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Is there spiritually value in mathematics . Can it bring greater awareness. Can math be esoteric or are it mere shadows of the cave
Math is like language pretty much. Not the end all be all maybe but certainly a very useful tool
Spiritual numerology is probably what you're looking for. Definitely an interesting subject.
a spiritual man would tell you that you're really asking whether a mathematical personality is a fast track
it is not
Agrippa says if you don't know natural philosophy, theology AND mathematics you'll never be a wizard
Topology, the field of mathematics that's about properties of geometry and relationality can teach you the abstract outline of the astral see:
It's more detailed than the Buddhist meaning that it's the OG
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Nothing to see here
Nothing at all
Do not make connections within the patterns
>spiritual value
Not really, unless in the metaphorical sense ie you are a mathematician who feels completed by solving math problems or inventing new maths.
>greater awareness
Of course, think about how powerful something simple like understanding averages and distributions is. "Per capita" is a concept foreign to most normies.
>Can math be esoteric
A lot of it is at the higher levels
>Shadows of the cave
I know the allusion, but don't understand the analogy

t. Math major college grad
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Pattern recognition is schizophrenia
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And schizophrenia is bad
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I would bet $500 cash that you can't articulate the "point" behind this nonsense. Because there is none.
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If you’re to retarded to connect the dots that’s on you NPC boy
According to christian doctrine:
>math is fake, it's an abstraction we find utility in. in your case, a false idol. zero doesn't actually exist. sorry.
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Profane gunna mundane
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All of reality is
Muh nigga
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uwu chezepi gezepi
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no they aren't. math is for retards
Earth is round.
hey well my friend gave me some advice when I was freakinng out before my antiquities quiz one time cuz I had been sleeping thru the classes

he told me to get agrippa
sweet tesseract shadow bro
Checked. Thank you for blessing this thread.

God speaks through numbers.
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Nice a fib swirl. All shapes can be made with triangles and you can see it in old N64 games. Hence why Zelda has pointed ears. Geometry is great to know if you're going into game dev or graphics.

The left arm is not closed on top. It never got finished or was left that way on purpose. Faust references this. This video is very good at explaining it

Math is based because it filters out all the retards. I think one can find god through mathematics, it's his language after all.
I've never met anyone that's into "paranormal mathematics" (numerology, gematria or whatever) that knows even the most basic undergrad math. Don't be like them, pick up a book. Unlike physics you don't really need experimental setups, you just need a pen, paper and your head. You have no excuse

Sufis were math wizards, they did formulas and proofs as an ascetic practice. Pythagoreans venerated mystic numbers. I'd say if you're looking for spirituality using math check out the mideval sufi mathematicians and then if you're looking for numbers as a mystic philosophy the pythagoreans. There's a book called the Greek Qabbalah by kieren barry that details pythagorean number mysticism pretty well. The sufi literature can be hard to approach as a non arabic speaker but you can start with Al-Buni and move to the surrounding mathematicians that influenced his unique brand of mathematical theurgy.
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>paranormal mathematics
You mean like 11 becoming 2=1+1 I get that. But don't you think 175 + 11 = 186 divided by 2 towers = 93 is weird? How many people called 9-1-1 on 9/11.
There's too many coincidences now add tower 7 and flight 77. Definitely people involved in occult numberology did it.
They architected the attack for the second plane to hit live on TV. It was the money shot.
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9/11 is a cool number
It’s a horizontal and vertical palindrome with the vertical and horizontal palindrome in it
9 being the vertical up and down
I11 being the horizontal as referenced in pic related
Wheels within wheels
It also has kabbalistic tyes to tarot but that’s a talk for another day
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Digital roots are also extremely fascinating
Nope, it is not. Ask him to do math and present it to you. If you use your mind to do it, then it was you who did it. If no answer is received, then your god is just a illusion of your mind, a persona you created in your head in order to cope with reality.
God can't do math, but you know what can do math? The planets. Even our Earth do math all the time.
The planets do math through their trajectories. It is the reason why you have few collisions, the planets calculate their movement over time. The sun is also moving through space, linking with other stars in a mathematical dance.
The planets affect people through their movement, with each planet in a different sign resulting in different personalities. Hence the roman myths reflecting these personalities, with each planet being a particular god. And the other gods were associated with distant stars.
The ancients knew it, it was a star cult all the time. This is the origin of the divine, in math and geometry. Do you know which god does not have any link to this cosmic dance? The christian god. The tribal god of the jews was not associated with any planet or star, and it was always a provincial cult. The god of the christians came from this one, and is a expression of anomy, of a uprooting of our origins within the stars.
That's why christians are flerfers, they are jealous of the other gods being real, while theirs is just a anomical construct.
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See pic related.
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What’s cool thing is the light symbol is a spinor and is essential for string theory and how particles vibrate in diffrent patterns at a 720 degrees interesting how there’s 720 degrees of the tetrahedron and 72 names of god
And the particles that make up strong nuclear force align with the dual color wheel in how they pattern themselfs
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>appeal to authority
Good try, christian. But the universe belongs to Satan.
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Hail Satan then lol who cares you goober
The Big Bang never happened.
Once you understand what eternity is, everything will fall into place. There is no linear time outside.
The Big bang did happen but that doesn’t mean it was the first or last
Baby’s first grasp of relativity?
You believe it happened because you believe in god. But this god is just a construct of your mind.
If you want to prove it, ask him to do complex math equations and post the results. If you do the math, then it was you, not god who did it. If no answer is received, then it means god does not exist, it is just a persona in your mind, that you created to cope with reality. And the same applies to the big bang, which would be the "spark" of this god.
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Anon you’re just a persona in your mind, that you created to cope with reality. And the same applies to the Big Bang of your parents fucking which would be the "spark" of “you”
What makes you project procreation into the timeless?
There are planets out there where life swaps between physical and non-physical bodies, between blood-based organisms and gas-based organisms.
So you can't project procreation into the universe, anon. It is too particular to be applied to the whole of it.
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What you call life I call patterns or spirits
Sex is as simple as 1+1=2 or the fact that some chemicals bind repulse and combine with each other to make new chemicals love is just magnet attraction (and the bases of evolution) fear is just repulsion knowing what to avoid ect ect and it’s all just poetry unfolding through infinite symbology
And we are but machines that transmute the poetry of how energy dances and plays into the symbology of thought feelings and the minds eye of reality itself as we perceive it to understand it which is ultimately that which we are
And it’s all very sexual (creation) and violent (destruction)
>Can it bring greater awareness. Can math be esoteric or are it mere shadows of the cave
shadows of the cave
while I fully believe there is mathematics to describe absolutely everything,
spiritual progress is just quite simply not an intellectual endeavor
it is one of mind & awareness, just not intellectualization
understanding the equations wont bring you any closer
only through practice may you achieve
love that lower right hand photo
when it first came out, I said wow that's from a prior galactically active phase
and the forum I was on all laughed at me
ffwd a bunch of years later and they come out with hey, this is from a prior active phase of the galactic nuclei
hey wow would you look at that, faggots
wouldnt be the first or third time its happened
Math is the study of structure, and so by definition it cannot account for the Divine, which is formless and limitless.
the big bang is a perpetual happening
its happening right now
just not here
and we cant see enough of the torus to convince normies that the most natural structure in all the universe is also its shape
>Baby’s first grasp of relativity?
gravity has never been proven to be anything more than an effect
kek, there's the big bang in the middle
>there is no form in the formless
what a limited understanding
Time is a form of measurement all forms of measurement work via relativity
Relativity not only applies to the effects of space time but perception itself
Big bang and big suck
>>38867919(pic related)
All in a suck and fuck mirror of Am to create I
If the formless had form, it would be formful not formless. The source of all form and limitation cannot itself have been formed or limited.
That's what I keep trying to tell heat death cultists, but they either won't listen or can't understand. And they won't ask for clarification because that would expose their stupidity.
I have stated that eventually red shift will disappear and blue shift will begin. When that happens (in 50 billion years), we will have the choice of either leapfrogging backwards to a young section of the torus, or embrace our annihilation in the big black hole at the end of the torus.
But we are form from the formless and seeing as the formless can’t be given form the best way to understand it is and our reality is by studying its other forms and relating and working with then
The divine is not a god, just a abstraction for movement. Gods are properties of the divine which manifests through math. Gravity is an effect of magnetism between the planets, which uses math in order to manifest their movement in space, so math and movement derive from each other. It is like the chicken and egg question.
You are talking about emanations now. Emanations relates to the omniverse, where a infinite number of infinite universes exists, each with a different timeline. These universes also have movement in the way they manifest time.
Time as only measurement is a human take. You don't know if the distance in the telescope is what you really see, because time distorts outside Earth.
In a song sung by death metal clowns there’s lyrics about how at the end of time there is only black holes left which they we siphon energy from to create false realities holding all of history within them and that we are in one of those false realities/simulations so we could always dues ex machina this bitch :p
>But we are form from the formless
Our true self is the one formless being that underlies all consciousness. We only imagine ourselves to have form and to be distinct from each other. Forms are ideas in the universal mind and cannot exist independently.
>The divine is not a god, just a abstraction for movement.
God transcends all abstractions or movements, which are only ideas in its mind.
Ask him to do math then.
He can't, because he is only a idea in your mind.
An idea requires a mind. The universe does not.
Time distorts via relativity time measures relativity and these distortions can be accounted for using proper measurements to account for changes within relative fields
The distortions of mercury’s(oddly enough the god of knowledge;p)light reaching earth at odd times is what brought forth relativity and quantum mechanics in the first place to make sense of these measurements that did not make sense which then later expanded into giant and huge fields from there great use
The universe has no mind.
It is a collection of minds (planets and stars) that aims for one thing: harmony.
What happens inside these planets is chaos. Like our subconscious.
To say the universe would be a single mind equals to say humanity is just a single mind, which is golem thinking, and a denial of individuality and uniqueness.
I know this what I’m saying is you can’t understand that which can not be given understanding outside of pure meditative silence without using form
The universe as we experience it has structure and form, therefore it can only exist in a mind. Nous, the universal mind, is the origin of all the apparent multiplicity, limitation, and distinction we attribute to 'the world'.
All of reality as you’ve ever known it or ever will know it exists in your mind
No one can say for certainty that anything exists at all
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This is why spacefarers want no contact with humans. They reached harmony inside their civilizations, whereas humans are still fighting among themselves.
The structure and form depends on our perception. Hence the mind in question is still the human mind. You just project your mind into the universe, treating it as a reflection of yourself.
There cannot be distinctions without a mind to draw them. There cannot be distinct objects without a mind to distinguish them. Only the ineffable One transcends the mind.
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“We weren’t talking to you”
Reminds me of mean girls
It is your own mind doing the distinctions.
The ineffable One is a product of your mind.
Only movement and harmony are real. The chaos inside is a collateral.
Structure and form are defined by the mind that conceives them. Nous, the universal mind, structures what we think of as 'the world' through its cogitations. Nothing in particular can exist outside Nous, just the formless One.
There is no synthesis without a diaresis, which implies the dyad is needed for the universe to exists. The dyad implies in distinction, but the distinction is done by the observer, who requires electrical movement in his head in order to notice it.
This means there is not a single mind. If the monad is left to its own, the universe ceases to exist, which means the universe is not a single entity, but many. Without synthesis, there is no movement. The collateral is what the synthesis discarded, that is, the diaresis. Hence the chaos inside the planets.
>your own mind
No such thing. There is only one mind, Nous.
What you call the universal mind is just the observer. The observer requires movement in order to distinguish reality. Without movement, you have no mind, so the movement comes first. Hence the axis of the universe, which generates the movement, have no mind.
>do math
>universe doesn't require mind
Are you aware that the underlying reality that men attempt to define with math is many times more elegant and nuanced than our monkey-like scribbled symbolic language? No? That's why you can't see the mind behind.
Electricity and motion and the whole of 'physical reality' are but illusions. Imaginings of Nous. Nothing complex is prior to the mind that is the source of all complexity.
So the planet is a cube? Nice.
The underlying reality is already defined, anon.
Man is just too egocentric to admit is himself projecting into it.
The axis of the universe is everywhere, and nowhere at the same time, because it can only be seem from the outside, the omniverse of infinite timelines.
And it has no mind. You project your mind into it in order to understand it.
Harmony is the order of the cosmos. Chaos is its collateral.
However, man treats it in a opposite direction. It conceives Chaos as the first principle, and Harmony as a reaction against it. That's because man is projecting his own mind into it, so he can order it with his own synthesis.
The ultimate reality is absolutely motionless, timeless, spaceless, and without structure of any kind. This is the One, which you can come to know directly through moksha/gnosis/henosis/etc.

>What you call the universal mind is just the observer.
The One is the observer. Witness consciousness. It is pure undifferentiated being-awareness and is prior to all cognition. The universal mind (Nous) is the cognitive emanation of the One.
You are mistaking the monad for reality.
Reality ceases to exist when the monad is the only thing left.
That's why both monad and dyad are represented by 1. Space would be 2, and matter 3.
There is no cognition before the monad meets the dyad. Hence no mind.
The observer is yourself, anon, projecting into the monad in order to understand the universe. The One is just a persona in your own mind.
Btw, henosis is not the right way to achieve a understanding of reality.
You need to reach kenosis, which is the absence of reality, in order to see it from the outside.

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