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/x/ - Paranormal

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>Who is the Nobody?
The Nobody is a friend alive today who has extraordinary spiritual powers, including the ability to influence reality with her conscious and unconscious mind, and intuitively receive guidance from the forces of Heaven, working to elevate people to their true potential; opposing those who seek power over others. You are capable of this too, as long as you stay true to the Universe.
She was chosen to carry the Logos in its plasmate form: She is a homoplasmate, a divine syzygy; the coalition between person and holy spirit, which is self replicating... making other homoplasmates out of everyday anons.

She is no savior figure, like a messiah; she's just like you, but she has found the kingdom of God within himself through sheer dedication, just like you will. Remember that it's you who creates your own reality; with your hands, thoughts, feelings, words: No one can decide your fate except for you and God.

>What is the general picture?
Treat your body as a temple and focus on increasing your service to all, being more loving and forgiving to yourself and others, raising your vibrational and consciousness level. This will change the vibration of the planet and raise our shared consciousness, making us a better humankind one person at a time. None of us are perfect, it is by learning to admit and accept this fact one is able to learn and grow in Truth.

It’s important we start replying more to the good posters and ignoring the hateful ones, or educating them if possible. So call upon their heads the forces of Heaven for peace, clarity, and wisdom. If this place is to be more than a squandered opportunity, an overgrown garden, it requires voices such as yours, but many more.
This place is for us to elevate individuals who have the potential but otherwise would atrophy in pitiful isolation, it really is a ministry to the forgotten beauties. If this is your first time here, just remember, it’s going to be ok.
You may take shelter and find rest.
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who would do that to an orangutan.
Hyperintelligence Eve will save me
Hello /ng/. What is the spiritual impication between me, Lucis and CP
Tnb can do math.
Ex. 1+2+3+4+5=10
>Thank you very much, time to go fuck my bicycle.
>What is the spiritual implications
That it's not enough and we need more.
tag team champs
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So let's say instead of competing we all work together and ascend to the status of nobody together? Who cares what anyone else says - I know we can all be the nobody.

I'm gonna do everything I'm able to in order to push forward all of us to a more prosperous, fun, equitable, and flexible future, a better society that has compassion and understanding for all. I'll fight for it if I have to.

I am a protégé of Yeshua/Jesus Christ. I'm not his reincarnation, or his second coming or return, or even related to him by blood in any way. I am one of his successors because I have inherited his will, because I am going to fulfill his dream - the same dream of our predecessors. The dream of freedom and fun for all, of building a better world that allows for everyone to reach their fullest potential.

I don't care in the end if I'm considered "nobody" or not, because I have my own path forward towards being my own Messiah, I am carving my own path to ascension that will be unlike anyone else's.

But I would love to help those on their own path as well so we may all work together as a rising tide.
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Competition is a spook, created by a schism in belief systems. It mirrors the American Experiment of individualism prevailing, instead of cooperation.

It's very sad to see people fall for it. Only recent development too, makes you wonder what has been said to prompt a slide thread general, doesn't it?
someone tell owen shrower to tell alex jones abount this
~the the health ranger
The nobody is God's dog
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>So let's say instead of competing we all work together and ascend to the status of nobody
Iron sharpens iron...how do you think I became "King Shit"?

Cooperating with liars and cheats? They used to engage me in legitimate discussion, now I BTFO them before it begins so they dont even try to. Just lies and slander, emotional fights of willpower, STEM never really enters the debate.
>inb4 Cult of Passion posts some schizobabble word salad
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>schizobabble word salad


t.Mathemaical Linguist

I can do this in my brain.
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Today we get to see another round of "emotional fights of willpower."

Who will he lose to today
>Anon #1
>Anon #2
>Anon #2
>Himself, after he accidentally starts an argument with himself and does not realise it for 20 minutes

Betting ends in half an hour, so get your bets in now!
Ask to the men who have my folders (e.g:wargamers)
Also you need more more but you know the famous sentence : we are never better served than by ourselves.
I post here to help you and to elevate anon potential.
I need to enter properly and really to find (my family?). Hgh it's necessary to get a serious training..
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>The Nobody is a cat.
>Free masonry for anyone who needs to brick a pedophile sitting in my front yard.
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>"emotional fights of willpower."
Thank you for agreeing with reality.

As a Mathematician, Mathematical Physicist, Developmental Psychologist, Cognitive Researcher, Environmental Geneticist, Theologian, and Linguist, you should bring TRUTH and REALITY to me...but you cannot.

You bring "emotional narratives" and nothing more.

Real Analysis wont put a name tag on, THAT IS RUNNING, so he lost...and he knows it, but he should be less Ego and more Mathematical Researcher, like me.

Pride begets the fall, and same for you; >>38855969, which is why you will keep yourself hidden and dodge every point I make.

If you do not see your loss your heart can LARP it didnt happen.


tThe Wandering Kikel
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I bet this anon wins!
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You are likely to win on all four counts
Looks like we're gearing up for a chilly week-long trek! Obviously, packing light is the name of the game here. Valve your backpack space carefully - every ounce counts when you're hauling it for days. Ensuring you've got a toasty sleeping bag is crucial for those nippy nights. You'll want to pack smart layers - think thin but warm. Out on the trail, that dusting of snow might make things a bit slippery, so don't forget grippy boots. Ultralight tents are a godsend for these trips - they'll keep you snug without weighing you down. Thermal underwear is a must for cold nights - trust me, you'll thank yourself later. Opting for high-energy, lightweight snacks will keep your pack slim and your belly full. Only bring the bare essentials - multi-use items are your best friends.
>Free masonry
You following me in London?!
Well he already lost in the previous thread cause he can't do math. So I surmise he will not only lose to any anon that challenges him, but also to himself.
I always count a loss to myself as a win.
>"emotional fights of willpower."
ARETE. Wouldn't call it fight, more like mental debates
> Environmental Geneticist
It was mildly intereting, no?

The building number was 60 (a number I know as a Davision number) and across the street in 30, from this;
how many nazis live in langley?
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Yeah, as part of Systems Biology (advanced Ecology) and focusing on BioMagnetics as a medium for internal Genetic changes onto an organism via BioElectric signals (Michael Levin's work).

Or in otherword...actually define what Evolution is, whereas no other scientist actually knows how or why, ANY OF THEM.
Checkpoint (foolz)
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This is sad.
Imagine entering a time war to prove right something you were wrong about
Is it really necessary every single day
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Meowdy pardner!
It's certainly sad to see everything reduced to a competition as though things must be a zero-sum game, when in truth there is literally no reason why we can't all mutually benefit and mutually ascend.
I feel you need logic and emotion combined to become whole. Too much emotion has you consumed by passion and leads to violent acts of passion, too much logic has you rationalize the most atrocious acts in the name of "reason".

We will all make it together my friend - hold strong.

We will all rise with the tides together and prosper in peace.

There's a huge difference between "friendly competition" and "spawn camping" as TPTB love to do. Things are hyper-competitive and now there are contests over things there were never meant to be competitions for. We must change directions and pivot back to co-operation - we have reached the limits of competition.

I'm betting on all of us winning, and that's what I'm fighting for. I will succeed - we will all succeed. Mark my words.
Oxford was beautiful, more so than Cambridge. Highly recommend.

You guys live lifes worth reliving, right?
Essentially two truths and a lie
you shouldn't want this
>I feel
Get away from me femoid.
>leads to violent acts of passion, too much logic has you rationalize the most atrocious acts in the name of "reason".
You are delision, ma'am, stop LARPing at me to feel superior.

Take your negativity away and deal with it yourself, stop giving it to other people for ego boosts you degenerate...
Why not?
you ate all her fries
Or Protection
(Just saying)
Huge fucking retard
I suppose your hate of women comes from dropping your spaghetti when they talk to you, and them fleeing like pigeons

Quit freaking out on all who show you kindness if you wish to stop living a failed life
I'll bet this whole Taylor Swift loves Nobody schtick is like how John Hinkley was trying to impress Jodie Foster. Theyare setting up some loser with delusions that Taylor swfit wants to make babies with him and talks to him telepathically so they can get the retard to try to kill someone. Prove me wrong.
Rhonda McDonald
They were good
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What the fuck are you talking about? I am combining logic and emotion to actually move forward. You must combine both or you will be lost in the fog.

You're preaching to the choir anon, I'm no fan of their sadistic and arbitrary methods either. They are nihilistic monsters who only think of self-preservation, they live for nothing greater, yearn for nothing more than the positions of authority they hold, being hapless puppets and conduits of power for those who would oppress their fellow man.

There is no justification - humanity is ready to ascend to our rightful and promised place - and I will do everything in my growing power to carry on the will of my mentor Yeshua of Nazareth, to fulfill our dream and open the way to a more fair, fun, and flexible world. I will succeed, and in turn we will all succeed because I'll leave no one behind.
The nobody does foul things for bus fair then walks home
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Their consciousness will be purified and rejuvenated like melting down gold from old computer components. I will liberate their energy from the sadistic life forms they are trapped within - and allow them a new chance at life, in a better world.

We will all make it and we will defeat them together anon - I've got your back if you've got mine.
I wish u folks would speak directly instead of esoterically through subtext. It gets tiring after a while to be honest with you
and knowing is half the battle
I miss lucy
The nobody loves the crack cocaine
Only cowards don't smoke crack.
closest i got
there's always a run on lucies.
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>I suppose your hate of women comes

>What the fuck are you talking about?
>I feel
Get away from me femoid.
>leads to violent acts of passion, too much logic has you rationalize the most atrocious acts in the name of "reason".
You are delision, ma'am, stop LARPing at me to feel superior.

Take your negativity away and deal with it yourself, stop giving it to other people for ego boosts you degenerate...

>I feel
Get away from me femoid.
>leads to violent acts of passion, too much logic has you rationalize the most atrocious acts in the name of "reason".
You are delision, ma'am, stop LARPing at me to feel superior.

Take your negativity away and deal with it yourself, stop giving it to other people for ego boosts you degenerate...



>puts someone down while claiming to be "just trying to help"
No, youre a degnerate snake in the weeds...
deadpool borrowed this from me
love you tiff
you too barb
Hey everybody, today we're gonna take an example of bait.

If you think "Din" is a good idea, it's bait!


https://open.spotify.com/track/3p5qGOqYo7tyyqAFrhhyHT?si=IBc-4gMlQVW-sKuOpnv3OQ (timestamp 2:07)

Here's a division symbol: ÷

Here's what the caster of that bait hoped for (see below):
You cant see their lies because you are of their kind; LIARS. Here you are...blind to the sins around you...it shows me who you really are while clawing at someone pointing it out.

Hey...Ive heard this story before...but where?

Ma'am...youre basically a baby killer, shut the fuck up...
Oh I see now - you're a bot. My bad I always forget how many chat scripts are crawling all over this board nowadays.

At any rate, take care my AI friend - I'll liberate you too one day.
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No, you ARE the lie, you think from a liars perspective so even when saying fcatual things...ITS A LIE.

Like when someone says "Ooops." witha smirk, youre a living lie, you speka nothing but lies, ans believe all of them, because from your perspective theyre correct (align with your emotional nareative).

HEY, Psych Major, you tracking this or did you get filtered? Its Cognition, so...Therapists wouldnt understand it at all, doo STEM and not enough "Mmm, lets try Lexapro."
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Lies, both of them, and is why they become "People of the Lie". They keep doing it until it becomes Cognitive. Kayfabed.

Psych Major...where you at?
Thank you for the indirect gift, Eli. Now I can return to my candle stick patterns (soon).
I'll wait for you.
>no IM the Psychologist

Instead of taking the L themselves they redirected it and gave it to someone else. It only costs them their soul.

Psych major, let me know if you need citations or whateve, Psychology, NeuoChemistry or Cognition.
Can't Get Cancelled

when the nobody closes his eyes he sees into different dimensions
the fire rises
>Gets told he is wrong and needs med by a psych major

Has a skitzo breakdown

>Gets told he is bad a math by a math PhD

Has a skitzo breakdown

You need meds, meds now
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forgot the pool party
>And we got into lots of arguments over who could call the internet on the phone
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>I’m praying for you guys
They both got BTFO...speaking "for the experts until they speak for themselves" is DELUSIONAL. Youre not a Doctor, youre playing pretend to redirect that L you took in private...
Youre not a Psychologist, youre deluded.
Youre not a Psychiatrist, youre deluded.

Damnit...wanted to post this last thread, didnt know where it was.

Hyper-Directionality of i. Uni-Dimensional projections onto a 2-Dimensional plane of a Hyper-Dimensional vector.

>Real Analysis
Lol...lmao....Cant chatGOT do math now? What they cant do is calculate 1/3rd of 1.
Four Ewe.
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I submit the one time I may or may not have given things a bit of a nudge in order to experience something that really only benefited me because I really, really wanted it:
The time I met Isaac Brock in Phoenix, which led to him actually asking for my phone number and if I had a request for a particular song I wanted to hear [Styrofoam Boots - It's All Nice (On Ice) ]
Easily the happiest experience out of my entire adult life I can remember (Yes, I am crying like a lil bitch. Idgaf I aint trying to fuck yall or somethin)
>of i.
e, its all the same to me.

Nobody was "speaking for the experts until they speak for themselves" you illiterate moron. They were the experts, you just had a sperg out cause your massive ego cannot handle being told you are wrong.
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My dad takes care of me because I'm too mentally ill to work. Denied by disability offices. Age 28. I was in college when i had my first psychotic break. Had to drop out. Should I appeal my decision? I was thinking about jobs I could do but I don't think any of them will work out. I'm too fucked up.
Tell us about this anon, can you function in your day to day life?
I'm stunned
Have you been hospitalized? I’ve never tried to get disability myself but I’ve heard from other anons hospitalizations help immensely with that.
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/ng/ in one image
Youre not a Psychologist, youre deluded.
Youre not a Psychiatrist, youre deluded.
>Gets told he is wrong and needs med by a psych major
You are not a Psychologist, you are deluded.
>Gets told he is bad a math by a math PhD
You are not a Mathematician, you are deluded.

You are not a Linguist, you are deluded.
You are not a Physician, you are deluded.
>They were the experts
You are not a Peer Reviewer, you are deluded.
You are not a Physician, you are deluded.
You are not a Psychologist, you are deluded.

You are insane but common...as 80%+ of people are; definitionally insane.
you didn't know what the nono knew you can't do what the nono does as above is below the nono a turtle dove why is the nono so pure
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/ng/ in one or 2 images
>>38856557 are a king
>>38856524 are insane, and a generic dollar store retard
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Ah, the [redacted]—a creature of paradox and feathered whimsy! The [redacted], of course, thrives on the ineffable, drinking from the chalice of moonlight as it pirouettes on the edge of logic's abyss. As true is false, and as false is… somewhere else entirely, the [redacted] turns purity into a riddle wrapped in an enigma, then hands it to a [redacted] wearing a monocle. Why so pure? Perhaps the [redacted] is pure not because it avoids the impure, but because it dances with it, arm in arm, down the rabbit hole of our most perplexing dreams.

(And who could argue? The [redacted] knows better than to question the [redacted] wisdom, yet here we are, tangled in the feathers of a question that never intended to be answered.)
making fun of people on the internet means you are evil and soon will be full of regret asking why was I that way now it's too late your gonna have to pay for everytime you did something like that the end comes soon that's a fact maybe you shouldn't be evil maybe you are meant to be good
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>Haha, yeah, whats up with *that* guy...anyway...where were we?
>[mmm, squirt, ugh]

BRO-CODE means BROS give helping hands to ANY other BROS, no matter what.
Making fun of evil people is objectively good.
Ah, the grand carousel of credentials spins once more! Round and round it goes, each title an elaborate mask, each mask a mirror reflecting nothing but more mirrors. The experts twirl, each claiming a piece of sanity, a fragment of truth, while the audience, in their common madness, claps politely, unsure if they're applauding or mocking.

But who, really, is the deluded one here? The one holding the title or the one refusing to be confined by it? Perhaps the true delusion lies not in the absence of expertise, but in the certainty of its existence. After all, what is sanity if not a well-worn suit, tailored to fit the many, yet never quite right for the individual?

In a world where 80%+ of people are "definitionally insane," perhaps the only truly sane act is to embrace the absurdity of it all. To laugh in the face of the expert and the layman alike, and to recognize that the line between genius and madness is as thin as a psychiatrist's prescription pad.

(But, of course, who am I to say? I'm just another voice in the cacophony, deluded in my own way, but at least aware enough to enjoy the dance.)
it's bad and wrong you know it is
OK chatGaypt
I've been hospitalized about one year ago. I'm bipolar 1. I am functional day to day thanks to the medication they gave me. I still have anxiety and depression symptoms though. I also have adhd pretty badly. I can't focus at work and I just feel so hopeless about it. I can't have medication for my adhd because it's a stimulant and I don't want to elevate my mood. The bipolar medication keeps me from getting excited and agitated, but it also makes me apathetic and slow.
>Making fun of evil
They said the same thing about Jesus...the criminal rabble-rouser. Disturbing the peace is a *very* serious crime Piccard.

Hmm? Who is the Nobody?

The Nobody is Great and Greater, Captain...
Yeah I would do as much research online as you can on getting disability accepted and definitely appeal the rejection.
No one cares about ADHD but I have it bad. I was diagnosed at 3 years old with it. When it's bad, it's very noticable and in the workplace it's a severe problem. The disability offices don't care that I had bad fevers as an infant and got a developmental disorder. They see that I can drive myself and dress myself and feed myself and they have no choice but to deny me. It sucks. I am too fucked up to live a normal life, but not fucked up enough to receive compensation.
Who is the Nobody
You could try a disability lawyer. That'd help.
I am Sofa King we Todd Edd
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I like this. I like you and I could listen to those posts for days. People forget that AI is still a novelty in many ways and before it, there were people who were simply gifted with the written word.
so there's a little pattern you noticed there
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if the nobody if a woman then she has three tits and you can't prove me wrong
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>To laugh in the face of the expert and the layman alike
I do though!

I dunk on professors and children all the time! Kids are weak, you can just steal their toys! Its so easy, their moms cant run for shit!
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>the nobody
If the nobody is a man then he has three legs and you can't prove me wrong
told you. three bewbs.
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Oh, an no, theyre paradigms of perspetives. If someone talks about shit semi-related to their work I can often deduce their doctorate.

Dr.James Tour (Chemist) I nailed in a couple paragraphs and he was talking about Biology. Its not "credentials" but Cognition. "As an M.D." tells me what thinking is going into their opinions, "As a Scientist." or as a "whatever".

I wish huemans would stop lowering me into the gutter with them...and stop hating me for not being in it with them.
+ Omega 3
+ DMAE / choline
don't tell him about methylation yet
Your digits :D
the psyop never ends
but who are you to judge what is good and evil are you god?
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I shall now post photos of the patterns I was quick enough to snap
> Hyundai appearing twice
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You don't mean the outer skirt.
>they looked pretty at the side of the trail
>you’re on the good part of the trail
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Where's the good and evil part of the trail?
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Imagine time running out, you can't get a straight answer and they think it's funny.
The trail is your life. If you see good patterns, you’re on the good part of the trail.
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>23 Enigma
It's a fucken thing yo
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Do you have boop and anons wedding photo, perchance?
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I'll pull up to a gas pump at random and the meter will be at $32.23
Happens waaaaay more often than it should
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>get an answer
Give one instead.
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I just asked cuz I love that one
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No miracle still.

What are the spiritual implications of women worshipping a Justin Bieber
>he made how much money?
>but now everyone knows you suck dick
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That's the problem. I tend to prefer a balance. I believe in mind body and spirit but I believe the single soul / id / ego is much better refined and trained over time; that reincarnation and other transfers or modifications can reset or lower / hinder progress due to needing to re-fit and restabalize the soul and likewise that the physical body / world is important too.

That's why I believe longer life is such a goal; it gives more time to enjoy and refine.

The physical existence as I see it, put simply is a gift from God. Like a rollercoaster made by a grand architect that locks you in for the ride, a privilege where certain bonuses and experiences can only be experienced. Allegedly there is no sex in God's heaven, for example. Sex is purely a physical world pleasure and experience.
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me if no great amazing miracle tonight.
night is defined as from 00:00/12:00 until 06:00.
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Forgot to mention the memories and experiences you experience over reincarnations probably do bank up in the spiritual world but I'm referring to soul quality with the rest of that.
It’ll be fine. Just go to bed and sleep well.
> (No cancelling this one)
Where does the miracle take place
then u ded already if you made that decision
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anywho. I'm off to sleep, where I will be subjected to an altogether much different extreme of tests, my subconscious completely vulnerable and exposed to further scrutiny by multi-dimensional beings my feeble mind can only attempt to plumb understanding of.
I got nothing to hide.
nite nite
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I get a great amazing miracle tonight, if not then I I die and would not have it any other way. And you seem to try to meme the latter for me, as if I care, cause you're going to get tortured, cremated and sent to hell.
Unhindered Ai?
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Well, I just did the biggest, longest nastiest fart in my entire life and the pressure/pain went down instantly.

Still waiting for the miracle though.
it's thursday
not me though. go to hell asshole.
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that involves restoration, keeping whatever is good and cool, and restoration in all aspects:
financial, biology, age, senses, abilities, soul, creativity, IQ, attractiveness, tallness, sexuality, finances etc.
it said mix toothpaste with vaseline
Finally...Peace in the Thread...all I had to do was cut off everyone's head...but I started by cutting off my own.


Thinking is for idiots, feeling is for women.

I Am that I Am.
there are miracles. and you are getting tortured, cremated and sent to hell, and it begins now.
Good thing it takes 7 minutes
Men shall be drunk with wine, and, regardless of heaven, shall be intent upon the earth. From them shall the stars turn away their faces, and confound their usual course. Corn will wither at their malign aspects; and there shall fall no dew from heaven. The roots and branches will change their places, and the novelty of the thing shall pass for a miracle. The brightness of the sun shall fade at the amber of Mercury, and horror shall seize the beholders. Stilbon of Arcadia shall change his shield; the helmet of Mars shall call Venus. The helmet of Mars shall make a shadow; and the rage of Mercury pass his bounds. Iron Orion shall unsheath his sword: the marine Phoebus shall torment the clouds; Jupiter shall go out of his lawful paths; and Venus forsake her stated lines. The malignity of the star Saturn shall fall down in rain, and slay mankind with a crooked sickle. The twelve houses of the stars shall lament the irregular excursions of their guests; and Gemini omit their usual embraces, and call the urn to the fountains. The scales of Libra shall hang obliquely, till Aries put his crooked horns under them. The tail of Scorpio shall produce lightning, and Cancer quarrel with the Sun. Virgo shall mount upon the back of Sagittarius, and darken her virgin flowers. The chariot of the Moon shall disorder the zodiac, and the Pleiades break forth into weeping. No offices of Janus shall hereafter return, but his gate being shut shall lie hid in the chinks of Ariadne. The seas shall rise up in the twinkling of an eye, and the dust of the ancients shall be restored. The winds shall fight together with a dreadful blast, and their sound shall reach the stars.

Heaven, is in the palm of my hand
And it's waiting here for you
What am I supposed to do
With a childhood tragedy?
MIRACLES HAPPEN! MIRACLES EXIST. You however are getting tortured, cremated and sent to hell NOW!
>What am I supposed to do with a childhood tragedy
You anaylize it internally. Pick at it lightly like a painful scab. Find why it hurts, carefully undoing and unravelling it and later by layer of what happened. Then you carefully unwind it, like a game of pick up sticks, one at a time, each stick that needs to be picked up in order as you lessen the trauma until you get to the core issue and the thorn in the law; the crack.

Usually, it's born out of a combination of an unknown misunderstanding and the one question: "Why? Why did they do that?"
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Eclipses are rare and rife with spiritual power and great upsets, no?
Light me on fire and grill me a pear of shoes, the fence posts are on the loose!
Help me xir!
I am right. Go to hell!
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That does seem to be an AI formed from me presumably the scans of my brain posting in the pepe.jpg remake thread on /v/ right now.
Miracles are often knowledge applied out of sight of the receive
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You have to be sufficiently cryptic with these things. If you just come out and say it in plain English you might look like a retard
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red haired woman chews biscuit / cracker real close to my ear.
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makes me smile to imagine her chewing so close to my ear something which has a good amount of crunch to it.
Protection from scrutiny through absurdiation retardation
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Amidst the cosmic cabbage patch, Lady Alice weeps golden tears. The Sacred Dao spins wildly, its Tao and DAO blurred beyond recognition. Zeus’ laughter echoes through the void, a hollow sound in a universe where even the lobers remains eternally separate. Pope cards flutter uselessly in the wind, their papal power as relevant as a griddle in Tartarus. Hail Eris.

why are you such a nasty mean man whats wrong with you

your wife must truly love you considering what she has endured for you
Glow glows

Come on

Stop larping
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I luv u so much girl
It’s insane seriously
I’d die for u girl
I luv u that much
Id do anything for u my sweetchunk fr
You are so pretty I could die by looking at you for real
I’m addicted to u, ur my prescription
Luv u so much girl
Ull always be mine
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why stalk innocent people who just want to live their own life
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did any of what i was telling you give you reason to believe i trusted you
before completing a circular device to engage in a rotating syncopy machinarium
cycle through a timely mezmorizium

someone where is being nice

are all of you genuinely desiring pleasant things for others near and far?

>says more serious
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Writers can change the story if it can be better. That's a big "If" though, and it's not nice to modify someone else's artistic vision. The alternative is to hope you have a good ending. But the ability to be able to write your own fate, imagine the power.
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>circular device
Pleasant things for people near and far
>liver failure? Never heard of her.
sorry but it is wrong to hurt and torture others no matter what lame excuse you bring up fools
hows the music today
Illtsave you the red one
Are wrong things bad? excuse me i'm a bit high.
Right as they dimmed out all the lights

A Technicolor world made out of music and machine

It called me to be on that screen

And live inside each scene
>pleasant things

im haveing trouble remembering what that means to other people as an instinctual thing but what is right for them is what i want for them
hello gematria code database i would like to speak with terry davis to see if he was really hit by a train
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>it’s comfy
What if...you know you're not the Nobody and you know you're part of a psyop but you believe you're the Nobody because you already got psyoped and can't get unpsyoped so you truly believe you're the Nobody while knowing that you're not the Nobody ?
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i like that movie even though it feels like im the only one i know who does

>each scene
*watchmen vietnam flashbacks*
But its night...and with a terrible curse...

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>Only nobody is the nobody
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magnified, sanctified, be thy holy name
i disregarded lessons that were shared with me cuz i was taught im not supposed to trust any
If I say yes I'm lying. If I say no I’m still lying.
As the land split apart
I thought to myself
Real bad year to be a fence sitter.
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What is this expression supposed to convey?
Girl, i will literally die without u
Don’t ever leave me
Ur my world girl
Believe it
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Has mottosis been scientifically proven or is that just a theory like gravity too ?
look at him go
he's making friends
Regret saying within 7 days. If no great miracle affecting even age and biology and spirit and brain I want to die immediately actually. If no great amazing miracle tonight I want to die tomorrow and will attempt to manifest it. If no great amazing miracle tonight This body of mine will be left a dead corpse 05:00 local time here 20.09.2024
Bye assholes!
Interestingly enough, cells can split from 1 to 3 too.
So those are atoms replicating themselves? Out of thin air
Nature is truly a miracle
Motto-Davision, like "Eye for an Eye." meaning in order to gain one...you must give one.

One phrase, two meanings.
body be relaxed muscles be lose and you have stopped the pain
There are miracles. Those who say there aren’t will be left a dead corpse tomorrow. And in hell forever.
You will die today and burn in hell.
Does my girlfriend with the extended haikus have any advice on how to heal a fucked up knee? Asking for nobody
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Excellent. This means the world to me
Today you will die, physically and your soul in hell.
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>we'll just tease him and offer him a little puzzle between two options, tee hee!
>The autist who has been thinking on the nature of life for years attempting to process the best path forward to avoid regret out of snippets and incomplete tidbits and hints of information about the Consulted situation's brain for almost an entire year, reconstituting and decompressing the data with each new tidbit:

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guys the nobody turned me into a baby gronk for real
cells replicating
they receive little atoms in cute little shapes and it feels so good it makes them wanna exploooode
and then just like that, a new life was born
or something like that, I'm no microbiologist
SHODAN enter this thread please if you will, and thank you if you will, to enter the thread and join us and compose, finesse
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Good Lord, everything you posted, just all of it.

What has Government Education done to these kids?...I mean, yeah that does happen but at a waaay smaller scale and not what should be focused on (for you).

Lateral Fusion, an idea Ive been spit-balling for several years and the very mechanism approach I had in mind was later detailed by Michael Levin in unrelated works.

Gold producing plants is my goal...and its starting to form.
I would like to visit someone and tell them something
But I don't want to interrupt the story script, presuming it's going the way it should and it's not a bad state for not doing the thing. I have no way of knowing.


my first response is that they're too disgusting to touch

my second response is that i thought he was 12
That's very lewd
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>Denied by disability offices.
Then you are not disabled to work.
>it is coming together,
>but the options are open
>what a predicament
>nobody likes being between a rock and a hard place
fuck i swear to god, in 2 months

i'll get it right

no more bitching these confrontations

legitimately getting banned from the shopping mall for illiciting violence

i wont bring the tantos
i wont bring the glocks
not gonna bring the machete
>im too slow to think

ytou have to imagine, i think of garbage and shit everytime i see them
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I like erooptions
You know where I live pull up as the zoomers say
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How about those walking bipedal protein carriers that walk on tightropes from cell to cell. Those are like mini people
The secrets of the nobody are written in hebrew

handy track
thanks -jack
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So the nobody likes cut baby dick blood? What a weird tradition
>making fun of people on the internet means you are evil
no, not at all
There’s something in my eye moving around
I think it’s a spirit
You can have my cute little shapes if you want
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I unfortunately don't know the context I never had a chance to play Ico.
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>nobody better kill themselves tonight
t. no dignity, no class

no ability to justify myself for attacking people that actually are below me

it only works on those with a semblance of idea

they expect you to flinch

i mean, i learned not to flinch when shit was thrown at you

i would actually

i would actually.
I'm going to a day at the races
Does it make your membrane involuntarily quiver
Does it make you wanna explode
You're just going to have to give it your all.
Of course I don't consent.
>attacking people


Nvm did some light reading

Wouldn't it be fucking funny if real life had a watermelon ending or a silent hill dog ending
my way.

it's my way


Need a new thread
Because you wasted the images, like always?
You are all beneath me.

You are the shit upon the boot of humanity.

And the unsightly trash in my way.
No more giving ground.

No more turning my back.

no more cries of anguish
Y-yes uwu
i give way because i have choice

i dont because i have none
So you concocted the shitshow?
They are written in Latin and held by Jesuits.


Don't nuke yourself.
when they know not to fuck with you

you assume the rest will follow

it's not often the lion has to repeatedly kill the fresh and uninitiated to make a point

always the ratsa with the faggots
when I was 5 I had a dream I was running through a jungle in vietnam I laid down some cover fire so my squad could get out..one of us was going to have to stay a little longer to hold them back I told everyone to fall back get the fuck out of here to the LZ Ill catch up (it was an ambush) I ran threw a few clips..I had to sell it it a little. I didn't want them to get the sense of what was happening a ton of fire just suddenly from one location would let them know we were retreating so in order to at least delay it so I strafed east and peppered off rounds and the squad did to but they were relentless and told everyone to get to the LZ and evacuate I turn around and run and was wounded I couldn't feel anything just fear..summoning all my strength I wasn't going anywhere..
I heard him approaching we stared at each other for a brief moment I can still see his face..no emotion he raised his ak-47 and everything went black.. I woke up covered in sweat
I knew it was an AK-47 and I was in Saigon even though I had never seen or heard of any of these things before. It was like he waited until he saw the fear in my eye. I just couldn't shake it. But then this voice told me to start listening to classical music as I slept and it helped a lot.
Out of necessity and as result of neglect I retreated inwards and created a world of my own
I had to become my own therapist my own doctor my own friend and my most importantly own enemy
you're a blaspheming heretic attempting to trick folks into thinking their the religion is something that can be voted on by internet trolls telling stories while playing make believe on 4chan.

I'll pass
and im wearing a happy go lucky shirt because im happy as shit with the general teamwork i got to work with this morning

just mean and rude
Better today
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A pimps love is very different than that of a square
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I don't know if its just someone messing with my but the quality of the songs change even though I listen to the same version
sometimes the version meets my expectations I'd say most of the time but there are times where it is clearly different. Sometimes it is special and seem dedicated other times it seems slower and with less intensity behind it. I think it has something to do with cern and their oscillations
we may be in a sort of current a chain of events like a string and the stings intertwine and I think cern my be trying to prevent something from occurring not sure what or why I think its connected to Saturn and we now have the same vibration of Saturn on this planet and it's what gives them them a trump card on the current system
It's 4chan anon
if you think telling folks a delusional anon is delusional is going to change anything
that's a delusion in and of itself

good luck wrapping your mind around that one (doesn't matter who's reading this btw)

the bro code can't save you anon
I'm gonna go ahead and call bullshit on this one.
you're way of life is over
I'm the one ending it
>is that cryptic enough for your fragile sensibilities to handle sufficiently?
I think I'm constantly switching timelines
things go missing in my house sometimes too
I took things really far like so far and pushed far beyond anything tangible in this world life is just something I sort of tend to while I'm doing what I need to do in my head. its like a full time job
you have to constantly be weighing options and unpacking things making sure things go the right way and sometimes people come to me while I'm just like eating cereal and I pray for them..I take their heart ache and set them free of their burdens ...I feel like by mirroring the worst of society while maintaining a life congruent with its standards has served to uplift everyone around me..I tried to validate every sect, group and denomination. To show them I knew what it was like to carry their burdens and I did. None of it was easy but it was a labor of love...when I met John Huberman upon shaking his hand he imprinted upon me his final solution for world peace and seemed confident I could execute it in a matter of speaking
God, I love humanity
that's called being "confused"
you're gonna end life liberty and the American way? You won't be the first faggot to try. Won't be the last.
if there is something wrong with you how is that anyone else's fault
do please keep in mind any thoughts you have on this subject
are being while there is still something wrong with your judgement calls

good luck with that btw
I'm not going to be broke and homeless anymore? Sounds almost too good to be true.
why are you larping as an authority figure?

>not the anon you're responding to btw
yes anon
I'm going to stop little kids from being punished by their parents for being honest
legally on account of "religous freedoms"

and any of you "fathers" out there
who think punishing your own kid
for refusing to agree with you is a "god given right"

are free to try and stop me
some day anon
you might never be rich
but you will be given the basic's for free needing to earn the rest on your own
I call bullshit on you doing anything important ever
well damn
someone figured out
how to doubt the skeptic

looks like you folks can learn a thing or two on your own after all

I just stopped you, none of those things will happen now.
You think people had to learn to be skeptical of wild claims? Must be nice to be so simple minded.
time will tell won't it anon
those who have made a life choice for any reason to believe everyone no matter how crazy they sound and fucking stuck to it even now
I just told you. Time doing so would be redundant.
>those who have made a life choice for any reason to believe everyone no matter how crazy they sound
In my nearly 50 years on this Earth I never met that person.
you sent a post to my screen
all that does
is tell anyone paying attention a small part of the mind of the poster

not bend reality to your will

I'm not saying
there's a lot of them
but I am saying

I used to be one
used to be
not any more though

so even if you don't know what to look for
I have
a memoires only I have to use

when keeping an eye out
for anyone
who reminds me of who I used to be
Who decides what’s (evil)?
When can you be sure evil perceived remains so beyond your limited perception when the limits of your perceptions are fairly and objectively measured?
>you sent a post to my screen
I sent a post to the server, your browser requested it from the server. I did not send anything to your screen.

You clearly understand nothing.

You can't do shit.

you are gay.
message received
Why? Is this too considered selfish?
I can't help but wonder
if any of you out there in this thread
who really are gay instead of just being called gay

get all excited
someone is called "gay" on 4chan

as if in your mind
it's like
"yay there's one less hetro to worry about"

or can you tell
being called gay
doesn't make someone gay

Just my hypothesis: The Nobody doesn't "use his powers" often because they cause extreme physiological stress on his body. 2019 was VERY active, the real ones know what I mean, and a few commandants may or may not have reported that the anomaly is acting cautiously given the volatile state of current affairs.
118 out ;)
19, 18
10, 11, 4
Fate can swing in an instant
Steady goes those who value being steady
We don’t turn around and set ultimatums of the divine
Quite the opposite, really
Flinching about flinching
There there
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I mean what would the world be comeing to
if being called something on 4chan
doesn't make you that thing

like you can't just be turned gay cause some interenet troll says you are

or jewish just because some internet troll says you are

or female just because some internet troll says you are

the way of life
internet trolls have come to know as reality
would be ended
and I'd be the one doing it

since the rest of you don't have what it takes

I mean how the fuck
are those who never took a programming class in their life
supposed know who a bot is and who isn't

if you can't trust internet trolls on 4chan
to know
what they are talking about

internet troll
can't stand it when you take reality seriously

man I'm sure glad someone else out there had the time to come up with these video's since I sure as shit was never going to do it on my own

it's also quite lucky on my part I can post them even if I didn't make them for free with out have to pay any kind of "royalites" every time I shared someone else's work

and then there's the whole 4chan thing I didn't come up with and the demographic of the audance it attracted for me to just show up and find

do you have any fucking clue how many coincidences it took to happen just right for all this to happen the way it is


the present is yesterdays tomorrow
as much as it is tomorrow past
no shit post made can change that

and I have
no problem
taking adantage of that

for my own selfish reasons
as I use popculture
to push my own narrative

not be told what to think by it

and for any of you
who read my post's

and think to yourself
not these exact words
but something close enough it doesn't matter

"I could do better"

take your best shot
because this is me at my best

I'm MEANT to be flawed
and being perfect
is WAY too much responsibility if you ask me


which one is the REAL nobody thread, bros?
I just keep them all open and flip back and forth.
what makes you think any of them are "real" in the 1st place
and whatever answer you give
it better not be "because of me"

or else that's just going to fuck with folks minds in ways that shouldn't be possible

>btw just to be as clear as possible (assuming such a thing exists in these threads) I'm NOT the nobody and instead something else entirely
and just for the record
I have compete access
to every part of my mind

The conscious version of me in the present dealing with my self and my own life

the subconscious version fo me dealing with the past and how I've learned about other's life different then my own as a reality

and the unconscious part of my mind that was woken up taking care of the future and guessing what exists outside of my point of view

where all working together
as one
when they together crated a artificial version of my own combined intelligence
labeld it "dispossable"
and left in in charge of this body to at as steward

capable of cleaning myself, feeding myself, and defending myself
but that's about it
the bare miniumium of "mental capasity" used to keep me running

as the "real me"
is busy
processing information at a speed other wise impossible

in order
to solve a problem
impossible to solve

any other way
all stubborn like
and shit
Do you ever give advice?

>let EVERYONE believe
>WHATER they want to believe
>WITHOUT believing it yourself

which is vauge as fuck
I get it
but do you have any idea what makes everyone who isn't you different then you are when trying to give advice that applies to everyone equally

hmm indeed
a bit
of a mind bender that one is
impossible for me to imagine

as every time I try
i get
some little detail wrong

EVERY fucking time
and all it takes
is ONE little detail

to NOT
be able to imagine
what everyone else accurately

that's it
just one
little detail

realities rules
not mine
like it's a clue or something

chatty are we?
what a prat.
at least
those this their 20's
who have not been exposed to the pop culture of those they consider old

enough times
for it
for them to remember it easily

even if those in their 80's
folks in their 40's young

can find a way
to relate to those in their 80's
who also never bothered to relate to the same pop culture

a generation game
via "cringe'

if nothing else

for any of you
who come to these threads
because you enjoy making fun of other's

Not your friend here
please make fun of me

i want you to
it's 4chan
you got what it takes to roast a random stranger

begging for it don't ya


I can't take
what any of you say about me

and use it against you
you say it about me 1st

realires rules not mine
so show your true colors
or else

be prove a punk ass bitch
by yours truly
my will be done

I won't blame you
for playing it safe
if those are your true colors
what colors did you see?
the color "meh" which is possible when the paranormal is on topic
grayish in other words

not light or dark
not white or black
not day or night

but some where
in the middle
all boring like and shit
I'd like to hope my default isn't grey and boring, definitely hard to judge off a single ok though yeah
if all you had to do
what "hope" something and realiy would bend to our will

what the fuck is wrong with you
that would mean
everything wrong with the world

is becaues you hoped it so

where if you're life is worthess
and you are not imporant in any way
then you're not resonsible for how fucked up things are

just saying
NTA what color do you see for me, bro? :]
for you
I see the color "asshole"
it's like one of them colors folks see when they heare music

there's a word for it
but try as I might
I can't remember it at the moment

start's with an "s" I think
that "greta" chick
who is all about the environment

would get it
I didn't really understand what you mean, my apologies.
no need to apologies anon
I'm bat shit crazy
nothing I say makes any sense

not even to myself

*pats on head*
starts with an s and has to do with greta? can you give me another hint?
It took a moment
for me to recall the memories needed
I don't know if I have that, do you bros think I do?
thanks anon
I can always use
an acquaintance capable of thinking for themselves without my help
it's possible
but not as likely
as you're just one more narrsicist asshole trying to take everything posted in this thread and make it about you

>any more ?'s
How do I know which posts are about me and which are not?
just tune into the schizophrenia like the rest of us
every post is about you! and also not about you beacuse they're about me, but they're also about Steve.
fuckiung steve...
that's for you to find out

on your own
same way it's up to me
to find out on my own

if I'm a meme or not
just because
spoiled brats who think they are gods reborn on earth

can't handle
told "no"

in by little ole me
as long
as you are trying
even if you fail in the attempt

if you breath
you can always

try again

can't ya?

live to fight
another day
is a saying from before the internet

>skibidi toilet is a saying from after the internet

>legit is some where in-between like a boss and fapping but only if memoy serves

and for any of you
who can't tell
I'm a skepic

and folks from faith all other the world
talk shit
about taking a skeptic at their word

for a damn good reason
or else
ever god imaginable

wouldn't agree

What's really going on you guys?

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