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Welcome. The purpose of this general is to show you how to use your own wonderful human imagination to achieve your every desire.

The world and all within it is man’s conditioned consciousness objectified. Consciousness is the cause as well as the substance of the entire world. So it is to consciousness that we must turn if we would discover the secret of creation. Knowledge of the law of consciousness and the method of operating this law will enable you to accomplish all you desire in life.

Your assumptions right now decide how long that will take for you.

The Main Concepts:
> Imagination creates Reality
> Assumptions harden into fact
> Consciousness is the only Reality
> Feeling is the Secret
> Prayer, Living in the End/In the Wish Fulfilled (remaining Faithful to your Idea)
> You are the Operant Power
> There is no one to change but Self (Self-Concept)
> Thinking Fourth-Dimensionally (Time is an Illusion)

> Can I manifest ___?
Yes! Creation is finished.

> Curious? Do the Ladder Experiment

> The Simple Technique

> Who is Neville Goddard?
Neville was a mystic who taught the Bible as a parable of the human psyche — a great psychological drama — and not a record of historical events.

Recommendations for beginners:
> How to manifest your desires (Core 5 Lessons & Radio Talks)

> Neville's Feeling is the Secret
>> Audiobook

>> Audiobook

—/ Extra resources /—
>Master Index

> Universal Line

> Library

>Previous Thread
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okay /LoA/ answer me now
what is the most perverted shit you have ever manifested?

pic unrelated
I find this to be an example of why this general has fallen.
Why lower the tone into the this level of shit? Not manifestation, not LoA. You just want people to post weird shit because you are scum and a strange loser.
threadly reminder not to engage with m*theranon's blogposts
This is the most important post.
Things are wonderful. My family easily helps everyone in need now and receives endless abundance in return. Things are better than ever and they continue to improve daily. Everyone who has ever helped me or my family is incredibly blessed and happy to see the immense wealth and endless happiness and success my family now enjoys.
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Congratulate me! I changed my eye color from dark-brown to blue.

The most important:
-Time doesn't exist
-When you imagine, your logic and intellect should be turned off. Because when you think about something, the implementation becomes difficult.

But remember, it's only you who complicate everything.

The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination. - Albert Einstein
is that a janny frog
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> Neville Goddard: “All I ask is to go to the end. If I go to the end and give thanks to the end and for the end, it’s done. Now, let the one in the depth of my own being devise the best means to take me to that end. The end is where I start. The end is my beginning. And that is a story that I know from personal experience.”
>Be stupid
>if you think it won’t work
>Einstein quote
This guy is like Lilanon but better. I almost respect this.
There is another theme about end being where we begin.
He mentions in many lectures that Jesus being crucified is the I AM ness being crucified onto the human form. And crucifiction is towards the end of Bible but its the beginning of Human experience.

Probably tied to also “waking up in the skull” which he mentions in the promise lectures.

And the place where Jesus was crucified was called Golgotha, which means "the place of the skull." It is also referred to as Calvary in some Christian traditions.

A lot of parallels. You realize after reading Sumeran stuff and Hermeticism, that Christianity was kinda like wombo combo of many stuff before it, or basically new age of its time lol.
But how can I turn logic off, when my mind will just throw doubts and fears at me while I'm imagining or affirming? I am trying to manifest appearance change aswell, but I have always failed so far
The most perverted shit I want to manifest is being an intersex, attractive, female passing, hypersexual, 5'5 tall femboy with a massive 14 inch dick, huge boobs, no refractory period, a self lubricating ass and an oversensitive prostate and a perfect body with a fast metabolism.

Haven't gotten there yet lol.
Can u post pics before and after, just part of eye, no need for more.

Body change except fitness and general attractivness seems like a big deal to me. But I have no desire to change eyes or such so… still curious.
has anyone tried this?
Just finished to write the raw version of my script, just short of 7k words. I want to add some stuff but the bulk is there. We all made it
What trash taste you have.
You need to be as stupid as that poster. He told you. He has no logic and no intellect. If you read enough mother-turd and Lilarpanon posts you will get dumb enough.
I made my body more similar to cr0102, im skinnier than him by a while, but i can share some pics of my upper body. In private, of course.
Not the blue eyed anon btw sorry
Things are wonderful. My family easily helps everyone in need now and receives endless abundance in return. Things are better than ever and they continue to improve daily. Everyone who has ever helped me or my family is incredibly blessed and happy to see the immense wealth and endless happiness and success my family now enjoys
>But how can I turn logic off, when my mind will just throw doubts and fears at me while I'm imagining or affirming?
Get more relaxed/sleepy. If your logical mind is putting up that much of a fight, you probably aren't in SATS. If you cant calm yourself normally by pulling away back to your scene, then learn to meditate/pray and confront these fears.
Things have calmed down. My family is getting help. We are in a better situation then we were before and they will continue to improve. i will help out those who helped us.
My hydrocodone script is in my hands
I need to manifest my 2018 vessel before I started getting health issues, neglected my teeth, had a bad dentist that fucked me up and many other shit. Like the same version of me in 2018 but with current memories. How do I manifest it? I was thinking UL is the best for this but I am open to suggestions
just load safe from your brain and load data into your cells to change according to the mentioned save
>but how
same as always, manifesting, affirming, visualisation, sats, scripting, hypnosis
whatever you like, just believe it.
meditation helps with clearing your mind
>load 2018 save
>2018 body now
>imagine going back in time with calendar, clock then pick up 2018 screenshot copy it and paste it in todays date
why would you want to go back though when you can manifest perfect body
Can you guys reccomend me some more comfy feel good manifestation books bros?
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Your daily reminder that Neville was a Gnostic. He wasn't telling you how to manifest a promotion at work, a winning lottery ticket, or other desires of the flesh.

If you are trying to manifest physical things then you are missing the point entirely.
just say that neville made everything up, its more straightforward than your gigantic cope
I made my ex a butch lesbian that never found love even after 10 yrs

Not quite. But he didn't really believe that you can manifest a parking spot. He says that because your FULL and ABSOLUTE belief in the law of assumption is the essentiality that it's success rests upon.

But it's success is not 'Think I win the lottery, then I win it'. Honestly how pedestrian, you think a great mind like Neville would write millions of words about such a pedestrian topic?

No, it's more along the lines of 'If you truly believe you are enlightened, then that is all it takes. But it takes FULL belief'.

Manifest your spiritual awakening. Not a parking spot.
look, brother, it only takes one chapter of any of neville's book to send your 'le awakening' view straight to the bin

And then the next chapter proves it.

>"Oh I dreamed I was in Barbados and then I was"
Yeh, okay.

Neville's biggest influences are The Bible and William Blake. Both speak in allegory and metaphor and DON'T GIVE UP THEIR DEEPER MEANING EASILY.

You just missed his point. I suggest you read a little more Neville.
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All it really takes is the testemonials from people in this thread actually trying to make LoA work (as you describe it) and constantly coming up short, or getting partially realized or 'different but similar' outcomes to their assumptions.

If LoA really was what you are claiming it to be (How to win the lottery) then /x/ would be full of kings.


He was teaching you how to attain Gnosis.
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you gotta also love the "but it would happen anyway" then point to chain of events

"it would happen anyway"
"but you took action"
"but you are handsome so its no wonder"
"but your career already paid you well"

okay move on then fellas, nobody forcing you to troll here.
you sound like you failed to manifest some wet pussy like everyone else here and now youre just too brainrotted into LOA to move on and now youre trying to regurgitate neville's work into 'wait guys this DOES work on my faggy super cool christian heresy that got so owned that it took 2000 years for a few retards to take it seriously again'
gnosticism is a joke, and so are every spiritual awakening philosophy
>gnosticism is a joke, and so are every spiritual awakening philosophy

The irony of posting this here. About Neville Goddard. My sides.
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Guys, it seriously is bring me to tears :,^)

I've been living by the law now for approximately 4 months now, with its ons and offs. I really do believe it but I got caught up in the drama of life again and sadly forgot about it for a little while. Im back now and its truly amazing. I've noticed I've been getting better at manifesting just by the fact I know EXACTLY what I want. No longer "I want a wonderful relationship with my gf" its "My gf trusts me, she feels comfortable and safe with me. She lets me lead and is happy about my decesions" The more specific I get, the more a clear crystal picture in my mind with an emotion so personal and close to me, I am there in the body, essentially. I love the law and truly ponder at times how wonderful it was to find Neville when I did. Had it been earlier when I was into the exoteric interp of Christianity, I would've discounted it as evil. I can't wait for you guys to experience this
thats it man!

top image lol


1. clear image of what is wanted
2. enter the mood of it being manifested already, focusing on 5 senses + feelings of naturalness (Joy is byproduct, naturalness is aim)
3. relax, it's done (but how?- if its done, then why ask how?, but when? If its done, then why ask when?, just relax and feed on the feels)

LOA, human imagination, are amazing.

I remember first time in my life after looong time when I allowed myself to imagine being loved. I was crying bros.
On the outside I seemed like a normal man, but inside I was so locked away from my desire and emotion etc. When I dared (you have to be courageous) to imagine it, it was so crazy impossible to my conscious mind, I was breaking apart just reading my script, weeping and sobbing.
But my starting point was probably fucked lol, many people have less work to do depending on where they come from in their "old man" identity.

Anyhow, over time reading it over and over again, I had some "half manifestations" as my mind was basically seeking healing and re-establishiing integrity of itself.
So I had to go thru it, because I think I wanted to be sure.

And that process of healing might take a while, depends on person.

But I can happily say I had the relationship I wanted and it was amazing.

There is love outside for men, you just have to open yourself up to the idea of being loved by someone you love. Many men are locked from it I think, and therefore manifest women being c'nts to them.

YOu have to realize world is you pushed out.

My first date after long loneliness when the girl I liked met eyes with me after scanning the crowd to see where I am, and she beamed with a wide smile. I fucking melted then and there. And it was a scripted event.

Its the alchemy of self. Ingredients are always the same - imagination - but the arrangement, as NG puts it, is different.

And it really is a lot about - are you willing to accept it? Whatever you seek.
Imagine it being real. Now, here, fully. Can you accept it? if God gave it to you, could you accept it?
If you have difficulty accepting, you have to spend some time clarifying your goal/ideal scenario. Maybe you think you want it but actually you want something else? Sometimes thats the case.
When you nail the nail on the head lol, its AHA moment and things flow fast, so fast your head might spin and you might be saying "wow Universe can you slow just a wee bit?"
I experienced it, so I speak from experience. When you truly have a clear goal, are okay with it coming to realization NOW, you are ready and prepared, it happens fast.
So fast!

First step is very important, to truly imagine diff scenarios and emotions and find those that feel "YES! this is it, REAL ME" Then wear it, but its easy to wear it, because every manifestation reveals more of who you truly are.

With every "wearing of a state" you change the Feeling of I. Now, some feelings of I feel comfy, some not. You carry your own seed so you have to be loyal to your own Self. To thy self be true. Dont worry about what others want, or even what you think you wanted.

If anything was possible, what would your ideal life look like?
And explore it, find the feeling of I you absolutely love.
coinflip-power-noeyes-fag stopped "asking for proofs" just to go samefaging about "coping" and "spirituality is fake" retardposting? how boring and small.

Thank you, everyone, for believing in yourselves. Thank you for being here. Thank you to the doubters and naysayers also, for strengthening my resolve by giving me spiritual gravity to defy. A small gift for you, if you will accept it: this work borne of faith.
Prostitute kek
Not that impressive desu, but congrats, I guess
shit thinking like this is why you'll never make it

thanks for the inspo marg
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lmao a classic for everyone in this thread
if you don't want to watch the video, is just a long version of pic related
Mfers would see a few thousands that absolutely can dissappear in a few months in todays economy and will take it as the law working
Always focusing on the negatives, no wonder you can't manifest shit
So there’s no proof and you can’t provide it no matter how boring and small?
Why do you come here just to say it doesn’t work?
Nice try, goblin.
what's ironic about it? Neville wasn't cucked by a lion-snake like you gn*stic fucks, you have a dozen dedicated threads to that bullshit heresy on /x/, why the fuck do you need to shit up this thread too?
It’s important for them to pretend that Neville was a supremely enlightened being who was in tune with the gnostic fad on /x rather then the highly personal brand of Christian mysticism he developed as time went on.
Easily one of the best posters. Keep up with the gems. Your posts in the last thread were very helpful.
I don’t get it. It reads like a manic depressive blog. I don’t even see success in those huge posts.
>I don’t get it
How come?
>It reads like a manic depressive blog
Where do you get this from? I get a sense of optimism and hope from most of his posts.
>I don’t even see success in those huge posts.
So him manifesting a loving SP and him talking about everyone helping him and everything going his way don't register as successes.
All I'm saying is 99/100 any time a woman "manifests money" she got it from an incel simp.
Enjoy manifesting your shit life unless you change
> For after the son (idea is made manifest, man with his false values (reason) will attempt to explain the why and wherefore of the son's expression, and in so doing will rend him to pieces. After men have agreed that a certain thing is impossible to do, let someone accomplish the impossible thing and all, including the wise ones who said it could not be done will begin to tell you why it happened. After they are all through tearing the seamless robe (cause of manifestation) apart, they will be as far from the truth as they were when they proclaimed it impossible.
Brb manifesting myself into a woman to get money from incel simps
Let's manifest a better wish this time.

Similar to, a party at the end of the universe that never ends and doesn't get us exploded.
so true!
Based Margaret

Thanks for sharing, even tho you dont need to, but you did. Preciated.
Doubters will never believe, and believers dont need to be persuaded. But still its comfy.

Enjoy it!
thank you for the kind words and good vibes
I was thinking today how desire is bidirectional thru time, I think.

What we desire desires us. I experienced it numerous times. The main problem is people feel undeserving to go for what they really want. So they torture themselves or slowly build up "happiness tolerance" (its a real thing bros, I had to build it myself and still am building it, maybe it was ptsp or smth but it takes a while to get used to perfect life, to beauty all around you, to freedom to pursue whatever you want, its a BITE to chomp on, especially since in my Life LOA worked always but once it started to churn for real, shieee, it was fast, almost too fast, reminds me of Trump's "please mr president we dont wanna win no more its too much" I laughed at it but its true, so true.

IE, jobs I described and affirmed for I got and found out they wanted someone like me, precisely, even tho I was so sheepish in allowing myself to affirm for them since it seemed not realistic such a job existed (hint it did, and closer than I thought, and not only job, friends, connections, life lessons, adventures, all thru that manifestation)

or friends - who wanted a friend like me - and we vibed and became parts of each other success, true symbiotic friendships in respect and growth, we can agree thats awesome

Made me think how for example we think we are alone in manifesting but (One with God is majority) also there is desire from others to see our Good manifested, for inspiration.
IE- Wright brothers flying is manifestation not only of their faith, but future need for people to grow closer, explore, lose limitation. It wasnt just Wright brothers against the world, it was HUmanity and Wright bros in epicenter, and few lousy journalists as goblins.

Same with Tesla, he was indeed manifestation of whole need of entire world for electric evolution. He was in position to manifest it easiest due to his particular talents and DESIRES but WORLD WAS WITH HIM. He followed HIS DESIRE but HIS TRUE DESIRE was world's too

I think as long as you follow true Desire of your Deepest Soul, its actually there because you are the most suited channel to express it.

Helen Hadsell not only was winning competitons left and right because she wanted it for no reason, it was CALLED onto her from the future, so her story could inspire others. And she benefited herself also.

With God there is no transactive loss - like "someone needs to lose for me to gain" with God and LOA - everyone WINS. This is the magic of Divine timing, Divine providence.

I believe it is so for the strong core desires one has.

It must be a lot of children want to be born in nuclear families with loving parents who love eachother. Otherwise people wouldnt have desires for blessed relationships. A theory.
Could be all the future people (since everything exist in same moment in 5D or 4D level) are simulataneously talking to their ancestors thru a desire to breed and have family (for those who do ofc).

Its equation wanting to balance itself out.

I think desire is not a selfish thing. Tesla was not selfish, Tyson also. Tyson's story inspired many. Bruce Lee inspired so many people including me to start marts.
And he only followed his Heart, his true Desire.

Who's to say some sad lad wont see you tomorrow with your amazing gf and think to himself "Im more handsome, if he can do it so can I!" lol hahaha but you catch my drift.
Your manifestation is actually wanted by many people. By parents of your partners, by friends of your partner, by you, by your future children, by onlookers who see you have fun and think "maybe true love still exists" or "wow they are cute, it makes me happy to see people happy together" (if they act from Higher self, not hurt self, but hurt self is self limiting anyways)

So, dont think you want something against the will of entire Universe, I would reframe it, you want it because Entire Universe is bursting to express it thru you.
All I'm saying is you're a retarded doomer demoralizer that, allegedly, dreams with greatness but is too cozy with his victimhood to go for it.
No, I rarely come here. And I think that’s your post and you know you are full of shit. Nothing “organic” about your posting.
Kind words don’t help.
Anyone looking for good vibes is not trying and just wants to hear good things.
The best teachers will point out your flaws and correct them.
we are in some parts perpetuum mobile of feedback loops, addicted to our own emotional loops, that are later supported by thoughts (when one learns to think in verbal form).

Body is absolutely addicted to certain thoughts, used to them. Joe Dispenza talks about it well. And its one of things that make affirmations usually challenging around 14 days and 20 days. After that is smooth sailing and hard to think opposite to affirmed.

You have to realize that your state (which you equate with "who I am as a person") is combination of learned state (from your parents who first induce states into you, when you yet dont have conscious mind to watch at the gate) and accumulated states until moment of reading this sentence.

What you think you are, is learned behavior. In reality you are I AM.

Parents teach you your worth, your value, are you important or not, are you guilty or not, are you "good" or not, are you worthy of love or not. And depending on that, you later go out in the world to seek to execute whatever program they put. Important - they usually repeat programs that were put into them, not conscious of what is happening.

Awaken human being knows what programs he runs, and chooses which to execute which to ctrl alt end process.

Asleep human has some faculties aware, some fully being operated by programs beyond his control.

The important thing is to realize your sense of self (very important, ego, your sense of who you are) is so tied to your programs, that many will fight actually, to stay limited in a way.
Its very very uncomfortable to realize there is no true enemy outside, but you cling to idea of enemy, so you can protect the survival of what you think is you.
A parasite can make you believe its YOU. Parasites are known for not triggering immune response. They have ways of immitating or blocking it.
Similarly - bad programs have a way of sneaking themselves as "Ive always been like that, its my nature", when NO its NOT your nature, its a program trying to survive.

Your job is to do I AM meditations, ask yourself who you were before you met your parents. What ideas you held. Or before birth. Start to realize that the voice saying "my mind" "my body" "my feelings" "my xy" is the "owner/observer" but it can disown many things, while still remaining who he was before. I AM.
That being is pure awareness and its same in whole humanity. It takes own different identities. And any time the identity is going against Life, its ended or experiences pain, because its going against what it exists as. Against itself.

When u believe lies about yourself (limitations, which cross represents, and a cave with a stone) you experience a form of pain, emotional or physical. Thats natural.
You should always choose thoughts that feel good. Even if they are irrational, because rational mind can only duplicate, but cannot create, therefore is inferior to creative mind.
Rational mind is your enemy "" in manifesting, since its the conditioned mind, the "I know this because in past...". Dont listen to it.
It has a purpose, but it shoudlnt lead.
>deflecting the obvious blame to the acuser with ZERO arguments
>acting like a retarded demoralizer that live here although "it doesn't work" and even giving him the benefit of doubt, he is still acting like that retard that live here
>"omg guys, those are just woodworking instructions. I don’t get it. It reads like a manic depressive blog. I don’t even see how he carves the wood or how many chairs had got out from his workshop! They're only instructions!"
NTA but you sound like you are the resident retarded demoralizer or you're just a tourist "casually" acting like him.
What’s with this spam?
It's more on topic that your retarded quoting that adds nothing to the thread but discord.
What the fuck is this green text. Fuck your wood working, demoralising, omg guys. Nobody said that. Forgot your meds? Not even worth reading and not related to my post
I don’t have to lik every piece of shit that posted here.
Seems you have posters that are vampires or some shit now if I read right in in the last threads in the archive? What am I meant to do, like that shit and believe it?
There is some total shit in this thread right here and it’s the right thing to call it shit.
I think the issue is you like eating shit so you need it.
Hi goblin,

Surely you arent claiming unkind words are helpful? What makes words helpful or not? Is it kindness? If its not kindness, why are you triggered by presence of it or need to make that emphasis?

>Anyone looking for good vibes (thats the point, look for best emotions, thoughts, thats literally LOA) is not trying (NG never advocated trying, its attention minus effort) and just wants to hear good things (literally telephone technique lol).

You played yourself.

>The best teachers will point out your flaws and correct them.

Nowhere did we debate what makes a good teacher and nobody here claims to be a teacher.

You just wanna be negative and think that your negativity and bad vibes are somehow "being real" and therefore right.

Lets extrapolate your attitude from what you wrote by taking a reverse of your complaints as your mindset:

Unkind words help. (or somehow implying kindness is relating to helpfulness of information)
Anyone looking for bad vibes is trying and just wants to hear bad things. (I guess you are trying to feel like shit, thats true, even if you arent aware of it)
The worst teachers will point out your good points and motivate you. (dont be a teacher lol)

Yep, no wonder you feel like shit and wanna spread it. You are tweaking hard and it shows. At least troll with open hate so nobody can make a logical argument against you. You try to sound smart or whatever, end up pissing in wind.
Can you perhaps just say what you mean in a few words. You aren’t even blogging, it’s like really badly written essays by a kid.
Hello, I am this anon >>38932444

>Seems you have posters that are vampires or some shit
not a new phenomenon buddy, every heard of resident poster LilAnon? He's been active for months (I think a few years?) and him (allegedly) possessing supernatural powers is kind of part of his whole identity.
>There is some total shit in this thread right here
In this thread specifically? I disagree. The script anon has been putting out some good posts, his posts are on-topic, talk about a very prominent method here (scripting), and he ties it into things like mental diet, states, and LOA fundamentals.
Well I disagree but I respect your opinion as you don’t just post incomprehensible garbage. I stand by not agreeing with some posts though, I don’t come here much anymore and there seem to be a lot less trip posters and names now. I remember some Kovaks guy or something but if I see an anon claiming they are a vampire I think they are probably just larping.
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It was a fun thread and I wanna express my joy for all who shared successes and kindness (the daredevils of kindness), also I wanna say I appreciate everyone acting civil, intelligent, nice, kind and willing to experiment and understand themselves better in this thread that is basically LOA fan base lol

And as I wrote this post the kind anon >>38934559 posted, which is a nice sync and confirmation that focus manifests. What you focus on, grows in your experience.

To everyone who reaches for Joy in their hearts and acts from kindness and abundance in their spirit, I wish a joyous rest of the day/night/midday, wherever you be.
>what would you define different angles in this case? I do sense something about it
When problems solving or overcoming internal objections it can be useful to approach the problem from a different side. Neville talks about persisting, and you must, but you can persist smartly rather than trying to beat down the brick wall.

> its as if setting a manifest doesn't take a technique because when we're not careful we can set some nasty things. Decreeing just by being conscious about it
Bingo. This is LOA at its purest, and why you need to be aware of (and guide) your thoughts to always be healthy ones for you.

Since you are now aware of how easily negative thoughts can become your world, you know that positive ones can be just as easily.
Lil I manifested myself into a vampire but now I can't unmanifest it. Does the second manifestation have to be stronger than the first to overrule it?
>But how can I turn logic off
The poster you are responding to is correct in a way, don't let your preconceptions and current beliefs get int he way of what you want to become.

You can still be logical, but not "logical."

>when my mind will just throw doubts and fears
You sound like you have no control over "your mind." Is it yours or not?
Is this the vampire?
>He wasn't telling you how to manifest a promotion at work, a winning lottery ticket, or other desires of the flesh.
Yes, he was. Also, he didn't invent this, you manifest everything you do from scratching your nose to having experiences with "God."

LOA works for everything.
Well done Anon- you've already made it :)
>I remember some Kovaks guy or something
I miss Tak.

>if I see an anon claiming they are a vampire I think they are probably just larping.
Why? It wasn't hard to do, I didn't even know the law at the time. It wasn't even my best accomplishment, but the resident troll seems to be triggered by it so he won't stop talking about it.

That would be you, wouldn't it?
>Lil I manifested myself into a vampire but now I can't unmanifest it
Lol, you funny :)

>Does the second manifestation have to be stronger than the first to overrule it?
No, you would only have trouble going back if you believed it was harder/impossible to be human again. Explains why you have people who get "cursed" and think it's forever, right?

This applies to anything you might be scared to manifest- as long as you don't wish yourself into a state where you are no longer aware of your manifesting abilities or don't get in your own way you can find your way back.

Troll post, but one that might actually help LOAnons.
I don’t think he was a vampire. I think he is unwell.
How'd she do it? I'm painfully broke
Manifested an apartment in a nice city right next to my best friend, manifested money and peace. Going for SP right now sometimes anticipating the bridge of incidents is exciting. I am happily married, this girl lives in a separate state, doesn’t follow me on any social media, hasn’t talked to me in 6 months lol.
It’s probably just you replying to yourself anyway.
you just need to go to Falion in Morthal, he'll cure you
Lilanon is stronger than all of Tamriel already. He is the Larpborn.
>wanted to manifest a dead deer corpse to be cleaned up
>finally happens
>is cleaned up so they can redo the entire road
Damn it
you own it or rent it?
Background: This has been my easiest manifestation, and I’ve struggled with money, career, happiness, health, and love manifestations in the past, and still struggle with some areas. And I mean STRUGGLE. Sleepless nights, crying, quitting, depression, woe is me, i don’t deserve it, no success, etc.

This manifestation was so divinely aligned and effortless, as soon as I thought something he conformed. It’s like breathing.

The successes: - He’s told me he’s obsessed with me - He’s told me he’s in love with me - He’s protective of me and defends me - He’s helped me with life, car rides, car maintenance, moving, my health, etc - He’s bought me jewelry, food, snacks, we’ve been on lunch dates, etc - He can’t get enough of me and wants me all the time and tells me this - He makes time for me every week, almost every day. - Again, conforms to my every thought, down to the colors I want him to wear and he shows up matching it. If i assume he will bring me food or gifts he does. If I assume he has a thought about me he repeats it back to me word for word. - Incredible love making, he’s so sweet and attentive

Again, it’s all effortless. I don’t do much, I just assume and he shows up. In the beginning I used to do visualizations in SATs without knowing what it was, I’d just daydream and fantasize about him before dozing off. Each scenario has come true.
The issue: - He’s married and has a child.

I won’t speak much on their marital issues. I know that with persistence it will be inevitable that the 3p will go away, in fact it’s been in motion and I’ve begun to see signs of it.

Which is why I stopped. The guilt has been eating me alive, he’s such a wonderful man and I know how heartbroken I would be if I lost him to another woman, or to even find out he’s been courting another woman during the marriage. I pictured myself as her and I sobbed myself to sleep last night, deeply heartbroken by the idea.

I also feel extremely guilty being the other woman, it is not a good feeling. I want the commitment, I want the kids, the house. It’s always been my dream to be a wife and a mother, and I feel extremely swallowed by the guilt that I am stealing this from someone else. And I am extremely heartbroken by this, as well as by the idea that I was blessed enough to find the love of my life, but that they already have the life that I envisioned.

I had intended for him to be my partner but things sped up before any actual commitment or life changes were involved. I never wanted to be the other woman, that is just how everything played out, and I am at fault for letting it go on. I got everything except the title. He has no intentions of letting me go and tells me he wants me and needs me all the time, I have no issues with being someone who is divorced and has a kid, I actually would love to be a step mother, but the whole wife and child in the 3D is still here.

I’ve been an emotional wreck the past week because of this 3D, and I don’t know where to go from here. It’s not that I think the 3D won’t change, but where it is at right now has been emotionally draining.
I still want him but I am asking myself if it is worth changing the lives of others in the making. And if it’s worth the guilt I’m feeling. I’ve thought about stepping up to put an end to things, but I just can’t seem to let him go either, and I don’t know how to “wait” for the 3D to conform to the perfect scenario, since we’ve basically been together already. Do I call things off and wait for things to catch up in the 3D before we resume things the right way?

Do I just ignore it and continue knowing it will conform at some point?

I don’t know. This unfolded in a way I didn’t expect nor want, I know everyone says not to worry about the “how”, but the “how” it’s been unfolding has been hurting me. Advice needed.
How? May I ask?

Like what's the procedure. Could you give me some clues? Thanks anon.
Just ignore it. I get what you mean about feeling guilty but EIYPO. Morals are a man made construct, no one can even agree what they are
AI slop
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>have to work nearmany cctv cameras
>Realize that to get superpowers i need to be free of nature laws
>repeat to myself i m free, the freesr man alive and so on
>a week later said cctv are removed neatly so
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I hope this finds the anons that wanted this well. This is my last time posting on /x/ and I am very happy to say this, unless someone manifests otherwise. I don't think I would be upset eitherway.

The biggest game changers to understand for the beginner is that in order to get anything across to your subconscious (the thing that pulls the strings) you need to be in a dazed consciousness. States akin to sleep, where you're lying on the floor and feel a click, those are the states you NEED to be in for it to work its magick the fullest.

Tons of affirmations for the sake of keeping your mind occupied on only lovely things is good to do, spamming affirmations in order to get something doesn't have much power.

Being disciplined and doing this practice will result in better manifestations the longer you do it. When you feel utter sick of doing something like affirmations or playing a scene, it means its finished go on and manifest something else.

Finally GET SPECIFIC. I posted earlier that its what helped me get even better at this. YOU NEED TO CREATE A VERY EMOTIONALLY SPECIFIC GOAL. "I am successful" will get you NO WHERE. "I earn 500k a year from a calling I love, and the smiles I get when I give to others is unwordly" is a better, more specific, emotionally driven "goal". You might want to learn how to tell stories to help you create more emotionally impactful affirmations. Creating a script before going into a SATS is an amazing way to plan ahead and be efficient with the process. At the end of the day, use whatever helps you, discard everything else. I can't wait until you step into your power
same person, also stop trying to prove anything to anyone. seriously, if all is the mind and this is just God playing man in a play that will end when He says so then who cares? You have nothing to prove other than this process to yourself. My parents think Im crazy, my brother believes I can do it but he cant, certain friends are starting to awaken but I didn't aruge my point. If they don't want to listen I will not argue with them. Same goes here, theres too many people trying to prove something that only needs proven to the individual.
Does anyone have any experiences with poltergeists?
>This is my last time posting on /x/
>same person

you lasted five minutes...

After studying Goddard’s lectures and books and related material like the Bible, Patanjali’s yoga sutras, the Bhagavad Gita, Paolucci’s Universal Line documents, various Christian/Sufi/Hindu mystics, etc. for far too long, I finally tried applying what I had “learned.” I began by visualizing that I had posted on an /LoA/ thread thanking everyone that I manifested $10k.

Recently, I became very angry about many things, including the absence of ten-thousand physical dollars in my possession to spend as I see fit. With brazen impudence, I all but demanded $20k of myself and God and received what I really wanted all along: my own permission to ask for what I really want and have it. The ability to shamelessly ask for more and accept more when it is offered. With that permission came $20k with no strings attached to spend as I see fit.
you manifested otherwise
Relieve your guilt by wishing better for his wife and it shall be so for you as well. You have done no wrong, go in peace and enjoy the loveliness you have manifested for yourself
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Bye fren
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The secrets of mana will set me free
thanks for manifesting my money. I appreciate it
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Am I being manifested? A girl from 2 years ago contacted me in august but now we been texting everyday. I recently lost my job before this and seems the only place interested in hiring me from this career fair I went to is right where she lives.
That pic sheesh

Everyone is always being manifested. You just do whatever you feel like doing. If you into her then why not date and catch up, if not das good also.

Deffo seems very syncy. First gf I had when we spoke about time before we met we both had a lot of syncs, both made sudden moves, for no particular reason, and expected to meet someone etc.
General question

Has anyone tried the “I want xy” affirmations?

For me they work in impressing sc mind. I usually have dreams about whatever I affirmed as wanting and even tho I understand that NG says “think FROM, not about the goal” it still works if I have a dream about having it night after affirming “I want”

Because when I say I want, I always imagine I have it, automatically.
But the resistance is reduced to minimum.

“I want to eat a tasty donut that makes me feel happy inside”

“Im eating a tasty donut that makes me feel happy inside”

The diff between two is first won is motivating more but I still imagine both as “thinking from” except resistance is zero (well, no resistancs to donuts but you get the idea)
The key is acceptance. I want/I can/I have

You do this all day, but we and Neville are dealing with a very specific situation: if you are needing to deliberately manifest, you are not allowing yourself to have. That's why all the techniques and mental gymnastics to get to the point of bypassing those objections.

Good example, I was doing morning I AMs and was still a little tired. I usually do "I AM X times better at X than before." This time, somehow I inserted a lot of zeros into that and my conscious mind was not anticipating it. It slipped right through and I felt it set.

If you can get out of your own way you can have anything you want simply by expressing it.
You speak of your relationship in past tense, what happened ?
Who did you ask?
guilt invites punishment so resolve it some way you can

One solution is to add "For Good of all involved" when u do your routine.

Or by focusing on Divine Choice of partner for you, be it him or some other man. Stay flexible and open for insights/leads from Universe, and keep your inner world clean by affirming you want good for everyone.

As long as you can look yourself in mirror its good. But thats only for you to decide. I think it matters less what others say, more how you feel about what you are doing.

If you cannot make it feel right in you, then it would be better to lay off it and chill for a while, reconnect with love and true partnership as a feeling first, situation second.

How would you feel in ideal relationship?
How would you be treated?

I think if he is still intimate with his wife more than feeling guilty you should ask yourself why do you accept being side hoe?
Because words and promises are one thing and the dynamic he set up is another thing.
People in heat say a lot of stuff but look at how the situation is set up.

I dont wanna intrude a lot on other people and tell em what to do. But you should increase your self esteem and trust God to deliver to you a man who sees nobody else but you, and comes without hindrances.
Not a dude lost, who could do what he is doing to his wife, to you.

Self esteem more. Is it love you feel for him, or do you doubt that you can meet someone similar or better, who comes free and available?
Is it love, or lack, that you feel?

I used to think love is greater the more difficult the situation lol, since that makes it "real and proven". Too many movies.

Love is easy. Friendship is easy. There is no struggle or tension.
Things flow. People gravitate easy.

I suspect you are more in lost with a mix of low self esteem.
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obligatory LOA for relationships.

The "hardpill of sps etc" imo for some, but its actually the best approach.

Even NG said it. He spoke how many women asked him to help them manifest a certain man for them then he was invited to wedding and it wasnt that man.
Yet he still imagined the woman who was his second wife, so it's possible.
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of course at some point you WILL imagine future with someone you like.

The point is not to push when everything seems to be pushing back in regards to specific person. Usually the resistance is actually your inner resistance, pushed out.
People stuck in feedback loops of emotional turmoil, maybe emotionally immature parents of opposite sex who failed to provide a "safe love blueprint" so they seek "dangerous partners" to ride the same high with. Not healthy.

Stay loose and open Id say.

Does the imagining feel good? Does the person feel good? Does everything flow? Are you at peace thinking about them?
If yeah, then sure.

If you toil and suffer and cry and TRY a lot, and put a lot of EFFORT into your SP but shit is never right, then leaving it open is better. And explore why you even about the person if you dont feel right about it.

Do you believe you can do better, for real now, do you?

If you DO believe you can do better, but still focus on them, then proceed.

I found that many times people say they love someone, they actually "lack someone" lol, they believe they cannot find a better suited person, so they accept halfassed version. And delude themselves into thinking that acccepting the half assed version which obviously is not flowing, is somehow proof of their love's purity.
just decide
there is also case for peoplee who are ashamed of their sexual needs and lustful thoughts, so they "rationalize that its actually love" to themselves to be able to accept their lust.

If you suddenly love the person, its okay to lust them.

But if you lust them only, you are a bad slut or whatever.

So to prevent conflict of inner value, they rationalize that they actually love. But they dont love, they are horny about the person because the person satisfies their inner need to heal their childhood or plainly they wanna just get laid.

Its better to say "Im just horny modafucker, I wanna fuck" than trying to spin it as love then toiling over women who dont flow.

I think this particularly is bane of some men, the need to wrap their dick into love. Just accept you are lustful. Its normal.

Love is different vibe to aching for someone. Love is very calm, safe and comfy. You dont feel jelly, you dont feel insecure, the person is not pushing your buttons.
Partners people fall for are usually determined by their childhood blueprint with opposite sex parent...

I did an exercise where I put myself in childhood perspective and wrote an essay about my ideal parents (basically - rescripting past/childhood) and wrote exactly what I wished I was taught by my parents, in ideal scenario, and how it happened and how Im grateful for it and how much I appreciate it.

It was just one exercise, I read it few times maybe but it insta-clicked and reshifted my view of my entire childhood.

My childhood doesnt exist anyhow. Show it, where is it? Its a thought in the mind.
So I can choose it to be whatever I want.
And funny thing is, as with anything, as your focus shifts, your experience shifts too.
You start to remember many things you seemingly forgot. You heal parts that needed healing.

So I fully recommend it.

Script not only your ideal life but your ideal childhood and past events.

Anything outside of current moment is full sandbox mode lol, but the story you choose to tell, influences what u experience in the NOW.

I think past and future actually both flow into now because both exist in imagination. Their temporal location doesnt matter.

So if you are a girl, observe how your mind shifts if you rescript like this:

My family, an essay by anonette:

I wanna start with my dad, because he has always been a rock in my life. His constant presence and belief in me encourages me always. He always believes in me and tells me to always demand the best and respect and value myself as a young woman.
I love him dearly and he always provided me and my beautiful mother with a sense of safety and direction. My dad is the best.

Now, a woman who believes this and feels this, wouldnt accept being a side piece ever.

Play with it, shift yourself around. Rescript stuff. Revision doesnt only work for small things. You can revision your whole life until reading this sentence.
and if your mind finds it difficult to think in terms of dad or mom if it was really hard childhood

Think of it this way - your earthly parents were what they were, but you also have hermetical parents - parents from Above, parents who are pure in gender sense - ideal masculine and ideal feminine.

Script your childhood as if you were raised by ideal feminine woman and ideal masculine man.

Observe how your sense of self shifts into more noble and self worth aware state.

my pleasure frendo
There’s zero info in these posts.
Just empty blogging.
For you more words with Reddit spacing equals info. Your head is as empty as these posts.
I'm stuck in a negative thinking pattern. I could choose to be happy and grateful for what I have, but I'm burned out. At some point during the past week, I lost the ability to feel positive emotions. I can imagine anything I want, but nothing seems to help. It's all so empty. I might need to meditate for a few days.
>the zero effort, zero input retard is being hateful again, just because
I say it again, even if they have "zero info", which is false, they are at least on topic.
And no, repeating variations of "muh /LoA/ is now le bad" is not putting effort or input in an on topic way. You sound more retarded than mothertripfag.
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Meditate and surrender to the outcome for a while. Surrendering to the outcome doesn't mean you stop persisting, it means that whatever happens it will be ok.
>retard poster….
Your content on loa is so useful. You are much worse.
its not bad idea to take few deep breaths, recognize what you have then just let go of effort and go for a walk, or chat up a friend. Decide how much time you can dedicate to NOT THINKING about whatever bugging you.

So just say "one hour amma focus on whatever" and set a timer then go and learn how to make pancakes or smth.

Just get ur mind on smth else.

You can decide that for one hour you wont stress, but after one hour ie, you can continue stressing.

When I was at Uni and had to study exams but had shit that got my pants in twist, I would set a timer "remember to worry bout xy" and then focus on studying since it was more important than worry over roommate shit.

Funny tho when timer blasted I was not in mood to worry about it.
So much of human mind is reactive in the moment. if you can skip the moment knee jerk, you can sometimes later laugh at the entire situ.

We need rest and LOA should be a replenishing activity, that makes you wanna leap with Joy after a session. Not a drudge. if it becomes a drudge, skip it.

Method is not a prayer, prayer is the Joy of Heart and Soul that bubbles out from within.

Dont confuse the method for the prayer. If a method becomes cumbersome, let it go.
this is actually a really good guideline for LOA methods.

If they dont fill you with Joy, dont do them. Find somethign that fills your battery up with Joy/Peace/Bliss/ITS DONE feeling

If its not doing that, no matter what others say, its not good for you.

Its about practicing states. not about repeating words or sitting in silence.
The INNER MOTION is what makes it work or not work.

Not what it seems like to outside observer.
Always gauge efficacy of things in how they make u feel.

Its about ultimate EQ and self mastery.
Which meds do you take?
>still no LoA content from retard poster
If you don’t like posts that aren’t about LoA why do you make so many? For me this is a good post >>38938113
Colossal Reddit spacing blogs with no content and seethe posts that just say retard. That’s useless. You are the cancer that kills this general.
>claims loa doesn't work every single post
Which post did I claim LoA doesn’t work?
I didn’t read the rest of your green text as nothing of value or relevance is going to be in it. You don’t know which posters you are responding to and all you can do is post retard. Ironic given the quality of your posts.
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/LoA/ - Law of Arguing & Manifestation General
can you still manifest something even if you’re not generally a good person? or you’ve done something bad like hurt others?
Yes. That is a stupid question, but you wont understand why until you do the reading
t. asshole
You’ll be ok.
Once you realize there is more than one other poster.
Quiet now retard poster.
the only useless retard in the world is you, seeing how EIYPO
Yeah, you sound in love with him now, but from what you said I can tell he's too nice. Eventually all the work he does to try and please you will freak you out and give you the ick. The only reason it hasn't already is cos he's married and cheating. This balances out the puppy dog personality and gives him a bit of a bad boy edge. If he was single you would have never given him a chance.
Seen this happen many many times.
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the only useless retard is the one projecting his useless retardation
I understand anon's excitement but the yapping is hard to get through.
Currently living off savings in a country where I can last a very long time with what I have. But I want to be RICH. I feel very rich right now but I’m worried it’s just due to location and not having to work. How can I ensure I stay in this state and get even more money without having to work
Recently I’ve focused on getting taller and stronger and I feel like I’m in the state of wish fulfilled concerning that, should I keep going with it or no?
Just script a scene of receiving money, focus on feelings of it. And thats it. YOu have no immediate worries so your worry is basically that you are not worried lol.

Carry on steady and script some nice money scene that would imply regular income of desired amount. Id say pick an amount you can get your mind around.
But still definitely big and rich feeling.

IE - saying you get 1 trillion dollars a month maybe means nothing to you.
If you spend time buying companies and selling them, then maybe you can visualize the amount.

But imo better pick something you can clearly see; IF you lack faith.
If you are very "loose" as NG would call it (able to switch states easy) then go for whatever.

Just focus on the feeling of security and abundance.
I just asked.
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How do i create the perfect fogging GF?
Don't waste that state but drop your human beliefs going moment by moment.
You feel empty because of your (subconscious) beliefs, being truly empty comes with causeless joy.
Blissful people know what to do, they don't need the world of concepts to be successful.
This is good and all, but since one could completely fall into a state or switch states, it does not matter ultimately.
Can I give you my email or something and talk you seem lovely, emotionally intelligent
>you can persist smartly rather than trying to beat down the brick wall.
hmm, I see some residual stubbornness that essentially narrowed my view. I'd say currently I'm like in this weird stalemate

Mind giving me an practical example?

>you know that positive ones can be just as easily.
Actually I need help with setting a ONE state because I have proof that I flip flop easily and never really stay in one. The biggest clue was how I embodied a pre LoA state and the only reason why I did was because I became conscious about it and it is a self imposed limit, used my senses on accident to "validate" it. The moment I switched my mind I met with someone who I will be working with. So yeah, I was confusing two states being occupied for switching on the fly

Huh, so this is why I lose my commitment
Can’t Serve two masters, the lukewarm water is spit out etc, at the very least it’s better to think/dream positively than to be negative
>very least it’s better to think/dream positively than to be negative
Yeah you’re right, I have a big habit with doing the opposite. The benefit is I have had my imagination work a bit now with what I want, I need to trust God
>Mind giving me an practical example?
So let's say you can't accept you deserve something. You originally tried by simply affirming you do. No dice. You can keep at it and will eventually succeed if you do, but how long will it take?

Then you have a thought: "Where did I learn that?" You learned it in childhood. You try to replace that negative belief and don't succeed.

Then you have another thought: "I have value because I have accomplished X and helped these people..." and at that point you feel it release.

I've made all of these suggestions and more before because often finding the right approach gets you a better and faster result than simply picking a target and slogging at it.

>Actually I need help with setting a ONE state because I have proof that I flip flop easily and never really stay in one
You can also approach this from the other side- there is nothing wrong with you (rapidly) changing states as long as you are the one in command of it. That's called adaptation.

>Huh, so this is why I lose my commitment
"Know that a mind divided divides the man. The will and the hand must be as one. In knowing the self, one becomes strong.

Know that if you know a course of action to be true in your heart, do not betray it because the path leads to hardship. Know that without suffering, the Rising would have never been, and the People would never have come to know themselves.

Know that there is nothing in all the Worlds that can stand against unity. When all know a single purpose, when all hands are guided by one will, and all act with the same intent, the Planes themselves may be moved.

A divided mind is one that does not know itself. When it is divided, it cleaves the body in two. When one has a single purpose, the body is strengthened. In knowing the self, grow strong."

The 8th Circle of Zerthimon
Planescape: Torment
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You'll bee back. You did give good pointers. From Neville teaching and old school manifesters everything comes from the subconscious. In order to implant ideas and commands into it you need to go into the hypnagogic state. Once the command is entered manifestation process begins.

Any other anons that stumble upon my posts you can also do affirmations and subliminals during activities that require deep concentration. Such as driving, cutting the grass, washing dishes etc. You simply put on the recording and get to work. You'll be so engrossed in the activity you won't notice the affirmation subliminals sink in.

Let me toss something out to u frend. Modern LOA says you can pop things into existence like 10k or 20k. Old school manifestation was designed around expansion and growth. You should start manifesting $1 to $20 then move on up.

There are a lot of people around here that will manifest free coffees and meals and other small items. Then some sperg retard troll will shit on them for posing about it. But by the law of growth these anons can expand and grow that manifestation into what's calles "big manifestions".

you can try it out or not. It's up to you. Some anons can hop right into manifesting 10k, others have to grow into it. You can also use multiplication for growth. Such as 2x, 3x, 5x, 10x, 20x growth.

Hope that helps
Good luck anon.
Comments like this is why I started focusing more on chaos magic, the only branch of the occult which doesn't lecture you on why you "shouldn't ask for sex or money because... just because, okay! that's pathetic and wrong!"

Even LoA is infected with those types offering normie mundane methods in an occultic community and applying the same Christian moralistic bullshit with different words and reasons, all the while attacking Christianity and pretending they're the counterculture cuz they have their little mystical gatherings.

In Chaos if you wanna get your dick sucked by a 10/10, go sigilize for it, try different methods, and report back after a few months. There are no rules.

I truly do believe in the Law Of Assumption and Neville Goddard was right, sigil magic is just a variation of that, where you force the state of the wish fulfilled through orgasm and other methods. The problem is:
>Focusing is hard, so people think it doesn't work and end up either whining or coping saying "muh materialism is wrong"
>People in every branch of society and subcultues ALWAYS try to come up with additional rules and morals because they can't handle freedom and have been conditioned to follow some kind of authority and police others to do the same
Oh lol I misread our post. My bad. That law of growth still works if you want to multiply that 20k but looks like you got it down pat. Good job anon. We're all gonna make it
why are people spacing so much, stop using lots of spaces you idiots
it works so well filtering/highlighting the obvious trolls and the materialistic zero effort, zero input retards that I'm thinking about start doing it
the whole point of manifestation is manifesting stuff here
Why when I spend an entire day living in the end, the entire next day is full of brutal punishing self-hatred I can't escape?
>in b4 some anon says it's actually about spiritual growth
If you're not growing you're dying and I think it's a given around here you have something like a spirit so what do you think?
the whole point of manifestation is manifesting stuff
any spiritual growth attained alongside cash, cars and hookers is just a happy coincidence
>If you're not growing you're dying
You are eternal. You have done this a million times before and you will do it millions more.

There's no rush to the end. Anon here >>38944509 has the right of it. You can manifest spiritual "growth" or you can manifest dinner. There's no difference or obligation.
Wholeheartedly agree with this. The easy manifestations come because you don't really care about them. When it comes to stuff that means a lot or even everything to you, you're confronted by your limiting beliefs because your true desires are a subconscious acknowledgment of your ongoing lack, implying 'work' is needed to fix those limiting beliefs. It does take time and a willingness to confront your shadow (for want of a better description). I know Assumption works because I've had things manifest through living in the end. But I've also run into the brick walls of my limiting beliefs and have gone on long detours to address them. In fact I believe I've manifested situations that forced me to confront and resolve them. It's an ongoing process, but really that's all life is, waking up to yourself and claiming your true nature. When everything is you pushed out, in daily life 'you' are meeting yourself head on as a challenge to deal with those aspects of yourself necessary to be adjusted or resolved. Finding a new way to deal with circumstances that you find challenging (but somehow keep coming up!) is a path to neutralizing your limiting beliefs.
And how's that working out for you?
Very well, thank you.
none of this shit is real lmao, literal jewish old wives tales
LilAnon it feels like whenever I try to sit down and manifest what I really want (omnipotence in the style of a command console where there's no bridge of incidents and it immediately happens regardless of material impossiblity) something always comes up and either prevents me or distracts me. It's been like this for years at this point. How do I break out of this loop?
Thank you for the kind words.
I prefer to interact here since more people can benefit from my posts.

I may in the future make a youtube/or similar platform channel with my take on many topics, lessons I got from experiences I had etc.

But for now this method is best.
>Yeah you’re right, I have a big habit with doing the opposite. The benefit is I have had my imagination work a bit now with what I want, I need to trust God.

Trust in God but remember "your faith in God is measured by your confidence in yourself" - Neville

When you become aware of your states and can connect them easily with outer expressions, you will know there is no Lord but I AM.

Biggest sin is humanity not recognizing God as the I AM.

Also - stop being tied to your victim self. You are so identified with your victimized self that when something nice happens you almost rebel. Im jumping to conclusions now, I was like that so projecting a bit maybe hahaha

I remember going on a date after long time, with a beautiful girl, and all the day before the date I was cranky and negative, expecting the worst and being pessimistic.
We fear the unknown more than the known SHITTY stuff.
To not know if its gonna be shit or not, is worst to many victimized people, than to surely know its gonna be shit. So you project the SHIT on a situation, to get a sense of control and ease. Since you got used to it being shit, and being used to something = comfortable, even if in greater scheme it may be absolutely not desired result.

Of course date was shit. But next date I had with a different girl, I remembered my past pessimism and I went 100% ALL IN positive, expecting the best.
And it was a great experience.

So, as equally as you may have sought control in past - by being negative and projective and preparing for shit, so you can LEARN to seek control in future, - by being positive and preparing for best.

Both habits will give you comfort and peace to a degree, but one will radically increase your quality of LIFE and wealth of expression you are here to experience.
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Get back to I AM. You just are victim of habit.

Make your habit of living in the end as pleasurable as you can, persist in it, and for the difficult days, try to not give mental chatter to emotions that rise up.
I think emotional loops feed the thinking loops, since emotions come before thoughts in development.

So observe how usually probably the first thing that happens is you feel like shit, then you start thinking thoughts that you connect with feeling like shit.

Try to go in your body, use sedona method to let go of bad feelings. Or just go in your body and find peace. No need to push for positive, just neutrality will mean a lot, and whenever you can and enjoy living in the end - practicing State of wish fulfilled - absolutely indulge like a frenzied lover in it.

Eventually the good will prevail because its more pleasant and conductive to Life, just persist.
>In fact I believe I've manifested situations that forced me to confront and resolve them.

I think this happens for many people. If someone has been in prison of lack (in regards to particular smth) for long time, suddenly going to palace can be very traumatic lol.

Imagine being in Iraq in gun fight then you go to sleep in barracks and wake up in Harem with everyone adoring you.

It would fuck up most people.

People underestimate the shock of suddenly not suffering, not toiling, not efforting.

It can be anxiety inducing.
Especially I think, more than society being stacked against men, I think men are too proud of being people who can "take so much punishment and keep going" that they ruin themselves.

If you make something source of your pride, Universe will keep feeding you that. Thats why the "love hurts but because of it IT IS REAL" attitude of fake nobility is self harming and dangerous. No, true love is comfy as fuck and pleasant and safe.

I think going forward it would be useful for men in general if the practiced form of pride is - I can experience so much pleasure, its unreal, I am truly capable of some next level pleasure, comfort and enjoyment.

Instead of the "no pain no gain" attitude that invites pain.

How much pleasure can you experience? How much Joy?

When identity of whole sex is centered around pain, its no wonder the manifestation will be pain. Women dont usually take pride in taking pain and difficulty (until recent toxic feminism movement) so they on average can lead comfier lives. Their identity is not bent around being in pain or efforting = having worth.
You have to know how to spoil yourself intelligently (by managing your focus rightly).
Is this script bro?
>How do I break out of this loop?
You're stopping yourself because on a deeper level you know what will happen when you have it.

I'm faced with a similar problem. In the moments I experienced infinity, everything became pointless. Only in being limited can you have the experiences you have here.

If you can accept the risk/result, you will be able to do it on command.
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How do I imagine better? Do i even need to imagine? The law has worked in strange ways. I tried small first, i was detached to this desire, I wanted to have some cool old magazines, and kept imagining the pages, and the old illustrations, “Kunst und Kultur” was stuck in my head, during sats and even afterwards, I found an old post card IN MY ROOM, addressed to my father, from some german art gallery, “Kunst und Kultur” written on side, and found a cool old manual (not exactly my desire but I did like the manual a lot)

Another thing, I never did any SATS for this but we found the Kunst postcard whilst in the process of recovering old files on someone who owed us a lot of money, I had often wished for this money to return, never through SATS or direct imagination, lo and behold, a sum of 34k dollars (converted from my home currency) is returned to us, this money was certainly lost, said to possibly return maybe in 4-5 years at best, but it came exactly when I need it, to study abroad.

This is a clear and unavoidable indication that something good exists, why else was I blessed with a small desire, which came connected with a bigger award? I asked for puny and received a lions share.

My problem, is that I dont understand what part of me has to believe in it, because I still can’t believe that my main desire would ever happen. How does one change this? And I really cant sit and imagine it, from a first person perspective about my desire coming true, it always just feathers away into something else or breaks perspective.
hey lilanon
can you give me an example of a script to manifest something broad and vague like "perfect health?"

also if script anon is here feel free to answer

you can write everything you would do if you were perfectly healthy, like you can't run, say that you can run for many miles without any issues. have skin issues? say your skin is healthy and that you no longer have x skin issue.

that you have a relief that you are completely healthy that you don't need to worry about symptoms.

You also can write that you don't even have minor health issues like dandruff (this implies you are truly completely healthy)

I wrote about page and a half for my perfect health script since I struggle with a lot of symptoms and my script is *right* for me since it implies fully functional body free of all symptoms, etc
can you give like a small example. like a paragraph?
I struggle writing that because usually I don't want to use negative statements like
"I don't have any symptoms" or "I am finally relieved that I no longer have to think about X condition"
i don't view myself as being worthy of a relationship when i am this poor, i just want a cute chick to sit down on a sofa with and watch funny videos on youtube but i don't even have a sofa to sit on (i do have an ebin gaming chair but that ain't it chief). also due to some complications with my internet i can only log onto youtube on my pc which means i can't even put it on the big screen. my bed wont take the weight of us both and i don't even have a car to drive us around with.
yep I have this issue too
I always felt like I am unworthy of having a relationship until I am good looking, financially stable and have a decent personality.
I can't imagine myself in a relationship because every time I see it through my potential partner's eyes and I am instantly repulsed by myself. I wouldn't date me if I was a girl. so I always feel unworthy of being in a relationship. it's always delayed because "I have to sort x y z things first".
My view is “someone somewhere with much worse stats has more”

Odds are not in your favor, thankfully loa goes around that as another name for loa is “freedom from the law of averages”
Or statistics etc.

I gotta do my approaches hahaha too many unattended women here.
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>I struggle writing that because usually I don't want to use negative statements
You don't have to go for symptoms but you last one sucks because relief is a great, powerful feeling and you can add it without associating it to anything at all it you put effort, like when you're mad about something and someone makes you laugh and you forget why you were mad at all.

Having an illness ALWAYS implies you can't do or enjoy something easily or at all. Maybe fear of death doesn't let you learn new things or find a job. Maybe a numb hand makes you prone to error while typing and that makes you not want to chat with people. Maybe something itches and that distracts you enough to make you drop something or burn your cooked food. Maybe you feel like an hindrance to someone for being ill. There is ALWAYS something that the ailment doesn't let you do. Find those and focus on them and stop caring about "negative statements", that's like removing power from yourself because that comes from fear.

Some people don't like going to the doctor or telling others about their maladies, but that is an easy pivot because you can now imagine the doctor telling you that the treatment worked or somehow unusual happened and now you're healthy. You can even imagine, seeing him pointing to a sheet of paper with your results indicating everything is fine, while he is is happy and perplexed at the same time.

Go find whatever those health problems don't let you do and write about experiencing them. And don't fear about "negative" shit, obviously don't focus on them but writing/imagining yourself sighing with a smile in the face about all the things you did that day because your problem isn't there anymore ins not gonna hinder or monkey palm you. You're bigger than fear, king.
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>“someone somewhere with much worse stats has more”
you actually may be right about that.

i'm guessing the issue is much rather "am i worthy of the girl i have a crush on right now" which complicates things further because i don't even know what i want. i know that i would much rather stick with my spirit lady because i know that she loves me but i also know that i would also like to experience the company of my fellow species at least once.
Well, feeling worthy and being worthy or unworthy are different things.
Worthyness or deserviness doesnt really mean much to universe as everyone who exists has been corporealized in 3d for a reason.
Universe or your deeper self only sees resistance to smth.
You should script it regardless. Not every man is with a woman they think they deserve.
Being single and feeling unworthy is not that related. Plenty men in happy relationships thanking daily to God that their girl is with them.
All of those those things are useful for your self growth but not needed.

You could feel utterly unworthy in relationship, ocer time you would accustom to it.

You can script “even tho I dont feel deserving at the moment, my girl showers me with love and adoration that transcends reason. Why me? Why now? I wasnt ready nor perfect, yet this angel came into my life and loves me unconditionally. She taught me that love is not earned, but gifted.”

Smth along those lines
>i know that i would much rather stick with my spirit lady because i know that she loves me but i also know that i would also like to experience the company of my fellow species at least once.

lol, what do you mean with spirit lady? are you a schizo?
You can have both!
Relationship with anima evolves too as your earthly relationships evolve too.

Its motheranon allows himself 3D women episode
Love it

Also script feelings and emotions of ideal relationship, not just ideal woman, focus on how she treats you.

Be open its not a girl u crushing on. Maybe her or maybe someone better.
>replying to mother anon
>not realising it’s time wasted
The general and fallen.
Don’t waste your time, he will change his mind within three posts.
There are infinite versions of me, premade, waiting to be uncovered. There is a version of me who never changed anything about himself, but he received everything he wanted. There's a version who never lived in the end, removed resistance or persisted and yet the final result is the same.
my spirit lady is a female spirit who i am in a relationship with, i don't want to cheat on her but she is understanding about my needs and desires. it's not like i am professing my undying love towards anyone but her. and yes, schizophrenia is my superpower.

that's what i'm getting at too, my mother is my favorite wife but she doesn't need to be the only one. one moment i have sex with human women and the other i am in her arms once again.
>schizophrenia is my superpower.
>click on 38947239
>do not read it
>post hidden
Manifest yourself a clean mental diet from which to move forward. The poison from that poster will hold you back.
why won't they listen?
Based truth.
Manifest justice and good times.
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nice posts
Fucking Neville Goddess STILL hasn't gotten it after how many years?
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What does it mean when you have your desire manifested already in your dreams?
its like having a word salad for lunch followed by a nothing burger
that redditard hoe?
It means your subconscious mind is impressed by it.
You on good path
exhilaration and mastery
I really need some assistance, I'm looking to do an experiment with LOA, I'm pretty new within this, what I want to do is to increase my height from 185cm to 198cm and then document all the results in all of those days and weeks. I already have some pictures of myself taken all barefoot measuring myself plus next to my door frame which is 200cm tall

What I want to know the most
>is there anything else that can make the experience better ex combing with certain sounds like those from Monroe
>how do you get into SATS
>if semen retention is needed
>better and faster result than simply picking a target and slogging at it.
Oh so like instead of tasking someone like you (a STEM Scientist) to complete a task idk a HR manager would do.

What I'm getting at with your explanation is really dig deeper, seems like you do this often so its second nature to you. I did have to give myself a talk to get my shit together and keep at it with sats regardless if I do it long enough or whatever variable that leads me to have an excuse on "why" it doesn't work

You prophesied tenacity for me, I've been learning more about it and see how it does work. In fact I became stubborn with a solution I needed to get done same day and was able to resolve it. Thats what lead me to my own rally talk.

>That's called adaptation.
Odd, I had a fortune come up to me and say "a sudden change in plans will test your adaptability"

Well I know this state of purgatory is beggin me to learn my lesson or continue living this hell that is my current state of consciousness. I can't be stubborn to change however I do need to come to peace. Even I self acknowledged that once I set something I know I will stand against everything, its all a matter of getting it set in the first place is what I struggle with

>Planescape: Torment
Been a long while since I've seen you reference Planescape. Eventually I'll get to my word and play it. This quote has gotten my attention

>When it is divided, it cleaves the body in two. When one has a single purpose, the body is strengthened. In knowing the self, grow strong.
I noticed I flip flop between states because I am quite fearful of them, I can lose focus and delay my own manifestations with this. I def have thoughts come in but the moment they do I react to them quickly with some mentality where I need to control it. Essentially misplacing attention where I shouldn't and don't need to, with a dash of complaining about doing that and never staying loyal to one thing and one thing only.
>You are so identified with your victimized self that when something nice happens you almost rebel. Im jumping to conclusions now, I was like that so projecting a bit maybe hahaha
No, I'm glad you called out my bullshit because I'm like that with A LOTTA THINGS. I never knew it was the victim state because I thought it was a diff thing.

I'll have someone tell me something and I can be double minded with it so that should've been telltale sign something was up.

>Both habits will give you comfort and peace to a degree, but one will radically increase your quality of LIFE and wealth of expression you are here to experience.
Well I should look for more bullshit I have, I even had to step back and say "am I hard to please or am I refusing to acknowledge one thing?"

>I went 100% ALL IN positive
Another odd thing, I've been seeing stuff about going all in...
Every day, when you're driving, doing dishes, etc., stuff that's kind of repetitive, just say casually to yourself "I'm 198cm", like you were saying it to a friend.
>them: hey anon how tall are you?
>you: oh I'm about 198cm
Casually, you don't have to think about it. It's always been true. Easy.

I've manifested several physical changes this way.

What also might help you is to know that our cells regenerate constantly. So why shouldn't they regenerate the way you want them to? Know that every day they are regenerating to make you a little bit taller every day and eventually you're going to be your desired height and it will be totally normal to everyone because it will happen gradually.
>is semen retention is needed
That's a second cause. If you believe it will benefit you, do it, if you believe coomung will benefit you, do it. If you believe neither will affect anything, even better.
Let's all manifest for the safety and health of the people got fucked by Hurricane Helene

TLDR she believes in LOA, but she thinks it only affects you internally. She says that causes you to change, which results in your life changing. Most LOA followers would say your thoughts affect the world directly, without any other inputs.
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>manifesting superpowers throught my teens and childhood, tried all types of magic
>finally give up as I reach adulthood
>late 20s my personality changes, I become sadistic, hypersexual, and bipolar
>can beat heavyweights at jiu jitsu, though my body gets fucked afterwards, like my limiters are gone
>poltergeist activity ramping up around me
>come across the story of legion in the Bible and I finally get what's been happening
Reaped what i sowed, I guess. Time to learn how to reason with demons bc I'm not about to get exorcized

you do this all day? How long does it take on average to manifest like this
this is fucking horse shit and you should be ashamed of yourself
Nah not all day. Just whenever I think about it. I don't have a set timer or anything. I've had things happen within a day or two, other things take longer.

If you think it's horse shit then it is
Neville Goddard had a dream about his honorable discharge form which was previously denied approval, where it wrote disapproved was scribbled out and written in its stead was "approved" while he heard a voice declare
>that which I have done, I HAVE DONE
I need to have sex. I need intamicy. I need support. I’ve been alone for 8 years now and have gone through so much trauma. I checked myself into a rehab and I stayed there for 3 months i finally got support and the people there couldn’t believe what I went through and they helped me but now I’m alone again. I have been trying to manifest SP for about a month now no luck I’m about to just try and get casual sex or even a fling for love/intimacy while I wait for her. I just have so much pain it’s hard to live in the end. I’m tired

I wanna test this out. What can I manifest in one day? Like seeing pink cars? I dont have faith in the law as i failed to manifest many times so thats why i wanna test on something small first

My goal is manifesting my stomach being healthy, i have some stomach issue that gives me fucked up digestion. How would i affirm it?
>My goal is manifesting my stomach being healthy, i have some stomach issue that gives me fucked up digestion. How would i affirm it?

>I REMEMBER when I had stomach issues
>I noticed I flip flop between states because I am quite fearful of them, I can lose focus and delay my own manifestations with this.
Believe in yourself and your purpose. I AM that which I wish to become.
>"it doesn't work" retardposting
>also a payload to instigate shame on anons, knowing that shame is one of the greatest hurdles for most people in LoA
I would tell you to go back, but you've been here for so much time doing the same tricks that this general must feel like your own dog kennel.
You did manifest your current state but you can modify it. You have the proof, now become what you always wished to be.

when you're doing repetetive things, how many times do you say it, lets say, during driving? once or 100s of times?
Only thing that ever seemed to work for me is before falling asleep talking to the universe in my head like he is my bro and asking for favours ,repeating it in my head until im sleeping, usually works
>Believe in yourself and your purpose.
I find it quite intriguing that's all it takes really. So simple yet "logically" I try to make it all complex

Keeping it short, what piece of advice would you say to discipline my mind? I keep being all active in my mind when I'm trying to enter sats with a bunch of ideas coming to mind even when I'm trying to stay still awake.

Other than that I think I'm on the right path training myself with Hemi Sync, I have been able to enter this weird feeling state twice now but not as effective with setting yet
not that mf but its not a matter of how many times does it take to make it "happen", its more so how soon can you believe you already that height

repeated affirmations is one of the techniques use in this general. If that tool doesn't work try others
Script your ideal life and read the script every day. Thats all you need to do. Everything else is gonna develop automatically.
Or, make a list of scenarios you wanna experience, relationship, friends, mental stability etc, and read it daily 3 times for 15 minutes.
Practice self compassion on the way.

Pain is thought in your mind. As is trauma. Like those youtube videos about dogs that get rehabilitated to non abusive owners and meanwhile act all fucked up and angry so you need to rehabilitate yourself.
Script will feel good and make you soft and gentle (as it will make you joyous) and you might feel that part of you rebels against it (part wanting to keep you safe) but if the script is well put, comfy and makes you happy you have to trust it.

Also, getting hurt and hurting others unintentionally as we learn, is part of life. Not making excuses but we all been hurt and we all hurt others. With conscious loa practice it happens less but its foolish to think you can get out of this adventure unscathed.

What you need is not safety from life but participation in life.

So one day you can say “fuck it I lived and did my best!”

Scurrying away only ends up with you hurting you. Buddhism teaches when u run from suffeeing you suffer.

Read thru this thread, there are many posts relating to your journey.
How do I stop people from invading my dreams/imagination?

I read script for healing family member, 10 minutes once a day. Is it enough?
If you believe it is
sounds like a cop out
My own life experiences can prove her interpretation is bullshit. I'm not sure how can someone follow Neville Goddard and get such a limited view out of his lectures.
She’s right tho.
You can’t be once an ageless vampire who time travels and has telekinesis yet can’t show any of it.
Neville Goddard: "Suppose now I really wanted someone, wanted her terribly yet they are committed; or I thought I could not in my position do for them what I really ought to do if I want them in the capacity that I want. Well now, I’m at a crossroad. I want to do the loving thing and the right thing. So I go beyond my decision and will not say I want her in spite of all the hurts in the world, that I want her in spite of all who will be hurt. No, I forget that. I go beyond it and I take, say six months on the calendar and I bring it to mind, the 15th of September…or this is Christmas, the same year, and oh what a wonderful choice I’ve made! What a heavenly decision! I could not have done it rationally."
uhhh sweaty vampires don't have reflections and can't be captured on camera, how would he prove it to you?
Bros did I get manifested by a witch girl?

>randomly get urge to reach out to this one girl I met and exchanged only a few dull messages with a few months back
>didn’t think she’d even reply, did it just because I could basically
>somehow this time we instantly hit it off and do years worth of bonding in like two weeks and she seems really into me
>she dedicates a lot of time and effort into the friendship and seems extremely engaged
>I feel a strong pull too
>turns out she’s really into paranormal, spiritual and witch shit
>few days back very curiously asks why I decided to reach out and was curious about the details

There are some other details I’ll leave out but idk man, shit’s weird.
He could maybe move some stuff around with his mind or something.
>think about moving some stuff
>get up and move it
This would be the normal way but Lilanon can do it with his mind. He says.
He also says that manifesting paranormal powers is easy to manifest but manifesting money is much harder. He is very credible.
>Israel gets bombed
>lilanon stops posting for a good day or so
Hmm curious…
>if semen retention is needed

in my experience, yes, the difference is immense. doing loa without semen retention is like regular water v gatorade
maybe even m*theranon isn't a Finn after all
F Gardner wrote a book about the recent bombings in Israel
One day I met a great girl - no social media accounts, no socializing, bullied, later homeschooled, a good sense of humor, and a bad posture. A 4channer's dream incarnate. Superficial lookalikes keep spawning but they'll never be the same as her. Wtf is going on?

Stop manifesting girls and torturing yourself.

Start manifesting relationships with girls you like.

Focus on relationship. Your SATS/SCRIPT should describe the girl AND how she treats you and how you feel.
And evoke strongest possible feelings that you want experience with your ideal girl.

Also, the girl you described seems like a half measure to stroke a insecure sense of self.

If you are secure, you should aim at a girl who is an absolute ideal and adores you, is fully healed person, not someone who is broken and needs help, so you think if you save her she will return the favor by loving you or letting you hit that thang.

Thats low vibe thinking + save a hoe mentality which always backfires.

Plus by imagining hurt girls you create hurt gurls. Imagine a girl who is healed fully complete within herself and comfortable within herself.
>Also, the girl you described seems like a half measure to stroke a insecure sense of self.
What would you describe as a full measure then? (tyvm for the effortpost btw)
curious, becoming even more so by the hour
i still remember one time i was visiting some tourist trap, was getting some breakfast at the hotel and i saw this really beautiful couple. the woman was fabulously beautiful and not just in the basic ass stacy like way but actually genuinely beautiful. i knew that was the kind of girl i wanted and the kind of girl i deserve, although now isn't the right moment. in order to love a woman like that truly i need to be strong enough to provide for her and dangerous enough be able to defend her.
any loaers here you use stuff like candles? personally found that it manifests stuff much more effectively.
well, your outside world is an reflection of your inner world
use them in what way?
write what you want on a piece of paper, put the paper on the table, sit in front of the table in a chair, hold the candle (preferably with the right color, but white or any other color is ok too) with your right arm. close your eyes and imagine your intended outcome with all your feelings feeling it to be true etc. then imagine the visualization going down through your arm into the candle. then say the intended outcome out loud and light the candle on top of the piece of paper.
Our king mother anon rams them right up his ass when he manifests his schizo fursona.
He burns the candles at both ends.
its true, see >>38956173
In theory it’s not as stupid as it sounds because in theory anything that helps you believe should work.
However this pick the right color, say the intended outcome and so on is a budget magic ceremony. It’s all unecessary.
Why does that make it true?
there is more to it. for example a chainsaw doesn't cut down the tree more effectively than an axe just because you "believe" in it doing so.
By your argument the candle does nothing because it is wax. Picking a color and saying some crap does nothing either. You want to do magic then you at4 in the wrong thread,.
See my response here deletion anon,
it's because there is more symbolism so it has more powerful effect on the subconscious.
there's a metaphysical interpretation where you will things into existence, and the "rationalist" interpretation that you simply start thinking more about whatever it is you want, and subconsciouslly you're driven to start taking action to see it fulfilled
So we are back at what I said here >>38956336
Or I can just do the Lilanon response
>second causes
Okay well why not just throw in a bit more something to make it much more powerful? Is there some kind of a dogma you have to follow?

It's like getting kicked out of a cooking school because of using spices on your food.
I don’t think there is any set dogma but the further you go into additional ceremony the further you go away from the stuff in the OP.
I’m not sure comparing it adding spice to food in a cooking school is the same thing in any way. Loa tends to strip out the magical ceremonial shit, otherwise it’s not Loa.
It’s more like suggesting adding some extra stuff to your candles like summoning all the demons in the Ars Goetia and paint a circle in blood while chanting.
I think you and I have spoken before.
But here's what I would do. Pretend like you're talking to a friend.
>I am really healthy. I just really don't ever get sick.
>Nah I mean I eat whatever I want and I always feel fine. It's pretty great.
And so on.

Yes, great stuff
But I still love her. Because no other woman creates the kind of emotion just thinking about her existence creates. Everything and everyone else feel bland and meh. If I try to woo another woman I feel like I'm lying and just pretending. All this time I thought I got over her but it was actually just suppression. It's like I metaphysically chained my heart to her.
I am that mf and >380 is right. I don't keep track of how many times. Eventually you'll just start to believe what you're saying to yourself. That's why I say it conversationally, not like a monotone robot. Say it the way you'd say it to someone else in casual conversation, even if it sounds like you're bragging on yourself.

Every "method" here serves the same purpose: to convince your subconscious of something. You could script, you could visualize, you could affirm, etc. It's all to get yourself to truly believe something so that it will. That's why falling asleep thinking of something is so powerful, because your mind is kind of open. Same thing when you're driving, mowing the lawn, cleaning, etc. Any time you're doing something where your mind would wonder is a great time to affirm conversationally. I do some great manifesting while I'm riding my bike around the neighborhood.

Exactly this.
Mind would *wander

Sorry i'm a retard
So the wishy washy, decaffeinated, tiktok witchy crystals law of hard work version of LoA?
a threesome with 2 young women and i wasnt even trying. the only reason i didn't do a foursome was because i thought it was a little too much to handle.
NTA anon, he answered that in that same post

>If you are secure, you should aim at a girl who is an absolute ideal and adores you, is fully healed person, not someone who is broken and needs help, so you think if you save her she will return the favor by loving you or letting you hit that thang.

>Thats low vibe thinking + save a hoe mentality which always backfires.

>Plus by imagining hurt girls you create hurt gurls. Imagine a girl who is healed fully complete within herself and comfortable within herself.

It may be a "pure" kink and I'm no one to judge but some of those traits sounds like you want a woman that doesn't have other traits due to being incomplete or not being able to do things, when you could have a "normal", powerful woman that doesn't have those "undesirable" traits and doesn't do undesirable things.
A full measure would be that woman that doesn't have those traits but doesn't need her eyes covered like a horse so she can be devoted to you by love (because she loves you and only you) and not by necessity (because she "needs" you and you're the only one she can trap with her to always help her).
But I like shy introverts
>mfw LilShlomo is still MIA
Do you like them? Or do you like how secure you feel around them and how low maintenance they are?
I'm trying to get into this but I'm having trouble clearing my mind in bed. For context I "maladaptive" daydream so being fully immersed in my imagination and imaginary worlds is familiar and easy to me. I'm just finding it impossible to keep my mind from running off about random shit and sticking to what I want to happen when I'm lying in bed. Any ideas?
Prosperity and peace to all. Emanating love and compassion. There is abundant nurturing and healing intent. Perfect harmonious spring.
Does anyone have the Screencap of the s3anon explaining how to manifest with intentful action?
in the bed imagination rules, what are doing trying to mix them?
How do I stop worrying about my manifestation taking too long?
Sorry I'm not sure what you're asking. I'm having trouble keeping "on script" when I try to visualise things.
Everything you are saying I been thru myself for years with many women.
SO I know its not real or needed.

We all have many soul mates. The only reason people get obsessed over wrong ones, IMO, are childhood trauma, lack of allowance.

All of this could be easy as fuck, AND IT IS, but you have to stop drinking poison, in order to be cured.

Like that greek dude said, "in order to heal a man he must first reject what poisons him"

I wasnt talking about her being introverted. But traumatized.

so it is so it is!

thats why I recommend scripting. Focus.

NG is from different era, when people didnt have attention span of an ant.
Start worrying about manifestations happening too quickly
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; )

It will pass. Either make your moves or let her go.

I fully suggest more action in regards to women, for men.

Dunno backstory but you have to define situation with her, ask her out and be cool, dont emotionalize until you get to know her for real. (if its just a crush without actually knowing the person).

And remember - if situation refuses to be defined - its a NO.
Anything but a clear yes, with women, is a NO. Sadly they avoid conflict and stress of truthful rejection often, so you have to get a "feel for it" and learn to let go. Sure, "maybe" exists, or "not now but later" also, but do you wanna be next in line?
As self respecting man you should only want to be with your ideal (like I said in posts above) and accept only woman who is fixated on you. A woman who digs you wont cover you up, lol.
Once you have had that experience in your life, you will know how it feels and recognize it when it appears.
But you can have it in imagination first, and then recognize what vibes wih that feel, irl when it comes.

A lot of young guys problems with women can be solved with "respect yourself more and stop equating difficulty of situation with validity of your emotions"

Dont bring the "no pain no gain" attitude to love in your life.

Love is easiest thing to enjoy man. Easier than friendship even but it envelops that too. I wish someone made a movie where two people meet, no hindrances, vibe amazing, get closer, enjoy a healthy relationship with no drama.
Nobody would watch it, but thats what love is hahahaha.

Its very safe and pleasant activity in a way sleeping is. And everyone loves to sleep.

Too many people indulge in love life that is more like nightmare-ish. For no reason but brainwashing by unholywood movies and lack of self respect.
If you cant focus during SATS stop using viewing media (shortform especially) for a day or two. Stick only to long movies or videos if you must. When you go into that hypnogogic SATS-y state, you will marvel at how much easier everything is. I am a turbo ADD zoomer and this fixed my focus problem regarding SATS entirely. I stop doomscrolling and binge-gaming during my three days of SATS and kaboom. Neville hinself said that having too many foreign images floating around in your subconscious at the end of your day tends to make things harder, and modern "content" gives your that in droves. Hundreds of foreign images a day. I guess im really just throwing in my own two cents on what script guy is saying. Scripting has never worked for me but ymmv, so be sure to try what he says if you cant hack not scrolling tiktok for hours a day.
don't be late
What about the posts where he flips out and seethes and leaves forever for the fourth time. He couldn’t manifest being able to post here without issues. There’s nothing to be gained from anything he said.
idk how to meditate properly either, any tips lol?
>it’s a Lilanon didn’t appear episode
Could there be geopolitical implications?
"By their fruit you will recognize them." and I'm not talking about s3anon or Lilanon.
oy vey
sit down and kind of do nothing. when things come to grab your attention let them go and go back to the previous state. dont try hard and dont fight yourself.
i like to think of it as switching to the 3rd person perspective and entering this uninvolved passive observer state. you can try it with open and closed eyes too.
Hey bros, I'm new here, I come here from a place of desperation but also out of curiosity.
My gf broke up with me out of the blue, well now in hindsight there were some signs but hindsight is 20/20.
Anyway I do not know if this is the place to drop my love story and how it ended, I'll just say that I do love her with all her faults and still do and I know she still loves me (we had a rebound ~a month ago) after that rebound, she went cold and I'm not dealing well with the situation, we're in no contact.
Yesterday I tried the Neville method that's on the paste bin on OP.
Didn't go very well but also didn't go very wrong I think.
Just seemed that each time I was closer to being in that "transe" like state the universe for a lack of a better word would throw something at me to put me off. A random itch, a sunded random though that would superimpose itself or even 2 fucking mosquitoes at different times.
Well, I think I get the gist but can any anons more into this give me advice? I do want her back with all my hearth, even tho my hearth is grieving and at some moments it chooses to "hate" her to make it easier.
Sry for the typos.
Also to add to that it seemed really hard to be in a place with her that we hadn't been before, so in a way to think of something we hadn't done before and to be in fact in that situation. The setting was always murky and changed quickly and it seemed as I was concentrating I had a second voice, or a back voice, commenting on the setting "ah yes the place we've been x months ago it was nice" or the voice just interrupting it with random thoughts of her leaving and me being hurt and all the things she may or may not have done, it was weird.
Suffice to say I didn't wake up with the feeling of "it is done" I woke up with a weird feeling of emptiness and frustration at the same time, don't know how to explain it.
close eyes
sit in a comfy chair
count from 0 to whichever number you can, but think ONLY about the numbers, nothing else, bonus - visualize numbers spinning in front of you.
When you lose count, start from beginning

Eventually you will be able to count to 30+ and if you do it daily your concentration gets insanely powerful.

You can also do mindfulness meditation which is focus on breathing (comfy pattern of breathing, deeply, as you exhale, think of it as a "sigh" and let your worries float away)

Its very relaxing.

Dont try to make it into something deep. Meditation is simple. The gains of it are in the discipline to do it daily.

Think of it as "taking away distraction" not "building something extra special"

you are young,
there are others
if she loved you she would treat you with respect always
Love without respect and appreciation is not love.

You are both probo very young and infatuated and what u call love is basically drama with lots of horniness and emotions going wild.

Pray for Divine choice partner for you, and be flexible about who it will be (have ideal vision of it, take what you like in your ex and add more stuff you want, focus on how she is and how she treats you).

Id argue that the resistance u felt in SATS was your SC mind already knowing what I wrote here.
/loa/ has become armchair dating advice central. There are far too many people here who have limiting beliefs concerning dating. You make the rules for everything. /loa/ isn't a bar trick.
>in b4 "1000 approaches anon" shares his totally-unrelated-to-LoA wisdom in this thread too
You may be right in almost all points, there's a lot of caviats to my story tho, the world around her pushed her in this direction as well.
My doubts, which I had during the course of the relationship may as well have been projected and manifested unknowingly to this conclusion.
At the moment I just know I deeply love her with all my heart. There's also the feeling of hurt, grief and being unjustified by her.
So there's a mix of feelings alright.
I still believe though that there's a chance for both of us to prove to each other that we were made for each other.
Anyways I'm getting melodramatic. Do you think there's a way to specifically manifest her again onto my life? Or this bag of feelings I already have will always hinder my SAT state?
has anyone here actually done anything substantial with LoA?
Posters will say they have but not one has ever given any reproducible or confirmed proof beyond an anecdote.
We have a flying ex-vampire who can age at half speed and move objects without touching them. Or at least that’s what he says.
we had, I think his vampiric telekinetic powers couldn't deflect Iranian missiles
Stayed in the state of getting loads of pussy (and other >:) ) now I have a date with a boy tonight, ice cream date with a girl tomorrow, and on Sunday there’s a milf who said to text her at any time and she’ll come over to bang
We are back.
yup, there have been a lot of "tiktok crystal witch law of hard work and mere wishful thinking that it maybe help a little" lately, like the "1000 approaches anon". and I'm not saying it won't help, it may be, but the general is not for that, even less for things that go for less than the Pearl of Great Price.
There have been but some retards expect dox grade proofs or you to fix their lives as a proof so they live here saying like the other totally "organic" reply chain that as it is, may be already a Reddit circlejerk.
Ideally you would be able to transcend the emotions you feel but imo LOA preaching sometimes can be abusive.
You should practice loa with self compassion.
You care about that girl a lot and you went thru something.

Id advise to just focus on your wellbeing, take care of yourself. Eat well, sleep well. Remember myriad men went thru it, and myriad survived it, and found new love. You arent alone, you are just going thru a thing. Later in life it may be a funny memory of your youth and current spiritual level.

When you are under the clouds of turbulent emotions, its easy to spew "just feel differently lol visualize this or that" but I know its hard in the moment.

My best advice would be surround yourself with friends, go do something good in nature, ride a bike or camp, share your story with friends and seek their advice, use it to connect to people on deeper level, you are being shown your humanity and its humbling.

Then when you feel a bit rested and more leveled, write an essay about what type of relationship and woman you want. And talk to girls in your life all the while having your goal in mind.

You dont have to do SATS for her. Do SATS for Divine Choice for you. If she is Divine choice for you, you will get back together, LOA will make it smooth to happen. Everyone will help you. When you use LOA, whole Universe helps you.
If she is not Divine Choice for you, you will meet a girl who is.

You cant lose!
Just be flexible, self compassionate.

Is she the perfect one for you? Or is she just the "most perfect one so far"?
Big difference. I think guys often confuse those two.
Be open to possibility that someone better is out there for you.

Just be kind to yourself that's the most important thing.
Breathe in, breathe out, carry on, its life man, you are alive.
Can you explain whatever it is you are talking about in English please?
the threads is cold dawg
Thanks for the advice man, my rational part of the brain has already come up with that argument but the heart still manages to take a hold of my process of thought and for moments it all spirals out of control.
I really do love her and at the same time all that you said is true I'm just coming to terms of wether I'm giving up or moving on and not looking back.
I think I may just give it some tries to the process, like really immerse myself into this process. No more harm can be done I think, only that the healing may take longer even tho as I understand it the first steps of this process is coming to good terms with yourself.
Thank you for the kind words.
i already have a gf who looks like sabrina carpenter.
>post hidden
more manifested justice.
How do interactions with others affect LoA?
I'm surrounded by people with shitty assumptions who keep trying to shove them onto me at any moment.
How did you lock down the milf?
just ignore them lmao, they will go away. i had a ton of people making shitty assumptions about me as well and i simply made them go away.
I criticized Neville Goddess last thread, but this video was a total milf banger
Maggie Murphy and her lost triplet sisters are creaming themselves over my dick right now. Manifesting!
Could it be that mother-anon did not manifest the bad people away?
Isn’t the truth that they simply didn’t give a shit about him.
is that still not manifesting them to go away? it doesn't matter how it happened, the people i wanted to go away are gone and that is what matters.
>A random itch
Itch it, then go back to your scene.
>a sunded random though that would superimpose itself
Cut it off, go back to your scene.
>or even 2 fucking mosquitoes at different times.
Smash them, then go back to your scene (and put a screen on your windows lmfao)
Compare your process to the pastebins or neville's first five lessons, and get back to it. While you are in SATS, your girl is back. Accept no other thoughts or emotions to the contrary. When something distracts you, dont catastrophize. Go back to the scene. This requires discipline, and discipline requires practice. Itll still work even if you dont do it perfectly. You are doing fine.
Why do you faggots give him attention. That is the only thing keeping him here.
no you didn't, I'm still here
anyone here who manifested financial freedom? as in, not having to slave away at a 9-5 job
anyone incorporate wim hof breating with neville
>He also says that manifesting paranormal powers is easy to manifest but manifesting money is much harder
You missed the part where I said that it was easier or harder for ME. I had a strong background of believing that mystical things fix mystical things and 3d things fix 3d things. This is one of the issues with getting too far into the occult garbage, they teach you separations that aren't real, but they become real for you when you believe them.

In contrast, you find ALL of this hard to believe, but moreso the mystical aspect of it. Your conclusion is your command.
>Keeping it short, what piece of advice would you say to discipline my mind? I keep being all active in my mind
I would practice stopping it. A lot of what you have described is useless action. You want to get to the point where you are doing exactly what you need to succeed and no more.

>when I'm trying to enter sats with a bunch of ideas coming to mind even when I'm trying to stay still awake
Practice your SATS work during the day. Form your vision, run it through, make sure you are hitting all the points you want. Enjoy it. Smile. Play it out until it's easy to do.

Later when you are going to sleep, play it out again as you are relaxing into the state. You should not be getting random thoughts- you are acting out the play, not having a mental spinout session :)
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Gonna record a guided meditation for myself later. I'm pretty excited to try it later tonight. Basically just scripted out a meditation with a scene and I'll listen to myself reading it and see how it goes.

Anybody who has some this before, what was your experience? Any ideas?
LilAnon what convinced you LoA's precepts are a more accurate conception of reality than Chaos magick?
haven't had to work in 5 years, though in my case it was more of taking a chiller life than a richer one
starting to get kind of bored with it, gonna go for $$$ next
how'd you get enough money?
Been trying to manifest the removal of an anon that I abhor greatly, and to no avail; the catch 22 of internally accepting that he's not leaving appears to be a jinx, but the alternative is also a jinx. Hung up over some karmic uno reverse card dealt by a former spiritual teacher turned freemason after we cut ties.

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