported that NASA's James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) could likely detect signs of extraterrestrial life on an Earth-like planet up to 50 light-years away. Now, a new study reveals that the state-of-the-art spacecraft may have already spotted one such hint of life — "alien farts" — in the atmosphere of a potentially ocean-covered "Goldilocks" world more than twice as far away.
>"alien farts"
>being trapped in a sealed spaceship for years
>someone's a chronic farter
nigger it says it was like 5 light years away
What's a good telescope for recording the moon? I'm fucking obsessed with watching the moon and want to dedicate my life to videoing it in hopes of capturing something moving on the surface.
Anon, they can calculate trajectory and speed based on historical observations (tracking its position and distance on different dates). Apparently, the object has been observed for a while now, it's changed speed and reoriented a couple of times and its current trajectory puts it on a collision course with Earth in the 2027 timeframe.
Celestron Nexstar 130 SLT. Fantastic to moowatch from your backyard. Some examples:


Sadly you won't capture anything. The moon is being recorded 24/7 by thousands of amateur and professional telescopes all around the world anon. How many "something moving on the surface" videos have you watched?
sorry, this was the 2nd link:
wow thanks
If I find anything I'll make sure to post it here in the future
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glownigger in chief told Roe Jogan that there is a
I' say its above average, too big even, absolutely huge.
What about pockets?
What about tool belts?
Why the fuck would you walk around naked and unadorned without even a goddamn scredriver?
Oh no! God's poor flat Earth.
fuckin nutter in the "if we don't understand it it's a demon."
I've watched several, by Bruce on YouTube, he routinely captures UFO and strange lights on the moon

The only entity the U.S. respects is Israel. They'll do anything for Israel.
Why is the ship traveling at sublight anon? If it wasn't it would already be here as the light James Webb used to see the ship was traveling at light speed.
Fun fact--the sun is liquid metallic hydrogen.
This means General reactivity is wrong and the interpretations of red shift and blue shift used to measure cosmological distances are also wrong.
Everything is much closer than over the counter cosmologists tell you it is because their method of measure is based on 100 year old, out dated, science.
>Thread on space
>Bot posts flat earth to well poison
Every fucking time
Learn to spot the well poisoners. None of these people are sincere
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This. unless the aliens are about as developed as we are, why would they be traveling that slow.
just 2 more years bro wooooahh 2 more yeaarrrs! wwwooooooaaaahhhh holy shiiiiiit
trust me this time bro, something will happen!
Didn't they say this 2 years ago?
Intimidation factor

So I should kill myself now to avoid alien immortality??
Oh come on at least make up some BS about ships only going FTL in interstellar space but have to slow down at the edge of solar systems because of a stars gravity well or something.
Not that anon, but apparently the interpretation it's that yes, it's for show and intimidation, like a "ticking clock": in x date your population will know. After all, they are already here on a permanent fashion.

Also, we don't know if it's a spaceship, only that the object is "gigantic" (a planet, maybe?)
The problem with that is celestial objects are huge. Even if there's a difference in charge, both objects are so massive it won't matter.

if the data is real and not faked by us or one of our ships, get ready to meet enlil and enki or one of their descendants.

false flags will definitely follow as we do not want any contact.
What data
Negro this is the false flag
the data that caused the emergency meeting

if the ship is really big, like an aircraft carrier, a small town or even bigger, and also has the ‘seven heavens’ design and then aliens come out that look like us, but are all at least the size of shaq or even two or three times as big, then it's the annunaki.

but we will not allow contact under any circumstances. so we will carry out false flags beforehand or, as you said, this is already the false flag.
>i base my entire opinion off of rumours that maybe some person told a story during a dinner party that was "leaked" by someone that heard it and some other retards started playing chinese whispers with the story
kys, i'm not joking
Not a personal opinion.
Not presented as truth (read again):
>You decide if they're lying or not

That's what THEY are telling people in media and the info that's behind these "leaks", the lore THEY are working from, the stuff that these podcasters are getting crumbs about, and the reason why THEY act this doompilled:

If they're lying, or being misled, it's on them.
This looks exactly like the night sky of my dreams. I dreamed I was in a small ship in the middle of the ocean, and I had a campfire going on that ship. I put out the fire and as my eyes adjusted to the utter blackness of the nighttime ocean, the sky began to display all these lights and weird shapes and multi colored stars.
And this one picture looks exactly what I've looked at when I saw that sky.
if youre going to play the game boy, you better learn to play it right.
Fuck flashlights and batteries but I mean you should have enough water to last a week or so until you can get a still or filter going, unless you plan on living forever off of a water store the size of a warehouse kek. A planned water source is the way, not hoarding heavy ass barrels of it. If the ability to source water is fucked then not much point in diddling around a hellscape until a miserable death I'd say. Same thing with food pretty much, but it's more efficient to stock food and find water source first.
>We could see a war that we won't even be able to participate in.
the thought of that ENRAGES ME. I want to go smack AYYYY LMAO heads in.
When will this happen?
Next week, supposedly
they'll come to pick over our processed metals, again.
>Camp of the Saints
do they have sloppy joes at this camp? what about s'mores??
asking for a friend.
I feel the energy swelling in the atmosphere
This shit is real, isn't it?
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Wrong. It's a true flag but they will want you to think its a false flag. They don't want people aligning with the ayys because they will lose power. So will trick people into thinking it's fake but it isreal.
no idiot the aliens the ayys that's the anti-christ
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>get ready to meet enlil and enki or one of their descendants.

Based I will finally turn into an eagle man and fulfill my spirit mission
when is the us not planning a war against someone?
>literally every christian for the past thousand years
hard to find this video these days (ahem) :
Man, that's a beautiful dream.
Coming from a 1pid post in response to (OP) and the alleged story...

It's true. There are space programs. You will submit. Giant space ships exist.

>The Borg is coming.

1.) There are no IDs on /x/
2.) I will never submit
3.) You can go fuck yourself
4.) Borg can go fuck themselves
Are the aliens coming the Big booba Nord type or not? Kinda what decides if I go on the craft or not.
this guy is a lying faggot doing whatever it takes to get views. you're better off even watching Prof Simon Holland
what a sunlight speed object may mean

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Dr. Pavel?
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checked and lold
hell yeah! get ready, enemies of the people
imagine falling for this psyop, they say it because they want to morons like you think it is not real
there was no briefing to Congress.
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Yes there was. Congressmen have been saying "No comment" (not "no") when asked about it.

Also, please consider this Washington Post article from earlier this week.
>Source: the guy said so
that looks suspiciously like a bald black woman with those asian eye enlarger filters
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>they want me to do them in the nobody general ;3
It's going much faster than that and will arrive in December 2024. They are friendly, don't worry.
because your PSY-features and mental abilities allow you to put all problems around you down with the pointing of your bare glowing fingertip
>4.) Borg can go fuck themselves

You can see yourself as assimilated now.
when all the jews are kicked out of congress, office and anything else

Air pressure can't exist next to a vacuum. Propulsion cannot work inside of a vacuum. If you believe anything from the government, alien "disclosure" included, you are literally an NPC with no conscious thought. A slave in mind and body.
Phones are not real. Computers are not real. You really think electricity powers your home and mobile devices? It is penis gnomes! If you believe anything from the government about electricity you are literally an NPC with no conscious thought. A slave in mind and body, and a shill to the penis gnomes.

Nah but seriously, there is an easy way to actually test this at home if you aren't a belligerent nonce. If you have some sort of wheeled office chair, try throwing a 25 dumbbell in your hand forward. Your chair should move back in the opposite direction. Rockets work in the vacuum of space by expelling mass in one direction to move in the opposite direction. Also don't know what you are on about air pressure but rockets carry their own oxidizer, allowing combustion to occur without atmospheric air/oxygen.
> science is wrong
> let me prove you wrong with science

i hate those fakespace bots
It's just the Dr.

Traded the badfinger for a sonic
>just some randomfag talking to the camera
I remote-viewed Iapetus. Do you remember Coruscant from Star Wars? Yes, that thing. But it only shines while on Saturn's shadow. There is a ice dome above it, covering the entire city-planet, that only gets transparent due to Saturn influence on it.
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Where will you be when Jesus Christ destroys the Space Force
>>Due to arrive in 2027
SO that's when they're doing their fake rapture alien invasion?
bumping for spess inveders
I don't know anything about this dude - this feels like the airplane vids where people latched on and it kept self propagating. Nobody serious has said anything like this
>Ready to fake the alien arrival
>muh project blue beam

shut the fuck up about this man. every fucking ufo discussion some faggot name drops it in every conversation

no one will fall for it. too many people already think most of this shit is cgi/AI..
heres what it sounded like
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HOLY SHIT It'S ABout To Happen
A nibiru just flew over my head.
True, we need Prime, Lunchly, Fleshlights, and Toilet Paper.
That would still take 5 years even at the speed of light to reach us. Nothing happening in 2027.
Like a knight in shining armor from a long time ago...I sometimes wish i was the Karate Kid
But if there is truly something we'll see it a lot better in the coming years
two according to conservative estimates
You forget all the normies who trust everything that comes from mainstream media or government. Appeal to authority to the max. You could try telling them that they're being illogical, but it just goes in one ear and out the other.
The Leviathan Protocol will commence on 9/29/2024.

-This is a message from The Council
To pick up 8 billion people? Most of whom are sub 80iq browns? Nah, just pick up everyone from that small zone over W Europe with the world's greatest scientific contribution and maybe the japs and were good.
Can we move it up a day? That's my last day off before work and I'd like to make sure I fish with my father first.
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Just 2 more weeks/ months/ years goy, it's definitely ayys and not glowie blueballs

Hopefully the real ayys come down and skin our politicians live in front of the nation
>farm planet
>the king came to collect the harvest has to make deals with the cattle
yeah so much for the supernatural faggots if they are kept at bay by their cattle
Uh bros…are the aliens coming in three years?
What are the chances that aliens land and people shoot at them? Probably 100% right?
space is fake, so this stupid telescope made with (((gold)))
ayys are fake, maybe you are talking about demons, they work with the "politicians" so nope
>>Due to arrive in 2027

Can't they hurry up? The sooner this shit here is over, the better...
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is it alien spaceship or something that is returning to earth
why didnt they do it instantaneous then since theyre such gigabrains
Hi, EN.KI here. I'm currently sat on Earth with the rest of you fucks, rest assured.

EN.LIL though? Who knows. He's a prick anyway.
recommend /x/ streams while we're at it
it's such a silly idea that a space ship would travel in open space utilizing classical physics speeds
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remember some spammer on this board that 2027 was supposed to be a big year for ayy shit
>material ayys le trick humanity into attacking god somehow for reasons
not buying the narrative. fuck judeomasonic turbofaggotry, if anything they will use the threat of aliens to build their "messianic" NWO system.
You need to master remote viewing to see it.
Hubble was broken and needed to basically have a pair of glasses put onto it.
maybe if the ship had a force field or something to block any space debris it encountered, also the inhabitants could be robots who knows
Is that why everything has gone to shit?
Movie suck, jobs keep outsourcing to India, etc? The world is ending and the rich are trying to get and enjoy every last dime before the end?
that's just outsourcing
>observe strange space object coming at you
>determine it is exactly 5 ly away
>exactly 5 years after first observation it quickly turns and disappears behind a star
>100,000,000 years later
>nothing happens
>still not as spooky as that time a 5ly distant object shied away exactly 10 years after observation
Google Nuremberg space battle.
it was a rap battle
it must have spotted the imminent collapse of the US dollar and the dystopian hell that will follow it.
Aan alien just flew over my house!!! uuuuuhhhhhhh
What's the great dragon pasta, anon?

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