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How do I get away from the feeling that everything has lost meaning?

I used to enjoy things, movies, vidya... but none of it moves me anymore.. it hasn't for quite long time

Some of it is probably because of my life's unfortunate circumstances, but I can't help but notice that everything has also objectively gotten worse. But I'm struggling to see why is that? I thought the idea of bread and circus was to keep the peasants occupied. So why are they now trying to slow boil, and humilitate the peasants, while trying to see how much of humiliation they can get away with? There didn't use to be this provocative dynamic in the past, it's something that only started happening after Obama got elected and probably after he passed that gay intel bill. None of the culture war or the extreme division (intentional) of left and right used to exist beforehand.

My question is, what's the goal of this slow boiling of the frog? Are they trying to end humanity? Are they trying to turn humans into borgs/put it into some hivemind? Why can't there be other more peaceful alternatives? Why do they want to force alien interference so badly? I've become convinced that the forces doing this are alien, they're invades from outer space, and I have feeling their actions here will provoke an reaction from a faction that's hostile toward Orion/dracos.
Those who are greedy tend to have shitty ending. It's what will happen to those holding humanity back.
It could be the Kali-Yuga. We've been in the dark ages for quite some time. If you read recorded History, things have never been great for Man. There may have been a golden age nestled within this dark age, but I think that is coming to an end, and the darkness is showing itself encroaching.

All you can do, I think, is hold onto the torch and hope things will be better for future bearers. But yes, things look bleak. Even when things looked nice most shit was fake and gay and was designed to keep you pacified while those in power continuously robbed and raped their way across the globe.
I'm getting tired of waiting I hope something happens
They stabbed The Devil in the back and let him live. A recipe for disaster.
nah that's just your headcanon
Since 2007 we have been living in a shameless, massive and, yes, too forced ritual of humiliation. You could say that in 2001 they unplugged the fan that gave magic to everything, but when they did, the blades continued to spin inertially until 2006, when everything really lost its meaning. I don't know how far this could go.
It's going to be sweet anon. As sweet as fucking honey. There won't be a city or a town or a village left standing. Everyone who hurt him. Is going to die. :)
peak mental illness
>mental illness
Psychiatry is for charlatans.
Still mental illness
Remind me what Stalin did to the psychiatrists again? The ones who "diagnosed" him.

The elites know the world is ending so they're just doing cash grabs now because they know there's no long term consequences
Is it some re-occurring event that happens every X years?
There's so many consequences hahah
I feel like the elites are trying to induce an apocalypse thinking if they fill the criteria it'll happen like some sort of checklist waiting to start it up
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We're watching the corruption and collapse of the West in real time. There might have been something that we could have done decades ago, but the ideology and ideologues are too far embedded at this stage. If there isn't all our civil or world war in the next few years, I will be surprised. I'm just laughing madly as I watch the ship I'm on slowly sink into the abyss. I will either live the way I want despite the circumstances or die attempting to. I see this all as illusory and temporary anyways, and we are all an eternal being trapped in flesh prisons. There is nothing that can happen that would frighten me.
>"There is nothing that can happen that would frighten me."
And so I took that personally.
>My question is, what's the goal of this slow boiling of the frog?
They take people to a point where people have to make a behavioral choice (choosing a new government, financial system, religious system, war, etc.) But the choices are both choices (end goals) chosen by the controllers. People are slowly being lead to the slaughter. And they will think one of these false "choices" will be their own idea because of predictive programming done by the media.
>My question is, what's the goal of this slow boiling of the frog? Are they trying to end humanity?
Here's a series of questions someone did with ChatGPT recently, you may find it interesting. Links are all safe, it's worth the time to read.

But yeah it's been going this way for 30 years as far I can remember, so that means it's probably been in progress 300 years.
Yup. It did all start with that non-human piece of excrement Obama. Lil bitch was abandoned by his parents and went full on schizo, believed he could be president and then everyone would love him like his parents should've.

Except his weakness didn't go away like he thought it would and he couldn't do anything that upset people, instead being a massive homo and bringing in gay marriage. POS even lit up the white house for it.

I really want to know what the western worlds obsession with 2 guys doing literally the most shameful, humiliating, absolutely abhorrent things to each other is. It's everywhere these days, your tolerance of it is treated as more a mark of civilisation than eating cooked food.

I think it's because the realisation that experiences in life can make someone grow up to literally not realise they are male, and end up warped as gays are, is such a ground breaking revelation that no one can bear admit it. It would need people to realise and accept, like "OK, something is breaking men's minds so badly that they fail to mentally develop into normal mature adults and spend the rest of their lives driven by the lowest, infantile impulses in relations to other men"

Can you imagine what that would mean for society?! To recognise it as the form of insanity is truly is? Imagine overnight everyone now knowing gays are mentally ill. It'd change everything. And for the better too.
>My question is, what's the goal of this slow boiling of the frog? Are they trying to end humanity? Are they trying to turn humans into borgs/put it into some hivemind? Why can't there be other more peaceful alternatives?
The goal is to make slave-souls who don't know or listen to themselves.

You're exhibiting it right now (no offense but one must see in order to free themself).
When you ask these questions they are coming from a place of trying to understand something outside yourself as your master.

No, I'm not saying that if you stop believing it will fix things... I'm saying that when you fix things you will stop believing.
If someone stabs you, your problem is neither the other person nor the fact that you got stabbed... Your REAL problem is that your state of being _allowed_ you to be stabbed in the first place. Even if you heal your wound your TRUE wound is in the soul and it will allow you to be stabbed again tomorrow.
This is why fear emanates from you, because that fear is the TRUTH of the place your soul is currently living in. Stop seeking temporary fixes, like eliminating fear or temporarily making things better within a system that allows them to fall apart.
Fix the true problem and your entire reality will transform.
No fucking blackpilling.
I'm still waiting for the bad thing that was cooming
>Fix the true problem and your entire reality will transform.
How exactly does one fix it? Pretty sure there's material that says humanity will not be free if only 1 individual is free, but it requires liberation of 50% before it can be set free
It's Pluto in Capricorn season anon.
Started in March 2020, ends January 2040.
The primary reason why I believe sidereal astrology is accurate and tropical gets it wrong all the time.
It's because you're getting too old and unproductive. If you're a kid going to school playing outside learning new things everyday then you will not notice any decline. By the time you notice you need to die to make room for a new generation who doesn't know better.
Wow so scary, the Devil is a blip on the radar before God. A little dog on a leash who can’t go anywhere beyond where he is permitted. That snakes’ head is crushed. Wretched bots peddling wicked little cause.
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who cares? just have fun
>if you knew what was coming you would masturbate yourself to nirvana
I saw another anon ask a similar question to yours op and that was one of their response. Just gaslight yourself into believing everything will work out in the end. WAGMI.
I'm looking forward to if Trump wins/how his 2nd term will be like, but other than that I'm not very optimistic.
You grew old and cranky like everyone else. The big change wasnt the world (even thought it IS getting worse), it was you. The young generation of today is still loving current times with their skibidi toilet thing
It's called depression and it probably has nothing to do with /x/. Make your body healthy
I thought for long time it was just that, that I got "dealth bad hand" at very early age etc. , but the more I look at it, there more I'm starting to feel that maybe it's this world itself that is very evil. Not the planet itself, but there are forces and system in places constantly attacking people's psyche and spirit, that's what I truly believe is the biggest problem of our time. Maybe TPTB have been doing too much shit over past 2 decades, or maybe it's the increase in electronical waves in our cities, I don't know, but the "evil" has increased somehow. There's more bad vibes coming from astral now than before, and it looks like they're trying to make it increase, because for them to be normalizing demonology in media movies tv-series so much recently, it would mean they have plans for this stuff to get far worse than it currently is. I don't know what the goal is, but I wouldn't be surprised if they wanted to get some ayys or demons to walk more freely/openly among us. It's the same slippery slope they did with gay marriage and stuff, only this time UN will sign some treature that allows demons to walk freely/more openly among us or something. AI is also heavily related to all of this, probably some kind of conduit for evil entities from astral.

Obviously I wasn't aware as teenager when watching my favorite movies, that most of the actors go through jesuit multiple personality programming through sexual abuse, use of alters, and that some of these people and actors would get killed in my adult years for not keeping their mouth shut. But despite what was happening behind closed doors even back then, I feel like they weren't so openly malevolent towards us back then, like they were trying to entertain us more then, and not try to humiliate as much as they do now. But now they're no longer trying to entertain, the breads and circus is over, now they want your soul more than ever, and I don't know why this changed like this
>How exactly does one fix it?
I know people are sick of hearing it, but the answer is just to know yourself.

>humanity will not be free if only 1 individual is free, but it requires liberation of 50% before it can be set free
Well notice that that's a bit of a mixed message. Because if your liberation requires 50% of others to be liberated first, then how are those others liberating themselves?

I think it's 2 separate things that are being talked about. There is the true ascension, which is done on an individual basis, and if enough souls were to reach that point (the point of knowing the Self) then it would shift this world into a level of Self-knowing that those who seek darkness (ignorance of the true Self) cannot go.
At that point this world would become a paradise. It would also become much easier for the remaining souls to awaken without the truth being hidden/distorted, and without all the fear and deception being shoved down their throats.
This, in part.
What is a bad hand? Better yet... what is good soil? Good soil that would hold a root. Torn up, plowed, weeds ripped out, shit thrown on it, etc. Be glad to be good soil, honestly. Your faith may last if the root is deep enough. Yeah, metaphors. Always metaphors.
From their view it would be ending. So that is the truth of their reality.

As described here>>38920622 what's really happening is a splitting of reality. In each of the splits it will manifest as some mass event that explains it.
Because they have no awareness of what true awakening is, it will manifest as a mass death event in their world. They will see half (or more) of humanity die off, and that's what they're preparing for.
But those souls are not actually dying, they are entering a different reality that is splitting off from this one and they will see it as a mass awakening event.
I have grown to call it sentient evil... the people doing it doesn't even see or understand consequences of there actions, they don't understand they are the bad guys.
No one would even notice when 144,000 extra people go missing one day... tha number is miniscule yet that's some false sign that is watched for...
They are making the bread and circuses less fulfilling so you will turn to more extreme measures for escapism. Why do you think there's such a huge drug epidemic right now? Why do you think so many teens are porn addicts? Ever since modern times, it has been rare for someone to be truly happy. Everyone, with the tiniest handful of exceptions, has a way to escape from the earthly realm. There was a time where the movies and music were legitimate escapes, but now they are something to be escaped. Just look at these two movies and compare them to those of today.
Even people that like watching the entertainment of today end up feeling unfulfilled. Their souls are shriveling up. It's not a you problem for noticing this drop in quality. Rebel against their plans and only consume old media if you absolutely MUST consume something.
What's the end goal of this slow boiling? Are they trying to bring end times faster, or are they öooking the subtli/slowly cull a big portion of population, before we get there?
great read thank you.
Women are children. A childlike state is too docile.
During the obama administration they started to accelerate the social conditioning programs too quickly in directions too diametrically opposed to human nature. So yes, corporate media slop is objectively worse, and they're flooding the space with it to make it more difficult to find real things of real value.
Let's sage this thread
Demoralizing fuck
Get this subliminal mind control attack spell off my catalog
>But I'm struggling to see why is that? I thought the idea of bread and circus was to keep the peasants occupied. So why are they now trying to slow boil, and humilitate the peasants, while trying to see how much of humiliation they can get away with? There didn't use to be this provocative dynamic in the past, it's something that only started happening after Obama got elected and probably after he passed that gay intel bill. None of the culture war or the extreme division (intentional) of left and right used to exist beforehand.
It's the ultimate phase of the society base don mass media they decided to create after their WW2. Occupy wall street was the pivotal moment, where the elite decided to unleash the new era of ESG and now DEI as a counter fire.

Bourgeois have always despised the peasants, just like the monarchs before them. It's just that to seize power, the bourgeois needed the cooperation of the populace to fight for them. It took the bourgeois until WW1 to get rid of the monarchies, then they created their WW2 as the humanistic creation myth, and after that they baited the peasants into mass hedonism, and now they can rug pull the entire propaganda.

The goal of the bourgeois who did all their revolutions a few centuries ago was to become the ruling class. The whole point of being the ruling class is to not care about the population and make the population suffer the consequences of the ruling class' decisions when things go bad. The novelty of the bourgeois is that they did it with the propaganda that they will take better care of the peasants than any king ever did. That there will no longer be any legal class system.
Of course centuries later, we all know that it's not because there is no legal classes that the ruling class is equal to the peasants.
The new specificity of the bourgeois is that they killed any truth, morality, knowledge by using relativism to take power from priests and kings. So in order to make their society based on commerce they need to have a fake morality, they needed to built a morality from the ground up and they ended this morality to be 100% compatible with business. Their first idea was full blown communism, which became relevant only because it was the communist who killed the russian monarchy, whereas it was classical liberalism which killed all other monarchies beforehand.

It is the true the bourgeois removed the legal strata, but not the informal one, and 250 years alter, the bourgeois still say ''everyone is equal (ie bourgeois and cucks)'' but they don't do anything about it , and protip they don't plan on doing anything.
During monarchies, there was no need for ghettoization, because legally there was a class system so people didnt mix up in the first place.

So the next phase is to put all the poor people in the VR world and let the rich enjoy the physical world. The poor will have their society, own currency and of course these currencies will be worthless compared to the real ones.
=>worthless digital dollar and UBI for billions of disposable coomers in VR life, used on e-whores, weed and videogames.
>>We're watching the corruption and collapse of the West in real time.

what the plebs calls "corruption" is the normal process of democracy, because democracy is the tool used by the bourgeois to base society on bureaucracy and commerce. so when civil servants and business men ''collude'', in fact they just enjoy the fruit of their revolutions

The narrative that somehow bureaucrats are the enemy of the business men is a lie fed to the peasants.

And there will not be any uprising simply because half the population is women, and they are in control of the democracy, the other half is men and they are disposable simps.
They want you to beg for them to come back. They make sure we can't self-organize than boil the frog. They think this will make everyone love the ruling class. They've underestimated how awake everyone is.
>jimm, archos, free will

It's a pity it's another jewish story. At this rate it will take another 1000 years for people to realize that there's life outside some variant of judaism.
I'm trying dammit
'Our hearts are restless until they rest in God' - St.Augustine.
The things of the world will never satisfy us, they can distract us for a while, but there will always be a feel of lack.
Ask for anti-depressants.
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It's a shame that you have to feel despair at the darkness to find lasting light. It's the way of things. From day to night, from black to white. What you are lamenting is the loss of the distraction's hold over you. The manufactured and uninspired bread and circus. It can no longer convince the part of you that demands enouia. That sees vivication and order and knows what the world could be. That's happening everywhere. To everyone. You cannot see it because the magic mirror refuses to tell you at every turn.
You think your are alone in this information but you are not. You've been convinced and beaten down. But there are 8 billion humans all of which are constantly evolving out of and into new niches of thought in response to the global pressure that you have so eloquently described. You have been convinced that there is nothing on your side, that the world simply works this way.

Anon it's time to stop believing in their narrative. You live in the uprising and don't understand that it's happening because you are glued to the propaganda of the enemy. Because you don't understand that ww3 started decades ago and you were born a soldier. Instead of lamenting, you should be making yourself the best you can be. You can help shape the world starting with yourself and become an instrument of the ordering principle that the ancients Called God.
Don't reference Kali yuga and then forget that the yuga cycle is tied to the celestial precession. All the ancients worked on observations that took literally millions of years to figure out. The fact the information survived at all is a miracle. The metaphors are being taken too literally by all religions.
I hope you've come to the conclusion that all of the meat and potatoes religious systems are just the remnants of a unified understanding that has been passed down by previous civilizations. And that outside of dogma each of them have some aspect of truth?
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This poor fuck was so close to the answer yet he failed to see it. Do you think the answer is to flock to old media to remain entertained? Does that even sound fufilling?

The anons are growing up since yester year and the ball is in their court now. It's time to enchant the world and spread like a virus messages and enthralling principles through works. Through creativity. If you gave every poster in the thread a gun and an unshakable suicidal commitment they could maybe cause some transient damage.

But give them am unshakable will to inspire and create to their maximum potential and you change the world. Memes Carry ideas yes but so do stories, so does art, so does music. In a time where everyone is starved for the light you can bring it to them. And you wouldn't be alone. How could you be there's a genius around every corner scribbling mind numbing beauty that only they can see.

Meditate on these ideas. And receive inspired thoughts from fucking nowhere about them. Impossible shit that would take way more then 1 little guy to manifest. Because the ideas are in the air, on the winds of the unconscious and they will be realised. When you have cool ideas and see them somewhere lesser suddenly manifest in the world that's because you weren't the one to do it,
You weren't ready for the call and someone less suited took up the job. Stop waiting a Bilbo baggins and start gandalf maxing on these normies you fucking chuds.
empty platitudes. get off your horse
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And what if it isn't? You would let the chance that I'm not full of shit slip by based on what exactly? You do realize the story of Christ, Christian or not is a clear manifesto on how to rebel against an overwhelming regime that bases itself on corrupted law and order? You simply lack the context to properly utilize it, I could show you exactly what you'd need to do to be a proper rhetorician and actually make a change.

What is your suggested course of action given the circumstances? Head in the sand and die in a hole somewhere? Try to squeeze as much comfort and happiness out of your life? Are you uniting your own family? Creating one? Guiding your friend group to more unified collective actions? Something as simple as getting together, budgeting funds, working towards stability and learning the laws of the system. Giving up the system propaganda of individualism and banding together to survive and thrive. Something so simple would make you yourself a threat to the power structure.
And if you were maxing out your potential this would magnify exponentially. You could find and then guide other people awakening to self mastery and move completely legitimately never once rousing the ire of the state or government. Gain considerable amount of power and lay the ground work for true homebrew collectivism. By the time you did enough to feel as if this might go somewhere you'd find there were already tons of others doing the same. Complicated lives all looking at exactly the same shit show your looking at because it's massed produced and fed to all of us. And the economic situation makes neo tribalism even more likely.
here is the evolution of clothing due to the bourgeoisie
It's you who keeps making these walls of text without adding anything to discussion, only doing self-wankery. Literal shit chatgpt would fart out, only thing missing is a trip to let everyone know you're gay.
Is it too much to ask for a world that doesn't worship lucifer?
Too bad then, you'll figure it out on your own one way or the other. What is your answer to all of this? If u don't have some idea then consider finding one.
It's part of a global scale alchemical ritual by the pedovore elites that follow the old religion, ultimately worshipping what we might think of as Lucifer as a 'close enough' name for the entity they worship. They deliberately make everything worse as a means of demoralisation, destroying whatever is good so that the disnfranchised masses can be moved from point A on the elite's agenda to points B, C, and so on. It's heavily dependent upon humiliation rituals, cultural degredation, societal trauma, depopulation within high IQ nations, upending ideas of right and wrong, deracination, deliberate economic and social destruction of the West, and pitting groups one against the other. The goal is a one-world police state where the impoverished feudal masses are controlled like livestock.
Fair, that last paragraph really resonated. I came up with some pretty good musical ideas seemingly out of nowhere and I know deep down I have to bring these to the world before they are assigned to someone else
Nobody "worships Lucifer" ffs.. I am a Luciferain myself and I don't worship Lucifer...Lucifer isn just an energy that guides me to wisdom..I worship Myself....we are all one mind..
when you begin to sink your teeth in you can begin to see that not all media is shit. There's a dichotomy at play which is usually summed up as industry and underground. And it's obvious why. The nerd shit that gets popular on its own and has enthralled legions of people who I would have called faggots back in the day were actually divinely mused Great Works that brought with them emotions and concepts that inspired when it needed to who it needed to. Its been happening more or less the entire time. It's why things have to be turned to shit without mercy. They are doing the opposite And creating despair in successive waves in the hopes that if the children of each generation adapt to worse and worse mind numbing lightless government accepted slop then their parents. The parents will be too busy fighting to hold on to the last iteration of morals and media to even think about creating. Rinse and repeat for a number of things.
what exactly happened
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humans are evil. the inevitable end of humanity is extinction
The evil has non-human origin, humans are just being used
>I thought the idea of bread and circus was to keep the peasants occupied.
Not anymore, aparently.
Eventually you start to nootice how the pope and his jews control tje velocity of money to affect societal climate. Right now they have everyone broke. You can see people complaining everywhere, all sorts of collectibles going up for sale. It's probably tied to election season but they're really pushing it this time. There might be a more complex agenda at hand.
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Because as we age we "level up" and increase the difficulty level of life according to NDErs. And NDEs are seriously irrefutable proof that heaven really is awaiting us all because (1) people see things during their NDEs when they are out of their bodies that they ought not be able to under the assumption that the brain creates consciousness, and (2) anyone can have an NDE and everyone is convinced by it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U00ibBGZp7o

So every atheist or materialist or agnostic would be too if they had an NDE, so pic related is literally irrefutable proof of life after death. As one NDEr pointed out:

>"The minute that I kind of woke up on that hillside in heaven I knew that that was more real than any time I've ever spent here on Earth. And I knew instantly that my time here was really but a dream. It's real to us when we're in it, but once I was there in heaven I realized that's more real, that felt more real, and it made much more sense to me than anything here. This is kind of nonsensical at times. In heaven, it's so clear, so real, so rational, so logical, but yet emotional and loving at the same time. Immediately I knew that was real and this was not. Immediately."

If NDEs were hallucinations then extreme atheists and neuroscientists who had NDEs would agree that they were halluinations after having them. But the opposite happens as NDEs convince every skeptic when they have a really deep NDE themselves.

So NDEs convince people who have them, and so does the extensive scholarly literature on NDEs for the people who actually reads it. The problem, however, is that so many pseudoskeptics never actually read the scholarly literature on NDEs and instead just assume, based on their materialist dogma, that since there can not be any evidence for the reality of NDEs, there is no point actually learning more about NDEs.
I think Internet connectivity has taken some of the mystery out of life. Plus there was the covid pandemic. Culture just shut down for two years.

More people just need to active their latent psychic abilities.
>"The minute that I kind of woke up on that hillside in heaven I knew that that was more real than any time I've ever spent here on Earth. And I knew instantly that my time here was really but a dream. It's real to us when we're in it, but once I was there in heaven I realized that's more real, that felt more real, and it made much more sense to me than anything here. This is kind of nonsensical at times. In heaven, it's so clear, so real, so rational, so logical, but yet emotional and loving at the same time. Immediately I knew that was real and this was not. Immediately."
I don't remember what it's called, but I've heard of this phenomenon explained by some anon before (no, not the NDE), a phenomenon where you have this feeling of "belonging", that you're at the "right place", "at the source".. I think this could be what the quote is describing. But you see, there's danger to this feeling. Let's say your consciousness or awareness or whatever is at some place temporarily, be it during a NDE or some kind of other thing happening to you, even if that may be so, there's absolutely no guarantee that this feeling of good you get might actually be coming of good place.. you know what I'm saying? There's no guarantee that this is "the source", that this is "the god". It might be something yes, some entity or realm yes, but it could as easily be that of false light, lucifer or some "false collective consciousness" blob. This could be not the real "ONE". I say this because I've read stories of people describing them being in this location, and then eventually told that they need to return to earth (well to be fair, they're still alive when experience this). I'm going to assume once someone dies, if they go to this place, even then their stay is temporary, and then they return here "out of their free will", to "serve the god" or whatever.. but isn't that what false light memory wipe reincarnation is about? YHWH is not the only god, he just destroyd previous gods
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I don't know what exactly happened, but like some other anon here said, during Obama administration things went terribly south for humanity. It's probably to do with the bill he helped to sign, that allowed glowers to torment people more.
btw I think you can get to this place/state via some kind of meditation technique.. maybe during that state of between sleep and awake.. like goddard neville coined, SATS, state akin to sleep or whatever.
It isn't, it's just as you age you have two options: notice or become a zombie addicted to distraction. Most people are zombies addicted to distraction.
For me nothing got worse but the people themselves did. Full of predatory/ Jealousy and other stupid harmful animalistic instincts that fucks up society as a whole.
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If you let evil use you then you were evil to begin with
ok bot
Wanted to say I hope for the best for you. And others as well. I believe in love.
Love sounds cool at first until you realize women want a man who worships the beast system in-place on earth. Nothing screams wife and kids more than how deep in your throat and ass you can take demiurge's cock. Concerned that worship of falde idols such as mammon, money and others might lead you to reincarnate again? That's too bad, such ideas will only cause woman's pussy to dry up fast like Sahara's desert, then you can forget having kids and a family.
Such concerns*
My last straw was the plastic recycling shit
They overtax the bottle of soda slop, so you then spend your time to get that overtax back, while China dispenses more plastic than 10 wests at once.
And I'm mad because I don't even drink the slop. Nobody understands or wants to hear that we need to boycott this shit. Nobody would stop comsoooooming supermarket slop
My global warmerino bro

>but what about weather manipulation
>what about chemtrails? why aren't neithet of these shown in global warmerino graphs
You are no longer in the season of your life when stories will feel the most meaningful. It's fine to enjoy stories as an adult, but their most important purpose is to show children meaningful struggles as acted out by heroic role models. Humans are naturally meant to graduate from deriving meaning from imagination when they grow up so that they can find meaning in real pursuits. In an ideal world, your fictional childhood inspirations will guide you towards a great life, but it looks like that hasn't happened for you yet.

You don't have to give up escapism, but you probably need to shrink its role in your life and try not to lean on it so hard as a source of meaning.
I remember you from another thread and I love you, NDE anon.
Meant for >>38931140
true or not this was an interesting read. thank you.
It's hard to not cling to escapism when there are jobs available in job market, but they're all collectively no at hiring your people. You know at that point that its not monetary issue, but some form of cultural or spiritual warfare
>Things bad, therefore let me write about it so that I can expand the badness by giving it the attention that it wants.
Things were always bad, nothing new. Who cares? Go attain enlightenment. The demons want your attention, they can't stand it when you are healthy. They want you to write poetry about them -they are the origin of narcissism.
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>>be a Rom
>>>blue summer at Ponzu Sushi
Your not making any sense
When the stock of a company is dropping, and there's no sign it rising back, is that when you buy? When a ship is starting to sink, do you jump or stay in ship? These things you say require "effort", which comes in form of "bring you spirit here". Why would I bring more of my spirit to be fed by demons, to a place that's going through erasure process? I can just save my spirit for another adventure in another world, not ran my archons and orion draco bastards.
It's tough out there and I don't know your specific circumstances, but I'm sure you know there are things you could be doing to advance your well-being that you're not doing.
>I used to enjoy things, movies, vidya... but none of it moves me anymore.. it hasn't for quite long time
It's called growing up, big guy. Time to put the toys away and find Christ.
modern christianity has nothing to do with christianity of the past, it's bastardization of whatever was pre-nicean christianity (spoiler alert, pre-nicean christians believed in reincarnation)

But you probably come from an agency so you already know this
Bertha Mason shook it - broke it
Then she hung it on a wall
Says, "you're dancin' with whom they tell you to
Or you don't dance at all."
It's tough out there
High water everywhere
I got a cravin' love for blazing speed
Got a hopped up mustang ford
Jump into the wagon, love, throw your panties overboard
I can write you poems, make a strong man lose his mind
I'm no pig without a wig
I hope you treat me kind
Things are breakin' up out there
High water everywhere

>Why is everything getting worse

What we are experiencing is not what we were destined for. Progress came to a halt because it was keeping capitalism in check. Social progress, scientific progress, technological progress - all have come to a halt and all have been regressing since the end of the 90s.

Right-wing politicians, big business (by nature right-wing) and the media (by nature right-wing) are accomplices of the dark forces.

And those who vote for and defend these dark forces are equally complicit and guilty
I think you're right that it's capitalism and sort of greed that can only cope from alien (draco/orion) invaders or their hybrids, but I wouldn't say it's left/right problem, I think they're really using both systems to just manipulate people. There's those photos of obama and george clooney on a boat with some dead underage asian girl , and some old pictures of obama's mother squatting on some beer bottle.. these are all blackmail rituals the masters force these people to do, and the highest of the hierarchy I think is non-humans (ayys), and that's why these people in power are so evil toward humanity.
Never said anything about "Christianity".

> come from an agency
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I think I saw some anon say in some thread couple of says ago, that big part of the problem is that these crazy "high society" culture sort of comes down to lower classes like tricke-down economics. Those who got first in the scam (those high in hierarchy, because that's how pyramid scams work, new members serve old members) get to reap all the rewards from negative karma satan rituals, while they normalize all the downsides that opening of portals and attraction of demons to this realm causes to our world. It's sort like when some companys and banks are "too big to fail", they get tax payers to pay out the companies so they can continue doing business like nothing happened. Here it's sort of the same, they're probably trying to open some kind of rift in the reality that lets demons pour into the reality. The elite will reap all the rewards they get from doing the ritual (since they're told to do this to get rewards), while middle class and lower class people that now are turning into entry level masonry, are the ones that will have to get kneeled by another mason (like what happen to george ffloyd)

So basically, there are group of ayys that want to brainrot this realm, and the people that pay the price are those that don't seem to have a problem with this, which is middle class and pretty much all the people who aren't fortune 500
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>what's the goal of this slow boiling of the frog?
To kill Pepe, duh
If the goal is to live a good life and evil people are living a good life then obviously the problem is that you don't want to do what's necessary to live a good life. In b4:
>I'm aiming for a good afterlife.
You can't be sure that a good afterlife exists so you are going to let yourself be abused by people who live way better than you do with nothing to show for it on your deathbed.
There are ton of people reporting past live memories, usually traumas. Funnily enough people carry those traumas around them to future incarnations, but not the actual "memories" that would probably help dealing with those traumas. This alone should be quite a big hint to you to the nature of this world we live in.
I saw some other thread made with pepe image 1-2 days ago something along lines "what's so magical about this image". Sad I didn't get a chance to catch that thread, but I agree with op, there's something to this frog
>completely deflects from that anons point
You’re a colossal faggot, please kill yourself
You are right. I refuse to be rich in this world because I refuse to sell my soul, I refuse to demean myself, I refuse to be evil, I refuse to take advantage of the fragile.

Yet I'm looking for a way to be rich without being a piece of shit who destroys the environment and other living beings (including humans). I haven't found or succeeded yet, but I don't despair. Maybe it's impossible or maybe I need to cultivate my luck.
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>you don't want to do what's necessary to live a good life
white genocide agenda anon.
all over the west.
that's it.
jews, traitors of our own peoples elite, racial aliens causing criminality, violence and parasitism, dysgencs, the fall of rome 2.0, race mixing promoted in sadism, the list goes on and on
Try this;
Healthy aninals reproduce
Have you seen fertility rates in Europe and the US?
It's both internal and external
Saved, but please can you clarify this sentence:
>Of course centuries later, we all know that it's not because there is no legal classes that the ruling class is equal to the peasants.

It's hard to believe but they are human. Death cultists that are trying to game the system. The end goal is to get attention from the reality mods by corrupting everything to a point of systemic dysfunction. Reality mods are cosmic beings. Summoning a cosmic being into this reality can have many unintended consequences. Ever watch startrek? Imagine the Q continuum and the chaos he brings. That is what you are witnessing now.
i think there's also alien + spiritual element to it, some spiritual forces/aliens are backing up the elite
I think demons/ayys are helping tptb, and so are archons. They wouldn't have power over populace if it weren't for this help. I think those in power destroyed the buildings, history and evidence of the old world, as the OP of this thread made it clear >>38883255
Yeah everything is very boring now 2016 was so fun now I mostly watch 2016 youtube videos
Yeah. It's foolish to believe were top of the food chain
You control your reality. Maybe you should pay a visit to the manifestation general thread.
or maybe you should keep playing those drone simulators
Seek Christ, unironically. You probably won't, but He's literally all you need. I hope you do.
>The young generation of today is still loving current times.
Yeah because they aren't old enough for their parents to really start looking at them and calling them out on their bullshit. Wait like 5 years and then watch what happens when they start pushing 30. It won't be pretty.
Because you aren't rebelling. Go kill a few dozen politicians and you will notice things start to change quickly. I don't even care which party you are on. Just go killin'.
Christ already was here, see >>38883255
Why did you create isis if they're not even going to put any heat on isreal?
Listen I tried, but the Jews just took over the leadership positions almost instantly. If you think you can do a better job go for it. I gave it my best.
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With this character's death, the thread of prophecy is severed. Restore a saved game to restore the weave of fate, or persist in the doomed world you have created
I manifested this post. How did you feel while posting this?
Really? That line suddenly came to mind visiting the thread. I felt as if it was fitting that I should post it, and did so. I must have happened to check out the thread at the right time. I struggle with manifestation sometimes by the way. If anything I manifest things unintentionally most of the time. Whats your secret anon if you could share that would be great.
Well you know manifesting things can take sometime. I was thinking about this during my usually evening exercise where I tend to meditate on my thoughts, but this whole morning I had been practicing raising my vibrations. It is probably a combination of both. I suggest you try the same. Raise your vibration during the day and then go for a long walk in nature..
You're seeing it the wrong way, anon.
How do you raise your vibration?
First resonate with certain frequencies. People use sounding bowls or bells, but there is a ton different vibration meditation music on youtube you can use. Just choose whichever one you like the most to start with. At first just meditate normally and listen to it. Try to feel it with your whole body. Eventually you will feel your body vibrate in a way with it. You can also hum or say your oms. You start to feel the vibrations of things around you too and can generate vibrations in your body.
really cuz I just had a big O'day moment with christ and some physical frens here and we are swimming now
Adam and Eve. Eve is attracted to evil and Adam follows suit.
Human Instrumentality Project
May be we should embrace creation? I find myself becoming tired of media. I'm trying to limit my online and media consumption. For years i've felt like i can't be bothered to consume electronic media. I've felt like i should read more. Books that stimulate thinking, not just stories. Not getting lost in other worlds. I find myself craving content that makes me think. The world in the book isn't important, it's the ideas. I find myself wanting to write out my thoughts and try to understand our current world through writing. I don't want entertainment, or more accurately, my entertainment isn't some Marvel movie. I don't care for that anymore. I don't want to stories that miss the forest for the trees. They had their time and place, but i seek entertainment with a deeper purpose. There are people who obsess over fake worlds. They know the lore of a fake world. Star Wars is ultimately meaningless. It's the hero's journey which is fun to watch, it's a human experiencing growth, but it's ultimately meaningless. There's no concepts explored in Star Wars and the world doesn't matter. Many people get caught up in meaningless media which to someone seeking growth and development is the worst kind of media to consume. You graduated from fun little stories that are puddles compared to others which are oceans.
they escaped the garden by realizing they were gods as greater than any thing else
It's a post pandemic cultural depression.
try this;
nah, this has been going before covid/longer than covid
Why would you want cash if the world is ending? I assume the elites already have plenty of cash; would make sense to spend it.
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>How do I get away from the feeling that everything has lost meaning?
Everything is a part of the same thing: every combination of things. Time is an entropic flow towards disorder or ultimate meta-order which defines our mode of physics. That set of all possible combinations of things flows from one set to the next constituting planck-scale moments of time in a fractal hologram branching out from every waveform, and at the same time constituting every waveform as one giant static equation not too unlike a Fourier Transform. All those things exist, and you came from an earlier time, it will always get weirder, but you can sort-of steer by combining different weird things in different worldline sets which are more to your liking through basically-LoA stuff, or through study of quantum mechanical effects and how they tie into the occult.
An example, what I call the quantum duck experiment:
>fairly into quantum mechanics, the occult, and starting a farm
>decide to see what would happen mapping quantum random numbers to breeds of ducks to buy and dates to buy them from a large industrial breeder
>things going great, nothing of note
>around the time the ducks would have been butchered if factory-farmed they started dying
>weird WEIRD shit
>fell in a hole
>drowned looking up with its mouth open in the rain
>group of ducks decide to dig a hole
>ducks don't dig
>a bunch of them digging a hole
>hours later find out there was a buried electrical mains line several feet down
>ducks chewed through insulation and took turns building their own mass grave
>random predators show up, like a swarm of 20+ raccoons for all of 1 day
>some of the ducks just have heart attacks while walking
>some stand on a cliff which they stare at before jumping off, nose dive, no flapping of wings, head-first into the ground
>RESULT: 5% of the original 100 ducks survived and lived normal lives, 1 was retarded and lived the longest because the geese adopted it
cont 1/2
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>repeat the quantum duck experiment, no quantum random number mapping
>100 ducks of varying hand-selected breeds
>no environmental changes
>RESULT: 5% loss due to predation, lived several years normally
So what happened? Those quantum random numbers derived from 50/50 photon path measurements were single points of divergence without aggregation. What this means, is that there was a very small number of the individual duck plucked out of the multiverse onto it's particular potentially-surviving worldline path, and the bulk of their selves were spread around in worldline sets wherein they were butchered. The proximity of that, for this particular worldline set where that set of waveforms came to form that arrangement of duck, resulted in an overwhelming temporal pull towards the duck dying, decomposing, and spreading out. That is a controllable effect, as divergence ripples inward from the particle horizon of the universe at a rate a hair over 50% (see https://www.quatism.com/theory.htm#infinite-universe for more info) which in turn plays into a proximity-based radius of shells with very similar temporal magnetism, measured from every individual waveform. Wavefunction collapse never happens, it's all the same thing, so the ducks consciousnesses just snapped to somewhere they still had bodies and pulled the surrounding ones with them.
That said, you have to get creative to exploit the effect well, but LoA is a good start - just be sure to combine visualization with the appropriate emotional charge if you want to go at it from an occult rather than science angle (same shit really.)
>Why is everything getting worse
Because you're not stopping them
well obviously nobody knows but I agree with you on what’s happening. there are many theories obviously could be aliens doing this to destroy us or the government doing this to diminish the population by creating a Civil War and a one-word government who knows exactly but it is happening and I see it just as much as you do that it’s just the money printing maybe just printed so that people don’t really go through the motions investment to the point where we’re not even capable of keeping things straight and incompetent people are in charge I don’t know maybe a little bit of all that
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>could be aliens
>My question is, what's the goal of this slow boiling of the frog? Are they trying to end humanity?
Very good question and the answer is yes.
But the thing is that the Lord will descend from heaven and prevent it, which is kind of meaningless in a sense because we will all die anyway and be judged, except we're christians who wont be judged but will confess our faults and be forgiven.
>Avicii is coming back to life for a 2.5 day concert in a swimming pool near you.
The Truth
1: Everything is falling apart
2: Everything's going to be fine
What did Clooney mean by this?
>What we are experiencing is not what we were destined for. Progress came to a halt because it was keeping capitalism in check. Social progress, scientific progress, technological progress - all have come to a halt and all have been regressing since the end of the 90s.
What you call progress is just materialism and it permitted the bourgeoisie to take power and create capitalism
>Everything's going to be fine
I don't think so.
It's hard for 3d person to stop what could be higher d things, when they're trapped on a limiter that limits their existence to only first 3 dimensions

what i'm saying is that you probably could defeat the archons, but to do that you would first have to escape the matrix set in place in here, and weirdly enough after you've succeeded doing that and grinded a few years somewhere else, you probably don't want to come back, in fear of being unable to defeat them and being put back in to this place we're in currently. it doesn't help that archons have backing from strong players
same. things falling apart for sure and I know imma and you gon be fine but them niggas not
This glows.. too much LoA shilling. Some others were suspiciously shilling for "d-do some manifesting anon-bro". Reeks of samefagging or glowie botting

They're shilling these ideas here (how many succ-gen threads have there been, or loa/manifestation generals?) because they want you to be in dealings with archons, just like masons are https://archive.4plebs.org/x/thread/36494174/#36495675

>"TL;DR: Spiritism is based on archons giving you good boy points and that's the narrative spiritist communities use to keep you on a leash."
the nihilism epidemic is spreading like a tumor
we're burning in this artificial light with no salvation in sight
oh btw the "slow boil" you can think of like exercise
are people becoming worse drivers too?
ya guess where it came from INTERNET and fuckuing retards soory happy birthday
thx :D
maybe. maybe there's more strain on people's nervous system, due to increased EMF, so everyone is under more stress?
>This glows.. too much LoA shilling. Some others were suspiciously shilling for "d-do some manifesting anon-bro". Reeks of samefagging or glowie botting
The issue with LoA is it's only half the equation. Visualization can get you pretty far, but it has to be coupled with emotional force, and if you don't have the appropriate emotional force for a thing you need to raise it before spending it on a desired manifestation. This isn't to say it's not possible to manifest things on a whim with zero effort, but a lot of the mental augmentations to get to that point are seriously self-destructive and in many cases even if you master it there's always going to be a draw towards castings which can damage karmic effects or just straight cause self-harm from manifesting shit you didn't actually mean to because you allowed something to slip passed your conscious filters, which is what the conscious mind is for: filtering manifestation. Hence LoA is pretty safe babby-tier magick complete with training wheels - it will work if someone already has the emotional force to put into it, and most people are shaved apes who react on emotion anyway so their wants/desires tend to align with the force they have available to them moment-to-moment. You know it works when the force put into it actually vanishes: if you're sad and you use that sadness, you won't be sad, if you're happy and use that happy you won't be happy, if you're lustful and use that lust you will lack lust, etc - all that stuff re-accumulates over time, and there are ways to raise it artificially - typically either to your natural baseline via grounding rituals or through elemental breathing or similar for more direct control.
imo LoA isn't a glowie thing, saying everything is LoA might be a glowie thing, but it's more a gateway magick thing (not "gateway" as in cia, but "gateway" as in "pot is a gateway drug.")
I hate how they, what's the word, gaslight us. Like, they go out of their way to put their symbols and flash them during commercial breakes and worldly events. Then when people call them out they start with the gaslighting. Fuck them! Fucking scum! They have to resort to lying and manipulation, like, mind manipulation, you know. Because they are sumbags! Fucking disgusting creatures! They think they can boss us around, but one day God will avenge me! Avenge all of us! God said something like: "The Vengeance is mine!". Man, I really hope God keeps to His word and go medial on their candy assess
>Are they trying to end humanity?
art is shit is a dying culture . just consoom old art. all art has been trash since about 2011
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I think some anons have said that the ayys have invaded/have been manipulating the collective unconscious blob of humanity, that the humanity access when they tap into their skills/get epiphanies.. if the said forces (be it demons or aliens) have malevolent intentions, they could use it to loosh farm humanity more, to squeeze the last juices from an orange or something, before doing some kind of reset. I'm of opinion that alot of our problems are artificially created, some of the economic problems too and whatever problems capitalism have, I'd say that a lot of gaslighting, deception, something I think this post might've been referring/quoting https://archive.4plebs.org/x/thread/36494174/#q36495789 . They seem to tell logical and rational things for why certain things are the way they are, but it's usually red herring, the real reason things are the way they are is because of some kind of spiritual warfare regarding souls/astral or whatever. Ironically for a board dedicated to paranormal, aliens/ufos and conspiracies, this topic is not discussed nearly enough, when it has the likelyhood of affecting lives of everyone on this planet, nor is there enough skepticism to the idea of working with the spirits (are you a bartender?).
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>Are they trying to turn humans into borgs/put it into some hivemind?

When this faggot tries being the savior after WWIII.
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>How do I get away from the feeling that everything has lost meaning

I've come to believe this is a blessing in disguise and it will be easier to detach and free yourself from earthly desire, endless chasing and suffering. The struggle is that we feel lost when we realize this abrupt emptiness and the world we desire falls apart Infront of us.
There was a dude who snuck into bohemian grove this year and one thing in the cremation of care that stood out to me was a line the MC said about it being the autumn of our times but let us act like it's spring. However, nothing ever happens.
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>How do I get away from the feeling that everything has lost meaning?
>I used to enjoy things, movies, vidya... but none of it moves me anymore.. it hasn't for quite long time

everything is over, everything is so back.
not even a rare pepe or a non-standard one?
>the MC said about it being the autumn of our times but let us act like it's spring.
What could that mean?
How is everything getting worse if you don't care more?

Isn't it just starting to matter less?
Who said anything about not caring?

Culture is the result of spirit, and to attack the spirit of the world, they attack the culture/make culture worse. Occupation tactics
It's a matrix, and the goal is to keep you here as long as possible, whatever means necessary. Look within to seek exit

I think Hitler was the previous lucifer
>The elites know the world is ending so they're just doing cash grabs now because they know there's no long term consequences
I've had this gut feeling and have felt like making a thread about it. Especially with regards to quality control, tesla cybertruck and Boeing and a lot of other car manufacturers. It doesn't sit well with me. Like they're just scraping for every last coin they can get.
>Why would you want cash if the world is ending?
To cash out for valuable resources, land, fuel, bunkers, to ride whatever wave out. It also helps in distracting everyone under them, paper pushers and amazon warehouse workers.
We need more good threads please make it

I feel like I summed it up in that post but I can expand a bit here. It seems as though every product is haphazardly put together. In the right to repair spaces products like electronics are getting more and more tedious to to fix and they generally last for a shorter amount of time. Holy fuck typing this out, this is tangential, but my father recently bought a new phone because his old one had been dropped and the screen was cracked. It was around 2 years old and he wanted to replace it, I suggested getting it fixed but it was his choice and his money so he bought a new one. For some reason, the signal on his phone stopped working. I attempted every troubleshoot possible from a guide on youtube but nothing worked. He went to the phone center he bought it from and managed to sort things out with them and get his phone signal back. But holy shit, this shouldn't happen with a brand new $800 phone.


I also wanted to bring up how apple had moved their iphone 15 manufacturing to India and brand new phones had sand or other crap behind the screen apparently with horrible electronics bricking new phone. In general horrible quality controls issues. But they moved back because it was far too bad for the image they've built themselves on. A lot of "smart tv's" have issues with them also despite being relatively new.


The tv I have in the living room is from 2011 and hasn't had any issues at all. How does a newer smart tv perform so bad that it needs to be fixed? Is there something in the way a smart tv magically emits colors than a normal tv that it breaks often enough to replace? It's unacceptable. I've faced the same issue with a refrigerator component that broke. My dad made a comment on how the last fridge we owned lasted years without failure and this was something quite odd.
>>38956380 (You)

And like I mentioned before, the cybertruck. People paid 6 figures for a pos car that had panel gap issues and rust accumulating on the stainless steel 100k car.



I saw a post on twitter of a guy taking his cybertruck on a road trip and it breaking down with less than 2k miles on it and he had to get it towed. A 20 year pos is safer, more reliable, and withstands the elements better than the cybertruck. I think other car manufacturers like stellantis and ford can be thrown in there too. And to top it off, a lot of companies are moving their auto manufacturing to places like Mexico for cheaper labor, where there are clear issues in the production of the cars themselves while charging a higher price to consumers in the US. I could go on but this but I've strayed a little.
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>>38956405 (You)

What I'm about to mention may be false, but supposedly firearm manufacturers have also dropped the ball when it comes to their quality control and manufacturing. This could be coming from the "they don't make em like they used to" crowd but what I've seen there is some truth to this. Plenty of guns are also starting to be made in turkey and get shipped in to the US under a different, familiar name. This is a deceptive practice imo. I was planning on buying a Kimber revolver so I decided to look at what people on reddit had to say about it. Complete shit gun, with complete shit service from the company.


While I was doing that I wondered what they had to say about Manhurin-73, another gun, and very expensive at that too. Quick description; this is one of the top of the line revolvers that the French SAS used as a sidearm to counteract terrorist from the 70's to today, also extremely rugged and durable. I go on to see what buyers of it said, expecting to hear good things from those who bought it. And of course, they have quality control issues on a fucking $3500 gun:

https://www.reddit.com/r/Revolvers/comments/1best1n/after_6_months_and_two_returns_beretta_completely/ .

Its one of the less actively vocalized opinions that needs to be put out there. But a gun with this reputation should not be having these issues. I think when beretta bought whoever manufactured them, their quality severely dropped for whatever reason. Same situation with Stellantis.
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>>38956464 (You)

This is my own opinion but it seems the prettier new products become/a reputation is built in peoples eyes, companies see this as an opportunity to not give a flying fuck about their quality control or reliability. These companies are doing exactly what Disney and Hollywood does to franchises. When they acquire the name, they also acquire sed customer base and their fans. They pump out dogshit media and products and people put up with it because of the status or name.


I'm not versed in the wrist watch world but something is happening their too apparently: https://youtu.be/zwZ0pXb7mkI?t=474

Overall it is increasingly harder to find good products that just work as they're supposed to, and it gives credence to what that other anon said in the beginning,

>The elites know the world is ending so they're just doing cash grabs now because they know there's no long term consequences
For me the biggest peeve has been the deteroriation of video games. Due to how the industry operates, there are many games left unmade, many good games from 20year back without a sequel. While the easy answer would be the corporationalization of gaming industry, where everything is serving the needs of board rooms now, I'd like to believe the real issue is the culture war we're in. Some anon in some other thread recently (new age thread) claims to have channeled information that tells us, that humans come from variety of different alien species. Some plaedian, some sirian, lyran.. but he said there were also those from orion, reptilian and draconian origin. While I dont have personal channeled info on this, I very much believe there is a lot of truth to this, especially if some of the RA material is to be believed. The issue I have is that too many european people seem to be on self-sabotage mode, and while it would be easy to say that this is because of pressures put on them by whoever is occupying the planet rn, I think there's possibility that there are many european carrying self-destructive actions towards their own group, because I think maybe they originate from different soul group. Those europeans that come from bigger % of orion/draco/reptilian group (because I think that for many on Earth the soul groups have gotten mixed, only the elite try remain as pure as possible), might be more open to anti-white policies, and also Freemasonry. There're many anons sayin we wuz jews, lost tribe or whatever shit, and I don't generally buy them, but I'm thinking european gingers might have ancient jew or phoenician DNA in them or something for them, and some of nordics are probably Orion stock and reptilian. There's occupation going on, but there are also many traitors (those who bow to the beast system).
Some of the RA material in-question https://archive.4plebs.org/x/thread/38814090
some archeology anon posted about some findings/text of something saying "here lie your old pantheon of gods t. yahweh" or something along those lines. Wish I had it saved, but he said the moment his team uncovered those stuff, some of the members went missing, and any further excavation plans were cancelled.
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Definetly. It feels like creative ideas are being taken from an individual level to a corporate level. This, in turn, makes things being profit driven instead of soulfully driven causing things to be fastly consummed and discarted, just like many things in tech. Apperently it is way more profitable to exploit the brainless consummer than to create something meaningful.
>you wont own anything and you'll be happy
It's literally just Vanguard and Blackrock giving away free loans for DEI and GSE initiatives, with Bridge soon to come or maybe already in effect. Top corpo officers can't see past money, so they shortsightedly allowed woke activists to take over all the major studios.
There are still great games being made by small studios (Baldur's Gate 3, Black Myth Wukong, Palworld, Little Witch Nobeta, etc)
You should watch some of Endymion's recent videos about Assassin's Creed Shadows, and there was one other guy whose name I can't remember, who exposed the head of Sweet Baby Inc literally saying at a gaming industry conference, that they are going to take white males out of games (and apparently asian males are caught up in that as well), and all lead characters are from henceforth going to be women or minorities.
>It's literally just
It's not "just", when it's not about money. Money is just leverage/tool for control, but not the end goal.

>Top corpo officers can't see past money, so they shortsightedly allowed woke activists to take over all the major studios.
I think studios are worried getting blacklisted/targeted by blackrock and vanguard. They will find ways to destroy company if a company goes too anti-woke. They might find old twitter post, but if you're mason there's already blackmail on you, which means you're forced to co-operate with them, regardless if you need the money or not.

>There are still great games being made by small studios (Baldur's Gate 3, Black Myth Wukong, Palworld, Little Witch Nobeta, etc)
Personally I've not played any of these games yet, I'm more of a multiplayer gamer, and the quality of multiplayer gaming has had steep decline ever since call of duty 4 was released.

>they are going to take white males out of games (and apparently asian males are caught up in that as well), and all lead characters are from henceforth going to be women or minorities.
See this is their goal, to destroy the spirit/soul of humanity. It's not that they need money, but they need to farm the harvest or whatever it is they're doing, and since they can't bring literal demons in physical form quite yet, they make attacks to culture, because culture is created from spirit/soul. So instead of attacking soul/spirit collectively, it's easier to attack the culture, because it has same effect as direct attack on soul/spirit. This here is the key takeaway from all of this imo. I also don't see things from race perspective, so I don't see it as "le jews want whites gone because they high IQ" or whatever, I view it more "these bastards have consciousness capable of christ consciousness, and matrix escape, we must prevent them from escaping so let's demoralize, shit on them etc etc to keep them here with us, whom cannot leave from here". This is pretty much it imo
I think viewing jq and tptb problem through lens of right wing "it's materialistic/nepotism problem" is not doing the issue justice, because there's much more going on than vengeance or whatever. I'm not even sure if jews have ever really between victim of anything, all of that could be rewritten history (old world destroyed, history purged/rewritten). The RA materials allege that these orionites simply aren't capable of empathy/sympathy, they're built different that beings that come from source, they're souls corrupt by lucifer from birth, which is why they're quite literally "universal evil" in the universe. Allegedly there exists synthetic AI ayys (borgs, maybe greys), but these dracos, orionites and reptilians are almost the organic equivalent of the cold steel of necrons provide, simply because they are not same as souls of other races, which are capable of christ consciousness/unity with source.
>the extreme division (intentional) of left and right used to exist beforehand.
Hmmm. Cold war anon

The rest of your post is meaningless
>Cold war anon
You're comedian
It's not aliens lol it's politicians. The reason things intensified after Obamna was elected was likely because as the internet became more and more popular, and as information became more accessible than ever, I suspect more people were realizing what was/is going on and how the politicians are stealing from the working class. Most of what you're describing is just late stage capitalism. Things will continue to get worse and worse until everyone collectively comes together and revolts against the ruling class for exploiting the working class. As to why politicians do this, the answer is money. They are willing to do anything to increase profit.
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Shit did you guys not want things to get worse? I’ve been severely misinformed if so, and I might have actually done something not-so-great..
>West controlled by White hating, neoMarxist leftoid satanists
>people STILL blame capitalism
Neo-marxism isn't even a real thing, it's a paradox. The type of people you described often end up still being pro-capitalism lol, because if someone's claiming they are a neo-marxist that's a dead giveaway they don't know what they're talking about.
Obama and politicians are just tools, there are beings that tell them what to do
You cannot win the casino if you only play with house's rules. So long you're inside matrix, you can only play with matrix's rule. The only winning move is to not play.
He's doing Ocean Eleven
capitalism -> cap stone -> freemasonry.
capitalism and communism are the same, the freemasons up top eat the underlings and blame the "other side".
yep, in the end these systems are just tools, not the culprit. ultimately it starts with the people, there needs to be enough people to care so bad things don't happen in the first place, but when you can buy out entire generation of boomers, and make them become narcissistic psychopaths, ofc they're not going to care about anything, if when they start abandonning even their own kids. The spirit of the population needs to be "high" for society to be good, and it starts with people caring.
>the western worlds obsession with 2 guys doing literally the most shameful, humiliating, absolutely abhorrent things to each other is

why you have this obsession with gays ? the nobody here was talking about this and even so you came out nowhere sounding like a russian bot
the internet and social media has shown you how much better others have it than you, the ol grass is grener syndrome. Even if social media is fake and you intellectually know it, it still feels like youve been robbed. add that millennials and the newer generations move and act in concert with one another depriving the self of individuality. as other have said, the matrix. on top of that, the idea of a disruption model of business at an ever increasing pace means that the things you become comfortable with will last less and less time as the corporate invaders figuer out how to exploit and disrupt everything you know. dispruption for disruptions sake is madness and will break things that should not be broken.

we all feel it, ive tried to embrace absurdism over stoicism or existentialism, its the only way forward for me. be careful about turning to religion, its a tool for control, not truth and it pushed and adopted as a coping tool for the masses when the masters change the plan
Wrong. This system in place is NOT capitalism and has more in common with communism actually anon. Don’t believe me? Prove me wrong with the following example. If you or I start a business and it fails , do we get monetary hand outs? When bug business fails or other dhit occurs like the Le pandemic do Buisnesses and it’s C suite executives get handouts? . Ffs you should know this, the bravado and total diluted confidence you have is astounding.

Your hobbies are being invaded on all sides by cultural skinwalkers. A skinwalker "fan" wants to sink his teeth into a work and vampirify it, turning it into himself. They want to come off as any other fan. But they are ultimately narcissists fueled by petty desire. They are ideologically possessed by nihilism, absurdism and tedium. They seek to rape you and destroy the art work and exhume a horrific evil quality (this barely gets mentioned these days).

A few decades people used to simply be *fans* of something. A fan is someone who likes an art piece for what it is. If there were any attempts at a "hostile takeover" by a skinwalker fan back then, they were few and far between and usually fizzeled out. There was then some sort of horrid change in the Zeitgeist around 2011 that led to the total emergence of these cretins. That's your "culture war", as it were.

In my opinion, it seems frankly demonic. Skinwalker fans are ultimately chasing a sort of pride and wrathful domination over the most trivial and unimportant of matters, something you'd think only demons would feel privy to. There were zero (0) Tom Raider fans asking for the series to go in a more gritty and reserved direction. Yet it happened anyway. Cultural skinwalkers.

You also may want to consider simulcurm theory. For example, the original Star Wars films were based around old samurai films, monster movies, Eastern religion, etc. All of those combined inspirations created quite the memorable and unique body of work. What is modern-day Star Wars based on? Why, Star Wars of course! Perhaps that's why it feels so empty. Simulcurm theory is what skinwalker fans default to when they're not allowed to outright denigrate their chose work.
>it seems frankly demonic. Skinwalker fans are ultimately chasing a sort of pride and wrathful domination over the most trivial and unimportant of matters, something you'd think only demons would feel privy to.

>For example, the original Star Wars films were based around old samurai films, monster movies, Eastern religion, etc. All of those combined inspirations created quite the memorable and unique body of work. What is modern-day Star Wars based on? Why, Star Wars of course! Perhaps that's why it feels so empty. Simulcurm theory is what skinwalker fans default to when they're not allowed to outright denigrate their chose work.
I never knew that that's what George Lucas was inspired by but I can see it now and why I enjoyed the original films so much back then.
very good post. the world is becoming increasingly absurd
>that image
man... i dont even know what to say, its beautiful in a twisted way
>religion, its a tool for control, not truth and it pushed and adopted as a coping tool for the masses when the masters change the plan
Which ones?
nta, but pretty much all of them I think?
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Marxist-Hegelian subversion is in fact evil.
Very informative, it's my first time seeing this.
what did you do anon?
pointless pleasure is an illusion and it fades as the soul matures. diversion is for the child the adult is here to work.

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