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Welcome to Divination General!

Come here for readings and discussions of theory/practice.
Every method is welcome: Tarot, Runes, Cartomancy, Scrying, Pendulum, Cleromancy, I-Ching, Digital, Oracles, Tasseomancy, Necromancy, etc.

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•Bullshit queries get bullshit answers. Vague queries get vague answers.
•You can make an AQ (air query) by not addressing a reader in particular, but it doesn't guarantee an answer.
•Avoid making the same query repeatedly and/or to different readers in a short period of time, as this may lead to more confusion.
•Provide feedback when applicable and be considerate to the reader. We're a growing community, many readers are beginners and need feedback to know what they are doing right or wrong.

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Anyone got more of these?
Ooooo I need an evangelion deck
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>9 of Wands
>Wheel of Fortune
>King of Cups

This tells a clear story, as of now you may feel wounded. You've had some bad experiences yet you still stand and haven't gone through a full breakdown/crisis over it. Things are changing though, and things will start to go more in your way. You may not find love as such, but you'll be in a better position to do so.
Kocx 3osx the empressx
Back of deck 7osx
So you are holding onto a grudge against someone you need to clear that energy out and find forgiveness for yourself and this person. Youre being too dependent on someone else's love for you and if you don't heal these things they will carry ober to the next relationship.
Hope this resonates
Thank you, it does
What don't I see coming?
How’s my next month looking, friend?
Yeeeah gimme dem readings nigga
Why do plebs like Eva so much? Animation is cool but everything else is mid at best.

> It has cooomboolah in the opening.
So what? Doesn't even matter to the plot.

Will trade if necessary
Was it right to reject C?
Will I move to a different city until the end of October?

Lemme know when you start
Me on your face
For shame.

Does A have massive regrets or not?
Does she want me too?
Is A deceiving me?
Will we get freaky again?

>When do I die?

>Do I have a daughter with K that I have been kept from meeting?
Is the blonde my future gf?
What cards did you pull?
Has their maliciousness and moronic behavior merged or something?
Will I see j before they leave?
Twice today I heard upset bird caws. What are the mini crows sad/mad about?
KoW(r), Devil(r), 10oP(r), 1oP, 9oW(r)
Looking like an opportunity for new start more than a reuinion
Thank you
Did you have a query?
Nah. Freebie.
Ty <3
AQ: what can I do to ease or better yet eliminate my anxiety around turning 30 in a couple of months? I am going literally fucking insane.

big three: Scorpio/Taurus/Cancer
>anxiety about turning 30

Nothing magical happens at 30. Turning 36 in a few days. I'd say the best thing you can do is work towards goals so that getting older doesn't feel like a burden but something to look forward to.
Can I get 1 card?
Will I find artistic partners now that I've healed and can start practicing again?
My question: Will I move out soon?

What is your question?

I posted>>38859696
so everybody ignore that one
Will I move out soon?

Your Q?
I just want one card
Starting >>38859715
Card: The World
This is the card I got, regarding your question Anon
Death qos high priestess
You really want this change to happen and you know what you need to do to make it happen
What's stopping you?
Temperance qop 10op
You need to save up money first
Can i get just one more?
Thank you for your answer Anon, one last question, will N come with me? I'm willing to do another pull for you aswell to reciprocate
Card: Justice
Aop kop hierophant
I would be very suprised if N didn't go with you. Looks like you need to get your money up though?
Thank you, have a good day or night
You too :)
Y'all too afraid to answer the real questions huh?
It's a warning
Jk but maybe
Are you going on a journey?
AQ or Trade

What was the significance spiritually of me finding the burger king crown on the ground going to the gym tonight?
They are animals and the government isn’t spying you
what is the reason for me experiencing synchronicities everyday now for several weeks? What is God trying to tell me?
AQ or trade

am I an alpha, sigma, or beta?

Do I join this organisation?

What will my next move be?
Would M and G (both female) be happy if I left W (job)?
I'm male

Apply to company U?
You was kang
Are you joking? Or are you serious? cuz funny enough looking up the traits for an omega sound a lot like me looool
Still trading this>>38860422
Anyone down?
Will my relationship go back to normal or is it really over?

Starting when you confirm
>4 of pents
>devil rev, king of swords
>10 of swords
Nah, things are undoubtedly over between you two. Either one or both of you wishes to the other to keep away and to not interact with one another which makes sense since the devil suggests your relationship, especially in recent history was rather toxic, mutually or otherwise. With the two of you now separated you two can start to look at what you had more objectively, especially the male in this connection. The 10 of swords finalises this very strongly; it's over.
Where's My read?
7Cups, 3Swords, 5Wands Rev
Apparently they will be upset, no matter how much conflict there is between you, they will miss you in some way.
Wouldn't the 7 of cups indicate their sadness is just an ilussion tho?
I interpreted it more as their feelings about you at that moment being an illusion, that as soon as you left they would be sad and miss you.
Did T unblock me on Instagram and if so should I follow?
My future with J

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I need /div/ help with a reading i did last night

Friend was inquiring about a girl he's interested in. Theres definitely a mutual attraction, sexual tension and shes expecting him to inititate. (Per the cards) However the last question he asked was if she would ever give him "the green light" to make a move on her and I got these 2 cards, upright. I have no idea what to make of this. My interpretation is, its a yes, but she'll regret it?

>if she would ever give him "the green light"
you don't wait for women to give you the go, you have to do it yourself
>Chariot, 6 of Pents reversed, 2 of Swords reversed

Whatever it is you want right now will be achieved swiftly and perhaps one-sidedly. It seems like the future with J that you want will only serve yourself and this will cause some burnout for J. They will feel like they have to choose between you and other possibilities which will drain them energetically.

Personally I don't judge. If this is the outcome you want, then it will definitely be achieved. If you would prefer something more stable, well then I guess there is work to do in some way. Whatever happens, I hope you are pleased with the outcome.
Page of Swords holds his sword close to himself because he is defensive by nature and closed off at worse. Even as the smartest of the pages and the keenest learner around he doesn't share what he knows freely.
3 of Swords is... well, the 3 of Swords. Breaking up with the idea - the illusion cast upon you - of a thing.

This reading is a big time no.

>Did T unblock me on Instagram
Waste of a question since you can actually find this out factually
Queen of Wands

Apparently yes to both questions, it seems that you cause a magnetism with this person that they can't stay away from for long.
I'll trade with you. My q is what does g think of me?
What do I do about T?
starting yours
Thank you. I do wonder why T hasn't made the first move though.
ok starting
Trade again?
>Lovers, Judgment, 10 of Swords
It seems like you need to make a judgment call about this relationship. I think you need to reflect and evaluate whether you want to end things or fundamentally transform the relationship. Trust your instincts and and be honest with yourself about what is best for your well-being.
>5 of Wands R, 8 of Cups R, 2 of Cups
G finds you boring, but good to be around with, if there are more intentions I doubt it at this moment
you think there is potential tho with 2 of cups?
Who will I (F) marry?
I don't know man
AQ Will I have the finances for Uni next year?
I was away but if you're still here then sure
I'll trade again if you want just to know if there is potential lmao
What do you mean transform the relationship?
I'll ask the cards to clarify. Starting now.
General reading on the rest of my year.
>7 of Pentacles, 4 of Cups, Wheel of Fortune R
well there isn't potential any time soon, don't go looking for something that's not there you'll only end up disapointed, the only thing you can do is watch how things develop, stay as friends
>This reading is a big time no.

I see, so despite her being attracted to him, the reality is that she would rather not do anything intimate or sexual and keep things platonic?

Thank you for the input btw
>Wheel of Fortune, The Fool, The Star
Interesting pull. I think the cards are suggesting that transformation means you adapting to changes and cycles that are naturally occurring (wheel). Transforming yourself in ways that you never have before, essentially starting from zero in some ways (fool). I think by operating in this way you have a chance of fulfilling your desires with T and renewing your relationship in a way that satisfies both of you. But like I said, changing the dynamic and sort of resetting it will serve you well if you do it in a way that can change the relationship structure to make it work for both of you.
Got it thanks anon
I’ll trade you. Love general for the next year?
has she ever fantasized about me?
Lol no she's married already weirdo stop asking about her
she's not I'm not that anon lmao
The seals are working perfectly.
It's all a bit sardonic, isn't it?
>pats on head
Maybe one day you can look back and see the great work.
I wouldn't pick black magic, though.
Doesn't make people happy.

How’s she feeling after everything we talked about last night?
She's never going to love you tho, not in a million years
let me get a ten day general. starting
I could just leave you all unrefined and mock you for billions of years or time eternal.
Is that what the robot bodies are?
That will not make her divorce her husband and be with you. Face it you're never gonna make it
Literally not the guy lmfao
Five of wands
2 of pentacles

Some very minor insecurity and internal struggle. Nothing major. Some small stuff might come up that triggers you, some form of conflict, but it’s nothing to stress about. This will pass and you’ll ease back into a decent balance.
Just don’t over think things and do the best you can to keep yourself grounded.
She's feeing more optimistic about things between you and how they might turn out. All in all she sees a good path forward.
Queen of Cups Three of Wands Ten of Cups
Will the anon who wants the married girl actually get her lmfao
What is she (Cancer) thinking and feeling about me after the latest events? Starting as soon as you send me yours and confirm.
I'll do that. Just let me do the first Anon query.
Ok thanks just so he can stfu when he sees this kek
Sure, what does the girl from LL think about me these days ? if she does at all.... starting
IV of Cups
IV of Swords
III of Swords

She doesn't seem to think about it, but it doesn't have much to do with you, it's more that she's probably been through a break-up recently and is too focused on the person she was liking and her own pain to be able to look at someone else.
that's fine with me thank you
After the latest events, this person is overwhelmed with choices in her life about what to do next. She's not really sure where to go from here.
Two of Swords Rev
Eight of Swords
Seven of Cups Rev
Page of Cups Rev
Queen of Pentacles Rev
Lovers Rev
IX of Cups Rev

Absolutely not, it's a totally one-sided feeling on his part and all the negative energy he puts into it will only come back to him. He'll probably try very hard, but he'll get nothing.
Thank you I hope he sees this
So any positive energy is returned and any negative energy, like these readings, will be returned to you?
Interesting. Trade again?
will I hear back from place N before the month is over? good or bad?
Lol I knew it!
Guy is delulu
Bless you reader!
I didn't put on any energy, whether negative or positive, I just took a reading of a situation. If the reading was positive I would post it the same way, I don't make value judgments lol
Looks like it already has been returned.
Query? Mine is >>38861670
It's not about the reading, anon.
It's about intent, don't let others use you.
Is this girl (from this reading >>38861588 ) interested in me? Starting yours.
I bet you that most of the readings that people request here have a deep negative energy, especially occult readings that people disguise as other things.
If I didn't know how to separate things and not absorb bad energy from people I wouldn't even be doing readings here to be honest.
But I understand what you're saying and I appreciate your concern.
Especially now, anon.
Bad juju up in here.
Good morning. Trading.
Should I just leave in silence or say my goodbyes?

I’m the guy smitten with the married girl. You guys are right I’m just falling for my same old traps of wanting what I can’t have. I acknowledge that it’s because she’s more beautiful and intelligent than my girlfriend and being the half-a-charmer that I am I really wanted to catch that one. I officially take the L and release all bad energy from this situation.
Page of Cups
King of Wands
V of Swords

You feel like you're going to get some feedback and you're going to hear some positive news, very positive by the way, but somehow it's going to cause some major conflict in your life and a probable loss for you.
Maybe since you know the whole situation you'll be able to understand it better.
shit, maybe I don't get the job
Six of Cups Hanged Man Knight of Wands Rev
Yes she is but she's wondering where you're going with things and how slowly you're moving, there's also competition for her in the mix here.
You should just break up with your girlfriend, if you're pursuing someone else and comparing them then just leave her for good before you give her traumas.
Break up with your girlfriend if you don't find her good enough so she can go out there and find someone that finds her beautiful and not someone who only settled for her
I think you'll make it, but I don't think it's going to be a very good place for you.
I hope your girlfriend sees this shit and leaves your ass for good. She is too good for you anyways
Oh and about the reading it makes a lot of sense. tysm
I hope that one day you cry to sleep, not feeling enough for your significant other.
Negative energy
Why not build the relationship better?
Wished I could send this shit to the girlfriend, if she were to see this she would dump his ass for good
Negative energy is pursuing someone outside of your relationship because you see your current girlfriend as not good enough.

"Hey, let's communicate and let me tell you that there's someone I find prettier and smarter than you. How can we make the relationship better after I let someone else influence in it?"
Negative energy is butting into other people's business and acting high and mighty.
Yeah this! The guy should just break up with his girlfriend, I honest to God hope she finds someone worth her time and not some retard who keeps fantasizing about a married woman (who is super happy in her marriage btw)
You're no better, taking sides and pretending you're not, pretending your morals are gray and plain.
What eats piranhas, darling?
Anon... this is the internet... come on
I'm well aware.
I'm more of a hyena myself, baby.
Anon who did the reading here, as I said, I don't pass judgment and I don't intend to hurt anyone. My advice to you is to appreciate what you have on your side, sometimes we only end up valuing things when we don't have them anymore and that seems to be the case with you. Believe me, I went through a similar situation when I was younger and it's one of the biggest regrets of my life.
If you want some reading, just let me know.
Same thing that eats piranhas eats hyenas.
I appreciate your kindness and objectivity anon. I didn't want to get feelings for this woman and part of me is disgusted with myself for letting it get this far. My girlfriend adores me in a way I know most women wouldn't and I should keep that in the forefront over my lustful desires.
october love gen

Kicking my feet over this I even forgot I was sad, please continue you two.
Go on, I'll do the same. Starting now.
All in a days work.
Mine is: is there something going on between her and T(m) or am I reading into things too much?
Starting when you confirm
Ending up being interested in someone while in a relationship happens, it's normal, anyone who says otherwise is being hypocritical, but feeding that feeling was entirely your choice.
Treat your girlfriend better, put this whole situation behind you and take it as a lesson and never let yourself be totally carried away by your own desires in this way again. Erase this feeling from your life as much as possible.
Having someone who really likes you and cares is something very rare that, as I said, sometimes we only appreciate after we've lost them.
ANYWAY I forgot I was sad, so I am in the mood to do a couple readings even though I've been tradecucked two times in a row.

State query (no occult, please), genders, initials and a color, please.
Anyone offering readings?
If you'd like to read into how I should go about getting over this and moving forward I would greatly appreciate it but I understand if not. Once again thank you for breaking the spell I had over myself regarding that woman. Like you said I probably would have just kept going until it got terrible.
What were your queries that didn't get answers anon, I can do it for you.
Well said anon you are completely correct and I did choose to let my desires take me somewhere I shouldn't have.
Depending on what it is, I can do it for you.
King of Swords
Knights of Swords Rx
Page of Swords Rx
Looks like you're stable and self assured at the moment. But you're going to try to make a move that goes horribly wrong and sort of makes you regress. You'll be flailing about like a lost boy.
Who will I (F) marry?
Aw, we can trade if you feel like it!
I just wanted to know if...
Anything interesting on the horizon for me in the next few months? I feel like there must be at least one more canon event before the year ends. I am currently in a relationship and have a book coming out, so could be related to that.
I am male JS, in relationship with female RS.
Color: blue.
Five of Swords Rx Ace of Cups Seven of Coins
You'll most likely find someone after dealing with some sort of deception, someone who might be aligned with your long term vision.
K, male, blue
what would workin at GWS be like for me?
Are my calculations correct?
Sorry you got tradecucked, I can pick up 3 as for you if you’d like. I’d do freebies if I didn’t need an answer
Interesting, thanks
Page of Cups
VII of Wands
Page of Swords

It turned out to be something that I interpreted as talking about your current relationship.
You're both young, or immature (or both) and I can see that she's a very intelligent person (Contrary to what you said) she's just an extremely insecure person and you're not doing a good job of making her feel secure. When you give her that space you'll discover a side of her you hadn't imagined.
You're going to have to take a lot of action because she's starting to get tired of being the only one who seems to be making an effort in this relationship and believe me, she'll do anything to avoid fighting with you.
She really loves you. Don't let it go to waste.
A book? That's amazing, I would like to purchase my copy.

The fool, six of pentacles, four of pentacles, queen of pentacles.
Well, this is definitely a new cycle in your life, you're leaving something behind and closing a door, I heard one closing, it was made of wood and looked rather ordinary, the handle was round and shiny. I don't know what is your book about but it will probably start small, a couple copies sold here and there however the impact on those copies are going to be huge, the people reading your book will become followers and fans of yours. A small yet solid fanbase, I felt the rush of doing and working more. However I advice you to keep your ego in check, it might have a negative influence in your personal relationships, I saw a woman with long, straight hair slightly annoyed at you because you're no longer paying attention to your surroundings, only yourself and nothing else. I think your girlfriend might be a huge support for you, share good moments and talk a lot, hear her ideas.

Is this good? I hope it is.

Just Leave: II of Pentacles, World, Knight of Pentacles
Say Goodbye: V of Cups Rev, II of Swords, Sun Rev

Just leaving seems much simpler and the right thing to do. Saying goodbye might even give you a sense of closure, which you'll lack just by saying goodbye, but it could end up making you doubt whether leaving is the best thing to do, which will do you a lot of harm.
Love/sex gen for next month?
And I forgot to mention, if you could do a reading on whether I'm marrying 1 (cancer) or 2 (libra) I'd really appreciate it.

What does M think of me? I'm M, she is F
Thanks, I think this is good and all sounds plausible. I should definitely keep my ego in check. All of the pentacles bode well financially, and the Fool for this being a new chapter. I'm not sure what exactly I am leaving behind, which door is closing. I thought it might be my current relationship, but it sounds like she will stick around and help.
Light blue
Money reading for rest of year?
The tower, eight of wands, the lovers.
A life changing experience for real, I can hear a phone alarm ringing loudly, you don't press snooze but there's dark circles under your eyes and I feel tired. It changes your routine entirely.
Should you go for it? Hell yes! But only if you genuinely want to and feel 100% confident of your choice, no space for doubts here. If you're single then you might find a good candidate for a relationship here but if you don't this job might give you good chances and opportunities to share with your loved one.

Knight of pentacles, four of cups
Good news are that you might adapt quickly and be completely efficient at your duties but sometimes you'll doubt if this job is enough for you.

Good luck!
fuck Imma do it thanks
Knight of Cups Rev, V of Wands, VIII of Wands Rev, III of Cups, Death, Moon

You seem to be a very romantic person, but one of those people who ends up exaggerating their feelings sometimes, which can make you get bored very easily in a relationship or lose interest very easily. This is a behavior you need to watch out for and be more attentive to.
There are some people interested in you and you seem to be in a lot of doubt about what to do, mainly because of something to do with the past.
About who exactly, it's someone close to you or someone you'll be introduced to by a friend, but I think it's someone you might already know.
But you need to get your head right first, you seem to be a mess.
Mneh, sometimes we don't get what we want, I should make peace with it.

Strength, ace of pentacles, five of swords
You already know the answer, it was rather logic and predictable but I feel like clinging to a small hope that I am wrong. I gulped and I feel nervous, I'm just an espectator but I still hope for something different. My hands are trembling a bit, this shouldn't have gone this way.

Anon, what are we calculating? This gives me anxiety.
Spot on anon you're totally right. She is the one who makes most of the effort and has communicated that to me a lot recently and yes she is very insecure. I will take your advice wholeheartedly and see where it takes us. Thank you so much for all of your help today I am so grateful to you for all of this.
A math equation
I'm very happy that it's had a positive effect on your life and I hope that everything turns out well for you and your girl. We don't always act correctly or do the right thing, the important thing is to understand the mistake and never make it again.
Oooh, marriage. I've always wondered if I am the one who got away to someone.

The Chariot/Queen of Pentacles
Girlie number 1 seems to be a better option in your meaty brain, you can definitely see her with you for the rest of times. She gives you motivation and seems that she pushes you to do and be better.
Girlie 2 would make a good housewife, a loving one but the relationship feels slow and a bit dull to not say boring. Maybe you're fast paced or this would slow down your everyday life.

If it helps, I saw a woman with brown wavy hair and tanned skin, I think there were freckles or just little cute marks on her face and shoulders.
>I saw a woman with brown wavy hair and tanned skin, I think there were freckles or just little cute marks on her face and shoulders.

Holy shit, you described 1. WTF.
She probably wouldn't even notice if I leave, I guess I wasn't as relevant in her life as she claimed me to be.

I want to say my goodbyes and let her know how she hurt me but she would just love bomb me again and I would fall into it again. Or she wouldn't care and it would be the end of it all.
Male, Blue, D.D

F's feelings for me?
Blue RC
Cat-kun can I get a next bf?
I’m female
If you try to say goodbye she'll end up making you stay, which will only make you sadder.
Just go away Anon, find someone who appreciates you.
Ten of Pentacles, King of Wands, Temperance
Stick to your friends and hang out with them a lot! October seems to be aligned with many good chances for you, but you have to look for them. You should make your presence known, don't be obnoxious though, dress well, get that cool haircut and be firm when meeting someone, I think we shook hands and your confidence was the one thing that made me go "wow, this is a really cool guy, I want a date".

Girlie with good smile, slightly pointy nose, light skin and brown-reddish hair (probably the color fading away because it's dyed). If you spot her be nice, good chances with her.

Good chances this month! Take your shower, take care of yourself, be presentable and there you go, dear tiger.
S, Male, green
Love general for this fall?
Male, gemini
When am I going to meet th girl with the arm tattoo again?
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The saga of the guy who wanted the married woman is honestly the best conflict resolution I've seen in a while. Good shit anons
Purple ,y
The Sun, page of cups, knight of pentacles
Doesn't look bad! Expect some extra money here and there, maybe your creative ideas might give you an extra income of cash. Whatever you think of, make it a small business because it will give good results, however be strict with the way you spend money. If you have a big goal, stick to the budget and the plan because money flows but it goes fast, too. Don't overspend because it's a no-no, be aware and careful of your personal finances.
It had everything a good story needs. Narrative 10/10
Should I see him tonight?
Love gen for october

I feel a bit tired to do these now, I can do them in a while but you'll have to be patient, I just haven't had breakfast and I'm feeling rather unwell.

I know, she already chose a man over me, I guess it's the perks of having a penis but hopefully she'll think of me sometime.

The piranha and hyena anons made my heart flutter, god I imagined so many things.
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Is there anyway I can have sex with L without her feeling guilty about it afterwards?
I’ll wait thank you
II of Cups Rev
Queen of Wands
II of Swords

No. Sorry.
what did a think of my message?
Will he be mean tonight if I don't go?
I can wait too, no worries
Am I the only one here that doesn't read reversals? They don't add nuance to the reading. Readings are, centered around building detail and deeper understanding around a present situation. Reversed cards act more like a period than a question mark, discouraging elaboration, engagement, and detail. It flows much better to read the cards as they are regardless if theyre upright or not. It's adding complexity where none is required
Rip, I’m the post just above yours. If you can’t fit mine in when you come back later, no problem.
Keep posting your cute kitties tho I like them.
I read reversals but I'm also shit at reading, so maybe you're right.
I can wait. And i can read your query in 2 hours-ish
I think reversals are quite important and if you don't read them, that's a big omission on your part.
At first I didn't read inverted either, but over time I realized that sometimes inverted cards add a better context to some readings. But I think it depends on the reader.
Wheel of fortune, king of swords, seven of pentacles.

F seems to be emotionally unstable, not in a very negative way but the perceptions seem to change real quick. A little misunderstanding and woops! Retreat and get the cold shoulder.
I heard a girlie said "mneh, he's cool I guess", she shrugged rather coldly, she acted indifferent and somehow that hurted me, maybe I was expecting a bit more.
F reminds me of a stray cat, trust must be built slowly and patiently, a little mistake and there goes everything. I felt like you have to prove you're trust worthy and then I lost connection. I couldn't vibe with it anymore because I'm more of an intense girlie and give everything all out.
Is this how grudges are formed?
How interesting.
Cat-chan but I like the word Koshka better, even though I am not Russian, let alone speak Russian.

Dark hair, glasses, average body but is stronger than he looks (and looks better without clothes)

Ten of pentacles, page of cups, two of cups
I am trying really hard to scry but nothing appears, I don't know where's he from but it's clearly winter and you're clinging to his arm.
Not Christmas, it's already past New Year, I cannot guarantee it's going to be this soon, though.

He likes spoiling you, rather dominant but could be controlling at times too, not so romantic with words but his actions speak real loud, possessive. I have a feeling that your friends and family wouldn't really approve of him.
Already blocked her, didn't send a last message. It's not like she'll even care.

Queen of cups, eight of cups, four of cups.
Gah! Are you meeting or talking to someone? I feel like you'll end up disappointed in a way, like you were expecting something and things are going faster than expected, you just exposed yourself to innecesary experiences instead of sitting with yourself and think of what you actually want in a partner. I don't feel any heartbreak energies around just saw a forced smile and heard a small "ugh" and I think it was from you.
I hope you get well and find someone who appreciates you. You deserve it, Koshka.
Still impressed and impacted by your reading, to be honest.
Trading lewd
Go on then. Q?

Did I make a mistake by not going to that thing today?
Will he still meet me in portland if i dont go to see him tonight?
thank you. I do wonder though how much of that reading is of me but regardless it does feel accurate.
does that group ever discuss me still?

What does A think of me? Thx.
page of cups r - tower r - six of wands r

No bc it'll be too big of a blow to his ego and hes someone who is very protective of his heart, even if hes in the wrong, he refuses to let in any sort of emotional pain, so if you blow him over this one time youll have lost his trust for good and he wont let you in again.

Move in any time soon?
Kop the moon kop
Yeah but nothing bad

Will I get blocked after that message?
Odds and I will cum in her pussy
Odds and I am God
Will I see d in oct?
will i get terminal cancer within the next two years?
In due time will I be able to have my own harem of fwb?
I'm male
Not unless I'm getting isekaied. I move at the end of the year but that's back to place I already lived before.
Animals that are usually without distress.
Wanna trade?
Sure, I'll take your Q. What gender is D?
Male im female
Judgmentx hanged man kow
Looks like you're holding yourself back because of moral issues. You're going to have to learn to be more cunning and manipulative for this to work.
>8 of cups
>2 of pentacles
You can do yet it is a matter of personal agency. You have to go and seek him out. Travel maybe involved? You might debate if you should do it or if its worth it etc. Or you could also run into eachother? Travel is a strong presence in this spread. Do you live far?
Yeah id have to fly to him
Yeah...being a shity person is something I struggle with lmao
I'm glad that my reading resonates though
Trade again?
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Spiritual AQ
My spiritual retreat is over, and a new insight was revealed, which I intend to pratice from now on. What will be the results, spiritually speaking, if I bring on this new training on my normal life activities, in the future?
Are you down to trade?
Sure, if you're around still?
>Spiritual AQ
>My spiritual retreat is over, and a new insight was revealed, which I intend to pratice from now on. What will be the results, spiritually speaking, if I bring on this new training on my normal life activities, in the future?
Page of Wands. Just be mindful of your tendency to jump right in and you should experience positive results. Be sure to think things all the way through. Good luck.
What do I need to know about oct?
U know, same question
Thanks, reader! I will consider on this. Blessings!
trading or AQ
What will my coworkers at GWS be like ?
quick rundown?
>page of wands
>Ace of wands
>8 of swords rev, magician rev
>4 of wands rev, 5 of cups rev
You're gonna be on fire in October. There's just plenty of energy and passion coming off of you. A desire to start something new, to refresh your life. Is there something weighing on your mind? The 8 of swords rev coupled with the magician speak of breaking out of unhealthy illusions and seeing them for what they are. This could speak of a situation, person, yourself etc. Some truth is gonna come out.
The last two cards speak of cancellations or lack of harmony and getting over them. This could refer to your homelife/relationships improving. Like the bad times have passed and things that once made you sad and troubled being melting away.
A good spread I think...got a lil carried away
7os pos qos
Well you will be trying to get away with stuff you shouldn't be doing . Someone in your life a female will be cutting you off if this continues.
4op 3op 2ow
Focus your energies on saving money and building something with a solid foundation instead . I think this will lead to you finding someone special in your life to be with
Levitating by dua lipa and heavenly by cigarettes after sex
Double 7's
I think spirit is speaking through you to me I'm literally thinking about converting to catholicism right now. I feel this is pretty good confirmation. Tysm
Second half makes sense. The first part tho...Trade again?
>a spirit
Are you serious or just having a laugh?
You know spirit
Not a spirit
I have to make dinner!
Maybe later
Tysm take care
Check the previous replies and threads dude wanted a married chick but had a gf and didn’t care. Pretty savage ngl.

A or N?

Old place?
Taking a couple of readings.
Post your query according to what is written below.
>NO "what does (love interest) think about me".
>NO "when sex".
Yes to everything else!

>Pay me with a picture that has a significant emotional meaning to you. It has to mean something to you. Don't skimp. If you can't think of one, come back when you have it.
>Provide a name or alias for yourself and all people involved, and context where needed.
>If occult themed, names of entities involved would help too, if available.
>No personal journey queries either, figure yourself out!
>Feedback welcome whether positive or negative.
Is there anything important I, Mike Oxmal, should know?
Your dad's in debt.

Should I get one or two of them this month?
Oh well.

>Should I get one or two of them this month?
Got a no on one, yes on two
Alias: Odysseus.
Is anything major going to happen before the end of the year to disrupt my current plans, or will I proceed with them as they are laid and make this career move? If something IS going to happen, what will it be? Thanks!
Did a three card spread for how a potential romantic interest feels about me and got
Magician Rx
V of Cups Rx
Not really sure what to make of this, other than she thinks I'm a fool, and possibly untrustworthy. Any thoughts would be appreciated.
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What will my career look like a year from now?
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Which would B prefer, 5K, 10K or 15k?
oh fuck, thanks. Anybody can be a gman, just ask about G and you'll be attacked on here without hesitation.
Maybe she's the untrustworthy one.
>T i am a pleb
I just thought that myself, but I specifically did the reading asking "what does SHE think about me." So with the Magician Rx I think she thinks I may be underhanded or manipulative.
Give stupid names get stupid answers bro

Got a consistent no upon asking multiple times, so it looks like smooth sailing!

I'd take that spread as meaning you lack confidence, possibly are a major pushover, and that you generally need to be more forgiving towards yourself in order to progress emotionally and mature as a person. Also that you should be more carefree and jolly. Are you the pessimistic sort? Are you a stick in the mud?

That isn't necessarily a wholly bad view on you, it's not even condescending, just sympathetic. Hear others out on interpretations too, though.

That is a general, please ask another question!

What the fuck is that picture lmao
Consistent yes on 15k.
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N's reaction to me selling B's car? (hasn't happened yet, everybody is female)
here's your feedback
you're a fag
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Aliases: Me, Male, Adam
Her, Female, Eve
Will Eve read my book when it comes out? If so, how will it effect her? What will her response be?
Thanks, good to hear. I get the same feeling myself.
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What pursuits should I follow?
What does I think about me?
what would my coworkers at GWS be like if I worked there? starting
correction I is a girl not I as in myself
starting yours
>Strength, The Sun, King of Swords, King of Pentacles, Nine of Cups

The Sun and Strength coupled together speak of a rough time that is being overcome with steadfastness, moving onto better things in life.
The King of Swords demands a choice based on logic and fairness.
The King of Pentacles is a provider -- the need to be generous with what you have. And the Nine of Cups is a satisfaction, but a temporary one.

It doesn't seem like N would have a negative reaction to this choice. But make sure you are approaching this with fairness and logic. Is this the best course of action to solve the current problem? Is this a generous choice? Will that money solve the issue and bring you satisfaction? Would you be generous with it?
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if you'd work at GWS it would be a demanding environment that pushes you to excell, however you'd have a boss/supervisor that would be a pain in the ass
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I plan to do about five readings, maybe more if there are queries that catch my eye.
Just tell me the gender of the people who are linked to the query and any music that's on your mind at the moment.
Why did she gave me(male), her description when it was already hopeless?
Will S (female) read my (male) book? If so, how will it effect her?
Nice choice of song.
>Princess of Swords, Chariot, IX of Swords Rev
Perhaps it was the fear of some conflict, this person seems to have a certain cold cruelty in the way they deal with most people and they end up doing this without realizing it.
Whatever you've done or intend to do is right, you need to take back control of your life and your emotions and this situation seems aimless.

Does N want me to sell the car?
Song: casey jones grateful dead
Q: any advice from my angels? Im kinda depressed and creatively unfulfilled
Im f26 aries
Arigato anon
Here’s a link to the song since everyone else is doing it too!!

What does B want, 1 or 2?

I didn't know that one, what a beautiful song, thanks for sending it.
>Knight of Wands, 3 of Cups Rev, 3 of Wands Rev
She will read it and it will affect her in some negative way. There's a very strong feeling of isolation in this reading, I feel someone suffering a lot because they're feeling so lonely.
Another point is that you may not get exactly what you want out of it.
B is female
Interesting, I think I understand this. The Knight of Wands is a good sign. Thanks.
Love that song!! George harrison is great
I is into you I would say but doesn't really want to be. She didn't find you to be the best person but she has feelings for sure.
Harrison my favourite Beatle :)
>Princess of Cups, VI of Cups Rev, Sun
Yes, he wants it, I don't think it's a very easy decision, there seems to be a very strong attachment to that car, but it's clearly something he wants very much and he believes it will be good, even with this feeling that it's hard to let go.
Now if you should sell:
>IX of Cups, Priestess, II of Swords
It's definitely not an easy decision lol, but it's certainly going to be a good one.
if you feel like doing anymore my query is if i'll get an interview with any of the jobs i've applied to recently. i'm female

i've had this song on my mind a lot lately https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b_1jys84h84
>She didn't find you to be the best person
can you trade to clarify?
thank you. yes there is definitely attachment to the car.
Been feeling stuck in a rut, with things not going my way and generally air of unluckiness in my endeavours. What is the way out? What do my spirit guides want me to do? Please have my highest good in mind when doing this reading. Thanks in advance
grateful dead is a band I should listen to more.
>IV of Wands, Judgement, Ace of Swords Rev
There's a general idea here of getting out of your comfort zone a bit, it seems that a lot of how you feel is related to the fact that you get very lost and bored when you're too comfortable with a situation.
Also be careful, you seem to be very confused and making very rash decisions, take it easy, there is a great promise of success here, but there is this notion of being careful with impulsiveness.
query? just clarification? I can do that. Mine is where do I work next? starting
five o sword knight of wands rx nine of swords
like maybe that you just want to fuck because you're depressed... and you're hiding that
20 Judgement. Change what you are doing. Start over. Change the way you approach matters. Be better.
This makes a lot of sense to me, especially the impulsiveness and the lost and boredom with comfortableness. Thank you a lot for the read anon !
Thanks for sending this, I forwarded it to someone who loves this kind of music. (:
1: IX of Disks Rev, X of Swords, King of Wands
2: Devil, VII of Disks Rev, Queen of Pentacles
Both don't seem like the right answer to me, to be honest. Both have some positive points, but carry a very negative feeling. 1 seems to have a greater reward, but also carries a very negative feeling, more negative than 2, which seems to be something more comfortable, but also seems to be an easier path to lose your way midway and is also a lot of work for nothing in return.
Very comfortable music, I loved do the reading while listen to it. (:
>III of Wands, Justice, VI of Disks
It looks like a yes to me and it will be a very good opportunity too. Stay calm, have the right mindset and be very correct throughout the process, that will count a lot. There's a good chance it will work out and be very good for you. I'll be rooting for you (:
Recently put in my two weeks for my current job. How will my coworkers react and how will they be in the future after I leave?
OMG, thank you so much! keep your fingers crossed and say a prayer for me. ty again!
>Page of Pentacles R, 6 of Swords R, The World, clarified by Ace of Wands R

I'm not seeing where you'll go work next, but it's a warning that you are not doing things right, you must take a real introspection on what you want to do, it seems you are wandering and not putting the effort, if it continues it can end in financial troubles

What do I need to do to get out of this rut?

Go back?

How will the next 3-4 months turn out for me?

Why did i see M.... (woman) again if i don't want to know nothing about her anymore?
Next gf
Tomorrow going to the con i will meet my wife
will i realize that she is the one?

Is it too late to move there now?
Thanks, kinda knew this to be honest but good to hear from the cards

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